Carbuncle is a serious suppuration with tissue necrosis that requires immediate treatment. Carbuncle - urgent treatment

A carbuncle is an acute purulent inflammation of the tissues around a group of hair follicles and glands that secrete sebaceous secretions - essentially a cluster of adjacent boils that have merged with each other to form a large area of ​​tissue necrosis in the tissue.

The pathology received its name because of the thick dark color of the purulent-necrotic masses, since “carbo” is translated from Greek as “coal”. In this material we will tell you about the medical history, causes and treatment of carbuncles on the neck, butt, face and other places, show photos of patients, and give advice on therapy.

Features of the disease in humans

Carbuncle is a severe form of manifestation of the activity of staphylococcal microflora on the skin. External signs the pathology is similar to a boil, the development of which is caused by the same pathogen. However, the carbuncle has different flow features, much more pronounced signs and difficult prognosis. Due to the severity of the disease, high degree of intoxication and high probability complications, carbuncle treatment is often carried out in a hospital.

In the Medical Classification of Diseases (ICD), the carbuncle has the code ICD-10, and, in accordance with it, belongs to the class of diseases L00-L04 - purulent infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

An unfavorable feature of the pathology is that the process of suppuration during the growth of the carbuncle quickly spreads, causing inflammation of neighboring healthy areas of the skin and affecting the deep layers of the dermis, and the area of ​​purulent-necrotic compaction (accumulation of elements of tissue soaked in pus, blood, lymph) is much larger than with.

Elena Malysheva will tell you about carbuncles, their nature and features in this video:

Stages and localization

Specific stages are identified in the development of the carbuncle:

  1. Dense nodules form under the skin, which are festered hair follicles, forming a single infiltrate (adipose tissue cells mixed with pus, leukocytes and lymph), swelling above the skin. Due to a disruption in the blood supply to this area, the skin acquires a purplish-bluish color. In 9–12 days, the size of the infiltrate reaches 10–12 cm. The skin over the swollen carbuncle becomes stretched, swells and becomes hot. The greater the swelling, the greater the tension and the more acute the pain.
  2. When the carbuncle matures, multiple pustules (vesicles with pus) form on its surface. They burst, creating many tiny holes resembling a fine sieve, through which greenish-gray pus oozes out, mixed with blood and dead cells. The stage of maturation and tissue necrosis can last up to 2 – 3 weeks.
  3. In the “sieve” area, as the pus flows out, ulcers with necrotic cores form, which merge, and after the bulk of the pus is poured out, a deep ulcer is formed, often reaching the muscles. Necrotic tissue at the edges of the wound turns black - hence the name of the pathology “carbuncle”, which in Latin means coal (carbunculus). The wound slowly heals, filling with new tissue (granulations) and forming a dense scar fused to the skin.

In most cases of the disease, carbuncle occurs in the back of the neck, in the lumbar region, between the shoulder blades, on the buttocks, in the armpits - that is, in areas where the fatty tissue is loose and more developed.

Carbuncles that develop on the face - in the area of ​​the nose and upper lip - are especially dangerous, since through the blood and lymphatic vessels from this area, pathogenic microbes easily enter the intracranial veins and cause cerebral, vascular inflammation and damage to the central nerve trunks. The most dangerous of them is life-threatening patient with purulent meningitis.

Causes of carbuncle

The causative agent of the pathological process leading to the appearance of a carbuncle is often staphylococcal flora, less often streptococcal. In rare cases, pathology is provoked by enterococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus, and anaerobes.

Predisposing conditions for infection and inflammation of the hair follicles are created by:

  • endocrine diseases, disorders in fat metabolism;
  • diabetes mellitus (in 70 – 85%), obesity;
  • increased sweat and secretion sebaceous glands against the background of skin contamination (pollution) with elements of dust, coal, lime, and petroleum products;
  • reduced immune defense;
  • microtraumas, weeping abrasions, boils;
  • squeezing pimples, scratching after insect bites and insufficient bactericidal treatment of the skin;
  • exhaustion of the body, nervous system, anemia, serious illness.


External signs of a carbuncle:

  1. Large convex and dense infiltrate (stage 1).
  2. The skin in the area of ​​inflammation is hot, tense, shiny, blue-purple in color with blackness (stage 1 - 3).
  3. Small holes throughout the area of ​​the suppuration with oozing pus greenish color(stage 2).
  4. Deep ulcer with necrotic, blackened edges and bottom (stage 3).

In addition to skin changes, the development of a carbuncle is accompanied by:

  • tearing, twitching pain at the site of infection;
  • chills and ;
  • , exhaustion, ;
  • decreased urine output;
  • high number of leukocytes in the blood, high ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate);
  • decreased appetite;
  • limitation of movements, disability.

At malignant development pathologies in malnourished patients, people old age Those suffering from severe diabetes and mental disorders are additionally observed:

  • pain;
  • septic fever;
  • state of delirium, deep prostration.


Diagnosis of carbuncle, as a rule, is not difficult, given the specifics clinical manifestations and the appearance of the carbuncle. However, it is necessary differential diagnosis so as not to confuse a common carbuncle with a similar clinical picture and a carbuncle that occurs with, the causative agent of which is the aerobic anthrax bacillus (Gram-positive). Also, carbuncle must be distinguished from other ailments.

Taking a sample and culture of secretions from the infiltrate allows you to:

  • immediately exclude or confirm the activity of anthrax bacillus;
  • determine the sensitivity of the identified pathogenic organisms to specific types of antibiotics.


Typically, carbuncle treatment is carried out in a hospital. Especially under the following conditions:

  • if a carbuncle has developed on the face, neck, nose;
  • its size is larger than average;
  • the purulent process actively spreads to neighboring tissues and deeper;
  • the patient experiences severe intoxication, fever, and neurological disorders;
  • the patient is exhausted and suffers from severe diabetes mellitus.

In the hospital it is mandatory to prescribe bed rest, as well as a ban on solid food and conversations in case of localization of the abscess on the face.

The main tasks in the treatment of carbuncle:

  1. Acceleration of abscess maturation and effective removal of purulent-necrotic masses from the wound.
  2. Elimination of intoxication associated with toxic secretions and.
  3. Application medicinal products, limiting the spread of pyogenic infection to other organs, and eliminating the source of suppuration.
  4. Prevention or treatment of developed complications.

Since carbuncle is classified as a surgical infection, 2/3 of cases of the disease require surgical intervention. However, in certain cases, therapeutic treatment is acceptable and advisable.


The therapeutic approach to the treatment of carbuncle is used in the following cases:

  • the carbuncle is small in size and arose in an area located remote from the brain (on the lower back, shoulder blades, buttocks, limbs);
  • no complications were identified at the beginning of the development of the process;
  • the presence of cosmetic requirements, taking into account that after surgical intervention a scar remains.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Physiotherapy - effective additional method treatment of carbuncle at all stages of development.

