Almonds - beneficial properties. The benefits and harms of almonds for the human body, beneficial properties and contraindications

Almonds are known to many as a nut, but they are not. Almonds are shrubs or small trees whose fruits are similar in appearance to apricot kernels. Almonds were first found in Western Asia; the most common places for growing the nut are the USA, China, Crimea, and the Caucasus.

The tree blooms in March - April, February, ripens in early summer, is resistant to frost and bad weather, so it is not afraid of severe frosts down to 25 degrees below Celsius.

Benefit or danger?

Despite all its beneficial properties, almonds can be harmful to health; excessive consumption of the nut will lead to unpleasant consequences. Be especially careful in the doses you use.

Benefits of almonds

The nut removes sand from the kidneys, normalizes the functioning of the spleen and liver, cleanses the blood. Eating almonds daily improves brain activity and reduces stress. Women who include almonds in their diet are less likely to suffer from depression and insomnia.

Ladies know how beneficial the nutritional properties of nuts are for hair and skin. Creams, the main component of which is nut, effectively help prevent the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite on the stomach, thighs, and buttocks. Almonds are also beneficial for men. The stronger sex who consumes almonds does not have problems with potency. If you have a hangover or headache after drinking alcohol, it will cope with this task. At the first stage of baldness, it is recommended to make a paste of milk mixed with almonds and rub it into problem areas.

Walnut harm - important features

The product has many beneficial properties, but it is an allergen. It is contraindicated to consume unripe grains. This type of almond contains a large amount of hydrocyanic acid, which is dangerous to humans. Large amounts of acid produced are harmful. Small doses are used in homeopathic remedies for diseases such as asthma, diphtheria.

Women know about the high calorie content of nuts. By consuming large quantities of almonds daily, extra pounds are inevitable. Almonds are good for older people. Its properties have a positive effect on the health of joints and bones. For fractures, it is recommended to consume 100 grams of grains; with the help of its beneficial properties, bone healing will occur faster. Face masks with the addition of tree milk are especially useful for people with dry skin; the nutritional properties of the product will protect the skin from chapping and bad weather in winter. Creams containing almonds are contraindicated for problem skin. It is not recommended to use such cosmetics during the hot season.

Contraindications: ban on eating pralines

Almonds have contraindications. People suffering from nervous system problems and heart rhythm dysfunction should refrain from consuming this product. Praline is contraindicated for those prone to obesity, allergic reactions, and problems with the thyroid gland. Despite the contraindications, a minimum dose of 1-2 times a month is acceptable. Children under 2 years of age are not recommended to include this product in their diet. Adding fruit to food is contraindicated for nursing mothers. Some properties of the fruit cause allergies. This can harm the newborn baby, causing severe allergies.

Vitamins - saturate the body

Everyone knows that the plant has beneficial properties, but almonds are a storehouse of vitamins

By consuming 100 grams of the product, you receive a daily dose of elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. The beneficial properties of the fetus are vital elements for human health, especially for people whose professions involve stress.

Culinary masterpieces made from walnuts

The choice of dishes is huge. Roasted nuts are considered an original and unusual snack. If you cover the fruit with chocolate, it will become a tasty and healthy candy, and most importantly, natural. Such a delicacy in moderate doses cannot harm the figure. The product added to the meat will emphasize the sophistication of the dish, and desserts can be anything: cakes, pastries, fruit salads, grains will decorate the dish and add an original taste. The plant is the main component of the horchata milkshake. The beneficial properties of the fruit tone and quench thirst. The drink should be consumed in the summer or during the warm season. Culinary masterpieces acquire a special taste and aroma. It is difficult to underestimate the importance of this element, because the perception of the entire dish often depends on the flavor nuances.

Raw or fried fruit - gourmet's choice

The raw fruit can be consumed in its pure form. Consumers are accustomed to eating it dried or fried. The plant should be eaten when fully ripe. The fruit will not harm your health, but rather strengthen it.

When choosing a plant, give preference to whole grains in the skin. This is a guarantee of a quality product.

Areas of application of the plant

In addition to nutrition and cosmetics for the face and body, aromatic oils and perfumes are made from the grains. Many familiar notes complement the bouquet of scents. Medicine notes the beneficial properties of the plant, using it in the formation of new medicines. The plant has become an original decorative element for apartments or offices where it is necessary to create an original atmosphere. From the grains you can construct various products that smell pleasant and are pleasing to the owner’s eye.

Almonds have been known to consumers for a very long time. Its widespread use in many areas proves the benefits of its use. By observing the necessary proportions, you can achieve a healing effect. For lovers of delicious desserts, a new component has appeared that allows you to add different shades to familiar dishes. The benefits are obvious. It is enough to follow the recommendations and the consumer will not be afraid of such side effects as allergies and obesity.

Click on point No. 3 - contraindications, secrets of use and video on how to clean the kernels.

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Chemical composition

The taste of the nuts (we will call our hero as usual) is refined and light, and their calorie and fat content matches that of their colleagues.

Detailed chemical composition almonds with vitamins and minerals per 100 grams are presented below. The figure is a percentage of the daily value (DV) for an adult on a diet of 2000 kcal.

