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Catching a pike in a dream is often a pretty good symbol, promising something pleasant or giving you the opportunity to prepare in time to cope with difficulties. The dream book, explaining why such a plot is dreamed of, indicates: it promises a reward for hard work, profit, and triumph over enemies. However, a dream can also warn of difficulties, illnesses, and the machinations of spiteful critics.

Difficulties can be overcome

Did you dream of catching a pike? The dream book says: you need to follow useful advice, otherwise you will make a mistake that completely confirms that someone else is right.

If it turns out to be black in a dream, a secret dangerous enemy will appear who will try to deceive the sleeping person. Only vigilance and readiness to face any turn of events will avoid harm.

Also, fishing for a black river predator, according to the dream book, foreshadows: some pleasant event will be overshadowed by some difficulty, but you will be able to “settle everything.”

Why dream of seeing that you managed to catch this fish without scales? Illnesses and difficult trials lie ahead. We must be patient and accept everything that happens as a reason for improvement.

Meetings and changes in the family are ahead

For a woman to see how she caught a pike in a dream, promises a meeting with an old acquaintance whose personal life left much to be desired. Freud's dream book states: now the friend will surprise the dreamer with his success in this field.

Did the woman dream of fishing this predator out of the river? This means: it’s time for her to prepare for the imminent addition to the family. Most likely, she will have a daughter.

For a single man to catch a pike in a dream, it means that in reality he will marry a grumpy, quarrelsome, angry woman.

You will triumph over your enemies

For a man to see such a dream foreshadows the quick, easy elimination of competitors. However, if he hooked it, but could not pull it out, he himself would be the loser.

Successfully catching it with your hands means: the sleeper is accustomed to achieving everything through his own labor, ignoring dangers. To catch with your hands in a dream and hold - in reality the dreamer controls difficult situation, and receives from this the maximum bonuses possible.

Why do you dream of catching a big, toothy pike? The dreamer's enemies themselves will fall into their own trap set for him.

Expects a successful course of business, profit

Catching a large river predator in a dream, as the dream book indicates, often promises success, which will be a well-deserved reward for the dreamer’s hard, long work.

I dreamed of hooking a fishing rod and pulling it out big fish? The dream foreshadows a very risky undertaking in which a person will take part. If it is successfully completed, the sleeper will receive a significant profit. A toothy fish caught in a fishing rod, according to the dream book, indicates: if he shows patience, forethought, and caution, the business will bring good income.

Dreams are a reflection of our reality, they are a subtle form of activity human brain, through which he can receive very important information, so much so that he himself does not realize it. If you dreamed of a pike, then this dream as a whole can be considered good, the main thing is to understand and decipher it.

General information

What does the dream book tell us about this? Pike comes to those who need to suggest something, open their eyes to something, warn about danger or tell about good news. The pike is a conductor between man and higher forces invisible to our eyes. It can be a harbinger of both very great wealth and a warning that you can lose everything.

Let's look further through the dream book. Pike can also fulfill all your desires, but offers to pay a certain price for this, which you may not be able to bear. Then you will have a very hard time, and your greed will be to blame for this. Pike does not like those who love freebies. She will appear as a warning and bite in a dream. But the real punishment will be life, consisting of constant failures.

Warning dreams about pike

Why do you dream about pike? These dreams cannot be called bad. If you dreamed about it, it means that you have the opportunity to fix everything or stop a business that was doomed to failure in advance.

You managed to catch a pike in a dream, and it turned out to be without scales - a disease associated with a malignant or benign tumor. Time to take charge of your health, quit bad habits and go to the hospital for examination. It is better to prevent this disease, otherwise its treatment will drag on for many months.

Pike and treacherous women

If you dreamed about catching a pike with a fishing rod, but you never managed to catch it, this means that somewhere near you there is a woman trying to influence your superiors. She will make every effort to ensure that your authority comes to naught, and in the end you are fired. In this case, you need to identify this woman in your environment, understand who she is, and try to establish a relationship with her, give her candy, appease her kind words, make friends. Be vigilant and careful, and also be prepared for a stab in the back.

A pike in a dream teaches you to be silent or wants to speak

If you managed to catch a pike in a dream, which has large sharp teeth, try to keep your mouth shut in front of your superiors. Don't argue with him, it won't benefit you. Not only will you not achieve what you wanted, you will lose what you earned hard work. Relax, think about something good and teach yourself to look positively at all changes, even not very good ones.

