10 smartest people on the planet. The smartest people in the world

Dogs are able to understand 250 words and gestures, count to five, and also perform simple mathematical operations. Canadian scientists have compiled a rating in which they compared the ten most smart breeds dogs. Many dog ​​breeders may have doubts about this rating, because we all love our dogs so much. But it is worth considering that the people who compiled it were guided by many tests and assessments, and besides, they were devoid of subjectivity. If you still disagree with something, or want to talk about your pet, please write in the comments and participate in the discussion.

Canadian scientists from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver conducted a study mental abilities dogs and compiled a rating 10 smartest breeds. According to the results of the study, the IQ of the average dog corresponds to this indicator in two year old child. Both of them know about 165 words (especially smart dogs- 250), and are also able to distinguish between signals and gestures. Research also shows that dogs are much more successful in arithmetic and social skills than in linguistics, where their intelligence is comparable to that of 4-year-old children.

Among other canine skills, scientists name the ability to add and subtract numbers from 1 to 5, navigate the terrain, control simple mechanisms, and also experience joy, anger and disgust. At the same time, more complex emotions, such as guilt, are inaccessible to dogs. Canadian researchers have compiled a ranking of smart dog breeds depending on their intellectual abilities:

No. 1 Border Collie, a breed of herding dog.

The Border Collie's ancestors worked the pastures of southern Scotland and the border counties of England. The breed was developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as a new line of Scottish Collies. When creating the breed, a wide variety of shepherd dogs were used. As a result of targeted selection, an excellent, hardy working dog was obtained, characterized by swift movements and mental acuity. Distributed in countries with developed sheep farming. The standard was adopted by the English Kennel Club in 1976. Border collies are susceptible to training, and after special training they can work as guide dogs for the blind.

The Border Collie is a harmoniously built, medium-sized dog (height at the withers for males is 53 cm, females are slightly smaller, weight 14–20 kg) with strong bones and strong muscles.

The Border Collie is an intelligent, loyal, unpretentious dog, not only a first-class shepherd and watchman, but also faithful companion, she rightfully takes her place in the top ten smartest dog breeds

No. 2 Poodles.

Surprised? In fact, poodles are very smart dogs, and are capable of not only jumping around in the circus and performing tricks. Previously, poodles served as both rescuers and observers. They swim well and are able to save a drowning person. Of course, poodles huge variety- There is big poodles, there are small ones. There are even hunting poodles that hunt birds together with their owners. So the poodle is not a random guest in the top ten smartest dog breeds.

More major representatives This breed can be good protectors, so do not treat them with disdain.

No. 3. German Shepherd (GERMAN SHEPHERD)

There are several different theories about the origin of the German Shepherd: that the breed appeared as a result of crossing different German breeds, or that this breed arose spontaneously from the crossing of shepherd dogs and wolves. The truth was lost in the darkness of centuries. However, it is known that already in the 7th century AD. e. In Germany there was a shepherd dog of this type. The first German Shepherds (long-haired) were presented at an exhibition in Hanover in 1882, and short-haired ones were first presented in Berlin in 1889. Note that the honor of forming this breed belongs to the dog lover von Stefanitz.

Representatives of this breed have starred in many films, and in some they were even the central figure, and therefore take their rightful place in the list of the 10 smartest dog breeds

These dogs are very capable, they can be used both as a guard and as a pet dog, and as a police officer. For some reason in Lately the popularity of this breed is declining - and it is being replaced by many exotic breeds who are not nearly as smart as German Shepherd.

The Shepherd can serve equally well as a companion dog, guard dog, protective dog, detective dog, service dog and guard dog. Successfully used in livestock farming as a herding dog. More often than other breeds, they are used in the army, the police, and to protect state borders. A well-trained German Shepherd is indispensable when apprehending a criminal. Used to accompany the blind. Gets along great with children.

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#4 Golden Retriever

Belongs to the group of retrievers. The ancestors of five of the six retriever breeds were St. John, from which the so-called wavy retrievers originated. The breed standard was developed by Lord Tweedmouth. He crossed a yellow straight-coated retriever with a tweed spaniel (now extinct). As a result, the modern breed arose golden retrievers. The purpose of breeding was to use these dogs to fetch game from the water.

lives on our planet great amount beautiful animals. Scientists and specialists have been trying for a long time to determine who is the smartest among them?.

