How long does it take for a Viagra tablet to take effect? How does Viagra work? Age restrictions for use

How long does Viagra last, what effect does the pill have on a man’s body, what is the principle of its action? Pharmacological drug helps in the fight against potency, restores male strength and prolongs sexual intercourse. Regular use of the product normalizes the natural mechanism of erection, increases sexual attraction, guarantees new sensations.

What is Viagra

Viagra is a clinically proven medicine, its main purpose is to eliminate erectile dysfunction. Suitable for both men and women female body. Generic of Indian origin with a long history and mass positive feedback quickly eliminates sexual disorders, including impotence. How much and how does Viagra work? The action and effectiveness of the drug are aimed at achieving and strengthening an erection in men, maintaining it during sexual arousal and intercourse.

The drug is based on the substance sildenafil. The active component is responsible for the natural process of erection. Sildenafil affects the quality of ejaculation, making it longer and brighter. Attention: the effect of the medication begins only in case of sexual arousal. Viagra has an effect on natural processes in the body, enhancing erection without additional stimulation.

How Viagra works for men

The mechanism of action of the pill is to increase blood circulation at the base of the penis. The process allows you to launch natural mechanisms for the appearance and improvement of an erection in a man. Viagra is intended to enhance the natural occurrence of arousal and sexual stimulation. The presented properties make the drug in demand and popular. Viagra Soft is not a general stimulant that affects exclusively male libido. The tablet increases blood flow in the cavernous body of the penis, due to which a natural erection develops.

How long does it take to work?

How quickly does Viagra work and what affects it? After taking the pill active ingredient begins to spread throughout systemic blood flow. The maximum peak of its activity is recorded after 30-40 minutes. If a person has taken alcohol or consumed a considerable amount of fatty food the day before, the specified time period increases. The peak effect of the drug is recorded no earlier than after 1.5 hours. It is recommended to take the tablet on an empty stomach - this will enhance its effect. How fast the result will be and how long it will last depends on the man’s body.

How long does it last?

According to the developer, optimal duration The action of Viagra is 4-5 hours. The working time of the medicine is affected by a number of internal factors, including the state of the male reproductive system. How long does Viagra last and how to influence this process? No doctor can give a definite answer to the question of how long the effect lasts. Each case is considered individually.

Repeated studies have shown that the effect directly depends on the body’s sensitivity to the components of the drug. The duration of action of Viagra is determined by the man’s physique, his weight category, and the characteristics of his functioning. gastrointestinal tract. According to patients, the duration of exposure is about 4 hours or more. Some men experienced a longer effect that lasted for a long time. How long Viagra lasts and how long the pill will “work” depends solely on the specific male body.

How much Viagra to take for lasting effect

The drug is available in two dosages: 50 and 100 mg. It will help to determine the appropriate dose of the substance experienced specialist. If the prescribed amount of medication does not allow you to achieve the desired result, this issue should be discussed with your doctor. For healthy body It is appropriate to use the tablet no more than once a day at a dosage of 50 mg. In case of severe erectile dysfunction, especially after 65 years, it is recommended to take 25 mg of the medicine; the person cannot be given more. The effect of Viagra lasts for 4 hours, provided correct observance doses.

Side effects

It is recommended to buy the product in specialized pharmacies. This guarantees safety and reduces the likelihood of developing adverse reactions. Wanting to quickly restore male potency, representatives of the stronger half of humanity violate the basic principles of taking medication. This negatively affects their well-being, causing:

Adhering to the basic principles of administration, following the given dosage and taking into account the expiration date will help to avoid adverse reactions. With the development of discomfort, general malaise, additional symptoms, the medication must be completed. If the condition does not improve, experts recommend seeking help from medical institution.


Each drug has contraindications for use. This is due to the constituent components, as well as the effect of the drug itself. Use male and female Viagra It is prohibited in the presence of the following deviations:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • anemia (anemia);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • genital deformities ( anatomical feature);
  • leukemia;
  • hypersensitivity to the active components of the drug.

A worthy replacement Viagra is Levitra tablets, they differ in price and have a less pronounced effect. However, their use is not recommended for the contraindications described above. To obtain a positive result, including preventing adverse reactions, the medication is taken in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations.


