The diet of a vegetarian athlete for every day. The History of Vegetarianism

It's time to put an end to the idea that a vegetarian or vegan diet and running are incompatible.

After switching to a vegetarian diet, I almost immediately became a more enduring runner. But do not take my words for the truth that many world-class athletes (not just endurance runners) do not eat meat.

One of the icons of the American marathon, Bart Yasso, is a vegetarian. Scott Jurek, one of the greatest ultramarathoners of all time, is a vegan. (Now he owns the American record for 165 miles in 24 hours!) Brandon Brazier is a professional marathon runner, triathlete. Robert Cheek even makes money on a vegan diet while working as a bodybuilder.

A plant-based diet for an athlete

In fact vegetarian diet for athletes is not much different from any balanced diet , the exception is meat. If you switch to this diet after a daily meal at McDonald's, then, of course, you will need time to get used to it. But if your diet has a lot nutrients, as in this diet, then you do not need to make drastic changes to go vegetarian.

Some vegan and vegetarian athletes are pursuing a raw and gluten-free diet, citing increased energy. You can try too. Exist different levels health, even on a vegetarian diet, and my diet still contains a lot of delicious food, which is eaten by "normal" people.

Philosophy: useful but accessible

There are some wonderful books out there that talk about what I call the "ideal" diet from a performance standpoint. Veganism, raw food diet, alkaline diet(See Brandon Brazier's Thrive.)

Vegetarian diet is a great way, but hard. We are surrounded by a lot of unfamiliar ingredients, low temperature cooking and, my God, how little starch for pasta lovers. Meat eaters who want to make a difference (without resentment from their families) will have to work hard to bridge the huge gap between their diet and vegetarianism.

To make the diet affordable and tasty for beginner vegetarians, I would like to offer an alternative to this diet (which can be easily converted to vegan) to build endurance.

I am the first to admit that you can improve your diet, but I believe in what is more important: sticking to your chosen diet in the first place. Once you get used to a vegetarian or vegan diet (prepare for this type of diet), you will need to decide whether to move to the next level.

But where do you get protein?

Oh yes, this is the most favorite question of the vegetarian athlete.

The answer is simple - in addition to meat, protein is found in all products, but in smaller quantities. It takes a little effort to convince yourself that you're getting protein in every meal. Eating a vegetarian diet and getting enough protein is possible if protein is your goal. There are many traditional diets for athletes, although you will have a limited amount of time to do so. When I heard that many endurance athletes have become successful by eating a diet lower in protein than is commonly recommended, I took a chance... and have never felt better than I do now. I will never go back to those crazy rules: 1 gram of protein per pound of your weight.

If your vegetarian diet is “chips and pizza”, then you will never get enough protein. But if you eat a varied diet and make wise choices, including some protein in every meal to ensure a balanced amino acid content, you'll likely feel better than ever.

Basic food

This list includes common foods to help you meet the needs of an athlete's vegetarian diet. Of course, many more products can be included here; main idea this list is to list those products that can be found in any store, for almost every taste.

  • All types of vegetables: cooked or raw
  • Plant food
  • All types of fruit: usually raw
  • Beans and other legumes: lentils, chickpeas, black beans, green beans, adzuki beans
  • Starchy vegetables such as potatoes and sweet potatoes
  • brown rice
  • Pasta
  • Whole grain bread, lavash, bagels
  • Other grains and seeds: bulgur wheat, buckwheat, farro, millet, quinoa (quinoa), flaxseed, hemp seeds, chia seeds
  • Hummus
  • nuts, nut milk, nut butter: almonds, cashews, walnuts, hazelnut milk, peanut butter, almond butter, sunflower oil
  • Oil: grapeseed, olive, rapeseed oil, coconut, linseed oil (no heat), hemp oil (no heat)
  • Agave nectar (natural sweetener, but not in all cases)
  • Protein powder (virtually unprocessed hemp protein)
  • Soy products (limited): tofu, tempeh
  • Tea and coffee (limited)

Calorie distribution

When I eat, I don't count calories or the ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. I don't believe there is a need to do this. But in general, such a ratio can be calculated. In other words, if we take a large number of your favorite sports diets and make them work without meat. Athlete diets tend to be high in carbohydrates, so a vegetarian or vegan diet is a good option.

Although I don't count calories, I do try to estimate them by eye to keep to the proportions outlined in the book Food for Fitness by former Lance Armstrong trainer Chris Carmichael. Carmichael's recommendations, although based on different periods workouts look like this:

65% carbs

13% proteins

If you want to stick to those numbers on a vegan diet, then you have to put in the effort. And this is not the most difficult.

How much should you eat?

About enough to not overeat and feel full. Athletes have a big advantage over people who lead sedentary image life - we can eat more calories. In fact, we need it.

If your goal is to lose weight, or you train more or less than me, then your needs will be different from mine. Understand how much food will work for you.



Is it possible to live a vegan lifestyle and still be bodybuilding? We read about all this and more in our article.

Among ordinary people, there is an opinion that it is impossible to pump up muscle mass without eating meat. But, as professional athletes prove, this is quite an achievable task.

Are vegetarianism and bodybuilding compatible?

Before answering the question posed, it is necessary to understand what vegetarianism is and the reasons for its occurrence.

Veteran bodybuilder

The reason for the conscious refusal to eat meat can be:

  • Health problems, it may not be the absorption of animal products by the body, allergic reactions. A person may even simply not like the taste of meat.
  • The desire to lead a healthy lifestyle, because it is plant foods that help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, protect against cardiovascular disease normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract

A big plus about vegetarians is that they do not suffer from weight gain, they are more protected from various diseases, even from certain types of cancer. I. in general, feel much better people who eat meat.

  • Conscious reluctance to have animals killed for the sake of human needs, this also applies to clothing made from slaughtered animals
  • Religious principles, some of the world's religions categorically deny the consumption of food of animal origin
  • To save money, some people refuse meat.
  • And some refuse and call the reason that the processing of meat and animal products is very polluting the environment.

