Hemlock spotted. Treatment of hemlock and other folk remedies for cancer

Spotted hemlock (Conium maculatum) is a very valuable and very poisonous medicinal plant. It grows mainly in the European part (with the exception of the northern regions) and in the southern regions of Russia almost everywhere. As medicine and poison has been known since ancient times among many peoples. In homeopathy, Conium (Conium maculatum - hemlock, omega spotted) is used to prepare medicine.

In everyday life, spotted hemlock often has its own local names, of which there are a lot (wild parsley, dog parsley, big omega, poisonous omega, etc.)

Therapist's Handbook (1973): “Hemlock (omega spotted). The alkaloid coniine is the most poisonous of the alkaloids in the fruits, leaves and stems of the plant. Has a pronounced nicotine-like effect. Lethal dose 0.15 g"; "Paramedic's Handbook"

(1975): “Hemlock (omega spotted, hemlock) is a plant containing alkaloids, of which the most poisonous is coniine (pronounced nicotine-like effect). Lethal dose 0.15 g"; R. Ludewig, K. Los " Acute poisoning"(translated from German, 1983): "Koniin. Lethal dose when taken orally, about 0.5–1.0 g. Speckled hemlock Conium maculatum should not be confused with poisonous hemlock. It is especially dangerous when mixed with edible herbs, horseradish, celery, carrots, fennel, etc., as well as for children who make flutes, pipes, etc. from the stems.”

Thus, R. Ludevig and K. Los warn: not to confuse hemlock with poisonous weed. The Paramedic Handbook does this. The Therapist's Handbook examines poisonous hemlock (hemlock) separately from hemlock (omega spotted).

“VN” (No. 61, 1998) writes that vekh is the closest relative of hemlock. All parts of the plant are poisonous; the poisonous properties are preserved when dried.

Spotted hemlock is a biennial herbaceous plant from the Apiaceae family. In the first year, a bunch of basal leaves develops, and hemlock leaves and roots are very similar to parsley, which has been the cause of repeated poisonings. In the second year, a highly branched stem up to 2 meters high develops. The stem is furrowed, bare, with a bluish coating, with reddish-brown spots below. The leaves are vaginal, glabrous, on long petioles, pinnate, with ovate-oval leaves, the flowers are small, white, collected in an inflorescence - a complex umbrella. The fruits are grayish-green ovoid two-seeded seeds with wavy ribs. The plant has a sharp, unpleasant mouse odor. Blooms from May to September.

Hemlock fruits contain up to 2% alkaloids, the main one of which is the strongest narcotic curare-like poison - coniine. It is believed that Latin name plants "konium" comes from the Greek word "kone" - killing. Indeed, the Greeks have long killed and executed criminals and their political enemies with hemlock juice.

All parts of hemlock are poisonous; the poisonous properties of the plant are preserved even in dried form. Therefore, it is important to know the distinctive features of this plant and be careful when handling it. Herbalists who send out hemlock tincture put warning labels on the bottles: “Keep away from children, drunkards and fools.”

TSB (T. 22. 1953): “Koniin. Synthesized in 1886 by the German chemist A. Ladenburg. It was the first artificially produced alkaloid found in nature.”

Rice. 3

The nasty smell and bitter taste of a plant cannot always warn of danger: a small part of the plant is enough for poisoning; poisonous fruits (seeds) are especially dangerous.

A person can become poisoned by contact with leaves, shoots, inflorescences or by prolonged inhalation of the smell of the plant. When you rub parts of the plant in your hands, the skin of your hands loses sensitivity.

Collection time: May - September. Collect leaves, flowers, fruits. Leaves and flowers are harvested at the beginning of flowering and dried in the usual way: in the shade in the fresh air, separately from other plants.

The fruits are collected with umbels and dried in the same way as leaves and flowers. When the umbrellas dry, the seeds fall out easily. Dried raw materials are stored in tightly closed containers (glass jars with nylon lids) separately from other plants. Shelf life - 2 years.

Convulsions may occur. Signs of poisoning are headache, dizziness, heaviness in the head, burning in the mouth, salivation, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness.

Poisoning occurs very quickly; within a few minutes they appear discomfort in the throat, the tongue swells and seems to be taken away, vision becomes blurred, hearing is weakened, and a feeling of goose bumps occurs throughout the body. The limbs become heavy, the whole body feels cold, the face turns pale, swallowing is difficult, and the gait becomes upset.

The muscles weaken to such an extent that it becomes difficult to move. In mild cases of poisoning, gastrointestinal disorders come to the fore. In severe cases, death occurs from respiratory paralysis.

People are poisoned by hemlock when they mistakenly eat it because of its similarity to edible plants (instead of parsley, from eating anise seeds mixed with hemlock seeds).

The grass and roots of hemlock in the first year of life are similar to parsley, carrots, the grass of the second year of life resembles dill and other edible plants.

There are also known cases of poisoning of cattle on pastures infested with hemlock. IN summer period When hemlock acquires a repulsive odor, animals do not touch it, but in the spring, when grazing in hemlock habitats, sometimes entire herds of horses and cattle are poisoned by the leaves of the fresh plant.

Poisoning is also possible when feeding livestock green grass mixed with hemlock.

Care must be taken when harvesting hemlock. After handling it, you must wash your hands thoroughly, strictly adhere to dosages when self-medicating, and store hemlock medicines out of the reach of children.

As an emergency aid for hemlock poisoning, use gastric lavage before vomiting, any means containing tannins: strong tea, strong coffee, decoction oak bark, 0,5% water solution tannin, take activated carbon - 30 tablets, cardiovascular drugs - caffeine, cordiamine. Fresh air, warm wraps, and sometimes - artificial respiration. Calling a doctor is required!

IN medical practice With the use of hemlock, not only its ability to cure cancer is very important, but also its strong pain-relieving effect!

In one of the letters to the editor of VN (No. 52, 1997), the reader shares her impressions of the analgesic and healing effect of hemlock:

“I was washing a window in the corridor, and a piece of glass fell on my wrist and dug out a wound. I filled the wound with hemlock and the pain stopped. After some time, the hand healed, but a scar the size of a pea remained. This little scar kept bothering me. I began to smear the scar with hemlock - and this is the result: no peas, everything has resolved.”

In medicine in our country, hemlock is used almost exclusively in homeopathy. The reason is toxicity. Although official oncology uses the alkaloids of the medicinal plant pink periwinkle (Vinca roseadinn) vinblastine (rosevin) and vincristine, which are more poisonous than the hemlock spotted alkaloid coniine. In a number of European countries (Austria, Germany, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Romania, France), as well as in Venezuela, Mexico, Chile, hemlock is officially recognized as a medicinal product (included in the pharmacopoeias of these countries).

Here is the opinion of V.V. Tishchenko about spotted hemlock:

“Almost nothing is said about this plant in the medical literature. The omniscient Neustadt mentions it, giving a description and recalling that Socrates was killed by the poison of this particular plant. The most honest of all herbalists - Nosal - speaks about it in more detail, recommending it for stomach cancer. Hemlock is accepted by homeopathy, but it has always been on the tenth plane, since practical methods for its use are not given anywhere.

It is best to use young hemlock shoots as raw materials. The medicine prepared from them does not have an irritating or suppressive effect on the body; moreover, it is a strong pain reliever for cancer and, I think, the most effective, because it is the earliest.

Youth is strength. I want to offer three methods, giving the right to choose any of them. Let's focus on the first one - the royal one.

Having collected young shoots, fill 1/3 of the bowl with crushed raw materials (finely chop). Fill to the top with vodka, close and place in a cool, dark place for 10–15 days. The tincture must be shaken periodically. But in in case of emergency You can start taking it on the third day.

A tincture of inflorescences is prepared under the same conditions - here you need to use fresh inflorescences with the addition of young leaves. The raw materials must also be crushed.

Hemlock is a powerful ether carrier. During flowering, you need to approach it from the direction of the wind, otherwise you can get hurt: after picking, your head starts to hurt a lot. You can also use fresh seeds (green), but remember that greatest number The poison is found precisely in the seeds. But they should be infused not with vodka, but with 70 percent alcohol.

