What benefits do parents of disabled children have? Social support for disabled children

Special children need special care. The country guarantees that disabled children and their relatives are provided with rights and benefits. The authorities regularly make adjustments in accordance with the wishes and needs of citizens. Below are benefits for parents of disabled children in 2018.

What benefits are available to parents for caring for a disabled child?

In addition to the money provided to families with children, there are separate ones provided for special families.

Social authorities The protection of the population is obliged to inform about the assistance provided by the state, but in practice this does not always happen, due to the human factor. Self-study a caregiver will help you understand such important issues about your rights and receive all the benefits that are regulated by Federal Law and local governments. The list includes:

  • tax;
  • individual working conditions and pensions;
  • voucher and travel for relatives of a disabled person;
  • discounts on housing and communal services;
  • provision of living space;
  • regional payments of a certain nature.

It’s worth understanding each in more detail and finding out the benefits amounts for 2019. Financial literacy will help you avoid losses and deprivations of the guaranteed volume of services.

A tax deduction implies a reduction in wages subject to tax in a certain amount. If the child's representative or guardian disabilities receives a payment of 25,000 before taxes, then the benefit amount will first be deducted from this amount, and the remaining amount will be subject to income tax of 13% according to the Labor Code.

In 2018 The amount of tax deduction preferences depends on the employee’s status in relation to the child:

  • 12,000 – to the relatives of the mother and father;
  • 6000 – to guardians.

The benefit is provided to each of the employed parents (guardians), and for a single mother or father it is multiplied by 2.

The benefit is provided to parents or guardians until the annual income in total does not exceed 360,000 rubles. From the date on which the value is exceeded, payments will stop until the end of the year. After the onset of a new period, they will resume.

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Following the example of the salary of each employee natural parent 25,000 rubles, the final salary will be:

  • 25000 – 12000 (non-taxable amount) = 13000
  • 13000 (taxable) - 13% = 11310

Thus, monthly earnings will be 12,000 + 11,310 = 23,310 rubles.

If a parent does not exercise his right to a tax benefit, his salary will be 25,000 - 13% = 21,750 rubles.

A single mother or father will receive payment in the amount of 24,870 rubles.

  • Salary before VAT – Benefit amount = Taxable amount
  • Amount received from formula 1 – 13% = Amount taxed on income
  • By adding the resulting number from formula 2 and the size of the benefit, you can get the amount of the final salary.
  • If there is only one person claiming this, the benefit amount should be multiplied by 2.

You can write an application remotely on the website or in person at the tax office. It will take a little time, but will significantly increase the salary for your work. The well-being of a social unit depends on the readiness for a responsible approach.

Housing benefits

Relatives and families raising a disabled child are provided with benefits related to his or her housing. This problem is acute throughout the country; special people are in exceptional need of a comfortable and spacious place to live.

Every month, after paying 100% for housing and communal services, the family receives compensation in the amount of 50% of the amount paid.

Part of the fee for major repairs is compensated in the amount of up to 50%.

Land plots are provided for individual (individual housing construction) formation for running auxiliary and suburban farming.

Housing is provided for families on a waiting list (not necessarily for the original reason for helping families with a child).

Since 2006, the criteria for obtaining housing have changed. Families who registered before this year are included in the preferential priority list; they are provided with residential properties before others. Parents with a disabled person who registered after a given year are included in the queue for normal conditions. The exception is children with a severe progressive illness or an individual decision of local authorities.

For Moscow, the provided area is calculated at 19 square meters. m. for each family member living with a disabled person.

If a family has been on a waiting list for more than 10-15 years, they should seek clarification from the local government or the presidential administration. In this way, a situation of prolonged inactivity can be resolved more quickly.

Transport benefits

The issue of delivering a person to the point of providing him with help is quite acute. Regional benefits do not exclude federal ones, but they can be increased or new ones added. At this time, the article of the Federal Code of the Russian Federation, guaranteeing free travel for children and relatives (guardians), has been abolished. But in many regions this benefit has been preserved and is provided in full.

To take advantage of this right in Moscow, you must apply for a Muscovite social card. You can check with local government institutions about registration in other cities.

Federal benefits for providing free travel to the place of treatment, rehabilitation and back have not changed and are given free of charge. This serves as an invaluable help to many.

Families with disabled children can also receive a partial or 100% discount on the payment of tax for registered vehicle. Size and capacity are regulated by local governments. The only condition is that the number of horsepower of the car should not exceed 150 units.

Financial assistance to relatives of disabled children

There are several types of payments promised to relatives and children, regulated by Federal legislation:

  • federal EDV for VOC;
  • regional;
  • Since the winter of 2018, a new fee has been established for the purchase of clothes for a child with disabilities during the learning period in the amount of 10,000 rubles. annually;
  • compensation for the full or partial amount of payments for housing and communal services, sanatorium and spa treatment, medicines, travel on public transport and other services from the set of social benefits (in case of refusal to provide);
  • payment to compensate for the increase in prices for food products, the amount of which for 2018 is 675 rubles. per month;
  • all social payments assigned to families with children.

Benefits are cumulative and not mutually exclusive. But it is worth remembering that they are part of the family’s income in the eyes of the state and can lead to removal from the queue (the family is there due to low income). Payments may also affect other opportunities provided to the family depending on the overall profit.

The amount of the compensation fee is not taxed and is given in full.

Benefits for a disabled child at work

Every working person who is dependent on a disabled person has a justification for a number of benefits provided for by labor law. A person has the right to enjoy priority or not.

Both working representatives have a reason to work part-time. The work schedule is drawn up in relation to the desires and capabilities of the employee, not the manager. The right is granted until the child with disabilities reaches the age of majority.

