Disease of the gums around the tooth. Types and stages of gum inflammation and accompanying symptoms

Gum inflammation is a common problem for people of all ages. This disease is not something to joke about - it must be treated immediately, otherwise it can lead to very disastrous consequences, and also cause a number of other diseases.

Causes of inflammation

Doctors still cannot give a definite answer to the question of why inflammation of the gums around the tooth occurs. The cause of gum inflammation may lie in both external and internal internal processes occurring in the human body.

TO external factors, causing dental problems include:

  • Insufficient care of the area oral cavity.
  • Neglecting the procedure for removing tartar and timely treatment sick teeth.
  • Smoking, overuse alcohol, coffee, black tea.
  • Mechanical damage to the gums (violation of the procedure for prosthetics or dental treatment, injections into the gums, improper use of dental floss or too hard a toothbrush, burns in the oral cavity).
  • Eruption of wisdom teeth.

The cause of gum inflammation may also lie in the following internal processes:

  • The influence of narcotic and other chemicals on the body.
  • Immunodeficiency.
  • Lack of vitamins and others useful substances in the body.
  • Hormonal imbalances (pregnancy, taking hormonal contraceptives).
  • Hormonal diseases (diabetes).
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Heredity.
  • Diseases of infectious origin.

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptoms of gum inflammation include the following:

  • Redness of the gums - not only the gums near the diseased tooth can turn red, but also the tissues adjacent to the adjacent teeth.
  • Bleeding gums - red color of saliva.
  • Swelling.
  • Painful when cleaning.
  • Bad breath.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Loose teeth.
  • Formation of ulcers in the mouth.

Here are photos of diseased teeth, clearly illustrating inflamed gums:

Types of disease

Before treating gum disease, good dentist must put correct diagnosis. Establishing the cause of the inflammatory process will further influence treatment tactics and the choice of necessary medications.

IN dental practice There are three types of disease:

  • gingivitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • periodontal disease.
This gradation of diseases was chosen for a reason. The fact is that gingivitis is the least dangerous, initial stage of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Periodontitis has intermediate level danger. Periodontal disease is already the most complex, advanced form of the disease. When diagnosing gingivitis, it is necessary to undergo treatment, but delay will not give such severe complications. But in case of periodontal disease, it is necessary to immediately take the most radical measures.

In the photo you can see what inflamed gums look like in each of the diseases:

Crown problems

If the gums near the tooth under the crown are inflamed, you should not try to fix it yourself. this situation. The most the right decision There will be an appeal to a specialist, he will prescribe its removal.

The fact is that inflammation of the gums under the crown is a result of its incorrect installation or violation of the procedure for pre-cleaning the canals cannot be eliminated with any rinses or medications. In this case, it would be more correct to do this - remove the crown from the diseased tooth, thoroughly clean everything under it and install it correctly.

Treatment of the disease

It’s worth saying right away that adequate, effective treatment Only a doctor can prescribe gums. So, under no circumstances should you self-medicate.

Traditional remedies

U traditional medicine There is an answer to the question of how to treat gum inflammation. Over many years of development in dentistry, doctors have developed certain tactics for treating gums:

  1. diagnose a disease;
  2. identify the reasons;
  3. sanitize the oral cavity;
  4. relieve inflammation;
  5. eliminate accompanying symptoms;
  6. treat the underlying disease.

Treatment regimen

Treatment of gum inflammation of any form and stage is carried out according to a certain scheme:

  • Mouth rinse.
  • Using a special anti-inflammatory gel or ointment.
  • Use of injection therapy.
  • Surgical intervention (if necessary).
  • Splinting teeth (this procedure is not performed in all dental clinics).


Rinsing your mouth during the treatment of gum inflammation is necessary in order to clear it of food debris and pathogenic bacteria that contribute to the development of infection. Similar procedure Although it is not able to cure the disease entirely, it does help relieve inflammation and redness.

In order to quickly and effectively eliminate inflammation of the gums around the tooth, you must follow one golden rule - it is recommended to rinse your mouth after each brushing of your teeth (2-3 times a day) for at least a minute.