Pike does not favor those who talk a lot and take their lives lightly. The one who reveals his plans to others and secret desires, she will dream as if she is hunting you, and you will run away from her. In fact, the people to whom you reveal all your thoughts and plans will certainly take advantage of this, steal your thoughts, implement your plans, and you will be left with nothing.

It may be that the pike in the dream is alive and is trying to talk to you, but you do not understand it. Such a dream means that you are getting sick, but you do not want to realize it. It may also mean that you are mentally and physically exhausted, but are not paying attention to it. You need to rest, listen to your inner voice and to what your body is saying. Take care of yourself, be attentive to yourself.

Pike dreams in different ways

According to the seasons, you can see a pike in a dream in the summer, and then your enemy at work is not asleep, he doesn’t like something about you, and he will try to harm you. This happens because the person is offended by you. Find him, make him a friend, try to correct what you did wrong. If you dream of a pike in the spring, then under no circumstances should you borrow money, this money will no longer come back to you, and you will need it. If you dreamed about pike in the fall and the first months of winter, then this is a sign of health problems. Take care of yourself and don't forget to eat right and healthy image life. Don't forget about the normal daily routine.

If someone tries to treat you to a well-cooked pike, then there are people hovering around you who are harboring envy and deceit. They communicate well with you, but because of envy they are malicious and will not mind annoying you when the opportunity arises. There is no need to be too trusting and accept relationships that are outwardly good, but evil and poisonous in content. Don't expect anything other than formality from this relationship.

If a pike bites your finger in a dream without bleeding, then expect trouble; look for the root in a woman. If she bites your finger and there is no blood either, this means that your excessive straightforwardness will lead to problems and loss of social status. If blood appears after the bite, then your relatives will be in trouble. Call them, one of them will need your help, and you will be able to help.

It will not lead to anything good if in a dream a pike fulfills all your desires. The more you ask her, as in the fairy tale about Emelya, the more you will lose in real life. Don’t be greedy for miracles even in your dreams - they are not free, but you will have to pay not with dreams, but with real values.

Pike in a dream as a good sign

Why do you dream about pike? Fish as such, including pike, personifies something divine. It was not for nothing that the first Christians painted fish on the sand or somewhere else as an identification sign of their faith. It’s the same in our subconscious: a fish is like something primordial, something that cares about us and wishes us well.

If you dream of fishing and you have a big catch, including pike, then the evil people around you will be caught in their own nets. Their authority will be undermined, and you will remain clean and untouched by their evil efforts. Catching pike means your success without special effort, problems will be resolved, everything will be smooth at work

In a dream, you see a pike spawning - such a dream also has several meanings depending on where and under what conditions everything happens. If the pike is in clean water, you will get a good, big and clean profit that you won’t have to worry about. If the water is cloudy, you will have to fight for profit, and then also think about how to make sure not to lose it. If the pike is dead with caviar, then you will have several new ways to earn money, and, accordingly, new income.

If you happen to clean a pike in a dream, then you will be able to regain your once-lost good name. Perhaps it was because of the woman. But now you can either justify yourself or earn respect through good deeds. By gutting a pike in a dream, you will avoid unpleasant showdowns and bad conversations, which means you will maintain a good mood.

Pike bringing good luck

Did you dream that you had a big pike in your hands? This dream suggests that you are a winner. You are the best and you have no equal. Everything is good in life, and luck is your faithful companion. The main thing is, don’t let her leave you now, behave correctly, don’t lose your head from success and don’t forget to work on yourself, only become better.

We can talk for a long time about buying and selling pike in a dream. But if you bought it not for money, but for barter, that is, exchanged it for something, then your dream will certainly come true, do not forget to make the right efforts in the right direction. If you see a big pike on market stall, then some kind of joy and luck awaits you in everyday affairs.

Why do you dream about pike? If she talks to you in a dream, gives you advice and instructions, then this is a sign that you should listen wise man. This person will give you an idea of ​​how to do the right thing. If there is no such wise person, remember what the pike told you, perhaps she was trying to help you make you happy and your life full of meaning and joy. In any case, try to listen to smart, experienced people who wish you well.

A woman seeing a pike in a dream is a good omen

The most basic meaning used to interpret the phenomenon of a pike in a woman’s dream is that she is pregnant. If a woman knows that she is pregnant and dreams of a pike, this tells the young mother that there will be a girl. Dear ladies, do not forget to check your dreams. Dreams are not x-rays, but a pike that a woman dreamed of can have other meanings.

