Strengthen sputum discharge. How to remove phlegm from the bronchi at home? Herbal inhalations

In the cold season, against the background of a weakened immune system, colds develop, which are often accompanied. Mucolytics are used to thin sputum.

Description and meaning of sputum thinners

Many respiratory diseases occur when an infectious or allergic agent is ingested. At the same time, the mucous membrane begins to intensively produce mucus, as a result of which sputum comes out during coughing. The secreted mucus protects the bronchial tree and helps to eliminate harmful microorganisms.

If the sputum is transparent and viscous, then this is due to an allergy. liquid and clear slime testifies to viral infection, and yellow-green thick about the bacterial process.

All funds intended for sputum discharge are divided into mucolytics of direct and indirect destination and mukoneteks.

Mucolytics are used to thin sputum, and muconetics are used to improve its discharge. Mucolytic agents are prescribed for. Such drugs should not be used, as there is an increased formation of mucus. As a result, the patient will not have time to spit out sputum.

Indirect mucolytics are used to reduce mucus secretion, and direct mucolytics thin the mucus and eliminate the inflammatory process.After using the mucolytic, asthma attacks and cough symptoms are eliminated. After the action of the drug, the sputum becomes thinner, making it easier to pass.The main purpose of mucolytics is to enable the patient to cough up and spit out sputum.

Mucolytics for adults: types and uses

Medications, liquefying sputum, released into different dosage and forms. The choice of mucolytic is carried out by the doctor, taking into account the age of the patient, individual features and states.

For adults prescribed the following drugs:

  • . The drug has a pronounced mucolytic effect and stimulates motor function. bronchopulmonary system. The active substance is acetylcysteine. The drug has a weak expectorant and antitussive action. Produced in the form of granules for the preparation of syrup, solution or effervescent tablets with a dosage of the active substance 100 and 200 mg. For adults, 2 tablets with a dose of 100 mg 2 or 3 times a day or 1 tablet 3 times a day with a dose of 200 mg are prescribed.
  • . The composition of the drug includes ambroxol, thermopsis extract and other components. Thanks to these substances, the viscosity of sputum decreases, and sputum secretion increases. It is recommended to take the drug with meals: one tablet 3 times a day. It is important to know that the use of the drug for more than 5 days is prohibited.
  • . The drug has a mucolytic and expectorant effect. Available in the form of lozenges, tablets, solution for inhalation and oral administration, syrup. Dosage for adults - 1 tablet or 2 lozenges 3 times a day. Syrup Lazolvan is used before each meal, 5 and 10 ml, depending on the dosage of the active substance.
  • Fluimucil. The drug with the active substance acetylcysteine, due to which sputum is liquefied, its volume increases. The granules are dissolved in warm boiled water in 1/3 cup.
  • Bronchoval. A drug of the benzylamine group with a mucolytic effect. The active substance is ambroxol. The drug promotes the elimination thick mucus at . For the treatment of cough, 1 tablet is prescribed after meals 3 times a day or 10 ml of Bronchoval syrup, which is 2 scoops.

There are analogues of these drugs: Cofacin, Ambrosan, Mukosol, Flavamed and others. When choosing a drug, the doctor takes into account the patient's condition and other diseases in which certain drugs cannot be used.

Means for liquefying sputum in children

When a child coughs, drugs are used plant origin:

