What dishes are eaten in fasting. Great Lent: Forbidden Foods

Everyone knows that our ancestors adhered to traditions and considered every Lenten day a joy. This time was special. Historically, fasting is a restriction of a religious person in something for the purpose of repentance. Some Christians use the metaphor "spring of the soul". It characterizes the inner state of a person who has set a goal to sacrifice himself to God. The Lord showed believers an example when he stayed in the wilderness for 40 days and did not eat anything. Spring in nature means awakening, new life, just as fasting is a time for self-examination, self-improvement, and prayer. Some people can independently, without external help, look for flaws, shortcomings, and correct them.

In Christianity, this is given a special time, called fasting days. During periods of fasting, active spiritual work is carried out, passions are eradicated, and the soul is cleansed. To do this, it is necessary to go to the temple often, pray in the morning and evening, do good deeds, give alms, visit the weak, prisoners, learn humility.

What is a fast day for?

In the practice of Christianity, there are 4 multi-day fasts (the Great Fast takes place in the spring, Uspensky and Petrov - in the summer, Christmas - in the winter) and separate fast days - Wednesday and Friday. During long fasts, the first and last weeks are the main ones. At this time, a person needs to be extremely attentive to himself and his loved ones. Important for a fasting person is the internal state, deeds, actions, spoken words.

What should abstinence be?

Many mistakenly believe that you need to limit yourself only in food. Self-control is a very complex action that requires considerable effort. It is to track these changes that the Lord created the state in which a person lives. If a Christian fully observes external conditions, but visits entertainment establishments, watches entertainment programs, behaves unworthily, this can be called an ordinary diet. In this case, the Lord will see the deceit, and there will be no spiritual development. It happens the other way around, when a person consumes forbidden foods, but fasts in the shower. An example is a disease of the stomach or intestines, when a strict diet is needed. This desire and perseverance will be appreciated from above.

What to eat and what not

So, now let's figure out what kind of food you can eat in fasting and what not. There is a simple rule about nutrition. It is allowed to eat food of plant origin and it is forbidden to eat animal products.


  • food, poultry.
  • Fish (but on some days of fasting it is allowed).
  • Eggs, as well as the products in which they are included.
  • Dairy products, butter, dairy products, sour cream, cheeses.


You can eat these foods:

  • Vegetables in various forms, pickles.
  • Fruits, dried fruits, nuts.
  • Kashi on the water.
  • Legumes, soy products.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Bread, baked goods.
  • Fish (only on permitted days).

During fasting, you need to diversify your diet to the maximum, as the body is used to proteins and fats. You need to eat everything, for example, juices, soy products, sweets, chocolate. In addition to basic ingredients such as vegetables and fruits, a variety of modern products should be introduced.

Be sure to try eggplant, celery, spinach, broccoli, arugula, chickpeas (from the legume family). Ordinary vegetables from the garden can be cooked in a special way, experimented, add various herbs and seasonings.

For any housewife, preparing a new dish is a special ritual during which a woman plunges into her element. To do this, you can create a personal diary and enter each recipe. Fasting days will brighten up communication with loved ones, as a joint meal brings together. Ways of cooking that really turned out great, try to recommend to friends, share experiences. It is important to remember that the body must be supported by those products, which include protein and glucose, fats.

Recipes for every day

The most common ingredients in lean cuisine are vegetables, they are suitable for both side dishes and gourmet dishes. There are a lot of recipes. For example, it is easy to make excellent meatballs from ordinary potatoes, as well as a salad or a casserole. From boiled vegetables - vinaigrette.

Recently, it has become fashionable to make puree soups. They are very nutritious, quickly and thoroughly digested. This method of cooking will appeal to young children, people of advanced age. The use of this product is not difficult. The recipe is very simple, because all the selected ingredients must first be boiled and then chopped with a blender. Next, the resulting mixture is added to the broth.

Depending on the components, the calorie content and nutritional value of the dish may vary. In some countries, this cooking method is the most common. Here is the recipe for this soup.

Soup puree with potatoes and white bread

To make the dish rich in vitamins and minerals, take parsley, celery and carrots, onions. Rinse them under running water, peel, cut into small pieces so that the cooking process takes less time. Put on the stove and cook for 30 minutes over medium heat. Now we decant the broth into a separate container and set it aside.

So it's time for the potatoes. We clean it, wash it, divide each tuber into 4 parts and lower it into the broth. We do the same with white bread. Yes, it needs to be cut and boiled together with potatoes.

Then we take some wheat flour. Mix it with vegetable oil and place in a pan with potatoes and bread. Cook until cooked, then decant the broth. You can use a colander to separate the potatoes with bread from the broth.

The cooking process is coming to an end. Grind all the ingredients that were cooked earlier in a blender and send back to our broth. The highlight of the soup will be toasted croutons, which must be fried in advance in a frying pan with butter. If the dish turned out to be thick, it is necessary to dilute it with boiled water.

Diet variety

What else can you eat in fasting, besides vegetables and fruits? Of course, porridge boiled in water. Grains are very useful. In the first place is buckwheat, rich in vitamins and trace elements that can be absorbed by the body in the shortest possible time. It can be cooked with fried onions, mushrooms, broccoli, spinach. The list of cereals is huge, we list some of them:

  • rice;
  • barley;
  • millet;
  • wheat;
  • barley;
  • corn;
  • semolina.

Also, cereals can be combined with each other, for example, rice and millet. To make the taste not so bland, add margarine or spread. In the morning with honey and juice, you can eat or chocolate balls. Muesli during fasting days will be an excellent reinforcement during working days. The same can be said about dried fruits, which serve as a snack. In supermarkets, at any time of the year, a lot of frozen vegetable mixes, fruits, and berries are sold. These products will make an excellent filling for lean pies, pancakes, dumplings.

