When can you have a baby? When can you get pregnant: learning to count the days

For a representative of the fair sex, on the one hand, it is easy to get pregnant, but on the other, it is difficult. Why is there such duality? Let's turn to physiology. The woman has reproductive age happens monthly around the middle of the cycle. This term refers to the release of a mature egg from the ovary. This process takes only 1-2 days.

Many people, having read the text written above, will probably think that getting pregnant is very simple - you just need to have sex with your partner before and after it. However, everything is not as simple as it seems. If it were possible to get pregnant strictly in the middle of the cycle, then there would be no unwanted pregnancies and women who dream of a child, but cannot get pregnant for some reason.

On what days is it impossible to conceive a baby?

During what period you are most likely to get pregnant: ways to determine

You can calculate the most favorable days for conception not only with the help calendar method. There are several other more effective ways:

  1. Definition basal temperature;
  2. Carrying out ovulation tests;
  3. Folliculometry;
  4. Subjective feelings.

1. Determination of basal temperature

To calculate the period when the probability of conceiving a child is high, it is necessary to measure the basal temperature in the anus every morning after waking up from the beginning of the menstrual cycle (from the 1st day of menstruation).

Errors can occur for several reasons:

  • due to overwork or illness (during such periods the temperature is always elevated);
  • if you drank a lot of alcohol before the measurement;
  • due to taking certain medications;
  • if sexual intercourse occurred 6 hours (or less) before measurement;
  • due to lack of sleep.

Based on the measurement data, a graph should be drawn up that can be updated daily with new results. In the first half of the menstrual cycle, the temperature ranges from 36.6 to 36.9 degrees. It rises above 37 degrees after the release of a mature egg.

You can find out when ovulation occurs by carefully studying the chart. On days 12-16, basal temperature may decrease slightly. This will herald the onset of ovulation in the coming hours. This is the period during which you can get pregnant. At this time, women dreaming of a baby should have sex.

2. Carrying out ovulation tests

Modern and more precise means determining the release of an egg - ovulation tests. They are even similar to tests that can be used to find out if you are pregnant. The result is shown as 2 bars. The only difference between the tests is the reagents. For example, ovulation detectors contain a substance that responds to the presence of luteinizing hormone (LH), the level of which rises in the body 23-36 hours before ovulation.

In order not to miss the long-awaited event, you need to take tests every day and at the same time. After ovulation, LH levels drop significantly, and then the stripes begin to show negative result. Manufacturers producing ovulation tests include several strips in the package. Thanks to this, this method of determining favorable days for conception is as justified and convenient as possible.

3. Folliculometry

Diagnosing the period during which you can get pregnant is very simple by using ultrasound examination (ultrasound). This method cannot be called economical. It is suitable for those representatives of the fair sex who want to conceive a child, but they just can’t do it.

It is recommended to visit the ultrasound room from the 10th day after the start last menstrual period. Your doctor will evaluate your height within a few days. dominant follicle in the ovary. When it reaches a size of 18-24 mm in diameter, an egg ready for fertilization will be released. Follicle formation may not lead to ovulation. It may not rupture, but regress. Such cases are rare, but they do occur in real life.

The main signs of the onset favorable period for conception, which sees medical worker on the monitor during an ultrasound - this is corpus luteum, located in the ovary without a dominant follicle, as well as some fluid behind the uterus.

The quality of the endometrium influences the onset of pregnancy. It is known that an egg fertilized by a sperm must be implanted into the uterine wall for subsequent development. If by the time of ovulation the endometrium does not reach a certain thickness, then pregnancy will not occur, since the fertilized egg will not be able to attach to the uterus and will die.

4. Subjective sensations

This method is not 100% reliable, but many women who are sensitive and attentive manage to determine the days on which the probability of becoming pregnant is high. Every month the sensations are repeated. If you listen to your body, you can draw some conclusions.

The most common signs of a favorable period for conception are:

  • emergence pain in the lower abdomen or the location of one of the ovaries;
  • sudden increase in sexual appetite;
  • copious vaginal discharge. They can be easily noticed by any experienced gynecologist. Discharges are different from symptoms of infectious diseases. They are colorless and odorless. After 2-3 days, the discharge disappears without a trace until the next cycle.

