Dreams on Maundy Thursday come true. What does a dream from Wednesday to Thursday mean: interpretations of dream books

At all times, people have attached great importance to dreams. This phenomenon still excites the minds of scientists in most modern sciences. The nature of dreams has not been fully revealed, and ordinary people can only guess about their meanings and symbols. Surely, you or someone you know has at least once in your life managed to have dreams that later came true. They are called prophetic. People attach particular importance to dreams that occur on the night from Wednesday to Thursday. There is an opinion that they become prophetic or carry some kind of secret meaning, which is very important to correctly unravel.

Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday: what does it mean?

Sometimes even a non-superstitious person encounters something inexplicable, but very real, in his life. It’s one thing to see in a dream your future, which you dream about so much, and quite another to receive a sign from above, some kind of warning or threat.

Some dreams are scary, others make you think, and others are completely reassuring. What does sleep from Wednesday to Thursday mean?

It is believed that if you dreamed of a large-scale event in which you took an active part, then in real life you will experience career growth at work or another tempting change. When a person sees his deceased relatives, he should be on alert. Perhaps an unpleasant event awaits him in the near future, about which such a dream from Wednesday to Thursday warns him.

In ancient times, people were sure that during sleep a person’s soul leaves the body and goes about its business. It was believed that dreams are real events that happened in another world with the immaterial essence of the body.

If you see any bright detail on this day, it is probably a symbol. For example, banknotes are dreamed of on the eve of misfortune, and coins mean minor troubles.

A dream associated with water warns you of a change in your health. Seeing a cloudy liquid means illness. Crystal clear water in night dreams is a harbinger of improved well-being. Fresh bright flowers are a symbol of future love. Withered roses warn of a deterioration in relationships with a loved one and other problems in your personal life.

To find out the exact interpretation of sleep from Wednesday to Thursday, you should look into the dream book. Over time, you will be able to independently unravel the signs from your own dreams on Thursday night.

Do dreams come true from Wednesday to Thursday?

Many people ask a completely logical question: why does the dream make sense on the night from Wednesday to Thursday? Astrology provides a comprehensive explanation. It turns out that Thursday is strongly influenced by Jupiter. This is the largest planet in the solar system, and in classical astrology it is endowed with mystical powers. Jupiter is even called the Great Beneficus. Therefore, the day of the week, which is under the influence of a strong planet, also affects our unconscious.

The strengths of the planet Jupiter are intuition and insight. It embodies the ability to study reality through a non-rational approach. Jupiter is the second patron of the sign Pisces.

No researcher can say with certainty whether dreams come true from Wednesday to Thursday. This conclusion can only be drawn from personal experience. Since ancient times, people have noted that dreams seen on this day, if they do not turn out to be prophetic, then certainly carry a vivid meaning.

To see a prophetic dream, many even perform special rituals with sorcerers and witches. There are also more realistic methods. For example, taking a bath with essential oils before resting, followed by self-programming. It is enough for a person to understand: everything that he sees at night in an unconscious state is the product of his brain. Tell yourself while lying in bed: “Let me dream about the real future. I want it that way. I need it".

The embodiment of the dream that you saw on the night from Wednesday to Thursday should be expected on Sunday. This can be absolutely any day of your life, and not necessarily the end of the current week.

What needs to be done to implement sleep from Wednesday to Thursday?

It is human nature to forget the bad and remember the good. However, sometimes memories of terrible dreams torment you for years, and you have to wait a lifetime for the realization of happy ones.

If you dreamed of a joyful event on Thursday night, try to do everything to make it a reality. In dream books there are several interesting methods that should help the expected event to occur as quickly as possible:

  1. If you wake up confident that the dream is real life, immediately roll over onto your left side and fall asleep again. It is believed that this method attracts joyful events from night dreams.
  2. When you wake up, get out of bed and say out loud: “This is a very joyful and long-awaited event in my life that I have yet to experience.” After this, bow three times and imagine yourself in this situation.

Not every dream from Wednesday to Thursday foretells joyful moments. If you recognize harbingers of trouble in it, exercise maximum caution. The main thing is to remember that a person’s fate is only in his hands, and only he himself has the exclusive right to dispose of it.

When do dreams come true? Will your dream from Wednesday to Thursday come true?


