How to overcome spring depression. Spring depression - what to do

The development of spring depression refers in psychology to a certain type pathology. This is due to the paradox of the state. It lies in the discrepancy between a person’s perception of the external transformation of the world around him. Every new day brings bright colors to life, but a person is not able to experience positive emotions from what is happening. Internal despondency, melancholy mood and apathy lead to blues, which at some point acquires pathological course and develops into prolonged depression. This condition is provoked by internal and external factors.

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    Spring depression: what is it?

    Spring depression is a fairly common phenomenon among the modern population. In this regard, it is recognized clinical disease, control over the cure of which should be carried out by qualified specialists. People with existing mental personality disorders are most susceptible to the disease. The seriousness of the condition lies in the fact that spring depression is often diagnosed in completely healthy people.

    Many people mistakenly confuse ordinary blues with pathological depressive disorder. In the first case, the condition passes after short period time, in the second, medications are used for treatment, and it is not possible to cope with the disease on your own. Every day a person’s condition only worsens, detachment from everyday activities and a depressed mood appear. People with mental disorders during this period require hospitalization in a specialized department where complex psychotherapy is carried out.

    Spring depression has no specific age or gender restrictions. The condition is often diagnosed in children.

    Reasons for development

    Highlight a large number of factors provoking spring depression. Conventionally, they can be divided into endogenous and exogenous. The first include mainly physiological reasons, which are caused by a lack of essential microelements that produce vital energy. Along with them, there are also psychological ones, caused by a feeling of one’s own inadequacy, increased criticism and inadequate perception of reality. Problems associated with life activities become exogenous factors. These could be conflicts, stress, personal experiences within a certain social circle.

    In psychology, there are three main reasons that can lead to the development of persistent depression:

    1. 1. The inability to let go of the past is expressed in a person’s unmotivated refusal to forgive past grievances, come to terms with certain circumstances and accept reality as it is. All this leads to the development of dissatisfaction, an increase in anxiety and the emergence of a feeling of shame. A person is too fixated on what once was, he is not able to adequately perceive reality and move forward. Negative memories and all the thoughts about past defeats prevent you from thinking big. A person begins to delve into his own problems and, without noticing it, depresses his own worldview.
    2. 2. Rejection of the present - the patient is not able to perceive what is happening in real time. The diversity of the external world is perceived distorted by him. Everything that happens is displayed in negative aspects. In all actions, deeds and interactions with other people, the patient monitors only the negative aspects. Short emotional background leads to depression. Rejection of everything new, inner melancholy and reluctance to admit problems closes the individual within his own personality.
    3. 3. Refusal to create the future - manifests itself in the inability to set goals and make attempts to achieve them. A person does not see the boundary between dreams and reality. The lack of concrete plans leads to inaction. A pronounced immersion in one’s inner world and rejection of potential opportunities provokes detachment, and disorientation in space develops.

    Psychologists believe that certain types of temperament contribute to the development of depression. Strong-willed people are less susceptible to developing this pathological condition because they are unable to long time focus on failures and strive to move forward.

    IN winter time a person experiences an acute lack of sunlight and ultraviolet radiation, which are responsible for the production of vitamin D. Negative temperatures and cold winds make it impossible to fully walk in the fresh air, as a result of which proper air exchange and oxygen saturation of tissues are disrupted. For many regions of our country, eating vegetables and fresh fruits is becoming problematic. The internal supply of vitamins and minerals is depleted, and their acute deficiency occurs.

    Also, in the cold season, people tend to passive image life. Most men and women limit themselves to going to work and relaxing within the confines of their own home. Monotony and monotony contribute to the development psychological discomfort. Against the background of a persistent decrease in immunity, the body becomes vulnerable to infections, which often leads to the development of colds and exacerbation of chronic diseases. As a result, such people greet spring exhausted and depressed.


    The symptomatic picture of spring depression includes 3 main manifestations:

    • low mood background;
    • loss of positive emotions;
    • pessimistic attitude.

    In the process of developing such psychological state a disorder of the emotional sphere of personality occurs.

    Clinical manifestations in psychiatry are divided into female and male. The peculiarity of division by gender is due to the individual characteristics of each sex. Women by nature are more emotional, vulnerable and sensitive. They are characterized by increased suspiciousness and decreased rational thinking in stressful situations. Men, on the contrary, are more prone to analysis, are able to adequately perceive their own actions and experience greater order in their experiences.

    Features of manifestation in women

    Every woman in Everyday life is able to find a lot of reasons contributing to the development of a depressive state. Often they come down to the inability to objectively perceive reality. Increased moodiness and shifting hormonal levels due to physiological characteristics lead to personality disorder. The arrival of spring is perceived by such ladies as a new round in life, to which they, for some reason, internal reasons turn out to be unprepared.

    Prerequisites for the development of depression can be weather conditions when the warmth does not come as quickly as we would like. External dullness and anger on the part of others are perceived by a woman distortedly, with a predominant focus on her own personality. Minor changes in appearance, pale skin, extra pounds and a general unhealthy appearance provoke sadness and depression. In young girls, a factor in the development of depression is often the absence of a lover with whom they would like to share this romantic time of year and bright, warm days.

    At an early stage, symptoms such as:

    • irritability;
    • sudden change in mood;
    • decreased level of self-esteem;
    • prostration.

    Gradually, the state turns into apathy, negative emotions and a persistent decrease in the emotional background appear. Every day, a bad mood prevails over a positive one, anxiety, tearfulness, restlessness and decreased concentration develop. For more late stages appear physiological disorders. They are expressed in a deterioration in the quality of sleep, the appearance of headaches, dizziness, and the woman feels interruptions in her heart function. Decreasing general performance, even minor physical exertion becomes overwhelming. Decreased appetite provokes an even greater deficiency in vitamins and microelements necessary for vital functions.

    Symptoms of depression in men

    Stereotypes imposed by society do not allow men, as representatives of the stronger sex, to complain about internal experiences and discomfort in their psychological state. From childhood, boys are instilled with a sense of shame for showing weakness. In this regard, the initial signs of depressive disorders in men go unnoticed, which leads to the development of even more serious conditions, which only a qualified specialist can help cope with.

    Psychiatrists have found that every fourth man has experienced spring depression at least once in his life. Many of them leave the condition without proper attention, which worsens over time and leads to persistent development chronic depression. In most cases, this condition provokes the development of tyranny and increased aggression towards family members and work colleagues.

    The first symptoms of spring depression in men are:

    • increased fatigue and drowsiness;
    • disturbance of thought processes;
    • unreasonable anger and aggression;
    • decreased appetite;
    • lack of self-confidence, in one’s own actions and actions.

    This inevitably leads to nervousness, an increase in anxiety levels and a decrease in libido. During the development of the pathological condition, men can be visited negative thoughts, which are expressed in suicidal tendencies, addiction to alcohol and drugs appears, and personality boundaries are destroyed.

    Physiological manifestations include exacerbation of chronic diseases. Diarrhea often occurs due to a complete lack of appetite. The appearance of symptoms gastrointestinal tract is one of the fundamental factors on the path to mental disorders. The man begins to lose weight, persistent dyspepsia develops, and unreasonable abdominal pain often occurs. In this case, irritable bowel syndrome occurs, one of the causes of which is disturbances in the psycho-emotional background. The disease is difficult to treat and carries chronic nature, renders Negative influence on quality of life.

    Latent flow

    Particular attention is paid to the hidden course of spring depression. Most people for a long time perceive the development of a pathological condition as a normal phenomenon associated with a deficiency of vitamins and changes in weather. Not timely treatment leads to the development of a serious illness, when only a psychotherapist can cope with the condition.

    With a latent course, a slight loss of strength occurs, while the patient tries to resist apathy and finds the strength not to change his usual way of life. Along with this, sleep disturbance develops. A person perceives it as a reaction to an increase in the duration of daylight hours. Many people mistakenly believe that poor sleep and increasing apathy are signs of burnout syndrome, when an irresistible desire to go on vacation appears.

    Confirmation that a depressed and depressed state is a sign of spring depression, and not a symptom of physical fatigue, is a sharp change taste preferences. Lack of appetite or desire to eat specific foods indicates stress in the body. This is usually perceived by patients as a lack of certain vitamins, which also makes it difficult to identify the pathology earlier.

    Psychogenic factors are added to the general physiological manifestations. Increasing irritability, dissatisfaction own life and a pessimistic attitude should not be perceived as natural process. Any sudden mood swings and attacks of unreasonable aggression require serious attention. As a rule, this is a manifestation of mental illness. Depending on the psychotype and type of temperament, changes in behavior can be diametrically different: some people hibernate and look for an opportunity to retire, others conflict and are constantly looking for new opponents to vent internal aggression.


