Which increases blood viscosity. Thick blood: how to reduce viscosity

Laboratory analysis of ejaculate is carried out to determine and identify possible diseases genital area, including inflammatory processes and oncology. The main indication for prescription is the absence of children in a married couple within a year after abandoning contraception. Sometimes the test is prescribed after past diseases in order to determine the condition reproductive system men. Ejaculate viscosity is one of the main indicators of abnormal processes in sperm. Increased viscosity in the spermogram indicates inflammatory processes in the sex secretion glands and sharply reduces the possibility of conception.

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Reasons for deviations from the norm

Sperm analysis

Reduced fertility in a man depends on the quality of sperm. For determining male infertility the doctor prescribes laboratory analysis ejaculate, based on the results of which a diagnosis will be made and treatment will be prescribed. Depending on the results of the spermogram, the man may be prescribed additional diagnostic tests.

Ejaculate viscosity is a diagnosis that means increased sperm viscosity. This deviation can cause male infertility, since sperm are unable to actively move in a viscous environment. When planning a pregnancy, you need to take a semen analysis to clarify this parameter. If a deviation from the norm is detected, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment so that conception is guaranteed.

Sperm obtained for analysis in laboratory conditions, undergoes a coagulation process, that is, it becomes denser. Then the medium is liquefied for 30-60 minutes. Viscosity is examined by stirring the ejaculate with a glass rod. When raising the stick to a certain height, the laboratory assistant examines the length of the continuous thread. Modern laboratories use a serological pipette.

Sperm viscosity test

The norm is considered to be 0.2-0.6 centimeters. If the viscosity is increased, the length of the continuous thread will increase. Exceeding the norm can be divided into several categories:

  • 0.7-1 centimeter – moderate excess of viscosity;
  • 1-2 centimeters – a pronounced excess of viscosity;
  • more than 2 centimeters – a very high viscosity value.

According to doctors, sperm viscosity may depend on the number of sperm. An excess number of sperm indicates abnormal development, structural anomalies, low activity and viability.

Hyperviscosity syndrome is associated with the following reasons:

  • the presence of pathological elements in the ejaculate;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • change in physical chemical properties seminal fluid;
  • circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs.

If pathological inclusions are found in the ejaculate, this indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the man’s body. An increase in the number of red blood cells in the composition increases viscosity. Seminal fluid may acquire a greenish tint and bad smell, and during the process of ejaculation the man will experience painful sensations. The presence of these symptoms is typical for infectious diseases genital area.

Physicochemical properties influence changes in sperm composition due to long-term use medications or steroids, genetic predisposition and occupational hazards.

Alcohol consumption negatively affects sperm quality

Dehydration can occur as a result of consuming alcoholic drinks, with increased physical activity and drinking large quantities of coffee. Thermal procedures, such as visiting a bathhouse or sauna, also lead to a lack of moisture in the body.

Poor circulation leads to the appearance stagnation in the pelvic organs. This can cause disturbances in the functioning of the genital organs and affect the quality of sperm.

The viscosity of ejaculate also depends on factors such as healthy eating and healthy lifestyle. Lack of vitamin B, as well as minerals - calcium, magnesium, zinc have a significant impact on reproductive sphere in men and can affect the quality of seminal fluid.

Most often they lead to viscosity inflammatory processes in the gonads and testicles:

Prostatitis in men

  • prostatitis;
  • varicocele;
  • vesiculitis;
  • orchitis

If the spermogram results show high level viscosity, this may mean that a man has diseases of the reproductive system. To make a diagnosis and further treatment you need to consult a doctor.

In men over 45 years of age, an increase in ejaculate viscosity is observed more often. The reason may be age-related changes body, on general condition it will not affect your health. Only reproductive capacity will decrease.

How to reduce sperm viscosity

To successfully conceive a child, you need to normalize your sperm count. Increased viscosity is quite easily corrected. The doctor will determine the treatment plan and additional examinations. The patient must strictly follow everything medical recommendations and do not self-medicate.

