Discharge after curettage - normal and pathological. The uterus performs important functions


Curettage of the uterus is a traumatic procedure for removing the endometrial layer using a loop or other surgical instruments. This procedure can be therapeutic or diagnostic; the first is usually more extensive. But regardless of the type and purpose of the procedure, the recovery period after such an intervention is quite long, and it must be carried out correctly so that no consequences or complications arise. How rehabilitation proceeds after cleaning (scraping) of the uterus will be discussed in this material.

Duration of the period

Strictly speaking, such interference is not considered surgery, although in fact it is traumatic, and during it an extensive wound surface is formed. For example, after curettage to remove cysts or in case of endometriosis, almost the entire inner surface of the uterus becomes the wound surface, since the endometrium is removed from the entire surface.


Recovery after curettage has a number of normal characteristics. If there is a deviation from the norm, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. Normally, during this period the following may be present:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen due to the fact that the uterus contracts after curettage;
  2. Minor bleeding;
  3. Pulling sensations aching pain in back.

Such symptoms may be present only in the first few days. If it persists after a week, then you need to consult a doctor. You should also do this if there is heavy bleeding and excessively intense pain, or if you have a fever after cleaning the uterus.

During this period, it is necessary to reduce physical activity, which will have a good effect on your well-being. You cannot steam in the bathroom; hygiene must be maintained with the help of a shower. In this case, it is better not to use chemicals For intimate hygiene, medications administered vaginally, tampons and douches. Avoid overheating - do not visit saunas, steam baths, solariums, the beach, do not swim in open reservoirs and pools, carefully observe hygiene.


Treatment after curettage of the uterine cavity involves taking medications. They are not aimed at directly promoting the growth of the endometrium, since this is not necessary - this natural process which occurs physiologically. The medications are taken in order to improve the patient’s condition and well-being, avoid relapses of the disease, and also prevent the development of severe consequences and complications, for example, infection.


Antispasmodics after uterine curettage should be prescribed with caution. This is due to the fact that after this procedure the uterus contracts, pushing out excess endometrium and rejecting its remains. This is a normal physiologically determined process in this situation, but it causes quite severe pain in the lower abdomen, which persists in the first days after the intervention.

It can cause quite severe discomfort to the patient, but it is not advisable to relieve it with antispasmodics, because if the uterus does not contract, the healing process may be delayed. In severe conditions, No-shpa and other drugs are prescribed.

Diagnostic curettage


Antibiotics are always prescribed after curettage of the uterine cavity. They are taken in a course of five to ten days, one or two tablets per day, depending on the selected drug. Depending on the patient’s condition, the course may begin on the day of cleaning or a day or two earlier.

Why are antibiotics prescribed at all? It is necessary to drink them in order to avoid any concomitant infection. The fact is that with this intervention, not only does a wound surface form, but it also greatly reduces local immunity. All this together significantly increases the likelihood of developing an infection in the uterus. To prevent this, they are prescribed strong antibiotics broad spectrum of action, such as Tsiprolet, Ceftriaxone, Amoxiclav, etc.


How to restore the uterus after curettage? In general, she is able to recover on her own, this normal process, similar to the restoration of the endometrium after menstruation, when it is almost completely rejected and renewed. The growth of the mucous layer within the cycle and after curettage occurs under the influence of the hormone estrogen produced by the ovaries. The more it is, the more actively the endometrium grows.

Estrogen medications may cause hormonal imbalance, but the use of herbs rich in phytoestrogens ( herbal analogues estrogen) has a very beneficial effect. You can drink decoctions and infusions from boron uterus and red brush. Hog queen after curettage, it is especially indicated, as it contains more phytoestrogens than other herbs.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Anti-inflammatory drugs are not always prescribed, but in most cases they are still indicated. They are needed for approximately the same thing that antibiotics are needed for - preventing the development inflammatory process on the wound surface. Drugs such as Nurofen and Ibuprofen are prescribed, which are taken 2-3 tablets per day for a week, starting from the day of the procedure. For the same period, Diclofenac can be prescribed by injection. In addition to the direct anti-inflammatory effect, they are also good pain relievers.

If a temperature appears after curettage, this may indicate the onset of an inflammatory process. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor.

Intimate life

You can have sex a week after the procedure, but it is better to coordinate this with your doctor. In addition, if the patient experiences pain during sexual intercourse, she should immediately consult a specialist. It is important to carefully maintain hygiene and use barrier methods of contraception to prevent various infections from entering the uterine cavity.


You can play sports as usual about a month after the intervention. At the same time, you can return to light exercise, such as gymnastics or aerobics, earlier - after about a couple of weeks. The time to start playing sports should be discussed with a specialist, since a lot depends on individual characteristics body and healing speed.

Example of a daily routine

For quick recovery It is important to properly balance work and rest modes. Ideally, you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day, work no more than 8 hours, and rest at least 8 hours. At the same time, if the work involves physical activity, then you need to take sick leave for at least a few days after the procedure. If the work is not physically difficult, then, usually, you can return to it the next day. But this must be agreed with your doctor.

Diet example

You need to eat natural healthy foods, avoiding fried, fatty and smoked foods. An example diet could be like this:

  • Breakfast - yogurt or cottage cheese, egg, whole grain bread, weak coffee;
  • Second breakfast - fruit;
  • Lunch – vegetable or low-fat meat soup, side dish of cereals and white lean fish, tea;
  • Afternoon snack – fruit lard, kefir, or yogurt;
  • Dinner – vegetable side dish and chicken breast, rosehip decoction.

It is advisable to include foods rich in phytoestrogens in the diet - corn, soybeans, yams.


Pregnancy after curettage is possible, and often even more likely if the pathological endometrium was removed. Usually, menstruation begins around the third week after the procedure, since during this time the mucous layer of the uterus has time to recover. Wherein menstrual cycle completely normalizes and becomes regular after about 4 months. In general, it is possible to plan conception within six months after the procedure, but before starting attempts, it is better to consult a doctor.

Progress of the intervention


Curettage is a traumatic but necessary procedure. You cannot avoid it if it was prescribed by a doctor, as it can have unpleasant health consequences. Provided that the recovery period is carried out correctly, complications after curettage are extremely unlikely, and this procedure only has a positive effect on health.

