Atrophic changes in the cerebral hemispheres. Brain atrophy: causes and factors of development, symptoms, therapy, prognosis

The frequency of occurrence of such a disease as atrophy of the frontotemporal regions is quite low, however, the possibility of the appearance of this pathology should be taken into account by neurologists when the patient has relevant complaints. The disease often occurs in childhood, after the end of the initial stage of the formation of the central nervous system, as well as over the age of 55 years.

Atrophic phenomena even in medium degree severity lead to the appearance of some mental symptoms of the disease. The initial stage of atrophy in most cases does not manifest itself. It is possible to identify the disease in the first stage only by performing a computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging as part of a routine examination, or an examination conducted for another disease.

It is important! Complete restoration of the structure of the nervous tissue does not occur even with timely treatment, however, competent therapy in most cases can stop or slow down the development of the disease, as well as compensate for impaired body functions.

Causes of atrophic phenomena of the frontotemporal regions

Atrophy of the temporal lobes of the brain, as well as its frontal regions, can occur for a number of reasons, such as:

  • Disturbances in the blood supply to brain tissue
  • Chronic hypoxia
  • Activation of congenital pathogenic factors
  • Trauma and neurosurgical operations
  • Toxic effects of poisonous substances, ethyl alcohol, some medicines
  • Age-related changes in the body

In addition to the immediate causes of the disease, many provoking factors are important in the formation of atrophies, which include smoking tobacco and herbs containing cannabinoids (marijuana), prolonged abuse alcohol elderly age, cerebral atherosclerosis, hydrocephalus, working conditions associated with prolonged exposure to an oxygen-poor environment. The greatest danger is posed by conditions associated with insufficient oxygen supply to the brain, since the nervous tissue is characterized by an extremely acute and rapid reaction to hypoxia.

The risk of developing the disease also depends on the regenerative abilities of the patient's body. So, two people with similar initial data can react completely differently to the impact of the same pathogenetic factor.

Clinical signs of atrophy of the temporofrontal regions

The pathology of the temporo-frontal areas of the brain, associated with its atrophic phenomena, has a number of characteristic features. clinical features. The development of the disease occurs as follows:

  1. Initial stage. Typically, at this stage clinical symptoms absent, but there is a rapid development of the pathological process and its transition to the second stage of the disease.
  2. The second stage of the disease is characterized by rapid deterioration in the patient's communication with other people. At the same time, the patient becomes conflicted, unable to adequately perceive criticism, to catch the thread of the conversation.
  3. By the beginning of the third stage of the disease, the patient gradually loses control over his behavior. Unjustified outbursts of rage or despondency may occur, actions sometimes become antisocial.
  4. The fourth stage leads to a loss of understanding of the essence of ongoing events, the requirements of the people around.
  5. The final stage of the disease is characterized by a lack of emotional sensitivity. The events that take place are no longer conscious of the patient and are unable to evoke any emotions in him.

Depending on the affected areas of the frontal lobe, the patient may experience speech disorders, lethargy, apathy or euphoria, sexual hyperactivity, and some varieties of mania even in the early stages of the disease. The latter factor often makes the patient socially dangerous, which is an indication for his hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital.

In case of violation of the blood supply to the brain and head as a whole, one of diagnostic features there may be atrophy of the temporal muscle, which occurs in a number of patients. However, to given feature should be treated with caution.

Therapy of atrophic phenomena of the brain

It is important! Treatment of atrophic phenomena in the frontotemporal areas of the brain is carried out in two main areas, such as correction of the patient's psycho-emotional state and slowing down the dynamics of the disease.

In order to correct the psycho-emotional state, such groups of drugs as antidepressants and antipsychotics can be used. When using such drugs in elderly and pediatric patients in without fail dose adjustment is made. Otherwise, the development of side effects and aggravation of the patient's condition is possible.

It is possible to somewhat slow down the process of atrophy with the help of nootropic drugs, the use of which leads to an improvement in the blood supply to brain tissues with nutrients and oxygen. Unfortunately, it is extremely rare to completely stop the pathological process. Within 8-10 years, it leads to complete or almost complete degradation of a person as a person, as well as to a violation of some somatic functions.

Hospitalization of patients with frontal dementia is not a prerequisite for treatment, and is carried out solely according to indications (social danger, absence of a guardian). At home, the patient needs to provide a calm environment and constant monitoring of his activities.

It is a pathological or physiological process of destruction of the nervous tissue, accompanied by a regular decrease in the volume and weight of the organ. In this case, tissue destruction of both the cortex and subcortical structures can occur.

Physiological atrophy develops as a result of natural age-related changes that occur in the human body after 55–60 years. In this case, there is a general decrease in the volume of the nervous tissue both in the cortex and in the deeper structural elements of the brain. Pathological atrophy occurs due to some provoking factors, which will be discussed below.

It is important! It should be noted that atrophy is considered the process of destruction occurring on a healthy, normally developed organ. Congenital underdevelopment of the brain is called its aplasia. Similar phenomenon has slightly different causes of formation and clinical manifestations, although morphologically it may resemble congenital atrophy.

Treatment of the disease today is carried out on the fact of its presence. There are practically no adequate measures for the prevention and prevention of atrophic phenomena in the nervous tissue.

Causes of brain atrophy

One of the main causes of atrophic phenomena of a pathological nature is a genetic predisposition to this pathology. However, in addition to this, the disease can occur for a number of other reasons, which include:

  1. Toxic effect alcoholic beverages, some drugs and drugs. In this case, damage to both the cortex and subcortical structures of the brain can be noted. The low ability of the nervous tissue to regenerate, as well as the ongoing toxic effect, leads to the further development of the disease with the appearance of appropriate symptoms.
  2. Injuries, including those received during a neurosurgical operation. Pathogenetic effect on brain tissue occurs when the vessels are clamped and the development of ischemic phenomena. In addition, ischemia can also occur in the presence of benign tumors that are not prone to proliferation, but mechanically compress the bloodstream.
  3. Ischemic phenomena can also occur due to massive damage to blood vessels by atherosclerotic plaques, which is typical for elderly and senile people. At the same time, there is also a decrease in the throughput of arterioles and capillaries, which leads to malnutrition of the nervous tissue and its atrophy.
  4. Chronic anemia with a significant decrease in the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin in them. This pathology leads to a decrease in the ability of blood to attach oxygen molecules to itself and deliver them to body tissues, including nervous ones. Ischemia and atrophy develop.

