English from scratch: how to start learning successfully. Self-study of English: a general overview of online resources

Isn't it true that sometimes you feel envious of people who can communicate in English? These lucky ones can easily establish contact with people in any country, be the first to watch new movies that have not yet been translated, understand the meaning of popular songs, and much, much more. What prevents you personally from joining their ranks? After all, today it’s easier than ever to start learning English on your own from scratch on the Internet! Don't believe me? This article will dispel all your doubts that it is quite possible to learn English at home yourself.

Yes, everyone can master English. And the various myths about genius, gifts of the gods and innate abilities for languages ​​have nothing to do with it. It's all about setting the end goal. It is necessary to clearly understand why you are starting and carrying out this educational process. The first question you should have is not how to learn English on your own at home, but why do I need to learn English?

Everyone has their own answer to this main question. We can only give a little guidance and guide you to find your own goal. So, you need to learn English in order to:

  1. Feel like you belong anywhere in the world .

No matter what country you visit, there will definitely be people there who speak English. This way, you will ensure confidence in your position when staying abroad.

  1. Study at prestigious colleges and universities .

High-quality training in the profession is the key to a successful career. If you want to lay a solid foundation for your adult life, then an international diploma is exactly what you need.

  1. Build a career in large international corporations .

A prestigious job requires many skills, including knowledge of foreign languages. With English, you will not be afraid of a business trip even to the most remote branch of the company.

  1. Expand your business opportunities .

The international market is incomparably wider than the domestic one, even if you live in the largest country in the world. In turn, communication with foreign partners and clients is unthinkable without knowledge of business English.

  1. Get to know the way of life in other countries .

Interest in the traditions and customs of other peoples is inherent in many of us. Using English, you can not only glean interesting information from foreign sources, but also communicate directly with local residents.

  1. Make foreign acquaintances .

You can never have too many friends, and having reliable connections in different parts of the world is not only pleasant, but also useful. Communication with interesting interlocutors helps to practice spoken English and get to know the mentality of the country.

  1. Join international experience and an unlimited amount of information.

The most valuable thing in the world is information. And the English language opens the door to one of the world's largest repositories of historical and modern materials. With English you can keep your finger on the pulse of the whole world!

Here are just a few obvious facts that prove that learning English is necessary. Try to deduce your practical goal from these rather streamlined formulations. The simpler it is, the better, because initially unattainable peaks kill faith in the success of the entire event.

Let the goal at first be minimal - to watch and understand the episode of your favorite film in the original. This is not difficult to achieve, but the achieved result will give you confidence in your abilities and awaken passion for further study. And it’s never too late to set a new serious goal, isn’t it?

How to start learning English on your own from scratch?

And only after your goal is defined, clear and understandable, is it time to ask the question: how to start learning English from scratch on your own? Here we will not stand aside either and will tell you the main starting points for beginners.

Getting ready to study

Where to start training sessions? First of all, you need to create an atmosphere conducive to studying and plan your study schedule.

Select the necessary study guides, stock up on office supplies and allocate free time in your routine. The issue of time must be taken very seriously. It is clear that we are not studying at school, and cannot study English at home at exactly the same time. What is important to us is not the accuracy of the beginning of the lesson, but the regularity of classes.

The lesson schedule is selected individually. If it is convenient for you to spend 2 hours studying, then studying 3 times a week is enough. If you can’t devote so much time to self-study, then you will have to study for at least 30 minutes, but every day. This time is enough to learn a few new words or remember a couple of grammar rules.

During classes, you should not allow yourself to be distracted. Limit your use of the Internet and telephone unless required by the educational process. Also, do not listen to music and entertainment programs while writing down theoretical lesson material. Otherwise, your attention will be scattered and such activities will hardly be of any use. Don't forget about your goal and try not to waste the time allocated for studying.

Learning the basics

So, the goal has been set, the atmosphere has been created, and the mood for studying is combative. What's next?

If we learn English from scratch, i.e. Since we have never encountered it before, we will turn to the very basics: the alphabet, sounds, transcription, counting and reading rules. As a rule, these simple topics do not pose difficulties for students. But here lies the catch, because... You always want to skim through easy lessons or skip them altogether.

