Respiratory disorders: hypoxia, hypercapnia and hypocapnia. Breathing training


3. The role of peripheral and central chemoreceptors in the regulation of respiration, their functional characteristics. Influence on ventilation of the lungs of hypoxia and hypercapnia. PO2 and PCO2 in arterial blood of humans and animals are maintained at a fairly stable level, despite significant changes in consumption O2 and release of CO2. Hypoxia and a decrease in blood pH (acidosis) cause an increase in ventilation (hyperventilation), and hyperoxia and an increase in blood pH (alkalosis) cause a decrease in ventilation (hypoventilation) or apnea. Normal content control internal environment body O2, CO2 and pH is carried out by peripheral and central chemoreceptors. An adequate stimulus for peripheral chemoreceptors is a decrease in arterial blood PO2, to a lesser extent an increase in PCO 2 and pH, and for central chemoreceptors, an increase in the concentration of H + in the extracellular fluid of the brain.

Arterial (peripheral) chemoreceptors. Peripheral chemoreceptors are found in the carotid and aortic bodies. Signals from arterial chemoreceptors via the carotid sinus and aortic nerves arrive at the neurons of the nucleus of a single bundle medulla oblongata, and then switch to the neurons of the respiratory center. Chemoreceptors are excited by a decrease in PaO2. With PaO2 in the range of 80-60 mm Hg. Art. (10.6-8.0 kPa) there is a slight increase in lung ventilation, and when PaO2 is below 50 mm Hg. (6.7 kPa) there is a pronounced hyperventilation.

PaCO 2 and blood pH potentiate the effect of hypoxia on arterial chemoreceptors and are not adequate stimuli for this type of respiratory chemoreceptors.

Response of arterial chemoreceptors and respiration to hypoxia. Lack of O 2 in arterial blood is the main irritant of peripheral chemoreceptors. The hypoxic respiration reaction is practically absent in the indigenous inhabitants of the highlands and disappears approximately 5 years later in the inhabitants of the plains after the beginning of their adaptation to the highlands (3500 m and above).

central chemoreceptors. The location of the central chemoreceptors has not been definitively established. It is believed that such chemoreceptors are located in the rostral parts of the medulla oblongata near its ventral surface, as well as in various zones of the dorsal respiratory nucleus.

An adequate stimulus for the central chemoreceptors is a change in the concentration of H + in the extracellular fluid of the brain. The function of a regulator of threshold pH shifts in the region of central chemoreceptors is performed by the structures of the blood-brain barrier, which separates blood from the extracellular fluid of the brain. O2, CO2, and H+ are transported through this barrier between the blood and the extracellular fluid of the brain.

Breathing response to CO2- Hypercapnia and acidosis stimulate, while hypocapnia and alkalosis inhibit central chemoreceptors.

The rebreathing method is used to determine the sensitivity of central chemoreceptors to changes in the pH of the extracellular fluid of the brain. The subject breathes from a closed container filled with pure O2 beforehand. When breathing in closed system exhaled CO 2 causes a linear increase in the concentration of CO2 and simultaneously increases the concentration of H + in the blood, as well as in the extracellular fluid of the brain. The test is carried out for 4-5 minutes under the control of the CO2 content in the exhaled air.

Now almost all women pay attention healthy lifestyle life. Some go to the pool, others to tennis, others to dancing. Someone runs in the morning, someone visits fitness clubs in the evenings, someone uses the services of a massage therapist. But, perhaps, few people do breathing exercises. But in vain.

After all, it is very simple and at the same time very effective method which helps to provide oneself with health, youth and longevity.

Breathing exercises are different

There are several varieties of breathing exercises, which are based on the most different principles:

Strelnikova's technique- this is a kind of massage through the breathing of all systems, organs and muscles due to the intensity of inhalations-exhalations, their rhythm and attachment to them exercise

breathing exercises "Bodyflex" American Greer Childers, whose goal is to enrich the blood with oxygen through a complete exhalation (empty) and deep breath(fullness)

Eastern breathing exercises, which are based on the philosophy of the inextricable connection between the spirit and the body, and all techniques are based on the flow of energy along the meridians and channels.

And there are several other techniques based on general principle"oxygen starvation".

The principle of oxygen starvation

The principle of oxygen starvation is a kind of shock therapy, like dousing cold water or starvation, when the body with the help of a shake-up is forced to "grab onto life" at any cost. Only oxygen starvation is also valuable because the lack of oxygen, the source of life for every cell of the body, is so unbearable that the body immediately switches on a program of salvation, self-healing. Experiencing oxygen starvation, our body begins to get rid of "unnecessary", unhealthy cells, replacing them with healthy ones, up to self-destruction, as absolutely superfluous, cancerous cells.

At least 3 techniques are based on the principle of oxygen starvation:

breathing according to Buteyko- system shallow breathing using the whole complex breathing exercises

breathing according to Frolov- a method of activating cellular respiration by using a special tank, where oxygen is gradually reduced

breath holding technique.

I’ll tell you about the latter in detail, since I used it myself and I know the author, a 45-year-old doctor who invented it for himself at the age of 20, when he was dying from a rare diagnosis - degeneration of lung tissue.

Breath holding technique

In this technique, everything is as simple as twice two. It is carried out without additional devices, consists of one single exercise, and in order to complete it, you will need, in addition to yourself, another stopwatch.

1. Inhale-exhale. Take a shallow, short and sharp breath in through your nose and then exhale very deeply - so that it seems as if you have exhaled all the air without a trace.

2. Delay 10. Now pinch your nose with your hand (otherwise, I'm sure you can't resist the temptation to inhale) and hold the exhalation (not inhalation!) for 10 seconds.

Actually, everything. Alternate points 1 and 2. The session should not be less than 10 minutes. In general, you need to accumulate at least 1 hour of oxygen starvation per day. Well, for example: 6 times for 10 minutes, 4 times for 15 minutes, 3 times for 20 minutes. It all depends on how you want to enter breathing exercises into your lifestyle.

