It is necessary to carry out sanitation of the genitals in a timely manner. Vaginal sanitation: types of procedure, indications and contraindications

Proper preparation To upcoming birth is the key to the health of the future baby and wellness mother. During pregnancy, a woman needs to be regularly observed by a gynecologist, especially carefully monitoring her diet and lifestyle. Some women except psychological preparation for the upcoming delivery and fulfillment special exercises, which will help the body better cope with contractions and pushing; sanitization of the vagina before childbirth is also recommended. This event is reserved for women who have certain medical indications, and sometimes for preventive purposes.

In any case, vaginal sanitation is a procedure that should always be agreed with your gynecologist and is strictly contraindicated when performing it following the advice of friends or relatives.

The issue of vaginal sanitation is decided after receiving the results of the study vaginal microflora and detection pathogenic microorganisms. In some cases, the infection occurs with virtually no pronounced symptoms. clinical symptoms, missing pathological discharge from the vagina, soreness, itching or burning. However, even if future mom does not complain about his health, sanitation is necessary. An infectious process that is not eliminated before delivery can lead to the following undesirable consequences:

  1. Pathogens of urogenital infections in women primarily affect the mucous membranes of the vagina and cervix. Due to acute or indolent chronic inflammation the vagina loses its elasticity and reacts poorly to high blood pressure and stretching, which is inevitable during childbirth. This increases the risk of ruptures and cracks. In women with infectious pathology, the vagina also recovers worse in the postpartum period;
  2. Any microtrauma of the vagina and perineum will be less responsive to treatment against the background of an infectious disease. A woman’s well-being after childbirth will be aggravated by the unpleasant manifestations of the disease, which are especially pronounced in the postpartum period due to the stress suffered by the body;
  3. After the placenta separates, the uterus remains open for a certain period of time. wound surface. The causative agent of infection can penetrate the uterine cavity and lead to the development of severe septic complications;
  4. The child, passing through the mother's birth canal, first encounters various microflora. When pathogenic microorganisms get on the skin and mucous membranes of a baby, they can cause infection, which will occur in severe form due to a not yet fully functioning immune system newborn;

Considering the above consequences that may result from the presence of infectious process, vaginal sanitation during pregnancy is effective method protect the health of women and children.

Indications for use

Pathogen detection genitourinary infection in a special smear for flora, which a woman must take at 33-34 weeks of pregnancy, is considered the main criterion for prescribing vaginal sanitation before childbirth. Most often, Candida albicans or Gardnerella vaginalis is detected in a smear in women. Yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida provoke the development of genital candidiasis. This disease is very common among women in reproductive period. During pregnancy, candidiasis tends to recur frequently. The detection of gardnerella indicates a disruption of the normal vaginal microflora, which is also common in pregnant women due to changes in the immune system.

Due to the prevalence of infectious pathologies in pregnant women, it was previously used next diagram vaginal sanitation. A few weeks before the expected birth, the woman had to use antiseptic drugs local impact. Due to the use of these medications, in addition to infectious agents, the beneficial microflora of the vagina was also suppressed. To restore it they used special drugs, containing cultures of bifidumbacteria and lactobacilli. However, in practice, it has been revealed that it is inappropriate to prescribe sanitation to all pregnant women for prevention, so now sanitation is carried out exclusively when pathogenic microorganisms are detected in a woman.

How to do it

If you are diagnosed with a genitourinary infection shortly before giving birth, you should not panic. There are many effective means for vaginal sanitation. They should be selected exclusively by a doctor after accurately establishing the species of the pathogenic microorganism. Optimal timing considered for carrying out 34-35 week pregnancy. Drugs used for sanitation usually have a local effect on infectious agents. The use of suppositories for sanitizing the vagina and vaginal tablets is especially popular:

  • The drug terzhinan is very effective against many pathogenic microorganisms. It is used for fungal and bacterial infections genitourinary organs;
  • Hexicon has antiseptic effect, but is ineffective against fungal infection genitals;
  • Polygynax is used to combat candidiasis and inflammatory processes in the vagina of various etiologies;
  • Fluomycin is considered very an effective drug against various pathogens, including fungi. Available in the form of vaginal tablets;
  • Sanitation of the vagina with miramistin is effective against wide range microorganisms (fungi, viruses, bacteria, protozoa). The drug also has a local immunostimulating effect on the vaginal mucosa;

The medicinal substances included in the above drugs act quickly and effectively. During vaginal sanitation, it is imperative to use drugs that restore the natural microflora of the vagina. It is important to strictly adhere to the doctor's instructions. If a woman has a severe infection clinical symptoms, then you cannot stop taking the medications yourself immediately after the main manifestations of the disease go away. Typically, complete sanitization of the vagina before childbirth requires 1-2 weeks.

