Determine the average speed of blood flow. How fast does blood move through the veins

Of course not. Like any liquid, blood simply transmits the pressure exerted on it. During systole, it transmits increased pressure in all directions, and a wave of pulse expansion runs from the aorta along the elastic walls of the arteries. She runs at an average speed of about 9 meters per second. With damage to the vessels by atherosclerosis, this rate increases, and its study is one of the important diagnostic measurements in modern medicine.

The blood itself moves much more slowly, and this speed is completely different in different parts of the vascular system. What determines the different speed of blood movement in arteries, capillaries and veins? At first glance, it may seem that it should depend on the level of pressure in the corresponding vessels. However, this is not true.

Imagine a river that narrows and widens. We know perfectly well that in narrow places its flow will be faster, and in wide places it will be slower. This is understandable: after all, the same amount of water flows past each point of the coast in the same time. Therefore, where the river is narrower, the water flows faster, and in wide places the flow slows down. The same applies to the circulatory system. The speed of blood flow in its different sections is determined by the total width of the channel of these sections.

In fact, in a second, the same amount of blood passes through the right ventricle as through the left one; the same amount of blood passes on average through any point of the vascular system. If we say that an athlete's heart during one systole can eject more than 150 cm 3 of blood into the aorta, this means that the same amount is ejected from the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery during the same systole. This also means that during the atrial systole, which precedes the ventricular systole by 0.1 seconds, the indicated amount of blood also passed from the atria into the ventricles “in one go”. In other words, if 150 cm 3 of blood can be ejected into the aorta at once, it follows that not only the left ventricle, but also each of the three other chambers of the heart can contain and eject about a glass of blood at once.

If the same volume of blood passes through each point of the vascular system per unit time, then due to the different total lumen of the channel of arteries, capillaries and veins, the speed of movement of individual blood particles, its linear velocity will be completely different. Blood flows fastest in the aorta. Here the speed of blood flow is 0.5 meters per second. Although the aorta is the largest vessel in the body, it represents the narrowest point in the vascular system. Each of the arteries into which the aorta splits is ten times smaller than it. However, the number of arteries is measured in hundreds, and therefore, in total, their lumen is much wider than the lumen of the aorta. When the blood reaches the capillaries, it completely slows down its flow. The capillary is many million times smaller than the aorta, but the number of capillaries is measured in many billions. Therefore, the blood in them flows a thousand times slower than in the aorta. Its speed in the capillaries is about 0.5 mm per second. This is of tremendous importance, because if the blood quickly rushed through the capillaries, it would not have time to give oxygen to the tissues. Since it flows slowly, and the erythrocytes move in one row, "in single file", this creates the best conditions for blood contact with tissues.

A complete revolution through both circles of blood circulation in humans and mammals takes an average of 27 systoles, for humans it is 21-22 seconds.

How long does it take for blood to circulate throughout the body?

How long does it take blood to make a circle throughout the body?

Good day!

The average heartbeat time is 0.3 seconds. During this period of time, the heart pushes out 60 ml of blood.

Thus, the rate of blood moving through the heart is 0.06 l/0.3 s = 0.2 l/s.

In the human body (adult) is, on average, about 5 liters of blood.

Then, 5 liters will push through in 5 l / (0.2 l / s) = 25 s.

Large and small circles of blood circulation. Anatomical structure and main functions

The large and small circles of blood circulation were discovered by Harvey in 1628. Later, scientists from many countries made important discoveries regarding the anatomical structure and functioning of the circulatory system. To this day, medicine is moving forward, studying methods of treatment and restoration of blood vessels. Anatomy is enriched with new data. They reveal to us the mechanisms of general and regional blood supply to tissues and organs. A person has a four-chambered heart, which makes blood circulate through the systemic and pulmonary circulation. This process is continuous, thanks to it absolutely all cells of the body receive oxygen and important nutrients.

Meaning of blood

Large and small circles of blood circulation deliver blood to all tissues, thanks to which our body functions properly. Blood is a connecting element that ensures the vital activity of every cell and every organ. Oxygen and nutrients, including enzymes and hormones, enter the tissues, and metabolic products are removed from the intercellular space. In addition, it is the blood that provides a constant temperature of the human body, protecting the body from pathogenic microbes.

From the digestive organs, nutrients continuously enter the blood plasma and are carried to all tissues. Despite the fact that a person constantly consumes food containing a large amount of salts and water, a constant balance of mineral compounds is maintained in the blood. This is achieved by removing excess salts through the kidneys, lungs and sweat glands.


Large and small circles of blood circulation depart from the heart. This hollow organ consists of two atria and ventricles. The heart is located on the left side of the chest. Its weight in an adult, on average, is 300 g. This organ is responsible for pumping blood. There are three main phases in the work of the heart. Contraction of the atria, ventricles and a pause between them. This takes less than one second. In one minute, the human heart beats at least 70 times. Blood moves through the vessels in a continuous stream, constantly flows through the heart from a small circle to a large one, carrying oxygen to organs and tissues and bringing carbon dioxide into the alveoli of the lungs.

Systemic (large) circulation

Both large and small circles of blood circulation perform the function of gas exchange in the body. When the blood returns from the lungs, it is already enriched with oxygen. Further, it must be delivered to all tissues and organs. This function is performed by a large circle of blood circulation. It originates in the left ventricle, bringing blood vessels to the tissues, which branch into small capillaries and carry out gas exchange. The systemic circle ends in the right atrium.

Anatomical structure of the systemic circulation

The systemic circulation originates in the left ventricle. Oxygenated blood comes out of it into large arteries. Getting into the aorta and the brachiocephalic trunk, it rushes to the tissues with great speed. One large artery carries blood to the upper part of the body, and the other to the lower part.

The brachiocephalic trunk is a large artery separated from the aorta. It carries oxygen-rich blood up to the head and arms. The second large artery - the aorta - delivers blood to the lower body, to the legs and tissues of the body. These two main blood vessels, as mentioned above, are repeatedly divided into smaller capillaries, which penetrate organs and tissues like a mesh. These tiny vessels deliver oxygen and nutrients to the intercellular space. From it, carbon dioxide and other metabolic products necessary for the body enter the bloodstream. On the way back to the heart, the capillaries reconnect to form larger vessels called veins. The blood in them flows more slowly and has a dark tint. Ultimately, all the vessels coming from the lower body are combined into the inferior vena cava. And those that go from the upper body and head - into the superior vena cava. Both of these vessels enter the right atrium.

Small (pulmonary) circulation

The pulmonary circulation originates in the right ventricle. Further, having made a complete revolution, the blood passes into the left atrium. The main function of the small circle is gas exchange. Carbon dioxide is removed from the blood, which saturates the body with oxygen. The process of gas exchange is carried out in the alveoli of the lungs. Small and large circles of blood circulation perform several functions, but their main significance is to conduct blood throughout the body, covering all organs and tissues, while maintaining heat exchange and metabolic processes.

Lesser circle anatomical device

From the right ventricle of the heart comes venous, oxygen-poor blood. It enters the largest artery of the small circle - the pulmonary trunk. It divides into two separate vessels (right and left arteries). This is a very important feature of the pulmonary circulation. The right artery brings blood to the right lung, and the left, respectively, to the left. Approaching the main organ of the respiratory system, the vessels begin to divide into smaller ones. They branch until they reach the size of thin capillaries. They cover the entire lung, increasing thousands of times the area on which gas exchange occurs.

Each tiny alveolus has a blood vessel. Only the thinnest wall of the capillary and the lung separates blood from atmospheric air. It is so delicate and porous that oxygen and other gases can freely circulate through this wall into the vessels and alveoli. This is how gas exchange takes place. The gas moves according to the principle from a higher concentration to a lower one. For example, if there is very little oxygen in the dark venous blood, then it begins to enter the capillaries from atmospheric air. But with carbon dioxide, the opposite happens, it passes into the alveoli of the lung, since its concentration is lower there. Further, the vessels are again combined into larger ones. Ultimately, only four large pulmonary veins remain. They carry oxygenated, bright red arterial blood to the heart, which flows into the left atrium.