Today is the second and final part of our great overview according to Animal Planet. The first part is located.

5th place: Crows

Crows are incredibly intelligent animals. Scientists believe that their analytical thinking abilities are on par with those of great apes.

Crows are extremely adaptive and are exceptionally adapted to living around humans. Our actions force them to adapt in new ways every time. Crows don't survive with us, they thrive. They are found everywhere on the planet except Antarctica and parts South America. And throughout the entire territory you are unlikely to meet crows further than 5 km from a human dwelling.

We are finding more and more evidence that crows are very, very smart. Their brain size is the same proportion as that of a chimpanzee. There are plenty of examples various manifestations their intelligence.

understands better than many people, which means red and green light when crossing the street. Crows living in the city collect nuts from trees and place them on the roadway under the wheels of passing cars to open the shells. Then they wait patiently, waiting for the necessary light, return to the road and take their shelled nuts. An impressive example of innovation in the animal kingdom! The important thing is not that the crows learned to do this, but something else is important. This method was first observed in crows about 12 years ago in Tokyo. After this, all the crows in the area adopted this method. Crows learn from each other - that's a fact!

Another incredible study was carried out with a crow from New Caledonia. On this island, crows use twigs to pick insects from the bark of trees. In the experiment, a crow tried to get a piece of meat from a narrow glass tube. But the crow was given not the usual stick, but a piece of wire. She had never had to deal with this kind of material before. In front of the amazed researchers, the crow independently bent the wire into a hook using its paws and beak, and then took out the bait with this device. At this moment, the experimenters fell into ecstasy! But the use of tools is one of higher forms animal behavior, indicating their ability for intelligent activity.

Another example from Sweden. Researchers noticed that crows wait for fishermen to cast their fishing rods into the water, and when they move away, the crows fly in, reel in the fishing rod and eat the fish that was bait.

We can talk endlessly about the intelligence of crows. These observations were made at the University of Washington and indicate crows have amazing memory. Here the researchers had to catch a pair of crows flying around the area. The students went out, caught the birds with a net, measured them, weighed them, and then released them back. And they could not forgive such an attitude towards themselves! Subsequently, the crows flew up to those students as they walked across campus and shit on them, flew around in a flock, in short, ruined their lives in every possible way. This went on for a week. Then this continued for a month. And after the summer holidays...

Author Joshua Klein has been studying crows for more than 10 years. To confirm the presence of intelligence in these birds, he decided to conduct a rather complex experiment. Long story short, he created a special vending machine and placed it in a field with coins scattered around it. The machine was filled with nuts, and to get them, you need to throw a coin into a special slot. Surprisingly, the crows figured out this task quite quickly, picked up the coins, dropped them into the slot and received nuts.

We know a lot about the species that are disappearing from the planet as a result of human habitat expansion, but no one pays attention to the species that are alive and thriving. In Moscow alone there are about 1 million crows. These smartest representatives of birds have perfectly adapted to the human environment.

4th place: Elephant

These are not just lumbering giants with big ears and good memory. The philosopher Aristotle once said that the elephant is “an animal that surpasses others in wit and intelligence."

Weighing over 5 kg, the elephant's brain is larger than that of any other land animal, but small compared to total mass body: only ~ 0.2% (in chimpanzees - 0.8%, in humans about 2%). Based on this, one might think that elephants are quite stupid animals. But the evidence suggests that relative brain size may not be an accurate measure of intelligence.

Elephants are animals that are good know how to show their emotions, both positive and negative. Their “facial expressions” consist of movements of the head, ears and trunk, with which the elephant can express all sorts of, often subtle, shades of good or bad mood.

Elephants are extremely caring and sensitive to other members of their group, as well as other species, which is considered a very advanced form of intelligence. For example, elephants feel very deeply the loss of someone from the herd. They may gather near dead body for several days. There have been recorded cases of “funerals” when elephants covered their dead comrades with a layer of vegetation.

Elephants incredible good memory . Elephants remember a person who treated them well or badly all their lives. There are many examples when the owner offended the elephant, and only years later the elephant took revenge on him, and sometimes even killed him.