Homemade pickles and marinades, compotes and jams will help diversify the diet. Sauerkraut or lecho will be a great addition to pasta, potatoes or buckwheat. Today in stores you can find many products, for example, mayonnaise, cookies, waffles, which are labeled "lean".

In modern Orthodox practice, many priests recommend that parishioners consult their doctor beforehand. Here are some medical tips that will be helpful. For digestion in the first couple of days, it is better not to use chips, crackers, sweet nuts, carbonated drinks, strong coffee, tea. Also, in recent days, the Orthodox should not abruptly switch to permitted products. Do not pounce on eggs, Easter cakes and smoked meats. It must be remembered that there is such a sin as gluttony. Sometimes we do not notice how we get pleasure from eating food, we eat with greed even during fasting. You have to control your feelings.

Fast days. Wednesday and Friday

It is known that in each calendar circle, the fasting time falls on different dates. The fast days of 2016 are a special time for the Orthodox. We also noted that Wednesday and Friday are no less important in this regard throughout the year. But there are also weeks without fasting, for example, before Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa itself, Trinity, Svetlaya, Svyatki. You can always look at the calendar of fasting days to get the information you need.

Wednesday became fast in connection with the memory that Judas betrayed Christ on the eve of His real sins people betray the Savior who suffered for us. A fasting Christian remembers this event and laments. To realize the seriousness of the historical date, the fast day is observed almost every week. Friday is a fast day, when Christ died for the sins of the world, He was publicly crucified on the cross as a robber. So that believers do not forget about the great event, on Friday it is necessary to especially abstain mentally and bodily. Orthodox fast days are called upon to take care of the spirituality of believers.

important goal

Skillfully and wisely built posts and fasting days. They alternate with idle time. Such a sequence calls us to renew our souls, to strive for repentance, compassion, and mercy. Then again it is allowed to have fun and rejoice. It was this way of life that helped our ancestors to remain in a good mood, to be healthy mentally and physically. Despite the restrictions and the rejection of the usual things, the result will not be long in coming. Harmony is always and in everything - the basis of the right way of life. To all Orthodox on fasting day - the best wishes, strength, patience, joy.

Great post in 2019 year passes from March 11 to April 27, marking a dramatic change in the diet of all believers. Lent is one of the strictest fasts in the church calendar, starting seven weeks before Easter and lasting 48 days. It consists of Pentecost, symbolizing the fasting of Christ in the desert for 40 days, and Holy Week, reminiscent of the last days of Christ's life, his crucifixion and resurrection.

During Lent, it is forbidden to consume products of animal origin, including meat, eggs and milk, as well as products made using eggs and milk. For example, cakes, pastries, cookies, pastries from pastry - all this is prohibited. The use of fish and vegetable oil is allowed only on certain days, while the inclusion of seafood in the diet, such as squid, shrimp or mussels, is not forbidden. Permitted foods include vegetables, fruits, cereals, legumes, mushrooms, nuts, dried fruits, honey, sugar, halva, dark chocolate and sauces, including lean mayonnaise. Egg-free pasta and bread made without milk and eggs can also be included in the diet. Do not forget about homemade preserves, which will diversify the lenten menu on certain days, and about greens, which can make the taste of lenten dishes more pronounced. If you cannot imagine your life without milk, soy or coconut milk can become a real lifesaver for you.

It is worth noting that fasting does not mean starving at all, and if you think rationally about your diet, you definitely will not stay hungry. It must also be remembered that the fasting table is only a part of the fast, while the paramount moment is concentration on prayers, visiting the temple, good deeds, rejection of bad thoughts and entertainment, forgiveness of offenses and a benevolent attitude towards others. If you follow all these rules, dietary restrictions will benefit both the body and the soul.

So, let's take a closer look at the food on the days of Great Lent in 2019. The first and last weeks of fasting are the strictest- these days, especially severe restrictions are imposed on the diet. Clean Monday - the first day of Lent- It is customary to completely abstain from eating food, while on Tuesday only bread and water are allowed. On the remaining days of the first week, you should adhere to a dry diet and eat foods exclusively in raw form once a day - these can be fruits, vegetables, nuts or greens. Saturday and Sunday first week you can eat hot food with oil, such as cereals, lean soups, stewed vegetables or fried mushrooms. These days, we allow two meals a day. On Sunday you can afford a small amount of red wine - it must be natural and not contain alcohol and sugar. It is advisable to dilute it with hot water, and it is better to refrain from wine altogether.

On Monday, Wednesday and Friday each subsequent week of Great Lent, except for the last, is prescribed dry eating, while eating is allowed only once a day during the daytime. Tuesday and Thursday During the same five weeks, hot food is allowed once in the evening, but it must be cooked without adding oil. For example, it can be boiled or baked vegetables. So, carrots or pumpkins cooked in the oven, supplemented with honey, nuts and dried fruits, can be a pleasant addition to your diet. On weekends those who are fasting again expect relief - you can increase the number of meals up to two times a day and eat hot food with the addition of vegetable oil. So, stewed cabbage, potato cutlets, vegetable soup, bean lobio, vegetable stew or potatoes fried with mushrooms and onions are excellent lean main courses. Fish is allowed on the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which this time falls on March 25, and in Palm Sunday, which falls on 21 April. 20 April, on Lazarus Saturday, up to 100 g of fish caviar is allowed.