Don't be led by laziness and momentary desires. Later it turns out that you missed it, didn’t understand it, didn’t remember it, and as a result, each lesson will turn into an endless jumping from old theories to new material. It is better to honestly and responsibly go through the initial stages of English lessons from scratch, laying a solid foundation for subsequent knowledge.

Gaining an active vocabulary

When we have already learned the first basics of a foreign language, many people inevitably have a question: how to quickly learn English? If there are no obvious prerequisites for this (for example, an urgent trip), then such a statement of the problem is nothing more than a manifestation of laziness.

Think about how many years it takes a child to master his or her native speech tolerably? Practically, more than a decade! And we want to learn a foreign language in our country in a couple of months. It just doesn't happen that way. Therefore, be patient and get used to gradually improving your English skills.

So, the next stage is active vocabulary acquisition. We recommend working either with thematic selections of words, or trying to remember small phrases and set phrases. Firstly, this way you will master a larger volume of vocabulary, and secondly, your speaking and grammar skills will simultaneously improve.

By the way, developing the skill of speaking a foreign language is the most important factor in successful learning. And the more a person remembers accompanying words, connectives, phrases and phrases, the easier it is for him to start constructing entire sentences. Without the ability to speak, knowledge of a language will become a meaningless achievement, and soon the memorized words and rules will simply be erased from memory.

As an additional point, we emphasize that additional, a source for replenishing the vocabulary, various Internet platforms and mobile applications have proven themselves well. Their advantage is that they allow you to quickly become familiar with the spelling and pronunciation of new words, and also ensure that the material is repeated on time and is not forgotten.

But as a stand-alone tool, interactive applications have too many disadvantages:

  • small number of words;
  • learning without context;
  • too frequent repetitions;
  • paid features;
  • the ability to answer at random.

And if you can somehow put up with the first points, then the last line on the list causes irreparable damage to the educational process. Following the lead of laziness, we begin to mechanically poke at the button we remember, without even comparing the correct answer with the question. As a result, our learning English on your own Houses from scratch turns into an ordinary guessing game, and classes end before they even begin.

Getting to know grammar

In parallel with learning new words, it is necessary to become familiar with the grammatical component of the language. And here a new question arises: how to learn to work with grammar correctly?

1) It is necessary to choose an explanation of the theoretical material that will become easily understandable and accessible to you. It’s a good option to combine material from several manuals or articles on the topic - this way you will get the most complete picture of a given grammatical point.

2) Keep a folder with tabular material to help you learn English. At first, these tables will be a good cheat sheet, but with frequent practice, you won’t even notice how you remember most of the information presented in them.

3) Practice is the only way to learn English from scratch. It doesn’t matter whether you study at home or sign up for group courses. Each learned rule must be reinforced with practical exercises. Well-mastered material can be consolidated with online tests, and it is better to work through complex theory thoroughly by solving several exercises of various types.

The combination of all these stages is a complete answer to the question of how to learn English at home. Yes, this matter is not so simple, but this is how everyone who speaks English fluently today learned. In addition, if you choose the right teaching method, classes can easily be turned from a boring chore into a pleasant pleasure.

We try different methods and add variety to the educational process

Beginning In our search for an effective method of learning English from scratch, we come across many options. Let's list some of them.

Method Level of training Efficiency
Listening to audio recordings Beginner, intermediate Helps you learn vocabulary, practice correct pronunciation, and understand English by ear.

To make the task more challenging, listen to stories and audio books.

Reading English texts Beginner, intermediate Practicing reading skills, learning new vocabulary.

For beginners, it is better to use adapted literature with parallel Russian translation.
For intermediate-level students, reading texts in the original is useful for deepening their understanding of the language environment.

Working with cards Elementary Working on new vocabulary, learning irregular verbs in English.

It is better to compose cards yourself, because... When writing words by hand, the effect of “mechanical” memory is triggered.

Watching films Medium, high Getting to know spoken language, developing new vocabulary, improving listening comprehension, correcting pronunciation.

For a successful result, before turning to this method, you should lay a solid lexical and grammatical foundation. Therefore, it is recommended only for intermediate and advanced students.

Spoken communication All levels Communicating with a native speaker is the best way to quickly learn spoken language. It is recommended to start from the very first lessons: increase the level of knowledge and at the same time improve your speaking skills.
Artificial recreation of the language environment All levels Ability to use a foreign language as if it were your own.