It is important! The above have been discussed immediate causes illness. However, there are a number of contributing factors to the development of the disease. So, small cells contribute to atrophy of the nervous tissue. mental stress, excessive smoking of tobacco or narcotic mixtures, hydrocephalus, chronic hypotension, long-term use substances that have a vasoconstrictor effect (narrowing of peripheral and central vessels).

Symptoms that occur with brain atrophy and the variety of their manifestations

The existing symptoms of brain atrophy can have significant differences, depending on which specific parts of the organ have been destroyed. So, with physiological or pathological atrophy of the cortex, patients may experience such signs of the disease as:

  1. Decreased mental and analytical abilities of the patient, progressing as the pathology develops
  2. Changing the tempo, key and other speech features
  3. Memory impairment to the extent that the patient forgets information received only a few minutes ago
  4. Fine motor skills of the fingers are deteriorating. In this case, the patient in the final stage of the disease is often unable to carry out even self-care activities.
  5. The final stage of the disease is characterized by a completely inadequate state of the patient. Wherein somatic state suffers little.

The defeat of subcortical structures leads to the appearance of more formidable somatic symptoms. Their feature directly depends on the functional purpose of the affected area:

  • Atrophy of the medulla oblongata leads to a violation of the processes of respiration, cardiovascular activity, digestion, protective reflexes
  • The defeat of the cerebellum is manifested in violation of the tone of the skeletal muscles and coordination of the patient
  • Violation of the activity of the midbrain leads to the disappearance of the reaction to external stimuli
  • With atrophy diencephalon the body loses the ability to thermoregulate, homeostasis, there is a failure in the balance of anabolism and catabolism processes
  • Atrophy forebrain provokes the disappearance of congenital and acquired reflexes.

It is important! Significant atrophy of the subcortical structures, regardless of their functional purpose, in most cases leads to the loss of the patient's ability to independently maintain life processes, hospitalization in the intensive care unit and death in the future.

It is worth noting that this degree of atrophy develops extremely rarely, more often as a result of severe traumatic brain injury or toxic damage to the brain tissue and large blood vessels.

Diagnosis and treatment of brain atrophy

Reliable diagnosis of brain atrophy, as well as establishing the degree of the disease and the type of affected structures is possible only with the help of a layer-by-layer X-ray examination of the patient's intracranial space. To date necessary degree Informativeness is possessed by such examinations as computed and magnetic resonance imaging.

It is important! In the treatment of the disease, not only drug therapy but also the patient's daily routine. So, patients with physiological atrophy are recommended to correct the psycho-emotional background, create a calm environment, regular walks on fresh air, conversations with relatives, if possible - reading books and other intellectual activities.

The basis of drug therapy for atrophic phenomena of the brain is a group of nootropic drugs, bright representatives of which are such drugs as cerebrolysin, cerepro, ceraxon, actovegin. A somewhat less effective, but time-tested drug is piracetam.

Nootropic group medicines promotes significant improvement blood supply to the brain, improves metabolic processes and regeneration in it. Clinically, this manifests itself in the form of an improvement in the mental abilities of the patient, slowing down the development of further symptoms of the disease.

In addition to the nootropic group, atrophic phenomena of the nervous tissue require the appointment of antioxidants (Mexidol, vitamin C), antiplatelet agents (aspirin-cardio), drugs that improve blood circulation at the capillary level. According to the symptoms present, symptomatic therapy(analgin for headache, sedatives for psychomotor agitation).

Treatment of brain atrophy, accompanied by damage to its deep structures, requires hospitalization of the patient in the intensive care unit, equipped with the equipment necessary to maintain the patient's life.

Hypoxia, trauma, age-related changes, and other negative factors lead to atrophy of the soft tissues of the brain. Pathological changes are mainly found in the elderly, but disorders also occur in newborns.

Brain atrophy is a disorder in which there is a gradual death of cells and neuronal connections.

Atrophic changes in the brain, what is it?

Atrophic changes in the brain are the death of tissues, cells, neuronal connections and nerve connections. The disease is associated with age-related changes, begins at the age of 50-55 years. With an unfavorable outcome, pathological transformations lead to serious violations brain functions, and are accompanied by senile dementia, Alzheimer's disease.

Diffuse-atrophic changes affect the frontal parts of the brain. As a result, the first manifestations are associated with changes in behavior, difficulties in controlling the performance of normal daily activities and similar symptoms.

Why does the brain atrophy

The main cause of atrophy is genetic predisposition. External provoking factors can accelerate the process of change. Although the disease strikes different areas the cerebral cortex and subcortical formations, there is the same clinical picture development of pathological changes. Moderately pronounced atrophic changes in the substance of the brain can be suspended. To date, the disease is incurable.

Degenerative changes in newborns provoke prolonged oxygen starvation. Hypoxia during fetal development or childbirth provokes necrotic changes in brain tissues. The consequence of circulatory disorders is mental retardation.

Signs of atrophic changes

Moderate atrophy begins to appear with barely notable changes in personality. A person loses the desire to strive for something, apathy, lethargy and indifference appear. The disease is often accompanied by a complete deviation of moral principles. Over time, other symptoms appear:

The continuing deterioration of well-being is accompanied by further violations of mental functions. The ability to recognize objects and use them is lost. A “mirror” syndrome appears when the patient involuntarily copies the behavioral habits of other people. Over time, senile insanity and complete degradation of the personality sets in. Age-related atrophy ends with the death of the patient.

Signs of a group of atrophic processes in the brain are deviations in the behavior and character of a person. The symptoms make it impossible to make an accurate diagnosis. For accurate diagnosis a number of clinical trials will be required.

At what age does brain atrophy begin?

At risk are patients aged 50-55 years. As an exception, the disease affects people who are just over 45.

A number of disorders affect the rate of development of pathological changes:

Cause atrophic changes of the brain in newborns are violations or anomalies in the development of the fetus, birth injuries and diseases of the mother, transmitted by the placental method. HIV, lack of vitamins B1, B3 and folic acid cause atrophic changes.

Life expectancy in cerebral atrophy of the brain is the same as in people who do not have disorders. Usually the patient dies not from changes in the structure of the brain, but from concomitant diseases.

