Is it possible to eat foods with high gi. When to Eat Low GI Foods

Why is the caloric content of food in the diet low, but a person does not lose weight? This happens often. The secret may be hidden in the glycemic index, GI or GI. This parameter is already available ]]>

The term "glycemic index"

Concept ]]>

After people ]]>

  • provides oneself with energy in the current moment;
  • replenishes glycogen stores in muscles;
  • It stores the leftovers “in reserve”, turning sugar into fat.

The glycemic index (GI) is the rate at which a food raises blood sugar levels. The GI scale is divided into 100 units. The standard of measurement is glucose with GI = 100 units. The indicator gives an idea of ​​how much pure glucose is consumed during the day.

High and low glycemic index

There are foods with high and low GI.

High GI

High GI foods contain fast carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates consist of one or two saccharides. They instantly release their energy into the blood, filling the body with glucose. Upon hydrolysis (cleavage), they do not form more simple carbohydrates or the molecule breaks down into 2 molecules of monosaccharides. So, sugar consists of 2 monosaccharides.

If the energy is not immediately consumed in the form of energy or glycogen, then it turns into fat. Are these reserves always used up? No, this does not happen in most cases due to sedentary lifestyle life. Hunger returns quickly after eating food.

Sources of fast carbohydrates:

  • sugar;
  • sweet dishes, drinks;
  • starch;
  • soups, cereals instant cooking;
  • potato;
  • alcohol.

Low GI

Features of foods with a low glycemic index (slow, complex carbohydrates), in that they give up their energy gradually, over several hours. Such glucose enters the blood in small portions and is used to provide the body with energy, that is, it does not settle as fat deposits.

Complex carbohydrates are those that consist of three or more monosaccharides, sometimes up to a thousand.

After eating foods with a low GI, a person feels full for a long time. Therefore, nutritionists pay attention to the fact that slow carbohydrates preferable for maintaining normal weight.

Sources of slow carbohydrates:

  • hard fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • legumes;
  • minimally processed cereals, with the exception of white rice, semolina, couscous;
  • bakery products made from wholemeal flour;
  • pasta products from durum wheat.

If nutritionists recommend minimizing the consumption of fast carbohydrates, the body needs slow carbohydrates. large quantities. Therefore, low-carb diets for weight loss are criticized.

Table indicating GI by food group

Cereals and flour products

Food product GI Carbohydrates, g
Butter buns 88 61
Dumplings with potatoes (2 pcs.) 60 33
Dumplings with cottage cheese (2 pcs.) 55 27
Buckwheat 50 67
Porridge Hercules 55 14,8
Crackers 80 65,5
Semolina 65 72
Wheat flour 69 70,6
Muesli 80 67
Oat groats 66 50,1
Bran 51 16,6
Dumplings 70 13,5
Pearl barley 22 66,5
Cookies and cakes 75 70
Pizza with cheese 86 24,8
Millet cereal 71 66,5
White rice 83 71
Brown rice 79 0,2
Rice porrige 90 25,8
Wholemeal spaghetti 38 39,7
Spaghetti, pasta 90 52
White bread toast 100 52,8
White bread 85 55,4
Bran bread 45 46,8
Whole grain bread (wheat, rye) 40 40,3
Black bread 65 46
Barley grits 50 66,3


Product (100 g) GI Carbohydrates, g
Eggplant 10 4,5
Broccoli 10 2,7
Boiled carrots 101 6
Boiled potatoes 90 78
Porcini mushrooms 10 1,1
Fried potatoes 95 42
Fresh green peas 40 14,5
Fried zucchini 75 7,7
Cabbage 10 4,3
Stewed cabbage 15 9,6
Instant mashed potatoes 90 83
Red pepper 15 15,8
Corn 70 22,5
Onion 10 4,4
Olives 15 5,3
Tomatoes 10 2,8
Radish 15 3,4
Fresh cucumbers 20 1,8
Beet 64 8,8
Sunflower seeds 8 4
Raw carrots 35 6,2
Pumpkin 75 4,2
Beans 40 10
Lentils 25 57,5
Chips 80 49,3