The man will be discharged vitamin complex containing zinc and selenium, a diet was prescribed, and the diet was adjusted. During treatment, it is recommended to abstain from alcoholic beverages and bad habits to avoid dehydration and negative influence toxic substances contained in tobacco smoke. It is necessary to reduce or eliminate coffee consumption. The diet should include foods containing vitamin C, which helps liquefy seminal fluid. The diet needs to be varied. It is worth excluding fatty, fried, salty and spicy food. Recommended drinking plenty of fluids, you need to drink up to two liters of water per day.

Can change sperm viscosity medicines, thinning sputum. Cough medications may be used in limited quantities. For example, ACC, Coldrex, Tussin. Before starting prevention with these drugs, you need to consult a doctor so as not to harm the body and not reduce the effectiveness of previously prescribed treatment.

Coldrex drug

Regular sex life and moderate physical exercise. A man should not forget about the benefits of sports for the health of the body. The functioning of the reproductive system must be stimulated with special physical exercise. Doctors recommend doing morning exercises and jogging in the fresh air.

To reduce viscosity, a man should not visit baths and saunas, or take hot baths. You can shower under hot water for a short time so that the body does not lose moisture.

Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs

If viscosity increases, it may be prescribed ultrasonography genital organs, allowing to identify the cause of the pathology. Depending on what influenced the appearance of viscosity, one of the methods of therapy may be massage prostate gland. This will improve blood supply to the genital area and normalize the outflow of secretions.

If the doctor detects the presence of infectious diseases, the patient must undergo treatment antibacterial drugs. For prostatitis and prostate adenoma, herbal medicines are prescribed to increase the volume of seminal fluid and spermatogenesis.

If the cause of viscosity is inflammatory disease, appropriate treatment must be carried out. Then do a re-analysis of the ejaculate. Based on the results of the spermogram, further therapy will be adjusted.

Folk recipes

High viscosity can be treated traditional methods. The most effective means considered an infusion of elecampane. Preparation medicinal drink uncomplicated and guaranteed good result. You need to chop the roots of the plant, add water and boil for 10 minutes. The decoction is taken one tablespoon every 2-3 hours for 3-4 days.

Elecampane's roots

A recipe made from dried fruits that can restore sperm viscosity is popular among men. To prepare, the aloe stem is crushed and mixed with honey in a 1:2 ratio. Add dried fruits ground in a blender and walnuts. The components are mixed until smooth. The mixture should be consumed before meals, one tablespoon at a time.

You can get rid of viscosity by eating green onions, eggs, nuts and sour cream. These components are included in various salads and other dishes. For example, they prepare not the usual scrambled eggs, but an omelet with onions and nuts.

Restore reproductive function with tinctures of sage, oregano flowers and leaves, and anise seeds. In the spring, borscht is prepared from fresh nettles. The diet must include fish.

Traditional medicine has accumulated a large amount of knowledge in the field of treating high sperm viscosity, but not everything needs to be used at once. At excessive consumption infusions may cause an allergic reaction. To achieve results in treatment, you can choose a recipe based on walnuts and one of the infusions.

Methods traditional therapy are selected individually, taking into account taste preferences men as well as possible contraindications And allergic reactions to components.

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High blood viscosity is dangerous due to the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels and heart.

To thin your blood, follow a diet and drinking regime. You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day. Best to drink herbal teas(as recommended by a doctor) or green tea, natural fruit or vegetable juices, water. Freshly squeezed juice from dark grape varieties is especially useful. Because of high content bioflavonoids, it is considered a balm for cardio vascular system.

Nutrition should be balanced. The main source of protein should be sea fish, eggs and dairy products. You should include chicken or turkey in your diet 2 times a week.

Flaxseed oil is an additional source of omega-3 fatty acids unsaturated acids. Flaxseed can be taken 1 tbsp. l. in a day.
There are a lot of biologically active substances in unrefined olive oil cold pressed, be sure to include it in your diet as well.

Regular consumption of kelp, i.e. sea ​​kale (there are contraindications) improves the absorption of iron, proteins, phosphorus, and also reduces “bad” cholesterol, i.e. has an antiatherosclerotic effect, reduces blood viscosity. Grind dried cabbage (sold at the pharmacy) in a coffee grinder and eat it instead of regular salt.

Eating nuts is also beneficial, because... they have a lot of protein, minerals(magnesium, calcium, potassium). No more than 30 g per day is the recommended dose.