What threatens brain atrophy, what are the consequences

According to some medical studies, brain atrophy is not a separate disease, but rather a symptom accompanying degenerative disorders and brain anomalies.

Partial tissue atrophy is observed in the following pathologies:

  1. Alzheimer's disease.
  2. Senile dementia of the Alzheimer's type or dementia.
  3. Pick's disease.
  4. Parkinson.
  5. Chorea of ​​Huntington.

Life expectancy with brain atrophy depends on what diseases indicate this violation. specific treatment does not exist. Preservative therapy is carried out, aimed at combating symptoms and adverse manifestations.

Brain atrophy in newborns

Progressive atrophy occurs in newborns. In this case, we are talking about serious disorders of the brain structure associated with prolonged hypoxia. Since the brain tissue of a child needs to be approximately 50% more intense for development than for an adult (in terms of the ratio of brain mass to blood volume), relatively small changes result in serious consequences.

The brain of a child can atrophy for various reasons. These include genetic disorders, a different Rh factor of the mother and developing fetus, neuroinfection and anomalies of intrauterine development.

The consequence of the necrosis of nerve cells is the appearance of cystic formations, hydrocephalus (dropsy). One of the common complications is the inhibited development of the child with atrophy of the brain of the head. Violations come to light approximately after the first year of life.

What kind of atrophy does the brain undergo?

It is customary to classify atrophic phenomena of the brain tissue according to the stages of development, as well as the localization of pathological changes.

Each stage of development has its own deviations:

In addition to clinical manifestations, atrophy is classified according to the location and etiology of the lesion.

cortical atrophy

Tissue death occurs due to age-related changes. Cortical atrophic changes in the brain usually affect the frontal lobes. The spread of necrotic phenomena to neighboring parts of the brain is not excluded. Symptoms increase gradually and develop into senile dementia.

Diffuse cortical atrophy of the brain is usually aggravated by impaired blood supply, genetic factors, deterioration in regenerative abilities, and a decrease in the load on the brain.

In addition to psycho-emotional disorders, signs of cortical atrophy are a deterioration in motor skills of the hands, coordination of movements. An accurate diagnosis is established after an MRI. The consequences of cortical atrophy are senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

With cortical disorders, atrophy of the frontal lobe of the brain is diagnosed. Unfavorable factors lead to progressive tissue necrosis, which spreads to neighboring departments. The unfavorable development of cortical bihemispheric atrophy is reflected in motor function and affects the work of internal organs controlled by the damaged lobes of the brain.

Subatrophy of the brain

In addition to pronounced atrophic phenomena, there are border states accompanied by identical symptoms, with a lower intensity of manifestations. If a patient has been diagnosed with subatrophy of the cerebral hemispheres, one should not panic, but it is better to fully understand what it is.

Atrophy is the death of tissues with complete dysfunction. Subatrophy is a partial loss of function of a certain area or part of the brain.

For example, you can understand the following: cortical subatrophy of the brain - what is it? This is a partial violation. functionality frontal lobes, in which a decrease in the volume of the cortex is diagnosed. Motor, speech and mental capacity the patient is reduced, but not completely.

Subatrophy of the frontotemporal regions is associated with slight impairments in a person's ability to hear and communicate with other people. The patient may experience minor disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Subatrophic changes in the substance of the brain indicate a general change in the volume of brain tissue. It is possible to suspend violations at this stage. Late diagnosis and errors in therapy lead to atrophy white matter brain. In this state, a person has inhibition of the reaction, impaired fine motor skills and other disorders of the motor and conduction functions of the body.

multisystem atrophy

Multisystem atrophy of the brain is a neurodegenerative disease that manifests itself in impaired autonomic functions, as well as problems in the urinary and reproductive systems. Necrotic phenomena affect several parts of the brain at once.

Symptoms of multifocal atrophy are as follows:

  1. Explicit violations of the autonomic function.
  2. Erectile disfunction.
  3. Ataxia, uncertainty when walking.
  4. Parkinsonism. High blood pressure accompanied by tremor.

Diagnosis of the disease is extremely problematic. Symptoms are falsely mistaken for other diseases. Thus, multisystem dysfunction is diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 10-15% of cases.

Diffuse atrophic processes in the human brain

Diffuse atrophic transformations along with multisystem changes are one of the most unfavorable types of the disease. Violations occur imperceptibly, while the loss of function occurs due to the mixing of tissues, two different parts of the brain. As a result, irreversible changes occur.

One of characteristic complications the diagnosis is hydrocephalus. The disease begins with dysfunction of the cerebellum. In advanced stages, symptoms are observed that allow a correct diagnosis to be made.

Cortical atrophy of the brain

Subcortical and cortical atrophic changes are caused by the presence of thrombus formation and plaques, which, in turn, provoke hypoxia of the brain regions and the death of nerve cells in the occipital and parietal lobe brain.

The development of disorders is preceded by wrong exchange substances, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and other factors. Cortical atrophy of the brain can be provoked by severe injuries and fractures at the base of the skull.

How to stop brain atrophy than to treat

It is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis after a visual examination of the patient and the collection of anamnesis. Therefore, the neurologist will definitely prescribe additional methods. instrumental research, allowing to identify the extent and localization of lesions and determine the most effective treatment.

Methods for detecting atrophic changes

To determine the localization and degree of atrophy of the lobes of the brain, several methods are used. instrumental diagnostics. Only one procedure is enough to determine the presence of pathology. If the result is inaccurate or clarification is required regarding the severity of tissue damage, several diagnostic methods are simultaneously assigned.

You can determine the presence of atrophy using:

Traditional medicine in the treatment of atrophic changes in the brain

Treatment of cerebral atrophy is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease and preventing the spread of necrotic phenomena. In early symptoms, it is possible to do without taking medications.

So, generalized cerebral atrophy of the brain of the 1st degree is well treated by refusing bad habits and the elimination of factors that provoke change.

It should be taken into account that effective methods there is no therapy capable of reversing cell death, so the patient is prescribed medication to help cope with the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

  • Psychotropic substances - after the primary atrophic processes are over, rapidly progressive negative changes occur. The patient at this time feels mood swings, irritability, apathy or excessive excitability. Psychotropic drugs help to cope with psycho-emotional disorders.
  • Means for improving blood circulation - medications for treatment that stimulate hematopoiesis and improve blood circulation, stop the death of brain tissue, providing the surrounding lobes with sufficient oxygen.
  • Antihypertensive drugs - one of the factors that provoke cell death is hypertension. Stabilization of pressure reduces the risk of rapid progression of changes.
It is recommended to carry out therapy at home. With progressive atrophy and manifestations that close relatives cannot cope with on their own, hospitalization is provided for in specialized nursing homes or boarding schools for elderly people with impaired brain function.