    Considering that both endogenous and exogenous factors take part in the formation of spring depression, an integrated approach is required. At early diagnosis pathological condition, coping with it on your own is not particularly difficult. The disease is seasonal, so many people experience it annually. This allows them to recognize the problem early and respond quickly.

    However, just realizing the presence of spring depression cannot lead to its elimination. Considering that among the symptoms of both men and women there is a decrease in mental activity, some processes become impossible. You can cope with the pathological condition on your own only with the maximum application of physical and intellectual effort.

    At the very beginning of treatment, you need to spend some time alone with yourself. At this moment, it is important for a person to realize what is happening. It is necessary to identify all factors that, along with natural ones (such as lack of vitamins) can provoke external conflicts. You should not spend a lot of effort on resolving controversial situations that have arisen; some of them do not require attention. Any emotional and physical energy expenditure can only aggravate the condition. Concentration of internal forces is necessary. At this stage, it is important to do only things that bring exclusively positive emotions.

    During the period of spring depression, you should not take on overwhelming tasks that require maximum dedication. For some time, it is better to engage in ordinary tasks that do not require special intellectual and physical capabilities. In the process of engaging in habitual functions, an internal concentration of vital forces occurs.

    In some cases, a change of scenery is acceptable, but it should not be drastic. A short vacation, buying new furniture, changing your appearance, updating your wardrobe and other little things can cheer you up and bring positive moments into your life. Creative people experience emotional uplift when they immerse themselves in their favorite hobby.

    The overall health of the body is important. This includes a balanced and rational diet and an acceptable amount of physical activity. The food consumed should be light and maximally enriched with nutrients. It is worth emphasizing the use fresh vegetables and fruits. Sports loads must be dosed and not lead to strong physical fatigue. Nordic walking and swimming in the pool are considered optimal. An effective alternative can be regular morning exercises with a standard set of exercises.

    neglected state and pronounced manifestation symptoms require mandatory intervention qualified specialist. A psychotherapist or psychoanalyst will help identify the true cause and eliminate negative manifestations diseases. People with persistent deviations from the norm of behavior, expressed in mental disorders, require mandatory treatment in a specialized 24-hour hospital. In most uncomplicated cases, treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis.

    For treatment, medications are used - antipsychotics, antidepressants, sedatives. Their prescription must be strictly regulated by a specialist, since an overdose can lead to the opposite effect. The course of administration and dosage regimen are calculated by the psychotherapist separately in each specific case. Not all patients are suitable for general therapeutic dosages, so it is worth excluding self-prescription as part of treatment at home.

    Psychoanalysts work with patients autogenic training and group classes. With the help of the former, it is possible to identify the causes of the disease, create the right mood and consolidate a positive emotional background. Within group therapy a person receives therapy in a team of like-minded people. This method is especially effective in helping to fight male depression when a man sees that other members of the stronger sex are also susceptible to this pathological condition.

    Among the effective methods of psychotherapy, the following should be highlighted:

    • cognitive-behavioral;
    • interpersonal;
    • psychodynamic;
    • role-playing;
    • rational.

    Each of them has a specific application point in a specific situation. Only a specialist has the right to determine the scope of treatment measures after identifying the cause and degree of development of the pathological condition.

    In most cases, spring depression has a positive prognosis and is treatable. The exception is severe mental disorders associated with the presence of a primary psychiatric diagnosis.

The content of the article:

Spring depression is a condition that some people consider a minor problem. This mental disorder in itself does not destroy a person’s personality. However, if you have an irresponsible attitude towards your body against the background of voiced emotional disharmony, such a serious illness as clinical depression can develop. To prevent this complication, it is necessary to understand all the intricacies of this affective disorder.

Causes of spring depression

The depressed state of a person usually does not depend on seasonal changes in nature. However, there are provoking factors that, taken together, can cause despondency and outright apathy towards the entire surrounding reality.

These aggressors look like this in relation to the emotional state of people:

  • Complexes due to figure. Over the winter, many of us gain a couple extra pounds, and sometimes much more. Some people, after the end of the cold period, realize with horror that their favorite dress or skirt simply no longer corresponds to their new dimensions. In the cold season, everything is quite easy to hide behind bulky sweaters and outerwear. However, in the spring, when the sun has warmed up, this opportunity no longer exists. Because of this, even the very thought of exposing the body leads to a state of depression. And at the same time, the problem can be caused by excessive comparison of oneself with others, which is more clearly noticeable when switching from large winter clothes to light ones.
  • Loneliness. As soon as the sun warms up, young and happy couples actively go for walks. Watching lovers is quite difficult if there is no other half. Especially if the age has already approached the age when they usually start families and have children. The problems are further aggravated by annoying relatives demanding that they quickly find “someone” for themselves.
  • Period "winter - spring". Seasonal changes do not always have a beneficial effect on the human psyche. The mood of some eccentrics may directly depend on the time of year that they have the pleasure of observing from the window of their home. There is a contingent of people who like snow drifts, a series of happy Holidays and other delights of winter. With the onset of spring, such picky people literally fall into depression.
  • Unstable weather conditions. The described time of year is famous for its vagaries, when in March streams run merrily from the melting snow, and in April - early May frosts can occur. All this is very individual, because much in this matter depends on where exactly the person lives. However, such vagaries of spring weather have a very negative effect not only on physical state person, but also on the balance of his nervous system.
  • Lack of light. Not all people perceive the short day and long period of being in darkness in winter unambiguously. In this case, we will talk about the lack of so-called vitamin D, which tends to be synthesized exclusively under the influence of sunlight. Consequently, with the beginning of spring, the previously mentioned lack of light begins to affect some individuals.
  • Weakened immunity. In the summer, all points selling vitamin products delight customers with their wide range of choices. During the entire winter, a person is deprived of such pleasure, which is actually a vital necessity. Some people indulge themselves with the illusion that vegetables and fruits purchased in supermarkets during the cold season will replace a complete diet of useful substances. In most cases, such places offer imported goods that cannot replace domestic natural products. The result is weakened immunity as a result of the body’s lack of vitamins, microelements and amino acids.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. Some people will be horrified when asked to go skiing or go build a snowman with their children. For them frost is main reason Spend all your leisure time lying down with a cup of hot tea and under a warm blanket. During the cold period, they become so accustomed to this way of life that when spring comes, they do not want to readjust and become depressed.
  • Oxygen starvation. This reason The onset of the described pathology directly depends on a sedentary lifestyle. Physical inactivity in winter can play a cruel joke on anyone. By refusing to be in the fresh air at this time, the reinsurer is automatically exposed to the risk of worsening metabolic processes in his brain.
Most of the announced risk factors for the onset of spring depression directly depend on the person himself. Even the lack of natural, rather than synthetically grown, fruits and vegetables in winter is not an excuse for exposing your body to such stress. Technically correctly performed quick freezing of products that are beneficial for the body allows you to fully preserve the necessary substances in the product prepared in advance.

The main symptoms of existing spring depression in humans

In order to have a clear understanding of the problem that has arisen, it is necessary to know the enemy by sight. It is quite easy to identify the signs of impending trouble if you make it a rule to listen sensitively to your body.