Try to express your thoughts in English more often. Keeping daily records of your impressions of the past day helps with this.

We hope that the above arguments have dispelled skepticism about whether it is possible to pick up and learn English on your own. Everything is achievable - the main thing is to get together and start. And we have already told you how to set yourself in the right mood. Good luck in learning and improving English!

Hello dear readers!

How are you progressing in learning English? What methods and systems have you tried? Have you already chosen what's right for you?

Currently, there are many different offers on the educational services market. And, of course, for beginners learning a language, it is very difficult to navigate and make the right choice so that the learning is effective and brings results.

This article provides an overview of the best tutorials and gives my recommendations for improving the learning process.

About teaching methods

It is believed that The English language self-teacher will help you master the basic course quickly and without the help of a leader or mentor.. In addition, this is a less expensive way to learn a language, which is important. Therefore, quite a lot of people choose this method. Is all of the above actually true? Let's figure it out.

All English language tutorials can be divided into several types:

  1. traditional,
  2. to master spoken English,
  3. for an intensive course,
  4. copyright,
  5. art self-instruction books,
  6. tutorials from native speakers,
  7. online tutorials.

A good tutorial must include audio material.

Standard training

You can start learning from scratch using traditional methods, in which the presentation of material proceeds from simple to complex. Here you will receive information about the phonetic system, correct pronunciation, intonation, basic grammatical rules, and find useful tests and exercises.

One of the popular ones in this category is “The best self-teacher of the English language” by A. Petrova, I. Orlova.

Here one of the reviews on the popular website litres.ru, which reflects the entire essence and content of the textbook: “I liked this book right away... the text, simple and understandable drawings, a clear structure for presenting the material... Everything is clearly laid out on the shelves: we start with the basics and end at a significantly advanced level!”

Download the book on Litres

Download the book on Litres

Speech development

The following textbooks are suitable for mastering spoken English.

T. G. Trofimenko “Conversational English” . Without studying grammar, you can learn to construct the necessary phrases on your own. The technique presented here will help you remember the necessary words and expressions, as well as master pronunciation. This textbook is also suitable for children.

Download the book on Litres

N. Brel, N. Poslavskaya. “Course of spoken English in convenient formulas and dialogues” . This textbook is recommended for beginners and those who have difficulty speaking. It is designed to overcome the language barrier.

Download the book on Litres

M. Goldenkov. “Hot Dog Too. Spoken English” . A valuable guide from which you will learn about the features of modern language and slang, common idioms, and business correspondence.

Short terms

Intensive methods are mainly intended for training narrow specialists in any field. Here, acquaintance with new material goes in parallel with the consolidation of covered topics.

Book by S. Matveev “Fast English. A self-instruction manual for those who don’t know anything” It is interesting because the author presents the material in an extraordinary way, taking into account the psychological characteristics of mastering a foreign language, and makes different types of memory work. In this book you will find great reviews. “A good book that helps you learn the language from the very basics. Complex topics are explained clearly and clearly, English words are easily given" By the way, I have information about this author’s books.

Download the book on Litres

To gain knowledge about business correspondence, negotiations and telephone conversations, I advise you to use the manual S.A. Sheveleva “Business English in 20 minutes a day” .

Download the book on Litres

Author's methods

I would like to note the publication Dmitry Petrov, a famous linguist and polyglot. "English language. 16 lessons” is an initial language course that allows you to quickly start speaking English. You will learn the basic algorithms of the language, learn how to apply them in practice, and turn everything into a skill.

Download the book on Litres

Native speaker

Here you can highlight the textbook K.E. Eckersley “English Language Self-Teacher”. It is suitable for students of universities and colleges. Wonderful presentation, a lot of regional material, a cool selection of examples and exercises will make learning easy.

Download the book on Litres

Online tutorials

Lingualeo . This service can rightfully deserve the title of a tutorial. Therefore, feel free register and use it - it's free. And besides this - interesting, easy, effective! I wrote about this service on the blog pages - for example, here.

If you want step-by-step work, then feel free to purchase a paid course « English from scratch». After this, you can switch to grammar by purchasing the course « Grammar for Beginners» . Also take the course « About yourself and loved ones in English». I am writing all this for those who do not know where to start the process here. I think you will succeed!

