Social connections and relationships. Social connections and interactions

social interaction

Social interaction- a system of interdependent social actions associated with cyclic dependence, in which the action of one subject is both the cause and effect of the response actions of other subjects. It is related to the concept of “social action”, which is the starting point for the formation of social ties. Social interaction as a way of implementing social ties and relationships presupposes the presence of at least two subjects, the process of interaction itself, as well as the conditions and factors for its implementation. In the course of interaction, the formation and development of the individual, the social system, their change in the social structure of society, etc. take place.

Social interaction includes the transfer of action from one social actor to another, the receipt and reaction to it in the form of a response action, as well as the resumption of the actions of social actors. It has a social meaning for the participants and involves the exchange of their actions in the future due to the presence in it of a special causality - social relation. Social relations are formed in the process of interaction between people and are the result of their past interactions that have acquired a stable social form. Social interactions, unlike them, are not “frozen” social forms, but “living” social practices of people that are conditioned, directed, structured, regulated by social relations, but are able to influence these social forms and change them.

Social interaction is determined by the social statuses and roles of the individual and social groups. It has an objective and a subjective side:

  • objective side- factors that are independent of interacting, but influencing them.
  • Subjective side- the conscious attitude of individuals to each other in the process of interaction, based on mutual expectations.

Classification of social interaction

  1. Primary, secondary (ideological, religious, moral)
  2. By the number of participants: the interaction of two people; one person and a group of people; between two groups
  3. Multinational
  4. Between people of different incomes, etc.


see also

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    SOCIAL INTERACTION- the process of direct or indirect influence of social objects on each other, in which the interacting parties are connected by a cyclic causal dependence. ST. as a type of connection represents the integration of actions, functional ... The latest philosophical dictionary

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    Social interaction- Social interaction “a way of implementing social ties and relationships in a system that implies the presence of at least two subjects, the process of interaction itself, as well as the conditions and factors for its implementation. During the interaction takes place ... ... Wikipedia

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In all episodes of his life, a person is connected with other people. To satisfy his needs, a person must interact with other individuals, participate in joint activities. After a series of interactions with others, a person enters into a certain relationship.

Social connections - it is a special type of contact between people. We can talk about the presence of a social connection when there are obvious three signs: 1) personal obligations of each member of the group to comply with the norms common to the group and protect common values; 2) the dependence of the members of the group on each other, arising on the basis of a common interest; 3) identification of the individual with the group.

Main elements that make up a social connection are contacts. They can be spatial, psychological (interest), social (exchange).

Social relationships have various bases and many different shades, depending on the personal qualities of individuals. The formation of social ties occurs gradually, from simple forms to complex ones. The development of social ties leads to social interactions. Measuring the number and direction of social contacts makes it possible to determine the structure of social interactions and the nature of social relations.

social interaction(interaction) is a form of social communications; the process of communication between individuals, their influence and influence on each other. Social interaction is made up of individual social actions. An important role in the implementation of interactions is played by the system of mutual expectations presented by individuals and social groups to each other before performing social actions.

Typology. Interactions can be both short-term, situational, and stable, reusable or even permanent. According to the types of actions, interactions can be physical, verbal, gestural. Social interaction based on status systems is typified by spheres, as it includes people's communications in the economic, professional, family-related, demographic, political, religious, territorial-settlement spheres. The most common forms social interactions are cooperation (cooperation), rivalry (competition), conflict (collision).

As a result of the repetition of one or another type of interaction, different types of social relations between people arise.

Social Relations - it is a certain stable system of connections and dependencies individuals, which has developed in the process of their repeated interactions with each other in the conditions of a given society; it is a set of forms of organization of the joint life of people. Social relations are clearly separated in meaning and content, which depend on how the need for values ​​and possession of them are combined in interactions. Social relations are the stable element that unites people in society.

16. National-ethnic communities and relations

The ancient Greek word "ethnos" has about 10 meanings: people, crowd, tribe, mass, etc.

In ethnographic literature, “ethnos” is commonly understood as a stable community of people living, as a rule, in a separate territory, having their own original culture, language, and self-consciousness. In Soviet sociology and ethnography, it was traditionally believed that ethnic division is a kind of social and ethnic groups are integral systems inextricably linked with socio-economic factors. Therefore, ethnos is a social phenomenon.

There are two opposite approaches to understanding the essence of an ethnos: natural-biological, sociocultural.

The origins of the first date back to the middle of the 19th century, and its representatives belonged to the so-called racial-anthropological school in naturalistic sociology, which we mentioned in our previous lectures. Representatives of this trend Zh.A. de Gobineau, S. Ammon, J. Lapouge believed that the ethno-cultural diversity of mankind is due to genetic differences.