  • Calorie content - 645 kcal
  • Proteins - 18.6 g
  • Fat - 57.7 g
  • Carbohydrates - 16.2 g
  • Glycemic index (GI) - 25

Interesting layout for dietary fiber: up to 49% of the DV.

Vitamins (descending)

  • Vitamin E - 135%
  • Vitamin B2 - 60%
  • Vitamin B3 - 16%
  • Vitamin B1 - 14%
  • Vitamin B9 - 12%
  • Vitamin B6 - 7%
  • Vitamin B5 - 5%

Minerals (descending)

  • Manganese - 114%
  • Magnesium - 67%
  • Phosphorus - 48%
  • Calcium - 26%
  • Zinc, iron - 21%
  • Selenium - 4%

Beneficial properties of almonds

Helps with atherosclerosis and obesity

Almonds do not have the concentration and good proportion of omega-3 (unlike), but they will be a good helper in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

The reason for the benefits of almonds for the heart and blood vessels is the high content of several interconnected nutrients. Monounsaturated fats, antioxidant vitamin E, amino acid arginine, minerals magnesium, manganese and calcium. In addition, nuts are rich in plant flavonoids, which enhance their effect in the presence of tocopherol.

Supports the nervous system and brain

USA Today magazine, 2005, University of Chicago findings: “An almond diet has a positive effect on brain function in mice with Alzheimer's disease.”

Magnesium, L-carnitine, riboflavin (vitamin B 2) and other B vitamins have a positive effect on the nervous system and prevent a decrease in intelligence.

People over 50 years of age benefit from eating almonds 3-4 times a week. This reduces the risk of developing senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Bonus - sound sleep and stable energy throughout the day.

Ensures healthy skin

A high concentration of vitamin E and plant antioxidants (catechin, epicatechin, quercetin, kaempferol and isorhamnetin) is a faithful assistant in the prevention of early aging and even skin cancer. They give the body the strength to resist oxidative stress, including from excess sun exposure. Excessive tanning is the first enemy of the skin.

And substances that are beneficial for blood vessels support good microcirculation. There is blood flow - there is nutrition - there will be long youth.

Harmonizes carbohydrate metabolism and protects against diabetes

Monounsaturated fatty acids slow the rate at which glucose enters the bloodstream. In combination with vascular protection and protection against oxidative stress, we receive continuous benefits from almonds for the harmony of carbohydrate metabolism.

Promotes weight stabilization and weight loss

2003, University of Chicago, almonds on women's weight loss menu, 6 months: "In the group with the inclusion of kernels, greater reductions in weight, BMI, waist circumference, % body fat and systolic blood pressure."

And this is true, no matter how strange it may seem, given the high calorie content. It's all in the dose (maximum 30 grams per day!) and the composition of the nuts themselves.

Dietary fiber and monounsaturated fats provide an excellent feeling of fullness from a small snack (15-20 nuts). These calories are not empty; you have already appreciated the wealth of vitamins and minerals. After a meal, insulin does not jump, and we calmly wait for the next meal, having received nourishment for the heart, brain and skin.

Remember! On any diet, 25-30 grams of fat is the minimum required for health. An afternoon snack around 16:00 or the second breakfast is the best time for nuts with benefits for the body and without harm to the figure.

We will also talk about the value of almonds for women on the pages of the section about nuts.

Improves bowel function

Almonds alkalize the body, which is beneficial for the immune system, and provide digestion with fat, which is necessary for the proper absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Dietary fiber in a healthy dosage is another plus for regular cleansing of the body.

Nourishes beneficial intestinal microflora

Another bonus of almond kernels in the prebiotic function. The skin of the nuts is considered especially valuable. The Institute of Food Science and Technology in China published the results of an interesting study in 2014. The women consumed 56 grams of almonds for 8 weeks. As a result, there was a significant increase in populations of healthy bacteria (Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus).

Prebiotics are all substances that improve the reproduction of friendly microflora in the intestinal lumen. Among them, the healing effect of which we assessed from personal experience.

Cancer Prevention

And again bow to vitamin E, which is so abundant in our hero. A little zinc and selenium and a proper combination with other products - and we will get excellent cancer prevention through nutrition.

What is the best way to combine almonds?

With foods that are rich in other antioxidants - vitamin C, A, zinc and selenium.

Salad with cabbage, bell pepper, broccoli, dressed with citrus juice sauce and any meat dish from turkey, veal, chicken. An omelette made from chicken eggs will also fit well. Nothing exotic, but it gets the job done perfectly!

Bone and Teeth Health

Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and manganese in one bottle - this is almonds through the prism of benefits for bone tissue. It remains to add vitamins D and K.

How to do it? Salads with leafy greens and cabbage, something fermented milk or popular fish (herring, cod, halibut, tuna in its own juice).

Which we described separately with a step-by-step preparation recipe, helps vegetarians, raw foodists and people with intolerance to dairy products.

Harm and contraindications

Almonds, like hazelnuts, are moderately allergenic foods. Allergy sufferers should exercise caution when first using it and in general dosages. Allergy symptoms: abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness and nasal congestion.