Gels and ointments

The use of special dental gels and ointments in the treatment of gum inflammation at home can quickly relieve pain, cure inflammation, prevent the spread of infection and change the red color of the gums to white.

Using this method involves applying applications to the gums. Such applications must be made by rubbing the product around the tooth in order to further penetrate it into the periodontal pocket. How longer drug will be in contact with the gum, the stronger the effect will be.

To the most popular and proven dental gels and ointments include:

  • Holisal;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Malavit;
  • Metrogyl denta;
  • Dental;
  • Kamistad.

If everything is clear with medications for an adult patient, then for many mothers the question remains open of how to relieve gum inflammation in their babies. For such a specific category of patients, special means were created:


Treatment of gum inflammation at home cannot be imagined without prescribing a special medicated toothpaste. Such pastes can relieve irritation and provide accelerated process tissue regeneration and antibacterial protection. But Using this type of paste regularly is strictly prohibited, because due to the constant antibacterial effect in the oral cavity, the microflora will be disrupted.

One course of use of medicinal paste should be no more than 21 days. After therapy, it is recommended to take a break for six months.

The most famous medicinal pastes are considered:

  • Forest balm;
  • Lakalut;
  • Sensodent;
  • Paradontax;
  • President exclusive;
  • Silka.


In addition to becoming red and inflamed, the gums can also hurt unbearably. Sometimes even an adult is not able to cope with such pain on his own. Delete quickly pain syndrome can be done using the following analgesics:

  • Paracetamol;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Analgin;
  • Ketanov;
  • Tempalgin;
  • Spasmalgon;
  • Pentalgin;
  • Solpadeine.

In the case of the first two tablets, you don’t have to worry too much, but with the rest of the drugs you need to be careful. They provide quite strong effect, but consuming them a lot and is often prohibited.

Antibacterial therapy

Before treating gum inflammation at home with antibiotics, you should try all of the above first antiseptics . Only after they have failed to remove the inflammation can heavy artillery be used. Also antibacterial therapy can be used in the initial stages of treatment when the course of the disease is too intense or its neglect is obvious.

The most commonly prescribed antibiotics in dentistry are:

Treatment with folk remedies

At similar problem Traditional medicine can give an endless amount of advice.

The most effective folk remedies with quick effect are considered:

Very good for gums chamomile. It is able to remove inflammation around the tooth and restore it white. Due to these properties, chamomile is often included in medicinal and regular toothpastes.

Making an infusion of chamomile or any other plant is not difficult at all. It is enough just to pour a few spoons of herbs into a glass of boiling water and let it boil a little. Next, it is recommended to strain the infusion, cool and rinse your mouth with it.

You don’t need to boil chamomile at all, but simply pour boiling water over its flowers - that’s why they love it so much.

But the infusion of oak bark is made a little differently - it is advisable to boil the bark in water for about half an hour, and then let it cool.

You only need to rinse your mouth with infusions at room temperature 3-4 times a day. It is recommended to keep the rinse in your mouth for at least a minute. If you rinse your mouth with hot infusion, your gums may become even more sore and ache. The fact is that bacteria love heat and as the temperature rises, the process of their reproduction only intensifies.

If your gums are inflamed and you don’t have them at hand medicinal herbs and plants, ordinary ones may come in handy soda and salt. It is recommended to rinse your mouth with their solution. Some people also prefer to brush their teeth with baking soda. The fact is that soda not only relieves inflammation near the tooth, but also allows you to remove the top, contaminated layer that has accumulated on the teeth - the so-called plaque. As a result of the formation of plaque and tartar, the gums can become inflamed and painful.


People are most often interested in the problem of what to do if their gums become inflamed. But few people think about why it became inflamed and what needs to be done to prevent this from happening at all. As you know, the best way to get rid of a disease is its prevention:

  • Regular, thorough brushing of teeth (at least twice a day).
  • Replace the brush every three months.
  • Refusal bad habits(smoking, alcohol).
  • Crown installation only by a trusted dentist.
  • Timely removal of the top, damaged layer of enamel (plaque, stones).
  • Regular visits to the dentist for dental treatment.
  • Complete, proper nutrition.
  • Enrichment daily diet a large number products containing vitamin C.
  • Eating solid vegetables and fruits daily to provide additional cleaning to your teeth.
  • Using dental floss.