    Social contacts.

    social actions.

    Social interactions.

    social relations

1. Social ties - connections between the interaction of individuals and groups of individuals pursuing certain social goals in specific conditions of place and time.

Social ties can express the relationship between two or more social phenomena and features of these phenomena.

The starting point for the emergence of social ties is the interaction of individuals or their groups to meet certain needs. The social connections of individuals and their groups, based on a system of social statuses and social roles, social norms and values, form a social organization.

Social connections are different: from fleeting short-term contacts to persistent long-term relationships.

Circumstances confront each person with many individuals. In accordance with his needs and interests, a person selects from this set those with whom he then enters into complex interactions. This selection work is a special type of fleeting short-term connections, which are called contacts. There are several types of contacts:

Spatial contacts. In order to interact with other individuals, each member of a society or social group must first determine where these individuals are and how many there are. Each of us daily encounters many people in transport, at the stadium, at work.

N.N. Obozov identified 2 types of spatial contacts:

    supposed spatial contact, when a person's behavior changes due to the assumption of the presence of individuals in some place.

    visual spatial contact, when the individual's behavior changes under the influence of visual observation of other people.

Contacts of interest. Their essence lies in the choice of a social object that has certain values ​​or features that correspond to the needs of a given individual. The contact of interest can be interrupted or prolonged depending on many factors, but, first of all, on the strength and importance for the personality of the actualized motive and, accordingly, the strength of interest; the degree of reciprocity of interests, the degree of awareness of one's interest; environment. In contacts of interest, unique individual personality traits are manifested, as well as features of the social groups to which it belongs.

Exchange contact. Continuing to deepen and develop social ties, individuals begin to enter into short-term contacts, during which they exchange some values. Exchange contacts are a specific type of social relationship in which individuals exchange values ​​without having the desire to change the behavior of other individuals. Every day a person has many contacts of exchange: he buys tickets for transport, exchanges remarks with passengers in the subway, asks how to find any institution, etc. Social contacts are the basis of group-forming processes, the first step in the formation of social groups.

3. The concept of "social action" is one of the central ones in sociology. For the first time in sociology, the concept of "social action" was introduced and substantiated by Max Weber. He called social action “the action of a person (regardless of whether it is external or internal, whether it comes down to non-intervention or patient acceptance), which, according to the meaning assumed by the actor, correlates with the action of other people or is oriented towards him.” In Weber's understanding, social action has 2 features: it must be, firstly, rational, conscious, and, secondly, focused on the behavior of other people.

Any social action is preceded by social contacts, but unlike them, social action is a rather complex phenomenon, which includes:


    the need to activate behavior;

    the purpose of the action;

    action method;

    another actor to whom the action is directed;

    action result.

Social actions, unlike reflexive, impulsive actions, are never instantaneous. Before they are committed, a fairly stable impulse to activity must arise in the mind of any acting individual. This drive is called motivation. Motivation is a set of factors, mechanisms and processes that ensure the emergence of an incentive to achieve the goals necessary for an individual, in other words, motivation is a force that pushes an individual to perform certain actions. Any social action begins with the emergence of a need in an individual. Each social action is performed as a result of some subjective activity that forms motivation.

4. The starting point for the emergence of a social connection is the interaction of individuals or groups of individuals to meet certain needs.

What is social interaction? Obviously, when performing social actions, each person experiences the action of others. There is an exchange of actions, or social interaction. Social interaction is understood as a system of interdependent social actions associated with a cyclic causal dependence, in which the actions of one subject are both the cause and effect of the response actions of other subjects. This means that each social action is caused by the previous social action and at the same time is the cause of subsequent actions. Thus, social actions are links in an inextricable chain called interaction.

The mechanism of social interaction includes: individuals performing certain actions; changes in the outside world caused by these actions; the impact of these changes on other individuals and, finally, the feedback of individuals who were affected.

Interaction is a certain system of actions of one party in relation to the other and vice versa. The purpose of these actions is to somehow influence the behavior of the other side, which in turn responds in kind, otherwise it would not be an interaction. Interaction is the real content of the life of the group, the basis of all group phenomena and processes. Interaction between individuals is one of the ways of manifestation of the functioning of society, the result of these interactions is society.

One of the models of interaction between individuals is social exchange. In the social field, as it were, they exchange behavior. Behavioral events contain certain values ​​that provide participants in social interaction with a gain or loss in achieving desired material goals or desired status. In a divided society, people exchange the results of their labor among themselves and thus enter into a lively social exchange.

