Fasting menu by day food calendar. What foods are allowed every day? Sample menu for a week and one holiday

great post in 2017: food calendar by day

Great Lent is a very important period, however, everyone treats it differently. People who have never fasted believe that this is a kind of punishment, when believers have to starve and limit themselves in everything. But religious people perceive this time as an opportunity to purify their body and soul, atone for sins and draw closer to God.
The fast lasts quite a long time - forty-eight days. In 2017, this time is from February 27 to April 15 inclusive. And all this time those who are fasting must observe certain mode. This applies to both pastime and food. It is the refusal of certain products that seems to some people the most terrible test, and therefore they refuse to fast. But in fact, following such a diet for seven weeks, you can not only cleanse, but also improve the body.
There are certain subtleties that you need to know for those who are going to celebrate Great Lent 2017 in accordance with all the rules: a nutrition calendar by day, lists of prohibited and permitted foods, and you also need to know which meatless dishes can be cooked to receive daily necessary substances and micronutrients.

Foods that can not be eaten in fasting

Previously, on the eve of the fast, the hostesses burned all the products left after Maslenitsa, or sometimes gave them to animals. And all because eggs and other products of animal origin cannot be eaten, including meat. Therefore, it is better to immediately clean the refrigerator so as not to accidentally eat, for example, a piece of sausage.
During fasting, all dairy products are banned; you can’t add to dishes butter, and you can not even use powdered milk.
Also, you can't use alcoholic drinks, cakes, pastries and pastries made with eggs.
In addition, you can not eat fish, with the exception of only two days. Also with vegetable oil- in order to use it, you need to check the church nutrition calendar.

Products allowed in Lent

It is worth noting that the list of foods allowed for fasting is much larger than the list of prohibited foods. And from these ingredients you can cook a lot of delicious and nutritious dishes.
Since Great Lent takes place in the spring, the body needs vitamins, which means that you need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. These herbal products You can eat almost every day of fasting. Except fresh vegetables and fruits, you can eat frozen berries, nuts and dried fruits. You can also eat various pickles and canned fruits and vegetables.
People who find it difficult to avoid meat in a lean diet may in large numbers eat mushrooms - these products are also allowed.
In addition, during fasting, you can eat everything that grows in the fields, that is, cereals. Can be boiled buckwheat porridge, rice, oatmeal, wheat or millet. You can use for this both water and natural vegetable broth. You can also eat products of the legume family - they can also be a great addition to vegetable dishes.
It is impossible to abuse spices during fasting, but you can add them a little bit. Don't forget the greens too. On some days of this period, you can eat fish, and even caviar.
As mentioned earlier, there are rules that must be followed when observing a "diet" in Lent. The menu for each day is divided into seven weeks. Consider the features of each of them.

First week or Fedorov week

Jesus Christ did not eat or drink for forty days, but believers will only have to fast for a few days during the entire period. And the first day when nothing can be eaten is Monday in the first week, that is, the very beginning of Lent. Only clean water is allowed.
On the second day of this week, in addition to water, you can eat bread. You just need to make sure that it is cooked without the use of vegetable oil. On the third day, that is, Wednesday, you can eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, but you can’t cook anything. Thursday is fasting day again, on Friday you can eat dry foods.
But on weekends, you can cook something from permitted products, using vegetable oil. On Sunday, it is even allowed to take a couple of sips of Cahors.

Nutrition from the second to the fifth week of fasting

You need to eat in these weeks according to the same rules. So on Mondays, as well as Wednesdays and on the fifth day of each week, believers cannot cook anything, they can only eat raw foods.
On the second and fourth days of the week, you can eat cooked dishes, but the use of oil is not allowed. But every Saturday and Sunday, dishes with butter, lean pastries, and wine are allowed, but only very little.

sixth week

This week is a little different from the rest because weekends have special meaning. April 9 - Palm Sunday, and a day earlier - Lazarus Saturday. That is why the rules of nutrition on weekdays remain the same. But on Saturday it will be possible to add some caviar to the diet. And on Sunday it will be possible to cook and eat fish. Seventh Week or Holy Week.
After Jesus Christ passed the test in the wilderness, more than terrible events. And one of them is crucifixion. It happened on Friday, and that is why on this day this week, believers mourn and should not eat anything. In the first three days of the week, only dry eating is allowed. You can cook food without oil only on Thursday. And on Saturday, on the eve of Easter, it is also better to refuse food, or at least eat only dried fruits or nuts. Lent ends after midnight, the calendar will already be the first of May.