Inflammation of the gums of a tooth is not easy unpleasant phenomenon. With such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. The fact is that inflammation of the gums can cause inflammation throughout the body.

Inflammation of the gums is considered the most popular dental problem. It occurs in both adults and children. Pathogenic microorganisms that appear in the mouth and begin the process of active reproduction cause inflammation.
Inflammation occurs in several stages. On early stage Inflammation of the gums near the tooth, treatment is the prevention of subsequent serious diseases.

Reddened areas of inflamed gums most often hurt

The oral cavity is inevitably exposed to hundreds of millions of microbes. In his healthy condition The microflora of the oral cavity does not negatively affect the condition of the oral tissues. But if a change in salivary composition begins, a climate is created in which microbes begin to actively multiply. Hence, main source inflammation – an infection that provokes the development of inflammation.

Factors that contribute to infection entering the body:

In some cases, inflammation occurs near the wisdom tooth. This can cause difficulties in teething. Pain, swelling, inflammation - all this is a reason to seek qualified dental care.

Symptoms of the disease

Dental inflammation can be noticed almost immediately. However, the development of processes that lead to gingivitis can be determined for the following reasons:

  • the gums swell and become bright red;
  • begins It's a dull pain or pain when touched;
  • if you press on the painful area, the pain will intensify;
  • When brushing your teeth and eating hard foods, you may experience bleeding;
  • formation of purulent clots.

In some cases, body temperature may rise.
Many people, feeling discomfort in the gum area, automatically begin to limit jaw movement.

If you see reddened areas of the gums, then most likely they are inflamed

Pain near the tooth does not allow you to properly brush your teeth; plaque forms, which turns into tartar. Plaque becomes a source of further inflammation. An abscess may appear. At the last stage, the pain subsides, but this is not a reason to delay seeking treatment. medical care on the back burner.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of inflammation of the gums near the tooth should begin immediately. The main rule is not to neglect the first warning signs of the disease. If you cannot see a doctor urgently, then some tips will help you.
If the redness is not strong and the pain is mild, then practice rinsing with decoctions or herbal tinctures. For example, you can brew chamomile flowers with boiling water, dilute with cool water in a one-to-one ratio and rinse your mouth with a warm solution. You can add half a teaspoon of rotokan to a glass of water and rinse. You can dip a cotton swab into the tincture and make applications. If after these measures there is no improvement, then immediately visit dental office. The doctor will be able to determine exact reason disease and prescribe treatment to eliminate it.

Inflammation of the gums can occur due to various reasons

Drug treatment

When observed severe inflammation, then rinses may be prescribed medications. The following solutions can be used:

  • Furacilin. To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve two tablets of the product in hot water. Wait for it to cool to room temperature.
  • Chlorhexidine. Appointed to middle stage severity of the disease.
  • Miramistin.
  • Three percent hydrogen peroxide has a healing effect.
  • Baking soda. This method used for people for whom medications are contraindicated.

If the development of inflammation continues, the dentist prescribes applications using medications such as:

  • Metronizadol.
  • Retinol.
  • Sangviritin.
  • Sodium usninate.

At increased secretion blood, vasoconstrictor medications may be prescribed.

If inflammation reaches a severe stage, it develops fungal infection bacteria are spreading, your doctor may prescribe medications to treat a specific disease. IN difficult situations application required fast-acting drugs narrowly targeted action.

Therapeutic treatment

Once the doctor has made a diagnosis, it becomes easier to decide on the choice of medications. Relieve inflammation of the gums near the tooth with the following diseases:

  • . A solution of Stomatofit and Rotocan will help you. Antiseptic Miramistin. Anti-inflammatory gels Asepta and Hyaludent.
  • Periodontal disease. You will have to undergo a course of antibiotic treatment. Rinse with Holorophyllipt and Rotokan. Applications with preparations containing bee venom may be prescribed. The dentist removes purulent pockets.
  • Periodontitis. Bacteria are fought with tetracycline drugs. Chlorhexidine rinses. A temporary filling is installed, the cavity of which is filled with antimicrobial agents.