I warn you: "not breathing" according to this technique will be difficult. The criterion that you are doing everything in good faith will be such signs: perspiration may appear on your forehead, your earlobes will “burn”, and immediately after the session you will unbearably want to empty your bladder.

What is important! You need to practice every day - at least an hour and not miss a single day, at least for a month.

The effectiveness of the technique

To the question: What health problems will the breath holding technique help you with? - I will confidently answer: From everyone! From the simplest types of runny nose and colds to such "terrible" ones as cancer.

Why? Yes, because thanks to this technique, the most reliable mechanism is launched - the self-healing system of our body. As a result, metabolic processes are accelerated, impaired functions are normalized, inflammatory formations are resolved, organic changes are eliminated and immunity is increased.

Wellness Loop

If you practice this technique for a month, you will feel a healing plume from classes for six months. If you have enough willpower to practice this technique for 2 months, the health trail will be noticeable throughout the year.

Hypoxic Breathing Training

Hypoxic Training - the path to health and longevity.

We inhale the air, which contains 0.03% carbon dioxide, and exhale - 3.7% CO2. Carbon dioxide is constantly emitted by the body into the surrounding atmosphere. Hence, the conclusion has always been made that the body emits "harmful" carbon dioxide, which is the end product of many biochemical metabolic links. However, as science advances, very Interesting Facts. If added to pure oxygen carbon dioxide and let a seriously ill person breathe, then his condition will improve to a greater extent than if he breathed pure oxygen.

It turned out that carbon dioxide, up to a certain limit, contributes to a more complete assimilation of oxygen by the body. This limit is equal to 8% CO2 With an increase in the content of CO2 to 8%, an increase in the assimilation of O2 occurs, and then with an even greater increase in the content of CO2, the assimilation of O2 begins to fall. Currently in medical practice oxygen is used with the addition of carbon dioxide of the order of 3-4%. This oxygen-carbon dioxide mixture is called "carbogen". Even if you add CO2 to plain air, there is a healing effect.

Currently, highly effective methods of treatment using carbon dioxide are being developed, up to inducing "carbon dioxide shocks". All of the above leads us to the idea that the body does not remove, but "loses" carbon dioxide with exhaled air, and some limitation of these losses should have a beneficial effect on the body.

The beneficial effect of carbon dioxide has been noticed for a long time. Many people who are deficient in CO2 experience simply irresistible cravings to all kinds of carbonated drinks, mineral waters, kvass, beer, champagne. CO2 is rapidly absorbed into the blood from gastrointestinal tract and renders its therapeutic effect: increasing the absorption of O2 (especially when it is deficient), dilating blood vessels, increasing the absorption of food by the body, etc.

At first glance, the situation is paradoxical - the treatment of oxygen deficiency is carried out with the help of breath holding. Due in part to the seeming paradox, many people fail to accept the Hypoxic Breathing Training theory.

However, if you think about it, there are no paradoxes here. Everything is based on elementary knowledge of the laws of nature and the physiology of the body. We breathe in air that contains 21% O2, and we breathe out air that contains 16% O2. We don't use all the oxygen in the air, we only use about one third of it, and two thirds are exhaled back. Therefore, if we need to achieve an increase in the oxygen supply of the body (in case of mountain sickness or severe chronic disease when the body is in severe oxygen deficiency), we must take care not to increase the influx of O2 from the outside (it is not fully used anyway), but to ensure that the oxygen in the air is utilized more fully.

Note that more complete assimilation of O2 contributes not only to CO2, which dilates blood vessels and increases the permeability of cell membranes for oxygen. This is also facilitated by a longer contact of air oxygen with hemoglobin during breath holdings.

Effects of Hypoxic Breathing Training (HRT) on Metabolism fatty acids in organism.

Obesity treatment.

Fatty acids - components of fats - constantly enter the body from the outside as part of food and, in addition, are synthesized by the body itself.

Fatty acids take part in the construction of cell membranes, split with the formation a large number energy, and the amount of energy generated during the breakdown of fatty acids (FA) is more than 2 times the amount of energy generated during the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins.

Fatty acids form the subcutaneous fat layer, fatty capsules of the liver and kidneys, intestinal omentum, etc. All vessels and nerves pass in the so-called neurovascular bundles, surrounded by fatty tissue like a cable sheath, many cells, finally, simply contain droplets of fat as inclusions.

The functions of fatty acids in the body are extremely diverse, but we are primarily interested in their energy role, which we can influence with the help of HDT.

It is known that the lion's share of energy in the body is provided by carbohydrates. Being oxidized by oxygen and oxygen-free way in mitochondria - special organs of the cell - carbohydrates store energy in the form of high-energy compounds - ATP, GTP, UDP, etc.

In second place in terms of energy supply of the body are fatty acids, which are broken down in the same mitochondria.

Despite the fact that fatty acids provide more energy than carbohydrates, they play a secondary role in the energy supply of the body, since they are much more difficult and slower to break down and oxidize.

talking in simple words, energy from fats is more difficult to obtain, and if we have a mechanism that allows us to enhance the formation of energy from fatty acids, then we will raise our bioenergetics to a qualitatively new level.

Hypoxia-hypercapnia leads to increased synthesis and release of catecholamines - the main neurotransmitters nerve cells. But nothing was said about the fact that CHs contribute to the destruction of large fat molecules and the release of free fatty acids (FFA) into the blood, which are already ready for disposal. This process of "getting" fatty acids from their stores (depot) is called lipolysis.

So, free fatty acids in an increased amount entered the bloodstream, but this is only half the battle. Unused FFA undergo free radical oxidation with the formation of a large amount free radicals that damage cell membranes. Therefore, it is very important that FFA released into the blood be immediately utilized by cell membranes.

The remarkable ability of hypoxia-hypercarpia is that it increases the permeability of mitochondrial membranes for fatty acids and mitochondria begin to utilize fatty acids in increased quantities.

