Are all moles with a sore cancerous? Malignant moles: photo and description

Every Tuesday, AiF Health explains what signs may indicate that it’s time for you to see a doctor. This week we tell you why moles are dangerous, how to notice the first signs of a mole degenerating intomalignant skin tumor and which specialist to contact for help.

Many people do not pay attention to this “rebirth” and think that their body is still just a harmless spot. Meanwhile, early diagnosis helps defeat the disease.

Is it time to sound the alarm?

Moles, or, speaking scientific language, - nevi, are present on the body of every person. It is believed that the bulk of them, up to 90%, appear by the age of 25. But they can also arise later - under the influence of various events. For example, a typical phenomenon is when they literally break out during pregnancy. Sometimes moles, on the contrary, disappear over time. They can be yellow, brown, black. This is all within normal limits and nothing to worry about.

But it happens that a mole begins to grow unevenly or changes color, its surface becomes “polished” or it begins to bleed - that is, changes occur in it. Another option is to appear new mole unusual appearance. It is precisely such incomprehensible neoplasms that require close attention.

When the sun is the enemy

Probably everyone already knows that a chocolate tan has little to do with health. Ultraviolet light causes DNA damage and is... The more time a person spends exposing his body to the rays, the higher the likelihood unpleasant consequences. The activity of the sun is also important. It is no coincidence that dermatologists strongly advise not to be on the beach between 11 and 16 hours of the day, when it is most aggressive.

A (asymmetry) - asymmetry. The mole grows unevenly to the side. Normally, if you draw an imaginary straight line through the middle of the mole, the halves will be symmetrical.

B (border irregularity) - uneven edge. It may be jagged and unclear, and this is one of the signs of melanoma. Normally, a mole has smooth edges.

C (color) - color. Its heterogeneity, interspersed with black, red, and gray shades should alert you. Normally, the mole is entirely one color.

D (diameter) - diameter. If a mole is more than 6 mm in diameter (about the size of an eraser on the tip of a pencil), it requires the attention of a specialist.

E (evolving) - variability. This refers to the variability of any characteristic: color, shape, size - all this is a reason to visit a dermatologist. Normally, moles remain unchanged throughout your life.

Everyone, without exception, should examine their moles more or less regularly, but there is a category of people who need to triple their attention to them. These are primarily those whose relatives suffered from melanoma or other cancers, and those who have already had suspicious moles removed.

Besides, increased risk have blond hair and light skin.

If there are alarming symptoms, the doctor may prescribe a dermatoscopy and even make an individual photograph of the moles. The device photographs them and then special program creates a diagram of their location on the body.

When a person comes to the doctor next time, it will be possible to compare the “maps” from a year ago and the current one: are there any new formations, changes in the old ones. Dermatologists are confident that these cards are excellent.

Last Tuesday, AiF Health told

Surely you have ever come across the concept “melanoma”. For many people, this term means “some kind of skin disease,” but not everyone is aware of what exactly this disease is. Melanoma is calledmalignant moles. In other words, it is skin cancer.

Causes of the disease

It is not yet possible to determine the specific causes of melanoma, since to date this disease has not been fully studied. However, there are risk factors, the presence of which accompanies the appearance of malignant moles.

Among them:

  • Exposure to ultraviolet radiation on uncovered areas of the skin where there is a cluster of normal moles. The source of such light can be either the sun or a bactericidal lamp that gives the skin an artificial tan (these are installed in solariums).
  • Excessively White skin human by nature, as well as bright red hair from birth. Oddly enough, it is precisely these signs of appearance that influence the appearance of melanoma and may well be the cause of its appearance.
  • Heredity: this disease often passes from generation to generation. Therefore, if there were people in your family with malignant moles, beware of direct exposure to sunlight (especially in the summer from eleven to sixteen hours, when the sun is at its zenith). It is also better and safer for your health not to visit solariums. On the beach, you should at least wear light, light trousers: they will block 28 percent of ultraviolet radiation. It is important to know what malignant moles look like so that you can detect them immediately after they appear.
  • Lots of moles. This means that if there are more than fifty of them on your body, then your visit to the solarium will also have to be cancelled. If there are more than forty to fifty moles on your skin, try to avoid the sun. On the beach, it is advisable to spend most of your time under an umbrella, and in normal summer, wear wide-brimmed hats and more or less closed clothing. Remember that during spring and autumn, the sun's rays have a much weaker effect on the human body, which is why tanning does not appear during this period.
  • Elderly age. Melanoma can appear in both young people and older generations, but in people old age malignant moles are found much more often, and the process of their treatment in such cases is complicated by the features that are not completely healthy body, acutely reacting to various kinds drugs.
  • Male gender. By for mysterious reasons In men, melanoma was seen more often. Explain this with scientific point Until today, no one has succeeded in sight, but the fact remains a fact.
  • Pregnant women are at particular risk and ultraviolet exposure is contraindicated for them. And due to the fact that today the fact has been proven that prolonged exposure to the sun is harmful due to the same ultraviolet glow, women in a delicate position should not appear in direct sunlight.
  • Lots of freckles. Melanoma is especially dangerous for those freckled people whose pigmentation appears very quickly as soon as they appear in the sun. Such people should always monitor for signs of malignant mole.

Signs of a malignant mole

Be that as it may, it is worth knowing that malignant moles can appear both in people with white skin and in representatives of other nations and races. This disease is common in all countries to a greater or lesser extent.

Skin cancer symptoms affect everyone differently. The first sign, as a rule, is the deformation of an ordinary mole. New moles also begin to appear, this happens quite quickly. And within a couple of weeks you will probably notice the formation of a dozen or two moles.

All of them will be deformed to a lesser or greater extent, but sometimes moles appear normal - this indicates the absence of melanoma.

You can determine the nature of moles yourself. Of course, if they begin to appear at high speed, you need to consult a dermatologist or therapist, but otherwise you can figure out whether you have a malignant mole yourself. In order to know what a malignant mole looks like, You should be aware of the following characteristics of moles:

  1. Asymmetry. Normal moles are absolutely symmetrical: if you draw a conventional border in the middle, you will see that both halves are the same. But a mole indicating melanoma will have two unequal halves.
  2. Color. The color of a mole can tell a lot about it. If it combines two or more shades, you should definitely see a doctor. Although birthmarks They can also be several colors at once, but they are such from birth.
  3. Size. Diameter normal mole should not exceed 6 millimeters: if it is larger, it is necessary to be examined. Moreover, you need to consult a doctor, even if you have not noticed other signs and symptoms.
  4. A change in the size of a mole, its enlargement or a change in shape indicate, if not the appearance of melanoma, then problems with skin health. In any case, a visit to a dermatologist will not be superfluous.