Circulation time

The time interval during which the blood has time to pass through the small and large circles is called the time of the complete circulation of blood. This indicator is strictly individual, but on average it takes from 20 to 23 seconds at rest. With muscle activity, for example, while running or jumping, the blood flow speed increases several times, then a complete blood circulation in both circles can take place in just 10 seconds, but the body cannot withstand such a pace for a long time.

Cardiac circulation

The large and small circles of blood circulation provide gas exchange processes in the human body, but blood also circulates in the heart, and along a strict route. This path is called the “cardiac circulation”. It begins with two large coronary cardiac arteries from the aorta. Through them, blood enters all parts and layers of the heart, and then through small veins is collected in the venous coronary sinus. This large vessel opens into the right heart atrium with its wide mouth. But some of the small veins directly exit into the cavity of the right ventricle and atrium of the heart. This is how the circulatory system of our body is arranged.

full circle circulation time

In the Beauty and Health section, to the question How many times a day does the blood rotate through the body? And how long does one complete circulation of blood take? given by the author Ўliya Konchakovskaya, the best answer is The time of a complete blood circulation in a person is on average 27 systoles of the heart. With a heart rate of 70-80 beats per minute, the circulation of blood occurs in approximately 20-23 seconds, however, the speed of blood movement along the axis of the vessel is greater than at its walls. Therefore, not all blood makes a complete circuit so quickly and the time indicated is minimal.

Studies on dogs have shown that 1/5 of the time of the complete circulation of blood falls on the passage of blood through the pulmonary circulation and 4/5 - through the large.

So in 1 minute about 3 times. For the whole day we consider: 3*60*24 = 4320 times.

We have two circles of blood circulation, one full circle rotates 4-5 seconds. count here!

Large and small circles of blood circulation

Large and small circles of human circulation

Blood circulation is the movement of blood through the vascular system, which provides gas exchange between the body and the external environment, the metabolism between organs and tissues, and the humoral regulation of various body functions.

The circulatory system includes the heart and blood vessels - the aorta, arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins, and lymphatic vessels. Blood moves through the vessels due to the contraction of the heart muscle.

Blood circulation takes place in a closed system consisting of small and large circles:

  • A large circle of blood circulation provides all organs and tissues with blood with nutrients contained in it.
  • The small, or pulmonary, circle of blood circulation is designed to enrich the blood with oxygen.

Circulatory circles were first described by the English scientist William Harvey in 1628 in his work Anatomical Studies on the Motion of the Heart and Vessels.

The pulmonary circulation begins from the right ventricle, during the contraction of which venous blood enters the pulmonary trunk and, flowing through the lungs, gives off carbon dioxide and is saturated with oxygen. Oxygen-enriched blood from the lungs through the pulmonary veins enters the left atrium, where the small circle ends.

A large circle of blood circulation begins from the left ventricle, during the contraction of which blood enriched with oxygen is pumped into the aorta, arteries, arterioles and capillaries of all organs and tissues, and from there it flows through the venules and veins into the right atrium, where the large circle ends.

The largest vessel in the systemic circulation is the aorta, which emerges from the left ventricle of the heart. The aorta forms an arc from which arteries branch off, carrying blood to the head (carotid arteries) and to the upper limbs (vertebral arteries). The aorta runs down along the spine, where branches depart from it, carrying blood to the abdominal organs, to the muscles of the trunk and lower extremities.

Arterial blood, rich in oxygen, passes throughout the body, delivering nutrients and oxygen to the cells of organs and tissues necessary for their activity, and in the capillary system it turns into venous blood. Venous blood, saturated with carbon dioxide and cellular metabolic products, returns to the heart and from it enters the lungs for gas exchange. The largest veins of the systemic circulation are the superior and inferior vena cava, which empty into the right atrium.

Rice. Scheme of small and large circles of blood circulation

It should be noted how the circulatory systems of the liver and kidneys are included in the systemic circulation. All blood from the capillaries and veins of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, and spleen enters the portal vein and passes through the liver. In the liver, the portal vein branches into small veins and capillaries, which then reconnect into a common trunk of the hepatic vein, which flows into the inferior vena cava. All the blood of the abdominal organs before entering the systemic circulation flows through two capillary networks: the capillaries of these organs and the capillaries of the liver. The portal system of the liver plays an important role. It ensures the neutralization of toxic substances that are formed in the large intestine during the breakdown of amino acids that are not absorbed in the small intestine and are absorbed by the colon mucosa into the blood. The liver, like all other organs, also receives arterial blood through the hepatic artery, which branches off from the abdominal artery.

There are also two capillary networks in the kidneys: there is a capillary network in each Malpighian glomerulus, then these capillaries are connected into an arterial vessel, which again breaks up into capillaries braiding the convoluted tubules.

Rice. Scheme of blood circulation

A feature of blood circulation in the liver and kidneys is the slowing down of blood flow, which is determined by the function of these organs.

Table 1. The difference between blood flow in the systemic and pulmonary circulation

Systemic circulation

Small circle of blood circulation

In what part of the heart does the circle begin?

In the left ventricle

In the right ventricle

In what part of the heart does the circle end?

In the right atrium

In the left atrium

Where does gas exchange take place?

In the capillaries located in the organs of the chest and abdominal cavities, the brain, upper and lower extremities

in the capillaries in the alveoli of the lungs

What kind of blood moves through the arteries?

What kind of blood moves through the veins?

Time of blood circulation in a circle

Supply of organs and tissues with oxygen and transport of carbon dioxide

Saturation of blood with oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide from the body

The blood circulation time is the time of a single passage of a blood particle through the large and small circles of the vascular system. More details in the next section of the article.

Patterns of the movement of blood through the vessels

Basic principles of hemodynamics

Hemodynamics is a branch of physiology that studies the patterns and mechanisms of blood movement through the vessels of the human body. When studying it, terminology is used and the laws of hydrodynamics, the science of the movement of fluids, are taken into account.

The speed at which blood moves through the vessels depends on two factors:

  • from the difference in blood pressure at the beginning and end of the vessel;
  • from the resistance that the fluid encounters along its path.

The pressure difference contributes to the movement of the fluid: the greater it is, the more intense this movement. Resistance in the vascular system, which reduces the speed of blood flow, depends on a number of factors:

  • the length of the vessel and its radius (the longer the length and the smaller the radius, the greater the resistance);
  • blood viscosity (it is 5 times the viscosity of water);
  • friction of blood particles against the walls of blood vessels and among themselves.

Hemodynamic parameters

The speed of blood flow in the vessels is carried out according to the laws of hemodynamics, common with the laws of hydrodynamics. Blood flow velocity is characterized by three indicators: volumetric blood flow velocity, linear blood flow velocity and blood circulation time.

Volumetric blood flow velocity - the amount of blood flowing through the cross section of all vessels of a given caliber per unit of time.

The linear velocity of blood flow is the speed of movement of an individual blood particle along the vessel per unit of time. In the center of the vessel, the linear velocity is maximum, and near the vessel wall it is minimum due to increased friction.

Blood circulation time - the time during which blood passes through the large and small circles of blood circulation. Passing through a small circle takes about 1/5, and passing through a large circle - 4/5 of this time

The driving force of blood flow in the vascular system of each of the circles of blood circulation is the difference in blood pressure (ΔР) in the initial section of the arterial bed (aorta for a large circle) and the final section of the venous bed (vena cava and right atrium). The difference in blood pressure (ΔP) at the beginning of the vessel (P1) and at the end of it (P2) is the driving force for blood flow through any vessel of the circulatory system. The force of the blood pressure gradient is used to overcome the resistance to blood flow (R) in the vascular system and in each individual vessel. The higher the blood pressure gradient in the circulation or in a separate vessel, the greater the volumetric blood flow in them.

The most important indicator of blood flow through the vessels is the volumetric blood flow velocity, or volumetric blood flow (Q), which is understood as the volume of blood flowing through the total cross section of the vascular bed or the cross section of an individual vessel per unit time. The volumetric flow rate is expressed in liters per minute (L/min) or milliliters per minute (mL/min). To assess volumetric blood flow through the aorta or the total cross section of any other level of the vessels of the systemic circulation, the concept of volumetric systemic blood flow is used. Since the entire volume of blood ejected by the left ventricle during this time flows through the aorta and other vessels of the systemic circulation per unit of time (minute), the concept of systemic volumetric blood flow is synonymous with the concept of minute volume of blood flow (MOV). The IOC of an adult at rest is 4-5 l / min.