Inflammation of the gums near the tooth - treatment with traditional medicine

Mouth rinse - effective way treatment of gum inflammation

Besides dental treatment it is possible to produce additional therapeutic actions through means traditional medicine. Here are a few proven recipes:

Do not forget that you should not replace dental professional treatment folk methods. All kinds of herbal decoctions, tinctures and solutions fight pathology only in the early stages. But at the stage of periodontitis and periodontitis, you simply need to seek the help of a doctor. If you cannot determine the stage of development of the disease, the doctor will do this by making the necessary diagnostics.

Rinsing the mouth with various solutions

Prevention of inflammation

In order to prevent the occurrence of dental inflammation, it is enough to follow simple rules. Doing this is easier than treating teeth in a neglected state.
Preventive actions reduce the likelihood of relapses of the disease and prevent the risk that the gums near the tooth can become inflamed. If inflammation of the gums near the tooth has already bothered you, or you do not want to face this problem, check out the advice of dentists:

  • Visit your dentist annually for a diagnosis various diseases teeth and gums and immediate elimination of their causes.
  • Maintain good oral hygiene and thoroughly brush your teeth to remove food debris. This must be done twice a day, no less.
  • Buy special teeth rinses at the pharmacy. Or prepare decoctions yourself. It is advisable to rinse after each snack.
  • If you have tartar, remove it. In cases where the stone appears regularly, see your dentist and make appointments more often. preventive examinations.
  • Be careful when eating hard and rough foods. Nuts, crackers, and chocolate can damage your delicate gum tissue.
  • Try to limit yourself in eating sweets. Sweets, chocolate, baked goods, carbonated drinks - all this contributes to the formation of a soft, harmful coating.

Gum inflammation is a result of poor oral hygiene

Even high-quality therapy does not guarantee that relapses will not occur. Therefore, strictly follow the above recommendations.

Take care of your oral hygiene. Take the time to brush your teeth thoroughly. Get into the habit of rinsing and flossing regularly. Remember to visit your dentist twice a year. Get rid of bad habits, especially smoking. Nicotine addiction leads to increased inflammation. Adjust your diet, learn to eat right. Fried, sweet, fatty, spicy foods- primary sources of inflammation. Enrich your diet with vitamin C winter time year add consumption active additives. Only monitoring your health will protect you from inflammation. Be healthy!

Everybody wants to have healthy teeth. The guarantee of this is healthy gums. Many different dental diseases occur to a large extent through gum disease.

Inflammation of the gums near the tooth is a very negative sign. Examples of gum inflammation - photos - are presented in the article.

Causes of inflammation of the gums around the tooth

Exists two main types of reasons occurrence of inflamed gums:

  • internal – occur if there are diseases internal organs;
  • local - they occur if pathogenic bacteria settle on the teeth.

The most main reasons gum inflammation is:

  1. Poor oral care. If you ignore the rules of hygiene, pathogenic bacteria develop, causing your gums to become inflamed.
  2. The appearance of tartar. This is the result of the first reason. If soft plaque is not removed, then tartar appears, where bacteria begin to multiply.
  3. Weak immunity. Inflammation occurs due to minimal mechanical irritation. Since the body has almost no resistance to pathogenic microorganisms.
  4. Lack of vitamins. This important reason, as a result of which metabolic and protective functions body. Various enzymes contain vitamins that are involved in the formation of antibodies.
  5. Chronic diseases of internal organs. The following diseases have the strongest impact on gum inflammation: diabetes mellitus, malfunction of the endocrine glands.
  6. Hereditary tendency. In many cases, gum sensitivity occurs along hereditary lines, genetically.
  7. Smoking. Promotes dry mouth. Based on this, there is a greater chance for pathogenic bacteria to become active.
  8. Use of certain medicines. This includes antidepressants, contraceptives, vasodilators and cardiovascular drugs.
  9. Gums can become inflamed during pregnancy. This happens due to a change hormonal levels and the body's resistance decreases.

Treatment depends on the cause diseases using both folk and traditional methods.

So, the gum is inflamed. What to do? How to relieve inflammation gums near the tooth? How to carry out treatment?