Doses are also important for overweight people. 15-20 pieces per day can be beneficial, but 2 generous pieces will increase the daily calorie content too sharply. Frequent overeating of almonds is a direct path to excessive obesity.

Large volumes of almonds are contraindicated for people of any size. Flatulence, diarrhea, cramps along the intestines and headache are a common reaction to salicylates and amines, which raw almonds are rich in, and especially fried ones. On average, 50-60 grams of nucleoli at a time is already a risk.

  • Attention! 100 grams of almonds is half the average daily requirement for dietary fiber. The sudden introduction of fiber into the diet is the cause of intestinal ailments.

How to introduce dietary fiber without harm?

Enriching the previously poor menu, we do it gradually. And be sure to drink more clean water!

Another problem with all nuts, grains and seeds is phytic acid, which slows down the absorption of calcium, magnesium and iron. Practitioners of naturopathic diets actively promote soaking raw nuts before consumption.

How to eat almonds correctly

Ideally, raw, peeled almonds soaked in water with added salt or acid. Maximum benefit, minimum harm - according to naturopaths, who are especially not fond of the skin (it contains the most phytic acid).

How to soak nuts?

We need:

  • Nuts - 1 cup
  • Water - 2 glasses
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Glass bowl/jar.

Fill overnight, up to 12 hours in a row. We take it out and carefully clean it.

An intermediate option is to blanch the nuts by pouring boiling water over them for 1 minute. Next, drain the water and peel off the skin.

And if you boil the kernels for 2-3 minutes over medium heat, even a child will be able to quickly clean them.

The video below shows 2 ways to peel almonds.

How to select and store

There are sellers without conscience; more often they are occasional guests at the markets. They offer “bitter almonds”, which look very similar to sweet ones. But essentially these are apricot kernels, which contain a lot of hydrocyanic acid. Only 20-30 pieces - poisoning cannot be avoided. It is especially difficult in children.

Sweet almonds differ from their dangerous counterparts by having a more elongated shape and a pointed tip. It is slightly larger, with an obviously smooth poured surface.

How not to make a mistake in choosing? We buy raw almonds from the same vendor at a large city market, and carefully evaluate any nuts called "almonds" that other people offer our children.

How to store almonds?

Limit access to oxygen and light, place in a closed, dry container in the refrigerator. Large batches go into the freezer.

P.S. For those who like to look behind the scenes of the manufacturer.

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Almonds are often called a nut, but in fact they are the fruit of a seed, like an apricot or plum. The history of almonds has seen both prosperity and limitation of its consumption in the world. The latter is due to the fat content of almonds. Shrub seedlings were transported from Central Asia by travelers around the world.

The Romans called almonds walnuts after the region where they began to be grown in Europe. Where and when do almonds grow? Almonds are thermophilic and grow in Central Asia and America. In Russia, the nut grows in the Crimea and the Caucasus. It is also noted about the almond’s habitat that the nut grows wild in Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan.

The nut of long-living people or the benefits of almonds

The benefits of almonds and other nuts for the body lie in the content of microelements, proteins, and fatty oils that our body needs. Almonds promote weight loss even though the fat content of almonds is almost half, that is, 100 grams of almonds contain 49.42 grams of fats or lipids. These fats are monosaturated dietary fats that improve health and help prevent heart attacks and strokes. John Talbot, vice president of global market development from California, says that with the discovery of monosaturated fats in almonds, the attitude towards this product has completely changed. The composition of almonds allows them to be included in many diets. Clinical nutritionists from the USA have conducted a number of studies confirming that Omega-3 fatty acids in almonds reduce blood cholesterol levels more effectively than many medications. What is useful in almonds, besides “healthy” fats: vitamin E, vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus. The calorie content of almonds is 609 kcal.

Medicinal properties of almonds

Almond treatment is the regular use of nuts for several months. The product is used for urolithiasis, it helps remove stones and sand from the kidneys. Taking almonds is extended over three to four months for migraines, anemia, insomnia and peptic ulcers. Almond oil improves digestion, is used in the treatment of otitis, stomatitis, bronchial asthma, and regulates the lipid and water balance of the skin. Almonds, as a storehouse of vitamins and microelements, are useful for all recovering and growing children. The nut helps with low hemoglobin and also prevents cancer. Almonds help those who play sports.

Almond oil is an anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictor. Masks based on almond oil are used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. This is one of the most popular masks for nourishing hair along the entire length. Almond oils are chosen for massages; they fight cellulite and stretch marks on the skin.

Food allergies due to the consumption of nuts are the most frequently detected all over the world. Allergies to nuts are selective, the reaction can be either mild or severe. You should be especially careful when handling raw bitter almonds; they can cause serious complications in people with food allergies. Pregnant women should eat almonds with caution.

Bitter nut is harmful

The daily intake of any almonds should not exceed 5-6 nuts per day. There are two types of almond tree:

  • one species with white flowers;
  • the other with pink ones.

