How not to sleep in the New Year. How not to fall asleep on New Year's Eve - New Year - catalog of articles - bachelorette party

They say that Napoleon slept 5 hours a day. And Peter the Great and, by the way, “ The Iron Lady» Margaret Thatcher - only 4 hours. In total, two were enough for Leonardo da Vinci, since he mastered the technique short nap: fifteen minutes every three hours.


Is it possible to learn to sleep less? Then, it seems, there will be no problems - not in New Year's Eve, or any other. And how much you can do! For example, ascetic philosophers have struggled with sleep for a long time: someone even put a stone under their head instead of a pillow. And the German mystic poet Novalis even practiced resting on the edge of a stake. Humanity has broken many copies to prove to itself that it is possible to survive without sleep. Some people even succeeded. But not without consequences. The pioneer was New York radio commentator Peter Tripp. In 1959, he set a record and stayed awake for 8 days. But already on the fourth day, instead of pens and glare of light on the desk, he began to see giant insects. Upon leaving the experiment, what awaited him was not a crowd of enthusiastic listeners, but psychiatric care. In 1965, the world record was updated by 17-year-old Californian Randy Gardner. He didn't sleep for 10 days. His friends helped him. They took turns entertaining the guy with music, wild dancing and a variety of noise. And Randy held on. But he became wildly irritable, and by the end of the experiment he was almost throwing himself at people.

Margaret Takvir from Pennsylvania sleeps the least in the world - 2 hours a day! Her brain, as scientists have found, is unusual. All stages of sleep seem to be compressed in time, and Margaret manages to get a great night's sleep in “express mode.” Most of us need at least seven hours of sleep. Because chronic lack of sleep leads to metabolic failure (yes, lack of sleep makes you fat!) and disruption of work nervous system, changes in the immune system, the occurrence of diabetes and even psychosis. So it is completely wrong to deliberately fight sleep. Well, maybe on New Year's Day.

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Remember the old joke? On the eve of the holiday, our artist receives a call from Hollywood and reports that the famous Steven Spielberg is inviting him to play the main role. And he, instead of dying of happiness, replies: “What Spielberg?!” I have Christmas trees!” Among my friends there are many artists, and many of them have their own tricks on how to stay cheerful throughout New Year's Eve. One friend, a singer, always gets enough sleep on “day X” and then takes cold and hot shower with orange gel. Another has her own trick: don’t drink water! Firstly, she says, the eyes will not swell, and secondly, thirst does not contribute to sleep. The third, before heading to the bench, swims in the pool and eats exactly three bananas to recharge her energy. By the way, “charging yourself” with coffee and other caffeine-containing drinks - especially sweet ones like cola - makes no sense: for sharp jump Vigor (as well as blood sugar levels) will very soon be followed by the same sharp decline - and you will fall asleep on the go. The same applies to alcohol and, in general, to a rich New Year's menu. Therefore, the most reasonable thing would be to do without excesses, and from invigorating drinks prefer, for example, unsweetened green tea: it has the most even stimulating effect.

Try the day before sleepless night set aside at least 20 minutes for siesta, preferably at the time of the body’s natural decline in activity - between 13 and 16 hours. In general, it is unlikely that you will be able to get enough sleep in advance: our brain does not know how to accumulate rest for future use. But if you regularly go to bed before midnight, the body as a whole will be in good shape, and this will help it mitigate the effect of force majeure wakefulness. This is the notorious golden “rule of three eights”: 8 hours a day for work, 8 for rest and 8 hours for sleep.

What can you do to cheer yourself up in the midst of a festive night? For example, the right scents - rosemary, grapefruit, lemon and other citrus fruits: just apply a few drops of essential oil to a handkerchief.

Try acupressure. On outside hands in a triangular hollow between the large and index fingers find the active (painful) point and massage it with a “screwing” motion for a couple of minutes - this technique relieves fatigue. Perhaps a simple one will help you breathing exercise: stand up straight and do full breath, hold your breath as long as possible. Then exhale forcefully through your mouth. This way you saturate the blood with oxygen, and when you exhale, the accumulated harmful substances. There is also gymnastics for the face: vigorously rub your ears, and then try to tightly squeeze and unclench your eyelids several times... Well, then you can refresh your makeup.

