Application of materials based on calcium hydroxide in modern dentistry. Calcium preparations

Along with other sciences, dentistry does not stand still. Over the past 20 years, dental treatment methods have changed dramatically, starting from dental units that ensure the patient’s comfort while visiting a doctor, and high-tech devices that allow painless treatment, to modern instruments and effective medications.

Previously, such a form of the disease as “Granulating periodontitis of the tooth” or “granulomatous cyst” meant that the tooth had to be removed, as the council says. cartoon: “Execute, you cannot pardon,” then today it is possible to “pardon” and the treatment is significantly successful! Of course, these manipulations are not one-time; several visits will be required, because... The process of osteogenesis (bone formation) is long. But the results are positive and are observed after just half a year. Treatment of tooth canals is carried out using the drug “Kalasept”, which contains calcium hydroxide. How does calcium help?

  • Participates in the formation bone tissue;
  • increases the resistance of dental tissues to pathogenic influences;
  • reduces tissue permeability and has anti-edema, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, hemostatic effects;

The mechanism of action of calcium hydroxide includes:

  • High antimicrobial activity; Upon direct contact with calcium hydroxide, 99.9% of bacteria present in the root canal are killed within 1-6 minutes; Root canals and periapical tissues become sterile 1-4 weeks after filling the canal with calcium hydroxide;
  • Ability to dissolve necrotic tissue;
  • Regenerating effect;
  • Inducing the formation of an osteocement apical barrier; Restoration of bone tissue occurs over a long period of time - from 2 to 18 months, which is X-ray confirmed by a decrease in the focus of rarefaction in the apex area.

Where is Calasept used? During treatment:

  • caries and non-carious lesions;
  • pulpitis;
  • destructive forms of periodontitis;
  • perforations of the bottom of the tooth cavity, canal;
  • horizontal fracture of the tooth root;
  • periodontal pocket;
  • reimplantitis.
  • Patient A., 52 years old Diagnosis: chronic granulating periodontitis of the 41st tooth

Destruction of bone tissue in the area of ​​the root apex is 4-5 mm. After a year we see positive results.

  • Patient E., 46 years old Diagnosis: chronic granulating periodontitis of the 36th tooth in the acute stage.

Destruction of bone tissue in the area of ​​the medial and distal roots is 2-3 mm. A year later, the bone pattern was completely restored.

  • Patient M., 28 years old Diagnosis: chronic granulating periodontitis of 34 teeth.

Destruction of bone tissue in the area of ​​the root apex is 4-6 mm. After 9 months, the bone pattern was completely restored.

  • Patient A., 36 years old, diagnosed with chronic granulating periodontitis of the 36th tooth (perforation in the distal canal from the pin). The pin was removed, and a calcium preparation was left at the perforation site for a month. A glass fiber pin is installed in the medial buccal canal (it is not contrasted on the radiograph). The tooth is covered with a crown.

Destruction of bone tissue in the area of ​​½ of the distal root at the level of perforation. Six months later, the bone pattern was restored.

  • Patient M., 22 years old. Diagnosis: Chronic granulating periodontitis of the 12th tooth.

Destruction of bone tissue in the area of ​​the root apex is 1-2 mm, after six months the bone pattern is restored

Doctor dentist therapist
Kolomeets A. A.

Index of drug descriptions

Calcium glycerophosphate
Calcium gluconate
Calcium lactate

There is no INN
  • Remodent
IN dental practice to regulate metabolism in hard tissues tooth and bone tissue, maintaining the balance of de- and remineralization processes, drugs containing various micro- and macroelements (calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, strontium, silicon, etc.), hormones (calcitonin, parathyroid hormone), as well as vitamins. The most commonly used are calcium supplements.

Calcium, which belongs to the group of alkaline earth metals, enters the human body with food in the form of inorganic (phosphate, carbonate) and organic (lactate, caseinate, etc.) compounds. Its greatest amount is found in milk, dairy products, cottage cheese, cheese, and eggs. Daily requirement in calcium in an adult is 1000 mg, increasing in children during growth (up to 40-60 mg/kg), in elderly people and women during pregnancy and lactation. The level of calcium in the blood and tissues is determined by its entry into the body with food, absorption from the gastrointestinal tract, reabsorption in the kidneys and excretion from the body. Calcium metabolism is associated with phosphorus metabolism. Inorganic phosphate, combining with calcium, forms a poorly soluble compound, which is deposited in the organic stroma of the bone to form hydroxyapatite, and the level of calcium in the blood serum decreases.