The first type is characterized by sweet fruits, the second - bitter. Sweet almond kernels contain oil and emulsion. This oil is popular in cosmetology and aromatherapy. Bitter fruits are wider and shorter and contain from 6 to 9% hydrocyanic acid. Cases of intoxication are known when eating bitter almonds. The harm from raw almonds is minimal, but they also contain traces of hydrocyanic acid. So, are almonds dangerous in small quantities? Sweet, shelled, unroasted nuts are safe.

How to choose almonds

How to eat and store almonds? In stores you can find three varieties of nuts:

  • Californian. As the name suggests, it grows in California. It has a golden color and is sold already peeled.
  • Central Asian almonds. Sold in shell, easy to clean. Nuts in shells are stored much longer. When choosing, you should pay attention to the absence of moldy, cracked shells.
  • Processed almonds. Such almonds have already been shelled, and the content of hydrocyanic acid in them is reduced to a minimum. The nut of such almonds can be safely eaten.

It is recommended to store almonds in closed, airtight containers. Dried almonds or fresh almonds is a matter of preference. Before eating, it is better to soak the almonds in water for several hours. Almonds may become bitter over time; to avoid this, you should store them in a dark, cool place. When choosing a product in a supermarket, you should give preference to nuts packed in sealed containers and bags. Almonds are consumed as a snack and as a spice. They also make confectionery products from the nut: almond halva, ice cream and yogurt. For halva, the cake is used after squeezing the almond oil. Honey and almonds are a wonderful dessert. To protect yourself from consuming excess amounts of bitter almonds, you should fry, roast, or boil the nut before eating. The nuts are stored in the shell for more than a year. In an open container, the nut quickly becomes rancid.

The almond blossom period gives the impression that you are in a fabulous place. About the benefits for the body and you can talk about the cosmetic properties of this nut for hours. Almond indispensable for people with lactose intolerance, raw foodists and vegetarians. Therefore, in this article we will talk about benefits and harms of almonds.

What is almond and its chemical composition

The Mediterranean and Central Asia are considered to be the birthplace of almonds. By and large, this is not a nut, but the fruit of a drupe tree, which belongs to the Rosaceae family. Since ancient times, the cores of almond seeds have been used to treat male ailments and complications of the gastrointestinal tract.

The rich composition of almonds makes it a unique product, incomparable in properties. It has an exquisite taste and aftertaste, saturates the body with calories, and due to the fats, proteins and carbohydrates it contains, it provides a lot of energy.

In 100 grams of almonds:

  • 645 kcal
  • Proteins-18.6 g
  • Fats-57.7 g
  • Carbohydrates -16.2 g
  • Glycemic index (GI) - 25

30 grams of almonds contain up to 49% of the body's daily need for vitamins and micro-macroelements. On average, this is 20-25 nut kernels.


  • Group of vitamins B (B1; B2; B3; B5; B6; B9.);
  • Vitamin E;
  • Magnesium;
  • Manganese;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Calcium;
  • Zinc;
  • Iron;
  • Selenium.

The nuts contain:

  • arachidic, palmitic, stearic, myristic, margaric acids;
  • amino acids – tryptophan, pyridoxine, thiamine, folacin, tocopherol, riboflavin;
  • saturated fatty acids - linoleic, oleic.

Beneficial features

  • Eating almonds is very important for the body. Thanks to its balanced composition, this nut is an excellent preventative against some serious diseases. Its benefits are recognized in folk and traditional medicine.
  • A benefit for many may be that almonds, due to their high content of B vitamins, provide good indicators in improving the functioning of the central nervous system and brain. Helps restore strength and saturate the body with vitamins after a long, serious illness.
  • The benefits of almonds are incredible. And again, pay attention to vitamin E, which almonds are so rich in. In combination with zinc and selenium, this vitamin helps prevent cancer. Improves skin condition due to its high content of vitamin E and plant antioxidants. Increases the skin's resistance to oxidative stress, thereby prolonging its youth.
  • Almonds are a natural analgesic that has analgesic and anticonvulsant effects.
  • Helps remove sand from the kidneys, preventing it from accumulating in the organ and forming stones. Improves the functioning of the liver and spleen, the urinary system, and has a choleretic effect.
  • Almond oil is used to treat colds, asthma, stomatitis, and pneumonia. Regular consumption of almonds in small quantities is a good prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  • For the human body almonds have a prebiotic effect, help normalize the acid-base balance, therefore they are used to treat stomach ulcers and gastritis. Also, daily consumption of almonds in small quantities stabilizes carbohydrate metabolism and prevents the development of diabetes. To prevent this disease, it is enough to eat a few nuts after lunch.
  • For people over 50 years old raw almonds, as well as fried, reduces the risks of age-related dementia, Alzheimer's disease, stabilizes sleep, and gives a surge of energy for the whole day.

Watch the video! Almonds - benefits and harm

For men

The beneficial properties of almonds have a beneficial effect on the male body:

  • It copes well with the symptoms of a hangover, stimulates brain function, improves memory and concentration, and adds strength and energy that are so necessary for a modern man.
  • Helps with baldness and furunculosis. To do this, make lotions from crushed nuts mixed with almond milk.
  • Polyunsaturated fats regulate blood cholesterol levels, improve the elasticity of blood vessels, preventing the formation of blood clots.
  • After 30 years, a man’s sex drive begins to decline. This is due to overwork, stress, poor diet and lifestyle. Nuts increase the production of male hormone in the blood, enhancing potency and increasing libido.
  • Almond is a strong aphrodosiac, so its essential oils are often used in the creation of many perfumes.