If there are no contraindications, it is prescribed massotherapy which improves blood flow and psycho-emotional state of the patient.

Disability with atrophy is prescribed for moderate and severe progressive forms of the disease. The decision of the state commission will be influenced by the degree of disability of the patient.

The role of a positive attitude in the treatment of atrophy

Most physicians agree that the right attitude, calm atmosphere, participation in daily activities have a beneficial effect on the patient's well-being. Relatives should worry about the absence of dysregulation, day regimens.

Active life, positive attitude, lack of stress are the best means to stop the development of the disease.

Factors contributing to the prevention of degenerative phenomena:

  1. Healthy lifestyle.
  2. Rejection of bad habits.
  3. Blood pressure control.
  4. Healthy food.
  5. daily mental activity.

Treatment of brain atrophy with folk remedies

Folk remedies, as well as methods of official medicine, are aimed at reducing the symptoms of the disease. Atrophic changes are irreversible. By using herbal preparations you can reduce the intensity of negative manifestations.

Good results are brought by the use of the following fees:

Nutrition for brain atrophy

For brain function, you need to eat foods containing the following components and vitamins:
  1. unsaturated fats.
  2. Omega acids.
  3. fat soluble vitamins.
It is better to exclude flour from the diet. Smoked and fried foods are not suitable for eating.

Walnuts, fatty fish, vegetables and fruits will be a good help for the brain.

Patients with atrophic manifestations should stop smoking, using drugs and alcohol.

Proper nutrition, along with a physically active lifestyle, will stop the death of nerve cells and contribute to normal life patient.

structure of the brain In the process of aging, the human brain decreases in weight and size, soft tissue atrophy is observed. The natural processes caused by changes in the body are different for everyone. Patients in whom degenerative changes occur with increased activity diagnosed with cerebral atrophy.

The condition is characterized by a slow, gradually progressive course of the disease. MRI with brain atrophy allows you to determine the degree of damage, as well as identify concomitant diseases: Pick's disease and senile dementia.

Types of diagnosed atrophies

Although the main cause of atrophy is a hereditary and age factor, the disease can also appear for other reasons. As a result, pathology is not exclusively a disease of the elderly. It can be observed in children and at any other age.

It is customary to distinguish the following types brain atrophy:

  • Cortical - as a result of the development of pathology, the cells of the cerebral cortex die off. Cortical cerebral atrophy of the 1st degree on MRI looks like a focal lesion in the frontal lobes. Over time, degenerative changes begin to affect other parts.
    Cortical atrophy of the 2nd degree makes itself felt by structural changes in the cerebral cortex. At the same time, changes in the behavior of the patient begin to appear. Signs of atrophy of the cerebral cortex at the second stage can be determined by the patient's forgetfulness, causeless irritability, confusion.
  • Multisystem - pathology is characterized by vascular atrophy, degenerative changes affect brain stem cerebellum, spinal cord. Changes are observed in patients with the syndrome, in the initial stages it manifests itself in autonomic failure. Contrast-enhanced tomography is used for diagnosis.
    To trace the trend towards atrophy, you will have to do an MRI several times. A re-examination is usually prescribed a month after the primary one.
  • Diffuse - does not correlate with external manifestations. It is rather problematic to determine the development of diffuse atrophy in the early stages. Often, errors in the conclusion are found when diagnosing diffuse atrophy of the brain. Primary changes are easily confused with the usual disorders in the cerebellum.
    Pathological processes can be detected only in the later stages of atrophic changes. The diagnosis is made exclusively on magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Cerebellar atrophy - manifests itself as a neurological disorder of the cerebellum. Damaged over time various departments nervous system. Atrophic changes in the substance appear in the later stages of development. Subatrophic changes in the cerebral hemispheres and cerebellum are clearly visible on MRI.
    Tomography helps to put final diagnosis and exclude other neurological causes. In a child, cerebellar atrophy may occur due to trauma.
  • Posterior cortical - characterized by deposits in the form of plaques that cause cell death. Changes are concentrated in the parieto-occipital part. Signs of cortical atrophy appear in Everyday life patient. Mania is seen mental disorders, including those of a sexual nature. The manifestation of symptoms of the disease is a direct indication for the appointment of psychiatric therapy and the placement of the patient in the hospital.
    Signs of moderate atrophy hemispheres of the brain in the fronto-parietal region are manifested in the death of the temporal muscle and are clearly visible on the MRI image.

The diagnosis of cortical atrophy of the first degree means that the degenerative processes have just begun. Although it doesn't exist effective prevention and treatment of the disease, a healthy lifestyle can contribute to good health patient.

Examining the brain for atrophy

Magnetic resonance imaging with the help of automated analysis of the results makes it possible to detect even atrophies with minimal symptoms. On initial stage pathology does not yet affect the behavior and well-being of the patient, so it is rather problematic to determine the presence of the disease.

Moderately pronounced atrophic changes indicate progress in the development of the disease. The patient is prescribed therapy that can overcome the consequences of the disease.

As a result of the study, it can be revealed:

  • Frontotemporal cortex disorders are one of the most bright signs developing disease Alzheimer's. As it develops, the cells of the frontotemporal regions on both sides are destroyed, which leads to a loss of reason, disturbances in the patient's behavior. Subatrophy of the temporal lobe pole may also indicate Piqué's neurological disease.
  • Moderate cortical cerebral atrophy - occurs in older people, most often in the age period of 50 years and older. Destruction of nervous tissue is observed throughout the brain. Subatrophy of the cerebral hemispheres is a symptom of senile dementia. Small lesions do not affect the normal activity of a person and his mental abilities.
  • Manifestations of diffuse cerebral atrophy - development provoke brain injury. Although at the initial stage the disease manifests itself as neurological disorder with localization in the cerebellum, over time, the disease spreads to other parts of the brain.
  • Focal subatrophy - characteristic of patients suffering from epileptic seizures. Atrophic changes in the structurally immature substance of the brain lead to an aggravation of the problem and the development of the disease into chronic stage. The cause of the disease may be injuries and pathologies that prevent normal blood flow (, etc.). In this case, after the elimination of the catalysts, the seizures go away on their own.
  • Atrophy of the cerebral cortex with a decrease in the caliber of the cortical convolutions. Violations associated with hereditary factor and may indicate the development of Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, etc. Additional feature What is being looked at is the presence of vascular insufficiency.
  • Generalized cerebral atrophy - can be observed in a newborn baby as a result of fetal hypoxia or infection. A number of rehabilitation measures are being carried out for the child.
  • Subatrophy of the frontal parietal lobes - mainly begins as a result of injury or infection. The therapy is conservative. There is no specific treatment.