  • . This expectorant eliminates cough, increases the secretion of sputum, thinning and facilitating its removal. In addition, the drug has enveloping and anti-inflammatory effects. The active substance of the drug is marshmallow extract. For the treatment of diseases respiratory tract tablets are not prescribed for children under one year old. Children under 3 years old are prescribed 1/2 tablet three times a day, and over 3 years old they are given 1-2 tablets.
  • . Combined herbal-synthetic preparation, which includes liquid extract creeping thyme, potassium bromide, ethanol and sugar syrup. Used to treat children over 3 years old, 2.5 ml. From 6 to 12 years, the dosage is increased to 5-10 ml.
  • . Popular herbal preparation, based on thyme, plantain and herb extracts. Cough syrup is given after meals in a teaspoon three times a day for children 1-5 years old, and the dosage is increased to children from 6 years old by 2 teaspoons.
  • Bronchicum. A combined drug that has a mucolytic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug is used to treat dry and wet cough. The composition includes exclusively herbal ingredients.
  • Among the drugs with the active substance ambroxol, children are prescribed Ambrohexal, Ambrobene, and others.
  • Of the mucoregulators for the restoration of the bronchial mucosa, the following are used: Mukopront, Mukodin, Bronkatar, etc.

during pregnancy, the phenomenon is not uncommon, especially in winter period when the risk of development respiratory diseases high enough. This symptom must be eliminated, as spasms when coughing increase the tone of the uterus.

Since most drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy due to negative impact on the fetus, then mucolytics are prescribed only according to indications. Choice of drug for treatment inflammatory diseases respiratory tract is determined, taking into account the period. At severe attacks in the first trimester, taking mucolytics is contraindicated. In the third trimester, use is allowed after examination of the pregnant woman and the fetus.

From bronchosecretolytic agents, pregnant women can use:

  • Bromhexine
  • Bronchicum
  • Carbocysteine
  • Ambrobene
  • Lazolvan and others.

It should be remembered that Bromhexine and Lazolvan should not be used in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the baby's organs are laid. In the second and third trimester, the drug is prescribed only according to indications.

Mucolytic agents with the active ingredient acetylcysteine ​​are strictly forbidden to use at any stage of pregnancy.

At home, it is useful to carry out using Chymotrypsin, essential oils or soda.To prevent development and possible on their background, future mom should take care of her health and the health of the baby.

Treatment Benefits

Mucolytic drugs have complex action in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system: anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and bronchospasmolytic action.Also, preparations based on acetylcysteine, ambroxol restore the function bronchial tree and normalize gas exchange in the lungs.

Drugs have an antioxidant cytoprotective effect, protecting cells from possible impact free radicals. Preparations with the active substance ambroxol increase the concentration of antibiotics in tissues. This avoids high doses and reduces adverse reactions after acceptance.

Many sputum thinners are herbal, so they can be used to treat children from 3 months.

The need to use mucolytic drugs has been proven by many scientists during complex treatment patients with bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia and other diseases of the respiratory tract, which are accompanied by sputum.

Contraindications and side effects

Preparations with active substance Ambroxol should not be used during pregnancy. Mucolytics penetrate into breast milk, however, data on pernicious influence There is no medicine for the baby.

Medicines, where the active substance is acetylcysteine, are not used if the patient has a stomach ulcer and duodenum. It should be remembered that drugs should not be used by children in the form of effervescent tablets.Codelac is contraindicated for use in bronchial asthma, respiratory failure.

Herbal preparations have practically no contraindications, with the exception of hypersensitivity to certain substances.Mukaltin is not prescribed for thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, severe forms kidney failure.Because of the presence in Pertussin sugar syrup not used for treatment in children with diabetes. Also, you can not use pregnant and lactating, with liver disease and heart failure.

In most cases, when correct application mucolytics are well tolerated by patients.

All mucolytic drugs can cause allergic reactions for certain components of the drug.

You can learn more about cough treatment from the video:

IN rare cases disorder may occur gastrointestinal tract: vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, heartburn and other symptoms. Sometimes, against the background of taking mucolytics, it may appear headache, shortness of breath, tachycardia.It is important to remember that all drugs are incompatible with alcoholic beverages.

Excessive secretion of sputum defensive reaction body for stimuli various origins: allergens, microorganisms, pathogenic microflora, dust. This is the process of natural mucosal cleansing and blockage. harmful substances. Sputum-bound pathogens are eliminated by blowing your nose, coughing, and sneezing.