For women

Almonds contain vitamins B and E, which help strengthen hair, nails and teeth, improve the condition of facial skin, which is very important for women of any age.

  • Nuts have a choleretic effect, help cleanse the intestines of toxins, and normalize the functioning of internal organs.
  • Almonds alleviate the condition of chronic diseases; with moderate consumption, they help get rid of extra pounds.
  • Magnesium and calcium in nuts strengthens the skeleton, prevents the development of osteochondrosis and osteoporosis, and stabilizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

For pregnant

The benefits of almonds can be especially highlighted for pregnant, since it significantly improves intestinal function, which is very important for the health of the expectant mother during pregnancy.

When feeding

Doctors are wary of women consuming almonds while breastfeeding. It all depends on the reaction of the small organism to the almonds that the woman eats, whether it will cause an allergy. If there are no symptoms, you can eat 2-3 nuts a day. They will help:

  • saturate the body with vitamins, restore strength;
  • cope with postpartum depression;
  • replace sweets prohibited during lactation;
  • improve the quality of mother's milk.

Proper use of almonds

  • water 1 glass;
  • salt or citric acid 1 teaspoon.

It is better to soak in a glass container or a regular jar. As a rule, this is done overnight and kept for 12 hours. After which the remaining liquid is drained, and the extracted almonds are easily peeled.

An alternative option: pour boiling water over the almonds and leave for one minute or boil the almonds for 2-3 minutes over low heat, then everything is as in the previous recipe.

Harm and contraindications

Almonds, like all products, have not only benefits, but also harm. Despite the great benefits for the body, almonds are classified as moderately allergenic nuts. People prone to allergic reactions should be careful when consuming almonds for the first time, and monitor the dosage the next time. Up to 5 nuts a day will be very useful.

Contraindications for use:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems;
  • In a stage of strong excitement.
  • With weakened gastric motility.
  • Overeating almonds can be accompanied by flatulence, diarrhea, intestinal cramps, headache and severe dizziness. You should not eat more than 50 g of almonds at a time, these are already health risks.
  • It is important to control the amount of nuts eaten by obese people. Excessive consumption will contribute to the deposition of fat in problem areas. 15-20 nuts a day benefit the body.


Early spring almonds are honey plants and produce nectar and pollen. The plant is used as a drought-resistant rootstock for peach and. Almonds are often grown on slopes to protect the soil.

The nuts are purified from poisonous amygdalin and used in soap making. Almond cake is used to extract essential oil, which is added to many perfumes.

In cooking

Almonds are eaten with cheese, fried and salted form. It is consumed separately and added to confectionery, sweets, and liqueurs.

Almond milk is an excellent substitute for cow's milk, which is why it is often consumed by vegetarians. And almond butter is superior in nutritional value to peanut butter. In the East, almonds are added to meat, fish, and rice.

In medicine

Emulsions, cake and cold and hot pressed almond oil are prepared from almond nuts.

  • added to ointments for an anti-inflammatory emollient effect;
  • used for rubbing to achieve a soothing and cooling effect;
  • used to lubricate bedsores;
  • prescribed to children as a gentle laxative;
  • bitter almonds are used for otitis, asthma, bloating, colitis, flatulence, diarrhea;
  • used to increase appetite: 3 drops 5 times a day.

In cosmetology

Almond oil is superior in quality to other vegetable oils. They help make hair smooth and silky, make skin lighter, and smooth out small wrinkles.

Almond oil is added to creams, masks, lotions, and is also used in its pure form. Undiluted, it does not retain moisture much, so it is applied to the body and face after taking a shower or washing with herbal infusions. Any remedy with almonds will help:

Almond oil brings only benefits to both women and men at any age. The oil will help:

  • restore ligaments after sprains and injuries;
  • get rid of cellulite and postpartum stretch marks;
  • make the skin velvety and silky;
  • cope with cracked skin;
  • make the skin of the face, hands and décolleté elastic, giving it freshness and health;
  • add thickness and elasticity to hair, eyelashes and eyebrows;
  • strengthen nails and enhance their growth.

Summing up, we can conclude that almonds still bring more benefits than harm. It is widely used not only as a product that relieves hunger well and saturates the body with useful elements, but also for cosmetic purposes. Thanks to the high content of vitamin E, cosmetic creams and products with almonds perfectly resist aging and dry skin, clear away stretch marks during pregnancy and help fight cellulite, and when using almond oil, hair becomes silky, shiny and significantly less split ends.

Watch the video! What happens if you eat almonds every day

In contact with

Min distance Since ancient times it has been used as a medicine. Arab doctors considered almonds a valuable healing agent. Thus, the Arab physician Ibn Massoun used roasted almonds for intestinal diseases, and another Arab physician, Mansouri, used almonds in cases of painful urination, and together with sugar to increase sperm count.

