Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) is a disease for which characteristic feature is the strongest pain syndrome which brings severe suffering to the patient. In addition to palpable pain, unpleasant changes also occur in the body associated with disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas and often leading to obesity. The thing is that the enzymes secreted by the pancreas, in its normal state, contribute to the digestion and absorption in the intestines of proteins, fats and carbohydrates that come with food, and its hormones regulate blood glucose levels. Disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas lead to hyperactivation of enzymes, which suddenly become aggressive to environment and begin destructive actions.

Pancreatitis is a disease that always comes unexpectedly: the first attack occurs at the moment when the pancreas begins to be attacked by its own enzymes. Acute manifestations The diseases are relieved quite quickly, but there is always a risk of a subsequent sluggish course of the disease and a diagnosis of “chronic pancreatitis”.

The main thing in the treatment of pancreatitis is diet

The most basic condition in the treatment of a disease such as pancreatitis is mandatory adherence to a diet. For the first time after an acute attack (2-3 days), it is recommended to avoid eating altogether and fast. It should be noted here that the body usually itself “knows” that it should wait a while with food, and therefore a patient with pancreatitis has acute form appetite is very rarely observed.

Hunger for days it is simply necessary for the affected pancreas, first of all, so that it is at rest - during meals, this organ releases enzymes necessary for digesting food that enters the stomach, but these same enzymes behave aggressively, causing inflammation and pain. This situation is comparable, for example, to a broken leg: in order to heal the bone and tissue, the damaged leg is given complete rest with the help of a cast, while it is forbidden to step on it. The only thing allowed is the consumption of warm alkaline mineral water no gases.

A state of complete rest of the pancreas during relapse and at least relative rest during chronic form is a necessary condition for the onset of stable remission. Therefore, a diet for pancreatitis is not only effective healing method, also the main rule of preventing exacerbations of the disease, and, as a consequence, inhibiting its further development.

Features of the diet for pancreatitis (table No. 5)

Diet for pancreatitis as such begins no earlier than the fourth day(before this only complete fasting). By generally accepted classification diet that is used in medical institutions, nutrition for pancreatitis is diet number 5. Food should be taken in small portions 5-6 times a day, excluding snacks in between main meals.

The essence of the diet– refusal of all foods that increase acid formation in the stomach and provoke active work pancreatic enzymes. After an exacerbation of the disease, doctors strongly recommend following a diet for a long time - at least 8 months. But this does not mean that having “suffered” these months on a rather strict diet, on the ninth you should break down and full program compensate for lost opportunities.

Diet for chronic pancreatitis- This a certain food culture, which enters the patient’s life for a long time. Naturally, sometimes it can be very difficult to give up many forbidden foods and favorite dishes, but the memories of excruciating pain in the abdominal area help to eat right and not give in to temptations. After all, even a small portion of a harmful product can lead to acute attack, which will have to be removed in the hospital.

A patient with pancreatitis should eat dishes prepared according to the principle of “mechanical sparing” of the digestive organs: it is preferable to steam or, in as a last resort, boil, eat pureed or crushed. Frying, grilling, smoking, and tarring are not allowed. Fats that have passed heat treatment, will also cause harm to the pancreas, so any types of oils - both butter and vegetable - should be added to ready-made dishes in a cold form.

You can eat:

Diet for acute and chronic pancreatitis: what it is, what you can eat and what you cannot eat. Diet after discharge from hospital

- vegetables (boiled, steamed or stewed); - from soups: only vegetable (do not use onions, garlic and white cabbage) or dairy with cereals; in case of a chronic form and no exacerbation, soups with secondary meat broth are allowed;
- lean meat, poultry or fish (boiled or steamed); - boiled noodles or vermicelli;
- porridge (milk or boiled in water), except millet; - omelette, cottage cheese casseroles (steam);
- dry biscuits, marmalade, biscuits, marshmallows, marshmallows (in limited quantities - no more than two or three pieces per day); - non-acidic dairy products, mild cheese;
- "yesterday" wheat bread; - jam or honey (in limited quantities - one or two spoons per day);
- from fruits: baked and mashed sweet apples; - from drinks: compote, jelly, weak tea.