The amount of income in this case will be paid depending on the number of hours worked. However, seniority and the main vacation time will not decrease.

Each of the relatives or representatives has the right to refuse to work on public holidays and holidays, overtime and secondment to other areas. The right to consent exists in the same way as employees working for general principles.

Additional paid four vacation pay per month to mothers and fathers (not for one). If the employer refuses to provide such a right, the employee has the right not to go to work and this will not be considered absenteeism. Whenever conflict situation You should write a complaint to the labor inspectorate. The amount of vacation pay can be used by one person or two can share it among themselves. Days are provided once a month; transfer to the next month or year is not possible.

During the period of leave (to care for a minor, paid or unpaid), additional days are not provided. The right can be used before or after the holiday.

The right to choose when to go on annual leave at your own discretion for one of the parents caring for the child.

The local agreement may provide for additional annual paid rest for a period of 14 days.

Subject to availability employment contract, the employer is not authorized to prevent the employee from receiving the required preferences and is obliged to provide them upon request. If the situation cannot be resolved peacefully, you should file a complaint with the labor inspectorate. The absence of a contract makes a person non-working in the eyes of the state.

Allowance for caring for a disabled child

Besides usual care for child care, there is a separate one for caring for a disabled person. It comes in two types:

  • provided for by Federal Law. A parent or representative is paid 5,500 rubles, other people – 1,200 rubles;
  • regional, the volume of which depends on local governments.

The size can be increased in correlation with the coefficient valid in regions with difficult climate conditions.

The Duma has put forward for consideration a bill to extend child care payments to a non-working person from 1.5 years to 3. According to TASS, it has passed the first reading and may come into force in the next years.

Early pension for parents of disabled children

The state provides:

  • Early retirement for a well-deserved rest, depending on the citizen’s total length of service.
  • The time spent looking after a disabled person will be counted towards the insurance period of the pension at the request of the representative. The offset occurs in the amount of 1.8 pension units per individual year.

An application for inclusion and termination of registration in the insurance period must be submitted to the pension fund by the citizen independently. In case of termination of care, the parent is obliged to submit an application to the Pension Fund immediately; money for illegal deductions will have to be returned.

What benefits are provided to a disabled child?

Payments are provided not only to relatives, but also to the disabled person himself. The amounts are current for 2018 and 2019. they will be indexed:

  • regular payment to disabled people who have lost their breadwinner in the amount of 1,450 rubles;
  • social pension in the amount of 12,432.44 rubles per 30 days for 2018;
  • regular material fee 1515 rubles;
  • social services;
  • discounted travel;
  • benefits for admission to secondary vocational and higher education educational establishments;
  • the right to free treatment in a sanatorium;
  • preferential medical devices and instruments.

A disabled person can take them until he reaches adulthood or up to 25 years of age, subject to full-time education.

Set of social services are guaranteed unless the representative refuses them and does not receive compensation payment. The list includes:

  • medical supplies, necessary materials and optional equipment. Each drug or engineered product must have a prescription or recommendation from a doctor or an ITU;
  • annual trip to Spa treatment a child with disabilities and an accompanying person;
  • free travel on public and international transport to and from the place of treatment.

In case of refusal to provide NSO, in 2018 the family receives a monthly compensation supplement in the amount of 1076.20 rubles per 30 days. Knowing and being able to use approved benefits is the duty and right of parents raising a disabled child.

Benefits when a disabled child enrolls in a college or university

For the period of initial admission to a secondary or higher educational institution in a bachelor's and specialist training program, a child with disabilities or a disabled person of a certain type (if the child reaches the threshold of 18 years and receives a new status), the following benefits apply:

  • the opportunity to enroll in training without testing for a free department;
  • admission within the guaranteed quota on a first-come, first-served basis;
  • priority right in case of identical results of entrance exams in comparison with another applicant entering under normal conditions;
  • preparatory courses for disabled children.

Benefits are provided once, regardless of the status of the educational institution. Once college eligibility is used, benefits cannot be reused for college admission.

Monthly cash payment (MAP)

Disabled children and children with disabilities can rely on real support from the state. EDV, the size of which depends on whether the NSO is used in full or 100%. For 2018, the amount of such payments is indexed and amounts to:

  1. Disabled people of group 1 - 2551.79;
  2. Disabled people of group 2 - 1515.05;
  3. Disabled people of group 3 - 998.32;
  4. Disabled children - 1515.05.

The amount of EDV is indicated in a smaller amount. If the NSO is rejected, it may be exaggerated by 1076.20 per month.

Previously, disabled children, upon reaching 18 years of age, had the status of a childhood disability, at this moment this status is not assigned, but a disability group corresponding to the disease is given. Disability may not be awarded at all if the disease does not meet the criteria of any of the groups.

Medicines and medical supplies

Free drugs and supplies include a wide, constantly updated list. Complete list of Russian and foreign auxiliary drugs provided in a medical institution, government agencies and on government websites.

Parents must have documents for the provision of each medicine or technical device. A prescription or recommendation is written by the attending physician.

Vouchers for spa treatment

The responsible person and the disabled person have the opportunity to undergo an annual sanatorium treatment for a period of 22 days. Treatment involves the provision of medical services to restore the child's health. The goal is to increase the period of remission and improve health status through procedures, favorable climate and drug treatment.

The procedure for obtaining a ticket is not complicated:

  • the parent writes a statement about the desire to receive a trip to the clinic to which the child is assigned;
  • the application is reviewed by a medical commission;
  • in case of a positive decision, the parent must write an application to the Insurance Fund within 6 months;
  • within 10 calendar days the fund provides an answer about the availability of vouchers and arrival dates.