Sometimes these are several reasons combined, sometimes one, but, one way or another, people consciously refuse animal fats and proteins.

There are three types of vegetarians:

  • Strict vegetarians completely exclude animal products from their diet
  • Lacto-vegetarians, in this case, the use of milk and sour-milk products is allowed
  • Lacto-ovo vegetarians, in addition to dairy products, they also eat eggs

Scientists have proven that muscle building does not require protein as much as carbohydrates. They play a big role in this process. And the protein itself needs quite a bit - 1.6 grams per kilogram of weight.

Vivid examples of the reality that vegetarianism and bodybuilding are compatible are:

  • Corey Everson, she gave up meat for 17 more summer girl. But that didn't stop her from becoming a six-time bodybuilding champion.

Corey Everson
  • Andreas Kahling, he looks great, for his age, and now

Andreas Kahling,

Bill Pearl

It is worth noting that muscle building would not have been possible without special vitamins and supplements. These sports supplements are taken even by those athletes for whom meat is their usual food, and they do not eat chemical complexes.

IMPORTANT: If a person is already enough for a long time goes in for sports, and did not limit himself in food, decided to become a vegetarian, then this should be done gradually, and not immediately, after the decision.

The disadvantage of vegetarianism when building muscle mass There is something that the feeling of hunger may not occur for a long time. This is good for those who want to lose weight, but not for bodybuilders. They should eat frequently.

How does vegetarianism affect muscle growth?

For vegetarian athletes, there is a specially designed diet. Although many people doubt the effectiveness of this method of building muscle, it is quite real. In addition, vegan athletes feel much healthier than their fellow athletes who eat meat. After all, it is animal food that contributes to the increase bad cholesterol in the blood and the development of cardiovascular diseases.

From the right menu, the vegetarian gets required amount protein for muscle growth. The missing components can be replenished with the help of special sports supplements. But we must remember that muscles will not grow, even if the protein is supplied in excess of the norm, and there are no fats in the diet. This will also affect the appearance of the athlete, the skin will become flabby, hair will begin to fall out, muscle mass will become weak. Therefore, it is necessary to use vegetable oils, coconut milk, and if vegetarian principles permit, cow's milk.

It should be remembered that no expensive supplements can replace a good diet. And, with a lack of carbohydrates in the diet, but with a large amount of protein, the body itself transforms it into carbohydrates. Thus, the athlete only harms his health.

Where can a vegetarian get protein?

For those who want to switch to a vegetarian diet, the question arises of where to get the necessary protein.

  • With strict vegetarian principles, protein can be taken from mushrooms, nuts, legumes, vegetables, herbs, fruits, berries, cereals, cereals
  • If the bodybuilder is a lacto-vegetarian, then this makes it possible to eat milk and dairy products.
  • For less strict vegetarianism, it is allowed to add eggs to the diet

But in order to get the required amount of protein, vegetarians need to adhere to a variety of diets and combine various products nutrition. Then some products, with a low content of amino acids necessary for the synthesis, will be supplemented by others. In this case, incomplete proteins become complete. An example for a combination would be legumes and grains. they make a complete protein, and even better digestible than meat.

Vegetarian Protein Sources

Consider sources where vegetarians can get protein:

Mushrooms sources of protein
  • The largest number protein can be obtained from dried boletus 35.4 grams, from fresh this figure will be another 3.3 grams
  • White mushrooms are in second place, in dried form they can provide the body with 20.1 grams, but in fresh form only 3.7 grams of protein from 100 grams of mushrooms
  • In third place are fresh champignons - 4.3 grams

They are rich in protein and fats, vitamins and minerals. To preserve all the nutrients, you need to use them only in their raw form.

Nuts protein sources
  • The first place is occupied by peanuts - 26.3 g
  • On the second cashew nuts - 20 g
  • on the third almonds - 18.6 g
  • on the fourth hazelnuts - 16.1 g
  • on the fifth walnuts - 15.6 g
  • on the sixth pistachios - 10 g

Legumes contain protein and complex carbohydrates. They are very valuable for the body and that they contain calcium, iron, zinc, fiber. Legumes can be sprouted, eaten raw, or cooked from them.

Legume protein sources
  • In terms of protein content, soy takes the first place, it contains 34.9 grams
  • on the second lentils, it contains 24 grams
  • Shelled peas take third place - 23 grams
  • Beans in fourth place - 21 grams

Cereals fill the body with all the necessary trace elements, this also applies to protein. Most appreciated buckwheat, it is very useful for people observing vegetarian principles, as well as observing strict posts.

  • Ranked first in terms of protein content Wheat groats- 11.3 grams
  • second place for oatmeal - 11 grams
  • in third place is buckwheat - 10 grams
  • in fourth place semolina and corn - 10.3 grams
  • the fifth belongs to pearl barley - 9.3 grams

Greens and vegetables

Greens and vegetables in a green color, contain all the amino acids necessary for the body. It is very important not to limit yourself in the choice, but to eat different types of greens and vegetables.

  • Championship for garlic - 6.5 grams
  • The second place is taken by Brussels sprouts - 4.8 grams
  • Third place for parsley - 3.7 grams
  • The fourth is spinach - 2.9 grams
  • Fifth for horseradish - 2.5 grams
  • Sixth for new potatoes - 2.4 grams
  • Seventh place is White cabbage- 2.8 grams
  • Eighth for cucumbers - 0.8 grams

Fruits and dried fruits play an important role in replenishing protein reserves. Let's note some values ​​of the content of protein in them per 100 grams of weight.

  • First place for bananas - 1.5 grams
  • the second for rowan - 1.4 grams
  • the third is occupied by cherries - 1.1 grams
  • the fourth place is occupied by dogwood - 1 gram
  • Fifth share pomegranate, peaches and apricot, they all contain 0.9 grams of protein
  • Apples complete our list - 0.4 grams

Other food

In addition to the above protein suppliers to the body, other foods rich in protein can be noted.