Distinguish also volumetric blood flow in the body. In this case, they mean the total blood flow flowing per unit of time through all the afferent arterial or efferent venous vessels of the organ.

Thus, volumetric blood flow Q = (P1 - P2) / R.

This formula expresses the essence of the basic law of hemodynamics, which states that the amount of blood flowing through the total cross section of the vascular system or an individual vessel per unit time is directly proportional to the difference in blood pressure at the beginning and end of the vascular system (or vessel) and inversely proportional to the current resistance blood.

The total (systemic) minute blood flow in a large circle is calculated taking into account the values ​​of the average hydrodynamic blood pressure at the beginning of the aorta P1, and at the mouth of the vena cava P2. Since the blood pressure in this section of the veins is close to 0, then the value P equal to the average hydrodynamic arterial blood pressure at the beginning of the aorta is substituted into the expression for calculating Q or IOC: Q (IOC) = P / R.

One of the consequences of the basic law of hemodynamics - the driving force of blood flow in the vascular system - is due to the blood pressure created by the work of the heart. Confirmation of the decisive importance of blood pressure for blood flow is the pulsating nature of blood flow throughout the cardiac cycle. During heart systole, when blood pressure reaches its maximum level, blood flow increases, and during diastole, when blood pressure is at its lowest, blood flow decreases.

As blood moves through the vessels from the aorta to the veins, blood pressure decreases and the rate of its decrease is proportional to the resistance to blood flow in the vessels. The pressure in arterioles and capillaries decreases especially rapidly, since they have a large resistance to blood flow, having a small radius, a large total length and numerous branches, creating an additional obstacle to blood flow.

The resistance to blood flow created in the entire vascular bed of the systemic circulation is called total peripheral resistance (OPS). Therefore, in the formula for calculating volumetric blood flow, the symbol R can be replaced by its analogue - OPS:

From this expression, a number of important consequences are derived that are necessary for understanding the processes of blood circulation in the body, evaluating the results of measuring blood pressure and its deviations. The factors affecting the resistance of the vessel, for the fluid flow, are described by Poiseuille's law, according to which

From the above expression it follows that since the numbers 8 and Π are constant, L in an adult changes little, then the value of peripheral resistance to blood flow is determined by the changing values ​​of the vessel radius r and blood viscosity η).

It has already been mentioned that the radius of muscle-type vessels can change rapidly and have a significant impact on the amount of resistance to blood flow (hence their name - resistive vessels) and the amount of blood flow through organs and tissues. Since the resistance depends on the value of the radius to the 4th power, even small fluctuations in the radius of the vessels greatly affect the values ​​of resistance to blood flow and blood flow. So, for example, if the radius of the vessel decreases from 2 to 1 mm, then its resistance will increase by 16 times, and with a constant pressure gradient, the blood flow in this vessel will also decrease by 16 times. Reverse changes in resistance will be observed when the radius of the vessel is doubled. With a constant average hemodynamic pressure, blood flow in one organ can increase, in another - decrease, depending on the contraction or relaxation of the smooth muscles of the afferent arterial vessels and veins of this organ.

The viscosity of the blood depends on the content in the blood of the number of red blood cells (hematocrit), protein, lipoproteins in the blood plasma, as well as on the state of aggregation of the blood. Under normal conditions, the viscosity of the blood does not change as quickly as the lumen of the vessels. After blood loss, with erythropenia, hypoproteinemia, blood viscosity decreases. With significant erythrocytosis, leukemia, increased aggregation of erythrocytes and hypercoagulability, blood viscosity can increase significantly, which leads to an increase in resistance to blood flow, an increase in the load on the myocardium and may be accompanied by impaired blood flow in the vessels of the microvasculature.

In the established circulation regime, the volume of blood expelled by the left ventricle and flowing through the cross section of the aorta is equal to the volume of blood flowing through the total cross section of the vessels of any other part of the systemic circulation. This volume of blood returns to the right atrium and enters the right ventricle. Blood is expelled from it into the pulmonary circulation and then returned through the pulmonary veins to the left heart. Since the IOCs of the left and right ventricles are the same, and the systemic and pulmonary circulations are connected in series, the volumetric blood flow velocity in the vascular system remains the same.

However, during changes in blood flow conditions, such as when moving from a horizontal to a vertical position, when gravity causes a temporary accumulation of blood in the veins of the lower trunk and legs, for a short time, the left and right ventricular cardiac output may become different. Soon, intracardiac and extracardiac mechanisms of regulation of the work of the heart equalize the volume of blood flow through the small and large circles of blood circulation.

With a sharp decrease in venous return of blood to the heart, causing a decrease in stroke volume, arterial blood pressure may decrease. With a pronounced decrease in it, blood flow to the brain can decrease. This explains the feeling of dizziness that can occur with a sharp transition of a person from a horizontal to a vertical position.

Volume and linear velocity of blood flow in the vessels

The total volume of blood in the vascular system is an important homeostatic indicator. Its average value is 6-7% for women, 7-8% of body weight for men and is in the range of 4-6 liters; 80-85% of the blood from this volume is in the vessels of the systemic circulation, about 10% - in the vessels of the pulmonary circulation, and about 7% - in the cavities of the heart.

Most of the blood is contained in the veins (about 75%) - this indicates their role in the deposition of blood in both the systemic and pulmonary circulation.

The movement of blood in the vessels is characterized not only by volume, but also by the linear velocity of blood flow. It is understood as the distance over which a particle of blood moves per unit of time.

There is a relationship between the volumetric and linear blood flow velocity, which is described by the following expression:

where V is the linear velocity of blood flow, mm/s, cm/s; Q - volumetric blood flow velocity; P is a number equal to 3.14; r is the radius of the vessel. The value Pr 2 reflects the cross-sectional area of ​​the vessel.

Rice. 1. Changes in blood pressure, linear blood flow velocity and cross-sectional area in different parts of the vascular system

Rice. 2. Hydrodynamic characteristics of the vascular bed

From the expression of the dependence of the linear velocity on the volumetric velocity in the vessels of the circulatory system, it can be seen that the linear velocity of blood flow (Fig. 1.) is proportional to the volumetric blood flow through the vessel (s) and inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of ​​this vessel (s). For example, in the aorta, which has the smallest cross-sectional area in the systemic circulation (3-4 cm 2), the linear velocity of blood movement is the highest and is at rest approx. cm / s. With physical activity, it can increase by 4-5 times.

In the direction of the capillaries, the total transverse lumen of the vessels increases and, consequently, the linear velocity of blood flow in the arteries and arterioles decreases. In capillary vessels, the total cross-sectional area of ​​which is greater than in any other part of the vessels of the great circle (much larger than the cross-section of the aorta), the linear velocity of blood flow becomes minimal (less than 1 mm/s). Slow blood flow in the capillaries creates the best conditions for the flow of metabolic processes between blood and tissues. In veins, the linear velocity of blood flow increases due to a decrease in their total cross-sectional area as they approach the heart. At the mouth of the vena cava, it is cm / s, and with loads it increases to 50 cm / s.

The linear velocity of plasma and blood cells depends not only on the type of vessel, but also on their location in the blood stream. There is a laminar type of blood flow, in which the blood flow can be conditionally divided into layers. In this case, the linear velocity of the movement of blood layers (mainly plasma), close to or adjacent to the vessel wall, is the smallest, and the layers in the center of the flow are the largest. Friction forces arise between the vascular endothelium and the parietal layers of blood, creating shear stresses on the vascular endothelium. These stresses play a role in the production of vasoactive factors by the endothelium, which regulate the lumen of the vessels and the rate of blood flow.

Erythrocytes in vessels (with the exception of capillaries) are located mainly in the central part of the blood stream and move in it at a relatively high speed. Leukocytes, on the contrary, are located mainly in the parietal layers of the blood flow and perform rolling movements at a low speed. This allows them to bind to adhesion receptors at sites of mechanical or inflammatory damage to the endothelium, adhere to the vessel wall, and migrate into tissues to perform protective functions.

