Inflammation of subcutaneous fat tissue. Inflammation of subcutaneous tissue treatment and symptoms

Human skin consists of the epidermis, dermis and a third layer - consisting of fat cells. It acts as a thermostat and protects internal organs from shock. Inflammation subcutaneous tissue- a phenomenon that occurs quite often and brings a lot of trouble to a sick person.

Inflammatory processes with the accumulation of pus in the subcutaneous tissue are presented in several forms. In all pathologies, the most common pathogen is staphylococcus. The infection develops when the integrity of the skin and the overall immune resistance of the entire body decreases. The accumulation of a large number of bacteria also leads to the onset of the disease.

Boils and furunculosis

Inflammation of the hair follicle and tissues located next to it, accompanied by purulent process, called furunculosis. The disease develops as a result of injury to the skin - the appearance of cracks and abrasions, and also as a complication of diabetes mellitus, after severe hypothermia, and with vitamin deficiency.

At the beginning of the disease, in the area of ​​the hair follicle under the skin, a inflammatory infiltrate, which feels like a small nodule. The area above it hurts and swells, acquiring a red tint. As the infiltrate matures, tissue necrosis begins. After 3–5 days, the necrotic skin becomes so thin that the contents of the boil come out with fragments of hair. The wound is cleared of pus and gradually heals. A light scar remains in its place.

Depending on the location, a boil (or several at once in case of furunculosis) can cause serious deterioration general condition. For example, purulent infiltrates that appear on the face in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, near the eyes, often cause inflammation meninges, . These diseases occur with high fever (up to 40 degrees), severe swelling, and hypertonicity of the neck muscles.


Cellulitis is a diffuse inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue caused by pyogenic microorganisms that enter through wounds (streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli and others). The disease manifests itself in the form of suppuration that does not have a capsule. Because of this, the process spreads very quickly.

The main complaints of people with phlegmon are: sharp increase temperatures up to 39–40 degrees, chills, growing swelling in the affected area. During palpation, pain is felt. At first, the infiltrate is felt under the fingers, but later it “spreads.”

Experts distinguish three types of phlegmon:

  • serous;
  • purulent;
  • putrid.

Surgical methods are used to treat purulent and putrefactive phlegmon. If the process takes place in serous form, then the most effective conservative methods therapy.


Carbuncle is an inflammation of the subcutaneous fat, in which several are simultaneously affected by the infection. hair follicles, located nearby. The cause of suppuration is streptococcal or staphylococcal infection.

A large infiltrate formed in the thickness of the skin makes itself felt with the following symptoms:

  • feeling as if the pain is bursting from the inside;
  • the skin becomes tense;
  • the inflamed area is painful to touch.

Most often, carbuncles appear on the face and back of the body - buttocks, lower back, shoulder blades and neck. In the place where it develops inflammatory process, the skin takes on a bluish tint, becomes hot and very painful. Symptoms of general intoxication appear - heat, vomiting, dizziness, sometimes leading to loss of consciousness.

After ripening and necrotization of the tissue, the carbuncle is cleared of pus. The surface of the skin in the inflamed area becomes covered with funnels with holes, and later with wounds with loose edges.

Treatment of a carbuncle is carried out by opening and draining the abscess. After the operation, dressings are done twice a day, while sanitizing the wound. A course of antibiotic therapy and drugs to relieve intoxication and pain are prescribed. IN mandatory general strengthening drugs are used.


An abscess is also called an abscess of the subcutaneous tissue, in which the tissue becomes necrotic, and in its place a cavity filled with pus is formed. A process develops under the skin due to infection - streptococci, staphylococci, coli and others pathogenic microorganisms, causing atypical course diseases. An abscess has a membrane that separates the infected tissue from the healthy tissue.

A purulent accumulation that develops in adipose tissue or other tissue can have many manifestations. If it is localized under the skin, the symptoms are usually as follows;

  • redness of the inflamed area;
  • pain during palpation;
  • increase in body temperature up to 41 degrees;
  • lack of appetite.