  • First place is occupied by cocoa powder, it contains 24.2 grams of protein per 100 grams of weight.
  • In second place are canned olives - 18
  • On the third wheat bran - 15.1
  • On the fourth wheat bread - 8.1
  • On the fifth milk chocolate - 6.9
  • On the sixth Rye bread — 6,6
  • On the seventh dark chocolate - 5.4

You should also remember about products made from soy.

Tofu is a cheese made from soy milk and is high in protein, as well as iron and calcium. An almost universal product, because it can be baked, boiled soups, grilled, made desserts. You should know that tofu is almost tasteless when cooked. great attention should be given to spices and sauces.

Tofu Cheese

Tempeh, an exotic food made from soybeans, contains enough protein to replace eating meat. It can be fried, adding spices and sauces to your taste. The main thing in choosing tempeh is its freshness. At the same time, the coating must be white, it is possible even to have gray spots. But if the top of the tempeh turns yellow or blue, it means the product is not fresh.

Tempe contains more protein than in Tofu

There is another plant-based protein substitute - this is seitan, it is made from wheat gluten. 100 grams of product contains 25 grams of protein. Very popular among vegetarian athletes.

For vegetarians who allow themselves to eat dairy products, an excellent source of protein will be:

  • Hard cheese
  • Powdered milk
  • Skim cheese
  • Brynza
  • Yogurt
  • Ice cream
  • Milk
  • Kefir

Dairy products are important for the human body

In addition to protein, eggs also contain 60% fat.

  • in one piece chicken egg, as well as in quail, there are 6 grams of protein
  • In duck a little less - 2 grams

IMPORTANT: Correctly combining all of these listed, and not only products, a vegetarian will never experience a lack of protein.

Video: Where can raw foodists and vegetarians get protein and how to replenish the amino acid profile (raw food and protein)?

Vegetarianism and amino acids

Amino acids are indispensable for the human body, the required amount can only come from food, since he himself will not be able to synthesize them. For an adult, this figure is 8 amino acids, and for children - 10 amino acids.

There is a myth that vegetarians cannot get all the necessary amino acids from plant food and cause great harm to their health. But after all, as practice shows, animals also cannot synthesize amino acids on their own, but get them together with plant foods. Especially this myth does not apply to vegetarians who eat milk and eggs.

Essential amino acids are found in greens, vegetables and fruits.

For novice vegetarians, or for those who still doubt the veracity of the above, here is a list of amino acids and foods that contain them:

  • Tryptophan is found in bananas, dates, milk, yogurt, peanuts, sesame seeds, pine nuts and in soy
  • Lysine is found in nuts, wheat and dairy products.
  • Valine is found in mushrooms, peanuts, soy, dairy products and grains.
  • Methionine is present in legumes, eggs and dairy products
  • Threonine is present in legumes, nuts, eggs and dairy products.
  • Isoleucine is present in seeds, peas, eggs, almonds and cashew nuts
  • Leucine is found in lentils, seeds, nuts, and brown rice.
  • Phanylalanine is present in sweetener, as well as in soy, milk and eggs

IMPORTANT: Children need two more amino acids: histidine and arginine. You can replenish your stocks with the help of such products: yogurt, seeds, peanuts, lentils, sesame seeds.

As the list shows, all necessary for the body amino acids can be obtained from plant foods. An exception may be the case when a person decided to become a vegetarian, but did not take care of the variety in food. To prevent this from happening, you need to:

  • Eat all kinds of legumes
  • Combine sources of protein and amino acids

As for non-strict vegetarians, the regular consumption of dairy products and eggs will insure against amino acid deficiency.

Vegetarianism and Essential Vitamins

Vitamins are essential for normal life organism. They prevent or treat various diseases with their help, increase the body's resistance to viral infections. Sources of vitamins are herbal products food, as well as animals.

Since in vegetarianism there is a rejection of animal foods, let's consider what basic vitamins can be obtained exclusively from plant foods:

  • B1 - the lack of this vitamin affects the functioning of the nervous system, cardiovascular and digestive tract. The highest amount of thiamine is found in carrots, potatoes, oats, wheat germ and cabbage.
  • B2 - with its help, the processes of cell restoration, as well as their growth, occur. Helps to fully function the organs of vision. Mainly found in meat and milk, but with the help of peas, green onions, cereals, tomatoes, you can thoroughly replenish your supply
  • B6 - with a deficiency of this vitamin, changes occur in the nervous system, metabolism is disturbed, swelling and a rash on the skin may occur. You can replenish your body with this vitamin with the help of legumes, grains, and vegetables.
  • Folic acid is especially necessary for the full development of the fetus. Mainly found in the leaves of the plant, but only green
  • The lack of biotin affects the general condition of the body, and causes a feeling of fatigue, appetite may disappear, and muscles begin to hurt a lot. In order to prevent similar condition the diet should include peas, oatmeal and soy
  • Nicotinic acid plays a huge role in the life of the body, its deficiency affects the condition of the skin and the functionality of the nervous system. You can get enough of the vitamin from mushrooms, fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals.
  • C - this vitamin helps to recover faster and protects against viral infections, affects metabolism, affects blood vessels. Its lack is signaled for a long time non-healing wounds. A large amount of this vitamin is found in currants, rose hips, red bell pepper, parsley, dill
  • Pantothenic acid is used to treat burns and bruises, as well as diseases of the nervous system. You can find it in peas, wheat, asparagus, barley
  • Rutin is indispensable for normal state vascular system organism. Found in cherries, blackcurrants, cherries, gooseberries and cranberries
  • The lack of vitamin E negatively affects the work of the whole organism. To replenish stocks, you need to include in your diet vegetable oils, green vegetables, wheat germ
  • Vitamin K is responsible for blood clotting. For a full intake into the body, it is necessary that cabbage and lettuce be present in the diet.