Another interesting and increasingly popular online tutorial is Lim-English. This simulator is aimed at the simultaneous development of listening, reading, writing and speaking. Study for 30 minutes a day and your English level will improve significantly! I tried it and really liked it - now you are sure you will enjoy it and get results!

Currently, almost all books have electronic versions. Of course, they can be downloaded for free, but the world does not stand still. Everything is changing, revised and improved publishing houses are coming out. Therefore, in my opinion, it would be a better decision to buy a textbook. You will receive high-quality material for a small fee and appreciate the author’s work. If you are not a beginner, choose audiobooks, they will improve your perception of foreign speech and pronunciation.

So, to the conclusions

Yes, tutorials can be used, it’s especially worth paying attention to those that come with audio reinforcement. But be prepared for the fact that during the learning process you will have a huge number of questions. And you won’t be able to find answers to all of them on your own. And the search will take up too much of your time. Is it worth wasting such a colossal amount of time? After all, time, as you know, also costs money.

In my opinion, for productive and effective studying, as well as achieving results as quickly as possible, work on the self-instruction manual should be combined. He will be able to monitor your training once every week or two and purposefully lead you to a new level.

English can rightfully be called the language of “world communication” - more than half of the population of planet Earth speaks it. However, English now is not just a means of communication and a way to broaden your horizons.

English is the key to success, since at all international events, communication takes place in English and not a single successful company with a worldwide reputation will hire a specialist without at least knowledge of English.

In the age of the Internet and high technology, to the classic sources of information, such as books, magazines, dictionaries, etc., various audio and video aids, webinars, as well as online games and tutorials have been added for easy and quick language acquisition.

Which method to choose depends on:

  • learning goals,
  • desired level of knowledge,
  • required skill: reading, writing, speaking or understanding language, etc.

Having decided what goal you are pursuing, choose a priority method of learning.

But, in any case, it is better to systematically develop your knowledge in all areas, since in English, as in any other, the beauty and culture of speech depends on compliance with all requirements: grammatical, phonetic, semantic, spelling, etc.

When and how is it better to start learning English?

In the field of education, the main indicator is not the age of the student, but his desire and desire for knowledge, willingness to work independently, his endurance and willpower.

Of course, the easiest way to start learning English is in childhood. Words learned in preschool and primary school age leave a memory for many years.

Over time, a preschooler’s rich vocabulary can easily be “transformed” into literate speech structures, and he himself will not notice how he has learned to speak a foreign language.

In this regard, we can say with confidence that age does not matter in learning English.

When learning a language on your own, the main indicator of readiness for learning is a person’s awareness, the presence of clear goals, as well as the strength and capabilities to achieve them.

If we touch on the issue of age, then the only thing it will affect is the way the information is presented.

  1. Determine the purpose for which you want to learn the language.
  • For example, if you want to learn English to conduct business correspondence with business partners, then you will need to pay more attention to grammar and spelling, learn the rules of writing and conducting official correspondence in English. The best books to study are business magazines, and the best way to study is to write letters.
  • If you want to feel like you belong among the English-speaking population, are planning to travel or make a foreign friend, then you need to pay attention to phonetics, spelling, semantics and lexicology. The best books to study are periodicals and media, works of contemporary writers, as well as various English-language youth forums, and the best way to study is to talk a lot.
  • If you want to move to work abroad, then you will need to work on all points of language learning, as well as learn professional vocabulary. The same situation applies to those who wish to study in an English-speaking institution.

However, you should not focus on only one direction; in any case, in the process of communication you will have to both write and speak. Develop all areas evenly.

  1. Determine the period within which you want to learn the language. This is necessary in order to be able to create a curriculum, or simply determine the number of words required to be memorized every day.
  2. Create a study plan. Unfortunately, many people neglect this point, considering the curriculum a waste of time. However, only with the help of a plan you will be able to:
  • Firstly, do not miss all the topics necessary to study;
  • Secondly, analyze the dynamics of your learning.

The curriculum is both a way to organize the learning process and the simplest way of self-control.

  1. Make a schedule for learning the language. Time management, as a culture of planning personal activities, encourages all people who want to achieve success in the areas they are implementing to draw up a plan for their day and keep a list of necessary things to do. This is important not only from the point of view of the correct organization of working time, but also from the point of view of human nature - the brain tries to complete the task written down on paper first.

