What is bran? And how are they useful? Bran is a storehouse of useful elements. Video: Elena Malysheva: bran prevents you from getting fat and aging

The craze for fashionable diets and food with the prefix “eco” has forced adherents healthy eating remember such a useful product as bran. Benefits and harms, composition and nutritional value, indications for use are of interest to everyone who wants to improve their health by eating whole grain products.

The myth that bran is the food of common people has long been forgotten. Many famous people talk about regular consumption of bran. What is this miracle product that people talk about so often? lately? Let's find out!

Bran– milling waste, consisting of seed germs and grain shells. After processing the seeds, a light brown bulk product remains.

It contains valuable substances:

  • fiber;
  • vitamins;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • unsaturated fatty acids;
  • micro and macroelements.

Looking at this list, it is difficult to call bran the word “waste”. Rather, it's by-product in the production of flour.

The value of dietary fiber

Fiber, contained in whole grain products, is necessary for humans to normal functioning all systems of the body. In bran its content reaches 80%.

The record figure puts bran at first place in content dietary fiber among plant products. Animal products do not contain fiber.

It is enough to eat 2-3 teaspoons of whole grain mixture per day to compensate for the fiber deficiency. It is problematic to eat a couple of kilograms of fresh fruit to obtain the same amount of dietary fiber.

The benefits of bran are difficult to overestimate. In winter you can’t do without them at all.

The benefits of fiber:

  • lowers the level of bad cholesterol;
  • prevents dangerous glucose surges;
  • cleanses the body of toxins;
  • helps maintain normal weight;
  • maintains the health of the intestinal tract, improves the composition of the intestinal microflora.

Useful properties of bran

Intestinal function is restored. The inclusion of whole grain products helps overcome constipation and improve the composition of the microflora. Proper work intestinal tract immediately affects the condition of hair, nails and skin. The person looks much fresher.

Improves liver and gallbladder function. Once in the stomach, they help produce heat and sufficient quantity mucus that improves performance digestive system.

Toxins are removed from the body. Bran, like a vacuum cleaner, collects everything harmful that is deposited on the walls of the intestines and blood vessels: toxins, radionuclides, excess cholesterol.

Blood sugar levels decrease. Substances contained in bran prevent excess glucose from entering the circulatory system. For diabetics, whole grains are a real lifesaver for controlling sugar levels.

Reduces cholesterol levels. Dietary fiber effectively limits the circular circulation of bile acids. Cholesterol bound by fiber is excreted from the body. The body reabsorbs the fat-like substance in smaller quantities than without consuming bran.

Easier to control your weight. After consumption, dietary fiber swells in the stomach, the volume increases many times. A feeling of fullness is achieved faster. Just a couple of steamed teaspoons of bran before or during meals - and you are unlikely to eat an extra bun or another sandwich.

Supports women's and men's health. Hormonal imbalance due to a lack of progesterone, potency disorders are common problems. Ordinary bran will help normalize the condition as one of the elements of therapy. Vitamins A and E, Omega-3 fatty acids polyunsaturated acidsnatural spring, maintaining normal hormone levels.

Vitamins and minerals, a large number of micro and macroelements, fiber, proteins, carbohydrates, various types fatty acids in bran allow for a comprehensive impact on various systems body. Eating whole grains is cheap and effective way improve health, prevent the development of disorders and malfunctions in the body.


Is bran good for everyone? There are no serious contraindications to the use of whole grain products.

You should not use bran when:

  • acute form of gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastroduodenitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • colitis;
  • adhesions in the abdominal cavity;
  • allergies to a protein found in grains called gliadin.

Fiber increases intestinal motility. For this reason, bran not recommended for certain diseases of the intestinal tract.

Pregnant women should not consume more bran than normal. Hard work intestines can increase the tone of the uterus.

Bran is given to children in the form of a vitamin decoction.. 1 tsp bran is poured with boiling water and cooked for about 15 minutes. Strain. Porridge or soup is prepared using this broth.

In everything you need to know when to stop. These golden words also apply to the use of whole grain products to normalize the body’s condition during various diseases and for their prevention.

Bran is obtained from various grains. All of them are good for health.

On sale you can find the following types bran:

  • wheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • rice;
  • buckwheat;
  • rye;
  • linen;
  • millet.

Wheat bran

A whole grain product is obtained by processing wheat. More than 90% useful substances remains in the grain shell. Biological value wheat bran proven a long time ago. This type is the most popular in our country.