An abscess is a disease that can be treated with surgical methods - open and closed. In the first case, the doctor makes a small incision in the skin, through which a tube is inserted to drain pus and wash the inflamed area of ​​subcutaneous fat. In the second, the abscess is completely opened, drains are inserted, then dressings and sanitation of the operated area are performed daily. In severe cases, when the abscess threatens to develop into sepsis, antibiotics and detoxification agents are used.


Erysipelas is a skin disease caused by beta-hemolytic streptococci. The development of infection is promoted by:

  • skin injury;
  • diabetes mellitus and other diseases that cause vascular fragility;
  • prolonged exposure to dust, soot, chemical substances on the skin;
  • decline immune defense body;
  • chronic diseases;
  • vitamin deficiency.

Erysipelas appears within a day after infection. Itching and burning of the skin begins in the affected areas, and inflammation quickly spreads throughout the body. Other symptoms appear during the day:

  • the temperature reaches 40 degrees;
  • muscle aches and headache appear;
  • severe fever accompanied by nausea and vomiting;
  • the skin becomes extremely painful and turns red.

Areas of inflammation become covered with blisters filled with ichor or pus, which then turn into pustules. The edges of the affected area are characteristic shape, reminiscent of tongues of fire.

Treatment is carried out in outpatient setting. Antibiotics are used and must be taken for 7 to 10 days. The therapist or surgeon also prescribes anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs. To relieve intoxication it is recommended to use a large number of liquids.

Inflammation of subcutaneous fat tissue

Inflammatory processes developing in adipose tissue are called panniculitis by experts. The pathology is associated with changes in the structure of the partitions between cells or affecting the lobules of subcutaneous tissue.

Gynoid lipodystrophy, better known as cellulite, is associated with structural changes in adipose tissue, which lead to a significant deterioration in blood microcirculation and lymph stagnation. Not all doctors consider cellulite a disease, but insist on calling it a cosmetic defect.

Cellulite most often appears in women due to hormonal imbalances happening on different stages life - in adolescence, during pregnancy. Sometimes it can be caused by taking hormonal contraceptives. Plays a big role hereditary factor and nutritional features.

Depending on the stage, cellulite manifests itself in different ways:

  1. fluid stagnates in adipose tissue;
  2. blood and lymph circulation worsens, collagen fibers between cells harden;
  3. small nodules form that give the skin the appearance of an orange peel;
  4. The number of nodules increases, and they become painful when touched.

At the third and fourth stages, cellulite begins not only to spoil appearance, but also causes physical anxiety. The skin takes on a bluish tint, depressions form on it, and the temperature changes. Also weakened muscle, suffer nerve endings. Due to compression they are pinched large vessels(especially the veins in the legs), which leads to the appearance of varicose veins, and smaller ones located under the skin - a network of capillaries appears on its surface.

Subcutaneous inflammation - lipodystrophy of adipose tissue is treated comprehensively. To achieve success you need to eat right, take multivitamin preparations, antioxidants. An important component of therapy is active movement, playing sports.

Experts recommend a course of procedures that improve lymph and blood circulation - massage, bioresonance stimulation, magnetic and pressure therapy, special wraps. The size of fat cells decreases after the use of ultraphonophoresis, electrolipolysis, ultrasound and mesotherapy. Special anti-cellulite creams are used.

Mesenteric – very rare pathological condition, at which it occurs chronic inflammation subcutaneous fatty tissue of the intestinal mesentery, omentum, preperitoneal and retroperitoneal space. It is nonspecific, that is, it is impossible to identify the microorganism that would cause this inflammation.

basic information

Symptoms for this condition can vary widely, but most often include abdominal pain of unknown origin, weight loss, elevated temperature, disruption of the intestines and small formations that are detected by palpation.

At initial stage Some patients may have no symptoms at all. Computed tomography and magnetic tomography play an important role in diagnosis.

The main symptoms will depend on which factor is most predominant - fatty, inflammatory or fibrous. Application surgical methods is often considered useless, so the main treatment is conservative, that is, the use of only medications, physiotherapy and other techniques.