Representatives of the fair sex undergo 1-2 times a year cycles called anovulatory. They represent a kind of “reboot” female body. It is impossible to get pregnant at this time. These days can be determined very easily. Here are their main features:

  • when measuring basal temperature, no jumps are observed;
  • answers

    There comes a moment in the life of almost every woman when she suddenly realizes that she “wants a baby.” Of course, it would be nice if the baby was born like in the movies: conception, change of shot, and now he is in his mother’s arms. But in reality, pregnancy is long and difficult process which needs to be planned.

    - Johnny, I want us to have a baby, today, now! In your films, people kiss, and a minute later they have a baby.
    – You see, Diana, this is called editing.
    - Oh, Johnny, make me a montage!

    film “The Man from Capuchin Boulevard”

    There comes a moment in the life of almost every woman when she suddenly realizes that she “wants a baby.” Of course, it would be nice if everything in our lives happened as easily as the heroine of the mentioned film wanted. Everything would be much simpler - change the frame and now “Johnny” has made you a baby, the next frame, and “Johnny Jr.” is already taking his first steps.

    Miraculously nine many months waiting, toxicosis, inexplicable mood swings and running to doctors would turn into an instant. But unfortunately (or fortunately?) life is not a movie, and you will have to get used to the idea that pregnancy is a long, complex and very responsible process.

    Pregnancy makes a woman especially beautiful

    Couples who decide to add to their family need to prepare thoroughly. When is the best time to get pregnant, of course, you decide for yourself (although more often it’s just a matter of chance), and yet a thorough approach to pregnancy planning is very important for those who want to have a healthy baby.

    Almost all couples sooner or later wonder when is the best time to conceive a child. The logical answer to this question is: when you are ready for it. Readiness in this case can be determined by the following criteria:


    The most important factor when planning pregnancy is assessing the health status of both spouses. It is very important to visit a general practitioner who, at the first examination, will give necessary recommendations, and if necessary, he will send you for a consultation specialized specialists. For example, to a gynecologist who can tell you when is the best time to conceive a child. The mandatory program also includes testing for TORCH infections (infections that can cause fetal pathology).

    For the formation of a healthy fetus, it is very important that the child is desired

    If a woman has chronic diseases, she should consult with her doctor, since taking many drugs during pregnancy is not recommended. medicines. Thus, it is reliably known that about 3% of all birth defects appear in children due to taking medicines, prohibited for use during pregnancy - antibiotics, sedatives, anticonvulsants, etc. If it is not possible to completely abandon medications, the doctor can replace them with more gentle analogues.

    Reconsider your lifestyle; it is clear that if you regularly “kill the horse” with nicotine and periodically drink alcohol, you are risking the health of your unborn child. Focus on regular and proper nutrition, playing sports, giving up bad habits.

    Psychological factor

    Psychological readiness to have a child is the second very important factor. A child is, of course, happiness, but if you see your future family life calm and cloudless, visit friends who already have a child. They will tell you what a “calm” and “serene” life is, especially the first years of a baby’s life.

    A woman begins to love her child and feel an inextricable connection with him long before his birth.

    Having realized the real state of affairs, do not give up. Positive attitude coupled with a real assessment of your capabilities will help you adequately perceive what is happening. Remember, you must be prepared for the difficulties that will inevitably arise during the period of bearing and forming a child.

    Best days to get pregnant

    The menstrual cycle lasts on average 28 days (+/- 7 days). There are 5-6 days in the middle of the cycle when conception is more likely than on other days. The most favorable day for conception is the day of ovulation. You can calculate it by monitoring your menstrual cycle for six months or more.

    The best time to get pregnant is the day of ovulation (the chance of conceiving is ~33%)

    As you know, the sex of the unborn child can be determined at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. And it is during this period that future parents begin to actively consult doctors and resort to ultrasound in order to find out the sex of the child and understand whether he is developing correctly. The question of the baby's gender is of fundamental importance for many couples. Some want a boy heir, others a girl assistant. If you are not indifferent to the gender of your unborn child, then take this point into account when planning your pregnancy.