Manifestations of spring depression in women

Psychologists insist on the fact that when talking about a voiced pathology, its symptoms should be clearly differentiated based on the gender issue. For representatives of the fair sex, the spring imbalance of the nervous system usually looks like this:
  1. Increased irritability. If a woman did not initially position herself as a fully formed hysteric, then you should think about a sudden change in her behavior. Sometimes, with the arrival of the first warmth of spring, yesterday's sweet and balanced person turns into a vixen with a bilious character, who is irritated by literally everything.
  2. Tears in three streams. This habit can be considered the norm if expressing one’s emotions in this way does not prevent a woman from remaining a sane person. In the case of constant sobbing for no reason with the arrival of spring, it is worth thinking about seasonal psychological disorder.
  3. General weakness of the body. As already mentioned, during the winter period, the body of many people suffers from a lack of nutrients. However, much depends on the woman’s immunity, which, without a voiced factor, could have been initially weakened. The additional load on an already damaged body during the cold season ultimately leads to rapid fatigue of the lady.
  4. Anxious state. Spring depression in women often provokes a persistent feeling of impending disaster. At the same time, wives think that their husband is cheating on them, and mothers begin to take care of their children with special zeal. The phrases “let’s play it safe” and “no matter how bad things happen” become the calling card of a woman who plunged into depressive state.
  5. Decreased self-esteem. Even a confident lady, in the most unexpected way, after the end of winter, can turn into a person with obvious complexes. This is usually facilitated by the onset of spring depression, which is provoked by real or imagined physiological changes in a woman’s appearance.
  6. Sleep disturbance. In this case, it is necessary to emphasize the fact that daylight hours tend to increase with the arrival of spring. Groundhog Day, when it gets dark quite early in winter, comes to its logical conclusion. However, some representatives of the fair sex cannot immediately adapt to such a change, after which their sleep-wake regime is disrupted.
  7. Apathy. Symptoms of spring depression are very often determined precisely by this emotional state of a woman. A person who was once vigorous in body and spirit becomes a sluggish and amorphous person, who has ceased to be pleased with the things that were once pleasant to her. In some cases, this factor is directly related to vitamin deficiency, but sometimes apathy is provoked by certain life situations.
  8. Problems concentrating. During spring depression, especially sensitive females begin to have their head in the clouds. Wherein we're talking about not about fairy-tale dreams and dreams of a handsome prince, but about elementary absent-mindedness. In this case, drug intervention cannot be avoided, because the problem raised has gone too far.
  9. Recurrent migraine. Changes weather conditions very often have a noticeable effect on women who have previously been susceptible to headache attacks. With sudden changes in atmospheric pressure, the problem described is significantly aggravated, adding seasonal depression to the lady’s painful sensations.
  10. Appetite disturbance. Such a nuisance can happen to a woman at any time of the year. However, practice shows that it is in the spring that many representatives of the fair sex begin to go to extremes regarding gastronomic preferences and abandoning them.
  11. Dark thoughts. This problem is closely related to the resulting inferiority complex that formed in women with the onset of spring. Some especially suspicious natures imagine with horror that their significant other will begin to look at beauties who will take off their winter clothes and change into sexy outfits.
  12. Binge eating, increased appetite . Wanting to fill the emptiness in the body from a lack of vitamins or simply “eating” their problems, women begin to actively absorb sweets, eat large portions, thereby plunging even more into a depressed state.
  13. Closedness. Against the background of his psychological problems, the desire to communicate with anyone completely disappears. Even the most active and cheerful ladies, immersed in their complexes, can withdraw and sit in captivity, not responding to friends’ invitations, trying to avoid noisy companies as much as possible.
A woman in a state of spring depression is not a comic book character, but a victim of temporary life circumstances. No specialist with some experience in this field will undertake to diagnose such individuals prematurely and without a deep analysis.

Symptoms of spring depression in men

The stronger half of humanity can also feel the full destructive power of seasonal affective disorder.

Unlike beautiful ladies, men experience the described pathology somewhat differently, which most often manifests itself as follows:

  • The emergence of chronic fatigue syndrome. A humorous statement in the style that “work makes horses die” ceases to be funny when spring depression occurs in men. Workaholic men are absolutely indifferent to the time of year that they see from the windows of their institutions. However, some record holders in the marathon of irrepressible activity are overcome by despondency after the snow melts and the arrival of spring, which ultimately leads to spring depression.
  • Change in weight. Every man can lose weight or suddenly gain weight, regardless of the weather conditions that arise. However, psychologists say that it is during seasonal blues that representatives of the stronger sex either begin to actively absorb large amounts of food or completely refuse it.
  • Pain in the abdomen or back. Emotional experiences always negatively affect the functioning of the entire body. Very often this looks like pain in the stomach and “shooting” in the back. With spring depression, such symptoms intensify, because vitamin deficiency further provokes the development of an anxious state. In addition, the weather during this period is deceptive, which pleases us first sunbeams, is rich in the main enemy of the back - drafts. As a result, the man experiences very significant pain, which only aggravates the state of depression.
  • Excessive addiction to bad habits. Loss of strength after a long winter period is always accompanied by an anxious state in which a man begins to smoke much more than usual. Some depressed individuals in the spring, falling into deep despondency, try to fight it with the most radical methods - alcohol. And the opportunity to get out into nature after hibernation, barbecue or go fishing only becomes an additional incentive to increase the amount of alcohol consumption.
  • erectile disfunction. The general weakening of the body after winter does not have the best effect on sexual activity any man. Some people understand the short duration of the problem that has arisen, while others fall into persistent depression.
  • Negative thoughts. Men are accustomed to consider themselves the head of the family and support for all its members. If, at the onset of the spring blues, a self-confident person begins to have health problems, then depression due to this factor cannot be avoided. Representatives of the stronger sex do not like to show their emotions openly, so they accumulate all the negative thoughts that arise.

Ways to combat spring depression

You shouldn’t consider this problem a seasonal whim that you don’t need to pay attention to. All neuroses once began with rather innocent emotional experiences. When asked how to cope with spring depression, experts give fairly clear answers, which look like this:
  1. Changing your daily routine. Some people are used to staying up late at the computer or taking home work. As a result, they do not get enough sleep and feel exhausted throughout the day. Vitamin deficiency and improper planning of one's life activities can lead to the development of spring depression. At the same time, you should radically change your opinion about the correct daily routine, making serious adjustments to it. It is necessary to give your free time sports exercises and walks in the fresh air. Visiting entertainment complexes will also help cope with the problem that has arisen in the form of seasonal blues.
  2. Refusal of serious decisions. If a person begins to develop spring depression, then he cannot concentrate on important things. The most important projects and plans should be postponed for a while, because every mistake made later can aggravate the state of depression.
  3. Acquisition pet . If you are not allergic to animal fur, then psychologists advise using this recommendation. It is not necessary to buy the future pet of the whole family for exorbitant amounts of money. Sometimes mongrel cat or the dog can become such a devoted friend that there will be no trace of spring depression left. If you don’t want to get yourself an animal, you can buy aquarium fish, the contemplation of which has a rather beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  4. Active communication with others. Loneliness is the main catalyst for exacerbation of spring depression. It is necessary to devote as much free time as possible to shared leisure time with your loved ones and friends. Sometimes even visiting a nightclub and then not getting enough sleep can significantly boost the morale of a person who is experiencing the effects of the seasonal blues.
  5. Help those in need. Before you create a “wailing wall” in your life, you need to look around and take a closer look at the problems of other people. After the analysis, many unfortunates will be amazed at the number of affected individuals who found themselves in a much more deplorable situation. Helping such sufferers can nullify the exacerbation of spring depression in a suffering person.
  6. More light. On a cloudy spring day, sometimes you just want to mope and hide from your immediate environment. Lamps with high power will help dispel this kind of depressive mood. In this case, it will be an artificial imitation of sunlight, but even this can significantly improve the mood of a person with a voiced problem.
  7. Aromatic baths. In this regard, tangerine oil has proven itself well. If the first signs of spring depression begin to appear, you should try using this remedy. If it is not possible to purchase it, then pine and linden concentrates are quite suitable as an alternative.
  8. Nice new things. If a person has become a victim of spring depression, then it is worth trying the sounded method. Even a purchased plastic plate in a bright color will visually please people who are in a state of seasonal blues. If allowed cash, you can buy that thing that the sufferer has long liked.

Prevention of spring disorder

Our ancestors said, don’t stir up trouble while it’s quiet. In order not to fall into the trap of seasonal depression and not become a hostage to a dangerous situation, you must adhere to the following rules:
  • Proper diet. After hibernation, the body urgently needs the intake of those products that contain catalysts for the release of endorphins (hormones of joy). Such magic pills include nuts, bananas and chocolate in reasonable doses. Don’t forget about fruits and vegetables that can keep a person afloat after some restrictions in his diet during the winter.
  • Taking multivitamins. This recommendation limited by the fact that it must be carried out only after consultation with your therapist. Useful material are beneficial only if they are not abused. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) can then be taken as either medical product, and through its substitute as green salad, beans, liver and citrus fruits.
  • Aromatherapy. Some pleasant smells have relaxing properties in certain cases. Essential oils based on the already mentioned orange, juniper and cinnamon can eliminate all the hardships of the past day for a person who cares about the proper functioning of his nervous system.
  • Active lifestyle. Experts recommend resorting to this method as a radical way to get rid of spring depression. Sports or simply feasible physical activity can destroy in the bud any seasonal troubles with a person’s emotional state. Even simple walks around the city on sunny days or forays into nature can charge you with positivity.
  • Chatting with fun people. If you have friends who can cheer you up, you should definitely spend as much time with them as possible. In general, you should not isolate yourself and limit your communication. If you have no real friends, you should start meeting new people. The same gym, swimming pool, or new hobby will help with this.
  • New hobbies. Finding yourself, a new “I”, and studying unknown activities will help you get rid of depression. These could be courses from professionals, a master class on the Internet. For example, photography, quilling or any other type of handmade.
How to deal with depression in spring - watch the video:

When asking how to get rid of spring depression, you need to rely solely on your intuition. Only in a particularly emergency situation will you need the help of a psychotherapist, because the stated mental pathology is exclusively seasonal in nature.

Depression is translated from Latin as depressed human condition. This is a special mental disorder and therefore it is very important to know how to get out of depression on your own or with the help of specialists. After all, it is characterized by a decline in vitality and mood, pessimistic assessment of the surrounding world and oneself, including inhibited state of motor and intellectual development, somatoneurological disorders of the nervous system.