If a woman catches a pike with a fishing rod, then success in business awaits her if she is ready to take risks, and if she catches fish with her hands in a dream, it means she needs to fight, and she will undoubtedly win. And this victory will be the most pleasant. If a pike is swimming in the bathtub, the secret plans of your enemies will not reach their destination, they will all be revealed, and you will be on top of this world.

In a clear pond you see a huge beautiful fish in a dream - a magical pike. In such a dream, fate says to be a little more patient with your man, and it will turn out wonderful romantic relationships that will last a long time.

Dead doesn't mean bad

If a woman sees a dead pike in a dream, then she has nothing to fear, all her rivals will swim by, and the troubles will go away on their own, she won’t even need to do anything. Relax and take care of yourself. You will avoid all quarrels and unnecessary showdowns if you see how you gut this dead pike.

Not good

Why do you dream about pike? This is not good for a woman if:

  • You saw how your man caught a pike - this suggests that he is exhausted and emotionally tired. Don't put pressure on him, otherwise he will have a mistress. By the way, check his surroundings, unobtrusively, otherwise it will anger him even more. Somewhere next to him your rival is swimming and not allowing him passage. Be kind to him, pamper him with attention and kind words, and also urgently ask for his rest. This will save not only your relationship, but also his health.
  • If one pike or several are swimming in a muddy, dirty pond, this warns you that insidious plans are brewing around you. Be careful, otherwise you will be a fool.
  • A pike swimming in an aquarium somewhere in a closed space warns women about changes. And if the water in the container is clean, the changes will be good, but if the water is cloudy, not so much.

Why do men dream about this fish?

Why does a man dream about a pike? You will bypass the pitfalls in life, rise to the highest level, become a successful winner if you have a dream about how you caught a big pike on your own, without anyone’s help. If a man caught a fish for a long time, and it was already in his hands, but slipped and swam away, then all efforts in an important matter will become in vain - maybe you should reconsider what you are doing now, change your tactics, motives or mood...

If you dreamed about how you were fishing with a net, and you caught a pike, but you also captured someone else’s gear, which also contained a pike, then this dream tells you about future flirting with women with frivolous intentions. Moreover, the second woman will already be with someone. Don’t get involved in adventures; they won’t end well for you and will fray your nerves.

But eating dried or dried pike in a dream foretells a good holiday with jokes and jokes. Get ready to have a good rest. On the contrary, a bland life awaits you if you see a river pike in a dream.

If you eat pike in a dream, sometimes this can mean future grief, but you will survive them, just as you would digest an eaten pike.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Meet Pike in a dream

Pike - Troubles and troubles will pass you by, you have nothing to fear, relax. Imagine that you are making fish soup from pike or making some other dish, for example, smoking pike over a fire.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about Pike?

Pike - You caught a large toothy pike - means that in reality your ill-wishers themselves will fall into the trap that they have prepared for you. If this fish was without scales, this predicts severe trials and illnesses. Be patient and perceive everything that happens to you as a reason to cleanse your soul and thoughts. Dreaming that you are being treated to a treat delicious dish from pike - be careful in reality. They will try to mislead you in order to benefit from it.

Maly Velesov dream book

Pike in a dream

Pike - To the good, girl (boy?) To be born, you will be a match // rain, illness, quarrel with the authorities, foundling; to catch - the guy will “catch” the girl.

Aesop's Dream Book

Allegories about Shchuk

Pike - The pike is a symbol of magic, supernatural help, for example, it acts as a fairy-tale assistant when the spell is cast: “By the pike’s command, according to my will!” In addition, the pike is an evil and cruel predator, therefore it is often perceived as the personification of greed, greed, deceit, acumen, and prudence. In many fairy tales, the pike is a wise fish; people turn to it for advice. In a dream, catch a pike - don’t brush it off useful advice that they give you, it is better to use it than to study again own mistakes. To dream of a pike devouring a small fish means that in reality you will experience discomfort when communicating with people who irritate you with their rationalistic approach to absolutely all aspects of life. You are escaping from a giant pike underwater, predicts troubles that will arise for you because of your straightforwardness and frankness. Eating a dish of pike - such a dream foretells the fulfillment of your desires, a lucky period in which, by showing ingenuity, you will be able to improve your financial situation.