  • If pathology is detected at the first stage, radiotherapy is performed with a single dosage of 40 - 50 roentgens and an interval of 5 days. The course is determined by the attending physician. Exceeding the dose of 40 roentgens is not permissible when treating facial carbuncles. Local treatment is not carried out during radiotherapy.
  • UHF (therapy) is prescribed magnetic fields ultra-high frequency), magnetic therapy, laser therapy, which help to activate blood circulation in the area of ​​inflammation and quickly reject necrotic cells and cleanse the wound, significantly reducing the area of ​​necrosis, and also prevent the spread of infection to healthy areas of the skin, providing an antimicrobial effect.

Local treatment

To clear the carbuncle of pus and dead tissue and suppress activity pyogenic microorganisms, carry out sanitation, including:

  • daily removal of necrotic masses when changing the dressing;
  • cleansing the wound using low frequency ultrasonic cavitation when exposed to ozone – physical method treatment.

In addition, when local treatment:

  • they use dressings soaked in synthomycin liniment, a solution (20 - 30%), and in order to accelerate the maturation of the carbuncle and draw out pus, these “ancient” remedies are time-tested and are actively used in military medicine and do an excellent job;
  • they are injected with antibiotics and novocaine at the site of infiltration;
  • use dressings with proteolytic enzymes that play a role biological antiseptics, which contribute to the rejection of non-viable tissues: Trypsin, Chemotrypsin, pancreatic ribonuclease, Bromeamine, Streptokinase, Collagenase.


When treating carbuncle, all methods are usually used that complement each other. If the need for surgery is not identified, antibacterial agents are used, which are prescribed in large dosages.

So, the daily dose of Penicillin for intramuscular injection and with blockade of the focus purulent infection must be at least 1,000,000 units. The duration is determined individually.

Antibiotics are prescribed penicillin series having effective impact against a wide range of pathogenic microorganisms:

  • Dicloxacillin, Flucloxacillin. For adult patients - 250 - 500 mg orally 4 times a day, for children the daily dose is calculated using the formula: 40 - 50 mg x child's weight in kg, and divide it by 4 times.
  • Amoxicillin-clavulanate. Adult daily dose is 1–2 grams, children’s daily dose is 40 mg/1 kg of weight. Take in 4 doses.

Other groups:

  • Cephalexin. Adults 250 - 500 4 times a day, children every 6 hours, a quarter of daily dose, calculated based on the norm of 40 - 50 mg per kilogram of child weight.
  • Azithromycin. Adults drink 250 mg once a day, the standard duration of treatment is 5 – 7 days.

If penicillin antibiotics cause allergic reaction, use a group of macrolides, fluoroquinolones (), glycopeptides (Vancomycin).

Along with antibiotics for the treatment of carbuncles, the following is prescribed:

  • anti-inflammatory (Ibuprofen,);
  • analgesics that relieve pain (Ketonal injections), vitamin complexes;
  • antiplatelet agents that prevent blood cells from forming clots - , Pentoxifylline, ;
  • agents that stimulate the rejection of non-viable cells - Retasol, Akriderm SK, Skinoren;
  • medications that remove staphylococcal toxins - Polysorb, Legalon, Duphalac, Agri.


When a carbuncle develops, it is not often possible to stop the process before the stage of formation of a necrotic area, but it is the formation of a necrotic focus that is the main indication for surgical treatment of the pathology.

The operation to excise the carbuncle is performed under local or general (for large lesions) anesthesia using a solution of novocaine 0.5 - 0.25% according to the following scheme:

  1. The infiltrate zone is dissected crosswise (for subsequent better healing of the wound) to the depth of the necrosis layer to the area of ​​viable tissue. All pockets and leaks are opened and dead, pus-soaked tissue is removed. This creates conditions for removing general intoxication, restoring cell metabolism, fast healing wounds.
  2. The operation is completed by introducing drainage tampons, saturated hypertonic solution NaCl or proteolytic enzymes, which is necessary for the outflow of the remaining volume of pus and the final rejection of necrotic masses. The tamponade changes daily.
  3. After cleansing the wound, active anti-inflammatory ointments are used to accelerate cell recovery, growth of granulation tissue and the healing process such as Methyluracil, Vinilin, Levosin.
  4. After surgical removal carbuncle course is also required antibacterial agents, but the dosage is prescribed much less than at the stage of carbuncle maturation.

A modern, effective and gentle method of carbuncle removal is the use of radio waves. Usually the whole procedure takes no more than half an hour and is carried out under local anesthesia. Price normal operation And radio wave method carbuncle removal in different clinics is in the range of 1100 – 1800 rubles.

  • After the wound has healed and a scar has formed, treatment begins immediately, using special ointments that help dissolve dense scar tissue (Kelofibraza, Dermatix, Zeraderm, Scarguard).
  • In addition to them, silicone patches are used. Moisture accumulating under the silicone coating prevents the tissue from compacting and forming a rough scar.

Carefully! Opening a carbuncle on the shoulder is presented in this video (click to open)


Folk remedies

Treating carbuncle at home with folk remedies is extremely undesirable and dangerous. It is permissible to use certain recipes after consultation with a surgeon and only at the first stage - before the formation of a necrotic focus.

Safe effective recipes:

  1. An infusion of sweet clover flowers to accelerate the ripening of the carbuncle. Two tablespoons of flowers are poured with warm vegetable oil, insisting for 24 hours. Use for compresses.
  2. Calendula ointment: mix crushed fresh flowers or dry raw materials with lard (proportion 1 to 4). Lubricate the carbuncle, covering it with a dry cloth.
  3. Porridge from fresh leaves plantain is applied to the carbuncle and covered with a bandage.
  4. 4 - 5 cloves of garlic are turned into a pulp, placed inside a two- or three-layer gauze bandage and apply to the affected area. At strong burning sensation- remove immediately.
  5. The leaves and flowers of St. John's wort are crushed to a pasty state and used for compresses.
  6. Boil orchis tubers in milk until soft, wipe and combine with lard in a ratio of 1 to 1. The product is spread on a bandage and applied to the carbuncle.

Prevention diseases

Standard measures to prevent the development of carbuncles:

  • shower daily with antibacterial soap;
  • keep hands and nails clean;
  • use disposable razors;
  • wash the skin after sports training, working with petrochemicals, paints and varnishes, after staying in places contaminated with coal, limestone, cement dust;
  • do not use other people's towels, washcloths, razors;
  • Do not under any circumstances squeeze pus out of pimples or boils;
  • do not comb the body after insect bites, irritation, abrasions, erosions;
  • Do not wear tight-fitting or synthetic clothing, which increases sweating and contributes to the accumulation of bacterial flora on the skin.


Complications likely during the development of a carbuncle usually occur when it spreads staphylococcal infection into the thickness of tissues, with blood flow and lymphatic fluid - in meninges and other organs. Develop under the following factors:

  • in seriously ill patients with low general and local body resistance;
  • in the absence of timely and competent treatment.

arise the following types complications of carbuncles:

  1. Soft tissue abscess, phlegmon.
  2. Osteomyelitis when infection penetrates into bone tissue.
  3. Phlebitis and purulent thrombophlebitis with rupture and bleeding from blood vessels.
  4. Lymphadenitis, lymphangitis, adenophlegmon, periadenitis - when lymphatic vessels and nodes are involved in the pathology.
  5. Erysipelas.
  6. (when the carbuncle is located on the face and neck).
  7. Sepsis - when pyogenic microflora enters the blood and spreads throughout the body (the death of the patient is possible).