One of the advantages of the royal method is that you can begin treatment without first checking the body’s reaction to this poison. Since the intake begins with minimal doses, at the first signs of incompatibility it can be abandoned, and in case of overdose it is not necessary to increase by forty drops; on the contrary, immediately begin reducing to one drop in order to again begin increasing to the maximum permissible dose, followed by a decrease to one. And do this for several cycles until complete recovery.

Poison is poison. It must be approached with caution - overdoses are unacceptable. In the most severe forms of cancer, our body fights to the last, and in case of an overdose, the poisoned cell, overloaded with poison, is not able to do this - all the conditions are created for a subsequent cancer attack.”

Next, V.V. Tishchenko sets out his erroneous views on the leading role of the immune system in the fight against cancer. The role of poisons in the fight against a tumor, in his opinion, is to trigger a protective mechanism by irritating the cell with poison.

Other traditional healers are trying to correct the theoretical errors of V. Tishchenko, declaring in the “Bulletin of Hope” that poisons irritate not just the cells of the body, but immune cells, which become more aggressive and attack the weakened cancer cell, finishing it off with their antibodies. And the poisons plant origin softer and therefore help restore the immune system.

Such theoretical views are no good, just like the views of V. Tishchenko.

We continue to quote V. Tishchenko:

Hemlock is always taken with water, but you need to take into account its quantity - than more water, the softer the poison is perceived by the body. Up to 13 drops, 100 ml of water is given, from 13 to 26 - 150 ml, and after 26 to 40 - 200 ml raw water. When decreasing, decrease in the same way.”

Everything said by V.V. Tishchenko repeats again, giving a special subtitle:

Methodology for using hemlock No. 1 (royal)

“Take hemlock tincture once a day, an hour before meals, on an empty stomach, from one drop to forty, increasing drop by drop daily. Then, gradually reducing, return to one. Give water from 100 to 200 ml, increasing by 50 ml for every 13 drops. Do the same when lowering, only in reverse order. Monitor your condition: if after 30–35 drops signs of poisoning appear - nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weakness in the legs, etc., you must stop increasing the dose and immediately begin reducing it to one drop. It is necessary to go through several cycles without a break until recovery.

Methodology for using hemlock No. 2

Recommended for weakened patients. Having increased with a daily increase from 1 drop to 15–18, do not raise the dose any more, continue on it until recovery. If you develop an aversion to the drug, start reducing it to one drop, increase your dose again and continue treatment.”

Our comment. This technique is not so much curative as it is transitional to technique No. 1 (royal), which cures cancer.

“If we are dealing with recurrent cancer - as a rule, this happens 1.5–2 years after the first operation, then we must take into account that the body is weakened, and the upper limit dose should be reduced to 20–30 drops, and from 15 drops We begin to carefully monitor our condition so as not to cause harm with excess poison. If a bedridden patient gets to his feet on 20 drops, you can not go higher and continue treatment at this dose. But you need to know that sooner or later the body can “revolt” - the cell is capable of accumulating poison, and a persistent aversion to it appears. In this case, you need to gradually go down to one drop (unload the cell) and rise again to your saving dose. And continue like this until recovery.”

Corresponding to this explanation method No. 3 V.V. Tishchenko calls Taking hemlock for the weakened and in case of relapse and at the same time The technique that is most intensive in terms of entry. The meaning of this duality is to reduce the maximum daily dose poison with a simultaneous increase in the frequency of administration and an intensification of the increase in the total amount of poison in the patient’s body.

Schematically, method No. 3 looks like this:

“As a rule, in this technique they stop at this dose and do not rise higher, but 15–16 drops are taken for a one-time normal average dose. And in general, when increasing the drops, you should try to notice at what dose the body felt relief, and try to focus on exactly this number of drops. Then, in time, try to rise higher, but carefully.

In Odessa, at the city cemetery, remarkable words are written on one of the slabs: “Everything was good, but I wanted to do even better, and this is what came of it.” Last words smart people always have weight.

… Hemlock can accumulate in the body. In this case, you need to gradually reduce the dose to one drop and then return to the working dose and continue treatment. Anyway highest dose you need to choose it yourself, focusing on your well-being. If you feel bad on five drops, then don’t go higher; on the contrary, go down to four and take 16 drops a day. Overdoses are unacceptable. Drink hemlock using only one of the methods.”

It must be said that V.V. Tishchenko also admits Method No. 4 (exception).

Method No. 4 for patients with increased immunity

“If there are no negative manifestations at a dose of 40 drops, you can take a teaspoon 3 times a day. However, proceed with caution; overdose is unacceptable - the body's resistance decreases, and a cancer attack begins.

Try to stay on the permissible dose. Carefully!".

Method No. 4 has a completely unacceptable basis - the patient has no negative manifestations. And momentary. Let us remember that, precisely guided by this erroneous principle - the patient can still withstand the effects of the poison today and in the coming days - official oncology has brought cancer chemotherapy to the point of absurdity.

The question arises: did V.V. Tishchenko come close to chemotherapy doses in method No. 4? The check shows that it did not fit. Reference data says that the capacity of a teaspoon is 5 ml. However, repeated tests have shown that the actual capacity of teaspoons is the most different models turned out to be equal to 80 drops (2 ml). That is, moving from three teaspoons of hemlock tincture per day means switching from 40 to 240 drops of tincture per day, and the daily dose of poison increases six times. Such an increase is far from chemotherapy, but already a departure from the principle laid down in method No. 1.

What made such an experienced practitioner as V.V. Tishchenko agree to a sixfold increase in the daily dose of poison?

To figure it out complex issue helped by a wonderful community of former tumor patients who overcame their illness thanks to the help and guidance of the “Messenger of Hope.” Now these residents, and especially women from Siberia, keep in touch with each other, with the editorial office of VN and help relatives and friends living in different parts of the world. I would like to note that these former tumor patients not only help with advice, tinctures of poisonous plants, the women will even cry and pray in church. But their confidence in the correctness of the methods that cured them is especially important. Siberian women from this community helped establish that strengthening the methods is necessary, but not because the patient does not have negative manifestations from the use of hemlock tincture according to methods No. 1. The reason is the particular severity of some types of cancer, in which the patient does not have the necessary positive manifestations from using the tincture according to method No. 1! This is exactly the picture observed in rectal cancer. sigmoid colon etc., when too little residual amount of poison reaches the tumor area. Failure to understand this feature leads to failure to achieve the expected treatment results even in the best specialists. Method No. 1 of V.V. Tishchenko in especially severe cases of cancer disorients specialists and researchers.

So, the reason for switching to method No. 4 of V.V. Tishchenko is not the absence of negative manifestations, but the absence of positive manifestations, changes in the disease at a dose of 40 drops for particularly severe types of cancer (rectal cancer, sigmoid colon cancer, etc. .). For particularly severe types of cancer, method No. 1 should be considered not exemplary, but insufficient in terms of its effect on the tumor! Experienced traditional herbal healers sensed this weakness of method No. 1 and are developing their own enhanced methods for curing cancer with hemlock tincture. Sometimes the patients themselves do this. “VN” in one of its issues provides a letter describing the behavior of a patient with cancer of the right lung and at the same time with diabetic gangrene right foot. This patient got angry (as written in the letter) and immediately began drinking hemlock tincture, 5 drops 3-4 times a day! Taking 15–20 drops of tincture per day, the patient was cured of cancer.

The transition to enhanced methods (No. 4 and others) requires strict medical laboratory monitoring of the body’s condition, which will be discussed in a separate chapter of this book.

V.V. Tishchenko considers it possible to use an aqueous infusion of hemlock to treat cancer (and considers it more preferable when treating brain cancer). The use of vodka and alcohol tinctures V. Tishchenko considers hemlock to be forced: “Hemlock is a strong essential oil, and if it is not stored correctly, after two months it practically loses its properties. Oil, the main agent, evaporates - the quality of the raw material deteriorates.”

The opinion of V.V. Tishchenko about the applicability of water infusions of hemlock for the treatment of cancer is clearly erroneous. The point is that the main thing active substance hemlock in the treatment of cancer is the free alkaloid hemlock spotted coniine. And all free alkaloids are usually poorly soluble in water and soluble in alcohol and vodka. Therefore, hope for content in water infusions Hemlock does not contain the amount of coniine necessary to cure cancer.

