Green lentil recipes for weight loss. The use of lentils for weight loss

A plant of the legume family, lentils have been used as food by mankind since ancient times. It is in vain that the culture is considered bland - a properly prepared side dish is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Lentils are especially useful for losing weight and restoring metabolism, as they contain a lot of nutrients and are low in calories.

Lentil dishes are the main ones at eastern dastarkhans in the Americas. IN Ancient Rus' the crop was grown everywhere and eaten along with other important cereals. Today, doctors strongly recommend including lentils in diet menu for weight loss - its calorie content is only 119 kcal (boiled cereal), 310 kcal (dry cereal). Unique properties cereals are high in protein and complex carbohydrates(21-32% depending on the variety), which, unlike cereals, do not cause weight gain, but, on the contrary, contribute to the rapid saturation of the body. What are the benefits of lentils?

Lentils, like all legumes, have character traits green mass: climbing stem, tendrils, pod in which beans ripen round shape, flattened on both sides. Each pod contains 2-3 beans. Productivity is high - up to 25 tons are harvested from 1 hectare. The harvest is taken after the pods dry - fresh beans have a bitter taste due to the content of ethyl vinyl ketone. World production reaches 3 million hectares of cultivated area, of which only 25 thousand hectares are occupied on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The unique properties of lentils are determined by the presence of nutrients:

  • protein – from 21 to 32%;
  • fat – 0.6-2.1%;
  • starch – 47-60%;
  • ash – 2.3-4.4%;
  • vegetable fiber – 2,5-5%.

The nutritional value consists of the following beneficial components of lentils:

  • fatty acids – linoleic, stearic, linolenic, eicosenoic, oleic, palmitic;
  • minerals – sodium, phosphorus, potassium;
  • vitamins – choline, carotene, thiamine, vitamin B6;
  • amino acids – glutamic, aspartic acid, threonine, tyrosine, methionine.

In addition to useful components, beans contain carbonyl compounds and oligosaccharides, which are considered medical point vision as antinutrients.

One way to reduce their amount in cereals is heat treatment, for example, cooking. Along with this, biotechnological methods of seed treatment without the use of aggressive factors are used.

Introducing lentils into the diet

A diet based on lentils is an effective way to lose weight and saturate the body. nutrients. The main nuances of eating lentils for weight loss:

  1. Red lentils are high in nutritional components. Beneficial features green varieties are less pronounced and not as effective for weight loss.
  2. Before preparing the dish, the cereal is soaked in cold water at least 8 hours.
  3. The lentil diet is recommended for a week with a break of 1 month.
  4. Lentils should not be included in the diet if there are diseases of the stomach, blood, mental disorders, high physical exercise, pregnancy period. Like other legumes, lentil cereals have the ability to increase gas formation in the intestines.
  5. A lentil-based weight loss diet should contain other healthy foods: fruits, green tea, cottage cheese, low-fat kefir, milk, honey, poultry, fish, mushrooms, herbs, rice, etc.
  6. To maintain the water-salt balance of the body, you should drink at least 1.5 liters of water, preferably mineral water without gas.

Lentils can be used to prepare dishes of varying complexity. Recipes are presented in huge quantities and for every taste. On the Internet you can find a lot of reviews about effective weight loss with lentils - benefits and taste qualities cereals are rated very highly by women.

Sample menu for weight loss

When creating a diet for weight loss, it is better to consult a nutritionist who will help you correctly assess your load and individually calculate the calorie content of your food. It is important to take into account contraindications - the benefits in this case can turn into harm. Exemplary daily ration nutrition for effective weight loss:

  • The first meal is in the morning. Low-fat yogurt 100 ml, green tea (calorie content 50-60 kcal).
  • Second breakfast (lunch) – 10.30-11.00 hours. 200 ml fresh juice or juicy fruit(apple, pear) according to the season (calorie content 45-50 kcal).
  • Lunch 13.00-14.00. Lentil soup with a piece of boiled white poultry, vegetable dishes (according to the season).
  • Afternoon tea 16.00. A glass of jelly, low-fat milk, or juice (calorie content 55-65 kcal).
  • Dinner 17.30-18.00. Boiled rice with low content starch (preferably brown) with dressing soy sauce.