  • With proper treatment of uncomplicated carbuncle, the prognosis is favorable.
  • A malignant severe course of a carbuncle with complications can lead to the death of the patient due to profuse (breakthrough and massive) bleeding from large vessel and blood infections.

(lat. carbunculus, literally “coal”; the old Russian name is ognevik, uglevik) - acute purulent-necrotic inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue around a group of hair follicles and sebaceous glands, which tends to spread rapidly.

A carbuncle is a diffuse purulent-necrotic inflammation of the deep layers of the dermis and hypodermis with the involvement of several neighboring hair follicles in the process.

With a carbuncle, the purulent-necrotic infiltrate occupies a larger area and spreads into deeper layers of the dermis and hypodermis than with a boil.

The word “carbuncle” comes from the Greek word carbo - coal and means “coal”, since large areas of necrosis formed during purulent-necrotic inflammation are dark in color, which served as the basis for comparing the disease with coal.

Favorite localization is the back of the neck, back, and lower back.

What causes carbuncle

The causative agent of carbuncle - Staphylococcus aureus, less often - other types of staphylococcus.

Pathogenesis (what happens?) during Carbuncle

In the pathogenesis of the carbuncle, exhaustion (due to chronic malnutrition or severe general illness) and metabolic disorders, especially carbohydrate metabolism (in diabetes mellitus), play a role.

Symptoms of Carbuncle

At the beginning of the development of the carbuncle, several separate dense nodules are found in the skin, which merge into one infiltrate. The latter increases, sometimes reaching the size of a child's palm.

Its surface takes on a hemispherical shape, the skin becomes tense, in the center of the infiltrate it is colored bluish: local soreness is expressed.

This is the first stage of infiltration development, which lasts 8-12 days. Then, in the area of ​​infiltration, several pustules are formed, the covers of which are opened, and several holes are formed, giving the carbuncle a sieve-like appearance.

Through these holes, green pus and necrotic masses mixed with blood are released. Gradually, more and more large areas of the center of the carbuncle undergo necrosis.

The rejected masses form an extensive tissue defect - a deep ulcer is formed, sometimes reaching the muscles. The second stage - the stage of suppuration and necrosis - lasts from 14 to 20 days.

Next, the ulcer is filled with granulation tissue and, as a rule, a rough, deep scar is formed, fused to the underlying tissues. Large scars remain after surgical intervention, if it is performed for a carbuncle.

Usually there are single carbuncles. Their development is accompanied high temperature, excruciating pains of a tearing, jerking nature, chills, malaise.

The malignant course of the carbuncle can be observed in old age, in exhausted patients suffering from severe diabetes, with neuropsychic fatigue.

In these cases, neuralgic pain, delirium or deep prostration, septic fever appear. Death can occur from profuse bleeding from a large vessel and from sepsis.

If localized in the nose or upper lip, severe meningeal complications are possible.

Diagnosis of Carbuncle

The diagnosis is not difficult. You should remember about anthrax carbuncle, in which tissue swelling is more pronounced; in the area of ​​the pustule, the formation of a black scab resembling coal (anthrax) is observed, and specific pathogen- aerobic gram-positive anthrax bacillus.

A carbuncle can be easily distinguished from a boil based on the clinical picture described above.

Treatment of Carbuncle

IN outpatient setting It is permissible to treat small carbuncles localized on the torso and limbs, in the absence of severe intoxication.

At the onset of the disease, if there is only inflammatory infiltrate, before the formation of a purulent-necrotic focus, antibacterial therapy is indicated.

Antibiotics are prescribed, as a rule, with a broad spectrum of action - ampicillin, ampiox, etc., synthetic antibacterial drugs with a wide spectrum of action - biseptol, furagin.

Analgesic and cardiac medications and a dairy-vegetable diet are indicated. The surface of the infiltrate is treated with 70% ethyl alcohol and apply an aseptic bandage.

Apply ultraviolet irradiation, UHF therapy. With the favorable effect of conservative therapy, the reverse development of the infiltrate occurs after 2 - 3 days and is accompanied by a decrease in pain, a decrease in body temperature, and normalization of the blood picture.

The indication for carbuncle surgery is the formation of a focus of necrosis. Surgery for a small carbuncle is performed under local anesthesia with a 0.5 - 0.25% novocaine solution.

The carbuncle is dissected crosswise through the entire thickness of the necrosis to viable tissue, followed by necrectomy. The operation is completed by introducing tampons with a hypertonic sodium chloride solution or proteolytic enzymes into the wound.

Until the final rejection of purulent-necrotic masses, bandages with proteolytic enzymes and hypertonic sodium chloride solution are changed daily, staged necrectomies are performed according to indications, then ointment-based preparations are used (10% methyluracil ointment, vinylin, etc.

). After the operation, antibiotic therapy and physical therapy are continued.

Large carbuncle sizes, progression of the purulent-necrotic process, uncompensated diabetes mellitus, and increasing intoxication are indications for hospitalization. Treatment of a carbuncle localized on the face must also be carried out in a hospital.

Prevention of Carbuncle

Prevention of carbuncle lies in the hygienic maintenance of skin and linen.

Which doctors should you contact if you have carbuncle?


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One of the types of skin inflammatory processes

Causes of carbuncle

People who have increased virulence (susceptibility to infection) are mainly at risk for the disease. Among them:

  1. Having had a viral infection
  2. With reduced immunity, vitamin deficiency
  3. Diabetics
  4. Abusing spicy dishes, strong alcoholic drinks, smoking
  5. With gastrointestinal diseases intestinal tract and biliary tract
  6. Having excessive sweating
  7. Overweight

In most cases, the cause of the carbuncle is staphylococcus, in particular, aureus, Staphylococcus aureus. Possible infection with mixed pathogenic flora– streptococci, Escherichia coli, enterococci, Klebsiella, etc.

The development of a carbuncle is provoked by the presence of staphylococci in the body.

Acute inflammation develops under the influence of streptococcal or staphylococcal infection. The activity of pathogenic organisms is activated for various reasons.

Provoking factors:

  • poor body hygiene;
  • walking for a long time in stale underwear;
  • constant contact with machine oils, fuel oil, and other petroleum products;
  • industrial dust of various origins;
  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
  • wounds, scratches, skin damage after squeezing out pimples;
  • violation metabolic processes for diabetes mellitus;
  • increased air humidity combined with high temperature;
  • unsanitary conditions at home and at work;
  • illnesses that deplete the body, overwork, stress.

Take note:

A carbuncle develops in a person as a result of the following microorganisms coming into contact with damaged skin in their “favorite” places:

Favorable conditions for the development of carbuncles develop when:

  • failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • increased secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • increased sweating;
  • skin contamination with particles of sand, lime, coal, cement, oils and petroleum products;
  • excess air humidity;
  • damage to the skin (after insect bites, squeezing out pimples);
  • high air temperature.

