Soft toothbrush – who should use it and how to choose? Rating of toothbrushes.

An important characteristic of toothbrushes is the stiffness of the bristles. This indicator depends, first of all, on the thickness of the bristle fibers. The purpose of brushes with different hardness depends on the condition of the oral cavity.

If there is plaque on your teeth in the form of tartar, then a brush with stiff bristles will do. The most versatile are brushes with medium bristles.

Soft brushes are designed for people who have gum problems such as gingivitis, periodontal disease or damaged enamel. Brushes with very soft bristles are suitable for children.

Currently, the market for soft bristle toothbrushes is quite diverse. The most popular toothbrush manufacturers are the following brands: Oral-B, Colgate, Silka, Aquafresh, Reach.

The Oral-B brand presents the Exceed model with soft bristles. Each bristle has round ends, which is gentle on the enamel.

The tufts of bristles intersect at an angle, allowing for more effective cleaning of the surface of the molars. The tufts of bristles have different lengths for better cleansing lateral surfaces of teeth.

To determine the service life, there is an indicator on the brush, which after 2 months loses its brightness. The thickness of the handle is quite acceptable, this brush is comfortable to hold in your hand. Some users may find this type of brush harsh.

This effect is created by multidirectional tufts of bristles.

Colgate Navigator Soft Toothbrush

The Colgate Navigator soft bristle toothbrush has some special features. The brush head can bend while brushing your teeth, thereby following their contours.

Thanks to this head, even “wisdom teeth” will be thoroughly cleaned. Rows of bristles are located on different levels. The handle is somewhat thick, which is not very comfortable.

Aquafresh Max Active soft bristle toothbrush

Aquafresh Max Active has bristles with rounded ends. The head itself can bend, and there is also a small bendable part on it. Like previous brushes, this model uses multi-level bristles.

The soft compounds in the head prevent damage to the gums, which is suitable for people with gingivitis. The disadvantage of this model is fragility.

Reach Squeeze Toothbrush

The soft Reach Squeeze brush differs from the handle designs described above, with which you can adjust the angle of the head. The protruding bristles at the tip of the head enhance the cleaning effect.

The disadvantage of this brush is the large cleaning part, which is not suitable for treating hard-to-reach areas of the teeth.

Soft toothbrush Silka Favorite

The Favorite model of the Silka brand has a pragmatic look, but this does not prevent it from matching everyone necessary requirements cleaning teeth.

The central tufts of bristles are located below the level of the lateral bristles, which allows you to effectively remove plaque from the tooth surface.

This brush is not suitable for left-handed people, as it will not be convenient for them to use it. Another disadvantage is the lack of indications on the label about the type of bristle stiffness.

All presented brushes, except the last one, have the same price - about 70 rubles. The Silka brand model costs about 30 rubles, but the quality of this brush is not inferior to those listed above.

Toothbrush hardness level- Very important factor when choosing a toothbrush. It is very important not to make a mistake when choosing a toothbrush for your teeth! You can consult a dentist, or you can try to figure this out on your own. It is worth recalling once again that this is an important factor and do not throw it aside when buying this essential hygiene item for yourself.

Classification of toothbrushes by degree of hardness

All toothbrushes can be classified according to their degree of hardness. But how can you determine the degree of hardness of a tightly packed toothbrush? In fact, you don't need to unpack the box: the hardness of the toothbrush's bristles should be indicated on the packaging. It is important to know how to “read” it skillfully.

  • sensitive (very soft toothbrush). Such brushes are the most gentle on teeth and are used for disorders of the inner lining of the oral cavity. It is recommended to use them when gingivitis (inflammatory processes gums) and periodontitis(tissue inflammation);
  • software (soft toothbrush). This brush is recommended for children who have just started brushing their teeth. They will also be practical when periodontitis or gingivitis;
  • medium (medium bristle hardness). Such brushes are suitable for people who do not have any abnormalities or pathologies in oral cavity;
  • hard (hard tooth bristle). A toothbrush with hard bristles is not suitable for everyone. The main requirement is the absence of non-carious lesions of external tissues and perfect health oral cavity. This toothbrush is good because it does the best job of removing plaque;
  • extra hard (very hard toothbrush). A toothbrush that is even harder than " hard", suitable only for people with healthy teeth and good enamel. If gum damage or bleeding occurs, it is best to abandon it and switch to lighter bristles ( medium or software).