An important condition for the lentil diet is the presence of this cereal in the diet for lunch or dinner. You need to distribute 400 kcal calories over two meals so that the calorie content of food per day is at least 1000 kcal.

Can cook hearty breakfast and lentil dinner. For example, in the morning eat 2-3 lentil meatballs, and in the evening prepare puree soup with herbs. Healthy meals will not only help you eat deliciously, but also keep your body in good shape. Various cooking recipes healthy food from lentils are presented below.

Lentil recipes

Dry cereals need to be prepared in advance - for this purpose, the grains are soaked in cold water and left for 8 hours. Soaking reduces cooking time and makes lentil dishes soft, tasty, without bitterness. The process of soaking cereals does not affect its beneficial properties. To prepare the dish, you can use canned lentils with an acceptable shelf life without soaking.

Healthy lentil dishes - popular recipes from the Internet:

Recipe 1. Diet flatbreads (instead of bread). Grind a can of canned lentils into a puree, add onions (finely chopped), 1 egg, 1-2 tbsp flour. spoons. Salt and stir the mixture. Form small cakes and place on a baking sheet. The baking tray is pre-greased with vegetable oil. Cook at 220 degrees. 20-25 minutes.

Recipe 2. Lentil soup (basic recipe). Soaked cereal (200-250 g), chopped carrots 100 g, onions 1 pc., potatoes 100 g are dipped into cold water. Cook until all components become soft. Remove from heat, cool slightly and blend with a blender until pureed. Add herbs, croutons, low-fat sour cream or cream to the soup.

Recipe 3. Porridge is a side dish for meat dishes. Dishes made from poultry and beef can be varied with a side dish of boiled lentils, which are healthy on their own, with soy sauce and herbs. The ability of lentils to quickly satisfy hunger will require a small amount of other protein foods, in this case meat. Therefore, you need to choose lean meat and cook it in small quantities.

The beneficial properties of legumes were highly valued by the ancient Slavs - it was not for nothing that lentils were called the queen.

The benefits of this plant for healthy eating invaluable - lentils for weight loss are one of the most effective ways normalize body weight.

The article will tell you how to lose weight through proper nutrition and regular consumption of lentils.

is a legume that is quite rare on tables, but is becoming increasingly popular on the tables of those people who care about their health and proper nutrition. In lentils fairly high protein content(in this it can be compared with meat) necessary for normal functioning human body.

necessary food for those involved in sports and bodybuilding. Protein will nourish muscle mass, helping her grow and be in good shape. Additionally, the rich fiber content of lentils helps regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, facilitating digestion, improving stool and cleansing the intestines. Another beneficial property of lentils is that it gives you fullness for a long time. for a long time, which is very useful for losing weight.

By eating lentils, you don't have to starve in order to lose those hated pounds. The legume culture allows you to cook from yourself mass delicious dishes : porridge, mashed potatoes, pancakes, even cutlets. This gives her a great advantage - every day there is a different dish. The taste of lentils is very delicate, with a rich nutty aroma.

How lentils will help you lose weight:

  • Low calorie. There are only 100-110 kcal per 100 g of lentils, which is a large portion of puree or porridge.
  • High fiber content. This improves the digestive process and cleanses the intestines of waste and toxins. In addition, it allows you to feel full from a small amount of food.
  • Healthy food. Lentils will provide the body with a huge amount of vitamins and minerals needed to maintain health.
  • High protein content. A person spends much more energy and calories on digesting protein than on breaking down carbohydrates and fats, therefore, food is not as high in calories.
  • Lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels. This helps a person feel good, feel a surge of strength and energy, and also diversify their diet with other foods.
  • Large supply of amino acids. This allows the body to always look good, take care of its beauty, health, and give youth.
The benefits of lentils for weight loss

How many calories are in boiled lentils per 100 grams?

As already mentioned, lentils are not high-calorie product and therefore useful for losing weight. It can be included in any menu if there are no contraindications or health problems (gout, dysbacteriosis, flatulence).

Lentil diet menu for weight loss

In order to eat deliciously and at the same time lose pounds, you should correctly adjust your menu and prepare only those dishes that contain a minimum amount of carbohydrates and fats. In this article you will find several healthy recipes dietary dishes from lentils.