It is healthy to eat whole grain bread, dishes made from buckwheat, oats, barley, brown unpolished rice and millet, legumes, vegetables and fruits. Sugar should be replaced with honey.

It is good to consume 1-2 tbsp daily. l. sprouted wheat seeds, they contain a lot of vitamin E. Dry the sprouted grains, grind them in a coffee grinder and add them to any dishes.

Fresh garlic and onions help thin the blood. They also increase “good” cholesterol and reduce “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

Sweet bell pepper, improves blood fluidity and the condition of the walls of blood vessels, because it is rich in vitamin C and other biological active substances. It is enough to eat 1 pepper per day. Also useful are tomatoes, squash, zucchini, pumpkin, turnips, eggplants, capsicum green bean, lettuce, cucumbers, celery root.

Melon improves blood flow. Ginger has the same effect. It is added to ready-made dishes (0.5 teaspoon per day).

At high risk thrombosis and increased blood viscosity, bananas must be excluded from the diet.

It is not recommended to consume fish oil capsules, yogurt, and soybean oil frequently or in large quantities. All of these foods are sources of vitamin K, which large doses may increase blood clotting.

Food is best consumed in fresh, steam or boil, bake or stew. Add oil to the finished dish

The danger of erythrocytosis is that the blood becomes much more viscous. Just imagine how quickly a pump will fail if it is forced to pump syrup instead of water. But with erythrocytosis, the load on the heart, the pump of our circulatory system. Therefore, doctors prescribe antiplatelet agents in such cases - drugs that reduce blood viscosity (for example, aspirin). In addition, alternative medicine also comes to the rescue.

Hirudotherapy is a treatment method that uses medical leeches. A sucking leech injects a special substance into the human blood - hirudin, which acts instantly, and its effect lasts up to several days. To permanently reduce blood viscosity, you need to conduct hirudotherapy courses 1-2 times a year.

Apitherapy - treatment methods various diseases using live bees, as well as honey and other bee products. For erythrocytosis, a tincture of bee death(that is, from bees that died a natural death). The chitinous cover of bees contains heparin, a special substance that regulates blood clotting, which is produced by liver cells in the human body. Heparin and hirudin have similar action, promoting rapid blood thinning. Well, since both of these substances natural origin, they are absolutely harmless and extremely rarely cause allergies.

Proper nutrition for erythrocytosis

Try limit consumption food products , rich in vitamin K, as they promote blood clotting and make it even thicker. Particularly rich in this vitamin chokeberry, spinach, lettuce and other leafy vegetables.

Make sure your the body regularly received iodine: it reduces blood viscosity and increases vascular tone. Grind the dry powder in a coffee grinder seaweed and season dishes with it instead of salt (at the rate of 1 teaspoon per day).

Eat foods that contain taurine, normalizing blood pressure: bird, white fish, shellfish, walnuts and almonds(it is advisable to eat 1 tablespoon of nuts daily).

Eat fish at least 3-4 times a week, giving preference to fatty sea and ocean varieties: in fish oil contains substances that contribute not only to blood thinning, but also to the resorption of existing blood clots and sclerotic plaques.

remember, that blood viscosity decreases garlic, tomatoes, sweet bell peppers (especially red ones), cherries, sweet cherries, melon, grapefruit, sweet clover herb.

Include in your diet chilli: it contains vitamins A and E, as well as potassium and folic acid, which perfectly thin the blood and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Drink 120 ml daily freshly squeezed orange juice. Among other things, this richest source vitamin C. (However, remember that Orange juice contraindicated for gastric ulcers and gastritis with high acidity.)

Excellent blood thinner 1 glass of dry red wine at lunch or dinner.


With erythrocytosis, not only the diet, but also the motor mode should be changed. Physical education and sports activities provide beneficial effect on the body: the level of harmful lipids, which increase blood viscosity (including cholesterol), decreases, and also improves general exchange substances. During clinical trials It was found that with physical inactivity, cholesterol and lipid levels exceeded the norm in almost half of the subjects. However, after 12 months active activities sports, it was preserved in only 20% of the experiment participants, and a year later it reached normal value almost everyone.