Choosing a toothbrush based on hardness

Having understood the classification of toothbrushes according to the degree of stiffness of the bristles, we can independently choose the necessary type of toothbrush for our teeth.

If you have damaged hard tissues teeth, you definitely need to opt for a soft toothbrush ( sensitive or software).

In case of illness periodontitis with tooth mobility, if there is affected enamel, not fully developed or missing, choose toothbrush exactly this kind of rigidity. A soft toothbrush is also suitable for cleaning teeth if your gums are bleeding. Can not use soft brush if you brush your teeth carelessly and incorrectly. Also, don't use soft toothbrushes unless you have to. special reasons, otherwise their effectiveness will be very low.

A medium-hard toothbrush ( medium) is considered the most popular and is used by many. But such a brush is allowed if the oral cavity is healthy.

Hard brush ( hard) is recommended for use by smokers and coffee lovers, as well as people suffering from plaque formation, regardless of etiology. However, dentists recommend using this type of brush for those who have a healthy oral cavity and strong enamel. Otherwise, its use is fraught with consequences.

Very hard toothbrushes extra hard) are specialized, they are usually used for cleaning removable dentures if there are permanent bridges and braces in the oral cavity. Such toothbrushes are also suitable for people with perfectly healthy teeth and good tooth enamel, but they must be used with extreme caution - if bleeding occurs, it is better to abandon them in favor of toothbrushes with a lesser degree of hardness.

Since the condition of our teeth is not always the same, we should always reconsider the criterion for choosing the hardness of a toothbrush and buy one that best suits your teeth at a particular moment.

Moreover, in view of technological features and degree of wear, the toothbrush must be periodically replaced with a new one. All dentists agree that The toothbrush must be changed once every 3 months!

It's easy to get confused among the modern range of toothbrushes. In most cases, a toothbrush is chosen based on the following principles: a nice color, a suitable price, and the manufacturer often appears in advertising. No more than five minutes are allotted for choosing a toothbrush. But choosing the wrong toothbrush can cause harm. oral health . So what should you pay attention to when choosing a brush?

Hardness degree

There are four levels of toothbrush hardness - hard, medium, soft and very soft. Typically, the degree of hardness is marked on the packaging: for example, “sensitive” means a very soft toothbrush, “soft” means soft, “medium” means medium, “hard” means hard, “extra-hard” means special toothbrushes that are designed for people with advanced education plaque, or in the presence of orthopedic or orthodontic structures. These parameters are very important, but often, unfortunately, they remain without due attention.

Very soft toothbrushes indicated for children and adults with diseases of the gums and hard dental tissues. Such diseases include periodontitis with tooth mobility of I and II degrees, non-carious lesions of the enamel, when the enamel is not fully developed or is completely absent. Only a dentist can recommend using a very soft toothbrush.

Soft toothbrush indicated for bleeding gums, pregnant and lactating women, people with diabetes mellitus. It is unacceptable to use a soft toothbrush in combination with careless and improper cleaning teeth. If your gums are bleeding, you must use a certain method of brushing your teeth, often using specialized toothbrushes.

Toothbrush medium degree rigidity most popular and used by most of the adult population. You should use this toothbrush if you have a relatively healthy oral cavity.

Hard toothbrush recommended to use smokers , for coffee lovers and people with increased formation of dental plaque of any etiology. Dentists advise using this type of brush for people with healthy cavity mouth and strong tooth enamel.

Super hard toothbrushes- this is a type of specialized brushes that is most often used when cleaning complete removable dentures, in the presence of fixed bridges and braces in the oral cavity.

Important little things

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the length of the working part; ideally, it should simultaneously capture a segment of teeth (2-2.5 teeth), it is thanks to this condition that the best cleaning effect of the chewing group of teeth is achieved.

The working part of the toothbrush, or head, should be round shape- this way there is less risk of injuring the delicate oral mucosa. The back of the head should be made of soft material, ideally with a rough surface. Thanks to this, microorganisms are cleaned not only from the teeth and interdental spaces, but also from the oral mucosa.

