Higher education abroad. Free study abroad

Alexander Ryzhakov

With a diploma from a Canadian university, labor markets around the world open up for you, and at the same time, it is in Canada that you can create something of your own and be successful. If you want to succeed, remember the word 'Networking'. Once you master this art, you will achieve tremendous results in North America as a whole. Studying in Canada is interesting and rewarding. Humber College hosts various events and, if you have the time and desire, you can take part in them and feel the true atmosphere of Canadian education. Another advantage is the multinational composition of the student body. In my group there were both Canadians and representatives of the USA, Portugal, Japan and other countries. Such diversity gives brightness and dynamism to the knowledge gained."

Daria Rogozhnikova

The main difference between the Dutch education system is its focus on self-learning. This does not mean at all that the student is left to his own devices. You can get help or clarification from teachers at any time. For quite a long time I had to fight within myself the ban on expressing my own opinion in the process of writing academic essays and papers. In the Netherlands, the key phrase in academic essays is “I think”, and in class you are constantly asked “What do you think?”, and this approach is seriously different from what is practiced in Russian universities.

My advice is to start collecting and preparing the necessary documents in advance! It took me a couple of months to create from scratch a description of the disciplines and course literature I completed in Russia. If you plan to take a year to look for a job after graduation, I advise you not to miss out on internship opportunities while studying. This will significantly increase your chances of subsequent employment, since Dutch recruiters do not really trust work experience gained in their home country.

Kristina Zaporozhets

My specialty is called post-secondary business-marketing.

The duration of this course is 4 semesters.

You can go to study 3 times a year: September, January and May.

Immediately before studying, each college student receives his own personal number and password. This is necessary so that everyone can log into their personal account on the college website and view all the necessary information, namely:

  • a list of subjects that will be available in the next semester;
  • homework;
  • advertisements of various kinds.

What is most convenient is that every college event is sent to every student by email. And no one can miss anything. As for the schedule, each student can choose it himself. The main thing is that at the end of the semester the rating in each subject should not be lower than 50%.

I'm in my second semester now. I have 6 subjects plus finance mathematics, which I study remotely. This means that I have a book with an assignment after each module. I must complete it and email it to the instructor. He, accordingly, checks and, in turn, sends an assessment and any adjustments to my email. This is very convenient, since it is possible to complete tasks at a time that is convenient.

Usually 1-2 subjects per day for 2-3 hours. Small breaks are given during the lesson for 10-15 minutes. All teachers treat each student with understanding, are always ready to help, and are easy-going. There is no inequality. On the contrary, Canadians even respect foreign students for their, so to speak, courage to go abroad, study in another language, and live without loved ones. What is interesting is that every student does not rush home from college to relax! Centennial has everything you need to study and relax!

For example, for studying there are several libraries with a huge number of desks, computers, closed/open study rooms, and printers. You can borrow a laptop for 4 hours completely free of charge and use it within the educational institution.

All those books that you need to buy for your studies can be purchased from the College Bookstore. There is also a gym, basketball, football, table tennis, fitness, and spa.

What really surprised me were the places to sleep! In fact, there are such kind of couches in the most peaceful place of the college, where you can lie down and relax! And in the student center there is a room with game consoles. And moreover, of course, those who are over 19 years old can drink alcoholic beverages within a certain room called the Bar. It’s like the slogan: “It’s better to drink in college than somewhere on the street!” =)

The college constantly hosts events, meetings regarding immigration, work, etc. As for food, there is a cafeteria where you can buy various types of food from Indian and Chinese cuisine, fast food from Subway, coffee and donuts from Tim Hortons, and you can also heat up what you brought with you in the microwave. In general, the college is open until 22-00. Therefore, you can have plenty of exercise, socialize and find new friends from almost 100 countries of the world!

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Kristina Turlakova

Studying in England was a real gift of fate for me, which radically changed my life. While still studying for a bachelor's degree, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to continue my master's studies abroad. I chose to study in England because UK universities are considered one of the best in the world. It is quite difficult to enter the university directly, so I decided to enroll in the ONCAMPUS Pre-Masters program at Birkbeck University in London. The purpose of the preparatory course was to prepare students to study in English, gradually including the study of complex subjects and academic writing skills: term papers and essays. The requirements for admission to the Pre-Masters are significantly lower than to the Master's program, so you can enroll in the preparatory program with low grades and a relatively weak command of the English language.