Symptoms of depression include: as low self-esteem of one's personality, various cognitive properties, associated with one’s own destruction and detachment from the external environment.

A person in depressed state differs from other people in the prevalence and diversity of underestimations of their personality.

So, from this article you will learn:

  • What is depression, melancholy;
  • Types and signs of depression (postpartum depression, etc.);
  • Symptoms of depression in women and men;
  • How to get out of depression - 10 tips on what to do and how to get rid of it yourself;
  • etc.

What depression is, how to get rid of it and how to get out of this state, read further in the article. Types, symptoms and signs

Depression- This quite common mental illness to date. Doctors often equate it to a cold, since according to statistics, in percentage terms, these diseases are much more common than others.

You can often hear the phrase “ I am depressed"from absolutely healthy person. Basically, this is how people who feel failed in any life endeavors.

But, despite their failures, a person continues to live in his usual environment, without making any changes to his life.

From another point of view, the person who is actually suffering depressive disorders, constantly experiences depressed state And feeling of helplessness And alienation who do not leave him even for a second, does not notice his painful condition, or rather, simply does not want admit oneself to be sick .

This fact significantly disrupts people’s ability to adequately relate to the world around them and prevents them from communicating with work colleagues and with your family, since the ability to logically and adequately evaluate this or that vital important situation.

Today, depression is one of the main problems of the public. This is primarily due to the increase in this disease among people.

The relevance of this problem in Russia, according to psychologists, is associated with the economic crisis in the country. People have no confidence in the future, do not understand current conditions, are worried about their future and the future of their children, and in this regard The amount of stress among the population increases.

Depression is quite difficult to detect, which influences a more in-depth study of this disease and the causes of its occurrence.

Results only scientific research will help create the most relevant approach to diagnosing depression and providing related assistance for people who are worried about stressful situations and other psychological disorders.

2. What is melancholy 😟?

Melancholy is a human mental disorder that is accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms.

These include: inability to experience joyful events, a certain degree of reduced thinking, lack of good mood, decrease in active life position.

People in state of melancholy prone to negative reasoning about life and others, they have a pronounced pessimistic mood in relation to real events.

People with this disease lose any interest in your job, they have no appetite, own self-esteem is low. (We already wrote about how to raise your self-esteem in the article - ?)

Today, melancholy occurs in almost half of the population. According to statistics, after the age of thirty, approximately 70% women suffer from this disease.

The likelihood of mental disorders and teenage children, also quite high.

Today, medicine is very helpful in treating this condition. How exactly to recover from it is described in detail below.

Important point!

Before starting treatment, it is important to correctly clarify the diagnosis. That the disease is precisely depression, and not the usual blues, which happens in the spring or a typical mood swing and temporary life difficulties.

They require serious intervention from specialists and properly selected medications. biochemical, and psychosomatic consequences of the disease.

The opinion that depression is 21st century disease, is erroneous from the point of view of experienced doctors. Since this disease was known and quite common in the distant past. Medieval healers defined depression as the last and worst stage of melancholy.

In ancient times, this disease was treated with opium tinctures, mineral healing waters, cleansing enemas, and full-fledged And long sleep.

The causes of depression are usually complex disorders of the nervous system, the factors of which are internal or external influences on the human psyche.

3. Main causes of depression 📝

  • Alzheimer's diseases.
  • Increased load on the brain due to prolonged stress.
  • Drug use.
  • Psychological trauma, for example, death of a relative, loss of a job.
  • Climatic or seasonal factors, for example, in spring or winter.
  • Excessive physical or mental stress.
  • Iatrogenic type of depression. Excessive use of medications.
  • Various head injuries.
  • Separation from a loved one.
  • Changing of the living place.
  • (the habit of postponing important things until later).

It is not uncommon for a person to develop a state of depression for no reason. According to experts, in such situations, an important factor is disruption of normal neurochemical functions in the human brain.

4. Signs of depression in women and men 📚 - symptoms of “disease”

The states of human depression manifest themselves in quite a variety of ways, and, in most cases, they affect the body as a whole. It helps specialists to accurately diagnose the disease. complex symptoms , and this in turn contributes to the appointment correct And effective treatment.

A doctor can prescribe certain medications, as well as concomitant therapy, only having spent general diagnostics patient's mental disorder.

Typically, the physiological signs of depression vary individual characteristics body.

For example, most people loss of appetite, and for some it is on the contrary significantly intensifies during the period of illness. The same feature applies to problems with full-fledged sleep person. One patient may suffer from insomnia, and the other– constantly wants to sleep and suffers from a feeling of fatigue around the clock.

Symptoms of depression are divided into several groups based on associated symptoms.

Symptom No. 1. Emotional manifestations of depression in humans

  • Interest in life and the world around us decreases or disappears.
  • Increased irritability, even for no particular reason.
  • Depressed mood, feeling of melancholy and despair.
  • Feelings of helplessness and guilt in any situation.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • State of anxiety and panic.
  • Anxiety, for example, about your loved ones.
  • Inability to be content with previously favorite hobbies.
  • Expectation of a catastrophe and other unforeseen events.
  • Loss of emotional sensitivity.

Symptom No. 2. Physiological manifestations of depression in humans

  • Painful sensations of a psychosomatic nature. For example, arms, legs, stomach, heart, head, etc. hurt.
  • Disturbance or lack of sleep.
  • Low performance.
  • Disorders of the human digestive system.
  • Increased fatigue, even with minor physical exertion.
  • Increased appetite, or its complete absence.
  • Decreased sexual desire, up to the occurrence of impotence (in men).
  • Weakness during any physical activity.

Symptom No. 3. Significant changes in people's behavior

  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Tendency to loneliness and unwillingness to communicate with other people.
  • Lack of desire for entertainment and hobbies.
  • Use of psychotropic and narcotic substances to improve mood.
  • Passive life position.
  • Replacing important, necessary and urgent tasks is a waste of time.
  • Preference for a sedentary or lying lifestyle.

Symptom No. 4. Cognitive disorders of the human nervous system.

  • Difficulty in making any independent decisions.

  • Loss of clarity of thinking and inability to concentrate on anything specific.
  • Loss of ability to concentrate your thoughts.
  • Lack of attention.
  • Periodic thoughts about committing suicide.

As with any disease, whether it is a cold or a cough, if you do not start timely treatment of depression with properly selected drugs, the patient’s condition will worsen every day.

At the same time, the number of symptoms of the disease and their severity increases, which can even lead to suicide properties patients, especially, if we consider teenage depression.

It is not uncommon for a sick person’s thinking to be so critical that they can easily be mistaken for a person’s dementia, instead of a serious mental disorder associated with an advanced state of depression.

Often the disease is accompanied by increased attraction of one’s own attention to life’s problems. Patient, usually, I'm completely sure that he has mental, or somatic disease.

In order for a doctor to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment, stable ( at least 14 days) the presence of any of the above signs of depression in a person.

5. Main types of depression 📑

1. Endogenous depression

Endogenous depression is a severe type of disease. She brings a huge amount of suffering, like the sickest person, as well as his family and all the people around him.

To detect an endogenous type of depression in a person, there are certain symptoms.

These primarily include: inability to sleep in evening time , and early awakenings at dawn, lack of interest in the environment and society.

There are also external signs this type of disease. These include: increased state of anxiety, systematic presence of causeless sadness and melancholy, depressed state of a person.

Secondary signs that the patient has endogenous depression are: slow motion, constant stoop, quiet and hesitant speech.

The external features of such people are lifeless, dull hair, as well as an sallow and gloomy complexion.

Characteristic signs the presence of an endogenous type of depression in a person is slow thinking And reasoning, absence concentration And attention, memory problems, absolutely not no desires or interests.

Advanced forms of this serious mental illness lead to a deterioration in the general condition of the patient, apathy towards the surrounding world and society as a whole occurs. Patients characterize their well-being as a heaviness in the soul, a depressed state similar to the duration of a serious illness and other similar symptoms.

People with this disease usually , with indifference relate to all surrounding citizens, including closest relatives. They withdraw into their own inner world and think only about their difficult fate in life.

Such patients try everything to determine their social status in society. possible ways pull away.

2. Manic depression

There is a group of people who, during the course of the disease, develop megalomania, inappropriate behavior in one situation or another, causeless change of mood, For example, sudden onset of joyful emotions, or, conversely, sadness. This type of mental disorder in a person is called manic depression , in other words, bipolar mental disorder .

This disease makes people irritable, overly active and quite self-confident.

Manic depression can be expressed in various forms.

The initial stage of this human mental disorder is a mild form of the disease called - cyclothymia . Citizens suffering from this type of depression experience constant mood swings. They may cry or laugh for no reason. The initial stage of mania (mild form) appears.