  • fiber cleanses the intestinal walls, taking with it toxins and carcinogens;
  • dietary fiber swells and fills the stomach. A person does not overeat;
  • B vitamins are involved in all types of energy metabolism, regulate muscle, digestive, nervous system;
  • vitamins A and E are necessary for brain activity, female and men's health, excellent vision and regulation of hormonal balance;
  • phosphorus, zinc, sulfur, zinc, iodine increase immunity, improve the condition of hair and nails, and accelerate tissue regeneration.
    the level of “bad” cholesterol decreases.

No harmful effects on the body were noted.

Excessive use:

  • causes bloating;
  • protein and mineral balance is disturbed.


  • acute gastritis.

Oat bran

The fashion for using them came to us from the USA. It was the Americans who were the first to appreciate this useful product, for whom the cult of health became a national trait. Scientists were amazed by the composition of oat bran and the benefits they bring to the body.

What's inside:

  • fiber;
  • proteins and carbohydrates;
  • polyunsaturated amino acids;
  • various sugars;
  • vitamins of group PP B H, vitamin A, E, D, C, K;
  • lutein and lycopene;
  • more than 10 micro and macroelements.


  • prevent colon cancer;
  • used in therapeutic nutrition in case of disruption of the digestive organs, liver, gall bladder;
  • remove carcinogens and toxins;
  • lower glycemic index(this is important for diabetics);
  • bind unnecessary cholesterol, increasing the effectiveness of treatment of atherosclerosis.

Oat product does not cause any harm. Consume 1-3 teaspoons per day and your health will improve.

Rye bran

Residues after processing rye grains contain many useful substances. Present:

  • potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, zinc and other elements;
  • vitamins A, K, E, B vitamins;
  • fiber;
  • fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Rye bran is quite high in calories. Suitable for feeding athletes and weakened people.


  • rye bran bread copes well with constipation;
  • A decoction with this miracle product helps reduce blood pressure;
  • the intestines are cleansed of toxins;
  • metabolism is normalized;
  • the condition of nails and hair improves.

Eat whole grains at lunch. The right time will allow all valuable substances to be absorbed as completely as possible. Amount – up to 150 g per day.

Negative impact not noticed.For ulcers and gastritis, bran is not recommended.

Flax bran

Contains a wide range of multivitamins and substances valuable for humans. For healthy life and weight loss, this product is indispensable.

Fiber makes up up to a quarter of flax seed volume. There are antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, micro and macroelements. Omega-3 fatty acids are found here in amounts 100 times higher than that valuable substance in wheat bran.


  • fight fungal diseases;
  • have antitumor properties;
  • perfectly cleanse the body;
  • promote weight loss;
  • help get rid of constipation;
  • support hormonal balance in women;
  • break down excess fat.

Flax bran does not harm the body. If you follow the norm - no more than 2-4 tablespoons during the day, they have a positive effect.

Pay attention! For men suffering from inflammation prostate gland, the product is not recommended for use. Flax bran promotes estrogen production. With this disease, increasing the amount of estrogen is prohibited.

Rice bran

Rice is the basis of nutrition for the peoples of Asia, who live in good health until old age. Fragments of the shell of brown rice grains, impurities of the germ and gluten are rice bran.

The composition is similar to other types of whole grain mixtures. High contents of manganese, iron, phosphorus and potassium were noted. They have a gentler effect on the body than other types of whole grain products.


  • normalize blood sugar;
  • lecithin regulates metabolic processes in cells, promotes their renewal;
  • eliminate dysbacteriosis;
  • maintain normal blood clotting;
  • improve the condition of cancer;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • prevent the development of allergic reactions.

No negative effects on the human body have been detected. Suitable for everyone.

Consume more than normal rice product not worth it. It is high in calories. 1 tablespoon 3 times a day with food is enough.

Now you know how much benefit bran from various grains brings to the body. Always remember that excessive consumption of any product is harmful. Bran is no exception. People suffering from gastritis, ulcers or prostate diseases should not consume this whole grain product.

Bran. What is this product

After the grain harvest is harvested, it needs to be given presentation and do everything so that the grain can be eaten. The by-product of such processing is the hard shell - this is the bran. It doesn’t matter whether it’s rice or wheat, rye or barley, oats or buckwheat. When processing any grain, waste remains - bran - the shell of the grain in the form of tiny dust or husk.