After completing the Pre-Masters, I had an advantage in admission, and some universities allowed me to enroll in master’s programs without exams. During my preparatory program, I spent a long time choosing the university I would like to attend. I needed an educational institution that would have a strong business school with a specialty in management.

I chose between Queen Mary University of London and University of Westminster. I liked Westminster Business School better and am very happy with my choice. The duration of the master's degree is one year and it was the most intense year of my life. I believe that without the Pre-Masters program it would have been much more difficult for me. The program was clearly aimed at developing practical skills in the business industry. The teachers are very friendly, they will always help and advise. Very often guest speakers came - people working in the business industry and having extensive professional experience. Graduates with diplomas from English universities are in great demand in the world; the starting salary is significantly higher than that of others.

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Maya Zyuzina

1st year student at Lindenwood University

I attended Lindenwood University through a scholarship program that covers 50% of my study abroad. To participate in the program, you had to pass the TOEFL with at least 61 points, and also have good grades for the last 3 years of school. I am a student majoring in World History. If a student is studying in the humanities, then he must take 2 science subjects, and if the student mainly studies science, then he must take 2 humanitarian subjects. In addition to the main subjects, I can take electives - additional courses from different areas of knowledge. Or you can become a double major, then you have the opportunity to get 2 degrees at once.

American education is distinguished by detailed study of the subject. In each semester you take 5-6 subjects, but you study these subjects in great detail, which allows you to really understand the subject, its essence and purpose. The essence of American education is self-education: the student reads textbooks at home, studies, prepares for the lesson, and during the lesson they, together with the teacher, analyze the material they have read. The teacher explains that it is not clear, the teacher is a consultant. There are no lectures here that are familiar to us, and the main thing is the ability to analyze and assume, and not memorize or cram, as is customary with us. So I have to relearn. Learning is difficult, but interesting.

Another positive thing about education in the USA is that if, after studying for six months, you realize that you don’t like your major, you can change more, or add new courses, or remove them. The teachers are wonderful, competent, try to diversify the lesson, help the student in any situation, explain the material clearly, you can work with them as tutors at any time. You can take various sports classes. Right now I am doing fitness, and next semester I am planning Art of dance, where I will study different types of dances and their history.

The university has many foreign students from all over the world, people are very positive, responsive, smiling, ready to help you at any time, which really surprised me. I live in a dorm, in a room with one girl, and we share a bathroom with two other girls. Everything is clean, no problems. There are two canteens on campus, with a large selection of food.

If you are finishing school and thinking about studying in the US, fear not! But know that you will have to study all day long and do a lot of homework. Although learning is hard, it is interesting, and you will spend your energy on the things you need.

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Nikita Maksimov, 22 years old

What do I like about university? All! As soon as I arrived at the university, my eyes began to run wild. Everything here is like in movies, pictures and books: students lie on the grass, eat, communicate, read books. The large university campus is located next to the park, and a stream splits the university buildings into two halves. Somewhere nearby, guys are playing volleyball. Once a month, the university hosts a free BBQ where all students can gather and enjoy lunch together.

I'm studying to become a psychologist in Australia. Initially, there is a colossal difference in the education systems of Russia and Australia. In Russia, I completed a bachelor's degree in economics, although, to be honest, there is not much knowledge left in the field of economics. This is not because I am stupid or lazy, but because the education system is radically different. In Russia, you can skip classes for a whole semester, prepare for the exam, get your C grade and relax. Here in Australia, you feel that the teacher’s job is to give you knowledge and understanding of the subject. I've only been studying for 1 semester, but I feel like I'm a much better psychologist here than an economist in Russia.

There is a lot of practice in our training: students are divided into groups and given exciting tasks to consolidate their acquired knowledge. Each teacher has his own methodology for conducting classes and awarding points. For example, a teacher of the subject health behavior gave us a take-home test every week during the semester, consisting of ten questions, in which you can use the Internet, textbooks and other sources. For each solved test, we earned certain “credits,” which are awarded as we complete the subject. Therefore, to successfully pass the semester, you can only work hard in classes, repeat the material at home, and write a good final test.