Let's turn for help to the “Medical Dictionary-Reference Book” (chief editor: N.A. Semashko. T.1. 1937): “Most alkaloids are insoluble in water. Free alkaloids dissolve in alcohol, benzene, ether, chloroform, gasoline and other organic solvents.”

N.A. Tyukavkina and Yu.I. Baukov (Bioorganic chemistry. 1991) confirm the insolubility of free plant alkaloids in water: “Alkaloids are heterocyclic nitrogen-containing bases of plant origin that have a pronounced physiological effect. As a rule, alkaloids are tertiary amines and are found in plants in the form of salts of organic acids - citric, malic, oxalic, succinic, etc. Their isolation, purification and determination of the structure is a very labor-intensive task, which includes the use of modern methods organic chemistry(chromatography, IR, UV and NMR spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis.). Alkaloids are usually colorless crystalline substances with a bitter taste, practically insoluble in water, but soluble in organic solvents - ether, chloroform, benzene. Their salts, on the contrary, are highly soluble in water and insoluble in organic solvents.”

In the book by V.V. Tishchenko you can find recommendations for using fly agaric mushrooms instead of hemlock, copper sulfate, solanine (green potatoes), veterinary drugs Alexey Stepanovich Dorogov (ASD-2 and ASD-3). Although A. S. Dorogov’s drugs can sometimes be found in pharmacies, there is no necessary information about the composition of these drugs, their active toxic principle, etc. For this reason, I cannot recommend to readers V. V. Tishchenko’s methods of curing cancer, the active substance in which are ASD drugs.

It must be said that V.V. Tishchenko has absolutely no idea about the immunity of the human body, to which he systematically refers. He does not know which representatives of the immune system are the carriers, the executors of immunity, and believes that they are located inside the cell. This is how he understands cellular immunity. The fact that cellular immunity is based on the specific recognition and destruction of genetically foreign material by special cells - T-lymphocytes,

V.V. Tishchenko doesn’t know. Here is one of his typical expressions: “The immunity of a healthy cell absorbs cancer intoxication.”

Particularly dangerous is the statement of V.V. Tishchenko: “Oxygen supply can be achieved using an oxygen cylinder - it is necessary to take oxygen foam.” It's about about the so-called oxygen cocktails. We remind you: oxygen is the worst enemy of a cancer patient!

V.V. Tishchenko also has a reinsurance statement in principle negative property: “If there is some margin of safety so that the body can tolerate additional load, associated with the launch of a defense mechanism, you can fight death. If not, an operation is necessary with subsequent entry into the proposed technique.” After the operation, there may not be any safety margin left! If this margin of safety still remained after the operation, then there was much more of it before the operation! It is always better to take the path of curing cancer with poisons before the operation than after it - the patient has more strength before the operation. However, this issue always has to be decided by the patient himself. Surgeons will usually recommend surgery. I always advise you to look at those who have already had a similar operation - their impressions will help resolve the issue.

There are times when surgery is needed immediately! This is a completely different picture - this happens, for example, with a sudden intestinal obstruction, and there are no options, only surgery! Next, it is advisable to join one of the methods of V.V. Tishchenko.

But why did V.V. Tishchenko start talking about the operation? This question troubled the author for a long time, since it was not possible to find a satisfactory explanation for such a deviation in the healer’s views. An explanation was found quite recently, when a severe cancer patient (stage IV rectal cancer) spoke about a conversation with his progressive active doctor after long-term treatment(more than a year) about a possible upcoming operation. The reason for talking about the operation was the lack of necessary positive changes during treatment. Moreover, there was evidence of a deterioration in the patient's condition. The doctor’s mistake was that he did not agree to a serious increase in the dose of the curative drug, although the need for such a measure was communicated to him and was visible from the patient’s blood tests. The progressive specialist still did not think of the possibility of increasing the dose of the drug six times. Apparently, V.V. Tishchenko more than once faced the need to make a decision during the treatment of particularly severe cases of cancer. Sometimes this decision led to method No. 4, sometimes to the recommendation of surgery. Later, when considering the use of aconitine as a healing poison, you will learn that in especially severe cases the toxic effect on the body can usefully increase even 30 times! And this will not yet be a chemotherapeutic effect.

Separately, V.V. Tishchenko provides methods for taking hemlock for children:

For children under 3 years old

Beware of overdoses!

For children from 3 to 5 years old

For children from 6 to 9 years old

For children 10–12 years old

“The drug can accumulate in the body. In this case, you need to gradually reduce the dose to one drop and then return to the working dose and continue treatment. In any case, the highest dose must be selected independently, focusing on how you feel. If it’s bad at three drops, then don’t go higher; on the contrary, go down to two and take eight drops a day. If there are no contraindications to three drops, you can increase the single dose to four drops.

When treating hemlock you should know:

Overdoses are under no circumstances permissible - the condition immediately worsens sharply and cancer begins to be defeated. In this case, you need to stop taking hemlock and drink plenty of strong tea without sweets for three days.

If necessary, measures should be taken to lavage the stomach before vomiting and under no circumstances use solutions of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), and then begin reducing the dose to a safe one.

When going through the next cycle, take into account the experience of the previous one. Keep a diary.

It should be especially noted that V.V. Tishchenko, in case of hemlock overdose, repeatedly gives the following recommendation: “Stop taking the drug and take a weak solution of manganese in milk for three days, then reduce the dose to a safe one.”

This recommendation is very diligently repeated by an incredible number of authors and is systematically present in numerous letters from VN readers. Meanwhile, V.V. Tishchenko has collected several incorrect and even harmful pieces of advice in one recommendation.

Firstly, there is no weak solution of manganese, there is a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate, potassium permanganate).

Secondly, weak solutions potassium permanganate is indeed recommended for gastric lavage in case of poisoning from ingestion of aconitine, coniine and other alkaloids. But it should be remembered that this is only true for people who do not have cancer diseases! Potassium permanganate releases oxygen and thus helps with poisoning. For cancer patients, this oxygen is dangerous; it can cause immediate and very severe consequences. For example, with stomach cancer, etc., the tumor can immediately increase significantly in size, since oxygen promotes rapid growth of the tumor.

Thirdly, when potassium permanganate interacts with organic (coal, sugar, tannin) and easily oxidized substances, an explosion can occur, since potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent. By the way, this leads to the following conclusion: In case of any poisoning, activated carbon and potassium permanganate should not be taken simultaneously.

Fourthly, when a solution of potassium permanganate interacts with milk, of course, one should not expect an explosion, but the solution of potassium permanganate immediately ceases to be useful, since it will use up all the oxygen released to oxidize the milk! Thus, a solution of potassium permanganate with milk is complete nonsense, this mixture is completely useless and even harmful in case of overdoses of hemlock and other poisons, that is, it cannot be used for poisoning during the treatment of cancer with poisons.

The author considers it necessary to recall in this chapter the warning of S.N. Golikov (Prevention of poisoning in everyday life. 1975): “The reader will probably be surprised when he learns that the lethal dose of crystalline potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) is only 1 g.”

Hemlock - plant of life

There are a great many medicinal plants used in folk medicine of all countries and peoples. I want to talk about one of them - spotted hemlock. The uniqueness of this plant lies in the fact that it strengthens the immune system, restores the body’s vascular system and blood. But human health rests on these three pillars. Many people have heard about hemlock, because it helps to prolong life or heal from the real scourge of our time - cancer. This wild plant grows in many parts of the globe and is used in medicinal purposes doctors from many countries. In our country, it is used only in homeopathy and traditional medicine. I consider my goal as a herbalist-healer not only to help the sick, but also to promote inexpensive, effective, accessible medicinal plants, so that patients and doctors can use them both in the present and in the future.