IMPORTANT: Vitamin A and D require eggs, butter, milk - this will not be a problem for vegetarians who include these products in their daily diet.

As you can see, from the listed basic vitamins, and the products from which these vitamins can be taken for your body, vegetarians do not lack them.

Vitamin B12 in a Vegetarian Diet

Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the life of the body. Its deficiency can provoke severe headaches, indigestion and diseases of the intestines and nervous system, and can provoke disturbances in the ability to remember information.

It is believed that this vitamin cannot be obtained exclusively from plant foods. And a lot of people criticize vegetarians for that. But, the fact that this vitamin is found only in meat is not true. Sufficient amounts of the vitamin can be obtained from eggs and dairy products. For lacto-vegetarians, this is not a problem, they can easily do this by consuming these products regularly.

Vitamin B12 is essential for good health

In addition, now there are a sufficient number of ways to replenish your supply of vitamin B12. These are brewer's shiver, dry breakfasts with the addition of vitamins, dietary supplements.

Important: Vegetarians should be careful about eating foods with the addition of baker's yeast. They destroy vitamin B12.

Video: Where to get vitamin B12 (how to make up for vitamin B12 deficiency)?

Vegetarian menu for gaining muscle mass

Proper and balanced nutrition is the key wellness, and in case of desire to gain muscle mass, and the key to success. To do this, you need to include in your menu not only protein, but fats and carbohydrates. The number of meals should be increased to six times a day. These are five basic techniques, and one before bed. If you do not follow this advice, the body will experience stressful condition and postpone extra fat besides this, the muscles will begin to break down.

IMPORTANT: Do not eat too much, or skip even one of the meals.

sample menu bodybuilder vegetarian.

  • Freshly squeezed juice from vegetables or fruits
  • At least three slices of whole grain bread
  • Peanut butter
  • Porridge, can be prepared with cow's milk or its substitutes
  • vegetable casserole
  • Nuts, preferably a mixture
  • vegetable soup
  • Vegetable stew
  • soy meat
  • Tempe
  • Fat-free kefir
  • Seeds
  • fruit jam
  • Slice of bread
  • Boiled potatoes, mashed
  • Broccoli boiled or steamed
  • half an avocado

Vegetarian bodybuilders need to include sports supplements in their diet, but they should not be the main source of protein. one half daily dose protein obtained from supplements, and the other half must be obtained from food.

Video: How to gain weight if you are a vegetarian?

The opinion of doctors about vegetarianism

Doctors often oppose vegetarianism. This is especially true for young children, mothers carrying a baby, the elderly and sick people.

But still, most people stop at the idea that vegetarianism is good for health and well-being. This does not apply to the most strict of the types, but includes dairy products and eggs.

In favor of vegetarianism are:

  • Lowering the sugar level
  • Strengthening immunity
  • Complete cleansing of toxins and toxins
  • Improving the condition of blood vessels
  • Cholesterol Reduction

Vegetarian diets may be prescribed to treat or prevent certain diseases.

  • Before starting the transition to a plant-based diet, you should consult with a nutritionist.
  • Pass necessary tests to undergo a complete examination
  • Together with a specialist, we will determine the necessary set of products
  • Create a detailed menu
  • Develop a smooth transition to a plant-based type of food

Video: The harm and benefits of vegetarianism. Doctors' opinion

Myths about vegetarianism

Vegetarians have many supporters and detractors. Both those and others are looking for arguments in their favor, creating regular myths.

Myths about the dangers of vegetarianism:

  • The first myth says that people who do not eat meat are weak and powerless. In response to this myth, one can list great amount vegetarian athletes who set world records and received the title of champions. But, it should be noted, this became possible only with the right and balanced diet
  • It is believed that in order to assimilate information, it is necessary to eat meat, and vegetarians, refusing it, become more stupid. This was refuted by science, since all the vitamins necessary for this process are found in legumes, and are very well absorbed by the body.
  • Vegetarians do not receive the proteins necessary for life, we refuted this myth at the beginning of the article. You just need to know how to properly mix food, then there can be no question of a shortage.
  • It is believed that vegetarians have a permanent deficiency of iron levels in the blood. But, this trace element is found in a large number of vegetables and fruits, only for its absorption it is necessary to include vitamin C in your diet. Following this rule, a vegetarian will not have problems with hemoglobin levels.
  • Vegetarians are losing weight catastrophically. This can be refuted by world celebrities who adhere to the refusal of meat. These are Brad Pitt, Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise, Alicia Silverstone, Pamela Anderson, Orlando Bloom. Looking at their bodies, there can be no talk of any dystrophy

  • Mothers carrying babies, and children themselves, need meat. The proof of the opposite point of view is the Hindus, adherents of a strict religion, and from celebrities, as an example, one can name Uma Thurman, she has been following a vegetarian diet since childhood, and managed to endure and give birth to completely healthy children herself. Alicia Silverstone can be added to this list.
  • Another belief that our grandfathers and great-grandfathers always ate exclusively meat. But, if you take a good look at history, this is another myth, because strict posts were held for almost the entire year, and the ancestors replenished their energy reserves exclusively with food of plant origin.

Consider the myths created by the adherents of vegetarianism themselves:

  • Switching to a vegetarian diet will help solve problems with being overweight. This is not so, it all depends on the individuality of each organism, and the correctness of the well-thought-out menu. If there is a large amount of fat in the diet, weight can only be gained, not lost.
  • Vegetarians believe that their way of eating is much healthier than that of people who eat meat. The fact that eating right and healthy is evidence of the benefit of this myth. But, at the same time, scientists have proven that eating meat can prevent a number of serious diseases.
  • Vegetarians argue that a person is not able to digest meat, and that this process takes about two days, sucking all the energy out of the body. Scientists have completely refuted this myth, since the acid in the stomach short span time breaks down any food
  • Vegetarians believe that among them there are more centenarians than among meat eaters. Practice says otherwise.

As you can see from the list, both of them have their own myths and beliefs. A person should consciously approach a vegetarian diet, not forgetting about his health and well-being.