What to combine with and how to eat lentils:

  • If you want to lose weight, then you should know that it is best to eat lentils separately from other foods.
  • It is also best to eat lentils for breakfast and lunch, excluding its consumption in the evening (an exception may be such a dish only for those who play sports).
  • You need to combine lentils with vegetables, fresh herbs, canned salads, and dishes made from other legumes.
  • For breakfast, you can supplement the lentils with a small piece of lean meat: turkey, chicken, rabbit.
  • Do not add a lot of oil to the lentils; completely eliminate the butter.

What can you cook from lentils for weight loss?

Lentils give you a lot of choice for preparing delicious and healthy dishes. Experiment with lentil varieties and cook:

  • Lentil soup
  • Lentil stew
  • Lentil soup
  • Lentil porridge
  • Lentil side dish
  • Lentil puree
  • Lentil sauce
  • Lentil cutlets
  • Lentil fritters

Lentil recipes for weight loss

Dietary thick lentil soup:

  • Lentils - 2 cups (350-400 g)
  • Vegetable or chicken broth from breast - 5 glasses (1-1.5 liter approximately).
  • Onion – 1 PC. (small)
  • Carrot - 1 PC. (small)
  • Pepper mixture, Bay leaf IR
  • Garlic - 1-2 small cloves
  • Fresh herbs for garnishing soup


  • It is best to prepare soup from red lentils: they have a rich taste and are easy to cook and become soft.
  • Pre-soak the lentils for 20-30 minutes, then pour in the broth and cook.
  • Add bay leaf and garlic to the soup, add spices and cook over moderate heat for 20-25 minutes until the lentils are soft.
  • Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots, fry the vegetables in 1 tbsp. oil, adding water. Then add the roast to the soup.
  • Cover the pan with a lid after turning off the heat and let the soup brew. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Dietary thick lentil soup

Dietary lentil puree:

  • Lentils, red or green- 1 glass (full)
  • Water– 2 cups (can be replaced with vegetable or lean broth)
  • bay leaf- 1 PC. (small)
  • Vegetable oil– 1-2 tbsp. (may not be added)
  • Fresh dill(chopped, 1 tbsp.)


  • Pre-soak the lentils for half an hour. This will allow it to soften and speed up the cooking time.
  • You will need to cook for approximately 20 minutes over moderate heat, add the bay leaf to the water.
  • After cooking, let the lentils sit for a while under the lid, and then drain off the excess water.
  • Grind the lentils in a blender, add oil. Place the finished puree on a plate and garnish with dill.

Lentil puree

Lentil dietary side dish:

  • Lentils (any variety) – 1 cup (choose lentils that don’t cook well so that the side dish turns out crumbly).
  • Water – 2 glasses
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves (for flavor, can be replaced with a bay leaf or a sprig of rosemary).
  • Fried onions and carrots(1 small onion and 0.5-1 small carrots).
  • Fresh herbs(to decorate the side dish)
  • Vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp.


  • Soak the lentils overnight (if using black, brown, or other lentils that don't cook well).
  • Pour over lentils clean water and set to cook. Cooking time is 20-25 minutes. After cooking, drain the water and cover the pan with a lid to steep for 5-10 minutes.
  • Add fried lentils and spices to taste, mix with fresh chopped herbs.

Lentil side dish

Lentils for weight loss: reviews

Angelica: “I only recently discovered lentils. I always doubted this culture; it confused me with its appearance. All doubts disappeared when I tried it. The porridge tasted as if it had been cooked in chicken broth. Incredibly delicious! Then I found out that eating lentils is good for your figure. Since then, lentils have always been in my diet. My digestion has improved, and if I eat it for breakfast, the feeling of fullness does not leave me for a very long time!”

Victoria: “In my search for recipes for proper nutrition, I repeatedly came across tasty tips for cooking lentils. One day I saw it in a store and decided to buy it. Of course, it took me a while to learn how to cook it correctly. Over time, I got better at it. Lentil dishes are very tasty and satisfying; I cannot compare this culture with almost anything else, it is so unique. I advise you to!"

Catherine: “I love and “respect” lentils. This is a huge storehouse of vitamins and useful microelements for a losing weight, especially if you play sports. You can combine lentils with fresh vegetables, but it’s better to eat meat separately.”