Inspect now

Stop reading all this and thinking that this can’t possibly affect you. Better get up from your chair and carefully examine your body for any suspicious moles. You need to look especially carefully in the area of ​​the lower leg and thighs - this is where melanoma is most often located.

Thoroughly examine the areas under the knee, elbows and other areas of the body that are not visible during water procedures or when simply looking at yourself in the mirror.

Examination and removal of moles (video)

Diagnosis of a malignant mole

Only experienced doctor after . It all starts with the discovery of suspicious moles, after which the patient goes to the hospital. Then the doctor conducts the examination: if everything is in order, everything will end at the examination. But if there are clear suspicions of melanoma, the patient is prescribed a biopsy. This procedure can be performed in several ways, it all depends on the location of the suspicious moles.

After the biopsy there will be more accurate results: You will know whether you have skin cancer or not. If a biopsy reveals melanoma, other tests are ordered. This is done in order to learn more about the disease and the degree of its neglect, as well as in order to determine the maximum suitable method treatment.

Malignant moles - in medicine they are called melanomas - are cancerous neoplasms on the skin that develop from pigment-forming birthmark cells (melanocytes). If a mole accelerates its growth, changes color or bleeds, these are symptoms that require mandatory consultation with a doctor. After all, timely diagnosed melanoma significantly improves the prognosis of the disease.

ICD-10 code

C43-C44 Melanoma and other malignant neoplasms of the skin

Causes of a malignant mole

An ordinary harmless mole can become malignant if a person likes to sunbathe often and for a long time. And not only under the sun's rays, but also in the solarium. Impact ultraviolet rays leads to the degeneration of pigment cells, which accelerate their growth and reproduction, involving nearby healthy tissues in the process.

A malignant mole can also appear along a hereditary chain. So, if one of your relatives has previously been diagnosed with melanoma, then other family members are at risk of developing a pigmented tumor. In addition, those who have a large number of moles on their body or birthmarks of significant size are at risk.

An additional impetus for malignancy can be injuries and damage to the skin of an ordinary mole, rubbing it against clothing, etc.

Why are malignant moles dangerous?

A malignant mole is one of the most unfavorable neoplasms that can affect a person of any age and gender. This is a tumor with a high mortality rate that begins its development from the melanocytes of the epidermal layer of the skin. Melanoma is one of the most aggressive forms of oncopathology, because even a slightly small malignant birthmark can give a large number of metastases to various organs in a short time: respiratory system, skeletal system, brain.

If the disease is detected in a timely manner, the patient has a chance of recovery. The unfortunate mole is removed. If the tumor has managed to send its daughter cells (metastases) to other organs, then the prognosis for the disease becomes extremely unfavorable.

A malignant mole is detected less frequently than skin cancer. However, in recent decades, this pathology has arisen more and more often.


Malignancy of a birthmark occurs against the background of rapid growth of melanocytes, which invade nearby tissues and also spread through blood and lymph. The tumor grows both on the surface of the skin and deep into the tissues, gradually penetrating into new nearby and underlying layers.

Doctors classify the depth of the lesion according to the degree of invasion. The greater the degree of germination (VI-V degree), the more unfavorable the prognosis.

A malignant mole is characterized by early and rapid spread of metastases. The nearest lymph nodes are the first to be affected, which enlarge and become dense and elastic, without signs of pain.

After the lymph nodes, metastases often enter the skin, near the main focus. They look like small dark dots localized around the melanoma. Sometimes the cancerous area swells and turns bluish-red.

By circulatory system metastases can spread to almost any organ. Most often they are found in the lungs, adrenal glands, liver, and brain.

Symptoms of a malignant mole

A malignant mole at the beginning of its development looks like an ordinary nevus. Its growth rate increases, and in the future ulcers, peeling, and bleeding may appear. The size of the formation can range from a barely noticeable pea to large-caliber nodes.

Melanoma has an elastic consistency and its density is moderate. The cover of the mole is mostly smooth, in rare cases With small tubercles and growths resembling cauliflower.

Oncologists identify three signs that allow one to suspect a malignant mole:

  • dark color;
  • glossy surface;
  • the presence of decomposition processes in the tumor.

The listed symptoms are explained by the fact that malignant changes occur inside the birthmark: excessive accumulation of pigment, damage to the structure of the epidermis, damage to blood vessels and disruption of tissue trophism.

Sometimes pigment accumulation occurs only in one part of the tumor. In this case, the mole itself is light, but has dark inclusions or the middle.

Decomposition processes are not immediately noticeable. Over time, the birthmark becomes easily vulnerable, often bleeds, and ulcers and crusts form on the surface.

What do malignant moles look like? How to distinguish a malignant mole from a benign one? There are several distinctive features:

  • a malignant mole is asymmetrical or blurred (with a benign one, the boundaries and shape are clear);
  • the edges of a malignant mole are uneven, torn or cloudy;
  • the color of the melanoma is dark or interspersed (a benign mole is light or brown, uniform);
  • a malignant birthmark has big size And fast growth;
  • Malignant degeneration is characterized by crusts, peeling, bleeding, and ulcers on the surface.

The clinical picture may vary, as there are different types of malignant moles:

  • Superficial spreading melanoma looks like a black or brown spot, up to 3 mm in circumference. It gradually increases and becomes from round to oval, or irregular shape. The surface acquires a smooth, glossy appearance and becomes dense.
  • Lentigo maligna is an uneven plaque with slow growth and uneven coloring. On the surface you can observe both light and dark inclusions, even black. Characteristic sign– this is the presence of nodules and papillomas with significant hyperkeratosis or elements of atrophy.
  • The nodular appearance of a malignant mole often arises from a normal pigmented spot. When a mole becomes malignant, it darkens, the surface becomes lumpy, compacted, and perfectly smooth. Sometimes small black nodules appear nearby - the so-called “screenings” of melanoma. Ulcers or crusts may form on the top of the mole.

Complications and consequences

What consequences can be expected from a malignant mole? The main complication of melanoma is the active spread of the tumor throughout the body. Metastases form relatively quickly, and they pose the greatest danger to the health and life of the patient.

Complications such as secondary malignant neoplasms are very common in melanoma. Elements of the tumor can spread with the flow of blood or lymph, stopping in other organs and growing into them. Most often, such objects are the lungs, liver, bones, brain, and skin.