    A sign that helps determine the sex of the child: if at the beginning of pregnancy a woman does not feel very sick, it means there is a girl inside, but if the nausea is frequent and intense, then they are expecting a boy.

    When is it better to conceive a girl and when to conceive a boy? You can find a lot of information on this topic on the Internet. Having looked through it, for example, you will learn that a man wearing tight underwear increases the likelihood of conceiving a girl, while looser underwear increases the chances of conceiving a boy. There are even special calculators that calculate better days get pregnant. However, there are no guaranteed methods to conceive a boy or girl ( artificial insemination we do not take into account).

    When is the best time to conceive a child? How to quickly conceive a child? How to plan a pregnancy? These questions become more popular every year, which is certainly worthy of praise.

    After all, in modern world not every person can boast in a healthy way life: we are exposed to harmful factors environment, stressful situations at work, accepting different medicines, we don’t eat right, but someone has these bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol, etc. In general, all these unfavorable factors not the most in the best possible way will affect pregnancy. This is why pre-pregnancy planning is so important, which includes not only tests and examinations from doctors, but also purely personal factors - individual for everyone, which influence the choice of the optimal time for conceiving (birth) of a child.

    However, before talking about when is the best time to conceive a child, let’s make a reservation that with scientific point It is impossible to accurately answer this question. And in general, I think you will agree that “unplanned” but desired children are just as healthy, smart and loved as planned ones, except that with proper pregnancy planning, the risk of having a baby with one or another pathology is several times less.

    Therefore, if there is such an opportunity, it is better to plan your pregnancy, and accordingly choose the most favorable time to conceive a child. We will consider the main factors that may influence your decision “when is the best time to conceive a child” below.

    When is the best time to conceive a child, from a medical point of view?

    Methods of contraception and their effect on conceiving a child

    • If you used oral contraceptives It is better for you to refrain from conceiving for 2-3 cycles (from the moment you stop using contraceptives). During this period of time, your hormonal and vitamin-mineral levels will normalize;
    • If you had intrauterine device, you should also try not to get pregnant for 2-3 cycles. During this time, the uterine wall and activity will be restored. fallopian tubes. And your body will be ready to conceive a child;
    • But after using spermicide pastes, you can plan to conceive a child in the next cycle. However, please note that if pregnancy occurs while using these contraception, the fetus may experience developmental defects.
    Well, such contraceptives as a diaphragm and condoms do not in any way affect the ability to conceive a healthy child.

    Break between births

    • You should think about the possibility of a second pregnancy two years after the previous birth; this period must be observed especially strictly for women after caesarean section. In addition, it is better to conceive a child no earlier than 6 months after stopping breastfeeding. This period will be enough to restore the female body;
    • It is better to wait 6 months for those women who have had a miscarriage or abortion. This time is best used for correction possible violations(in case of spontaneous miscarriage) or to restore the body (in case of artificial abortion).
    • At least 3 months before the planned conception of a child, you must give up bad habits;
    • Women suffering from one or another chronic disease, pregnancy is permitted upon the onset of stable remission or in the absence of exacerbations for 1-5 years (considered individually - depends on the nature of the disease);
    • If acute infectious disease, it is recommended to plan pregnancy 2 months after recovery.

    Best days to conceive

    If you are at the planning stage of pregnancy, you have probably already read or heard somewhere about such a concept as ovulation. Ovulation is short period time in the middle of the menstrual cycle during which fertilization is possible. This period averages 1-2 days - female germ cells are in an active state.

    You can calculate the day of conception of a child using different methods.

    For women whose periods always begin after the same period of time (regular periods), you can easily calculate the onset of the next ovulation, thus identifying the most favorable time to conceive a child.

    How to correctly calculate ovulation?

    As a rule, ovulation occurs 14-16 days (on average 2 weeks) before the start of a new one. menstrual bleeding. So, if your menstrual cycle is 28 days, the best time to conceive a child is 14-15 days from the first day of the cycle (the first day is the day the menstruation ends). Of course, this date may vary - it all depends on your individual characteristics.

