Reporting concert in the dhow. Scenario of the reporting concert of creative groups of the Center for Additional Education of Children

Scenario of a reporting concert at a preschool educational institution for parents.

MKDOU d/s "Smile", music director

Novosibirsk region city Chulym 2012

1st leader: Beyond the sea, beyond the mountains, there is a wonderful country.

Mischievous, funny kids live there.

They sing and dance to the delight of everyone around,

And those who love the holiday are invited into a wide circle.

2nd leader: In this magical land there is no place for grief.

There the light of children's smiles gives people happiness.

And whatever you do, and wherever you are -

You will not find such a wonderful country anywhere!

1st leader: Meet our kids, they will perform for you the song “Chickens” by the muses. Filippenko sl. Volgina.

2 presenter .: We have gathered here to rejoice together at our successes, achievements and victories! Our concert today is not just a reporting concert. The guys studied for the whole academic year, tried, and overcame various difficulties.

1 presenter .-But if you firmly believe, really, really want and try very hard... then everything will definitely work out. Remember everything is in your hands, believe in luck and it will definitely come. Childhood is the most carefree and happiest time. I, like every adult, would dream at least for a moment to return to this wonderful world of goodness and miracles.

Friends, meet the youngest participant in the concert - the charming Pavel Pleskachev, with the poem “Smeshinka” ( Olga Chusovitina)

2 presenter .- It is unlikely that you will argue with the fact that grandmothers and grandchildren are best friends. And many of us even learned from our grandmothers how to ride a bicycle, ski, and weed garden beds. Moreover, grandmothers teach a lot, a lot.

Alina Vyzhimova and Katyusha Barsukova will perform “Song about Grandma” for you

1 presenter .- Oh, do you know what happened before the concert today? Our participants ran, fussed, dressed up...

2 presenter .: They always worry and worry before a concert.

1 presenter .: But I wonder if adults remember their fairyland of childhood. Happy, irrevocable time of childhood!

2 presenter .: Yes... it’s such a pity that the days of happy childhood will not return to us! And each of us will want to be there at least for a moment! Dig into the sandbox and, as a sign of great friendship, hit Irka on the head with a shovel. Arrange a fight with Seryozhka over a tricycle or soar under the clouds on a swing.

On stage are the young participants of our concert with the song “Wonderful Song”

(Words: A. Kondratiev, music: M. Protasov)

1 presenter :


They clapped their hands

They clapped their hands

Let's rest a little


2 presenter .: And we meet the children of the middle group with the dance “Ladushki”

1 presenter .: What great guys! The stars are so small and already not in the sky, but on our stage! But I wonder when the first stars appeared?

2 presenter .: Now no one can accurately name the moment in time when the first stars appeared. However, it is known for certain that many of them appear when people live in harmony with themselves and deeply feel the beautiful, when their deeds bring only benefit to the people around them.

1 presenter .: Then we definitely need to watch the next issue! On our stage there are the real stars: Nastya Istifeeva, Polina Fokina with the song “Tyav-Tyav” words by Yu. Razumovsky.

2 presenter .: The soul must strive for a dream,

She is always like a bird.

Fly in flight of eternity

And sing joyful songs.

But sadness, melancholy, sadness are not with us.

We love life and know for sure

That we are in the world and the world is for us.

We are happy - that's the whole story.

(S.P. Khisamutdinova)

1 presenter .: Meet the children of the middle group with the song “The Singing World is Beautiful” Lyricist: Mikhail Sadovsky.

2 presenter .: This feeling delights us,

And we “adore” the brave,

The people do not forget the brave heroes,

And their courage speaks of their strength of spirit.

Mikhail Vaskov

2 presenter .: Artem Boyko will tell you the poem “Brave Hare”

1st leader: Wonderful dance! This is magic

Attracts you quickly and tenaciously

Movement, rhythm and music are related

Intertwined here with bright lighting

2nd leader: Here beauty gives birth to beauty

Which one? The one in which there is no peace

And the heart again strives for heights

Subject to dance, music and structure.

Dance "Boogie-woogie" preparatory group.

1st leader: Mom is the kindest and warmest, most gentle creature for a child. ... Oh, how I want to return to the serenity of childhood days And trustingly cling to my kind mother!

2nd leader: Vika Levchenko will read you the poem “Mom” ( M. Sadovsky)

1 presenter .:Take care of your children,

Don't scold them for their pranks.

The evil of your bad days

Never take it out on them.

2nd leader:

Don't be seriously angry with them

Even if they did something wrong,

There is nothing more expensive than tears

That the eyelashes of relatives have rolled off.

