What is the hardest thing about a person. The heaviest human organ

Read the most interesting facts about a person! Find out what your body and your brain are capable of! How are we different from any other living beings?

1. Why do we not notice anything unusual in ourselves?
2. When do superpowers appear?
3. Incredible Facts about a human!

Why do we not notice anything unusual in ourselves?

Facilities mass media regularly inform us about people with extraordinary abilities that defy rational explanation. It has long been established that the mental abilities of a person are enormous, and the safety margin of the body is amazing.

Why don't we see this in ordinary life?

Except for people who are born with amazing abilities, and those who develop their potential throughout life (you will find methods for developing superpowers), then we can say that most people do not have any superqualities.

However, it is not!

When do superpowers appear?

Getting into extreme conditions, a person begins to show abilities that shock him. Phenomena of super strength, super speed, super reactions, etc. manifest themselves when the life of a person or the life of his loved ones is in danger.

There are cases when fragile women lifted a car after an accident to get their child.

Often in emergency situations unconsciously, all the internal resources of a person are activated so that he can survive. Why not always? Because our body and consciousness are not prepared for such overloads.

And yet, even in ordinary life, some of the possibilities of our body are simply amazing. The most interesting thing is that you did not know about yourself until now!

Incredible facts about a man!

Below you will find 50 Amazing Human Facts Backed by Science!

1. human heart , is equipped with its own life support system, and therefore it can beat for some more time if it is pulled out of the chest.

2. Gastric juice has such a level of acidity that the mucous membrane in the stomach is updated every four days.

3. Nasal receptors capable of recognizing nearly 1 billion different scents.

4. During sneeze time speed outgoing air is 158-160 km/h.

5. If all blood vessels laid out in one line, then you can wrap the equator 2.5 times, their length will be 96,560 km.

6. Daily human heart generates a huge amount of energy, it is enough for the truck to cover a distance of 32 km. And for if you sum up the energy generated over the entire life span, then this truck could make it to the moon twice.

7. Skin weight, updated throughout life, reaches 47-48 kilograms.

8. Some people claim that Andromeda is visible in the daytime cloudless sky. This proves that the human eye is capable consider a tiny luminous dot at a distance of two and a half million sv. years.

9. Snore sometimes reaches 78-80 decibels, which is comparable to the sound of a working pneumatic drill. At the same time, if the noise level exceeds 82-85 dB, this is considered a critical threshold for hearing.

10. General saliva volume developed during life, you can fill two sports pools.

11. Man combines 7 octillions (27 zeros) of atoms and molecules. General age of all these smallest particles exceeds tens of billions of years.

13. neural cells in the brain create impulses that are transmitted at a speed of 240 km / h.

14. Few people know, but in addition to the five basic senses, man is endowed with proprioception her¹. This ability allows the mind to control the work various groups muscles, evaluate mutual arrangement parts of the body relative to each other, as well as to feel the volume and posture of the body. This explains why a person can accurately touch their nose without opening their eyes.

15. When a person listens to music, heart imitates her rhythm.

16. During wakefulness, the brain produces amount of energy enough to light up a light bulb.

17. Bones the human skeleton is stronger than steel. It has been established that a bone with a volume of 16 cm³ can theoretically withstand 8,600 kg.

18. Though the bones are stronger than steel, 30% of their composition is water.

19. If compare the eye with a video camera, then the resolution of the matrix would be 575 megapixels.

20. Naked eye human recognizes 10 million colors and shades.

21. If everything strands of DNA unwind in a single line in the human body, this will amount to 16 billion km., which is equal to the path from the Earth to Pluto and back.

22. If we summarize the long-term human memory throughout life, its volume will be 1 quadrillion units. inf.

23. Prefrontal cortex² responsible for social connections and communication skills, develops up to 40 years.

24. Average duration life reaches 68-75 years. During this time cardiac muscle pumps almost 180 million liters of blood, enough for 200 tank cars.

25. The human body produces blood cells at a rate of 178 million per hour.

26. Usually, gestational age is 9 months, but not always. The most long pregnancy lasted 12.5 months.

27. It has been established that if a pregnant woman has an injury internal organs, her baby in the womb shares stem cells with her to restore them.

28. Scientists have calculated: to make one sha d, a person must use two hundred muscles.

29. In the human navel scientists have discovered about one and a half thousand species of unknown bacteria.

30. Surprising fact - growth of astronauts in weightlessness increases by 5 cm.

31. Each body cell contains up to six billion steps of human DNA.

32. The most high activity fixed during intercourse. Between 200 and 500 million spermatozoa fight for the opportunity to fertilize one egg.

33. man sleeping over twenty years of his life.

34. Established scientifically! If you shine on the knee from behind, then you can change circadian rhythm, that is, change the mode of wakefulness and sleep.

