Age-related colpitis symptoms. Atrophic colpitis (age-related vaginitis): causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Age-related changes in the organs of the reproductive system in women begin even before menopause and menopause. Age-related vaginitis occurs after completion reproductive period. A woman becomes more vulnerable to diseases, and changes in the vagina make it difficult to treat this disease.

Age-related colpitis symptoms and treatment

The inflammatory process that occurs due to hormonal changes in a woman’s body leads to the proliferation of bacteria on the vaginal mucosa. A woman feels this through sensations of heaviness, itching, burning, especially when urinating.

Marked specific secretions. In old age, they become much less common, since the mucous membrane no longer performs its functions and changes in structure. The discharge is characterized as purulent, yellowish or greenish color. Sometimes you can see traces of blood in them. This should not frighten a woman, but it should definitely be a reason to visit a doctor. Blood streaks may occur due to the bursting of small capillaries on the mucous membrane.

Colpitis elderly woman is accompanied by the fact that the epithelial layer becomes too thin, some cells are spread so thinly that in this place, under the influence inflammatory process ulcerations appear. This leads to a deterioration in the woman’s well-being and the severity of symptoms: vaginal dryness, pain during sexual intercourse, and ease of injury. Treatment of colpitis in elderly women with such symptoms is aimed at eliminating them and systematically supporting body functions.

Colpitis in old age: treatment, diagnosis

Treatment is prescribed based on examination. The doctor examines the vagina, looks with a mirror. Then the procedure of taking a smear to determine the pathogenic flora occurs. Additional method Diagnosis of colpitis is colposcopy. This method should be used for prevention or early diagnosis malignant neoplasms.

Treatment of colpitis in elderly women

An integrated approach is used for the disease of age-related colpitis in women, treatment, local suppositories are selected so as to influence the microflora, populate lactobacilli, support hormonal background.

If more than 5 years have passed since menopause, the gynecologist may prescribe oral hormonal drugs. They do not treat colpitis in the elderly and do not treat other organs; these drugs supply female hormones to the body. This helps restore the mucous membrane and support the secretion of vaginal secretions.

To cure vaginitis in a woman, you need to use local medications:

  • Antibiotics - used when the smear results showed the presence of pathogenic flora. They affect opportunistic bacteria, as well as sexually transmitted infections.
  • Antiviral drugs are also local ointments and suppositories, which are used when the walls of the vagina are affected by the herpes or papilloma virus.
  • Antifungal agents are medications for topical use in the form of suppositories, tablets, and ointments. They act on the fungus of the genus Candida, destroying
  • Bacterial drugs are drugs that promote the population of lactobacilli strains. They are specially inserted into the affected vagina to raise local immunity and resistance to pathogenic microorganisms.

These treatment principles are actively used in the postmenstrual period.

IN reproductive age It is possible that a pathology called “atrophic colpitis” may occur, a disease in the vagina that requires treatment. Atrophic appearance Vaginitis develops over several years due to a lack of estrogen in a woman’s body. The disease causes a lot unpleasant symptoms with painful sensations. The only method of treatment is hormonal therapy, but to accelerate the improvement of a woman’s health, the doctor prescribes additional therapeutic measures.

What is atrophic colpitis

The inflammatory process of the vaginal mucosa during menopause is called atrophic vaginitis. The disease is caused by low amounts female hormone(estrogen) produced by the ovaries. In medicine, there are other synonyms for the term - senile or senile colpitis. This name comes from the Greek word "colpos", which translates as vagina. With atrophic vaginitis, thinning of the stratified epithelial layer of the vagina occurs. Pathological process considered only when a woman experiences discomfort and other signs are expressed.

ICD-10 code

Atrophic or senile vaginitis is one of the frequent illnesses and there are 3 types: acute, chronic and secondary. After 8 years climate period Every 2 patients suffer from colpitis. Every 10 years, the risk of developing the disease increases. Among women, about 80% suffer from colpitis during the menopausal period. Senile colpitis has a code according to International classification diseases (ICD-10) – 95.2.