Most often, carbuncles develop in people who:

  • suffer diabetes mellitus;
  • has more than 10% excess weight;
  • suffered a serious illness;
  • significantly exhausted;
  • are anemic;
  • suffer from overwork of a neuropsychic nature.

Pathogenic flora is present in small quantities on the body of every person, and this fact is considered the norm. Infection and subsequent development of the carbuncle occurs only in the presence of predisposing conditions:

  • endocrine diseases that disrupt carbohydrate and lipid metabolism(diabetes, excess fat deposits in subcutaneous tissue);
  • active secretion of sweat and/or excessive secretion from the sebaceous glands due to skin contamination with dust, dirt, oil products, etc.;
  • minor wounds, boils;
  • self- or unprofessional squeezing out pimples, scratching the skin after an insect bite;
  • decreased immune resistance due to cancer, nervous overstrain, anemia, primary or secondary immunodeficiency.

Main symptoms

The disease begins with the appearance of internal dense nodules, gradually merging into a single semi-spherical infiltrate, the size of which sometimes exceeds the child’s palm. After this they appear following symptoms carbuncle.

  • Blue skin color
  • Unpleasant sensations
  • Pain in the center of the inflamed area of ​​the body
  • Increased temperature of the patient, the appearance of malaise
  • Signs of intoxication (nausea, vomiting, dizziness, upset stomach)

The disease begins with the appearance of dense internal nodules, which gradually merge together and form a spherical shape. Its size can exceed the palm of a baby.

The carbuncle becomes purple in color, becomes hot, and the skin around it swells greatly. The process affects the deep layers of tissue and causes:.

If a person has anthrax carbuncle, the ulcers will affect all areas of the skin that are not covered by clothing. His distinctive feature the following symptoms are:

  • a small spot grows quickly and turns into a dark purple vesicle that bursts after the formation of an ulcer;
  • black necrosis forms in the center of the ulcer, which is accompanied by swelling and inflammation;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes without suppuration and pain;
  • the necrosis zone is accompanied by a burning sensation.

What does a carbuncle look like?

Many people are interested in questions about the carbuncle itself, photos, what the inflamed area looks like and what to do with it. About a week after the onset of the disease, the lesion swells greatly and becomes more painful.

On the 12th day, white pustules similar to a plug will appear. After opening, a necrotic mass with pus of different colors and an admixture of blood is released.

Most often, inflammation occurs on the back of the neck, lower back, back, and buttocks. Cases of a single infiltrate are the most typical.

Many people compare a carbuncle to a boil. The main difference between these purulent-necrotic formations:

Despite its euphonious name, a carbuncle is not something that looks pleasing to the eye. These extensive, ulcerated skin inflammations most often form on the neck, lower back, buttocks, and sometimes on the face (as shown in the photo).

The carbuncle differs from ordinary boils in its size and the black border of dead skin that forms over time. This symptom actually gave the name to the carbuncle (from the Latin carbunculus ‘emerbore’).

Symptoms develop as follows:


Diagnosis of a carbuncle is quite simple. Doctors pay attention to the possibility of anthrax carbuncle, in which tissue swelling is more pronounced, and a black scab that resembles coal appears in the area of ​​the pustule.

In this case, during laboratory tests, the causative agent of the disease is found in the human body - aerobic gram-positive anthrax bacillus.

To distinguish a carbuncle from a boil, the doctor takes into account the manifestation of the symptoms described above.

For accurate diagnosis carbuncle visual inspection is usually accompanied by laboratory analysis blood. In the process, which is determined: the presence of leukocytes, the mobility of their formula, the degree of increase in ESR.

Differential diagnostics and bacteriological studies of the structure of the neoplasm make it possible to distinguish the pathology of a regular carbuncle from an anthrax one, as well as to determine the susceptibility of antibiotics to the microflora of a sick person.

If there is slight suspicion of degeneration of a benign formation into malignant tumor special cytological examinations are carried out.

A specialist dermatologist, based on the results of a visual examination, laboratory research, will determine the cause, extent of the lesion and prescribe the correct individual treatment.

The appearance of inflammation is characteristic and does not cause difficulties in diagnosis. The specialist may need to clarify the type of pathogen - for this, a smear is taken from the source of inflammation and a bacterial culture is carried out.

Place visually accurate diagnosis, as a rule, does not cause difficulties, given specific development diseases and appearance infiltrate. In all cases, differentiation is carried out, the purpose of which is to exclude pathologies such as anthrax, phlegmon, hidradenitis.

During the study, a sample is taken from the infiltrate and then inoculated on nutrient medium. The analysis is necessary to determine the type of pathogenic microorganism that caused the disease.

Identification of colonies of aerobic anthrax bacillus indicates the presence of anthrax in the body.

Also, using culture, the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms to various types of antibiotics is determined. Thus, the doctor, based on the result of the analysis, selects those drugs that are fully capable of destroying the infection in the body.

Diagnosis of carbuncle, given the manifestation of vivid symptoms, is not difficult with a visual examination of the patient. Differentiation is carried out so as not to confuse this disease with anthrax carbuncle, which has a similar clinical picture, but its causative agent is not Staphylococcus aureus.

Anthrax anthrax is transmitted from wild and ruminant animals infected with anthrax through direct contact with them, as well as with their skin, meat and wool - processed products.

The clinical difference between a carbuncle caused by staphylococcus and anthrax is that the symptoms are not accompanied by severe pain, as well as the absence of “honeycomb” on the surface. Also, anthrax is much easier to treat than a true carbuncle on the skin.


If the carbuncle is small in size, located on the limbs or torso, and there is no pronounced intoxication of the body, the disease can be treated on an outpatient basis.

If treatment occurs at the initial stage, that is, after the formation of an inflammatory infiltrate, the patient is prescribed antibacterial therapy.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics, as well as synthetic ones, are generally prescribed. antibacterial drugs wide spectrum of action. The patient is prescribed drugs with analgesic effects and cardiac medications in parallel.

With such a disease, the patient is advised to adhere to a dairy-vegetable diet. The affected surface should be treated with 70% ethyl alcohol and an aseptic bandage should be applied to it.

Ultraviolet irradiation and UHF therapy are also successfully used in treatment. If the correct treatment package is prescribed, then after two or three days a reverse process of infiltration development is observed.

At the same time, the patient’s pain decreases, the temperature returns to normal, and the big picture blood.

If treatment begins at the stage of formation of a necrosis focus, the patient is prescribed surgical treatment. If a small carbuncle has formed, then surgery is performed under local anesthesia.

The carbuncle is dissected crosswise and necrectomy is performed. After this, the dressings must be changed every day (hypertonic sodium chloride solution and proteolytic enzymes are used for dressings).

In the postoperative period, antibacterial therapy and physiotherapy are indicated.

If a person consults a doctor with a carbuncle of sufficiently large size, and the specialist determines a progressive purulent-necrotic process, diabetes mellitus, and increasing intoxication, the patient is immediately hospitalized.

It is very important to treat the carbuncle, which is located on the surface of the face, in a hospital.