Fruits and berries

Products GI Carbohydrates, g
Apricots 20 7,9
Pineapples 66 11,6
Oranges 35 8,3
Watermelon 72 8
Bananas 65 19,2
Grape 40 16
Cherry 22 10,3
Grapefruit 22 6,5
Pears 34 9,9
Melon 65 5,3
Raisin 65 65
Kiwi 50 3,4
Strawberry 32 6,3
Dried apricots 30 43,4
Raspberries 30 5
Mandarin 40 8
Peaches 30 9,3
Plum 22 9,6
Currant 30 7,3
Dates 146 54,9
Cherries 25 11,3
Blueberry 43 8,6
Prunes 25 49
Apples 30 10,6

Juices and drinks



Product (100 g) GI Carbohydrates, g
Peanut 20 8,6
Vegetable borscht 30 5
Meat borscht 30 5
Jam 70 56
The vinaigrette 35 26
Walnuts 15 13,7
Eggplant caviar 15 5,09
Squash Cavier 15 8,54
Cocoa (powder) 25 35
Sugar free marmalade 30 79,4
Honey 90 78,4
Ice cream 87 19,8
Olivie 52 6,1
Popcorn 85 77,6
Meat salad 38 3,3
Herring under a fur coat 43 4,7
Pea soup 30 8,2
Halva 70 50,6
Hot Dog 90 22
Milk chocolate 70 63
Dark chocolate (70% cocoa) 22 48,2

GI norm

  • low - up to 55;
  • average - 56–69;
  • high - 70–100.

A range of 60–180 units per day is considered normal. Depending on the body mass index is determined daily norm for every person.

Full BMI table

GI value BMI
Up to 80 30–40
80–120 20–30
120–180 18–20

Body mass index (BMI) is a value that shows whether a person’s body weight corresponds to his height, whether his weight is normal or whether he needs a diet to lose weight. BMI is calculated independently using the formula: I=m/h 2 .

  • m - body weight (kg);
  • h 2 - height (m).

Glycemic load

But not everything is so simple with the glycemic index. For weight loss, another indicator is taken into account - the glycemic load (GL). This value shows which foods cause the longest lasting rise in sugar levels. The GN index is calculated using the formula:

GL = (GI x carbohydrates)/100

The above formula takes into account in grams the carbohydrates contained in a particular product.

Here's a good example. The glycemic index of watermelon is 75 units, semolina is 65 units. 100 g of watermelon contains 4.4 g of carbohydrates, semolina - 73.3 g.

Watermelon GL: (75 x 5.8)/100 = 4.35

GN of semolina porridge: (65 x 73.3)/100 = 47.64

Conclusion: semolina, having a lower GI, provides the body ten times more glucose than watermelon.

As for GI, a scale for assessing GI has been developed:

  • low - up to 10 units;
  • average - 11–19 units;
  • high - more than 20 units.

It is believed that the daily GL should not exceed 100 units. But this is an average value, and depending on the characteristics of the organism, it can be more or less.

GI and GL index for some products (table)

Is it possible to change the GI?

The glycemic index of a product changes, for example, as a result of industrial processing:

  • GI of boiled jacket potatoes - 65, baked - 95, instant mashed potatoes - 83, potato chips - 83;
  • GI of rice bread - 83, steamed white rice - 70, white rice - 60;
  • GI of oatmeal - 50, the same, instant - 66, oatmeal cookies - 55.

In potatoes and cereals, this occurs because the starch is denatured differently during cooking. Therefore, the better the product is cooked, the more harmful it is.

This means that for health healthier products, which have undergone minimal culinary processing. The more the product is crushed, the higher glycemic index. Therefore the porridge from oatmeal healthier than cereal instant cooking.

Another factor that reduces GI, - acid, which reduces the rate of absorption of products. Unripe fruits have a lower GI and GL.

How to reduce GI?

There are several secrets that will help reduce the glycemic index of foods and achieve weight loss.