With a view to a winning social exchange, people are happy to come into contact with those individuals or groups who can be useful in achieving their goals. According to the theory of social exchange, attraction to a person or group increases to the extent that this contributes to the achievement of the goal. An important motive for interaction can also be the phenomenon of social comparability: a person tries to analyze and evaluate his abilities and successes in comparison with others. The motives of interaction, of course, can be both attraction and sympathy for another.

For social exchange, good prerequisites are created by competence, which means the possession of resources, i.e., power reserves. In this aspect, interaction can be understood as a social ability determined by social intelligence and social competence. Observation of the situation and response is an important part of the interaction: the analysis of the previous situation determines the subsequent stages of progress in the process of interaction.

The most obvious form of social interaction is communication by means of a socially accepted system of symbols. One of the most important symbol systems that provides the possibility of communication is, of course, language. There is an opinion that people do not react to each other's actions and deeds as such, but only to their meaning, just as a person in the course of communication weighs the statements of the interlocutor regarding his own activities, qualities, etc., and regards them in the light of his expectations.

5. Social relations are various interactions regulated by social norms between two or more people, each of whom has a social position and performs a social role.

Sociologists consider social relations to be the highest form of social phenomena compared to behavior, action, social behavior, social action, and social interaction.

It can be argued that social relations arise:

Between people as part of a social group;

Between groups of people;

Between individuals and groups of people.

Despite the fact that the term "social relations" is widely used, but scientists have not yet come to a common conclusion about the concept of social relations. There are such definitions:

Public relations (social relations) - the relationship of people to each other, developing in historically defined social forms, in specific conditions of place and time.

Public relations (social relations) - relations between social subjects regarding their equality and social justice in the distribution of life's benefits, the conditions for the formation and development of the individual, the satisfaction of material, social and spiritual needs.

There are several classifications of social relations. In particular, there are:

class relations;

National relations;

ethnic relations;

Group relations;

Personal social relations;

Social relations develop in all spheres of public life.

social connection is a set of conscious or unconscious, necessary and random, stable and spontaneous dependencies of some social subjects on others. To the greatest extent, social ties are manifested in various kinds of adaptive behavior of people, taking into account the norms and values ​​recognized by the group. A high degree of manifestation of social ties is an activity undertaken by people taking into account the needs of others, especially when it does not correspond to the personal interests of the acting people.

Now we will move on to further analysis and raise questions about what is happening between people, between individuals, how connections and dependencies arise between them, how associations appear that unite people into stable communities. Communicating with peers, relatives, acquaintances, with random fellow travelers, each person carries out certain social interactions.

Spatial contact- this is the initial and necessary link in the formation of social relationships. Knowing where people are and how many there are, and even more so observing them visually, a person can choose an object for further development of relationships based on their needs and interests.

Contacts can be:

v transient or persistent, depending on their frequency and duration;

v personal and material;

v direct and indirect.

In the process of social interaction is produced:

ü perception each other's people;

ü mutual evaluation each other;

ü joint action - cooperation, rivalry, conflict, etc.

Let us give a definition of social interaction: social interaction is a system of socially conditioned individual and/or group actions connected by mutual causal dependence, in which the behavior of one of the participants is both a stimulus and a reaction to the behavior of the others.

There are four main features of interaction:

1) objectivity- the presence of an external in relation to interacting individuals or groups of goals, reasons, objects, etc., which encourage them to interact;

2) situationality- a fairly strict regulation of interaction with the specific conditions of the situation in which this process takes place: the behavior of friends at work, in the theater, at the stadium, at a country picnic is significantly different;

3) explication- availability for an outside observer of the external expression of the interaction process, whether it is work at a factory, a game or dancing;

4) Reflective polysemy- the possibility for interaction to be a manifestation of both the main subjective intentions, and an unconscious or conscious consequence of the joint participation of people in interindividual or group activities (for example, joint work).

The system plays an important role in the implementation of interactions. mutual expectations presented by individuals and social groups to each other before performing social actions. Such expectations can be episodic and vague in the case of short-term interactions, say, with a single date, a casual and non-recurring meeting, but can also be stable in frequently repeated or role-playing interactions.

If an interaction is a bidirectional exchange of actions between two or more individuals, then an action is just a one-way interaction. Action can be divided into four types:

1. physical action, for example: slapping, handing over a book, writing on paper;

2. verbal or verbal action, for example: insult, greeting - "hello";

3. gestures as a kind of action: a smile, a raised finger, a handshake;

4. mental action, which is expressed only in inner speech.

Of the four types of action, the first three are external, and the fourth - internal. Examples that reinforce each type of action correspond to the criteria of social action by M. Weber: they are meaningful, motivated, oriented towards the other.