Physiological and structural changes in the body, during which atrophic vaginitis is formed, cause significant inconvenience for a woman. The initial stage of senile colpitis is asymptomatic; after years, the woman experiences vaginal discomfort and frequent urination due to changes pelvic floor and dyspareunia (painful intercourse). Vaginal discharge may be unusually white or bloody and accompanied by unpleasant smell. Atrophy of the vaginal mucosa or colpitis is accompanied by:

  • vaginal dryness;
  • pain when urinating;
  • itching of the external genitalia;
  • atopic dermatitis(for allergic colpitis);
  • urinary incontinence;
  • redness of the vaginal mucosa.

Cytogram of atrophic colpitis

A procedure called “cytology” is carried out to identify colpitis infection and the condition of female cells. To get tested, you need to make an appointment with a gynecologist and ask to take a vaginal smear to examine the microflora. This is done during a visual inspection. Annual cytology will help detect colpitis on initial stage before unpleasant symptoms appear. The interpretation of the results of a smear taken during cytology is called a “cytogram”. The main points of deciphering the cytogram:

  1. CBO - cytogram without features.
  2. NILM – without malignant cells.
  3. Endocervix – outer part cervix, normally should contain cells of the glandular (cylindrical) or flat stratified epithelium.
  4. Ecdozervix – cervical canal, MPE cells, superficial, parabasal, and intermediate layers can be detected.
  5. Leukocyte infiltration - an increase in the number of leukocytes.
  6. Proliferation – increased speed cell division.


The only cause of senile colpitis is the pathogenic microflora in the vagina, in which they develop harmful microorganisms. The basis of colpitis is hypoestrogenism. At normal level hormones, internal walls vaginas covered flat epithelium in many layers. When the level of hormones decreases, which happens during menopause, the epithelium begins to thin out layer by layer. Next, there is a significant decrease in the cells containing the main nutrient for lactobacilli - glycogen.

The function of the main waste product of lactobacilli (lactic acid) is to maintain a normal vaginal environment - control over the internal acidity of the environment. When there is a decrease in glycogen, the colony of beneficial bacteria is destroyed, which provokes the development of pathogenic microorganisms due to increased acidity of the vagina. Unpleasant symptoms atrophic vaginitis caused by local inflammation of the mucous membrane, which is facilitated by improper intimate hygiene.


The outcome of treatment for atrophic vaginitis depends on the diagnosis. Diagnosis is prescribed comprehensively and includes taking smears microbiological studies, examination of the vaginal walls, cervix using mirrors. In the presence of atrophic vaginitis, changes are detected: large cluster leukocytes, lack of beneficial lactic acid bacteria, content of opportunistic flora. It is possible to define specific pathogens(gardnerella, fungi, trichomonas and others). Other diagnostic methods:

  • colposcopy;
  • taking tests PCR method;
  • a special test strip for determining the acidity of the vagina.

Treatment of atrophic colpitis

In gynecology, the technique is based on the regeneration of the epithelial lining and the prevention of relapses. For colpitis, the doctor prescribes local and systemic hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to produce estrogen and stabilize hormone levels. Under the influence of estrogens, epithelial cells will begin to renew themselves, which will improve the nutrition of the mucous membrane, prevent the formation of microtraumas, and reduce the degree of atrophy. Hormonal therapy for atrophic vaginitis is carried out for a long time from 1.5 to 3 years. The woman will feel the first relief after 3 months of treatment.


Self-appointment Treatment for colpitis is dangerous to health. After the examinations, the doctor will prescribe a set of suitable medications, based on a history of atrophic vaginitis. In addition to hormone therapy, local treatment is indicated (creams, ointments, suppositories, vaginal tablets), phytohormone therapy, taking uroseptics, drugs for systemic action. Last group medications for atrophic vaginitis are aimed at restoring not only the layers of the vagina, but also the entire body as a whole. Such medications include:

  • Cliogest;
  • Angelique;
  • Estradiol;
  • Tibolone;
  • Individual.

Herbal preparations

Phytohormone therapy for senile colpitis is carried out medicinal syrups, elixirs, tablets and creams with natural ingredients. Cliofit, which contains only natural ingredients, helps perfectly: rose hips, hawthorn, cedar and coriander seeds, pharmaceutical chamomile, other components. The price of Cliofit in Moscow is 168 rubles. The remedy for colpitis can be bought in the form of an elixir and taken according to the following scheme: 3 times a day, 15 minutes before meals, for a week. Among other drugs plant origin for atrophic vaginitis there are:

  • Klimadinon;
  • Qi-klim;
  • Lefem;
  • Feminal;
  • Bonisan.