35. Without food human organ ism can live for about two months.

36. Incredible, but taste buds is not only on the surface of the tongue! It turns out that they are on the walls of the stomach and intestines, in the brain and even in the anus.

37. neural connections occur at the time of the formation of long-term memories.

38. It has been experimentally established that the most insignificant pressure on a person another person can change how the brain works and reduce the degree of empathy and empathy.

39. If oxygen stops flowing, then brain death will start only after 4-8 minutes.

40. 60% of the brain- it's fat.

41. In an attempt to prevent starvation, human brain will eat itself.

42. There is an assumption that fears and phobias Memories are genetically inherited from ancestors.

43. Emotion- nothing more than a programmed human response to a specific stimulus.

44. long term memory has the ability to create continuous and lasting changes in the structure of the brain.

45. If a person tries to display any emotion then in a few moments he will be able to feel it!

46. Eye able to cover only a small part of the field of view for certain time, therefore, to create overall picture, he needs to make 3-4 movements in 1 second.

47. Memories are based not on facts, but on imagination, therefore, inaccurate pictures may emerge or details may arise that were not there before.

48. Forgetfulnessdefensive reaction brain from too much information. It helps to process information and speeds up the thought process.

49. The brain works better during the phase REM sleep. He can analyze information and memorize tasks.

50. Despite all the differences, many things are all people see from the same angle. So scientists around the world invited people to draw a cup of coffee on paper. All the resulting drawings were almost the same - the cup was drawn slightly above and slightly shifted to the side. There was not a single drawing where the cup would be depicted from above.

These amazing facts about a person confirm that we can not only show superpowers in extreme conditions, but also amazing in their structure.

But how little we know about ourselves! Until now, man remains the most unexplored and most unpredictable creature in the universe.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Proprioception, proprioception - muscular sense - sense of the position of parts own body relative to each other and in space (Wikipedia).

² Prefrontal cortex of the brain - cortex hemispheres brain, which is the anterior part of the frontal lobes (

1. The only part of the body that does not have a blood supply is the cornea of ​​the eye. It receives oxygen directly from the air.

2. The capacity of the human brain exceeds 4 terabytes.

3. Up to seven months, the baby can breathe and swallow at the same time.

4. Your skull is made up of 29 different bones.

5. When you sneeze, all body functions stop, even the heart.

6. A nerve impulse from the brain moves at a speed of 274 km / h.

7. One human brain generates more electrical impulses in one day than all the phones in the world combined.

8. The average human body contains enough sulfur to kill all fleas on average dog, carbon to make 900 pencils, potassium to fire a toy cannon, fat to make 7 bars of soap, and enough water to fill a 50 liter barrel.

9. The human heart pumps 48 million gallons of blood in its lifetime.

10. 50,000 cells in your body are dying and being replaced by new ones while you are reading this sentence.

11. The fetus acquires fingerprints at the age of 3 months.

12. Women's hearts beat faster than men's.

13. A man named Charles Osborne hiccups for 6 years.

14. Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people.

15. About two-thirds of people tilt their heads to the right when kissing.

16. A person forgets 90% of his dreams.

17. total length blood vessels in the human body - approximately 100,000 kilometers.

18. In spring, the respiratory rate is on average one third higher than in autumn.

19. By the end of life, a person remembers an average of 150 trillion bits of information.

20. 80% of the heat of the human body leaves the head.

21. When you blush, your stomach turns red too.

22. The feeling of thirst appears when the loss of water is equal to one percent of body weight. A loss of more than 5% can lead to fainting, and more than 10% can lead to death from withering.

23. At least 700 enzymes work in the human body.

23. Humans are the only creatures that sleep on their backs.

24. On average, 4 summer child asks 450 questions a day.

25. Koalas also have unique fingerprints.

26. Only 1% of bacteria cause disease in humans.

27. All people on the planet can be comfortably placed in a cube with a side of 1,000 meters.

28. scientific name navel - umbilicus.

29. Tooth is the only part human body which is incapable of self-healing.

30. Average time, necessary for man to fall asleep - 7 minutes.

31. The right-hander chews most of the food on right side jaws, and vice versa, left-handed - on the left.

32. Only 7% of the world is left-handed.

33. The aroma of apples and bananas helps to lose weight.

34. The length of hair on the head, grown on average by a person during his life, is 725 kilometers.

35. Among people who can move their ears, only one third can move one ear.

36. Average person swallows 8 small spiders in its entire life.

37. The total weight of bacteria living in the human body is 2 kilograms.

38. 99% of all calcium in the body is in the teeth.

39. Human lips are hundreds of times more sensitive than fingertips. A real kiss increases the pulse to a frequency of 100 or more beats per minute.

40. Absolute Power chewing muscles on one side is equal to 195 kilograms.

41. During a kiss, 278 different cultures of bacteria are transferred from one person to another. Fortunately, 95% of them are not dangerous.