Holy Week - the last week of Lent- is no less strict than the first. In the first three days, only raw foods without oil are allowed once a day. On Thursday, you can afford hot, cooked food without adding oil. For example, it can be boiled cauliflower or baked potatoes. Nothing to eat on Friday. On the Saturday of Holy Week, many believers continue to refuse food until Easter. However, raw foods and bread are allowed in the afternoon.

For some people, these prescriptions may be too strict and unacceptable, for example, for health reasons or due to age - in this case, it is recommended to give up animal products and eat hot food cooked in oil throughout Lent. In any case, remember that Great Lent is not just food restrictions, but approaching spiritual purity, fighting sins and gaining harmony with your soul through abstinence from food, and delicious fasting recipes will help you with this.

I decided to write an article about what you can eat in fasting, what dishes you can cook on a fasting table.

After all, you want to eat tasty, varied, healthy and not boring, so that every day you don’t eat the same thing, right?

I want to offer you some delicious ideas on how to feed yourself and your family during the fasting period.

From this article you will learn:

What can you eat in the post - menu for lean nutrition

So, many people know that fasting can be strict and not strict.

Moreover, during the same fast there are certain differences in the daily diet.

Accordingly, the dishes that are consumed are different.

Strict fasting and not strict - what is the difference between them?

All posts vary in their degree of severity.

  • Strict post:

during strict fasting, only plant foods (vegetables, fruits, cereals) are allowed, and all animal products are completely excluded. Food can be thermally processed or raw (these are days of dry eating).

  • Less strict post:

when allowed on some days vegetable oil in dishes from plant foods.

  • Not a strict post:

fish and vegetable oil are allowed these days. Otherwise, all food is plant-based, meat, milk and eggs are not consumed at all.

Lent is considered the strictest. The rest are less strict.

What can be cooked in the post?

Many people think that fasting is only carrot cutlets, sauerkraut and “empty” rice… But, in fact, everything is not so scary at all, friends!

How do you like lasagna, spaghetti, pizza, various pancakes, dumplings, pancakes, pies and pies? It is not necessary to cook with white wheat flour if we do not want to get better! You can cook from buckwheat, corn, oat, pea, etc.

And how about various delicious sandwiches with hearty pates, vegetable and mushroom caviar, jelly, mushroom aspic, sweet cereals, dumplings with different fillings and “lazy” dumplings (gnocchi, dumplings, dumplings), julienne, various salads with such a hearty composition, that they fit to call the main dish and dumplings?

Borscht, cabbage soup, soups, mushroom and nut dishes, and even “scrambled eggs” without eggs!

And how many sweets you can cook, it's generally incomprehensible to the mind!

And sweets, and kozinaki, and pies, and cookies, and even cakes with cream!

Including - cakes without flour, without eggs and without sugar, this is already "aerobatics", but you can also learn this!

And this is not a complete list of those dishes that are called lean ...

And if fish is allowed, it’s generally a holiday: it’s fish soup, cutlets, meatballs with rice, fish pastes (pates), steamed, fried, grilled and oven fish.

With vegetables, stuffed, stewed with mushrooms and onions, various fillings with fish for pies and pancakes ... You can’t list everything!

What products can be used in the preparation of lenten dishes?

  • Cereals:

millet, wheat, barley, barley, rice of all varieties,. Also buckwheat, bulgur, couscous, spelled, corn grits. As well as oatmeal, and cereal from several types of cereals.

  • We prepare from them:

porridge, add to vegetable dishes, make cutlets, zrazy, fillings for pies and pies, prepare cereal soups and various casseroles.

From buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, barley, corn flour, rye flour, spelled flour we prepare our pastries and bread.

  • Vegetables - absolutely everything

We prepare from them:

soups, vegetable stews, vegetable purees, puree soups, various fillings, vegetable sauces and meatballs.

We add them to pates, make salads from raw and boiled vegetables, casseroles, stew, bake, boil, fry, steam them.

We add cereals, mushrooms to them, pour them with all kinds of delicious sauces and eat just like that, cut into pieces.

Berries, fruits and dried fruits - absolutely everything

We prepare from them:

fruit purees, marshmallows, compotes, fruit drinks, kissels, jams and jams for tea. We twist and freshly squeezed juices, add to pastries, prepare fillings for pancakes and pies, add to cereals. We eat just like that, whole or cut into beautiful pieces.

  • Greens - any

From it we prepare:

“green” salads, add to smoothies, cut into salads from boiled and raw vegetables, sprinkle generously on our prepared dishes, make “green” toppings for our pancakes and pies.

  • Legumes:

peas, beans of all kinds, beans, chickpeas, mung beans, lentils.

  • Cooking from beans:

soups, mashed soups, add to salads, boil and mash, add to vegetable stews, cook bean pastes, fillings, etc.

  • Nuts - whatever you like

We cook from nuts: nut sauces (sweet and salty), nut muffins, nut cutlets, make gozinaki and halva, prepare delicious nut milk, add to pates and fillings, sprinkle our cereals with chopped nuts and add to any other dishes, pastries.

We make cheese from nuts. Cooking nut pastes and nut urbechi. We bite just like that

  • Seeds:

sunflower, sesame, flax, poppy, chia seeds, hemp seeds.

We prepare from them:

we add to pastries, make gozinaki, sauces for dishes (sweet and salty), sprinkle our cereals with crushed seeds and add to other dishes.

We prepare vegetable milk (sweet and unsweetened), urbechi from seeds, cheese from seeds, takhina (tahina, tahini) from sesame seeds and a mix paste for sandwiches from various seeds.

  • Mushrooms are everything

We fry them, stew them, bake them, cook them on the grill, steam them.

