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Dental pathologies never go away on their own: they need to be noticed and promptly shown to the dentist. Especially if there is receding gums. Exposing the necks of teeth is an alarming symptom, if you ignore it, you can very soon forget about the once beautiful smile. Why does the gum “slide” off the tooth? How to recover?

Why is that bad

There are several reasons why it is not recommended to stay at home for a long time with exposed teeth. Among the most common " side effects» receding gums:

  1. Increased sensitivity of enamel.
  2. Bleeding and swelling of the gums.
  3. Wedge-shaped defect.
  4. Root caries.
  5. Tooth fragility, increased risk formation of chips.

Naturally, the above-mentioned moments extremely spoil life, but this is not the limit. In advanced cases, the pathological process leads to such a strong weakening of the dentogingival joints that the tooth begins to loosen and sooner or later falls out.


The main factor that causes receding gums is improper care behind the oral cavity. Moreover, hygiene procedures can be carried out both in insufficient quantities, and in excess - both are harmful to teeth:

  • lack of proper care leads to the formation of soft microbial plaque and stones, which can result in the development of gingivitis or periodontitis, signs of which include exposed necks of teeth;
  • A toothbrush with hard bristles or too intense movements with it cause regular injury to the gums, and then its recession.

The situation may be aggravated by some anatomical features patient:

  1. The root is located so close to the gum that the layer of bone tissue between them is very thin. It turns out that the gum does not lie on the bone, but on the root of the tooth.
  2. The oral mucosa belongs to a thin biotype, which is characterized by a small amount connective tissue. If the gums are thin, then even the slightest injury can lead to their atrophy.
  3. The presence of abnormally attached frenulums and cords, which leads to weakened tissues being pulled away from the teeth.

In addition to the above reasons, incorrectly performed dental treatment. Poorly fitted crowns and fillings often injure the mucous membrane, thereby triggering a destructive process. Soft dentures are also harmful: they unevenly distribute the chewing load and lead to receding gums.


Depending on the stage of development of the pathological process, the doctor may suggest one of the following treatment tactics:

  1. Filling. It is used in the early stages, until the exposure of the neck of the tooth turns into a wedge-shaped defect. With a V-defect, this method is irrelevant, since it does not correct the cause of the pathology: as a result, the filling will simply fall off, and caries will develop at the root of the tooth.
  2. Remineralization of enamel with calcium-containing preparations. Absolutely painless procedure, during which special drug. Saturating enamel with calcium helps strengthen it, prevents tooth loss and restores their former shine. One procedure takes no more than 10 minutes, but to achieve the desired result it is necessary to carry out a whole course of remineralization, the duration of which is determined by the dentist.
  3. Fluoridation of enamel. It resembles the previous treatment method, but involves the use of varnishes or gels that contain fluoride. There are two types of fluoridation: simple and deep. In the first case, the drug does not penetrate deep into the enamel pores, in the second, it strengthens the enamel from the inside. Deep fluoridation is considered more effective, but in both cases there is a restoration of the tooth neck and a decrease in the sensitivity of the enamel to temperature and taste stimuli.
  4. Installation of veneers. Most suitable way treatment of advanced wedge-shaped defect. The method allows you to eliminate the pathology and prevent its recurrence. A veneer is a thin ceramic plate that is placed on the surface of the tooth and hides all kinds of defects. The main disadvantage is that the veneer must be cut down before fixation. thin layer enamels.
  5. Crown installation. Perhaps the most radical way to cure gum recession. It is resorted to only if there are no other options, since installing a crown requires grinding the tooth.

If the main reason for the exposure of the necks of the teeth is a thin biotype of the mucous membrane, then the situation can be corrected by an experienced implant surgeon. An operation is performed during which, using a tunnel technique, a flap of connective tissue taken from the patient’s palate is implanted under the gum. This graft thickens the gum and, if necessary, covers the exposed root. To “fix” the result, only one seam is required.

The patient comes back for an appointment after 7 days. At this visit, the doctor must make sure that the graft has taken root normally. Usually, the consequences of the intervention do not go away within a week, and slight hyperemia of the gums is observed. This is absolutely normal phenomenon, indicating the active formation of the vascular system in the operated area.

The next “safety net” visit to the doctor occurs six months later. Its main goal is to check how much the gums have recovered and whether there is a risk of relapse of recession.