1st leader:

If you feel tired

I can’t cope with her,

Well, my son will come to you

Or your daughter will extend her hands.

2nd leader:

Hug them tight

Treasure children's affection

is this happiness? a short moment

Hurry up to be happy.

1st leader:

After all, they will melt like snow in the spring,

These golden days will flash by

And they will leave their native hearth

Your children have grown up.

2nd leader:

Flipping through the album

With childhood photographs

Remember with sadness the past

About those days when we were together.

1st leader:

How will you want

Return again at this time

To sing a song to them little ones,

Touch your cheeks with gentle lips.

2nd leader:

And while there is children's laughter in the house,

There's no escape from toys

You are the happiest person in the world,

Please take care of your childhood!

Children of the middle group will perform for you the song “Russian Spoon”

1 presenter .: We wish you strength, inspiration,

Less failures and tears.

2 presenter .: And in our difficult age - more patience!

And the fulfillment of everyone’s dreams and dreams.

Musical director

MKDOU d/s "Smile"

G. Chulym 2012


Olga Kupriyanova
Report concert at the preschool educational institution


Beyond the sea, beyond the mountains, there is a wonderful country.

Mischievous, funny kids live there.

They sing and dance to the delight of everyone around,

And those who love the holiday are invited into a wide circle.

In this magical land there is no place for grief.

There the light of children's smiles gives people happiness.

And whatever you do, and wherever you are -

You will not find such a wonderful country anywhere!

1 presenter: Meet the children of the middle and senior groups, they will perform a dance for you "Gnomes".

2 presenter: We have gathered here to rejoice together at our successes, achievements and victories! Our today a concert is not just a reporting concert. The guys studied for the whole academic year, tried, and overcame various difficulties.

1 presenter: But if you firmly believe, really, really want and try really, really hard, then everything will definitely work out. Remember everything is in your hands, believe in luck and it will definitely come. Childhood is the most carefree and happiest time. I, like every adult, would dream at least for a moment to return to this wonderful world of goodness and miracles.

2 presenter: Friends, meet Alina Tatarchuk with a poem “Near Lukomorye there is a green oak tree...”

1 presenter: On our stage, young talent Ilya Yankovic with a song “Never part with a fairy tale”.

Invented by someone simply and wisely

Say hello when meeting: "Good morning!"

"Good morning!" sun and birds.

"Good morning!" smiling faces.

And everyone becomes kind and trusting!

May good morning last until evening!

2 presenter: Poem by Oleg Bondur "Good morning" Middle school student Lisa Ivantsova will read for you.

1 presenter: Oh, you know what happened before today concert? Our participants ran, fussed, dressed up...

2 presenter: They are always in front concert worried and worried.

1 presenter: But I wonder if adults remember their fairyland of childhood? Happy, irrevocable time!

On stage, children of the middle group with a re-enactment "Two cheerful geese". Meet!

2 presenter: Mom is the kindest and warmest, gentle creature for a child.

… Oh, how I want to return to the serenity of childhood days

And trustingly cling to my kind mother!

1 presenter: The smallest participant in our concert Varya Shishkina will read you a poem by E. Blaginina "Let's sit in silence"

2 presenter: Yes... it’s such a pity that the days of happy childhood will not return to us! And each of us will want to be there at least for a moment! Dig into the sandbox and, as a sign of great friendship, hit Irka on the head with a shovel. Arrange a fight with Seryozhka over a tricycle or soar under the clouds on a swing.

On stage the young participants of our concert with song"Kindergarten"

1 presenter: What great fellows! The stars are so small and already not in the sky, but on our stage! But I wonder when the first stars appeared?

2 presenter: Now no one can accurately name the moment in time when the first stars appeared. However, it is known for certain that many of them appear when people live in harmony with themselves and deeply feel the beautiful, when their deeds bring only benefit to the people around them.

Presenter 1: Then we definitely need to watch the next issue! On our stage Nikita Filatov with a poem “A star fell on my palm” A. Dolsky

2 presenter: As you know, children love pets. Both of them are our smaller brothers, some of whom grow into our brothers, while others retain their original title until old age. Even barely moving their paws, they remain cute furry friends of children.

1 presenter: Meet middle school student Sonya Mayer with a poem by E, Blaginina "Kitty"

The soul must strive for a dream,

She is always like a bird.

Fly in flight of eternity

And sing joyful songs.

But sadness, melancholy, sadness are not with us.

We love life and know for sure

That we are in the world and the world is for us.

We are happy - that's the whole story.

2 presenter: Meet... Acrobatic performance of our graduate Anastasia Voronina

1 presenter: The Great Patriotic War...Many words have already been said, many songs have been sung, countless poems have been written. But, despite this, even songs or poems that have been known for a long time can suddenly open up to us with an unknown facet and help us understand them in a new way.