With a significant increase in the linear velocity of blood movement in the narrowed part of the vessels, in the places where its branches depart from the vessel, the laminar nature of blood movement can change to turbulent. In this case, the layering of the movement of its particles in the blood flow may be disturbed, and between the wall of the vessel and the blood, greater friction forces and shear stresses may occur than with laminar movement. Vortex blood flows develop, the likelihood of damage to the endothelium and the deposition of cholesterol and other substances in the intima of the vessel wall increases. This can lead to mechanical disruption of the structure of the vascular wall and initiation of the development of parietal thrombi.

The time of a complete blood circulation, i.e. the return of a blood particle to the left ventricle after its ejection and passage through the large and small circles of blood circulation, is in postcos, or after about 27 systoles of the ventricles of the heart. Approximately a quarter of this time is spent on moving blood through the vessels of the small circle and three quarters - through the vessels of the systemic circulation.

Large and small circles of blood circulation. Blood flow rate

How long does it take for the blood to make a full circle?

and adolescent gynecology

and evidence-based medicine

and health worker

Circulation is the continuous movement of blood through a closed cardiovascular system, which ensures the exchange of gases in the lungs and body tissues.

In addition to providing tissues and organs with oxygen and removing carbon dioxide from them, blood circulation delivers nutrients, water, salts, vitamins, hormones to cells and removes metabolic end products, and also maintains a constant body temperature, ensures humoral regulation and the interconnection of organs and organ systems in body.

The circulatory system consists of the heart and blood vessels that permeate all organs and tissues of the body.

Blood circulation begins in the tissues, where metabolism takes place through the walls of the capillaries. The blood that has given oxygen to the organs and tissues enters the right half of the heart and is sent to the pulmonary (pulmonary) circulation, where the blood is saturated with oxygen, returns to the heart, entering its left half, and again spreads throughout the body (large circulation) .

The heart is the main organ of the circulatory system. It is a hollow muscular organ consisting of four chambers: two atria (right and left), separated by an interatrial septum, and two ventricles (right and left), separated by an interventricular septum. The right atrium communicates with the right ventricle through the tricuspid valve, and the left atrium communicates with the left ventricle through the bicuspid valve. The mass of the heart of an adult is on average about 250 g in women and about 330 g in men. The length of the heart is cm, the transverse size is 8-11 cm and the anteroposterior is 6-8.5 cm. The volume of the heart in men is on average cm 3, and in women cm 3.

The outer walls of the heart are formed by the cardiac muscle, which is similar in structure to the striated muscles. However, the heart muscle is distinguished by the ability to automatically contract rhythmically due to impulses that occur in the heart itself, regardless of external influences (cardiac automaticity).

The function of the heart is to rhythmically pump blood into the arteries, which comes to it through the veins. The heart contracts about once per minute at rest (1 time per 0.8 s). More than half of this time it rests - relaxes. The continuous activity of the heart consists of cycles, each of which consists of contraction (systole) and relaxation (diastole).

There are three phases of cardiac activity:

  • atrial contraction - atrial systole - takes 0.1 s
  • ventricular contraction - ventricular systole - takes 0.3 s
  • total pause - diastole (simultaneous relaxation of the atria and ventricles) - takes 0.4 s

Thus, during the entire cycle, the atria work 0.1 s and rest 0.7 s, the ventricles work 0.3 s and rest 0.5 s. This explains the ability of the heart muscle to work without fatigue throughout life. The high efficiency of the heart muscle is due to the increased blood supply to the heart. Approximately 10% of the blood ejected from the left ventricle into the aorta enters the arteries departing from it, which feed the heart.

Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood from the heart to organs and tissues (only the pulmonary artery carries venous blood).

The wall of the artery is represented by three layers: the outer connective tissue membrane; middle, consisting of elastic fibers and smooth muscles; internal, formed by the endothelium and connective tissue.

In humans, the diameter of the arteries ranges from 0.4 to 2.5 cm. The total volume of blood in the arterial system averages 950 ml. Arteries gradually branch into smaller and smaller vessels - arterioles, which pass into capillaries.

Capillaries (from the Latin “capillus” - hair) are the smallest vessels (the average diameter does not exceed 0.005 mm, or 5 microns), penetrating the organs and tissues of animals and humans that have a closed circulatory system. They connect small arteries - arterioles with small veins - venules. Through the walls of the capillaries, consisting of endothelial cells, there is an exchange of gases and other substances between the blood and various tissues.

Veins are blood vessels that carry blood saturated with carbon dioxide, metabolic products, hormones and other substances from tissues and organs to the heart (with the exception of pulmonary veins that carry arterial blood). The wall of the vein is much thinner and more elastic than the wall of the artery. Small and medium-sized veins are equipped with valves that prevent the reverse flow of blood in these vessels. In humans, the volume of blood in the venous system averages 3200 ml.

The movement of blood through the vessels was first described in 1628 by the English physician W. Harvey.

Harvey William () - English physician and naturalist. He created and introduced into the practice of scientific research the first experimental method - vivisection (live cutting).

In 1628 he published the book "Anatomical Studies on the Movement of the Heart and Blood in Animals", in which he described the large and small circles of blood circulation, formulated the basic principles of blood movement. The date of publication of this work is considered the year of the birth of physiology as an independent science.

In humans and mammals, blood moves through a closed cardiovascular system, consisting of a large and small circles of blood circulation (Fig.).

The large circle starts from the left ventricle, carries blood throughout the body through the aorta, gives oxygen to the tissues in the capillaries, takes carbon dioxide, turns from arterial to venous and returns to the right atrium through the superior and inferior vena cava.

The pulmonary circulation starts from the right ventricle, carries blood through the pulmonary artery to the pulmonary capillaries. Here the blood gives off carbon dioxide, is saturated with oxygen and flows through the pulmonary veins to the left atrium. From the left atrium through the left ventricle, blood again enters the systemic circulation.

Small circle of blood circulation- pulmonary circle - serves to enrich the blood with oxygen in the lungs. It starts from the right ventricle and ends at the left atrium.

From the right ventricle of the heart, venous blood enters the pulmonary trunk (common pulmonary artery), which soon divides into two branches that carry blood to the right and left lungs.

In the lungs, arteries branch into capillaries. In the capillary networks braiding the pulmonary vesicles, the blood gives off carbon dioxide and receives a new supply of oxygen in return (pulmonary respiration). Oxygenated blood acquires a scarlet color, becomes arterial and flows from the capillaries into the veins, which, having merged into four pulmonary veins (two on each side), flow into the left atrium of the heart. In the left atrium, the small (pulmonary) circle of blood circulation ends, and the arterial blood that enters the atrium passes through the left atrioventricular opening into the left ventricle, where the systemic circulation begins. Consequently, venous blood flows in the arteries of the pulmonary circulation, and arterial blood flows in its veins.

Systemic circulation- bodily - collects venous blood from the upper and lower half of the body and similarly distributes arterial blood; starts from the left ventricle and ends with the right atrium.

From the left ventricle of the heart, blood enters the largest arterial vessel - the aorta. Arterial blood contains nutrients and oxygen necessary for the life of the body and has a bright scarlet color.

The aorta branches into arteries that go to all organs and tissues of the body and pass in their thickness into arterioles and further into capillaries. Capillaries, in turn, are collected in venules and further into veins. Through the wall of the capillaries there is a metabolism and gas exchange between the blood and body tissues. Arterial blood flowing in the capillaries gives off nutrients and oxygen and in return receives metabolic products and carbon dioxide (tissue respiration). As a result, the blood entering the venous bed is poor in oxygen and rich in carbon dioxide and therefore has a dark color - venous blood; when bleeding, the color of the blood can determine which vessel is damaged - an artery or a vein. The veins merge into two large trunks - the superior and inferior vena cava, which flow into the right atrium of the heart. This part of the heart ends with a large (corporeal) circle of blood circulation.

In the systemic circulation, arterial blood flows through the arteries, and venous blood flows through the veins.

In a small circle, on the contrary, venous blood flows from the heart through the arteries, and arterial blood returns to the heart through the veins.

