Jaundice in folk medicine. Description of the healing properties of the herb jaundice, preparation, use

Many herbs that seem completely unremarkable have quite pronounced medicinal qualities. This also applies to jaundice, a representative of the Cruciferous genus. Thus, two varieties of such a plant can benefit a person - (or spreading), as well as. They are similar in their healing properties and in the scheme of application. So, the topic of our conversation today will be the jaundice flower, let’s look at medicinal properties and contraindications of this herb in a little more detail.

The jaundice plant has many medicinal properties. But most often it is used as a fairly strong cardiac glycoside. This herb helps normalize cardiac activity.

Jaundice is often used in the treatment of angina and arrhythmia. It is used in the treatment of dropsy of cardiac etiology, arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis. IN healing purposes Only above-ground parts are used of this plant- grass and seeds.

In the photo, gray yellowtail

In the photo, the left-handed jaundice

Useful properties of jaundice

Since ancient times, such a simple plant has been known as a potent heart remedy. It is capable of short time eliminate heart pain, normalize the quality of night's rest and soothe.

Jaundice quite effectively optimizes cardiac activity. Preparations based on this herb can normalize and enhance the functioning of the heart muscle. Their consumption allows you to slow down the heart rate and achieve expansion blood vessels on the periphery. The use of jaundice helps reduce stagnation, normalization of central nervous system activity, improvement of mood and sleep.

There are a number pathological conditions, for which it is recommended to use jaundice. Thus, this herb helps patients suffering from disorders of the heart: heart defects, myocarditis, acute and chronic form heart failure. The plant may be useful in therapy bronchial asthma, thrombophlebitis and cardiosclerosis.

This plant is also used in the correction of varicose veins, angina pectoris and ischemia. The use of this herb is relevant for patients with arterial hypertension and different types arrhythmias.

Jaundice can also help in treatment renal failure and pulmonary tuberculosis. In addition, it makes sense to use it to eliminate headaches, insomnia and neuroses. Many traditional medicine specialists claim that this herb is quite effective in relieving shortness of breath.

Specialists official medicine use jaundice in the form of the drug Cardiovalen. This medicine contains the juice of such a plant and is used in the treatment of heart ailments.

External use of jaundice preparations allows you to activate regeneration processes, improve the nutrition of skin cells and soften dry skin. This treatment may be useful for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

Also, traditional medicine experts claim that when local use Such remedies can help eliminate purulent tumors and even breast cancer. Internal reception may be useful to patients with diabetes mellitus, since there is a fairly popular point of view that the herb jaundice can activate the production own insulin pancreas.

Determined that active ingredients Jaundice plants are not able to accumulate in the body and cause addiction. Therefore, medications based on it can be used for a long time. Readers of “Popular About Health” are strongly recommended not to self-medicate, but to examine their health with medical equipment to find out accurate diagnosis, and first discuss the advisability of using jaundice with your doctor.

Contraindications for jaundice

It is worth noting that jaundice is, although useful, a poisonous plant. This herb should never be used when carrying a child and breastfeeding. There are simply no official studies on its influence, and therefore how it affects children, expectant and nursing mothers is not exactly clear. Its use is contraindicated in severe forms of atherosclerosis, cardiosclerosis, and endocarditis. In addition, jaundice is not used to treat patients with acute myocarditis and enlarged left cardiac ventricle. Another contraindication is the presence of changes in the vessels of the retinal fundus. Among other things, the plant cannot be used for individual intolerance– allergies.

Features of the use of jaundice

For the treatment of dropsy, heart failure, night sleep disorders, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, arterial hypertension, neurosis, arrhythmia, it is worth preparing water infusion based on jaundice. To do this, you need to brew half a teaspoon of chopped herbs with a glass of just boiled water. Leave for two hours, then strain. The finished infusion should be taken one teaspoon three times a day. Optimal duration course of therapy – two months.

To strengthen the heart muscle, enhance coronary circulation, and help treat angina pectoris, coronary artery disease, bronchial asthma and arterial hypertension, you can prepare a tincture. Pour thirty grams of dry weed into a glass of regular vodka and leave it in a fairly cool and warm place for two weeks. Strain the finished tincture and drink ten drops three times a day. The medicine must be diluted in a glass boiled water. The optimal duration of such treatment is three months.