    You can more accurately calculate ovulation by measuring basal temperature or a home test; by the way, these methods are indispensable when calculating ovulation in women with irregular cycle. The method for measuring basal temperature is extremely simple: you need to measure the temperature in the rectum every day without getting out of bed - immediately after waking up, its increase by 0.2-0.4 degrees will indicate the beginning of ovulation.

    Another method of determining when ovulation has occurred is to check your vaginal mucus. The fact is that immediately before and during ovulation, the mucus changes: it becomes viscous, thin and transparent, similar to the white of a raw egg.

    On this moment time, the best method for calculating favorable days for fertilization is considered to be the symptothermal method: i.e. using all the methods listed above (keeping a calendar, measuring basal temperature and monitoring quality characteristics vaginal mucus).

    In addition, you can use special tests to determine the time of ovulation - they are sold in pharmacies (5 tests are included in the kit). And they work on the same principle as tests to determine pregnancy (upon contact with urine: in case of ovulation, 2 stripes will appear on it).

    Planning the future gender of the child

    As mentioned above: female germ cells are on average capable of fertilization within 1-2 days. And male reproductive cells (spermatozoa) are active for about 3-4 days. Thus, you can get pregnant even if you have sexual intercourse on the eve of ovulation. If you managed to accurately determine the moment of the onset of ovulation, you have 48 hours to conceive.

    But just depending on when (before ovulation or on time) the sperm will enter the fallopian tubes and the sex of the unborn child will depend.

    What is this connected with? The fact is that the sex of the child determines sex chromosome, located in the sperm. Some sperm carry a Y chromosome (male), others an X chromosome (female). And accordingly, the mobility and life expectancy of sex chromosomes are also different.

    Thus, sperm carrying the Y chromosome are several times more mobile than sperm carrying the X chromosome. But at the same time, they live less - about 24-36 hours, but the life expectancy of sperm carrying the X chromosome is on average twice as long - 48-72 hours.

    In principle, these data can be safely used when planning the gender of the child.

    How to conceive a boy

    Try to conceive on the day of ovulation.

    How to conceive a girl

    It is better to make love 2-3 days before ovulation, and during ovulation to refrain from sexual intercourse.

    Of course, this method does not guarantee a 100% result, but still the likelihood of having a child of the desired gender will increase.

    What time of year is best to conceive a child?

    The question certainly arises about the most suitable time of year for conception. And here it is better to take into account not only the time of year at the time of birth, but also the period when it is better for you to “walk with a belly”. Each season has its pros and cons, consider the main ones.

    Conceive a baby in summer

    If you get pregnant in the summer, the first trimester will be between summer and autumn, but the second will fall in the winter, giving birth in the spring. In such a pregnancy there is how positive points, and negative.

    Pros: In the summer we are more energetic and healthy than ever. After all, summer means an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, thanks to which the body is saturated with vitamins. Plus walks on fresh air, without the risk of getting ARVI. In general, the female body is more ready than ever to conceive and bear a child. Besides recent months will fall at the end of winter - the beginning of spring, and at this time the body has a high content of melatonin (this is a hormone of the pineal gland - it helps to bear a child, its production improves in the dark). And giving birth in the spring is an excellent prevention of rickets in a child.

    Minuses: Unfortunately, childbirth and the period of lactation occur during the season of hypovitaminosis, but after childbirth, both mother and baby need a lot of vitamins. And don’t forget that in the winter months you will have to face ice and flu.

    Conceive a baby in the fall

    Pregnancy in autumn: first trimester of pregnancy autumn-winter, childbirth in summer.

    Pros: body, as in summer period, rich in vitamins, over time summer holiday You can improve your health and gain strength before your upcoming pregnancy. And in the winter months, the belly will not be very large yet - it will be easier to move on the ice.

    Minuses: the first trimester is an unfavorable period from an epidemiological point of view: influenza outbreaks, cloudy weather. And if part of the third trimester falls in the summer, you will have to deal with heat and stuffiness. In addition, closer to summer, lengthening occurs daylight hours(Not good favorable conditions for the production of melatonin).

    Conceive a child in winter

    Pregnancy in winter: first trimester in winter-spring, birth in autumn.