It is very important that after completion of treatment, the dentist explains to the patient the basic rules of oral care. After all, if a person continues to mercilessly injure his gums with a brush, then what was the point in therapy?

Folk remedies for exposing the neck of a tooth

Treating gum recession at home is an extremely risky endeavor. No one can guarantee that traditional medicine will cope with such a difficult task for it; in the meantime, the patient will waste his precious time and will not receive timely treatment at the doctor's.

Nevertheless, the following methods are widely used to get rid of exposed tooth necks:

  • massage the gums with essential oils of mint, lemon, orange, eucalyptus;
  • rinse your mouth with St. John's wort infused in vodka for 7 days. Before use, the solution is diluted based on the proportion - 80 drops of tincture per 0.5 glass of water;
  • wipe the gums with a bandage soaked in a mixture of sea buckthorn and fir oil (1:1);
  • apply compresses based on olive oil;
  • rinse your mouth with oak bark tincture.

You should also purchase special medicinal pastes, intended for sensitive teeth, and use mouthwash regularly.

Gum recession – danger sign the destructive process that has begun. You should not expect improvements: you can only get rid of the symptom with the help of a doctor.


Gum recession is easy to notice with the naked eye. Many people believe that this problem is not worth fixing. However, when the roots of the teeth are exposed, the risk of them being damaged by pathogenic bacteria increases. As a result, pain, bad breath, and discomfort when brushing your teeth will appear. Plus it's serious cosmetic defect which may cause embarrassment.

Why are the roots exposed?

There are several reasons for gum recession. Root exposure is usually preceded by:

  • incorrect bite (due to this reason, the problem can also occur in a child);
  • excessive or improper dental care leading to gum injury;
  • formation of soft plaque on the enamel;
  • Tartar deposits in the upper part, close to the neck.

Plaque or stone is launched inflammatory process, which affects not only the tooth tissue, but also spreads to the gums.

The exposed part of the root becomes larger as bacteria spread to large area. A granuloma appears on it, which becomes the reason why the root appears from under the tissues.

If measures are not taken in a timely manner, you will soon notice that almost the entire root has been exposed. The tooth will not be able to be held in the gum tissue; it can break with a little effort or fall out. The disease must be treated before it begins to progress.

A disease that affects one incisor occurs due to an incorrect bite. This happens if the primary incisor did not fall out before the permanent one grew. In adults, malocclusion can develop due to tooth loss.

What symptoms accompany gum recession?

This disease does not occur unnoticed by humans. As a rule, it is accompanied by symptoms:

  • pain in the neck and root of the tooth, sharp or aching;
  • swelling and discoloration of the gums to dark red on the affected tooth;
  • discomfort in the gums and affected tooth;
  • bleeding gums.

Your gums may bleed if you eat. solid food or brush your teeth. When gums recede, they become less resistant to minor injuries. If you don't notice the disease on early stage, then later periodontal canals are formed, bad smell, the gums will become very inflamed, and the tooth will begin to sway.

Treatment with traditional methods

Many people believe that this pathology cannot be overcome. Modern dentistry offers many tools to help avoid tooth loss. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of the disease - remove tartar, correct the bite with braces or mouth guards, heal the canals, make complete reorganization oral cavity.

After eliminating the causes, doctors begin restoring the tooth. The measure is selected based on the indications and degree of the disease:

  • grinding;
  • applying a filling to the root;
  • correction of fillings;
  • removal of tartar;
  • plastic restoration of the gums;
  • installation of a clasp prosthesis.

Surgeries are performed only if the process is irreversible naturally. Before the intervention, the oral cavity must be treated therapeutic methods. Otherwise in progress surgical restoration tissue infection may begin with bacteria.

The disease, which is caused by an incorrect bite, can be cured only after grinding the teeth and wearing a system of braces or mouthguards. Most patients are frightened by this decision, because the treatment is long-term. Children are required to have their primary incisors removed, which interfere with the eruption of their molars.

Dental problems do not arise overnight: teeth, gums and oral hygiene in general need to be taken care of constantly and promptly visit a doctor for any alarming symptoms. One of them is the exposure of the necks of the teeth.