Some expectant mothers are interested in the question: can a malignant mole affect the fetus if it was diagnosed already during pregnancy? Scientists studied this issue at the end of the last century and came to the conclusion that metastases can penetrate the placenta, but this happens extremely rarely. Isolated cases were described only in the disseminated form of a malignant pigmented tumor (with a chaotic and massive spread of metastases).

No less problematic is the treatment of a malignant mole during pregnancy, because chemotherapy and radiation therapy can have an extremely negative impact on the development of the fetus. In such a situation, the decision on treatment measures is made by the doctor, taking as a basis all the pros and cons.

Diagnosis of a malignant mole

Patients with suspected melanoma often complain of changes occurring in the birthmark. These are mainly the following symptoms:

  • bleeding;
  • itching, discomfort;
  • mole growth;
  • change in color and appearance.

In this case, the doctor asks the following questions:

  • When did the suspicious mole appear?
  • Over what period of time did the changes occur?
  • Was there any trauma to the mole or the influence of other factors?
  • Have you treated the mole and in what ways?

After questioning and examining the birthmark, the doctor prescribes other necessary tests.

  • Blood and urine tests for diagnostic purposes for malignant moles are not informative. Such studies are relevant only for determining general condition body, which is especially important during metastasis of tumor elements.
  • Instrumental diagnostics used to monitor the effectiveness of the chosen therapy, or to detect a probable relapse of the tumor:
    • X-ray of the lungs - helps to diagnose metastases;
    • method computed tomography– detects metastases in the lungs, lymph nodes, etc.;
    • dermatoscopy is a method that allows you to accurately examine the skin problem, which is especially important in the early stages of the development of a malignant mole.
  • A melanoma biopsy is prescribed in cases where the diagnosis cannot be established otherwise, as well as after surgical removal of a mole, to clarify its structure. A biopsy is directly related to radical surgery to remove a malignant mole.

Treatment of a malignant mole

Treatment measures should be carried out immediately after diagnosis, since melanomas tend to spread quickly and actively throughout the body.

The first and main method of treatment is surgical removal malignant mole. This method is indicated for malignant pigmented formations of stages I and II of development. To avoid reappearance of the tumor, the surgeon removes not only the mole, but also the subcutaneous tissue and underlying fascia. The operation ends with skin grafting. The material removed during the procedure is sent for histological and cytological examination.

Can there be consequences after removing a malignant mole? Consequences arise when the tumor is incompletely or lately removed, which leads to its re-growth or the appearance of metastases. Therefore, removal should only be carried out in a medical facility, by a qualified specialist.

In any case, the lack of adequate treatment is guaranteed to worsen the situation and, over time, lead to premature death.

Chemotherapy is also effective for malignant moles. Medicines are actively used for common forms of melanoma, as well as in combination with surgery.

For common moles, the following treatment regimens are considered the most effective:

  • Imidazolecarboxamide 250 mg per m², once a day for 5 days;
  • Lomustine 100 mg per m² + Vincristine 1.2 mg per m² on the first, eighth and fifteenth days, and also in combination with Dactinomycin 500 mcg three times a week, in six doses;
  • Vinblastine 6 mg per m² by intravenous administration. On the first day, together with Cisplatin 120 mg per m², as well as with Bleomycetin 10 mg on the first and fifth days.

The time intervals between chemotherapy courses are 1 month.

Radiation therapy for malignant moles is used infrequently, due to their low sensitivity to ionizing rays.

Traditional treatment of malignant moles

Unfortunately, many patients are in no hurry to go to the doctor, but are treated independently with all kinds of traditional methods. Traditional treatment of melanoma is officially discouraged, since treatment with herbs and other means can take away valuable time when the disease is still treatable. Lost time can cost a person not only his health, but also his life.

However, recipes for malignant pigmented tumors exist. However, reliable information about their effectiveness has not been provided.

  • Mix equal parts of nettle leaves, angelica, coriander and hyssop. Pour 1 tbsp. l. collect 200 ml of boiling water and leave until cool. Take 400-600 ml of drink per day.
  • Take tincture of aconite rhizomes three times a day, 60 minutes before meals. Treatment regimen: first day – 1 drop, daily increasing the dose by 1 drop, bringing it to 20 drops. Next, the amount of the drug is reduced, again bringing it to 1 drop.
  • Take 100 ml of a decoction of sweet clover, elderberry, wintergreen, centaury, meadowsweet, duckweed, and agrimony herbs, taken in equal parts, half an hour before meals.
  • Prepare tar ointment: tar is mixed with Vaseline in equal parts. Lubricate the affected area several times a day.
  • Squeeze out fresh celandine juice and mix with Vaseline 1:4. Used for compresses.

Homeopathy for malignant moles

As auxiliary treatment For malignant moles, homeopathy is often used. Many experts are sure that correct application Such drugs can improve the effectiveness of treatment and reduce the risk of relapse in the future.

The choice of the optimal homeopathic remedy is carried out individually, depending on the characteristics of the tumor and the patient’s condition. Since homeopathy treatment requires precise dosages, self-treatment is not recommended.

  • Homeopathic medicines antihomotoxic action:
    • Lymphomyosot;
    • Galium-heel;
    • Engystol.
  • Drugs that catalyze metabolic processes:
    • Ubiquinone compositum;
    • Coenzyme compositum.
  • Homeopathic preparations with organotropic action:
    • Cutis compositum;
    • Psorinocheel.
    • Do not overuse tanning before and after taking it sunbathing use appropriate cosmetics protective equipment;
    • Do not try to remove birthmarks yourself, do not scratch or damage moles.

    Most experts agree that the best prevention The degeneration of a mole is its removal. Should be considered important point: removal should be carried out by a competent, qualified specialist in a medical institution, but not in beauty salons and other similar establishments.

    By turning to incompetent doctors, you can lose not only your health, but also your life.


    In more than half of patients, a 5-year recovery period can be observed. Such positive results are explained by timely and early detection of the tumor.

    If malignancy is detected in more late stages, the prognosis worsens, especially with the spread of metastases.

    If treatment was started on time and no metastases were detected, then the size and depth of tumor penetration play a decisive role in the prognosis. It has been observed that treatment is more effective in female patients than in male patients.

    All patients who have completed the course of treatment are subject to mandatory medical examination. Regular examinations of the remaining skin are carried out benign moles, lymph nodes.

    With proper and adequate treatment, malignant moles do not recur.

Malignant moles are melanoma - a cancer that develops from melanocytes in the basal layer of the epidermis (pigmented areas of the skin). It can occur anywhere on the body, but is especially common in exposed areas that are regularly exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

Malignant moles: what should be the treatment?