Rules for observance of Great Lent

Strict fasting must be observed by all ministers of the church. So, according to the rules, sitting at the table on weekdays is allowed only once. On weekends, you can eat twice a day.
But simple people can deviate from this law. If a person has a hard job, where to apply physical strength, then he, of course, can fast on individual program. Exceptions are also made for people who are sick, for children and for pregnant women. A person should not starve himself, should not feel bad, fasting should bring joy. If people with poor health have questions regarding which foods to refuse and which not, then you need to consult not only with a spiritual mentor, but also with your doctor.
Despite the fact that so much attention is paid to nutrition during fasting, of course, this is not the most important thing. If a person will limit himself in food, but will have fun, swear, wish others harm, then he is unlikely to be able to spiritually cleanse himself.
People who really, although becoming closer to God, during this period refuse to participate in various holidays, do not attend recreational activities, try to spend most of their free time at home and pray fervently twice a day. And on Holy Week, many refuse to watch television programs, do not listen to music and try not to talk loudly. All thoughts of people should be tuned only to the good. A person must do everything to meet Easter with dignity, with a pure soul and bright thoughts.

Great Lent 2018

Lent 2018 will last from February 27 to April 15! Of course, it is important for every observant to know what you can eat during Great Lent in 2018 by day (see the article for a nutrition calendar).

What is a post? This is the time when it is strictly forbidden to include a certain food group in your diet, it can be both lactic acid products and meat.

Fasting, which is called Great, always takes place 48 days before the bright Easter holiday. It was then that a person keeps himself to the fullest extent, forbidding himself a lot. No need to think that during Lent, the restriction is only on products. This is not so, before Easter it is also forbidden to have fun, to hold various festivities.

Speaking about the observance of all church fasts, Great Lent can be described as the most severe, because it lasts 7 weeks. This year, people start fasting on 02/27/17 and end on 15/04/17. Let's write down the food calendar days and answer the question of what you can eat in Lent.

Foods that are excluded from the diet during Lent

You can not use and use products such as:

  • Beef, pork, turkey, chicken;
  • Chicken, quail, ostrich eggs;
  • Any whole milk;
  • Butter;
  • Sour-milk drinks, cheese, cottage cheese of various fat content.

Speaking of fish, its use is allowed only twice a day. church holidays, which can be viewed at church calendar. And here are the various seafood, such as squid, octopus, crayfish are recommended to be included in the diet while fasting.

One should not think that church fasting is only the observance of diet food. Of course, there is a cleansing of the body, but do not forget about the cleansing of the human soul at this moment.

There are several rules for eating during Lent 2018 (see below for a daily food calendar), which are spelled out in the charter of any church:

  • The strictest mode of eating occurs only at the very beginning and at the end of the event.
  • Products made from animals are not suitable for consumption during fasting.
  • Meals must be taken once every 24 hours, on certain weeks. And on calendar days off, it is possible to take food 2 times.
  • Choose three days a week in which the food will be only vegetables or fruits in raw or fresh. Cannot be produced heat treatment products, and use oil.
  • In the remaining two working days, food can already be cooked, but also without the use of oil.
  • On calendar days of rest, you can already add a little oil to your food.
  • On the seventh week on Friday, you can not eat food at all.
  • You can also refrain from eating food until Easter itself, but this is solely at your request.

What can you eat in Lent in 2018 by day?

By organizing your diet correctly, you do not have to starve your body. The main thing is to correctly approach the creation of the menu for the next few weeks. A fasting day is necessary for every person, but not to the point of fanaticism.