It often happens that patients notice that over time their teeth become longer and their gums become shorter. But not everyone attaches importance to this, and in vain. Recession (loss) of the gums, as a result of which the roots of the teeth are exposed, is a very common problem and is fraught with many troubles. Why does tooth root exposure occur and how can it be cured?

Exposing the neck of a tooth never occurs out of nowhere. Our teeth consist of 3 parts: the root, the neck and the crown. If a person does not have problems with teeth and gums, then we can only see the bottom of the crown, the neck of the tooth is covered by the gum, and the root is in the alveolus. But for some reason, the necks of the teeth may become exposed; this is called a wedge-shaped defect.

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Symptoms of exposed tooth roots

Symptoms of an exposed tooth neck on initial stage :

  • Increased sensitivity of teeth;
  • Pain at the root of the tooth;
  • Dark red gum color;
  • Pain in the gums;
  • n when brushing teeth and biting hard foods

For advanced stage Additional symptoms are typical:

  • Bad breath;
  • Inflammation of the tooth root;
  • The appearance of periodontal pockets;
  • Loose teeth;
  • Tooth loss

Causes of exposure of the neck of the tooth

Why do the necks of teeth become exposed? The main reason for receding gums is improper hygiene oral cavity, both insufficient and enhanced. The lack of proper care for teeth and gums contributes to the appearance of soft bacterial plaque and stones, which is why it develops over time, a sign of which is also the exposure of the necks of the teeth.

Due to the inflammatory process, a periodontal pocket is formed, and food debris begins to fall into the cavity between the tooth and gum, provoking the development of the disease. Penetrating deeper and deeper, they surround the root part of the tooth. Over time, the pathological process leads to even greater exposure of the neck of the tooth and then its root.

Excessive movements with a toothbrush, especially with hard bristles, constantly injure the gums, resulting in gum recession. The situation is also aggravated individual characteristics patient:

  • Thin oral mucosa with a small amount of connective tissue. With such a biotype of the mucosa, even a minor injury can trigger the occurrence of atrophic processes;
  • Short frenulum of the upper or lower lip and mucosal strands that pull weakened periodontal tissue away from the teeth.
  • Malocclusion, as a result of which the integrity of the gums is compromised;
  • Heredity: genetic predisposition to gum recession;
  • The tooth root is so close to the gum that the layer of bone tissue between them is too thin, resulting in the gum lying not on the bone, but on the root of the tooth.

Poorly performed dental treatment can lead to tooth root exposure. Poorly placed crowns and fillings injure the gums, triggering a destructive process. Soft dentures are also harmful: due to uneven load when chewing, the gums often begin to recede.

Complications of gum recession

An exposed tooth root can cause a lot of inconvenience to a person - from hypersensitivity to external influences (hot, sweet, cold, etc.) and unaesthetic appearance until tooth loss. There is a small area between the crown of the tooth and the neck yellowish color- the so-called cement, covering the neck and making the root invisible. It is much more sensitive than tooth enamel, which is why unpleasant sensations arise.

Exposure of the neck of the tooth sooner or later leads to a problem such as exposure of the roots of the tooth, their caries, and a wedge-shaped defect. Complications such as swelling and bleeding of the gums, brittle teeth and an increased risk of chipping are common. The neck of a tooth can become exposed at any age, and to avoid a sad fate, if you have complaints, visit your dentist immediately.

Treatment of exposed tooth roots

For successful treatment exposed neck of the tooth, first of all, it is necessary to find out the cause of the disease. Depending on the stage of development of the disease, exposure of the neck of the tooth is treated with the following: therapeutic methods:

  • Removing stones and plaque from teeth

If your teeth begin to become exposed due to large quantity stones, go once every six months professional cleaning teeth from plaque and carefully monitor the condition of your teeth and gums.

When the cause is incorrect, as a result of which the gums are injured, it is necessary to eliminate the factors of trauma and teach the patient how to properly brush their teeth. Brush your teeth thoroughly once a day and more quickly after each meal. Use dental floss and irrigator. Choose the right toothbrush for yourself.

  • Wearing braces

Malocclusion is corrected with braces. The duration of wearing the braces system is determined individually.

  • Grinding of teeth

Often, when the roots of a tooth are exposed, grinding of teeth that experience increased load leading to chipping, loosening and falling out

  • Filling the exposed neck of a tooth

It is possible to fill the exposed neck of a tooth before the problem develops into a wedge-shaped defect. This is done on early stage diseases. If a V-defect is formed, the method will no longer be relevant, because it will not correct the cause, and therefore the filling will constantly fall out.