In the experiment, mitochondria were isolated separately from the cells of animals exposed to hypoxia-hypercapnia. Mitochondria isolated from the body turned out to be surrounded by a layer of lipid (fat) molecules, which were ready to supply energy at any time and in unlimited quantities.

fat stores in human body are huge and almost inexhaustible, which cannot be said about carbohydrates. By learning to use fats as a quick and easy source of energy, we can drastically increase endurance, especially when long work moderate intensity, long running, swimming, rowing, long walking, etc.

The ability to absorb fatty acids in increased quantities helps the body survive in extreme conditions.

At severe stress, firstly, a large energy deficit is formed. This deficiency can be filled with LC. Secondly, the strongest release of CH leads to a huge excess of FFAs in the blood, which, without immediate utilization, undergo free radical oxidation and damage cell membranes. The assimilation of fatty acids by mitochondria removes this problem, sometimes helps to avoid even such problems. serious consequences stress, like a heart attack.

It is not superfluous to recall that the heart muscle receives 70% of its energy from fatty acids and the increased utilization of them has a highly beneficial effect on the most "working" muscle of the body.

Age-related obesity develops not only due to an age-related excess of glucocorticoid hormones, but also due to a decrease in the activity of lipolytic (fat-destroying) enzymes and also due to a decrease in the ability of mitochondria to absorb fatty acids (aging of mitochondrial membranes due to the deposition of cholesterol in them and some other reasons).

HDT solves the problem of obesity at any age. From the very beginning of the Hypoxic Breathing Training, the subcutaneous adipose tissue. On average, weight loss is at a rate of 1.5 kg. per month, in people with large overweight- 3 kg. per month. It is noteworthy that this does not require any diet. If a strict diet with the exclusion from the diet of fats, sweets and flour products is observed, then this, of course, will contribute to several times faster weight loss.

However, even those patients who do not find the strength to refuse delicacies consume large quantities of confectionery, caviar, fatty sausages, etc., even such patients inexorably lose weight on the background of HDT, because such powerful mechanisms are activated in the body that cannot be violated by any errors in the diet.

It should be noted that only adipose tissue disappears under the influence of hypoxia, muscle is not affected. The body becomes lean, rail-like, "dry", as the athletes say.

Needless to say, the cure for obesity along the way solves many other problems and facilitates recovery from many other diseases.

Adipose tissue stimulates the release of insulin under the gastric gland, insulin stimulates the synthesis of adipose tissue and causes appetite. It turns out vicious circle: the fatter a person is, the more he wants to eat and the more intense the synthesis of adipose tissue occurs in his body. HDT breaks this vicious circle: a decrease in the amount of adipose tissue results in a decrease in insulin release, which in turn leads to a decrease in appetite and a slowdown in fat synthesis in the body.

A decrease in appetite as a result of HDT is also associated with an increase in the content of CH in the central nervous system, which reduces appetite at the level of the brain.

The decrease in appetite is sometimes quite significant, in some patients by 3-5 times, but no harmful effects it does not carry, because the energy and mastic supply of the body is only improving.

Hypoxic breathing training is a way to increase the effectiveness of breathing, and, as a result, the treatment and acceleration of anabolism. Breathing trainings shi-ro-ko are used in medicine and in the training of professional sports shifts. You have probably seen in movies or educational films how the sportsman is getting ready for the upcoming co-roar-but-va-ni-pits high in the mountains, for example, such a tre-ni-roov-ku de-mon-stri-ro-wa-li in the film "Rocky 4". Sanatoriums, as a rule, especially those in some le-chat for-bo-le-va-niya lungs or he-ko-lo-gi-ches-kie for-bo-le-va-nia, also race in mountain masses. Why? The fact is that in the mountains the air is more dispersed, it has less sour-lo-ro-yes and more di-ok-si-yes coal-le-ro-yes, thanks to which active ventilation of the lungs occurs.

Hypoxic breathing training allows you to create the effect of "mountain air-spirit" without going to the mountains, moreover, you can learn to breathe less, in principle, by drawing as much acid as you extract from the air now. The fact is that, in fact, a person inhales air with an oxygen content of 21%, and exhales with an oxygen content of 16%, obviously using only a part of it, and this can be corrected! For what? Firstly, the less air you inhale, the less harmful substances will fall into the body with it, and you most likely live not in an eco-lo-gi-ches-ki clean zone. Secondly, you can reduce the load on the heart, liver, blood vessels, lungs, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, as well as increase the concentration of ana-bo-li-ches-kih-horns-mon-news in the blood and increase the perception of receptors for them.

Medicinal propertiesbreathing training

Immunity Boost:
first, through antioxidant properties, on-dav-la-yu-shchy action of free radicals in the body; secondly, due to the increase in the sensitivity of cells to endogenous hormones, which, in turn, are also an-ti-ok-si-dan-ta-mi; thirdly, increase the number of cycles-li-ches-ko-go ad-no-zin-mo-no-phos-fa-ta, which prevents the spread of cancerous tumors; fourthly, due to the fact that a person breathes less, he is less likely to sop-ri-ka-sa-et-sya with various harmful substances, to-ho-da-schi-mi-s in the air, in particular, with viruses, so gi-pok-si-ches-kaya tre-ni-ditch can help to avoid diseases even during the epi-de -my at frequent contacts with people.

Decreased organ wear: firstly, a person breathes less, which, a priori, you need to “strain” your lungs less; secondly, a decrease in the wear and tear of the heart muscle and vessels during an intense physical load, since the lack of oxygen is the main factor in accelerating blood circulation, but if you learn how to use oxygen more efficiently, then the “oxygen debt” will decrease. During the many-number-of-numbers-of-studies-before-va-tions, a 100% result was obtained from an increase in hemo-glo-bi-on in the blood, which is also an important factor, both to increase im-mu-ni-te-ta, and to reduce wear internal organs person. In addition, hypoxic-si-ches-kaya tre-ni-ditch leads to a decrease in the rate of basal metabolism, which indicates a more gentle mode of work of the whole organism as a whole.