Eat 1 tbsp daily. a spoonful of wheat sprouts, and you will forget about diseases for a long time! It is best to add sprouts to vegetable salads, refilling them whenever possible linseed oil, which is literally replete with Omega-3 - polyunsaturated fatty acids. As a result, your blood will become less viscous, your vision will improve and your entire body will become healthier.

Almost every person in our country has had their blood tested at least once in their life. However, not everyone knows that there is such a thing as viscosity, what does it depend on? We will try to answer all these questions later in the article.

Blood viscosity means it is too thick. The viscosity itself is directly influenced great amount factors. These are liver diseases, disruption of its functions, damage blood vessels, changes in the condition of the thinnest membranes of platelets and red blood cells and much more. In addition, the viscosity of blood is affected by the ratio of the liquid part and the cellular mass of the blood. In turn, high blood viscosity can cause the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels and heart.

If a patient experiences this kind of process, the specialist will need to prescribe a special course of treatment that will promote liquefaction. This is, first of all, special and suitable diet. For example, a person who has increased viscosity blood, should drink at least one and a half to two liters of fluid throughout the day. It is recommended to drink herbal infusions, teas, only natural juices(fruit and vegetable), clean water. Grape juice is especially helpful in this situation, and it is mentioned that it must be red. This is the drink that is most beneficial for the entire vascular system of our body. This is a kind of balm for the human heart.

The diet of a person with high blood viscosity should, first of all, be balanced in fats, proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, microelements, and so on. In order for the body to begin restoration and renewal of the membranes of the blood cells itself, as well as the walls of blood vessels, it is necessary to provide it with a set of important amino acids. Some doctors argue that under the current circumstances, the patient’s menu must necessarily be replenished big amount meat, since it is the most important source squirrel. However, this is not quite true. The thing is that this product, among other things, is very saturated with fats, and their consumption, in turn, must be limited. Otherwise, the blood viscosity will not decrease; on the contrary, the reverse process will be observed. For this reason, a person must replace this sea ​​fish, eggs and dairy products, as well as a small amount of turkey or chicken.

Blood clotting can be significantly reduced if you consume thirty grams of nuts daily (dose for an adult). They are the ones who have a large number of calcium, potassium, magnesium and other minerals. Cashews, walnuts and almonds are considered the most best source amino acids arginine. This, in turn, quickly produces nitric oxide, which helps reduce blood clotting.

Wheat seeds should be added to the list of products that are useful for disorders of this type. It is worth noting that they must be sprouted. It is enough to eat one spoon of this product per day.

Lymph, blood and the so-called tissue fluid in our body they form a special environment. It washes every cell and tissue of our body. This internal environment must have relative constancy of physical, chemical properties and composition. This, in turn, creates almost identical conditions of existence for the cells of the body. That is why blood is a special tissue human body. It performs a great many functions. In this case we're talking about about transport, nutritional, respiratory, thermoregulatory, protective, excretory and humoral functions. Blood viscosity normally differs between women and men. In general, only specialists can calculate it. Such studies are carried out in a special laboratory. However, if the viscosity of a liquid, for example water, is taken as one, then we can say that the viscosity of blood will be approximately one point seven to two point two. As for the viscosity of whole human blood, this value is close to five. In addition to all this, the presence of red blood cells and proteins in it determines its viscosity. If the number of red blood cells increases in the blood, then it thickens, and its viscosity also increases.

One of the most important indicators spermogram is the viscosity of sperm.

His study is carried out if a young couple has a permanent sex life, and so long-awaited pregnancy for two years it still hasn’t arrived.

Of course, there may be a reason for infertility, but viscosity in the spermogram should not be excluded.

How is the viscosity level determined?

Research should be carried out after married couple have not had sexual activity for four days.

This mandatory rule which should not be violated, otherwise the result will not be adequate and, accordingly, the doctor will not be able to find real reason infertility.

At the same time, the analysis looks at not only viscosity, but also such indicators as composition, type, as well as the total amount. To do this, the liquid is first compacted and then liquefied over about an hour.

Determining how viscous the sperm is should be done within an hour after receiving it. Otherwise, again, the analysis will be incorrect if the sperm “stands” for more than an hour.