How to start learning English from scratch on your own?

Today, among English language teachers there are many opinions about: what is the best way to start learning the language?

Many refer to the fact that it is necessary to first learn the rules of using the language, and then expand your vocabulary, learn to write, read and speak.

There is also the opposite opinion - just like learning your native language, you first need to “create” a vocabulary, and then learn to read, speak and write.

Which method to choose is up to you. But the truth is unchanged, the main thing is to teach.

If you do not have any understanding of the language and your level is “zero”, i.e. Beginner, then it is better to start studying it with children’s literature and textbooks for children 7-10 years old.

Unlike books for preschoolers, the information presented in them is not so primitive.

If your level is Elementary, which is no longer Beginner, but your maximum knowledge of the language is the phrase “London the capital of great Britain,” which is no longer small, but also not enough, you can start learning the language from books for older children.

However, in the first and second cases it is necessary to learn from the basics.

The main points of study are:

  1. Reading rules;
  2. Pronunciation rules;
  3. Grammar rules;
  4. Creation and expansion of vocabulary.
  5. Learning the rules of reading English

Studying the rules of reading should begin with studying the English alphabet. This is necessary in order to learn how to correctly pronounce sounds, with the peculiarities inherent in a given language.

You should also pay attention to mastering the rules of pronunciation of consonants and main letter combinations. Without this basic knowledge, you will not be able to read correctly.

Clarifying the pronunciation of words

In English, like in any other language, there are exceptions. Including the rules of reading and pronunciation of words. Many words that came into English from other languages ​​do not follow any pronunciation rules.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to this category of words and learn their pronunciation, as they say, “by heart.”

Formation of vocabulary

Contrary to popular belief, you need to expand your vocabulary not by memorizing individual words, but by memorizing phrases and even entire sentences.

This method is the most effective and, due to the fact that the word is remembered in its context, allows you to learn not 30 words in the same time, as would be the case in the first case, but 2,3 or 4 times more.

Also, this technique also helps to remember several meanings of the same word at once.

You can start simple:

  • Write down, translate into English and memorize your most common phrases and everyday sentences;
  • Learn English poems and children's stories;
  • Learn the lyrics to your favorite songs in a foreign language.

Get yourself your own personal dictionary and write down the words and phrases you learn in it. Create a special section with words that are difficult to memorize and pay more attention to it.

Studying grammar

Grammar is rightfully considered one of the most difficult sections in learning English. However, this opinion is wrong. There are not so many rules in English compared to others, which is why it received its status as a “language of international communication”.

However, the rules do not need to be memorized, they need to be understood. So instead of memorizing them, do as many practical grammar exercises as possible.

If you are tired of learning English for years?

Those who attend even 1 lesson will learn more than in several years! Surprised?

No homework. No cramming. No textbooks

From the course “ENGLISH BEFORE AUTOMATION” you:

  • Learn to write competent sentences in English without memorizing grammar
  • Learn the secret of a progressive approach, thanks to which you can reduce English learning from 3 years to 15 weeks
  • You will check your answers instantly+ get a thorough analysis of each task
  • Download the dictionary in PDF and MP3 formats, educational tables and audio recordings of all phrases

View news in English

In order to learn to understand English speech, you need to not only listen to it, but also read it. The easiest way is to read the news feed of one of the English newspapers.

This is useful not only from the point of view of learning the language, but also from the point of view of general development and knowledge of the world, as well as foreign culture. The news is written in accessible and simple language, it contains many frequently used words in everyday life, therefore, reading the news will be simple and useful for you.

Read simple texts

Reading is one of the main ways to learn any language. Reading books will help you speak beautifully. Of course, all the most beautiful phrases and phraseological units for beautiful speech are contained in classical literature.

However, reading it requires a large vocabulary, therefore, at the first stages of learning the language, read simple texts.

Install useful apps

Today, on the Internet, as well as in any mobile software store, there are many applications that allow you to learn English anywhere and at any time.

It is convenient because it is very simple and mobile. You can learn a language while waiting in line at the doctor's office, while commuting to work, or waiting for a friend in the park.