Products that are prohibited to be consumed in any form:

- fatty meat broths; - all sour, spicy and fatty foods;
- meat by-products(sausage, frankfurters, sausages, etc.), smoked meats; - canned food and pickles;
- fatty fish (catfish, halibut, salmon, carp, mullet), caviar; - yoghurts, glazed cheese curds and full-fat sour cream;
- lamb and pork fats; - Rye bread, fresh biscuits, pastries, cakes, caramels, lollipops, chocolates and chocolates;
- from drinks: coffee, strong tea, cocoa, carbonated drinks, kvass; - from fruits: citrus and sour;
- from vegetables: turnips, radishes, spinach, radishes, sorrel.

In addition, you must forget forever about the following products:

- about any alcoholic drinks, including low-alcohol cocktails; - about hot spices and seasonings;
- about French fries, cheeseburgers, hot dogs and similar foods; - about chips, kirieshka, nuts, etc.

Delicious recipes for pancreatitis

Boil the meat, previously cleaned of tendons and fat, pass through a meat grinder several times, and then combine with semolina gruel, add beaten egg white and raw yolk to the resulting mixture. After this, you should carefully knead the “dough”, place it in a greased mold, smooth the top and steam the resulting pudding until ready.

The egg white must be beaten to a thick foam and gradually, without stopping whisking, add vanillin and 15 g of sugar. Then spoon the whipped egg white into a deep pan filled with boiling water. After a few minutes, turn the snowballs over, close the lid and let them stand for a while (5-6 minutes), then be sure to take them out, place them on a sieve and let the water drain. Pour the resulting snowballs with sauce made from strawberries, potato flour and sugar (10 g).

Dissolve gelatin in a glass hot water and let cool a little. After this, add yogurt to the gelatin and stir gently. Place on the bottom of a mold or regular pan or bowl. plastic bag or foil. Lay out our cake in layers: a layer of cookies, a layer of yogurt and gelatin cream, a layer of bananas, a layer of cream, a layer of cookies, a layer of cream, a layer of peaches, a layer of cream. Garnish with banana slices on top. Then leave the resulting cake in the refrigerator for a while to harden.

Cook the vermicelli in salted water until tender, place in a sieve and cool. Then put the grated cottage cheese, beaten egg in milk, sugar into the chilled vermicelli and mix gently. Grease the pan with oil, spread the mixture and bake in the oven, making sure that a brown crust does not form on top. If you suddenly miss the moment, remove the crust of the casserole with a sharp knife.

Grind the fish and loaf, add milk, mix thoroughly. Then add the whipped whites and mix again. Cook the quenelles in boiling salted water.

Grate the apples and mix with cottage cheese. Melt the butter, cool and beat with sugar and yolks. Combine the two masses into one, mix well. Then add vanillin and a little raisins. Beat the whites into a thick foam and fold into total weight. Grease the mold with oil, lay out the resulting mass, sprinkle ground breadcrumbs on top. Place in a preheated oven and bake at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

Cut potatoes and pumpkin into cubes. Chop carrots and onions. Place all the vegetables in a pan: the first layer is onions, then, in turn, potatoes, pumpkin and carrots. Add a little salt, add water to about half the volume and cook over low heat. Then, at the very end, add vegetable oil, greens, bring to a boil, turn off and let stand for a while.

Cut the fillet into portions, add a little salt and place each piece on a separate sheet of foil. Grate the carrots on a fine grater, finely chop the onion, sprinkle it lemon juice. Place a small piece of butter (0.5 teaspoon), chopped carrots and onions on the fish. Fold the edges of the foil so that its top does not touch the onion, place the balls on a baking sheet and place in a hot oven (180-200 degrees) for 30 minutes. Sprinkle the finished fish with herbs on top.

Pancreatitis is a disease that occurs as an inflammatory process in the pancreas. Its exacerbation occurs, as a rule, due to a violation of diet and lifestyle. Compliance with nutritional recommendations protects patients with chronic pancreatitis from severe exacerbations.

Why do you need a diet?

For many, dieting seems like an exhausting process that forces you to deny yourself a lot. For example, a diet for pancreatitis is indeed limited to many foods, but at the same time it is balanced and does not deprive the body of essential nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins). On the contrary, it leads the patient to a healthy and good nutrition. It must be remembered that a patient with chronic pancreatitis, even in the stage of remission (attenuation of symptoms), needs to follow a diet. Otherwise, the pancreas may become inflamed again, which will lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

Diet during exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis

Nutrition during an exacerbation period means hunger and rest for 1 to 3 days. Allowed only drinking plenty of fluids in the form of rosehip decoction or mineral water without gas (Essentuki No. 17, Naftusya, Slavyanovskaya). Weak ones are also allowed green tea or jelly. When the pain subsides, you can add more a large number of boiled lean meat, low-fat cottage cheese or cheese and soup for vegetable broth. Basic principles of nutrition for chronic pancreatitis