Anabolic properties of hypoxia

Endurance Boost: this effect is associated with two factors, namely, with an increase in the power of aerobic oxidation and gluco-not-o-ge-not-for. The first effect is to increase the power of the respiratory apparatus and the production of the heart muscles. The second effect is due to the influence of hypoxia on the sympathetic-ad-re-on-lo-vu system, which, in turn, with the help of the secretion of beta-ad-re-no-re-cep-to-dov, us-ko-rya-et process glu-ko-not-o-ge-not-for in the liver. In addition, the state of hypoxia helps to increase the lability of cell membranes, therefore they are “more alive” re-a-gi-ru-yut both on hormones and on any other substances, as a result of which the energy exchange pro-is-ho-dit goes-times-up to “ve-se-lee”.

Hormonal background: it is known that it is not the absolute quantity of this or that hormone in the blood that is of fundamental importance, but its ratio with the antagonist hormone and the ability of the receptors to perceive it. That is why, unless we “put lo-sha-di-doses of steroids”, which significantly overestimate the level of ana-bo-li-ches-ky hormones, stimulating the production of endogenous testosterone practically does not make any sense, since the answer to its secretion will be you-ra-bot-ka es-tro-gens. What is a poor Jew to do? Block the production of ka-ta-bo-li-ches-kih mountains-mon-news and increase the lability of cell membranes. That's why different ways of lactate utilization, aerobic training and / or breathing exercises are so important.

Practicing breathing exercises

Level I: performed sitting or standing, in general, at rest; a person holds the breath of us-only, us-as long as we can, when there is no strength to breathe anymore, it is necessary to start exhaling air from the lungs, and then carry out an imitation of breathing, which will allow us not to breathe for a longer time; such sub-moves must be made 4-5; it goes without saying that time needs to be se-kate and try to increase each time. Ideally, you should reach a level where tears begin to flow from the eyes, after which the breathing procedure is performed. Breathe should not be deep and a little bit, after which proceed to a new approach. Such gi-pok-si-ches-kih tre-ni-ro-wok can be done as much as you like in a day.

II level: performed in dynamics, for example, you can rotate your head, arms, to-lo-wi-shch or do full squats. Holding your breath will not be as long as in rest, that is, hypoxia will come on faster, but you should also rest between sets for no more than 1-3 minutes, as in the previous level. This training is re-ko-men-du-et-sya for-kan-chi-vat with dy-ha-tel-ny-mi inclinations, when a person, leaning down, half-wears you-dy-ha-et air, holding his breath for as long as possible, then takes a very small breath, fak-ti-che-ki his imitation, then rises up and repeats pro-tse-du-ru for-no-in.

III level: running training with breath holding, which can be used in two ways. The first option involves holding your breath, running to “failure”, then 2 minutes of walking with a shallow breath and a new distance running with a breath hold. The second variant is a run with small breaths and breath-holds, again, until from-ka-za, after-le-go 2 mi-well-you walk with shallow breathing. In total, you-half-nya-e-sya 5 from-cuts to “from-ka-za”. The progression of loads is carried out due to an increase in time with a delay in breathing and a decrease in time for shortness of breath.

Passive training: this is breathing with permanent delays in everyday life. You just constantly try not to breathe deeply, hold your breath, then you-dye-ha-e-te and take a new shallow breath. Such breathing allows you to create the effect of “mountain air” more full of carbon dioxide, which, in a positive way, speaks to your health. However, if you live in a not too polluted area, you do not have heart disease, respiratory tract or other "pre-forest-tey", then there is no direct not-about-ho-di-bridge in such passive breathing, but if you pro-I-ve-those do-th-accurate dis-qi-pli-ni-ro-vanity and when you breathe like that, then you will live longer.


Yu.B. Bulanov "Hypoxic Training - the path to health and longevity"

N. I. Volkov "Hypoxic training in the preparation of athletes"

A. Z. Kolchinskaya "Interval hypoxic training in high performance sports"

L. M. Nudelman "Interval hypoxic training in sports"

So our goal is to create body light hypoxia and hypercapnia. We can achieve this with the help of those exercises that I have combined under common name"Hypoxic Breathing Training". These exercises are aimed at limiting external respiration up to its full delays. In this case, a contradiction arises between the body's need for O 2 and the satisfaction of this need. The result is hypoxia. The contradiction between the amount of CO 2 produced by the body and the rate of its excretion, which occurs during these exercises, leads to the development of hypercapnia.

Consider various ways respiratory restrictions. The easiest way: just hold your breath. First, learn how to hold your breath at rest. To do this, you need to sit down, relax all the muscles and hold your breath in a position intermediate between inhalation and exhalation, in a position where all the respiratory muscles are completely relaxed. Holding your breath, you need to look at the watch dial to see your result, and besides, looking at the dial, for some reason it is easier to hold your breath.

Some time after we hold our breath, there is a feeling of suffocation and discomfort. It is necessary to endure this state of discomfort for as long as possible, showing all your willpower until the moment when the feeling of suffocation becomes completely unbearable. At this moment, when it would seem that it is no longer possible to endure, it is necessary to start doing respiratory movements, but at the same time do not breathe, i.e. the larynx should be blocked, as in the case of holding the breath. This "imitation of breathing" allows you to refrain from real breathing for about the same amount of time. This happens because the feeling of suffocation occurs not only as a result of irritation of the respiratory center with a low content of O 2 in the blood, but also as a result of the cessation of reverse impulses from the respiratory muscles to the medulla oblongata, where the respiratory center is located. Imitation of breathing turns on these impulses and we kind of deceive the medulla oblongata. Therefore, it becomes easier for us to endure further retention of breath.