But it also happens that the body can not cope. The mucus becomes thick and difficult to expel. In this case, it must be liquefied. They do this job well folk remedies. Here are the recipes for the most effective and popular of them.

1. Ginger tea has rich medicinal properties that can treat various diseases. Compounds present in ginger help to minimize the symptoms of colds and coughs respiratory system liquefies mucus.

Take 100 g of fresh ginger root and peel outer skin. Grind it. Do not add water to it. Take 2 tbsp. l. raw honey and put in the microwave for 15 seconds. Now add one teaspoon of grated ginger to honey. Consume two tablespoons of this mixture twice a day for three days between meals.

2. Add one tablespoon of honey to a glass warm water. Drink this remedy warm several times a day. medicinal properties honey will make you feel better.

3. Take half a teaspoon of white pepper and add 1 tablespoon of honey. Put the mixture in the microwave for 10-15 seconds. Dissolve like candy. You will feel instant relief. This mixture should be taken at least three times a day for a week to loosen and clear the mucus completely.

4. Cut the lemon into two halves. Sprinkle with salt and black pepper and let sit 15-29 minutes. Squeeze out the juice and consume immediately from half a lemon for 1 serving.

5. Peel the onion and grate. Squeeze the juice of one lemon and combine with the juice of 1 onion. Pour this mixture with a cup hot water and insist for 2-3 minutes. Add one teaspoon of honey after the mixture has cooled.

Take a cup of this mixture three times a day until you feel relief. Alternative recipe: finely chop the onion and add two large tablespoons of sugar. After half an hour, this mixture will turn into a liquid. Consume one large spoon every 3-4 hours.

6. Grape juice is a good expectorant folk remedy, helps to soothe coughs and clear phlegm from the bronchi. Take 2 tablespoons grape juice and add 2 tablespoons of honey. Take this mixture three times a day for a week.

7. Carrot is good source vitamins and antioxidants, strengthens immune system. In addition, it contains nutrients, which reduce symptoms associated with cough and phlegm. Fresh Juice from 3-4 raw carrots, mix with the same amount of water and 2-3 teaspoons of honey. Mix well and drink in 2-3 doses throughout the day to clear your airways.

8. Boil a glass of water. Squeeze the juice of 3 lemons into the hot liquid. Now add 2 minced garlic cloves, half a teaspoon of black pepper and a pinch of salt. Mix all the ingredients and drink this drink. This tool will help you get rid of mucus instantly.

9. Hot chicken bouillon helps to treat phlegm, softens and moisturizes the respiratory tract. Drink a cup of hot broth 2-3 times a day to clear your throat and bronchi. You can also add ginger and garlic to make the drink more appetizing and healthy.

10. Stimulant properties of cayenne pepper. Mix one fourth of a teaspoon of grated fresh ginger and cayenne pepper. Now add 1 tbsp honey, 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar and two tablespoons of water. Consume the mixture 3-4 times a day after meals.

11. Turmeric is one of the most effective natural antibiotics for treating phlegm, bacterial origin. It acts as an antioxidant and contains curcumin, which is used to treat various internal and external problems organism.

  • Add half a teaspoon of black pepper and half a teaspoon of turmeric to a glass warm milk. Mix and add one teaspoon of honey. Drink a drink daily complete deliverance from sputum.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder with the same amount of apple cider vinegar, mix thoroughly and take 2 hours before bedtime.

12. Boil 1½ cups of water and add crushed anise seed (1 teaspoon) to it. Let the mixture simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Then strain and evaporate the remaining liquid until it is reduced to 1 cup in volume. Mix with 2 cups of honey and let it cool. Store in the refrigerator for 2-3 months. For poor expectoration, add to hot tea 1 tablespoon.

13. Cultivated cherry bark is an excellent natural expectorant that thins phlegm and removes it from the chest, throat and lungs. Brew tea from this fragrant bark or its powder. Alternatively, you can also use two teaspoons of cherry syrup.