The most dangerous is bipolar , in other words, major depression. During the stages of exacerbation of this serious mental illness, a person develops obsessive thoughts about committing suicide, and during the manic phase of depression, all bad thoughts instantly disappear, clarity of mind and sobriety of mind appear. In addition, these patients are not able to anticipate dangerous consequences own actions.

Not rare dysthymia diseases . This is depressive nervousness, the mildest stage of a person’s depressive disorder. Otherwise it is called minor depression or minor depressive disorder of the human nervous system. This includes postpartum depression , which is described in detail below.

In its various manifestations, depression is a condition of a person in which he disfigures the manner in which he behaves in society as himself. No person is immune from diseases of the depressive disorder of the nervous system.

A state of depression can hit absolutely anyone century a, old And young, single people and divorced or have never had a family, poor And millionaires. By the way, we also wrote in the previous article.

In the life of every citizen, events may arise that will certainly lead him to overexertion and stressful situations, which are the initial stage of a depressive disorder of the human nervous system, especially if unpleasant events simultaneously overtake the psyche or if they follow a systematic sequence.

When applying for psychological help women, in most cases it is detected and diagnosed major depressive disorder nervous system, compared with cases of male patients seeking help.

Experts on this matter have the opinion that women more often recognize their condition as a serious illness and rush to visit a doctor, and men They try to treat themselves, so they rarely go to the hospital.

But, as a rule, depressive experiences such as loneliness, helplessness, sadness and other mental disorders more common in female patients . In such states of depression in men, instead of qualified help from a specialist, they prefer to drown out their sorrows and adversity with the help of alcoholic beverages or other substances that can temporarily improve their mood and give imaginary self-confidence.

3. Masked depression

The stage of such depression, which occurs unnoticed by other people, is called camouflaged, or hidden depression. Experts consider it not as an independent disorder of the human nervous system, but as a result alcoholism or acceptance of other psychotropic substances, uplifting. In such a situation, men are practically don't ask for help .

A person's depressive disorder can manifest itself in a wide variety of forms. In certain situations, people's states of depression differ in their severity. For some, this state is clearly visible to others, while another category of people hides their psychological state from outsiders.

Easy, depression occurs in a situation where, against the background of certain symptoms, a person has a loss of strength and mood, he finds the strength to do his daily work and his usual activities.

Moderate, depression is when a combination of symptoms of a mental disorder prevents you from properly performing daily work.

Severe depression, this is when a person has all the signs of a nervous system disorder and they are noticeable to others, and also all these symptoms completely prevent the person from doing everyday activities and work.

4. Clinical depression

Clinical depression is otherwise called big, or monopolar depression. This form of disorder of the human nervous system is most common today.

Entitled " Clinical”, implies the presence of a single extreme position in the range of emotions. It is characterized by only one type of patient's mood, for example, sad or depressed.

In most cases, this mood does not go away during the day, and also causes insomnia, decreased appetite, mental anguish and pain, lack of joyful emotions, inability to concentrate on anything.

In such a condition, patients usually, consider themselves useless to anyone, and view their position in society or at work as absolutely meaningless and useless. Such people have very low self-esteem.

The points of view of experts regarding the occurrence of depression in people are divided.

Some doctors think that the disease is directly related to abnormal processes in the human brain. In most patients, the tendency to this disease is hereditary.

Other reasons include the following factors: stressful situations, postpartum period among women, death of relatives, feelings of guilt and helplessness, various stressful situations.

Doctors distinguish 4 main groups of symptoms of depression:

  • Mood disorders. People have causeless, obsessive thoughts about their guilt in something, a feeling of loneliness and despair arises, they are constantly in a state of melancholy.
  • Variable behavior. The person is completely withdrawn from communication with others, it is difficult for him to concentrate his thoughts, his thoughts are vague.
  • Physical manifestations. Changes in body weight, disturbance or complete lack of sleep, systematic pain in the head.
  • Complex mental disorders. The simultaneous presence of several of the above symptoms of depression.

The patient himself is not able to adequately assess his own well-being, since the symptoms of a person’s mental disorder can manifest themselves in different ways, and can be expressed to a greater or lesser extent.

The depressive state completely affects the mental state of citizens, clear thinking deteriorates to a large extent.

6. Main signs of depression 📋

Experts identify two main signs of depression.

These include: lack of interest in the joyful events of the surrounding world, a persistent feeling of melancholy and depression and extreme stage of the disease, this is complete indifference to all the people around and everything that happens in the world and the public. Constant feeling melancholy and depression, feeling of hopelessness And misunderstanding the meaning of one's life lead not just to sadness and tears, but to acute mental pain diseases.

When depressed, most people withdraw into themselves And do not want to communicate with others. In the process of this psychological illness a person's attraction to the opposite sex disappears, difficulties appear in achieving orgasm and erection.

During depression, a person's physical condition changes. He is different from those around him walking slowly, quiet speech, stooping, in medicine this condition is called psychomotor retardation patient.

But there are also situations when people have an absolutely similar physical condition. They are characterized by accelerated and restless movements, speech is loud and fast. This condition is called - psychomotor agitation .

State of depression much affects people's feelings and thinking. Usually, all patients' thoughts are directed towards negative moments of life. Pronounced, difficulty concentrating on a specific issue, difficult thinking, a person has memory problems, absent-mindedness, confusion of thoughts.

In such a state, a person’s feelings and thoughts do not reflect reality. The patient experiences anxiety, has low self-esteem, is surrounded by his own fear, guilt and feels useless to anyone.

Psychological feeling dissatisfaction with oneself And own life often intensified by all sorts of manifestations: the patient periodically has not only thoughts about suicide , but also his attempts, or developed plans to commit suicide.

Major depression is divided into several forms.

Psychopathic depression, during which hallucinations and delusions appear in the patient, the number of suicides increases significantly and treatment under the supervision of specialists is required.

Atypical depression when a mixed picture of the above symptoms is expressed.

Postpartum depression, observed in women after childbirth.


Minor depression is called dysthymia. This is lingering mental disorder a person, which is accompanied by a lack of joyful events in life and emotions.

Dysthymia may last for several years. The accompanying gloomy mood of people during such a disease often leads to loss of work and family.

Previously, treatment of dysthymia was carried out using psychotherapy, and mainly psychoanalysis. There are other ways to get rid of this disease. These include: interpersonal, cognitive, behavioral therapy. Most experts say that the best is mixed treatment with the simultaneous use of medications and psychotherapy.

Spring depression - seasonal affective disorder

A special form of depression that occurs only at certain times of the year, e.g. in autumn or in the spring.

Many citizens who suffer from such a mental disorder may feel great throughout the year, but at one time or another they experience lethargy and a depressed mood.

According to statistics, this disorder most often occurs in the fall and ends by the beginning of spring. But there are other categories of citizens who suffer from depression at other times of the year. As a rule, spring depression occurs in women, but is less common in men.

Symptoms of this disease are: fatigue, drowsiness, loss of appetite, decreased performance, inability to focus one's thoughts on a specific issue, increased irritability, sense of anxiety, reluctance to communicate with other people.

Seasonal mental disorder goes away, without any special therapy, with the onset of another season. People feel a surge of strength and vitality.

Today's specialists can't answer definitively, what exactly is the cause of such depression. Basically, they indicate a decrease in the level of the joy hormone in people during a certain period of the year. Typically, this mental disorder is hereditary.

Bipolar depression (mania)

During bipolar depression observed in people changeable mood . It can suddenly go from joyful emotions to sad well-being, or vice versa. On average, this category of patients has an absolutely normal mood, despite systematic changes in it during the depression phase.

During exacerbations, a person exhibits symptoms similar to those of major depression: excessive activity, emotional arousal, and increased self-confidence. Usually, such changes in people’s moods are absolutely unrelated to current life problems.

The course of this disease disrupts a person’s usual activities and causes difficulties in performing daily work.

Develop and experience attacks of bipolar depression may happen in a completely unexpected way. People can experience all kinds of anxiety during the attack phase of a mental disorder. It is difficult for them to concentrate on anything, there is a feeling of guilt and alienation from the world around them.

There is also an opposite phase of mental disorder, as a result of which a person is different excellent well-being, elevated thinking abilities, feels a surge of energy and is in an inexplicably high spirits.

As mania increases, the patient's agitation increases, and his actions may become completely unexpected. Feelings of immense joy can change in an instant to indignation and anxiety.

For people with such depression, various failures and downfalls in life are unacceptable. They experience excessive attacks of anger and inflated demands on the people around them.

The lack of a critical attitude towards one's own condition is distinctive feature mania.

In what situations is an overly joyful mood regarded as a sign of mania?

  • The need for rest and sleep disappears.
  • Instant change of thoughts.
  • Feeling of greatness and high self-esteem.
  • Obsessiveness in communicating with others and increased talkativeness in general.
  • The tendency to be distracted by extraneous elements that are not relevant to the task.
  • Hobbies for something that will lead to complications in the future.
  • Increased activity and acceleration of movements in all areas of life.