The only reliable treatment for melanoma is surgical excision.

The doctor injects an anesthetic and then makes an incision along the drawn lines. For small malignant moles, the entire procedure takes about 30 minutes. A tissue sample is sent to the laboratory for examination of the peri-tumor surface to determine the level of prevalence.

Skin cancers are excised according to the following guidelines:

  1. The surgeon removes 0.5 - 1 cm of healthy skin surrounding the tumor and removes the skin layers down to the fatty tissue.
  2. In resection of invasive melanoma, which is 1 mm or less in thickness, the surrounding skin margins are removed with an extension of up to 1 cm. Also, all layers of skin are excised down to the fascia (layers of tissue covering the muscles).
  3. If the melanoma is from 1.01 to 2 mm thick, 1-2 cm is taken with a margin.
  4. If malignant mole thickness 2.01 mm and more - 2 cm is removed.

If a malignant mole metastasizes, it is recommended to remove nearby lymph nodes. In later stages, immunotherapy or chemotherapy may be used.

Malignant moles: prognosis and survival

Most useful criterion To determine the level of survival is the thickness of the tumor, which is measured in centimeters and is called “Breslow depth”. Also, the prognostic indicator depends on the Clark level - the number of layers affected by the oncological process.

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Thin melanomas (less than 1 cm) have excellent treatment success rates. Malignant moles with a thicker structure have less optimistic forecasts.

A malignant mole is a cancer called melanoma. It can form anywhere on the body, but most often appears in exposed areas, as they are exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

Melanoma is the most dangerous form cancer. It is very important to monitor all moles on the body, especially if there are a lot of them. If a malignant mole is detected early, the development of melanoma can be prevented.

The first tiny spots may appear in children in infancy. A mole is a small formation on the skin - a nevus - that is considered benign and harmless. The basis for their appearance is melanocyte cells that accumulate the natural pigment melanin. Depending on its quantity, a difference in color is observed. Available colors:

  • red;
  • black;
  • pink;
  • brown;
  • blue.

The shape of the tumors depends on the location and concentration of melanin. They may have a stalk or be located under the skin, be flat and convex.

The most common type is round, but there are exceptions. The development of neoplasms provokes ultraviolet radiation– natural from the sun, in a solarium.

Not excluded hereditary factors. Common reason education – hormonal imbalance, characteristic of periods:.

  • puberty;
  • pregnancy;
  • menopause.

Unfortunately, clear reasons that provoke the development of melanoma have not yet been identified. The study of this disease is a priority issue for many scientists.

A number of factors have been identified that can trigger the onset of the disease and cause the formation of a mole that turns into cancer. Who is at risk?

  • Excessive exposure to the sun or solarium
  • Very light skin or red hair
  • Genetic predisposition. If you have a family history of melanoma, you are at risk because you may be predisposed to the disease. For this reason, you should avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and do not visit solariums.
  • Many moles on the body. If you have 50 or more moles on your body, you can safely put yourself in the category of people prone to melanoma. You should also be wary of the sun, protecting yourself from the negative effects with covered clothing, a hat and sunglasses.
  • Advanced age. Analyzing medical statistics, we can confidently say that melanoma is more common in people over 50. At this age, the body is weakened, there is at least one chronic disease, and ideal conditions are created for the development of oncological pathology.
  • The stronger sex. Medicine cannot explain this fact, but melanoma affects more men than women.
  • Women in position. Due to the fact that a pregnant girl experiences a hormonal surge, which can provoke the degeneration of existing moles on the body.
  • Freckles on the body, especially on the face. As mentioned earlier, cancerous moles often appear in red-haired people. A large number of freckles increases the chances of the appearance of such neoplasms, which indicate that when interacting with the sun, the skin reproduces melanin too quickly.

A birthmark, or nevus, is a pathological accumulation of melanin at one point. Most often, such neoplasms are brown in color. If the nevus accumulates in the area blood vessels, it takes on a pink or burgundy color.

A person cannot be born with a mole. The first neoplasms appear on the body after 6 months of a baby’s life.

Usually the formation of new nevi ends by the age of 25. A large number of moles are observed in fair-skinned people.

They are at risk of malignant degeneration of tumors.

There are a wide variety of birthmarks - red, hanging, brown, convex, flat, etc. However, experts identify five types of nevi that are dangerous. They are most susceptible to malignant degeneration.

  • Borderline nevi. This flat spot almost black. Such a neoplasm should not change under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. If its parameters have changed, this is a dangerous mole.
  • Giant mole. This neoplasm is considered the most dangerous from the point of view of malignant degeneration. This nevus changes its structure in 50% of cases. The tumor may be soft and its size is constantly increasing.
  • Nevus Ota. This is a dark blue spot of irregular shape. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, the size of the tumor will increase.
  • Blue mole. Many cancerous moles are degenerated from precisely such neoplasms. This is a fairly dense tumor, slightly rising above the surface of the skin. The diameter of such a nevus can reach 2 centimeters. Often the mole is located on the face.
  • Dubreuil's melanosis. This is a precancerous formation with uneven outline. In 80% of cases, such a mole degenerates into a malignant tumor.

People with fair skin and big amount moles on the body

Unfortunately, most patients seek help quite late, when the malignant process is no longer reversible. Regular examinations with a dermatologist will help prevent the development of melanoma.

The lighter the skin, the higher the risk of malignant degeneration of the tumor. If there are a large number of nevi on the body, it is not recommended to stay under open ultraviolet rays in the summer.

It is worth considering that the sun is most dangerous between 11 and 16 hours of the day. At this time, it is not recommended to go outside at all.

Sunburn, even with a history of sunburn, significantly increases the risk of developing melanoma. Tanning in a solarium is also dangerous.

Heredity is also of great importance. If you have a family history of malignant skin tumors, you need to know what dangerous moles look like.

Regulatory mechanical damage to the nevus also significantly increases the risk of its malignant degeneration. Therefore, if a mole is in an “inconvenient” place, it is recommended to remove it.

The risk of developing skin cancer increases in people suffering from the papilloma virus. A large number of neoplasms on a thin stalk is a sign of the disease. Pathology also cannot be ignored.

Irradiation is a method of exposing the area of ​​the tumor or the entire body to radioactive rays, depending on the location of the tumor.

Active radio rays lead to the death of malignant cells, which helps stop their division and reduce the tumor itself. But in the case of a cancerous mole, the options for radiation are limited.

The technique is used for palliative purposes in late stages diseases. And in case of metastatic damage to bones or other anatomical structures, they are used to reduce pain and improve the quality of life of a cancer patient.