The addition to the great circle is third (cardiac) circulation serving the heart itself. It begins with the coronary arteries of the heart emerging from the aorta and ends with the veins of the heart. The latter merge into the coronary sinus, which flows into the right atrium, and the remaining veins open directly into the atrial cavity.

The movement of blood through the vessels

Any fluid flows from a place where the pressure is higher to where it is lower. The greater the pressure difference, the higher the flow rate. The blood in the vessels of the systemic and pulmonary circulation also moves due to the pressure difference that the heart creates with its contractions.

In the left ventricle and aorta, blood pressure is higher than in the vena cava (negative pressure) and in the right atrium. The pressure difference in these areas ensures the movement of blood in the systemic circulation. High pressure in the right ventricle and pulmonary artery and low pressure in the pulmonary veins and left atrium ensure the movement of blood in the pulmonary circulation.

The highest pressure is in the aorta and large arteries (blood pressure). Arterial blood pressure is not a constant value [show]

Blood pressure- this is the blood pressure on the walls of the blood vessels and chambers of the heart, resulting from the contraction of the heart, which pumps blood into the vascular system, and the resistance of the vessels. The most important medical and physiological indicator of the state of the circulatory system is the pressure in the aorta and large arteries - blood pressure.

Arterial blood pressure is not a constant value. In healthy people at rest, the maximum, or systolic, blood pressure is distinguished - the pressure level in the arteries during the systole of the heart is about 120 mm Hg, and the minimum, or diastolic - the pressure level in the arteries during the diastole of the heart is about 80 mm Hg. Those. arterial blood pressure pulsates in time with the contractions of the heart: at the time of systole, it rises to damm Hg. Art., and during diastole decreases domm Hg. Art. These pulse pressure oscillations occur simultaneously with the pulse oscillations of the arterial wall.

Pulse- periodic jerky expansion of the walls of the arteries, synchronous with the contraction of the heart. The pulse is used to determine the number of heartbeats per minute. In an adult, the average heart rate is beats per minute. During physical exertion, the heart rate may increase up to beats. In places where the arteries are located on the bone and lie directly under the skin (radial, temporal), the pulse is easily felt. The propagation speed of the pulse wave is about 10 m/s.

Blood pressure is affected by:

  1. work of the heart and force of cardiac contraction;
  2. the size of the lumen of the vessels and the tone of their walls;
  3. the amount of blood circulating in the vessels;
  4. blood viscosity.

A person's blood pressure is measured in the brachial artery, comparing it with atmospheric pressure. For this, a rubber cuff connected to a pressure gauge is put on the shoulder. The cuff is inflated with air until the pulse at the wrist disappears. This means that the brachial artery is compressed by a lot of pressure, and blood does not flow through it. Then, gradually releasing air from the cuff, monitor the appearance of a pulse. At this moment, the pressure in the artery becomes slightly higher than the pressure in the cuff, and the blood, and with it the pulse wave, begins to reach the wrist. The readings of the pressure gauge at this time characterize the blood pressure in the brachial artery.

A persistent increase in blood pressure above the indicated figures at rest is called hypertension, and its decrease is called hypotension.

The level of blood pressure is regulated by nervous and humoral factors (see table).


The speed of blood movement depends not only on the pressure difference, but also on the width of the bloodstream. Although the aorta is the widest vessel, it is the only one in the body and all the blood flows through it, which is pushed out by the left ventricle. Therefore, the speed here is maximum mm/s (see Table 1). As the arteries branch out, their diameter decreases, but the total cross-sectional area of ​​all arteries increases and the blood velocity decreases, reaching 0.5 mm/s in the capillaries. Due to such a low rate of blood flow in the capillaries, the blood has time to give oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and take their waste products.

The slowdown in blood flow in the capillaries is explained by their huge number (about 40 billion) and the large total lumen (800 times the lumen of the aorta). The movement of blood in the capillaries is carried out by changing the lumen of the supply small arteries: their expansion increases the blood flow in the capillaries, and their narrowing decreases it.

The veins on the way from the capillaries, as they approach the heart, enlarge, merge, their number and the total lumen of the bloodstream decrease, and the speed of blood movement increases compared to the capillaries. From Table. 1 also shows that 3/4 of all blood is in the veins. This is due to the fact that the thin walls of the veins can easily stretch, so they can contain much more blood than the corresponding arteries.

The main reason for the movement of blood through the veins is the pressure difference at the beginning and end of the venous system, so the movement of blood through the veins occurs in the direction of the heart. This is facilitated by the suction action of the chest ("respiratory pump") and the contraction of skeletal muscles ("muscle pump"). During inhalation, the pressure in the chest decreases. In this case, the pressure difference at the beginning and at the end of the venous system increases, and the blood through the veins is sent to the heart. Skeletal muscles, contracting, compress the veins, which also contributes to the movement of blood to the heart.

The relationship between the speed of blood flow, the width of the bloodstream and blood pressure is illustrated in Fig. 3. The amount of blood flowing per unit of time through the vessels is equal to the product of the speed of blood movement by the cross-sectional area of ​​the vessels. This value is the same for all parts of the circulatory system: how much blood pushes the heart into the aorta, how much it flows through the arteries, capillaries and veins, and the same amount returns back to the heart, and is equal to the minute volume of blood.

Redistribution of blood in the body

If the artery extending from the aorta to any organ, due to the relaxation of its smooth muscles, expands, then the organ will receive more blood. At the same time, other organs will receive less blood due to this. This is how blood is redistributed in the body. As a result of redistribution, more blood flows to the working organs at the expense of the organs that are currently at rest.

The redistribution of blood is regulated by the nervous system: simultaneously with the expansion of blood vessels in the working organs, the blood vessels of the non-working organs narrow and blood pressure remains unchanged. But if all the arteries dilate, this will lead to a drop in blood pressure and to a decrease in the speed of blood movement in the vessels.

Blood circulation time

Circulation time is the time it takes for blood to travel through the entire circulation. A number of methods are used to measure blood circulation time. [show]

The principle of measuring the time of the blood circulation is that some substance that is not usually found in the body is injected into a vein, and it is determined after what period of time it appears in the vein of the same name on the other side or causes an action characteristic of it. For example, a solution of the alkaloid lobeline, which acts through the blood on the respiratory center of the medulla oblongata, is injected into the cubital vein, and the time is determined from the moment the substance is injected until the moment when a short-term breath holding or cough occurs. This happens when the lobelin molecules, having made a circuit in the circulatory system, act on the respiratory center and cause a change in breathing or coughing.

In recent years, the rate of blood circulation in both circles of blood circulation (or only in a small, or only in a large circle) is determined using a radioactive isotope of sodium and an electron counter. To do this, several of these counters are placed on different parts of the body near large vessels and in the region of the heart. After the introduction of a radioactive isotope of sodium into the cubital vein, the time of appearance of radioactive radiation in the region of the heart and the studied vessels is determined.

The circulation time of the blood in humans is on average about 27 systoles of the heart. With heartbeats per minute, the complete circulation of blood occurs in about a second. We must not forget, however, that the speed of blood flow along the axis of the vessel is greater than that of its walls, and also that not all vascular regions have the same length. Therefore, not all blood circulates so quickly, and the time indicated above is the shortest.

Studies on dogs have shown that 1/5 of the time of a complete blood circulation occurs in the pulmonary circulation and 4/5 in the systemic circulation.

Innervation of the heart. The heart, like other internal organs, is innervated by the autonomic nervous system and receives dual innervation. Sympathetic nerves approach the heart, which strengthen and accelerate its contractions. The second group of nerves - parasympathetic - acts on the heart in the opposite way: it slows down and weakens heart contractions. These nerves regulate the heart.

In addition, the work of the heart is affected by the hormone of the adrenal glands - adrenaline, which enters the heart with blood and increases its contractions. The regulation of the work of organs with the help of substances carried by the blood is called humoral.

Nervous and humoral regulation of the heart in the body act in concert and provide an accurate adaptation of the activity of the cardiovascular system to the needs of the body and environmental conditions.