One of the responsible persons has the right to take the child for treatment. The employer is obliged to provide time off in this case, regardless of the working vacation schedule.

Free travel on public transport

According to the provisions of the Federal Law, this benefit does not apply, but in the vast majority of cases it is provided by local legislative bodies.

The exception is the right to free travel to the point of treatment and is given free of charge.

What is free for disabled children?

To summarize, from free services for children with disabilities we can highlight:

  • treatment and habilitation in medical centers;
  • drugs, Consumables and auxiliary equipment;
  • vouchers to a sanatorium;
  • food at school;
  • travel by public transport;
  • delivery to the place of treatment at the discretion of the local social service;
  • partial in-kind assistance (firewood, clothing, food);
  • the right to study on a budgetary basis;
  • In the capital, it is possible to travel by public taxi.

You should find out about additional preferences in the region from local authorities.

Rules for applying for benefits

Registration will not take much effort and time. Government agencies are aimed at providing them to all citizens raising a disabled person. In practice, medical, educational and social institutions, pension authority and official Internet portals.

Registration stages include:

  • collection of documents;
  • providing a package of documents and an application to the relevant authority;
  • receiving a response and providing the service.

The approach to design becomes less bureaucratic and more intuitive.


Documents for registration include:

  • parent's passport;
  • application for the provision of a service or payment;
  • birth certificate of a disabled person;
  • an extract from the child’s certification by the medical and social commission confirming the acceptance of his disabled status;
  • document confirming authority (if the interests of the child are represented by a guardian).

When receiving specific preferences, additional documents may be required - a death certificate of the breadwinner, a document of the other parent, certificates of non-receipt of payments, and others.

Where to contact

In Moscow, an application for the purchase of services can be written at the “My Documents” centers, social security authorities, the Pension Fund and remotely on the city services portal.

Delivery deadlines

Most results regarding the assignment of benefits to a child with a disability are provided within 10 calendar or business days from the date the parent submits the application.

Increasing payments for caring for a disabled child

The amounts of payments of various types are regularly indexed. Many of them have increased several times compared to what they were in 2016-2017 (the monthly allowance since 2018 is 10,000 rubles instead of 2,000-4,000 rubles in 2016), and some have been added (providing compensation for the purchase of children's clothing in the amount 10,000 rubles from this year). At the moment, the amount of all guaranteed federal payments is:

  • 19,931 rubles if a disabled person is raised by a parent or guardian;
  • 15,631 rubles when a relative provides child care.

In addition to federal payments, there are also regional ones. Thus, the amount of payments, subject to their execution, partially covers the cost of food and accommodation for a family with a disabled person. Considering that in addition to cash, the state provides free treatment, restoration, habilitation, rest, transportation of the child and his parents, many families consider the paid assistance worthy, and some create petitions for an increase. Payments will gradually increase, and the list of benefits will be replenished.


On the difficult path of life with a disabled child, parents face problems, difficulties and trials. State support for families with individual needs, aimed at helping in the recovery, rehabilitation and habilitation of children, helps to overcome them. Every parent has the right to know and receive due payments, preferences and conditions that are regulated by Federal Law and regional local government bodies.

Only a few disabled children can fully restore their health. After reaching adulthood, they have to look for work to feed themselves and their loved ones, but due to health problems, their social adaptation is impaired, and their career prospects are not very good.

Some categories of citizens need especially enhanced social support, which should be provided by the state. Special attention At the same time, they are given to disabled people from childhood. In Russia, legislation provides for various rights, and, in addition, benefits for social assistance families raising a disabled child.

Child's disability

The disability of a child is an incredible grief not only for himself, but also for his close relatives. In order to make their life at least a little easier, the state is developing laws that relate to various fields, for example, medicine, pensions and housing, labor law, training, taxes and the like. For example, a pension is provided for disabled children. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Who is awarded the status

Government Decree No. 95, officially published on February 20, 2002, defines the procedure for recognizing citizens as disabled. This status can be obtained not only by adults, but also by children who have not yet reached adulthood. The conditions for recognizing a citizen as disabled are as follows:

  • Availability serious pathologies systems of the body that were caused as a result birth defects or any circumstances, for example, injuries, illnesses, and so on.
  • Serious deterioration in quality of life. In this case we're talking about about a person’s inability to independently care, along with difficulty moving and social dysfunction.
  • Excessive need for social protection.

If a citizen simultaneously meets all of the above conditions, the person may be recognized as disabled. If a citizen is recognized as such before reaching the age of majority, he receives the status of a disabled child or disabled since childhood. Adults who become disabled after the age of eighteen are assigned a disability category.

Previously in Russia there was such a concept as “disabled since childhood.” A similar status was acquired by citizens who became disabled before reaching adulthood. Since 2014, the category “childhood disabled” has ceased to be a legal status. Today, after reaching the age of eighteen, a disabled child receives the corresponding disability group. Anyone who was assigned the abolished status before 2014 has the right to the previously introduced benefits for people with disabilities since childhood.

Disabled children: assistance from the state

The state provides material support to all Russian citizens in need, which is expressed in providing them with pensions. In addition, there are the following benefits options for people with disabilities since childhood:

  • Benefits that are assigned to working parents or guardians who care for a disabled person.
  • Providing housing benefits.
  • Providing social support in the form of organizing special systems of education and training, among other things.
  • Providing benefits for movement and use of public transport.
  • Providing the right to rehabilitation, and, in addition, to medical support.
  • General reduction in tax burden.

Each of these areas provides its own assistance, clearly stated in federal and, in addition, regional laws.