As we already know, use of tools animals directly points to capacity for intelligent activity. To determine this, the Washington Zoo conducted next research. In the elephant enclosure, fruits and young bamboo shoots were hung high on a tree. The animals, standing on the ground, could not reach them even with their trunks. Not far from this place, the researchers placed a cube-shaped stand and began to observe...

At first, the elephant simply moved the cube around the enclosure, and in fairness it should be noted that he did not immediately figure out what to do: the experiment had to be repeated 7 times. And suddenly inspiration descended on the elephant: he got up, went straight to the cube, pushed it to the place where the treat was hanging and, standing on it with his front legs, took it out with his trunk. After that, even when the cube was out of reach, the elephant used other objects - car tire and a big ball.

Elephants are believed to have good ear for music and musical memory, and are also able to distinguish melodies from three notes. In general, these huge animals are amazing artists. They are also well known for their ability to draw on the ground while holding a stick with their trunk. In Thailand, they even made an attraction where several Thai elephants painted abstract drawings in front of spectators. True, it is unknown whether the elephants actually understood what they were doing.

3rd place: Orangutans

Apes are considered the most intelligent creatures on Earth after humans. Of course, people are biased in this matter, but the mental capabilities of great apes are difficult to deny. So, In 3rd place on the list of the smartest animals is the orangutan. or "forest man" (orang - " man", hutan - "forest").

They are highly cultured and strong social connections. Females stay with their children for many years, teaching them everything they need to survive in the forest. For example, orangutans cleverly use leaves as umbrellas from the rain, or remember places where different time years the trees bear fruit. By the age of 10 years, an orangutan can taste and identify more than 200 species of different edible plants.

Great apes, such as chimpanzees and orangutans, are able to recognize themselves in the mirror, while most animals react to their image in the mirror as if they were another individual.

If intelligence is defined as the ability to decide various problems, then orangutans in this sense have no equal in the animal world.

Researchers have often observed orangutans using tools in the wild. So, one male figured out to use a “pole” left by a man as a spear. He climbed onto the branches hanging over the water and tried to pierce the fish swimming below with a stick.

True, he failed to catch fish in this way, but this impressive example using a spear to catch fish is just one illustration of the high intelligence of orangutans.

2nd place: Dolphins

Dolphins appeared on Earth for several tens of millions of years before people, and they are smarter than almost any creature on the planet.

Like other most intelligent animals, female dolphins stay with their children throughout for long years, passing on your knowledge and experience to them. Much of dolphin behavior is passed down through generations.

Dolphins can use tools, which, as we already know, is a sign of intelligence. Thus, researchers observed a female dolphin who taught her dolphins to look for food, having first put a sea sponge on her nose so as not to get hurt or burned by a stone fish, which has poisonous spines on its back.

Dolphins are very social animals. They are characterized by self-awareness and division into separate individuals, who, moreover, think about the future. Research shows that dolphin "society" is complex social structure and consists of individuals who cooperate with each other to solve complex problems, food production, etc. In addition, dolphins pass on new behavioral traits and acquired skills to each other.

Dolphins have very well developed imitation behavior. They easily remember and repeat the actions of both their brothers and other individuals from the animal world.

Dolphins are one of the few animals that not only recognize themselves in the mirror, but can also use it to “examine” parts of their body. This ability was previously discovered only in humans, monkeys, elephants and pigs. The ratio between brain and body sizes in a dolphin is second only to that of a human and is much greater than that of a chimpanzee. Dolphins have convolutions similar to convolutions. human brain, which also indicates the presence of intelligence.

Dolphins love an exploratory approach to everything; they quickly assess the situation and adapt their behavior to it, being well aware of what is happening.

When preparing various attractions with dolphins, it was noticed that they are not only capable of following commands, but can also take a creative approach to the process, and in addition to the necessary movements, invent and add their own tricks with objects (balls, hoops, etc.).

Dolphins remember sounds much better than pictures. Thanks to this, they can distinguish each other well by whistling. The range of sounds in which a dolphin can communicate is very wide - from 3,000 Hz to 200,000 Hz. Each dolphin knows the individuals from its pod by voice and has its own personal “name”. With the help of whistles of different lengths, tonality and melody, dolphins communicate with each other. So, one dolphin, without seeing the other, can “tell” which pedal needs to be pressed in order to open the feeder and get fish.