Fluorides, which are necessary for the formation of hydroxyfluorapatite, play a great role in increasing the resistance of enamel to the effects of cariogenic factors. At the same time, the permeability of the enamel decreases, its density and resistance to acids increases. Fluoride preparations reduce the activity of glycolytic enzymes, suppressing the ability of cariogenic microorganisms to produce acids. In regions with low content fluorine in water, the caries rate of the population increases, and therefore, when its content in water is below 0.6 mg/l, fluoridation of drinking water is carried out.

Calcium metabolism is regulated by hormones (parathyroid hormone, calcitonin) and vitamin D. Vitamin D affects the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the gastrointestinal tract, which are necessary for the development of bone tissue and hard dental tissues.

Vitamin D enhances the process of active reabsorption of calcium in the kidneys, reducing excretion in the urine and inhibiting its mobilization from bone tissue. Parathyroid hormone increases the number of osteoclasts, increases their functional activity, inhibits the formation and reduces the activity of osteoblasts. The consequence of this is bone demineralization and an increase in calcium in the blood plasma.

Calcitonin, on the contrary, inhibits the formation and reduces the function of osteoclasts, accelerating their transformation into osteoblasts, prevents demineralization of bone tissue, and enhances osteogenesis. Calcium levels are maintained by estrogens, androgens, growth hormone, and GCS and IL-1 and -6 decrease. In addition, insulin, parotin (peptide hormone of the parotid salivary gland), vitamin C and microelements.

The calcium content in plasma reflects the balance of the processes of its deposition and mobilization, which are associated with osteogenesis and osteolysis. Calcium regulates bone density, maintaining the structural foundation of the body. When calcium levels in the blood decrease (hypocalcemia), convulsions (tetany), paresthesia, laryngospasm, muscle spasms, irritability, depression, psychosis, prolongation of the PQ interval on the ECG, respiratory arrest. With chronic calcium deficiency, blood clotting, skeletal and smooth muscle, of cardio-vascular system, osteoporosis develops. An increase in calcium levels in the blood (hypercalcemia) is manifested by constipation, thirst, polyuria, and confusion.

Mechanism of action and pharmacological effects

Calcium is one of the main macronutrients. Has physiological activity ionized calcium. Calcium ions activate the plastic function of osteoblasts and osteocytes, participate in the formation of bone and dental tissues, form the mineral basis of the skeleton, ensuring their strength and hardness, and increase the resistance of dental tissues to pathogenic influences.

Calcium ions interact with the intracellular protein calmodulin, and this complex regulates many biochemical processes, is involved in coupling the excitation of cells with their functional activity, is one of the most powerful stimulators of intracellular processes and a translator of extracellular information inside the cell, a stimulator of the mesenchyme of lymphoid tissue.

Calcium ions are necessary for the formation of bone tissue, physiological and pathological mineralization of hard dental tissues, and are involved in the release of mediators from the endings of efferent nerves in synaptic cleft, in the process of excitability nerve tissue, are necessary for normal functioning central and vegetative nervous system, muscle contraction, incl. and cardiac muscle, blood coagulation, normal functioning of the kidneys and exchange of water and fluids, participate in the implementation of the effect of a number of hormones, regulate permeability cell membranes and the activity of many enzymes are involved in inflammatory and hypersensitivity reactions.

Calcium preparations compensate for the deficiency of this ion, increase the resistance of enamel to pathogenic influences, reduce tissue permeability, have anti-edema, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, hemostatic effects, inhibit the activity of osteoclasts and reduce bone resorption, activate the reticuloendothelial system, the phagocytic function of leukocytes and increase the body's resistance . Calcium glycerophosphate, containing phosphorus, enhances anabolic processes. Calcium gluconate has a less pronounced resorptive effect; it is more often used topically in the form of a 10% solution. Calcium hydroxide has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and osteotropic effect, stimulates the formation of secondary dentin.

Behind last years To replenish calcium deficiency in the body, vitamin and mineral complexes are used (berocca, vitaftor, vitacalcit, vitrum osteomag, calcevit, calcium-D3 nikomed, calcinova, calcium sediko, pregnavit, etc.). Locally, for remineralizing therapy in the form of applications, rinses, and also by electrophoresis, calcium and fluoride preparations and remodent, made from the bones and teeth of large cattle. Calcium compounds are included in many therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes and chewing gum. Biosoluble remineralizing films and plates with calcium preparations are being created.