The teachers here behave professionally, setting a model of behavior and an example to follow. They are always ready to answer any question and help with any problem. From the first semester we are already taught how to “be psychologists”. What to do, what not to do, how to look at the client, how to maintain posture, how to communicate the time, and so on. What did I take in my first semester of economics? Theory, theory, and theory again... In my opinion, it is the attitude of teachers and the style of teaching that are the key components of a successful university educational system.

Initially, I chose to study in the cities of Perth or Melbourne. Perth is a quiet city in the western part of the mainland. Melbourne is the cultural capital of Australia, where concerts, festivals and other events are constantly held. The location of the city played a role in my choice. From Melbourne, cities such as Sydney, Canberra and the Gold Coast are within an hour's flight distance. Due to the huge number of parks, gardens and boulevards, Melbourne is often called the “garden city”, and the state of Victoria has been known as the “Garden State” since the 19th century. Having lived in Russia for 22 years, you understand that our cities sometimes lack the color green, which I more than find here.

Upon completion of my studies, I plan to work either as a private psychologist or as a children’s psychologist. Working with children will not let you get bored, and working as a private psychologist promises a more interesting career advancement.

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Sergey Zemchikhin

I want to get a prestigious European business education and Holland provides an opportunity not only to gain relevant knowledge that is in demand on the labor market, but also to undergo an internship and gain work experience in a European company. For a person studying international business, this is a big plus...

Free higher education in Europe is available not only to residents of the European Union, but also to students from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other post-Soviet countries. Many European countries finance the education sector so much that free education is available to everyone. Obviously, to obtain it, it is necessary to meet a number of established requirements imposed by governments and universities in various countries.

European education is traditionally and deservedly considered one of the best and highest quality. Applicants and students from different parts of the world seek to study at universities in Europe. Such education is the real key to a successful career in an equally successful country.

The big disadvantage for Russian students in such educational institutions has always been the tuition fee. As a rule, it was high even for residents of European countries, and even more so for the average citizen of a post-Soviet state. However, for some time now Europeans have realized that by investing public money in the training of specialists, the country is making an invaluable investment. This has led to the fact that today there are a number of countries and many programs that allow you to get a completely free education in the European Union (well, or for a very nominal fee even by the standards of CIS residents).

In which language can you get free education in Europe?

Well, it is obvious that in most programs knowledge of the English language is relevant. However, there are also national characteristics. Wider opportunities open up for a student if he knows the language of the country in which he is studying. In Germany, for example, you cannot study for a medical specialty in English. And in the future of employment, knowledge of the official language of the host country will be useful.

At the same time, it is quite possible to find a program in which studies will be carried out in English. At the same time, you can learn local languages, which will be useful for further socialization and employment. The opportunity to study in English for free is available in countries such as Germany, the Czech Republic, Finland and others.

Some European universities offer a preparatory course, in which the student will learn the language of the country. As a rule, such courses are also free or with a nominal fee.

Another feature of European education is the inconsistency of the Russian secondary education system with most European countries, where 12-year education is provided. At the same time, a number of universities require documents confirming the completion of a twelve-year course. For Russian applicants, the problem can be solved by entering local universities and completing one or two courses.

Where can you get a free European education?

Below is a list of countries in which you can study for free or for a nominal fee (up to a thousand euros per year). Studying there is available to foreigners.