The most popular applications on the market are:

  • Words– the purpose of the application is to increase vocabulary. The learning process takes place through various games, as well as interesting tasks aimed at memory training.
  • Easy ten– the principle of operation of the application is similar to Words, but here, in addition to visual memorization of words, it is also possible to listen to their correct pronunciation, which develops auditory memory.
  • Busuu– the application allows you to study speech structures rather than individual words, which is considered a more effective way of memorizing a language and expanding your vocabulary. The application provides for the writing of short texts and their subsequent verification.
  • Polyglot– the application has a rich base of teaching aids that accompany each task. The intended purpose is to study grammar, but also to expand vocabulary.
  • English: speaking American– the purpose of this application is to increase your level of perception and understanding of English speech by listening to dialogues, composing and translating them.

Study online

The Internet can also be useful for learning English. On the World Wide Web, many sites are ready to open their pages to you, designed with the goal of helping you, for a reasonable fee, become a real polyglot.

An undeniable advantage of online resources for learning English is the inexpensive cost of subscription (about 1000 rubles per year) and a fairly extensive content of teaching aids: rules, tasks and games that will help, if not simplify the process of learning the language, then certainly make it more interesting.

The “top” online tutorials are:

  1. Lingualeo– the resource contains many tasks and games, allowing you to create a personal program for learning the language. The intended purpose is to study English grammar, as well as develop vocabulary and skills in perceiving English speech.
  1. Duolingo– the principle of operation of the resource is similar to Lingualeo. And the main purpose is the same - to study English grammar and consolidate the acquired knowledge. However, its advantage is the ability to study words not separately from each other, but in context, which is the most effective way to expand your vocabulary.
  1. Puzzle-english is an online gaming resource for language learning, similar to Lingualeo and Duolingo. However, its intended purpose is to develop listening skills. In this regard, the main educational gaming content on the site are audio and video games.

Our century, rightfully, is considered a century of opportunities, in the field of education - first of all. All kinds of programs, tutorials, games and applications try to diversify the boring process of learning English and improve it.

The Internet is replete with various teaching aids available for download, and in any bookstore you will find many books on the English language.

Now, to learn English, you don’t need to attend expensive courses; you just need to have a goal, stock up on the necessary literature, in any format convenient for you, and consistently move towards your goal - to become a native speaker.

How to learn English on your own at home from scratch? So that the phrase “Landan from the Capital of Great Britain” is not your only signature, we have collected the best tips for you! Choose what you like best.


If you want to quickly learn English on your own at home from scratch, then you should stick to some system. It is similar to the system used in physical training and covers all areas when learning a foreign language.

There are only five points that you must master:

  • grammar;
  • reading;
  • lexicon;
  • listening;
  • speaking.

The point of the system is that every day you should devote 15-20 minutes of your time to a specific item.

Day 1: Grammar

Grammar is the basis of everything. First, you should remember all the pronouns, tenses, irregular verbs and exceptions.

§English course from Dmitry Petrov and from the channel "Culture". In just 16 lessons, the teacher will introduce you to the basics of the English language, using his individual system.

§Channel English Galaxy will tell you how to learn English on your own at home from scratch and for free. The channel presents a huge number of lessons that will help you master a foreign language.

Native speakers use only 4 tenses in everyday speech: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple and Present Continuous. Well, they also love the passive voice. This is enough for the elementary level.

Useful software

The Duolingo app will explain the basics of English grammar. You will need to devote only 10-15 minutes of free time a day to the language. The application will teach you simple grammar and translation of basic things.

You shouldn't sit studying English for 4-5 hours. 15-20 minutes a day is enough. There may be 3 or 4 such days a week.

Day 2: Reading

Start with the simplest texts. Let these be children's books about bunnies, cats and foxes. But you will understand everything that happens there. Books can be found in large book houses or ordered online.

Yes, e-books are cool, but it’s better to print the text or buy a book in English. So you can write the translation of a word right above the English word. Like they used to do at school.

In addition to books, you can find websites, entertainment portals or blogs in English that talk about things that interest you. The most important thing is that you should like it. If you are more interested in reading technical texts, then why do you need to know about how God sent a piece of cheese to the crow? Read what you want.