Video: The Best Vegetarian Speech You've Ever Heard

How to gain muscle mass on a vegetarian diet: tips and reviews

  • First of all, novice bodybuilders, vegetarians, need to make correct menu on every day. It must contain fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Only with a balanced diet can you build muscle mass
  • Eat small meals, but often, every three hours
  • Can't let feelings severe hunger, it will negatively affect the muscles
  • Power loads are mandatory, it is advised to exercise for no longer than half an hour, otherwise there is a big waste of energy, which is very difficult for vegetarians to replenish, and muscles can begin to break down
  • Accept vitamin complexes and special sports supplements
  • Mandatory for gaining muscle mass, there is good sleep and rest, because muscles build up at this time, and not in the process of training.

Video: H Arnold Schwarzenegger Muscle Gain

“I switched to vegetarian / vegan ... How do I exercise now? AND WHAT IS? Many people ask themselves such questions. For starters, as they say, don'tpanic - it'sorganic! - this famous English-language veg joke in Russian sounds like this: Don't panic - it's organic! Or loosely translated: if you eat organic plant foods, then there is nothing to worry about! If the body was initially conditionally healthy (absolutely healthy people- astronauts) - then on a vegan diet you will not have problems with sports! And, on the other hand, sports will not bring any problems to a healthy vegan. This, of course, provided that your diet is balanced, complete and meets the increased sports loads! If you just put a bowl of salad in front of you, and calm down on this issue of vegetable sports nutrition, you won’t run far.

Questions about the consumption of creatine and vitamin B12 did not arise today, and, for sure, many knowledgeable vegans and vegetarians who play sports or fitness have already heard about it. But let's try again to "dig" the question a little deeper than "eat more different vegetables" - for the benefit of all those who are not sure that they already have complete information.

For sports or fitness performance, it doesn't matter if you cut out meat and other "killer" foods for ethical reasons, or for health reasons. In sports, the main thing is the result, and for health, the state of the body. This is very objective factors. So the conversation today is not about Bhakti Yoga and spiritual values, but about nutrition. Luckily, the statistics of vegan athletes are on our side, and it proves ironically that you can become a world champion in most sports on a plant-based diet. The fact that you can only set records by eating meat is a myth that has long been debunked! And it's much easier - on plant based diet to achieve more mundane, everyday results - which are primarily necessary for us, non-professionals: improve health, start and continue running, “pump up”, increase endurance, etc.

But first, the bad news.
Possible problems unbalanced vegan/vegetarian diet in athletes pretty serious:

this and anemia, And decreased levels of creatine in the muscles(which prevents you from gaining dense muscle mass and is important for sprinters),

· And decreased carnosine levels in the muscles (again, including very bad for sprinters),

· And lack of vitamin B12(Yes, yes, again about him: it leads to a number of physical and nervous ailments that can put an end to sports).

But, of course, this is no reason to run for chicken breasts or eat "0.7 cows a year," as one well-known sportsman argues.

If once you clearly understand the issue of good nutrition, then, as we have already said, there will be no problems. One thing is worth emphasizing: if you are a vegan, or a vegetarian athlete, you HAVE to understand in detail the issues of healthy eating! But don't worry, do it necessary and those vegans who Not go in for sports: run, don’t run, and with a lack of knowledge about a full-fledged diet, there will still be problems ... And, perhaps, even more so for meat-eaters: after all, their mortality statistics in developed countries are cleaner than any horror movie! (They have different problems than we do, vitamin B-12 is fine - but nutrition information would be very helpful too!)

And what do scientists think about sports and veganism / vegetarianism?? Nowadays, the relationship between veganism and athletic performance (and what is even more important for us, iron health!) is very often studied and considered. This is not only in line with the current trend: when the interest of the general public in veganism and its impact on health ordinary person(see the same “Chinese report”) is growing - but it is also reflected in scientific papers relating specifically to sports.

As a result of a series scientific research doctors do this OBJECTIVE scientific findings :

1) a well-balanced vegetarian or vegan diet is able to maintain efficient work an athlete (we are now talking more about fitness and athletics. Vegan/vegetarian bodybuilding is a separate, also very interesting topic);

2) provided if protein intake is sufficient to meet the need for nitrogen and essential amino acids (and, as we know, they are found in many vegan products), as well as plants (this is a fairly large range of products - see at the end of the material) and animals (they are found in milk and dairy products) proteins - This adequate nutrition for the athlete even during the competition;

3) vegetarians (especially women) are at increased risk for anemia(iron deficiency), which can limit the performance and endurance of an athlete, and generally undermine health - and this must be taken into account. But iron deficiency and fatigue are not "purely vegetarian problems" at all! Difficulties with stamina also happen to meat-eating athletes - for example, Venus Williams specifically switched to veganism - and took Serena "for company" - just, to cope with the problem of fatigue!;

4) in vegetarians and vegans, the concentration of creatine in the muscles is on average lower than in meat eaters, and this can affect performance under extreme loads. If you are a serious athlete, it is advisable to take creatine in a sports supplement (it is 100% vegan). It has been scientifically proven that taking creatine in non-meat eaters leads to significant increases in athletic performance as well as improved brain function. It is curious that the increase in performance after the inclusion of a creatine supplement in the diet in vegan athletes is more significant than meat-eating athletes show!

Creatine is stored in muscles
. Our body (mainly the liver and kidneys) can produce creatine, but only in amounts of about 1 gram per day. Another 1 gram per day can be absorbed from food. This ratio, 1:1 (1 gram digested, 1 produced) is optimal and necessary for athletes. Unfortunately, "in nature" creatine is found only in meat products. But this issue is easily solved for vegans and vegetarians with the help of a sports supplement.