Before using jaundice in therapeutic purposes You should consult your doctor.

The genus Jaundice from the Cruciferous family includes perennial herbaceous plants with several branched stems, reaching a height of 60-120 cm, with narrow linear leaves and small yellowish flowers, collected in dense racemose inflorescences. Jaundice flowering time is May-June. After flowering, fruits appear on the plant in the form of pods, ripening by July. The most famous use of jaundice in culture is as a medicinal raw material.

Jaundice - types and places of growth

Jaundice grows in the northern, central Europe and northern and central Asia. In Russia, the main places of its growth are the European part, Western and Eastern Siberia, Caucasus. It is represented by about 100 species; For traditional medicine, gray and left-handed jaundice are of interest, which have almost the same medicinal properties.

Jaundice - medicinal properties

The medicinal properties of jaundice have been known for a long time. It is used as an expectorant and diuretic, and is also a very effective cardiac and depressant. Jaundice is part of such cardiac remedy, as a cardiovalenic, due to its ability to calm the heartbeat, even out the pulse and improve cardiac activity. These properties make it indispensable in the treatment of angina pectoris, rheumatic heart defects, and hypertension.

Jaundice - dosage forms

Jaundice herb is used as a medicinal raw material, the highly active form of which has been introduced into the culture. The grass is mowed during the flowering period and, after drying in small stacks in the field, is dried in dryers, after which it is stored in dry rooms with good ventilation. You need to know that after six months of storage, the healing properties of jaundice weaken, and after a year they are completely lost.

Jaundice - recipes

For the treatment of dropsy, chronic and acute heart failure, neurosis, insomnia, bronchitis, renal failure, hypertension, arrhythmia, an aqueous infusion of jaundice is used, for the preparation of which 0.5 tsp. crushed jaundice herb is poured with a glass of boiling water, left for 14 days and filtered. This infusion is taken 0.5 tbsp. l. three times a day for 2 months.

To strengthen the heart muscle, strengthen coronary circulation, treatment coronary disease heart disease, angina pectoris, bronchial asthma and decreased blood pressure use alcohol tincture of jaundice, for the preparation of which 30 g. crushed dry jaundice herb pour 250 grams. vodka and infuse, shaking occasionally, for about 14 days. Take three times a day before meals, diluting 10 drops of tincture in a glass of boiled water. It is recommended to continue this treatment for about 3 months.

To stimulate the pancreas to produce insulin, which, when breaking down sugar and fat, provides the heart with nutrition, it is recommended to take 0.1 g. jaundice powder.

To alleviate the condition accompanying dystrophy lower limbs, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins veins and rheumatism, compresses and rubbing using alcohol tincture jaundice, for the preparation of which 0.5 liters of vodka are mixed with 30 grams. chopped dry herbs, half a lemon (both peel and pulp are taken) and 20 gr. crushed propolis. Insist for 14 days. Rubbing with this tincture should be done before bed.

Jaundice - contraindications

Jaundice preparations should not be used during pregnancy, atherosclerosis, cardiosclerosis, endocarditis, acute myocarditis, organic change blood vessels and heart. When taking them orally, you must strictly adhere to the dosage, since jaundice has not only medicinal, but also poisonous properties. Before taking jaundice medications, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

An overdose of drugs can lead to arrhythmia and decreased blood pressure. In this case, you should immediately seek medical help.

Jaundice (Erysimum) is a genus of herbaceous plants in the Brassicaceae family. Widely distributed in the northern hemisphere and includes more than two hundred species.

Two of them are considered medicinal (gray and levkoy), so they are called spas-grass or core.


The genus includes annual and biennial herbaceous plants. They have a straight or branched stem, whole narrow leaves, small yellow flowers, having four petals, and fruits in the form of tetrahedral pods.

Jaundice gray or spreading:

Levcoyus jaundice

Preparation of jaundice

The entire above-ground part of the plant is used. It is better to collect when the plant is blooming, but at the same time choose a herb with flowers that have not fully opened, since at this time its medicinal properties are reduced.


After cutting, all plants are dried, cleaned of dust and dirt, and stored in a dark place in closed cardboard boxes or paper bags for six months.