The drug belongs to a therapeutic group of drugs that are used to treat erectile dysfunction in men. Many people are interested in how long it takes for Viagra to take effect and how it should be taken.

The drug is available in the form of enteric-coated tablets. The capsule contains the active component - sildenafil, its dosage can be different - 25 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg.

In addition to sildenafil, Viagra contains the following: additional substances:

  1. Salt of magnesium and stearic acid.
  2. Microcrystalline cellulose.
  3. Dibasic calcium phosphate.
  4. Primelose.

The capsules are placed in blisters (there are 1, 2, 4 or 12 of them in a package).

Pharmacological properties

The mechanism of action of the drug "Viagra" is that the active component inhibits the enzyme specific phosphodiesterase, which leads to an increase in the content of cyclic adenosine monophosphate, which provokes a weakening of smooth muscles blood vessels penis and increases their filling with blood, causing an erection.

The active microelement in Viagra has positive influence on the processes of erection appearance in a representative of the stronger half of humanity during the period of excitement.

The main condition for the emergence positive effect from the use of the medication is the presence of sexual activation of a man and his arousal. How long does it take for Viagra to start working if all conditions are met?

After oral administration of the capsule, the active substance is quite quickly absorbed from the intestines into the blood. The drug begins to act within 30 minutes after use, the maximum storage time is active substance in the body - 60 minutes.

How long does it take for Viagra to start working if you take the tablet after a meal? The rate of absorption will be slightly slower than if consumed before meals, but there will be no significant difference in the time period. The main substance smoothly spreads throughout all tissues of the body. Its processing occurs in liver cells with the emergence of intermediate metabolic products that are eliminated from the body with feces(up to 90%). The half-life is 4 hours.


The main reason for using capsules is the treatment of erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men. The drug helps most men with impaired erectile function achieve and maintain an erection during sexual arousal.


The use of Viagra is prohibited in the presence of certain pathologies of the body, which include:

  1. Individual intolerance or increased sensitivity to active ingredient, as well as other components of the medicine.
  2. Concomitant use capsules with other drugs that are considered nitric oxide donors can lead to a hypotensive result and significantly reduce blood pressure.
  3. Cardiovascular diseases.
  4. Ischemic disease.
  5. Loss of vision.
  6. Arterial hypotension.
  7. Kidney failure.

How to take Viagra tablets correctly?

Instructions for use

Viagra is taken orally, regardless of food. On an empty stomach, the bioavailability and rate of absorption of the active substance of the drug from the intestine is greater. How much Viagra do you need to take to achieve the effect?

The capsule should be consumed immediately after removal from the package, since prolonged exposure to air can reduce the activity of the active substance. Also, when taking it, it is necessary to keep the drug in for some time. oral cavity until it softens, and then swallow, you can wash it down with water.

How long does Viagra last? According to the manufacturer, the standard duration of action of the drug should be from 4 to 5 hours. In what dosage should I take the drug?

The standard dosage is 50 mg, if necessary it can be increased to 100 mg. The maximum daily dosage is 100 mg per dose of Viagra.

How long should I take the drug? To achieve a positive result, Viagra should be used 60 minutes before intimacy. In the presence of liver disease, the dosage of the medication is reduced to 25 mg.

Side effects

After using the medicine, you may experience unwanted reactions, the frequency of occurrence of which depends on the dosage taken. Such negative phenomena appear from the outside various systems, For example:

  1. Vomiting.
  2. Pain syndrome in a stomach.
  3. Loss of sleep.
  4. Nasal congestion.
  5. Laryngitis.
  6. Urethritis.
  7. Cystitis.
  8. Pain in muscles and joints.
  9. Priapism.
  10. Skin rash.
  11. Hives.

According to reviews, contraindications and side effects of Viagra indicated in the instructions, as soon as any discomfort or rashes on the body, you must stop taking the medicine and immediately consult a specialist.