42. Parthenophobia is the fear of virgins.

43. Tooth enamel- the most hard tissue produced by the human body.

44. If you collect all the iron contained in the human body, you get only a small screw for the clock.

45. There are over 100 various viruses causing runny nose.

46. ​​A kiss of sufficient duration is much better than chewing gum, normalizes acidity in the mouth.

47. Banging your head against a wall can lose 150 calories an hour.

48. Man is the only representative of the animal world capable of drawing straight lines.

49. During a lifetime, human skin is replaced approximately 1000 times.

50. A person who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day will prescribe half a cup of tar a year.

51. Women blink about 2 times less than men.

52. The composition of the human body includes only 4 minerals: apatite, aragonite, calcite and cristobalite.

53. real a passionate kiss evokes in the brain the same chemical reactions that skydiving and gun shooting.

54. Men are considered dwarfs with a height below 130 cm, women - below 120 cm.

55. Fingernails grow about 4 times faster than toenails.

56. People with blue eyes more sensitive to pain than everyone else.

57. nerve impulses V human body moving at a speed of about 90 meters per second.

58. In the human brain, 100,000 chemical reactions occur in one second.

59. Children are born without kneecaps. They appear only at the age of 2-6 years.

60. If one of identical twins one or another tooth is missing, as a rule, the same tooth is missing in the other twin.

61. The surface area of ​​human lungs is approximately equal to the area of ​​a tennis court.

62. On average, a person spends 2 weeks kissing in his life.

63. Blondes have a beard growing faster than brunettes.

64. Leukocytes in the human body live 2-4 days, and erythrocytes - 3-4 months.

66. The size of a person's heart is approximately equal to the size of his fist. The weight of an adult heart is 220-260 grams.

67. From the moment of birth, 14 billion cells already exist in the human brain, and this number does not increase until death. On the contrary, after 25 years it is reduced by 100 thousand per day. In the minute you spend reading a page, about 70 cells die. After 40 years, brain degradation accelerates sharply, and after 50 neurons ( nerve cells) shrink and the volume of the brain shrinks.

68. At birth, there are about 300 bones in the body of a child, in adulthood there are only 206 of them.

69. The human small intestine during life has a length of about 2.5 meters. After his death, when the musculature of the intestinal wall relaxes, its length reaches 6 meters.

70. Right lung a person holds more air than the left.

71. An adult makes approximately 23,000 breaths (and exhalations) per day.

72. The smallest cells in a man's body are sperm cells.

73. There are about 40,000 bacteria in the human mouth.

74. There are about 2,000 taste buds in the human body.

75. Human eye. capable of distinguishing 10,000,000 color shades.

76. Chemical compound, responsible for the ecstasy of love (phenylethylamine) is present in chocolate.

77. The human heart creates enough pressure to raise the blood to the level of the 4th floor.

78. A person burns more calories while sleeping than while watching TV.

79. Children grow fastest in spring.

80. More than 2,000 left-handed people die every year due to a mistake in the operation of mechanisms designed for right-handed people.

81. It turns out that every three hundredth man has the opportunity to satisfy himself orally.

82. A person uses 17 muscles when he smiles and 43 when he frowns.

83. By age 60, most people lose half of their taste buds.

84. As you know, people are also animals. However, we are the only ones who can copulate face to face.

85. During the flight of a person in an airplane, the growth rate of his hair doubles.

86. One percent of people can see infrared and one percent - ultraviolet radiation.

87. If you are locked in a completely enclosed room, you will die from carbon dioxide poisoning, not from lack of air.

88. On average, a person spends two weeks of his life standing at a traffic light.

89. According to statistics, only one person in 2 billion crosses the threshold of 116 years.

90. Normal person laughs five times a day.

91. The average person speaks 4,800 words in 24 hours.

92. The retina inside the eye covers about 650 sq. mm and contains 137 million photosensitive cells: 130 million rods for black and white vision and seven million cones for color vision.

93. Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.

94. In the morning, a person is about 8 millimeters taller than in the evening.

95. The focus muscles of the eye move 100,000 times a day. For the leg muscles to make the same amount of contractions, you need to walk 80 kilometers (50 miles) a day.

96. The average person produces 1.43 pints of sweat per day.

97. Cough - an explosive charge of air that moves at speeds up to 60 miles / hour.

98. According to German researchers, the risk heart attack higher on Monday than on any other day of the week.

99. Bone is five times stronger than steel.

100. It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

101. Ingrown nails are a hereditary trait.

102. A normal person will die from total absence sleep faster than hunger. Death will occur in about 10 days without sleep, while starvation will occur in a few weeks.

103. Life expectancy is 2475576000 seconds, we speak an average of 123205750 words, have sex 4239 times, shed 121 pints of tears.