Spotted hemlock is a biennial herbaceous plant with a height of 1 to 2 m. The trunk is 1 to 2 m thick. thumb, hollow, smooth, with a whitish waxy coating and often with reddish-brown speckles. It is because of the specks that it is called spotted or speckled. Hemlock loves average moisture and sun, grows on fertile humus soils, often forming huge thickets in manure areas near livestock farms. It also grows along river banks, waste areas, and is found near roads and railways. In our country, hemlock is distributed wherever the temperature in winter does not drop below 30 degrees and there is snow cover that protects hemlock from freezing. The hemlock leaves look like parsley leaves, and the seeds are exactly the same. Hemlock flowers are small, white, collected in a complex umbrella, which is similar to carrot flowers. The smell of dry grass is strong, mousey. Since hemlock is a biennial plant, it blooms in the second year in mid-July and blooms for a month, and at the end of August the plant dries up and brown seeds can be collected from it. Hemlock is well cultivated in vegetable gardens and on summer cottages, without interfering with cultivated plants, which makes it accessible to many residents of the country.

More than 10 years ago, at the Arkhangelsk Medical Academy, Professor Nikolai Nikolaevich Aleutsky studied hemlock at the department of pharmacology and wrote in the press: “We have been using hemlock for a long time, including for the treatment of stage 4 cancer patients with metastases, from which official oncologists refused, the effect was 18-20% of healing.” This means that every fifth hopeless patient has recovered! He further reported: “The positive effect of hemlock has been established on a number of tumors (cancer mammary glands, prostate, lungs, Bladder). We consider it a promising drug.” At the same time, doctors categorically declared the uselessness of hemlock.

The medicinal use of hemlock has a long tradition. Also in Ancient Greece it was used both for medicinal purposes and for the destruction of state criminals. Everything depended on the purpose and dosage. The first information about hemlock as a medicinal plant in Rus' appeared in 1074 in one of the most ancient literary works, “The Collection of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich,” which says that the plant was used for venereal and cancer ulcers, various tumors, including cancer. Hemlock gained particular popularity in the 18th century. The Austrian royal physician Sterk wrote: “But the most glorious of all medicines for cancer is hemlock. This is the most effective cure for cancer, no matter what type it is.”

In Russia in the last decade there has been an extraordinary increase in interest in practical application headaches both in oncology and in many other equally serious diseases. Traditional herbal healers call it one of the best universal medicines, but most doctors have a sharply negative attitude towards hemlock. This is not surprising. Healers who practice the use of hemlock see impressive results in healing the sick. But doctors don’t use it, they don’t know about it healing power and in the old fashioned way they treat him negatively. First of all, cancer patients suffer from this attitude of doctors towards hemlock, since those who are disoriented about the use of hemlock miss the chance of healing. The dosage of the drug has been worked out. Methods of preparation, methods of administration. Materials are provided in the form of an application for an invention. In addition to the anti-carcinogenic (anti-cancer) effect, hemlock has an analgesic, sedative, anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory effect, on the basis of which it is used in herbal medicine.

The analgesic effect of hemlock is well known to cancer patients, who in some cases refused drugs.

For medicinal purposes, the leaves are used during flowering and the seeds in the form of 1:10 tinctures. There are no contraindications, so there are no hemlock treatment side effect on healthy cells, which is confirmed by some doctors. Combines with many drugs. The effect of hemlock in chemotherapy was studied. The results exceeded expectations. Hemlock infusion in combination with chemotherapy increased the protective reaction of cells compared to “chemistry” alone by 7 times. Consequently, spotted hemlock has a positive effect on the immune system, is an immunomodulator and evens it out when prescribed “chemotherapy”.

The plant is poisonous, but the toxicity depends on the concentration of the drug. It is the concentration of the drug that is not taken into account when discussing its effect on the human body. Hemlock poison does not accumulate in the body, but is easily excreted within 10-15 hours by the kidneys, lungs, intestines and through the coda. In practice, we have not encountered any cases of poisoning. Hemlock spotted - treatment plant in skillful hands, a wonderful herb, promising for further study. Its use in the treatment of cancer patients is justified, even in combination with chemotherapy as an immunomodulator. It is advisable to consult with a competent herbalist before starting your appointment.”

Candidate medical sciences Sergei Valerievich Korepanov, who heads the herbal center in Altai, writes: “By prescribing hemlock and some other poisonous herbs in small doses to cancer patients with stage 4 of the process, we often observe an improvement in the quality of life and a slowdown in tumor growth. Poisonous herbs really help by relieving pain and inhibiting tumor growth through stimulation of the immune system. The months allotted by doctors often turn into years full life. Cases of self-healing convince us that. the body, under certain conditions, can cope with cancer. Raise protective forces body to new frontiers - this is the task in treatment malignant tumors poisonous herbs."

Pharmacist, member of the St. Petersburg Society of Herbalists Lidia Nikolaevna Dyakonova, who has been working at the medical university for 15 years, published a unique book “Hemlock in the treatment of malignant and benign tumors.” In it, she points out an extensive list of diseases for which hemlock has a positive effect. These are atherosclerosis, migraine, epilepsy, hypertension, headache, angina, varicose veins, stroke, heart attack, hearing loss, dropsy and many others. L.N. Dyakonova notes that in folk medicine, hemlock has long been the best remedy for the treatment of malignant and benign tumors (myoma polyps, fibroids, endometriosis, mastopathy, prostate adenoma, cysts), liver cirrhosis .

I have been working with hemlock for 15 years and admire its healing properties for various diseases. In my collection of results reported by people for treating headaches, there are hundreds of examples of healing from the most various diseases. I cured my tuberculosis with hemlock 13 years ago without a single pill or injection.

I will give just a few examples of the use of hemlock by patients.

“I am one of those who, until the last hour, hopes for a miraculous cure from cancer.climb. I learned about you and your method of treating hemlock from a relative who works as a radiologist at the oncology clinic in Saransk. 2 years ago a man came to them with a diagnosis of stomach cancer. They cut it and sewed it up, since there was nothing left to cut. They sent me home to die. After 2 years, he came for a re-examination, which confirmed the cure. The man said that he was treated with hemlock.” F.E., Saransk.

“We’ve been drinking hemlock since 1995. At the same time, they drank oregano and rose hips with pine needles. My daughter is diagnosed with leukemia. In the summer we underwent a full examination - the tests were good. We believe in what you are doing!” T.V., Ussu-riysk.

“I am registered with an oncologist. Since 2002, she was bedridden and took drugs. I received hemlock from you, and after 10 drops I sat down, then began to move around with a stool, and stopped taking drugs. Then she began to walk freely. I drank hemlock from 1 drop to 40 and back. I felt great. At this time, my condition has worsened, so I want to drink hemlock again.” A.G., Krasnodar region.

“I had breast surgery. After this, there were relapses along the scar. She underwent surgery every 3 months. I drank hemlock and it helped. Everything is fine. I’ve been going without surgery for a year now.” V.M., Orenburg region.

“You were advised to contact me by a woman who drank drops from hemlock infusion. She had knots on thyroid gland, wanted to have surgery. There was also poor blood clotting. Blood cancer was suspected. After treatment with hemlock everything went away.” T.I. Naberezhnye Chelny.

This is only a small part of the messages received from people who have experienced the healing power of hemlock. So how to treat with hemlock? There are several treatment methods. First, I will tell you how to prepare hemlock tincture.

Vodka tincture is prepared from hemlock raw materials and filled with 40-degree vodka, strong moonshine or alcohol diluted to 50-60 degrees.

Why is it better to make vodka tincture? What is the water infusion? Vodka tincture is stored in the refrigerator or other cool, dark place for 2-3 years, like all medical preparations containing alcohol, and water tincture - no more than 2 days. Vodka extracts 15% of useful substances from plants, and water only 7%, so vodka tincture gives a stronger healing effect. Some people are afraid of vodka tincture (those who drink alcohol or do not drink alcohol at all), believing that it will harm them. There is no need to be afraid of this, since the largest number of drops you drink is 40.

Attention. Hemlock alkaloids are soluble in alcohol, but not in water. Water tinctures hemlocks are useless.

This is about half a teaspoon. All this is dripped into 200 g of water. These are tiny doses of alcohol that cannot harm anyone taking the tincture.

How much raw material is needed to prepare the tincture?