Modern methods of treatment for brain atrophy include the elimination of the factor in the development of degenerative processes. Drug therapy is prescribed to combat the consequences of the disease.

Brain atrophy is a process of gradual death of cerebral cells and destruction of interneuronal connections. The pathological process can spread to the cerebral cortex or subcortical structures. Despite the cause of the pathological process and the treatment used, the prognosis for recovery is not entirely favorable. Atrophy can affect any functional area of ​​the gray matter, leading to impaired cognitive abilities, sensory and motor disorders.

ICD-10 code

G31.0 Limited cerebral atrophy


Most of the reported cases occur in the elderly, namely women. The onset of the disease can start after 55 years and after a couple of decades lead to complete dementia.

Causes of brain atrophy

Brain atrophy is a serious pathology that occurs as a result of age-related degenerative processes, a genetic mutation, the presence concomitant pathology or exposure to radiation. In some cases, one factor may come to the fore, and the rest are only a background for the development of this pathology.

The basis for the development of atrophy is a decrease in the volume and mass of the brain with age. However, one should not think that the disease concerns only senile age. There is brain atrophy in babies, including newborns.

Almost all scientists unanimously argue that the cause of atrophy lies in heredity, when there are failures in the transmission of genetic information. Surrounding negative factors are considered a background effect that can accelerate the process of this pathology.

Causes of congenital brain atrophy imply the presence of a genetic anomaly of hereditary origin, a mutation in the chromosomes, or an infectious process during pregnancy. Most often this concerns a viral etiology, but bacterial is also often observed.

From the group of acquired predisposing factors, it is necessary to single out intoxications chronic course, especially Negative influence alcohol, infectious processes in the brain, both acute and chronic, traumatic injury brain and exposure to ionizing radiation.

Of course, acquired causes can come to the fore only in 5% of all cases, since in the remaining 95% they are a provoking factor against the background of manifestations of a genetic mutation. Despite the focality of the process at the beginning of the disease, the entire encephalon is gradually affected with the development of dementia and dementia.

On this moment it is not possible to describe pathogenetically all the processes that take place in the brain during atrophy, since the nervous system itself and its functionality have not been fully studied. However, some information is still known, especially about manifestations of atrophy involving certain structures.

Symptoms of brain atrophy

As a result of age-related changes in the encephalon, as well as other organs, there are processes reverse development. This is due to the acceleration of destruction and slowing down of cell regeneration. Thus, the symptoms of brain atrophy gradually increase in severity depending on the area of ​​the lesion.

At the beginning of the disease, a person becomes less active, indifference, lethargy appear, and the personality itself changes. Sometimes there is an ignorance of moral behavior and actions.

Then there is a decrease vocabulary, which ultimately leads to primitive expressions. Thinking loses its productivity, the ability to criticize behavior and think about actions is lost. In relation to motor activity, motor skills deteriorate, which leads to a change in handwriting and a deterioration in semantic expression.

Symptoms of brain atrophy may affect memory, thinking, and other cognitive functions. Thus, a person may stop recognizing objects and forget how they are used. Such a person needs constant monitoring in order to avoid unforeseen emergencies. Problems with orientation in space occur due to memory impairment.

Such a person cannot adequately assess the attitude of the surrounding people towards him and is often suggestible. In the future, with the progression of the pathological process, there is a complete moral and physical degradation of the personality due to the onset of insanity.

Brain atrophy 1 degree

Degenerative changes in the brain are activated with age, however, when exposed to concomitant additional factors thinking disorders can develop much faster. Depending on the activity of the process, its severity and the severity of clinical manifestations, it is customary to distinguish several degrees of the disease.

Brain atrophy of the 1st degree is observed at the initial stage of the disease, when there is a minimum level of pathological abnormalities in the functioning of the encephalon. In addition, one should take into account where the disease is initially localized - in the cortex or subcortical structures. The first manifestations of atrophy that can be seen from the side depend on this.

At the initial stage, atrophy may have absolutely no clinical symptoms. Perhaps the appearance of human anxiety due to the presence of another comorbidity that directly or indirectly affects the functioning of the encephalon. Then, periodic dizziness and headaches may appear, which gradually become more frequent and intense.

If a person at this stage consult a doctor, then grade 1 brain atrophy under the influence of drugs slows down its progression and there may be no symptoms. Needs to be adjusted with age. medical therapy, choosing other drugs and dosages. With their help, you can slow down the growth and emergence of new clinical manifestations.

Brain atrophy grade 2

The clinical picture and the presence of certain symptoms depend on the degree of brain damage, in particular on damaged structures. Grade 2 pathology usually already has some manifestations, due to which it is possible to suspect the presence of pathological processes.

The onset of the disease can be manifested exclusively by dizziness, headache, or even manifestations of another concomitant disease that affects the functioning of the encephalon. However, in the absence therapeutic measures This pathology continues the destruction of structures and the build-up of clinical manifestations.

So, to periodic dizziness, a deterioration in mental capabilities and the ability to analyze is added. In addition, the level of critical thinking decreases and self-esteem of actions and speech function is lost. In the future, most often, changes in speech, handwriting increase, as well as old habits are lost and new ones appear.

Brain atrophy of the 2nd degree, as it progresses, causes a deterioration in fine motor skills, when the fingers cease to “obey” the person, which leads to the impossibility of performing any work involving the fingers. Coordination of movements also suffers, as a result of which gait and other activities slow down.

Thinking, memory and other cognitive functions gradually worsen. There is a loss of skills in the use of objects familiar to daily use, for example, a TV remote control, a comb or a toothbrush. Sometimes you can notice a person copying the behavior and manners of other people, which is due to the loss of independence in thinking and movements.