Innervation of blood vessels. Blood vessels are innervated by sympathetic nerves. Excitation propagating through them causes contraction of smooth muscles in the walls of blood vessels and constricts blood vessels. If you cut the sympathetic nerves going to a certain part of the body, the corresponding vessels will expand. Consequently, through the sympathetic nerves to the blood vessels, excitation is constantly supplied, which keeps these vessels in a state of some narrowing - vascular tone. When excitation increases, the frequency of nerve impulses increases and the vessels narrow more strongly - vascular tone increases. On the contrary, with a decrease in the frequency of nerve impulses due to inhibition of sympathetic neurons, vascular tone decreases and blood vessels dilate. To the vessels of some organs (skeletal muscles, salivary glands), in addition to vasoconstrictor, vasodilating nerves are also suitable. These nerves become excited and dilate the blood vessels of the organs as they work. Substances that are carried by the blood also affect the lumen of the vessels. Adrenaline constricts blood vessels. Another substance - acetylcholine - secreted by the endings of some nerves, expands them.

Regulation of the activity of the cardiovascular system. The blood supply of the organs varies depending on their needs due to the described redistribution of blood. But this redistribution can only be effective if the pressure in the arteries does not change. One of the main functions of the nervous regulation of blood circulation is to maintain a constant blood pressure. This function is carried out reflexively.

There are receptors in the wall of the aorta and carotid arteries that are more irritated if blood pressure exceeds normal levels. Excitation from these receptors goes to the vasomotor center located in the medulla oblongata and inhibits its work. From the center along the sympathetic nerves to the vessels and the heart, a weaker excitation begins to flow than before, and the blood vessels dilate, and the heart weakens its work. As a result of these changes, blood pressure decreases. And if for some reason the pressure falls below the norm, then the irritation of the receptors stops completely and the vasomotor center, without receiving inhibitory influences from the receptors, intensifies its activity: it sends more nerve impulses per second to the heart and blood vessels, the vessels constrict, the heart contracts, more often and stronger, blood pressure rises.

Hygiene of cardiac activity

The normal activity of the human body is possible only in the presence of a well-developed cardiovascular system. The rate of blood flow will determine the degree of blood supply to organs and tissues and the rate of removal of waste products. During physical work, the need of organs for oxygen increases simultaneously with the increase and increase in heart rate. Only a strong heart muscle can provide such work. To be enduring for a variety of work activities, it is important to train the heart, increase the strength of its muscles.

Physical labor, physical education develop the heart muscle. To ensure the normal function of the cardiovascular system, a person should start his day with morning exercises, especially people whose professions are not related to physical labor. To enrich the blood with oxygen, physical exercises are best done in the fresh air.

It must be remembered that excessive physical and mental stress can cause disruption of the normal functioning of the heart, its diseases. Alcohol, nicotine, drugs have a particularly harmful effect on the cardiovascular system. Alcohol and nicotine poison the heart muscle and nervous system, causing sharp disturbances in the regulation of vascular tone and heart activity. They lead to the development of severe diseases of the cardiovascular system and can cause sudden death. Young people who smoke and drink alcohol are more likely than others to develop spasms of the heart vessels, causing severe heart attacks and sometimes death.

First aid for wounds and bleeding

Injuries are often accompanied by bleeding. There are capillary, venous and arterial bleeding.

Capillary bleeding occurs even with a minor injury and is accompanied by a slow flow of blood from the wound. Such a wound should be treated with a solution of brilliant green (brilliant green) for disinfection and a clean gauze bandage should be applied. The bandage stops bleeding, promotes the formation of a blood clot and prevents microbes from entering the wound.

Venous bleeding is characterized by a significantly higher rate of blood flow. The escaping blood is dark in color. To stop bleeding, it is necessary to apply a tight bandage below the wound, that is, further from the heart. After stopping the bleeding, the wound is treated with a disinfectant (3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, vodka), bandaged with a sterile pressure bandage.

With arterial bleeding, scarlet blood gushes from the wound. This is the most dangerous bleeding. If the artery of the limb is damaged, it is necessary to raise the limb as high as possible, bend it and press the wounded artery with your finger in the place where it comes close to the surface of the body. It is also necessary to apply a rubber tourniquet above the wound site, i.e. closer to the heart (you can use a bandage, a rope for this) and tighten it tightly to completely stop the bleeding. The tourniquet must not be kept tightened for more than 2 hours. When it is applied, a note must be attached in which the time of applying the tourniquet should be indicated.

It should be remembered that venous, and even more arterial bleeding can lead to significant blood loss and even death. Therefore, when injured, it is necessary to stop the bleeding as soon as possible, and then take the victim to the hospital. Severe pain or fright can cause the person to lose consciousness. Loss of consciousness (fainting) is a consequence of inhibition of the vasomotor center, a drop in blood pressure and insufficient supply of blood to the brain. The unconscious person should be allowed to sniff some non-toxic substance with a strong odor (for example, ammonia), moisten his face with cold water, or lightly pat his cheeks. When olfactory or skin receptors are stimulated, excitation from them enters the brain and relieves inhibition of the vasomotor center. Blood pressure rises, the brain receives sufficient nutrition, and consciousness returns.

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    The blood in the vessels of a person has a different speed of movement, this is affected by the width of the channel of the department in which the blood flows. The highest velocity is in the aortic bed, and the slowest blood flow occurs in the capillary beds. The speed of blood movement in the channels of the artery is four hundred millimeters / per second, and in the channels of the capillaries the speed of blood movement is half a millimeter / per second, such a significant difference. The highest speed of blood movement in the aorta is five hundred millimeters / per second, and a large vein also passes blood at a speed of two hundred millimeters / per second. In addition, in twenty seconds, the blood makes a complete cycle, thus, the speed of arterial blood flow is higher than that of venous blood.

    First, let's say that there are two main types of vessels: venous and arterial (veins and arteries), as well as intermediate vessels: arterioles, venules and capillaries. The largest vessel in the human body is the aorta, which starts from the heart itself (from the left ventricle), first forms an arc, then passes into the thoracic part, then comes the abdominal part and ends with a bifurcation (bifurcation).

    Arterial blood flows in arteries, venous blood flows in veins. Arterial blood flows away from the heart, and venous blood flows towards the heart. The arterial blood flow rate is correspondingly higher than the venous blood flow rate.

    It is in the aorta that blood flows at the highest speed - up to 500 mm / s.

    In the arteries, blood flows at a speed of 300-400 mm/sec.

    In the veins, the blood flow velocity reaches 200 mm/sec.

    strange as it may sound, but the speed of blood flow in the human body obeys the same laws of movement of liquids and gases as a stream of water in a river or in pipes. The wider the channel or the thicker the diameter of the pipe, the slower the blood will flow in it and the faster it will flow in the bottlenecks of the circulatory system. At first glance, an obvious contradiction, because we all know very well that the strongest and fastest bleeding, in jolts and even jets, is observed when the arteries are damaged, and even more so the aorta, the largest vessels of the body. And this is true, only when determining the width of the blood arteries, one should take into account not the width of each, but their total thickness. And then we will see that the total thickness of the aorta is much smaller than the total thickness of the veins, and even more so of the capillaries. Therefore, the blood in the aorta is the fastest - up to half a meter per second, and the speed of blood in the capillaries is only 0.5 millimeters per second.

    Back in school, I was told that blood can make a circle in a person's body in 30 seconds. But everything will depend on what vessels the blood will be in. For example, in the largest vessels, the maximum speed is 500 mm/sec. The minimum speed in the thinnest vessels is about 50 mm/sec.

    For ease of remembering, take a look at the following tables with indicators of blood velocity in veins, arteries, vena cava, aorta. Blood moves from the point where the pressure is higher and moves to the point where the pressure is lower. The average speed of blood throughout the body is 9 meters per second. if a person is sick with atherosclerosis, then the blood moves faster. The highest blood speed in the aorta is 0.5 meters per second.

    The speed of blood flow is different, and the variations fluctuate within a fairly wide range. The rate of blood flow is determined by the total width of the channel of the departments in which it flows. The highest speed of blood flow in the aorta, and the lowest speed - in the capillaries.

    Blood in the capillaries moves at a speed of 0.5 millimeters per second. In arterioles, the average speed is 4 millimeters per second. And in large veins, the speed is already 200 millimeters per second. In the aorta, where the blood moves in jerks, the average blood flow velocity is already 500 millimeters per second.

