Rosemary medicinal properties for memory. Like any medicine, rosemary has its contraindications.

Rosemary- This is a plant that has been known to mankind for several millennia. IN Ancient Rome it was considered a symbol of lovers and was used in wedding ceremonies. In the Middle Ages, rosemary was a symbol of fidelity and was also thought to protect against the plague.

IN modern medicine this plant is used as a mild pain reliever for migraines, it helps to get rid of digestive problems relieve stress and nervous tension. Rosemary also improves cerebral circulation and has a positive effect on vision.

"So simple!" will tell you today about another property of this most useful plant.

Rosemary improves memory

Rosemary has recently been found to have a positive effect on human memory. Psychologists from Northumbria University conducted an experiment and found that rosemary oil positively affects the functioning of the brain and memory in particular.

The participants in the experiment were 66 people, half of whom were placed in a room that smelled of rosemary, the rest were sent to a regular room. All participants in the study were asked to perform a series of tests aimed at studying the properties of memory. As a result, those who breathed rosemary scent coped with the tasks 60-75% better.

The scientists explained that rosemary contains a compound known as 1,8-cineol. It acts on chemical reactions that underlie memory. In the blood of people who solved problems faster, an increased concentration of 1,8-cineol was found.

“We took the results of past research as a basis and in this work we focused on the ability to remember events that will occur in the future, as well as to remember to perform various tasks in certain time. This is very important in Everyday life» , explained study author Dr. Marc Moss.

I think this will help students and schoolchildren in memorizing educational material and will be very useful at work, for example, when you need to prepare an important report. Take note of this property of rosemary and share this discovery with your friends!

Among natural herbal remedies there are many that have a positive effect on brain activity: relieve fatigue, help manage emotions, speed up all mental operations, strengthen memory and improve the state of cerebral vessels.

According to research, rosemary is one of the herbs that are famous for their ability to facilitate the memorization of a large number of useful information help to always keep in mind all current affairs and easily remember at the right moment important events and facts.

Rosemary Benefits for the Brain - 4 Facts

Rosemary has unique abilities to improve the memory process. The essential oil of this plant works real miracles; under its influence, such chemical processes, which is not always possible to reproduce through drug treatment.

Using the plant as a seasoning or as part of the means traditional medicine, can be significantly, thanks to carnosic acid, which neutralizes free radicals and prolongs the youthfulness of the brain.

Complex chemical compounds increase the amount of acetylcholine in the plant, which helps to form good memory, reduce fatigue and increase efficiency, as well as simply contributes to the process of effective thinking in general.

Using a fresh herb or essential oil, you can easily achieve results in several areas at once:

  1. Improvement of long-term memory. Regularly turning to rosemary, you can easily recall the events of a bygone time.
  2. Strengthening working memory. Rosemary oil acts on the right parts of the brain in such a way that the planned tasks of the whole day are easily remembered: where, when and what needs to be done.
  3. Increasing the amount of memory. Memory capabilities are expanded by about 65-75%. Large fragments of text, verbal calculation - everything becomes accessible.
  4. Increasing the speed and accuracy of thought processes. The speed and quality of mental operations depends on the capabilities of memory. The essential oil of this plant improves the quality of mathematical operations, helps to quickly respond to changes in external circumstances.

Healing properties are manifested in many ways. But all of them are also largely related to the regulation physiological processes occurring in the brain:

  • co ;
  • relaxation and removal of spasms of any origin.

This plant can lift arterial pressure. Therefore, in case of hypertension, it is better to turn to other means to stimulate memory mechanisms. It is undesirable to use essential oil during pregnancy, lactation, childhood, as well as with individual intolerance.

How to apply correctly?

Rosemary is also used in in kind, dried or fresh, and as an essential oil: orally or in aromatherapy. In both cases it will be effective.


In aromatherapy, rosemary essential oil can be used in several ways. They are close to each other, and the dosage will depend on the size of the room, age, individual tolerance.

  1. Through an inhaler. A couple of drops of oil are dripped onto 3-4 ml of saline and used in a suitable oil solutions inhaler.
  2. In an aroma lamp. 1-2 drops of essential oils are dripped into a saucer with water in equal proportions in combination with lemon or basil and cypress.
  3. In an aroma pendant, on a cotton pad, etc. The aromatic product is dripped in exactly the same proportions as for the aroma lamp.
  4. In the bath. A few drops can be added to a bath or foot bath. The oil will act on the olfactory receptors through a perceptible odor, and will also partially enter the bloodstream through the skin.


Oral use is also possible in the form of seasoning, for example, to meat dishes or snacks, and as medicinal raw materials.