Oleg Shishkin

Every person, like any living creature, has a need for rest, in particular, we need sleep. It can be serene or not, you can see rainbow dreams, black and white, sleep absolutely without dreams, or you can see so-called prophetic dreams.
As for the characteristics of dreams from Wednesday to Thursday, it is worth first saying that prophetic dreams, unlike ordinary dreams, most often have a direct meaning. Such a dream will be easy to remember, it is colorful and looks like a movie. In most cases, after such a film, you wake up and are impressed by it for a long time. But it also happens that a dream can be repeated in reality and a person intuitively reproduces his actions as in a dream. Because he believes that dreams can be prophetic. But prophetic dreams are given more so that there is an opportunity to make changes in the situation in the necessary direction, rather than repeat it. That is, a prophetic dream should be analyzed as a warning and advice.
Thursday is the day of the “public” planet Jupiter. Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday equally tell about work, about the promising future opening up before you.
A dream from Wednesday to Thursday will indicate activities that can bring significant success. “Jupiterian” dreams can also tell about your leader or patronesses, sponsors, educators. On Thursday night you can find out the solution to any problems related to social and collective life.
It’s quite good if in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday you participated in a big event. Large-scale views of Jupiter in a dream denote your rapid success in social activities, rapid promotion, and the love of your bosses for you. If a small number of participants are involved in “Jupiterian” dreams, it means that work is not the main thing now and no fundamental changes are expected in this regard. If you see your ancestors or sights of distant times, it means that life will force you to continue the work of your fathers, to study their profession. One young man who dreamed of becoming a doctor saw his great-grandmother on Thursday night. She took him to her workshop and talked for a long time about who taught her this business, although the young man did not understand which one. A year later, he suddenly changes plans and enrolls in a light industry technical school. Having already received the profession of a tailor, he learns that his great-grandmother was also a dressmaker.

If you had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, then it should come true on Sunday.

In order for your dream to come true, you need to remember a simple rule that you should call upon a prophetic dream only in the last days of the waxing moon. Before you go to bed, take a relaxing bath with a few drops of lavender, peppermint and rosemary oils. While you are taking a bath, fumigate your bedroom with sandalwood-scented scents. If you don’t find incense sticks with this scent, you should fumigate the room with a dried aloe stalk. It is important that you rest in absolute solitude. Relax and the entire time you fall asleep, think about a problem that interests you and that you want to get an answer to. Try to distract yourself from other thoughts. When you feel that you are starting to fall asleep, repeat the spell to yourself in a whisper 5 times: “Let you dream what should come true. That’s what I want!”


they say it's a dream

sleep from Wednesday to Thursday



I have prophetic dreams literally every day, but at dawn, no matter whether it’s Thursday or Friday))) And you don’t need to wait, but take the first steps yourself, because people tend to pause and wait for someone to then, but not me, I came and asked.


People only dream about you when they even briefly remember you.

Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday. By clicking on the Dream Interpretation link under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by dream interpreters on our website. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to the dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams mean: Dream from Wednesday to Thursday, or what it means to see a Dream from Wednesday to Thursday in a dream.

Dream about husband, man and wine

I dream of a room - in it I, my husband, some young handsome man. My husband with a bottle of wine and glasses - pours wine - for me and the man. And he himself will drink from the neck of the bottle. The man looks at me lustfully, and I’m sitting on the sofa in some kind of lace nightie. We take glasses, but don't drink. My husband pours a bottle on his feet...

Dream about ex-husband

My ex-husband and I have been divorced for 2 years now. I cut off all contact with him. The other day I had a dream about him. It’s as if they were telling me on the phone about his death. They say he fell to his death. I start crying and that wakes me up. And in reality I discover that I really am in tears. What could this mean?


Hello, I dreamed that I ate a bat... It was delicious... It was so strange, then I eat it... I didn’t see that it was flying or was alive, but I saw it and ate it.. Who then prepare it for me.... Could this be connected with discord in the family.... We had difficult days with my husband, then I dreamed about her, but only today we talked and made peace...


The fact is that several months ago I had an intimate relationship with an acquaintance. After which he disappeared and did not call me for a long time. Then he found me, apologized for his long absence, and the next day when we were supposed to meet, he again did not pick up the phone and has not been in touch since then. And throughout all these months I regularly dream that we met (each time in different places that seem familiar to me) he apologizes, we are together again and everything is fine with us. In a dream, his words are true. I feel calm, peaceful.