Atrophy of the frontal lobes of the brain

In some diseases, at the first stage, atrophy of the frontal lobes of the brain is observed, followed by progression and spread of the pathological process. This applies to Pick's disease and Alzheimer's.

Pick's disease is characterized by a destructive lesion mainly of neurons in the frontal and temporal regions, which causes the appearance of certain clinical signs. With their help, the doctor can suspect the disease and, using instrumental methods to make the correct diagnosis.

Clinically, damage to these areas of the encephalon is manifested by a change in personality in the form of a deterioration in thinking and the process of memorization. In addition, from the onset of the disease, a decrease in intellectual abilities. There is a degradation of a person as a person, which is expressed in the angularity of character, secrecy, alienation from the surrounding people.

Motor activity and phrases become pretentious and may be repeated in a pattern. Due to the decrease in vocabulary, there is a frequent repetition of the same information in the course of a conversation or after a while. Speech becomes primitive with the use of monosyllabic phrases.

Atrophy of the frontal lobes of the brain in Alzheimer's disease is slightly different from Pick's pathology, since in this case there is a greater deterioration in the process of remembering and thinking. As for the personal qualities of a person, they suffer a little later.

Atrophy of the cerebellum

Dystrophic lesions can begin with the cerebellum, moreover, without involving pathways in the process. Ataxia and changes in muscle tone come to the fore, despite the fact that the causes of development and the prognosis are more similar to damage to the neurons of the hemispheres.

Atrophy of the cerebellum of the brain can be manifested by the loss of a person's ability to self-service. Damage to the cerebellum is characterized by disorders in the combined functioning of skeletal muscles, coordination of movements and maintenance of balance.

Disorders motor activity due to the pathology of the cerebellum, they have several features. So, a person loses the smoothness of his arms and legs when performing movements, intentional trembling appears, which is noted at the end of motor act, handwriting changes, speech and movements become slower, and scrambled speech occurs.

Atrophy of the cerebellum of the brain can be characterized by an increase in dizziness, an increase in headaches, the appearance of nausea, vomiting, drowsiness and disorders auditory function. rises intracranial pressure, ophthalmoplegia may occur due to paralysis of the cranial nerves, which are responsible for the innervation of the eye, areflexia, enuresis and nystagmus, when the pupil performs involuntary rhythmic oscillations.

Atrophy of the brain substance

The destructive process in neurons can occur during physiological process due to age-related changes after 60 years or pathological - as a result of any disease. Atrophy of the substance of the brain is characterized by the gradual destruction of the nervous tissue with a decrease in the volume and mass of gray matter.

Physiological destruction is noted in all people in old age, but the course of which can only be slightly medicinal effect, slowing down destructive processes. With regard to pathological atrophy due to the negative impact harmful factors or another disease, then it is necessary to act on the cause of atrophy in order to stop or slow down the destruction of neurons.

Atrophy of the brain matter, in particular white matter, may develop due to various diseases or aging changes. It is worth highlighting individual clinical manifestations of pathology.

So, with the destruction of the neurons of the knee, hemiplegia appears, which is a paralysis of the muscles of half of the body. The same symptoms are observed when the anterior portion of the posterior leg is damaged.

Destruction of the posterior area is characterized by a change in sensitivity in half of the areas of the body (hemianesthesia, hemianopsia and hemiataxy). The defeat of the substance can also cause a complete loss of sensitivity on one side of the body.

Mental disorders are possible in the form of a lack of recognition of objects, the performance of purposeful actions and the appearance of pseudobulbar signs. The progression of this pathology leads to disorders of speech function, swallowing and the occurrence of pyramidal symptoms.

Cortical atrophy of the brain

Due to age-related changes or as a result of a disease that affects the encephalon, the development of such a pathological process as cortical atrophy of the brain is possible. Most often, the frontal parts are affected, but the spread of destruction to other areas and structures of the gray matter is not excluded.

The disease begins imperceptibly and slowly begins to progress, and the increase in symptoms is noted after a few years. With age and in the absence of treatment, the pathological process actively destroys neurons, which ultimately leads to dementia.

Cortical atrophy of the brain mainly occurs in people after 60 years of age, but in some cases, destructive processes are observed in more early age due to congenital genesis of development due to genetic predisposition.

The defeat of the two hemispheres of cortical atrophy occurs in Alzheimer's disease or in other words, senile dementia. The pronounced form of the disease leads to complete dementia, while small destructive foci do not have a significant negative impact on the mental capabilities of a person.

The severity of clinical symptoms depends on the location and severity of damage to the subcortical structures or cortex. In addition, the rate of progression and the prevalence of the destructive process should be taken into account.

Multisystem atrophy of the brain

Degenerative processes underlie the development of Shy-Drager syndrome (multisystem atrophy). As a result of the destruction of neurons in some areas of the gray matter, disturbances in motor activity occur, and control over autonomic functions, such as blood pressure or the process of urination, is lost.

Symptomatically, the disease is so diverse that, for a start, some combinations of manifestations can be distinguished. Thus, the pathological process is expressed autonomic dysfunctions, in the form of parkinsonian syndrome with the development of hypertension with trembling and slowing of motor activity, as well as in the form of ataxia - unsteady walking and impaired coordination.

The initial stage of the disease is manifested by an akinetic-rigid syndrome, which is characterized by slow movements and has some symptoms of Parkinson's disease. In addition, there are problems with coordination and genitourinary system. In men, the first manifestation may be erectile dysfunction, when there is no ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

As for the urinary system, it is worth noting urinary incontinence. In some cases, the first sign of pathology may be sudden falls of a person throughout the year.

At further development multisystem atrophy of the brain is acquiring new symptoms that can be divided into 3 groups. The first is parkinsonism, which manifests itself in slow awkward movements and changes in handwriting. The second group includes urinary retention, urinary incontinence, impotence, constipation and paralysis. vocal cords. And finally, the third - consists of cerebellar dysfunction, which is characterized by difficulty in coordination, loss of a sense of prostration, dizziness and fainting.

In addition to cognitive impairment, other symptoms are possible, such as dryness in oral cavity, skin, changes in sweating, snoring, shortness of breath during sleep and double vision.