This husk is formed after the grain has been ground, cleaned and sent to be made into cereal or flour. Not very healthy food is prepared from this flour. buns, from which we recover safely by gaining weight. And bran is that secondary product of grain production, the use of which will prevent us from gaining weight. It is simply impossible to gain weight properly from eating bran.

What is the composition of bran

The composition of bran, i.e. grain shell, includes carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins. But more than half of its composition, bran contains coarse fibers or cellulose.

  • Substances: ash, starch, mono and disaccharides, unsaturated fatty acids, protein, water, dietary fiber,
  • Vitamins: PP, B1, B2, E,
  • Minerals: selenium and magnesium, potassium and zinc, iron and phosphorus, sodium and calcium, chromium and copper.

Bran - why are they needed and what are the benefits?

It seems that bran is just garbage, waste material. But it's not that simple. Bran is a very valuable food product, both for healthy people and for those who want to improve their health.

The product, called bran, contains a sufficient amount of dietary fiber or fiber, as well as carbohydrates, polyunsaturated fats, protein and protein. The vitamins and microelements contained in bran are also very valuable. Therefore, bran is included in the composition dietary products . Bran saturates well, but at the same time has low calorie content.

Bran contains beta-glucan. The polysaccharide beta-glucan has the ability to bind fatty acids together in our intestines and, thus, quite noticeably lower cholesterol levels. This means that we can conclude that bran helps cleanse blood vessels.

Bran contains a lot of the trace element selenium. Selenium in connection with vitamin E takes part in all oxidation processes in our body and is always involved in the synthesis of DNA cells. There is enough selenium in bran. And this is good, because without it the human body cannot be healthy. The champion in selenium content is wheat bran.

For those suffering diabetes mellitus bran is very useful. After all, if you add bran to food, it will allow change glycemic index virtually any product, reducing its number. Bran for patients with diabetes is a way to expand the nutritional menu. And for those who are in a state of prediabetes, this good prevention.

Regular consumption of bran with food not only reduces blood sugar, but also metabolism improves, and also strengthens the immune system.

Bran is the main source of fiber - coarse fibers and microelements. This grain husk, like a brush, removes everything unnecessary in our body, helps intestinal motility and easily copes with constipation.

Bran absorb a lot on myself toxins accumulated in our body as a result of life activity. These are quite coarse fibers; they are not digested by the body and are not absorbed. They simply swell inside the intestines and clean it like a regular brush, and absorb it like a sponge. excess water, fats and toxins.

Thanks to regular consumption of bran with food beneficial intestinal microflora increases its growth, because there is a sufficient amount of fiber and nothing prevents it from multiplying and performing its tasks well. For example, when treating dysbacteriosis The diet includes dishes with the addition of bran.

At healthy intestines And appearance the person becomes healthier and more attractive. After all hair, nails and skin have a more well-groomed appearance. And this is possible thanks to the introduction of bran into the diet.

Bran is a natural calorie blocker, thanks to which you can regulate your weight. This product gives you a feeling of fullness. After all, bran, when it gets into the stomach, swells there and it seems to us that we are already full. But you need to remember that without additional physical activity When using bran for weight loss, it will be difficult to achieve results. Bran is not a panacea for weight loss, but only a component of a set of weight loss measures.

Who needs to eat bran

Everyone healthy people to maintain and normalize weight and to prevent diseases, especially colon cancer. Bran is part of a healthy diet.

And also to those suffering:

  • diabetes mellitus
  • atherosclerosis
  • hypertension
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract
  • dyskinesia biliary tract
  • atony of the gallbladder (with stagnation of bile)
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers in remission
  • constipation
  • obese
  • skin diseases
  • diseases urinary tract and kidneys
  • prostatitis
  • decreased immunity
  • infectious diseases, especially viral and colds
  • allergies

Where can you find bran

Bran can be purchased in pharmacies and supermarkets among diabetic products And dietary nutrition. And also in the market.

It must be remembered that the environment is disturbed and polluted, therefore, in order to reduce the influence of toxins and other harmful substances The bran on the body must be disinfected as much as possible. To do this, you can use water, soaking the bran and then draining it. Also an oven, and sometimes a microwave, but in this case some of the vitamins may lose their properties.

Is it possible to give bran to children?

In order to normalize work digestive tract Children only after 3 years of age can be given bran and only after they have been pre-soaked in water. Bran is consumed along with the main food.

Carefully! Bran is harmful!

An excess of bran in the diet is not good. IN large quantities You cannot eat bran, because the rapid elimination of food, which occurs due to the action of bran, deprives our body of many useful nutrients, they simply may not have time to be absorbed into the body.