This is achieved by the following methods:

  • Combine protein products with carbohydrates. Proteins slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and improve the absorption of proteins.
  • Add a little fat to the dish, which slows down the absorption of carbohydrates.
  • Chew food thoroughly.
  • Starchy foods with a medium GI are consumed with vegetables (low GI). In general, root vegetables contain more starch than vegetables that grow above ground.
  • They prepare porridge and bake bread from whole grains.
  • Raw fruits and vegetables are healthier than juices because they contain fiber, and better than boiled ones. If possible, the fruits are not peeled, since the peel contains a lot of nutritious fiber.
  • Porridge is prepared correctly: the cereals are not boiled, but poured with boiling water and wrapped in warm clothes for several hours.
  • Sweets are not eaten separately from proteins or foods with high content fiber. But do not eat confectionery products with fat.

Do you need glucose?

Simple carbohydrates are not always harmful. They are useful to the body after training, since a lot of energy has been spent and the supply needs to be replenished. During this period, sugar acts as an anti-catabolic and helps maintain muscle tissue. But during training, foods with a high GI will not help you lose weight because they inhibit fat burning.

Fast carbohydrates are a source of quick energy:

  • for students and schoolchildren during exams;
  • in cold weather;
  • in the field.

The source of quick calories in such an environment can be honey, caramel, chocolate, sweet fruits, nuts, and sparkling water. But these products are consumed mainly in the first half of the day, when the body is most active and has time to process all the energy.

In general, glucose is important element which is essential for human health. Main function substances - support work nervous system, brain. How important this element is can be judged by the condition of diabetic patients whose sugar levels suddenly drop. During an attack, the patient does not think well and becomes weak. This occurs due to impaired insulin secretion. Therefore, it is not glucose that is harmful, but its excess in the blood.

Who benefits from calculating GI?

  1. Overweight, period of weight loss.
  2. Metabolic syndrome, when the body cannot cope with the processing of carbohydrates. Then there is a risk of developing diabetes mellitus 2 types.
  3. Type 2 diabetes mellitus, in which glucose absorption is impaired.
  4. Tendency to cardiovascular diseases.
  5. Oncological diseases or susceptibility to them. Carbohydrates are the substance that feeds cancer cells. Reducing foods with high GI is the prevention of cancer.

Does calorie content depend on GI?

There is no connection between the calorie content of a dish and GI. The fact is that calorie content is formed from energy value food components - protein, fats, carbohydrates. Thus, when 1 g of proteins and carbohydrates is broken down, 4 kcal are released, fats - 9 kcal, carboxylic acids - 2.2 kcal, polyhydric alcohols - 2.4 kcal, alcohol - 7.1 kcal.

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Date of: 2017-04-08 Views: 19 505 Grade: 5.0 To reduce (GI)* in food, you can resort to in different ways. And today we will talk about my favorite *GI or glycemic index. This is an indicator of how your body will react to food intake in relation to an increase in blood glucose levels. In other words: how quickly your body processes the food you receive into glucose, the higher the glycemic index of the product. The division into high, medium and low level GI. The maximum GI of glucose is 100, and everything is based on it. Low to 50; average from 51 to 70. And above 71 - high ⠀

FIRST METHOD. No need to overcook or chop the food!

The fact is that the finer we cut the product, the faster it will be absorbed. This means it will be processed into glucose faster! We achieve a different effect, so we don’t overcook the porridge, cook the pasta al dente, and don’t chop the salads too much! It also happens that the finer we chop the vegetables, the less fiber they will have. We'll talk about fiber below. For now, just remember what’s best to cut vegetable salad larger and avoid grater

SECOND METHOD. Whenever possible, we eat vegetables raw!

The glycemic index of boiled carrots is almost 2.5 times higher than the glycemic index raw carrots. This suggests that many starchy vegetables can, and should!, be eaten raw or uncooked. However, it is better to cook the potatoes. It's all about starch. Starch in food is contained in the form of amylose and amylopectin. When interacting with water, starch molecules absorb water, that is, they swell. As a result, we get a less viscous product structure. This process is called starch gelatinization. The degree of digestibility of the product will depend on the ratio of amylose and amylopectin. The less amylose in the product, the more digestible the food will be. If the starch is too gelatinized, it is more easily converted into glucose by the action of digestive enzymes V gastrointestinal tract. This means that we will raise our blood sugar levels faster.

THIRD METHOD. Add fiber to your meals! Or vegetables (see the first two points here) or loose fiber from a pharmacy or sports store.