Now, consider what you can and should eat in Lent:

  1. Bread with bran, or cereals;
  2. Oatmeal, buckwheat, rice (any kind), corn grits, wheat or barley;
  3. Various pickles and marinades, jam;
  4. Mushrooms cooked in any form, only without oil;
  5. Beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas;
  6. Dried fruits, various nuts and natural honey;
  7. Potatoes, beets, carrots, turnip onions, cabbage (any variety), radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and so on;
  8. Various fruits - kiwi, oranges, tangerines, pears, grapes and so on;
  9. Shrimp, mussels, crayfish, squid. As for the fish, let's repeat a little - it is consumed only twice during the entire period of fasting.

Having reviewed the main list of products, now you know what you can eat in Great Lent, the meals of which are scheduled according to calendar days in 2018.

Three-Week Sample Menu for Lent 2018

The very first and main week is very strict. The main rule is to enter the desired mode. If for health reasons it is not advisable for you to fast, then do not risk your health. You can only adhere to certain rules, but not keep yourself to the fullest extent.

So, let's look at a sample menu for the next four weeks of Lent.

Food calendar

First Week of Lent 2018

28th of February - You can add a few pieces of black bread to the water. Water can be replaced with a kvass drink (preferably prepared with your own hands).

March 1 - includes various fruits, nuts, raw vegetables, fresh herbs in the diet. And all this is added to the black bread.

March, 3rd We continue to eat fresh food. No heat treatment and oils of vegetable origin.

March 4 - fresh vegetables and various fruits, nuts, it is recommended to include freshly squeezed grape juice in the diet.

5th of March - you can cook vegetable food with a small amount of vegetable oil. If there is a desire, then on this day it is not forbidden to drink 50 ml of a wine drink without alcohol.

Having described the approximate food menu for the days of the calendar in 2018, you see what you can eat in Great Lent 2018. Of course, this is just an example. Now you can easily create your own individual menu based on your desires.

Nutrition calendar by day - the first week of Great Lent 2018

Second week

March, 6 - as a breakfast, we prepare ourselves corn porridge in water, and the drink will be simple freshly brewed tea. For lunch we will cook - soup with pearl barley, minced carrot cutlets, a fresh pear for a snack, and a drink - black coffee. For dinner, only, we drink a drink at will - compote or tea.

March 7 - for breakfast, buckwheat porridge, coffee. For lunch, fresh cabbage salad with bell peppers. Soup with rice grains. Pasta with mushroom sauce. Freshly brewed black tea with honey and lemon. For dinner, you can eat any of the fruits, and freshly squeezed apple juice or compote from drinks.

March 8 - wheat porridge on the water, and the drink is coffee. For lunch we cook soup with various vegetables. Salad of cucumber, tomato and mute sweet pepper. From drinks you can make jelly or make Fresh Juice. For dinner, you can cook a fruit salad and drink a glass of compote.

9th of March - oatmeal porridge, tea with lemon and honey. For lunch - sauerkraut borscht, a salad of any fresh vegetables, berry jelly. For dinner - boiled potatoes with freshly chopped greens and fruit drink.

Meals for Lent 2018

10th of March - for breakfast we will prepare oatmeal porridge, kiwi, coffee. At lunchtime - soup with buckwheat and fresh carrots, a salad based on seaweed, freshly brewed tea with lemon. For dinner - a light salad of any vegetables, freshly brewed dried fruit compote.

11th of March- rice porridge, a glass of fruit drink. In the afternoon, we prepare a salad of boiled carrots with the addition of garlic. Potato cutlets and a glass of berry jelly. IN evening time boiled buckwheat with squash caviar, and the drink is fresh fruit juice.

March 12 - fruit salad, a glass of fruit drink or tea with a slice of lemon. In the afternoon we will cook - soup - pickle, potatoes baked in the oven and coffee. For dinner - a fresh apple, pear and a glass of carrot drink.