Freud's Dream Book

Analysis of the dream in which Pike dreamed

Pike - In a dream, catching a pike while fishing means you will meet an old acquaintance whom you previously knew as a loser in personal life. Now you will be surprised by his high personal status. Eating a pike in a dream means you will witness how a person with a reputation for being strong-willed and domineering behaves in sex. You will see that in bed he loves to play the role of a subordinate and fulfill all the desires of his master. Thus, you will have information in your hands that will be worth a lot, and it will be up to you to decide how to use this information.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream of Pike in a dream of Pike

Pike - Pike - this is your steam. Pike - a quarrel with the authorities.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Pike from your dream

Pike - Painful sensations; fulfillment of desires (theme of the Russian fairy tale about Emelya and the pike).

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of a Pike

Pike - Catching a pike in a dream means that in reality, natural success awaits you in the near future. You have worked very hard, long and persistently and therefore can enjoy a well-deserved victory. If you dreamed about a dead pike, it means that your problem will soon resolve itself.

The meaning of a dream about Fish (Vangi's Dream Book)

Why do you dream about Pike - You found a large toothy pike in your catch - it means that in reality your ill-wishers themselves will fall into the trap that they have prepared for you. In a dream, you are treated to a delicious dish prepared from a river predator - in reality you should be more careful. They will try to mislead you in order to benefit from it. You dreamed that you caught a giant pike, but without scales - this predicts difficult trials and illnesses. But you need to remember that everything that happens to you was sent down by God to cleanse the soul and thoughts of a person. Therefore, be patient and accept everything that happens to you as inevitable.

Great modern dream book / Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: Pike

Pike - In a dream, you caught a pike, and it swims in your bathtub - your enemies have conceived an insidious plan, but you will upset it. You dreamed that a pike bit your hand - be on your guard, anything can happen. In a dream you see a luxurious dish on which lies a skillfully prepared pike - relax, troubles and misfortunes will pass you by.

The meaning of sleep about Fishing(Jewish dream book)

I dreamed of a Pike - To see a pike in a river in a dream A dream in the spring - to a meeting with dangerous person; in summer - to quarrels; in the fall - bad news; in winter - to illness. To catch a pike A dream in the spring means that you will decide on a desperate act, the consequences of which you cannot imagine; a dream seen in the summer means that you will be able to disarm your enemies; a dream in the fall means that it will seem to you that you have all eliminated all the obstacles in your path and disarmed your enemies; A dream seen in winter foreshadows finding out the reasons for your troubles. Eating pike A dream in the spring means illness; in summer - to disappointment; in the fall - to deception; in winter - to improved health.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does it mean to dream with Pike, taking into account your date of birth?

In the spring, why do you dream of a pike in a dream - It is possible that you have precancerous condition, take care of your health.

In the summer, why did you dream of a pike - Your boss is influenced by a woman, and she will eat you - you will be fired - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

In the fall, why did you dream about pike (fish) - You will lend money, but will not get it back.

In winter, why do you dream about pike - a dangerous and secret enemy.

Dream Interpretation Pike Catching a big pike in a dream: to wealth, increased well-being. If you caught a pike, but were unable to keep it, failure awaits you. You will miss the opportunity to improve your financial affairs. If you eat a pike dish: this portends good news. If you gut a pike and find an expensive ring in it: this means that you will have an explanation with your loved one, perhaps you will get engaged. Treat your loved one to a pike dish: You have difficulty finding mutual language with those around you, although you try your best. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Pike The pike is a symbol of magic, supernatural help, for example, it acts as a fairytale assistant when the spell is cast: “By the pike’s command, according to my will!” In addition, the pike is an evil and cruel predator, therefore it is often perceived as the personification of greed, greed, deceit, acumen, and prudence. In many fairy tales, the pike is a wise fish; people turn to it for advice. In a dream, catch a pike - do not brush aside the useful advice that you are given; it is better to use it than to once again learn from your own mistakes. To dream of a pike devouring a small fish means that in reality you will experience discomfort when communicating with people who irritate you with their rationalistic approach to absolutely all aspects of life. A dream in which you are escaping from a giant pike underwater predicts troubles that will arise for you due to your straightforwardness and frankness. Eating a dish of pike - such a dream foreshadows the fulfillment of your desires, a lucky period in which, by showing ingenuity, you will be able to improve your financial situation. Aesop's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Pike Catching a pike in a dream: perhaps in reality you will experience natural success in the near future. You have worked very hard, long and persistently and therefore can enjoy a well-deserved victory. If you dreamed of a dead pike, it means that your problem will soon resolve itself. Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