  • Pregnant and lactating women should not use cherry tea.
  • Wild cherry species have poisonous hydrocyanic acid in their leaves, so they should not be used to make tea.
  • Do not use this remedy for a long time, more than 5 days.

14. Take some fresh bay leaves and pour a cup of boiling water over it. Let the mixture steep for a few minutes and strain. Take this decoction for instant relief. This tool helps well for those who are diagnosed.

15. Prepare a decoction by boiling licorice roots, 1 tablespoon, in a cup of water. Strain and drink it three times a day. This effective remedy, it reduces phlegm and relieves sore throat.

16. Hot drinks help loosen and expel stubborn mucus. naturally. Exist various recipes herbal teas that can be used for this purpose. You can have a cup of mint, lavender, green, echinacea, or chamomile tea. To improve their taste, add a teaspoon of honey. You can also cook Herb tea from some other herbs such as hyssop and aloe root.

17. Lemon juice is the best way to thin out phlegm and strengthen the body and even cure. The acid contained in the lemon contributes to the dilution of all body fluids: blood, lymph, sweat and sputum. In addition, vitamin C contained in the fruit helps to increase the body's resistance to infections. Apply 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice for a glass of hot tea.

18. Cranberry is the leader in acid content. Regular use cranberry juice for colds and coughs, it helps to quickly liquefy and remove viscous contents from the upper respiratory tract. Apply a third cup three times a day.

19. It has been noticed that when drinking hot drinks, the discharge of mucus is greatly facilitated. Work well in this direction:

  • hot milk, half thinned mineral water"Borjomi" without gas;
  • tea with lemon and honey;
  • tea from viburnum fruits;
  • tea from leaves and raspberries;
  • hot infusion of fruits or leaves of sea buckthorn with honey;
  • drink "Gogol-mogul";
  • acidic berry and fruit juices.

How to cook "Gogol-mogul"?

A drink that strengthens the strength of the patient and alleviates the condition when coughing has a centuries-old history. It was prepared back in the time of Hippocrates and Aristotle, although it received its name much later.

It's easy to prepare. It is necessary to bring a glass of milk to a boil, remove from heat and cool to a temperature just below 40 degrees. Add raw to it egg and a tablespoon of honey, beat well. Drink warm on an empty stomach.

Instead of honey, you can add raspberry jam.


It cleans the mucous membranes well with ordinary kitchen salt. It is necessary to prepare a solution: 1 tablespoon of salt per liter of water, mix thoroughly until completely dissolved. Use to wash the nose and gargle. Warm to body temperature before use.

Infusion chamomile. 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials is brewed with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 15 minutes and filtered through 2 layers of gauze. Used for gargling.


One of the most effective vegetable oils, used in the treatment of sputum - eucalyptus. Mix with it a little coconut oil and massage the area chest. By rubbing this oil, you will definitely get rid of the disease. It also facilitates serious illnesses like pneumonia and.

  • This oil should not be applied directly to the skin, but only mixed with other oils.
  • It cannot be swallowed.


  • Inhalation of warm vapor saturated with essential oils or sea salt.
  • Grandma's way is to breathe in vapors of potatoes, wrapping yourself with a warm blanket over your head.
  • Soda inhalation.
  • Inhalations with a solution of Chlorophyllipt (eucalyptus extracts, sold at a pharmacy).
  • Inhalations based on herbal infusions: chamomile, thyme, mint, rosemary, eucalyptus leaf, birch leaf, pine buds.
  • Boil a handful of mint leaves and eucalyptus leaves in a pot of water for 10 minutes. Then inhale the water vapor, covering yourself with a towel. This will loosen the mucus, open up the sinuses, and expel mucus.

Room temperature and air humidity

The room where the sick person is located should not be hot and too dry. The air temperature should be no higher than 20 degrees, and it is recommended to carry out 15-minute ventilation 3 times a day in any weather and at any time of the year.