  • Remineralization of tooth enamel

A special preparation containing calcium is applied to the teeth, helping to strengthen the enamel and prevent tooth loss. About 10 procedures are required to achieve the effect.

  • Fluoridation of tooth enamel

The procedure is similar to the previous one. Tooth enamel covered with a special gel that enhances the remineralizing effect. Fluoridation is usually carried out once, but it can be simple and deep. With simple fluoridation, the drug does not penetrate deep into the enamel; with deep fluoridation, the enamel is strengthened from the inside.

Both methods help restore the tooth neck and reduce sensitivity to temperature changes, but deep fluoridation is 5 times more effective than usual and copes much better with a wedge-shaped defect.

  • Installation of veneers

One of the most popular methods of treating a wedge-shaped defect is installing veneers on problem teeth. A veneer is a thin ceramic plate that is placed on a tooth to hide all kinds of aesthetic defects and prevent increased stress on the masticatory apparatus, which will stop the progression of dental diseases.

The disadvantage of veneers is the fragility of the structure, requiring frequent replacement and proper care, as well as the high cost of installation and maintenance. Veneers will have to be replaced every 7-10 years.

  • Installing a crown on a tooth

Installing a crown on a tooth with bare neck allows you to solve the problem of gum recession, but this method is left for last, since in order to install a crown, you will need to grind healthy tooth. Also, in most cases, the tooth is depulped before the procedure.

When exposure of the neck of the tooth cannot be dealt with conservative methods, we have to resort to surgical treatment , consisting of:

  • Trimming the frenulum of the lip and mucosal cords;

Patients with short bridle lip levator, it is recommended to trim it to prevent gum recession.

  • Flap gum surgery;

In place of the receding gum, the surgeon implants a piece of mucous membrane taken from the patient’s palate. This method allows you to cover the exposed part of the tooth and prevent further progression of gum recession.

  • Removing the root of the tooth and using a clasp prosthesis, with which you can install a new one in its place

Folk remedies for exposing the neck of a tooth

You can treat exposed tooth neck at home traditional methods, but only as additional measures to the main treatment prescribed by the doctor. The following methods are often practiced among folk remedies:

  • Gum massage

Massaging the gums when the neck of the tooth is exposed helps to establish metabolic processes in periodontal tissues. It is advisable to massage the gums daily, making stroking and lightly pressing circular movements along and across the gums for a minute or two. You can massage with your finger, an irrigator, or even soft brush. Can also be used for massage essential oils lemon, eucalyptus or mint.

  • Mouth rinse

If you have problems with your gums, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with special solutions and balms, purchased in pharmacies, or prepared by yourself. Suitable infusion from, rinse solution based on propolis, calendula, malavit, tantum verde and others.

  • Compresses for gums

Although folk remedies They seem to be a harmless method of treatment; before using them, it is better to consult a doctor to avoid allergic reactions.

The cause of tooth root exposure may be poor hygiene oral cavity. Insufficiently thorough brushing of teeth contributes to the accumulation of microbial plaque on them. The acids released by microorganisms during their vital activity have an aggressive effect on tooth tissue and. As a result, it becomes inflamed and begins to bleed. This condition is gingivitis. If no measures are taken, the inflammation may spread under the gum. As a result of this, the dentogingival tissue is destroyed, bone near the tooth and, as a result, periodontitis occurs. This leads not only to loss of teeth, but also to bone loss, which causes exposure of the neck and root of the tooth.

Overly diligent brushing can also lead to tooth root exposure. As a result of aggressive mechanical impact a toothbrush may wear off the edge.

Features of the bite and location of the frenulum of the tongue, lips and vestibule of the mouth can also cause exposure of the necks and.

Age-related changes can lead to exposed tooth roots. In this case, due to physiological changes this process occurs in tissues naturally.

Treatment of tooth root exposure

If the roots of the teeth are exposed as a result of the presence of stone on them, you must contact your dentist to have it removed. If this occurs before the disease progresses, young people will experience quite a lot after stone removal. fast healing gums. In older people, the inflammatory process stops. In their case, healing may not occur.