Diffuse atrophy of the brain

Physiological or pathological processes in the body, in particular, in the encephalon, can trigger the degeneration of neurons. Diffuse atrophy of the brain can occur as a result of age-related changes, genetic predisposition, or under the influence of provoking factors. These include infectious diseases, injuries, intoxications, diseases of other organs, as well as the negative impact of the environment.

Due to the destruction of nerve cells, there is a decrease in brain activity, the ability of critical thinking and control over one's actions is lost. In old age, a person sometimes changes behavior that is not always clear to others.

The onset of the disease can be localized in different areas, which causes certain symptoms. As other structures are involved in the pathological process, new structures appear. Clinical signs. Thus, the healthy parts of the gray matter are gradually affected, which ultimately leads to dementia and loss of personality.

Diffuse atrophy of the brain is initially characterized by the appearance of symptoms similar to cortical atrophy of the cerebellum, when gait is disturbed and spatial sensation is lost. In the future, there are more manifestations, as the disease gradually covers new areas of gray matter.

Atrophy of the left hemisphere of the brain

Each section of the encephalon is responsible for a specific function, therefore, when it is damaged, a person loses the ability to perform something, either physically or mentally.

The pathological process in the left hemisphere causes the appearance of speech disorders, such as motor aphasia. With the progression of the disease, speech may consist of separate words. In addition, suffering logical thinking and a depressive state develops, especially if the atrophy is localized mostly in the temporal region.

Atrophy of the left hemisphere of the brain leads to the lack of perception of the full image, the surrounding objects are perceived separately. Parallel to this, a person's ability to read is impaired, handwriting changes. Thus, analytical thinking suffers, the ability to think logically, analyze incoming information and manipulate dates and numbers is lost.

A person cannot correctly perceive and process information consistently, which leads to the inability to remember it. Speech addressed to such a person is perceived separately by sentences and even words, as a result of which there is no adequate response for appeal.

Severe atrophy of the left hemisphere of the brain can cause complete or partial paralysis right side with impaired motor activity due to changes in muscle tone and sensitive perception.

Mixed brain atrophy

Cerebral disorders can occur as a result of age-related changes, under the influence of a genetic factor or concomitant pathology. Mixed brain atrophy is a process of gradual death of neurons and their connections, in which the cortex and subcortical structures suffer.

Degeneration of the nervous tissue occurs mostly in women over 55 years of age. As a result of atrophy, dementia develops, and that significantly worsens the quality of life. With age, the volume and mass of the brain decrease due to the gradual destruction of neurons.

The pathological process can be observed in childhood when it comes to the genetic pathway of disease transmission. In addition, there are comorbidities and environmental factors, such as radiation.

Mixed brain atrophy covers the functional areas of the encephalon, which are responsible for controlling motor and mental activity, planning, analysis, and also criticizing one's behavior and thoughts.

The initial stage of the disease is characterized by the appearance of lethargy, apathy and a decrease in activity. In some cases, immoral behavior is observed, as a person gradually loses self-criticism and control over actions.

Subsequently, there is a decrease in the quantity and quality composition vocabulary, the ability of productive thinking, self-criticism and understanding of behavior are lost, and motor skills deteriorate, which leads to a change in handwriting. Further, a person ceases to recognize objects familiar to him, and eventually insanity sets in, when there is practically a degradation of the personality.

Atrophy of the parenchyma of the brain

The causes of parenchyma damage are age-related changes, the presence of concomitant pathology that directly or indirectly affects the encephalon, genetic and harmful environmental factors.

Atrophy of the brain parenchyma can be observed due to insufficient nutrition of neurons, since it is the parenchyma that is most sensitive to hypoxia and insufficient intake of nutrients. As a result, cells decrease in size due to compaction of the cytoplasm, nucleus and destruction of cytoplasmic structures.

In addition to a qualitative change in neurons, cells can disappear altogether, reducing the volume of the organ. Thus, atrophy of the brain parenchyma gradually leads to a decrease in the weight of the brain. Clinically, damage to the parenchyma can be manifested by impaired sensitivity in certain areas of the body, impaired cognitive function, loss of self-criticism and control over behavior and speech function.

The course of atrophy steadily leads to the degradation of the personality and ends lethal outcome. With the help of medicines, you can try to slow down the development of the pathological process and support the functioning of other organs and systems. Symptomatic therapy is also used to alleviate a person's condition.

spinal cord atrophy

Reflexively, the spinal cord can carry out motor and autonomic reflexes. Motor nerve cells innervate the muscular system of the body, including the diaphragm and intercostal muscles.

In addition, there are sympathetic and parasympathetic centers that are responsible for the innervation of the heart, blood vessels, digestive organs and other structures. For example, in the thoracic segment is the center of the expansion of the pupil and the sympathetic centers of innervation of the heart. The sacral region has parasympathetic centers responsible for the functionality of the urinary and reproductive systems.

Atrophy spinal cord depending on the localization of destruction, it can manifest itself as a violation of sensitivity - with the destruction of neurons of the posterior roots, or motor activity - of the anterior roots. As a result of the gradual damage to individual segments of the spinal cord, there are violations of the functionality of the organ that is innervated at this level.

So, the disappearance of the knee reflex occurs due to the destruction of neurons at the level of 2-3 lumbar segment, plantar - 5 lumbar, and the violation of contraction abdominal muscles observed with atrophy of nerve cells of 8-12 thoracic segments. Especially dangerous is the destruction of neurons at the level of the 3-4th cervical segment, where the motor center of innervation of the diaphragm is located, which threatens human life.

Alcoholic brain atrophy

The most sensitive organ to alcohol is the encephalon. Under the influence of alcohol, there is a change in the metabolism in neurons, resulting in the formation of alcohol dependence.

Initially, there is the development of alcoholic encephalopathy due to pathological processes in different areas brain, membranes, cerebrospinal fluid and vascular systems.

Under the influence of alcohol, the cells of the subcortical structures and the cortex are affected. In the brain stem and spinal cord, fiber destruction is noted. Dead neurons form islands around the affected vessels with accumulations of decay products. In some neurons, the processes of wrinkling, displacement and lysis of the nucleus.

Alcoholic atrophy of the brain causes a gradual increase in symptoms, which begins with alcoholic delirium and encephalopathy, and ends in death.

In addition, there is sclerosis of the vessels with deposition around the brown pigment and hemosiderin, as a result of hemorrhages, and the presence of cysts in choroid plexuses. Possible hemorrhages in the trunk of the encephalon, ischemic change and neuronal degeneration.