5) Many athletes use the transition to a vegetarian diet as a way to lose weight (this is necessary for runners, boxers, etc.). But keep in mind that excessive weight loss does not always improve results. Therefore, athletes (or rather, their coach and doctor) should track weight loss when switching to vegan/vegetarianism. And since we - non-professionals - do not have a coach and a doctor, we are responsible for the "calories". If you are rapidly losing normal weight, this can not be good, and you need to reconsider your diet with a calculator in hand. Luckily, both vegan and even raw dieters have no problem with ethical, plant-based protein sources (see food list below)!

Thus, on a kill-free and, even on a purely plant-based diet, it is quite possible to go in for sports, fitness, and, moreover, just lead an active lifestyle without any restrictions and problems.

For a snack several practicaladvice :

1. I don't eat meat, so where can I get vitamin B12? Solution: yes, this is a problem for the athlete, because. It is almost impossible to consume B12 in the right amount on a plant-based diet. The issue is even more radical for women, because they lose blood during monthly cycle. The only simple solution is to go vegan food supplement containing vitamin B12.

2. How to meet the body's protein needs? Solution: After training, you need to consume enough protein, plus read materials on the Internet on the issue of carbohydrate and protein windows and take this information into account. The main rule for recovery after any workout is to consume enough protein. Ovo-lacto vegetarians can afford eggs or yogurt. Vegans will have to settle for plant-based protein - but it's not "worse" and there are plenty of protein (protein) sources!

  • Hemp seed or flour;
  • tofu;
  • Beans;
  • legumes;
  • Soy protein powder ( sports supplement);
  • Unsweetened soy milk.

3. Constant hunger especially on workout days! Solution: 1) Eat protein. Lack of protein in the diet can lead to sudden insulin spikes and drops. If you lead an active lifestyle, do fitness - you need MORE protein than people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Eat enough proteins and carbohydrates at every meal: together they will be absorbed smoothly, and you will avoid sudden changes in vigor and lethargy, which can otherwise exhaust you and prevent you from training at full strength. 2) Avoiding trans fats, do not neglect the quality - with active way life and, moreover, in the case of sports, it is categorically not useful.

Vegan Sources of Healthy Fat:

  • Extra virgin olive oil;
  • Linseed oil;
  • hemp oil;
  • Avocado fruits;
  • Unroasted seeds and nuts.

4. Tight, tight muscles? Solution: Pay attention to adequate intake of sodium and calcium, especially if you sweat a lot during training. Consume sodium with food and salt your food with sea salt.

Good vegan sources of calcium:

5. Fatigue, lethargy, difficulty exercising. Solution: Get a blood test to make sure you're not at risk for anemia. (And this applies not only to vegans and vegetarians). Iron comes out with sweat, as do sodium and calcium. The more intense your training, the more iron you need, and this problem is especially relevant for runners.

Vegan foods rich in iron:

  • Iron-fortified breakfast cereals oatmeal;
  • Pea soup;
  • dried peas;
  • Bran;
  • Syrup;
  • Soya beans;
  • Plum juice;
  • Raisin;
  • Any fruit juice fortified with iron;
  • Peanut butter;
  • apricots;
  • Green bean;
  • Walnut, cashew, pecan, almond.

Finally, the “test by deed”: there are more and more vegan athletes these days - and, including professional ones! Well, who doesn't know tennis player Serena Williams? Another outstanding athlete, runner Carl Lewis, also achieved excellent results on a vegan diet (especially a year after switching to veganism). A few more names: world-famous super-endurance athlete Richie Roll, "star" triathlete Brandon Brazer, world champion in parkour Tim Schiff, strongman Patrick Baboumian (tell to him about the lack of protein without meat in the diet!), or the outstanding MMA fighter Mac Danzig ... If you are interested, a very large and up-to-date list of famous vegan athletes can be found on a special website (in English).

Eat wholesome and healthy food - and achieve excellent results!

Materials were partially used in the preparation of the article:

Alexey Sokolovsky

Normal before training is 20-30-50. For those who are gaining weight - 25-15-60, and for losing weight - 50-40-10. Also, consider the specifics of the upcoming workout. If cardio is expected, focus on complex carbohydrates, and if strength, then on proteins.

Vegetarian Meal Options During Workouts:

1. Vegetable salad with tofu and sesame. Cheese and sesame will give right amount protein and fat, and carbohydrates can be "get" seasonal vegetables.

2. Dishes with lentils and bulgur. Both lentils and bulgur are quite rich in protein and can be a worthy alternative to meat. And you can combine them with vegetables, preparing soups, stews, snacks and even quite festive dishes - for example, stuffing peppers with bulgur with vegetables.

3. Bean salad with lentils and tofu. A real protein bomb for vegetarians. And the carbohydrate deficiency can be replenished by adding dried fruit dessert to this dish.

4. Ready-made protein shakes for vegetarians. A great option for those who do not like or do not have time to cook. The vegan raw material is taken from peas, brown rice and hemp.

Post workout diet for vegetarians

After training, the main focus should be on protein, as a recovery material for muscles. Eat preferably within an hour after exercise. The fastest option is a protein shake with fruits and berries. Its advantage is that you can easily take it with you to training and recuperate just on the way home.

Vegetarianism and veganism are very useful for those who are engaged in fitness, running, cycling, workout - everyone knows this. And what kind of fruits, vegetables, cereals, drinks are healthier than others, what to “lean” on? What herbal products allow the fastest recovery after a workout? How to accelerate the detoxification of the body? How to establish the process of consuming enough protein? The list and recommendations below are designed to answer these and other questions that arise for beginner athletes: vegetarians and vegans.

Before we start our “hit parade” of 10 positions, I have two news for you: good and bad.

The good news is that virtually all plant foods are good for athletes! So the question is not that something will have to be abandoned. But only in what fruits, vegetables and cereals you need to eat more, and which ones - less (we'll talk about what is less at the end) in order to achieve the fastest results.