  • Austria. Public Austrian universities offer admission without entrance tests/exams (except for English or German). You need primary higher education (at least 1 year) in your home country. A preparatory year for language learning is possible. In some cases, enrollment directly after high school is permitted.
  • Germany. A wide range of specialties are offered. There are no entrance exams, only a language test. There are many English-language courses, however, the competition for them is very high. A minimum of 2 years of study at a university in your home country is required. A preparatory year is possible after completing only one course at a Russian university.
  • Greece. Training is conducted in Greek, however, upon admission, a language proficiency test is not required. Enrollment occurs without exams and is possible immediately after completing secondary education.
  • Spain. You can enroll in state universities immediately after school. Entrance tests are provided. Training takes place in Spanish. After completing the first year in your home country, you can enter a Spanish university without exams.
  • Italy. It is possible to study in English. Upon admission, language proficiency is tested. Primary education at a university in your home country is required (one to two years). There are entrance tests for a number of specializations and areas.
  • Norway. State universities accept students immediately after graduation. Languages ​​of instruction: Norwegian, English.
  • Finland. Educational programs and courses are provided in English. You can enter public higher education institutions immediately after school. Predominantly there are entrance exams. There is an opportunity to go to college after school.
  • France. Support for programs in English. It is necessary to confirm knowledge of the language. Admission occurs without preliminary exams and tests. A high school diploma with good grades is required.
  • Poland. The courses are taught in Polish, which, by the way, is not so difficult to master for those who speak Russian, Ukrainian or Belarusian. Applicants are admitted based on a competition of certificates. There are paid, relatively inexpensive training programs in English (within 2 thousand euros per year).
  • Portugal. You need to know Portuguese and pass the entrance exam. Admission is allowed immediately upon completion of secondary education.
  • Czech Republic. Studying in Czech is free at public universities. The possibility of admission after school is allowed. Enrollment can be carried out with a properly executed power of attorney (without the presence of the applicant and without a language test). Basic knowledge of the language is required to begin studying. It is possible to find educational programs in other languages ​​(including English). Their prices start from a thousand euros per semester.

In addition, there is no fee for obtaining higher education in Slovenia and Luxembourg. For example, in Iceland you only need to pay an administration fee of 100 to 250 euros.

Despite the possibility of obtaining an excellent higher education in Europe completely free or very inexpensively, there is an opinion that the costs of accommodation and food in EU countries will be prohibitive for immigrants from Russia and other post-Soviet countries. Current expenses for students in the European Union, of course, exist and they are:

  • about 40-150 euros – semester fee for educational materials, stationery, copies;
  • housing and food - in Europe, a student can get these benefits cheaper than in the Russian capital (rental housing, for example, ranges from 200 to 400 euros, and, in general, accommodation costs are somewhere between 900 euros per month).

Thus, higher education in Europe is available to Russian applicants both in terms of conditions and finances. Many free programs make it even more attractive for people from the CIS countries. At the same time, as a rule, there is also a chance to learn one of the European languages. And this greatly increases the competitiveness of the future certified specialist when finding employment in a European country.

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Education abroad has always been perceived not only as a sign of quality and prestige, but also as a thoughtful investment in future life. Education received abroad becomes a starting point platform for career growth Moreover, it is an excellent way to broaden your horizons, gain invaluable experience and skills, and an opportunity to become a full-fledged member of the world community.

Foreign education is necessary primarily for those who connect their future work with one of the foreign countries. A document confirming graduation from a university in Europe or America will be necessary for a person who wants to get a job in the Russian representative office of an American or European company. The knowledge acquired at a foreign educational institution will help climb the career ladder. In the end, a significant number of Russians prefer to educate their children abroad with the aim of subsequently transferring the family business into their hands.

The field of study must be chosen in accordance with the wishes, inclinations, abilities and interests of the person entering the university. Of course, there are certain features with this approach that cannot be ignored. For example, for a future physicist or mathematician or Russian language philologist, there is no need to attend a foreign university. But it will be very useful for studying the laws of doing business, financial management, features of the international market and management. In such areas of knowledge, a foreign diploma still means much more than a Russian one, and therefore, to achieve serious goals, you need to study in the West. The same applies to those wishing to receive a musical education or, for example, to study the epic of Ancient Germany at a professional level. A very good reason for studying in another country is getting to know its customs, the way of life of people, their way of life and morals.

There are two features of preschool education abroad: teaching children foreign languages ​​and their physical development. In conversations between parents, the question of when to start learning foreign languages ​​occupies almost the main place.