    Pros: since childbirth occurs in summer-autumn, natural fortification will occur in the last trimester, just during the period when the fetus is “stocked up” with all necessary substances for birth and adaptation.

    Minuses: In general, the disadvantages are the same as in the fall. Besides bad conditions for walking with a stroller on the street, first there is bad autumn weather, and then winter cold.

    Conceive a baby in the spring

    Pregnancy in spring: first trimester spring-summer, childbirth in winter.

    Pros: the last trimester will occur under conditions favorable for the production of melatonin. Low temperature will ease the course of mild forms of late toxemia.

    Minuses: the moment of conception at the peak of hypovitaminosis. Last days Pregnancies occur in late autumn or early winter - and this means ice and, as a consequence, the risk of falls. And as in the previous case, not very good conditions for walking in the fresh air.

    Of course, I have not reflected all the pros and cons of conceiving at one time or another of the year, these are only those that lie on the surface. As you can see, choosing the best time of year to conceive is not such a simple matter.

    What is the best age to conceive a child?

    The role of the age of the expectant mother in the ability to conceive a child

    The female body is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Surely you are familiar with concepts such as “ early pregnancy" And " late pregnancy" In fact, a woman is capable of childbearing from the very beginning of puberty (with the appearance of the first menstruation: i.e. 11-12 years) until menopause (about 50 years). But there is optimal age: It is better to conceive a child between 20 and 35 years old. It is believed that at this age the female body is most ready to bear a pregnancy, both from a physiological point of view and from a psychological and social point of view.

    Agree, this makes some sense. After all, how completely young girl can raise a child when she herself is still a child. And as for pregnancy after 35 years: the body is no longer the same and the risk of having children with genetic diseases(so the risk of having a child with Down syndrome increases by 2 times).

    The role of the future father's age in the ability to conceive a child

    For men, everything is much simpler, and the upper age threshold comes later. However, it has now been proven that in men aged 50 years, the number of sperm in the ejaculate is significantly reduced - therefore, the ability to fertilize is also reduced.

    Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the age of both parents.

    Of course, these are not all the factors that are taken into account when planning a pregnancy. Some are guided by material opportunities, some are concerned about their career, and some want to give birth to a child under a certain zodiac sign, etc. In general, plan, weigh the pros and cons! And remember, no matter what guides you when making a decision, you must undergo timely medical examination to make sure that your baby is born healthy.

    If pregnancy is one of the most important goals for a woman, it has been planned for a long time, but for some reason everything does not happen, the search begins possible errors. Every little detail is taken into account, right down to the time of day of conception.

    Is it really so important that “all the stars align”, is it possible to figure out certain nuances, and when is the best time to conceive a child in order to maximize the likelihood of success?

    Relationship between pregnancy and menstrual cycle

    According to gynecologists, if you need to calculate anything when planning a pregnancy, it is the exact duration of the menstrual cycle and all its phases. It mainly depends on them whether the egg meets the sperm, and how successful their meeting will be. Ovulation is responsible for this moment: a process that occurs only once in all 24-30 days (depending on the duration of a particular cycle) and represents the release of an egg from the ovaries, which was facilitated by certain hormonal “shocks”.

    • The real opportunity for a woman to become pregnant lasts for 4-6 days.

    These days follow each other and are closely related to the moment of ovulation, so you need to very accurately calculate its onset. This way you can determine when is the best time to conceive a child after your period. If you try to determine this moment based on test data, then you need to look at the level of estrogen and luteinizing hormone: they will rise sharply. After they reach peak values, a woman has about 36 hours to conceive: ovulation will occur exactly after this period. The approximate date of ovulation is 12-16 days before the start of a new menstruation.

    • Fertilization of an egg released from the ovaries is possible only within 24 hours from the moment of ovulation, because its lifespan is very short.

    Read also:

    Why then was it mentioned earlier that you can get pregnant if you get into the “corridor” of 4-6 days? The whole reason is in sperm: their lifespan is much longer and is 5 days (of course, with proper activity). For this reason right time For conception, doctors call 5 days before ovulation and a day from its onset. True, you need to take into account that even on the last day the probability of getting pregnant is only 33%, since in addition to the woman’s fertility, this fact is influenced by many other factors.