In Russian folk medicine there is an adequate use of almonds: “Male and female accept sweet almond kernels, then sperm multiplies. Almond kernels, whoever holds them in his mouth, will strengthen his sore gums. Almond kernels are pleasant, induce sweet sleep and move urine. The same kernels, crushed with mint, remove the disease from the lower back. Whoever eats almond kernels often, the worms inside die and come out as aphendrons.”

From the depths of centuries, the results of Ibn Sina’s use of bitter almonds have come to us, and, especially, his thoughts on use for hemoptysis, cough, asthma, pleurisy, kidney disease, bladder disease and for removing stones from the kidneys and bladder. In his book “The Canon of Medical Science,” he gives recipes in which almond seeds are mentioned as a remedy that “strengthens the brain, eyesight,” “softens the body,” and “for abrasions and ulcers.”

Calorie content and chemical composition

Below is the nutritional content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 g of edible portion.
The nutritional value
Calorie content 609 kcal
Proteins 18.6 g
Fat 53.7 g
Carbohydrates 13 g
Dietary fiber 7 g
Water 4 g
Starch 7 g
Ash 3.7 g
Saturated fatty acids 5 g
Mono- and disaccharides 6 g

Vitamin PP 4 mg
Beta-carotene 0.02 mg
Vitamin A (VE) 3 mcg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.25 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.65 mg
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic) 0.04 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.3 mg
Vitamin B9 (folic) 40 mcg
Vitamin C 1.5 mg
Vitamin E (TE) 24.6 mg
Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) 6.2 mg
Choline 52.1 mg
Calcium 273 mg
Magnesium 234 mg
Sodium 10 mg
Potassium 748 mg
Phosphorus 473 mg
Chlorine 39 mg
Sulfur 178 mg
Iron 4.2 mg
Zinc 2.12 mg
Iodine 2 mcg
Copper 140 mcg
Manganese 1.92 mg
Selenium 2.5 mcg
Fluoride 91 mcg
Energy value
Almonds are 609 kcal.

250 ml glass = 165 g (1004.9 kcal)
200 ml glass = 130 g (791.7 kcal)
Tablespoon ("with top" except for liquid products) = 30 g (182.7 kcal)

The sweet almond kernel contains up to 8% water, 45-62% fat, 6% sugars, including from 0.08% to 0.58% glucose and 2.11-3.78% sucrose by dry weight, 3% gum, 6% fiber, 4.9% ash, up to 21.3% nitrogenous substances, of which most are proteins - globulin and amadine.

Of the mineral substances contained in 100 grams of the kernel, the most are: potassium - 805, calcium - 385.6, phosphorus - 451, sulfur - 228, magnesium - 201, chlorine - 40 mg.

Vitamins were found in the kernels: thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, peredoxin, folic acid and biotin.

The main component of the kernel is non-drying fatty oil, reaching 62%. It consists mainly of oleic acid glyceride, as well as linoleic, stearic, palmitic and oleic acids.

Beneficial features

Almond oil has a laxative and choleretic effect, and in the form of an emulsion - enveloping.

Obtained by pressing, it is widely used externally in ointments, creams, and also as the best solvent for drugs for subcutaneous injections, in particular camphor.

Almond oil in an amount of 6-8 drops to 1 teaspoon per day should be taken as a sedative, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant.

If you have a strong heartbeat and lack of appetite, drop 5-6 drops of almond oil onto a piece of sugar and eat it. Take 4-7 drops of almonds with sugar 3 times a day for an acute cough, as well as for a clogged stomach.

Almond oil is prescribed to regulate the function of the gastrointestinal tract, for painful dermatitis, stomatitis, and for gargling.

Bitter almond oil is used for bronchial asthma, pulmonary diseases, otitis media, as well as for stimulating appetite and bloating.

It is used externally for rubbing, as a cooling, sedative and analgesic. It is widely used in medicine for preparing injection solutions of fat-soluble vitamins, hormonal drugs, etc. In pharmaceutical practice, almond oil is used as the basis of liquid ointments and an emulsifier.

Almond oil is recommended to be taken orally, 8 drops 3 times a day to stimulate appetite. It also helps with flatulence, constipation, heart neuroses, pneumonia, throat diseases, bronchial asthma and cough. It is effective for ear diseases. In case of acute pain or tinnitus, 7 drops should be instilled into the sore ear and covered with cotton wool.

Almond oil is popularly used as a sedative, anti-inflammatory and expectorant, regulating the function of the gastrointestinal tract. The oil is used externally to prevent bedsores or to lubricate areas on the skin that are subject to pressure when the patient remains immobile in bed for a long time.

An emulsion from the seeds of sweet and ordinary almonds is used for pain in the stomach and intestines.

Sweet almond fruits are used to treat gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers. The kernels with sugar are used for anemia, anemia, insomnia, and cough. To strengthen the body, halva is made from sweet almond nuts, which actively contributes to the restoration of the human body after undergoing complex operations.

Due to the high content of phosphorus in the kernels, almonds are useful for people with mental work because of their high energy value.