We cook them with various fillings, make pates out of them, cook julienne, add them to vegetable dishes, soups, cook mushroom soups, mushroom fillings, add them to cereals, salads.

  • Vegetable oil - any you want

For salads, cold dishes and snacks, and in ready-made dishes, it is best to use vegetable oils of the first cold pressing. They have both taste and aroma - just divine!

Choose the ones that you like: olive, linseed, camelina, and hemp, grape seed oil and walnut oil, sesame.

As well as mustard oil, coconut, rice, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds.

For frying-cooking-stewing, 100% oils and refined ones are suitable, they are odorless and can be cooked on, as well as coconut oil.

Where to get protein in a lean diet?

Mushrooms are our "meat" for the period of lean nutrition. This includes legumes, nuts, herbs and seeds.

All of these foods are highly nutritious, high in protein, healthy fats (nuts and seeds), and vitamins and minerals.

During fasting, all these products are MANDATORY in the daily diet. In this case, you will not have any "protein starvation".

What kind of cereals are prepared for fasting?

Our Russian porridge is not just food, it is a whole "philosophy"! This, of course, is not about quick, instant cereals, which “filled in and ate right away.”

Although, this is also an option: simple oatmeal or a mixture of cereals, filled with boiling water or vegetable milk, and with the addition of berries, nuts, fruits and seeds - why not a hearty, delicious breakfast?

And porridge with vegetables, mushrooms - why not a wonderful and hearty dish for dinner?

The main idea here is this: porridge is never NOT tasty. The porridge just needs to be cooked properly.

Here's an example: barley. Do not love? You just don't know how to cook it!…

Here you need to know the secret of delicious barley. Try to do this: rinse it, pour enough boiling water over it, wrap it in a warm blanket and let it brew all night, 8-10 hours. If all the water is not absorbed, then drain it, fill it again with a small amount of water and boil it for 10 minutes.

Fry separately the onion, cut into beautiful rings and grated potatoes, add spices and mix with the finished barley.

You can also add mushrooms if you like.

No one will refuse such porridge!

A similar story with buckwheat porridge. Do you like it with milk? Please: grind seeds or nuts with water in a blender, strain, and you will have the healthiest milk in the world! Any porridge is good with vegetable milk, and buckwheat is especially good. Make it sweet or savory, whichever you like.

An excellent option for buckwheat porridge is buckwheat with onions, carrots and other fried vegetables.

Buckwheat with mushrooms and onions - who would refuse it, right?

Very tasty buns, pancakes are prepared from buckwheat flour and “Grechaniki” are fried.

In stores, look for spaghetti or any other pasta made from buckwheat flour. It is very tasty and unusual!

Prepare sweet pilaf from rice: add steamed raisins, nuts, seeds, any fresh berries or fruits to boiled rice, pour over with sweet nut sauce or honey. This is a meal!

And rice with mushrooms and vegetables? Why not swim? A very tasty and satisfying dish, the absence of meat and you will not notice ...

Any porridge can be served with a sauce prepared by yourself. It's easier than ever - to prepare a sauce from the same seeds or nuts. You can make vegetable sauce, tomato sauce, sweet fruit and berry sauce.

Be sure to add spices to any cereal. This will enrich the taste of your cereals, give them an incredible flavor and make them healthier and easier to digest.

Dried fruits in post

Of course, dried fruits are eaten in fasting.

The amount of vitamins in them, of course, falls, but the amount of sugar increases.

But, despite this, the benefits of dried fruits are still all in doubt, because all trace elements are stored there in the necessary and sufficient quantity.

They are commercially available, they are not so expensive in price, especially since there are a lot of them and you can’t eat them. Of course, it is better to buy those that have not been processed, that have been dried and stored without being exposed to "chemical attack."

They are not as beautiful and glossy as those that were first soaked in sugar syrup and dried at high temperature, and then treated with sulfur dioxide, etc., but you know for 100% that you do not harm yourself by using their.

You can eat dried fruits and just like that, say, with tea. To do this, it is better to pre-soak them in water. They will become juicy and soft, and will look like fresh ones.

From any dried fruit you can make a delicious dessert-delicacy.

Especially good in this dessert will be: figs, cherries, large prunes.

Need juice from red berries. If it’s not the season, then feel free to take your blanks off the shelves and get started! Add the following spices to the juice: vanilla, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, black pepper and sugar. Add dried fruits cut into large pieces, mix and boil it all over a very low heat: first without a lid for 50-60 minutes, then under the lid for another 40 minutes. Look, it may take less time. The main thing is that the syrup becomes thick.

Such a dessert can be served with tea, served with porridge, and just cracked with a spoon ...

The use of dried fruits is not limited to this.

Many amazing things are done with dried fruits: for example, they are added to the stuffing for stuffing tomatoes, sweet bell peppers and eggplant. They are stewed with red beans and fried onions.

It turns out unusual, original and piquant.

How to cook mushrooms in the post?

If we do not take into account the “newfangled” soy, then mushrooms are exactly the “meat” that will be on our table during the entire post.

Mushroom soup, potatoes with mushrooms and onions, vegetable stew with mushrooms, mushroom julienne, mushroom caviar, potato cutlets stuffed with mushrooms with mushroom sauce (zrazy), mushroom risotto and dumplings with mushrooms…

All this, of course, can be prepared quite calmly from dried mushrooms and from frozen ones. Not only bored champignons and oyster mushrooms will do. Honey mushrooms, chanterelles, aspen mushrooms, porcini mushrooms - everything is good!