The use of medicinal suppositories helps very well against the symptoms of atrophic vaginitis, acting locally on the inflamed area of ​​the vagina. Suppositories for colpitis called “Estriol” are supplemented with an estrogenic component, reduce itching, remove excessive dryness and dyspareunia. The drug for atrophic vaginitis is administered intravaginally, also for problems with urinary incontinence, painful urination caused by atrophic problems of the vagina. The following suppositories have proven themselves to be effective for colpitis:

  • Ovestin;
  • Elvagin;
  • Ortho-ginest;
  • Ovipol Clio;
  • Estrocad.


The drug is produced in the form of suppositories for administration into the rectum, but for colpitis, gynecologists recommend administration into the vagina. The remedy for atrophic vaginitis accelerates the repair (restoration) of the cervix. The course of treatment for colpitis with Methyluracil ranges from a week to 4 months. The medication for atrophic vaginitis stimulates tissue immunity, regenerates cellular structures, heals wounds, improves the maturation of red blood cells and leukocytes. Before using Methyluracil for the treatment of colpitis, douching with soda and herbal infusions is carried out.


The drug Fluomizin with an antiseptic in its composition is effective means against senile colpitis. Substances in tablets affect pathogenic flora: dequalinium chloride (10 mg), lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose and magnesium stearate. Active ingredient eliminates candida fungi and has a wide spectrum of action against colpitis. The action is based on reducing the activity of cellular enzymes and further destruction of microorganisms. Fluomizin for atrophic vaginitis has little side effects, produced in 6 pcs. costs about 700 rubles at the pharmacy.

Treatment with folk remedies

Very popular for age-related colpitis traditional methods treatments that, compared to medications, have fewer contraindications for use and the possibility of long-term treatment. Gynecologists have a different opinion: folk remedies are useful for atrophic vaginitis, but they should only be used in combination with the main treatment - hormonal therapy. To eliminate itching and heal small cracks, calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort and plantain are recommended. Infusions and decoctions are prepared from herbs according to recipes. Among the folk remedies are:

  • sitz baths with the addition of soda;
  • douching with oil tea tree;
  • drink made from chamomile and willow leaves;
  • alcohol tincture on a lily of the valley;
  • tampons or aloe.


There are 2 types preventive measures for atrophic vaginitis: nonspecific and specific. The first type of prevention contains recommendations general for inflammation of the vaginal mucosa: compliance daily hygiene, avoiding casual sex and wearing comfortable underwear. TO specific prevention colpitis includes taking medications, special substances, serums, vaccines and hormonal pills. All medications for atrophic vaginitis contain estrogens, protecting a woman not only from colpitis, but also osteoporosis.


Atrophic or senile colpitis is a specific inflammation of the vaginal lining. The pathology appears in women during menopause and occurs to one degree or another in 75 percent of women who have crossed the fifty-year mark.

The main reason that provokes atrophic colpitis is the reduced production of female sex hormones. They are the decisive factors influencing the condition of the vaginal epithelium. Estrogens most actively maintain stability in the vagina, because they determine the acidity of the vaginal environment, which is the norm for women. In such an environment, only beneficial bacteria, and does not provoke the growth of other microorganisms that can upset the balance. Estrogens also ensure stable blood circulation in the epithelial layer.

Age-related changes and the onset of menopause are the main markers that the vaginal environment will undergo certain changes. But if at first, even after the end of menstruation, the level of hormones can still provide minimum standards for the vagina due to acidity, then already in postmenopause women begin to experience all the “delights” of a deficiency of female sex hormones.

Lack of estrogen leads to thinning of the vaginal epithelium and narrowing of its lumen. And microbes, previously restrained by an acidic environment, get favorable conditions for development. Most often, microbes provoke the chronic course of the disease, and with mild symptoms, a woman may not be aware of the presence of pathology.

Another important reason is the impact external factor. In some cases, atrophic colpitis is caused by taking long time hormonal drugs. And the course of the disease is aggravated under the influence of a stress factor: hypothermia, previously past infections genital area, transferred radiation therapy, removal of ovaries, weakened immunity. Risk factors are overweight, diseases thyroid gland And diabetes.