Dish in Lent

Here we have considered another week and answered the question of what you can eat during Great Lent by day in 2018.

Meal calendar for the days of the second week:

Third Week of Lent 2018

March 13 - millet porridge in water and a glass of freshly brewed tea with the addition of natural honey. At lunchtime - vegetable soup. Carrot casserole, a glass of berry juice. In the evening - any fruit and juice.

March 14th - oatmeal porridge, coffee (you can add a slice of fresh lemon). At lunchtime - soup with legumes, boiled rice with canned zucchini salad. Jam tea. During dinner - any fresh vegetables and a glass of compote.

March 15th - wheat porridge, a glass of orange juice. In the afternoon we cook - buckwheat soup with vegetables, potato cutlets with mushrooms and onions, a glass of tea with honey. For dinner - any fruit and fruit drink.

Porridge during Lent

March 16 semolina, a glass of tea with cherry jam. In the afternoon - soup with rice and pickles, cucumber and sweet pepper salad, a glass of carrots - apple juice. During dinner - baked potatoes with pickled cucumbers and tomatoes. Hot tea with honey.

March 17 - rice porridge, a cup of black coffee. At lunchtime, pearl barley soup, salad with sea ​​kale and onions, a glass of jelly. In the evening - various fruits (during Lent you can bake them), a glass of pear juice.

18th of March - buckwheat porridge, a glass of tea with jam. For lunch - borscht with fresh cabbage, boiled beetroot salad with garlic, a glass of berry juice. In the evening - pasta with any canned salad, and a glass of tea with lemon.

March 19 - in the morning oatmeal porridge, a glass of apricot juice. For lunch - vegetable soup with potatoes and carrots, beet cutlets, a glass of black coffee. In the evening - fruit salad, a glass of berry juice.

Calendar meals by day during Lent 2018 for 4 weeks

You can duplicate our food calendar by day, or create your own menu.

Delicious dishes for Lent 2018 - video recipes:

Attention! If you are suffering from diseases gastrointestinal tract or wrong exchange substances, then the observance of fasting in all its severity is out of the question. You can fast in more sparing forms, moving away from the strict monastic canons.

Note. The definition of the week here has an unusual meaning. It is customary to refer to only Sunday as a week. A seven-day interval, starting from a week, has a name - a week.

The Feast of Forgiveness Sunday marks the beginning of the first week. There are no food restrictions on this day.

Wednesday requires acceptance only plant food raw, as well as bread.

Thursday will have to be spent in complete abstinence.

On Friday and Saturday you can include hot food in the diet.

Monday is the day of dry eating, hot food will have to be abandoned.

Tuesday is the day of remembrance of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste. You can eat hot food, as well as drink one cup of wine.

On this joyful and bright day, try the recipe. He will perfectly play the role of the main dish on the Lenten table.

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday - dry food with a one-time use of hot food.

On Saturday of the second week, hot food and two cups of wine can be included in the menu.

On the second week of Great Lent, the memory of St. Gregory Palamas is honored. He preached the doctrine of the power of fasting and prayer. On this day, hot food and two cups of wine are allowed.

From Monday to Friday, you will have to be content with dry eating and one hot meal.

On Saturday, a hot meal with vegetable oil and one cup of wine is allowed.

It is called the Cross or the Cross. Starting from Sunday and until Friday of the fourth week, the Life-Giving Cross takes the place of the icon of the holiday in the center of the temple. There is a glorification of the Holy Cross as a symbol great power. On Friday, after the readings, the cross is moved back to the altar with a solemn procession.

From Monday to Wednesday and Friday - dry eating with one hot meal in the morning.

Your table in Lent in 2018 will diversify the food calendar by day. Thanks to useful recipes on this day you can decorate the table. It is easy to prepare and has excellent taste.

On Saturday you can enjoy hot food and one cup of wine.

The beginning of the week is marked by the week dedicated to the theologian John of the Ladder. As abbot, he created the great scripture "The Ladder of Virtues", in which he described in detail all the milestones and the path of spiritual perfection.