These dreams don’t let me get him out of my head, they give me false hope, when I wake up, I think about him again, analyze the dreams and try to believe that what I’m dreaming will happen in reality... Please tell me how to explain this dream?

Dream on Intercession

I recently met a guy. We met, but this meeting did not bring any clarity...

And on the holiday of Intercession I had the following dream: I entered some incorrect code into the phone and as a result it was locked. I am in a room, there are some people there and I know in a dream that these are relatives of that same guy. Everyone speaks German and only one man (in the dream I knew it was his father) somehow spoke rudely to me in Russian - he said that it was all my fault, I should have thought earlier. I was very upset, went outside and sat on a bench, crying. My friend comes up to me and begins to console me. But somehow very intrusive. Then this same guy appears and pushes her out. He begins to say something good, to reassure.

Then the picture changes and I see steps leading to the temple. The atmosphere is festive, it feels like a festive service is going on. I know this, but I don't see any sign of this service. I go there, I see women sitting on the floor and completely wrapped in colorful scarves, from head to toe. So I can't look at them. I go up to the second floor and see two guys there, very similar to each other. I know one of them is the same guy. I'm trying to figure out who it is, and I recognize him. I say - here he is, I recognized him. This is where I woke up.

Please help me understand what all this means.

Dream and church

In general, it turns out that the dream takes place in a church, or a temple closer to the entrance, the clergy passed by there, they didn’t bother us, I was with a girl (at the moment with my beloved girl, who treats me like a friend), so there was a bench there and we let's go lie down on her, it was a little cold, she was lightly dressed, and I unfolded my coat and put it closer to warm her up, we lay there, talked, then after a while we got up and left..

The dream is how I really see the world

Glass. Everything was made of glass and sunlight. There were people everywhere. It was a huge shopping center. Everything is bright and fresh. I leave the shopping center and bright red hair immediately catches my eye. It was an actress. I followed her...

I'm standing near the table. The table is taller than me. I'm somewhere in the village, in a log house. Summer. Greenery and bright flowers are visible in the window. Birds are singing. I went outside. I walked along the sandy path. It was hot and smelled of flowers. The path ran next to the forest. Suddenly I saw people walking ahead of me. These were also actors. One of them has long hair down to her toes and she is wearing a beautiful long colorful dress. The actor walking next to her is blond with shoulder-length hair. I looked up at them and followed them. She ran. Then another girl walked past me. I stopped. They were already far away. When I returned, I put on all my bracelets and rings made of plastic. I returned to the yard again. After looking at the road for a long time, I again saw the actress a couple of steps away from me. And then, as a very little girl, I decided to show off my bracelets... Then I got embarrassed and ran back.

Then everything disappeared again and I found myself in my apartment. I look out the window. There's greenery everywhere. Summer. There is a football field next to the house, and they play football on it. I look closer and David Beckham is playing there. (the ending is bad. After that I woke up)

Dream about a dead hand

We're talking about the forearm, if that's important.

I look at the inside of my left hand and suddenly notice a small, oozing sore. It is pale and transparent, smaller than a grain of rice.

And suddenly, the hole expands, becomes the size of a small coin, and a powerful stream of fairly transparent liquid flies out. I see how the skin and meat from my hand begins to fall off in pieces, I see a bone. It doesn't hurt, but it's creepy.

I keep the remaining fabrics and somehow wrap them with a rag.

Then - the hospital, people in gowns, they sent me to the ward. There the doctor turns to the patients and asks:

Who takes charge of the new patient? She is facing a complex operation and needs care.

A wizened, wizened old woman in a dark robe volunteered.

I went to look for my bed. She wasn’t in this ward, so she went to look for her in another, asked the doctors and the staff. The patients... But there was no answer..

And I really wanted to lie down.

That's all.

Dream within a dream

In the dream, I was sitting in my room, the door to it was closed. Then I began to sing Britney Spears' song Stronger, performing a solo dance with a chair, as in the video, from time to time I saw excerpts of the video itself, when I hit the strongest notes, I suddenly “woke up”, but it was also a dream, my mother “woke me up” and my late grandmother, they began to say that I sang very loudly in my sleep and that this way I could wake up the neighbors...