The human body is the most familiar thing in the world for each of us, however, it remains one of the most mysterious organisms. Even today, taking into account all the medical and scientific advances that have given us a deep knowledge of our physical bodies, many experts are still puzzled by aspects of our body - how they work and why.

1. We can see up to 48 kilometers away

Our eyes will never be as sharp as an eagle's. However, the human eye is so sensitive that if it were completely flat, we could clearly see the flicker of a candle up to 48 kilometers away.

2. Our nerve impulses travel at 402 kilometers per hour.

The sensation of pain, in fact, comes instantly when you touch something hot or prick with a needle. Thanks to our highly developed nervous system we can react in less than a millisecond to things we should stay away from. Nerve impulses are so fast that the electrical signals responsible for sensations travel to and from the brain with average speed 402 kilometers per hour.

3. Our belly button has an entire ecosystem.

We cannot see them, but the human body contains trillions of tiny organisms, such as bacteria, millions of which live inside the navel. Relatively speaking, there are so many bacteria in the human navel alone that they could form an ecosystem the size of a rainforest.

4. There are more atoms in the human body than there are stars in the universe

All matter is made up of molecules and molecules are made up of atoms. An adult human is made up of 7 octillion atoms (7 followed by 27 zeros). This is more than twice the known number of stars in the universe.

5. Our bones are as hard as granite.

We may think that human bones are fragile. However, bones are as strong as granite. Just one piece of bone, the size of a matchbox, can support a weight of 8 tons.

6. We have something in common with fruit.

You've probably already heard that humans differ from chimpanzees by only one chromosome. so precise that the slightest change can turn you into a completely the new kind. As it turns out, people share 50 percent of theirs with a normal, regular, and delicious banana.

7. Our cells never stop reproducing.

Cells are the building blocks of the body. Every second, the human body produces 25 million new cells. For comparison, for every 13 seconds, more cells are produced than the population of the United States.

8. We glow in the dark

As deep sea creatures, humans are naturally bioluminescent and we glow in the dark. However, the light we emit is incredibly weak. He is so weak that our human eyes cannot distinguish it.

9. Our skin never stops growing.

Considering that we produce 25 million new cells every second of time, we have new layers of skin. During their lifetime, people lose up to 18 kilograms of skin.

10. Most of our cells are not human.

Of the billions of cells that make up the human body, only about 10 percent are actually "human." The remaining 90 percent are made up of various fungi and bacteria.

11. We have more than five senses

Humans have five basic senses. We also have over 10 other important senses such as balance, temperature, pain, and time. We have inner feelings suffocation, thirst and fullness. Unfortunately, we still can't see dead people.

12. We have 1,609 kilometers of capillaries in our lungs.

If you stretched the 300,000,000 capillaries in your lungs from start to finish, the line would stretch from Seattle to San Diego, or about 1609 kilometers.

13. Our tears know our emotions.

People produce differently structured tears depending on the reason we cry. Emotions such as grief, guilt, sadness or happiness lead to a dramatic change. molecular structure tears. Like a snowflake, no tear is alike at the molecular level.

14. Our brain does not feel pain.

The brain can perceive and process feelings of pain coming from other parts of the body. However, the brain itself is not capable of feeling pain. There are no pain receptors in the brain like there are in your arms, legs, or other parts of the body.

15. Our brain is mostly water.

In our brain less flesh and tissues than liquids. Our brain is 80 percent water. In fact, most of the human body is made up of water.

16. We are completely covered in hair.

In nature, there is no such thing as a bald man. Every person, including women, has the same amount of hair per square centimeter body like a chimpanzee. The hairs are so short, light and thin that most of them are almost impossible to see with the naked eye.

17. Our hearts are stronger than any other muscle in our body.

The human heart must be strong enough to pump blood through every vein in our body 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is so strong that it can generate enough pressure to squirt blood up to 9 meters away.

18. Our sneezes are stronger than the wind

Sneezing has a practical function. It clears nasal cavity and throat from any congestion. The force of a sneeze is so great that it exceeds the speed of 160 kilometers per hour.

19. We almost always have sex.

This fact applies to the human population as a whole, rather than to the human body itself. Every day, sexual intercourse occurs around the world approximately 120 million times.

20. Our growth changes every day, and several times.

The human body grows at night. Something like that. People are 1 centimeter taller in the morning than in the evening. During the day, the discs in the back begin to shrink and our body becomes shorter.

85 most interesting facts about the human body

The human body is an incredibly complex and intricate system that still baffles doctors and researchers, despite the fact that it has been studied for more than one hundred years. Therefore, it is quite natural that the parts of the body and the usual functions of the body can surprise us. From sneezing to fingernails growing, here are 100 of the weirdest and most interesting facts about the human body.