Sometimes a pregnant woman may need to have an obstetric pessary installed. This is necessary if there is a risk premature birth. If a woman has a pessary installed, then she needs especially careful monitoring, since an obstetric pessary is foreign object in internal environment organism, and it increases the risk of joining infectious pathology. Sanitation of the vagina with a pessary involves the need to take a smear for flora every 2 weeks and, if indicated (detection of an infectious agent), hexicon suppositories or an antiseptic - miramistin - are prescribed. It is possible to use special gynecological baths to prevent the development of infection.

Remember, the doctor can prescribe vaginal sanitation only if pathogenic microorganisms are detected in the smear.

In other cases, the use of antibacterial and antiseptics not only has no practical benefit, but can also harm the health of the reproductive organs due to changes in the normal balance of natural microflora.

Douching, which is common for women, which is recommended before each visit to the gynecologist, is the treatment of the vagina and genitals. The difference is that in the presence of some diseases, sanitation can be carried out at home independently, and in others - only in outpatient setting under the supervision of a qualified doctor.

Vaginal sanitation is gynecological method, which is used to treat the cavity with antiseptic drugs to disinfect the vagina.

Indications for treatment of the vaginal cavity

Vaginal sanitation is carried out in the following situations:

  • The presence of inflammatory processes in the vaginal cavity (vaginitis);
  • Development of nonspecific bacterial, viral or fungal diseases of the genital organs;
  • Inflammation of the uterus;
  • Presence of sexually transmitted infections;
  • Carrying out colposcopy;
  • Preparation for planned gynecological surgery;
  • Disturbances of vaginal biocenosis;
  • Carrying out radio wave coagulation, diathermocoagulation;
  • Installation intrauterine contraception(installation of the IUD);
  • Preparation for labor;
  • Carrying out surgical termination pregnancy;
  • When diagnosing pathologies of the cervix (oncocytology);
  • Performing surgical manipulations on the uterus (conization, amputation, biopsy);
  • Preparation for separate diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity, laparoscopic, laparotomic, plastic and vaginal operations (to prevent infectious complications during the rehabilitation period);
  • Carrying out hysterosalpingography and hysteroscopy.

Also, the vaginal sanitation procedure is carried out during pregnancy. Often in the third trimester of pregnancy, women may develop candidiasis, caused by a weakened immune system. Because due to pregnancy treatment traditional methods contraindicated; in such cases, disinfection of the vaginal cavity is carried out.

Types of vaginal sanitation

Depending on the characteristics of the conducted gynecological manipulations, as well as the nature and specificity of the existing pathological process, there are several types of disinfection treatment:

  • Sanitation various ointments and candles;
  • Treatment with solutions of medicinal drugs, the choice of which will depend on the results of clinical and laboratory examinations:
  • Vacuum sanitation;
  • Ultrasonic treatment vagina.

Vacuum disinfection is carried out by special means, which destroy pathogenic microorganisms. Complex impact vibration and vacuum are aimed at eliminating dead cells of the vaginal cavity along with pathogenic bacteria through deep penetration of the drug into the layers of the endometrium. Indications for vacuum treatment will be endometritis, cervicitis, salpingoophoritis, salpingitis, ureaplasmosis, candidiasis, chlamydia, gardnerellosis and mycoplasmosis in chronic form, as well as papillomavirus infection of the cervix, ectopia and true erosion.

This procedure is contraindicated during menstruation and pregnancy, as well as the presence of febrile conditions, allergic reactions to the drug used, endometritis, cystitis, colpitis, cervicitis and other gynecological diseases in the acute stage.

Ultrasonic disinfection of the vagina is based on the formation of small air bubbles that exfoliate dead cells of the vaginal cavity along with pathogenic bacteria. In this case, there is a deep washing of the mucous membranes of the genital organs and an increase in the functional receptivity of the endometrium. Ultrasonic treatment is carried out in the presence of acute and chronic forms endometritis, colpitis, vulvovaginitis and other diseases of the genital organs. The only contraindication for the procedure is menstruation and other bleeding.

Vaginal sanitation procedure

In an outpatient setting, disinfection treatment is carried out by a nurse or doctor. In this case, the patient lies down on a gynecological chair, after which the vagina is treated with a special tampon, which is pre-impregnated with medications. In some cases, manipulation can be performed using special tools.

Disinfection of the vagina at home is carried out by the woman herself. Drugs are injected into the vaginal cavity to stop the inflammatory process. Before treatment, it is recommended to perform genital hygiene. Typically, treatment procedures are completed over a period of 2-3 weeks. First, the inflammatory process is relieved and pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed. Then the vaginal cavity is populated beneficial microflora. For this purpose, probiotics containing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are used, which are taken orally. Most often in a woman who suffers bacterial vaginosis, there is a history of intestinal dysbiosis. If it is not cured and the vagina is repopulated with beneficial flora, after a while the inflammatory process will return again.