Radiation is also advisable for metastases in brain structures; for this localization of secondary tumors, radiation therapy is a priority method in the treatment of melanomas.

Causes of mole cancer formation

A mole is a benign neoplasm that can transform under the influence of external phenomena and lead to rapidly progressing oncology. Among the reasons why these processes are activated are usually:

A cancerous mole or melanoma can form from melanocytes - these are cells with a special pigment. The true reasons for the degeneration of a healthy cell into a malignant one remain unknown today. But there are a number of factors that have a share of influence on the malignant process:

The reasons for the transformation of a mole into melanoma are as follows:

  • mechanical damage - friction with clothing, straps, skin trauma;
  • hormonal changes in the body - most often occur in adolescence and during pregnancy. Another reason could be illness thyroid glands s.
  • damage by ultraviolet rays - sunlight activates the division of melanin cells and causes pathological changes in skin cells.

Light-skinned, fair-haired people with light colors eyes, owners of red hair and freckles.

At risk are pregnant women and those who have a family history of melanoma.

Risk factors include:

  • large congenital nevi;
  • the appearance of new moles, the growth of old ones;
  • nevi that cover the entire certain part bodies.

Classification of melanomas

Cancerous moles are classified according to their visual appearance: thickness, depth, structure and shape. Highlight the following types melanoma:

Based on what a cancerous mole looks like, a competent specialist is still initial examination can reveal the degree of threat to the patient’s health and life. The species that pose the greatest danger include the following groups nevi:

  1. Blue moles are always smooth to the touch, most often have a hairless coating, and are distinguished by a significant convexity. The diameter of each of them does not exceed 2 cm, they are placed mainly on the buttocks, face and limbs.
  2. Intraepidermal (borderline) type, in which the birthmark has not completely formed, stopping in development between the dermis and epidermis. Under the influence of UV rays, it does not change its color, shape and size, and may differ from benign nevi in ​​an atypical dark shade.
  3. Giant moles are recognized as the most dangerous neoplasms, which increase in number and size every year. According to statistics, every second patient shows signs of degeneration of nevus cells of this type.
  4. Dubreuil's melanosis develops mainly in older people and is characterized by blurred boundaries and heterogeneous coloring. It is considered a precancerous formation that requires immediate removal.
  5. Nevus of Ota is a collection of confluent dark blue spots that can involve the mucous membrane of the nose, pharynx and sclera of the eyes. They can be successfully removed surgically and therefore rarely develop into melanoma.

Any harmless mole can become dangerous in an instant cancerous tumor, to identify which early stage- means giving a chance for a full life and healing.

A pigmented spot on the skin with a brown tint is called a mole. It is based on:

  • melanin pigment;
  • melanocytes.

Moles have significant differences from birthmarks, which are characterized by:

  • the appearance of moles throughout a person’s life;
  • The number of moles depends on the amount of ultraviolet radiation to which a person is exposed.

The neoplasm is characterized by the presence life cycle, first the mole has flat shape, over time it protrudes above the surface skin. The shape of the spot is influenced by the location of pigment cells - melanocytes at a certain level of the skin, in the epidermis ( top layer) or in the dermis (deep layer). When melanocytes are located in the upper layer of the skin:

  • the neoplasm will be flat;
  • invisible, flush with the skin.

If melanocytes are located in the deep layer of the skin:

  • the neoplasm is raised above the skin;
  • noticeable to the naked eye.

A certain type of spot determines its positive or negative oncological characteristics; a mole does not pose a threat if the following indicators are present:

  • homogeneous structure;
  • preservation of shade throughout the life cycle;
  • small size;
  • oval shape.

As a person grows up, new moles appear on his body.

Neoplasms form at birth or throughout life; the acquisition of spots is often associated with the teenage maturation of the body and the period of pregnancy. The spots can transform, changes are reflected in:

  • form of neoplasm;
  • shade (darkening).

The characteristics of formations are complicated by the fact that there are different forms. A specialist can easily understand the symptoms and manifestations of the disease, but an untrained person should know what the difference is:

  • basal cell carcinoma;
  • squamous cell skin cancer;
  • melanoma itself.

Melanomas can be classified according to their visual appearance: depth, thickness, shape and structure. The following types of melanomas are distinguished:

Oncologists noted those types of nevi that are most prone to mutation:

  1. Borderline. This is a spot that has a uniform color, in some cases it is even black. Among the features is the lack of reaction to ultraviolet radiation. The neoplasm does not change in quantity, parameters, or color.
  2. Blue. The structure of the neoplasm is dense, the surface is smooth and without hair. The mole rises above the skin and is no more than two centimeters in diameter. It is most often localized in the face, limbs and buttocks.
  3. Giant. It is this neoplasm with high probability transforms into mole cancer. A distinctive feature is considered to be constant growth and a loose surface of a heterogeneous structure.
  4. Nevus Ota. Its color can be either dark brown or blue-gray. It also differs in its large size. Requires immediate treatment.
  5. Dubreuil's melanosis. It is considered to be a precancerous neoplasm with an uneven outline. It needs to be removed immediately after detection, since it is quickly followed by oncology.

To identify malignant moles, an experienced specialist only needs to conduct a visual examination.

There are moles different sizes: from a barely noticeable point to a large spot located on the skin and in its inner layers.

Nevi are classified into vascular (hemangiomas) and pigmented.

  • The first type develops due to the enlargement and fusion of capillaries.
  • Pigmented - formed by groups of pathological melanin cells.

By size, moles are divided into:

  • small (up to 2 mm);
  • medium (up to 6-10 mm);
  • large (from 10 mm).

Based on the type of localization, nevi are:

  • epidermal (located on the top layer of skin);
  • borderline (occupying both the surface and deep layers of the skin);
  • intradermal (located in the thickness of the middle skin layer);

According to another criterion, moles are divided into malignant and benign.

Signs of skin cancer

The first sign of a mole degenerating into melanoma is the appearance of asymmetry

The development of melanoma can be prevented. The “pre-melanoma” period is a long period of time, important from the point of view of timely diagnosis and treatment.

There is such a thing as “five minutes before” melanoma or melanocytic dysplasia. In such a formation, the structure of the cells and nucleus has already been changed, but this is not skin cancer yet.

It is important not to miss the signs of dysplasia.