During long delays breathing may occur most unusual sensations, which are more pronounced the longer the delay lasts. Following sensations of lack of air, suffocation and general discomfort, there is a feeling of heat, first in the face, then in the arms, in the legs and, finally, in the whole body, while the skin of the face and hands turns red. The feeling of heat and redness of the skin is caused by strong vasodilation, which, in turn, is due to hypoxia and is further enhanced by hypercapnia (even each of these factors, taken individually, can cause vasodilation, not to mention their combination). Simultaneously with the feeling of heat, the heart rate rises, a strong and powerful heartbeat is felt, then a slight perspiration appears. If the holding of the breath continues, tears appear in the eyes. At this stage, I recommend breaking the delay. If we continue it, then it appears at first involuntary urination and then defecation. Such deep breath holdings are rarely used and are intended for patients with difficulty urinating and severe constipation. As soon as we break the hold and start breathing, we immediately need to pay attention to the fact that breathing is not too deep. It is necessary to suppress the natural desire to catch your breath and try to hold your breath, maintaining mild hypoxia.

After we have rested on the "small breath", we can proceed to the next delay. Typically, such a rest between delays lasts from one to three minutes. This is quite enough to give the body the opportunity to adapt to hypoxia and prepare for the next delay.

Holding your breath is important not only as a training, but also as control exercise. By noting the delay time, we can objectively assess the degree of our resistance to oxygen starvation, and hence the degree of its resilience.

A delay of up to 15 seconds inclusive is rated as "very bad". A delay of 15 to 30 seconds is rated as "poor". From 30 to 45 seconds - "satisfactory". 45 to 60 seconds is "good". Over 60 seconds - "excellent".

The next stage is to practice holding your breath on the go. Consumed while walking large quantity About 2 and more CO 2 is produced than at rest, therefore, when holding the breath on the go, the same subjective sensations occur as during holding the breath at rest, but they come much faster and are more pronounced. Due to the more pronounced nature of hypoxia and hypercapnia, the delay time itself on the move is much shorter than at rest. Many practitioners like this, because you do not need to endure a delay for as long as at rest. The technique of holding the breath "on the go is similar to the technique of holding the breath at rest.

As you can see, holding your breath is a fairly simple exercise that does not require any special conditions, does not attract special attention surrounding and does not require the allocation of special time for classes. You can do it anywhere: at home, on the street, in transport, etc.

After practicing breath holdings on the go, you need to move on to holding your breath during physical exercises. In principle, you can do any exercises, but I always give my patients standard exercises, each of which is performed while holding the breath.

1st exercise: rotation of the head to the right and left. Despite the small consumption of O 2, this exercise is rather difficult to perform while holding the breath, because when tilting and turning the head, the large arteries of the neck that carry O 2 to the brain are pinched, which creates additional difficulties in supplying the brain with oxygen, increasing the feeling of suffocation.

2nd exercise: rotation of the arms, forward and backward.

3rd exercise: rotation of the body to the right and left.

4th exercise: breath-hold squats. This, frankly, a difficult exercise, along with the maximum breath holding, can serve as good test on physical training. If the subject does up to 10 squats, then this is rated as "bad." If 10–15 squats is “satisfactory”, 15–20 is “good”, more than 20 is “excellent.”

As with holding the breath, the intervals between exercises are from 1 to 3 minutes so that the body can recover from a hypoxic load. It is also very important to hold your breath during the rest, suppressing the natural desire to "catch your breath" after the exercise. As for the difficulty of performing these exercises, I can only say one thing: the more difficult the exercise and the more discomfort during its execution, the higher the effect obtained.

Health is the only treasure that cannot be found, stolen, or acquired by fraud. Only hard, painstaking work can give us real iron health and we must not forget about it. You can deceive man, but you cannot deceive nature.

After mastering the breath-holds at rest, on the move and during exercise, all my patients move on to "breathing bends". This is a rather technical exercise and it consists in the following:

I.p .: stand straight, hold your breath. Tilt forward. The arms hang freely along the body. Do not breathe while bending forward. Leaning forward, in the lowest position, take a small breath. (The inhalation should be as minimal as possible. It should resemble an imitation of inhalation rather than the actual inhalation.) After inhaling, you need to hold your breath and straighten up. Do not breathe while stretching. Having straightened up, it is necessary to make a very small exhalation (as well as inhalation, it should be as small as possible, resembling more an imitation of an exhalation). After exhalation, we again hold our breath, lean forward, etc. The state of hypoxia and hypercapnia occurs after only a few bends. The main thing to remember is the minimum inhalations and exhalations.

This exercise allows you to achieve hypoxia-hypercapnia due to four points:

First: Intermittent breath holdings. Second: Slopes during which O 2 is consumed and CO 2 is produced. Third: Arbitrary limitation of the amplitude of inhalations and exhalations. Fourth: Inhalations and exhalations are done in an uncomfortable position for this. It's the opposite of what we're used to.

All of the above points lead to the fact that the amplitude of respiratory movements is reduced very much and we inhale air not into the lungs, but into the dead space, which is no more than 500 ml. The air just doesn't get to the lungs. And the air that was in the dead space enters the lungs. During exhalation, we exhale air from dead space outside, and air from the lungs enters the dead space. As you can see, direct air exchange between the lungs and environment no, because the amplitude of inhalations and exhalations is very small.

With such breathing, gas exchange, of course, will occur, because the air in the dead space will partially mix with the inhaled air, then with the exhaled. But it (gas exchange) will be much less than with deep breathing when the inhaled air, together with the air of the dead space, immediately enters the lungs, and the air exhaled from the lungs goes into the dead space and out.

This use of dead space allows us to achieve hypoxia-hypercapnia, and all the time we must strive to inhale and exhale as little as possible. So hypoxia sets in faster. If, after several bends, hypoxia is not felt, then this indicates too large inhalations and exhalations, their amplitude must immediately be reduced.

To achieve hypoxia-hypercapnia as quickly as possible with minimum quantity slopes can be used next move: before you start doing inclinations, first hold your breath and do a few squats while holding until hypoxia becomes noticeable enough. After that, we proceed to the slopes according to the above scheme. Thus, we will need a significantly smaller number of inclinations than usual, and we will spend much less time on this exercise.