For example, healing decoction to improve memorization, prepare as follows:

  1. pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of a dry plant and wrap it for half an hour;
  2. filter and take half a glass three times a day, half an hour before meals.

Very delicious snack made from rosemary, almonds and red pepper:

  1. approximately 350 g raw almonds mixed with a tablespoon vegetable oil, finely chopped rosemary 3/4 teaspoon sea ​​salt and a pinch of hot red pepper;
  2. spread on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, the resulting mixture in one layer and keep in the oven until the almonds are slightly toasted.

Such an unusual snack is good because not only rosemary, but also almonds are an excellent brain stimulant and memory enhancer.

7 more foods to include in your diet

Nutritionists advise using not only rosemary, but also other herbs and foods to improve the ability to remember and memorize. So the effect of brain support will be maximum and more noticeable.

  1. Sea fish and seafood. This food is mandatory for those whose work is associated with the assimilation of a large amount of information. Seafood is rich not only in iodine, which in itself supports the memory function, but also in unsaturated fatty acids omega-2 and omega-3: they directly nourish the brain cells and stimulate blood circulation in this delicate organ. See a separate article for more details.
  2. Chicken eggs. vitamins, folic acid, choline, - all this not only strengthens the ability to remember, but is also necessary condition normal functioning brain.
  3. Vegetables. it's the same great source substances useful for thinking. And some of them contain vitamins that are quite rare and essential for strong memory, for example, vitamin K in broccoli.
  4. Fruits and berries. Most of them are useful as a means to develop the ability to remember. For example, oranges and blueberries help strengthen memory at any age, as they contain great amount antioxidants and vitamins.
  5. , seeds and unrefined oils direct pressing. They are also rich in organic acids, contain a large number of minerals, vitamins, sugars - everything that is necessary for good brain activity.
  6. Other condiments. In addition to rosemary, there are many spices that are good for stimulating brain activity. For example, cayenne pepper and which contains curcumin - unique substance, very useful for thinking in general.
  7. Bitter chocolate. The cocoa beans that make up chocolate contain a lot of tryptophan, which promotes the production of hormones in the brain that are responsible for good mood, memorization and other properties of the brain.

Also check out this infographic:

Rosemarynot just a fragrant spice, which has long been successfully used by culinary specialists of all countries, but also medicinal plant applied in complex treatment many diseases. We asked how effective aromatherapy with rosemary is for Alzheimer's disease from the Kyiv doctor-neurologist of the first category Vladimir Alexandrovich Sagay.

Glory about healing properties rosemary came to us from ancient healers. Modern cosmetologists today recommend decoctions from the branches of this plant to those who wish to strengthen their hair and improve their growth. Rosemary tea is known to be able to boost immunity in the treatment of inflammatory diseases. In addition, doctors use it as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and even anti-cancer agent in combination with modern techniques treatment.

Even William Shakespeare wrote about this amazing plant: "Rosemary - for a good memory: to pray, love and remember." Modern scientists also confirm that rosemary has a beneficial effect in the treatment of senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

"Aromatherapy with rosemary oil for Alzheimer's and other diseases of the nervous system significantly improves general state patients. This is great aid worthy of use against the background of traditional treatment of these diseases, which can improve their results," says neurologist Sagay.

Rosemary contains: essential oils like eucalyptus, borneol, camphor, verbenone and alpha-pinene. They give the characteristic refreshing smell inherent in this plant. These essential oils have a healing effect in the form of a soothing and relaxing effect. In addition, after the use of aromatherapy, patients noticeably improve their mood. You can see this for yourself after taking a bath with the addition of a few drops. rosemary oil. This procedure will help those who need relaxation and stress relief after a busy day at work.

Dr. Sagay also noted that in Ukraine, unfortunately, there has not been a more in-depth study of other therapeutic effects. this plant in particular, its ability to improve memory.

Modern research on the medicinal properties of rosemary

But a group of scientists led by the head of the Department of Psychology at the University of Northumbria Mark Moss managed to get really amazing results in the study of the effect of the aroma of rosemary essential oil on the human brain. The results of the study are published in Dr. Moss's "Plasma 1,8-cineole correlates with the preservation of cognitive functions after exposure to the aroma of rosemary essential oil. Therapeutic advances in psychopharmacology".

Scientists have found that inhaling the aroma of rosemary can positively affect the cognitive functions of the brain. In particular, as noted by the researchers, this procedure has a beneficial effect on improving the memory of patients. During their experiments, a group of test subjects demonstrated significant improvement results of memory and visualization tests after they inhaled the scent of rosemary essential oils.