Only in a situation where the above symptoms are expressed quite clearly and also interfere with the normal existence of a person and his presence in public places, experts confidently put diagnosis of mania and prescribe appropriate treatment.

In severe cases, the inexplicable self-confidence of a patient diagnosed with mania may gradually turn into delusions of grandeur. With such a psychological disorder, a person decides for himself that he has the ability to communicate with supernatural invisible objects and recognize their voices. This behavior of patients is very dangerous for the people around them.

During mania, the speed of thinking in the brain increases significantly, physical activity patient, libido increases.

Other forms are rare bipolar disorder. These include: accelerated circular disorder And gloomy mania.

The symptoms of such diseases are similar to the above-mentioned causes of psychological disorder in people.

7. What causes depression in women 🙍‍♀️?

There are several types of depression that can develop in women.

These include:

  1. Agitated depression. The disease is associated with self-preoccupation, loss of social status and self-criticism.
  2. Pathological form of depression. Usually causes the death of relatives and close friends.
  3. Alcohol or drug use. Occurs with excessive consumption of alcohol or psychotropic substances.
  4. Iatrogenic depression. It develops from the uncontrolled use of medications, usually with a sedative or hypnotic effect, without a doctor’s prescription.
  5. Somatic. Caused by diseases such as brain tumors, hydrocephalus, sclerosis, epilepsy, diseases thyroid gland and others.
  6. Postpartum depression and depression in pregnant women.

All types of these mental disorders are accompanied by hormonal changes and other physiological processes in the body of women.

Postpartum depression

Mental disorders in women are significantly affected by excess active substances in the body that are responsible for the normal production of beneficial hormones that help maintain normal human mood.

Usually, depression in pregnant women or those who have given birth to a baby in the last six months arises and ends on their own, without any reason or medication.

But if the signs of a mental disorder are sufficiently pronounced, immediate medical intervention and concomitant treatment are required. According to statistics, depression after childbirth Approximately 40% of women are affected different age categories.

Postpartum depression is a disorder of the nervous system that develops in women from 0 before 6 months after the birth of the child.

A recurrent disorder of the nervous system that occurs around 15% women of childbearing age is called premenstrual syndrome.

During the course of this disease, women experience nervousness, sleep and appetite disturbances, and a broken and depressed mood. This period lasts no more than two weeks and ends with the onset of menstruation.

Depression. Symptoms in women. How to get out - advice from doctors and psychologists

8. Signs of depression in women 🙅‍♀️

Very often, the onset of depression directly associated with hormonal imbalances in the body . They affect the fertility of women of the appropriate age. In a woman’s body, this period is divided into several stages.

These include: menstrual cycle , pregnancy and childbirth , menopause. Peculiar changes in hormonal levels in the body occur in each of the listed periods. These features of the female body disrupt certain functions of the nervous system and, therefore, affect mental state generally.

Patients with such nervous system disorders experience mood swings depending on one or another phase menstrual cycle within 1-2 weeks.

Often leads to depression pregnancy, regardless of whether it is long-awaited or not.

But, oddly enough, abortions can only in exceptional cases cause depression. The greatest likelihood of depressive disorders in women is the time of birth of the baby, this is not affected by what kind of child was born.

Postpartum depression can be a mild form of nervous disorder, or severe form depression, which can occur several weeks or months before giving birth.

Experts say that such depression cannot come suddenly, and this is due to the fact that woman and previously had mental problems, but did not turn to doctors for help.

The psyche of women in labor is also affected by a sharp decrease in hormone levels. This condition is explained by the stressful situation associated with childbirth, as well as the occurrence new difficulties And responsibilities in your life, which are added with the birth of the baby.

In particular, postpartum depression is directly related to unsuccessful childbirth, problems in the family, financial troubles and other factors.

Not so dangerous for depression is menopause in a woman. Experts say that mental disorders during menopause are no different from depression, which can occur in any other period of life.

The most susceptible to mental disorders are those categories of women who have previously experienced nervous system disorders.

Today, depression in young girls is quite common. (ages 14 to 29). The risk of all kinds of mental illnesses in the younger generation prone to depression 4 times higher.

The girls in at a young age during nervous overstrain arise digestive disorders, they are prone to overeating, or, conversely, completely refuse to eat food. Such mental disorders often lead to other various diseases, and also significantly affect physical development and body health.

If you refuse food, you may develop a serious disease called anorexia, which leads to a decrease in the resistance of the young body and contributes to the emergence of no less dangerous diseases, such as tuberculosis or pneumonia, as well as others infectious diseases.

How to help a girl cope with depression?

The general condition of the patient requires sufficient attention. Since the problems associated with digestive system, require long-term treatment by a psychiatrist.

First of all, symptomatic therapy is carried out to promote general strengthening body. Nutritionists select special nutrition for the patient, and doctors monitor her general well-being.

Treatment will be most successful if started in a timely manner.

Stressful situations in women

The influence of various stressful situations on a woman’s body causes a high percentage of depression.

Stressful situations include:

  • caring for a small child,
  • troubles And disappointments in personal life ,
  • lack of a life partner,
  • loneliness.

Great amount divorced women suffer from depression.

Many women break up with their loved ones, which can lead to reactive depression, which is major and requires long-term treatment.

Women with distinctive character most often subject to mental disorders due to their imbalance or excessive self-confidence.

Symptoms of reactive depression

  • Self-criticism is increased without any reason.
  • There is no interest in everyday life and the surrounding society.
  • Poor memory and difficulty making independent decisions.
  • Sleep disturbance and increased causeless irritability.
  • Availability of periodic obsessive thoughts about suicide.
  • Constant feeling of fatigue.
  • Headaches and general physical exhaustion.
  • Increased heart rate, pain in the heart area and blood pressure problems.

Depression among citizens male occurs less frequently than in women. As is commonly believed " men do not cry”, and it is this expression that they try to live up to in everyday life.

But such a statement does not save men from the occurrence of various mental illnesses, including all possible forms depression.

The main symptoms of depression in men are: inability to control your emotions, weakness, inability to independently overcome all sorts of life obstacles, problems in your personal life.

According to experts, it is quite difficult for men to express their own emotions and feelings due to ordinary shyness.

Usually, men do not discuss personal problems or difficulties in the workplace. They believe that they can independently overcome possible obstacles that, one way or another, are present in their daily life.

Among men, few would think about visiting a psychiatrist for the purpose of drug treatment for problems with mental state health. Men also practically do not turn to psychologists for the required consultation.

Male depression - signs and symptoms

9. Signs of depression in men 🤦‍♂️

Among the main signs of detecting depression in men are the following:

  • Systematic use of alcoholic beverages or various drugs.
  • Gambling addiction.
  • Aggressive and unstable behavior.

The listed signs are only capable of suppressing a serious disease for some time, which requires immediate treatment.

Get out of depression with alcohol For example, no man can. In addition, the above signs of depression contribute to a deterioration in psychological condition and a difficult situation in society and family. There is no need to worry about depression and related symptoms.

The best way for a man would be to contact a specialist for help in a timely manner. Only a psychotherapist will help improve your quality of life and get on the path to recovery.

The same stressful situation different men can cause the development of a complex form of depression, or get by with a minor mental disorder.

The following life troubles can be causes of stress:

  • Dismissal from permanent job.
  • Unsuccessful relationships with women.
  • Difficulties in personal life and family.
  • All kinds of psychological tragedies.
  • Assignment to perform a responsible and complex task.
  • Financial difficulties.
  • Lack of purpose in life.
  • Changing of the living place.
  • Retirement age.

In addition, one can cite many cases of psychological disorder in men without any significant problems of apparent causes of depression.

It is important to note that in a situation where a person has previously had difficulties with emotional and mental state , then subsequently a minor stressful situation will be enough to cause a serious mental disorder and prolonged depression.

The factor of heredity is also important in the possibility of depression occurring with minor stress.

Experts say that the tendency to such a state is passed on from generation to generation, and in such a family it is very difficult and almost impossible to avoid problems with mental disorders.

Children from such families require a special individual approach. Recommended limit them in possible ways from stressful situations, and if the slightest suspicion arises of possible deviations in mental development, you must immediately seek psychological and medicinal help from specialists in order to avoid serious complications and disastrous consequences.

10. Depression in men and women: what are the differences 📖?

From the above it follows that men suffer from depression almost 2 times less often, compared to women. This feature is primarily explained by the high dependence of the women’s body on hormonal levels.

Lability of the nervous system of women is another reason for such statistics. Like the fair sex, emotional reactions are more pronounced. Often, it is enough for a woman to say a thoughtless word for her to develop a severe form of depression.