Special requirements are also placed on air humidity. In rooms where central heating batteries are installed, the air is usually dry, which makes it difficult to breathe and remove sputum, thereby aggravating the course of diseases.

To alleviate the patient's condition, it is necessary to install a humidifier that sprays the smallest particles of water. Often added to spray solution essential oils eucalyptus, fir, pine, lemon, rosemary, mint, common salt, baking soda.

If a person is sick with a cold and has difficulty expectorating sputum, walks in green areas and by the sea are shown. It is especially useful to walk near pines, firs, junipers.

  • Avoid eating meat, overly sweet, fried and smoked foods.
  • Give up smoking and alcohol.
  • Avoid exposure to harmful odors such as paint, chemicals, and household cleaners that can irritate the respiratory tract.
  • Do not swallow mucus.
  • Do not miss the moment to blow your nose or cough up mucus in time.
  • Minimize the use of cold foods and drinks.

Allergy sufferers are shown a change in occupation and climate, or at least during flowering allergenic plants travel to other climatic zones.

Cough, accompanied by sputum that is difficult to separate, is probably the most unpleasant and difficult variety of it. Most often, this situation occurs after colds, influenza, especially if the treatment was carried out in violation of bed rest. A person is worried about dry severe cough. Gradually it becomes wet, but the sputum is separated very difficultly or not at all. It becomes very viscous and clogs the bronchi.

Such a cough is accompanied by pain, choking, vomiting. These symptoms are especially difficult to tolerate at night, as they do not allow a person to rest normally. What drugs are used to treat sputum that is difficult to separate, what folk remedies for getting rid of a tormented cough exist, what is the treatment? We'll take a look at all of this now:

Difficult sputum - treatment

The main goal of therapy in this case is to identify, eliminate the causes pathological condition(allergy, viral disease, ordinary dust, etc.). Carry out the right medical examination treatment should be prescribed by a general practitioner. Treatment is usually combined, aimed at activating sputum discharge, eliminating other existing symptoms.

In the treatment, drugs are used that simplify the discharge of sputum: Ambrohexal, ACC, Ambrobene and Lazolvan. Also, the doctor may prescribe Bromhexine, Ambroxol and Gerbion. A very good expectorant is a 5-10% solution of potassium iodide. It is taken for 1 tbsp. l. 4-6 times a day.

In parallel with the use of drugs, steam inhalations are carried out using the drug Ambrobene, Vintolin, or using saline. Warm up the bronchi with mustard plasters. Be sure to increase the amount of fluid you drink, this is very conducive to thinning and sputum discharge.

In the room where the patient is located, it is necessary to carry out additional humidification of the air. To do this, use special humidifiers, do wet cleaning more often. IN winter time it would be nice to put a bowl of water on the radiator, where you first dissolve a little sea ​​salt.

Most likely, the doctor will prescribe sessions of a special self-massage using drugs, such as the Vietnamese "asterisk". It is useful to do it before going to bed, and then take an expectorant.

Alternative treatment of sputum difficult to separate

After consulting with your doctor, you can use popular, effective folk remedies. Usually grandmother's recipes are very useful and effective. Here are some of them:

Pour the juice of one lemon into a jar, add the same amount of liquid honey and gruel from the horseradish root, grated on a fine grater. Mix everything, put it on the shelf of the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. l. before meals.

Increase the consumption of foods and drinks rich in vitamin C. Viburnum berries, fresh lemons are very good at thinning sputum.

Prepare a solution for inhalation: pour a liter of boiling water into a wide bowl, cool slightly. Add 5-6 drops. iodine, 1 tbsp. l. soda, 3-4 drops. eucalyptus essential oil. Breathe over the steam for 10 minutes.

Boil the potatoes in their skins, drain the water (wash the tubers thoroughly beforehand). Breathe over the steam twice a day for 10 minutes.

