What to eat on Holy Week. What can you eat in Holy Week before Easter

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Today, April 2, began Holy Week 2018 and it will last until April 7, ending with a holiday. Holy Week is the strictest week of Lent. During this period, Orthodox Christians remember the last days of earthly life, the suffering and death of Jesus Christ.

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great post- one of the main events in the life of every Orthodox Christian. The fasting period begins after the celebration of Maslenitsa. Fasting is associated both with limiting oneself in food, and to a greater extent with deep spiritual reflections, prayers, cleansing one's soul from the burden of accumulated sins.

The tradition of following the requirements of Great Lent was established in memory of Christ and his forty days spent in the wilderness. From here came the second name of the post - "Fourteen".

The most difficult days in this period are Clean Monday, following Maslenitsa and being the first day of abstinence from food and entertainment, as well as Good Friday. In these two days, it is important to completely refuse food. For the reason that Lent is ancient tradition, the church has established and clearly defined rules for eating literally for each of the days. Despite many restrictions, the proposed diet is balanced and contains all essential vitamins and trace elements that give a person physical strength.

Lent involves eating fruit and vegetable dishes, dried fruits, cereals, canned food, legumes and nuts, sweets, and on certain days - fish and seafood, vegetable oils. It is necessary to abstain completely from meat, milk, any food with its components, eggs, alcohol. Sweets should also be completely eliminated. The only sweet food that you can occasionally indulge in is honey.

The last seven days of Lent are called Holy Week. This time is isolated so that people remember the terrible final days of Christ's life on earth among people, about his sufferings endured in the name of atonement for the sins of all mankind. When it starts in 2016, we will find out at.

The time of Holy Week should be spent in repentance, reading prayers. It is worth giving up both certain foods and entertainment and recreational activities, bad habits. It is important during this period to realize all your sins, sincerely repent of them, cleanse your soul.

The Orthodox faith teaches Christians that despondency or angry feelings during Holy Week are considered as sinful as, for example, eating meat and wine. The last days of Great Lent are given to a person to understand the meaning of the whole time of abstinence. Therefore, it is logical that the remaining week before the meeting of the Easter holiday is considered the strictest.

Many Orthodox Christians, especially at the beginning of their churching, ask themselves the question: Holy Week, what can you eat every day?

In the last seven days of Lent, it is allowed to eat:
- bread;
- vegetables and fruits in fresh, dried, dried or any other form;
- mushrooms.

Foodstuffs are not allowed to be cooked, i.e. boiled or fried. Instead of thermally processed food, you need to eat raw vegetables and fruits. At the same time, dishes prepared from them should be without adding vegetable oil. Drinks also have their own restrictions: only teas and some infusions are allowed. Of course, alcohol is completely prohibited. On the days of Holy Week, one evening meal is allowed.

Of course, any organism, even with excellent health, you need to allow small concessions. Orthodoxy provides for a number of exceptions in the second half of Holy Week: starting from Thursday inclusive, Christians are allowed to take hot vegetable food cooked without adding oil. During this period, two meals a day are provided, including a small amount of red wine to maintain the strength of the body.

But such exceptions will need to be left on the day of Good Friday, which involves a complete abstinence from food. According to Scripture, Christ was crucified on this day. Therefore, Good Friday is a difficult day, not only in the physical plane because of complete failure from food, but also in the spiritual, when a true Christian deeply experiences this tragic and terrible event.

On Saturday of Holy Week, some indulgences are allowed, so again you can return to taking hot plant foods cooked without adding oil.

IN summary The menu for Holy Week of Great Lent is as follows:

1. Monday, Wednesday, Friday - dry eating (vegetable and fruit dishes, water, bread, honey, dried fruits), products are not subjected to heat treatment and oil dressing.
2. Tuesday, Thursday - plant food, thermally processed, without oil.
3. Saturday, Sunday - vegetable food, thermally processed, with oil.

On all days of Holy Week, it is forbidden to visit entertainment establishments, you need to attend church services, confess, and take Communion. Time spent at home should be devoted to prayer and spiritual reflection. Orthodox Christian, thus, prepares itself for the meeting of the bright holiday of Easter through physical and spiritual cleansing.

From Thursday inclusive, you need to start general cleaning dwellings, baking Easter cakes. All preparations must be completed on Saturday, and already on Sunday to celebrate the Great Holiday - Bright Easter.

All days of Holy Week are special and are called Great or Passion Days, and Old Testament stories are closely intertwined with what is happening in last days earthly life of Jesus Christ.

In Orthodox churches, special services are held during Holy Week, which are considered the most majestic and solemn for the entire church year.

On Holy Week, the dead are not commemorated, the days of saints are not celebrated - at this time, all the rites are devoted to preparing for Easter or the Bright Resurrection of Christ.

He asked what the days of Holy Week are dedicated to and what can and cannot be eaten by day.