It is worth highlighting the Makiyafawa-Bignami syndrome, which occurs as a result of frequent use alcohol in in large numbers. Morphologically, central necrosis of the corpus callosum, its swelling, as well as demyelination and hemorrhages are revealed.

Brain atrophy in children

Infrequently, brain atrophy occurs in children, but this absolutely does not mean that it cannot develop in the presence of any neurological pathology. This fact, neurologists must take into account and prevent the development of this pathology in the early stages.

To make a diagnosis, they use a survey of complaints, the stages of the onset of symptoms, their duration, as well as the severity and progression. In children, atrophy can develop at the end of the initial stage of the formation of the nervous system.

Brain atrophy in children at the first stage may not have clinical manifestations, which complicates the diagnosis, because parents from the outside do not notice the deviation, and the destruction process has already started. In this case, magnetic resonance imaging will help, thanks to which the encephalon is examined in layers, and pathological foci are detected.

As the disease progresses, children become nervous, irritable, conflicts with peers occur, which leads to the solitude of the baby. Further, depending on the activity of the pathological process, cognitive and physical impairments can be attached. Treatment is aimed at slowing down the progression of this pathology, maximizing the elimination of its symptoms and maintaining the functioning of other organs and systems.

Brain atrophy in newborns

Most often, brain atrophy in newborns is caused by hydrocephalus or dropsy of the brain. It manifests itself in an increased cerebrospinal fluid, thanks to which the encephalon is protected from damage.

There are many reasons for the development of dropsy. It can form during pregnancy, when the fetus grows and develops, and is diagnosed using ultrasound. In addition, various failures in the laying and development of the nervous system or intrauterine infections in the form of herpes or cytomegaly.

Also, dropsy and, accordingly, brain atrophy in newborns can occur due to malformations of the brain or spinal cord, birth trauma accompanied by hemorrhage and meningitis.

Such a baby should be located in the intensive care unit, as it needs to be monitored by neuropathologists and resuscitators. There is no effective treatment yet, so gradually this pathology leads to serious violations of the functioning of organs and systems due to their inferior development.

Diagnosis of brain atrophy

When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should consult a doctor to establish a diagnosis and select an effective treatment. At the first contact with the patient, it is necessary to find out about the complaints that bother, the time of their occurrence and the presence of an already known chronic pathology.

Further, the diagnosis of brain atrophy consists in the use x-ray examination, thanks to which the encephalon is examined in layers to detect additional formations(hematomas, tumors), as well as foci with structural changes. For this purpose, magnetic resonance imaging can be used.

In the case of age-related changes, the treatment of brain atrophy consists in the use of drugs, providing full-fledged care for a person, eliminating annoying factors and protection from problems.

A person needs the support of loved ones, and therefore, when the first signs of this pathology appear, you should not immediately send a relative to a nursing home. It is desirable to carry out medication course to maintain the functioning of the encephalon and eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

WITH therapeutic purpose widely used antidepressants, sedatives, including tranquilizers, thanks to which a person relaxes and does not react so painfully to what is happening. He should be in a familiar environment, engage in daily activities and preferably sleep during the day.

Effective treatment in our time has not yet been developed, since it is very difficult to deal with the destruction of neurons. The only way to slow down the pathological process is the application vascular preparations that improve cerebral circulation (Cavinton), nootropics (Ceraxon) and metabolic drugs. As a vitamin therapy, it is recommended to use group B to maintain the structure of nerve fibers.

Of course, with the help of drugs it is possible to slow down the progression of the disease, but not for long.

Treatment of spinal cord atrophy

Destruction of neurons in both the brain and spinal cord has no pathogenetic therapy in view of the fact that to fight genetic, age and other causal factors extremely hard. When exposed to negative external factor you can try to eliminate it, if there is a concomitant pathology that contributed to the destruction of neurons, its activity should be reduced.

The treatment of spinal cord atrophy is mostly based on the attitude of the surrounding close people, since it is impossible to stop the pathological process and, in the end, a person may remain disabled. Good attitude, care and familiarity are the best things a relative can do.

As for drug therapy, the treatment of spinal cord atrophy consists in the use of B vitamins, neurotropic and vascular drugs. Depending on the cause of this pathology, the first step is to eliminate or reduce the influence of the damaging factor.


In view of the fact that the pathological process is almost impossible to prevent or stop, the prevention of brain atrophy can only consist in following some recommendations that can be used to delay the onset of this pathology in the case of age-related genesis or to stop it a little - in other cases.

Preventive methods consist in the timely treatment of chronic concomitant human pathology, since exacerbation of diseases can provoke the development of this pathology. In addition, it is necessary to regularly undergo preventive examinations to identify new diseases and their treatment.

In addition, the prevention of brain atrophy includes maintaining an active lifestyle, proper nutrition and good rest. With age, atrophic processes can be observed in all organs, in particular in the gray matter. Their frequent cause is atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels.

As a result, it is recommended to adhere to certain recommendations to slow down the process of vascular damage by atherosclerotic deposits. To do this, it is necessary to control body weight, treat diseases endocrine system, metabolism that contribute to obesity.

You should also fight high blood pressure, give up alcohol and smoking, strengthen immune system and avoid psycho-emotional overstrain.


Depending on the part of the brain that has undergone the most destruction, the prognosis and rate of development of the pathological process should be considered. For example, with Pick's disease, destruction of neurons in the frontal and temporal regions is noted, as a result of which personality changes first appear (thinking and memory worsen).

The progression of the disease is observed very quickly, as a result - the degradation of the personality. Speech and physical activity acquire a pretentious connotation, and the impoverishment of the vocabulary contributes to the use of monosyllabic phrases.

As for Alzheimer's disease, memory impairment is most pronounced here, but personal qualities do not suffer much even with 2 degrees of severity. This is due more to the breaks in interneuronal connections than to the death of neurons.

Despite the presence of the disease, the prognosis of brain atrophy is always unfavorable, as it slowly or quickly leads to the onset of dementia and death of a person. The only difference is the duration of the pathological process, and the outcome is the same in all cases.

It is important to know!

The causes and pathogenesis of facial hemiatrophy have not been established. Facial hemiatrophy often develops with a lesion trigeminal nerve and disorders autonomic innervation, which may be genetically determined, progressive hemiatrophy may be the hallmark of scleroderma striae.



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