The duration of depression in men is significantly shorter., compared with the course of female psychological disorder. Depression in women usually lasts for several months and can last for years. Only with the right treatment can you get rid of this serious disease.

Despite the fact that depression in men is not as long-lasting, the disease can develop intensively And be more severe.

According to statistics, suicide attempts men commit more often than women. Since the weak half of the population needs enough serious reasons, rather than the loss of one or another interest in life.

Women, even during depression, can go to work and do everyday household chores, but men are practically unable to do this during periods of mental illness.

How to get rid of depression on your own - advice from psychologists. Treatment of depression

11. How to get out of depression on your own - 10 tips from a psychologist to get rid of depression 💊

Proven advice from psychologists will help and advise how to get out of depression on your own when you have no strength to do anything.

Tip #1. Take responsibility.

Tip #2. Watch interesting and inspiring TV shows and movies.

Tip #3. Avoid solitude and loneliness. Communicate with people around you more often. Attend interesting events. Find yourself an exciting activity or hobby.

Tip #4. Allow yourself to accept help from other people.

Tip #5. Turn to the spiritual world.

Tip #6. Avoid alcohol and other drugs completely. They negatively affect the state of people’s psyche and worsen it with each use.

Tip #7. Regulate your sleep. Only long and healthy rest can restore the human nervous system.

Tip #8. Get some exercise.

Tip #9. Do something useful for the people around you unselfishly - show love to them, and they will reciprocate.

Tip #10. Use affirmations.

12. How to deal with depression 💉?

In modern medicine, any, even the most complex forms of human mental disorders can be cured. It should be noted that treatment will be most effective if it is started at the first signs of the disease.

Today it is difficult to avoid constant stress at work or in personal life, but correctly selected drug treatment will help you cope with life's difficulties.

Only highly qualified specialists can help avoid depression, this psychologists And psychiatrists.

One of the most common treatments for depression is psychotherapy. The doctor will help you learn how to communicate correctly with people around you, change your negative style of thinking and behavior to a positive attitude towards life.

A specialist will help normalize a person’s emotional comfort and advise how to avoid the recurrence of a mental disorder. In cases of severe disease, it is used electroshock therapy for patients. It is prescribed in situations where the patient for some reason does not take or cannot take the necessary medications, or in cases where the patient’s condition poses a threat to his life or the life and health of the people around him.

The main drug treatment is application antidepressants . Select, advise and prescribe who can only professional doctor.

Self-medicate Not recommended, and even, it is strictly prohibited. Only a specialist can correctly select drug therapy that is safe for the patient’s health and most effective in a particular case of a person’s mental disorder.

During postpartum depression, as a rule, a woman breastfeeds her baby. In this situation the selection of medications must be particularly careful so that during the treatment of the mother it does not harm her little child.

Improvement in the patient's condition is evident in the first weeks of taking medications prescribed by the doctor.

But, it is necessary to take into account that in order to achieve a good treatment result and its stability, as well as to avoid repeated mental disorders, use medications it takes at least six months, and in some cases even several years.

13. How to get rid of depression on your own 📌?

In addition to drug treatment of depression, it is widely used today and is quite effective. aromatherapy. This is a great way to get rid of some types of mental disorders without using medications.

This type of treatment for the disease will be ideal option For women, suffering postpartum depression , since not all medications can be used by them.

Aroma oils penetrate the human body through the pores and contribute to general improvement in well-being. With the help of such products you can lift your mood, since the aroma of oils has a positive effect on the human brain.

There are several ways to use aromatic oil. You can simply breathe them indoors, add a few drops while taking a bath, or use essential oils during a massage.

There is a huge variety of aromatic oils to get rid of mental disorders. The most effective are: lemon balm oil, rosemary, lavender, orange and many others.

14. Treatment of depression: 2 main ways 💡

Depression is a serious medical condition and patients require comprehensive treatment.

If stressful situations gradually go away on their own, then the diseases they cause will never go away without a trace unless effective, properly selected comprehensive treatment is started in time.

Today there are two main types of treatment for depression, This self-treatment, or with the help of doctors.

You can cure yourself only the initial forms of the disease, which have minor symptoms and last a short period of time.

Treatment by specialists is the most preferable and effective option. Since it is almost impossible (or very difficult) to get out of depression on your own when you have no strength to do anything.

doctors, usually, are not supporters of self-treatment of diseases, especially if it concerns complex mental disorders in humans.

Let's take a closer look at the most modern, safe And effective methods of treating all kinds of mental disorders.

It should be noted that, first of all, successful therapy depends on established emotional contact between the patient and the psychotherapist. Only with a trusting and friendly relationship, the result of the therapy used will not be long in coming, and it will also be stable and more pronounced.

Main areas of treatment:

  • Hypnotherapy.
  • Social therapy.
  • Classical psychotherapy.
  • Treatment with drugs.
  • Electroconvulsive therapy.

Today experts are trying to use aggressive ways to treat depression, namely, electroconvulsive, or drug therapy, exclusively in serious health problems, when the mental disorder is complex and lasts long enough.

The main drugs for the treatment of psychological disorders are sedatives and various antidepressants. For each patient, doctors select drug treatment individually.

For achievement best result treatment and its long-term effect great importance has the desire of the patient himself to get rid of depression forever.

During the rehabilitation process, patients are obliged to strictly follow all doctors’ recommendations, as well as monitor their own behavior and try to establish friendly and trusting relationships with people around them.

What to do to prevent depression?

In order to prevent all kinds of psychological disorders, it is recommended to monitor the occurrence of initial signs of depression, and also try to get rid of them in a timely and effective manner.

If you think that you have become irritable And hot-tempered If you notice mood changes, lose emotional attraction to everyday activities, have problems sleeping, then you urgently need to think about proper rest, or a change of job and other changes in your life.

Healthy and long sleep is one of the most significant conditions for getting rid of stress and improving your psychological and emotional well-being.

Proper daily routine, also plays an important role in getting rid of the initial signs of depression.

15. Conclusion

In conclusion, the following should be noted:

Depression is heavy human mental illness. Her treatment must be taken with great responsibility. You cannot suppress all kinds of symptoms of the disease with the help of alcoholic beverages and various drugs.

If you discover any signs of a psychological disorder, you need to take immediate action. The best solution in such a situation is appeal for qualified help to specialists.

This serious illness should not be confused with ordinary mood swings or seasonal blues (for example, spring depression). Depression differs in physiological signs that occur in the human body. It never goes away without a trace, but only gets worse every day, and gradually moves from a mild form to a severe stage.

Now you know how to get out of depression, what it is, how best to get rid of it, what symptoms and signs occur when a person is depressed, etc.

Never Do not start the course of such a disease, and do not wait for it to go away on its own. Seek advice from a psychotherapist, and he will definitely help you!

Nature, stretching, wakes up from hibernation, giving the earth the sun's rays. What a reason for joy and good mood! “So where does sadness come from?” - I would like to ask in the words of the poet. Was it all due to the spring depression?

It differs little from usual (in total, doctors identify about 250 different symptoms of depression). The difference lies in the reasons for its appearance.

Change of season. The need to adapt to seasonal changes in nature causes stress in humans. An increase in solar activity and temperature, the absence of the usual snow, frequent changes in spring weather, and others seasonal changes. The body simply does not have time to rebuild

Exhaustion of the body. During the winter, the necessary internal resource for normal activity runs out. Seasonal lack of vitamins, minerals, amino acids leads to chronic fatigue, drowsiness, depression and inability to resist colds

Physical inactivity. Long-term sedentary living in warm winter apartments, plus sedentary work, makes many of us indifferent to life, lethargic and lazy. The amount of serotonin, which improves our mood, decreases

Change of biorhythm. We, like any living organism, obey natural rhythm. It implies a decrease in activity in winter period and spring awakening. If the body does not have time to rebuild itself, this has a bad effect on the nervous system.

Unjustified expectations. It has been noted that the only thing better than a holiday is the anticipation. So it is with spring. Spring has come, but no long-awaited changes for the better have come in life. Bitter disappointment sets in.

Note: Many doctors call the problem of spring depression far-fetched or a simple character trait. But that doesn’t make it any easier, would you agree? And the problem requires a solution.

Spring depression: signs and symptoms

Everyone has their own way and varying degrees This seasonal ailment manifests itself. Moreover, there is a difference in female and male depression, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

Signs of seasonal depression in women

Signs of seasonal depression in men

Note: Symptoms associated with male depression can be observed in women, and vice versa

Spring depression: ways to combat and prevent it

There is no universal way to treat spring depression. But existing recommendations will help you quickly get out of an emotional impasse and return to a full life again.