After six months, the healing properties of jaundice are significantly reduced.

Medicinal properties

Jaundice has a vasodilator, hypotensive, diuretic, cardiotonic, and antispasmodic effect.

Indications for use

The use of jaundice is convenient because the substances contained in it do not accumulate in the body and are not addictive. Jaundice is prepared in several ways:

Jaundice decoction

  • 1 teaspoon of jaundice per 300 ml of water;
  • Boil for 10 minutes;
  • Bring to the previous volume;
  • Take one tablespoon up to 4 times a day.

Quickly improves cardiac activity. It is used as a compress for purulent tumors and breast cancer.

Jaundice infusion

  • ½ teaspoon per 200 ml of boiling water;
  • Leave for 2 hours;
  • Take one tablespoon 3 times a day;

It is used to treat diseases such as hypertension, bronchitis, renal failure, neurosis, dropsy, arrhythmia, and insomnia.

Jaundice tincture (with vodka)

  • 70 g (3-4 tablespoons) jaundice per 500 ml of vodka;
  • Infuses for 2 weeks;
  • Take 15-20 drops per glass of water 3 times a day;

Vodka tincture helps with arrhythmia, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, and hypertension.

Jaundice tincture (with alcohol)

  • 30 g (1.5 tablespoons) jaundice, alcohol (500 ml, 40%), additional ingredients propolis (20 g), lemon zest;
  • Infuses for 2 weeks;
  • Used for rubbing or as tampons applied to diseased areas for 1.5 hours;

Alcohol tincture is used for rheumatism; varicose veins; thrombophlebitis; angina pectoris; ischemic disease; bronchial asthma; dystrophy of the lower extremities.


Jaundice in overdose causes poisoning, so it should be taken after consulting a doctor and in recommended doses.

Contraindications for use are:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Acute atherosclerosis;
  • Acute myocarditis;
  • Endocarditis;
  • Severe cardiosclerosis.

Using jaundice for weight loss

The use of gray jaundice for weight loss is based on the fact that it contains substances that help lower blood sugar and prevent the formation of fats. It normalizes work gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and liver.


For weight loss, it is recommended to consume 0.1 g of jaundice powder three times a day 20 minutes before meals, it is not recommended to drink it with water, for 2 months, after which a break is taken for 15 days. In this case, you need to exclude alcohol, fried and fatty foods.

Reviews about weight loss based on taking jaundice are only positive. It is noted that up to 4 kg are lost per month, there is no need to comply strict diet, taking jaundice has beneficial influence on the nervous and cardiovascular system, improves mood, and is also an excellent preventive measure for a number of diseases.

Jaundice gray and gillyflower are wonderful remedies. They help in treatment different systems organs, exerting a powerful healing effect. Before taking jaundice, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Updated: 10/17/2016

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Gray jaundice (yellowweed, wildflower, spreading jaundice, jaundice) - biennial herbal plant up to 50 cm in height, with highly branched stems, narrowed into a petiole, finely toothed elongated leaves. The fruits are long, tetrahedral, thin pods, gray with pubescence, and the seeds are ellipsoidal, yellowish-brown. The plant blooms in May-June, and the seeds ripen in June-July. This plant is poisonous.

You can meet him at middle lane Europe, in Southern Altai, in Central Asia, foothills of the Caucasus, in Siberia, the Carpathians, Crimea, Ukraine. The plant is a weed, grows in vegetable gardens, arable lands, along fields and roads, on rocky scatterings of quarries and ravines, in the steppes. It can be cultivated experimentally in Ukraine, Siberia, the central European part of the CIS, and the North Caucasus.

Harvesting in medicinal purposes

For medical purposes traditional healers They collect the above-ground part of the plant (grass), and less often its seeds. Jaundice grass is collected during flowering by cutting off the above-ground part without the bare lower stem. After this, the grass is immediately laid out for drying in the attic, on fresh air or in the dryer at 40-60 degrees. Do not allow raw materials to get wet. Finished raw materials are stored for no more than 2 years.