This can inevitably cause colic, bloating and heaviness of the abdomen, stool retention and diarrhea, as well as disrupt the balance of microelements and vitamins within the body.

You cannot eat bran without heat treatment. In the shell of the grain, which during processing turns into bran, there is a substance that is not digestible by humans even when frequent use may simply become toxic. Store-bought and pharmacy bran has already undergone such processing, but loose bran from the market has not.

People who accept medicines, you need to know that bran is an absorbent. Their effect on drugs is the same as that of activated carbon. They can either reduce the effect of the drug or eliminate it altogether. Therefore, if you are taking medications with meals, consult your doctor about whether and when you can consume bran.

Contraindications for eating bran

Patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers, acute form gastritis and exacerbation of colitis, bran can be harmful. After all, their fibers are very coarse. But in the remission stage of these diseases, bran is even indicated for dietary nutrition.

How to choose bran

High-quality bran should be dry and have no taste or smell. Usually the bran is crumbly, but it is now increasingly sold in granulated balls or cubes.

The quality of bran can be assessed using the following criteria:

  • smell whether or not the bran has a moldy smell,
  • try it - there should be no bitter taste impurities, because it is still a product of grain processing with the initial content of yeast in it
  • The color of the bran is usually gray-brown

How to store bran

Bran should be stored in airtight jars, tightly closed, in a dark and fairly dry place. It is correct when bran is sold in sealed packages.

How to eat bran

Bran is always food additive. It is better not to eat bran as a separate product. After all, if we eat them dry, then during the process of digestion in the stomach and passage through the intestines they do not have time to perform all their beneficial functions.

Before you eat the bran, you need to soak it by filling it with water for half an hour. Then the water must be drained and the swollen bran added to the dish. For example, regular buckwheat porridge with onion sauté, to which bran soaked in water was added.

Bran is usually added to porridges, salads, soups, and cutlets. By adding bran to flour, we make baked goods healthy.

You can consume bran no more than 30 grams per day.

Treatment with bran

You need to start bran treatment with small doses: no more than 1 or 2 teaspoons per day for one week, gradually increasing to daily norm- 30 gr.

When eating bran, the body needs more water than usual. Therefore, if you consume dry bran, be sure to wash it down with water.

Treat with bran in cycles:

  1. 10-12 days: One teaspoon of bran should be diluted in half a glass of hot boiled water. Let it brew. Strain and drain the water. Eat this portion, divided into three parts, during the daytime.
  2. 2 weeks: Pour two tablespoons of bran with half a glass of the same water. The resulting gruel should also be eaten three times.
  3. 2 months: Use two teaspoons of dry bran with meals, adding as a seasoning to various dishes during the day.

Bran is chopped dura shell grains It contains vitamins PP, B1, B2, E, selenium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, iron and others useful microelements. But most importantly: bran is huge amount fiber, slow carbohydrates and protein.

How do bran affect our body?

Bran is coarse dietary fiber that our intestines use as an absorbent. They absorb excess water, toxins, fats, heavy metals and push digested food further downstream. intestinal tract. As a result, the functioning of the digestive system improves. Bran is often prescribed for stagnation of bile, poor intestinal motility, and constipation.

Bran binds in the intestines bile acids and thus reduce blood cholesterol levels. This is a good prevention of atherosclerosis. If you don't mind eating spicy and fatty foods, be sure to add bran to your diet.

Coarse fiber is a favorite food beneficial bacteria living in the intestines. By absorbing it, they release B vitamins, which are essential for the nervous system, metabolism and immunity.

As you grow beneficial microflora the condition of the skin, nails and hair improves. We become more beautiful and feel happier.

In the stomach, bran swells and creates a feeling of fullness. In addition, they reduce the calorie content of foods and help lower blood sugar levels. If you are prone to obesity, regular consumption of bran will help maintain correct weight and avoid diabetes.

How much bran can you eat per day?

The recommended amount of bran is no more than 30 grams, that is, approximately 2 tablespoons. Start with 1 or 2 teaspoons per day for the first week and gradually increase the dosage. Don't forget to drink 2 liters clean water per day, because bran is still a dry product.

What happens if you eat too much bran? This can lead to various digestive troubles: bloating, flatulence, even exacerbation chronic diseases. Keep everything in moderation. If you are taking any medicine, at least 6 hours must pass between taking it and consuming bran.

How to eat bran correctly?