The junction of the head and handle of the toothbrush should be movable. Thanks to the springing effect, the pressure on the area of ​​hard and soft tissues in the oral cavity is regulated and the risk of injury is reduced. For convenience, the handle should be thick and with rubberized inserts - so it will not slip in your hand when brushing your teeth.


There are brushes with natural and artificial bristles. On this moment It has been scientifically proven that using toothbrushes with natural bristles is harmful, as they absorb water and create excellent conditions for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Dentists recommend using toothbrushes exclusively with artificial bristles.

All bristles are processed accordingly, the tips are rounded and are not capable of causing microtrauma to the enamel and mucous membrane of the teeth. The main material used to produce bristles is nylon. All bristles are collected in tufts, and the tufts are distributed over the working surface. According to the location of these bristles and their length, they are distinguished:

  • single-level,
  • two-level,
  • three-level,
  • multi-level toothbrushes. The tufts of bristles can be positioned either strictly parallel to each other or at a certain angle, thanks to which a certain pattern is visible on the working surface of the brush.

Hygienic toothbrushes

If you consider a hygienic toothbrush, then all the bristles are located at the same level and strictly parallel to each other. IN Lately Such toothbrushes are rarely used due to their low cleaning ability. The only place where such brushes can be used is for the hygienic treatment of orthopedic structures.

Therapeutic and prophylactic toothbrushes

How to choose the right toothbrush? /

The bristles of such brushes are located at different levels; often the tufts in such toothbrushes are of different hardness. Usually they combine hard straight tufts, which perfectly clean the interdental spaces; harder short tufts perfectly remove plaque and food debris from the teeth. chewing surface chewing teeth, soft and oblique bristles clean the cervical area of ​​​​the teeth and massage the gums when brushing.

In addition, such brushes also have special additional devices in the form of silicone inserts, a silicone protrusion at the end of the working part of the head or a ribbed surface back side working head. All these elements are designed for additional surface polishing teeth and massaging the gums or brushing the tongue. As you know, more than 60% of pathogens develop on the tongue.

It is better to purchase a therapeutic and prophylactic brush for people with weak gums who need an excellent cleaning effect and additional stimulation of the gums.

Special toothbrushes

TO special brushes include monotuft toothbrushes, which are used for special methods cleaning teeth - for example, for gum disease, for caring for braces, orthopedic structures or for implants.

Additional accessories

The modern toothbrush market offers a number of devices that make it easier to care for and use the toothbrush for its intended purpose. The bristles of some brushes are impregnated with a special solution that disappears during use and directly indicates when you need to change your toothbrush. General recommendation doctors - change your toothbrush after 2-3 months of use.

Electric brushes

Electric toothbrushes were originally invented for people with disabilities. physical capabilities, and later migrated to the general masses.

Modern electric brushes They run on a battery, they are compact and have several removable working heads, which are sold as a set. More expensive models run on a battery that can be charged as needed.

To make brushing your teeth easier, electric toothbrushes are equipped with a pressure sensor, which protects teeth and gums from microtrauma, and a timer, which notifies you when brushing is complete.

The availability of cleaning modes depends on the price, usually there are two. But, as practice shows, in most cases only one is used optimal mode brushing teeth.

The disadvantage of an electric toothbrush is its bristles; they are almost always of medium hardness, and it is very difficult to find heads with soft bristles, which are necessary for people with problem gums. In addition, dentists do not recommend using electric toothbrushes for people with problem gums.

How often do you change your toothbrush?


No more than five minutes are allotted for choosing a toothbrush. But choosing the wrong toothbrush can harm your oral health. So what should you pay attention to when choosing a brush?

Hardness degree

There are four levels of toothbrush hardness - hard, medium, soft and very soft. Typically, the degree of hardness is marked on the packaging: for example, “sensitive” means a very soft toothbrush, “soft” means soft, “medium” means medium, “hard” means hard, “extra-hard” means special toothbrushes that are designed for people with increased plaque formation, or in the presence of orthopedic or orthodontic structures. These parameters are very important, but often, unfortunately, they remain without due attention.