§Books in English for beginners (level elementary):

  • Peppa Pig (books about Peppa Pig);
  • Danny and the Dinosaur (Denny and the Dinosaur);
  • Winnie the Pooh (Winnie the Pooh);
  • Moomin and the Moonlight Adventure (adventures of Moommi Troll);
  • When Lulu Went to the Zoo (When Lulu went to the Zoo).


  • The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
  • Alice in Wonderland
  • Mary Poppins (The Adventures of Merry Poppins)
  • The Black Cat (Edgar Poe)/(Black Cat)
  • The Gift of the Magi (Gift of the Magi).

§Books in English for level advanced:

Yes, you are the God of English! Read either “Harry Potter” in the original or “The Lord of the Rings”.

  • The Time Machine;
  • The Invisible Man;
  • Pride and Prejudice;
  • Four Weddings and a Funeral;
  • The Grass is Singing.

Day 3: Vocabulary

How to learn English on your own at home quickly? You need to expand your vocabulary. You can combine this day with the second day if you wish. While reading, write down all the unfamiliar words that catch your eye.

Get a dictionary

Get your own personal dictionary so you don’t lose all the words, because not everything can fit in your head. This could be a notebook or notepad.

§1 option: unknown English word | Russian translation

§Option 2: unknown English word | explanation of word translation in English

§3 option: unknown English word | explanation of word translation in English | Russian translation

Useful software

A cool app that will help you remember foreign words is called Easy Ten.

  • You can choose the words you want to learn yourself;
  • you can choose the difficulty level of words;
  • there is a pronunciation of words;
  • there are examples of phrases using a specific word;
  • Russian translation;
  • The application sends notifications every half hour; the word being studied with translation is displayed on the screen, which contributes to better memorization.
  • The application is paid, only 3 free days are given.

Translate the menu of your phone or work computer into English. The most basic words in English will always be before your eyes.

Day 4: Listening

Forget about those stupid cassettes of terrible quality that they played for us at school. Because of the noise, you were just starting to listen to the boring text about some newspapers, business and cap of the company, and the dialogue was already ending. And you didn’t have time to catch anything. How to easily learn English on your own at home?

Watch and listen to what interests you:

  • foreign YouTube channels;
  • interesting and educational videos;
  • tracks and clips in English.

Both TV series and YouTube videos come with subtitles. Just press the Play button and enjoy. Try to protect yourself as much as possible with the English language so that you can get used to it, and then you will automatically understand everything that is said, and without subtitles.

Day 5: Speaking

If you have a friend or acquaintance who speaks perfect English, talk to him more often. But if you don’t have such people nearby, this is not a reason to be upset.

§How to learn spoken English on your own at home? You need to communicate with the indigenous people, who ideally own it. The Hello talk application will help with this. You simply register, indicate your level of English, your interests, tell about yourself and look for friends from different countries. It's like a small global social network.

Pros of the application:

  • You can improve your level of knowledge of any language;
  • communicate with people from different countries;
  • help them learn your native language;
  • if you wrote or said something incorrectly, your interlocutor will correct you;
  • you can correct other people too;
  • ability to record audio messages;
  • the ability to share your moments and photos;
  • likes and comments are present.

§A similar application with similar functionality is Tandem.

§You can also recommend the fiverr resource. There you can find a person who speaks English as a native speaker and talk to him on Skype. The service is paid.

Useful channels, sites and applications

How to learn English on your own at home from scratch and for free? We have collected several methods and tips for you! Take what you like.


Here are some useful channels:

Learn English with Papa Teach Me

Channel of a guy who teaches English in English! Everything is super simple and clear!

Skyeng: online English school

A cute girl teaches English through songs, series, videos, TV shows and much more. An interesting and educational channel for anyone who doesn’t know how to learn English on their own at home from scratch.


How many have seen videos of foreigners listening to Russian music? Venya has a lot of such videos in which you can see the reactions of various people to CIS content. Venya also travels a lot around the world, teaches English and shares a lot of life hacks.

Marina Mogilko

A Russian girl who founded her own business and went to live in the USA talks about her life, her work, the pros and cons of America. And she is simply beautiful!

English Maria

A great English teacher who teaches the way she wants. And, by the way, she does it quite well!

Applications and websites

In addition to the above applications, several more can be noted:


Interactive learning of the English language, where everything is collected: grammar, speaking, reading, listening. Completing tasks is easy and simple. And most importantly, it’s not boring. Also LinguLeo has its own website that helps you learn the language.