2 presenter: Ilya Yankovic will tell you a poem by Robert Rozhdestvensky "Small man".

Presenter 1: To be honest, I don’t understand how a child can feel THIS way about something that he has never experienced. This cannot even be called talent or genius - probably, this is some kind of special instinct of a huge universal scale, which is inherent in our children and which, unfortunately, we adults have lost.

2 presenter: Take care of your children,

Don't scold them for their pranks.

The evil of your bad days

Never take it out on them.

1 presenter: Don’t be seriously angry with them,

Even if they did something wrong,

There is nothing more expensive than tears

That the eyelashes of relatives have rolled off.

And while there is children's laughter in the house,

There's no escape from toys

You are the happiest person in the world,

Please take care of your childhood!

1 presenter: Children of preparatory group No. 2 will perform a dance for you "Zainka"

Wonderful dance! This is magic

Attracts you quickly and tenaciously

Movement, rhythm and music are related

Intertwined here with bright lighting

Here beauty gives birth to beauty

Which one? The one in which there is no peace

And the heart again strives for heights

Subject to dance, music and structure.

Second junior group "Dance with Flowers". Meet!

Everything in our life is instantaneous.

Everything passes and will pass.

Sports are a must

Exercise all year round.

Don't hesitate. Do not be shy.

Do without doctors.

Take care of your body.

Be healthy! Always healthy!

The children of the preparatory group will now show you how they keep themselves in shape throughout the school year. "Step - aerobics". Meet!

1 presenter: We wish you strength, inspiration,

Less failures and tears.

2nd presenter: And in our difficult age - more patience!

And the fulfillment of everyone’s dreams and dreams.

Anna Mudrievskaya
Scenario of the reporting concert for parents “Spring Palette”


Hello, dear parents and guests of our kindergarten! Today we have gathered with you in our cozy room to rejoice together at our successes, achievements and victories! Your children have prepared for you concert program which we called « Spring palette» . We hope that our the concert will make you smile, joy and good mood.

All children of the earth are friends with music,

They sing and dance loudly.

Colors of melodies, silver laughter

Let them become a drop of happiness for everyone.

Meet Victoria Shumakova and Angelica Androsyan, group "Hitch"

"Funny song" A. Ermolova

Leading: Childhood is the most carefree and happiest time. I, like every adult, would dream at least for a moment to return to this wonderful world of goodness and miracles. Friends, meet the youngest participant of our concert- charming Anya Migulya and Alena Zagrebaeva


Full of bird songs,

Spring has blossomed all around,

The sun shone

Everything has become beautiful:

And trees and bushes,

AND spring flowers.

The earth, rejoicing and laughing,

Like getting ready for a holiday.

song "And in the spring" the group gives you "Hustlers"

Song "And in the spring"


At dawn the birds began to sing,

In the thicket of the forest there is beauty,

A fairy tale may be lurking

Near every bush.

I see a frog jumping

An ant is crawling towards me.

I hear a cheerful woodpecker

Drumming on the pine tree.

Our program concert continues the band's performance


Wonderful dance! This is magic

Attracts you quickly and tenaciously

Movement, rhythm and music are related

Intertwined here with bright lighting

Here beauty gives birth to beauty

Which one? The one in which there is no peace

And the heart again strives for heights

Subject to dance, music and structure.

Dance composition "Kalina" group "Hitch"

Leading: Every person is born talented. Each of us has an abyss of talents and abilities hidden within us. We, "teachers", together with parents should strive to help the child open up and realize himself in this life. Let's consider ourselves the happiest parents when our children perform. Meet the group "Why Chicks"

Children dramatize a song"About Frogs and Mosquitoes"


Music caresses our ears -

Or it rumbles like thunder, gently flies like a snowflake

Or it will rain.

Music for everyone, no doubt

Can set the mood.

And the children's orchestra of the group will create the mood for us "Bees"

Children's orchestra performs a play "Grasshopper" V. Shainsky


Joy - if the sun is shining,

If there is a month in the sky.

How much joy there is in the world,

Do not measure and do not count.

Only the joyful ones hear

The song of the wind from above,

How quietly the grass breathes,

How flowers ring in the meadows.

Only the one who loves deeply

Believes in a bright dream

It won't spoil it, it won't ruin it

There is beauty in this world!

Dance composition "Cornflower glade" group "Hitch"


We wish you strength, inspiration,

Less failures and tears.

And in our difficult age - more patience!

And the fulfillment of everyone’s dreams and dreams.