Signs of a mole at the “pre-melanoma” stage:

photo of malignant moles
  1. One half of the nevus does not correspond to the other - asymmetry.
  2. The boundaries of education became uneven and spread apart.
  3. The color began to change and inclusions of various colors appeared (light, red, black, purple).
  4. The mole began to grow rapidly. Typically, safe elements are up to 6 mm in size.
  5. There was a feeling of burning, swelling, and the skin around the mole turned red.

Often, signs of a dangerous change in a nevus are encrypted with the abbreviation ACORD (asymmetry, edges, color, size, diameter).

Usually, if a mole is located in a place least exposed to any influence (friction, tanning), then it is observed independently. If she is constantly injured, she should see an oncodermatologist.

Diagnosis of melanoma is carried out using a dermatoscope, biopsy and scraping. Next, the suspicious element is removed and a histological examination is performed.

The average person is unable to identify melanoma. Only after histological examination can a final verdict be obtained.

If the patient finds that those closest to the nevus The lymph nodes enlarged, this indicates stage 2 of the disease and the presence of metastases. Survival rate with treatment in such cases is 1-1.5 years.

Each of us is able to easily distinguish simple moles from other types of neoplasms, but only a small part knows what nevi with oncological properties look like. Overwhelmingly clinical cases melanoma disease could be recognized by its external symptoms.

To determine the atypicality of pigmented spots, a fairly simple method was developed called “A.B.C.D.E.”, which is an abbreviation for the 5 main physical signs of skin cancer:

  1. Asymmetry (asymmetry) - a change in the shape of the nevus, in which the growth occurs unevenly, and the mole acquires obvious asymmetrical outlines;
  2. Border irregularity (uneven edge) – the contour of the neoplasm may become blurred and uneven, which is one of the first signs indicating a pathological change in the mole;
  3. Color (color) - heterogeneity of shade, the presence of small inclusions of gray, black and red tones should be alarming and also motivate to go to the doctor;
  4. Diameter (diameter) – the size of moles should not exceed the usual 8-10 mm or change extremely quickly;
  5. Evolving (rebuilding) - refers to any changes associated with the description of nevi (color, size, and shape).

The absence of any transformations associated with neoplasms is considered normal, therefore, if they are present on the body, they should be periodically visually examined in order to promptly diagnose oncology and begin therapy.

In addition to the previously listed signs, dermatologists also note features characteristic of malignant nevus:

  • compaction of the structure of the mole against the background of rapid growth;
  • peeling and itching in the area of ​​the affected skin, burning sensation or slight tingling;
  • red spots may appear near the nevus, associated with a simple allergic reaction of the body (rash).

IN medical practice Skin cancer or melanoma is common and is a common type of cancer. In terms of mortality, melanoma occupies a leading place among other types of cancer. This pathology most often affects young people (23-43 years old).

There are four forms of melanoma:

  • melanoma spreading superficially;
  • skin cancer of the lentigo type;
  • lentiginous form of cancer;
  • nodular skin cancer.

Skin cancer can look different in appearance

Malignant moles (cancer cells) have some telltale signs that can help differentiate them from a typical mole. The initial stage of the disease - melanocytic dysplasia - is still treatable. Therefore, if a cancerous mole is identified and removed in time, the development of skin cancer can be avoided.

In 1985, dermatologists developed the abbreviation ABCDE, each letter of which represents one sign of a cancerous mole. Over time, this abbreviation was adapted into Russian, and it began to sound like AKORD (asymmetry, edges, color, size, dynamics).

It is by these signs that a malignant growth can be identified. Let's take a closer look at each sign.

  1. Asymmetry. As mentioned above, ordinary moles are symmetrical. If you notice even the slightest asymmetry, you should urgently consult a doctor.
  2. The edges. Cancerous moles have jagged, blurry, and even jagged edges.
  3. Coloring. Common moles, as a rule, one color (black or brown). Cancerous moles on the body can be of different shades, including red.
  4. Size. Ordinary moles do not exceed 6 mm in volume. If the mole is larger than 6 mm, then most likely it is malignant. In addition, cancerous moles quickly increase in size.
  5. Dynamics. If the mole is benign, then it does not change its color or size over the years. If you begin to notice changes, you need to consult a doctor for examination.

So we've looked at the characteristics and symptoms of a cancerous mole. If you notice at least one of these points, immediately run to the doctor to prevent possible development melanoma.

Most cosmetic defects may not cause any inconvenience to a person throughout his life. But when education behaves unusually, you will feel discomfort.

You can understand your feelings using the following reminder:

A visit to an oncologist is required if:

  • the color and structure of the nevus changes - the color becomes uneven, pigmentation intensifies to a dark brown or coal-black color, additional pigment nodules appear at the edges of the spot;
  • one part of the nevus has noticeably darkened;
  • peeling of the epidermis, inflammation of the skin around the mole;
  • blurring of contours;
  • compaction, growth, cracking;
  • hair loss in the area of ​​the spot, if it is located in the scalp;
  • “fragmentation” of an entire nevus into several new ones.

Diagnosis of melanoma

Melanoma is an insidious and definitely bad type of oncology, since it is characterized by high growth rates, rapid metastasis, spreading to almost all vital internal organs of a person.

Of all cancer patients, there are about 2% of patients diagnosed with skin cancer, of which only 20% manage to overcome the horrific disease.

Such depressing statistics are due to late establishment diagnosis or due to the fact that many people underestimate the need to visit an oncologist in case of changes regarding the structure or other parameters of moles, perceiving this phenomenon as the norm.

There is also a separate category of people who try to eliminate the interfering neoplasm from the surface of the skin on their own or with the help of folk recipes, thereby unwittingly launching an infection into the blood or stimulating malignancy and further development of cancer.

The reason for this is the lack of information among the population - many people have moles and therefore are not taken seriously.

If signs typical of nevi degenerating into a malignant type are detected, you should contact a qualified specialist in the field of oncology and submit a tissue sample through biopsy for histology.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, takes only a few minutes and does not cause discomfort at all. In some cases, the patient may be recommended to undergo dermatoscopy for a more accurate assessment. current state nevus, which ensures the accuracy of the results obtained by 96-97%.

Melanoma is a malignant tumor that develops from pigment cells that produce melanin. It is characterized by rapid growth, frequent recurrence, rapid metastasis to almost all organs, and high mortality.

Melanoma accounts for about 1-2% of all cancer diseases and 10% of all skin cancers. The mortality rate from it (14%) exceeds that from breast and thyroid cancer, and of all deaths from tumors, melanoma accounts for 80%.