The brain is the most complex and least understood human organ. There's a lot we don't know about him, but here are a few facts about him nonetheless.
1. Nerve impulses move at a speed of 270 km/h.
2. The brain requires the same amount of energy to work as a 10-watt light bulb.
3. Cage human brain can store five times more information than any encyclopedia.
4. The brain uses 20% of all oxygen that enters circulatory system.
5. At night, the brain is much more active than during the day.
6. Scientists say that the higher the IQ level, the more often people dream.
7. Neurons continue to grow throughout a person's life.
8. Information passes through different neurons with different speed.
9. The brain itself does not feel pain.
10. The brain is 80% water.

Hair and nails
In fact, these are not living organs, but remember how women are shaking over their nails and hair, how much money they spend on caring for them! On occasion, you can tell your lady a couple of such facts, she will surely appreciate it.
11. Facial hair grows faster than anywhere else.
12. Every day a person loses an average of 60 to 100 hairs.
13. Diameter female hair half that of men.
14. A human hair can support a weight of 100g.
15. The nail on the middle finger grows faster than the others.
16. There is as much hair on a square centimeter of a human body as on a square centimeter of a chimpanzee's body.
17. Blondes have more hair.
18. Fingernails grow about 4 times faster than toenails.
19. The average lifespan of a human hair is 3-7 years.
20. You need to be at least half bald for it to become noticeable.
21. human hair practically indestructible.

Internal organs
We do not remember the internal organs until they bother us, but it is thanks to them that we can eat, breathe, walk and all that. Remember this the next time your stomach rumbles.
22. The largest internal organ - small intestine.
23. The human heart creates enough pressure to send blood spurting seven and a half meters forward.
24. Stomach acid can dissolve razor blades.
25. The length of all blood vessels in the human body is about 96,000 km.
26. The stomach is completely renewed every 3-4 days.
27. The surface area of ​​human lungs is equal to the area of ​​a tennis court.
28. A woman's heart beats faster than a man's.
29. Scientists say that the liver has more than 500 functions.
30. The aorta has a diameter almost equal to that of a garden hose.
31. The left lung is smaller than the right - so that there is room for the heart.
32. You can remove most of the internal organs and live on.
33. The adrenal glands change size throughout human life.

Organism's functions
We don't really like to talk about them, but we have to deal with them daily. Here are some facts about not the most pleasant things that concern our body.
34. The speed of a sneeze is 160 km/h.
35. The speed of coughing can even reach 900 km/h.
36. Women blink twice as often as men.
37. Full bladder up to the size of a softball.
38. Approximately 75% of human life products consist of water.
39. There are approximately 500,000 people on their feet sweat glands, they can produce up to a liter of sweat per day!
40. In a lifetime, a person produces so much saliva that it can fill a couple of pools.
41. On average, a person releases gases 14 times a day.
42. Earwax is essential for ear health.

Sex and procreation
Sex is a largely taboo, but very important part of human life and relationships. Procreation is no less important. You may not have known a few things about them.
43. Every single day in the world there are 120 million sexual acts.
44. The largest human cell is the egg, and the smallest is the sperm.
45. During the first trimester of pregnancy, women most often dream of frogs, worms and plants.
46. ​​Teeth begin to grow six months before birth.
47. Almost everyone is born with blue eyes.
48. strong as bulls.
49. One in 2,000 is born with a tooth.
50. The fetus acquires fingerprints at the age of three months.
51. Each person for half an hour of his life was a single cell.
52. For most men, an erection occurs every hour or every hour and a half during sleep: after all, at night the brain is much more active.

We perceive the world through our senses. Here are some interesting facts about them.
53. After a hearty meal, we hear worse.
54. Only one third of all people have one hundred percent vision.
55. If saliva cannot dissolve something, you will not taste it.
56. From birth, the sense of smell is better developed in women than in men.
57. The nose remembers 50,000 different scents.
58. Pupils dilate even due to small interference.
59. All people have their own unique smell.

Aging and death
We age throughout our lives - that's the way it works.
60. The mass of ash of a cremated person can reach 4 kg.
61. By the age of sixty, most people have lost about half of their taste buds.
62. The eyes are the same size throughout life, but the nose and ears grow throughout life.
63. At 60, 60% of men and 40% of women will snore.
64. The head of a child is a quarter of its height, and by the age of 25 the length of the head is only an eighth of the entire length of the body.

Diseases and injuries
We all get sick and injured. And that's pretty interesting too!
65. Most heart attacks occur on Mondays.
66. People can go much longer without food than without sleep.
67. When you burn in the sun, it damages the blood vessels.
68. 90% of diseases are caused by stress.
69. human head remains conscious for 15-20 seconds after being cut off.