Treatment of a small carbuncle that occurs without worsening the patient’s condition is carried out on an outpatient basis. On early stages The disease is usually prescribed a conservative method, consisting of:

The course of therapy includes treating the infected surface with a solution of ethyl alcohol and injecting the area of ​​inflammation with antibiotics, as well as the use of special creams and ointments.

The most effective among ointments for the treatment of carbuncle are: Vishnevsky ointment; Hydrocortisone; Levolikol; Baneocin; Malavit, Syntomycin and Streptomycin emulsions.

Read what other ointments are used to treat carbuncles and boils here.

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When the carbuncle passes into the necrotic stage of development, surgical intervention is used, consisting of:

  • Opening the carbuncle: dissecting the tumor body and removing the affected tissue.
  • Treatment of the wound with a hypertonic solution (sodium chloride, proteolytic enzymes).
  • Application of a bactericidal dressing.
  • The operation is performed under local anesthesia. In parallel, the following are prescribed: antibiotics, sulfa and streptocidal drugs, anti-inflammatory ointments, creams, physiotherapy.

Necrotic inflammatory processes, accompanied by an increase in the size of carbo, deterioration of the patient's condition, an increase in blood sugar, fainting, and loss of consciousness are treated in a hospital setting.

An unsuccessfully removed carbuncle is fertile ground for the development of a malignant tumor.

Traditional methods of getting rid of the disease are shown only in the early stages of its development. For this purpose, infusions and compositions of medicinal plants can be used.

Treatment of a carbuncle in the infiltration stage can be carried out independently at home, but after visiting a doctor and his recommendations. If the disease proceeds without deterioration, the patient is prescribed a general therapeutic course of medications:

  • antibiotics;
  • antibacterial drugs (Biseptol, Furagin);
  • medications with analgesic (Analgin, No-spa) and anti-inflammatory effects (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol).

For complications of inflammation such as carbuncle, treatment includes:

  • antiplatelet agents that prevent blood cells from uniting into blood clots (Pentoxifylline, Trental);
  • UV irradiation;
  • Preparations for removing staphylococcal toxins (Zorex, Polysorb);
  • vitamin complex.

During the treatment of carbuncle, the surface of the inflamed skin is treated:

  • disinfectant (ethyl alcohol);
  • injected with antibiotics;
  • use special external agents (creams and ointments).

Treatment of carbuncle with antibiotics

Answering the question about which antibiotics should be used in the treatment of carbuncle, it should be said that you need to choose combination drugs. The main indicator for their use is considered to be reduced immunity, and larger doses are recommended. The most popular medications are:

  • Diclosacillin - take it for up to 10 days, 4 tablets per day;
  • Cephalexin - the course is the same;
  • Amoxicillin – the drug should be taken every 8 hours for a week;
  • Azithromycin - take 1 tablet per day for about 7 days;
  • Vancomycin is a drug prescribed for severe cases and administered intravenously.

During therapy, it is important to know which effective ointment for carbuncle will help alleviate the course of the disease. It is applied to the affected areas of the skin until complete healing. The drugs should stimulate the rejection of dead and non-viable cells. The most the best means are considered:

  • Malavit;
  • Baneocin;
  • Vinylin;
  • Levomekol;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • Methyluracil, etc.

Carbuncle - folk remedies

You can self-medicate at home when the disease has light form, and the affected area does not cause severe pain. A carbuncle on the face can cause a lot of inconvenience, so to reduce swelling and relieve inflammation, various folk remedies are used:

Complex therapeutic measures for an incipient, uncomplicated carbuncle includes:

  • antibiotic therapy - carried out in the absence of a purulent focus with necrotic processes;
  • taking analgesics - to relieve pain;
  • treatment of localization sites and use of an aseptic dressing.

This way you can achieve reverse development (resorption) of the infiltrate with a gradual reduction in pain, normalization of body temperature and improvement in blood counts.

If when applying for medical care the carbuncle has already passed into a necrotic form, it is shown surgical removal. Under local anesthesia, all dead tissue is extensively excised. To cleanse the wound, a hypertonic sodium chloride solution and proteolysis enzymes are used. In especially severe cases, sequential necrectomy will be required - in several stages.

The operations are carried out while taking antibiotics and treatment with them continues further.

Auxiliary treatment methods are physiotherapeutic. Irradiation with ultraviolet light waves (UV therapy) and exposure to an ultra-high frequency electric field (UHF therapy) are used.

Treatment can be carried out either on an outpatient or inpatient basis.

If the carbuncle is small, you can do without surgery

Treatment of carbuncle depends on the stage of development of the disease in the patient. If the carbuncle is on initial stage– it is still small in size and does not violate general well-being, does not cause intoxication - doctors try to manage with conservative treatment on an outpatient basis.

This means that the patient is prescribed antibiotics. internal use, including drugs such as ampicillin, carbenicillin, etc.

Diagnosis is quite simple. In some cases, additional tests are prescribed to differentiate from anthrax (anthrax carbuncle).

Unlike the usual purulent-necrotic formation, with anthrax severe pain is not felt. To confirm or refute the diagnosis, bacterial research content. In some cases, a detailed blood test is needed.

Important! Never squeeze a developing abscess. Suppuration will spread over a large area, serious complications cannot be avoided. Such experiments with infiltrates on the face are especially dangerous.

Find out useful information about ingrown toenail treatment methods. thumb legs. Read more about methods of treating and removing milia on the face on this page.

The doctor's decision depends on:

  • from the location. Carbuncles on the face, under the arms, and in the neck area must be observed and treated in the purulent-surgical department. For abscesses on the limbs and torso, outpatient treatment is acceptable;
  • on the patient’s well-being, the state of the immune system, sanitary and hygienic conditions, and the desire to be treated. Some categories of patients leading an antisocial lifestyle are often hospitalized with an advanced form of the disease.

Treatment begins with the appointment of antibacterial therapy. For the treatment of carbuncle

antibiotics are used

wide spectrum: Ceftriaxone, Ciprofloxacin, Gentamicin, Cefazolin. They are administered intramuscularly for at least 5 days. They can be changed upon receipt of data bacteriological research, transfer to tablet forms of drugs.

In the presence of intoxication, 5% glucose solutions and isotonic sodium chloride solution are administered intravenously. If necessary, cardiac medications are administered; blood sugar levels are corrected.

At the stage when the carbuncle matures, in addition to antibacterial therapy, physiotherapy is prescribed: UHF therapy, ultraviolet irradiation, intravenous laser irradiation blood.

necrotic stage

If not located on the face, it can be treated promptly. It is opened in a surgical department under local anesthesia, then a drain is placed in the cavity, through which the purulent contents will drain.

Dressings of the opened carbuncle are performed twice a day, during which it is treated with solutions of alcohol-containing antiseptic (diamond green, iodine) and applied to it sterile bandage, moistened with a hypertonic solution (10%) sodium chloride.

In addition, the cavity is washed through the drainage antiseptic solutions(furacillin, chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide). The carbuncle is opened only against the background of antibiotic therapy.