On this day, it will become an excellent decoration for your table. You can find the recipe for this wonderful dish in our calendar.

For the rest of the week, you will have to alternate dry eating with hot food.

The week of the sixth week is the day of remembrance of St. Mary of Egypt. Her life is an example of great repentance. After 17 years of living in sin, Mary tries to enter the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, but an unknown force prevents her from doing so. After spending long hours praying in front of the icon of the Mother of God, Mary feels internal cleansing and enters the temple. The next day, she crosses the Jordan River and begins a hermit life. She spends the rest of her days in prayer and abstinence. The story of Mary is an example of the boundless mercy of the Lord to repentant sinners.

This week you can drink two cups of wine and eat hot food.

On Monday, you need to observe strict dry eating.

On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, one hot meal is allowed.
On Friday, the Annunciation is celebrated, on this day the use of fish is allowed.

The onset of Lazorevskaya Saturday will give us the joy of tasting fish caviar, hot food and two cups of wine.

The week begins with Palm Sunday. This day marks the arrival of Christ in Jerusalem. At his feet, people threw numerous branches, in our country they are replaced by willows.

On this day, you can enjoy the taste of fish dishes and hot food. Two cups of wine are allowed.

All days Passion Week called great. Your diet allows raw vegetables and fruits, as well as a hot decoction once a day.

IN Pure Thursday without oil.

The last day of Great Lent is Great Saturday, on this day many believers completely refuse food until the bright holiday of Easter.

Before starting a fast, be sure to talk with your spiritual mentor or priest. They will help you to post correctly. In most cases modern man you should not stick to the traditional monastic menu. To do this, you need to have a prepared body. Also, a nutrition calendar will help to withstand a difficult post in 2018, it contains many useful and most importantly delicious meals. They are close to the daily diet ordinary person, not a monk, and help brighten up hard days abstinence.

Walking the difficult path of great purification is a real example of a strong inner will. We hope that in this difficult test, the Lent 2018 nutrition calendar will serve as your faithful companion. When creating it, the best meatless recipes that will help brighten up the long days of deprivation.

Published on 02/28/17 12:57 pm

Lent in 2017: what you can eat by day, the menu for Lent by day for 40 days 2017, what you can eat, and much more, read in the TopNews material.

Great Lent in 2017: a daily food calendar for the laity

This week, Orthodox Christians around the world entered Great Lent to purify their souls and bodies before the arrival of the bright holiday of Easter.

According to the Church Charter, first and foremost last week Great Lent is observed most strict post. Eating is allowed only in the evening, but on Saturdays and Sundays, only the morning meal can be excluded. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, only cold food is allowed, while on Tuesdays and Thursdays, hot food is allowed without oil.

Saturday and Sunday (excluding Holy Week), in addition to vegetable oil, you can drink some grape wine. IN Good Friday believers abstain from food all day.

Great Lent 2017: food calendar by day

February 27 - Clean Monday. Refrain from food.
28th of February- Tuesday. Refrain from food.
March 1 - Wednesday. Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (one dish to choose from).
Infusion of dill or decoction of berries / fruits with honey.
Food is taken once a day, during the day.
2nd of March- Thursday. Refrain from food.
March, 3rd- Friday. Baked or boiled hot food without oil once a day, in the afternoon.
March 4- Saturday. Baked or boiled food with vegetable oil twice a day. Olives and black olives are allowed. Allowed in small quantities is grape wine without alcohol and sugar, diluted in hot water but abstinence from wine is recommended.

First week Great Lent (First Sunday of Lent)

March, 6- Monday.
March 7- Tuesday.
hot food without oil. March 8- Wednesday.
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - each time one of these).

9th of March- Thursday.
Finding the head of John the Baptist(first and second acquisition) — Orthodox holiday in honor of the most revered part of the relics of John the Baptist - his head.

10th of March- Friday.
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - each time one of these).
11th of March- Saturday.
Hot food with vegetable oil and wine.