Video: “Lentils for weight loss. Principles of use"

Lentils currently appear quite rarely on our dinner table, and it’s in vain, because this crop has incredible composition and benefits. By including dishes made from this product in your diet, you can not only improve your body’s health, but also get rid of excess weight. This article will tell you how lentils affect our waistline and how to cook them correctly.

What are the benefits of lentils?

Without exaggeration, this legume can be called a treasure trove. useful substances, which endow it with incredible properties.

For example, lentils contain two types at once: soluble and insoluble. The first option helps normalize the microflora in the intestines, regulates sugar levels and reduces bad cholesterol. Insoluble fiber helps activate intestinal peristalsis, which cleanses it of all harmful components that interfere with proper metabolism, on which body weight depends.

In addition, the composition contains vitamins B, PP, A and E, as well as trace elements and other useful components.

Rich this product and on, which is very close to the animal. At the same time, a serving of lentils contains almost the same amount of protein as a similar serving of meat. That is why lentils can often be found on the table of vegetarians. Protein is also very important for those who are actively exercising, as it helps muscles recover after intense training.

Lentils perfectly satisfy the feeling of hunger, which eliminates overeating and, accordingly, rapid weight gain.

When this legume enters the stomach, the body spends a large number of energy for its digestion, which it receives from fat reserves. As a result, weight gradually decreases.

Lentils also have a number of other beneficial properties:

  • prevents the development of oncology, heart disease, blood vessels and many other pathologies;
  • helps improve immunity;
  • regulates metabolism.

However, most of the beneficial properties do not disappear even after heat treatment product.

Possible harm from use

However, despite all the benefits of the product, if you abuse it, you can get Negative consequences, namely:

Lentils can also cause harm if there are problems such as dysbiosis, hemorrhoids, uric acid diathesis, and joint diseases.

Legume selection

There are several types of lentils, which differ in color:

  • green - it boils the worst, so it is ideal for salads because it retains its shape after cooking;
  • brown is an excellent choice for making soups;
  • red – suitable for cooking delicious porridge and puree, since it boils well;
  • black - suitable for any dishes, however, rarely found on shelves;
  • yellow is a variety of green. Differs more quick cooking and the fact that it is cleansed.

Before purchasing, pay attention to the cereal; it should be crumbly, approximately the same shape and size, with no dark spots. Fresh product has a pleasant nutty aroma.

Regardless of the color of the crop, it is important to learn how to cook it. Before cooking, lentils are soaked for several hours. If you neglect this rule, the cooking process will take a long time.

Types of diets

There are 2 main types of diets based on lentils:

  1. Classic or gentle. Dishes based on this legume replace 1 or 2 meals. At the same time, nutrition must be correct. Sweet, fried and other unhealthy foods should be excluded from the diet.
  2. Strict. All day meals are prepared exclusively from lentils. The duration of the diet should not exceed a week. You need to eat 4-5 times a day. As a result of this diet, you can lose about 3 kg.

Any type of diet requires consultation with a specialist before use.

Healthy and tasty recipes

Let's look at a few delicious recipes based on lentils.

Pour 2 cups of red lentils with water and leave for about half an hour, then rinse them and add 1 liter of broth prepared from. Add bay leaf, finely chopped garlic clove and ground pepper. Cook over medium heat until the lentils are tender (about 30 minutes). Meanwhile, finely chop the carrots and simmer them for olive oil(15 ml), adding a small amount of water. Add vegetables to the soup, cover and let simmer. Before serving, sprinkle with herbs and season with low-fat sour cream.


This puree will be an excellent side dish for meat. To do this, soak a glass of red lentils for half an hour, then rinse it and pour 2 glasses of water or vegetable broth. Place the pan on the fire and cook for 20 minutes, adding the bay leaf. After this, you need to let the cereal brew under the lid, and then drain the excess water. Grind the cooked lentils in a blender and add 15 ml vegetable oil. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped dill.


Soak 200 g of lentils in advance, then boil them until tender and add salt and pepper to taste. Peel the pumpkin (300 g) from seeds and peel, cut into cubes and fry in olive oil. Cut 200g Feta into small cubes and mix with all other ingredients. For flavor, add a teaspoon of Provençal herbs to the salad.