In fact, reaching the level vegetarian food or veganism, you have already taken a kind of "sporting height":

  • secured your heart and circulatory system healthy future,
  • freed the body from a large number slag and excess weight,
  • and extended their lives by 15-20 years *.
And the bad news is that simply replacing meat, fish, and poultry in your diet with potatoes, white rice, and whole grain bread is not enough to achieve athletic performance and truly excellent, outstanding health. And that's exactly what our goals are, right? Therefore, we look at the scheme - for the most athletic and in general for everyone who is used to setting the bar high.

The Best Ethical Sports Foods: To get enough protein, nutrients, and quick recovery** (Foods listed in post-workout order):

1. Milk***

Milk contains water, protein, sugar (lactose - 4.8%), calcium - all this is critical for the body of athletes. Whole milk contains not only protein, but also vitamins, and useful substances (calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, etc.), and electrolytes that allow you to saturate the exhausted - dehydrated and overheated - body with moisture. One glass of warm (above body temperature) milk before or after training, and another glass of warm or hot milk at night - for fast falling asleep and good sleep (and it is critical for athletes to get enough sleep!), which is provided by slowly digestible casein protein and increased secretion of the hormones serotonin and melatonin, which gives milk.

"Chocolate milk" - i.e. milk with cocoa powder has been a favorite drink of athletes since the bearded 60s. These days, "milk with chocolate", and even sweet ... hmm, doesn't sound very healthy, does it? But in fact, just such a drink contains a “magic” recipe for post-workout recovery: carbohydrates provide energy, and protein allows you to restore (and build!) muscle tissue, moreover, many varieties of drinking chocolate contain an added vitamin and mineral complex (in including vitamin B12). Chocolate is considered by some to be "harmful" because it contains caffeine.

But let's "rehabilitate" cocoa! After all, besides that very caffeine (in a small amount), cocoa beans contain a lot of iron and zinc, magnesium, potassium, and in addition, antioxidants and useful amino acids. It is useful for athletes to consume a cocoa drink and chocolates (with a cocoa content of at least 70%, i.e. "dark" chocolate), in moderate amount. So in the first half hour after completing your workout, drink sweet milk with chocolate. In terms of usefulness for athletes, only coconut water can argue with milk. It's kind of a vegan alternative to milk. You can also replace cow's milk with soy: it is also high-calorie and useful in its own way, especially if it is enriched with a vitamin-mineral complex. In any case, the dose natural sugars is the first thing your muscles need (and need urgently) after a workout! Finally, contrary to myths, cocoa - unlike coffee - lowers rather than increases blood pressure, and does it even better than green tea.

2. Dried fruits

Dried fruits provide the body with the glucose necessary for any motor activity. This is one of the best sources fast carbohydrates. But “in the load” they get fiber, phytonutrients, potassium, vitamins and minerals. It's great, right? Dried fruits can be eaten right at the workout (if it lasts more than an hour): dried fruits replace sports "gels" that are used by many runners and cyclists. Or immediately after: including in combination with milk, smoothie, sports drink. Figs, dates, dried apricots, raisins are especially useful for athletes. By the way, according to Ayurveda, dates are better absorbed with fat, so it’s good to mix them in smoothies with milk and a little butter or ghee, to get a shock dose of "muscle building material" - protein. For speed dial muscle mass, after training, eat halves of dates, smeared with butter.

There is one trouble with dried fruits - if there are a lot of them, in a dry form, they excite the Vata (Wind) element in the body, and provoke the appearance of gases. Therefore, they must be soaked in cold water for 2-3 hours; water from under dried fruits must be filtered and drunk, it is very rich useful substances.

3. Bananas

Bananas are used in sports nutrition before, during and immediately after training. According to many, especially runners, bananas are not very good during physical activity, unlike dried fruits, because. immediately respond with heaviness in the stomach (although cyclists may argue with this). But after class, bananas definitely won’t hurt! It's a simple and ready-to-eat meal that's delicious, not too dry (you don't have to drink ripe bananas), very nutritious, and inexpensive.

Bananas are convenient to take with you to the gym, for a run / ride. By the way, latest research scientists from Taiwan proved that whole bananas are healthy. Yes, yes, this is not a joke, bananas can be “charged” into the blender directly as a whole, along with the peel, which is richer even more than the pulp itself, with potassium (to restore the water-salt balance, retain water and prevent muscle cramps), serotonin (for Have a good mood) and lutein (for the eyes).

Keep in mind that a quarter or half of a banana fixes, one or more bananas do not significantly affect digestion, and if you eat a lot (a kilogram or more) of bananas at a time, it can weaken.

4. Blueberries

Blueberries go great with milk and bananas in a “recovery**” smoothie in the first 30 minutes after a workout.

A few years ago, blueberries became known as a “superfood,” and for good reason. After all, in her loading dose antioxidants are substances that fight free radicals. Blueberries are low in calories but high in glycemic index: These are "fast sugars". For diabetics, the phrase “high glycemic index” is extremely unpleasant, but for the average vegan or vegetarian athlete, it should only cause positive emotions- after all, this means that glucose will quickly enter the bloodstream and the muscles will receive nutrition. Frozen blueberries do not lose their main beneficial properties.

In addition to natural sugars and a high dose of antioxidants, blueberries contain lutein, which is good for the eyes. In general, it is blueberries - and deservedly so! - one of the best and favorite ingredients for pre- and post-workout smoothies.

5. Tomatoes

With tomatoes, we smoothly transition from a post-workout snack in the first 30 minutes. after playing sports, to a solid meal, which should follow no later than 30-120 minutes after the completion of a run / workout.

Tomatoes are a very familiar food, and someone will say: well, what's so special about them? But in fact, nowadays scientists are increasingly celebrating (organic) tomatoes, discovering more and more useful substances in them. Moreover, tomatoes are especially useful for athletes, because. they are full of substances useful for post-workout recovery, including vitamin B6. It is he who, as has been proven in mice, helps to store more energy (in the form of glycogen) in the muscles. Loaded with antioxidants, tomatoes are low in calories (about 27 calories in 1 cup of mashed tomatoes!) and contain many beneficial vitamins and minerals.