  • If the tincture is made from dry crushed grass, then take 30 g of hemlock per 0.5 liter of vodka, seal it tightly and infuse for 2 weeks in a cool, dark place. It is advisable to shake the stand once a day for better extraction.
  • If the tincture is made from fresh, raw hemlock herb, then the glass container is filled 1/3 with crushed raw materials and filled with vodka to the very top of the container.
  • If the tincture is made from fresh inflorescences during flowering, then the crushed inflorescences are loosely poured into a jar full to the very top without strong compaction and vodka is poured to the top of the container.
  • If the tincture is made from fresh green seeds, then take half the container of seeds and fill it to the top with 70-degree alcohol. Everything is infused for 2-3 weeks, then filtered. The herb can be thrown away or used to apply to sore joints (after the procedure, the herb is placed in a tincture for subsequent procedures).

The tincture is stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 years with a warning label that it is highly toxic. In general, it is better to keep her away from inappropriate people.

Treatment is carried out strictly according to the methods.

There are no contraindications for taking hemlock, but we must remember that this is a poisonous plant, which means you need to take it seriously. There should be no overdoses! If, while taking hemlock, signs of overdose occur (severe headache, nausea or vomiting, salivation, diarrhea), you must stop taking hemlock for 3 days, and then reduce the dose by 1 drop compared to the one that caused the overdose . In the future, daily reduce 1 drop, gradually returning to 1 drop. If desired, you can stop taking hemlock at any dose without reducing it to 1 drop. This will not cause any Negative consequences.

Methods for taking hemlock

Methodology V.V. Tishchenko (royal) . Take hemlock tincture once a day on an empty stomach 1 hour before meals,

starting with 1 drop (measured with a pipette) per 100 g of clean (without chlorine) water. On the second day take 2 drops, on the third day - 3 drops. So, adding 1 drop at a time, reach 40 drops, and then, decreasing 1 drop daily, gradually return to 1 drop. From 1 to 13 drops add the medicine to 100 g of water, from 13 to 26 drops - to 150 g, from 26 to 40 - to 200 g of water. When the dose is reduced, the water is reduced in the same way.

Returning to one drop, without any break we begin the second “ascent” to 40 drops in exactly the same way and return to 1. We do the same without a break for the third time. The entire course of treatment lasts 240 days (8 months). If necessary, treatment can be repeated without any break or take a short break (2 weeks or a month).

Methodology N.I. Danikova. Start drinking hemlock rack with 1 drop per 100 g of water (without bleach) 1 time per day. Add a drop every day to reach 25 drops. Having reached 25 drops. Start taking hemlock 4 times a day (at 8, 12, 16 and 20 o'clock) 15 drops each time. So drink 15 drops 4 times a day until recovery.

If, when switching to the 4-time regimen, you feel an overdose, you can skip 1 dose, i.e. reduce the total dose per day from 60 to 45 drops. After drinking 15 drops 3 times a day for 2 weeks, switch to taking 15 drops 4 times a day.

Methodology Yu.V. Nikiforova. Take hemlock tincture 3 times a day: at 8, 14, 20 o'clock, 5 drops per dose on the first day. On the second day - 6 drops 3 times. So add 1 drop every day for each dose and reach 30 drops 3 times a day. Then, reducing by 1 drop per dose, return to 5 drops. If necessary, the course can be repeated or switched to taking other medicinal plants (monkshood, celandine, fly agaric). Read about the dosages of these poisons in the section

When treating children, doses of hemlock are prescribed depending on age.

There are other methods of treating hemlock. One patient was cured of advanced cancer by experimenting with the use of hemlock and fly agaric, increasing the frequency of use to 10-12 times a day. In any case, there is no need to be afraid of hemlock treatment, but you need to act wisely. They do not treat with huge doses of poison, but with long-term use in normal doses that are not harmful to health. Long-term use stimulates the strengthening of the immune system, and it is the immune system that fights cancer and other diseases. Sunflower-based oil is made from hemlock for external use, as well as various ointments based on fats and petroleum jelly. Hemlock ointment recipes.
Recipe for hemlock ointment from Alexander Golovkov.

I see my personal contribution to the fight against cancer in disseminating information about hemlock treatment, as well as in helping cancer patients with advice and the herb itself. For 15 years, I have sent hemlock seeds for sowing to tens of thousands of readers of various newspapers and magazines. Now I continue the campaign “Heads of pain in every home!” and I can send hemlock seeds to anyone who wants them. Send a signed envelope and you will receive the seeds unique plant, which will help you or your loved ones in restoring lost health.

Sincerely , Gregory Mikhailovich Semiletov , herbalist , 397628, Voronezh region ., Kalacheevsky area , With . Horsetail , st. Molodezhnaya, d. 1,

In the 12th (192nd) issue of the newsletter for last year (2001), we published material by Sergei Ivanovich Tsvetkov, a doctor from Novosibirsk “ A New Look on the use of plant poisons." Today we offer readers who are treated with tinctures of poisonous herbs, new article Tsvetkova

I would like to immediately thank you for the prompt publication of my article. The result was a flurry of phone calls and letters asking for help. Unfortunately, most of them are people with stage IV of the disease, to whom doctors “promised” 1-2 months to live. Of course, it’s too early to talk about the results, but all of them, ugh, ugh, ugh, are alive and the treatment continues. It can also be said that there are many cases when “bedridden patients” get out of bed, lead an active lifestyle and do not consider themselves cancer patients...

It’s one thing to just read an article and quite another to start treatment in a new way: many questions arise. Of course, I answer phone calls, but how can I help people who wrote letters from villages, villages, towns, where, apparently, the ability to call is a problem. But the lion's share of letters are made up of them - letters from the outback. I would like to again use the help of the messenger to answer the most frequently asked questions. Perhaps this article will serve as an answer to the call: “Don’t abandon us, cancer patients!” - after all, for many, the messenger is the only connection with the outside world, the first and last source of information, a path.

Many years of work with medicinal plants containing poisons led me to the idea that modern recipes for taking herbs, which absolutely exactly repeat the recipes of the early 20th century, are ineffective and only work after long-term use. Many herbs are first dried or stored for a long time, and then preparations are made from them. As a result, not only the poison is removed, but most of the active substances are also lost, and therefore high efficiency herbs Today's patient needs a high therapeutic effect: immediately and for a long time. Therefore, it is best to use only fresh raw materials whenever possible, to increase the concentration of active substances - that is the whole point of “my system”. Although there is nothing of mine here - this is simple logic and practice.

In my opinion, cancer can only be defeated with fresh, strong herbs, and a variety of herbs and large quantities. The most commonly used plant poisons include: hemlock, aconite, alocasia, vekh, colchicum, tobacco, yew, as well as pink periwinkle and podophyllum.

In this material I will dwell in more detail on hemlock.

Hemlock tincture can be used for any type of cancer, however, like tinctures of all other listed poisonous plants, but hemlock will most effectively help with lesions of the mammary glands, brain and spinal cord, prostate gland, as well as the stomach and lungs. It is with these types of cancer that the therapeutic effect will be most powerful. For metastases, it is better to use tincture of Vekha or aconite. The most important thing in preparing hemlock tincture is high concentration essential oil of the plant.

To obtain a strong tincture, it is necessary to pour 70% alcohol fresh plant, namely: unripe seeds - they fill the jar to 2/3 of the volume (or better yet, 3/4 of the volume) and pour alcohol directly into the field. After a week of infusion, you can start using the tincture. Traditional "slide" scheme according to Tishchenko- up to 40 drops and back - effective only for the treatment of benign tumors and has little effect for the treatment of cancer. Only large doses of hemlock (for example, 240 drops) have an effect on cancerous tumor, in this case, as patients notice, there is a reduction in inflamed lymph nodes, relief of pain effects, and destruction of tumor cells, especially young cells. Let me make a reservation right away that you don’t need to immediately rush thoughtlessly and take the dosages I’m writing about. What is important is the patient’s condition, his tests, and what else he takes besides the poison.