The advantage of such "respiratory tilts" over simple breath holding is that they are subjectively much easier to bear, and this allows you to achieve deeper degrees of hypoxia than with simple delays. The best subjective tolerance of respiratory inclinations is due to two factors:

1. Since, nevertheless, inhalations and exhalations are periodically performed (at intervals equal to the delay), gas exchange between the lungs and the environment periodically occurs. This leads to the fact that hypoxia does not increase continuously in waves, periodically decreasing slightly, and this makes it easier to tolerate.

2. Impulses from the respiratory muscles enter the respiratory center of the medulla oblongata, where they subjectively reduce the feeling of suffocation. In the intervals between inclinations, rest is carried out in the same way as in the intervals between breath holdings.

Having studied the "respiratory slopes", you can already proceed to the "stepped" breathing. The essence of stepped breathing is as follows: a person breathes as usual, but inhales and exhales along the “steps”: a small breath, holding the breath, again a small breath, holding the breath, then again a small breath and again holding, etc., i.e., the breath is carried out along the “steps”. After a full stepwise inhalation has been completed, i.e., the amplitude of inhalation has been exhausted, we begin to exhale, but again in steps: a small exhalation, holding the breath, another small exhalation, again holding, exhaling again, holding, etc., until the entire exhalation amplitude is exhausted. After that, we again begin a stepwise inhalation, then a stepwise exhalation, and so on until severe hypoxia occurs, forcing us to stop the exercises.

When performing this exercise, hypoxia arises from the fact that, thanks to the “steps”, inhalations and exhalations, even if performed with maximum amplitude, are greatly extended in time. This leads to slower gas exchange. An analogy with the "full" breathing of yogis is appropriate here. Despite the great depth of breathing, the respiratory movements themselves, with full breathing, are performed so slowly (inhalation and exhalation take 3 minutes!), That a state of severe hypoxia occurs. Not knowing this important feature"full breathing", many people ruined their health by breathing deeply and often, creating hyperoxia and hypocapnia in the body, which led to vasoconstriction and a variety of serious violations exchange.

A separate discussion deserves the number of steps, which include inhalation and exhalation. If the student sets as his goal the achievement of great sports results, where, along with adaptation to hypoxia, strong respiratory muscles are necessary, he must strive to complete the maximum number of steps so that the total inhalation and exhalation are performed with maximum amplitude.

If stepwise breathing is performed in order to cure bronchial asthma or some other serious illness, where, along with adaptation to hypoxia, the skill of minimal breathing in Everyday life, then here it is already necessary to strive to ensure that the number of steps does not exceed two or three, both during inhalation and during exhalation.

Rest between series of stepped breaths and exhalations during which hypoxia occurs is carried out according to general rules.

The effectiveness of stepped breathing is extremely high. Of all the exercises that cause a state of hypoxia-hypercapnia in the body, this is the most effective exercise to achieve the maximum result in the minimum a short time. The value of the exercise is also in the fact that subjectively it is much easier to tolerate than other exercises. During a severe cold, a person cannot bring himself to delay due to unpleasant subjective sensations, and is unable to do breathing inclinations due to great weakness, but stepped breathing is quite easy.

Stepped breathing can be performed not only in calm state, but also while walking, which makes it even more efficient, because there is a greater consumption of O 2 and a large amount of CO 2.

To achieve hypoxia as soon as possible, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the size of the steps during inhalations and exhalations is as small as possible, and the size of the delays (intervals between steps) is as large as possible.

In addition to exercises aimed at periodically creating a rather pronounced hypoxia in the body, there is a whole group of techniques that are not so effective, but do not require significant volitional efforts. These are a variety of ways to limit breathing in everyday life. If exercises such as breath holding, breathing inclinations or stepped breathing are used for training no more than three times a day (the training methodology will be described in more detail below), then breathing restriction in everyday life must be performed constantly, throughout the day.

The simplest method of restricting breathing in everyday life is to constantly (!) try to breathe in such a way that you feel a slight lack of air.

At first glance, such a constant restriction of breathing is very inconvenient, as it requires permanent fixation attention, but the fact is that in no more than a month a strong skill of restricting breathing is developed. We begin to limit the depth and frequency of breathing quite automatically without thinking about it, just as we do not think about normal breathing or normal steps.

Restriction of breathing in everyday life is necessary for us, firstly: for the purpose of training, and, secondly, in order to maintain the result achieved after applying a series of “basic” hypoxic exercises, such as delays, bends, stepped breathing. Do not be surprised! Even several “basic” exercises performed in a row give an immediate result due to a change chemical structure hemoglobin and the course of redox processes, and it is very important to preserve this immediate result.

When breathing is limited in everyday life, the most common mistake engaged in - this is a limitation of the depth of only one breath without limiting the depth of exhalation. If you try to limit only one breath, then the exhalation completely involuntarily becomes deeper, forced. With such a forced expiration, compression of the elastic chest. After the cessation of exhalation, at the beginning of inhalation, the passive expansion of the compressed chest gives an involuntary breath without the participation of the respiratory muscles, which goes unnoticed and is supplemented by a voluntary breath with the participation of the respiratory muscles.

As you can see, when only the depth of inhalation is limited, the total amplitude of breathing can remain unchanged due to the deepening of exhalation and subsequent expansion lower bounds inspiratory amplitude. To prevent this from happening, in everyday life it is necessary to limit not only inhalation, but also exhalation. With the right exercise, you will very soon feel mild symptoms hypoxia, especially if you restrict breathing while walking or any other movement.

Ways to limit external respiration in everyday life can be very different and unusual at first glance. For example, such a simple technique: squeeze the wings of the nose with your fingers so that without completely blocking the nasal passages it is difficult nasal breathing. Hypoxia very soon makes itself felt. According to Ha-Tha, Yoga, squeezing the wings, nose has a dual purpose: restriction of external respiration and impact on biologically active point So-in, which, being a paired point, is located on the lateral base of the wings of the nose. Impact on the So-in point expands the airways and improves ventilation capacity respiratory apparatus.