Dolphins' ability to imitate is widely known. They can imitate the chirping of birds and the creaking of a rusty door. Dolphins can even repeat some words or laughter after a person.

A fact that not everyone knows: the Japanese still eat intelligent dolphins, killing them by the thousands.

1st place: Chimpanzee

These apes are leaders in tool use. Thus, during observations of chimpanzees in the savannah in southeastern Senegal, more than 20 cases of these animals using 26 different tools, from stone hammers to sticks for picking out termites, were recorded.

But the most amazing thing was to watch the production and use of half-meter copies. The chimpanzees not only broke off branches of the required length and thickness, but also cleared them of leaves and smaller branches, peeled off the bark, and sometimes even sharpened the tip of the tool with their teeth.

Anthropologists from the Universities of Iowa and Cambridge, during research in 2005-2006, first discovered how chimpanzees used spears to hunt other vertebrates, and all this is strikingly reminiscent of the early steps of Homo sapiens on his path to becoming an agile hunter.

Just like orangutans, dolphins, elephants, chimpanzees are able to recognize themselves in the mirror, and not see another individual in it.

Another impressive example of the presence of intelligence in chimpanzees. When scientists set the monkeys the task of getting a nut from the bottom of a firmly fixed plastic test tube, some of the monkeys (14 out of 43 individuals) guessed that if they put water in their mouths from a tap and spit it out into a narrow neck, the nut would rise to the surface. 7 chimpanzees completed this task to a victorious end and got to the nut. In addition to chimpanzees, researchers working at an ape sanctuary in Uganda and at the Leipzig Zoo conducted similar experiments on gorillas. However, none of the gorillas managed to lift the nut. to the surface by transferring water in the mouth from the tap to the test tube.

Moreover, in this matter chimpanzees turned out to be smarter than children. Scientists conducted the same experiment with several groups of children: 24 four-year-old children and the same number of six and eight years old. Only instead of a tap, the children were given watering cans so that they would not have to carry water with their mouths. The four-year-old children performed worse than the chimpanzees: only two out of 24 completed the task. The highest success rate, as expected, was found in 8-year-old children: 14 out of 24.

However, we will not overestimate the abilities of these monkeys, although the genetic similarity between humans and chimpanzees is so great that it was even proposed to combine them into one genus Homo.

That's it for our review 10 Smartest Animals on Earth according to Animal Planet has come to an end.

The IQ test is often criticized by serious researchers. And yet, it is IQ that remains the most popular measure of intellectual power.

Our top ten included 10 smartest people on the planet with an IQ of 160 and above. By the way, about 50% of the world's population have an IQ from 85 to 110 points.

The brilliant theoretical physicist is known for his work devoted to unraveling the mysteries of the Universe. Despite severe form lateral amyotrophic sclerosis, who deprived the scientist of the ability to walk and speak, Hawking’s intellect remains one of the strongest on the planet.

9. Paul Allen (170 points)

The co-founder of Microsoft managed, as they say, to turn his mind into wealth. Allen is one of the planet's most renowned entrepreneurs, investors and philanthropists. Allen actively invests in the development of sports teams and space exploration programs.

8. Sir Andrew Wiles (170 points)

In 1995, a British mathematician shocked the entire scientific world by proving Fermat's theorem, which was considered unsolvable. Wiles has 15 prestigious awards in the field of mathematics and related sciences.

7. Judit Polgar (170 points)

The only woman in the top ten smartest is a Hungarian chess player who became a grandmaster at age 15. Judith and her sisters were taught chess by their father, who thus proved the effectiveness of home lessons with young children.

6. James Woods (180 points)

This American actor brilliantly completed the linear algebra course at the University of California and was enrolled in the famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology. However, science was abandoned for the sake of acting. Woods has three Emmy awards and a pair of Oscar nominations to his name.

5. Garry Kasparov (190 points)

Kasparov became the world chess champion at the age of 22, thereby setting a world record. Today, the famous chess player devotes his time to politics, literature and public life. Kasparov is considered one of the informal leaders political opposition in Russia.

4. Rick Rosner (192 points)

Such a high intelligence of television producer Rick Rosner is all the more surprising because in track record American jobs include stripper, waiter and model. Today Rosner works in TV, producing and creating scripts for TV series, talk shows and cartoons.