Before using the tablets, you must carefully read the instructions, as there are certain instructions for use:

  1. It is important to use tablets with caution for representatives of the stronger half of humanity who have deformation of the penis.
  2. The medicine should not be used by people with a predisposition to prolonged erections.
  3. For a positive effect after using the medication, sexual activation is needed.
  4. It is not recommended to take the pill for men who are prohibited from sexual activity, especially as a result of serious cardiovascular diseases.
  5. The drug is not recommended for use by women.
  6. Capsules should not be taken by children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

Viagra is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. If you have any problems or doubts regarding the use of the medicine, you should consult your doctor.


If the increase is excessive pharmacological dosage"Viagra" arises side effects from various body systems. In such situations, it is necessary to lavage the stomach, as well as the intestines and symptomatic therapy.


Analogues of Viagra tablets:

  1. "Cialis".
  2. "Levitra".

These drugs differ in composition from Viagra, but have an identical effect on the human body.

Generics of this drug are:

  1. "Wooka wooka."
  2. "Conegra".
  3. "Suhagra".
  4. "Kamagra".

As you know, generics are cheaper drugs that completely copy the original drug in composition. Generics of Viagra, Cialis and Levitra can be easily purchased at almost any pharmacy chain our country, they are produced mainly in India.

How to properly store the medicine and its cost

The shelf life of the drug from the date of production is 60 months. The medication should be stored in a dry, dark place at an air temperature of no more than 25 °C.

The cost of tablets depends on the dosage and the number of capsules in the package:

  • 25 mg, 1 tablet - 650 rubles.
  • 25 mg, 4 capsules - 2500 rubles.
  • 50 mg, 1 tablet - 700 rubles.
  • 50 mg, 2 tablets - 1400 rubles.
  • 50 mg, 4 capsules - 2300 rubles.
  • 100 mg, 1 tablet - 900 rubles.
  • 100 mg, 2 capsules - 1600 rubles.
  • 100 mg, 4 tablets - 2700 rubles.

Interaction with other medications

When using the drug with other drugs, their compatibility must be taken into account. Metabolism of the main substance occurs directly in hepatocytes, so reducing the effect of the active microelement depends on medications that affect cytochrome P450.

Combined use with ketoconazole, cimetidine, erythromycin and other inhibitors reduces the clearance of the active microelement. The drug combines well with strong CYP3A4 inhibitors, provided that it is taken in recommended doses.

Sildenafil at a dosage of 50 mg does not provoke an additional increase in the bleeding period when used acetylsalicylic acid at a dose of 150 mg. It is not recommended to take tablets simultaneously with nitric oxide donors, since the active component increases their hypotensive effect.

The combined use of antihypertensive drugs does not provoke the appearance of negative reactions. In standard dosage (50 mg), sildenafil does not enhance the hypotensive effect ethyl alcohol.

Opinions about the drug

According to reviews, Viagra has proven itself remarkably effective in eliminating erectile disorders in men that are the result of health problems, psycho-emotional stress or age-related dysfunction of the patient's body. When using the medicine in accordance with the instructions for use, it has positive action. Since Viagra is produced in different doses, this simplifies the choice of dosage regimen in each individual case. How long does it take for Viagra to work? A significant advantage is that the drug begins to act an hour after use.

The drug also helps healthy representatives of the stronger half of humanity who do not have problems with potency. They take Viagra in order to experience new colorful emotions. But the medication should be taken only after visiting a specialist to prevent the occurrence of side effects when using Viagra tablets, which are most often associated with cardiovascular diseases.

Sooner or later, a man wonders what remedy to choose to increase potency? Among all selective inhibitors, Viagra is very popular. The drug has been available for a long time and has proven its effectiveness. Also, Viagra has a large number of analogues and generics. But, in this matter, it is very important to know how long the effect of the product lasts.

The principle of action of the drug

Before understanding how long Viagra works, it is worth understanding the principle of action of this drug. Viagra is a selective inhibitor drug. Main active substance is Sildenafil. It is he who brings the penis into an erect state. The product is available in tablet form blue color. Tablets are differentiated depending on dosage.

Thus, Viagra is available in doses of 50, 100 and 150 mg of Sildenafil. The dose is set only by the doctor, based on the degree of impotence, the presence concomitant diseases. After taking the pill, vasodilation occurs quite quickly, which increases blood flow to the penis. Also, while taking Viagra, nitric oxide is released and the smooth muscles of the pelvis relax. Thus, full sexual intercourse becomes possible.