The dream often repeats itself, only in different situations: I think that I have a child, whom I recently gave birth to, I unwrap it, take a closer look, and there is a kitten.

Dream movie

At first, this happened in my grandmother’s house (the house looked like it did 10 years ago inside), in my grandmother’s room we are standing with my brother (he died) and he injects himself with a drug slantwise into his cheekbone under his eye from the side to his nose (in our family there are no drug addicts and never were), and I tell him that you don’t understand what you’re doing..... It’s a drug, and he answers me, it’s a one-time thing and it’s not addictive, I want to try it, after that his eyes became strongly and not real blue in color, bulging and he let's talk some kind of garbage..... After that he gets involved with some bad company..... There were a lot of prostitutes and other similar people (they were wild), I was looking for my brother, and came across them, I stole them, and let’s accustom them to life, we drew and did something else.... In general, they became normal people, but still with a weak psyche. ...Then this gang found us and repented that they had treated them badly... And they seemed to measure up and stopped engaging in assault... But my brother and some other guy from They did not refuse the robbery. Someone chased us; we were driving my work bus and the driver was also from my work. While we were driving, we saw a graduation party, from this evening we needed to pick up the girl since she was one of us, since we could not stop, we tried to pick her up on the move by opening the doors of the bus. Then we stopped because there was a large car on the road that looked like a shift car (all orange), I started saving people by opening the doors from behind and suddenly my father was with me, we were very tired, he was all dirty and was half naked, the engine of this one caught fire car and dad was sitting next to him on a chair, I ran up to him and said, dad let’s run because it’s about to explode, and he tells me, all the time I came, I can’t move, and I tell him, no, you just don’t want to get out yourself, let’s just- make a little effort, he leaned on me and we hobbled away from this car and it exploded behind our backs without damaging us... Dad was picked up by rescued people who stood far from this car, and I ran after these boys who arranged it (one of it turned out to be my husband). Along this road (along which all the actions took place), there was a city on one side, and on the other a kind of hillock, and behind it there was devastation, a dark sky, some smoke, some cinders, and I was chasing after it, catching up... And this is my husband, he’s crying and remorseful, and he’s always trying to get away from me... He seems unworthy, and I’m trying to grab him. .. And with this feeling of anxiety I wake up....

Dream about deceased grandmother

I have a young man (he is married) who has been coming to see me about once a month for 3 years! Now I am pregnant from someone else who, having learned about the pregnancy, left me. And the first one, despite the fact that I’m already 8 months old, still drives like this, supports me both morally and financially! A month ago I dreamed of my grandmother; in the dream she swore at me because I wanted to let Andrey (a married man) spend the night at her place. I woke up immediately!

I went to church - I put it to rest! Yesterday I dreamed again that I met Andrei on the street, he hugs me, and then I see my grandmother again, I cursed again, asked if my mother knew about Andrei!

Now I’m wondering if it’s worth paying attention to these dreams! After all, Andrei has been visiting me for 3 years now and I haven’t had such dreams before, maybe I’ve just become too suspicious because of the pregnancy!

Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday, first of all, contains information about upcoming changes. Career, business, financial issues will be affected. You have a chance to take a higher position and meet new people who can help you move up the career ladder.

Let's figure out how unusual the interpretation of dreams from Wednesday to Thursday is.

In your dreams, events related to work activities and occurred with your participation- there will be good news in the financial sector. For example, the boss will issue a bonus or offer a new, higher-paying position.

We had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday with close relatives who left this world- a new job related to childhood dreams is expected. Even if you have to master it from scratch, it will give you pleasure. In addition, a hobby can develop into a main activity and generate a stable income.

Dreamsfrom Wednesday to Thursday have one feature- they come true if you manage to remember it in all details. If you couldn’t remember the details, you shouldn’t count on luck; positive changes are not expected in the near future. On the contrary, boring everyday routine work will await you, bringing dissatisfaction and bad mood. The situation may change no earlier than in two weeks, and then you should not miss your chance.

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday - what the patron of Thursday is preparing - Jupiter

Thursday is ruled by Jupiter- the planet is strict, pragmatic, dealing with mundane, but no less important problems. Material well-being and career growth depend on his favor.