If you've tried bran before and ended up throwing out the whole bag, then you most likely failed to cook it properly. Yes, yes, you can cook a lot of tasty things from bran, but first things first.

Bran should never be eaten dry.

Wash them down with juice, tea or water. Ideal snack: add bran to a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt. A great alternative to expensive bottled yoghurts with crazy amounts of sugar and grains of unknown origin.

If you want something tasty, healthy and right now, you can make the famous one from bran. Grind 2 tablespoons of bran in a coffee grinder and use it instead of regular flour.

Bran is best eaten before lunch. Have breakfast with porridge: brew bran in a bowl with hot milk or water, leave for a couple of minutes and add sweetener, berries and pieces of fruit to taste.

When should you not eat bran?

Bran should not be eaten during exacerbations of gastritis, ulcers, colitis and infectious enteritis, as well as for vitamin deficiency.

What is bran and what is the use of it?


[picture] Flour with bran, bread with bran and even yogurt - and that with bran! For what? Let's figure it out
what is bran and what is the use of it? .

Outer shell not used for flour production cereal crops rich in fiber (70% or more), vitamins and biologically active substances. It, and along with it the seed germs, are waste from the flour-grinding industry. The upper protein layer, saturated with microelements, also remains lost when grinding the grain. All these vitamin products, invaluable for human health, are called bran.

Nutritionists have placed this product on a pedestal, giving it a place of honor in the diet of healthy eaters. It is believed that people need bran every day, in an amount of no less than 20 g. They are especially important for those who strive lose weightand rid your body of toxins.

What are the benefits of bran? Firstly, by their composition (i.e. what they bring to the human body):

A large amount of dietary fiber (fiber);
- B vitamins;
- vitamins E, PP;
- carotene;
- trace elements (zinc, chromium, selenium, potassium and magnesium salts, copper, etc.).

Who is recommended to use bran? In principle, all healthy people, since bran cleanses the intestines and saturates the body with useful substances. They will be especially useful for those who suffer from the following diseases:

- obesity;
- hypertension;
- biliary dyskinesia and bile stagnation;
- intestinal atony;
- chronic constipation;
- varicose veins.

- stomach ulcer;
- duodenal ulcer.

[picture] What does bran do when it enters the body? They are practically not digested in the intestines, but they do the following:

Removes waste from the body (cholesterol, toxins, ions heavy metals and radionuclides);
- enhance intestinal motility, eliminating congestion, constipation;
- swelling, dulls the feeling of hunger;
- improve metabolism and intestinal microflora (they fight dysbacteriosis well);
- reduce concentration blood glucosepatients with diabetes mellitus;
- increase immunity.

How and how much bran should you eat? Optimal daily dose they range from 20 to 35 g. More undesirable, since it is fraught with intestinal problems (flatulence, colic are possible). Bran is sold in the form of granules and large particles. For beginners, we can recommend 1 tablespoon of this product per day.

How to eat bran? They are very convenient to use because they are easy to mix and organically combine with any liquid and semi-liquid products without spoiling their taste. You can mix them injuice, yogurt, kefir or pour into soup and porridge. In any case, it is necessary to add liquid to the bran.

Which bran to choose? Indeed, their variety is amazing: rye and barley, wheat and oatmeal, even rice. When choosing, you can focus solely on your taste preferences, avoiding only those bran that may be allergens for a particular person.

Enriched bran with fruit and vegetable additives deserves special attention. These have an additional therapeutic and prophylactic effect on the body, therefore they are even more useful. There are, for example, such bran with additives :

WITH seaweed(rich in iodine);
- with beets (useful for high blood pressure, obesity);
- with apple (good for gout and kidney stones);
- With Jerusalem artichoke(useful for obesity and diabetes mellitus).

[picture]By the way, using bran in a certain mode , you can enhance their effectiveness in achieving various goals:

1 tablespoon/3 times a day with food (against constipation, for dysbacteriosis);
- 2 tablespoons per 1 glass of water, half an hour before meals three times a day (bran for weight loss);
- Boil 200 g of bran per 0.5 liter of boiling water for 10 minutes, take the decoction 0.5 cups/3 times a day before meals (for colds, bronchitis).

External use of bran also useful. They can be used as a peeling agent, and the decoction can be added to the bath for allergies and skin irritations. Good and cosmetic masks with bran: take 1 raw yolk for 1 teaspoon, apply to the skin of the face, leave for 15 minutes.

Surely, many people who have tried bran will really like their effectiveness. This product is especially relevant for those who want to lose excess weight and become more beautiful.