Mystics will advise you to choose jewelry “with meaning.” For example, it is believed that a diamond gives its owner fortitude, brings success and, by the way, protects against alcoholism. Sapphire develops clarity of thought; onyx and tiger's eye drive away fatigue, and yellow citrine accumulates energy and prevents you from falling asleep. Believe it or not - the choice, of course, is yours. For myself personally, I know that I will only wear my favorite jewelry. And I’ll try to fall in love - this adrenaline will definitely not let you fall asleep on New Year’s Eve!

If your New Year's Eve plans don't include going to bed early, find out how to help your body stay alert longer.

You are planning to spend New Year's Eve fun and unforgettable, but your body is accustomed to the fact that you sleep at night, and are not actively awake, eating, drinking and listening to loud music. How to “agree” with your friends internal clock so that immediately after the chiming clock you are not overcome by the desire to go to bed?

First of all, it is advisable to set aside a couple of hours for nap. Even if you can’t fall asleep, such rest will give your body the strength to stay awake at night.

1. Drink coffee

Drowsiness may appear even if on the last day of the year you woke up later or took a nap during the day. The most popular invigorating remedy is coffee. However, for the drink to work as efficiently as possible, it is better to drink it not in huge quantities, and drink 1-2 cups a couple of hours before New Year's Eve. In this case, you can drink no more than one cup within an hour. If the body gets too large dose caffeine for a short time, the effect will be the opposite of what you expected - you will start yawning and want to sleep. By the way, the smell of coffee itself helps to cheer you up.

Use coffee beans and other invigorating aromas. The fresh, pungent smells of citrus fruits and exotic plants. Can be used essential oils lemon, rosemary. Apply a couple of drops to your wrist or handkerchief and inhale the aroma periodically.

2. Don't overeat

According to tradition, the New Year's table is decorated with a variety of delicious dishes, which is why it is so difficult to control the amount you eat. But it is physiologically determined that after generous intake food makes you sleepy. Alcoholic drinks often cause the same reaction. In addition, some foods increase drowsiness, for example, fatty foods, flour and sweets. A small portion of fish or a poultry dish will help maintain emotional activity.

3. Move

Physical activity will help your body understand that now is not the time to sleep. Therefore, alternate the feast with movement, for example dancing, or take a walk fresh air, most importantly, don’t stay in one place. If the “spirit of Morpheus” has appeared in your company, and you don’t plan to stop the holiday, then go outside: watch the festive fireworks, play in the snow, or find something else active occupation, which will please everyone. If you can’t go outside, then at least regularly ventilate the room where the New Year celebration is taking place.

4. Listen to music

Pleasant, rhythmic and dancing will help relieve drowsiness, even if you don’t dance that night. But keep in mind that it is too loud music will cause fatigue and lead to headaches.

5. Don't smoke

If you don't smoke yourself, try to stay away from smoking areas. Cigarette smoke may cause headache and increase fatigue.

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6. Turn on the light

The functioning of the internal clock directly depends on lighting in the room. Turn on the lights brighter. This will reduce the production of melatonin, a hormone that controls sleep and circadian rhythms.

7. Take a shower

If you feel yourself starting to fall asleep, do contrasting water treatments - they will help you return to reality. For men, wash for two minutes alternating with cool and warm water, and women can use contrast dousing hands (if it’s not time to wash off your holiday makeup yet). Moreover, any contrast procedures must end cold water.

8. Dress up nicely

It is impossible to spend New Year's Eve "invigorating" without the right mood. External attributes of the holiday and even cloth in which you meet New Year, affects your mood. In the weather, behind the beauty and originality of the outfit, do not forget that it should be comfortable. If your clothes are too warm, you will certainly start to feel sleepy. An outfit that is too cool will not allow you to fully relax and get ready for the holiday. It is not advisable to meet in ordinary home clothes, even if you are going to celebrate all night in the company of your closest people. The fact is that home clothes set the mood for passive rest and sleep.