The most the main problemdifferential diagnosis, because identifying mesenteric panniculitis is not so easy. The symptoms of this pathology often resemble diseases of the stomach and intestines, so it is often correct diagnosis It can be diagnosed only after numerous diagnostic studies.


Unfortunately, the cause of panniculitis remains unknown. It is still unclear why compactions appear in the subcutaneous fat, which can be easily felt by palpation.

In addition to subcutaneous fat, internal organs are also affected - liver, kidneys, pancreas, intestines. There is an assumption that the provoking factors can be considered:

  1. Mycoses.
  2. Dermatitis.
  3. Eczema.
  4. Shingles.
  5. Injuries.
  6. Edema of lymphogenous nature.
  7. AIDS.
  8. Leukemia.
  9. Diabetes.
  10. Oncology.
  11. Intravenous drug use.
  12. Obesity.

How it manifests itself

Symptoms of the disease do not always appear and they can be barely noticeable. Most often, the pathology is diagnosed in men or children. Panniculitis practically does not occur in women.

It is impossible to identify the disease only by existing complaints, since there are simply no specific manifestations, and the patient has practically no complaints. Sometimes there may be a fever or abdominal pain, which do not have a specific character and can be spread throughout the abdomen. Specify exact location pain the patient fails.

Nausea or vomiting and some malaise may occur. Even with treatment acute course the patient's condition does not improve. Most often, recovery occurs spontaneously, without medical intervention, but there is big risk development of relapse.


Even when contacting medical institution there remains a huge risk of developing the most various complications. It could be:

  1. Phlegmon.
  2. Abscess.
  3. Skin necrosis.
  4. Gangrene.
  5. The appearance of bacteria in the blood.
  6. Lymphangitis.
  7. Sepsis.
  8. , which is mainly observed when tumors appear in the facial area.

How to get rid

Treatment of mesenteric panniculitis is carried out only comprehensively. It should be carried out by a surgeon together with a therapist. It is also necessary to find out the cause of the pathology, otherwise any therapy will be useless.

Patients with this diagnosis are prescribed:

  1. Vitamins, especially ascorbic acid and those belonging to group B.
  2. Antihistamines.
  3. Antibiotics wide range actions.
  4. Hepatoprotectors.

If the disease occurs with many symptoms and in an acute form, treatment with corticosteroids is mandatory, but only a doctor can prescribe it. High dosages are used only in the first week, and then they begin to decrease. In severe cases, cytostatics can be used.

For more Get well soon Physiotherapy methods such as phonophoresis using hydrocortisone, ultrasound, UHF, ozokerite applications, magnetic therapy and laser therapy can be used.

Pinniculitis – dangerous disease which requires mandatory medical intervention. But only a specialist can prescribe this or that medicine and draw up a treatment plan. When trying to get rid of the disease on your own, a variety of complications develop very quickly.

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Panniculitis is inflammatory disease, affecting subcutaneous fatty tissue. As a result pathological processes fat cells are destroyed and replaced connective tissue. As a rule, the disease is accompanied by the formation of plaques and nodes.

There are three main forms of panniculitis:

  • Visceral - damage occurs to the fat cells of the kidneys, liver, pancreas or omentum.
  • Idiopathic form (occurs quite often - 50% of all cases of detection of the disease).
  • Secondary panniculitis - develops against the background of other diseases, dysfunction immune system, the use of certain medications and other factors.

Secondary panniculitis, in turn, is divided into several types:

Reasons for the development of the disease

The reasons for the development of panniculitis can be varied, the most common include:

  • Bacterial damage. Most often this occurs as a result of the development of staphylococcus or streptococcus in the body.
  • Injury or other mechanical damage tissues and organs.
  • Development of a fungal disease.
  • Dermatological diseases: ulcers, dermatitis, etc.
  • Surgical intervention, as a result of which a disease develops at the site of the scar.

In addition, scientists named a prerequisite characteristic of all types of panniculitis - a violation of metabolic processes and large cluster toxins and breakdown products in the body, in particular during internal organs and subcutaneous fat.