In some cases, several surgical procedures are performed in which dead areas of tissue are removed. The purpose of such interventions is to reduce intoxication of the body, which necessarily occurs in the presence of necrotic tissue in the body.

After such a necrectomy, bandages with enzymes and a hypertonic solution are applied to the wound. sodium chloride; Levomekol ointment is periodically applied.

To speed up healing after complete rejection of purulent and necrotic tissue, Solcoseryl or Actovegin ointments can be applied to the wound.

If, after reading this article, you think that you have symptoms characteristic of this disease, then you should

consult a dermatologist.

Treatment of carbuncle in many cases is carried out in a hospital purulent-surgical department. The patient undergoes a full examination, after which the doctor prescribes oral medications, and also prescribes physiotherapeutic procedures, antiseptic and surgical procedures.

The list of medications must include broad-spectrum antibiotics (Loraxone, Cephalexin, Gentamicin). The drug is administered twice a day, intramuscularly.

The duration of treatment is five days. After five days, the result of an antibiotic sensitivity test comes back and then the doctor decides whether to leave the drug for a few more days, replace it, or even switch to the tablet form.

Detoxification therapy is also carried out. The patient is injected intravenously with a glucose solution (5% for infusion) and a 0.9 NaCl solution. If necessary, cardiac medications and drugs that normalize blood sugar levels are prescribed.

If the carbuncle is at the stage of growth or maturation, then in this case surgical intervention is not indicated. In addition to medications, the patient is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures - UHF therapy, UV radiation and ILBI (intravenous laser irradiation of blood).

The carbuncle at the ulceration stage must be opened. Surgery is performed while taking antibiotics.

To prevent the addition of a secondary infection, the operation is performed in a specialized manipulation room. Surgical implementation is carried out under local anesthesia, after the procedure, a drainage is installed in the wound, through which the purulent contents will drain.

Opening and removing the carbuncle:

Dressings are changed twice a day. The suture is treated with brilliant green or iodine, then a sterile bandage soaked in hypertonic solution is applied. NaCl solution. Through the drainage, the cavity is washed with antiseptics (furacilin, chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide are most often used).

In particularly advanced cases, when necrosis has spread to neighboring tissues, volumetric removal of dead tissue areas is carried out. Next, drainage is installed, and subsequent care is carried out by applying a bandage with enzymes and hypertonic sodium chloride solution.

Levomekol ointment, which has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and regenerating effects, is also additionally applied.

Folk remedies

Treat carbuncle at home using methods traditional medicine undesirable and extremely dangerous. Allowed to use non-drug therapy only at the first stage of carbuncle formation, after consulting with the surgeon in advance.

The most effective recipes with a disinfecting, “pulling” and anti-inflammatory effect:

It should be noted right away that almost all types of carbuncle, with the exception of small ones, must be treated in a hospital. Until recently, the main treatment that was practiced to get rid of a carbuncle consisted of surgery: a cross-shaped incision was made on the skin, everything inside was thoroughly cleaned, washed and sutured.

Today, in addition to surgical intervention, other methods of getting rid of this disease are practiced in parallel: local treatment and physiotherapeutic procedures. You can also try traditional medicine methods.


Surgical treatment is aimed at sanitation open wound, treatment of the inflamed area with a pulsating stream of antiseptic, excision of dead tissue. At acute illness under general anesthesia They make a cross-shaped opening of the carbuncle, remove the rods, clean the wounds and soak them with napkins with anti-inflammatory ointments applied to them.

Local treatment

During local treatment, in order to cleanse the carbuncle from necrotic masses, prevent re-infection and to suppress the infection, mechanical, physical and chemical sanitation of the carbuncle is carried out.

  • Mechanical removal of dead tissue is carried out daily while changing the dressing.
  • The carbuncle is cleaned with low frequency ultrasonic cavitation, exposing it to ozone or ozone-saturated solutions - a physical method of treatment.
  • The use of special water-based ointments, proteolytic enzymes that are applied to the dressing material, carbon sorbents and antibiotics is a chemical effect on the carbuncle.

How to treat carbuncle with medications?

If signs of intoxication of the body are detected, a solution of 5% glucose and isotonic sodium chloride is administered intravenously. Sometimes heart medications are prescribed to normalize blood sugar levels.

If the patient goes to the hospital at the stage of carbuncle maturation, in addition to antibacterial therapy, physiotherapy such as ultraviolet irradiation and UHF are used.

When the pathological process occurs in the necrotic stage and is localized not on the face, but on other parts of the body, surgical intervention is used.

The operation takes place under local anesthesia. First, the carbuncle is opened, and then a drainage is inserted into the cavity to facilitate the outflow of pus.

Be sure to prescribe dressings twice a day with treatment with antiseptic solutions containing alcohol.

Treatment of carbuncle with folk remedies

As with the treatment of boils, home methods can help fight a huge boil. Homemade compresses and decoctions of medicinal herbs reduce inflammation and speed up the resolution of the abscess, despite its size. Swelling decreases, pain subsides.

Be sure to consult a dermatologist and find out which products are right for you. Carbuncle is a serious problem; self-medication is unacceptable here.

Folk remedies and recipes

Can be used for treatment Fresh Juice calendula, which is used to lubricate the sore spot

Treatment of carbuncle with folk remedies is acceptable, but only after consultation with the doctor. Treatment of carbuncle at home is carried out mainly using herbal remedies.

Possible complications

When visiting a doctor to treat a carbuncle, you must Special attention pay attention to the presence of diabetes or neuropsychic fatigue in the patient. These diseases are aggravating in carbuncle, as evidenced by the following symptoms: - neuralgic pain; - septic fever; - delirium, deep prostration.

With this course of the disease, the following possible complications are noted: - lymphadenitis - purulent inflammation in the area of ​​the lymph nodes; - lymphangitis - inflammation of the lymphatic vessels, which is caused by the spread of infection with the flow of lymph in the direction of the lymph nodes; - thrombophlebitis - the formation of a blood clot due to inflammation of the vein wall; - sepsis - entry into the blood and tissues of pyogenic microorganisms and their toxins; - purulent meningitis - purulent inflammation of the membranes of the brain.

Carbuncle - very dangerous disease precisely because of its complications. This is not an ordinary pimple that will go away on its own and cause no further harm.


  • regular hygiene procedures, qualitatively cleansing the skin;
  • keeping clothes (including work clothes) and linen clean;
  • maintaining immunity;
  • high-quality, nutritious nutrition;
  • timely treatment of all skin lesions.

Carbuncles are an unpleasant, dangerous phenomenon. It's easier to warn him than to fight an abscess. Doctors' recommendations will help avoid severe damage to the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

What to do:

In order to prevent the appearance of a carbuncle, there are many different measures. For example, you need to take a bath or shower with soap every day. In addition, this procedure must be carried out after playing sports, as well as after working with aggressive chemicals.

You should avoid sharing washcloths, towels and other bath items with other people. If a person suffers from folliculitis, then it is better to use a fresh towel and washcloth every time.

You should avoid scratching insect bites and other affected areas; you should wash your hands and the areas under the nails quite often and thoroughly.