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During examinations and treatments gynecological diseases Many women are prescribed uterine cleansing surgery. This procedure is akin to a small abortion and is performed on an examination chair. But some women are confused by the very name of the operation, and they want to get to the bottom of it in order to understand what cleansing is in gynecology.

Features of the procedure

When a woman is prescribed cleaning of the uterine cavity, this means removing the top layer of the mucous membrane - the endometrium. It is he who plays a big role both in a woman’s health and in her ability to bear a child.

The endometrium is directly related to menstruation. During the cycle, its layer grows and thickens - this creates conditions for the attachment of the future fetus. If a woman does not conceive, then the mucous membrane is rejected (the uterus is cleansed) - this is menstruation.

The operation to clean the uterus is also called curettage.

In other words, with special instruments, the gynecologist carefully removes the endometrial layer with all internal walls. In addition, cleaning of the cervix, as well as washing of the tubes in women, is also prescribed.

Cleansing in women in gynecology is carried out to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. The same procedure is necessary step after childbirth - uterine curettage allows you to clean the cavity from the remains of the placenta. Cleaning the uterus after a cesarean section is especially important.

But there are other situations when curettage surgery is performed. And these moments are called diagnostic and therapeutic. Next, we will find out why they clean the uterus.

How much does a paid uterine cleaning cost? The price of the operation depends on the purpose of its implementation. Thus, diagnostic separate curettage will cost about 3,000–5,000 rubles, while therapeutic curettage will cost much more. Tests, consultations with doctors, anesthesia are paid separately.

Indications for curettage

In order for a woman to be referred for the procedure, appropriate indications for this are needed. The doctor determines what type of cleaning will be performed.

Why do you clean the uterus?

  1. abortive curettage and postpartum. They are carried out in order to cleanse internal cavity womb;
  2. they penetrate the tubes through the uterus to clean them if they become obstructed;
  3. gynecological cleansing is a medical procedure to remove pathological tumors from the uterine cavity (or cervix);
  4. Diagnostic cleansing of the uterus is prescribed in order to obtain histological material for research in order to make the correct diagnosis for female problems that have arisen.

To carry out therapeutic and diagnostic procedures, you need good reasons, because this is not an ordinary and rather painful operation, which, if carried out ineptly, can have undesirable consequences.

When to clean the uterus:

  • these can be complications after abortions and childbirth, as well as miscarriages and missed pregnancies;
  • polyps on the cervix and uterus, myomatous nodes;
  • in situations where cleaning is necessary fallopian tubes among women;
  • processes pathological nature in the endometrium and hyperplasia;
  • heavy and continuous bleeding;
  • suspicion of malignancy.

In such cases, curettage of the uterus is performed, but in some situations the operation may be canceled. Contraindications will be sexual and infectious diseases that can spread to a painful and unprotected endometrium. The only exception is continuous bleeding from the uterus, especially if it occurs during menopause.

Tubal cleaning is not always used in gynecology. operative method, since often the cause of obstruction is infectious diseases that can be dealt with in another way. Therefore, it is first recommended to clean the queen cells with folk remedies (flax seeds, milk thistle, cinquefoil, boron uterus).

Curettage operation

Feminine cleansing usually takes place under intravenous anesthesia, so the patient will sleep during the operation without seeing what is being done to her. But first, speculum dilators will be inserted into the vagina. The uterus will be fixed with special forceps so that it remains motionless.

When the patient enters an anesthesia sleep, the cervix is ​​expanded to the size necessary to penetrate the curette, the instrument used to perform curettage. In a well equipped clinic this procedure It is not carried out blindly - a hysteroscope is used, which allows the doctor to see the internal cavity.

At the end of the procedure, the curette and hysteroscope are removed, and the areas subjected to curettage are processed antiseptics, and then the forceps and dilators are removed. The woman is sent to the ward with an ice pack placed on her stomach to prevent the wound from bleeding.

How to clean the uterus when bleeding? In this case, a more gentle method is used - vacuum cleaning. It is performed under local anesthesia without visual observation. A special probe is used to determine the depth of the cavity, and the cleaning itself is performed with a rotating catheter, collecting the scraped material into a special container.

Preparing for surgery

The curettage procedure is prescribed at a certain point in the female cycle– 2-3 days before the start of the expected menstruation, when the endometrium is already prepared for rejection, and tissue necroticity has not yet been observed.

Stages of preparation for cleaning:

  • first, the woman undergoes an examination - tests (and primarily to detect infections), a coakulogram, bacteriological smears;
  • 14 days before the procedure you must stop taking all food additives, if they are present in the patient’s diet. If a woman is forced to take medications in connection with other diseases, this point must be adjusted together with the doctor who will carry out the cleaning;
  • 3 days before curettage, all sexual contacts are excluded and not used vaginal suppositories, sprays and tablets. When performing intimate hygiene, you cannot use any products - wash only with water;
  • so that the anesthesia does not give side effects, the last meal and drink should be taken 8-10 hours before surgery.

If a woman endures all the conditions, then the curettage (therapeutic or diagnostic) will be carried out efficiently and without complications.

After operation

Cleaning the uterus is akin to the natural rejection of the mucous membrane during menstruation. Therefore, after the procedure, a woman will have the same symptoms as during menstruation - pain in the lower abdomen, uterine contractions, bloody issues.

How many there's a mess going on after cleaning? The main layer of the epidermis, which should have come out during menstruation, has already been removed by curettage. Therefore, after the operation, residual discharge with blood clots will be observed.

This lasts several hours and is considered normal. But for 7-10 days the woman may still experience minor spotting.

For 2 weeks after cleansing, it is advisable to give the body rest, excluding sex and exercise. You shouldn't use tampons or douche yet. Baths, saunas and steam baths are also excluded. Aspirin, which affects blood clotting, is contraindicated among medications.

If a situation arises in life when it is necessary to undergo a cleaning procedure, then you should trust a highly qualified specialist. The more equipped gynecological clinic modern medical equipment, the greater the chance that the operation will take place without complications. At the same time, you should not choose where it is cheaper - you need to rely on professionalism.

Uterine curettage is a surgical procedure in which the top layer of the uterine lining is removed. The operation is performed with special instruments or vacuum. Often, in order to carry out cleansing, it is necessary to first expand the uterine cavity using instrumental or medicinal methods.

Nowadays, gynecological cleansing is done for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Since general anesthesia is used for the procedure, sometimes hysteroscopy is performed along with it, during which the uterine cavity is examined and, if necessary, curettage of other areas is performed.