Lentil cutlets

Pour a glass of lentils (pre-soaked) and finely chopped onions into a deep frying pan and simmer over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Then remove the dishes from the heat and add 2 tablespoons to the mixture wheat flour, two chicken eggs and spices to taste. Mix everything thoroughly and form small cutlets from the resulting mass. After this, the cutlets are laid out on a sheet covered with baking paper and sent to bake in the oven for a third of an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees. To add a rich taste, at the very end you can sprinkle the cutlets with low-fat cheese, grated on a fine grater.

Chicken breast with lentils

Boil 250 g of red lentils in lightly salted water until tender, add bay leaf at the very end. Cut 300 g chicken fillet into small cubes and simmer in 50 ml of vegetable oil. After this you should cut 2 heads onions, grate 1 carrot on a fine grater and add the vegetable mixture to the meat. Also add a small amount to the pan tomato paste, spices to taste, a little water and continue to simmer for about 10 minutes. At the end, add the cooked lentils and simmer everything together for a couple more minutes. Sprinkle with herbs before serving

Lentils with it correct use and cooking will be an excellent assistant in losing weight and getting the figure of your dreams. Thanks to the variety of cereals, weight loss with it will not only be fast, but also tasty. The most important thing is not to overuse dishes prepared from this legume, and also do not forget about proper nutrition and exercise.

Pre-revolutionary Russia was the leader in lentil crops. It was grown not only for domestic consumption, but also for export. Afterwards this culture was undeservedly forgotten. However, in Lately Lentils are increasingly appearing on the tables of many people seeking healthy weight loss.

Why lentils are good for weight loss: the opinion of nutritionists

Lentils are considered the most suitable food for weight loss. This is explained by the fact that it contains a negligible amount of fat, and at the same time contains easily digestible vegetable protein. In addition, it does not accumulate nitrates and toxins, and for dietary nutrition this is a significant factor. The main requirement for all diets is not to harm your health. Lentils meet this requirement because they contain many beneficial components.

In addition, it should be noted that boiled lentils have low calorie content: 100–120 kcal, depending on the variety, and is also characterized by a low glycemic index (25–30).

Foods with a glycemic index below 55 are considered an optimal source of energy that can lower blood sugar levels.

All these factors suggest that losing weight with lentils is a great way to gain slim figure and stay healthy.

Which variety to use for dietary nutrition

Lentils come in several types.

Different varieties of lentils are used to prepare different dishes

  1. Green. This variety is ideal for salads, as it retains its shape after cooking. It will take 20–25 minutes to prepare. The calorie content of boiled green lentils is 120 kcal.
  2. Yellow. This is, in essence, green lentils without shell. Therefore, the time for its preparation is reduced to 15 minutes. Calorie content - 105 kcal.
  3. Brown. Characterized by a nutty taste. It is often used for preparing first courses. Cooking time - 20–25 minutes. Brown lentils have a calorie content of 110 kcal.
  4. Black. The most expensive variety of lentils, which is used for side dishes, vegetable or meat stews. Getting ready black lentils about 25 min. Boiled calorie content is 110 kcal.
  5. Red. Mashed potatoes and porridges are prepared from this type of lentil, since red cereals boil quickly. This variety will take 15 minutes to prepare. Calorie content does not exceed 100 kcal.

Video “How to choose lentils”

Obviously, of all the varieties of lentils for weight loss, it is better to choose red ones. In addition, according to experts, red lentils, which do not have a shell, contain slightly more useful components than other varieties; they are easier to digest.

Interesting fact. In 1891–1892 There was a severe drought in Russia. Almost all agricultural crops died. Lentils survived and saved many people from starvation.

Is it possible to gain kilograms from using it?

Because the glycemic index and the caloric content of boiled lentils are low, then consuming the product is unlikely to lead to weight gain. But if you add lentils to dishes with high-calorie foods(for example, in soup with smoked meat), then centimeters in the waist may increase and the person will gain weight.

Strict lentil diet

You can use absolutely any variety of lentils for this diet. The duration of the proposed diet is 5 days. During this time you can lose 4–5 kg.

During the period of weight loss, you should eat only lentil porridge without salt and oil. At the same time, the dish can be eaten in any quantity and at any time of the day. To prepare the porridge, pour one glass of lentils into two glasses of water and leave for 8 hours. After this, the porridge is cooked until full readiness.

During the diet, you must strictly observe the correct drinking regime - you need to drink 1.5–2 liters per day clean water, and before bed - a glass of low-fat kefir.