There are several types of erection, which differ in their characteristic features:

  • First degree - the sexual organ increases in size, but does not have the necessary hardness;
  • Second degree - the penis is a little harder, but still the erection is not enough to penetrate the vagina;
  • Third degree - the penis becomes sufficiently hard, full sexual intercourse is possible;
  • Fourth degree - absolute erection and hardness of the penis are achieved.

In 85% of all cases of taking Viagra, grade 3 and 4 erections are achieved. But it is worth remembering that the inhibitor will begin its action, give positive result only with physical stimulation of an erection. After all, Sildenafil activates its action only against the background of stimulation.

How long does Viagra last?

Every man wants to achieve the maximum long lasting effect from taking medications to restore erection. The longer the effect lasts, the more popular and valuable the product. After all, thanks to longevity, a man will be able to. And the orgasm will be much brighter. How long does Viagra last?

In fact, there is no exact period of time for Viagra to work. It all depends on individual characteristics individual organism young man. Also, age, male physique, the functioning of the digestive system, the presence of bad habits. On average, the effect of taking Viagra lasts up to 4 hours. But, there were cases when a full erection in men persisted for more a long period time.

To maximize the effect of taking a selective inhibitor, you need to take the drug correctly. So, it is recommended to take the tablet before meals. Also, the best effect will be if you drink the product on an empty stomach. If you take Viagra after a meal, the result will come much later, and the erection will not be as pronounced. Erection disappears in a natural way, immediately after ejaculation.

How soon does Viagra take effect?

In most cases, men are prescribed a dosage of Viagra of 100 mg. It is important to remember that you are allowed to take only 1 Viagra tablet per day. As for the speed of erection after taking the drug, there is also no definite answer. It all depends on the characteristics of the individual organism, and on the chosen dosage.

The optimal dose is usually determined through trial and error. On average, when consuming 100 mg of Sildenafil, an erection occurs within 40-60 minutes. But, there are cases when full-fledged arousal occurs within 15-20 minutes after administration. Therefore, the tablet is taken approximately 15 minutes before the intended sexual intercourse.

The active component is very quickly and maximally absorbed into the blood. But in order to speed up the process of erection, it is recommended to adhere to some rules for taking the inhibitor:

  • In order for the absorption process to occur faster, the tablet must be washed down big amount water;
  • Take the drug on an empty stomach to accelerate the action of Sildenafil;
  • You should not combine Viagra with large amounts of alcohol.

But a glass of wine or champagne will help you relax and achieve maximum pleasure from sexual intercourse. Doctors advise taking Viagra for the first time with a dose of 50 mg (half a tablet). If the erection reaches grade 3 or 4, this dose is quite enough. If it is impossible to have full sexual intercourse, the other half is also used.

You cannot increase the dosage on your own, especially if there is no reason to do so. Excessive amounts of Sildenafil will not speed up the process of erection, but will only reverse effect. If a man has serious pathologies of cardio-vascular system, taking any selective inhibitors is agreed with your doctor.

Action time of analogues

Today, there are a large number of drugs that have an effect similar to Viagra. They all have their own individual, characteristic principles of action. Also, the time of onset of the effect and the period of its preservation are also different. Therefore, choose the most best option not that difficult.

The most popular analogues of this selective inhibitor are the following:

  • Boss Royal Viagra. The advantage of this tool is its natural composition. So, this drug manufactured exclusively on the basis plant extracts and natural aphrodisiacs. The tablet is taken just 15 minutes before planned sex. On average, the product is effective for 1 week. During this period of time, a man can make attempts at intimacy, and they will be successful.
  • Soft Viagra. The drug has a high speed of action. This effect is achieved due to the fact that the tablet is not washed down with water, but dissolves under the tongue. So, the effect of the drug begins within 10 minutes after use. The duration of the effect is 4 hours.
  • Viagra gel. The drug is dosed in sachets. So, it is enough to drink just one sachet of gel to get a positive result. An erection occurs within 15 minutes after use and lasts for 2 hours.