Interpretation of sleep Pike If you caught a pike in a dream, you will meet an old acquaintance whom you previously knew as a loser in your personal life. Now you will be surprised by his high personal status. If you ate a pike in a dream, you will witness how it behaves in ordinary life a person with a reputation for being strong-willed and domineering. Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about pikes in the following way: You found a large, toothy pike in your catch - in reality, your ill-wishers themselves will fall into the trap that they have prepared for you. In a dream, you are treated to a delicious dish prepared from a river predator - in reality you should be more careful. They will try to mislead you in order to benefit from it. You dreamed that you caught a giant pike, but without scales - this predicts difficult trials and illnesses. But you need to remember that everything that happens to you was sent down by God to cleanse the soul and thoughts of a person. Therefore, be patient and accept everything that happens to you as inevitable. Large universal dream book

Dreaming Pike If in a dream you caught a large toothy pike: this means that in reality your ill-wishers themselves will fall into the trap that they have prepared for you. If this fish was without scales: this predicts severe trials and illnesses. Be patient and perceive everything that happens to you as a reason to cleanse your soul and thoughts. If you dream that you are being treated to a delicious pike dish: be careful in reality. They will try to mislead you in order to benefit from it. Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Interpretation of the dream Pike For a woman to see a pike: for an early pregnancy if a man sees a dream: he may not be repaid, there is an opportunity to meet beautiful woman, who will flirt and hide. Newest dream book

Why do you dream about Pike? A dream in which you caught a pike foreshadows a meeting with an old acquaintance. You will be amazed because this is not how you remembered him at all. Eating pike means that you will have sex with a powerful person. However, in bed he prefers the role of a subordinate. Dream Interpretation of Sexual Dreams

Dream Interpretation Pike Seeing a beautifully cooked pike on a platter is a sign that troubles and troubles will pass you by. I dreamed that a caught pike was splashing in the bathtub: you will be able to reveal the insidious plans of your enemies. A dream in which a pike bit your finger calls for caution.

Pike, along with goldfish, is the personification of wisdom and the fulfillment of all human desires. But this is only in folklore. In reality, the pike is a predator, which can be a harbinger of greed and self-interest. If we consider the pike as a dream, then it will not be possible to give an unambiguous answer. The fact is that a pike in a dream can personify both good and pious deeds and warn about something.

According to Juno's dream book, catching a pike by the tail is a sign of good luck, which the dreamer can catch in reality, like a bird of happiness by the tail. In addition, a pike caught in a dream will bring wisdom on its tail, and the dreamer’s current well-being will noticeably improve, and for some, even increase! Often a pike in a dream can give advice. For example, seeing a live pike means disobeying someone and making a mistake. It is worthwhile to listen to the advice of wise people in reality.

Modern interprets this dream in the following way. If you catch a pike in a dream and then accidentally miss it, then in reality you may miss your opportunities and profitable financial prospects. Catching a pike while fishing means meeting old acquaintances or forgotten friends from your youth. If the dreamer caught a very large pike, then in reality his ill-wishers themselves will fall into their own trap. Such a dream should be taken very seriously.

Why do you dream about pikes? Miller's Dream Book

American psychologist Gustav Miller interprets this dream this way. Seeing a pike swimming in clear water is a sign of favorable life changes: fate will be favorable to the dreamer. Miller views a dead pike as a symbol of sorrow, and a dream with a dead pike as a harbinger of loss. If he sees a live pike young girl, then happy love awaits her in reality.

In his dream book, Gustav Miller also gives an interpretation of the process of catching pike. For example, catching or catching a pike in a dream means serious trials in reality. It is worth noting that the dreamer will endure them steadfastly, maintaining his presence of mind. Looking at your own fish catch in a dream promises a tide vitality and energy, as well as the skillful use of suddenly opened prospects.

A dream about a failed fishing trip (the dreamer was unable to catch anything) for pike warns of some vanity of the dreamer’s desires. Going to a fish market in a dream and seeing pikes for sale there means joy and prosperity in real life. If the dreamer picks up a lure for pike and also prepares a spinning rod for fishing, then in reality he is the master of his destiny!



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