If the cause of dental problems is excessively intense brushing, you should treat periodontal disease and begin to properly care for your oral cavity. If necessary, the dentist will explain the technique of brushing your teeth.

It is important to get rid of plaque from the tongue, cheeks, tooth surfaces and spaces between them. The main thing in oral care is not frequency, but thoroughness. Mature plaque forms in the mouth within 24-36 hours after the cleansing procedure. Therefore, you can brush your teeth properly once a day.

As practice shows, it is impossible to remove all plaque in one go, so it is recommended to brush your teeth after every meal.

If it is incorrect, you need to make an impression and then observe it over time. In accordance with the results obtained, the necessary measures will be taken.

The solution to the problem may be the installation of braces.

From therapeutic methods to eliminate the problem exposed roots teeth can be distinguished such as selective grinding, filling, removal of tartar, elimination of overhanging edges of fillings. Can also be applied surgical methods treatment: plastic or patchwork gum surgery, tooth root removal (in extreme cases).

Thus, identifying

Very alarm signal in the condition of the oral cavity, the root and neck of the tooth are exposed. This process occurs over several years, and the result is a loss of appearance. healthy teeth. Why does the gum gradually “slide”, exposing the tooth, and how will this process turn out in the future? What can you do to stop it while still being able to smile broadly and show off healthy, strong teeth?

Any change in the condition of the teeth occurs gradually. The earlier a problem with a gum or tooth is noticed, the greater the chance of stopping the process that has begun with minimal losses. It is these considerations that lead to the recommendation to visit the dentist 1 or 2 times a year. A routine examination allows you to identify incipient caries, notice changes in the condition of the gums and take measures that will stop the destruction.


Reasons leading to exposure of the root and neck of the tooth

The structure of a tooth has three main components: the upper one – the crown, the middle one – the neck and the lower one – the root itself. IN in good condition the root is hidden by the alveolus, and the neck is covered by the gum. Top part The tooth is reliably protected from damage by enamel. At the base of the tooth, this layer is much thinner, so its gradual exposure leads to the appearance of caries, the tooth begins to react to excessively cold or hot, sour or sweet. This process of gradually reducing the amount soft fabric in the area of ​​one or more teeth is called recession.

Dentists note that the main reason contributing to the gradual receding of the gums is improper dental care. Moreover Negative influence renders as a disadvantage hygiene procedures, and their excess. In addition, the process can be triggered bad habits: smoking, chewing nuts or seeds. Malocclusion also causes recession.

If teeth are not cleaned thoroughly enough, soft plaque accumulates on their surface. Gradually it becomes denser, forming tartar. The result of this phenomenon is the occurrence of periodontitis and gingivitis. One of them characteristic symptoms is the gradual lowering and exposure of the gums.

Excessive pressure on the gums and intensive brushing of teeth injures the tissues and surface of the tooth. Hard brush or strong pressure gradually damages the surface and causes inflammation. In addition, the anatomical specifics of the teeth can provoke changes in the condition of the gums:

  • If the distance between the root and the gum is too small, there is a narrow layer of tissue inside. Due to this, the gum rests directly on the root.
  • With a small amount of connective tissue, even a tiny injury gradually leads to its atrophy.
  • Abnormal attachment of the frenulum of the tongue or lip helps to pull tissue away from the teeth themselves.

Another reason is poor quality treatment. For example, if fillings or crowns are poorly fitted, they injure the gums. Often the cause of root manifestations is soft dentures, which unevenly distribute the load on the teeth and contribute to soft tissue atrophy.

What symptoms characterize the presence of the disease?

The following signs will help identify the fact of root exposure:

  • visually the teeth look longer;
  • the roots of the teeth become visible;
  • a certain unevenness is felt at the gum level;
  • a gradual change in enamel color is possible;
  • Caries appears on the tooth below the gum.

Gum pathologies develop over several years. A person notices changes only when they provoke the appearance painful sensations or become noticeable externally. This is why it is so important to visit the dentist periodically. Experienced doctor will be able to notice the onset of the disease at an early stage and recommend procedures that will stop the recession.

Exposed gums can be one of the symptoms of gingivitis. Then it is accompanied by redness and swelling of the gums, their bleeding, and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. After eating hard foods, such as apples, these symptoms intensify.