    If we talk about the time of a complete blood cycle, then this is 20 - 25 seconds.

    Blood is pumped from one part of the body to another by the heart, and it takes about 1.5 seconds for the blood cells to pass through the heart itself. And from the heart they are chasing to the lungs and back, which takes from 5 to 7 seconds.

    It takes about 8 seconds for blood to travel from the heart to the vessels of the brain and back. The longest way from the heart down the torso through the lower limbs to the very toes and back takes up to 18 seconds.

    Thus, the entire path that blood makes through the body from the heart to the lungs and back, from the heart to different parts of the body and back, takes about 23 seconds.

    The general condition of the body affects the speed at which blood flows through the vessels of the body. For example, increased temperature or physical work increases the heart rate and causes blood to circulate twice as fast. During the day, a blood cell makes about 3,000 trips through the body to the heart and back.

    Taken from

    The fluid principle works in the movement of blood through the vessels. The larger the diameter, the lower the speed and vice versa. The speed of blood movement depends on physical activity in a certain period of time. The faster the heart rate, the faster the speed. Also, the speed of movement depends on the age of a person at 3 years old, a full circle passes blood in 12 seconds, and already from 14 years old in 22 seconds.

    The speed at which blood moves in the vessels of a person. Here, where exactly the blood moves, and the state of health in general, is of great importance. By the way, the fastest route in our body is the aorta, here our blood accelerates to 500 ml. in one tiny second. This is the maximum speed. The minimum speed of blood movement in the capillaries is no more than 0.5 ml per second. Interestingly, the blood in the quenched body completes a complete revolution in 22 seconds.

in selected capillaries determined using biomicroscopy, supplemented by film and television and other methods. Average travel time erythrocyte through a capillary systemic circulation is 2.5 s in a person, in a small circle - 0.3-1 s.

The movement of blood through the veins

Venous system is fundamentally different from arterial.

Blood pressure in the veins

Significantly lower than in arteries, and may be lower atmospheric(in the veins located in the chest cavity, - during inspiration; in the veins of the skull - with a vertical position of the body); venous vessels have thinner walls, and with physiological changes in intravascular pressure, their capacity changes (especially in the initial section of the venous system), many veins have valves that prevent backflow of blood. The pressure in post-capillary venules is 10-20 mm Hg, in the vena cava near the heart it fluctuates from +5 to -5 mm Hg in accordance with the phases of respiration. - therefore, the driving force (ΔР) in the veins is about 10-20 mm Hg, which is 5-10 times less than the driving force in the arterial bed. When coughing and straining, the central venous pressure can increase up to 100 mm Hg, which prevents the movement of venous blood from the periphery. Pressure in other large veins also has a pulsating character, but pressure waves propagate through them retrogradely - from the mouth of the vena cava to the periphery. The reason for the appearance of these waves are contractions right atrium And right ventricle. The amplitude of the waves as you move away from hearts decreases. The propagation velocity of the pressure wave is 0.5-3.0 m/s. Measurement of pressure and volume of blood in the veins located near the heart, in humans, is often carried out using phlebography jugular vein. On the phlebogram, several successive waves of pressure and blood flow are distinguished, resulting from the difficulty of blood flow to the heart from the vena cava during systole right atrium and ventricle. Phlebography is used in diagnostics, for example, in case of insufficiency of the tricuspid valve, as well as in calculating the value of blood pressure in small circle of blood circulation.

Causes of the movement of blood through the veins

The main driving force is the pressure difference in the initial and final sections of the veins, created by the work of the heart. There are a number of auxiliary factors affecting the return of venous blood to the heart.

1. Movement of a body and its parts in a gravitational field

In an extensible venous system, the hydrostatic factor has a great influence on the return of venous blood to the heart. So, in the veins located below the heart, the hydrostatic pressure of the blood column is added to the blood pressure created by the heart. In such veins, pressure increases, and in those located above the heart, it decreases in proportion to the distance from the heart. In a lying person, the pressure in the veins at the level of the foot is approximately 5 mm Hg. If a person is transferred to a vertical position using a turntable, then the pressure in the veins of the foot will increase to 90 mm Hg. At the same time, venous valves prevent the reverse flow of blood, but the venous system is gradually filled with blood due to the inflow from the arterial bed, where the pressure in the vertical position increases by the same amount. At the same time, the capacity of the venous system increases due to the tensile effect of the hydrostatic factor, and 400-600 ml of blood flowing from microvessels is additionally accumulated in the veins; accordingly, the venous return to the heart decreases by the same amount. At the same time, in the veins located above the level of the heart, venous pressure decreases by the amount of hydrostatic pressure and may become lower atmospheric. So, in the veins of the skull, it is lower than atmospheric by 10 mm Hg, but the veins do not collapse, as they are fixed to the bones of the skull. In the veins of the face and neck, the pressure is zero, and the veins are in a collapsed state. The outflow is carried out through numerous anastomoses systems of the external jugular vein with other venous plexuses of the head. In the superior vena cava and the mouth of the jugular veins, standing pressure is zero, but the veins do not collapse due to negative pressure in the thoracic cavity. Similar changes in hydrostatic pressure, venous capacity and blood flow velocity also occur with changes in the position (raising and lowering) of the hand relative to the heart.

2. Muscle pump and venous valves

When the muscles contract, the veins passing in their thickness are compressed. In this case, the blood is squeezed out towards the heart (venous valves prevent reverse flow). With each muscle contraction, blood flow accelerates, the volume of blood in the veins decreases, and the blood pressure in the veins decreases. For example, in the veins of the foot when walking, the pressure is 15-30 mm Hg, and in a standing person it is 90 mm Hg. The muscular pump reduces filtration pressure and prevents the accumulation of fluid in the interstitial space of leg tissues. In people who stand for a long time, the hydrostatic pressure in the veins of the lower extremities is usually higher, and these vessels are more stretched than in those who alternately strain the muscles shins, as when walking, for the prevention of venous congestion. With inferiority of the venous valves, contractions of the calf muscles are not so effective. The muscle pump also enhances the outflow lymph By lymphatic system.

3. The movement of blood through the veins to the heart

also contributes to the pulsation of the arteries, leading to rhythmic compression of the veins. The presence of a valve apparatus in the veins prevents the reverse flow of blood in the veins when they are squeezed.

4. breathing pump

During inhalation, the pressure in the chest decreases, the intrathoracic veins expand, the pressure in them decreases to -5 mm Hg, blood is sucked in, which contributes to the return of blood to the heart, especially through the superior vena cava. Improving the return of blood through the inferior vena cava contributes to the simultaneous slight increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which increases the local pressure gradient. However, during expiration, the blood flow through the veins to the heart, on the contrary, decreases, which neutralizes the increasing effect.

5. Suction actionhearts

promotes blood flow in the vena cava in systole (exile phase) and in the rapid filling phase. During the ejection period, the atrioventricular septum moves downward, increasing the volume of the atria, as a result of which the pressure in the right atrium and adjacent sections of the vena cava decreases. The blood flow increases due to the increased pressure difference (suction effect of the atrioventricular septum). At the moment of opening of the atrioventricular valves, the pressure in the vena cava decreases, and the blood flow through them in the initial period of ventricular diastole increases as a result of the rapid flow of blood from the right atrium and vena cava into the right ventricle (suction effect of ventricular diastole). These two peaks in venous blood flow can be seen in the volume flow curve of the superior and inferior vena cava.

For blood, the total total cross section of the blood vessels matters.

The smaller the total cross section, the greater the velocity of the fluid. Conversely, the larger the total cross section, the slower the fluid flow. It follows that the amount of liquid flowing through any cross section is constant.

The sum of capillary lumens is 600-800 times greater than the lumen of the aorta. The cross-sectional area of ​​the adult aorta is 8 cm 2, so the narrowest point of the circulatory system is the aorta. Resistance in large and medium arteries is small. It sharply increases in small arteries - arterioles. The lumen of the arteriole is much smaller than the lumen of the artery, but the total lumen of the arterioles is ten times greater than the total lumen of the arteries, and the total inner surface of the arterioles sharply exceeds the inner surface of the arteries, which significantly increases the resistance.