Pension for disabled children

According to Federal Law No. 166 related to pension provision, disabled people can receive social payments, as well as additional allowances.

A monthly payment to non-working caregivers is provided in the amount of 5,500 rubles if they are relatives and are caring for a disabled child of the first group. Non-relatives receive 1,200 rubles for care. Only pensions are provided to group 3 disabled children, but benefits are not provided to guardians.

Thus, all of the above groups of people can count on monthly financial support from the state. At the same time, they can receive social benefits.

The government gives parents the right to refuse social services in favor of benefits for disabled children, the amount of which is disproportionate to the price of medical procedures or rehabilitation in a sanatorium. Last year all payments were indexed. Social pensions were indexed by one and a half percent back in April.

Working relatives, along with caregivers of a sick child, can count on a reduction in their insurance coverage. The period of caring for a disabled child is counted as the total length of service, thanks to which parents and, in addition, guardians can retire much earlier.

Let's consider the rights of a disabled child.

What housing benefits are provided?

A complete list of diseases, which gives disabled people suffering from them the opportunity to receive additional square meters, is given in Government Decree No. 817.

A family with a sick child has the right to receive fifty percent discounts on the following services:

  • For renting residential premises.
  • For utility services. For example, for electricity, plumbing, heating, and so on.
  • For communication services. Benefits for disabled children are important.

In addition, such families are a priority for local authorities in the distribution of housing for low-income and needy citizens. According to Russian legislation, first of all, citizens suffering from serious illnesses apply for housing space, among which the following ailments are distinguished:

  • The presence of serious psychological disorders, for example, schizophrenia.
  • The development of pathologies of the central nervous system that cause disturbances normal performance musculoskeletal system, for example, with cerebral palsy.
  • Having an open form of tuberculosis or HIV.
  • Kidney disease of high severity.
  • Other dangerous diseases.

Not only disabled children, but also their relatives have the right to expand their living space.

Benefits for using public transport

People with disabilities since childhood and the citizens accompanying them have the right to free use of public transport, which runs on city or suburban routes.

For disabled children, the state provides free travel to places of treatment or rehabilitation. The possibility of budget travel is provided for both parents and social workers. But this rule works only if the first group of people with disabilities has been accompanied since childhood; group 3 cannot count on this.

In addition, the first and second groups receive a fifty percent discount on travel by air, river, railway transport annually from October to May. Such a discount is provided only once during the year in any of the selected periods.

In order to receive benefits, you must present your pension certificate when purchasing a ticket. Social care authorities issue a special certificate for relatives. This benefit does not apply to the use of a taxi.

Sphere of rehabilitation and education of disabled children

A disabled child of groups 1 and 2 has the right to receive education in various institutions:

  • Educational structures general type. For example, during his admission to kindergarten a disabled child is given the right to priority enrollment, and his parents are not required to pay for tuition.
  • Organizations of a specialized type that are under the absolute care of the state.
  • Private organizations. In this case, payment is made at the expense of the parents or guardians.

Among other things, persons with disabilities can receive care or education at home. Every sick child has the right to undergo an individual rehabilitation program, which includes sanatorium treatment and a whole range of other medical services.

Parents, along with guardians of a disabled child, have the right to receive free medications and means for undergoing procedures according to prescriptions prescribed by doctors. In addition, the Government allocates some funds to provide free prosthetics, wheelchairs, orthopedic products, and so on.

We examined payments to disabled children. What benefits do parents receive?

Benefits for parents and guardians

Certain benefits are provided for parents raising a disabled child. The state prohibits the use of a number of measures in relation to parents, and, in addition, to guardians of disabled children:

  • It is prohibited to refuse employment to the above categories of citizens due to the fact that they are raising a disabled child.
  • Sending a guardian or parent on business trips, or forcing overtime work.
  • Reducing the salary of the mother of a disabled child along with her dismissal. The exception is cases in which the company is liquidated, and the employer simply has no choice.

A person who is caring for a disabled person may work part-time. In addition, he may have four additional days off per week, along with leave upon request for up to fourteen days.

If the mother of a disabled child raised him until the age of eight and she does not have work experience, then she has the right to have this time included in her work experience. Retirement age in this case, it is reduced to fifty years, provided that the person has a work experience of fifteen years.

According to Article No. 28 of the Law “On Labor Payments”, fathers are entitled to such a pension from the age of fifty-five if they have at least twenty years of work experience. However, only one of the parents can use this benefit.

Providing tax benefits

For parents and guardians of disabled children, the Tax Code provides for the following benefits:

  • Providing monthly personal income tax deductions from parents’ wages. The amount is three thousand rubles for each parent. Or the payment amount can be six thousand rubles per parent if he is raising a child alone.
  • Other deductions, for example, to pay for the treatment of a sick child.
  • Exemption of a disabled child from paying property taxes.

Benefits for disabled children entering university

If a child has passed the entrance exams, he can count on being admitted without taking into account competitions and certificate data. True, a significant drawback is that in a number of educational institutions there are restrictions related to health status. Therefore, in such a situation, admission to study at the relevant institution may be denied. However, when disabled children enroll in educational institutions, they are provided with the following benefits:

  • A child with a childhood disability can get into the budget without passing entrance exams.
  • Subject to successful passing of exams, admission is carried out according to established quotas budget training.
  • In the event that applications have been submitted with the same amount points, then the one who has benefits passes.

It should be noted that benefits are provided only once. For this reason, it is important to approach the choice of educational institution thoroughly. As part of admission to any educational institution in order to receive benefits, the following documents are required:

  • Application for admission to a university.
  • A document confirming the right to receive benefits.
  • Identification passport.
  • Conclusion of the medical commission on the condition of the potential applicant.
  • A conclusion confirming the absence of any contraindications.