Many women are interested in in what cases curettage is performed, how long it lasts and how the recovery period goes. Let's look at these questions in more detail.

Types of curettage and indications for its implementation

There are two types of curettage: diagnostic and therapeutic. Diagnostic cleaning uterine examination is done if certain diseases of the reproductive system are suspected. It is prescribed if the following symptoms are present:

With this type of curettage, samples of the uterine lining are only taken, which are subsequently sent to the laboratory for histological examination. This analysis helps the doctor give the patient the correct diagnosis.

Therapeutic curettage of the uterine cavity is performed in the presence of certain diseases. These include:

Features of preparation, pain relief

Cleansing is often done 4-5 days before your period. This avoids big losses blood and shorten the recovery period.

Since curettage is surgical intervention, before it is carried out, you need to pass some tests. These include general analysis blood, determination of blood clotting time, vaginal smear, test for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis.

Preparation for surgery includes some other activities. 14-15 days before the procedure you need to stop taking any medications. If complete refusal is not possible, you should consult a doctor who will assess all the risks of using a particular drug. After all, there are drugs that can reduce blood clotting, increasing the likelihood of bleeding during surgery.

Preparation for curettage the day before it includes:

  • refusal of sexual intercourse;
  • carrying out intimate hygiene without the use of special means;
  • complete refusal of medications;
  • refusal to eat 12 hours before surgery;
  • performing an enema;
  • consultation with an anesthesiologist and a doctor who will perform uterine curettage.

How long the operation will last depends on the size of the pathological area. Often its duration does not exceed 20 minutes. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia.

Anesthesia is performed only by an anesthesiologist. If the patient is hyperexcitable, sedatives are administered intravenously several hours before surgery.

Since the operation does not last long, and there is practically no chance of stomach contents entering the respiratory tract, anesthesia is performed while maintaining natural breathing. The patient breathes on her own. At the same time, she is put on an oxygen mask. This type of anesthesia is called intravenous.

Intravenous anesthesia has a strong sedative effect, causing deep sleep and relieving pain. In Russia, general anesthesia is performed using ketamine, sodium thiopental, and propofol. Ketamine is used less and less because it is an old drug that can cause hallucinations. Such anesthesia will cause significant discomfort to the patient. The best choice Today it is anesthesia with propofol. The drug has a mild effect and causes light sleep and has virtually no side effects.

Methodology, postoperative period

To detect the cervix, a speculum is inserted into the vagina. Then the neck is fixed using special forceps. This is done to keep the uterus still during the entire procedure.

Using a special probe, the doctor passes through the cervical canal, enters the uterine cavity and measures its length. After determining this parameter, the uterine cavity is expanded. For this purpose, special expanders of different thicknesses are used. The doctor inserts each of them one by one into the cervical canal. This expansion is continued until the diameter of the canal reaches a size into which a curette, a curettage instrument, can freely pass.

Then the upper layer of the lining of the uterus is scraped. Use the smallest curette. In appearance, it resembles a spoon with a long handle and one sharp edge. This is the part where the cleansing is carried out. A sample of the mucous membrane is placed in a special container and sent to the laboratory for histological analysis. At heavy bleeding During surgery, a clamp is applied to the bleeding vessel.

In addition to instrumental scraping, vacuum cleaning is carried out. In this case, the mucous membrane of the uterus is sucked in with a special syringe. Vacuum cleansing is less traumatic and can sometimes be performed under local anesthesia. Such curettage is often performed after a miscarriage.

After surgery, the woman remains in the hospital. How much time she should spend in the hospital depends on the complexity of the operation and is determined by the attending physician. Usually the woman goes home after 1-3 days.

IN recovery period You need to closely monitor your body temperature and vaginal discharge. Spotting and spotting is considered normal. How long they last depends on the characteristics of the woman’s body. Discharge for no more than 10 days is considered normal.

If there is no discharge, but there is pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately inform your doctor. Similar signs indicates a hematometra - an accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity when it is blocked. The cause of this condition is a spasm of the cervical canal.

To prevent the development of hematomas, in the first days after surgery you need to take no-shpu.

The doctor also prescribes antibiotics. They are needed to prevent infection and inflammation. The labia and vagina should be washed with antiseptics once a day during the entire recovery period.

There are cases when, after curettage, uterine bleeding. In this case, copious amounts of blood are released from the vagina. It poses a threat to life and requires immediate stop. If the bleeding is not severe, oxytocin injections are given. Severe bleeding may require surgical control.

It is especially necessary to observe hygiene if curettage was performed due to a miscarriage. It is as a result of such cleaning that inflammatory processes often develop. There are cases when, after a miscarriage, a woman becomes infertile, and the reason for this is simple inflammation.

Curettage of the uterine cavity is surgical procedure, during which it is deleted upper layer uterine lining. For pain relief, general anesthesia is used exclusively. Cleaning is often carried out after a miscarriage, as well as for certain diseases of the reproductive system. It's quite simple surgery, however, in order to avoid complications, the postoperative period should be under strict medical supervision.

Unfortunately, not every pregnancy, even the most long-awaited one, ends in birth healthy baby. There are cases when a child dies in utero. This can happen to any woman, as there are many factors that lead to fetal failure. Fortunately, this happens in most cases.

In this article we will talk about such a method of treating a non-developing pregnancy as curettage of the uterine cavity.

information It is usually performed from 7 to 12 weeks of pregnancy. The method consists of removing the frozen fetus along with its membranes and cleaning the inner layer of the uterus.

Contraindications for surgery

There are contraindications for curettage, which can lead to serious complications. These include:

  • Various diseases of the body in the acute stage (diseases of the cardiovascular system, blood and others). To perform the operation, it is necessary to especially carefully prepare the woman for anesthesia.
  • Infectious processes of the female genital organs (colpitis, vaginitis, inflammation of the appendages), as there is a risk of spread of the inflammatory process. It is necessary to sanitize the genital tract locally (vaginal suppositories and tablets) and systemically (antimicrobial drugs).
  • Acute bacterial and viral infections (pneumonia, influenza and others).

Preparing for curettage of the uterine cavity

additionally Before the procedure, general clinical examinations are performed (general blood and urine tests, blood type and Rh factor are determined, an electrocardiogram is taken, a smear from the cervical canal, urethra and posterior arch, test for syphilis, biochemical analysis blood).