Muscles and bones
Muscles and bones are the frame of our body, thanks to them we move and even just lie down.
70. You use 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown. If you don't want to strain your face, smile. One who walks often and for a long time acid mine knows how hard it is.
71. Children are born with 300 bones, while adults have only 206.
72. In the morning we are a centimeter higher than in the evening.
73. The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue.
74. The heaviest bone in the human body is the jaw bone.
75. To take a step, you use 200 muscles.
76. Tooth - sole organ incapable of regeneration.
77. Muscles decrease twice as slowly as they pump up.
78. Some bones are stronger than steel.
79. The feet contain a quarter of all the bones of the human body.

At the cellular level
There are some things you can't see with the naked eye.
80. There are 16,000 bacteria per square centimeter of the body.
81. Every 27 days you literally change your skin.
82. Every minute 3,000,000 cells die in the human body.
83. People lose about 600,000 skin particles every hour.
84. Every day, the adult human body produces 300 billion new cells.
85. All tongue prints are unique.

Photos from open sources

The human body is an incredibly complex and intricate system that still baffles doctors and researchers, despite the fact that it has been studied for more than one hundred years. Therefore, it is quite natural that the parts of the body and the usual functions of the body can surprise us. From sneezing to fingernails growing, here are 98 of the weirdest and most interesting facts about the human body.


The brain is the most complex and least understood human organ. There's a lot we don't know about him, but here are a few facts about him nonetheless.

1. Nerve impulses move at a speed of 270 km/h.

2. The brain requires the same amount of energy to work as a 10-watt light bulb.

3. A human brain cell can store five times more information than any encyclopedia.

4. The brain uses 20% of all oxygen that enters the circulatory system.

5. At night, the brain is much more active than during the day.

6. Scientists say that the higher the IQ level, the more often people dream.

7. Neurons continue to grow throughout a person's life (controversial statement)

8. Information passes through different neurons at different speeds.

9. The brain itself does not feel pain.

10. The brain is 80% water.

Hair and nails

In fact, these are not living organs, but remember how women are shaking over their nails and hair, how much money they spend on caring for them! On occasion, you can tell your lady a couple of such facts, she will surely appreciate it.

11. Facial hair grows faster than anywhere else.

12. Every day a person loses an average of 60 to 100 hairs.

13. The diameter of women's hair is half that of men's.

14. A human hair can support a weight of 100g.

15. The nail on the middle finger grows faster than the others.

16. There is as much hair on a square centimeter of a human body as on a square centimeter of a chimpanzee's body.

17. Blondes have more hair.

18. Fingernails grow about 4 times faster than toenails.

19. The average lifespan of a human hair is 3-7 years.

20. You need to be at least half bald for it to become noticeable.

21. Human hair is virtually indestructible.

Internal organs

We do not remember the internal organs until they bother us, but it is thanks to them that we can eat, breathe, walk and all that. Remember this the next time your stomach rumbles.

22. The largest internal organ is the small intestine.

23. The human heart creates enough pressure to send blood spurting seven and a half meters forward.

24. Stomach acid can dissolve razor blades.

25. The length of all blood vessels in the human body is about 96,000 km.

26. The stomach is completely renewed every 3-4 days.

27. The surface area of ​​human lungs is equal to the area of ​​a tennis court.

28. A woman's heart beats faster than a man's.

29. Scientists say that the liver has more than 500 functions.

30. The aorta has a diameter almost equal to that of a garden hose.

31. The left lung is smaller than the right - so that there is room for the heart.

32. You can remove most of the internal organs and live on.

33. The adrenal glands change size throughout human life.

Organism's functions

We don't really like to talk about them, but we have to deal with them daily. Here are some facts about not the most pleasant things that concern our body.

34. The speed of a sneeze is 160 km/h.

35. The speed of coughing can even reach 900 km/h.

36. Women blink twice as often as men.

37. A full bladder is about the size of a softball.

38. Approximately 75% of human life products consist of water.

39. There are approximately 500,000 sweat glands on the legs, they can produce up to a liter of sweat per day!

40. In a lifetime, a person produces so much saliva that it can fill a couple of pools.

41. On average, a person releases gases 14 times a day.

42. Earwax is essential for ear health.

Sex and procreation

Sex is largely taboo, but a very important part of human life and relationships. Procreation is no less important. You may not have known a few things about them.

43. Every single day in the world there are 120 million sexual acts.

45. During the first trimester of pregnancy, women most often dream of frogs, worms and plants.

46. ​​Teeth begin to grow six months before birth.

47. Almost all babies are born with blue eyes.

48. Children are strong as bulls.

49. One in 2,000 babies is born with a tooth.

50. The fetus acquires fingerprints at the age of three months.

51. Each person for half an hour of his life was a single cell.

52. For most men, an erection occurs every hour or every hour and a half during sleep: after all, at night the brain is much more active.