Losing weight with a balanced diet

This diet lasts 7 days. If you follow it, you will lose up to 4 kg of weight. Compliance drinking regime(see above) is also strictly required.

Day Time of day Menu
1 MorningA glass of low-fat kefir, a green apple or pear
Day200 g lentil porridge, 50 g low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of green tea
Evening200 g lentil soup (see recipe below)
2 Morning3 lentil flatbreads (see recipe below), glass of green tea
Day200 g lentil soup, a glass of kefir
3 Morning150 g salad of lentils, tomatoes, bell peppers and olives (see recipe below), a glass of green tea
Day200 g lentil porridge, 100 g low-fat cottage cheese
Evening100 g low-fat yogurt, green apple
4 Morning100 g lentil porridge, pear
Day200 g lentil cutlets (see recipe below), a glass of green tea
EveningA glass of low-fat kefir
5 Morning150 g muesli with honey, a glass of green tea
Day200 g lentil porridge, a glass of low-fat yogurt
Evening250 g lentils, stewed with vegetables, a glass of green tea
6 Morning200 g lentil porridge, a glass of green tea
Day250 g lentil puree soup, a glass of low-fat kefir
Evening100 g of tomato and cucumber salad, a glass of green tea
7 Morning100 g cottage cheese, a glass of low-fat kefir
Day200 g lentil porridge, a glass of green tea
Evening200 g lentil soup, 100 g yogurt

What products are used during the week (photo)

Bell pepper can help in losing excess weight. The fact has been proven by scientific researchers. Tomatoes contain a large number of different minerals and acids. Daily use High-quality green tea helps you lose weight slowly but surely Green apple provides the body with many useful components Cottage cheese and kefir are often used in various diets Carrots contain a large number of useful components

The lentil diet has its limitations: diseases gastrointestinal tract. It is also not recommended to use monotonous food at diabetes mellitus and blood diseases, here it can cause significant harm.

You can repeat this diet after a month.

Cream soup recipe for dinner for proper nutrition


  • red lentils - 400 g;
  • water - 1.2 l;
  • carrots (large) – 1 pc.;
  • zucchini (medium) – 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • parsley - 10 g;
  • green onions - 10 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Pour water over the lentils and cook for 10–15 minutes. Finely chop the vegetables (carrots, zucchini and onions) and add to the pan. Cook for another 10–15 minutes. Salt and pepper. Then boiled vegetables and lentils should be crushed into a homogeneous mass using a blender. When serving, garnish the finished soup with finely chopped herbs and green onions.

Lentil puree soup will appeal to many people who want to lose weight.

Porridge for breakfast and more


  • red lentils - 175 g;
  • onion (medium) – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots (medium) – 2 pcs.;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Vegetables should be finely chopped and lightly fried in vegetable oil. Lentils should be sorted and washed, added to vegetables and filled with water. The porridge should simmer over low heat for about an hour.

Lentil porridge will give you strength for the whole day

Advice. During cooking, it is better to pour boiling water over the lentils rather than cold water. Then it will be easier and faster to digest.

The most delicious vegetarian cutlets

You can make quite tasty cutlets from lentils, which are also low in calories.


  • lentils - 1.5 cups;
  • medium onion - half;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt, pepper, seasonings - to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

The lentils must first be soaked for 8 hours (preferably overnight). At the same time, it will double its volume.

Finely chop the onion and lightly fry in a frying pan, add crushed garlic to it and simmer for another 1 minute.

Place the lentils in a colander and let them drain excess water. Then you need to grind the cereal with a blender, add salt, seasonings and fried onions and garlic. Mix everything thoroughly. Form cutlets from the resulting mass and fry in hot oil for 3-4 minutes. from each side.

Cutlets are not only meat. Many people also like lentils

Dish in a slow cooker: simplicity and benefits for the waist

In a slow cooker you can prepare a very unusual lentil porridge with pumpkin, which will give you energy for the whole day. This recipe is often used by those who want to lose weight.


  1. red lentils - 100 g;
  2. pumpkin - 100 g;
  3. medium onion - 1 pc.;
  4. vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  5. water - 2 glasses;
  6. salt, sugar - to taste.

Sort out the lentils, add water and leave to swell for 15 minutes.