If the front teeth are more susceptible to exposure, the reason for this is most often due to improper care of them. Intensive cleaning becomes a trigger for recession. If almost all the roots are exposed, then you need to look for the cause that caused the inflammation of the gums.

Dental treatments

To prevent it from developing pathological processes, you need to visit the dentist periodically. He has many tools in his arsenal that will help stop the changes that have begun and maintain dental health. The choice of treatment method depends on the stage of exposure of the neck or root. If necessary procedures carried out before the disease begins to progress, the gums quickly heal and restore their position. With deeper processes, the doctor will stop the inflammation, but healing will be more difficult and longer.

Wedge-shaped defect

Until the tooth is exposed at the root and the neck has taken on a wedge-shaped shape, a filling is performed. At the stage of formation of a V-defect, this method becomes irrelevant: the filling has nothing to hold onto and it falls off, and caries forms on this spot.

At an early stage of the disease high efficiency shows enamel remineralization . It involves saturating the surface layer of the tooth with calcium. Due to this, the enamel is strengthened, the condition and appearance of the teeth improves. The procedure is painless and takes about 20 minutes. For a lasting effect, you will need to complete a whole course of 8-10 procedures.

Similar to mineralization, fluoridation of enamel is carried out. This method allows you to restore the protective layer of enamel and reduce sensitivity. Fluoridation can be simple or deep. The first option involves applying a special mixture in the form of a gel or varnish to tooth surface. Due to this, a protective layer is created that prevents further destruction, and the enamel is saturated with fluoride. However, the method does not provide penetration useful components into the pores of the tooth.

Deep fluoridation is considered more effective. It is carried out after thorough professional cleaning of teeth from plaque.

Direct fluoridation is carried out in several stages:

  • dry the tooth surface;
  • apply a sealing liquid and dry thoroughly;
  • extinguish the surface with a swab moistened with a mixture of copper and calcium hydroxide.

This procedure creates a layer on the enamel that performs two functions: protects against external influences and becomes a source of calcium ions. They easily penetrate deep into the tooth, filling the formed pores.

If the process has gone far enough and wedge-shaped defects, then the dentist has to take measures to restore appearance teeth. One of these methods is the installation of veneers - thin ceramic plates. Such a plate covers defects on the tooth, makes it shiny, returns the natural color or even improves it. The disadvantage of this method is the need to slightly polish the enamel, preparing it for the installation of veneers.

A radical way to eliminate the problem with an exposed neck is to install a crown. This option is used in cases where the tooth is returned normal look impossible. The disadvantages of the method include the need to grind the tooth before prosthetics.

Sometimes, to cope with receding gums caused by thin mucous membranes, implantation comes to the rescue. The surgeon performs an operation to implant tissue from the patient's palate in place of the thinned gum. If the operation is successful, healing takes about a week. To consolidate the effect, the patient is given prescriptions, special recommendations on proper and careful gum care.

Will folk remedies help “return” the gum to its place?

Deny the benefits traditional medicine it would be wrong. Before using them, you should consult your doctor. The dentist can make a diagnosis and tell you whether or not you need to take any measures. Amateur treatment of teeth will aggravate the beginning processes, provoke inflammation and lead to tooth loss. It will be a shame to hear from the doctor that this tooth could still be saved, but time has already been lost.

At the initial stage, when unpleasant process begins, simple procedures can be carried out.

  • massage the gums, various stroking and pressing, using essential citrus oils;
  • apply fir or sea buckthorn compresses to the gums;
  • Rinse your mouth thoroughly with a decoction of medicinal herbs.

Will they stop the recession? Most likely not, but it will have a general strengthening effect on the gums.

Prevention: what is important for everyone to do

It will not be possible to completely avoid gum recession, since this process is caused by age-related changes in organism. However, delaying its appearance and reducing negative manifestations Can.

Simple steps will help with this:

  • regular visits to the dentist;
  • consistency in carrying out activities prescribed by the doctor;
  • daily gentle dental care.

If the dentist recommends mineralization or professional cleaning, then they should be followed. When choosing a paste and brush, it is better to first consult a doctor. On initial stages desensitizing toothpaste will help stop the processes that have started.

Every adult knows that new teeth will not grow. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, risking your health. But a timely visit to the dentist will help prevent the onset of processes and keep your teeth healthy.



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