Holy week by day

Holy Monday- at church services on this day, they remember the Old Testament Patriarch Joseph, whom his brothers sold into slavery, as well as the curse of the sinful fig tree by Jesus Christ, which brings neither faith, nor prayers, nor true repentance.

The rite of chrismation also begins on Monday - it is made from a mixture of fragrant resins, vegetable oils and fragrant herbs and boil under the incessant reading of prayers for three days.

On Good Tuesday, churches remember the sermons of Jesus Christ about how the Savior spoke in the Jerusalem temple, about the parables told to the disciples, about the talents and ten virgins, the resurrection of the dead and the Last Judgment.

On Great Wednesday, they remember the betrayal of Judas Iscariot, who betrayed the Teacher for thirty pieces of silver, as well as the sinner who washed the feet of the Savior and anointed them with myrrh. On Wednesday people try to confess.

In Passion, or Pure Thursday Orthodox Church recalls the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with His disciples and the establishment by Him of the Sacrament of the Eucharist (Holy Communion). On Thursday, the congregation takes communion.

Red, or Good Friday is a day of mourning, during the service they remember the suffering of the Savior on the cross. The shroud, the image of Christ lying in the tomb, is taken out of the altar, and the faithful bow before it.

On Holy Saturday, at a solemn service, they talk about the burial of Jesus Christ and his stay in the tomb. At the same time, priests already on this day put on bright festive vestments. Easter cakes brought by people to the temple, painted eggs and Easter are illuminated.

In Jerusalem, in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ, descends on Saturday blessed fire, and the most important service begins in the evening - believers celebrate Easter.

What can and cannot be eaten daily

All the restrictions of Great Lent apply to Holy Week, but the last week is the strictest. During the whole week, some believers, if desired, take only water and bread.

In Holy Week, according to the monastery charter, on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, dry eating is prescribed, that is, bread, water, fruits, and vegetables are allowed.

These days you can eat lean bread and thermally unprocessed food. That is, raw vegetables and fruits, as well as dried fruits, nuts, honey. Tea and compote these days are not recommended.

You can prepare salads from vegetables and fruits these days. Cut, for example, any fruit - pears, oranges, apples, bananas, add chopped dried fruits, raisins and nuts, and season everything with liquid honey. It will turn out delicious and very useful.

According to church canons, on the last Friday before Easter, they do not eat until the evening service.

Holy Saturday is the last day before the Bright Resurrection of Christ, when the Lord Himself was in the Tomb, believers observe a strict fast.

In 2019 last saturday before Easter falls on April 27th. Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter on April 28 in 2019.

Seriously ill people, pregnant women, military, workers involved in heavy physical labor, travelers, nursing mothers, as well as children under seven years of age are exempt from fasting.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

We will talk in detail in this material about what you can eat on the days of Holy Week, as well as what exactly it means for every believing Christian every day of this last period of Great Lent. In the holy books, you can read more about what Holy Week is, how you should make up your diet, and what is very important to do in terms of spiritual preparation.

First of all, it must be emphasized that in this last week of Lent, under strict prohibition are alcoholic drinks. You can’t attend entertainment events, watch funny films, quarrel with other people and just keep evil, negativity in your soul. All this should be disposed of in time, in which, among other things, bodily fasting helps. There is a strict ban on all animal products, even meat. Also, it is during Holy Week that fasting prohibits the use of vegetable oil, and if possible, salt should also be abandoned.

From unwanted products, which can also be distinguished for this final period of fasting, it is worth noting chocolate. You can eat pastries if a layman adheres to strict fast(because, the strict church charter for Holy Week for the clergy prescribes dry eating), but only without the use of vegetable oil.

Typicon of a strict restriction on the amount of food per day Holy Week does not impose, although there is an opinion that you need to eat, if possible, once a day. The exception will be the day of Good Friday and Saturday, when it is recommended to abstain from food altogether.

It should be recalled that the laity should fast, focusing on their state of health. Fasting should be abandoned by pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as children and the elderly.

What food to eat on Holy Week

The date of Easter changes from year to year. It can be early, for example, in the 21st century it was April 4th or later, which in the 21st century fell on May 5th. This year, Easter is celebrated by Orthodox believers somewhere in the middle of spring. The last week of Great Lent on the eve of Easter is called Holy Week and, depending on the date of the holiday itself, it also changes its time frame.

During the Great Week, fasting restrictions are especially strict and you should try to adjust your diet to them. On Holy Week, marriages, baptism of children and commemoration of deceased relatives are not allowed: this pre-holiday week in churches is dedicated entirely to the passions of Christ. The time of Holy Week should be spent in silence and prayer, taking care of spiritual and physical purity.

How to eat by day

Clean Monday or the first day of Holy Week comes on the forty-third day of Great Lent. You should adhere to dry eating on this day, you can eat raw or pickled vegetables, bread. It is also forbidden to include vegetable oil in cold dishes of your menu. You can eat nuts and dried fruits, drink honey dissolved in a glass of water.