In addition, during another study, it was found that after rosemary, people suffering from senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease Another study showed that the general condition and performance of patients also improved significantly.

"All patients showed improved examination results after aromatherapy, in particular, patients with Alzheimer's," says one of the scientists.

The results of these studies give reason to hope that traditional treatment senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease in combination with natural remedies may be even more effective than so far.

And for those who suddenly feel that their thought process "slows down" a little, we advise you to simply inhale the refreshing aroma of this plant and your thoughts will soon clear up.

2 years ago

Fine modern man live in a world where scientific medicine does everything possible to keep humanity as healthy and beautiful as possible. And what about without medicines did our ancestors manage? Very simple. They resorted to the treasury of nature and used medicinal plants for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, in whole or especially useful parts of them.

One of the medicinal plants, known since the time when the best (and often the only) doctor in the settlement was a healer grandmother, who was called a witch for her closeness to nature, was rightfully considered rosemary. Its fresh and dried parts were used to make decoctions and infusions for the treatment of wounds, skin diseases, and even used in some love potion recipes.
The effectiveness of rosemary was so great that the recipes for its use existed for many centuries, and over time they were replenished with new ways of using it for the benefit of mankind. This plant is not forgotten today.
Rosemary is used in many cosmetic and medicines. And the production of rosemary essential oil has reached an industrial scale!

Medicinal rosemary - one of the natural antiseptics

That is why rosemary lotions are still recommended by modern qualified doctors if they are faced with a poorly healing wound.
In addition, this medicinal plant has shown itself excellently as an antispasmodic agent. Rosemary is especially effective for spasms. gastrointestinal tract, bile ducts and urinary tract.

This plant has other extremely useful and unique properties. For example, it has an extremely beneficial effect on immune system person, providing a stimulating effect, supporting the body during serious illnesses and after surgery. Even with stress and extreme overwork, doctors recommend using rosemary tinctures and aromatherapy with the addition of rosemary oil.

Another beneficial property of rosemary is its anti-inflammatory effect. So it can be successfully used for treatment colds and angina, as well as inflammatory processes on skin. Helps to improve the condition of patients suffering from arthrosis or sciatica.
Rosemary is one of the few medicinal plants that has found application in cooking. For several centuries, Italian and Provencal cuisine cannot do without this plant as a fragrant seasoning. And considering all useful qualities this plant - well deserved!
Recent research data has confirmed another useful property this wonderful plant. It turns out that regular inhalation of its aroma helps to increase brain activity!

If we think about the real pandemic of dementia developing in the elderly, it becomes clear how useful this discovery is. After all, it is a decrease in brain activity that leads to personality degradation, one of the symptoms of dementia.
However, this property of rosemary is relevant not only for the elderly. After all, this is a real medicine for memory, attentiveness, concentration. And what other qualities can be more important for young people working, for example, in the trade sector, if every day only new names need to be memorized in an unlimited number.

Like any medicine, rosemary has its contraindications.

So, it is strictly forbidden to use it in any form for women during pregnancy and young children, people prone to allergic reactions on this plant and people suffering from hypertension. Its use is also undesirable for epileptics and those with hypersensitivity skin.

Click item No. 2 - proven products with detailed preparation.

The aroma of our hero is very strong, with a bright camphor note. In the aftertaste, subtle sweetness and lemon accent.

Look at the photo: rosemary looks attractive. Lots of needle-like leaves and delicate purple blooms.

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Chemical composition of dry and fresh spices

Calorie content of 1 tablespoon of dry rosemary (3 grams)- 10.5 kcal.

  • Contains predominantly carbohydrates - 2.1 g
  • Of them alimentary fiber- 1.4 g - 6% DV

*DN - the average daily rate of an adult.

Below, for a convenient and quick assessment of properties, we also indicate percentages of DN.

Vitamins (desc):

  • Vitamins B6 and C - 3% each
  • Vitamins A and B9 - 2% each
  • Vitamins B1 and B2 - 1% each

Minerals (desc):

  • Iron - 5%
  • Calcium - 4%
  • Manganese - 3%
  • Magnesium - 2%
  • Potassium, zinc, copper - 1% each

Ingredients of 1 tablespoon fresh leaves described in the illustration below. They attract two antioxidants - vitamins A and C - 1% of daily allowance(DN). And the same set of minerals as in dried raw materials.

The most extensive benefit of rosemary for humans lies outside of the main nutrients.

In its essential oil, scientists have identified 22 biologically active component with a therapeutic effect on many body systems. Among them:

  • Cineol and alpha-piene;
  • Rosemary, ursolic and carnosic acids;
  • Diosmin, hesperidin and other flavonoids.