Symptoms of panniculitis

Panniculitis has a very specific symptoms and manifests itself quite acutely. The first sign is the appearance of nodes under the skin, which can reach a diameter of 5 centimeters. Such neoplasms are usually located on the limbs, abdomen and chest. After the nodes are destroyed, foci of atrophied tissue and skin retraction appear in their place.

In some cases, the formation of plaques is observed - the accumulation of several nodes in one place. Skin at the site of such a neoplasm they acquire a pink or red color. They often spread over the entire area of ​​the limb, which provokes the appearance of edema and lymphostasis.

Panniculitis is often accompanied by classic symptoms many diseases:

  • Deterioration in general health.
  • Headache and...
  • Pain in muscles, joints and discomfort during movement.
  • Nausea.

Diagnosis of the disease

A consultation is required to diagnose the disease. In some cases, depending on the location of the disease, help from a nephrologist, rheumatologist and other specialists is required.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the following diagnostic procedures are used:

Treatment of panniculitis

After passing the examination and confirming the diagnosis, the doctor selects the most effective and current option treatment. The choice of therapy depends on several factors: the cause and form of the disease, the general condition of the patient and the nature of the disease.

Not used for the treatment of panniculitis surgery. During the operation, it is possible to remove one node, but there is no guarantee that it will not appear in another place, since the main cause of the disease has not been eliminated. In addition, scars after such operations take a very long time to heal and can provoke the development of infectious processes or other complications.

The treatment of panniculitis must be approached comprehensively. Therapy should include not only highly targeted drugs, but also antibiotics, immunostimulants, vitamin complexes. When severe pain The doctor prescribes broad-spectrum analgesics.

Treatment of nodular panniculitis:

  • Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, usually Ibuprofen or Diclofenac.
  • Antioxidants – vitamins C and E.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures – phonophoresis, ultrasound, magnetic therapy and others.

Cytostatics and glucocorticosteroids are effective in combating the plaque or infiltrative form. High result showed taking Methotrexate, Prednisone and Hydrocortisone.

Treatment of the secondary form of panniculitis consists of combating the underlying disease - pancreatitis, lupus erythematosus, etc. Important point– strengthening the immune system and taking medications that stimulate its functioning.

If conservative treatment methods do not bring the desired result, a blood transfusion procedure is recommended. In advanced forms of the disease there is high risk development of complications - phlegmon, abscess, gangrene, skin necrosis, etc. IN in rare cases panniculitis leads to death. This happens most often if the disease has led to inflammation of the kidneys and an imbalance in the biochemical balance in the body.

Disease prevention

Main and effective method prevention of panniculitis, is a warning or timely detection and treatment of primary diseases. Important role plays strengthening protective forces body, taking general strengthening, tonic medications, vitamin and mineral complexes.

Diseases of subcutaneous adipose tissue are diseases of the elastic connective tissue of muscles, skeletal bones, as well as the tissue that is located under the epidermis and dermis (the skin itself). Adipose tissue consists of fat cells alternating with connective tissue fibers. nerve fibers And lymphatic vessels. The subcutaneous tissue also contains blood vessels that nourish the human skin. Fats are deposited in the subcutaneous fatty tissue of the human body. If fats get into surrounding tissues, then chemical structure the latter changes, which causes inflammatory reaction with the appearance of dense nodules (so-called granulomas). Due to the appearance of these nodules, the subcutaneous tissue atrophies adipose tissue, scars form.

The nodules can fester and open into fistulas, from which blood or clear liquid. Often new ones form around existing granulomas. After the lesions heal, large indentations remain on the skin. Sometimes the inflammatory process involves the arms, thighs, legs, torso, chin and cheeks.


  • Red, inflamed skin that is hot to the touch.
  • Knotty seals.
  • Loose skin. Scarring.
  • Sometimes joint pain, fever.


Diseases of subcutaneous adipose tissue are divided into panniculitis, tumors and tissue growths. Nodes consisting of connective tissue can become inflamed (for example, as a result of injury). After injection of insulin and glucocorticoids into the affected areas, the connective tissue atrophies. The same result is observed after injections into the subcutaneous tissue. oil solutions used in cosmetology.