What is wholemeal flour containing bran? Bran is a product of flour processing. It’s easier to say - what remains after grinding and cleaning it. Bran includes grain shells and the remains of unsorted flour. They constitute their nutritional value.
Bran contains substances that stimulate intestinal motility and promote the removal of toxins from the body, which makes bran an indispensable product in the diet. They also contain substances that are essential for the life of the body, for example, iron and others.
The material offered today contains advice on how best to use bran in nutrition and treatment.

The bran is usually soaked overnight, kneaded vigorously in the morning, formed into flat cakes (like cutlets) and baked in the oven in a lightly greased frying pan (turn over the flat cakes after 10 minutes). It is recommended to eat these flatbreads with herbs, and “salt them” with seaweed. This is an everyday dish for all people. But bran is especially useful for patients suffering from intestinal disorders.
It is recommended to pour boiling water over the bran for 20-30 minutes, soak it a little and then drain the liquid. You can add this bran to your food or simply eat it with water. Once in the stomach, they undergo almost no changes and, retaining water, enter the intestines; the movement of waste accelerates, pain and flatulence decrease. When achieved normal operation intestines, you can continue to eat bran one and a half to two teaspoons a day.
At the very beginning of treatment, bran should be taken 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day. After 7-10 days, the dose is increased to 2 teaspoons, and after the same period, increased to 2 tablespoons. The maximum daily dose is up to 9 tablespoons. It is usually recommended to add 1 teaspoon of bran to soups or other dishes 2-3 times a day.
Wheat and rye bran, washed, dried in the oven and crushed in a coffee grinder, added to ready-made porridges.
You can also prepare a decoction of wheat bran at the rate of 200 g per 1 liter of water: rinse, put in boiling water, cook for 1 hour over low heat. Add to the decoction lemon juice. Bran goes well with prunes and raisins. The mixture is prepared in 3 doses at once: 200 g of pitted prunes, 100 g of raisins, 100 g of bran (pass through a meat grinder, store in the refrigerator).
During the period of treatment with bran it is useful to drink more water(up to 6-7 glasses per day). During exacerbation peptic ulcer bran is contraindicated. It is not recommended to stock them long term- they may go rancid. For information. High-grade flour does not contain bran at all (rolls, pies, cakes); Grade I flour, slightly yellowish or grayish, contains 2-3 percent bran; II grade flour is much darker - 10-12 percent of rubles (brown bread, plain white bread); wallpaper flour(from peeled grains) has a gray or grayish-yellow color, it contains a lot of bran (gray zdorovye and Barvikhinsky buns, honey gingerbread).
Here, it is probably appropriate to talk about sprouted grains as a food product. You can use wheat grains mainly, as well as rye and oats. The properties of sprouted grains have repeatedly been seriously studied by yogis. It has been revealed that such grains contain a special B vitamin, which is the most important stimulator of the body’s vital functions.

Daily intake of sprouted wheat - 50-100 g. Best of all - for breakfast. It should be borne in mind that “healthy” wheat germinates in about two days; if it does not sprout for a long time, it means that it was immoderately pickled or treated with chemicals.
Wheat is sprouted in a plate or enamel tray. First, it is thoroughly washed (in a ladle or in a sieve), then the soaked cloth or gauze is spread in several rows on a tray, wheat is poured in, covered with a cloth and sprinkled with water. The main thing is to ensure that the wheat does not germinate too much; its sprouts should only hatch for 2– 3 mm. The sprouts are large and green - poisonous.
The sprouted wheat needs to be rinsed well again under running water. cold water, since fungal microorganisms can develop in it. You can eat sprouted wheat raw (chew it thoroughly), or you can mince it and mix it with nuts, honey, raisins, and dried apricots. It is recommended to add it to various salads.
Sprouted wheat is the healthiest winter food. It can be stored in a crushed form for 3-4 days in a cold place, but it is better to eat it right away.
You can bake flatbreads from sprouted wheat. The grain is passed through a meat grinder, a little cold water is added and flat cakes are formed, which are baked in the oven on a lightly greased or floured frying pan. One tablespoon of grain yields one cake. 3-4 of these flatbreads with butter, honey or herbs make a hearty breakfast.