The next day on Maundy Tuesday, you also need to adhere to dry eating, but you can eat boiled porridge and drink pre-cooked compote. On Great Wednesday, the traditions of the first two days of Holy Week are preserved, but you can eat hot food: light soups, drink tea. On Clean Thursday, even more relief is given to prepare for hungry Friday. In addition to the fact that you can eat hot food, it is also allowed to add a little vegetable oil to the dishes.

But in the Great Good Friday the day of the death of Jesus Christ, you should try not to eat anything at all throughout the day, you can only drink water. Relaxation can be for the elderly, as well as for those who have some health problems. On Great Saturday we keep dry food and just actively prepare for Easter. Although the clergy do not eat anything on this day either, waiting for the feast of Easter to come at midnight.

Monks and temple ministers adhere to a stricter diet during Holy Week. A full fast is kept on Monday and Tuesday, Friday and Saturday (only in the evening you can drink a glass of warm water). On Wednesday and Thursday they drink honey diluted in water, they can eat up to 200 grams of bread and a few tablespoons of raisins.

It turns out that Great Lent lasts exactly 48 days and ends on the day of the Resurrection of Christ. On Easter, all prohibitions on food are lifted, in the morning you need to carry out the process of breaking the fast - eat a pre-consecrated egg and a piece of Easter with salt.

Holy Week is the final period of the longest and strictest fast for Orthodox believers. Lent before Easter lasts seven weeks. Holy Week is the strictest of the entire period of fasting. It is, as it were, the last important test for believers.

Each day of Holy Week is called Great. During this period, it is customary to constantly think about Christ, read the Bible and meditate on the covenants of God. This is a time of not only strictly spiritual, but also physical abstinence. Therefore, many believers are interested in,.

It is important! Lent is the strictest of all the fasts that Orthodox believers observe throughout the year. But fasting cannot be equated with a diet, because the purpose of fasting is to make a person stronger, wiser and freer. Fasting helps to free oneself from the slavery of one's desires.

Maundy Monday (April 2) and Maundy Wednesday (April 4)

It is necessary to adhere to dry eating. You can eat bread fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as pickled and dried vegetables and fruits, mushrooms. Not allowed heat treatment food. You can eat unboiled cold plant foods without adding oil, and drink only cold drinks. Eating, according to the church calendar of Great Lent, is allowed only once a day: in the evening.

You can eat hot vegetable food cooked with vegetable oil. You are allowed to eat twice a day. You can also drink some wine to strengthen your strength.

Many people want to know. You should try to completely refrain from eating. This day is considered the most difficult in the period of Lent before Easter. According to church literature, Jesus Christ was crucified on Friday.

Holy Saturday (April 7)

Some also try to abstain from eating, but, church calendar allow one meal per day. It can be hot plant food, but without the addition of oil during its preparation.

Lent 2018: what not to eat

In many ways, the answer to the question of Holy Week 2018, what you can’t eat, will lie in the sphere of what you couldn’t eat at all during Lent. Under the ban for these seven weeks are all animal products with the exception of honey.

Therefore, you can not eat meat and fish, eggs, any dairy products, sweets and mayonnaise, non-lean pastries.

All alcoholic beverages during Lent are strictly prohibited. On weekends, you can drink a little wine diluted with water. One part red wine is taken to three parts water.

Folk traditions associated with Holy Week

Holy Week 2018: food is strict and limited, but these are not the only rites and traditions associated with this period. In Rus', this week was also called Red, Great and even Rusal (Belarusian version). During the week went active training to Easter. The owners washed their houses, put the plots in order, whitewashed the stove and walls.

From Thursday until Saturday, the housewives began to prepare dishes for the Easter table. They painted eggs and baked Easter cakes, baked meat. Men prepared firewood, set swings for the holiday. During this period, rural believers tried to talk to each other as little as possible, not to have fun and not to arrange gatherings. They believed that on Holy Week, walking everywhere devilry and only before Easter the spirits return to their graves.

Sayings and signs of Passion Week:

* Good Monday they go to the yard and sweep all the way with a broom;

* From Holy Monday to Easter, housewives have a lot to do;

* Whoever fasts on Good Friday will be saved from enemies and robbers;

* If there is a full moon on Maundy Thursday, then the spring will be rainy;

* If you heat the stove with aspen wood on Maundy Thursday, then the sorcerers will come to ask for ashes;

* Furnace ash, which was used to heat the furnace in Good Thursday, Friday and Saturday will help keep cabbage from worms;

* If you sow parsley on Good Friday, you can harvest a double crop;

Holy Week 2018: the diet prescribed by church books must be strictly observed by clergy and monks. Lay people should fast, focusing on the capabilities of their body. There are a number of diseases in which fasting must be completely abandoned.



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