A woman needs to shave all the hair from her external genitalia and take a shower. The day before curettage, you should avoid eating heavy meals and eating foods that cause increased gas formation in the intestines. The operation is performed on an empty stomach, the last meal should be no later than 6 hours before. Otherwise, if it is necessary to urgently perform curettage during a frozen pregnancy, gastric lavage is performed.

Before curettage in case of non-developing pregnancy, it is advisable to prepare the cervix, especially in nulliparous women. This is done to gradually expand it and reduce trauma. To prepare the cervix, kelp (algae sticks) is used. They are inserted into the cervical canal, where, under the influence of the secretion, the kelp swells and expands it. They must be administered the day before the procedure.

It is also mandatory to consult and examine an anesthesiologist who will administer anesthesia, and an obstetrician-gynecologist.

How is the operation performed?

important The operation is performed on gynecological chair under general anesthesia (in the absence of contraindications to it) on an empty stomach.

Immediately before curettage, the woman is examined by a gynecologist to assess the size of the uterus, its location, and treats the external and internal genital organs with disinfectant solutions. After the anesthesia takes effect, the obstetrician-gynecologist begins to expand the cervical canal with special instruments (dilators). Next, using a curette (a gynecological instrument similar to a spoon with a hole inside), the cleaning itself is carried out. The contents of the uterus and the upper layer are removed. During the operation, substances that contract the uterus are injected. The procedure itself lasts about 15 minutes. The woman usually wakes up in the ward.

Recovery after surgery

Rehabilitation after a non-developing pregnancy and curettage of the uterine cavity is very important. It includes:

  • Purpose antibacterial drugs for the prevention of infectious complications.
  • Reception hormonal contraception for at least 3 months. This will normalize hormonal background and give an opportunity reproductive system relax.
  • Sexual rest for a month after curettage to prevent infection on the unprotected wound surface endometrium.
  • An examination by a gynecologist and an ultrasound examination are required to exclude any remaining membranes.
  • A subsequent pregnancy can be planned no earlier than 6 months after cleansing.

Menstruation most often occurs within a month after cleansing during a frozen pregnancy, but it can begin after 2 weeks and after 6-8 weeks.

Possible complications

As with any, even the most harmless and easy surgery, here there is also a risk of complications. In the case of curettage, these include:

  • Inflammatory processes. The uterine mucosa after curettage is similar to a wound surface. Therefore, any entry of a pathogen can lead to the development of inflammation of the endometrium (endometritis). Signs of endometritis are pain in the lower abdomen, increased body temperature, poor uterine contractions, incessant discharge from the genital tract, bad smell discharge.
  • Bleeding. It can develop during curettage, immediately after it, or after some time. The cause may be poor uterine contractions, residual ovum and its membranes, disorders in the blood coagulation system. Heavy bleeding can lead to anemia, so if there is heavy bleeding, you should consult a doctor.
  • Perforation of the uterine wall. It is the most serious complication that may require abdominal surgery. Fortunately, this rarely happens. Most often, its cause is the presence of deformation of the uterine cavity, myomatous nodes, structural features (saddle uterus).
  • Remnants of membranes. Curettage of the uterus is carried out as if blindly. An obstetrician-gynecologist, when performing cleaning, is guided by his feelings and experience. However, sometimes it is not possible to remove parts of the shells in the most inaccessible places, especially if the woman has any anatomical features. Therefore, it is important to do an ultrasound check after curettage to ensure that there are no residues. Typically, the symptoms of this complication are incessant bleeding, the uterus remains slightly larger than normal size.
  • Adhesive processes in the uterine cavity. Since curettage is the removal of the surface layer of the endometrium along with pregnancy, there is a possibility of damaging its basal layer if handled too roughly. IN in rare cases for this reason, they can develop in the uterine cavity. They can interfere with the implantation of pregnancy, which leads to infertility.

Contents [Show]

What it is?

Photos before and after

Indications and contraindications


Air Flow

  1. Painless.
  2. Availability.


  • Acute viral infections.
  • Problems with the functioning of the heart.
  • Childhood.

What's happened professional cleaning teeth

The progressive procedure is carried out in the dental office using special instruments to remove tartar and plaque, provide a whitening effect, reliable protection from caries. There are a number of methods to achieve the desired result, but in practice mechanical and ultrasonic methods are more often used. The first is more traumatic, while ultrasound provides safe hygienic teeth cleaning without pain or fear.

Indications and contraindications

Comprehensive teeth cleaning is a hygienic procedure accessible to everyone. Before performing it, a specialist at the clinic checks the presence medical indications and contraindications. A session is prescribed if you want to whiten the enamel by 2-3 tones, as well as in case of stone disease, after wearing braces for a long time, or if there is a disgusting plaque caused by poor nutrition, bad habits. A few hygiene sessions are enough to finally get rid of dental health problems and eliminate cosmetic defects.

There are also contraindications that significantly limit the list of patients for hygienic teeth cleaning. This:

  • progressive pregnancy;
  • respiratory pathologies of the acute stage;
  • myocardial problems;
  • hypersensitivity or erosion of enamel;
  • inflammatory processes of the gums.

How much does hygienic teeth cleaning at the dentist cost?

Before agreeing to a procedure, it is important to find out the cost. Only cleaning with a classic brush at home is available for free, but you have to pay extra for a professional session. As you know, carrying out one hygiene procedure is not enough to achieve the desired result; you must undergo full course, consisting of 7-10 scheduled cleanings. Prices vary, but approximate prices in the province can be found in detail below:

  1. Ultrasonic teeth cleaning, depending on the chosen method, costs from 500 to 2,000 rubles per item.
  2. Mechanical whitening method – from 100 rubles per unit.
  3. Laser teeth cleaning – from 3,500 rubles (if you participate in the promotion it always works out much cheaper).

Teeth brushing methods

If on preventive examination The dentist says that hygienic teeth cleaning is simply necessary; you should not refuse the proposed procedure. You have to spend time and money, but the desired result will please you and last a long time. It is important to find out in more detail the types and prices, follow medical recommendations, and rely on your financial capabilities.