With a gradual increase in the number of drops of hemlock tincture, poisoning does not occur, and an improvement in the condition almost always occurs. It is mainly young cancer cells and metastases that are destroyed by poisons. Old cancer cells on the surface of the tumor are destroyed, creating, as it were, a protective shell over the entire tumor. The same effect occurs during chemotherapy, the effectiveness of which reaches 40%. Thus, even when treated with plant poisons, new foci and metastases are destroyed, and the old tumor is, as it were, fenced off from external, unfavorable conditions and exists, practically, independently of the body. In order to achieve more complete penetration into the tumor, additional active substances, new herbs are guides, herbs that enhance microcirculation and enhance lymphatic drainage, then the therapeutic effect will be much greater.

Therefore, with timely intake of herbal poisons, you can stop the growth of cancer cells, improve your condition and live like this for quite a long time, many years, continuing to use herbal poisons in combination with herbs. With a significant reduction in the dose of poison, the occurrence of favorable external factors (stress, improved blood supply due to poor nutrition, physical exercise...) tumor activation may occur again. This often happens in cancer patients cured with herbs who are in severe stressful situation, - cancer returns to old places with even greater force than before.

How many drops of hemlock tincture can you drink? Maximum amount drops are determined individually, there are no specific values ​​here. You need to begin to gradually increase the dose of poison until the first signs of poisoning appear: nausea, vomiting, headache, diarrhea. This can be 60 or 260 drops of hemlock tincture per dose. In this case, you need to immediately take a general blood test. If at the same time the number of leukocytes has dropped to 3.5x10e, or perhaps the number of platelets has decreased to less than 150x109, then the number of drops of hemlock no longer needs to be increased, but, on the contrary, reduced by 3-5 drops, so drink without decreasing, the longer the better. Of course, you also need to focus on your well-being, tests, and liver function, because Hemlock has a side effect specifically on the liver!

So, the whole point of treatment comes down to establishing the maximum acceptable dose of poison for you and treating it without reducing the dosage for 3-4 months! The more you can drink the poison, the stronger the effect on the tumor will be, provided that the body copes well with the poison. The question arises: since only large doses of poison are effective, how to achieve them faster - after all, the tumor develops quickly, and it will take up to 8 months to achieve a dose of 240 drops? Therefore, I recommend that my patients start taking hemlock with 3 drops and increase by 3 drops every day, that is: 3, 6, 9, etc. If your condition is not good, there is no need to rush, increase the dosage gradually, 1 drop per day. Renewal of cells, including cancer cells, occurs within 3-4 months - if you reduce the dosage of hemlock, then cancer cells will also be renewed!

But that's not all. For those whose bodies are even more or less strong, it is recommended taking hemlock twice a day, in this case there is a stronger load on the body, but the results are obtained faster...

But let’s say you missed the first signs of poisoning and got poisoned, that is, you may have some of the symptoms: severe headache, constant diarrhea, profuse vomiting. What to do? It is necessary to take sour fruit drink or juice (acid neutralizes the poison), do an intestinal lavage, take up to 15 tablets activated carbon or polyphepam, drink cold strong tea or coffee (if your blood pressure is very low). You should also stop taking hemlock for 3 days, then reduce the dose by 5-7 drops and continue drinking, and take a blood test again a week later.

I repeat: our task is to drink as many drops of hemlock as possible, without reducing the dose, to constantly balance on the verge of poisoning, and try not to take breaks.

What could be a reason to reduce the dose of poison? Firstly, of course, as I said, decrease in blood counts: leukocytes or platelets - below the lower limit. Secondly, deterioration general condition with good blood parameters. And third: disruption internal organs . In this case, it is recommended to give various herbs to support one or another organ and, what is very important, not to significantly reduce the dose of poison.

  • to improve liver function: volodushka, barberry, burberry, hill solyanka, hoofweed, tartar;
  • to reduce swelling and maintain kidney function: bedstraw, steelhead, red root, rhododendron, budra, jasmine, gorse;
  • for the lungs: cyanosis, hippole, eryngium, red nightshade;
  • for the brain, vasodilation for brain cancer: marsh whiteweed, periwinkle, mistletoe, cornflower, dream grass;
  • to restore the musculoskeletal system: cinquefoil, comfrey, black root, aconite, fly agaric;
  • to relieve pain: henbane, dope;
  • to relieve fear, anxiety: peony, cyanosis, moonseed, black nightshade;
  • to increase pressure: Tatar grass, Mordovnik, ephedra, toadflax.

The method of preparation and use in most cases is classic: pour 1-1.5 tablespoons of the collection into 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes, strain, squeeze, add boiling water to a glass and drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

I almost always use it in medicinal combinations. ASD fraction-2. In addition to a large number positive properties, - calms, gives energy, has an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect, increases the energy capacity of the lungs, and so on. But the most main quality of ASD- this is that it is a catalyst (amplifier) ​​of all drugs introduced into the body. It strengthens joint use herbs, increases the speed and strength of their absorption. The very use of ASD alone, without additional herbs, does not have this effect strong effect, which has been talked about so much lately.

However, the author knows of a case where the use of one ASD gave a stunning result: one of my relatives was cured of stage IV rectal cancer after doctors sent her to her home to die. Then she started drinking ASD in tablespoons and washing it down with kefir 4-5 times a day. She smelled of ASD all over, but she was cured! 20 years have passed, she is alive and well, she is 85 years old. But this is not a case to be followed. After all, people at that time were stronger, and the ASD produced by the Armavir biofactory over the past 10 years leaves much to be desired...

In conclusion, we can give an approximate scheme for taking herbs and ASD in order to somehow link all of the above.

7.00 - present hemlock
7.30- ASD
8.00 - herbal collection
8.20 - breakfast
12.00 - present hemlock
13.00 - herb collection
18.00 - present hemlock
19.00 – herbal collection

In conclusion, I would like to say this: if you are being treated for cancer long time and do not get the desired result, change the treatment method to another one. You can check the effectiveness of treatment not only on your own, focusing on your well-being, but also by squeezing blood for tumor markers in any medical center. To do this, blood is taken from a vein and tumor markers are determined for each suspected diseased organ. This is best done before starting treatment and every 3-6 months.

Reducing markers will give you additional confidence and strength for further struggle.

Do not forget that cancer treatment is a long process, and even if you receive positive results from treatment, you should not relax and stop treatment. And the words: “I’m tired of feeling sick” are inappropriate here, because the stakes are too high.

I would like to especially mention those people who received surgical treatment, chemotherapy, radiation therapy. All assurances: “We cleaned you well. You are healthy,” should not reassure you - after all, no competent doctor ever gives any guarantee.

Therefore, after such acute methods, it is necessary to continue treatment. In my practice, there are many cases when cancer began to reactivate again, and people received advanced stage IV instead of the “cured” stage II after 2-3 years. Use the respite after treatment as a chance for salvation. Don't give up!

Spotted hemlock – poisonous plant, which has been used in medicine since ancient times as healing medicine. Most often, hemlock tincture is used when there is malignant neoplasms, even if metastases have appeared. This remedy, despite its toxicity, has saved more than one life.

  • How to collect a plant for making an infusion

    Spotted hemlock is a biennial plant. The height of one specimen reaches 2 m. It has a tubular stem, which is covered with bloom and reddish spots. The leaves of this plant resemble parsley. Hemlock blooms with small white flowers, followed by rounded seeds.

    Important! When collecting spotted hemlock, you need to be careful, because it is a poisonous plant. All its parts have a strong toxic effect.

    To prepare medicines, hemlock leaves and flowers are collected, but if it has over-bloomed, you can take the seeds, which have no less healing properties. The procurement of raw materials takes place all summer.

    The most big amount The inflorescences contain useful substances. It is from them that it is recommended to make a tincture. It is best to collect hemlocks while wearing rubber gloves, but if you are without them, then you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap after all manipulations. Do not introduce children to this activity, because getting a small amount of plant juice into the mouth can cause poisoning.

    After collection, in order not to lose the healing properties, you need to immediately grind the raw materials, then add a small amount of alcohol. When harvesting hemlock, take with you a glass jar of alcohol or vodka, where you place the picked inflorescences and leaves. This will preserve volatile substances, thanks to which antitumor properties are achieved.