Subjective signs of colpitis

Appearing in most women during menopause, atrophic colpitis gives quite obvious symptoms. And only a small category of women may not experience a single symptom of atrophic colpitis.

Among the subjective signs of colpitis, we note the most common complaints of patients:

  • discharge of leucorrhoea, insignificant in volume;
  • feeling of itching;
  • vaginal dryness;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • burning when urinating;
  • the appearance of bloody discharge after intimacy;
  • in advanced cases - discharge of pus mixed with blood.

It is the subjective sensations that not everything is in order in the sexual sphere that brings a woman to the gynecological chair.

Colpitis through the eyes of a specialist

The woman’s discomfort is supported by gynecological examination data. The doctor notes the following changes in the vagina:

  1. severe vaginal dryness and thinness of its surface;
  2. mucosal atrophy, pallor, presence of local hyperemic areas;
  3. sometimes you can find areas without epithelium or loose adhesive zones;
  4. bleeding even when taking a smear for examination;
  5. weak expression of the vaginal vault, lack of folding on the walls;
  6. with the rapid development of pathogenic microorganisms, areas emitting purulent contents may be noticeable.

After the doctor collects anamnesis, conducts visual inspection and receive the data laboratory tests vaginal smear, he will be able to assess the condition of the vaginal lining and give the woman accurate diagnosis atrophic colpitis during postmenopause.

The first symptoms of colpitis

Atrophic colpitis appears not so much during menopause, but some time after it. Usually pathological changes occur five to six years after the end of stable menstruation, but subjective symptoms are felt a little later.

  • The initial stage of development of the pathology occurs with virtually no symptoms. Only occasionally, women may notice white vaginal discharge, which, after increasing hygiene care pass for a while. A little later, symptoms such as burning in the vaginal area and itching sensations and pain appear. All the time, women cannot get rid of the feeling of irritation in the genital area. They become especially unpleasant hygiene procedures with soap, which further intensifies the burning and itching.
  • Urination becomes no less uncomfortable. If previously the Kegel muscles had greater tone, then with their weakening the urge to urinate becomes more frequent. Urine falling on a woman's genitals also brings discomfort.
  • Often women during menopause avoid sexual intercourse. Unfortunately, there are understandable reasons for this - atrophic colpitis. The lack of sex hormones affects the mucous membrane of the female genital organs so much that sexual intercourse brings more unpleasant sensations than joyful ones. And even if a woman, having entered into intimate intimacy, does not feel obvious discomfort at that moment, then after a while underwear can appear bloody issues from received microscopic injuries.
  • They in turn become entrance gate to penetrate deep into the pathological microorganisms inhabiting the vagina. When an infection occurs, an inflammatory process begins, which significantly worsens a woman’s health. When the first symptoms of atrophic colpitis appear, you should not wait for the infectious process to begin.

The disease must be treated early stage until the vaginal mucosa has undergone irreversible changes.

Complications of the disease

The onset of atrophic colpitis can cause quite a few problems if the pathology is not treated on time. Among the complications and threatening conditions It is worth paying attention to the following:

  1. the tendency of the disease to chronic course which is difficult to treat;
  2. relapses of chronic atrophic colpitis, occurring with sharp unpleasant symptoms;
  3. the possibility of infection spreading to other organs, including the urinary system, and the occurrence of complications such as urethritis and cystitis;
  4. the risk of new gynecological diseases and exacerbation of old ones (such as endometritis, parametritis, peritonitis, etc.).

The only way to avoid complications of the disease is the right method early visit to the clinic and timely diagnosis and treatment of pathology. The presence of colpitis during menopause, the symptoms of which appeared in a woman, should not go unnoticed by the doctor.

Diagnosis of pathology

The first thing to do when unpleasant symptoms appear is to visit a doctor. To make a diagnosis, the patient will be prescribed and undergone the following procedures:

  • standard gynecological examination;
  • colposcopy (examination of the vagina using a video camera with an image displayed on a monitor screen);
  • measuring the acidity level in the vagina;
  • smear for infections;
  • cytological smear (Pap test for cellular changes that provoke cancer);
  • Ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs.