Healing properties of rosemary

First, let's define the benefits of the main nutrients.

Together with vitamins we get mass health effects. Protection of cells from oxidative stress, strengthening of vision, youthfulness and beauty of the skin, elasticity of blood vessels and nourishment of the immune system.

Where else to add rosemary as a seasoning, see below in paragraph No. 4.

The calcium, phosphorus and manganese in fresh rosemary make it a great seasoning for any salad. leafy greens and cabbage. Accompanying such dishes with cheese or cottage cheese, we get the ideal set of nutrients for healthy bones and teeth.

Rosemary Tea: Recipe and Application

We need:

  • Dry rosemary leaves - 1 teaspoon
  • Boiling water - 1 cup

Pour boiling water, insist 10 minutes under the lid - the tea is ready! Add sweetness to taste. If we avoid sugar, we use safe substitutes - stevia or erythritol.

Rosemary tea is useful for the following conditions:

  1. Indigestion and constipation - up to 3 cups a day between meals.
  2. Headache and memory impairment in old age - 1-2 cups in the morning.
  3. As a liquid for lotions and rubdowns for fungal skin lesions. Attention! Only as part of complex therapy!
  4. As an infusion for rinsing the mouth and throat with inflammatory diseases(periodontitis, tonsillitis, etc.)
  5. As an additive in the bath reduces inflammation on the skin, stimulates blood flow and relieves the pain of arthritis. Proportion for a standard 140-liter bath: 50 grams of dry raw materials per 1 liter of boiling water. Brewing method - as described above: just anger with boiling water and insist.

Medicinal properties of rosemary essential oil

Now let's define ourselves valuable way application of our hero. Its essential oil is well studied within the framework of medicinal properties and contraindications. It is in this revised form. healing power plants open to the maximum.

    1) Improving concentration and memory of all kinds.

This healing effect often mentioned in ancient texts about the fragrant shrub. Thousands of years ago, Greek students and speakers inhaled the vapors of the plant before exams and speaking in public.

International Journal of Neuroscience, 2007 comparative study aromatherapy with lavender, marijuana smoke and rosemary. 144 students under 30 years old. Lavender calmed, but worsened memory. Marijuana did not affect short-term memory. And only rosemary enhanced the overall performance of the intellect, along with the quality of memory.

So, rosemary aromatherapy in young people is an increase in attention, concentration and memory.

But the main optimism is inspired by the same results among older respondents.

After inhaling the vapors of rosemary and lemon in the morning, and lavender and orange in the evening, various functional assessments. Conclusions: "Patients showed a significant improvement in personal orientation." Nobody experienced side effects.

A special component in rosemary is carnosic acid. It has been proven to slow down the destruction of brain cells in Alzheimer's disease.

    2) Detoxification for liver cells and harmony in the work of the gallbladder.

The bitterness in the composition of the leaves easily explains the choleretic effect of rosemary in any form. And a good outflow of bile automatically unloads liver cells from unnecessary work.

Sufficient and timely flow of bile into the intestinal lumen means a number of correct reactions in the process of digestion. Intestinal peristalsis becomes stable and harmonious. Prebiotic nutrition of the microbiota is more effective. More active processing is underway fats and detoxification.

    3) Reduced cortisol levels and alleviated stress response.

Meikai University, Japan, School of Dentistry, 2011 Cortisol levels were studied in 22 healthy volunteers after 5 minutes of dental examination. Without intervention and on the background of aromatherapy with rosemary oil.

Summary: inhalation of therapeutic vapors reduces the concentration of cortisol by 36%. A side bonus is the reduction of oxidative stress.

    4) Stimulates hair growth.

This property of our hero is used in mass production and is especially valued in the means home cosmetics. The most pronounced effect for strong luxurious hair with a combination of olive oil, aloe extract, mint and rosemary.

Healing recipes with rosemary oil

  • How to improve memory.

Mix 3 drops of rosemary oil with ½ teaspoon coconut oil and wipe collar zone or use in an aroma lamp - for 1 hour a day.

  • How to make hair thicker and stronger.

Add 5-8 drops of rosemary oil to 100 ml good shampoo based on olive oil with aloe vera extract. Additional ways enrich shampoo: thyme, cedar, lavender oils.

  • How to relieve muscle and joint pain.

Mix 2 drops of rosemary oil, 2 drops of peppermint oil and 1 teaspoon of olive oil and rub on sore muscles and joints.

  • How to improve gallbladder function.

Mix 3 drops of rosemary oil with ¼ teaspoon of coconut oil and rub the skin in the projection of the gallbladder - 2 times a day. In order not to look for the exact point, apply oil to the area of ​​​​the right hypochondrium from the midline of the abdomen to the side, and gently massage the skin.