From the practice of Yoga, the following way of performing this exercise is known: put your palms together in front of you, take your thumbs away so that they make a right angle with your palms. clamp thumbs wings of the nose and tilt your head forward so that your forehead rests on index fingers. Breath holding can be done in the same way. This method of restricting breathing is indispensable during acute colds when due to heavy general condition other exercises are difficult or even impossible.

After the restriction of the depth of breathing in everyday life has been sufficiently well worked out, it is necessary to start practicing a decrease in the frequency of breathing, which, combined with a decrease in depth, causes more pronounced hypoxia-hypercapnia, especially during walking.

After working out the correct depth and frequency of everyday breathing, short delays can be included in it. For example: a small breath, a delay, a small exhalation, a delay, etc. This form of breath restriction in everyday life gives an even greater training effect.

Persons with high physical training, who have fully mastered all of the above exercises, can use the most difficult exercise in their training practice, which is a combination of running with breath holding. The combination of running with breath holding can be performed in two ways:

Option 1: Hold your breath and start running. Run to continue "until failure", and then switch to walking. After resting during a quiet walk for two minutes (in no case do not breathe deeply, do not try to catch your breath), hold your breath again and start running. Then again switch to walking, etc. In total, five breath holdings are performed on the run.

Option 2: start running, breathe in the following way: inhale, hold the breath, exhale, hold the breath, then inhale again, hold again, etc. At the same time, running continues until hypoxia-hypercapnia occurs to such a degree that further running is no longer possible. After that, you need to rest for two minutes while walking in compliance with all the above rules. In total, you need to run five segments "to failure".

Once again I want to emphasize that such a difficult exercise is available only to people with high resistance to hypoxia-hypercapnia. As a rule, these are those who have been doing Hypoxic Breathing Training or running for at least a year.

There are two more methods of restricting external respiration, which I do not specifically teach my patients, but which, nevertheless, can be very useful in the general arsenal of hypoxic effects on the body.

One way is to intermittently hold your breath on the go. With this intermittent method, holding the breath on the go is a little easier than usual, and as a result, conditions are created to achieve a deeper degree of hypoxia. Intermittent breath holdings are performed on the go as follows: we hold our breath and go all the way, as usual, not forgetting about imitation until there is no longer any possibility to endure further. Feeling an urgent need to start breathing, we take a small breath-exhale (or exhale-breath, there is no fundamental difference) and again hold our breath, continue walking without stopping for a minute. After a while, we again feel an irresistible need to start breathing, we inhale and exhale and hold our breath again, and so on. Finally, there comes a moment when it becomes no longer possible to hold your breath due to the developed deep hypoxia-hypercapnia. Now you need to rest before the next cycle of such delays. Each such “cycle” is considered to be one breath-hold, but the breaks between such cycles are no longer 3, but not less than 5 minutes, because after deeper hypoxia, the body naturally needs a longer rest, during which the adaptive reactions we need arise. In total, we do 5 cycles with a break of 5 minutes.

Another way of hypoxic exposure is to reduce the depth of inhalations and exhalations several times on the go with the help of a strong willed effort, without speeding up breathing. Already after a few meters of such a walk, severe hypoxia develops, after which we arrange a rest for 3 minutes (we breathe freely on the go, but at the same time we hold our breath a little, not trying to catch our breath). After the rest, we do the next approach, etc., only 5 approaches (similar to 5 breath-holds on the go).

After reading this chapter, the reader may have a completely logical question: "Why do we need such a large number of the most diverse hypoxic exercises and their modifications?". The answer is very simple: each specific situation any one particular exercise is always the most acceptable and effective. Some exercises are more convenient to do on the go, others at rest; some are more convenient to do when you are healthy, others when you are sick. Much can depend simply on the mood of the practitioner. In the end, the same exercise someday gets bored and needs to be replaced with another. The process of replacing exercises is ongoing, in accordance with both external and internal circumstances.


Hypoxic Breathing Training- abbreviated GDT

It is quite difficult to find such a position at first, so at the beginning of classes you can use this technique: take a small free breath, then the same small free exhalation until the respiratory muscles are completely relaxed, but in no case bring the exhalation to the point where it already needs to be done with effort. Having found the right position - the middle point between inhalation and exhalation - it is necessary to hold your breath at this point.

respiratory center located in the medulla oblongata.

Dead space - a space that includes the cavity of the nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, i.e. the space that passes the air on its way to the lungs.

Hyperoxia- excess oxygen in the tissues. Hypocapnia is a lack of carbon dioxide in the tissues.

(Lecture No. XIV).

1. Classification and characteristics certain types hypoxia.

2. Adaptive and compensatory reactions during hypoxia.

3. Diagnosis, therapy and prevention of hypoxia.

hypoxia(hypoxia) - a violation of oxidative processes in tissues that occurs when there is insufficient oxygen supply or a violation of its utilization in the process of biological oxidation (oxygen deficiency, starvation).

Depending on the etiological factor, the rate of increase and duration of the hypoxic state, the degree of hypoxia, the reactivity of the body, etc. the manifestation of hypoxia can vary considerably. The changes that occur in the body are a combination of:

1) immediate consequences exposure to the hypoxic factor,

2) secondary violations,

3) developing compensatory And adaptive reactions. These phenomena are closely connected and are not always given a clear distinction.

Classification of the main types of hypoxia (1979):

1. hypoxic

2. respiratory

3. bloody

4. circulatory

5. fabric

6. hyperbaric

7. hyperoxic

8. hypoxia load

9. mixed - combination various kinds hypoxia.

Classification of hypoxia by severity:

1) hidden (revealed only under load),

2) compensated - there is no tissue hypoxia at rest due to the tension of oxygen delivery systems,

3) severe - with decompensation phenomena (at rest - lack of oxygen in the tissues),

4) uncompensated - pronounced violations metabolic processes with symptoms of poisoning

5) terminal - irreversible.