Peeled nuts are useful for coughs, hemoptysis, diseases of the bladder and intestines. Sweet nut kernels cause relaxation, cleanse the chest and soothe urination. Almond kernels are very tasty and are in constant demand among the population.

For medicinal purposes, they are used as a general tonic. They are very useful for atherosclerosis, general or with localized diseases of the peripheral nervous system, cardiovascular system, after a myocardial infarction.

In folk medicine, almonds and their oil are used for the same diseases: bitter almond oil - for asthma, cough, chest pain, ear and lung diseases; sweet almond seeds with sugar - for anemia, cough, bronchial asthma, insomnia, headaches, numbness of the limbs, convulsions, and a decoction of the seeds - for smallpox.

Almonds and their oil are recognized raw materials of scientific medicine. Sweet almond seeds - as emulsions; fatty oil is used externally to soften the skin; inside - as a laxative; in pharmaceutical practice - as an excellent solvent, including camphor.

Bitter almond water is obtained from bitter almond cakes, which are waste products during oil production, which, like almond emulsion, is used as a sedative for pain in the stomach and intestines.

Sweet almond kernels are consumed 10-15 pieces 2-3 times a day after meals, for anemia, diabetes, insomnia, migraines, coughs, convulsions, bronchial asthma. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

Sweet almond nuts help with high acidity of gastric juice and stomach ulcers, especially in heavy smokers. They are useful for stunted growth in children.

Crush 30 grams of sweet almond kernels and 1 bitter almond kernel and mix with 100 grams of milk and 50 grams of cream. Take this mixture 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals for stomach ulcers.

For baldness, it is useful to lubricate your head with a paste of crushed almonds mixed with fresh milk. This remedy helps with furunculosis.

Due to its enveloping properties, almond milk is recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as kidney diseases. To prepare it, grind 50 grams of kernels and add 100 grams of water or milk and cook for 10 minutes, then filter. The drug is ready for use.

Almond preparations have analgesic, hemostatic, sedative, anticonvulsant, enveloping and laxative effects. They are used for stomach pain, diabetes, hemoptysis, renal colic and difficulty urinating, and even for rabid dog bites. Almond water is drunk for heart and nervous disorders.

If the acidity of the gastric juice is high, it is recommended to consume 10 kernels of sweet almonds 3 times a day before meals for 3 days, and the next week - only 20 nuts in the morning.

Perhaps the most widespread use of almond preparations is in cosmetics. This industry uses sweet almond seeds and almond oil obtained by cold pressing the seeds. The cake remaining after pressing the oil is dried and turned into powder - almond bran, which is also widely used in cosmetics.

Vegetable “milk” for any skin: finely grind 15 grams (a sixth of a bar) of toilet soap into a cup, dilute with half a glass of water, place the mixture in a water bath and heat until the soap dissolves. Add 15-20 grams of beeswax to this solution. While continuing to heat, let it melt slowly, stirring vigorously from time to time. Separately prepare almond milk and mix it with dissolved soap and pour into a bottle, shaking the mixture thoroughly, add 0.75 cups of vodka. You should wipe your face with the prepared lotion to keep your skin looking fresh and reduce pores. The resulting drug does not deteriorate during long-term storage.

Grind 50 grams of sweet almonds, pour in 0.5 liters of distilled or boiled water, let it brew for one day. Then strain and add 5 grams of baby soap, previously finely shaved, to the infusion. The resulting eau de toilette is recommended for wiping dry skin.

Crush a tablespoon of shelled and peeled sweet almond seeds into powder and grind thoroughly with a small amount of warm water or milk until a homogeneous mass is formed, which is then applied to the face and neck for 15-20 minutes. The procedure is repeated after 1-2 days. The course is about 20 masks. During the year you can conduct 2-3 such courses. This mask is recommended for dry skin.

Mix 2 tablespoons of chopped nuts with a cup of milk and apply on face and neck for 1 hour, then rinse with warm water. This remedy is especially effective for dry, wrinkled skin. Dry skin that cannot tolerate soap can be cleansed well with almond bran. Pour a tablespoon of bran with a small amount of hot water until a paste-like mass is obtained, apply it to the face for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with boiled water. After washing, dry the skin with a soft towel and apply a rich cream. Washing with bran softens the skin.

Nourishing vitamin masks made from fruits and berries are useful regardless of skin condition, but are especially effective for dry, dull skin. Mix the juice of fruits and berries with almond bran, put the pulp on your face, covering it with gauze or a specially made linen mask.

For dry, rough, flaky and acne-prone skin, almond oil masks are recommended. Place the bottle of oil in hot water or heat it in a water bath to 37 degrees. Soak a thin layer of cotton wool with this warm oil and apply it to the face (without touching the mouth, nose and eyes), and on top of the cotton wool - parchment paper or thin film. To keep warm, your face should be wrapped in a towel folded several times. After 20 minutes, remove the mask and rinse your face with hot water.

To eliminate crow's feet around the eyes, it is recommended to rub a small amount of almond oil into the skin around the eyes with your fingers every evening, leaving for 30 minutes. Blot excess with a napkin or handkerchief.