You can relieve gum inflammation with any anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, soda, furatsilin, miramistin. You can use different decoctions that have anti-inflammatory properties.

If you have severe pain on inflamed gums near a tooth, then you need use painkillers, for example, analgin, paracetamol, tempalgin.

However, it should be taken into account that the question of what to do if your gums are inflamed, how to treat them, is best answered by a dentist. Treatment is underway as follows. First, tartar and plaque are removed. Then medications are prescribed to eliminate the inflammatory process.

My gums are inflamed, what should I do? Treatment for this disease involves rinse your mouth with the following:

  1. Furacilin solution. It is done using furacelin tablets and clean water. Take 2 tablets and 1 glass hot water. Rinse once an hour for 24 hours.
  2. Chlorgesidine 0.05% aqueous solution. Has a strong antimicrobial effect. Rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth, 3 times a day.
  3. Soda solution. Take 1 glass of hot water and 1 teaspoon of soda. Rinse your mouth once an hour.
  4. Miramistin 0.01% solution. This remedy has some properties similar to chlorhesidine. If you have herpetic stomatitis, then this remedy is suitable in the best possible way. Apply after brushing your teeth, 3 times a day.
  5. Rinse aids. They can be used for a long time after brushing your teeth. But if the drug has an antibiotic, then it should be used for no more than 10 days.

Antibiotics are used for treatment in difficult situations . They can only be used with a doctor's prescription. By self-medicating, you can only harm the body.

Inflammation of the gums around the tooth can be treated with the use of such antibiotics.

Treatment with folk remedies

In the first stages of inflammation of the gums near the tooth, as additional medications Various folk remedies can be used. They are in some situations give excellent results. In most cases, they use folk recipes for infusions and decoctions from different medicinal herbs. Let's look at the most basic and effective of them.

  1. Sage leaves. This strong drug, which can relieve gum inflammation, stop bleeding and improve immunity.
  2. Thyme. This herb has the ability to disinfect and relieve pain.
  3. Chamomile. It is an anti-inflammatory drug and has the same properties as thyme.
  4. String, St. John's wort, sage, yarrow - a mixture of them. The series has a very strong anti-inflammatory effect and also acts as an excellent antiseptic. St. John's wort has powerful antiseptic, astringent, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Yarrow has the same properties as St. John's wort and string, but it has a hemostatic and sedative effect.
  5. Oak bark. It has an excellent astringent effect. But frequent use of it leads to plaque appearing on the teeth and promoting the growth of bacteria. If there are bark substitutes in the product, it is better not to use it.

To make an infusion according to a folk recipe, you need to take all the herbs in equal proportions. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of these herbs, grind them first. Pour boiling water over these herbs, 400 ml. Boil it all for about 5 minutes and leave it to sit for a while. You need to rinse your gums with this infusion three times a day. It is not recommended to boil chamomile; it is better to pour boiling water over it and leave it to steep for a while. You should rinse your gums with these infusions only after you have done hygienic cleaning of the mouth. Remember that you only need to rinse with warm infusions.

To avoid treatment, it is best to use different preventive measures, capable of preventing and eliminating the need for treatment. The first thing is to naturally follow the rules of oral hygiene.

Examples of gum inflammation

Inflamed gums can cause tooth loss. At this disease the smile loses its former beauty. Among other things, the mentioned disease is often accompanied by unpleasant smell from the oral cavity. Lots of reasons to be sad, right? However, if you start treating gum inflammation on time, then short term everything can be fixed. Both experienced and trusted dentists will come to the rescue traditional methods, which will relieve inflammation and you will feel better. Let's look below at what gum inflammation is, the symptoms and treatment of this disease.

What is the disease?

As a rule, the term “gum inflammation” usually means a whole series pathologies. This is what the common people call both periodontitis and gingivitis. To clarify the diagnosis, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Timely trip to dental clinic minimizes the risk of developing the disease. After all incorrect treatment or its complete absence leads to deterioration of the condition of not only the gums, but also the teeth.

Medical types of the disease: gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease. The latter means receding gums exposing the tooth root. And periodontitis is the second stage of the development of gingivitis - inflammation of the gums near the tooth, the treatment of which is reduced to removing swelling of the periodontium and stopping its bleeding.