  1. The diet should primarily consist of protein foods. Protein is very useful for repairing damaged pancreatic cells.
  2. Fats and complex carbohydrates must be taken into the body in the form of cereals.
  3. Easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, jam, baked goods, honey) should be limited.
  4. Meals should be fractional (every 3 - 4 hours), in medium portions. You shouldn't overeat, but you shouldn't starve either.
  5. Food should be neither hot nor cold, but warm, so as not to irritate the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract and don't call increased secretion enzymes.
  6. Food should be steamed, boiled or baked. Eating fried, spicy and canned foods is not recommended.
  7. Doctors do not recommend smoking and drinking alcohol in case of chronic pancreatitis.

What can you eat if you have pancreatitis?

Allowed and prohibited foods are indicated in a specially designed diet according to Pevzner (table No. 5).

Is it possible to eat walnuts and seeds if you have pancreatitis?

Walnuts and seeds contain a large amount of proteins and fats; they can easily replace meat or fish in composition. During the period of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, the use of these products is not recommended. And during the period wellness, that is, stable remission, use is allowed walnuts, but not large quantities(3 – 5 nucleoli per day). The seeds should not be consumed fried or in the form of kozinaki. Small quantity possible raw seeds sunflower or in the form of homemade halva.

Almonds, pistachios and peanuts are allowed to be consumed only during the period of no complaints, when there are no manifestations of pancreatitis. You need to start with 1 – 2 nuts, gradually increasing their number. Nuts can be added to cooked dishes (porridge, salads, casseroles).

What fruits can you eat if you have pancreatitis?

It is not recommended to eat raw fruits. You can prepare fruit puree, fruit drinks, casseroles. You are allowed to eat baked apples, bananas, and pears. You can also watermelon and melon, but in small quantities (1 - 2 pieces). Grapes, dates, and figs are not advisable, as they increase gas formation in the intestines and contain a lot of sugar. Lemon, orange, containing acid, enhance production gastric juice, which is undesirable, since chronic pancreatitis is often combined with diseases of the stomach (gastritis) or liver (hepatitis).

What should you not eat if you have chronic pancreatitis?

  • Fatty meats (lamb, pork, duck). To digest such food, a large number of enzymes are required. And the inflamed pancreas works in a limited mode.
  • Beef and chicken liver is not recommended, as it is an extractive substance that leads to increased enzyme production digestive system and activating appetite.
  • Fatty fish (mackerel, salmon, herring), especially fried fish, are strictly prohibited. You should also not eat canned fish.
  • Vegetables with chronic pancreatitis should not be eaten raw. Among the prohibited vegetables are white cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach, onions, radishes, and beans. When consumed in large quantities, they enhance fermentation processes in the intestines, which leads to bloating.
  • Mushrooms in any form are not recommended, nor are mushroom broths.
  • Scrambled eggs or raw eggs. Raw yolk especially stimulates the production of bile, which is undesirable for patients with chronic pancreatitis.
  • The consumption of millet and pearl barley is not recommended.
  • Smoked meats, sausages.
  • Pickled food, pickles, spices.
  • Black tea or coffee, hot chocolate and cocoa.

Sample menu for a patient with chronic pancreatitis during a period of stable remission

The list of products allowed for pancreatitis is quite wide. Therefore, the patient’s diet should contain enough proteins and vitamins, but the amount of fats and easily digestible carbohydrates should be limited.

  • First breakfast (7.00 – 8.00): oatmeal with water or milk, boiled beef or chicken, green tea or rose hip decoction.
  • Second breakfast (9.00 – 10.00): two-egg omelette, baked apple without sugar and peel, a glass of chicory with milk or tea.
  • Lunch (12.00 – 13.00): soup with vegetable broth, pasta or porridge (buckwheat, rice), meat soufflé or steamed cutlets, berry jelly (raspberries, strawberries), dried fruit compote.
  • Afternoon snack (16.00 – 17.00): cottage cheese without sour cream or cottage cheese casserole with fruits (apples, pears, bananas), tea or fruit juice.
  • Dinner (19.00 – 20.00): fish fillet or steam cutlet, green tea or compote.
  • At night, you can drink a glass of kefir with savory cookies.