Mix and thoroughly grind the yolk of a chicken egg with 1 teaspoon of almond oil and

1 teaspoon honey, preferably liquid. Using a soft brush or cotton swab, apply the mask to the face and neck in layers, after each layer has dried, apply a second, and then a third. After 20-25 minutes, remove the mask with a swab dipped in warm water. The procedure is done 1-2 times a week for 4-6 weeks. After 2-3 months the course can be repeated. This mask is recommended for rough, aging and flaky, dry and normal skin.

Mix the protein with almond bran to the consistency of a liquid paste and apply to the face. Recommended for oily, porous skin. It can be applied no more than once a week.

A mask of yolk with almond bran is an effective remedy against wrinkles. Grind the yolk with 1 teaspoon of almond bran, you should get a soft paste. Apply the mask to the wrinkled part of the face and leave for 1-1.5 hours. Rinse off with warm water.

Nourishes, cleanses any skin, improves its water balance with a mask of 2 egg whites, 1 tablespoon of honey, 0.5 teaspoon of almond oil and 2 tablespoons of oatmeal. Mix the unbeaten egg white with honey and butter until smooth. Then add flour. Apply the mask to your face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm and then cold water.

Grind almond bran with low-fat cream or peach oil in a 1:1 ratio. Apply the mixture to your face for 20 minutes. Rinse off first with warm and then with cold water.

A good cleansing effect for acne-prone skin can be achieved by massaging with almond bran: mix 1 tablespoon of bran with water (for normal skin), milk (for dry skin) or hydrogen peroxide (for oily skin) until a paste forms, use it to rub the areas where the skin is located for several minutes. blackheads Then wash your face with warm and cool water and wipe your face with lotion. This procedure should be performed daily or every other day until a positive result is obtained, and then repeated as necessary, usually once every 7 to 10 days.

For pigmented skin, mix almond bran with water or hot milk (for dry skin) until a paste is obtained. Apply the resulting mixture to your face for 20-30 minutes. The course of treatment is 25-30 procedures daily.

Place 300 grams of almond bran in a gauze bag and lower it into a hot bath. One bag is enough for 2-3 baths. A bath with the addition of almond bran has a soothing effect on inflamed skin, relieves irritation, eliminates dryness and roughness of the skin, and stops itching.

Heat 1 liter of milk in one container, without bringing to a boil, and a cup of honey in another container (in a water bath). Dissolve honey in milk, adding 2 tablespoons of almond oil, and pour the contents into the bathtub. After taking such a bath, the skin becomes soft and smooth. Cleopatra took such a bath.

Crushed almonds mixed with milk are used in folk medicine to stimulate hair growth (by rubbing).

Before washing, it is useful to lubricate dry, brittle hair with almond oil, then wrap it in a towel soaked in hot water and wrung out. After an hour, wash your hair and apply beaten fresh egg or fresh sour milk. Then rinse them with tea, chamomile or linden blossom infusion.

Almond oil stimulates the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows. Place a thin rope of cotton wool soaked in heated oil on them, cover with parchment paper and secure with a bandage for 10-15 minutes.

Pour half a glass of almond grains into 1 cup of boiling water, after 5 minutes, drain the water, and grind the grains through a meat grinder. Mix the resulting pulp with 15 ml of lemon juice and 15 ml of water. Rub and apply on face for 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and apply cream according to your skin type.

A cream made from a handful of crushed flaxseed and 1 teaspoon of almond oil can serve as a strengthening and aromatic hand product. Add a small amount of hot water to this mixture to form a liquid paste. Immerse your hands in the mixture for 15 minutes, then rinse them in warm water.

Gas-absorbing coals are prepared from almond shells.


The harm of almonds lies in its excessive consumption. The consumption of unripe bitter almonds is contraindicated because they contain hydrocyanic acid.

The harm of almonds is that their fruits can provoke an allergic reaction. Since sweet almonds contain a lot of calories, they should not be abused by people prone to obesity. Do not overindulge in almonds - this can lead to dizziness or mild drug intoxication.

Another harm of almonds is that they are a difficult-to-digest product, so people with weakened intestines and stomach should not get carried away with almonds. In addition, almonds contain a huge amount of essential oils. People with heart disease should not get carried away with almonds.
Almonds are a fairly strong allergen, so overeating almonds can lead you not only to poisoning, but also to the manifestation of allergic reactions of varying degrees of impact. It is strictly forbidden to eat bitter and unripe almonds!!! Bitter types of almonds contain hydrocyanic acid - a rather toxic substance, which, in small (or rather, minimal hundredths of parts, is used in homeopathy, to treat a number of diseases, such as asthma, diphtheria), but, with uncontrolled consumption of products containing hydrocyanic acid - even death can occur.
Almonds are a high-calorie product; it is very unwise to fight excess weight and eat almonds. Perhaps only one thing, otherwise the benefits of eating almonds in the body will be observed, but the extra pounds will still remain with you. Contraindications to consuming and including almonds in your diet also apply to people with heart rhythm disorders and disorders of the central nervous system.



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