Causes of the disease

There are many reasons for this problem. Malocclusion and filling by an inexperienced dentist are just the first of them. The most common cause of inflammation and bleeding is poor oral hygiene.

The reasons for the development of periodontal disease and periodontitis are excessive consumption of coffee drinks, smoking, and refusal to remove tartar. Gingivitis results from brushing your teeth too rarely and not rinsing your mouth thoroughly enough.

The main causes of gum inflammation:

Bacteria found in the oral cavity;

Unsuitable toothbrush or toothpaste;

Poor or lack of oral hygiene;

Other diseases such as diabetes;


Changes in hormonal levels as a result of pregnancy.

Manifestations of gum inflammation

Symptoms of gum inflammation:

Bad breath;

Yellow plaque and tartar on teeth;

Swelling of the gums, their modification (different shape and color);

Tooth mobility;

Unpleasant sensations and/or bleeding of the gums when brushing teeth or eating food.

If the problem is not given enough attention, it will only get worse. With periodontal disease, the cervical area of ​​the teeth is exposed. This phenomenon may be accompanied by a rotten smell from the mouth. Small blisters that are filled with pus may form on the gums.

During illness, gums may become loose and swollen. This is what causes teeth to become loose. To prevent this, it is necessary to stop gum inflammation in time, the symptoms and treatment of which we discuss in our review. Next we'll talk about some folk methods therapy of the disease.

Inflammation of the gums - treatment with folk remedies

U folk remedies, aimed at treating gum inflammation, there is no specific author, because this is a real legacy. Since a long time traditional treatment(gum inflammation is a problem, known to mankind has long been) consisted of rinsing the mouth with all sorts of herbal decoctions, some of which not only reduced the inflammatory process, but also did a good job of eliminating bad breath.

Almost everything folk recipes are also characterized by the effect of the hygienic plan:

Clean the area between the gums and teeth;
. remove food residues mechanically.

Traditional methods

Honey, vegetables and fruits contain enzymes and natural acids which help relieve gum inflammation. Treatment with folk remedies helps reduce the inflammatory process by getting rid of pathogens. Some of the remedies eliminate swelling and other consequences. For example, water decoctions intended for rinsing the mouth.
To prepare such a decoction, you need to add about 40-45 ml of raw materials to 400 ml of water heated in a water bath. plant origin. At all times, additives from pharmaceutical chamomile, calendula flowers, as well as alder buds.

For those who don't have enough time to create herbal decoctions, you can try to crush several mummy tablets and then dissolve them in a mug of water. Do not forget that you should rinse your mouth only after meals, as well as before bed and in the morning.

You can also brush your teeth mechanically using natural chewing gum. In Siberia, when gums became inflamed, locals chewed cedar resin. Now this product can be purchased at any pharmacy. But despite this, the resin is very hard, and at an advanced stage it can cause even more harm.

However, even here there was a way out - melt half a kilogram of the so-called beeswax in a water bath, add half a glass lemon juice and a couple of drops peppermint. Cool the resulting mixture, cut into individual pieces.

In the field of traditional medicine, all kinds of compresses specifically designed for sore gums are also popular. They are applied before bedtime damaged tissue. The composition of such masks includes birch tar, to which are added mashed beets with the addition of sunflower oil. In some cases, it can be applied to the gums raw potatoes for fifteen to twenty minutes.

Therapeutic treatment in a dental clinic

On initial stage inflammation of the gums, the dentists of the clinic correct your hygiene skills. After all, proper and thorough brushing of teeth allows you to remove most of the supragingival plaque and prevent its further spread under the gum.

If such deposits are already present, then only a dentist can carry out a complete cleaning of subgingival plaque. Such measures are often enough to relieve gum inflammation.

Treatment of gumboil, or more precisely purulent gingivitis, with shallow periodontal pockets (up to 3 mm), consists of the procedure professional hygiene. In addition, it is often prescribed drug treatment. A couple of weeks after the procedure, the gums are back in place, and the doctor conducts a follow-up examination to check whether all deposits have been removed and whether the inflammation of the gums has been relieved. Treatment usually stops there.