Redness of the skin, phlegmon, nodules, scarring of the skin - all these symptoms are also observed in diseases of the pancreas. These changes occur in the navel area and on the back. Often the cause of inflammation of the subcutaneous adipose tissue cannot be determined. The cause of the formation of nodules in newborns is considered to be mechanical trauma during childbirth, but this version has not been proven. This is the so-called necrosis of the subcutaneous tissue of newborns. The prognosis in this case is favorable and specific treatment not necessary. Spontaneous panniculitis is known.


If a person does not suffer from any other disease that requires specific treatment, then he is prescribed lotions and bandages with anti-inflammatory ointments. Only in exceptional cases does the patient have to take medications (for example, prednisolone).

Patients suffering serious illness(for example, diabetes mellitus) and those who regularly inject themselves with medications should change the injection site. After injecting the medicine into the muscle, you must carefully monitor the skin at the injection sites.

If you notice any changes in the skin (redness, painful nodules or lumps under the skin when pressed), you should consult a doctor.

First, the doctor will ask the patient about all general ailments, then carefully examine his skin. A special blood test may be needed. If damage to the subcutaneous tissue is suspected, the doctor will perform special diagnostic procedures.

Course of the disease

As a rule, after inflammation of the subcutaneous adipose tissue, scars remain on the skin. Exacerbations of the disease are extremely rare. The prognosis depends on the specific cause of the disease.

In winter, young children have cold skin on their cheeks and chin that becomes inflamed (this is due to the fact that when babies are in a stroller, the skin freezes in these places). If there are no other lesions, such inflammation does not leave scars.

Many diseases are accompanied by damage to the subcutaneous tissue. Nodules that arise may be the result of rheumatic pathology or diseases blood vessels. If a person suffers from erythema nodosum, then loose, painful, bluish foci appear in the subcutaneous tissue. They can also be observed with heart defects, venereal diseases, enlarged lymph nodes, intestinal inflammation. Joint pain and fever occur.

Panniculitis is a progressive process of inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue, which destroys fat cells, they are replaced by connective tissue, and nodes, infiltrates and plaques are formed. With the visceral type of the disease, fat cells of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, fatty tissue omentum or area behind the peritoneum. In approximately 50% of cases, the pathology takes an idiopathic form, which is mainly observed in women 20-50 years old. The other 50% is secondary panniculitis, developing against the background of systemic and skin diseases, immunological disorders, influence various kinds provoking factors (cold, some medications). The formation of panniculitis is based on a defect in lipid peroxidation.

Reasons for appearance

This inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue can be caused by various bacteria (mainly staphylococci and streptococci). In most cases, its development occurs in lower limbs. The disease may appear after fungal infection, trauma, dermatitis, ulcer formation. The most vulnerable areas of the skin are those that have excess fluid (for example, swelling). Panniculitis can also appear in the scar area after surgery.

In the photo, inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue is difficult to notice.

Symptoms of panniculitis

The main manifestation of spontaneous panniculitis is nodular formations located on different depths in subcutaneous fat. They usually appear on the legs and arms, rarely on the stomach, chest and face.

After nodular destruction, atrophied foci of fatty tissue remain, shaped like round areas of skin retraction. The nodular variant is characterized by the appearance of typical nodes in the tissue under the skin ranging in size from three millimeters to five centimeters.

The skin over the nodes may be a normal color or bright pink. With the plaque type of inflammation, separate nodular accumulations appear, which grow together and form lumpy conglomerates.

The skin over such formations may be burgundy-bluish, burgundy or pink. In some cases, nodular accumulations spread completely to the tissue of the shoulder, leg or thigh, compressing the vascular and nerve bundles. Because of this, obvious pain appears, lymphostasis develops, and the limbs swell.

The infiltrative type of the disease occurs with the melting of nodes and their conglomerates. In the area of ​​the node or plaque, the skin is bright red or burgundy. Then a fluctuation occurs, which is characteristic of abscesses and phlegmons, but when the nodes are opened, a yellow oily mass is released, not pus. At the site of the opened node, a long-lasting ulcer will remain.