Medicines for gynecological treatment

Any medicines for disinfection treatment are prescribed by a doctor only after the appropriate laboratory research. Inappropriate use of drugs can lead to resistance pathogenic bacteria. Medicines that are used to treat the vaginal cavity must act effectively and quickly, have antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral properties, and not be affected by the presence of bloody or purulent discharge, and also have a pronounced effect in the treatment of protozoan microorganisms.

Sanitation of the vaginal cavity is an effective way to combat a wide range of fungal and infectious lesions organs of the reproductive system, which is low cost and painless.


During gynecological examination the doctor may notice signs of inflammation in the area uterine cervix or vaginal walls. Such a deviation should not be ignored, therefore the gynecologist must accept emergency measures to relieve symptoms. In this case, it is advisable to resort to a procedure such as sanitation. It is necessary when various diseases, as well as during pregnancy.

What is sanitation of the vagina and cervix, when is it necessary and how is it carried out? Let's try to understand these questions in order.

What is the procedure

First of all, you need to understand what it is - sanitation of the cervical uterus.

Sanitation is a set of measures aimed at freeing a woman’s genital tract from pathogens and signs of an inflammatory process. To implement sanitation, general antibacterial and local treatment followed by restoration of the flora. It is carried out only after a preliminary examination of the smear for the presence of pathogenic microflora ( bacterial culture).

Indications for use

Sanitation of the cervical spine is carried out strictly according to indications, since although it is safe procedure- this is third-party intervention in the organ area reproductive system. Reasons for treating the inflammatory process may include:

  • vaginal dysbiosis;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • cervical erosion;
  • candidiasis and other fungal infections;
  • the presence of viral diseases;
  • infectious diseases, including STDs.

Sanitation includes local and general drug treatment. For direct action on the vaginal walls and cervix, suppositories and antiseptics with an antimicrobial focus are used. In cases of severe inflammation, which often accompanies STIs, antibiotics are used.

Treatment of the cervical uterus with an antiseptic is carried out before such diagnostic procedures, How:

  • hysteroscopy;
  • colposcopy;
  • biopsy.

The procedure cannot be carried out:

  • during menstruation;
  • if there is uterine bleeding;
  • if you are allergic to medications, used in rehabilitation.

In pregnant women, sanitation of the cervix is ​​carried out at 9 months, immediately before childbirth. This is a mandatory procedure that prevents infection of the fetus when passing through birth canal.

Types and features of holding

Sanitation of the cervical uterus can also be carried out by physical means:

  • vacuum;
  • ultrasonic.

The choice of instrumental technique is carried out exclusively by a gynecologist. On initial stage To carry out reorganization, it is necessary to undergo preparatory procedures. They are accomplished by using vaginal suppositories, possessing antimicrobial, antimycotic and antiviral effect. Only after this can the doctor proceed directly to instrumental sanitation.

Before administering suppositories during the preparatory period, be sure to performed vaginal bath which helps relieve inflammation.

Chlorhexidine, chamomile or calendula decoction can be used for baths.


To carry out this type of manipulation, a special device is used along with certain antiseptic drugs (their choice is made by a gynecologist). The procedure technique is based on a combination of vacuum and vibration.

Thanks to this technique, secretions, mucus and pathogens are removed from the surface of the cervical uterus. Due to this, the drugs used have maximum action, since their active substances penetrate deep into the layers of the mucous membranes of the uterine cervix.

Vacuum sanitation is carried out in the presence of chronic pathological processes, as well as with cervical erosion. However, we should not forget about contraindications to its implementation, so as not to cause serious harm to the woman’s health.

Vacuum sanitation is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy. In case of an acute inflammatory process of the genitourinary organs, it is necessary to carry out sanitation against the background antibacterial therapy.


This procedure is absolutely painless and harmless. Its principle is to use ultrasonic waves, with the help of which the mucous membranes of the uterine cervix are cleansed from pathogenic microflora.

During the manipulation, pathogenic microorganisms are removed from the treated surface - they die under the influence of ultrasound. This procedure promotes thorough cleansing of the cervical region. reproductive organ from bacteria, since with its help the antiseptic drug reaches even the most inaccessible areas.

Ultrasonic sanitation is never prescribed if there is uterine bleeding, as well as during menstruation.

The procedure can be performed not only in the doctor's office on gynecological chair, but also at home. However, all drugs used in this case must be agreed upon with the attending physician.

Sanitation measures last for 14-21 days, but deviations up or down are possible. It all depends on the severity of the disease and the degree of contamination of the cervix with pathogenic microorganisms.

After the procedure is completed, the patient is prescribed probiotics based on lacto- and bifidobacteria. Therapy is considered complete only after a follow-up examination confirming complete absence pathogenic microorganisms on the mucous membrane of the cervix and vaginal walls.

