Why dream of having your ears pierced? Why do you dream about big ears?

  • If in a dream you clean your ears, then in reality it is difficult for you to find a common language with others, and although you blame others for this, deep down you understand that you yourself are to blame, and you will try to correct the situation in one way or another. Try to learn to listen and hear people - this is the first and absolutely necessary condition for mutual understanding. In addition, a good example is much more contagious than a bad one, contrary to popular belief, and if you practice paying attention to the problems of others, then those around you will treat you with more attention and respect. If in a dream you have ears of simply incredible size, it means that in reality something out of the ordinary will happen to you, so extraordinary that you will radically change your outlook on life. Maybe you will even witness a true miracle. If a woman gets her ears pierced in a dream, the dream means that she pays too much attention to appearance, completely forgetting about other virtues, for example, spiritual qualities that paint a person much more than external beauty. A woman who has such a dream should think about her life and take care of her soul; after all, beauty is short-lived, but spiritual beauty can add charm to even an ugly woman. If you never forget about this and try to harmonize your thoughts, feelings and appearance, then you can’t ask for anything better. Well, if a man gets his ears pierced, it means that in reality this person will commit some extraordinary act that will shock those around him. It is difficult to say what consequences this step will lead to, but in any case you will not be bored. If you are being pulled by the ears in a dream, it means that in reality someone will try to deal a serious blow to your pride. We advise you: do not react to the malicious attacks of ill-wishers - they are furious from powerlessness, so they try to annoy you with similar mosquito bites. If you do not react to a possible outburst on their part, then in the future you will completely protect yourself from such incidents. But as soon as you show the slightest confusion or resentment, your enemies will instantly mobilize and deliver a second, more tangible blow. You, in turn, try to prevent this, especially since you, no matter what, remain the master of the situation and will remain for quite a long time. Well, if you yourself have taken care of someone’s ears, then in the near future you will decide to knock down the arrogance of one of your acquaintances or friends. Of course, you need to open the eyes of arrogant people to the true state of things, but try to do this as tactfully and delicately as possible, so as not to offend the person and not turn a friend into a sworn enemy.

Today we have prepared a complete description of the topic: the dream of “piercing your ears”: what you dream about and a full interpretation from different points of view.

We perceive most information visually, only ten percent of perception is by hearing, but in addition to the hearing function, the ears are an important erogenous zone, and there are many points on them through which you can influence a person. From the point of view of correct perception, the dream book interprets what this organ means in a dream.

Everything related to the auditory organs in a dream can be interpreted as news that we will receive in real life. But what will they be - good or bad, what meaning will they contain? Here, interpretations of dream books differ depending on the details of the dream.

Ear - interpretation of sleep from the perspective of different dream books

According to Miller’s dream book, ears in a dream that belong to a stranger symbolize someone’s prejudiced attitude towards you: ridiculous rumors are being spread about you behind your back that can undermine relationships with your significant other or friends.

For women, seeing your ear in a dream is a sign of distrust of your lover. In your heart you understand that he is really attached to you and will never betray you, but in reality his sweet words do not evoke a positive response from you.

If a girl had to whisper in her ear in a dream, then the dream book predicts that her best friend will harbor a grudge against her. If they whispered to her, then her friends are not as faithful as they seem, they gossip, plot and intrigue in relation to the dreamer.

For a man, whispering in his ear in a dream is a prediction of a new tender love relationship in reality. Take a closer look at the girls around you - one of them has unspent feelings for you and is eager to meet you.

If a fly flies into your ear in a dream, then the dream book interprets such a plot as a sign that annoying friends are hanging noodles on your ears. You don’t need to listen to anyone who is trying to prove to you that another person is unrighteous - this is a deception, trust only your intuition.

For a woman who can be persuaded by skillfully chosen words, a kiss on the ear in a dream is a dream book prediction about the deception of a loved one. Try to look at the facts and not listen to eloquent phrases - in your case they are not true.

A man who managed to kiss the ear of a woman in a dream, with whom he has long dreamed of a relationship, can have no doubt why such an erotic plot is dreaming: soon the object of desire will belong entirely to you. But the touchy-feely heart will melt only if you yourself take the first step.