There are a lot of myths surrounding Viagra. So, some young people believe that long lasting erection after taking the tablet it is painful. This is absolutely not true. Sexual arousal happens systematically, gradually. In the first half hour, the vessels dilate, and the cavernous bodies of the penis fill with blood.

Only after this does a full erection occur. Yes, it is longer and more durable. But, painful sensations not during sex. Also, men believe that anyone selective inhibitor provokes prolonged arousal - the erection does not go away even after ejaculation. In fact, arousal subsides after ejaculation, and some time must pass for repeated intimacy.

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A comment

Viagra is one of the popular medicines to restore healthy erection and treatment premature ejaculation. The drug has high quality and quick action, suitable for all men age categories, It has minimal risk development of side effects in the absence of contraindications. Viagra can be used every day. The medicine is not addictive when taken regularly.

It accumulates in the blood in small quantities, but in the absence severe pathologies liver does not harm health and does not cause complications of existing chronic ailments. Taking Viagra is recommended for men who are unable to achieve strong erection and hold her for full sexual intercourse. Erectile dysfunction is the most common disease, which is expressed by sluggish and short-lived erections, premature emission of seminal fluid and low sexual energy.

Viagra can be taken as an auxiliary product for complex therapy prostatitis or infertility. The drug is suitable healthy men who want not only to increase the duration of their intimacy, but also to enhance the sensations received from orgasm. To achieve a temporary effect, it is recommended to take Viagra occasionally.

How to take Viagra for the first time?

How to choose the right dose of the drug?

The drug is available in three standard dosages: 25, 50 and 100 mg. It’s not at all obvious what more dose, the more effective the drug will be. It's different for everyone. Eg, high dose"Viagra" in women can lead to the fact that the clitoris becomes too sensitive and instead of pleasure, lovemaking turns into monstrous torment. On the other hand, too low a dosage of the drug may not be sufficient to produce a full erection in a man.

There are several approaches to selecting the dosage of the drug. Usually, the drug is prescribed in average dosage– 50 mg, and then, depending on the effect that occurs (or does not occur), the dosage is adjusted or, in the case good effect, does not change. Another approach is to start treatment with a minimum dosage, increasing it until a good therapeutic effect occurs.

The maximum daily dose is 100 milligrams. This amount of the component is safe for middle-aged men who do not have chronic kidney or liver pathologies. The effect of the drug lasts for four hours.

The dose selection should be done by a doctor who will do it more professionally and with less risk to your health.

Dosage and age

For older men and those who suffer chronic pathologies liver or kidneys, should be reduced daily dose up to 25-50 milligrams (depending on how you feel). At regular use product (more than twice a week), the daily dose of the active substance should also be reduced.

At frequent use It is recommended to use 25 milligrams every 24 hours. When using medications containing vasodilators, you must use minimum dose Viagra(up to 25 milligrams per day), after consulting a doctor. Before starting treatment for sexual dysfunction with Viagra, a number of contraindications must be excluded.


You need to take Viagra tablet 55-60 minutes before the start of sexual intercourse. The drug must be taken with warm water or other non-alcoholic liquid. You can take Viagra regardless of meals. During treatment, it is recommended to avoid eating foods with a fat content higher than 30%. Fatty food interferes with quality absorption medicinal substances into the blood and slows down the effect of this product.

Give preference to cereal dishes, fruits and vegetables. Viagra should not be taken simultaneously with medications that contain nitrates, alpha blockers, nitric oxide donors, or other types of inhibitors. These substances reduce the effect of Sildenafil, increasing its concentration in plasma. The break between taking these substances and Viagra should be three weeks. The release and storage times for Viagra tablets are indicated on the packaging. Do not accept the product after its expiration date. Before treatment, read the instructions. Make sure that the air temperature in the room does not exceed 25 degrees Celsius.

In addition, those men for whom Viagra did not help the first time should not lose hope. The drug can be taken daily without worrying about your health. In addition, it is recommended to make several attempts, and the drug will definitely help next time. In this case it is necessary to comply determined by the doctor doses.