When administered orally, calcium is absorbed into upper sections small intestine. The bioavailability of calcium preparations does not exceed 30%. Its absorption is a combination of the processes of active transport and passive diffusion from the lumen small intestine into the bloodstream and depends on the ratio of calcium, phosphorus and fats. At great content Phosphorus and fats form insoluble calcium compounds that are poorly absorbed. Absorption depends on pH gastric juice. The main bioregulator of calcium absorption is vitamin D. In the blood, half of the calcium is in active ionized form and half in combination with plasma proteins (mainly albumin) and in the form of poorly dissociated inorganic and organic compounds. Calcium is deposited in bone tissue.

Ionized calcium has physiological activity. A shift in plasma pH to the alkaline side reduces the amount of ionized form, and a shift in plasma pH to the acidic side increases it. Deposition and mobilization from calcium stores is regulated by thyroid and parathyroid glands. Calcium is excreted from the body partially through urine (20%), mostly through feces (80%). Vitamin D and, possibly, parathyroid hormone are involved in the regulation of renal calcium reabsorption.

Place in therapy

Calcium preparations are used to prevent and stop postoperative bleeding, as part of complex therapy inflammatory and allergic diseases, for osteoporosis and jaw fractures.

Calcium preparations in combination with fluorine and phosphorus preparations are used as drugs that stimulate the processes of mineralization and remineralization for the prevention and treatment of caries and non-carious lesions of teeth. Calcium hydroxide is used in the treatment deep caries and pulpitis.

Tolerability and side effects

When taking calcium supplements orally, pain in the epigastric region and heartburn are possible. With intravenous administration, a feeling of heat, facial flushing, bradycardia, and rarely nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur; with rapid administration - ventricular fibrillation. SC or IM administration (especially calcium chloride) can cause tissue necrosis and abscess.


  • Hypercalcemia.
  • Tendency to thrombosis.
  • Hypercalciuria.
  • Severe form of atherosclerosis.
  • Ventricular fibrillation.
  • Use of cardiac glycosides.
  • Nephrolithiasis.
Calcium preparations should be used with caution in case of arrhythmia, coronary disease heart expressed arterial hypertension, severe violations kidney and liver function in old age.


Calcium preparations are incompatible with carbonates, salicylates, sulfates, iron preparations, tetracyclines, quinolones, etidronic acid, phenytoin, and form insoluble or poorly soluble compounds with them. Calcium preparations enhance the inotropic effect and toxicity of cardiac glycosides, reduce clinical effect verapamil and atenolol, interfere with fluoride absorption. Vitamin D improves the absorption of calcium supplements.
Calcium preparations are used in combination with anti-inflammatory and antiallergic drugs.

What must happen to the body in order for tooth enamel began to lose its former strength? Typically, tooth decay in the body is provoked by the same reasons that cause the destruction of bone tissue. Often this process is associated with a violation of intake or absorption in the body essential minerals, especially calcium and phosphorus. Metabolic failure in the body can occur when absorption is impaired at one of the levels. This may be due to reasons related to:

  • excessive consumption of sugars;
  • malabsorption in the intestines;
  • impaired digestion of food (with celiac disease, dysbacteriosis);
  • diseases endocrine system associated with metabolic disorders (diseases thyroid gland or adrenal glands, diabetes and etc.);
  • lack of enzymatic activity that increases the absorption of minerals.

In addition to general disorders in the body, mineralization disorders can occur when:

  • poor dental hygiene;
  • dental crowding;
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • improper use of orthodontic structures.

All of the above diseases and situations contribute to the softening of the enamel and can lead to its complete destruction.

Symptoms of dental mineralization disorders

How can one suspect that a person has begun the process of demineralization?

The most early manifestation demineralization becomes focal lesion enamels. At the same time, stains become noticeable on the tooth enamel. white, which are located on the tooth base or at the junction of two teeth. The stains can be barely noticeable or occupy an entire tooth. Initially, the patient has one or two teeth affected. Especially often this pathology occurs in children under 11 years of age. It also occurs in adults, but much less frequently.

On initial stage When demineralization just begins to break down, it is very difficult to detect.

The main manifestations of enamel pathology on early stage are:

  • decreased shine of teeth;
  • acquisition of dullness by teeth.