Chemical composition

All parts of gray jaundice contain (cardenolites): in seeds and flowers from 2 to 6%, in leaves - about 1.5, in roots - 0.2, and in stems - about 0.7 percent. The main glycosides in the plant are eryzimin and erysimoid, which improve heart function. In terms of the nature of action and speed, erizimin is close to strophanthin, but it acts a little softer and has less toxicity.

Also, gray jaundice has free palmitic and erucic acids), fatty oil, bitterness, organic acids (malic, tartaric and citric) and trace elements.

Gray jaundice: application medicinal herb

First of all, jaundice is very powerful cardiac glycoside, therefore it is often used for chronic and acute failure hearts and vascular system, as well as in cases of circulatory dysfunction and, in general, to maintain normal operation hearts. No wonder the juice of the jaundice herb is included in heart drug"Cardiovalent." Jaundice helps expand peripheral vessels, creating conditions for effective activities heart, it also increases the strength of heart contractions and lengthens the pause between these contractions (i.e. improves the rhythm of work), helps cleanse blood vessels. Preparations based on jaundice can be used in the treatment and prevention of venous or blood pressure disorders, rheumatoid lesions of joints and organs, angina pectoris, diabetes mellitus and cardiosclerosis. As a result, pain in the heart disappears, blood pressure decreases, and swelling decreases. The diuretic and sedative properties of this plant are also useful for heart diseases.

It also has the ability to provoke weight loss. After all, it is known that if bitter-containing plants (and jaundice is one of them) enter the duodenum with food or tea, then blood sugar decreases significantly, and at the same time the degree of obesity also decreases.

Thanks to its expectorant properties, gray jaundice is effective for bronchitis and throat diseases, for which the infusion is taken orally. The same infusion is also used for hypertension, arrhythmia, renal failure, pulmonary tuberculosis, headaches, for insomnia as a mild sleeping pill, for neuroses and shortness of breath - as a sedative, for acute or chronic failure heart or with dropsy of cardiac origin.

In the form of a tincture, jaundice herb is used for coronary heart disease, bronchial asthma, and angina pectoris.

Decoctions of the leaves or seeds of the plant are used externally as a compress or lotion for purulent tumors or breast cancer.

For rheumatism, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis or dystrophy of the lower extremities, gray jaundice is used in the form of rubbing and compresses.

And this herb powder medicinal plant stimulates the activity of the pancreas in cases of decreased function.

Infusions from seeds will help with diarrhea and helminthiasis.

Recipes using jaundice

1. For infusion, take two teaspoons. spoons of crushed dry jaundice (herb) per 200 g of boiling water, covered, kept for two hours, taken three times a day at the table. spoon.

2. For dropsy: pour 100 g of vodka onto the table. spoon of herb, infuse for 20 days. Take 10 drops three times a day. no longer than 2 weeks.

3. For emergency assistance for heart pain, a more concentrated tincture is prepared: dry crushed herb is poured into a container and filled with vodka to a level one finger higher than the herb. Take no more than 3 times a day, 20 drops, for no more than 3 days. It is better to use this tincture only when absolutely necessary.

4. For the treatment of arrhythmia, angina pectoris, hypertension, atherosclerosis: pour 70 g of dry jaundice (herb) with 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave for 15 days, shaking occasionally. Take 3 times daily, dropping 15-20 drops into a full glass of raw filtered water, before meals. Course - 3 months, break - a month, repeat if necessary.

5. For heart failure with circulatory disorders, hypertension, angina pectoris, rheumatic defects and other heart diseases: tea. l. the herbs are infused in 600 ml of boiling water for 2 hours, filtered. Take orally three times a day at the table. l.

6. Tincture for rubbing: 20 g of crushed propolis are mixed with 30 g of dry crushed jaundice, add 500 g of vodka and half a lemon (whole, without seeds). Keep for 14 days. Rub the tincture on the limbs before going to bed. You can also apply compresses for 1.5 hours.


Gray jaundice - poisonous plant. Therefore, its use should be under medical supervision and after consulting a doctor, be sure to follow the exact dosages!

Jaundice is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, sudden organic cardiac changes, acute myocarditis, endocarditis, severe cardiosclerosis.