See you again!

Publications on the topic:

Scenario of the concert “Dear Mother” Type of project - educational, creative Project duration - 2 weeks - Objectives - Develop creativity (Application<< Букет цветов.

Presenter 1. Hello, our dear mothers! Today we have gathered here on a very important occasion - the celebration of Mother's Day. It has already become a tradition.

Concert script for Mother's Day Scenario for Mother's Day in kindergarten Presenter: Hello, dear mothers! Today we want to congratulate you on the holiday, Happy Day.

Concert script for Mother's Day Scenario of a festive concert dedicated to Mother's Day for children and kindergarten staff. Behind the curtain, children and adults line up in a semicircle:

Concert script for Teacher's Day 1st presenter Good afternoon, dear colleagues! 2nd presenter We are glad to welcome you 1st presenter. How wonderful it is now on the calendar.

Scenario of the reporting concert “Rainbow of Talents” Reporting concert “Rainbow of Talents” 2016 Presenter: Good evening, dear friends. Today you are greeted by young talents from our nursery.


reporting concert of MBOU "Krasnoslobodskaya Secondary School No. 1"

Ved.1.-Good afternoon!
Ved.2. -Hello! We are glad to welcome you in this cozy room!
Ved.1. -Prepare the most reverent feelings and the most friendly applause.
Ved.2. -Feel free to express your kind attitude towards each other and the speakers!
Ved.1. -Leaving this stage exactly a year ago, we did not say goodbye to you, we said “goodbye”!
Ved.2. -And now the spring drops are ringing outside the window again, which means that the time has come for the creative team of Krasnoslobodsk secondary school No. 1 to meet their dear viewers: teachers and parents, grandparents, friends and friends of friends!
Ved.1. -Life is like a melody, and just as a melody is made from notes, so life is made up of family, friends, dreams, aspirations, hobbies, good, worthwhile deeds, and even if everything doesn’t always work out the first time, but if you firmly believe, you really, really want , and try very, very hard, then we will definitely succeed. Because we are together! Together with you! Together with the whole country!

Readers come out, 3 people on each side with balls.
1) -I, you, he, she- Together - a whole country!
2) -Together – a friendly family! There are one hundred thousand “I”s in the word “we”
3) -The sun is shining above you, School country, (my homeland!)

4) -You are the most beautiful in the world, School country, (my homeland!)
5) -The sun is shining above you, It pours from above.

6) Everything in the world, everything in the world You and I can do it!

1. “Together with your country” Exec. Klokova Elena, Kudasheva Alla, Pchelintseva Ulyana,
2. Vladimir Firsov “Sense of Motherland” read by Egor Levkin
3.Song “With Friends” Spanish. Trio Balkin Victor, Gumenskaya Alexandra, Danilin Igor

(kids read poetry before the dance)

I'm going on stageI don’t look into the hall out of fear,It's easy for you to watch from the audience,I'm shaking on stage!
The pen goes in the wrong directionThe leg goes in the wrong directionOur aunt is a choreographerHe says it's no problem.
Although our ensemble is small,But it's almost a star!Let's grow up a little moreAnd then we will become famous!

4. “Flowers-flowers”, Spanish. pupils of the kindergarten "Smile" and the junior dance group "Victoria"
5.Karen Khachaturyan “Gallop” Spanish. Shvechkova Maria and Mulyanova Anastasia

Ved.2. Like at the old balls in the buildings

A sea of ​​music, laughter and light.

And the delight in the girls' eyes

From the gallantry of the young cadets.

5. “Polonaise” Spanish. cadet class students 6. “Boy Cadets” Spanish. Klokova Elena

Ved.1. Childhood is a golden time

And magical dreams.

Childhood is you and me.

Childhood is me and you.

7. “Dance with skipping ropes” Spanish. dance group "Victoria" 8. …. “Cleaning” read by Gruzintseva Polina

9. Song “My Family” Spanish. Vershinina Valeria 10. “Good mood” Spanish. Stenyushkin family quartet 11. Dance "Kalinka" Spanish. dance team "Serpentine"

Ved.2. The darkness was basking around my fires,

I’m not going to blame anyone.

But rising from the darkness of centuries

Rus' held on to Russian strength.