In this case, the liquid is constantly mixed with a glass rod, and when it is raised, the height of the sperm filament is measured - it should be normal 0.1-0.5 cm. As for the WHO data, they are somewhat different - up to 2 cm.

In the event that there is increased viscosity in the spermogram, the indicator will be -2 cm or more. In medicine, it is believed that this indicator directly affects the viability and motility of sperm.

What about lower limits, then this indicator does not have them. So, the lower the viscosity of the composition, the better it is considered.

So, what indicators does the liquid have? That's it moderate degree viscosity – it is equal to 1 cm or less. If, according to the spermogram, the viscosity is increased, then the indicator will be 1-2 cm. Well, the most high rate starts from 2 cm or more.

As a rule, high sperm viscosity is also accompanied by a large number of sperm – 120 million or more.

And this is with a norm of 20 million. Unfortunately, too many of them do not mean that a man is “good” at fertilization.

As practice and analysis show, the speed of movement of such sperm is low, as is the viability, in addition, most of them have developmental defects. In this case, the rule “too much is not good” applies.

Therefore, many men, who are happy that they have a large number of sperm according to analysis, simply did not understand the situation. The main thing here is not quantity, but quality.

Factors affecting seed consistency

So why does it change? this indicator? And why do many couples who have excellent health, can't have children?

Of course, this cannot but interest most men.

As a result, several couples were studied, and this is what the researchers found:

  1. Unfortunately, the main reason for the change in the indicator was not identified in almost half of the cases. In this case, the viscosity was either constant or changing with time.
  2. Sometimes a man was already born with this composition, which was quite rare. In this case, treatment was possible only if the viability of the sperm was preserved.
  3. If it was previously believed that the main role in viscosity was played by inflammation of the testicles, then studies have shown that the main reason is precisely the blood circulation disturbed in the pelvis.
  4. Studies have also shown that a man’s age also plays an important role. So, in young men, reduced viscosity is a common occurrence, and often it happens just like that, without any reason. But the older a man is, the more often he experiences an increase.

Based on these studies, it was concluded that even if the indicator is overestimated, the likelihood of conception still exists.

Dehydration - as one of the factors of sperm viscosity

By the way, one of the factors affecting viscosity may be dehydration.

Therapy aimed at normalizing viscosity

And yet, medicine shows that this disease can be overcome.

And first of all, you should pay attention to dehydration.

Additionally, you should stop taking anabolic steroids and alcohol.

How to reduce sperm viscosity?

You need to act in several steps:

  • A representative of the stronger sex should pay attention to how he eats and whether he drinks enough fluids. So, you need to drink at least two liters per day, or even more. You also shouldn’t overwork yourself and be too strong. physical activity. As for sleep, it should be at least eight hours a day.
  • If a circulatory disorder is found in the genitals, then appropriate intervention must be carried out. Yes, we need to do it physical therapy, perform physiotherapeutic procedures, and also start taking medications that improve blood flow.
  • If the patient is diagnosed with an idiopathic form, it is necessary to take medications that contain Guaifenesin - these are the well-known drugs Stoptussin, Ascoril, and so on, which are used mainly to make the sputum less thick. So, these drugs, depending on how the doctor prescribed them to you, are used up to 4 times a day, 100-200 mg. So, this substance liquefies all the secretions of the glands, and the sex glands are no exception. However, it is always worth remembering that any drug has contraindications, and therefore the “do no harm” rule applies.
  • In the event that the form is congenital and no other methods have helped, then insemination can be performed artificially, which will certainly lead to a decrease in viscosity, and a woman with more likely will finally be able to get pregnant. By the way, this method effective not only for congenital pathology, but also if all other methods of reduction have failed.
  • It is clear that this study, like any other, has its own diagnostic value. With its help, you can not only correctly diagnose the disease, but also prescribe adequate treatment. However, as in any other case, the analysis must be completed correctly, without disrupting the process. In addition, the laboratory assistant must have the appropriate qualifications, and therefore you need to choose the laboratory in which you are confident.


So, as you probably already understood, a problem such as sperm viscosity can have different natures and causes.

However, this is not a death sentence that cannot be treated, and therefore one should not give up. It is enough just to follow the recommendations that the doctor advises you and take the test on time to diagnose the result.

Video: Spermogram indicators



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