Rub the chest area, back turpentine ointment. Use rubs on alcohol based. Rubbing is best done just before going to bed. After the procedure, you need to warmly cover yourself with a blanket to sweat.

Prepare folk remedies for oral administration:

Boil milk. Cool it down to about 50 degrees. Add 1 tbsp. l. honey (preferably buckwheat or linden), a small piece of propolis. Drink before bed in small sips.

Boil several figs in a glass of milk. Then cool, drink milk, and eat the figs themselves.

Infusions of elecampane, dry marshmallow root, licorice root and hawthorn fruits taken orally are well separated from sputum.

It is very effective to use the juice of fresh black radish. To do this, grate the peeled root crop on a fine grater, squeeze the juice through gauze. Pour it into a jar. Add fresh milk(proportion 1x2), stir in the resulting mixture 2 tbsp. l. honey. Stir. Take 1 tbsp. l. before meals.

During the treatment period, try not to stay in one position for a long time, for example, working all day at the computer. It provokes congestion. Try to move more often, do small exercises. Walk more often, breathe fresh (but not frosty) air.

To sleep better, ventilate the room before going to bed. Drink before bed expectorant, do on upper part chest warming compress or put a mustard plaster (if there is no temperature).

But, of course, before using any remedy on your own, visit a therapist, undergo an examination. Only after the diagnosis is established can adequate treatment be started. Be healthy!

In many diseases of the respiratory system (acute and chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, bronchial asthma, occupational diseases- silicosis, lung) goblet cells of the bronchial mucosa as a result of infectious, allergic or immune inflammation begin to intensively produce mucus called sputum. The function of sputum is to protect the bronchial tree and evacuate harmful agents. The nature of the mucus varies depending on these agents - transparent, viscous, "glassy" with allergies; liquid transparent or white viral infection; thick viscous from yellow to green in bacterial process. Often sputum accompanies the morning cough of smokers and is one of the diagnostic criteria this type of bronchitis. Seeing a doctor is desirable, since coughing up sputum indicates involvement in inflammation of the bronchi and requires adequate diagnostic evaluation and selection of therapy.

Mucus thinners and expectorants

Means that improve the evacuation of sputum are divided into mucolytics - agents that thin sputum and mucokinetics - that improve the actual discharge of mucus.

I. Mucolytics. Drugs improve the fluidity of sputum without increasing its volume, improve sputum discharge by increasing mucociliary clearance. They act on the goblet cells of the bronchial mucosa, reducing the increased secretion of sputum. Also normalize biochemical composition sputum.
1. Mucolytics with direct action. Destroy complex chemical compounds in sputum.
A) thiols. Acetylcysteine, cysteine, mistaborn, mucosolvin, mukomist, fluimucil, mesna. These preparations contain a thiol group that breaks down complex sputum polysaccharides, thus improving its drainage from the bronchial tree. Acetylcysteine ​​is also an antioxidant, reducing lipid peroxidation while maintaining cell wall integrity.
B) enzymes. Trypsin, alphachymotrypsin, streptokinase, streptodornase. These drugs break bonds in glycopeptides. In addition to reducing the viscosity of sputum, they have an anti-inflammatory effect.
C) Preparations with a different active principle. Ascorbic acid, hypertonic solution, iodine compounds (potassium iodide), sodium bicarbonate in combination with marshmallow (mukaltin). underused group.