Social interaction is based on social statuses and roles. Hence the second typology of social interaction (by spheres):

The economic sphere, where individuals act as owners and employees, entrepreneurs, rentiers, capitalists, businessmen, unemployed, housewives;

A professional sphere where individuals participate as drivers, bankers, professors, miners, cooks;

Family-related sphere, where people act as fathers, mothers, sons, cousins, grandmothers, uncles, aunts, godfathers, sworn brothers, bachelors, widows, newlyweds;

Demographic sphere, including contacts between representatives of different sexes, ages, nationalities and races (nationality is also included in the concept of interethnic interaction);

The political sphere, where people oppose or cooperate as representatives of political parties, popular fronts, social movements, and also as subjects of state power: judges, policemen, juries, diplomats, etc.;

The religious sphere implies contacts between representatives of different religions, one religion, as well as believers and non-believers, if the content of their actions relate to the area of ​​religion;

Territorial-settlement sphere - clashes, cooperation, competition between local and newcomers, urban and rural, temporarily and permanently residing emigrants, immigrants and migrants.

Thus, the first typology of social interaction is based on types of action, the second - on status systems.

Any interaction is exchange. You can exchange anything: signs of attention, words, gestures, symbols, material objects. Perhaps you will not find anything that could not serve as a medium of exchange. Thus, money, with which we usually have an exchange process, is far from the first place.

According to the exchange theory George Homans (1910-1989), the behavior of a person at the present moment is determined by whether and how exactly his actions were rewarded in the past. He brought out the following exchange principles: 1) the higher the act is rewarded, the more often it is repeated; 2) if in the past there was a reward in a certain situation, people tend to create such a situation again; 3) the greater the reward, the more people are willing to expend effort to receive it; 4) when a person's needs are almost completely satisfied, he tends to make efforts to satisfy them to a lesser extent. social behavior is an exchange of activities, tangible or intangible, more or less rewarding or costly, between at least two persons. Subinstitutional behavior is real behavior in institutional structures, elementary social behavior is the actual behavior of people in direct contact with each other, where each directly and directly rewards or punishes the other.

Elementary social behavior:

§ socially (orientation to another person);

§ directly (face-to-face);

§ really (this is real behavior, not the norm of behavior);

§ implies social norms, which, however, cannot cover all situations of interaction (role and role performance).

1) What is religion in the broad and narrow sense of the word? Is it possible, in your opinion, to give such a definition of it, which will equally suit both people of faith and faith?

atheists? Why?

2) Describe the role of religion in the life of a person, society, state. What is the moral force of religion?

3) What is a world religion? What is the essence of the discussion about the number of world religions? What do you think, what criteria are used by those experts who name more than three world religions?

4) What role have world religions played and are playing in the history of mankind?

5) What role does the religious factor play in contemporary conflicts? Is it possible to say that often it is only a pretext for starting an armed confrontation?

Please check the understanding of the problem and the theoretical argumentation, and also help with the arguments) What is a society? Talking about

to this problem, Émile Durkheim says: "Society is not a simple sum of individuals, but a system formed by their association."

This statement by Emile Durkheim means that society is a systematized, regular community of people, and not just a sum of individuals.

We all know from textbooks that society is a part of the material world isolated from nature, which includes the ways in which people interact. This is a kind of integrity of people, which has a collective character. However, is society necessarily systematized?

I think so: originally people existed outside of society, united in small groups, just like animals. However, in the process of anthroposociogenesis, man became a social being. Sociums were formed: at first they were tribes, then peoples and nations. In them, a person has a set of social roles that determine his place (son, student, Russian, and so on). Society, gradually becoming more complex, was divided into strata, classes, spheres, which are also divided within themselves. All this together forms a complex dynamic natural system - society.

1. What is the spiritual life of society? What components does it include?

2. What is culture? Tell us about the origin of this concept.

3. How do traditions and innovation interact in culture?

4. Describe the main functions of culture. On the example of one of the phenomena of culture, reveal its functions in society.

5. What kind of “cultures within a culture” do you know? Describe a situation in which the interaction of several cultures would manifest itself.

6. What is the dialogue of cultures? Give examples of interaction and
interpenetration of various national cultures, using knowledge,
obtained in the courses of history and geography.

7. What is the internationalization of culture? What are her problems?

8. Describe the manifestations of folk culture.

9. What is mass culture? Tell us about its symptoms.

10. What is the role of mass media in modern society?
What problems and threats can be associated with their spread?

11. What is an elite culture? How is its dialogue with the masses?



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