Usually the picture becomes clearer already gynecological examination when the doctor sees a thinned, smoothed, as if stretched, surface of the vagina. It can diagnose areas of erosion, hyperemia, minor hemorrhages and purulent foci. Most often, the vaginal mucosa is swollen, has a serous coating and can bleed even with a slight touch. Chronic stage The disease does not produce such clear symptoms, but they are all slightly present.

After receiving laboratory test results and additional research there is no doubt about the diagnosis. The doctor begins to formulate a treatment strategy for the disease.

Treatment of the disease

Pathology should never be ignored, so treatment of the disease is key point for each patient. It is very important not only to receive prescriptions from a doctor, but to strictly comply with all his requirements, without hoping that pathological changes can magically disappear. Competent treatment colpitis and compliance with all doctor’s requirements is the key to successful and quick disposal from atrophic colpitis.

The basis of treatment for the disease is the prescription of hormone replacement therapy. After hormone levels increase, the vaginal mucosa will begin to renew itself in the same way as it did before menopause.

Hormonal drugs are prescribed in the form of tablets or suppositories. It is necessary to take the drugs for a fairly long period of time - from a year to three years, but the first positive changes become noticeable after three months. It is impossible to interrupt treatment of the disease, since this will lead not only to a relapse of the disease, but also to the possible addition of a secondary infection.

Most often, for atrophic colpitis, suppositories are prescribed locally Estriol And Ovestin. Basics active substance these drugs have an estrogenic component that effectively eliminates vaginal itching, dryness of the genital organs, soreness and frequent urge to urination.

To restore microflora good action provides the drug Gynoflor E, which is produced by the pharmaceutical industry in tablet form for insertion into the vagina. With the help of lactobacilli acidophilus, the vaginal microflora is normalized, the blood supply to the vaginal epithelium is improved, the formation of new cells is stimulated, and normal vaginal acidity is maintained due to the development of lactic acid bacteria in the woman’s vagina.

Among other equally effective drugs, they are prescribed Elvagin, Orthogynest, Estrocard, Estrovagin, Ovipol Clio.

For reinforcements local treatment are appointed and systemic drugsClimodien, Cliogest, Divina, Pauzogest. Drugs are prescribed for early signs atrophic colpitis, but after the complete end of menstruation, and Cliogest can be used as a prevention of pathology. Doctors also recommend continuing to take standard medications that are indicated for menopause - Aktivela, Cliophyta, Evians, Klimadinona, and others.


In some cases, women are not prescribed hormonal drugs. Hormone replacement therapy should not be used in patients who suffer from breast cancer, endometrial cancer, bleeding, or vascular thromboembolism. Prescription is not recommended for those who have liver problems or pathologies of cardio-vascular system(myocardial infarction, angina pectoris).

In this case, therapy is replaced by other drugs that do not contain hormonal components. These can be douches and baths with decoctions and infusions of herbs, vaginal suppositories with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Atrophic colpitis, unfortunately, is a familiar phrase for many women who have entered into menopause. However, such changes in the body should not be taken with a negative connotation. Natural process aging cannot be postponed, but slowed down degenerative changes Can. This will not only prolong a woman’s healthy period, but will also help her endure the changes that occur to her body during menopause as easily as possible.

Interesting and educational video on this topic:

This disease is manifested by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the vagina against the background of a decrease in the level of sex hormones - estrogen, in a woman’s body.

Despite the fact that vaginitis during menopause usually occurs accompanied by moderately severe symptoms, it still gives the patient a lot of unpleasant sensations. We will try to understand what age-related colpitis is and how to treat this condition with experienced gynecologists and endocrinologists. medical center NEOMED.

Signs of colpitis in older women

Every postmenopausal woman knows about characteristic manifestations this state– dryness, burning and itching of the genitals, as well as the whole complex hormonal symptoms. On the background general changes in the body, patients often do not even suspect that they have an inflammatory process of the vagina.