We perceive the world through our senses. Here are some interesting facts about them.

53. After a hearty meal, we hear worse.

54. Only one third of all people have one hundred percent vision.

55. If saliva cannot dissolve something, you will not taste it.

56. From birth, the sense of smell is better developed in women than in men.

57. The nose remembers 50,000 different scents.

58. Pupils dilate even due to small interference.

59. All people have their own unique smell.

Aging and death

We age throughout life - that's how it works.

60. The mass of ash of a cremated person can reach 4 kg.

61. By the age of sixty, most people have lost about half of their taste buds.

62. The eyes are the same size throughout life, but the nose and ears grow throughout life.

63. At 60, 60% of men and 40% of women will snore.

64. The head of a child is a quarter of his height, and by the age of 25, the length of the head is only an eighth of the entire length of the body.

Diseases and injuries

We all get sick and injured. And that's pretty interesting too!

65. Most heart attacks occur on Mondays.

66. People can go much longer without food than without sleep.

67. When you burn in the sun, it damages the blood vessels.

68. 90% of diseases are caused by stress.

69. The human head remains conscious for 15-20 seconds after being cut off.

Muscles and bones

Muscles and bones are the frame of our body, thanks to them we move and even just lie down.

70. You use 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown. If you don't want to strain your face, smile. Anyone who walks around with a sour face often and for a long time knows how hard it is.

71. Children are born with 300 bones, while adults have only 206.

72. In the morning we are a centimeter higher than in the evening.

73. The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue.

75. To take a step, you use 200 muscles.

76. Tooth is the only organ incapable of regeneration.

77. Muscles decrease twice as slowly as they pump up.

78. Some bones are stronger than steel.

79. The feet contain a quarter of all the bones of the human body.

At the cellular level

There are some things you can't see with the naked eye.

80. There are 16,000 bacteria per square centimeter of the body.

81. Every 27 days you literally change your skin.

82. Every minute 3,000,000 cells die in the human body.

83. People lose about 600,000 skin particles every hour.

84. Every day, the adult human body produces 300 billion new cells.

85. All tongue prints are unique.

86. There is enough iron in the body to make a 6 cm nail out of it.

88. The lips are red because there are many capillaries under the skin.


A couple more interesting facts

89. The colder the room where you sleep, the more likely you are to have a nightmare.

90. Tears and mucus contain the enzyme lysozyme, which destroys the cell walls of many bacteria.

91. In half an hour the body releases as much energy as it takes to boil one and a half liters of water.

92. Ears exude more earwax when you are afraid.

93. You can't tickle yourself.

94. The distance between arms outstretched to the sides - this is your height.

95. Man is the only animal that cries because of emotions.

96. Right-handers live an average of nine years longer than left-handers.

97. Women burn fat more slowly than men - about 50 calories a day.

98. The fossa between the nose and the lip has a name - the nasal groove.

The human body is a very complex and intricate system that baffles doctors and researchers.
Even we are surprised by the functions of our own body and body parts.
Let's learn a little more about the human body from interesting facts.

The brain is the most complex and least understood human organ. There's a lot we don't know about him, but here are a few facts about him nonetheless.

1. Nerve impulses move at a speed of 270 km/h.
2. The brain requires the same amount of energy to work as a 10-watt light bulb.
3. A human brain cell can store five times more information than any encyclopedia.
4. The brain uses 20% of all oxygen that enters the circulatory system.
5. At night, the brain is much more active than during the day.
6. Scientists say that the higher the IQ level, the more often people dream.
7. Neurons continue to grow throughout a person's life.
8. Information passes through different neurons at different speeds.
9. The brain itself does not feel pain.
10. The brain is 80% water.

Hair and nails
In fact, these are not living organs, but remember how women are shaking over their nails and hair, how much money they spend on caring for them! On occasion, you can tell your lady a couple of such facts, she will surely appreciate it.

11. Facial hair grows faster than anywhere else.
12. Every day a person loses an average of 60 to 100 hairs.
13. The diameter of women's hair is half that of men's.
14. A human hair can support a weight of 100g.
15. The nail on the middle finger grows faster than the others.
16. There is as much hair on a square centimeter of a human body as on a square centimeter of a chimpanzee's body.
17. Blondes have more hair.
18. Fingernails grow about 4 times faster than toenails.
19. The average lifespan of a human hair is 3-7 years.
20. You need to be at least half bald for it to become noticeable.
21. Human hair is virtually indestructible.

Internal organs
We do not remember the internal organs until they bother us, but it is thanks to them that we can eat, breathe, walk and all that. Remember this the next time your stomach rumbles.