Thus, in order to obtain funds that will allow disabled children to adapt, many difficulties will have to be overcome. For recent years the state is trying to develop programs aimed at helping sick children who find themselves in such difficult situation. It is expressed mainly in material form, which makes it possible to significantly improve the standard of living of such a child. When developing programs, they take into account the fact that parents or guardians are also deprived of a full life. The legislation annually makes the necessary changes that relate to state support for disabled children in order to make their lives better.

We examined the conditions for providing and the amount of pensions for disabled children.

Last updated August 2018

A disabled child requires much more attention, care and time than children without developmental disabilities. This leaves its mark on the life of their family. In this regard, benefits are established at the state level for parents who have a disabled child, which are designed to make work life easier, reduce tax burden, improve the living conditions of such families, and so on. Read on to learn more about what benefits are provided for parents of disabled children by law and how to take advantage of them.

Who is a disabled child

A disabled child is a minor (under 18 years of age) who has:

  1. A health disorder accompanied by a persistent disorder of body functions caused by injuries, diseases, or defects.
  2. Complete or partial loss of the ability for self-care, independent movement, orientation, communication, control of behavior or learning.
  3. Need to receive social measures protection, including rehabilitation and habilitation.

In this case, all of the listed signs must be observed simultaneously. That is, if a child diabetes, but this does not affect him in any way normal functioning, he can take care of himself, move around, etc., then the ITU does not recognize him as disabled.

Although even if all three signs are present, it is not a fact that disability will still be assigned. The level of loss of basic skills in self-care, etc., may be different for each person, so one person may be assigned a disability, while another with the same symptoms may not.

The decision to recognize a child as disabled is made by the ITU commission.

Category “child with childhood disabilities”: does it exist now?

Yes and no. Formally, the category “childhood disabled” existed until 2014, and when the child reached adulthood, he received this status. Now, upon reaching their 18th birthday, all disabled children undergo a new ITU commission, at which a disability group is determined for them - 1, 2 or 3, without the mark “disabled since childhood.”

For those who received this status before 2014, it is retained, as are all benefits provided for children with disabilities.

However, no benefits were provided for parents of disabled children either then (until 2014) or now. That is, in essence, the child’s disability as a basis for receiving benefits “works” until the child turns 18 years old.

Disabled child benefits for parents in 2019

In 2019, there are no fundamental changes regarding benefits for parents of disabled children, except for:

  1. The entry into force of a new act with a list of diseases that are the basis for the issuance of additional meters of living space (was - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 817 of December 21, 2004, became - List of diseases, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of November 30, 2012 No. 991n). The new list has increased by one point.
  2. Changes in the pension amount compared to 2018 as a result of indexation.

Otherwise, the volume of benefits at the federal level remained the same. Regional authorities do not have the right to narrow it, that is, to “remove” any of the benefits by their local act, but they can, if the budget allows, introduce additional ones.

First, let’s take a closer look at the federal benefits in force in 2019.

Labor benefits for parents

Part-time work (Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

Each parent can take advantage of this preference at their place of work. To do this, it is necessary to provide the employer with an ITU conclusion.

The new work schedule is drawn up based on the interests of the employee, not the employer. Moreover, it can be introduced until the basis for providing part-time work disappears, that is, in cases of a disabled child - until he comes of age.

What to do next? If after passing the ITU, an adult child is again recognized as disabled; in the same Article 93, “caring for a sick family member on the basis of a medical report” is also mentioned as a basis for introducing an incomplete schedule. Therefore, in essence, this benefit will remain with the parents even when the child turns 18 years old.

Please note that remuneration for disabled parents is carried out on a general basis, that is, in proportion to the amount of work done or hours worked. But at the same time, the use of this benefit does not reduce vacation time, length of service and does not limit the employee’s other labor rights.

The right to refuse business trips to another region, going to work on holidays, weekends, at night or overtime (Article 259 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

Since this is the employee’s right, he can agree. But in this case, consent must be made in writing. Moreover, when an employer offers such working conditions, he must writing Inform the parent of a disabled child of the right to refuse them. If the employee does not agree - labor legislation protects his interests: he can refuse a business trip and go to work without any consequences for him.

Additional 4 days off per month with preservation of earnings (Article 262 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

This benefit is provided for one parent, or these 4 days can be “split” between parents at their discretion. To use it, you need to write an application to the employer. It is drawn up in the form approved by order of the Ministry of Labor dated December 19, 2014. No. 1055n "On approval of the application form for granting one of the parents (guardian, trustee) additional paid days off to care for disabled children." A sample form is below.

To the Director of April LLC
Kolomoitsev Igor Igorevich
Senior Sales Manager
Gudzikov Ivan Ivanovich

Application for provision to one of the parents (guardian, trustee)
additional paid days off
for caring for disabled children

In accordance with Article 262 Labor Code Russian Federation, I ask you to provide me with additional paid days off to care for a disabled child on April 25-26, 2019 and April 29-30, 2019, in the amount of 4 calendar days.

I inform you that the second parent, Elizaveta Fedorovna Gudzikova, did not use the right provided for in Article 262 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which is confirmed by a certificate from her place of work.

I am attaching documents (copies of documents) provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for the provision of additional paid days off for caring for disabled children.

I confirm the accuracy of the information I provided.

Based on the results of consideration of the application, the manager issues an order. As mentioned above, the right to take 4 days off from a parent of a disabled person arises every month. These rest days are paid based on the average earnings per day.