Recently, Japanese shiitake mushrooms can also be found. He is the "world champion" in the fight against cancer. In addition, they are incredibly tasty, the Japanese know a lot!

And the huge, just giant portobello mushrooms? It tastes like pure chicken! And they are quite often sold in ordinary supermarkets, ask!

Mushrooms have a fantastic variety, and this is a great occasion for daily "mushroom experiments" in order to cook mushrooms often, cook a lot and tasty.

Here are some options for you:

  1. You can make sandwiches with tapenade from forest mushrooms: grind capers with olive oil, add lemon juice, season with salt and pepper. It turns out such a paste that is perfectly smeared on toasted slices of bread, and between two slices - slices of mushrooms fried to a crisp.
  2. And from the good old oyster mushrooms, a salad “emerges” by itself: mushrooms, apples, celery stalks, lettuce and large berries of dark grapes fried to a beautiful ruddy. Everything is drizzled with a dressing of lemon juice with crushed pine nuts, salt, pepper and a little cinnamon. Mmm…
  3. And champignons fried with soy sauce, honey, sesame seeds and green onions? Served hot, immediately, they are incredible!

How to use nuts and seeds in fasting?

Nuts play an important role in our lean diet.

They can not only sprinkle cakes and add to a salad of beets and garlic ...

During fasting, when almost every protein counts, nuts are simply an irreplaceable thing!

If the nuts are fresh, then this is, consider that “almost a panacea” in the autumn-winter period, when all sorts of colds and SARS pester us.

Nuts are just so nice to nibble on and make nut pastes out of them. It does not have to be peanuts, very tasty pastes are obtained from absolutely any nuts! It is even better to make from nuts, moreover, from raw ones. Still, peanut butter is an ambiguous product ...

Although, if you really want to, then you can, but not much. It is very easy to cook at home: roast peeled peanuts in the oven, twist it in a meat grinder twice, add salt and water to the desired consistency.

Or immediately twist everything in a blender - peanuts + salt + water.

The same principle is used to make raw nut paste:

  • Do you want something sweet? No problem: add honey and cinnamon.
  • Do you want something unusual? Please: add pepper, quite a bit of honey and spices. A very original taste is obtained from nut paste!
  • Want something more satisfying? Then combine in a blender lightly roasted nuts in the oven (walnuts are perfect for this appetizer, but you can use any, be guided by your taste), fried onions, salt, pepper and water. Very, very tasty, hearty and fragrant snack! It smells so that you immediately need to spread it on your bread and eat it until the homemade “grind”, otherwise you won’t get it, believe me!
  • If you want to make something "more impressive" for a snack, then you can add boiled beans and a little bit of garlic to this recipe. Again: we scroll everything in a blender with the addition of water to the desired pasty consistency.
  • You can do the same with seeds - cook a paste, and every morning spread a thin layer on your slice of bread, crispy toast, cookies (you can sweet or salty) or whole grain bread. Hearty, tasty, healthy, what else do you need, right?

Make sweet pastes, make salty ones, whatever you want!

Who said tahini has to be salty?

Are you afraid of experiments? Then prepare sweet tahini: sesame seeds (can be raw or fried in a dry frying pan, with fried seeds it turns out many times more fragrant) + honey + cinnamon + salt.

This is such an amazing thing, folks! To say it's delicious is an understatement! Therefore, as soon as you cook, grab yourself a spoonful of bread, and only then call your family, although you won’t have to call them, I’m sure: the aroma of roasted sesame seeds is such a thing that they themselves will come running to, believe me!

Here is another very, very original idea for a snack: raw almonds, lemon juice, a little honey, fresh basil leaves, salt, a little garlic and ginger (proportions are arbitrary, to your taste) scroll through a meat grinder or in a blender, adding so much water, to get a paste of the consistency you want.

Then you take apples, carrots, celery stalks, cucumbers and whatever else you can think of, cut into pieces and eat them, dipping them in the prepared sauce.

Very tasty, unusual, nutritious and mega-healthy snack! Be sure to cook, you will definitely like it!

I really like to cook various pastas and pates from seeds and nuts, it helps out so much when there is no time, but you need to eat something quickly, preferably healthy!

And do not be afraid of the calorie content, you, even if you want, will not be able to eat a lot, it's very satisfying!

Such pastes can not only be spread on bread, they can be used as fillings, and add to your own porridges, and spaghetti instead of sauce.

Store nut or seed paste in the refrigerator.

Lenten first courses

Friends, try to do this, and buckwheat soup will become your “favorite” for the lenten period, honestly!

And how do you like the idea of ​​kharcho soup, gazpacho, pickle? You can continue the list. All this can be cooked without meat, and all this is quite tasty and nutritious!

So, friends, this is what I wanted to tell you today. I really hope that you will take some ideas for yourself and apply them.

If you liked the ideas from this article, then share with your friends on social. networks, friends and co-workers at work.

Write in the comments what you can eat in the post, your ideas for lean nutrition. What are you cooking? I will be very interested, I'm always looking for something new and cool.

And other readers will also be interested to know, write!

See you soon, my dears!

Alena Yasneva was with you, Health and Delicious Lent to everyone!

The pacification of the body is considered the first step to the humility of the spirit, according to Christian beliefs. When you start fasting, you must also abstain spiritually. Thus, a Christian is cleansed of bad emotions, learns to restrain the negative. Without observing the spiritual rules of conduct, fasting becomes a normal diet.

What to eat in Lent from cereals

Kashi is one of the most important components of the Lenten table. Of course, cereals should be boiled in water without adding butter. However, such a restriction does not mean at all that the porridge will be tasteless. Firstly, there are many different cereals that can diversify the menu. Take a closer look at the supermarket: on the shelves with cereals you will find much more options than the usual buckwheat, rice, pearl barley.