§English with Puzzle English

U Puzzle English There is both a website and an application. This is a great project that is suitable for those who want to learn English. The point is that you need to use puzzles to assemble a complete picture of audio, video or text. You can also find a huge number of interesting articles and memes. Well, where would we be without games?

If you urgently need to check a text in English, then entrust this task to native speakers. On the site you can ask for help editing your article or essay.

§Sites with double subtitles

Movies with double subtitles will help you learn English at home from scratch. You can find them on the following sites:

As you can see, learning English on your own at home from scratch and for free is quite possible. Do, read and watch only what you like. Feel the language, catch its rhythm. And soon you will not feel embarrassed when speaking English, and will be able to express your thoughts clearly.

Let mi speak from may hart,

Thanks for your time!

For everyone who is tired of monotonous cramming and incomprehensible grammar tasks, the AIN portal has collected sites for learning English. All of them are free, targeted at different users and built in different formats. We hope you find something for yourself.

Free websites can help you learn English. Photo: Depositphotos

  1. Duolingo is one of the most popular services for learning foreign languages ​​from scratch. The project is financially supported by Google Capital, Ashton Kutcher and other good investors. The program is built in the form of a “tree of achievements”: in order to move to a new level, you must first score a certain number of points, which are given for correct answers. There are applications for iOS and Android.

2. LearnEnglish - materials for learning English are collected here in different formats: lessons, games, chats, etc. The site is available in English.

3. Situational English - suggests learning English through situations. The site contains about 150 articles, which, depending on the context, offer ready-made expressions and reactions. Materials are available in Russian.

4. Real-english.com - a site with lessons, articles and videos. Also available in Russian.

5. Eslpod.com - users are encouraged to work with podcasts, all of them are available on iTunes for free. There is also the opportunity to study with printouts of podcasts and dictionaries.

6. Learn American English online - all material is divided into levels and highlighted in a certain color for convenience. And teacher Paul explains grammar in video format.

7. Learnathome is a Russian service, convenient in that a lesson plan is created for the student every day, which can be completed in 30 minutes. Before starting, the user is recommended to take a quick test that will determine the level of language proficiency. If you skip the test, the service will install the program for the elementary level.

8. Edu-station is a Russian-language site where you can not only watch video lectures, work with notes and books, but also with an interactive dictionary. There is paid content.

9. Ororo.tv - a service for learning English while watching films and popular TV series. The video player has a built-in translator in which you need to select the Russian language.

10. Film-english - a website for learning a language using short films, created by English teacher Kieran Donahue, winner of a number of prestigious educational awards in the UK.

11. TuneintoEnglish - the site offers to learn English with the help of music. Here you can take dictation of song lyrics, sing karaoke, find exercises for the lyrics, and guess what song is being talked about using diagrams.

12. FreeRice - a simulator for replenishing your English vocabulary with grammar exercises and tests. The service is supported by the United Nations World Food Programme, so the classes are designed like a game - for every correct answer you get a little rice to feed the hungry.

13. Memrise - the site is available in English. During the training, the user is asked to choose a meme to better remember the word or create their own associative image. Then you need to perform exercises on choosing the correct answer and listening to the word. The service is also available for iOS and Android.

14. Myspelling - a useful site for those who want to improve their spelling in English. The user is asked to listen to the word, then write it.

15. ManyThings - the site is aimed at those who are preparing for tests or exams in English. There are sections for practicing pronunciation (American, English), idioms, slang, etc.

16. ExamEnglish is suitable for those preparing for an international English exam (IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, etc.).

17. Babeleo - here you can read books in the original with a professional translation before your eyes. The books are available for free to review, but to access the full versions you must subscribe.

18. Begin-English - English for beginners. A large selection of a wide variety of educational materials that students and graduate students of Moscow State University collected at volunteer ambushes.

19.List-English - selection and classification of materials for learning English: online dictionaries, schools, forums, translators, tutors, tests, school textbooks, video courses, games, YouTube channels, podcasts and much more. New users are encouraged to download a 10-step plan that will help them learn more easily.

20. Englishtips.org - all English textbooks are collected here and are available for downloading or reading online.



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