3. Kim Ung-Yong (210 points)

This Korean prodigy was included in the Guinness Book of Records for his high intelligence. At the age of two, he easily read, wrote and spoke two languages, by four he was solving complex mathematical problems, and by eight he went to study in the United States at the invitation of NASA.

2. Christopher Hirata (225 points)

American Hirata entered the prestigious California Technological University at the age of 14, and by 16 he was already working for NASA. Hirata's specialty was projects related to the colonization of Mars. At the age of 22, the young man received the title of Doctor of Science in astrophysics.

1. Terence Tao (230 points)

Holder highest IQ in the world mastered school math already at the age of two years. By nine, he had completed university mathematics courses, and at 20, he taught at Princeton University with the rank of Doctor of Science. At 24, Tao became the youngest professor at the University of California. Terence Tao's Peru owns more than 250 scientific works. This is the most clever man in the world today.

Most of what the whole world knows and can do today was once invented by the greatest and most brilliant minds of mankind. Artists, alchemists, presidents, physicists and generals - the scale of the intellect of these people was able to change the worldview of all humanity and make our lives a little better. These 10 historical figures are unanimously considered the smartest people in history.

    Leonardo da Vinci

    The life of this genius was full of discoveries and research. The Italian master was born on April 15, 1452 and already in childhood demonstrated unique abilities. Da Vinci was an excellent artist, chemist and mathematician - the list of his achievements continues to this day. Here are just a few of his inventions, both real and attributed to him: a parachute, a bicycle, a tank, a searchlight, a catapult, a telescope and dozens of other inventions that were no less futuristic for their time. In addition, da Vinci left the world a number of true masterpieces of painting, such as La Gioconda and The Last Supper.

    Alexander the Great

    If a person has been called “great” for thousands of years, then he really deserves it. The hereditary ruler of Macedonia, a small country in the Balkans, managed to gather under his command the most powerful army in the world and conquer as many lands as no one had managed before. However, the commander’s achievements were questioned by ancient philosophers who did not see the greatness of glory in the seizure of new lands. Seneca called Alexander an unhappy man, who was driven into unknown lands by passion for ambition and cruelty and who tried to subjugate everything except passions, for from the sciences he had to learn “how small the land is, whose insignificant part he captured.”


    Just like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo was able to achieve incredible heights in art, for which he received recognition during his lifetime. Michelangelo's frescoes adorned the walls of the best buildings of his era - for the first time in history, the author conceptualized architectural space as an artist's canvas. Michelangelo's genius left its mark not only on the art of the Renaissance, but also on all subsequent world culture. At the same time, Michelangelo wrote no less wonderful poems. Michelangelo's poetic talent fully manifested itself only towards the end of his life. Some of the great master's poems were set to music and already during his lifetime gained considerable popularity, but his sonnets and madrigals were first published only in 1623. About 300 poems by Michelangelo have survived to this day.

    William Shakespeare

    The first professional playwright in history established such a high level quality that remains relevant to this day. Without even a formal university education, Shakespeare created literary masterpieces that will forever go down in human history. The extant works, including some written jointly with other authors, consist of 38 plays, 154 sonnets, 4 poems and 3 epitaphs. Shakespeare's plays have been translated into all major languages ​​and are performed more often than the works of other playwrights.


    Marie Arouet, better known by his pseudonym Voltaire, was born in Paris in 1694. Considered one of the most powerful minds of his time, he left an incredibly prolific legacy of numerous scientific and philosophical treatises. Throughout his life, Voltaire vigorously defended the distinction between natural science and philosophy, which laid the foundation for the modern differentiation of sciences.

    Galileo Galilei

    Engineer, physicist, mechanic, astronomer, philosopher and mathematician Galileo Galilei had an incredibly powerful influence on science. The invention of the telescope and the discoveries made with its help contributed to the establishment of the heliocentric system of the world, which Galileo actively promoted. In fact, Galileo proved to the world that the Earth does not stand still, but, together with other planets, revolves around the sun.

    Gottfried Leibniz

    Gottfried Leibniz - German philosopher and logician, who laid the foundations of modern mathematics. The principles of differential and integral calculus became basic for all scientists of subsequent generations. In 1676, Leibniz founded a new formulation of the laws of motion, dynamics, in which he first explored kinetic energy and its interactions.