According to Glen Doman, who is director of the Institute for the Development of Human Potential, located in America (Philadelphia), the highest rate of human brain development is observed before the age of three. But the modern education system provides for the beginning of the learning process after the end of this period. And all the knowledge that can be acquired before the age of six the first time is studied for several years in a row. Therefore, it is best to learn languages ​​before school.

The founder of Sony Corporation, engineer, businessman Masaru Ibuka, who created innovative methods of child development and wrote the book “After Three It’s Too Late,” also confirms this point of view. According to him, the program of teaching children exclusively after the age of three is very often discussed. However, at this time the human brain is already almost 80% developed, and it is worth thinking about focusing on learning before the age of three.

As proven by modern science, language learning develops the human brain in preschool age. A child who grew up in a bilingual environment is much better able to understand the world around him compared to a child who knows only one language.

But preschool education abroad is characterized by more than one positive feature. Developed European countries do not create a unified system of preschool education, so a child can be sent to a kindergarten whose curriculum contains exactly the material that can interest the child himself.

For children, for example, who love to draw, you can choose a kindergarten with an artistic focus (of course, this includes not only drawing, but also music, dancing, and any other activity). Then, after graduating from kindergarten, the abilities of such children will develop even more, taking into account their proficiency in reading and writing. Such a system of preschool education abroad - when children do what is close to them, and not what is required by the state program - contributes to a person’s professional development.

When people talk about secondary education abroad, associations arise with small Alpine boarding schools in Switzerland and closed schools in the UK. These countries actually maintain the highest level of education standards, they formed the basis of the classical system of education in schools and, even more, the stability of life and economy in the developed countries of Europe. Education in elite schools gives their graduates a path to the best higher education institutions, which is why the classical education program in Europe has become world famous.

Graduates of American high schools receive a similarly high level of secondary education. Secondary education in Europe is considered classical, while in America an updated education standard is used. Thanks to him, children study a serious academic level program using game techniques. Innovative educational methods are not only a game approach, but also other various options for studying the material. The American certificate of secondary education, just like the European one, provides the opportunity to enter Ivy League universities, the most prestigious universities in the world.

Secondary education abroad provides a universal opportunity for every child to realize their potential. American and European schools are constantly developing and improving their curricula and educational materials base in order to survive in a highly competitive environment and maintain their prestige. Natural sciences are studied in specialized classrooms, research is carried out in laboratories, and the use of modern technologies is studied in classrooms with multimedia equipment. Therefore, all conditions are provided for the development of students and the development of their potential. Children gain confidence in their abilities, independence, learn to navigate scientific and technical issues, and study business. During their studies, they try themselves in various fields of activity, and by the end of school they more confidently choose highly paid professional direction and faculty at the university.

The fact that children are far from their parents is of great importance for their studies. If in our country parents are afraid to let their child go, then abroad, being in a boarding school quickly accustoms the child to independence.

Foreign education makes it possible to maintain the ability to be independent both while studying at school and at a university; it teaches you to set and achieve goals, despite the difficulties. It is precisely such people who achieve success, reaching the top in the field of economics and politics.

Any person can achieve this by studying abroad, where they will learn how to manage time, effort and money wisely. Many people have built successful careers, become respected managers, talented managers, sought-after engineers, having graduated from private schools, studied abroad and received a European-style certificate.

Foreign education provides students from Russia with broad prospects: from internships and getting a job abroad, mastering modern professions, mastering foreign languages. Along with a document confirming graduation from a foreign university, you gain invaluable experience of studying, communicating and living in a multinational environment, the benefits of which will be felt all the years of your life.

Higher education abroad is divided into two levels: students first become bachelors, then masters. A bachelor's degree corresponds to full higher education in Russian universities; the duration of study is three to four years. The master's degree ends after receiving a diploma and provides practical application of the acquired theoretical knowledge in the chosen field. An analogy can be drawn with Russian medical universities, where there are residency and internship programs. To obtain a master's degree, you need to study for another one or two years.

Getting higher education abroad is not like getting it in Russia. There, students have a large choice, but must have a high degree of self-organization. Almost all Russian students find it difficult to study at foreign universities, but they also note great interest in the process itself. As stated above, basic education ends with a bachelor's degree. The main thing that distinguishes a foreign university from a Russian one is the study of the chosen profession from the very beginning of training. There are no general courses in political science or other “logy”, but along with the required core subjects, you can choose several electives - those that are of interest to the student.