Vaginal sanitation is treatment with antiseptic medicines external genitalia of a woman. The procedure is carried out according to special indications and is both part of anti-inflammatory therapy and preparation for surgery.

The need for a sanitation procedure

Despite the fact that modern pharmaceutical industry finds more and more new drugs for treatment gynecological diseases, the number of women suffering from vulvovaginal infections is not decreasing.

Thus, 2/3 of patients in gynecological hospitals have a mixed pathogenic flora, and therapy inflammatory diseases requires an integrated approach.

Therefore, medication prescriptions alone are not enough. Under these conditions, careful treatment of the external genitalia is necessary to prevent the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms to reproductive organs, which include the appendages and uterus.

One way to restore normal microflora is the sanitation of the vagina. It can be carried out at home and in a hospital.

A procedure is prescribed if:

  • bacterial vaginitis;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • fungal and viral infections;
  • nonspecific viral conditions;
  • inflammatory process gynecological organs located in the pelvis.

When is it necessary to carry out sanitation?

To avoid inflammatory processes in the future, the vagina is sanitized before examinations with penetration into the uterine cavity:

  • hysteroscopy;
  • colposcopy;
  • oncocytology.

The procedure is also done before surgical intervention any type and installation intrauterine device.

Vaginal sanitation is performed during pregnancy if required for medical reasons. It has to be done if a pregnant woman has urogenital infections. When there is a possibility of pathogenic organisms entering the uterus, treatment is carried out regularly. early stages pregnancy.

In the third trimester, at approximately 34-36 weeks, the candida fungus becomes more active in women. At that time systemic drugs Contraindicated for pregnant women. They can cause swelling of the mucous membranes and injure the birth canal.

But since it is necessary to get rid of thrush, otherwise there is a possibility of infection of the baby while passing through the birth canal, the sanitization of the vagina, carried out before childbirth, is carried out as a therapeutic manipulation.

On an outpatient basis, the procedure is performed in a comfortable environment for the woman, with sterile instruments and reliable medications.

Medicines for gynecological treatment

Preparations intended for vaginal sanitation must have the following qualities:

  • act quickly and efficiently;
  • have antifungal, antimicrobial and antiviral effects in a wide spectrum;
  • have a pronounced effect against protozoa;
  • the high activity of the drugs should not be stopped by the presence of pathological purulent and bloody discharge.

Antiseptics can be divided into 3 main groups:

  • Having a narrow therapeutic activity. These include clindamycin, metronidazole, and antifungals;
  • Multicomponent products. Their main disadvantage is inhibition of the development of lactobacilli;
  • Substances with nonspecific effects. They act selectively and quite often provoke allergic reactions.

Currently, one of the universal methods used in complex treatment inflammatory diseases and before surgical manipulations is the sanitation of the vagina with the drug chlorhexidine.

It effectively affects pathogenic microflora, providing antimycotic, bactericidal and antiviral effect. However, it does not inhibit the growth of lactobacilli.

The new drug Hexicon has a wide range of effects on pathogens and is a suppository for intravaginal use. It is more convenient to use than chlorhexedine; a woman can sanitize herself.

Types of rehabilitation

In addition to the usual manipulation, during which they use medical solutions, suppositories, tablets and creams for vaginal sanitation, there are other types antiseptic treatment external genitalia.

Vacuum sanitation. The procedure involves treating the vagina with broad-spectrum solutions, with the directed action of a vacuum device that creates vibration. Dead and exfoliated membrane cells are removed, medications penetrate into the inner layers, and the infection is washed away.

It is used in cases of human papillomavirus infection, chlamydia, candidiasis, gardenerellosis and mycoplasmosis.

When sanitation with ultrasound, small oxygen bubbles appear, which exfoliate epithelial cells along with bacteria penetrating to them, clearing the vagina of infection and increasing functional receptivity. Used for endometritis, colpitis, vulvovaginitis.

Both of these procedures are absolutely painless, but have their contraindications. Vacuum sanitation is not carried out before childbirth, during pregnancy , with cystitis, endometritis, polyvalent allergic reactions, cervicitis, salpingitis.Ultrasound is not prescribed during vaginal bleeding any type.

Antiseptic and antimicrobial treatment of the vagina

How is vaginal sanitation done? The criterion for performing the procedure is medical indications, and, depending on them, doctor’s prescriptions.

In an outpatient setting, all manipulations are performed by a doctor or nurse. The woman is on a gynecological chair, the vagina is treated with a tampon soaked medicine. IN special cases the procedure is performed using special instruments.

Vaginal sanitation, carried out at home, can be performed by a woman independently. It consists of introducing drugs into the vagina that stop inflammatory processes of various etiologies. It is advisable to carry out hygiene measures before the procedure.

Sanitation procedures usually require at least 2-3 weeks. First, pathogenic microflora is destroyed and the inflammatory process is relieved.



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