The following documents must be attached to the application:

  • Help from ITU Bureau on establishing disability;
  • A document confirming the child’s place of residence;
  • Child's birth certificate or document establishing guardianship/trusteeship;
  • A certificate from the second parent’s place of work stating that they did not use additional days off during the month of application or used them partially. If the second parent has died, gone missing, been deprived of parental rights or limited in them, is serving a prison sentence, is on a business trip for more than one month, and these circumstances can be documented, a certificate from the second parent’s place of work is not needed.

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, in Resolution No. 1 of January 28, 2014, explained what to do if the employer refused to give additional days off to the parents of disabled children. In this case, the employee’s use of additional days off at his own discretion is not a disciplinary offense, that is, it cannot be considered absenteeism.

If parents did not use additional days off, then for the next month they are not carried over or accumulated in the future.

If there are several disabled children in a family, the number of days does not increase.

At the same time, additional days off are NOT PROVIDED to the parent of a disabled person during his:

  • The next annual paid leave;
  • "Free" vacation;
  • Leave to care for a child up to 3 years old.

In this case, the second working parent can fully exercise his right.

Use of annual leave at any time (Article 262.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

Only one parent (or guardian, trustee) can take a vacation at any time convenient for him/her if the family is full.

Additional leave for the parent of a disabled child (Article 263 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

It is a mandatory benefit if the corresponding clause is provided for in the collective agreement. The duration of the vacation is 14 days. However, wages for this period are not saved. Vacation is provided when it is needed and convenient for the employee, and not for the manager. It can be attached either to the main outlet or used separately. On next year Unused additional rest time cannot be transferred.

Early retirement (Article 32 of the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”)

Parents of a disabled person can retire 5 years earlier than the established age. However this benefit applicable only if you have a certain length of experience:

  • For men, pension from age 55 – with 20 years of insurance coverage.
  • Women retire at age 50, with at least 15 years of service.

Counting the time of child care into the insurance period (Article 12 of the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”)

At the legislative level, the benefit is enshrined in Article 12 of the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”, but you can use it under certain circumstances:

  • the corresponding period is not counted towards the other parent when establishing an insurance pension;
  • the period of child care was preceded and/or followed by periods of work or other activity (regardless of their duration).

In addition, inclusion of time spent caring for a disabled person in the length of service is not an obligation for pension authorities. In order for this issue to be considered, the parent must submit an application, the form of which is established in Appendix No. 3 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 2, 2014 N 1015 “On approval of the Rules for calculating and confirming the insurance period for establishing insurance pensions.” An example of an application to include the period of caring for a disabled child in the insurance period can be seen below.

To the Branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
in the Kemerovo region

able-bodied person caring for a disabled child

I, Kotenkina Evelina Georgievna, live at Kemerovo, Tsvetochnaya St., 13.

Date of birth: October 13, 1951

Identity document, Russian Federation passport series 37 05 number 546789 by whom and when issued by the Department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia in Kemerovo during the period from 01/01/1974 to 04/05. 1980 provided care for citizen Kotenkin Ivan Andreevich, living at Kemerovo, st. Tsvetochnaya, 13, who was a disabled child during the period of care.

I request that the specified period of care be established for the purpose of being included in the insurance period in accordance with paragraph 6 of part 1 of Article 12 Federal Law"About insurance pensions".

E.G. Kotenkina

If the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation office refuses to enroll you, go to court with a statement of claim, attaching to it a written unsatisfactory response to your application.

Prohibition on dismissal at the initiative of the employer (Article 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

However, such a preference is established not for all parents of disabled children, but for certain categories of them:

  • Single mothers raising a disabled child under 18 years of age, or single fathers, other legal representatives of a disabled person raising him independently;
  • Parents (legal representatives) who are the sole breadwinner of a disabled child under 18 years of age.

If your employer, despite the law, breaks off your employment relationship with you, you can appeal his actions to the court.

Tax benefits

Parents of a disabled child have the right to receive monthly tax deduction according to personal income tax. The only condition is that the parent must officially work.

The personal income tax deduction is provided for this category of persons, clause 4, part 1, article 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and amounts to:

  1. 12000 rub.- for natural parents and adoptive parents.
  2. 6000 rub– for a guardian, trustee, adoptive parent, spouse of an adoptive parent.

You can receive a deduction for each disabled child if he has not yet reached 18 years of age (or 24 years of age if he is a full-time student and is a disabled person of group I or II).

The deduction is provided to each of the parents, that is, the full family actually receives a double benefit.

To take advantage of the benefit, you can choose one of the following methods:

  1. contact the accounting department at your place of work with an application and documents confirming your right to receive benefits;
  2. Fill out the 3-NDFL declaration yourself at the end of the tax year and send it to the territorial inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service, indicating the necessary information in the “tax deductions” column.

Deductions will begin from the month from which you contact the tax office. You can receive them in cash directly from the territorial inspectorate or from your employer if you provide him with an application and notification from the Federal Tax Service to confirm your right to receive social tax deductions.

A very important document that determined the further enforcement practice of the Federal Tax Service on the issue of providing a personal income tax deduction to parents for a disabled child is Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 20, 2017 No. 03-04-06/15803.

The fact is that personal income tax deductions are provided for all persons who have children (not only disabled people). “Disability” only affects the amount of the deduction.

And if until 2017, the territorial inspectorates of the Federal Tax Service disagreed on issues of determining the amount of the deduction (whether to assign a deduction to the parents of a disabled person on one basis or on two), now the conflict has been eliminated:

the total amount of the standard tax deduction for a disabled child is determined by adding the amounts of the deduction provided for the reason related to the birth of the child (adoption, establishment of guardianship) and for the reason related to the fact that the child is disabled.