In addition to all of the above, shaving should be avoided. But if you still have to shave, then it is better to use disposable razors.

A carbuncle is an inflammation that is caused by pyogenic microbes and begins with the formation of a pustule (abscess), which can grow in the plural. The localization of the disease is the neck, face, lower back, back, buttocks. The development of a carbuncle occurs first with inflammation of the hair follicle, then an abscess appears, bordered by a pink corolla.

For of this disease characteristic is the appearance on skin ulcers that begin to develop at the location of the sebaceous gland and hair follicle. The pathological process is accompanied by necrosis of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Usually there is the formation of one abscess, but they can also be in the plural.


The word “carbuncle” comes from the Greek word carbo - coal and means “coal”, since large areas of necrosis formed during purulent-necrotic inflammation are dark in color, which served as the basis for comparing the disease with coal. Men get sick about 1.5 times more often than women. About 40% of carbuncle cases occur in the summer.

For formation to occur, contact of a pathogenic microorganism must occur with damaged skin. The causative agents may be:

  • streptococci and enterococci;
  • microorganisms from the Proteus family.

The causative agent of carbuncle in the vast majority of cases is sometimes a mixed staphylococcal and streptococcal infection. In some cases, carbuncle can be caused by Escherichia coli, non-clostridial anaerobes, Proteus or enterococci.

Causes of carbuncle:

  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules; constant contact of the epidermis with petroleum products (fuel oil, machine oil);
  • Favorable conditions for infection of hair follicles are created when increased sweating, increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, contamination of the skin with dust particles of sand, cement, lime, coal, etc.
  • Untimely change of linen, increased air humidity and heat;
  • The presence of damage to the skin, squeezing out pimples, scratching after insect bites;
  • Naturally increased oily skin;
  • Problems in metabolism;
  • Shortage useful substances in the body due to poor nutrition;
  • Overwork and decline general tone body.

According to statistics, the following most often contribute to the appearance of a carbuncle:

  • decreased body resistance,
  • metabolic disorders in diabetes mellitus and obesity,
  • exhaustion of the body and serious illness.

Types of disease in humans

Everything in medicine, except for the simple form of carbuncle, distinguishes several more varieties of this pathology:

  1. simple form;
  2. plague carbuncle;
  3. anthrax;

Simple form. Often this type develops due to Staphylococcus aureus entering the body.

Plague type - the causative agent is. A person develops strong pain together lesions, swelling are observed purulent discharge. As the disease develops, the soft tissues located near the abscess will begin to become affected by necrosis.

Anthrax carbuncle. The appearance of a small red nodule is characteristic. The process develops from twelve hours to two days, during which time a purplish-bluish bubble with cloudy contents forms. In this case, the patient feels severe itching. The vesicle bursts quickly and a dark red scab forms at the site of the wound. It hardens, and after a day it looks black and becomes hard. That is why the disease was called carbuncle.

Carbuncle: photos and locations

The photo shows a carbuncle. Locations: face and neck

Pathological ulcers are most often found on:

  • face;
  • buttocks;
  • lower back;
  • back.

Patients more young are more likely to suffer from carbuncles in facial area, and older people complain of the appearance of the disease on the torso, limbs, and neck.


TO general symptoms The following points can be noted:

  • temperature (38-40 degrees);
  • the occurrence of tachycardia;
  • headache;
  • decreased activity;
  • chills;
  • weight loss due to lack of appetite and.

If a carbuncle appears on the face ( upper lip, corners of the mouth), then the flow is difficult. Patients with diabetes and older people are at risk.

Symptoms and stages of carbuncle development:

  1. At the beginning of the development of the carbuncle, several separate dense nodules are found in the skin, which merge into one infiltrate. The latter increases, sometimes reaching the size of a child's palm.
  2. Its surface takes on a hemispherical shape, the skin becomes tense, in the center of the infiltrate it is colored bluish: local soreness is expressed. This is the first stage of infiltration development, which lasts 8-12 days. This stage is accompanied by an increase in body temperature (sometimes up to 40 degrees), general weakness, loss of appetite, headache, and nausea and vomiting may occur.
  3. Then, in the area of ​​infiltration, several pustules are formed, the covers of which are opened, and several holes are formed, giving the carbuncle a sieve-like appearance. Through these holes, green pus and necrotic masses mixed with blood are released.
  4. Gradually, more and more large areas of the center of the carbuncle undergo necrosis. The rejected masses form an extensive tissue defect - a deep ulcer is formed, sometimes reaching the muscles.
  5. The second stage - the stage of suppuration and necrosis - lasts from 14 to 20 days.
  6. Next, the ulcer is filled with granulation tissue and, as a rule, a rough, deep scar is formed, fused to the underlying tissues.
  7. Large scars remain even after surgery if it is performed for a carbuncle.

Possible complications

If the carbuncle is not treated, various types of complications may develop. The main ones include:

  • soft tissue abscess;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • formation of phlegmon;
  • phlebitis;
  • bleeding from blood vessels;
  • erysipelas;
  • lymphadenitis.

It happens that the patient turns to a medical institution already at the necrotic stage. In this case, surgery will be necessary. All manipulations are carried out under local anesthesia, since the surgeon needs to open the carbuncle and remove all pus and dead tissue. After this, he drains and treats the wound.

How does a doctor diagnose a disease?

In most cases, nothing is easier for a surgeon or dermatologist than to diagnose a carbuncle. But sometimes this skin lesion is extremely difficult to distinguish from the so-called anthrax carbuncle.

If the doctor is in doubt, he will prescribe an additional blood test. A common carbuncle is indicated by leukocytosis, as well as increased speed erythrocyte sedimentation.

Treatment of carbuncle

If the carbuncle is small, then drug treatment will help get rid of it:

  1. the patient must take antibiotic drugs orally (ampicillins, gentamicin);
  2. antibiotic injections are given around the resulting infiltrate;
  3. apply a bandage with syntomycin ointment.

With this treatment, ulcers do not form, the infiltrate reverses, and no traces of the carbuncle remain.

In most cases, antibiotics and sulfa drugs can cure inflamed skin without surgery. The most important indicator for the purpose antibacterial pathway treatment of carbuncle is the patient’s reduced immunity.


The indication for carbuncle surgery is the formation of a focus of necrosis. Surgery for a small carbuncle is performed under local anesthesia. After surgery, the patient continues antibiotic therapy and physical therapy.

Carbuncle is acute inflammation skin, sebaceous glands, hair follicles and subcutaneous tissue with purulent contents. Externally, the carbuncle looks like several formations fused together. Skin infections can be caused by various bacteria, but the most common pathogens are Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus.

Without timely treatment, the skin disease can develop into sepsis, lymphadenitis, abscess or meningitis.

Interesting! In medicine, the carbuncle used to be called a fire.

How to treat?

Several years ago, carbuncles were treated only with surgery. Often, even now, patients with the disease are sent to the hospital. However, when a carbuncle appears in a single instance, surgical treatment is prescribed very rarely.

Important! When the carbuncle ripens, in most cases, medical attention is necessary, since pain can accompany the patient for more than two weeks, and in the absence of proper treatment, the inflammation can spread to other parts of the body.