During the procedure, doctors use a dental scaler, the vibration of which successfully removes tartar. Using this method, you can get rid of long-standing enamel deposits and restore the whiteness of your smile. To reduce the intensity of unpleasant deposits, water pressure is supplied, which has a cooling effect. The procedure feels painless, but in some cases clinical pictures Doctors use local anesthesia.

Laser teeth cleaning

The basis of the method is impact laser beam to liquid, since, in fact, all harmful formations on the surface of the enamel have a water structure like a sponge. Such a tool ensures rapid destruction and removal of plaque and stones, without damaging the structure of the entire row. The resulting effect lasts for six months or more, but all conditions of the session must be carefully observed.

In such a progressive way and according affordable price you can strengthen your gums and enamel, get long-lasting results in as soon as possible. There are no disadvantages of this hygienic method, and laser teeth cleaning is carried out in one stage without pain or discomfort. Among the negative points, it is worth emphasizing: the session cannot be performed for a child, age restrictions up to 18 years old.


The effectiveness and benefits of such hygienic teeth cleaning lies in real possibility quickly remove all dense deposits on enamel and stone. The procedure must be carried out once every six months as mandatory professional hygiene. The essence of the method is that using a medical instrument, powder with water under high pressure is applied to the surface of the enamel, which precisely ensures thorough cleaning and brightening by 3-4 tones.

Mechanical teeth cleaning

This is one of the very first methods of hygienic cleaning, which has a number of disadvantages. Contraindicated for sensitive enamel, it injures the dentition. At mechanical impact You can even remove outdated plaque and ensure whiteness, but to maintain the effect, the patient will have to completely give up bad habits and monitor their diet for coloring ingredients.

How to do teeth cleaning in dentistry

The procedure includes four stages, each of which replaces the next one in one session with the dentist. This makes teeth not only snow-white, but also strong, healthy, and provide reliable prevention caries at any age. In the absence of contraindications, the dentist’s sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. First of all, plaque and stones are painlessly removed with ultrasound. The scaler quickly breaks down all solid deposits and cleans surfaces tooth enamel. At this stage, there are no unpleasant sensations or discomfort; cleaning your teeth with ultrasound is not scary, it’s even pleasant.
  2. At the second stage, the doctor uses the innovative Air-flow technique, which provides high-quality cleaning of hard-to-reach areas of the dentition. A special substance is applied to the surface of the enamel, which fills all the cracks and subsequently destroys bacteria and hard deposits. The procedure is also painless, but it requires some time and patient perseverance.
  3. Then polishing occurs to prolong and consolidate the resulting aesthetic effect. With the help of a special abrasive paste The doctor ensures the shine and whiteness of the enamel, protects it from the action of pathogenic microbes, and eliminates the risk of developing carious cavities.
  4. The final stage of hygienic cleaning is the application of a special film impregnated with fluorine. This is an additional protection for teeth, which increases the natural stability of the dentition several times. The absence of one of the stated stages reduces the final effectiveness of this expensive hygiene session.

Preventive teeth cleaning at home

After carrying out a hygienic procedure in a hospital setting, the doctor gives the patient valuable recommendations. It is important to brush your teeth daily with the prescribed brush and toothpaste, and avoid the consumption of coloring foods and bad habits. It is advisable to perform the mandatory hygiene procedure twice a day - in the morning and before bed, and then do not eat any food until waking up in the morning.

Video: professional oral hygiene

Svetlana, 34 years old

I have undergone hygienic cleaning twice and was satisfied both times. Teeth turned into Hollywood smile. No unpleasant sensations, but final result lasts a long time. Ideally, go through this dental procedure preferably twice a year, but the third time the prices were already high. But I still recommend it.

Inga, 33 years old

I have had hygienic teeth cleaning only once in my life – before my wedding. The result obtained is unique, the teeth glowed in the sun. The doctor then told me that this effect would last for six months, but in my case repeat course I had to go in three months. I immediately refused, but in vain. If you constantly monitor oral hygiene, no caries is scary.


  • Versatility and quality -

Stage 3 – fluoridation

How much does professional teeth cleaning cost? The price for 2017 in economy class and mid-price clinics will average about 100 rubles per tooth (this includes cleaning and polishing).

For example, in the regions, at an all-inclusive rate, which includes removal of tartar + polishing of all teeth with AirFlow + fluoridation using a mouth guard with gel - cleaning costs approximately 2500–3000 rubles. In Moscow clinics, the price for “all inclusive” starts from 3,500 rubles, but if you do not have massive plaque, then simply polishing all your teeth with polishing brushes and paste will cost about 1,500 rubles.

Professional teeth cleaning includes the following:
Removing hard and soft plaque from tooth surfaces. This cleaning is done using an ultrasonic device.
Polishing teeth with polishing paste, which prevents plaque deposits. In addition, this paste may contain calcium and fluoride to remineralize tooth enamel.
If necessary, the patient undergoes medical applications to the gums antiseptic solutions.
This is a complex preventive measures, and requires patience and time.

Ultrasonic cleaning takes about 30 minutes. Exact time It is better for you to check the procedures at the clinic. And, be patient, it’s worth it :)

Additional information on the issue

Teeth cleaning– a hygienic procedure for cleaning the surface of teeth from food debris and soft plaque. Usually performed with a toothbrush and/or dental floss. Probably the first description of the procedure for brushing teeth is given by Diodorus Siculus: “the Celts brush their teeth with urine, believing that this improves health.” Most dentists recommend brushing your teeth twice a day, after meals. Basic hygiene procedure evening brushing of teeth before going to bed is an option, since unremoved plaque and food formed during the day contribute to the rapid proliferation of bacteria and, consequently, the development of caries and gum inflammation. It is necessary to brush your teeth at least twice a day: 1 – in the morning after breakfast, not at empty stomach; 2 – before bed, after the last meal/liquid. Dental floss is designed to thoroughly remove plaque and food debris from the spaces between teeth. Since brushing your teeth does not completely remove plaque from the interdental spaces, flossing your teeth is a necessary addition. Elixirs improve the cleansing of dental surfaces, prevent the formation of plaque, and deodorize the oral cavity. They are a homogeneous transparent liquid containing biologically active components and have a certain odor and color.

Teeth– formations consisting mainly of hard tissues are intended for primary mechanical processing of food. In animals it is also used as a weapon for defense and attack or threat. In humans, they are also involved in the formation of speech sounds and are also an important part of a wide smile. Dental anatomy is a branch of anatomy that deals with the structure of teeth. Oral hygiene is a means of preventing dental caries, gingivitis, periodontal disease, bad breath and other dental diseases.