    Secondary factors for successful conception

    A woman’s ability to become pregnant and the subsequent course of this process is influenced by biological and psychological readiness body. Doctors say that best time the age will be from 20 to 26 years, if we consider the physiological issue (it is assumed that a woman who gives birth before the age of 22 is less susceptible to the possibility of getting breast cancer), but emotionally, few people really need to think about a child before the age of 26.

    • Some women are trying to determine which position is best for conceiving a child, and whether the depth of penetration affects this. If we turn to physics (more precisely, the law of gravity), we can conclude that a woman should not be on top, so as not to increase the likelihood of sperm leaking out of the vagina.

    In addition, experts advise bringing the contact between the male penis and the cervix as close as possible, which will help speed up the potential meeting of sperm. The most popular option in this matter is when the man is behind. It is important to consider physiological characteristics specific female body: for example, if the uterus is bent, the knee-elbow position is suitable, and if the ovaries are inflamed due to deformation of the uterus, you need to lie on the same side where you are turned cervix. In the absence of this kind of problem, you can even get by with the standard “woman from below on your back” pose, but you should bend your legs, pulling your knees to your chest, and place a folded blanket or pillow under your buttocks to deepen the contact and change the angle of entry.

    A few more nuances:

    • What time of day to conceive? Experts believe that in the afternoon, linking this with the schedule of sperm activity.
    • Which month is best to conceive a child depends on when you plan to give birth, and whether you have a psychological/physical dependence on the weather outside your window. For example, in the spring the body suffers from vitamin deficiency, in the summer a large number of seasonal vegetables and fruits, and in winter it is difficult to get to antenatal clinic due to snow and bad weather in general. All this is already decided on an individual basis.
    • How often should you try to conceive? Gynecologists note that daily sex does not guarantee instant pregnancy. It is much more likely that sperm activity will increase after 3-4 days of abstinence, so maintain a short interval.

    Ironically, pregnancy is a mysterious and rarely predictable fact. The piquancy lies in the fact that many can conceive a child almost “unexpectedly” for themselves, in other words, “get pregnant,” but precisely that category of women who passionately want and wait for conception faces a problem - pregnancy still does not occur. In order to help speed up the onset of this desired event, this article was created. Let's consider some factors that in one way or another influence the rate of conceiving a child.

    Effective sexual positions for conception

    It’s trite, but according to the results of research by scientists, the classic (missionary) and the so-called “dog pose” - when the man is behind him - were among the most effective in terms of fertilization.

    Let's help the survivors!

    Most women after sex, especially if it is aimed at conception, try to lie down for a while. But few people know that if you place a pillow under the pelvic area, then simple bliss in bed can become a useful aid in moving sperm towards their cherished goal. According to doctors, this position of the body contributes to better movement of the seed to the cervix.
    Also, those who want to get pregnant quickly need to know that after sex, any activities that can cause an increase in body temperature are highly discouraged ( hot shower or bath, intense sports).

    About the benefits of contraception

    Surprising but true! Studies have shown that after at least three months of continuous use of oral contraceptives (the pill) and then stopping them, women conceived faster than those who did not take contraceptives.
    Gynecologists even introduced into practice a three-month appointment. birth control pills those women who long time can't conceive.

    Say no to lubricants!

    Because lubricant changes acid-base balance in the vagina, using it during sex can only harm conception - they interfere motor activity sperm. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid moisturizers altogether, in as a last resort, it is better to use olive oil.

    Sex according to the calendar - when is the best time to conceive a child?

    The likelihood of getting pregnant increases greatly if you have unprotected sex five days before and on the day of ovulation. With a regular 28-day menstrual cycle Ovulation occurs 14 days after the start of menstruation. If the cycle length is different, the easiest way to determine the day of ovulation is to count 14 days from the expected date next menstruation. Due to the fact that sperm have the ability to fertilize for several days, unprotected sex can occur for several days before the release of the egg from the ovary (ovulation). At regular cycle The information will be relevant for you in calculating the day of ovulation. If it is irregular, it makes sense to purchase ovulation tests to determine the optimal time for conception.