Sleeping from Wednesday to Thursday is an excellent hint in terms of further actions. You shouldn't ignore them. On the contrary, it is necessary to understand the signs being given and take measures to implement them.

The main sphere of Jupiter's protection is social and professional. His recommendations seem incomprehensible only at first glance. Later it turns out that this was the only correct decision. For example, I remembered a childhood hobby that grew into a hobby at a higher level. People around me did not take the occupation seriously, but in fact it became the main source of income.

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday, in which you dreamed of a magnificent celebration at which you were honored for your labor successes- get ready for successful career growth that will happen soon.

Instead of a joyful event, we saw gray everyday life in a dream- your resource at your existing place of work has been exhausted, you no longer have ways to implement it. It is worth considering a change in direction of activity. The space giant will support you in this decision. He will tell you in which area to realize your potential and where to find the necessary contacts for promotion.

Why do you dream from Wednesday to Thursday?

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday show that you have great potential for further career growth and improving your financial situation. The patron of sleep on this day provides the necessary energy to enable the implementation of your plans. Jupiter gives direct instructions in dreams that tell you what to do in reality. The people who surround you in your dreams deserve special attention. In ordinary life, it is from them that you should expect help.

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday with a love theme Dreams that appear on Thursday will not bring romantic relationships. Jupiter is not a sensual planet. Most likely, the dream reflects your hopes for a quick meeting with a potential chosen one or is a consequence of past feelings. If in reality there was a breakup, then an imaginary conversation will help you get through it.

See your wedding in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday with a loved one does not mean marrying him, although Jupiter does not exclude such a possibility in the distant future.

Participate in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday in a mass celebration- in reality, find yourself in an interesting, friendly company with whom you will meet more than once in an informal setting.

The most common dreams on Thursday - about official activities. They are very useful and it is advisable to remember them. Interpretation varies depending on the circumstances. If you see yourself in a pleasant environment, get ready to be offered a new, higher-paying job. After sleep, you still have some unpleasant feelings - there are intrigues and gossip going around in your team. We urgently need to correct the situation before things go too far.

Dreaming of a fun holiday in a nice environment, perhaps while traveling. It is necessary to distinguish between situations. Just fun speaks of the need for rest. Nervous tension at work has reached its limit; a breakdown may occur, which will greatly harm your career. It is urgent to get distracted, for example, to go to the country, to nature, but not for long. It is better not to plan a long trip. The time is not the best for him, even if he dreamed of it in a beautiful, memorable dream. Vacation may be interrupted by the need to complete urgent work. If you don't want to be disappointed, reschedule your trip.

You in a dream we found ourselves on the Olympus of Glory- a very good omen. Jupiter says that new opportunities for self-realization have appeared in your life and they will bring good luck. Take into account all the little things, take advantage of all the clues from the dream and success is guaranteed.

If you saw yourself in a dream as a student, it’s worth taking up self-education: taking advanced training courses or studying a foreign language. This long-term investment in knowledge will definitely bring good dividends in the form of a new, more prestigious job.

I dreamed about dead relatives- it's always a warning. Think over every step, do not commit rash acts - and troubles will bypass you, relationships with colleagues will improve.

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday- a good hint, a guide to action. If you remember them, they will help you get around sharp corners and build a career.

Do dreams come true from Wednesday to Thursday? There is no clear answer to this question. The opinions of dream book authors vary. Let's talk about what Thursday dreams can mean and how often they are prophetic.

Thursday is the day when Jupiter has a strong influence on a person. The energy of this planet is aimed at finding a calling, the meaning of life. Therefore, in dreams you can often see hints - what direction of action is your priority now, how you need to act to achieve your goals.

Therefore, most predictions provide information about career, work, business and everything related to self-realization. Very often, representatives of a person’s race appear in such dreams: his ancestors tell him what to do to achieve success.

Why do you have a dream on Thursday according to dream books?

In different dream books, interpretations of Thursday dreams may differ. Read the predictions and try to feel which of them resonates most strongly in your soul.