Above is the illustration “Inflammation of the gums - treatment.” The photo gives an idea of ​​what they looked like before going to the dentist (left) and after (right).

Surgical treatment in the clinic

When therapeutic measures become insufficient, the dentist resorts to surgical measures to treat inflammation of the gums.

Treatment of this nature consists of an operation during which the gum tissue (periodontal) is cut and a rubber drainage is inserted. It is needed to drain accumulated pus out.

After surgery, you need to rinse your mouth with medications recommended by your doctor. This is necessary to prevent re-inflammation.

Medications for treating gums

In the pharmacy you can find harmless drugs that will help relieve gum inflammation at home.

Examples of such publicly available substances:

1. Furacilin solution: two furatsilin tablets are dissolved in one glass of hot boiled water. Rinse the mouth with liquid once every hour.

2. Hydrogen peroxide: one tablespoon diluted in half a glass of water. Rinse the mouth with this solution twice a day.

3. Chlorgesidine 0.05%, aqueous solution. Sold in pharmacies in finished form. Has a strong antimicrobial effect. Rinse is done every time after brushing your teeth, but less than three times a day.

4. Miramistin 0.01, solution. Analogue of chlorhesidine in functions and method of application.

5. All kinds of elixirs and rinses for gums. Apply after brushing your teeth in accordance with the attached instructions.

6. “Metrogil denta”, ointment. Helps remove inflammatory processes and has anesthetic effect. Apply to the affected periodontal tissue after brushing your teeth twice a day.

7. “Dental”, ointment. It is used in the same way as the previous one.

8. Toothpastes for gums, for example “Parodontax”, “Lakalut”, “President”. These pastes often contain medicinal substances and herbs: fluoride, mineral salts, mint, sage, chamomile and so on. They have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Usually, teeth are brushed with such pastes for a month.

Inflammation of the gums - treatment with antibiotics

Antibiotics are prescribed to treat moderate to severe periodontitis and necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis.

Examples possible antibiotics

Name of medicine

Type of medicine

Projected treatment period

Antibiotics of the glycosamide group

Lincomycin 0.25

Lincomycin 30%

Clindamycin 150 mg

Clindamycin 300 mg - 2 ml

Solution for injection intramuscularly

Antibiotics of the fluoroquinolone group

Nomicin 400 mg


From 7 to 10 days

Siflox 250 mg


From 7 to 10 days

Tarivid 250 mg


From 7 to 10 days

It is strictly not recommended to take medications on your own. Since only the attending physician can correctly prescribe the dose and period of treatment.

Cases of gum inflammation after going to the dentist

Inflammation of the gums after dental treatment can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Happened mechanical damage gum tissue, after which pathogenic bacteria penetrated the wound.
  2. The previous treatment was incorrect from the point of view of the selected drugs.

In both cases, the attending dentist is insufficiently qualified. But it happens that a patient confuses gum inflammation syndrome with post-medical swelling. It should go away approximately on the second day after treatment. If this does not happen, then it is better not to delay your return visit to the dentist.

Inflammation of the gums in the expectant mother

Cases of gum inflammation during pregnancy are quite common. Many women are afraid to undergo treatment, fearing for their unborn baby. But failure to respond to the disease can have serious consequences.

As a rule, inflammation begins in the second or third month of pregnancy. And if no measures are taken, the situation will worsen by the last trimester. Even ulcers may appear in the mouth.

In order to prevent illness, a pregnant woman is recommended to undergo preventive examinations by a dentist. Only he can identify the disease early stage and get rid of such a scourge as gum inflammation. Treatment at this stage consists of removing tartar and plaque. If such measures are not enough, then the doctor may recommend mouth rinsing and herbal baths.

What to do to strengthen your gums and teeth?

To prevent gum inflammation, dentists recommend following these rules:

  1. Include in diet more products containing calcium (dairy products, dark green vegetables, fish (salmon)).
  2. Add foods containing vitamin C to your list of favorite foods (it helps with bleeding gums).
  3. Fall in love raw vegetables and fruits, freshly squeezed juices (especially carrots).
  4. Get rid of bad habits, if any (smoking, drinking alcohol).
  5. Try not to be nervous and not to succumb to stressful situations.
  6. Follow the rules of brushing your teeth.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, undergo preventive examinations at the dentist at least twice a year.