Very soft toothbrushes are recommended for children and adults with diseases of the gums and hard dental tissues. Such diseases include periodontitis with tooth mobility of I and II degrees, non-carious lesions of the enamel, when the enamel is not fully developed or is completely absent. I can only recommend using a very soft toothbrush.

A soft toothbrush is indicated for bleeding gums, pregnant and lactating women, and people with diabetes. It is unacceptable to use a soft toothbrush in combination with careless and improper brushing of teeth. If your gums are bleeding, you must use a certain method of brushing your teeth, often using specialized toothbrushes.

A medium-hard toothbrush is the most popular and is used by most of the adult population. You should use this toothbrush if you have a relatively healthy oral cavity.

A hard toothbrush is recommended for smokers, coffee drinkers and people with increased plaque formation of any etiology. Dentists recommend using this type of brush for people with a healthy oral cavity and strong tooth enamel.

Super-hard toothbrushes are a type of specialized brush that is most often used when cleaning complete removable dentures, in the presence of fixed bridges and braces in the oral cavity.

Important little things

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the length of the working part; ideally, it should simultaneously capture a segment of teeth (2-2.5 teeth), it is thanks to this condition that the best cleaning effect of the chewing group of teeth is achieved.

The working part of the toothbrush, or the head, should be round in shape - this way there is less risk of injuring the delicate oral mucosa. The back of the head should be made of soft material, ideally with a rough surface. Thanks to this, microorganisms are cleaned not only from the teeth and interdental spaces, but also from the oral mucosa.

The junction of the head and handle of the toothbrush should be movable. Thanks to the springing effect, the pressure on the area of ​​hard and soft tissues in the oral cavity is regulated and the risk of injury is reduced. For convenience, the handle should be thick and with rubberized inserts - so it will not slip in your hand when brushing your teeth.

There are brushes with natural and artificial bristles. It has now been scientifically proven that using toothbrushes with natural bristles is harmful, as they absorb water and create excellent conditions for the development of pathogens. Dentists recommend using toothbrushes exclusively with artificial bristles.

All bristles are processed accordingly, the tips are rounded and are not capable of causing microtrauma to the enamel and mucous membrane of the teeth. The main material used to produce bristles is nylon. All bristles are collected in tufts, and the tufts are distributed over the working surface. According to the location of these bristles and their length, they are distinguished:

- two-level,
- three-level,
- multi-level toothbrushes. The tufts of bristles can be positioned either strictly parallel to each other or at a certain angle, thanks to which a certain pattern is visible on the working surface of the brush.

Hygienic toothbrushes

If you consider a hygienic toothbrush, then all the bristles are located at the same level and strictly parallel to each other. Recently, such toothbrushes are rarely used due to their low cleaning ability. The only place where such brushes can be used is for the hygienic treatment of orthopedic structures.

Therapeutic and prophylactic toothbrushes

The bristles of such brushes are located at different levels; often the tufts in such toothbrushes are of different hardness. Typically, they combine hard straight tufts that perfectly clean the interdental spaces, stiffer short tufts perfectly remove plaque and food debris from the chewing surface of the chewing teeth, soft and oblique bristles clean the cervical area of ​​the teeth and massage the gums when cleaning.

In addition, such brushes also have special additional devices in the form of silicone inserts, a silicone protrusion at the end of the working part of the head or a ribbed surface on the back side of the working head. All these elements are designed to additionally polish the surface of the teeth and massage the gums or clean the tongue. As you know, more than 60% of pathogens develop on the tongue.

It is better to purchase a therapeutic and prophylactic brush for people with weak gums who need an excellent cleaning effect and additional stimulation of the gums.

Special toothbrushes

Special brushes include monotuft toothbrushes, which are used for special methods of teeth cleaning - for example, for gum disease, for caring for braces, orthopedic structures or implants.

Additional accessories

The modern toothbrush market offers a number of devices that make it easier to care for and use the toothbrush for its intended purpose. The bristles of some brushes are impregnated with a special solution that disappears during use and directly indicates when you need to change your toothbrush. The general recommendation of doctors is to change your toothbrush after 2-3 months of use.

Electric brushes

Initially, electric toothbrushes were invented for people with disabilities, and later migrated to the general public.