Secondly, in fasting, it is allowed to eat many foods that can improve the taste of any porridge. For example, you can add raisins, dried apricots, nuts, carrots, mushrooms. In this matter, you can safely rely on your imagination and experiment with tastes.

Also, don't forget prosers. So called germinated grains of wheat, oats, corn. These products contain over 30 percent of vegetable protein, as well as many macro- and microelements. Regular consumption of prozers, even when not fasting, will provide the body with the necessary amount of vitamins and nutrients, and prevent the development of a large number of diseases.

On the basis of cereals, you can cook a huge number of delicious lean dishes:

  • Barley vegetable porridge. You will need pearl barley, carrots, onions, salt, spices to taste. We wash the cereal, fill it with water in a ratio of 1: 3 and cook until soft. In the process, add chopped carrots, onions, salt, seasonings.
  • Fruit pilaf with nuts. We take two glasses of steamed rice, a bunch of raisins, dried apricots, dates, prunes, some walnuts, a couple of tablespoons of honey, salt. Cook rice in lightly salted water. In the middle of cooking, add scalded raisins, chopped dried fruits and roasted nuts to the porridge. Cook the porridge and after cooling add honey.
  • Semolina porridge with cranberry juice. We take a glass of cranberries and pour 6 glasses of water, bring to a boil and add half a glass of semolina and the same amount of sugar. Cook the porridge until cooked, cool and serve with honey.
  • Smolensk porridge with fruit drink. We prepare fruit drinks by analogy with the above recipe. Add half a glass of rice cereal and the same amount of sugar to the finished broth. Cook until tender and serve chilled.
  • Pilaf with dried mushrooms. For cooking, you will need several large dried mushrooms (preferably forest ones), one glass of rice, three onions, one carrot, three tablespoons of sunflower oil, one and a half glasses of mushroom broth, tomato paste, salt. We sort the mushrooms and soak for three hours in water. In it, we cook them until cooked. We cut the boiled mushrooms into strips, fry together with carrots and onions, add tomato paste and a little “mushroom water”. Add the rice to the mixture and cook over low heat until tender.
  • mash porridge. We mix two types of cereals, for example, millet and barley, rice and wheat, corn and rice, and so on. In this case, one of the cereals should be crushed, and the other - whole. We rub on a grater a couple of types of any vegetables. For a glass of cereal mixture, take a glass of vegetable mixture. We put 1/3 of the vegetables at the bottom of the pan, a layer of cereals on top, then vegetables again, and so all the products in layers. Pour in hot brackish water to cover the entire mixture. We put in the oven for 10 minutes.

What can you eat in Lent from vegetables

In Great Lent, it is allowed to eat various vegetables and root crops. They can be either raw or cooked. Do not get carried away with heat treatment: the less vegetables are boiled, stewed, fried, the more useful substances are stored in them.

A worthy place on your lean table should be taken by various varieties of cabbage (white, Beijing, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts), potatoes, celery, pumpkin, bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs (parsley, dill, basil, cilantro, sorrel).

You can prepare salads from fresh vegetables, as well as eat pickled and pickled foods.

Consider a few popular lean vegetable dishes:

  1. Cabbage salad with prunes. We take a quarter of a small head of cabbage, a handful of prunes and half a lemon, one carrot and salt, sugar to taste. We chop vegetables and pour lemon juice, season with salt and spices to taste.
  2. Salad with carrots and pickled cucumber. It will take 800 grams of carrots, a couple of pickled cucumbers and 200 grams of tomato juice. Cucumber cut into small cubes, pour juice, black pepper can be added to taste. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and add to the cucumber mass. Mix and serve.
  3. Potato salad with pomegranate and walnut. A couple of potatoes boiled in the skin. Clean and cut into cubes. We prepare the dressing: crush the chopped walnut kernels together with garlic in a mortar, add salt, pomegranate juice. Pour the resulting mixture of potatoes and sprinkle with herbs.
  4. Vinaigrette with champignons. We take about 300 grams of mushrooms, 4 tomatoes, one apple, a few tablespoons of vegetable oil, a tablespoon of mushroom broth, lemon juice from half a fruit, a tablespoon of apple juice, an onion, mustard seeds, salt, sugar, spices, herbs. Mushrooms cut, stew in oil until tender. Cut tomatoes and apples and mix with mushrooms. In the broth remaining after cooking the mushrooms, add grated carrots, onions. Pour the finished vinaigrette with this dressing and sprinkle with herbs.
  5. Lenten cabbage soup. To prepare this dish, we need 50 grams of white cabbage, three onions, one carrot, a couple of potatoes, parsley and celery roots, spices, herbs, garlic. Finely chop potatoes and roots. Shred the cabbage with herbs. Pour vegetables with water, add spices. We cook for about 15 minutes. We rub the carrots on a grater, mix with chopped garlic, add to the semi-finished cabbage soup. We bring it to readiness.
  6. Vegetable soup. We prepare about a dozen green bean pods, a couple of green onion stalks, a clove of garlic, a couple of carrots, parsley, spices, salt, a couple of drops of vinegar. Pour about five glasses of hot water into the container, adding vinegar. We put the beans, chopped carrots, greens. Cook for about ten minutes over high heat, then reduce it and cook for another half hour.
    Sprinkle the soup with herbs before serving.

What can you eat in Lent 2017 from fruits

Lent is the time when you can indulge yourself with various fruits at least every day. Until the first spring harvests are ripe, you can eat preparations - preserves, jams, dried fruits. You can also eat exotic fruits.