Downstream classification: according to the rate of development and duration of the course:

a) lightning fast - within a few tens of seconds,

b) acute - a few minutes or tens of minutes (acute heart failure),

c) subacute - a few hours,

d) chronic - weeks, months, years.

Hypoxic hypoxia- exogenous type develops with a decrease in barometric pressure O2 (altitude and mountain sickness) or with a decrease in the partial pressure of O2 in the inhaled air. At the same time, it develops hypoxemia(decreased pO2 in arterial blood, saturation of hemoglobin (Hb) with oxygen (O2) and general content him in the blood. Bad influence renders and hypocapnia developing in connection with compensatory hyperventilation of the lungs. Hypocapnia leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to the brain and heart, alkalosis, an imbalance of electrolytes in the internal environment of the body, and an increase in O2 consumption by tissues.

Respiratory (pulmonary) a type of hypoxia occurs as a result of insufficiency of gas exchange in the lungs due to alveolar hypoventilation, violations of the ventilation-perfusion relationship, or with difficulty in diffusion of O2, impaired airway patency, or disorders of the central regulation of respiration.

The minute volume of ventilation decreases, the partial pressure of O2 in the alveolar air and the tension of O2 in the blood decrease, and hypercapnia joins hypoxia.

Blood hypoxia(hemic type) occurs as a result of a decrease in the oxygen capacity of the blood in anemia, hydremia and a violation of the ability of Hb to bind, transport and release O2 to tissues, in case of CO poisoning, in the formation of methemoglobin (MetHb) and some Hb anomalies. Hemic hypoxia is characterized by a combination of normal O2 tension in arterial blood with its reduced content in severe cases up to 4-5% vol. With the formation of carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) and MetHb, saturation of the remaining Hb and dissociation of oxyHb in tissues can be difficult and therefore O2 tension in tissues and venous blood is significantly reduced with a simultaneous decrease in the arterio-venous difference in oxygen content.

Circulatory hypoxia(cardiovascular type) occurs with circulatory disorders leading to insufficient blood supply to organs and tissues with massive blood loss, dehydration, and a drop in cardiovascular activity. Circulatory hypoxia vascular origin develops with an excessive increase in the capacity of the vascular bed due to reflex and centrogenic disorders of vasomotor regulation of insufficiency glucocorticoids, with an increase in blood viscosity and the presence of other factors that prevent the normal movement of blood through capillary network. For gas composition blood is characterized by normal voltage and O2 content in the arterial blood, their decrease in the venous blood and a high arterio-venous difference in O2.

tissue hypoxia(histotoxic) occurs due to a violation of the ability of tissues to absorb O2 from the blood or due to a decrease in the efficiency of biological oxidation due to a sharp decrease in the coupling of oxidation and phosphorylation due to inhibition of biological oxidation by various inhibitors, impaired enzyme synthesis or damage to cell membrane structures, for example, poisoning cyanides, heavy metals, barbiturates. At the same time, tension, saturation and O2 content in arterial blood can a certain moment be normal, and in venous blood significantly exceed normal values. A decrease in the arterio-venous difference in O2 is characteristic of impaired tissue respiration.

Hyperbaric hypoxia(when treated with oxygen under high blood pressure). At the same time, the elimination of the normal hypoxic activity of peripheral chemoreceptors leads to a decrease in the excitability of DC and inhibition of pulmonary ventilation. This leads to an increase in arterial pCO2 causing expansion blood vessels brain. Hypercapnia leads to an increase in minute volume of respiration and hyperventilation. As a result, pCO2 in arterial blood falls, brain vessels constrict, and pO2 in brain tissues decreases. Primary toxic effect O2 per cell is associated with inhibition of respiratory enzymes and with the accumulation of lipid peroxides causing damage to cellular structures (especially SH enzyme groups), changes in metabolism in the tricarboxylic acid cycle and impaired synthesis of high-energy phosphate compounds and the formation of free radicals.

Hyperoxic hypoxia(in aviation, with oxygen therapy) - there can be 2 forms oxygen poisoning- pulmonary and convulsive. Pathogenesis pulmonary forms are associated with the disappearance of the "supporting" function of the inert gas, the toxic effect of O2 on the endothelium of pulmonary vessels - an increase in their permeability, leaching of surfactant, collapse of the alveoli and the development of atelectasis and pulmonary edema. Convulsive the form is associated with a sharp excitation of all parts of the central nervous system, especially the brain stem + impaired tissue respiration.

mixed type hypoxia- is observed very often and represents a combination of 2 or more main types of hypoxia. Often the hypoxic factor itself affects several links physiological systems transport and utilization of O2. Carbon monoxide actively binds with the 2-valent iron Hb, at elevated concentrations has a direct toxic effect on cells, inhibiting the cytochrome enzyme system; barbiturates inhibit oxidative processes in tissues and simultaneously inhibit DC, causing hypoventilation.

Metabolic changes first of all arises from carbohydrate and energy metabolism. In all cases of hypoxia, the primary shift is a deficit macroergs. intensifies glycolysis, This leads to a drop in glycogen content, an increase in pyruvate and lactate. An excess of lactic, pyruvic and other organic acids contributes to the development of metabolic acidosis. There is a negative nitrogen balance. As a result of lipid metabolism disorders develops hyperketonemia.

The exchange of electrolytes is disturbed and, first of all, the processes of active movement and distribution of ions on biological membranes increases the amount of extracellular potassium.

The sequence of changes in the cell: increased permeability cell membrane> violation of ionic balance > swelling of mitochondria > stimulation of glycolysis > reduction of glycogen > suppression of synthesis and increased breakdown of proteins > destruction of mitochondria > ergastoplasm, intracellular reticulum > fatty decomposition of the cell destruction of lysosome membranes > release of hydrolytic enzymes - autolysis and complete cell breakdown.



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