Characteristic signs senile colpitis:

  • discomfort in the genital area– the itching and burning mentioned above. They are also accompanied by dry mucous membranes and moderate pain in the vaginal area;
  • tissue hyperemia– the mucous membranes of the genital organs, including the external ones, become red, signaling the spread of inflammation;
  • unusual discharge– the nature and consistency of the discharge depends on the infectious pathogen that caused vaginitis, however, abundant curdled, putrid and mucous discharge mixed with blood is often observed;
  • pain when urinating and during sex– any pain causes exercise stress and contact of the genitals with the liquid environment.

Age-related vaginitis also causes general weakness and irritability of the fair sex, however, these signs are lost against the background of general menopausal manifestations.

Causes of age-related colpitis

If in young women the inflammatory process of the vagina develops mainly as a response to a pathogenic infectious agent, That age-related vaginitis associated primarily with hormonal changes. On the background sharp decline estrogen levels rapidly deplete the vaginal mucous membranes. This process is accompanied by a significant change quantitative composition natural microflora of the vagina. First of all, the number of vaginal bacilli and lactobacilli that produce lactic acid is reduced. The acidity of the mucous membranes is lost and the pH of the environment almost doubles to pH 5.0-7.0.

The acidic reaction of the genital membranes serves as the main deterrent for the development of opportunistic vaginal flora - yeast fungus Candida, Escherichia, E. coli, etc. When is this lost? defense mechanism and the mucous membranes begin to deplete, all these normal inhabitants of the vagina begin to actively grow and multiply, causing inflammation. In some cases, can also serve as the root cause of the infectious-inflammatory process. pathogenic microorganisms– Trichomonas, ureaplasma, chlamydia, etc.

It is important to note that the described form of vaginitis sometimes affects women. young, if they have the following risk factors:

  1. immunodeficiency states;
  2. endocrine pathologies– diabetes, obesity, thyroid disorders;
  3. patients who have had their ovaries removed;
  4. women who have undergone radiation and radiotherapy.

Non-compliance with the rules intimate hygiene and wearing tight synthetic underwear are also factors that provoke a violation of the composition of the vaginal microflora.

Diagnosis and treatment of age-related colpitis in women

A gynecologist can make a diagnosis based on a standard examination and determination of the pH level of the vagina. Bacterioscopic and bacteriological examination of a smear helps to determine the specific pathogen and its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs. Additional measure Diagnosis is considered to be extended vaginal colposcopy.

The main direction of treatment for colpitis in older women is hormone therapy. Gynecologists give preference to prescribing natural estrogens. Also prescribed local application antibacterial ointments and gels, which are selected individually, taking into account the sensitivity of the identified pathogen. Positive effect baths with decoctions and infusions of herbs that have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Additionally, a complex of restorative therapy measures is being formed, which includes taking multivitamin preparations and normalization of diet.

Experienced gynecologists at a multidisciplinary medical center will help diagnose and treat age-related colpitis in women. European level NEOMED service.

Colpitis (vaginitis) is an inflammation that affects the mucous membranes of the female genital organ. Age-related (atrophic) colpitis - gynecological disease, often found in postmenstrual women, due to hormonal changes and disorders in the body.

At hormonal imbalance the amount of sex hormones in women decreases, the amount of secretion decreases, which leads to disorders normal microflora vagina. With such age-related changes, the mucous membrane becomes susceptible to the development of pathogenic microbes that cause inflammation in the vagina, which leads to vaginitis.

Main symptoms of colpitis

Colpitis can be: specific and nonspecific. Specific - develop as a result of sexually transmitted infections and are accompanied by symptoms such as swelling of the vaginal walls, and sometimes bleeding. Nonspecific vaginitis can occur with infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs (causative agents are streptococci, coli, staphylococci, etc.), accompanied by discharge of pus and mucus.

Vaginitis is a disease characterized by a sluggish course and unclear severe symptoms, such as:

  • itching, dryness, burning of the vaginal mucosa;
  • copious mucous discharge;
  • heaviness and pain in lower area belly;
  • frequent urination.

At acute colpitis The following symptoms may occur: pain, discomfort when urinating, significant deterioration in well-being. During pregnancy, this disease can be dangerous - as it can cause infection of the fetus and termination of pregnancy.

List of factors that contribute to the development of vaginitis:

  • sexual infections;
  • various infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • mechanical damage to the genital organ or violation of its anatomical features;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • uncontrolled use of antibiotics;
  • allergies to certain medications;
  • violation of personal hygiene rules.