Example. Kushnarev A.E. works as a senior manager at the Horizon company. He has a 12-year-old disabled son. The wife takes care of the child and does not work anywhere. Until April 2017, he enjoyed a deduction of 12,000 rubles. After the publication of Letter No. 03-04-06/15803 of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 20, 2017 in the media, he contacted the territorial inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service with an application to recalculate the amount of the personal income tax deduction. A recalculation was carried out for him and the amount of deduction from April amounted to 13,400 rubles.

The transport tax benefit is regional in nature. This means that not all parents of disabled children can use it, but only those in whose regions of residence the local authorities have adopted the relevant law.

In particular, below are examples of subjects in the Russian Federation in which the specified category of persons is completely exempt from paying transport tax:

  1. Moscow
  2. Saint Petersburg
  3. Leningrad region
  4. Volgograd region
  5. Murmansk region
  6. Sverdlovsk region
  7. Chelyabinsk region

To take advantage of the benefit, you need to contact the local Federal Tax Service with documents (usually a passport, ITU conclusion, PTS and STS) and an application in the established form, which can be downloaded on the official website or will be given to fill out on site at the inspection.

If you do not declare to the tax office that you are entitled to a deduction, the tax will be charged in full.

Housing benefits

The provision of this type of benefits is regulated by Art. 17 Federal Law “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”. According to its provisions, families (and in fact, parents of disabled people) are given the opportunity to receive:

  1. Housing at public expense, if the family is registered as in need of improved housing conditions.
  2. Compensation in the amount of 50% of the payment for the maintenance of housing (rent) and utilities (cold water, hot water, electrical energy, heating, removal Wastewater), as well as payment for the cost of fuel and transport for delivery of this fuel - when living in houses that do not have central heating.
  3. Compensation in the amount of no more than 50% of the contribution for major repairs.
  4. Land for individual housing construction, farming and gardening.

At the same time, the law divides families of disabled people who can receive free housing into 2 categories:

  • Those that registered before January 1, 2005. There is a separate queue for them, consisting of preferential categories, including the same disabled people.
  • Those that registered after January 1, 2005. They stand in the general queue for housing without a priority right to receive housing first. As an exception, only families with a severe disability are entitled to receive an apartment out of turn. chronic disease, the list of which is specified in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 16, 2006 No. 378 (11 grounds in total).

In terms of area, housing should be provided based on regional standards for minimum living space per person. In Moscow, for example, this norm is 18 m2. However, for diseases listed in Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated November 30, 2012 No. 991n, additional space may be provided, but not more than double the norm.

Transport benefits

Previously, benefits for travel on public transport were provided for by Article 30 of the Federal Law “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.” Today this article has been excluded, but this does not mean that the benefit does not apply.

The fact is that disabled children and their parents belong to the category federal beneficiaries who have the right to receive social services, including free travel on suburban railway transport, as well as on intercity transport to and from the place of treatment. But if desired, they can replace the benefit in in kind for a cash payment, which will be paid simultaneously with the EDV, and in fact will be part of it. From February 1, 2018, the amount of such payment will be 118.94 rubles.

As for travel on public transport, the provision of this benefit is at the discretion of local authorities. And it is worth noting that in almost all regions of the country, disabled children and their parents enjoy the right to free travel on public transport. In particular, in Moscow, in order to take advantage of this benefit, you must apply for a Muscovite social card. For clarification, as this happens in other regions, it is better to contact local administrations or territorial social protection authorities.

Watch the video: benefits for disabled children and their parents:

Financial assistance to parents of disabled children

  1. Parents of disabled children have the right to receive compensation if they are homeschooled. However, Article 19 of the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” states that determining the amount of such compensation is at the discretion of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. That is, in order to find out exactly how the amount of compensation is calculated in your region, you need to check with the self-government authorities what act regulates this issue.
  2. Monthly allowance for a non-working parent of a disabled child. For parents it is 5500 rubles, and for trustees, guardians, adoptive parents - 1200 rubles. But from April 1, 2018, indexation of these amounts is expected, so the indicated figures may soon no longer be relevant.

The official recipients of these benefits are the parents of disabled people. But at the same time, for disabled children themselves, the state also allocates cash, which de jure are accrued to children, and de facto go to the family budget. More details about all types of financial assistance that families that include disabled children receive are described in the article....

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Families with a disabled child need special support. They are paid financial assistance and provided with various benefits. All this is aimed at the social adaptation of children and creating opportunities for them to live a full life.

Who applies

A disabled child is a minor with severe developmental disorders (physical, mental, mental) that prevent him from feeling normal in society until he reaches 18 years of age. Deviations may be caused by illness or acquired at birth.

Hospitals, including specialized ones, diagnostic centers After diagnosis and treatment, they may offer to establish a child’s disability if health problems interfere with movement, communication, self-care, learning, and behavior control.

The causes of disability in children may be one or more of the following:

  • problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the brain or spinal cord;
  • chronic damage to internal organs;
  • muscle diseases;
  • hereditary and genetic diseases;
  • general diseases;
  • injuries, injuries, wounds.

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The child will be sent for medical and social examination, where specialists will draw up a conclusion.

  • the need to care for him in a specialized institution;
  • security aids and the required equipment;
  • the opportunity to study in a special institution or at home;
  • the need for sanatorium-resort treatment of a certain profile for a certain period of time;
  • a set of rehabilitation measures.

The concepts of a disabled child and a disabled child should not be confused. The first category includes adult citizens who have diseases, defects and injuries and who received disability before the age of 18. The second category includes children who have not yet turned 18 years old.