Then pathological process intensifies and becomes more pronounced, which is manifested by symptoms:

  • streaks or chalky spots on the enamel;
  • porosity, roughness and deformation of enamel;
  • darkening of white spots on the enamel, subsequently turning brown.

Thinning tooth enamel begins to darken and decay, forming carious lesions on the teeth. And this process cannot end on its own. Therefore, even with minimal suspicion of the onset of enamel destruction, it is important to consult a dentist as soon as possible.


If the mineralization of dental tissue is impaired, then the patient is usually offered dental remineralization (restoration normal level microelements in tooth enamel). Remineralization of teeth is a therapeutic and prophylactic procedure and is used for pathologies:

  • due to a genetic predisposition to mineral disorders;
  • high gingival and tooth sensitivity (to hot, cold, sweet foods);
  • enamel damage (carious, traumatic, rapid abrasion);
  • presence of permanent;
  • after removing prostheses (alignments, braces);
  • the final stage of sanitation for pathologies of the oral cavity;
  • during a planned procedure to strengthen the enamel (every six months);
  • special conditions (pregnancy, puberty, menopause);
  • after procedures that thin the enamel (bite correction, teeth whitening, tartar removal).

Remineralization of teeth can restore thinning enamel. This the best remedy treatment of demineralization and initial degree caries.

Contraindications for this procedure are minimal, but they do exist. These include:

  • intolerance to drugs used in this technique;
  • severe pathologies of some organs (pancreas, liver, kidneys).

Types of remineralization

If you contact a specialist, they can offer several methods to strengthen the enamel. The main ones are:

  1. Natural remineralization of teeth: when the level of microelements is restored without medical care. These methods include the selection of a special diet and careful oral hygiene.
  2. Artificial remineralization of teeth: when tooth enamel is restored by applying a composition from special mixtures.

Also, procedures for restoring enamel can be:

  • professional (carried out by a specialist in a clinical setting);
  • at home (carried out at home using gels, pastes and other products).

Remineralization through diet

A lack of microelements in food will certainly lead to a lack of them in dental tissue, and, accordingly, thinning and damage to the enamel.

The main microelements for maintaining the strength of enamel are calcium, fluorine and phosphorus.

To do this, foods are introduced into the diet: fish, meat, hard cheeses, fermented milk dishes, vegetables and fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds, and herbs.

Additionally, vitamin therapy courses and intake are also used mineral water containing fluorine, phosphorus and calcium.

In some diseases of the stomach and intestines, the absorption of microelements is reduced. In this case, treatment is necessary chronic diseases digestive organs.

The complex of restorative techniques is complemented by gum massage. This procedure improves blood supply and the flow of important nutrients to the teeth. Do it after brushing your teeth with light movements of your fingertips in an up-down direction and in a circular motion for several minutes, using vegetable oils with aromatic oils (sage, etc.)

Artificial remineralization methods

At artificial method enamel is covered various compositions(varnishes, gels, pastes) that serve as a barrier to the effects of harmful external factors and replacing natural strong enamel. Artificial ways Dental restorations work faster than natural ones. They are carried out in the clinic and include:

  • Removing plaque and carious stains from enamel. In this case, special professional pastes are used, then the teeth are treated with hydrogen peroxide (0.5-1%) and dried.
  • Application of one of the restorative preparations (for example, tampons with calcium gluconate 10%, which are changed several times).
  • Application of means to saturate the enamel with minerals (application with a solution of sodium fluoride 2-4% for 5 minutes). In this case, a brush or microtube is used.
  • Drying the teeth and covering them with a fixing compound (usually fluoride varnish).

This method is usually used daily or every other day for 10-20 days.

If several teeth have become thinner, then mouthguards (a plastic lining based on a dental cast) are used for treatment, then medicinal compounds enter the dental tissue evenly. In this case, the mouth guard is covered with gel and placed on the patient’s teeth for a few minutes.

In parallel, electrophoresis with calcium or fluoride is carried out, which stimulates remineralization in the deep layers of the teeth.

The effectiveness of remineralization is usually indicated by the disappearance from teeth dark spots and elimination of dental hypersensitivity.

Remineralization of teeth at home

Typically, patients are advised to use the following methods of influencing dental tissue on their own:

  • Applications or rubbing special paste into your teeth after brushing them (about 15 minutes) without rinsing. At the same time, the dental tissue is saturated with calcium-fluorine components and is noticeably strengthened.