At mixed type panniculitis nodal form turns into plaque, then into infiltrative. This option is observed in rare cases. At the onset of the disease there may be fever, muscle and joint pain, nausea, headaches, general weakness. With visceral inflammation, systemic inflammation of fatty tissue occurs throughout the human body with the formation of specific nodes in the tissue behind the peritoneum and omentum, pancreatitis, hepatitis and nephritis. Panniculitis can last from two to three weeks to several years.

Diagnostic methods

Inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue, or panniculitis, is diagnosed during a joint examination by a dermatologist and nephrologist, rheumatologist, and gastroenterologist. Urine and blood tests, pancreatin enzyme tests, Rehberg test, and liver tests are used. Determination of nodes in visceral type panniculitis occurs thanks to ultrasound examination abdominal organs and kidneys. Blood culture for sterility helps to exclude the septic nature of the disease. Accurate diagnosis placed after obtaining a biopsy of the formation with histological analysis.


There are primary, spontaneous and secondary forms of inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue. Secondary panniculitis are:

  • immunological panniculitis - often occurs when systemic vasculitis;
  • lupus panniculitis (lupus) - with deep damage by systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • enzymatic panniculitis - associated with the influence of pancreatic enzymes;
  • proliferative cell panniculitis - with lymphoma, histiocytosis, leukemia, etc.;
  • cold panniculitis - local form, which develops as a reaction to exposure to cold;
  • steroid panniculitis - appears in children after completion of corticosteroid treatment;
  • artificial panniculitis - caused by the introduction medicines;
  • crystalline panniculitis - appears when renal failure, gout due to the deposition of calcifications and urates in the fiber;
  • hereditary panniculitis, which is caused by a lack of α1-antitrypsin.

Based on the shape of the nodes, nodular, plaque and infiltrative types of the disease are distinguished.

Patient Actions

If the first signs of panniculitis appear, you need to consult a doctor. Among other things, if new symptoms are detected, you should resort to medical care(constant fever, drowsiness, extreme fatigue, blistering and expanding area of ​​redness).

Features of treatment

The method of treating inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue is determined by its course and form. For nodular chronic panniculitis, anti-inflammatory drugs are used. non-steroidal drugs(“Ibuprofen”, “Diclofenac sodium”), antioxidants (vitamins E and C); inject nodular formations with glucocorticoids. Physiotherapeutic procedures are also effective: hydrocortisone phonophoresis, ultrasound, UHF, laser therapy, ozokerite, magnetic therapy.

For plaque and infiltrative type subacute course The disease is distinguished by the use of glucocorticosteroids (Hydrocortisone and Prednisolone) and cytostatics (Methotrexate). Secondary forms of the disease are treated by treating the disease against the background of vasculitis, gout, pancreatitis and red systemic lupus.

For panniculitis preventive measure is timely diagnosis and therapy of primary pathologies - bacterial and fungal infections, vitamin E deficiency.

How does inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue in the legs manifest?


Cellulite, or caused by structural changes in adipose tissue, often leading to a severe deterioration in blood microcirculation and lymph stagnation. Not all experts consider cellulite a disease, but insist that it can be called a cosmetic defect.

This inflammation of the subcutaneous fatty tissue is shown in the photo.

Mostly cellulite occurs in women as a result of hormonal disruptions that periodically occur: teenage years, pregnancy. In some cases, its appearance can be provoked by taking hormonal contraceptives. Great importance belongs to the factor of heredity and the specifics of the diet.

How to get rid of it?

Lipodystrophy of the tissue under the skin must be treated comprehensively. To achieve success, you need to eat right, drink multivitamins, and antioxidants. A very important part of treatment is sports and active breathing.

Doctors recommend a course of procedures to improve blood and lymph circulation - bioresonance stimulation, massage, press and magnetic therapy. Fat cells become smaller after mesotherapy, ultrasound, electrolyolysis and ultraphonophoresis. Use special creams against cellulite.



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