  • How to relieve spastic pain in the first days of menstruation.

Rub the mixture from the recipe above into lower third belly above the pubis.

Contraindications for use

Strict prohibitions apply to several pathologies. Rosemary should not be used internally for:

  • hypertension (it increases blood pressure);
  • inflammatory pathology of the stomach and intestines;
  • pregnancy (may cause a dangerous increase in uterine tone).

There are relative limitations in the use of our hero in other pathologies.

  1. Extreme caution with inhalations, baths, and even the installation of a bush in an apartment for patients with bronchial asthma and COPD.
  2. Be sure to consult with your doctor about the possibility local treatment rosemary for arthritis when you take synthetic drugs and hormones.

Very important!

  • The essential oil from our hero can be poisonous if ingested - even in moderate doses.
  • If you come across a seemingly logical recipe on the web, pay attention to the numbers. No more than 3 drops of rosemary oil per day based on solvent ( olive oil, sour cream, etc.). The duration of the course is not longer than 4 weeks.
  • Buy only 100% natural essential oils from trademarks for professional aromatherapy.
  • For external use without dilution in base oil The product may cause burns or a severe allergic reaction.

Rosemary seasoning: where to add

There are many solutions in cooking in which our hero makes the weather.

  • We bake or stew rabbit, duck and other game with seasoning.
  • We buy soft cheeses with a bright aroma.
  • We enrich with spice any salads based on red and white cabbage.
  • We prepare the most spicy marinades for vegetables and meat.
  • Cooking fragrant fish in foil in the oven (rosemary, lemon, salt).
  • We use sprigs of rosemary without leaves as skewers for small kebabs of meat or vegetables. So aromatic oils will saturate the main ingredient from the inside.

Rosemary is a strong essential ingredient. It can make food bitter. It should be applied as carefully as a bay leaf.

Experimenting in the kitchen, we take into account several simple rules.

The least you run the risk of spoiling your food with bitterness is if you start to get acquainted with the spice in the composition of dry Italian or Provence herbs.

Start your friendship with fresh spice with fruit and cabbage salads. Remove the leaves from the twig and chop with a knife. Essential oils will begin to stand out, the aroma will become stronger, but will quickly disappear.

When baking meat / fish, it is better to make small portions with 1-2 sprigs and a lemon.

When stewing or frying meat, sprinkle the dish with chopped rosemary leaves 5-10 minutes before the end of the heat treatment, and even better - after turning off the heat.

How to choose the right place to buy and store

The selection rules are simple.

  • Quality rosemary is green in color, without brown spots, yellowness or mold.
  • If the leaves are chewed, there is a sharp refreshing effect with a camphor, almost spruce flavor. Like a good toothpaste.

We store with an eye on oils. Dried spice - in a tightly closed dark jar, in a cool place. We put fresh branches in a glass of water and determine the residence in the refrigerator door. We change the water daily.

Worth considering!

fresh rosemary all year round available in large supermarkets. For health, it is beneficial to use it more often as a dried spice.

Delicious P.S. Stewed carrots with spices, turkey and rabbit

If you are a longtime reader of the site, you have already noticed how much we love cabbage, beets and carrots. Today we will share signature recipe stewed carrots with rosemary. This spicy rich dish is delicious on its own and is always a good side dish for meat.

For 4-6 servings we need:

  • Carrots - 6-7 pcs. medium size
  • Oil for frying (safely coconut oil) - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Honey or any syrup without pronounced taste- 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Fresh rosemary (leaves and green tops of twigs) - 1-1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Black pepper and salt - ½ teaspoon each

How to cook.

We clean the carrots and cut them into thin circles - about 1 cm thick. It is convenient when the roots are of the same diameter along the entire length. If the carrot is closer in shape to a cone, we additionally cut wide circles from the base of the root crop into 3-4 equal parts.

Simmer vegetable pieces in a small amount of water in a deep frying pan - 10-15 minutes over moderate heat.

Grind rosemary leaves. Without fanaticism! There is no need to chop lengthwise and across, as is sometimes done with dill and parsley.

Add oil and rosemary to the carrots. Stir and simmer until carrots soften - 5-10 minutes. After removing from the stove, add honey or other sweetener. We mix.

A beautiful and fragrant dish is ready!

Hope you got carried away medicinal properties rosemary. Contraindications for medicinal plant are not numerous, and the doses taken as a condiment are minimal. This means that today you can put your interest in spices into practice. Start with coleslaw, which has sweet fruits, or baked pork with Italian herbs. Come back to share your experience!

Bon appetit!

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