You can eat both raw and thermally processed fruits, add them to salads and prepare desserts from them. Fruit pairs well with a variety of nuts.

You can cook such quick fruit dishes:

  • Apple salad with pumpkin. We take three sour apples, two hundred grams of pumpkin and half a glass of berry jelly. We peel apples and pumpkin and rub on a coarse grater, add jelly and mix.
  • cranberry salad. Rub two or three cups of cranberries with sugar. Add a couple of grated carrots and the same amount of chopped turnips. Finely chop one celery root and mix with salad.
  • lingonberry salad. Rub a couple of glasses of lingonberries with sugar, add two peeled and chopped carrots and a piece of swede. Mix thoroughly.
  • Salad with dried fruits. Thoroughly wash 250 grams of prunes in warm water, cut into strips, mix with 50 grams of sugar, add a pinch of cinnamon, cloves and pour over lemon juice. In the same way, a salad with dried apricots is prepared. Only vanilla is added instead of cinnamon.
  • Baked apples. For cooking, we take four large apples, a couple of tablespoons of sugar, a little thick jam, cinnamon and nuts to taste. We wash the fruits, take out the core and stuff the fruits with a mixture of nuts, spices, sugar and jam. Bake in the oven for about twenty minutes.

What can you eat in Lent 2017 from sweets

In general, sweets in fasting should be limited. In addition, the use of fatty confectionery products, in the preparation of which oil, fats, dairy products and other prohibited categories were used, is not allowed.

It is allowed to eat marmalade, lenten marshmallows, halvah (on certain days), oatmeal cookies, dark chocolate, sugar-coated cranberries, honey, Turkish delight, lollipops during Lent. These products are classified as lean, however, before you buy them, carefully read the label.

You can cook a lean sweet dish for dessert yourself. Choose the right recipe:

  1. Rice with lemon jelly. For cooking, you will need one hundred grams of rice, three sugars, one tablespoon of agar, a couple of glasses of water, six lemons. Cook rice until tender with 1.5 cups of sugar. Pour agar with two glasses of water, heat until dissolved, pour in a glass of sugar, pour in the juice of three lemons. We put the rice in a deep container and fill it with hot jelly, put it in the refrigerator. You can use oranges instead of lemons.
  2. Cranberry mousse. We take three glasses of water, half a glass of cranberries, half a glass of semolina, half a glass of sugar. We wash the berries, squeeze the juice out of them. “Dry” berries are boiled, filtered. Add sugar, semolina to the liquid and cook until tender. Cool the porridge, add the juice and beat with a mixer. Arrange in bowls and decorate with cranberries.
  3. Orangeade. This sweet drink will be a great addition to dessert. It will take eight oranges, a couple of lemons, half a kilogram of sugar, 2.5 liters of water. Wash the citruses and remove the skin. Put the zest in a container with water and add sugar. We put on a small fire and cook, stirring and pressing on the zest so that the oil comes out. Cover the broth with a lid and cool. Cut oranges and lemons in half and squeeze out the juice. Drain it into a decoction of zest. Cool the drink before serving.

What to eat in Lent by day from seafood

According to Orthodox canons, you can eat fish during Lent for only two days. For this there is the Annunciation and Palm Sunday. But on the Saturday before Palm Sunday, it is allowed to eat fish caviar.

As for the rest of the seafood, opinions differ about their intake during fasting. Some believers argue that marine life is akin to fish and they can only be eaten on strictly allotted days. Others believe that fish cannot be compared with shrimp or squid, so you can eat the latter on other days of Lent.

Even if it became possible to eat fish, it is better to cook it not by frying. The best method of heat treatment is stewing, boiling, baking.

Try to indulge yourself in fasting with such fish dishes:

  1. bay pike perch. For cooking, you will need a pike perch about one kilogram in weight, a couple of onions, two carrots, black pepper, bay leaf, salt, agar (instead of gelatin), a couple of lemons, pickles, green peas, bell peppers, parsley. We remove the scales from the fish, take out the insides, remove the fins, bones, head. We put the latter in a container and fill it with water (one and a half liters). Add peeled onions, carrots. Bring to a boil, remove the foam and add pepper and bay leaf. Boil the broth for an hour. At the same time, pour agar-agar with cold water. Let it brew for an hour and filter. We introduce the liquid into the broth, salt. We put the pre-boiled pike perch fillet on a large dish, pour a small amount of agar mixture and put in the refrigerator. Once cooled, garnish with lemon and pepper slices on top. Pour again and cool the dish until it completely hardens.
  2. Okroshka fish. We fry any fish in vegetable oil, take out the bones, cut into pieces and put in a deep plate, add pickles, green onions, dill, tarragon and pour in kvass. You can salt the dish if you wish.
  3. . We take half a kilogram of any fish, three potatoes, one carrot, one onion, parsley root, half a glass of green peas, four tomatoes, a little vegetable oil, herbs, salt, spices. Boil the fish until done. We put chopped potatoes, pre-fried vegetables, roots into the hot broth. Five minutes before full readiness, add tomatoes and peas. Sprinkle with herbs when serving.
  4. Fish pie. For the filling you will need pink salmon fillet, pike perch, onion, a little sunflower oil, salt, spices. We take the finished puff pastry and roll it onto the pie. We put the pink salmon fillet, salt, pepper, put the fried onions on top. We place pike perch on top of pink salmon, salt it. Top with another layer of dough and form a "fish". You can draw a scale pattern with a knife. We bake the cake in a hot oven.