Don't forget that after a sleepless night you need to get enough sleep to fun party did not end sadly for your health. You will probably not be able to fall asleep and rest properly at 9-10 am. At this time, the body begins a period of activity, and attempts to put it to sleep can provoke irritability, a feeling of weakness, headaches and Bad mood. The natural decline in activity occurs between 13.00 and 16.00. At this time, you can sleep with health benefits. But at the same time you need to provide yourself with the maximum comfortable conditions- curtain the windows, turn off the phones. If you still can’t fall asleep, then it’s better to go to bed in the evening 2-3 hours earlier than usual. Then you can fully relax.

It's already December, and New Year is just around the corner. Since childhood, we have been taught the following phrase: “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.” And that is why we strive for this holiday to be full of fun, amusements, partying until the morning, dancing until you get dizzy and lots and lots of laughter!

But alas and ah, before that we need to redo a lot of things... Prepare a festive dinner for the whole family, spring-cleaning home must be carried out so that everything shines. And you need to have time to put yourself in order, because every woman wants to look the most beautiful and attractive, charming and simply unique on this magical night. As a result, by the time the president’s speech is delivered, all you want to do is give up and go to bed.

To meet the chimes fresh, cheerful and cheerful, we offer you a few simple recipes:

For body

  • In order to have positive attitude and look rested a few days before the holiday, start getting enough sleep. A shower and a glass of water will help you go to bed early warm milk. These simple components calm and lull almost every person.
  • Don't sit still. Don't stay behind festive table long time. Dance, play pranks, play outdoor games, organize various competitions! A walk in the fresh air has an excellent invigorating effect. Set off fireworks! It will be a lot of fun and sleep, definitely no one will want to!
  • Don't overindulge in food or alcohol. A full stomach immediately makes itself felt, instantly pulls you to sleep, the body becomes lethargic and weak. If you are very hungry, do not immediately serve yourself a full plate of all sorts of things. Eat small meals during breaks. If you just want to have a snack, then apples, tomatoes, grapefruit, kiwi or sandwiches with red or black caviar are perfect for this, since they are practically traditional that evening. And an extra glass of champagne may hit your head at the wrong time. You don’t want to sleep through the entire New Year and walk around with a square head in the morning?
  • Fresh air. Do not forget to periodically ventilate the room, refresh the air in the room. Invite guests to take a walk, attend folk festivals, or ride an ice slide. At this time, while no one is there, it is advisable to leave the window open.

For the soul

  • You can create a festive atmosphere not only with the help of interior decorations. But also with the help of smells. Spicy and citrus scents that are associated with the New Year also have wonderful invigorating effects. Sliced ​​oranges and tangerines, the smell of mint or cinnamon, coffee aromas, as well as the aromas of spruce will not let you fall asleep!
  • Your appearance. Under no circumstances, even if you are celebrating the New Year at home, in the closest circle of family and friends, should you wear home clothes - they will lead you to a passive and sleepy mood. Do not overdo it with warm things, otherwise the excessive heat will quickly make you sleepy. But you shouldn’t give them up completely. The whole evening will go down the drain if you sit and shiver from the cold, you simply will not be able to relax.
  • Musical accompaniment. This is an excellent remedy against drowsiness. But in this case, it is not the volume of the music that is important, but its rhythm, tempo, and dynamism. You need to select the optimal volume. Otherwise, at the very beginning of the evening, your head will begin to pound and all desire to have fun will disappear.
  • And of course, your attitude plays an important role. Remember, if you are prepared for a long, fun, positive and unforgettable evening, this is exactly how it will go!

New Year's Eve - the most magical and anticipated - should leave behind the most pleasant memories. Sleeping through all the fun is a real disaster! But staying awake for a day is not so easy. Forget about being half asleep on the main holiday of the year!

You decided a long time ago that you will devote half of the day on December 31 to sleep. But suddenly it turned out that you forgot to buy someone a gift, that cutting salads will not be tolerated until the evening, that you simply desperately need new shades... as a result, the whole day is again full of tasks, and you cannot get enough sleep. Fighting this means fighting your absent-mindedness.
Make a to-do list in advance, carefully considering each item. And put it on your schedule nap, even if you can’t fall asleep, a restful rest will help your body cope with the night celebrations.
The most known remedy fight sleep - coffee. But for some, this drink will really help them wake up, while for others it will just relax them even more. Besides, the prospect of drinking coffee paired with Olivier is unlikely to appeal to you very much. But the smell of coffee will help you cheer up and return to reality - stock up on a few coffee beans. The scents of orange, eucalyptus, and fir have similar properties. A good reason fill your home with New Year's scents.