Get outside more often. Especially in sunny weather. It is necessary to compensate for the lack of ultraviolet radiation. In addition, when the rays of the sun hit the retina of the eyes, a command is sent to the brain to produce “happiness hormones”

Get more sleep. At least 8 hours. You can never have too much sleep, especially when you feel unwell. It takes strength to resist depression

Communicate more. Meet friends, relatives, workmates, classmates. There is no possibility, then just call, contact via, etc. The main thing is not to isolate yourself. Live communication will prevent depression from overwhelming you

Take vitamins. Help your body recover faster after winter with multivitamin complexes

Love yourself. Do not deny yourself your loved one some small joys, maybe not the most necessary, but causing extremely positive emotions. For example, buy a new bag, a smartphone you’ve been dreaming about, etc. The list can go on and on endlessly.

Try to think positively. Smile, even if only through force. Know that very soon there will be no trace left of your depression. And don’t abuse it, it won’t help, you understand that yourself

Eat chocolate. And also bananas, nuts, ice cream. These products are natural antidepressants. Use them daily (but in moderation!) - this is an excellent prevention

Go see a psychotherapist. This is if it’s already completely unbearable and nothing helps. As a rule, with seasonal depression there is no need to take strong medications. All that is required is to survive the difficult period. But talking to a specialist will definitely be beneficial.

Spring depression, no matter how gloomy it may seem, is just a seasonal malaise caused by a number of reasons. As morning replaces night, so will this disorder inevitably pass. Life will smile at you again and sparkle with new colors!

Man is a strange creature of nature. All winter he whined that he wanted warmth and light, but as soon as spring came, instead of rejoicing at its arrival, he fell into a strange state. Blues, loss of energy, despondency, sad mood, tearfulness, melancholy - this is an incomplete list of spring sensations.

Life is not a joy, and there are “objective” reasons for this. The weather is not at all what I dreamed of in winter: not only are the days warm, but the sky is covered with clouds for a week. A summer skirt fits completely differently than it did last summer (and this is not the worst option - for some, last year’s skirt does not fit at all). The skin on the face peels off or, on the contrary, begins to become shiny and gape with pores.

It’s impossible to get up in the morning, even though the birds are singing their spring trills outside the window. People in transport are even more gloomy than in winter. Colleagues at work are very irritable, and the boss is angry. A state familiar to the smallest detail? Alas, you are captured by spring depression.

What is spring depression?

In medical terms, depression is a serious mental illness associated with biochemical changes in the brain and requiring serious and long-term treatment. But such conditions do not occur so often in people - and in this case, the help of a psychiatrist is needed, depression without medical intervention are fraught with serious consequences.

What we call depression in everyday life is actually a depressive state that often occurs in the spring. According to statistics, women are more susceptible to spring depression than men. Women with in an active way life are less likely to suffer from depression than those whose life interests revolve around the kitchen and diapers. Depressive states do not see differences between young girls and older women - spring blues all ages are submissive.

By what signs can you suspect spring depression? The symptoms of depression are varied, but there is always a decline in physical and mental strength. A simple test will help you check whether you are in a bad mood or just in a bad mood. If you have:

  • constantly bad mood;
  • frequent tears without serious reasons;
  • physical weakness;
  • irritability that is not typical for you;
  • constant feeling of anxiety, restlessness;
  • decreased self-esteem;
  • insomnia;
  • a chronic feeling of fatigue, when performing even simple and familiar work requires enormous effort;
  • apathy, reluctance to work or learn something new;
  • difficulty concentrating: it is difficult to understand complex texts or what the presenters of analytical programs say;
  • loss of appetite or constant strong desire to eat;
  • headache;
  • dark thoughts, including the darkest ones.

If you find yourself with three or four of the listed symptoms, then you most likely have spring depression. And if all the points are about your current condition, then it makes sense to consult a doctor - perhaps we are not talking about a depressive state, but about more serious problems.

Who is guilty?

In the most general sense, a depressive state is one of the possible forms of a person’s response to stress factors. In some cases, such stress factors can be serious external influences: mental trauma, overload at work, changes in hormonal levels associated, among other things, with the start of taking or stopping hormonal drugs, which is very important for women.

In other cases, depression is caused by a combination of reasons, each of which in itself is not capable of provoking depressive states, but all together give an effect when “the white light is not nice.” Spring depression, or rather, a depressive state, is the result of such a combination of reasons. What?

Firstly, lack of sunlight. We have been accumulating this aggravating factor since about October - so in the spring it “fired” with serious consequences.

Secondly, hypoxia is oxygen starvation due to a lack of fresh air (in winter people spend less time in the fresh air), as well as due to a lack of a number of vitamins and microelements.

Thirdly, physical inactivity is a sedentary lifestyle. Winter, with its long periods of lying on the sofa in front of the TV, deprives our body of physical activity, and blood - sufficient quantity oxygen. And the body takes revenge on us for this in the spring. In addition, as a result of physical activity, the body produces endorphins - joy hormones. No physical activity - no joy.

Fourthly, weakened immunity due to poor nutrition in winter. In winter, we ate a lot of high-calorie, fatty and carbohydrate foods, but did not eat enough fresh vegetables, fruits and greens. And if we were sick, we took medications, including antibiotics, which are a serious test for the immune system.

Fifthly, hormonal changes in the body. Little is said about this, but every six months - in autumn and spring - our body rebuilds itself to new season, colder or warmer. This restructuring does not take place without consequences - the body spends its strength on it, thereby weakening itself. The female body reacts more sensitively to hormonal changes.

How to deal with spring depression?

Depressive states can occur in different shapes. If the melancholy gnaws for only a few days, that is, it is not protracted, and there are few pronounced symptoms, then any person can cope with such depression without outside help - if only there was a desire. In severe cases, when you cannot cope with spring depression on your own for more than a month, you will have to consult a specialist.

We give advice for those whom spring depression did not drag into the whirlpool of serious conditions, and the person is able to help himself. Methods to combat spring depression follow from the causes that give rise to it. What do we have to do?

1. Walk more often. If the day is sunny, then you need to make the most of the opportunity to get exposed to ultraviolet radiation, to compensate for the winter lack of light. But even if there is little sun during the day, or the day is cloudy, still try to spend more time outdoors. Usually when it rains Fresh air, rich in oxygen, and the body lacks it so much in the spring!

2. Exercise. If you are not a big fan of visiting Gym, jog, play badminton in the park or in the yard, sign up for dancing. It has been noticed that those who are friendly with physical education suffer from depression 20 times less often!

3. Take vitamins. As you know, in spring the body is depleted due to a lack of vitamins. We definitely need to help him by taking poly vitamin complexes. It makes sense to buy vitamin complexes, and not dietary supplements, which have a narrowly targeted effect, unlike multivitamin preparations.

4. Review your food system. Avoid a winter diet with fatty and carbohydrate foods. Give your body a rest. But there is no need to go to the other extreme - to sharply limit yourself in nutrition. Hard low calorie diets increase depression, and if you snap and break your diet (which happens not so rarely), then a mild depressive state can develop into a serious disorder.
Lean on foods rich in iodine - cauliflower, kelp. Don't forget about freshly squeezed juices. Add fresh herbs to your food, don’t be shy with oriental spices - they can literally bring back the taste for life!

5. Prose of life - watch your intestines. Often the cause of a depressed state is a disruption of the gastrointestinal tract: stool disorders (both diarrhea and constipation), bloating, gas, pain. All these are symptoms of dysbiosis, which could manifest itself while taking antibiotics.
It makes sense to start a course of prebiotics, which, in principle, should have been carried out immediately after antibiotic treatment in the winter. In mild cases, when there are only minor problems on this side, it is enough to take natural yogurt and fermented milk products, such as kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk. Of course, we are talking only about yoghurts with live lactobacilli, and not about those that can be stored for six months without compromising quality.

6. Get more sleep. A sleeping person is not unhappy, and a well-rested person has more strength to fight depression. To feel healthy, the body needs at least 8 hours of good sleep, and during spring depression – nine.

7. Surround yourself with bright colors. Not everyone can afford to start renovating their apartment to fight depression and change the calm color of the wallpaper to a positive bright orange. If you are not one of those lucky ones, then try to at least slightly change your wardrobe, add bright accents in the form of scarves, handbags, and gloves. Hang a bright picture at work and rest your gaze on it more often.

8. Run away from loneliness. Communicate more with friends, family, relatives, acquaintances. Communicate in person, by phone, via Skype: the main thing is to hear a live voice. It will stir you up and prevent you from sinking deeper into depression.

9. Love yourself. Pamper yourself more often, buy yourself something tasty. If you are on a diet - reward yourself with shopping, even if you only have enough money for a handkerchief - buy it for yourself! Get a different haircut, change your hair color, paint your nails with bright polish. If you don't have the courage, at least paint your toenails brightly. Make yourself happy! Play cheerful music more often, especially when you are busy with the most “depressing” housework: washing floors, dishes, cleaning. Dance!

10. Remember: everything is transitory, everything comes to an end. And depression is no exception.

Berestova Svetlana

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