What can you eat in Lent by day from fat

In general, eating vegetable and animal fats during Lent is not recommended. You can not fry food on them, as well as add them to pastries, salads and other dishes. However, there are certain days of the so-called "relaxation". At this time, you can eat fish, which is also prohibited on the rest of the fasting days, drink some red wine and add vegetable oil to dishes.

Of the oils these days, you can eat any: sunflower, linseed, olive, sesame. It is advisable not to fry food on them, but to add them to salads and ready meals.

Palm Sunday and the Annunciation are considered days of relaxation.

But animal fats (lard, lard, butter) cannot be eaten during Great Lent on any days. Moreover, they are prohibited even as part of various dishes and products. For example, even bread should be cooked without them.

What can you eat during Lent from flour products

Eating bread and pastries during the days of Great Lent is not prohibited. The main condition is that they do not include prohibited foods, such as eggs, milk, oils, fats. Bread can be flavored with vegetable oil only on days of relief.

Of course, all kinds of muffins that are cooked on the dough cannot be eaten during Lent.

Various pasta can also be attributed to flour products. You can eat spaghetti, vermicelli, pasta, noodles.

For example, in many Italian recipes you can find lean dressings for pasta. Vegetable sauces and spices will help diversify dishes.

You can experiment with such lean dishes:

  • Pasta with vegetables. We take half a kilogram of pasta, a couple of carrots, 50 grams of parsley root, three onions, a glass of canned peas, a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste, one hundred grams of sunflower oil, greens. Finely chop onions, carrots and greens and fry in tomato paste in vegetable oil. Add peas to vegetables and mix them. Boil the pasta, drain the water and combine them with vegetables. Serve the dish hot, sprinkled with herbs.
  • Noodle soup. For cooking, you will need one onion and carrot, parsley root, a couple of tablespoons of sunflower oil, spices, salt, a glass of flour, a little water. Saute onions with carrots and parsley with the addition of salt and spices. For noodles, prepare the dough in water. Roll it out thinly and cut into thin strips. Boil the noodles until cooked and add the prepared vegetables to the water. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

What not to eat in Lent

First of all, in fasting, you should abandon products that are of animal origin. These include:
  1. Meat, poultry, and products based on it. These are sausages, sausages, broths and more.
  2. Dairy. This category also includes dairy products, as well as butter, ice cream.
  3. Eggs. You can not eat both raw and thermally processed eggs, and foods that contain them. For example, muffins, confectionery, mayonnaise and more.
  4. Gelatin. It is made from cartilage, which means it cannot be eaten. Agar-agar can replace it on a fasting table; jelly is also made from it. It is worth remembering that many sweets, marmalade, chewing gums are prepared from gelatin.
  5. Alcohol. Hard liquor is especially prohibited. On relaxation days, you can drink red wine, for example, Cahors in small quantities.
The strictest are the first and last weeks of Lent. Also, you can not overeat in the post. Otherwise, the whole tradition loses its meaning. Noisy festivities are not recommended during this period.

According to strict rules, on weekdays it is allowed to eat only once a day. Weekends twice a day.

What you can eat in Lent - look at the video:

Nutrition in Great Lent is not just a diet, but a conscious restriction of oneself in food and habitual entertainment. Remember that you need to leave the post carefully, without immediately leaning on animal protein. Let the body adapt after plant foods.

There are four fasts in the Christian church - Great Lent, Petrov, Assumption and Christmas. Each of them prescribes a ban on the consumption of animal products. However, there are certain rules that allow you to introduce dishes such as fish into the diet of a fasting person.

People who start fasting first may have legitimate questions. For example, what vegetable oil is preferable to eat in fasting, are there any days prohibiting the use of such oil? What drinks are preferred on fasting days? We will try to answer these and other questions to those who are interested right now.

Food in post

Of course, it must be lean food. That is, foods containing animal fats are excluded from the diet. On such days, there is a complete ban on the consumption of meat products, eggs, milk, sour cream and other dairy products. Preferred dishes from cereals, fruits, vegetables, with berries, with herbs. You can eat nuts, seeds, honey, dried fruits, mushrooms, that is, any plant food. Products, of course, must be fresh. Preferably cooked not for future use and eaten immediately after cooking. Instead of frying foods, you should resort to baking them, boiling them in water or steaming them, or stewing them.

When can you eat fish in fasting

is a rare product. Sometimes the church treats Orthodox Christians condescendingly and allows you to taste dishes from it on certain days of fasting. Fish dishes also include seafood. Such products and dishes from them are allowed to be consumed during Great Lent on the Annunciation, on Palm Sunday, on Lazarus Saturday before Palm Sunday. On other days of Orthodox fasting, the consumption of certain foods should be compared with the days of the fasting calendar, which is currently observed by a Christian.

Oil in the post

You need to understand that each fast contains days of "dry eating". That is, when allowed to eat, cooked without water or other liquids.

On days when it is allowed to “eat oil”, that is, eat with vegetable oil, baking, frying food, and adding oil to salads, main dishes, and soups are allowed. This is usually the weekend of posts. However, those who fast must strictly compare these days with the calendar of the next fast, so that they do not coincide, for example, with Holy Week, when the fast is especially strict.

Drinks in the post

Alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited on fasting days! However, the church allows on weekends, when fish and seafood are allowed, low-alcohol drinks in moderation, such as wine, beer, mead.

Drinks that do not contain alcohol are acceptable for food in any quantities. It is preferable that these be drinks that saturate the body with vitamins, such as vegetables and fruits, compotes, boils, homemade lemonade, green tea, chicory drink, mineral water.



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