Conservative treatment

If a purulent carbuncle appears, the doctor may prescribe a course of antibacterial therapy (sulfonamides, Streptomycin, Penicillin, etc.). Patients are administered broad-spectrum drugs intramuscularly (Cefazolin, Gentamicin, etc.).

A solution of brilliant green or special ointments (Levomekol) are applied to the dressing material for chemical sanitation of the carbuncle. When changing the dressing, the wound is washed with an antiseptic (chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide) and dead tissue is removed from the inflamed area of ​​the skin. If the patient is intoxicated, an isotonic sodium chloride solution and a 5% glucose solution are additionally administered intravenously.

To help damaged skin heal faster, apply wound healing ointments“Actovegin”, “Solcoseryl”, etc. In combination with the drugs, patients are prescribed vitamins, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Fact! Previously, carbuncle was treated with salicylic acid. IN modern medicine for this this drug not used.

Surgical treatment

In some cases, opening the carbuncle surgically is simply necessary. During surgical treatment:

  1. The open wound is sanitized.
  2. Dead tissue is excised.
  3. Treat the source of inflammation with an antiseptic.
  4. Pain relief.
  5. The carbuncle is opened with a cross-shaped incision.
  6. A drainage is inserted into the wound cavity.
  7. Remove purulent, necrotic masses and the core of the formation.
  8. Apply anti-inflammatory ointments to the dressing material.


Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed in combination with the main treatment. The helper method therapy is very effective - microcirculation of tissues improves, swelling and inflammation go away, and is stopped pain syndrome. To treat carbunculosis, laser therapy, magnetic therapy, and UHF are prescribed.

Treatment of carbuncle at home

You can cure a carbuncle yourself only if inflammatory process did not lead to complications. However, even with a minor skin infection, doctors recommend seeking medical help, as there is a possibility of inflammation spreading to other areas of the body and tissues.

Advice! Treat carbuncles at home using methods alternative medicine It is better after consultation with a specialist.

Laser therapy is an effective method of combating carbuncles. The procedures are carried out in beauty parlors, clinics, and medical centers.

Common recipes:

  1. If the carbuncle matures, compresses of medicinal herbs and plants are applied to the affected area. Garlic and plantain leaves effectively fight inflammation. A paste is made from the plants and attached to the source of infection through gauze. The compress must be changed several times a day.
  2. At any stage of carbuncle development, apply a bandage of gauze soaked in saline solution . Per liter boiled water take a tablespoon of salt.
  3. Calendula ointment effectively fights the disease, relieves inflammation and pain. It can be purchased at a pharmacy, or you can make it at home. The flowers of the plant are mixed with lard (four parts of raw material are taken for one part of lard).
  4. Previously, carbuncle was treated with chewed rye bread and salt. If you believe folk recipes, applying bread crumb promotes rapid opening of the formation, release of pus and healing of the wound.
  5. Infusion of sweet clover for internal use. Two tablespoons of medicinal raw materials are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water. The medicine is infused for 30 minutes under a closed lid. Take the infusion twice a day, one glass.

Preventing the appearance of carbuncles

You can reduce the likelihood of infection by following simple rules:

  • use disposable razors;
  • take a bath using soap and medicinal herbs;
  • avoid contact with other people's underwear, towels, personal hygiene products;
  • wear loose-fitting clothes made from natural fabrics, etc.

With proper treatment of the carbuncle, the prognosis is favorable. However, with delayed or ineffective therapy skin infection may cause serious complications.

Acute inflammation of several nearby hair follicles with the formation of an extensive focus of necrosis in the skin. After the necrotic masses drain away, a deep ulcer forms at the site of the carbuncle, in some cases reaching the muscles. In debilitated patients, diabetics and the elderly, the course of the carbuncle can be malignant and complicated by sepsis or bleeding. Antibiotic therapy is indicated in the treatment, local application antiseptics, some types of physiotherapy. When a necrotic focus forms, surgical treatment is performed.


Complications arising from carbuncle are associated with the spread of infection deep into the tissues, along the vessels and its entry into the blood. They usually develop in weakened patients or in the absence of adequate treatment.

The spread of infection deep into the soft tissues can lead to the formation of a soft tissue abscess or the occurrence of phlegmon; infection of the bone leads to the development of osteomyelitis. When the infection spreads to the venous vessels, phlebitis and thrombophlebitis develop. Bleeding from the affected vessels is possible. When lymphatic vessels and nodes are involved, serous-purulent lymphadenitis, lymphangitis, periadenitis and adenophlegmon may occur. In some cases, the addition of erysipelas is observed.

The most dangerous are carbuncles located on the face. Infection from them can spread to the meninges with the development of purulent meningitis. When carbuncle pathogens enter the blood and spread throughout the body, sepsis develops, which can be fatal. With the rapid appearance of serious complications such as sepsis, meningitis or bleeding, they speak of a malignant course of the carbuncle.


The specific clinical picture and appearance of the carbuncle, as a rule, do not cause any difficulties for the dermatologist in diagnosing it. However, an important diagnostic point is the differential diagnosis of a regular carbuncle from anthrax carbuncle, which is characterized by the appearance of a black scab in the area of ​​the pustule. Sowing the discharged carbuncle makes it possible to exclude the presence of anthrax bacillus and determine the sensitivity of the isolated microflora (usually staphylococci) to antibiotics.

Treatment of carbuncle

Small carbuncles without significant intoxication and disturbances in general well-being are subject to outpatient treatment. If treatment is started at the stage of carbuncle maturation, then it is carried out conservative methods and may result in its reverse development with resorption of the inflammatory infiltrate. The patient is prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics for oral administration: ampicillin, gentamicin, carbenicillin, etc. At the same time, the carbuncle is injected with antibiotics. Analgesics are used to relieve pain. The surface of the carbuncle is treated with 70% ethyl alcohol, then an aseptic bandage is applied. It is possible to use syntomycin or streptomycin emulsion.

The transition of the carbuncle to the necrotic stage is an indication for surgical treatment. It is carried out against the background of antibiotic therapy. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. Opening the carbuncle involves a wide dissection, removing all necrotic and non-viable tissue. After surgery, a tampon with proteolytic enzymes and a hypertonic sodium chloride solution is inserted into the wound. In the postoperative period, for the final rejection of necrotic masses and cleansing of the postoperative wound, dressings with a hypertonic solution and proteolytic enzymes are changed daily. In some cases, there is a need for additional staged necrectomies. Big square and the depth of tissue damage during carbuncle leads to the fact that the postoperative wound heals with the formation of a noticeable and rough scar.

Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment at the stage of carbuncle maturation and in the postoperative period use local ultraviolet irradiation and UHF therapy. If necessary for stimulation protective forces The body is exposed to ultraviolet blood irradiation (UVBI) and intravenous laser blood irradiation (ILBI). Indications for treatment in a hospital are: severe intoxication, large size of the carbuncle, its localization on the face, the presence of uncompensated diabetes mellitus and other serious diseases in the patient.



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