If at self-examination If you suspect the presence of a malignant mole, you should immediately seek help from a specialist who will check the nature of the nevus. After a face-to-face consultation, a dermatologist may suggest doing some additional research, such as:

  • A biopsy of the body of the mole allows you to determine the composition of the nevus
  • Histology to characterize the tumor

It is worth saying that a biopsy can be performed only if the nevus is completely or partially resection. If you are the owner of a degenerated mole, in 90% of cases it is recommended to remove the nevus completely, including nearby surrounding tissue.

This is necessary in order to localize the process and protect healthy tissues from cancer.

There are recommendations for additional research– dermatoscopy, which is carried out before removal of the tumor body. The results can tell about the amount of pigment and the structure of the nevus, namely, reveal its nature, determining whether the mole is vascular or non-vascular.

Lack of pronounced clinical picture makes it difficult to stage correct diagnosis on early stage. Therefore, it is important to know how to identify a malignant mole in order to promptly consult an oncologist.

When examining the formation, the specialist evaluates its density, edges, and color. However, it is not enough to know what malignant moles look like.

They help to verify the presence of oncological pathology instrumental methods diagnostics

  • Dermatoscopy of the neoplasm and surrounding epidermis. Grade pathological changes of the skin is performed due to multiple magnification of the area under study. Using a dermatoscope, it is possible to carefully examine the structure and shape of the mole.
  • Radiometry. The patient takes the radiotherapy drug on an empty stomach. Using a special apparatus, the accumulation of the isotope in healthy skin and in the area of ​​the nevus.
  • Cytological examination of a smear-imprint. From the surface of the neoplasm, the specialist takes a small piece of biological material, which he examines under a microscope.
  • Blood test for tumor markers. This test should always be done if cancer is suspected.

Put accurate diagnosis only a doctor can

Malignant neoplasms should only be diagnosed by a specialist, but it is also possible to make a preliminary assessment at home; the main thing is to know what to do:

  • examination of the skin, especially carefully examining the armpits, back, elbows, neck and knees;
  • Each of the detected neoplasms is carefully examined for the presence of certain signs of malignancy.

Further examination should be entrusted to a specialist. First of all, he will examine the nevus itself and study the reasons for its changes.

If there is any doubt, a biopsy is prescribed. This is a procedure that involves taking a small area of ​​affected tissue for further study.

Under certain conditions, ultrasound and dermatoscopy may also be prescribed.

Only after receiving the research results, the doctor is given the opportunity to make an accurate diagnosis, and he can prescribe further treatment.


Treatment of skin cancer is quite specific; the main method, without exception, is surgical removal of the tumor. In addition to surgery, radiation and chemotherapy can be used, but these methods are ineffective for melanoma; for this type, only radical excision is necessary.

Relatively new and effective techniques at the early stage of the disease are considered laser coagulation and cryodestruction.

Regarding the main type of treatment - surgery, the volume of tissue excision depends on the stage of the pathology. If the first stage is diagnosed, the neoplasm is excised, including 0.5 centimeters of healthy tissue.

If the second stage is detected, the volume of healthy tissue is cut off within one centimeter. If the thickness of the tumor in the inner layers of the dermis is more than two millimeters, regardless of the stage, at least two centimeters of healthy skin must be removed.

The exception is the desmoplastic version of melanoma; it is characterized by the development of local relapses, therefore, during excision, at least three centimeters of healthy tissue are captured.

Cancer after removal of a mole tends to recur, and more often to metastasize, for this reason the entire body must be examined to identify micrometastases and secondary tumors in distant organs.

Regional lymph nodes are the first to metastasize, therefore, as a rule, lymphadenectomy is used.

For individual metastases, surgery is used in the following cases:

  1. the presence of resectable, individual metastases, the removal of which improves the prognosis;
  2. resectable metastases, without removal, threatening the patient’s life;
  3. resection to reduce the tumor mass for a better result of subsequent medical treatment with chemotherapy.

To date, the only possible option The treatment for melanoma is the removal of cancerous moles. The complexity of the operation depends on the severity of the situation and the size of the formation. For small growths, half an hour will be enough.

When removing a cancerous mole, the surgeon cuts out a small area of ​​skin (1 cm) around the mole to prevent new ones from appearing in the same place. The larger the malignant mole in volume and size, the more skin around it needs to be removed.

After the mole is excised, a sample is sent to the laboratory. There they study its prevalence level, that is, the likelihood that new such growths will appear on the body.

Treatment tactics depend on the level of distribution of malignant melanoma cells. If it is diagnosed at the earliest stage of development, surgical removal of the malignant mole is performed with simultaneous excision of the immediate surrounding and underlying tissues and their subsequent histological examination.

If the spread of malignant cells into healthy tissue, to a depth of 1 mm, is detected, repeated removal of healthy tissue is carried out at a distance of up to 2 cm in depth and to the sides of the scar.

Detection of the spread of cells of a malignant spot to a depth exceeding 1 mm is a reason for conducting research various methods visualization to identify nearby metastasis - computer or magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography (molecular imaging technique), a combination of the latter with computed tomography.

In addition, at this stage, a puncture biopsy of “sentinel” lymph nodes is also performed, that is, the priority lymph nodes in terms of metastasis through the lymphatic system.

This allows you to decide whether to remove them.

After excision of a malignant mole in the early stages, interferon immunotherapy is performed to prevent relapse. Surgery in later stages it no longer makes sense. In these cases, only courses of chemotherapy and immunotherapeutic agents are used.

The most rational method of treating moles of an oncological nature is conservative treatment, that is, resection using a scalpel or laser. The mole removal procedure begins with local anesthesia, in which the doctor injects an analgesic drug into the area next to the mole.

Then, when the area ceases to be sensitive, an incision is made strictly along the sketch lines drawn in advance. If a small or medium mole is to be removed, the procedure will last no more than 20 minutes.

The procedure is one of the simplest surgical interventions and does not pose any risks to the patient's health. Immediately after resection, the sample or removed mole is immediately sent to the laboratory for thorough examination and identification of the nature of the appearance.

If we delve deeper into the process of nevus removal, we can conditionally divide it into the following criteria:

  1. The doctor excises up to 1 cm of intact skin in diameter, goes deep until the end of the adipose tissue
  2. If a small melanoma is being operated on (up to 2 mm in diameter), the doctor must also expand the resection area to a cell of 1 cm, and include several layers of the epidermis, including the tissue covering the muscle
  3. If the mole that has raised suspicion is classified as medium, that is, up to 1 cm in diameter, the surgeon must remove the area with a margin of up to 2.5 cm
  4. By analogy, when the body of the nevus enlarges, it is necessary to further expand the removal zone. So, if the mole size is from 3 cm, an area of ​​up to 5 cm is taken for resection.