In the master's program, professional centralization of education is maintained, but there is a choice of narrow specialization with the study of relevant subjects, real situations, and the creation of individual projects. The approach to study is focused primarily on practical implementation, and as a result, students gain skills that will be useful to them in future work, and the projects defended at graduation receive the value of full-fledged work experience.

In general, studying abroad, higher education in particular, takes much more into account the preferences of the students themselves, has applied significance, and is focused on the use of independent work.

Foreign education ends with obtaining a diploma with some professional focus. You can also receive additional business education abroad, which consists of an internship or advanced training. There are also MBA education is educational opportunities for future business leaders.

Cost of higher education abroad

What price should you pay to study at a foreign university? It is almost impossible to briefly answer such a question. This is explained by many reasons, including the state, prices at the university itself, features of the curriculum and the duration of the education itself.

Each country pursues its own political line in matters of higher education. Some of them leave the possibility of either cheap or practically free education for their citizens, and receive the main income from students from other countries. Others are more democratic in their relationships and there are no differences in tuition prices. It happens that a bachelor's degree is cheaper, and a master's degree is more expensive. Other countries may take different approaches. But pricing has no direct relation to its quality.

For example, in the most expensive university, in Spain, the price of education for its own citizens reaches 18 thousand dollars, and the level according to the QS rating is 375. The University of Barcelona, ​​which occupies 176th place in this ranking, charges up to 4 thousand dollars from foreign students (from their own - up to 2). The same famous Harvard, Cambridge and Oxford are not at all considered the most expensive universities in the UK and America.

What difficulties may arise for a student who decides to get a foreign education?

Of course, the advantages of education abroad are very attractive, but there are also disadvantages, or rather, some complications. The main thing is that you need to have excellent command of the language in which studies are conducted at the university. If your language level is insufficient (when English language learning or any other, did not produce results) you can take appropriate language courses in the same country - they will also play the role of the first foreign school. Another difficulty lies in the difficulties of adapting to living conditions in another country, starting from the peculiarities of communication and ending with studying the location of stores. Another difficulty is finding money to pay for education. Of course, everything is simpler when wealthy parents can pay for the entire course, but if there are no such parents, there is no reason to refuse to receive a foreign education. In fact, as a rule, the price of studying at a foreign university does not exceed the cost of education in a Russian one. There is a large list of programs that you can use get education abroad free of charge, there are grants and organizations that provide educational opportunities for talented students. If you define a clear goal for yourself and strive to achieve it, then all difficulties are completely surmountable.

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Free study abroad is possible if the foreigner has excellent knowledge of English or the language of the country where he is going to study. If your language knowledge is not ideal, then you can take advantage of various programs aimed at providing assistance and support to foreign students in learning English and the possibility of further admission to foreign universities.

Building of the University of Banking in Prague

Today, free study abroad is possible, however, you need to try very hard for this. And this does not mean at all that the student will receive education for nothing.

You will still have to fork out money for various textbooks, hostel fees, etc. Therefore, before going abroad to gain knowledge, you need to think carefully about everything and weigh your options.

You can go abroad to study on three grounds:

  1. While a student in your home state or after graduating from school.
  2. After studying several courses at my university.
  3. After graduating from your educational institution.

At what age should I send my child to study in another state?

You can, of course, study abroad from first grade if your parents don’t mind.

In general, the European school system consists of three levels:

That is, it is not necessary to send a 6-year-old child to Europe. He can study in his homeland until he is 8 or 12 years old and then go to a foreign country to gain knowledge.

Types of foreign schools

A child can study in Europe in one of the following schools, which his parents will choose based on the needs of their offspring:

Memo to parents sending their offspring abroad to study

To successfully send your children to study in foreign schools, it is important to remember the following recommendations:

Preparing to study at a US university

Studying in America for Ukrainians and Russians will seem difficult if they do not take the courses. During their visit, students study the subjects necessary so that in the future they can easily enter the desired faculty.

There is a special program for foreign children “Pathway Programs”.