Professional teeth cleaning or whitening?

For some reason, I used to associate professional teeth cleaning with some absolutely unnecessary and not so necessary procedure.

Having visited the dentist once again, I was told that I definitely needed to have it cleaned and get rid of the stone. A year has passed. This recommendation I ignored it.

At the same time, my teeth sometimes bled when brushing at home.

Just recently the time has come to see the dentist again for caries and wisdom teeth that are bothering me. And again I hear: “Cleaning needs to be done, teeth cleaning, urgently.”

So I decided to do it!

My friend, who does this procedure regularly every six months, convinced me that this is absolutely painless procedure, so there is nothing to worry about and I almost believed it.

I signed up for the procedure at the Everest Clinic (on Vasilevsky Island in St. Petersburg). During this period they had a promotion for professional teeth cleaning (-50%, maybe it’s still going on now, I don’t know). The procedure accordingly cost me 1950 rubles. (Many clinics often hold promotions for this service - so if you want to do it cheaper, you can find them, of course, via the Internet).

So the procedure itself:

They sat me down in a chair, put on a cap, a special one. glasses, a bib...And...oh God...they covered me with something that looked like a sheet with a hole for the mouth. Those. I saw absolutely nothing that happened there.

And this very fact caused me just wild stress! (I needed to control the process :-))), because of this, the whole procedure took place in a state of insane tension throughout the whole body.

The procedure, as previously described here, consisted of several stages. The most unpleasant first is ultrasound. I can’t say that it hurt, sometimes just a little bit (I think in those places where the tartar had settled well), but it was absolutely tolerable. Then there was some kind of apparatus blowing air, blowing water, and an active pressure with something similar in sensations to soda or ground sand. That's all! There were no brushes or rubber sanding pads (as my friend described there were none). After the procedure, I was given to rinse my mouth with something similar to mouthwash (blue liquid).

I was not given any anesthesia (and I would not really need it, I say again - there is no pain). The only fear was that they covered me with this sheet. Although, when I read other reviews, I realized that it’s good that I didn’t see anything!))))

The procedure lasted about 15 minutes. (but sitting in the chair it seemed to me even less).



Outwardly, I didn’t see much of a difference. As soon as the effect of the cleaned blackness with inside on lower jaw(smokers will understand).

The teeth after the procedure are very smooth.

No increased sensitivity of the teeth was noticed (no changes). The gums were slightly replenished - by the evening their condition returned to normal.

My teeth stopped bleeding when brushing at home.


Going to the dentist is scary for most people. After all, everyone knows how painful and unpleasant it is to treat dental diseases. But it is much more comfortable if you use professional teeth cleaning - we will provide what it is, price, reviews and photos below.

To prevent problems such as caries, gingivitis, periodontal disease, pulpitis and other oral diseases, it is necessary to clean plaque in a timely manner. If you accustom yourself to similar procedure on on a regular basis, then the dentist’s services will cost much less, and the teeth themselves will be healthy, and you will forget about the pain and unpleasant manipulations of the doctor.

What it is?

Professional dental cleaning is a painless but smart way to maintain good oral health. perfect order. Any of the available methods will remove plaque of varying complexity, including tartar. After all, it is these formations that help bacteria accumulate and multiply intensively, which subsequently lead to a variety of diseases.

This means that by eliminating plaque in time, you can prevent most of the unpleasant consequences that no one likes to treat. It is also worth noting that professional cleaning is much cheaper than treatment, restoration, and even more so prosthetics and implantation. Those patients who visit the doctor once a year for specialized cleaning forget about pain and cease to be afraid of dentists and their equipment.

Why do you need professional teeth cleaning?

In progress daily use Plaque appears on food and drinks on its own and can be cleaned with toothpaste and a brush. Initially, these formations are soft and easily removed, but only in accessible places. But once they get into the spaces between teeth or periodontal pockets, they become practically inaccessible for removal at home.

Over time, this soft plaque will begin to mineralize and harden, turning into tartar. And you can’t clean it with a brush; more aggressive methods are needed. Why does this happen? It's all very simple - the hardened surface is practically resistant to soft brushes.

The resulting tartar causes a lot of harm to the entire oral cavity. And it's not even about appearance smiles and darkened teeth. Much worse is that hardened plaque becomes an excellent environment for the active growth of bacteria. And they, in turn, destroy solid and soft fabrics, leading to caries, gingivitis and other dental diseases.

Doctors say that even a healthy tooth can fall out simply because a lot of hard stone has accumulated around it. In addition, bad breath appears, and the smile leaves much to be desired.

There is only one way out - visit the dental clinic once a year for professional cleaning in any way suitable for you.

Photos before and after

Indications and contraindications

Unlike medical procedures, which are used only for certain indications, dental cleaning is desirable for absolutely everyone. Once a year, or even better, every six months, get examined by a doctor and clean the plaque before it leads to the formation of more serious problems.

There are few restrictions for carrying out such manipulations; they mainly relate to some separate method, for example, laser cleaning, but at the same time all others remain available.

So, you should carefully select a method in the following conditions:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • childhood;
  • enamel is too thin and sensitive;
  • serious respiratory diseases;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • increased tooth wear;
  • various infections in the acute stage;
  • the presence of gingivitis, stomatitis or periodontal disease.

In these cases, you should cure the initial problem or wait a while, and sometimes opt for a more gentle cleaning method. An experienced dentist will select the appropriate option and tell you which one is best for you.


There are several ways to clean plaque, and the doctor selects each of them depending on the sensitivity of the patient’s enamel, as well as the complexity of the deposits. So, the very first procedure will be regular cleaning with a special brush and professional paste, which is used to treat the enamel.

But most often this is only the initial stage, followed by special manipulations, the features of which will directly depend on the chosen cleaning method.

Air Flow

One of the simple and accessible methods for cleaning the tooth surface from plaque and tartar is Air Flow. The method of such cleaning is based on a stream of air and water with the addition of ordinary soda. Thanks to high pressure, soda perfectly breaks down deposits of any complexity, reaching the most inaccessible places. And water gently cleanses away plaque residues and softens the harsh effects of soda, lowering the temperature of the tooth surface.