Professional diagnosis of vaginitis

Vaginitis is diagnosed by such examination methods as:

  • colposcopy (determines the degree of thinning of the vaginal mucosa, bleeding, etc.);
  • cytological studies;
  • determination of the pH of vaginal secretions (mucus) - the higher the pH level, the greater the degree of changes (atrophy) of the vaginal epithelium;
  • colpocytological study - determination of the epithelial maturity index, determination of the KPI (karyopyenotic index);
  • microbiological research.

After complex diagnostics, the doctor prescribes an appropriate set of measures to cure the disease with minimal impact on the body. Treatment is selected individually, taking into account the type and complexity of the disease, the individual characteristics of the patient, sensitivity and the presence of allergic reactions.

Complex treatment of colpitis

Complex treatment of colpitis is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process resulting from age-related changes and to eliminate factors contributing to the development of the disease, as well as the prevention of concomitant diseases.

Treatment of vaginitis is prescribed by a gynecologist after an examination. When prescribing therapy, it is also taken into account general state patient, age and presence chronic diseases, clinical manifestations signs of illness. Self-treatment, without consulting a specialist, even if detected similar signs disease is not recommended, as it can aggravate the disease. Many, more dangerous diseases may occur with similar symptoms, and improper use of medications often leads to bad consequences. If you contact an appropriate specialist in a timely manner, vaginitis can be easily cured.

Measures by which this disease is treated:

  • antibacterial therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • taking medications to improve general condition;
  • diet;
  • douching;
  • use of ointment applications, antimicrobial suppositories;
  • use of local hormonal therapy.

period of pregnancy and lactation, so self-medication can lead to unpleasant consequences. Even excessive douching with chamomile can lead to negative impacts on the microflora of the genital mucosa. To prevent vaginitis and quickly eliminate it, it is necessary to immediately contact a specialist at the first symptoms.

Age hormonal changes or disorders as a result of which such diseases develop, also need to be treated only with those medicines, which were prescribed by a specialist.

Types of treatment for colpitis

Treatment of colpitis is divided into the following types:

  1. Local treatment:
  • antimicrobial tablets (“Terzhinan”);
  • ointments and ointment applications, antiseptic or antibacterial suppositories (Chlorhexidine, Metranidazole, Terzhinan, Betadine, Hexicon);
  • local hormonal therapy;
  • douching and baths.
  1. Drug treatment:
  • Antibacterial therapy (drugs of the fluoroquinolone group and combination drugs wide range impacts that do not have systemic influence on the body, for example: “Tiflox”, “Ofor”, etc.).
  • Hormonal therapy (Femoston 1/10 or Femoston 1/5, etc.) When treated with hormones, hormonal levels are restored and the inflammatory process is eliminated.
  1. General restorative complementary therapy:
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Phytotherapy.
  • Vitamin complexes.
  • Immunomodulators.
  • Probiotics.
  1. Traditional methods used to treat colpitis:

A variety of folk remedies are practiced as adjuvant therapy V complex treatment of this age-related disease. Treatment of colpitis with help alternative medicine aimed at eliminating disturbing symptoms (feeling of dryness, burning, itching, painful sensations in the lower abdomen). But such treatment methods can only be used as an auxiliary to the general medicinal complex, and their use must be agreed with a doctor.

Traditional medicine offers the following decoctions for the treatment of colpitis:

  • Valerian root, nettle and lemon balm leaves are mixed in equal proportions. Then you need two tablespoons herbal collection Brew in half a liter of boiling water and leave for 24 hours. It is recommended to take a decoction of 50 ml. half an hour before meals, for 2 months.
  • Rosehip decoction effectively eliminates symptoms such as itching and a feeling of dryness (rosehip is crushed, poured with boiling water and infused for 2 hours, after which it is used for douching).
  • Yarrow, rosemary, sage leaves are mixed with oak bark in a ratio of 1:1:1:2, pour 0.5 liters. water and cook for half an hour. The resulting decoction is used for douching in the morning and evening.

When you are undergoing treatment for vaginitis, it is recommended to follow a diet (avoid eating spicy and fatty foods and refrain from drinking alcohol). In order to avoid relapses, you must strictly adhere to the doctor's prescriptions.



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