    Sir Isaac Newton

    Powerful intellect, participation in government affairs and scientific discoveries on a global scale are nothing more than commonplace for Sir Isaac Newton. Newton's mind worked brilliantly - he outlined the law of universal gravitation and the three laws of mechanics, which became the basis of classical mechanics, developed differential and integral calculus, color theory, laid the foundations of modern physical optics, and created many other mathematical and physical theories.

    Albert Einstein

    The name Albert Einstein is virtually synonymous with genius today. Einstein is the author of more than 300 scientific papers on physics, as well as about 150 books and articles in the field of history and philosophy of science. He developed several significant physical theories, including the famous theory of relativity, in which he first described the interaction of mass and energy in the famous formula E = mc2.

    Nikola Tesla

    The Lord of Lightning Nikola Tesla was born in 1856 in Croatia. His experiments with alternating current laid the foundations of modern electrical engineering. Tesla developed many devices operating on alternating current, polyphase systems, synchronous generators and asynchronous electric motors, which allowed for the so-called second stage of the industrial revolution.

Whether a person is smart or not is a rather subjective concept. Is it determined by IQ or is it all about achievement?

About 50 percent of people have an IQ between 90 and 110, 2.5 percent of people are mentally retarded with an IQ below 70, 2.5 percent of people are superior in intelligence with an IQ above 130, and 0.5 percent are considered geniuses with an IQ above 140.

While the debate over who is considered smart will probably never go away, few would argue that these people are some of the smartest in the world. Here are the 10 smartest people alive, according to independent web publication SuperScholar.org

1. Stephen Hawking

This is probably one of the most famous people from this list. Stephen Hawking became famous for his progressive research in the field of theoretical physics and other works explaining the laws of the Universe. He is also the author of 7 bestselling books and winner of 14 awards.

2. Kim Ung-Yong

IQ 210

Kim Ung-Yong is a child prodigy from Korea who was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the highest IQ in the world. At the age of 2, he was fluent in two languages, and by the age of 4 he was already solving complex mathematical problems. By the age of 8, he was invited by NASA to study in the United States.

3. Paul Allen

IQ 170

The co-founder of Microsoft is certainly one of the most successful people who turned his mind into wealth. With an estimated net worth of $14.2 billion, Paul Allen is the 48th richest person in the world, owning numerous companies and sports teams.

4. Rick Rosner

IQ 192

With this high coefficient intelligence, it would hardly occur to you that this person works as a television producer. However, Rick is no ordinary genius. His resume includes working as a stripper, a waiter on roller skates, and as a model.

5. Garry Kasparov

IQ 190

Garry Kasparov is the youngest undisputed world chess champion, winning the title at age 22. He holds the record for longest holding the title of number one chess player in the world. In 2005, Kasparov announced his retirement from sports and devoted himself to politics and writing.

6. Sir Andrew Wiles

IQ 170

In 1995, the famous British mathematician Sir Andrew Wiles proved Fermat's Last Theorem, which was considered the most difficult math problem in the world. He is the recipient of 15 awards in the fields of mathematics and science.

7. Judit Polgar

IQ 170

Judit Polgar is a Hungarian chess player who, at the age of 15, became the youngest grandmaster in the world, surpassing Bobby Fischer's record by a month. Her father taught her and her sisters chess at home, proving that children can achieve incredible heights if taught early.

8. Christopher Hirata

IQ 225

At the age of 14, American Christopher Hirata entered the California Institute of Technology, and at the age of 16 he was already working at NASA on projects related to the colonization of Mars. Also at the age of 22, he received the title of Doctor of Science in astrophysics.

9. Terence Tao

IQ 230

Tao was a gifted child. At the age of 2, when most of us were actively learning to walk and talk, he was already performing basic arithmetic operations. By age 9, he was taking university-level math courses and at age 20, he received his doctorate from Princeton University. At the age of 24, he becomes the youngest professor at UCLA. Over the years, he has published more than 250 scientific papers.

10. James Woods

IQ 180

American actor James Woods was a brilliant student. He took a linear algebra course at the prestigious University of California, Los Angeles, and then was accepted into the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he decided to leave his studies in politics for acting. He has three Emmy awards and two Oscar nominations.



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