The onion is finely chopped. Pour vegetable oil into the bottom of the multicooker and fry the onion in it until golden brown in the “Baking” mode. Then you need to add finely chopped pumpkin to the onion. The multicooker should be set to “Stew” mode and cook the pumpkin until it becomes soft. After this, you need to add the prepared lentils and water to the bowl. The dish should be salted. Close the multicooker lid and cook for another 5 minutes.

Lentil-pumpkin porridge will quickly satisfy your hunger and provide you with energy for the whole day.

Lentils with meat


  • lentils - 100 g;
  • lean beef - 150 g;
  • medium onion - 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper- 1 PC.;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

First you need to boil the lentils until fully cooked (cooking time depends on the type of lentils). The meat is also boiled and passed through a meat grinder.

The onion should be finely chopped and fried in oil until golden brown. Then add minced meat, lentils and pieces of bell pepper to it. Salt, pepper and water are added to them. With the lid closed, the dish should be simmered for 15 minutes. Lentils with meat turn out to be tasty and satisfying, and at the same time dietary.

Lentil flatbreads


  • 100 g lentil puree;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • Lentil cakes will be loved by many people who are losing weight.

    Vegetable salad


    • boiled lentils - 100 g;
    • medium tomato - 1 pc.;
    • medium bell pepper - 1 pc.;
    • olives - 2 pcs.;
    • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • salt - to taste.

    Cut the tomatoes into cubes, bell peppers and olives into slices. Add the prepared vegetables to the lentils, add salt and season with vegetable oil.

    You can diversify your diet with delicious food vegetable salad with lentils

    Contraindications and side effects, possible harm

    Don't forget that lentils belong to the legume family. This means that when consuming it, excessive gas formation may occur. Therefore, the product is not recommended for people with digestive problems. For the same reason, it is recommended that pregnant and lactating women avoid taking lentils. In addition, there are diseases for which this crop should not be consumed.

It has long been known how useful it is to use legumes when fighting overweight, this fact has been scientifically confirmed.

Lentils cope best with this task; they are used quite often for weight loss, since they have proven themselves very well. Today I want to tell you about its benefits and show you some examples of dishes that are great for helping you get rid of extra pounds.

The harm and benefits of lentils for weight loss

Lentils have been consumed by humans for a very long time. Historians claim that the first mentions of its use date back to the times of such ancient states as Rome and Greece.

For this a long period Throughout history, lentils have established themselves as not only an incredibly tasty variety of cereal, but also as a means to achieve several goals at once.

What beneficial properties do lentils have?

  • First of all, it should be noted a property that is characteristic of all representatives of legumes, but in lentils it is expressed especially noticeably - this is the abundance vegetable protein. This cereal is different minimum quantity fat in its composition.
  • In addition, lentils contain a lot of fiber, which normalizes digestion and prevents the formation of cancer diseases in the digestive tract.
  • Cereals contain a huge amount of microelements that are so necessary for our body. Doctors say that such diversity and nutritional value allows lentils to replace not only a huge number of other cereals, but even meat.
  • Since it contains a large amount of iron, it is recommended to consume cereals with those foods that are high in vitamin C, this can be greens or some varieties of vegetables. The fact is that iron can be well absorbed only together with substances from similar products.
  • Recent studies have also confirmed that lentils can prevent the formation of some varieties oncological diseases. This effect is achieved thanks to high content isoflavones, interestingly, they are not destroyed during heat treatment, no matter how strong it is. That is why this cereal is often used as prophylactic similar diseases.

Now it is necessary to mention the fight against excess weight and what characteristics lentils have necessary for this. The beneficial properties for weight loss of this cereal are truly colossal.

Its calorie content is quite low - about 120 kcal per 100 grams of the finished product.

Moreover, this figure is further reduced if pre-calcined cereals are used as food. Those carbohydrates that are part of lentils give a long-lasting feeling of satiety and are not stored as fat deposits.

When are lentils harmful?

It is important to note that speaking only about the benefits of lentils for weight loss, we should not forget about some negative properties.