II. Mucolytics with indirect action.
A) Drugs that reduce the production of mucus and change its composition. S-carboxymethylcysteine, lethostein, sobrerol.
B) Preparations that change the adhesiveness of the gel layer. Bromhexine (bisolvone), ambroxol (ambrohexal, lazolvan, ambrobene, halixol, ambrosan, flavamed), sodium bicarbonate, sodium ethane sulfate.
C) Pinenes and terpenes. Camphor, menthol, terpineol, essential oils of pine and fir. A group of drugs that are more often used for domestic use, or included in combined dietary supplements.
D) Vomiting drugs that act reflexively on the muscles of the bronchi. Sodium citrate, ammonium chloride, ipecac, thermopsis. A practically unused group at the present time.
D) Drugs that reduce the production of mucus by the glands of the bronchi.
Beta2-agonists: formoterol (foradil); salmeterol (serevent), salbutamol (ventolin), fenoterol (berotek), terbutaline (bricanil). Stimulate mucociliary clearance.
Xanthines. Theophylline. Mucociliary clearance stimulator.
Antihistamines (ketotifen).
Leukotriene receptor antagonists. Zafirlukast (acolate), montelukast (singular), pranlukast.
Glucocorticosteroids (prednisolone, metipred, budesonide (benacort, pulmicort); ciclesonide (alvesco), beclomethasone dipropionate (becotide, klenil); mometasone (asmonex), azmocort, triamcenolone acetonide, flunisolide (ingacort), fluticasone propionate (flixotide).

II. Mucokinetics. Accelerate the evacuation of mucus from the bronchial tree. Bromhexine (bisolvone), ambroxol (ambrohexal, lazolvan, ambrobene, halixol, ambrosan, flavamed), sodium bicarbonate, sodium ethane sulfate. That is, the drugs of this group combine the properties of mucolytics and mucokinetics.

Due to the fact that in itself advanced education and excretion of bronchial secretions is not independent disease, but only a manifestation of numerous pathologies of the respiratory system, self-administration mucolytics can delay correct diagnosis the underlying (sometimes very serious) disease, to delay the appointment of treatment aimed at eliminating its cause. However, some drugs from the group that combines the properties of mucolytics and mucokinetics (lazolvan, ambroxol) can be used for a short time to alleviate the condition, for example, with a "cold" cough as over-the-counter drugs.

Dry cough is a problem that everyone has encountered during the treatment of colds. This symptom can cause a lot of inconvenience. Fortunately, this problem can be solved thanks to sputum thinners and expectorants. However, in order for the therapy to be as successful as possible, it is necessary to understand the specifics of sputum thinning drugs and correctly introduce them into the treatment plan.

Means for sputum discharge () - medications aimed at reducing the density of sputum in the bronchi and ensuring its unhindered discharge. Under the influence of drugs of this type, inflammation, irritation smooth muscle caused by persistent cough, and the mucus begins to flow freely. Thus, the patient's condition improves very quickly, and he begins to recover.

It is important to remember that it is advisable to prescribe sputum-thinning drugs only with a dry cough. When it enters the wet phase, the use of the medication should be stopped immediately. Otherwise, increased sputum separation may develop. Thus, the patient will literally choke on the secreted mucus, not having time to spit it out.

As a rule, there are no clear boundaries, in accordance with which the period for taking sputum thinners and expectorants is established. The duration of the course directly depends on the stage of development of the disease and the degree of sputum production during coughing. For determining optimal time therapy, it is recommended to seek the advice of a general practitioner.

Medications for expectoration

Today, the market for medicines is full of drugs for the discharge of sputum that forms in the bronchi. Without the help of a qualified physician, it is really difficult to understand all this pharmacological diversity. However, clear leaders can still be identified.

List of the most effective expectorants and sputum thinners:

  • Codelac is a highly effective drug for sputum discharge based on natural ingredients and codeine. Medicinal herbs included in this drug, have the effect of herbal medicine on the patient's body, and also gently soften and remove mucus residues. In its turn, active substance codeine helps reduce excessive urge to cough. This remedy available in the form of syrup, tablets, extract and is ideal for both adults and children.