Jaundice is a biennial herbaceous plant, which belongs to the genus Zheltushnik and to the Cabbage family. The beneficial properties of the herb are due to the presence of micro- and macroelements in the composition. The plant has a variety of medicinal properties, including antiarrhythmic, antispasmodic, diuretic, sedative, choleretic, antioxidant and others. Since jaundice is a poisonous plant, before using the herb or preparations based on it, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications. The use of the plant by pregnant women and women during lactation is strictly prohibited.

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    Gray jaundice

    Gray jaundice is a biennial plant whose stem height is 30-80 cm. Its shoots are colored gray due to tightly pressed short hairs. The grass grows on rocky slopes, grows near roadsides, in pine forests and dry meadows.

    Gray jaundice

    Jaundice gray is the strongest cardiac glycoside. Indications for use of this plant are:

    • angina pectoris;
    • arrhythmia;
    • hypertension;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • cardiac dropsy.

    IN folk medicine for treatment various diseases The seeds and leaves of the plant are used.

    Levcoyus jaundice

    Levcoyus jaundice is annual plant. This species differs from the previous one in that it has grayish pale yellow petals; their length should not exceed 5 mm. The plant reaches a height of 120 cm.

    Levcoyus jaundice

    Grows this type jaundice on the edges and meadows, in fields and near roads. Like the spreading one, the gillyflower variety is used to treat heart diseases. In addition, the plant extract is found in many medications and decoctions that are intended to eliminate severe cough.

    Collection and preparation

    They begin to harvest raw materials during the period of intense flowering of the grass. The stems and leaves of the plant are cut and sorted. Foliage that has a darkened and rotten appearance is discarded. Next, the foliage needs to be spread out thin layer onto white paper and leave to dry in the fresh air or place in a special dryer. To prevent the leaves from becoming moldy, they need to be turned over periodically. After the raw materials have dried, they must be placed in paper bags and stored in a dry, well-ventilated place. Raw materials should be stored and used throughout the year.

    For preparing various healing agents V traditional medicine are used fresh plants, since it is believed that after the drying process, jaundice loses its beneficial properties. In the manufacture of medicines, both above-ground parts of the herb and mature seeds are used.

    Composition, medicinal properties

    The wide range of uses of the plant is due to beneficial properties herbs. Jaundice contains a large number of various micro- and macroelements, including:

    • Glycosides - contained in the seeds and shoots of jaundice in the amount of 30 species. The most active glycosides are ericordin and eryzimin. The effect of these substances is manifested by slowing down heart rate, increased systole, lengthened diastole, normalized blood circulation, decreased blood pressure, increased coronary blood flow, normalization of heart function.
    • Flavonoids are low toxic, for this reason they are used long time. Flavonoids relieve spasms of smooth muscle fibers, which are provoked by various factors.
    • Glucose is the main source of human energy. It also participates in metabolic processes, thanks to which the functioning of all organs and systems of the body is normalized.
    • Fatty acids - participate in the construction of membranes, which are components of cells, and also take part in the metabolic process.
    • Organic acids - take part in the biosynthesis of alkaloids, amino acids, and glycosides. They represent a link that connects the various stages of metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Jaundice contains malic, citric and ascorbic acids.
    • Bitter substances stimulate appetite.

    Jaundice also contains such useful elements, like potassium, zinc, essential oils, selenium, calcium, manganese, iron.

    Jaundice has the following medicinal properties:

    • capillary strengthening;
    • cardiotonic;
    • coronary dilator;
    • antiarrhythmic;
    • antispasmodic;
    • diuretic;
    • sedative;
    • choleretic;
    • antioxidant;
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • hemostatic;
    • immunostimulating;
    • restorative.

    Indications for use

    The plant should be used when:

    • heart defects;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • cardiosclerosis;
    • angina pectoris;
    • hypertension;
    • arrhythmias;
    • renal failure;
    • pulmonary tuberculosis;
    • headache;
    • insomnia;
    • neuroses;
    • shortness of breath.

    Jaundice juice is included in medicinal product Cardiovalen, which is intended for the treatment of heart diseases.

    The plant is not able to accumulate in the human body, like valerian, and therefore is not addictive. For this reason, preparations based on jaundice are allowed to be taken for a long time.

    Jaundice is a plant that has a strong biological activity, therefore, it is necessary to use preparations containing an extract of this plant with extreme caution. Before using such products, you should definitely consult your doctor.