Strongly increases the resistance in the capillaries (external). The friction is especially great where the lumen of the capillary is narrower than the diameter , which is hardly pushed through it. The number of capillaries of the systemic circulation is 2 billion. As the capillaries merge into venules and veins, the total lumen decreases; the lumen of the hollow veins is only 1.2-1.8 times greater than the lumen of the aorta.

The linear speed of blood movement depends on the difference between the blood in the initial and final parts of the systemic or pulmonary circulation and on the total lumen of the blood vessels. The greater the total clearance, the lower the speed, and vice versa.

With local expansion of blood vessels in any organ and unchanged total blood pressure, the speed of blood movement through this organ increases.

The highest rate of blood flow in the aorta. During systole it is 500-600 mm/s, and during diastole it is 150-200 mm/s. In the arteries, the speed is 150-200 mm/s. In arterioles, it sharply drops to 5 mm/s, in capillaries it decreases to 0.5 mm/s. In the middle veins, the speed increases to 60-140 mm/s, and in the vena cava - up to 200 mm/s. The slowing down of blood flow in the capillaries is of great importance for the exchange of substances and gases between the blood and tissues through the capillary wall.

The shortest time required to pass through the entire circle of blood circulation in humans is 21-22 s. In humans, the circulation time of the blood decreases during digestion and during muscular work. During digestion, blood flow through the abdominal organs increases, and during muscular work - through the muscles.

The number of systoles during one circuit in different animals is approximately the same.

The rate of blood circulation in the body is not always the same. The movement of blood flow along the vascular bed is studied by hemodynamics.

Blood moves quickly in the arteries (in the largest - at a speed of about 500 mm / s), somewhat more slowly - in the veins (in large veins - at a speed of about 150 mm / s) and very slowly in the capillaries (less than 1 mm / s). Differences in speed depend on the total cross section of the vessels. When blood flows through a series of vessels of different diameters connected by their ends, the speed of its movement is always inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of ​​the vessel in this area. The circulatory system is built in such a way that one large artery (aorta) branches into a large number of medium-sized arteries, which in turn, they branch into thousands of small arteries (the so-called arterioles), which then break up into many capillaries. Each of the branches extending from the aorta is narrower than the aorta itself, but there are so many of these branches that their total cross section is greater than the aortic section, and therefore the speed of blood flow in them is correspondingly lower. It is estimated that the total cross-sectional area of ​​all capillaries in the body is about 800 times that of the aorta. Consequently, the flow rate in the capillaries is about 800 times less than in the aorta. At the other end of the capillary network, the capillaries merge into small veins (venules), which join together to form larger and larger veins. In this case, the total cross-sectional area gradually decreases, and the blood flow rate increases.

In the course of research, it was revealed that this process is continuous in the human body due to the difference in pressure in the vessels. The flow of fluid is traced from the area where it is high to the area with a lower one. Accordingly, there are places that differ in the lowest and highest flow rates.

Distinguish between volumetric and linear blood velocity. Volumetric velocity is understood as the amount of blood that passes through the cross section of the vessel per unit of time. The volumetric velocity in all parts of the circulatory system is the same. Linear speed is measured by the distance that a blood particle travels per unit of time (per second). The linear speed is different in different parts of the vascular system.

Volumetric velocity

An important indicator of hemodynamic values ​​is the determination of the volumetric blood flow velocity (VFR). This is a quantitative indicator of fluid circulating for a certain time period through the cross section of veins, arteries, capillaries. OSC is directly related to the pressure in the vessels and the resistance exerted by their walls. The minute volume of fluid movement through the circulatory system is calculated by a formula that takes into account these two indicators. However, this does not indicate the same volume of blood in all branches of the bloodstream for a minute. The amount depends on the diameter of a certain section of the vessels, which does not affect the blood supply to the organs, since the total amount of fluid remains the same.

Measurement methods

The determination of the volumetric velocity was not so long ago carried out by the so-called Ludwig's blood clock. A more effective method is the use of rheovasography. The method is based on tracking electrical impulses associated with vascular resistance, which manifests itself as a response to high frequency current.

At the same time, the following regularity is noted: an increase in blood filling in a certain vessel is accompanied by a decrease in its resistance, with a decrease in pressure, the resistance, respectively, increases. These studies have a high diagnostic value for the detection of diseases associated with blood vessels. For this, rheovasography of the upper and lower extremities, chest and organs such as the kidneys and liver is performed. Another fairly accurate method is plethysmography. It is a tracking of changes in the volume of a certain organ, which appear as a result of filling it with blood. To register these oscillations, various types of plethysmographs are used - electric, air, water.


This method of studying the movement of blood flow is based on the use of physical principles. The flowmeter is applied to the examined area of ​​the artery, which allows you to control the speed of blood flow using electromagnetic induction. A special sensor records the readings.

indicator method

The use of this method for measuring SC involves the introduction into the studied artery or organ of a substance (indicator) that does not interact with blood and tissues. Then, after the same time intervals (for 60 seconds), the concentration of the injected substance is determined in the venous blood. These values ​​are used to plot the curve and calculate the volume of circulating blood. This method is widely used to identify pathological conditions of the heart muscle, brain and other organs.

Line speed

The indicator allows you to find out the speed of fluid flow along a certain length of the vessels. In other words, this is the segment that the blood components overcome within a minute.

Linear speed varies depending on the place of movement of blood elements - in the center of the bloodstream or directly at the vascular walls. In the first case, it is maximum, in the second - minimum. This occurs as a result of friction acting on the components of the blood within the network of blood vessels.

Speed ​​in different areas

The movement of fluid along the bloodstream directly depends on the volume of the part under study. For example:

The highest blood velocity is observed in the aorta. This is due to the fact that here is the narrowest part of the vascular bed. The linear velocity of blood in the aorta is 0.5 m/sec.

The speed of movement through the arteries is about 0.3 m/s. At the same time, almost the same indicators are noted (from 0.3 to 0.4 m/sec) both in the carotid and in the vertebral arteries.

In capillaries, blood moves at the slowest speed. This is due to the fact that the total volume of the capillary region is many times greater than the lumen of the aorta. The decrease reaches 0.5 m/sec.

Blood flows through the veins at a speed of 0.1-0.2 m/s.

Line speed detection

The use of ultrasound (Doppler effect) allows you to accurately determine the SC in the veins and arteries. The essence of the method for determining the speed of this type is as follows: a special sensor is attached to the problem area, the change in the frequency of sound vibrations that reflect the process of fluid flow allows you to find out the desired indicator. High speed reflects low frequency sound waves. In capillaries, the velocity is determined using a microscope. Monitoring is carried out for the advancement of one of the red blood cells in the bloodstream.


When determining the linear speed, the indicator method is also used. Red blood cells labeled with radioactive isotopes are used. The procedure involves the introduction of an indicator substance into a vein located in the elbow and tracking its appearance in the blood of a similar vessel, but in the other arm.

Torricelli formula

Another method is to use the Torricelli formula. Here, the property of the throughput of the vessels is taken into account. There is a pattern: the circulation of the liquid is higher in the area where there is the smallest section of the vessel. This area is the aorta. The widest total lumen in the capillaries. Proceeding from this, the maximum velocity is in the aorta (500 mm/s), the minimum is in the capillaries (0.5 mm/s).

Use of oxygen

When measuring the speed in the pulmonary vessels, a special method is used to determine it with the help of oxygen. The patient is asked to take a deep breath and hold the breath. The time of appearance of air in the capillaries of the ear allows using an oximeter to determine the diagnostic indicator. Average linear speed for adults and children: the passage of blood throughout the system in 21-22 seconds. This norm is typical for a calm state of a person. Activity accompanied by heavy physical exertion reduces this time period to 10 seconds. Blood circulation in the human body is the movement of the main biological fluid through the vascular system. There is no need to talk about the importance of this process. The vital activity of all organs and systems depends on the state of the circulatory system. Determination of the blood flow velocity allows timely detection of pathological processes and elimination of them with the help of an adequate course of therapy.




2023 "" - ultrasound examination of human organs