Dream book predictions:

  1. If you saw one of your ancestors in a dream, then you need to find out what they did during their lifetime. The same activity will allow you to become a successful person.
  2. If the pictures of a dream are unclear, blurry, you remember it as if in a fog, this is an unfavorable sign. He says that a crisis period will begin at work. Conflicts with superiors or colleagues are likely.
  3. A very colorful and vivid dream with a dynamic plot development indicates that a period of development of creative potential and intellectual abilities is beginning in your life. You can generate a bunch of ideas and bring them to life - everything you plan will quickly come true.
  4. If in real life you are worried about some situation, then at night you can get an answer on how to behave in it. The hint will come from a familiar person with whom you will talk in a dream. Follow his advice.
  5. Very often, Thursday dreams predict the fulfillment of some cherished desire. You will also receive a hint about when you should expect new opportunities from fate to quickly “make your dreams come true.”
  6. In a dream, you can see opportunities for realizing your goals, solving all sorts of problems. The subconscious mind suggests answers to the most significant questions in the current moment of life.

And sometimes dreams reflect your innermost desires and dreams. You want them to come true, but if this is not yet possible in real life, they come true in dreams.

Will the dream be prophetic?

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday never come true with certainty. Therefore, you should not expect them to be prophetic. But they are not “empty” either: it is very important to decipher what sign fate sends through night visions in the kingdom of Morpheus.

  1. A dream from Wednesday to Thursday is a warning from Fate about drastic changes that will come in your life very soon. Most likely, they will affect your professional activity in a favorable way: you will receive a salary increase or move to a higher position.
  2. Sometimes such dreams foreshadow profitable acquaintances: with new clients, partners, or simply people who will support you in a difficult situation. New, unexpected sources of income may also appear.
  3. If you dream of a dead person, this is an unfavorable sign that foreshadows something bad. An unpleasant event may occur, you will experience negative emotions or have a fight with someone.
  4. To interpret a dream, try to describe it in detail immediately after waking up. This will help you not to forget the plot and turn to dream books at a convenient time.
  5. Some sources indicate that Thursday dreams come true, but not in the near future. In a few months, something that happened in a dream may happen to you in real life, and then you will remember it.

Important points:

  • If you had a dream on the 10th, 18th or 27th, it is associated with pets. The sign is not good: your animal will get sick soon, contact your veterinarian;
  • Dreams during the waxing moon foretell an acquaintance with your future husband. This is a person who has been in your environment for a long time, but you do not pay any attention to him. Look around to see who is worthy of your favor;
  • If you had a good dream during the period when the moon is waning, you need to make a wish in the morning and it will certainly come true in the very near future.

Watch the video about what a dream from Wednesday to Thursday can mean:

How to interpret a Thursday dream?

  1. If at this time in your life you are in search of your calling and favorite thing, pay attention to the signs that you noticed while traveling through the kingdom of Morpheus. They will indicate in which direction you need to act.
  2. If you see acquaintances whom you constantly meet in real life, these people will bring you big trouble in the near future. Be vigilant and careful, do not be frank with them.
  3. If in a dream you received an award: a medal, cup or certificate, or saw yourself on stage, then in real life a large sum of money will come from an unexpected source. Part of it should be spent on charity.
  4. If you can’t remember what you dreamed, don’t attach much importance to it. Most likely, you wouldn't learn anything important.

And remember: even if the interpretation of the dream book portends something bad, you should not set yourself up for bad things. This is just a sign of fate that will help you avoid troubles, but not a prophetic dream.

Why do you dream from Wednesday to Thursday?

The interpretation of night dreams is considered a certain method of prediction. Let's try to figure out what the dream portends from Wednesday to Thursday. Is it prophetic? Are they coming true?

Basically, these dreams have a social connotation; they reflect your life with the people around you, how you are perceived in your work team.

The planet that affects Thursday's dreams is Jupiter. Astrologers say that dreams on a given night foreshadow changes in the professional sphere. The dream indicates your relationships with influential people.

Do dreams come true

Dreams on the night from Wednesday to Thursday

The dream occurs on the night from Wednesday to Thursday; you should expect that in reality it will come true if:

  • In the dream plot, the dreamer participated in some actions. This dreams of career prospects.
  • I had dreams with a lot of people. Such night visions indicate that the professional sphere is not in the first place for the sleeper at the moment.
  • In the night story, you dream of family and friends - you have to delve into the basics of the family business.
  • The actions in the dream were active - very soon in real life you will get a chance to turn your ideas into reality.
  • The plot of the dream was boring - in real life you do not care about your position at work.