    How often should you have sex to get pregnant?

    It is a mistaken belief that frequent sex helps quick conception. This not only exhausts the man himself, but also reduces the sperm count with each subsequent ejaculation.
    Because the best option There will be sex once a day with breaks of a couple of days.
    The main thing is not to get hung up!
    Constantly focusing on trying to get pregnant will not lead to anything good. This can not only cause stress, but also negatively affect your relationship with your partner. You shouldn’t forget about pleasure either, because a sex marathon is also emotionally exhausting.
    Relax and give the conception process the lightest atmosphere of love and trust, and don’t reduce everything to mechanics. Then long-awaited pregnancy will become really a joyful event, and will not be overshadowed by grievances and reproaches.

    Is douching with soda an effective method of conceiving a child?

    Sometimes in our lives there are situations when it is impossible to get pregnant, and the reasons for this are unknown.

    It happens that tests show good results, no pathologies were identified, pregnancy still does not occur. It is possible that pregnancy does not occur because the environment in the vagina is too acidic. In this case, sperm simply cannot fertilize the egg because they die. In this case, you can try douching with soda, which will help make the environment in the vagina alkaline. And then there is Great chance that pregnancy will occur.

    For douching, take half a teaspoon of soda and mix with one liter warm water. Under no circumstances should you douche. hot water, otherwise it may cause a burn in the vaginal mucosa. Then this solution must be poured into a syringe or Esmarch’s mug. To douche, lie in the bathtub with your feet on the edge, or sit over the toilet. All prepared soda water must be introduced into the vagina in a thin stream. The most best period For douching, days 11 to 18 of the cycle are considered. These days you should douche daily. After this, the douche must be thoroughly disinfected so as not to introduce an infection into the vagina. For disinfection you need to take weak solution potassium permanganate, and the outside of the syringe is wiped with alcohol.

    This method helps create an alkaline environment in the vagina, which is ideal for conception. When using this method, you must comply the following recommendations;

    • - during ovulation, when douching is used, you should not drink alcohol, smoke or drink coffee in large quantities.
    • - you should not visit the bathhouse or sauna at this time, since overheating at this time is contraindicated.
    • - be sure to ask your doctor if this is contraindicated for you. this procedure. If a woman has erosion, then douching with soda should not be done.
    • - the syringe must be disinfected most thoroughly, as there is a huge risk of contracting an infectious disease.

    How to conceive a boy

    It is believed that every man wants his wife to give birth to a boy. Is it possible to conceive a boy using some methods? There are a lot of links on the Internet to articles about what you need to do to conceive a boy. There are frankly funny ones, based on lunar and solar cycles, etc. For example, one of them says: “To conceive a boy, a couple needs to have their heads facing the North during sex.” The purpose of this note is not to offend fans of Feng Shui, but to summarize the observations of gynecologists and help answer the question of whether it is possible to conceive a boy “by order”.
    Some doctors, albeit with serious reservations, say that in order to conceive a boy it is necessary to very accurately determine the time of ovulation. At this moment, due to the greater mobility of sperm carrying the Y chromosome, there is a chance “to have time to fertilize the egg before those carrying the X chromosome reach it.” Accurately account for time - yes best method conceive a boy.
    It seems to us that such advice is more like fortune telling on coffee grounds. The chances of conceiving a boy are always 50%, so those couples who have male children can support this theory, instilling hope in those suffering to conceive a boy.

    There are articles that directly recommend, with reference to secret knowledge(either Japan or Tibet), adhere to a certain diet. They say eat more calcium and conceiving a boy will no longer be a problem, eat potassium - and here you have a girl! With the same success, we can recommend reading books whose main characters are men in order to conceive a boy. And God forbid you read detective stories about Miss Marple - only girls will be born.

    It has been proven that it is possible to accurately (99.9%) predict the sex of the unborn child only with IVF. Therefore, I would like to give advice to young couples. Don't bother yourself with nonsense! A child of any gender will be happiness for you. Well, if you really want to conceive a boy, then follow all the recommendations of various specialists except those dangerous to health) and you will increase the chances of conceiving a boy by up to 50%. =)

    How to conceive a boy 100 percent video



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