Treatment of any disease of the organs associated with the absorption of food is impossible to imagine without food restrictions. Diet for – simple and effective remedy reduce the load on the digestive organs, help the body, even in conditions of illness, receive everything it needs from food.

Some products can harm even a healthy body, for example, drinking alcohol in excessive quantities will sooner or later cause failures in all systems, not only the digestive one. Fatty, fried, confectionery, a table familiar to many - all this is far from useful, and the exclusion of these small joys of life will add vitality even a healthy body.

Low-fat cottage cheese - 100 g, egg (for this amount of cottage cheese you need ½ egg), 15 g flour, 30 g honey, 30 g sour cream.

Mix cottage cheese with egg, flour, mix well, form into balls, boil in salted water (pour into boiling water, turn off after boiling, cool slightly directly in the water, then drain in a colander). Eat it by dipping it in honey and sour cream.

It should be remembered that food is not the main thing; you can deny yourself the usual tasty food and introduce a restrained rule diet table, in any case, it is better to give up something than to experience attacks of exacerbation of the disease, and also severe consequences these attacks.

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Strict adherence to the dietary menu for pancreatitis is the key successful treatment And get well soon. In case of inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis, the patient's diet should contain exclusively gentle and healthy food, while completely absent - fatty, spicy, fried and salty. There is no place in diet and alcohol. Neglecting the recommendations of a nutritionist regarding therapeutic nutrition entails the development serious consequences and complications.

Diet for various phases of the disease

Arises inflammatory process in the pancreas as a result poor nutrition, namely regular eating fatty foods And overuse alcohol-containing drinks. The disease can occur in two forms: chronic and acute. In any case it is required proper nutrition, which, depending on the phase of the disease, has some differences. Diet for acute pancreatitis in the first days of the illness consists only of still water. When the patient’s well-being improves, his diet is expanded with liquid ground porridge or puree. The menu for chronic pancreatitis is less strict and includes larger list products. Peppered, fatty, over-salted and fried foods remain prohibited. Smoked meats and alcoholic drinks on the menu.

Grocery list

Persons with pancreatic disease need to remember the following list harmful products, which are also not recommended to be eaten in the first time after pancreatitis, so as not to provoke an exacerbation:

  • fatty types of fish and meat;
  • canned food;
  • mushrooms;
  • chocolate;
  • salo;
  • fresh bakery;
  • spicy and salty dishes;
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • candies and other sweets;
  • garlic and onion;
  • drinks with gases and flavors;
  • alcohol;
  • energetic drinks;
  • sausages.

The diet for pancreatitis of the pancreas allows the following foods:

  • fermented milk products;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • vegetables, preferably boiled;
  • porridge cooked in water or low-fat milk;
  • decoctions of various herbs and rose hips;
  • stale black bread;
  • dried fruit compotes;
  • yesterday's black bread;
  • marshmallow, marmalade;
  • pasta.
Proper nutrition is required during various phases of the disease.

It will be better for the pancreas if you eat small and regularly. This will prevent stress on the inflamed organ and will not provoke increased production of gastric juice, which in large quantities can irritate the affected pancreatic walls. That's why diet menu requires eating food at least 5-6 times a day and in small portions. Cooking technology this disease involves boiling them and grinding them to a puree-like consistency.

Sample menu for 1 day

Mashed version

Inflammation of the pancreas that occurs in acute phase, requires compliance strict diet, which will contain exclusively ground dishes. One-day sample menu for patients with pancreatitis at the acute stage may look like this:

  • The first morning meal is a protein omelet, steamed, chopped in a blender or grated rice porrige no sugar, decoction.
  • The next meal is homemade low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Lunch - vegetarian soup - puree, carrots pureed until smooth, tea.
  • Afternoon snack - omelet, apple compote.
  • Dinner - steamed fish cutlets, mashed potatoes, tea.
  • Before bed - kefir.

Unpureed option

When painful symptoms no longer bother you, you gradually expand your diet and move away from the overused menu. Then the diet for pancreatic disease at the stage of stable remission for one day may consist of the following dishes:

  • Breakfast - steamed omelette, boiled buckwheat porridge without sugar, compote.
  • As a snack - curd pudding, kefir, peeled apple.
  • Lunch - vegetable soup, chicken breast, rice, fruit jelly.
  • Afternoon snack - crackers, rosehip broth;
  • Dinner - steamed hake, oatmeal, tea.
  • Before bed - yogurt.

For patients with constipation

It is necessary to drink fresh kefir in cases of stool retention and in patients with pancreatitis.