    Composition of spotted hemlock

    The seeds of the plant contain in large quantities:

    • poisonous alkaloids - coniine, methylkoniine, pseudoconhydrin, coniceine;
    • tannins;
    • beta-carotene;
    • micro and macroelements;
    • vitamin C;
    • fixed oils.

    Hemlock leaves have at least active ingredients– caffeic acid, essential oils and a small amount of alkaloids. Small flowers contain quercetin and kaempferol.

    Useful properties of the healing agent

    The tincture, which is prepared from spotted hemlock, has various qualities, which allows it to be used in the treatment of many diseases.

    • antitumor;
    • wound healing;
    • absorbable;
    • antiseptic;
    • antispasmodic.

    During treatment there is a pronounced sedative effect. A person becomes more balanced, sleep becomes calmer.

    The medicine has an immunostimulating effect. After a course of treatment they increase protective functions body, it fights viruses, bacteria, and infections better. Seasonal epidemics colds for the person who took the tincture, they pass unnoticed.

    Important! An additional effect of using this medicine is a mild diuretic effect.

    Hemlock is most valued for its antitumor effects. It is able to suppress growth and get rid of cancer at any stage, even when metastases have spread in the human body. The medicine is also used for benign neoplasms.

    The poisonous plant is often used as an analgesic or antispasmodic. It is also an excellent anticonvulsant.

    What does tincture treat - application

    The use of the medicine, which is prepared from spotted hemlock, has saved many lives. Dangerous and poisonous alkaloids contained in the plant, in certain doses, have a healing effect on the body. The tincture or extract will help with cancer at different stages.

    Hemlock tincture an indispensable tool in gynecology for the treatment of many female diseases:

    Important! The healing extract will help with uterine fibroids or other benign formations - polyps, ovarian cysts.

    Hemlock is used to treat cancer of the lungs, stomach, thyroid, duodenum, brain and mammary glands. In oncology this irreplaceable plant, which will help get rid of malignant tumors and metastases.

    Due to the antiseptic and wound-healing effects of hemlocks, it is recommended for the treatment of:

    Important! The healing extract lowers blood pressure, so it is an excellent medicine for treating hypertension.

    This tincture has found its use not only for women, but also for men. This is an indispensable remedy for prostatitis and malignant tumors of the prostate gland.

    Hemlock tincture is used internally or externally for compresses for diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

    Important! It is acceptable to use the tincture externally for the treatment of warts, papillomas, and fungus. To do this, dilute it in water in a 1:1 ratio and apply it to the problem area as a compress for 30-40 minutes.

    Hemlock has an antispasmodic effect, quenches painful sensations for headaches or other localized pain, helps with Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, chorea, whooping cough.

    The immunostimulating effect makes it possible to use the tincture for lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. It is also used to treat serious infectious diseases - tuberculosis, syphilis, which are difficult to treat and require a long rehabilitation period.

    How to prepare a remedy for treatment

    Spotted hemlock is used to treat a wide variety of diseases only in the form of a tincture or extract. This form of medicine will help preserve most of the beneficial substances contained in the inflorescences, leaves and seeds of plants.

    Alcohol tincture

    To prepare the medicine you need to take clean medical alcohol. Place 150 g of fresh raw materials, which were collected on the same day, in a small container. Pour 300 ml of 90-96% alcohol into the herb. This mixture should be infused in a cold place, preferably in the refrigerator for 20 days.

    Important! You cannot grind raw materials using a meat grinder. This will greatly reduce the quality of the final product, and the tincture will be ineffective.

    Try to shake the medicine frequently to useful material were evenly distributed, and the tincture acquired the desired properties. Also, do not open the jar so that the volatile components do not separate from the liquid, which will weaken the properties of the extract.

    Vodka tincture

    To prepare medicine from spotted hemlock, you can use regular vodka. Medicine recipe:

    1. When collecting raw materials, take with you a liter glass jar, which is tightly closed with a lid. Pour vodka into the container 1/3 full.
    2. When picking parts of a plant, preferably inflorescences or leaves, immediately chop them up and place them in a jar. The container must be tightly closed with a lid to prevent the airing of volatile elements.
    3. Shake the jar all the time, all parts of the plant should be in contact with the liquid. Add vodka as the container fills. Fill the entire jar to the top with herbs.
    4. Infuse the medicine in a very cold place for at least 18 days. At this time, do not open the lid so as not to reduce the effectiveness of the tincture. Shake the jar 1-3 times every day.

    After this term strain the healing liquid through several layers of gauze.

    Important! Label the container with the medicine so you don’t accidentally drink it. Large doses of tincture produce a toxic effect on the body.

    Store the finished product out of the reach of children in a glass container. The optimal temperature for storage is 14-18°C.

    Methods for using infusions

    There are several effective techniques use of medicinal extract. Each of them makes it possible to make the most of beneficial features plants without harm to health.

    Taking the extract according to Tishchenko

    This method will help in the presence of benign and malignant neoplasms, chronic diseases or low immunity.

    Start treatment with one drop of medicine, adding another drop every day. Having reached a dose of 40 drops, reduce the amount of tincture. Gradually you should get back to one drop.

    Important! For severely weakened people, you can reduce the maximum dosage of the tincture to 20 drops.

    Drink the anti-tumor remedy in the morning on an empty stomach, diluting it in a glass of water. Do not swallow the liquid in one gulp. Only with this approach can one achieve maximum effect from hemlock.

    Important! A high-quality tincture has a rich color and a specific “mouse” smell.

    For prevention various diseases You can also use Tishchenko's scheme. Then it will be enough to take one course of taking the tincture.

    Treatment regimen using the Ermolchik method

    This method will be used for treatment oncological diseases, and the tincture should be drunk with various healing decoctions:

    To prepare a decoction of oats you will need 200 g of dry grains. At night, fill them with a small amount of water so that the oats swell. In the morning, add water so that it completely covers the grain. Cook it all for 1.5 hours, constantly adding fresh water. When the grain is cooked, you can remove the saucepan from the heat and strain the liquid.

    Important! To prepare a herbal decoction, pour 1 tbsp. l. dry ingredients 240 ml boiling water. Infuse this mixture for 20 minutes.

    The medication regimen in this case:

    • 4 days, 1 drop 6 times a day at regular intervals;
    • every 4 days increase the dose of tincture by 1 drop;
    • the maximum amount of medicine is 5 drops until recovery;
    • Take each dose of the healing elixir with 70 ml of decoction.

    This technique is suitable for people with serious illnesses; it cannot be used for prevention.

    Contraindications for use

    Hemlock tincture is very toxic and not always safe. Therefore, treatment with this medicine must be approached with all seriousness and responsibility, so as not to harm yourself.

    Plant extract is contraindicated for the following categories:

    • old people;
    • little children;
    • when a person is severely weakened by illness;
    • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
    • after surgery.

    Also, hemlock should not be taken for serious problems with liver. This organ removes dangerous poisons from the body, which is impossible in this case.

    Important! Treatment with tincture should begin 2 months after removal of malignant tumors, but only if wellness sick.

    If you are intolerant to the extract, side effects may occur:

    • hearing and vision impairments;
    • dizziness;
    • the person feels very sick;
    • the pupils of the eyes dilate.

    In case of severe poisoning, convulsions, paralysis of limbs, and loss of consciousness may occur.

    If you decide to start treatment with hemlock tincture, take this issue very seriously in order to protect yourself from negative consequences. But if everything is done correctly, you can be healed and forget about cancer or other diseases.

    Discussion: 25 comments

    Any cancer is treated with chemotherapy.

    A traditional methods, are there any ways?

    Cancer cannot be cured using traditional methods!

    I read about the tincture of hemlock and aconite, they write that they stop the growth of the tumor and prevent metastases from forming - is this not true?

    They can be used, but together with chemotherapy, they enhance each other’s effect.

    After the examination, my husband was found to have a polyp and a hilar bacterium... I don’t remember. We took the medicine for a month and decided to drink hemlock tincture ourselves. And our blood pressure began to rise. Although it is written that, on the contrary, it contributes to a decrease

    How did you drink hemlock?

    3 drops per 50g of water 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

    There's a different scheme. You start with 1 drop and gradually increase to 40, when you reach 40, reduce to 1 - this is the course.