Popular questions

Can Viagra be taken with alcohol and food?

It is possible, but everything should be done in moderation. A small amount of alcohol will help you relax and tune in to the sexual wave. At the same time, you should not abuse strong alcoholic drinks, which can slow down the effect of the drug.

What to do if Viagra doesn't work?

Of course, each person has his own characteristics of the body, and the drug can affect them differently. However, do not despair if the drug does not work the first time. In some cases, it takes several doses of Viagra for it to start working. It all depends on the individual parameters and characteristics of the person.

How often can you take Viagra?

The question of how often you can take Viagra is still debatable. After all, this question really worries men, because we're talking about about their health. Men have specific phobias - firstly, they are afraid that this sexual stimulant will definitely harm their health, and, secondly, the body will “get used to it” and, perhaps, will forget how to maintain an erection on its own. In fact, such fears are unfounded, because over the more than fifteen-year history of its existence, the drug has been repeatedly subjected to research and testing on a large number of patients with erectile dysfunction. Clinically proven tests have shown that long-term use of Viagra does not pose a great danger to the body. It has been proven that it has no effect on nervous system, nor on genitourinary system, in particular on erections. In addition, the use of Viagra as a medicine to improve erection over a regular period of more than three years qualitatively changes potency. That is, Viagra treats not only symptomatic impotence, but also deals with its therapeutic treatment. To some extent, this sexual stimulant also acts as depressant. Many representatives of the stronger sex are aware of the situation when one bad experience provokes the emergence of a fear of the next. possible failures, and not motivated by anything. Very quickly a man is overcome by fears and a feeling of insecurity in his strengths and capabilities. And regular use of the drug greatly helps the patient to be successful in the intimate sphere.

Contraindications for Viagra are:

  • Individual intolerance to the main drug component (Sildenafil);
  • minor age;
  • severe diseases of the cardiovascular system ( unstable angina, mitral insufficiency or aortic valve, myocarditis, hypertension, coronary diseases, atherosclerosis);
  • serious disorders of the liver or kidneys (acute liver or kidney failure);
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  • chronic pathologies of the nervous system;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • injury or deformation of the penis;
  • diseases of the retina that are inherited;
  • epilepsy.

The drug is contraindicated in men who have suffered a heart attack or stroke (within the first six months), as well as other serious surgical interventions.

Viagra is the most popular drug for potency and erection all over the world., the demand for it has been observed for several decades. Perhaps, despite its inconsistency, this is the only medicine that has held the first positions in the ranking of the best men's products. However, not all doctors approve of the use of such a potent stimulant of sexual functions.

To understand where the popularity of Viagra and the trust of millions of men in this drug came from, you should compare it with other successful analogues. Also, many men are interested in questions about how many hours the effect lasts after using the pills, how the components of Viagra work, and also when exactly the main component that stimulates an erection comes into effect.

How does Viagra work?

Today, any man has at his disposal a huge arsenal of techniques and preparations for establishing sexual activity and the functioning of the genital organs. But the most popular and advertised drug is Viagra, although Only a few know for sure how these pills act on the body.

For reference! Doctors clarify that Viagra does not treat the causes of erectile dysfunction, but is only excipient to achieve an erection in right time. Physiological treatment is performed only medical specialist after a thorough diagnosis of the patient.

The main substance of Viagra is sildenafil is a synthetic substance that increases blood flow to the pelvic area. It is due to the tide large quantity blood from a physiological point of view, an erection occurs in a man, cavernous and corpus spongiosum the floor is stretched by blood pressure, which means the penis itself enlarges. In addition, the rush of blood ensures an increase in libido and sensitivity of the genital organs, that is, the man feels strong lust for his partner.

How long does it take for the pill to take effect?

You need to take Viagra tablet shortly before sexual intercourse. Systematic use of the drug is not acceptable from a medical point of view, since it is not medicinal product, it does not eliminate the causes of sexual impotence. Doctors approve the help of pills periodically according to the needs of the man. For greater self-confidence, a man needs to know how long it will take for Viagra to start working after taking the pill.