Fluoridation of teeth serves as a barrier to the release of calcium from their tissues.

  • Home remineralization methods are carried out at home, at a time convenient for the patient. For this, gels and toothpastes are used, which are applied with a toothbrush to the enamel on both sides. After application, the patient is prohibited from eating, drinking and smoking for an hour. Typically, self-applications are done 2-3 times a week for a month.
  • To restore the strength of enamel at home, several types of pastes and gels are used: Vivax Dent, Elmex, Apa Care, Lacalut alpin, R.O.C.S. Medical Minerals. When choosing a specific product, it is better to discuss this issue with your dentist. Toothpaste, rich in calcium fluoride compounds, is usually used once every three days. After application, the paste is left for 10 minutes and washed off with warm chamomile infusion. Gels and pastes form a protective film on teeth, eliminating increased sensitivity teeth and preventing caries (if the disease was caught at the stage of white spots). The gels are either rubbed into the teeth or used as a silicone tray for 10-15 minutes.
  • To home therapy remineralization was most effective, in medicines there should be maximum contact with the enamel. Therefore, before the procedures, it is important to brush your teeth thoroughly (especially trying to remove plaque and deposits).

Remineralization of teeth in childhood

In children, there are frequent cases of demineralization of teeth, since the growth and development of the body requires increased amount microelements. In children, dental remineralization is used in a clinic or at home.

Usage chemicals To restore tooth enamel, it is not used for children under 5 years of age (except for extremely advanced cases). In this case they use medicinal pastes, varnishes or gels.

The following remineralization methods are often used for children:

  • vitamin and calcium-containing preparations to strengthen enamel, vitamin D, fish oil;
  • brushing teeth with special children's toothpastes;
  • fluoridation of teeth (also used for children);
  • rinsing special compounds 2-3 times a day;
  • enriching the diet with dairy products, fish, meat dishes;
  • limiting sweets and sour dishes at the slightest suspicion of caries.


To prevent demineralization and after remineralization, careful oral hygiene is important: brushing teeth, rinsing with pharmaceutical rinses, using dental floss, balanced diet, limiting coffee and sweet foods, excluding smoking. In any case, visiting the dentist 2 times a year is simply necessary.

Despite all the effectiveness of remineralization, this method of tooth restoration is used at the initial stage of demineralization (when white spots appear). If the destruction of tooth enamel has acquired an advanced form, then the patient is unlikely to be able to avoid a drill or prosthetics. Take care of your teeth!

The root of a tooth is its main part, which is located deep in the gum, located in a special funnel in the jaw called the alveolus. Inside the root, there is a bone canal where blood vessels and nerves are located. Part of the tooth root, along with nerves and blood vessels, is called the pulp.

Most often diseases root canal teeth cause sharp pain, therefore it is not difficult to identify them, however, many patients do not pay attention to pain syndrome due attention and often delay visiting the doctor. Such a frivolous attitude can lead to a number of complications when it will be very difficult to save the tooth.

Diseases of the tooth root occur in cases of infection of its tissues, which can occur due to the following reasons:

· Damage to a tooth as a result of trauma;

· Penetration of bacteria into the root part of the tooth due to the large-scale spread of caries;

· Infectious diseases gums or their improper treatment.

Regardless of the causes of occurrence, damage to the root canals of a tooth requires immediate medical intervention, since an advanced situation can significantly harm and lead to a lot of damage. negative consequences, after which the tooth may have to be removed completely.

Tooth canal treatment methods

Of course, nowadays there is great amount various effective methods that allow high-quality treatment of any dental disease. As for the treatment of tooth root canals, they are considered one of the most effective and painless laser treatment and treatment of tooth canals with calcium.

In the process of treating tooth root canals, calcium is often used, or rather copper-calcium hydroxide, which is injected into the canals of the diseased tooth using special device- channel filler. The paste-like substance fills the channels and thereby blocks infection and bacteria from entering them. In parallel, sometimes a weak electrical effect can be applied to the tooth, which will allow the substance to penetrate deeply into the cavity of each canal and fill it as tightly as possible. This technique used as an antibacterial and therapeutic, as it is carried out before the final obturation of the dental canals. The tooth into the canals of which this mixture of calcium was introduced is temporarily sealed and remains under the influence of the substance for some time, after which it is washed out of the canals, the cavity is dried with a powerful air-alcohol jet and restored with denser materials on a permanent basis.