    We read about this regimen, but we were told to drink according to this regimen. In general, can hemlock raise blood pressure?

    Thank you very much. This is what I wanted to find out. Because my husband is hypertensive and we moved to the Krasnodar region and it seems that the pressure has stabilized for a month without any medications at all. And then, after three days, the pressure rises to 150/90, age 65 years.

    Please tell me how much water to dilute hemlock in to drink at a rate of 1 to 40 drops?

    Marina, good afternoon!

    Eat various techniques. Here is one of the most convenient! On the first day, take 1 drop (morning, afternoon and evening). The next day, in the morning - 4 drops, in the afternoon - 5, in the evening - 6, and so on until 40. Up to 13 drops, 100 ml of water is given, from 13 to 26 - 150 ml, and from 26 to 40 - 200 ml. You can mix it with honey one to one and take a medium dessert spoon 15-20 minutes before meals.

    Thanks a lot! But I take it according to a simple method (from the 1st to the 40th day daily), the given one is too much for me)))

    Please tell me, if I miss a day or two of taking hemlock (I’m going to have surgery), how can I continue taking it?

    In 2016, the husband underwent surgery to remove the sigmoid colon, then surgery to restore it, and in May 2017, removal of part of the lung (right). Chemotherapy was refused due to a bad heart. We started drinking hemlock according to the scheme of 1-40 drops and back in 100 ml of water daily. We accept from September 1. Question: should the amount of water be increased? Is a break between courses really necessary? Information is different everywhere

    Tatyana, good afternoon.

    There are actually several methods on how to drink hemlock and therefore the information is different. Yes, the amount of water needs to be increased. See the reception diagram.

    Up to 15 drops per glass of water. From 15 drops to 30 drops 150 g. water. After 30 drops per 200 gr. water. Do the same in reverse order to decrease.

    Simply put, 1 drop and up to 40 drops and from 40 drops and up to 1 drop.

    A break is desirable, it is better not to neglect it.

    Marina, drink it later according to the same scheme. Starting from where you finish.

    Thanks a lot!! The operation was temporarily canceled due to natural reasons. I didn’t bother re-registering with her. I decided to drink the hemlock to the end and do another ultrasound. And then think again. Once again thank you so much for the answers!

    Tell me please. My father was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer; at 80 years old, the pain began to be quite weakened, very bad, and little by little he was eating. They decided to take hemlock tincture according to which regimen is best to take so as not to harm.

    you need to start drinking with one drop of medicine and reach 40. But since your father is already very old and has weak body, then go up to 20 drops. Then lower the dosage back. You must get back to one drop.

    I have lung cancer 4 tbsp. Do you think hemlock will help me? Honestly, I would like to live.

    Good afternoon. Hemlock has healing properties and I know many patients who were cured of stage 4 cancer. The main thing is to believe and not give up. Also, do not ignore drug treatment.

    Please tell me what is the maximum break between courses of taking hemlock? I took one course according to the method from 1 k. to 40 k. and back.



  • ABOUT! This is the villain with kind eyes. He can do a lot of good, but he can bring one to the brink of the grave just as quickly as he can deliver him from this evil fate. Being one from birth, he dreamed of good all his life, putting on the harmless and arranging himself in the image and likeness of garden crops.

    Its color is very similar to the color of parsley.

    He took the leaves from carrots - outwardly he is harmless and attractive. Its trunk is a tubular telescope - thicker at the bottom, very thin at the top. He loves children and children love him, making pipes out of him.

    People call it bugela or elderberry, although it has nothing in common with real elderberry. They also call him angelica. A master of imitation and camouflage by external signs, he is very individual in another way - when collecting inflorescences during flowering (from the first to the last days of June), you can suffer greatly from him. Hemlock is a powerful ether carrier. Having inhaled air saturated with the smell of hemlock, we suddenly begin to feel a heavy, hot stone in our heads - the pain in our heads is terrible. Then everything (at best) passes.

    When collecting inflorescences, you must approach it from the direction of the wind - otherwise there will be trouble. The smell of hemlock is sharp and unpleasant - the smell of a mouse nest. In these two qualities, I think he also tried to imitate someone, but did not make the right choice. And yet he is kind. It kills cancer. He is especially successful in the fight against cancer of the stomach, liver, intestines, esophagus, breast - you just need to approach him correctly, and he will definitely deal with your killer.

    The best of all methods is the royal one, described in the Bible by King David. In the psalter, David complains to God, asking for mercy: “You struck me with all your waves...”. This system is called cycling. When using any poison according to this system, the lethal dies. The living thing, weakened by cancer intoxication, receives an additional beating and comes to life, gaining strength for the fight - immunity.

    By suppressing a cancerous tumor, hemlock relieves cancerous intoxication that has gradually entered the body and suppressed the immune system, ruining the vascular system. However, being a strong poison, the same hemlock irritates the cell, provoking the body to develop immunity, and achieves its goal by strengthening the immune system, which allows the body to fight independently in the future.

    Let's start by describing in detail the collection of medicinal raw materials. In early June, having grown stronger and sometimes reaching human height, the hemlock throws out inflorescences full of essential oil. For example, I take two containers. The first is a half-liter jar in which I crush the inflorescences, adding a few young leaves. Having filled the jar halfway, I pour the contents into a 3-liter bottle, into which I poured 0.5 liters of a semi-alcohol solution. Simply put - vodka. Folk remedies are also possible, since fusel oil also destroys tumors, but it must be of high quality. And so, we agreed: the bottle contains half a liter of vodka. If I, having crushed the inflorescences (not very much), filled a full liter jar, I would notice that the jar is very hot - a reaction begins with the release of heat - this is extremely detrimental to the raw material. Therefore, when pouring hemlock into the bottle, I shake the contents to wet everything with vodka. You can pour in more - as much as necessary to wet the inflorescences. Having filled the dishes halfway, when I came home, I filled the contents to the top with vodka. Having sealed it tightly with polyethylene and sealed it tightly, I put the dishes in a dark, cool place for 10 days. In emergency cases, you can use it after 3-5 days, but as a rule, leave it on for up to two weeks. The reaction is underway, the hood is being prepared.

    Low tide required amount poisonous tincture into another container, cover it with a lid and place it in the refrigerator. The drug is ready. In the morning on an empty stomach, an hour before meals, add 1 drop of tincture to 0.5 glasses of water. The next day - 2 drops. On the third day - three and so on - up to 40 drops, so on the 40th day we rise to the top of our business - 40 drops of deadly poison are drunk, and life goes on.

    Then the convergence begins with this high mountain. Having returned to 1 drop, we notice that our condition has improved. If it was esophageal cancer, severe stenosis, and even some water didn’t go away, so we were dying of thirst, then after 80 days we can calmly eat whatever we like. We drink water as desired - and live.

    But we will not rejoice and be delighted - the body will not forgive us for this: we can disrupt the biopolar corrective frame, and everything will go to waste, as is usually the case with premature joys. We are walking along a narrow path over the abyss of death and have only gone half way. Who would call someone smart who stands over an abyss, trying to maintain balance, and suddenly begins to rejoice?

    The condition should be approximately the same as that of a sapper holding a mine in his hands. What joy there!

    If, when we started the business, we had a tumor of 3-4 degrees, severe cancer intoxication, and the body was weakened from all adversity, then, starting the second cycle, we have immunity, getting rid of the tumor and the belief that we are on the right way. The second time you can go up to 40 drops, but you can’t get carried away: hemlock is poison. Therefore, having reached 40, we must return again to one in order to again begin the last path that consolidates success. But this is optional.

    I would like to present to your eyes the inscription on one of the cemetery monuments in Odessa. There, the buried person shares his bitter experience with words carved on stone: “Everything was good, but I wanted even better, and this is what came of it”... I think it was clever man, and the advice of smart people cannot be ignored.

    After a hard struggle, wounds must be healed. For complete rehabilitation I gave the body all the necessary means. The most important thing is to restore the vascular system. This blocks the formation of cancer altogether.

    It remains to add that spotted hemlock is a strong pain reliever for cancer. It also stimulates work hematopoietic organs, eliminates varicose veins. And how much more is hidden in it - only God knows. He created it.



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