Recent research has shown that we could all be healthier and live longer if we ate whole foods that provided more indigestible fiber to our digestive tract.
The best way to increase your body's fiber intake is to eat 100% whole grain breads, eat more fresh raw fruits, and add daily ration Unprocessed bran (this can be mixed with the regular grains you eat for breakfast).
Bran has little or no nutritional value. We do not digest or absorb them. As they pass through the digestive tract, they accumulate fluid and swell, creating a large, soft mass that speeds up bowel movements and, by diluting them, lowers levels of fat breakdown products associated with the formation of carcinogens.
Bran is also sold as food additive in concentrated form in tablet form. When research determined that we would be much healthier and live longer if we ate whole foods that contain more indigestible fiber for the digestive tract, many people quite sensibly became obsessed with fiber, although most were unaware (and still are they don’t know yet) that fiber comes in different types and different types perform different functions.
Types of fiber:
Cellulose. Found in wholemeal wheat flour, bran, cabbage, young peas, green beans, waxy beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cucumber peel, peppers, apples, carrots.
Hemicellulose. Found in bran, cereals, unrefined grains, Brussels sprouts, mustard green shoots, and beet roots. Cellulose and hemicellulose absorb water and can ease colon activity.
Essentially, they “bulk” waste materials and move them through the colon faster. This not only prevents constipation, but may also protect against diverticular disease*, spasmodic colitis, hemorrhoids*, colon cancer and varicose veins vein*.
Comedy. They are usually in oatmeal and other oat products, as well as in dried beans. Pectin. Found in apples, citrus fruits, carrots, cauliflower, cabbage, dried peas, green beans, potatoes, strawberries, strawberries, fruit drinks. Gums and pectin mainly affect the absorption process in the stomach and small intestine.
By binding to bile acids, they reduce fat absorption and lower cholesterol levels. They delay gastric emptying and, by coating the intestinal lining, slow down the absorption of sugar after meals, which is beneficial for diabetics as it reduces the amount of insulin consumed each time.
Lignin. This type of fiber is found in cereals eaten for breakfast, in bran, stale vegetables (when storing vegetables, the lignin content in them increases and they become less digestible), as well as in eggplants, green beans, strawberries, peas, and radishes.
Lignin reduces the digestibility of other fibers. It also binds to bile acids, thereby helping to lower cholesterol levels and speeds up the passage of food through the intestines.

WARNING: While it's true that many of us don't get enough fiber from food, sudden increases in fiber intake can cause gas, bloating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and may interfere with your body's ability to absorb certain fibers. minerals, such as zinc, calcium, iron, magnesium, and vitamin B12.
However, this can be easily prevented if you occasionally diversify your diet with foods containing high content fiber.

Today you can often hear about the benefits of bran. They appeared as a separate product relatively recently, along with higher grades of flour. Before then, there was no way to separate them. During the grinding process, all the grain fell into the flour, so its properties were slightly different from modern ones. What have we lost with the advent of new methods of grinding and purification, and what are the benefits of bran?

What is bran

Bran is all the husk that remains after the production of premium flour. Many consider them to be waste or a by-product. But in fact, this “garbage” contains all the most valuable things in the grain - its rinses and seed germs. It is in them that almost all the most useful biologically are collected. active substances. White refined flour is devoid of all this, which is why baked goods made from it are classified as harmful products, carrying too many empty calories.

Bran is a by-product of the production of flour and cereals

Sometimes flour manufacturers try to make it more healthy and add additional vitamins. Such a product, although it carries more needed by the body substances still cannot be classified as dietary. The simplest and natural way fortification of flour - stop removing healthy bran from it. But this will have a negative impact on taste qualities baking and not everyone will like it. Therefore, bran is often sold as a separate food product.

Types and composition

When we talk about bran, we most often mean wheat bran. But this is far from the only type of them; you can also buy rye, buckwheat, barley, oat, rice, millet, even flax and many others.
Absolutely all bran contains a lot of fiber - this is one of their main beneficial properties. No other product contains it in such quantities, in fish, meat, etc. There are none at all, and there are very few of them in fruits and vegetables. Bran contains about 80% fiber. In addition, they are very rich in nutrients, their calorie content is at least 165 kcal.

Barley and oat bran contain a lot of soluble fiber and help lower cholesterol. Corn contains insoluble fiber and is good for preventing colon cancer. Rice bran are very rich in vitamins and are used to make bread and vitamin concentrates.

Bran is a by-product of the production of flour from grains

There is a lot of vegetable protein in bran. There are also beneficial saturated and unsaturated fatty acids present here. Very rich mineral composition bran: they contain potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, iron. Compounds of selenium, chromium, zinc, copper and other elements are present in small quantities.
Separately, it is worth noting the high content of B vitamins in bran. It also contains carotene and vitamin E.