What stories do you dream about?

When interpreting night visions that occurred on the night from Wednesday to Thursday, you need to remember all the details. Let's look at several stories that may be dreamed of during this period.

Ex-husband or boyfriend

If an ex was seen in a night story from Wednesday to Thursday, then the interpretation of the night vision may mean:

  • Your ex-betrothed thinks about you or is jealous of you.
  • In real life, a quarrel with him may occur.
  • A former chosen one in a dream may indicate that the girl actually feels love for him.
  • Night vision can be prophetic if your ex is dreaming on the night from Wednesday to Thursday. Your real life ex probably thinks about you all the time.

I dreamed about my beloved

In the night story from Wednesday to Thursday, you saw your chosen one, and he smiled - which means that in real life he is confident in your sincerity towards him.

He cried? It’s worth talking to him, maybe something is bothering him.

We saw him naked - the young man now needs to be alone and collect his thoughts.

Dream about an accident

If you dreamed of an accident on Wednesday

If you dreamed of an accident on Thursday night, the dream book advises the dreamer to be more careful and treat others with attention.

There is a dream about an accident in a night scene in which the dreamer got into - to the failure of the plan.

I dreamed of an accident and relatives died in it - a favorable dream, indicating the support of family and friends.

I dreamed of a coffin

The dream book indicates that the coffin dreams of making a big profit. A dream may warn the dreamer that it is worth taking a closer look at those around you, as there is a possibility of deception. There is also an interesting interpretation that it is on Wednesday that one dreams of the coffin of love.

Pregnancy portends

What do dreams about pregnancy mean?

This vision can appear in a night dream to those who actually dream of having a baby.

If a virgin saw herself pregnant in a dream, it means she will get married soon.

If you dreamed about pregnancy

If you believe the interpretation of the dream book, then your own pregnancy, seen in the night story, indicates difficulties in the dreamer’s real life. The interpretation indicates that everything depends on who was pregnant.


  • The dreamer's sister means financial well-being.
  • If in reality you don’t have a sister, it means moving up the career ladder.
  • In real life, the dreamer has only brothers - the dream book interprets night vision as a warning sign: the dreamer is surrounded by a person who wants to cause him pain and trouble.


A dream with a pregnant mother can be prophetic and foretell the birth of a brother or sister to the person who saw the night vision.


Seeing a representative of the strong half of humanity in a position means changes in life.

Who had this vision:

  • For a woman, you need protection and care.
  • For a man - to a favorable resolution of what was started.

Having woken up, you were left confused whether the dream would come true or not?

Dreams come true

If you liked the plot you dreamed about from Wednesday to Thursday and you want it to be prophetic, try to adhere to a few simple rules.

  1. When you wake up in the morning, do not rush to get out of bed, but say: “This dream is a bright event in my real life.” Next, getting out of bed, you need to bow three times and mentally need to abandon the situation that you saw in the dream.
  2. People say: if a dreamer wakes up in a good mood, but does not remember the plot well, then he needs to say: “I don’t remember what I dreamed, but the dream I saw controls my actions.” After such a phrase, be sure to remember the night vision and thereby bring only good events into your life.

Scary dream

On Thursday morning, did you see a terrible vision that frightened you with its scenes? You don’t want such dreams to become prophetic? The dream book indicates that in order to avoid further troubles, try to adhere to the following methods:

  1. Try not to react to this nightly plot, prepare yourself for the fact that this is just an insignificant and empty vision.
  2. You can also sit in the lotus position with your arms stretched forward and say loudly: “I don’t believe it! I do not believe! I do not believe!". In this way, you can avoid the troubles that come with the interpretation of even the most terrible dreams.
  3. The dream book advises doing everything contrary to the dream. Remember that there is no force that can overcome your efforts.

The dream book indicates that whether to believe in the night plot or not, each person decides for himself. But we must not forget that all dreams are sent by our subconscious, which, through dreamed visions, tries to warn us about the coming future.

Your mark:

A dream from Wednesday to Thursday always means serious changes in life, and rather positive ones related to money and career. The better you remember this dream, the greater the chances that it will come true. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to any clues that can help you make your dream come true.

Career and well-being

Dreams on the night from Wednesday to Thursday patronized by the planet Jupiter. Jupiter is responsible for academic success, career advancement, financial well-being and profit making.