12. “Rozhon” Spanish. Sergei Kalashnikov, accompanied by Igor Shakhin Ved. 1. To the left the songs flow loudlyThere lips will sing loudly.If you go to the right, they’re laughing there.And straight away - the plays will come to life.Alexander Andreich Chatsky is here to see you!..
13. Chatsky’s monologue from A. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” is read by Alena Volkova.
14. “Cossack dance.” Spanish secondary dance group "Victoria".
15. A. Barto Verse. “Klutz” read by Dmitry Runkov
Ved. 2. Somewhere in the world of distant starsThere is a land of magical dreams.There, at the edge of the water,Traces of our childhood.
16. "The Little Prince". Spanish Pchelintseva Ulyana.
Ved. 1. And again there is a miracle in front of you, a miracle that lives next to youThis miracle cannot be touched, but can be seen and heard.It can make us cry and laugh. It hassoul and heart. This miracle is born on stage, and its name is dance.
17. Dance “Game of Feelings” Sp. dance group "Expression".
18. “The dispute between Masha and Vitya” Spanish. duet Gumenskaya Alexandra and Kolyadin Ilya.
19. “Rain Everywhere” Spanish. Senkina Alina.
Ved.1.Beautiful dance! This is magic.Attracts you quickly and tenaciously.Movement, rhythm and music are relatedIntertwining with bright lighting.Here beauty gives birth to beauty.Which one? The one in which there is no peace.And the heart again strives for heights,Subject to dance, music and structure.
20. “Chinese motives” Spanish. secondary dance group "Victoria" 21. “Once upon a time” Spanish. Pechatkina Irina and Kulikova Daria 22. “Angels of Good” Spanish. Velmiskina Arina and Dudnikova Irina. 23. E. Yevtushenko “Talk about Happiness” is read by Tatyana Belikova.
Ved.1. There is strength in unity! In valor and glory!And in the Russian spirit that lives for centuries!Though the new wind guides their sail,The helm of the country is in confident hands!Ved.2. Conquering sports peaks,A country! The students go forward.And Happiness lights their way!And all new victories are easy!
24. Sports composition sports group (All participants, director and deputy director come on stage to the soundtrack of the song “Together with our country”)

Yu.N. We are responsible to the futureOur joy, pain and sadness,Our future is children!..It's difficult with them. Well, let!..
T.V. Our children are our strength,Extraterrestrial lights.If only there was a futureAs bright as they are!..
Yu.N. Dear friends! Our concert has come to an end. And again we say to you: “Goodbye! See you again! May spring live forever in your hearts!

Scenario of a reporting concert at a preschool educational institution for parents.

MKDOU d/s "Smile", music director

Novosibirsk region city Chulym 2012

1st leader: Beyond the sea, beyond the mountains, there is a wonderful country.

Mischievous, funny kids live there.

They sing and dance to the delight of everyone around,

And those who love the holiday are invited into a wide circle.

2nd leader: In this magical land there is no place for grief.

There the light of children's smiles gives people happiness.

And whatever you do, and wherever you are -

You will not find such a wonderful country anywhere!

1st leader: Meet our kids, they will perform for you the song “Chickens” by the muses. Filippenko sl. Volgina.

2 presenter.: We have gathered here to rejoice together at our successes, achievements and victories! Our concert today is not just a reporting concert. The guys studied for the whole academic year, tried, and overcame various difficulties.

1 presenter.-But if you firmly believe, really, really want and try very hard... then everything will definitely work out. Remember everything is in your hands, believe in luck and it will definitely come. Childhood is the most carefree and happiest time. I, like every adult, would dream at least for a moment to return to this wonderful world of goodness and miracles.

Friends, meet the youngest participant in the concert - the charming Pavel Pleskachev, with the poem “Smeshinka” (

2 presenter.- It is unlikely that you will argue with the fact that grandmothers and grandchildren are best friends. And many of us even learned from our grandmothers how to ride a bicycle, ski, and weed garden beds. Moreover, grandmothers teach a lot, a lot.

Alina Vyzhimova and Katyusha Barsukova will perform “Song about Grandma” for you

1 presenter.- Oh, do you know what happened before the concert today? Our participants ran, fussed, dressed up...

2 presenter.: They always worry and worry before a concert.

1 presenter.: But I wonder if adults remember their fairyland of childhood. Happy, irrevocable time of childhood!

2 presenter.: Yes... it’s such a pity that the days of happy childhood will not return to us! And each of us will want to be there at least for a moment! Dig into the sandbox and, as a sign of great friendship, hit Irka on the head with a shovel. Arrange a fight with Seryozhka over a tricycle or soar under the clouds on a swing.

On stage are the young participants of our concert with the song “Wonderful Song”

(Words: A. Kondratiev, music: M. Protasov)

1 presenter:


They clapped their hands

They clapped their hands

Let's rest a little


2 presenter.: And we meet the children of the middle group with the dance “Ladushki”

1 presenter.: What great guys! The stars are so small and already not in the sky, but on our stage! But I wonder when the first stars appeared?



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