What are the benefits of bran?

As we have already said, a huge amount of dietary fiber is the main advantage of bran. This allows you to use this product to regulate intestinal function, improve colon microflora, normalize weight and blood sugar levels, as well as remove cholesterol and other harmful substances from the body.

Scientists confirm that diseases such as hemorrhoids, diverticulosis and chronic colitis are associated with a lack of plant fiber in food, so the use of bran can be used as their prevention.

Fiber – excellent medicine from constipation. It is practically not digested in the intestines, and while there, it adsorbs other substances and water. This leads not only to cleansing the body, but also to an increase in volume. feces, and this reduces the likelihood of constipation. In addition, plant fibers bind bile acids, which have a fairly high atherogenic activity. This allows them to prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

Bran is also useful for diabetes. They are able to slow down the breakdown of starch and reduce the glycemic index of foods.
They are also indispensable in the fight against overweight. Foods high in fiber are digested much more slowly. This gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness, and accelerated intestinal motility will reduce the absorption of nutrients, and therefore the calorie content of food. In addition, bran can suppress appetite.

Bran can be added instead of flour to any cutlets, as well as to puddings instead of semolina and even to sauces, but first grind it in a coffee grinder.

It should also be noted that the use of bran has a positive effect on the body's resistance to various infections. This is associated with improved digestion, and therefore general condition body. Bran should be consumed by patients with atony and dyskinesia of the intestines, as well as the gallbladder, constipation and bile stagnation. They will be useful for disorders of the liver, pancreas, gastritis and some other gastric diseases.

The use of bran can also be recommended for people living in environmentally unfavorable areas, or for those whose activities are associated with hazardous industries. They will help remove toxins from the body and strengthen its defenses.


In general, there are few situations where bran can cause harm. They are contraindicated in acute period for peptic ulcers and gastritis, as well as for colitis and enterocolitis of infectious origin. As it fades inflammatory process You can slowly resume taking bran, but you will have to start with small doses.

Bread with bran is a tasty and healthy product

You must also always remember a sense of proportion. Bran is beneficial if consumed correctly and in recommended doses. Exceeding them can lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines, bloating and flatulence. In addition, sometimes the functioning of the intestines is disrupted and diarrhea appears, which is fraught with hypovitaminosis. Therefore, you should start taking it with about one tablespoon of large granulated bran per day.

To improve the taste of wheat bran, you can roast it a little in the oven.

You should never combine taking bran with taking medications. Plant fibers will absorb part of the drug, and it will healing effect will decrease significantly. Therefore, the break between taking medications and bran should be at least 6 hours.

How to use it correctly

The effect of bran largely depends on the correct use. They must be taken with water. A portion of bran must first be steamed with boiling water and left for 20-30 minutes. After this time, the liquid must be drained, and the resulting bran pulp can be eaten immediately or added to any dish.

Some bran is intended to be consumed dry. They are produced in the form of snacks, which are eaten before lunch or with tea. Such bran is sweet and salty and often contains various flavoring additives.

The maximum daily dose of bran is 30 grams, but you should start taking it with small amounts - 1-2 teaspoons per day. Gradually, their amount should be increased to 1-2 tablespoons three times a day. This gradual increase in dosage will avoid many side effects such as heaviness in the stomach, unstable chair, increased gas formation etc. In addition, when taking bran it is necessary to increase fluid intake. As soon as desired effect will be achieved, the dosage of bran must be reduced to a maintenance level - 1-1.5 teaspoons daily.

Proper use of bran is the key to success

You can also take bran in cycles:

  • The 1st cycle lasts 10–12 days. During this time, you need to brew a teaspoon of bran in a third of a glass of boiling water and consume it divided into three parts - breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • 2nd cycle – 2 weeks. It is necessary to brew two tablespoons of bran with half a glass of boiling water, and take the resulting porridge three times.
  • The 3rd cycle lasts 2 months. It is necessary to take 2 teaspoons of bran 2-3 times a day during meals in dry form.

Fermented bran is taken in the same way, but, unlike regular bran, it is more effective, removes toxins from the body better and stimulates the immune system.

Video: Useful properties of bran

Bran – the most useful product, which contains the germ of the grain and almost all its vitamins. In addition, they are a valuable source vegetable fiber, the lack of which provokes hemorrhoids, overweight and many other diseases. But to achieve optimal results, they must be used correctly.



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