The thing is that fiber gives us a feeling of fullness and binds food in the stomach. Due to its long digestibility, it will allow other foods to be digested more slowly. This means that the increase in glucose will be slower. In addition, fiber prevents the enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular amylases, from absorbing glucose. It kind of “detains” it in the product. What gives us an edge over rising blood sugar levels?

FOURTH METHOD. In addition to fiber, we can add protein to each meal with carbohydrates.

Proteins in the gastrointestinal tract are absorbed more slowly, but affect the increase in blood sugar. They stabilize him and do not allow him to jump sharply. This is what we are trying to achieve. Also, a combination of proteins and carbohydrates (mostly complex ones, of course) will help both proteins and carbohydrates be better absorbed. Protein synthesis in the body occurs through the carbohydrate digestion cycle. If you exclude carbohydrates, you will absorb proteins worse. Yes, and with carbohydrates the same problem. That's why we combine these two products to get maximum benefits.

FIFTH METHOD. Add fats to carbohydrate foods.

We know very well that fats in the gastrointestinal tract are absorbed the slowest. It is this property of fats that we will use to reduce the digestibility of carbohydrates. The main thing you have to remember is "not too much fat." That is, for a plate of porridge (50-70 g of dry product) 3-5 g is quite enough butter. No longer necessary Which method do you like best? What will you use?

Maintaining a diet and adherence to principles proper nutrition is collateral successful treatment various diseases, especially associated with lipid disorders, carbohydrate metabolism. In an effort to achieve the desired result, many pay attention to the calorie content of foods, the level of carbohydrates and other nutrients.

However, this is not entirely correct, since it does not objectively reflect their effect on metabolic processes. Therefore, to determine the dietary value of dishes, it is recommended to use other parameters. Foods with a low glycemic index (abbreviated as GI) - best option for preparing a diet.

The further “behavior” of carbohydrates depends on their type. Rapidly digestible carbohydrates contribute to a sharp increase in blood glucose levels, which provokes obesity, metabolic disorders, and dysfunction of cardio-vascular system and other pathologies. Slowly digestible carbohydrates ensure gradual breakdown of glucose and uniform energy consumption during physical activity, which helps maintain a feeling of fullness.

The degree to which carbohydrates influence blood sugar levels is reflected by the glycemic index. The GI of glucose is 100, the remaining polysaccharides are characterized by values ​​of this parameter ranging from one to one hundred. GI is a kind of reflection of the body's reaction to consumed carbohydrates compared to pure glucose.

In accordance with the GI value, all food products can be divided into several groups:

  • food with high GI (more than 70 units);
  • food with an average GI (indicator in the range of 56 - 69 units);
  • food with low GI (value does not exceed 55 units).

Consuming low GI foods has a number of benefits:

But at the same time, if the diet contains only foods with a low glycemic index, the body’s resistance to physical training, dishes that meet such requirements are very difficult to prepare.

Consumption of high GI foods provides sharp increase energy and a surge of strength, but they have a number of disadvantages:

A table indicating the variety of carbohydrate-containing foods will help you navigate exact value glycemic index.