Remember: 1) heat treatment it is tomatoes (as well as carrots) that saves many beneficial features, and even enhances others, 2) tomatoes do not go well with cucumbers in the same meal.

6. Whole grain pasta (spaghetti)

We used to think that pasta is some kind of super-harmful food "for the poor." And if you are losing weight, then indeed, it makes sense to severely limit or completely eliminate pasta. At the same time, if you are into sports, especially running or cycling (i.e. applying endurance training), then nothing can argue with whole grain brown pasta. It is the most important permanent source of energy - slow carbohydrates- which you will need 100%! Simple and cheap (well, more or less: brown pasta is 2 times more expensive than white) at the same time. A plate of pasta is, according to many sports nutritionists and athletes, one of the best options that you can eat 2.5-3 hours before and 2 hours after intense workout. Pasta provides rich glycogen stores in the muscles for maximum activity, provides a gradual flow of sugar (glucose) into the blood and an even mood, protects against dizziness and nausea during training.

Unlike white pasta, whole-wheat pasta is far from “empty” calories (although athletes lean on pasta made from semolina white flour). A cup of cooked brown pasta has 6 grams of fiber! What is brown pasta with - you probably already understood from the previous paragraph - with tomatoes!

And if it seems to you that the “brown” pasta is somehow tough, just try a different variety / brand: they are very different. In pasta, it is useful to knead yogurt, spirulina, nourishing oils- but certainly not ketchup.

7. Green tea

Runners love it very much, and not only for its refreshing, pleasant taste Green tea is rich in catechins (a type of antioxidant). Studies conducted in Japan on mice have shown that healthy ingredients green tea(green tea extract) increase physical endurance. In addition, green tea helps relieve excess weight(17% more with moderate intensity training), thus. improving sports performance. Most importantly, green tea reduces muscle damage during exercise by controlling free radicals.

Finally, green tea best friend runner also because it contains the “correct”, small dose of caffeine: only 24-30 mg per glass (for comparison, a glass of black coffee has 120-170 mg of caffeine), which has proven effective in races of any duration. Small amounts of caffeine stimulate nervous system and reduces the perceived physical load: subjectively, it becomes easier to do. It is logical to assume that a small dose of caffeine is useful not only for runners, but also for other athletes.

8. Coconut water

If I have not convinced you about green tea, and you are still against caffeine in any quantities, try drinking coconut water: before, during, and after training. Even packaged, coconut water does not lose its useful qualities is the best sports drink for restoring the water-salt balance in the body on intense training days!

Coconut water is a healthy, wholesome alternative to chemical sports drinks like Red Bulls and Gatorades, which are high in sugar and caffeine.

If it is not financially possible to constantly drink coconut water, water with banana and lemon juice (mix in a blender) replaces it to some extent: this mixture also contains the necessary electrolytes.

Before training, on time and after, you should not drink empty water, especially in one gulp, but little by little, coconut water. The load on the heart and sweating will decrease, athletic performance will increase, dehydration of the body will decrease, and after class you will feel noticeably better than on the water!

9. Superfoods

Superfoods are especially healthy products - this is a way for athletes to “recharge” with nutrients and protein, and please themselves. But the latter is also important, especially if you give all your best “until you drop” every other day. You need to eat more foods like:

  • Quinoa
  • Porridge (or drinks) from hempseed
  • Coconut/flour
  • black rice
  • Tempe
  • Sesame seed and oil from it
  • Avocado
  • Broccoli
  • green kale
  • And other greens
  • Any ripe organic fruits and vegetables at least 5 servings per day. Many fruits and vegetables are classified as "superfoods" these days.
At the same time, you should not lean on legumes, rice, potatoes, fatty, spicy, sweet drinks. Do not exceed "your" (individual!) norm of milk and raw vegetables / fruits per day. All this can lead to fatigue. digestive system, loss of energy, slagging of the body, nervousness, dryness in the joints - or, conversely, to excessive sweating and excess mucus in the body. Everything is good in moderation - and as athletes, we must know our limits!

10. Hercules (oatmeal)

Oatmeal is common for breakfast, and for good reason - it really is "food for Hercules" (Hercules)! Sports nutritionists insist that 60% of your calories come from carbohydrates. **** So, oatmeal is one of the simplest and at the same time useful sources carbohydrates - in addition to those listed above! A true vegan athlete is ready and happy to eat porridge at any time of the day, especially since now there are a lot of instant varieties of oatmeal that are convenient to eat separately and add as a filling in smoothies. Hercules porridge Literally crammed with healthy vitamins and minerals!

This porridge is especially good with fresh fruit and berries. In addition, you can put in it such “super additives” as agave syrup, Jerusalem artichoke syrup, maple syrup, and even spirulina (the latter will take a little getting used to).

In the diet of a vegetarian and a vegan, there are hundreds of useful products, and you can’t list them all in one material! The topic of healthy nutrition for athletes is broad and ambiguous. Therefore, this article does not claim to be comprehensive, it is only one of options diet of a "green", ethical athlete.

The information is provided for your general information. If there are health complaints and health restrictions, a doctor's advice is required. This article does not recommend self-medication.

*Very rough, on average, compared to omnivores (omnivores), given a typical occurrence prognosis chronic diseases, strokes and heart attacks traditionally associated with meat-eating.

** Restoring "what"? - beginner athletes always ask - tissue repair and nutrient supply inside the muscles, and the overall energy reserves of the body (not only in the muscles themselves) - i.e. in fact, restoring readiness for the next serious workout!

*** At individual intolerance milk (this is rare), it is not good for you.

**** Carbohydrates - carbohydrates, carbs - almost a dirty word in the lexicon of many supporters of a healthy diet. The fact is that a couple of decades ago, American scientists literally declared war on carbohydrates. Today, their benefits have been proven. Among the problems that limit athletic performance, modern nutritionists cite, among other things, the consumption of less than 50% of calories from carbohydrates: athletes are recommended at least 60%.



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