It is important to correctly adjust the jet strength, taking into account the thickness of the enamel, the sensitivity of the patient, and the hardness and neglect of tartar. The advantages of the method are:

  1. Painless.
  2. Availability.
  3. Efficiency and complete safety for the patient's health.

The disadvantages may be minor contraindications and a relatively short-term result - it will last on average for six months.


This method is considered the most effective for dental health, as it can remove not only visible stone and plaque, but also, more importantly, subgingival formations. They are not amenable to virtually any type of cleaning and are difficult to even diagnose. However, such a stone has a much stronger effect on the health of the tooth.

Using a special device and a convenient attachment that can reach any difficult places in the oral cavity, they influence ultrasonic waves for all dental deposits. They are destroyed, and a stream of water gently washes away the remains. Moreover, the procedure is completely painless, safe for the enamel surface, and the effect lasts for a year.

The only disadvantages are some contraindications:

  • Acute viral infections.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system, bronchitis and asthma.
  • Increased sensitivity of enamel.
  • Problems with the functioning of the heart.
  • Childhood.
  • The presence of diseases such as tuberculosis, HIV, hepatitis, etc.
  • Any implants not only in the oral cavity, but also in the patient’s body in general.


This type of cleaning, which is more often called laser whitening, includes much more than previous methods. To understand what is included in the procedure, you need to explain the principle of operation:

  • Under the rays of the device, all moisture evaporates, of which there is much more in plaque than in enamel or dentin.
  • As a result, excess formations come off in layers, leaving the tooth surface clean.
  • If a special gel is used, then when activated with a laser, it can also additionally change the shade of the dentin itself, which is almost impossible to influence in any other way.

Thus, the patient receives not only a clean oral cavity, but also maximum enamel whitening. The results of the procedure will last for several years.

True, laser cleaning has much more more contraindications than any other methods, and its price is significantly higher. Among the restrictions for the procedure are mentioned:

  1. Childhood.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  3. Installed braces or implants.
  4. Hypersensitivity of tooth enamel.
  5. Heart diseases.
  6. Various general infections.
  7. As well as HIV, tuberculosis and hepatitis.

Despite such caution, more and more people are resorting to laser whitening, since it happens completely without pain, quickly, and the effect lasts much longer than with any other manipulation. Patients also like the noiselessness of the method and the lack of contact of the device with the tooth surface.

Stages of the procedure

To do everything correctly, the doctor must examine the patient’s oral cavity, determine whether there are any contraindications to the procedure, and only then proceed to certain steps:

  1. Impact electric brush and special chemical composition.
  2. Cleaning plaque and stone using the selected professional method, which we described above.
  3. The use of strips - special rigid tapes with a rough surface. It is pushed between the teeth, thereby reaching the sides as much as possible.
  4. Polishing counts important stage, preventing further education raid. After all, if you leave the cleaned surface as is, then bacteria will begin to accumulate in the recesses that appear, invisible to the eye, at a much higher speed than it was before. Only by grinding the tooth enamel can you achieve its smoothness, which will make plaque formation difficult.
  5. To protect dental tissue, the doctor last stage applies a special fluoridating composition that can improve the health of the enamel, strengthen it and protect it from harmful effects.

Only after going through all the stages of cleaning can you be sure that the procedure was successful. But it is equally important to follow the doctor’s further recommendations, which should be applied at home after the professional procedure.

Obviously, if hygiene rules are not followed, bacteria will very quickly fill all cleaned areas and the effect of the procedure will be short-lived. To prevent this from happening, doctors must teach the patient the basics of oral hygiene. This includes:

  • Daily cleaning done correct movements and a quality toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • Usage special threads for cleaning the interdental space.
  • Rinse your mouth after every meal.
  • It is also important to give up some bad habits, such as drinking alcohol, smoking and excessive coffee and carbonated drinks.

Recommendations include regular visits to the dentist. Doctors advise to perform an examination every six months and carry out regular cleaning on time using professional methods. Only in this case can you be sure not only of a constant radiant smile, but also of the absolute health of your teeth and gums.

Professional cleaning for children

Ultrasound and laser cleansing Among their contraindications are children's age. This is due to the fact that until the age of 16-18 the enamel structure is formed and is not able to protect itself from aggressive influences. Therefore, regular cleanings remain available special brushes and compositions, as well as Air Flow.

If you accustom your child to regular cleaning in the dentist's chair, this will bring good results:

  • The baby will not be afraid of the doctor, and in the future it will be easier to agree to various procedures and manipulations.
  • Keeping your mouth clean helps keep your teeth and gums healthy, which means you will visit dentists less in the future because you won’t have any dental problems.
  • Under the influence of communication with a doctor, the child becomes accustomed to regular, and most importantly, correct hygiene procedures.

From this article you will learn:

  • how to get rid of tartar and pigment plaque,
  • what cleaning methods exist,
  • professional teeth cleaning – price 2018.

The article was written by a periodontist with more than 19 years of experience.

Professional teeth cleaning is a procedure that includes the removal of hard dental deposits and pigmented plaque, which is carried out at a dentist’s appointment. Tartar and plaque can be cleaned various methods(ultrasound, AirFlow, Vector), or a combination thereof.

At home, using a toothbrush and toothpaste, you can successfully remove only soft plaque from your teeth (Fig. 1). However, if the latter is not cleaned off in time, then it is gradually saturated with calcium salts contained in saliva. As a result of the mineralization process, the microbial plaque turns into tartar (Fig. 2-3), which can only be removed by a dentist.

Important: The process of primary mineralization and soft plaque occurs on average in 6-12 hours. U different people this time may vary due to characteristics, for example, the composition of saliva, breathing through the mouth. Thus, if you have not brushed your teeth during this time, then it will remain on your teeth. thin layer partially mineralized plaque that can no longer be removed with a regular toothbrush.

As soon as a rough film of plaque appears on the smooth enamel of teeth, the process of formation of tartar accelerates many times over. This is due to the fact that it is quite difficult for oral microorganisms to adhere to the smooth surface of tooth enamel. They stick to a rough surface very easily, very quickly increasing the mass of dental plaque.

The best method for professional cleaning is

Removing hard dental deposits always consists of two stages: firstly, the direct removal of the stone, and secondly, the mandatory polishing of the teeth after removing the stone, plaque, and pigment. After removing deposits, microparticles of plaque always remain on the surface of the tooth, which create a rough surface on which everything will stick again very quickly. Therefore, polishing is a must!