Product name GI value
Vegetables, fruits, greens
Blueberry 25
Spinach, sorrel 15
Apples (any form) 35
Zucchini 15
Various varieties of cabbage 15
Currant 15
Asparagus 15
Radish 15
Leaf salad 15
Sweet pepper and chili 15
Cucumber 15
Tomatoes (fresh and dried) 30 and 35 respectively
Cherry 25
Strawberry 25
Raspberries 25
Gooseberry 25
Currant 25
Eggplant 20
Pumpkin 75
Plums 35
A pineapple 45 (65 canned)
Kiwi 50
Grape 45
Potato 65 (steamed), 95 (fries), 80 (mashed potatoes)
Apricot 30
Green peas 15 (45 canned)
Pomegranate 35
Grapefruit 30
Pear 30
Watermelon 75
Melon 60
Banana 60
Persimmon 50
Carrot 30
Mandarin 30
Peach, nectarine 35
Raisin 65
Dried apricots 35
Cereals, cereals, other side dishes
Durum wheat vermicelli 35
Wheat germ 15
Whole grain cereals 45
Rice 70-90 (depending on cooking method), 35 wild
Millet porridge 70
White bread (non-gluten) 90
Whole grain bread 45
Mushrooms 15
Bran 15
Green beans 15
Barley grits 25
Lentils 30
Oatmeal 60
Muesli 50 (pure)
Pearl barley 25
Buckwheat 40
Corn porridge 70
Bulgur 55
Milk and dairy products
Milk 30
Ice cream 60, 35 on fructose
Cottage cheese 30
Natural low fat yogurt without additives 35
Meat, fish, seafood
Sea kale 30
Natural crab meat 40
Natural doctor's sausage 40
Ground beef sausages 30
Snacks, drinks, sauces
Honey 60
Ketchup 55
Mayonnaise 60
Store-bought chocolate bars 65
Biscuit 70
Beer 110
Pistachios (natural) 15
Drink with chicory 40
Soy sauce 20
Nuts 15
Juices 35 (apple and tomato), 20 (lemon), 50 (pear), 55 (grape)
Sushi 55
Donuts without filling 75
Mustard 35
Sweet soda 75
Jam 55

Many nutritionists recommend dairy products as the basis of the diet. They have a fairly high nutritional value, contains easily digestible proteins. Their GI ranges from 15 to 80, this figure increases as the sugar content increases.

To the GI level (from 35 to 100) in bread and flour products mainly influenced by additional additives (flavor enhancers, sweeteners, leavening agents). Confectionery are also characterized by a high glycemic index. If there are no problems with overweight, they can be consumed, but in limited quantities, in the first half of the day and in combination with other foods that slow down digestion.

Most vegetables have a low GI; in addition, their presence in dishes reduces the rate of carbohydrate absorption. Fruits that contain carnitine promote fat burning and lower the overall glycemic index of the finished dish.

Drinks have wide range GI, and this indicator increases the presence of sugar. In addition, soda accelerates the absorption of carbohydrates. As for fat-containing products, preference should be given to dishes prepared on the basis vegetable fats. Nuts have a relatively low GI, but due to high concentration lipids, they are difficult to digest and slow down digestion.

The level of the glycemic index is influenced by a number of factors. For example, the GI of foods that contain starch increases during heat treatment. Grinding products has the same effect. When chopped, they are absorbed much faster, which affects glucose metabolism, and the same applies to squeezing out juices. Adding vegetable oil during cooking also increases the GI.

The calculation of the GI of foods deserves special attention when preparing a diet for patients with diabetes. Therefore, it is recommended to calculate the glycemic load. It is calculated using the formula:

GL = mass of product in grams ×GI of this product/100

To assess the nutritional value, the following glycemic load scale is used:

  • low level - up to 80;
  • average level — 81 — 119;
  • high level - above 120.

Consuming foods with a high GI can cause uncontrollable fluctuations in blood glucose levels. In addition, it is important for patients with diabetes to maintain body weight, and such a diet only contributes to the appearance of extra pounds. Therefore, during cooking, sugar should be replaced with fructose, and only sweets specially designed for diabetics should be eaten.

Carbohydrates with a low glycemic index: use of the indicator for diet planning, “healthy” and “harmful” carbohydrates

When planning a diet for diabetes, calculating the glycemic index and load is not enough. It is also necessary to take into account the presence of proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals in the diet. Carbohydrates must form a significant part of the diet, otherwise the risk of both hypo- and hyperglycemia is high.

However, preference should be given to products with a glycemic index of up to 60-70, and ideally less. And during cooking, you must avoid frying in oil or animal fat, or adding fatty sauces based on mayonnaise.

IN Lately Low-carb diets are becoming increasingly popular.

Perhaps they contribute to weight loss, but on the other hand, a lack of carbohydrates can cause the following undesirable symptoms:

Low-carb diets are especially dangerous for diabetics. Therefore, you should adhere to the “golden mean” rule. It is necessary to consume carbohydrates, but they must be “healthy”, that is, slowly digestible.

Complex carbohydrates with a low glycemic index are found in the following foods:

  • legumes;
  • whole grain cereals;
  • some vegetables.