As a rule, when people notice red gum near a tooth, they do not always rush to the clinic. However, if the gums are red or sore, this is the first sign of problems that can only get worse in the future. Despite the fact that there is no blood, this is already considered a reason to pay attention to the problem and attend an appointment with a specialist, because in the long term this can lead to serious consequences, including the loss of teeth.

Inflammation of the gums is a sign of one of the following diseases:

  • periodontitis of the tooth;
  • gingivitis;
  • periodontitis.

Each of the listed diseases has its own causes and symptoms, however, they are often quite similar, and only experienced specialist in the field of dentistry can make a definitive diagnosis.

Periodontitis is a disease that affects the gum tissue between the tooth and jaw bone. The main symptoms of this disease are swelling of the cheeks and lips, gums, severe toothache, the appearance of tooth instability, and sometimes the presence of fistulas in the gum tissue, through which a purulent mass protrudes. This disease has infectious etiology, and may be a consequence of untreated other diseases, for example, pulpitis, osteomyelitis and even sinusitis.

Gingivitis is a disease more light form, which, however, also has its own unpleasant symptoms. Among these: the presence of deposits on the surface of the teeth, swelling and bleeding of the gums, the appearance painful sensations when brushing teeth, redness and even blue discoloration of the surface of the gums, excessive growth of gum tissue, in some cases its necrosis, bad breath, and sometimes an increase in the patient’s body temperature is recorded. Latest symptoms indicate the presence of gingivitis in an advanced form, when toxins begin to enter the bloodstream as a result of tissue decay.

The causes of gingivitis are poor oral care, hormonal imbalances, or previous damage to the gum tissue, for example, after tooth extraction. Often these symptoms appear in the area where the wisdom teeth are located.

Periodontitis is an inflammation of the tissues around the tooth, which, in the case of untimely treatment, can lead to tooth decay and loss. Its main symptoms are redness and bleeding of the gums, bad breath, a feeling of discomfort while chewing food, pulsation and itching of the gum tissue, looseness of the tooth, and exposure of its base.

The main causes of periodontitis are some diseases in an advanced form, for example, periodontal disease and gingivitis, insufficient dental care, their injury or curvature, poor-quality procedures for prosthetics or dental restoration, poor and unbalanced diet, the appearance of bacterial plaque, which over time transforms into tartar.

In all the cases described above, if the symptoms mentioned above are present, you should not delay contacting specialists. In particular, there is no need to wait if we're talking about about a disease in a child at the time of formation of molars. It is important to remember that you should not self-medicate, but rather consult and be examined by specialists to find out the cause and nature of the disease of the teeth and gums, which will allow you to choose the right treatment method.

First of all, the specialist finds out the reasons that led to inflammation, be it incorrectly installed crowns, the presence of previously past diseases or insufficient dental care. When the cause of the problem is determined, a list of drugs intended for treatment is determined. In any case, we should not forget that you should not self-medicate.

Among the medications that help relieve the symptoms of inflammation and bleeding gums, the most popular are the following:

  1. Periodontocide (available in the form of a spray or solution, cost in pharmacies - from 150 rubles).
  2. Maraslavin (in the form of a solution, price - from 160 rubles).
  3. Polyminerol (in the form of a solution, price – from 200 rubles).
  4. Cholisal (dental specific gel, price in pharmacies - from 340 rubles).

There are a lot of folk remedies, as well as traditional methods, used as an alternative to save money. For example, some rinse the mouth with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice, solutions of soda, potassium permanganate or furatsilin.

Often, decoctions of various medicinal herbs, roots and flowers are used, such as mint, oregano and St. John's wort, thyme, strawberry leaves, oak bark and linden blossom. All of the listed ingredients, with the exception of chamomile, are poured with boiling water and infused. oak bark should be boiled for half an hour over low heat. After the broth has cooled and infused, it is recommended to rinse your mouth at least three times a day.



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