Often pancreatitis is accompanied by stool retention, and in order to normalize the process of bowel movement, you need to improve intestinal function. For constipation, toxins and harmful substances do not leave the body, they collect in the intestines, causing bloating, increased gas formation, painful sensations and spasms. For the pancreas with pancreatitis, this is extremely undesirable, because additional load it can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. Therefore, patients with constipation are recommended to include baked apples in their menu every day, drink fresh kefir, and avoid rice and fermented milk products, from the date of manufacture of which more than 2 days have passed, since these products have fixing properties.

An example of nutrition for pancreatitis, which is accompanied by constipation:

  • Breakfast No. 1 - boiled pumpkin, cod, curd mass, compote.
  • Snack - boiled beets, vegetable juice, crackers.
  • Lunch - vegetable salad, vegetarian beetroot soup, goulash, mashed potatoes, prune broth.
  • Afternoon snack - baked apple, wheat bran, crackers.
  • Dinner - boiled beef tongue, vegetable stew, meat pudding, tea.
  • Before bed - fresh kefir.

Example of a week's nutrition for pancreatitis

Diet menu for a week for pancreatitis of the pancreas:

  • Day one - steamed cutlets, oatmeal with milk, dried fruit compote. Skim cheese, tea with milk. Soup with meatballs, boiled carrots, chopped in a blender, rosehip infusion. Fruit salad. Steamed meatballs, boiled potatoes, boiled.
  • Second day - egg omelet, rice milk porridge, tea. Boiled meat, cottage cheese pudding, compote. Baked apples. Carrot puree soup, boiled beets and rabbit meat, broth. Mashed potatoes, meat balls, tea.
  • Day three - buckwheat, cottage cheese casserole, green tea. Steamed egg white omelette, rosehip infusion. Mashed potatoes, steamed meatballs, oatmeal soup. Acceptable fruits, broth. Boiled chicken breast, zucchini puree.
  • Fourth day - lazy dumplings, rice porridge, a decoction of dried apples and apricot. Curdled milk, crackers. Milk soup, dumplings, pasta, jelly. Curd mass, tea. Boiled fish, carrot puree, compote.
  • Fifth day - hake balls cooked in a double boiler, oatmeal, tea. Cottage cheese cooked in the oven, meatloaf ik, jelly. Vegetarian soup, fish in foil, mashed potatoes, brew Cottage cheese with a small amount granulated sugar, weak tea. Buckwheat, cutlets, rosehip broth.
  • Sixth day - puree, meat soufflé, tea. Protein omelet, compote. Oatmeal soup, quenelles, pumpkin and potato puree, herbal decoction. Fruits, tea with milk. Boiled meatballs, vermicelli, baked apples, jelly.
  • Day seven - boiled pike perch, macaroni and cheese, compote. Carrot-apple pudding, meatloaf, tea. Steamed veal, buckwheat porridge, lean soup, jelly. Protein omelet, rosehip broth. Mashed potatoes and meat balls, jelly.

The first step towards recovery is switching to special diet. This diet is prescribed for long time, but even with complete cure It is recommended to adhere to strict dietary restrictions until last days life.

Steamed dishes - diet No. 5

Often patients, having received a diagnosis, perceive it as a death sentence, which clearly does not improve their mood and ability to set the body up for recovery. Another category of patients experiences a feeling of irritation from the need to change their habits and unwillingness to give them up, and begins to bully their loved ones. They say about such people - a bilious person.

Both of them can be understood: the basic function of the body has been disrupted. However, it should be borne in mind that according to statistics, about 80% of pancreatic diseases are caused by a person’s careless attitude towards his body. This is constant overeating, excess fatty, sweet and salty, fried and smoked foods. The most destructive effect Alcohol has an effect on the pancreas.

If we talk about changing the diet, it is aimed at eliminating all of the above destructive factors. Otherwise, the patient’s table remains varied and nutritious. Concerning delicious food, then eating habits change over the course of life: having learned to savor the dishes of their new diet, very soon a person recognizes them as truly tasty.