Dishes prepared from these products should make up a third of the diet. This ensures a gradual release of energy, has positive influence per condition digestive system, does not cause sharp fluctuations in blood glucose levels.

The rest of the diet includes food with minimum quantity or complete absence carbohydrates are:

  • milk and dairy products;
  • fruits (citrus fruits, green apples) and vegetables;
  • lean meat;
  • lean fish and seafood;
  • eggs;
  • mushrooms.

The glycemic index of a product can be either reduced or increased. For example, you should consume more raw vegetables and fruits, avoid them heat treatment. And if you cook them, it is better in an unrefined form. There is also no need to chop food finely. Reducing the GI index can be achieved by adding vinegar and marinades based on it.

Food with a low glycemic index: daily diet, sample menu, basic rules

Your daily diet should include foods with a low and medium glycemic index, proteins and fats. A low-glycemic diet is essential for anyone trying to lose weight. overweight suffering from a predisposition to excess weight.

Principles similar nutrition must be adhered to by all patients at risk for diabetes (with a family history, insulin resistance), with diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive, urinary systems, and endocrine pathologies.

The approximate weekly diet is as follows:

  • Monday.
    Breakfast: boiled meat, fresh vegetables, coffee or tea without sugar.
    Second breakfast: apple and carrot salad.
    Dinner: vegetarian soup, for dessert fruit or juice.
    Afternoon snack: a glass of low-fat and unsweetened yogurt, rosehip decoction or juice.
    Dinner: boiled fish with green peas.
  • Tuesday.
    Breakfast: steam omelette with vegetables.
    Lunch: skim cheese.
    Lunch: mushroom or vegetable soup with boiled chicken fillet.
    Afternoon snack: several fruits, kefir.
    Dinner: Peppers stuffed with chicken or ground turkey without sauce.
  • Wednesday.
    Breakfast: oatmeal, vegetable salad with vegetable oil and greens.
    Second breakfast: apples, a few pieces of dried apricots.
    Lunch: borscht in non-concentrated chicken or beef broth, fresh or sauerkraut salad.
    Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese, you can add berries.
    Dinner: baked fish, buckwheat porridge.
  • Thursday.
    Breakfast: omelet, carrot salad with apple.
    Second breakfast: yogurt.
    Dinner: fish soup without rice, boiled fish with peas.
    Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir, a handful of dried fruits.
    Dinner: whole grain porridge, boiled fillet, some fresh vegetables.
  • Friday:
    Breakfast: rolled oats, boiled eggs.
    Second breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese.
    Dinner: lean soup, boiled meat with vegetables.
    Afternoon snack: fruit.
    Dinner: boiled hake fillet, boiled unpolished rice.
  • Saturday:
    Vegetable salad with low-fat cheese, whole grain toast.
    Second breakfast: fruit or juice.
    Dinner: mushroom soup, boiled meat, stewed vegetables.
    Afternoon snack: yogurt.
    Dinner: salad of seafood, herbs and vegetables.
  • Sunday:
    Breakfast: any porridge, 2 egg whites.
    Second breakfast: seasonal fruits, yogurt.
    Lunch: lean vegetable soup, boiled fish, vegetables in any form.
    Afternoon snack: a handful of dried fruits.
    Dinner: buckwheat, baked turkey fillet.

In the scientific world, experts are gradually developing such a branch as nutritionology - the science of nutrition. It has long been established that some diseases directly depend on what, how and in what quantity a person eats. It is known that each product has its own calorie content, but not everyone realizes that in addition to this, there is also a glycemic index, which also has great importance. Foods with a high glycemic index can affect your blood sugar, which is important factor for those who have diabetes or are trying to lose weight.

Glycemic index of foods - what is it?

The glycemic index depends on the rate of change in the level of glucose in a person’s blood after he has consumed any product. The starting point is a glucose value of 100 units. There is a relationship - fast growth glucose in the blood provokes the release of insulin, which leads to the deposition of fat reserves on the hips, buttocks, and abdomen.

When eating foods containing a high glycemic index, rest assured that they will not be used to replenish expended energy, but will be stored as fat, which is then so difficult to get rid of. If you trace the relationship between calorie content and glycemic index (GI), it is worth noting that sometimes in the same product these two values ​​will be very different.