March 12- Sunday.
Second Sunday of Great Lent (Second Sunday of Lent). Memorial Day of St. Gregory Palamas.

March 13- Monday.
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - each time one of these).
March 14th- Tuesday.
Hot food without oil.
March 15th- Wednesday.
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - each time one of these).
March 16- Thursday.
Hot food without oil.
March 17- Friday.
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - each time one of these).
18th of March- Saturday.
Hot food with vegetable oil

March 19- Sunday.
Third week Great Lent (third Sunday of Lent) - cross.
On this day, they read legends, consecrate prosphyra, do not work, visit temples to worship the cross, reflect on the concept of “carrying their cross”, fast (with eating brew with oil and wine).
20th of March- Monday.
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - each time one of these).
21 March- Tuesday.
Hot food without oil.
March 22- Wednesday.
Memorial Day of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste.
The Forty Martyrs of Sebaste are Christian soldiers who were martyred for their faith in Christ in Sebastia (Lesser Armenia, modern Turkey) in 320 under Licinia.
Hot food that has undergone heat treatment, i.e. boiled, baked, etc. With wine (one cup 200g). One meal a day. Pure grape wine without alcohol and sugar, mostly diluted hot water. At the same time, abstinence from wine is highly commendable.
March 23- Thursday.
Hot food without oil.
March 24- Friday.
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - each time one of these).
March 25- Saturday.
Hot food with vegetable oil

26 March- Sunday.
Fourth week Great Lent (Fourth Sunday of Lent). Memorial Day of theologian John of the Ladder.
Hot food with vegetable oil
March 27- Monday.
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - each time one of these).
March 28- Tuesday.
Hot food without oil.
March 29- Wednesday.
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - each time one of these).
30th of March- Thursday. Standing Rev. Mary of Egypt.
Hot food with vegetable oil and wine
March 31- Friday.
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - each time one of these).
April 1- Saturday.
Hot food with vegetable oil

April 2- Sunday.
Fifth week of Great Lent (fifth Sunday of Lent). Remembrance Day Mary of Egypt
Hot food with vegetable oil
April 3- Monday.
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - each time one of these).
April, 4- Tuesday.
Hot food without oil.
5th of April- Wednesday.
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - each time one of these).
April 6- Thursday.
Hot food without oil.
April 7- Friday , Feast of the Annunciation.
Hot food with vegetable oil and wine. Fish is allowed.
April 8- Saturday. Lazarus Saturday.
Fish caviar is allowed up to 100 gr. Hot food with vegetable oil

April 9- Sunday. sixth week Great Lent (Sixth Sunday of Lent).
Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem Palm Sunday) . Fish are allowed. Hot food with vegetable oil
April 10 - Maundy Monday
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - each time one of these).

April 11 - Maundy Tuesday
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - each time one of these).
From drinking: dill (hot infusion or decoction of herbs or berries, fruits) with honey.
April 12 - Holy Wednesday
Dry eating: bread, water, greens, raw, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits (for example: raisins, olives, nuts, figs - each time one of these).
From drinking: dill (hot infusion or decoction of herbs or berries, fruits) with honey.
April 13 - Maundy Thursday. Last Supper
According to the usual (Palestinian) order, one dish is laid, but boiled food with vegetable oil is allowed.
According to the Studian charter, one boiled dish is supposed, but supplemented with sochi (any porridge) and legumes; without oil.
According to the charter of the Holy Mount Athos, two boiled dishes with oil and wine are required. Pure grape wine without alcohol and sugar, mostly diluted with hot water. At the same time, abstinence from wine is highly commendable.
April 14 - Great Five. Good Friday. crucifixion of christ
Believers do not eat anything. For the elderly, bread and water are allowed after sunset.
April 15 - Great Saturday. The Descent of Christ into Hell
On Great Saturday, many believers also refuse food until Easter. For the rest - bread, dried fruits, vegetables, a cup of wine, kvass or a honey drink.

Lent 2017: what to eat

It is important to remember that food during Lent should still be as varied and balanced as possible, so the following foods can be included in the diet:



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