For children, unlike adults, disability groups are not established. After reaching the age of 18, if the child’s health has not improved, he is assigned the first, second or third group and the status of disabled since childhood.

What benefits are available to disabled children in 2019?

A child with disabilities is entitled to monthly support from the state in the form of social pensions in the amount of 12,082 rubles and daily allowance, taking into account the range of social services, 2,527 rubles. But it is more profitable to receive NSU in its natural form. In addition to cash payments, various benefits are also due.

Housing benefits:

  1. A subsidy of fifty percent of the cost of utilities, rental housing, and communication services. It is provided not only to the child, but also to all family members living together.
  2. Priority distribution of housing if such a family is recognized as needy or low-income. First of all, it is allocated to children with serious illnesses, for example, cerebral palsy, schizophrenia, HIV, open tuberculosis, severe kidney diseases.
  3. Receipt land plot for construction or farming.

Training benefits:

  1. Disabled children have the right to priority enrollment in kindergartens and free stay in them. When staying in specialized institutions, the state bears the cost, while private institutions are paid by parents and guardians. In addition, there is the possibility homeschooling for those in need.
  2. In schools they are entitled to free meals and gentle treatment when taking exams.
  3. If the exam is successfully passed and there are no contraindications for education, the child can be enrolled in specialized secondary or higher educational institutions without competition, according to quotas or by preferential right. He is also provided free education at preparatory courses.

Medical benefits:

  1. For each patient, a rehabilitation program is drawn up, which includes medical services and sanatorium-resort treatment, and it is carried out at the expense of the medical institution.
  2. Medicines prescribed by specialists, and therapeutic nutrition are issued free of charge. Free medical care.
  3. Payments are made for the purchase of wheelchairs, prostheses, orthopedic products, hearing aids. It is possible to receive a discount of up to 70 percent on auxiliary products.

Travel benefits:

  1. Free travel on city and suburban routes on any transport, except taxis, for a sick child and his accompanying person.
  2. Fifty percent discount on air, rail or river transport once a year from October to May.
  3. Free travel for the child and accompanying person to the place of rehabilitation or treatment.

To receive travel benefits, you must show your child’s ID when purchasing a ticket, and the accompanying person must be issued a special certificate from the social security authorities.

What kind of help is provided to their parents?

After a child is assigned the status of a disabled person, he is assigned a disability pension. One of the parents, family members, or any persons providing full-time care for him/her is also assigned payments for caring for a disabled child.

Benefits are accrued when citizens fulfill the following conditions:

  • they must be able to work, but must not work;
  • should not receive money from the labor exchange;
  • care for a disabled child or an adult disabled child of the first group.

The period of care will be included in the insurance period.

The amount of monthly cash payments is determined by law and is:

  • family members and strangers 1,200 rubles;
  • parents 5,500 rubles.

Tax benefits:

  1. Each parent, adoptive parent who has a special child under 18 years of age or during full-time education up to 24 years of age (in case of assignment of disability group I or II) is entitled to a tax deduction every month in the amount of 12,000 rubles. A guardian, adoptive parent, or trustee is paid 6,000 rubles. Single parents, guardians, trustees receive a double tax deduction.
  2. The law does not provide for exemption from property tax for the parents of a child. Although an adult disabled since childhood who owns property does not have to pay such a tax.
  3. A parent, adoptive parent, or guardian of a child with a disability is exempt from transport tax on one passenger car with a capacity of up to 100 horsepower, purchased with the support of an employment center or converted specifically for transporting disabled people.

Benefits for working parents

Employers cannot refuse to hire parents, adoptive parents, or guardians on the grounds that they have a disabled child. Also, you should not send them on business trips, overtime or night work without their consent, or reduce wages or fire the only parent.

Citizens who care for a child with disabilities have the right to a part-time work schedule, four additional days off per month, and additional unpaid leave.

A mother who raises a child until the age of eight and does not work during this time can count it as part of her work experience. If she has at least 15 years of experience, her retirement age is reduced to 50 years. If the father retires, he must have 20 years of experience and be at least 55 years old. One of the parents can take advantage of this benefit.

How to apply

Social protection of sick children includes life-improving support measures. But to receive them you need to declare your rights. That is, you should contact the authorized bodies.

First you need to familiarize yourself with the list of benefits provided in the region where the family lives, as it can be expanded at the expense of the local budget.

Information can be obtained from social protection authorities during a personal visit or on the website. Multifunctional centers operating in many cities also provide consultations.

Then you need to open a bank account to which the funds will be transferred.

Disability pension, lump sum cash payment, a set of social services are charged in Pension Fund. You must present a certificate from the ITU office about the assignment of disability, other documents and write an application for cash payments.

Social protection authorities issue other types of benefits: for improving housing conditions, for education, for paying for utilities, and for benefits for a person caring for a child.

There, specialists will issue certificates for the use of benefits, which parents must take to the organizations providing these services (for example, to a management company).

What documents will you need?

To apply for benefits, a family raising a child with a disability must prepare the following package of documents:

  • applicant's passport;
  • ID card of a disabled child;
  • birth certificate of all children;
  • marriage or divorce certificate;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • a certificate from the second parent that he did not apply for these benefits on the same basis;
  • decision on adoption, transfer of guardianship and trusteeship;
  • vehicle ownership documents;
  • paper for the right to use housing;
  • receipts for utility bills for the previous period;
  • act of inspection of living conditions;
  • Bank account details for transfers.

Parents must provide comfortable living conditions for a child with disabilities and prevent his health from deteriorating. Without government support, adaptation of children with disabilities would be impossible. But even with help, unfortunately, many problems remain.



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