Diet No. 5 for chronic pancreatitis

  • Hot and cold drinks and dishes are strictly prohibited, any food must be warm;
    you should stick to eating at the same time every day;
  • the daily nutritional intake should be divided into 5-6 meals; it is strictly forbidden to overeat or endure hunger for a long time;
  • the content of protein foods in the menu should predominate, the pancreas is restored on it; the amount of fat should be reduced to a minimum, including vegetable oil;
  • the daily intake of salt is limited to 10g;
  • You should be critical of the list of permitted products, focusing on your individual well-being. If you feel unwell when eating any dish or product, it should be immediately excluded from the diet;
  • New foods should be introduced into the diet carefully, in small portions.
  • at the slightest discomfort, you should refuse until the functioning of the pancreas is more completely stabilized;
  • recommendation to chewing thoroughly food is also suitable for healthy body, but in case of pancreatic disease, this rule must be observed especially carefully, even if puree soup is served.

This significantly reduces the amount of food needed to receive a signal of satiety and, therefore, eases the load on the digestive system.

Diet No. 5 - list of allowed foods

Fish in a slow cooker is not only healthy, but also tasty

For pancreatitis in chronic stage allowed to use following products and dishes from them:

  • bread - wheat bread made from premium flour, yesterday baked (if fresh, then dried), crackers made from it, unsweetened and low-fat dry biscuits (crackers);
  • cereals - oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina, rice in the form of semi-viscous or mashed porridges, cooked in water or with the addition of milk; cereal casseroles, puddings, soufflés with cottage cheese and adding a small amount butter or sour cream;
  • Only boiled, well-cooked pasta is allowed;
  • - low-fat and non-acidic cottage cheese can be consumed in in kind or dishes made from it (casseroles, souffles, puddings); hard cheese with low fat content and without spicy additives;
  • sour cream, cream, butter are used for seasoning soups and cereals; fermented milk drinks are not too sour; whole milk low-fat, diluted with water - for preparing soups and cereals;
  • meat and poultry - low-fat varieties beef or veal, chicken or turkey without skin, rabbit. Use boiled. Meat dishes: chopped or ground in the form of meatballs, beef stroganoff in low-fat sauce, puree, soufflé, dumplings without hot seasonings;
  • eggs - white recommended chicken egg in the form of a steam omelette; It is better to discard the yolk; you can use one no more than 2 times a week, diluting it in half with water;
  • fish - low-fat varieties: boiled in whole pieces or ground in the form of steam cutlets; boiled can be prepared in the form of aspic;
  • vegetables - potatoes, carrots, beets, pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower, green pea: used boiled or baked, preferably in the form of puree or puree soup;
  • soups - vegetarian with vegetable broth or weak chicken. Vegetables are prepared in the form of pureed puree soup, adding half a spoon of sour cream when serving. Chicken soup is seasoned with noodles or well-boiled, pureed cereal;
  • fruits and berries - ripe, non-acidic, can be eaten raw or pureed; apples should be baked. Pureed compotes, jellies, and mousses are prepared from dry and fresh fruits, using a little sugar or its substitute (sorbitol, xylitol) for sweetening;
  • drinks - weak tea with lemon or milk without sugar or slightly sweetened, rosehip decoction, fruit juice without sugar diluted half with water;
  • daily intake of butter 30 g, refined vegetable oil 10-15 ml (less than a tablespoon), added when preparing dishes.

Diet No. 5 - list of prohibited foods

Proper nutrition is the key to successful treatment

In chronic pancreatitis, the following foods and dishes are prohibited:

  1. fresh wheat bread, rye bread, baked goods, puff pastry and shortcrust pastry products;
  2. soups with meat and fish broth, strong vegetable and chicken broth, mushroom soups, dairy with undiluted milk, cold soups (okroshka), sour soups (cabbage soup, borscht);
  3. all fatty meats, pork, duck, goose, liver, brains, kidneys, sausages, smoked meats, canned food;
  4. fatty fish, fried and stewed, smoked and salted, canned fish and caviar;
  5. fried and hard-boiled eggs;
  6. all crumbly porridges and limit the consumption of dishes made from millet, corn, barley, and pearl barley;
  7. from vegetables, avoid legumes, mushrooms, white cabbage, eggplant, radishes and radishes, turnips, sweet peppers, sorrel, spinach, onions and garlic, tomatoes and sauces made from them;
  8. all spices;
  9. : grapes, banana, dates, figs;
  10. confectionery products: jam, chocolate, caramel, ice cream, cakes;
  11. drinks: coffee, strong tea, cocoa, grape juice, soft drinks with gas;
  12. alcohol.

Drinking mineral water

For chronic pancreatitis it is often prescribed treatment course drinking mineral water. To achieve the effect, water is drunk not to quench thirst, but according to the recommendations for intake, certain types and according to the specified system.



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