Overeating is a faithful ally of sleep. After lunch, I often feel the urge to sleep... This principle works at any time of the day, no doubt about it. Therefore, do not gobble up the holiday treat too eagerly - after all, having fun with full stomach not very pleasant.

You probably don't want to ruin your holiday makeup, but washing your face with cold water is a great invigorator. Take note if other methods do not help.

Physical activity is a simple way to tell the body that it is not time to sleep. Volunteer in competitions with active movements, dance, or just do a couple simple exercises, remembering morning exercises V kindergarten. In order not to embarrass those around you, of course, to do the latter, you should go alone - the bathroom will be enough for you.
Feel the holiday! Don't let yourself relax - on a soft sofa you risk falling asleep almost instantly. Actively participate in conversations, listen to music (rhythmic and dance music relieves drowsiness), do not allow yourself to sit in one place for a long time. Find something to do for yourself - maybe you need help clearing the table?

And, of course, frosty air will make you forget about sleep. Do you feel that the whole company would happily go into the arms of Morpheus? Get outside - watch festive fireworks, play in the snow and feel the New Year in every passerby.

The holidays are just around the corner and, of course, the most important of them is the New Year. It is traditional to celebrate this holiday on the night of January 1st: with a magnificent feast, dancing and general fun. For some, sitting up all night without sleep is a piece of cake. For others, this is a very difficult task.

People who are used to going to bed early will begin to nod off right in the middle of general fun. After three o'clock in the morning we begin to actively yawn, our eyes stick together... This behavior is unlikely to be approved by your company, and there is a saying that how you greet the coming year is how you will live it.

Of course, no one imposes fun on New Year's Eve. But what to do and how not to fall asleep on New Year's Eve?! Let's bring practical advice How not to fall asleep on New Year's Eve and celebrate and celebrate the holiday with dignity.

Ways to fight sleep on New Year's Eve

Healthy sleep

In order not to fall asleep, you need to try to get enough sleep for several days before the holiday. As a result, on New Year’s Day you will be very fresh and cheerful, able to energize others with your positive and rested appearance.

Invigorating aromas

There are both sleep-inducing and invigorating scents. Therefore, serve the dishes with sliced ​​oranges and. The smells of citrus fruits are wonderfully invigorating and also create a New Year's atmosphere.


Open the windows more often and ventilate the room where you are. Try to ventilate more thoroughly. For example, invite your guests to take a walk and watch the fireworks, at which time the air in the room will be refreshed.

Physical activity

Try not to sit on the couch and eat prepared salads by both cheeks. Move - dance, organize competitions, sing karaoke. It was also a good idea to go outside. By the way, some people celebrate the New Year at folk festivals, usually taking place in the center of cities near the main Christmas trees.

Eat and drink in moderation

As mentioned earlier, try to eat in moderation. Do not indulge in fatty and high-calorie foods. After all, having eaten quickly, you will probably be drawn to sleep. Eat small meals. For example, you can set a goal to try all the dishes that are on the table, but in small portions. Also eat fruits and cut vegetables. As for alcoholic drinks, then you need to drink enough of them to make it fun enough. One too many drinks will make you sleepy, and you risk falling asleep on your face in your salad!

Dress festively

On holiday it is customary to dress up in the most beautiful clothes. Under no circumstances should you greet guests in a dressing gown. Such home clothes in themselves will set you up for relaxation and induce drowsiness.

Funny music

Musical accompaniment is an excellent remedy against drowsiness. Turn on some fiery dance tunes and have a blast with your friends. And the volume of the music does not play special significance. On the contrary, excessive volume can give you a headache. All that matters is the tempo and dynamics of the song.

The tips above will help you have a fun New Year! You won't feel it and will party all night long. Happy New Year, everyone!



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