It is worth mentioning that the presence of metastases radically changes the approach to surgery. If any are found, the surgeon should take urgent solution about the removal of lymph nodes located in close proximity to the malignant nevus, through which the nevus was fed.

When we're talking about about diseases of this nature, you should not engage in self-medication and self-diagnosis. Home remedies in the form of compresses made from infused chamomile decoction will help relieve symptoms, but should not be the main remedy!

When detected at an early stage, melanoma can be easily treated by eliminating the tumor with medical equipment.

People often worry about whether cancer or a malignant nevus may recur after removal of a melanoma mole.

Therapy cancer depends on the stage of its development, the presence of metastases in the body. If the patient knows what a malignant neoplasm looks like and consults in a timely manner, treatment will be carried out with minimal risk for good health.

Sometimes it is enough to surgically remove the tumor. To do this, resort to the following methods:

Treatment of mole cancer is quite specific; the main method is removal of the tumor. In addition to surgery, radiation and chemotherapy can be used.

But these methods, unlike removal, are ineffective for melanoma. Relatively new and effective techniques used at the early stage of the disease are cryodestruction and coagulation.

As for the main type of treatment - surgery, the amount of tissue excision depends on the stage of the cancer. If melanoma is at the first stage of development, then the mole is removed, capturing half a centimeter of healthy tissue.

If the operation is performed at the second stage of the disease, the volume of excised healthy tissue is one centimeter. If the thickness of the deepening of the malignant formation in the inner layers of the dermis is more than two millimeters, then, regardless of the stage, at least two centimeters of healthy skin must be excised.

The exception is the desmoplastic variant of melanoma, which is characterized by the development of local relapses, therefore, during removal, at least three centimeters of healthy epidermis are captured.

After removal of melanoma, there is a possibility of relapse, and more often metastasis. Therefore, the entire body is subject to examination in order to identify micrometastases and secondary neoplasms in distant organs.

Regional lymph nodes are the first to succumb to metastases, therefore, in most cases, lymphadenectomy is used.

Surgery can be used for individual metastases in the following cases:

  • in the presence of resectable individual metastasis, the removal of which improves the prognosis;
  • for resectable metastases, without removal, life-threatening sick;
  • during resection in order to reduce the malignant mass for the best result of subsequent chemotherapy treatment.

In those cases where the neoplasm was diagnosed as malignant as a result of the study, the patient is sent for surgery, which involves its removal.

Indications for removal may be:

  • degeneration of a mole into cancer;
  • too big or ugly appearance growth;
  • localization of moles in places where they are subject to constant trauma, which has a bad effect on them.

There are several methods for removing nevi that are safe and mostly painless.

Cryodestruction method

The tumor is removed by freezing it using liquid nitrogen or carbonic acid. The procedure lasts only a few minutes, but under local anesthesia.

Among the main disadvantages is the lack of control over the rapid effects of acid or nitrogen. It is impossible to obtain material for a biopsy in this way. In the case of removal of tumors of impressive size, tissue scarring and the appearance of scars cannot be ruled out.

Laser excision

To destroy the nevus, a special laser is used, which simply burns it out. This method differs favorably from others, since during the removal process it seals the vessels and prevents bleeding. Histological examination after such removal is impossible.

Radio wave method

Only small moles that are located on the surface of the epithelium can be removed. A special device is used, after its impact a wound remains on the body. The neoplasm tissue is not damaged, and therefore further histology becomes possible.

The advantages of the radio wave method are that healing is fast and there are no scars left at the site of the tumor.


The mole is burned out under the influence of low frequency current. This method differs in possible injury and scarring of tissue in the future. They resort to it only in rare cases. Among the advantages is the possibility of histology.

Surgical removal

It is used when removing particularly large tumors or when melanoma grows deep into the tissue. The method is also effective in the case of excision of flat moles. Removal of cancerous growths is carried out together with nearby tissues.

Prevention of melanoma

  1. When exposing your skin to direct sunlight, you should use a cream with the maximum level of ultraviolet protection (SPF+50) and the PPD mark (protection against skin cancer).
  2. Avoid being in the open sun during lunchtime (best from 10.00 to 18.00).
  3. Do not drink alcohol on the beach.
  4. Nevi that are constantly injured should be removed.
  5. Try to avoid artificial tanning in solariums.

Among oncologists, melanoma is considered a “shame”, since its occurrence is easily prevented in the precancerous period. Knowing the signs of degeneration that has begun, owners of moles should consult a specialist in a timely manner, and doctors should remove the formation at this very time.

Skin cancer is curable, but the main focus of specialists is on maintaining preventive measures, capable of preventing the development of melanoma, significantly reducing the number of cancer patients around the world. Prevention measures include:

  • moderate exposure to direct sunlight;
  • use of skin products (with high performance UV protection);
  • timely consultations with a dermatologist (oncologist);
  • self-examination of the skin (moles);
  • protecting the skin from the negative effects of high temperatures;
  • treatment of skin diseases in the early stages.

It is important to remember that cancer prevention is simple and does not require financial costs or loss of time. Following simple rules will help maintain health for many years.

  1. Doctors don't recommend long time is exposed to ultraviolet rays. According to statistics, solariums and other methods of tanning increase the chances of tanning by 75%. cancerous lesion skin.
  2. In the summer, it is better for people to be outdoors in the morning and evening hours.
  3. Using sunscreen is a must! The product should be applied in both cloudy and sunny weather. As part of these cosmetics Patients should pay attention to the sun protection factor (SPF), which should be at least 30.
  4. Usage sunglasses, which have sufficient UV protection.
  5. Self-examination of the skin and timely contact a dermatologist for advice. It is important to detect cancerous moles or melanoma on initial stage. In such cases, surgical removal malignant neoplasm leads to full recovery sick.

It is not worth identifying a melanoma mole from a photo. Doctors take a tissue sample from the patient for testing, which allows them to check the genesis of pigment cells.

If you have a lot of dark growths on your arms, legs and neck, follow these rules to prevent disease.

  • Regular examination will allow you to notice negative dynamics in the early stages.
  • Cancerous moles on the body tend to progress quickly, so it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate or refuse therapy altogether.
  • Enlarged tumors or atypical birthmarks are a reason to refuse sunbathing and going to the solarium.
  • It is better to plan trips to countries with a different climate zone in a milder season, when ultraviolet radiation is not so aggressive.
  • Protective creams with SPF 30 and 50 filters should always be in your bag, no matter whether you are just going for a walk or going on a hike.


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