  • for sputum removal, produced in the form of effervescent tablets and powders for hot drinks. Quite effective for dry cough. Suitable for adults and children over 14 years of age
  • Lazolvan - medication, which allows you to soften a dry cough, relieve attacks of suffocation and facilitate the removal of sputum in the bronchi. Usually an improvement general condition the patient can be seen after the first dose of Lazolvan. Release form: syrups and preparations for injection

Specificity and name of expectorant drugs

Expectorants are drugs that are used to clear excess mucus from the bronchi. Unlike mucolytics, drugs of this type are prescribed for coughing with a normal consistency of discharge. Thus, the expectoration process is facilitated, but not stimulated.

Market medications constantly updated with new drugs of this spectrum. However, not all of them are effective enough. The most effective expectorants for children and adults are the following:

  • Althea root syrup is a highly effective medicine for removing excess mucus contained in the bronchi, with wet cough. Includes only natural ingredients. Suitable for both adults and children over 6 years of age. Average duration treatment: 10-15 days
  • Linkas Lor is a drug based on natural ingredients that promotes mild expectoration. Available in the form of lozenges for resorption. Doesn't have age restrictions to application. Recommended course of therapy: up to 14 days
  • Omnitus - medical preparation for expectoration, based on butamirate. This substance directly affects the patient's central nervous system, thereby reducing the excitability to cough and suppressing this reflex. Available in the form of tablets suitable for the treatment of both adults and children. Recommended course of treatment: 7-10 days

Only a therapist can prescribe the use of drugs for expectoration of sputum. It is strongly not recommended to introduce drugs into the therapy plan on your own. Self-medication in this case can lead to the development of serious complications.


Along with traditional ways mitigation of dry cough and sputum excretion, a worthy place is occupied by folk methods therapy. They gained their popularity thanks to high efficiency and accessibility. There are a great many recipes aimed at achieving this goal. However, the most effective are the following: folk recipes.

  • herbal teas

Very popular among patients herbal teas, thinning sputum based on licorice root, thermopsis, plantain, oregano, thyme and marshmallow root. To make a decoction, pour 2.5 tbsp. spoons medicinal herbs a liter of boiling water and leave to infuse for 2 hours. The resulting tincture is recommended to be taken warm, 1 glass 3 times a day, before meals.

  • Onion and garlic

Folk recipes using onions and garlic, which are natural antiseptics and anti-inflammatory drugs, are also considered very effective. To make an onion-based medicine, add 1 tbsp to the chopped vegetable. a spoonful of honey and use a teaspoon after a meal at least 3 times a day.

To make a medicine based on garlic, you need to chop 3 cloves of a vegetable and pour a glass of milk. Bring the resulting drink to a boil. Milk with garlic should be taken 1/3 cup three times a day after meals.

Folk expectorants for children and adults are also quite diverse. These methods have been tested for effectiveness over generations. Their effectiveness with a wet cough is beyond doubt.

One of the most famous products that is used to ease expectoration is honey. This component has an intense effect on the body. bactericidal effect. You can use honey as an independent component, a base for others. medicines, and bases for inhalation.

  • Honey and horseradish

An excellent honey-based expectorant is horseradish syrup. To make a medicine, you need to mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of beekeeping product and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grated horseradish. It is recommended to take syrup 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

A syrup based on black radish and honey is also considered quite effective. To make a medicine, you need to take one fruit, cut off the top from it and carefully scrape out the middle with a spoon. In the resulting "bowl" should be poured 2-3 tbsp. spoon fashion and remove to infuse in a warm place for 3-4 hours. At the end of the time presented, the juice secreted from the radish and honey combine into an extract, which should be used as an expectorant 3-4 times a day.

It is important to remember that it is not recommended to use folk methods only as the main therapy. None of the tricks alternative medicine will not replace outpatient therapy under the strict supervision of the attending physician. For greater effectiveness, these treatments can be combined.

Means for sputum discharge and expectorants are highly effective drugs in the fight against dry cough. It is important to remember that they should be taken only under the strict supervision of the attending physician. Self-medication in this case can lead to a deterioration in the condition and the development of multiple complications. Take care of yourself and be healthy!



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