Often high-calorie foods have low rate glycemic index and vice versa. Both values ​​greatly influence the processes of obesity or weight loss in the body. Maybe it’s worth taking a closer look at a lesser-known indicator of our body - the glycemic index, in order to understand what processes are happening inside us and try to manage them?

What does the glycemic index depend on?

The main thing that affects the glycemic index is the carbohydrates contained in the product and consumed in food. But not all of them are so harmful. A jump in GI can only be caused by fast carbohydrates, that is, those that the body breaks down quickly, converts them into glucose and stores them in subcutaneous fat. Main list of products with fast carbohydrates:

  • Salo.
  • Chips.
  • Wheat bread.
  • Sugar.
  • Confectionery.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Carbonated sweet drinks.
  • Some fruits are watermelon, melon, grapes, banana, persimmon.

The amount of fiber contained in product consumed, also matters - the less it is, the higher the glycemic index. Any heat treatment significantly increases GI, so many nutritionists advise those who want to lose weight to eat raw foods whenever possible. This applies to a greater extent to vegetables and fruits. Nutrition scientists have discovered an interesting proportion: the less fat and protein a product contains, the higher the glycemic index.

Why do you need to know the GI of food?

People suffering from diabetes mellitus and those who control their weight or want to get rid of extra pounds must know the norm of the glycemic index of the foods they consume. By calculating the number of calories consumed and glycemic index indicators, it is possible to keep weight and blood sugar levels under control. The appearance of acne is the first sign poor nutrition. Problem skin- is released by the body toxic substances, toxins, getting rid of the consequences of eating foods with a high GI.

For diabetes

The glycemic index was originally developed by scientists for people with diabetes to control blood sugar levels. Therefore, there is a second name for GI - insulin index. Using this parameter, doctors will find out how quickly glucose will enter the blood after consuming the product, whether there will be a jump or a slight increase in the indicator.

Diabetes is serious endocrine disease, which is based on an insufficient amount of insulin produced by the body. It is not completely curable; it is only possible to maintain normal health. If you understand the nature of the disease, monitor the glycemic index, and eat right, this will help avoid complications of diabetes. At insufficient quantities Insulin increases blood sugar levels sharply, which leads to serious metabolic disorders, including loss of consciousness and coma.

Therefore, if you have a disease such as diabetes, it is very important to monitor the composition of the foods you eat. A high glycemic index of one product can negate the impact of the whole complex medical supplies. Having studied the list of foods with a high GI, understanding the specifics of why this or that food belongs to unwanted list, you will be able to manage your diet without harming your health.

During weight loss

It’s rare that a woman, even one with an attractive, slender figure, does not dream of losing weight. Exhausting yourself by fasting is unpleasant and unsafe, especially since after such methods of losing weight, the lost kilograms return quickly and with excessive interest. Is there a panacea for these unnecessary centimeters on the waist and hips? Nutritionists say it exists.

Long-term practice shows that those who counted the calories of consumed foods were and remain the owners slender figures. Scientists have made the path to weight loss even easier. Having accessible knowledge about the glycemic index helps you track every portion you eat. Product characteristics and index performance are interrelated. Floury, sweet, fatty - with a high GI index. Even if you exercise and have good physical activity, if you eat the “wrong” foods, you most likely will not be able to lose weight.

What happens when a person eats a product that has a high glycemic index? After food enters the body, the breakdown of protein begins, which is transformed into sugar: the faster this happens, the sharper jump. When the level of glucose in the blood is high, the pancreas begins to produce insulin, a hormone with the help of which the energy of glucose must be properly distributed throughout the tissues of the muscles and the entire body as a whole. The excess is stored “in reserve” and looks like a layer of fat.

Products are divided into three index categories: high, medium and low. Below is a table with the names of products that contain the highest index values, and therefore are more dangerous for the body. The more fiber and fiber a product contains, the less harm and extra pounds it can cause. Boiled and fried foods more harmful than raw ones: the GI of raw carrots is 35, and that of boiled carrots is 85. Even fruits and vegetables that have different colour, will relate to different groups GI. More useful ones are green in color.