Systematic clinical researches showed that it is impossible to unambiguously determine when sildenafil in Viagra begins to act. It all depends on the chosen dosage of the drug, as well as the individual sensitivity of the body to such a drug. Approximately 30-60 minutes after taking the pill, a man will begin to experience the expected effect. Sometimes the pill will take effect 15 minutes after taking it, there are times when you will need to wait 2 hours.

For reference! If a man took a Viagra tablet in parallel with meals, that is, not on empty stomach, in this case, sildenafil will begin to act later than expected.

In general, the main substance of such a drug is well absorbed into the blood, but the fastest and highest concentration can be achieved if you take the tablet on an empty stomach. In this case, stimulation erectile function can start no later than 60 minutes later. Otherwise, the duration of action may be delayed by another 30 minutes, since the stomach must digest food along with the tablet.

In addition to the fact that you need to take the tablets on an empty stomach, for quick effect For this type of therapy you need to take the tablets with plenty of water. On average, 45 minutes before the start of sexual intercourse, a man takes half a tablet, which is equivalent to 50 mg of sildenafil. The doctor can adjust the dosage based on age, degree of the problem and individual characteristics from 25 mg to 100 mg per day.

How long does Viagra last?

In addition to the question of how soon a Viagra tablet will begin to act after taking it, a man also needs to know the period of time for maintaining the achieved effect. As practice has shown, the most valuable drugs for erection and potency are those that have the longest possible effect on sexual functions. This is explained by the fact that a man cares about the maximum satisfaction of his partner.

It is impossible to accurately determine the duration of the effect of taking Viagra, since each man’s body perceives sildenafil and others differently auxiliary components. In addition, an important role is played by the man’s age, his physique, the functioning of the digestive organs, the resistance and sensitivity of the body, etc. In addition, you should not take such pills often, since the body can simply “get used” to them.

For reference! Abuse of Viagra can lead to the body becoming accustomed to this method of stimulation of the genital organs, which can lead to the opposite effect - erectile dysfunction.

For some men, the effect of such a sexual stimulant lasts for 4 hours, while other men note the effect of Viagra throughout the night.

Experts note that if you take Viagra on an empty stomach, the effect will come faster and last much longer. In addition, much depends on the mechanism of erection, which is accompanied by the following processes:

  • blood vessels dilate in the pelvic organs;
  • increased blood flow to the pelvic organs;
  • the reproductive organ increases in size and hardens.

After sexual intercourse is completed, the penis again decreases in size as the blood flows in the opposite direction. Erection problems may be due to chronic diseases and taking certain medications. Viagra only eliminates problems with blood circulation; other causes of sexual weakness should be treated by a doctor.

How to achieve maximum effect?

To evaluate the effectiveness of the sexual stimulant Viagra, experts conducted repeated clinical trials of the drug on volunteers. First of all, you need to understand what stages of erection a man generally has, namely:

  • Stage 1 - the penis has enlarged, but is not hard enough;
  • Stage 2 - the penis has hardened, but not enough to penetrate the vagina;
  • Stage 3 - the penis is not hard enough, but sexual intercourse can take place;
  • Stage 4 - the penis has become maximally enlarged and hardened.

As tests showed, of the five men tested, four had an erection after taking Viagra that reached stages 3-4. To get the fastest, longest and most intense effect, it is important to first select, through trial and error, an acceptable dosage of sildenafil exclusively for your body.

For reference! Afterwards, you should take the tablets only as needed, no more than once a day, exclusively on an empty stomach, with plenty of water. Experts do not recommend taking Viagra in parallel with the use of alcoholic drinks

Be careful, don't forget about safety

Self-medication of problems with potency and erection is contraindicated by medicine and specialists, since this does not allow one to determine the exact reasons for sexual impotence, and therefore will not help in solving problems. Viagra is not physiological treatment erectile dysfunction, despite the potent component in the composition. Since sildenafil affects blood vessels and blood circulation, it is important to choose the optimal dosage.

The initial dosage should be 25 mg, most often this will be enough for men old age and those who have contraindications. Average dose is 50 mg of the component, but if stimulation of erection is insufficient, and taking the tablets does not cause side effects, the dose can be doubled. For men suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is important to consult a doctor before taking Viagra.



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