22. The largest internal organ is the small intestine.
23. The human heart creates enough pressure to send blood spurting seven and a half meters forward.
24. Stomach acid can dissolve razor blades.
25. The length of all blood vessels in the human body is about 96,000 km.
26. The stomach is completely renewed every 3-4 days.
27. The surface area of ​​human lungs is equal to the area of ​​a tennis court.
28. A woman's heart beats faster than a man's.
29. Scientists say that the liver has more than 500 functions.
30. The aorta has a diameter almost equal to that of a garden hose.
31. The left lung is smaller than the right - so that there is room for the heart.
32. You can remove most of the internal organs and live on.
33. The adrenal glands change size throughout human life.

Organism's functions
We don't really like to talk about them, but we have to deal with them daily. Here are some facts about not the most pleasant things that concern our body.

34. The speed of a sneeze is 160 km/h.
35. The speed of coughing can even reach 900 km/h.
36. Women blink twice as often as men.
37. A full bladder is about the size of a softball.
38. Approximately 75% of human life products consist of water.
39. There are approximately 500,000 sweat glands on the legs, they can produce up to a liter of sweat per day!
40. In a lifetime, a person produces so much saliva that it can fill a couple of pools.
41. On average, a person releases gases 14 times a day.
42. Earwax is essential for ear health.

Sex and procreation
Sex is largely taboo, but a very important part of human life and relationships. Procreation is no less important. You may not have known a few things about them.

43. Every single day in the world there are 120 million sexual acts.
44. The largest human cell is the egg, and the smallest is the sperm.
45. During the first trimester of pregnancy, women most often dream of frogs, worms and plants.
46. ​​Teeth begin to grow six months before birth.
47. Almost all babies are born with blue eyes.
48. Children are strong as bulls.
49. One in 2,000 babies is born with a tooth.
50. The fetus acquires fingerprints at the age of three months.
51. Each person for half an hour of his life was a single cell.
52. For most men, an erection occurs every hour or every hour and a half during sleep: after all, at night the brain is much more active.

We perceive the world through our senses. Here are some interesting facts about them.

53. After a hearty meal, we hear worse.
54. Only one third of all people have one hundred percent vision.
55. If saliva cannot dissolve something, you will not taste it.
56. From birth, the sense of smell is better developed in women than in men.
57. The nose remembers 50,000 different scents.
58. Pupils dilate even due to small interference.
59. All people have their own unique smell.

Aging and death
We age throughout life - that's how it works.

60. The mass of ash of a cremated person can reach 4 kg.
61. By the age of sixty, most people have lost about half of their taste buds.
62. The eyes are the same size throughout life, but the nose and ears grow throughout life.
63. At 60, 60% of men and 40% of women will snore.
64. The head of a child is a quarter of his height, and by the age of 25, the length of the head is only an eighth of the entire length of the body.

Diseases and injuries
We all get sick and injured. And that's pretty interesting too!

65. Most heart attacks occur on Mondays.
66. People can go much longer without food than without sleep.
67. When you burn in the sun, it damages the blood vessels.
68. 90% of diseases are caused by stress.
69. The human head remains conscious for 15-20 seconds after being cut off.

Muscles and bones
Muscles and bones are the frame of our body, thanks to them we move and even just lie down.

70. You use 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown. If you don't want to strain your face, smile. Anyone who walks around with a sour face often and for a long time knows how hard it is.
71. Children are born with 300 bones, while adults have only 206.
72. In the morning we are a centimeter higher than in the evening.
73. The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue.
74. The heaviest bone in the human body is the jaw bone.
75. To take a step, you use 200 muscles.
76. Tooth is the only organ incapable of regeneration.
77. Muscles decrease twice as slowly as they pump up.
78. Some bones are stronger than steel.
79. The feet contain a quarter of all the bones of the human body.

At the cellular level
There are some things you can't see with the naked eye.

80. There are 16,000 bacteria per square centimeter of the body.
81. Every 27 days you literally change your skin.
82. Every minute 3,000,000 cells die in the human body.
83. People lose about 600,000 skin particles every hour.
84. Every day, the adult human body produces 300 billion new cells.
85. All tongue prints are unique.
86. There is enough iron in the body to make a 6 cm nail out of it.
87. The most common blood type in the world is the first.
88. The lips are red because there are many capillaries under the skin.

A couple more interesting facts

89. The colder the room where you sleep, the more likely you are to have a nightmare.
90. Tears and mucus contain the enzyme lysozyme, which destroys the cell walls of many bacteria.
91. In half an hour the body releases as much energy as it takes to boil one and a half liters of water.
92. Ears produce more earwax when you are afraid.
93. You can't tickle yourself.
94. The distance between arms outstretched to the sides - this is your height.
95. Man is the only animal that cries because of emotions.
96. Right-handers live an average of nine years longer than left-handers.
97. Women burn fat more slowly than men - about 50 calories a day.
98. The fossa between the nose and the lip has a name - the nasal groove.



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