  • A dream you saw this night can tell you what you should devote your life to. Perhaps it’s time to go learn something new, master another profession, gain the missing skills. If you are a mechanic, and in your dream you find yourself as a chef in a luxury restaurant, think about culinary courses. If you are a programmer, and on the night from Wednesday to Thursday you saw yourself on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, try taking dance lessons. By performing in amateur groups, a person can also earn a good income.
  • Your favorite hobby may also appear in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, which means the possibility of generating income from this activity.
  • When you see deceased relatives, consider continuing the family business or trying a traditional family profession. Perhaps success will come from this direction.
  • By the way, you may also dream about your own work. This is a sign that your efforts in your career will soon be rewarded. Show diligence, develop vigorous activity. A salary increase and a new position will not keep you waiting. However, be careful if in a dream you saw your colleagues plotting against you. Perhaps this is true in real life. A quarrel with your boss can also mean future troubles at work.
  • Jupiter patronizes social connections and business acquaintances. Meeting with a person who is useful to you means that he will not mind helping you.
  • It is extremely favorable to see in a dream the successful result of your activities. Have no doubt, if you dreamed of a family holiday in honor of a promotion at work or just a large sum in your bank account, then in life it’s not far from this. Particular success is foreshadowed by solemn celebrations of your achievements.

Recreation and entertainment

A person who needs a break may dream on Thursday night nice trip, walk, quiet, peaceful environment. In this case, we are not talking about new achievements, but about issues of health and well-being. Even if you can't take a break right now, start planning a vacation or day off. Such a dream may have another meaning: take care of your strength, you will need it soon.

Love affairs

From this side no need to expect success, although there will most likely not be significant harm.

  • A meeting with a former lover suggests that he is still thinking about you, misses you and cannot find a place for himself out of melancholy. But this does not mean that you should return to it. If a person dreams from Wednesday to Thursday, you should stay away from your ex-lover to avoid quarrels based on jealousy and other troubles. It doesn't matter how you feel about this person. Just try not to see him.
  • If you are celebrating a wedding with your current chosen one, this does not at all foreshadow an imminent engagement. Yes, you love each other, you are ready to spend your whole life together, but you won’t be going down the aisle anytime soon.
  • Success in a new relationship is also not expected.

Spiritual growth and development

Jupiter is a practical planet, it patronizes mundane activities. Therefore, you should not look for directions for spiritual development in your dreams from Wednesday to Thursday, unless you risk combining it with business and generating income.

What else could a dream from Wednesday to Thursday portend?

  • Dreaming of your own house - foretells future worries and chores around the house.
  • A hospital, a doctor, an orderly - all this may hint at health problems.
  • The arrival of guests means a warm meeting with old friends.
  • If you dream of a coffin, don’t be afraid, this is not a sign of sad events. On the contrary, it portends easy income.
  • Pregnancy is a dream for those who are ready to have a child. Their wish will come true.
  • An accident seen in a dream will prevent your cherished plans from coming true.

Most likely yes. Many dream books claim that dreams from Wednesday to Thursday tend to come true. The more actively events developed, the more likely it was that they will happen again in real life. It is believed that a dream from Wednesday to Thursday will most likely come true by Sunday.

It’s good if the dream foreshadowed pleasant events, for example, career growth, a salary increase, or receiving an inheritance. If you woke up in a great mood on Thursday morning, try to remember what you saw in your dream and think about it during the whole day. The dream will come true only if you do not forget the details. Otherwise, nothing good can be expected.

Give thanks to the universe and say that you would like to make what happened in reality. Pay attention to who exactly you dreamed about. This person will likely be able to help you a lot in the near future, so it's worth scheduling a meeting with him.

But what if you dream about something bad that night? There's no need to worry.

  • Firstly, there is always a chance that a bad dream is not about your future, but about your current fears and sorrows. Do not attach much importance to the troubles you dreamed of. First of all, think that this is just a dream.
  • Secondly, you can make efforts to ensure that the dream does not come true. Do everything contrary to your sleep. If you dreamed of someone's house or a public place where you often go, try not to appear there for a while. If that night you dreamed of a person whose actions frightened you, avoid his company for at least a few days. In a word, don’t give the dream a chance to become reality, and then it won’t come true.



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