Modern electric brushes are battery-powered, compact and have several removable working heads, which are sold as a set. More expensive models run on a battery that can be charged as needed.

To make brushing your teeth easier, electric toothbrushes are equipped with a pressure sensor, which protects teeth and gums from microtrauma, and a timer, which notifies you when brushing is complete.

The availability of cleaning modes depends on the price, usually there are two. But, as practice shows, in most cases only one optimal teeth cleaning regimen is used.

The disadvantage of an electric toothbrush is its bristles; they are almost always of medium hardness, and it is very difficult to find heads with soft bristles, which are necessary for people with problem gums. In addition, dentists do not recommend using electric toothbrushes for people with problem gums.

As reported, vegetables can be no less dangerous to dental health than, for example, sweets. It all depends on the method of their preparation. Scientists from the University of Dundee conducted experiments with methods of preparing various vegetables - eggplants, zucchini, peppers. It has been established that when frying these healthy vegetables the content of acids in them increases significantly, which destroy tooth enamel.

Every self-respecting person takes care of oral hygiene. His health depends on it, personal life, career. Fresh breath encourages the interlocutor to communicate, so it is necessary to use cleaning products for the oral cavity. The most common personal hygiene item is a brush. People have been using it almost since infancy. Not all adults know how to choose it, how to care for it and how often to change it.

If you approach this issue carelessly, there is a risk of ruining not only the enamel of your teeth, but also your gums. You can bring the situation to chronic diseases, which are impossible to get rid of.How to approach the purchase, what nuances to pay attention to Special attention? How to make a brush very soft and what are the options for the development of events?

How to choose a toothbrush?

Modern perfume stores and pharmacies offer the buyer a variety of products for personal hygiene. Many people choose a brush based on appearance. This is far from the main aspect. How to choose exactly the one that suits you?

The first thing you should pay attention to is what the bristles are made of. Anyone who thinks that natural is best is mistaken. The bristles must be made from artificial materials. The fact is that in the process of using natural fibers, bacteria arise inside them, and this can lead to various diseases oral cavity. And their fibers are too soft, and the ends can destroy the surface of the teeth.

Types of brushes by degree of hardness

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The stiffness of the bristles depends on the diameters of the fibers from which it is made. The thicker the fiber, the tougher it is. The degree of hardness is written on the brush or on the packaging. There are very soft, soft, medium, and hard toothbrushes.

Very soft is recommended for use by small children, people with sensitive teeth. Soft – for older children (5-12 years old) and people with oral problems: bleeding, periodontal disease, damaged enamel. Hard brushes are best suited for teenagers and adults.

Hard brushes are used after consultation with a dentist. Otherwise, you risk damaging your gums and scratching your enamel.

Ways to soften at home

Many people have experienced in practice that they do not feel the desired effect when purchasing soft or medium-hard brushes. When brushing your teeth, they damage your gums and cause bleeding. This can be avoided. Some folk remedies How to make your toothbrush even softer and the brushing process more enjoyable:

By water

There are several ways to soften a brush:

  1. Turn on hot water. It doesn’t have to be boiling water – just a water temperature suitable for the body. Rinse your toothbrush for 10 minutes.
  2. Then you need to fill a container with water of the same temperature and leave the brush in it overnight. Touch the bristles - they have become softer.
  3. Boil water in a kettle. Cool the boiling water to a temperature suitable for the body. Next, perform the manipulations described above. If the water is too hot, it may cause the toothbrush to become deformed.

Using mouthwash

You need to pour mouthwash into the glass, but not to the brim - 100 ml is enough. The main thing is that the rinse completely covers the bristles. Using this method, you can soften old, dry brushes that have not been used for a long time. The effectiveness of this method has long been proven - at home it is possible to soften the brush with rinse aid.

Hydrogen peroxide solution

The method is also effective in making the toothbrush soft. Suitable for 3 percentage solution hydrogen peroxide. The advantage of using it is that it saves time and money, because it is very cheap and can be found in any housewife’s medicine cabinet. It is enough to fill the container one third with peroxide solution and leave the brush in it for about 5 minutes. After this procedure, you need to rinse it thoroughly. It is now ready to use.



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