Table: List of foods containing high GI

For the convenience of calculating the total glycemic index, the main foods consumed by humans are presented in the table. To use the elimination method, the specified systematic list is compiled from products with high performance GI, which have a value above 70. The standard is glucose, the GI value of which is 100.

Beer of all types

Dried or sun-dried dates

Sweet donut

Modified starch

White wheat bread

French baguette

Rice milk porridge

Sweet bun

Soft wheat lasagna

Baked potatoes

Unsweetened waffles

Potato casserole

Fried potato

Milk chocolate

Rice noodles

Chocolate bar (Twix, Mars, Snickers)

Canned fruits(apricots)

Sweet carbonated drinks (Coca-Cola, Pepsi)

White bread gluten-free


White rice

Soft wheat pasta

Carrots after heat treatment

Pearl barley

If you have diabetes, when planning your diet, it is important to pay attention to the glycemic index of foods. The lower this indicator, the less likely it is to gain extra pounds. How much does the glycemic index decrease?

The glycemic index is an indicator that determines the rate of breakdown of a product into the form of glucose. It is this that is the main source of energy. The indicator demonstrates how quickly the sugar level increases and the carbohydrates entering the body are absorbed.

A low glycemic index ensures that blood glucose levels rise slowly and evenly. Products with a high index provoke sharp jumps sugar, which leads to the rapid absorption of carbohydrates and their transformation into glucose, needed by the body for energy. Some of the glucose is converted into fat deposits.

The essence of the glycemic index

Most of the food consumed by humans, in addition to calorie content, has its own glycemic index. During digestion, carbohydrates are converted into glucose - simple sugars. GI affects blood glucose levels after eating a meal.

Insulin, which is produced by the pancreas, carries a certain amount of glucose to the cells to produce energy. Excess glucose is stored as adipose tissue for later use. The higher the glycemic index, the higher the blood sugar and insulin levels. Thus, the GI level directly affects the amount of extra pounds.

High level Insulin not only promotes the accumulation of glucose as fat, but also inhibits its use for energy, since the activity of enzymes that break down fats is suppressed.

The hormone insulin prevents fat from being burned even during intense physical activity. Insulin's job is to regulate blood glucose levels.

When glucose levels are high, the amount of norepinephrine, that is, the stress hormone, increases. This is expressed in a person's desire to eat high-calorie product. After consuming a high GI product, you will feel hungrier than from a low GI product.

Almost all people have increased level insulin, this often leads to obesity.

Glycemic index norms

Sugar level

Body mass index is a value that shows the correspondence of body weight to a person’s height. Thus, you can understand whether the weight is normal or necessary dietary ration nutrition.

  • m - body weight in kilograms,
  • h2 - height in meters.

The World Health Organization has adopted certain glycemic index standards. Set levels:

  1. low: up to 55,
  2. average: from 56 to 69,
  3. high: from 70 to 100.

A range of 60 to 180 per day is considered normal. Depending on BMI, the daily GI norm is determined, changes in which are undesirable:

  • up to 80 kilograms: 30 - 40,
  • from 80 to 120 kilograms: 20 - 30,
  • from 120 to 180 kilograms: 18–20.

Common Misconceptions

Often people who want to lose weight resort to various diets. Fruit mono-diets have a high level of popularity, with one dominant product that should be eaten throughout the entire time, and often in unlimited quantities.

Diets can be:

1. banana,

2. peach,

3. pineapple,

4. apple,

We also need to talk about how to reduce the glycemic index of pasta. The menu should only include pasta made from durum wheat; it is cooked for about eight minutes to maintain density.

Only with the help of such gentle cooking can fiber be preserved, preventing the destruction of aminopectin and amylose. In turn, this will slow down the flow of sugar into the blood. One serving of this product should not exceed 150 g.

The glycemic index of dumplings decreases due to cooking and cooling. Dumplings can simply be reheated before eating. This may seem surprising, but this is the only correct way to reduce the glycemic index of dumplings.

You can lower the glycemic index by adding to foods:

  1. marinade,
  2. lemon juice,
  3. vinegar.

The combination of carbohydrates and proteins makes it possible to reduce the GI. Carbohydrates allow proteins to be better absorbed, and proteins slow down the absorption of sugar into the blood.



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