    Jaundice grass has a bitter taste and a unique aroma. It has anthelmintic, expectorant and anticonvulsant properties. The plant is used to treat severe cough, bronchitis and pulmonary tuberculosis.

    The seeds are used as a wound healing agent, a cure for scurvy and aching bones.

    Contraindications and overdose

    Jaundice is a poisonous plant, so it should not be abused, and contraindications must be studied before use.

    Preparations based on jaundice are contraindicated for use:

    • pregnant women;
    • during lactation;
    • in the presence of acute myocarditis;
    • with endocarditis;
    • with severe cardiosclerosis;
    • in acute atherosclerosis.

    Due to an overdose, a person may experience arrhythmia and a decrease in blood pressure. In this case, you must immediately consult a doctor.

    Symptoms of overdose appear as:

    • severe headaches;
    • nausea;
    • vomiting;
    • weakness throughout the body;
    • increased salivation.

    These symptoms are typical for people who suffer from frequent intestinal stagnation. Therefore, before treatment with drugs containing jaundice, it is necessary to cleanse it with an enema consisting of 2 tablespoons lemon juice and 2 liters of 40-degree boiled water, and separate power supply. The enema must be administered once a day.

    For weight loss

    Jaundice is used not only to normalize work of cardio-vascular system, but also to get rid of excess weight. The plant contains bitterness, which enters duodenum and lower blood sugar levels, thereby eliminating excess calories.

    The active substances in the plant are aimed at restoring and normalizing the functioning of the liver and pancreas, and relieve swelling in renal failure. Preparations based on jaundice affect the decrease in pulse, due to which the heart wears out less, arrhythmia and tachycardia are eliminated (these diseases often accompany obesity).

    To reset overweight, you need to take dried jaundice in powder form. You need to take 0.1 g three times a day 20 minutes before meals. The powder should be placed under the tongue, then it is moistened with saliva and swallowed. If necessary, you can drink it with a small amount of water.

    To get rid of excess weight, you need to consume jaundice for two months. Afterwards you need to take a break of 15 days, during this period you should refrain from fried and fatty foods, and alcoholic drinks. After two weeks, you should resume the weight loss process.

    For preventive purposes, you can take jaundice for long period time - 0.1 g of powder per day. To prevent obesity and heart disease, it is recommended to use the product every other day.

    Tincture for angina pectoris

    To prepare a tincture for the treatment of heart disease, you will need 80 g of crushed jaundice herb and 500 ml of vodka. Alcohol should be poured into the raw materials and left to infuse for 2 weeks, while the mixture should be shaken periodically.

    You need to take the tincture every day 30 minutes before meals three times a day in a dosage of 20 drops, which must be diluted with 200 ml of unboiled but filtered water. The course of treatment is 3 months, after which you need to take a break of 1 month. If necessary, therapy can be repeated.

    Tincture for bronchial asthma

    To prepare a tincture for the treatment of bronchial asthma, you need to take 30 g of dry jaundice herb and add 40% alcohol. The product should be infused for 20 days; the mixture should be shaken periodically.

    The tincture should be taken three times a day, 10 drops, preferably 20 minutes before meals. The drops are mixed with a tablespoon of water. The duration of treatment is 3 months.

    For the treatment of cerebral vessels

    To prepare an infusion for the treatment of cerebral vessels, you need to pour 100 ml of vodka into 100 g dried herb jaundice. Next, it will take two weeks for the product to infuse well - it must be placed in a cool, dark place. The liquid should be shaken periodically.

    Heart tincture has a diuretic effect. You need to take the product half an hour before meals, 25 drops diluted in filtered water. The infusion should be consumed only once a day.

    Kvass after a heart attack

    To prepare kvass to restore the body after a heart attack, you will need the following ingredients:

    • sour cream - 1 teaspoon;
    • sugar - 1 glass;
    • boiling water - 3 liters;
    • bitter wormwood - 20 g;
    • jaundice - 50 g.

    All components must be thoroughly mixed and the mixture placed in a dark, dry place for 4 weeks. After the kvass has brewed well, it should be taken on an empty stomach, 150 ml. The drink has a beneficial effect on the body during angina and heart failure.



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