  • The main disadvantage of this cereal is that it causes salt and stone deposits. It means that frequent use Lentils are contraindicated for people who are prone to the formation of kidney stones or sand, as well as various joint diseases. Great amount all kinds of minerals that make up lentils contribute to the deterioration of the situation in these areas. It is for this reason that doctors have a sharply negative attitude towards its use in significant quantities.
  • In addition, cereals can block the absorption of some beneficial substances, which is also considered a negative trait.
  • Almost all legumes are known for their not very pleasant property of provoking fermentation in lower sections digestive system. Lentils are no exception. For this reason, it is not recommended for consumption by those people who suffer from diseases in this area, or who are already predisposed to such disorders.

So, there are a large number of varieties of this cereal, but only four varieties are most widely represented on our market. All of them have unique taste and structural properties. For this reason, it will depend only on your personal choice what lentil dishes for weight loss you end up with.

  • Red- the most popular variety. It boils very quickly, so it is used to prepare various porridges.
  • Brown– due to the fact that it has a very delicate taste, it is added to soups. Quite often, it is pureed, which gives the soup thickness.
  • Black or "beluga"- very small lentils, used to prepare almost any dish, since there are no restrictions on its use. Beluga makes excellent salads, cereals and soups.
  • Green or Puy- very aromatic, and sometimes spicy cereal. It is distinguished by incredible hardness and elasticity; even after prolonged heat treatment it retains its shape and taste. Most often added to salads to give them some piquancy.

Lentils: recipes for weight loss

There are many ways to cook lentils for weight loss, I will tell you about the most successful of them. These recipes are quite simple to implement, so they do not require any specific culinary skills from you.

Below we will describe several types of diets in which all these dishes are used. It should be noted that adding salt is at your discretion. If you would like to receive more strong effect from the diet, then it should not be added.

It is important to remember that adding fresh herbs when serving will achieve not only an aesthetic effect, but will also increase the benefits of eating lentils. This is why I recommend serving absolutely every dish from the recipes below with a small amount of finely chopped parsley, dill and celery.

  • Rinse the cereal first and soak it in cold water for several hours. The only exception is the red variety of lentils, since they cook well on their own.
  • Pour water into the pan. The proportion of cereal and liquid is 1 to 2. Wait until it boils.
  • Pour the cereal into the water and cook over low heat for about 30 minutes. The lentils should absorb all or almost all of the water.

Weight loss lentil soup

  • 200 grams of lentils should be thoroughly washed first.
  • Prepare 100 grams of potatoes, 100 grams of leeks and 100 grams of carrots for cooking: wash, peel and chop.
  • All ingredients should be added to a pan of boiling water and simmer for an hour.

When serving, you can add a small piece of boiled meat to the plate. chicken breast or lean beef.

  • Soak a small amount of lentils in cold water for several hours. in this example I'll take 500 grams. For red cereals, no soaking is necessary.
  • Pour one liter of water into the pan and bring to a boil.
  • Pour the cereal into the water and cook over low heat. As the water evaporates, add boiling water to the pan and mix thoroughly. It is important to obtain a consistency close to puree.
  • At the same time, simmer four finely chopped tomatoes, onions and a clove of garlic in a small amount of vegetable oil. This is done until softness is achieved.

Both lentils and tomatoes are mixed together and pureed using a blender.

Lentil stew for weight loss

  • Soak a small amount of lentils in cold water for several hours. This time its red variety is no exception.
  • Prepare carrots, onions, bell peppers and one tomato for cooking: peel and finely chop.
  • Start sauteing the vegetables in a small amount of vegetable oil, after a while add lentils and a little water to them, cover with a lid.

The dish should be simmered until the grains of the cereal are completely softened.

3 types of lentil diet for weight loss

There are three types of diets that use lentils. They all differ in the severity and diversity of their diet. Choose one type of diet or another depending on what effect you want to achieve - whether it is maintaining normal weight, or quick discharge of its excess.

Easy lentil diet

One of the most gentle and at the same time absolutely harmless diets is lentil diet, with the replacement of one meal per day.

Its essence comes down to a general reduction in calories consumed per day, and one of the meals, most often dinner or lunch, is replaced with a dish from the list presented above.

There is no significant weight loss, a maximum of 1-2 kilograms in a couple of weeks. However, this technique is an excellent way to keep your weight under control and prevent it from increasing.

Mono diet with lentils

A fairly heavy, but very effective diet is based on the consumption of just one dish - the main and only ingredient of which is porridge-like lentils for weight loss.



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