The advantage of the program is that after its completion it is possible to enroll the applicant immediately into the third year of the university, provided that he reaches the required level of knowledge.

Master's degree in the USA: ways and advantages of admission

Studying abroad is attractive, and getting a master's degree in America means gaining prestige in the global labor market. If a person has an American master's degree, then he has the best chance of getting the profession he dreamed of.

master's studies in the USA

There are two ways to enroll in a master's program at a university in the United States:

  1. Directly. However, at the same time, a person must be confident in his abilities, impeccable knowledge of the English language, as well as academic preparation in a particular specialty.
  2. Through the international educational center. It is home to well-known colleges and universities that provide excellent support to international applicants. To enroll in a master's program, a person must take special courses that will help him easily become a master's student and study abroad at one of the best universities in the USA.

Advantages of studying abroad for a master's degree:

Free universities in Europe

Free education abroad is real, however, you need to know in which countries you can gain knowledge for free. In Germany, Denmark, France, the Czech Republic, Greece, Turkey, Austria and Italy you can study for free in a master's program. However, an important condition for children is an excellent knowledge of English upon admission; it will be even better to know the language of the country where you will study. Since not all public free universities provide training in English.

Free education abroad is a relative concept, since specifically education is free. But for auxiliary services, for example, for using books from the library or visiting the gym at the university, you need to pay. And such contributions can sometimes reach up to 300 euros per month.

Duration and process of studying at European universities

Studying abroad takes place according to the following scheme:

  • Bachelor's degree - 3–5 years;
  • Master's degree - 2-3 years;
  • Doctor of Science degree - 2 years.

Such unclear terms for obtaining knowledge depend on a particular specialty.

Studying abroad is different from studying in Russia or Ukraine. The day department there resembles our correspondence department. Russian people studying in Europe are surprised and touched by the fact that they independently choose the disciplines they want to learn, and then they themselves determine the timing of exams.

However, this is where all the advantages of studying abroad end. The “cons” begin, which are expressed as follows:

Studying abroad, in European countries, begins not in September, like here, but somewhere in mid-autumn, and ends in July.

Study in the Czech Republic

It is possible to enroll in one of the Czech universities for free, however, you need to know that education is free only if the foreigner knows the Czech language perfectly. Even the English language, not to mention Russian, does not provide an opportunity to enroll in free education.

Russian applicants who want to study in this country must come there and take preparatory courses, pass an exam, and only after successfully passing it can they have a chance to study abroad for free.

Study in Austria

And this country is loyal to foreign applicants. Here you can study for free and, ideally, knowing the language is not necessary. You can submit documents without a certificate of completion of preparatory courses.

Vienna University of Economics in Austria

That is, Ukrainians, Russians and citizens of other powers are admitted to the university without problems, given the opportunity to study German for two years, attend lectures and enjoy various benefits for students.

Education in Greece

One of the ideal options today for going to study for free in Europe is that you can enroll in many specialties without entrance exams.

The country to which children adapt best

Russian psychologists have repeatedly conducted studies, the results of which have made it clear that foreign children adapt best in Switzerland. And the whole point is that all the schools where Russian and Ukrainian schoolchildren study are international, and the children feel at home there. Unlike Germany or Italy, where the kids are “like strangers” to everyone.

Therefore, from a psychological point of view, if a father and mother are worried about the emotional state of their children, then it is better to choose Switzerland. However, it is worth considering that education here is the most expensive of all European countries.

University building in Zurich, Switzerland

American program for students “Global UGRAD”

It involves studying abroad as an exchange student. Thus, only full-time university students can study in the United States. The program extends throughout Europe, as well as Central Asia. Therefore, Russians and Ukrainians can also take the opportunity to try their luck by traveling to the US and taking advantage of this program.

A competition is held for children to participate in Global UGRAD, and the winners get the opportunity to study full-time for one year at one of the universities in the States.

The program is funded by the US authorities.

The program gives the participant the following privileges:

  • Assists in;
  • The cost of travel is reimbursed, in both directions;
  • The cost of tuition, meals, and dormitory accommodation is reimbursed;
  • A monthly stipend is provided.



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