Like any medical procedure, treatment of tooth canals with calcium has its own indications. They are used as a treatment acute forms periodontitis, chronic apical periodontitis, removal of cysts and granulomas on the root processes of the tooth, and also prevents the destruction of the tooth root, or rather the resorption of bone tissue.

Chemical compounds that include calcium are used for dental treatment in the following order:

· The calcium hydroxide substance, which initially has a powdery state, is mixed to a paste-like consistency based on distilled water or glycerin;

· After the tooth canal has been processed as thoroughly as possible instrumentally and medicinally, a calcium-containing solution is injected into its cavity;

· In order for the substance to adhere as closely as possible to the dentin of the cavity in the tooth root, the preparation is compacted using a paper point and then temporarily sealed. The patient carries the substance in his tooth for a period determined by the dentist, after which it is removed, and the tooth canals are clogged with a composite.

Our clinic uses the gutta-percha condensation method as part of the procedure using computer control and laser beam. Use of gentle modern techniques allows us to guarantee high quality treatment and excellent results.

The condition of your teeth must be monitored daily. Regular hygiene is the basis for the prevention of many dental diseases. If the body lacks vitamins and minerals, then even perfect dental care, the use of expensive toothpastes and regular visits to the dentist will not help protect against problems.

The role of calcium in the human body

Calcium is a structural material for building and maintaining bones and teeth. It forms the human skeleton, participates in blood clotting processes and carbohydrate metabolism. It also regulates muscle contraction and hormone secretion, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Its role in the human body should not be underestimated.

The required calcium intake for an adult is 1.2 g per day, for a pregnant or lactating woman - 1.4 g, for children under 6 months - 0.4 g, from 6 to 12 months - 0.6 g, from one year to 10 years - 0.8 g, from 10 to 18 years - 1.4 g. The norm is also increased to 1.4 g in women during menopause.

Why does calcium deficiency form in teeth?

Causes affecting calcium deficiency:

  1. unbalanced diet, insufficient consumption of foods rich in calcium;
  2. frequent consumption of coffee, tea and carbonated drinks;
  3. Availability bad habits(smoking and alcohol abuse);
  4. Vitamin D deficiency, which prevents the body from absorbing calcium;
  5. taking certain medications;
  6. pregnancy and lactation;
  7. impact toxic substances(pesticides) and radiation;
  8. intense physical activity;
  9. sudden weight loss.

Ways to replenish calcium in the body

No matter how balanced and calcium-rich the diet is, the human body does not always get exactly the vitamins or minerals that teeth need through food. In this case, accept ready-made drugs containing essential microelements to strengthen teeth. Do not forget that an excess of vitamins or minerals, including calcium, leads to disturbances in the functioning of the body and even diseases.

Pure calcium preparations

Vitamins Calcium Sandoz Forte are available in the form effervescent tablets with a pleasant orange flavor. Made in France. Contains two calcium salts: carbonate and lactogluconate. Dosage – 0.5 and 1 g. There are 20 pieces in one package. Completely absorbed by the intestines thanks to chemical properties drug.

The remaining drugs are vitamin complexes, which contain calcium and other elements. They are presented in pharmacies in a wide range.

Vitamin complexes with calcium

Ready-made complexes for strengthening teeth:

Calcium preparations for children:

Calcium rich foods

Because the human body does not produce calcium on its own; to replenish it, you should regularly eat foods rich in this vitamin. All of them are quite affordable, their range on supermarket shelves is quite wide, so everyone can choose products to suit their taste.

The table shows healthy foods and their calcium content:

Product nameCalcium content per 100 grams of product, milligrams
poppy seed1450
Parmesan cheese1300
Hard cheeses800-1200
Common mallow500
Sunflower seeds350
Sea fish210-250
White cabbage210
Milk, kefir, cottage cheese, whey, sour cream, yogurt90-120
Shrimp, anchovies, oysters, crabs80-100
Chicken egg (1 piece)55

How to make the right choice?

First you need to determine whether there is enough calcium in the body. To do this, a blood test is taken. If there is a slight calcium deficiency, the problem can be eliminated by correcting the diet by adding calcium-containing foods to the menu.

In case of a significant deviation in the calcium indicator according to the analysis results, vitamin complexes are used. You should consult a dentist, because only a doctor can tell you what is best for your body and choose the right remedy.

Thus, the lack of vitamins should be replenished either through food or through consumption medicines. You should not self-medicate!

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