Removal of dental plaque and a massive layer of pigment should be done only with the help of ultrasound. But polishing can be done after this either with special polishing brushes and pastes - this process is reminiscent of brushing teeth with an electric toothbrush... Or with the help of AirFlow - this is a polishing method using a special apparatus that forms a water-air mixture with abrasive particles.

Important: Professional teeth cleaning ideally combines ultrasonic calculus removal + AirFlow polishing. If you only have mild pigmentation, then you can only do AirFlow.

Stage 1 – ultrasonic cleaning of tartar

Ultrasound cleaning of tartar is universal and most common in the world. The device for removing tartar can be built into a dental unit, or it can be made as a separate unit. Such a device is called an ultrasonic scaler (scaler).

What is ultrasonic cleaning (Fig. 4-6) –
The tip of the ultrasonic scaler has a working nozzle, the tip of which makes high-frequency oscillatory movements of ultrasonic frequency (from 25 to 50 kHz). In addition, during the cleaning process, water or an antiseptic solution is always supplied to the tip of the instrument, which are simultaneously removed from the oral cavity through a saliva ejector.

Removal of deposits and pigment plaque occurs through two processes. Firstly, the oscillating tip of the nozzle, when in contact with tartar and pigmented plaque, mechanically destroys their attachment to the tooth. The main condition here is that the linear oscillatory movements of the tip of the nozzle are directed along the surface of the tooth - then all excess will be removed, and the tooth enamel will remain intact.

Secondly, the removal of dental plaque and pigment occurs due to the cavitation effect. Water is not supplied to the tip of the nozzle in vain. Oscillations of ultrasonic frequency in an aqueous environment cause the formation of numerous bubbles, which seem to explode, releasing energy that is sufficient to destroy plaque and bacterial film on the surface of the enamel and tooth root.

Advantages of ultrasonic cleaning –

  • Versatility and quality -
    Ultrasonic cleaning removes everything: pigment plaque and hard dental deposits, both supragingival and subgingival. Ultrasonic scalers usually have several attachments that are changed during the cleaning procedure. Large, short tips are used to remove massive stone, while longer and thinner ones are used to work in periodontal pockets (to remove subgingival dental plaque).
  • Bactericidal effect of ultrasound –
    In patients with periodontitis, most of the infection is concentrated in periodontal pockets. Ultrasonic cleaning of subgingival deposits, due to the effect of cavitation, suppresses the pathogenic microflora of periodontal pockets, and the flow of liquid (which is supplied to the tip of the nozzle) simultaneously promotes their rinsing.
  • Comfort and affordable price -
    The procedure is usually painless, but some vibration will be felt. Pain is usually associated with sensitive tooth necks, or with working in deep periodontal pockets. In the latter cases, anesthesia can be given. The cost of cleaning for 1 tooth is only 80-100 rubles, which is much cheaper than procedures using the Vесtor device.

Professional teeth cleaning: before and after photos

Under massive dental deposits, the mucous membrane is always thinned, swollen, and bleeds easily. Therefore, slight bleeding during and after the procedure is possible. To quickly normalize the gums after the procedure, they are treated with special gels, for example, CholisalGel.

Disadvantages of ultrasonic cleaning –

  • Ultrasound machines of the old generation –
    Ultrasonic scalers are very different from each other, and their most important difference lies in the shape of the movement of the tip of the working nozzle. Such movements should only be linear, which guarantees no damage to the tooth enamel and root surface. Only ultrasonic piezoelectric scalers satisfy this requirement, for example from EMS (Piezon), Satelec, etc.

    There are many cheap, outdated devices that can still be found in private dental clinics. It's about about sonic and magnetostrictive scalers, which also produce ultrasonic oscillatory waves, but the vibrations of the tip of the working nozzle of such scalers have a circular or elliptical shape (Fig. 9).

    Movements of the tip of the elliptical and circular nozzle are guaranteed to injure the tooth surface, because the tip will hit the enamel, and not move strictly along its surface, as happens with piezoelectric scalers (the tip of which moves strictly linearly). Therefore, the doctor’s main task when working with piezoelectric ultrasonic scalers is to ensure that the tip of the nozzle always moves along the surface of the tooth and does not stand perpendicular to the surface.

  • Complications due to the incompetence of the doctor -
    It’s not that difficult to remove supragingival dental plaque... This can be done in 1 hour from all teeth, including polishing and fluoridation. But most people also have subgingival dental plaque, which is localized under the gum in periodontal pockets. Such deposits are not visible visually and must be specifically looked for.

    Searching for such deposits, and especially their high-quality removal, is a very long process and often requires 3-4 procedures. Very few doctors know how and want to do this. Therefore, high-quality professional cleaning in patients with periodontitis should be carried out only by periodontists who specialize in gum disease. If you really only have supragingival deposits, then you can safely go to a regular dentist.

Stage 2 of cleaning – teeth polishing

The traditional method of polishing is the use of special polishing brushes and pastes (Fig. 10), and polishing the contacts between teeth is carried out using strips - special thin strips with abrasive applied to them.

The AirFlow method, developed by the Swiss company EMS, involves polishing teeth using a water-air mixture containing abrasive particles (Fig. 11). The mixture is supplied under pressure and allows you to remove everything that remains from your teeth. ultrasonic cleaning, polishing them to a mirror shine. The freshness in the mouth after such polishing is simply amazing.

Professional oral hygiene: photos before and after ultrasonic cleaning + AirFlow

Stage 3 – fluoridation

This is not a mandatory step, however, it is highly desirable. It will strengthen weakened enamel, reduce tooth hypersensitivity, and is an excellent prevention of caries. Fluoridation involves applying fluoride-containing gels/varnishes to the surface of teeth for a short period of time.

Professional teeth cleaning: price

How much does professional teeth cleaning cost? The price for 2018 in economy-class and mid-price clinics will average about 100 rubles per tooth (this includes cleaning and polishing).

For example, in the regions, at an all-inclusive rate, which includes removal of tartar + polishing of all teeth with AirFlow + fluoridation using a mouth guard with gel - cleaning costs approximately 2500–3500 rubles. In Moscow clinics, the price for “all inclusive” starts from 4,000 rubles, but if you do not have massive plaque, then simply polishing all your teeth with polishing brushes and paste will cost about 2,000 rubles.



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