Why do you dream about pig ears? This is a symbol of a vicious relationship that ultimately will not lead to a happy ending. Such a dream often comes to cheaters and unfaithful wives - the deception will soon be revealed, and you will lose your soulmate forever.

Why do you dream about dirty ears? The dream book interprets such a plot in a dream as a lie that you will hear from the lips of a good friend. You should not take all words on faith, listen to your inner voice, and if it says that you have been deceived, then so it is.

If you are not indifferent to other people’s secrets, and you had to clean your ears in a dream, then you can have no doubt why such a picture is in your dream: soon you will learn many secrets that will re-open your view of certain actions of your friends.

Ear damage

Blood from the ear in a dream is a prediction of news that will be directly related to relatives. If you felt pain during bleeding, then the news will be bad, and painlessness is a symbol of good and joyful news. Why do you dream of a severed ear? According to the interpretation of the dream book, this is a symbol of all-consuming passion for a person of the opposite sex. Even for those who are married, such a dream leaves no chance of remaining faithful to their spouse.

If you like to be in the center of events and be aware of literally everything, then soon you will lose this opportunity - this is how the dream book interprets what a cut off ear means in a dream. Through your own fault, you will no longer be able to receive truthful information, only because you will lose the trust of your loved ones.

The dream book explains the situation in almost the same way if your ear was cut off in a dream. Only in this interpretation will you be cut off from the events taking place around you due to the fault of an outsider. This dream is especially deplorable for business men; they will no longer have the opportunity to learn about the moves of their competitors.

Pus from the ear is a bad sign. A conspiracy is being built against you that will lead to the decline of all affairs. In this case, you do not need to take any action, the vicissitudes of fate cannot be prevented, just worry about your mental balance, a nervous environment can lead to serious mental consequences.

Why do you dream about a sore ear? The dream book can interpret such a plot as real problems in the dreamer’s body. If you feel unwell or weak, it is better to consult a doctor rather than wait for possibly irreparable consequences.

According to another interpretation, if your ear hurts in a dream, then you can expect bad news about your career or work. Most likely, you will be demoted or laid off, so you should show your superiors only the good side, and then troubles can be avoided.

Unpleasant words addressed to you, quarrels and scandals with others can provoke sleep with worms in your ears. At the moment, the dreamer’s nervous system is in a very vulnerable state; special attention needs to be paid to mental health.

Thanks to your comprehensive awareness, you will have a chance to earn good money if you saw ear hair in your dream. But this opportunity will be missed if the hair falls out.

Dirt in the ears is a symbol of gossip, which is not even partially true. If they turn you against your loved ones by telling nasty things about them, then the dream book advises you not to trust these stories, they are full of lies.

Ear jewelry

If a young girl dreams of earrings in her ears, then this is a symbol of a dream book about the sympathy an attractive young man shows for you. Also, such a dream in the summer may foreshadow an expensive gift from a boyfriend.

You should pay attention to what others tell you - this is how the dream book interprets what earrings in your ears mean in dreams. Statements from strangers can remove the scales from your eyes, and you will see the current situation in a new light.

Gold earrings in the ears are a dream book prediction of unprecedented wealth. If you listen to what they are saying around you, you will be lucky enough to participate in a very profitable business. Why do you dream of an earring in a man’s ear? The dream book predicts that the dreamer's other half may lose its importance in his eyes due to gossip spread by ill-wishers.

Why dream of having your ears pierced? Any damage to the body is a negative interpretation of the dream book. especially if you experience pain during a puncture as in reality, the plot in a dream can symbolize the obstacles that your enemies cause to you.

Although, for an unmarried girl, dreaming of having her ears pierced can also be a positive sign. This picture in a dream is a dream book prediction about significant positive changes in energy, and the dreamer will become very attractive to men, she will have a lot of new fans.

Having your ear pierced in a dream is an unfavorable sign for men doing business. Competitors are trying to ruin your business, and they can easily do this if you do not check the rumors that reach you from the outside.

In general, any damage to the earlobe, whether with a needle or another sharp object, is a sign of impending changes, and most often they carry negative energy. The dream book advises to be careful in all areas of life, and to trust only verified information.

Why do you dream about big ears? The dream book predicts that joyful news awaits you, which has the power to turn a boring and monotonous life upside down and turn it overnight into a wonderful kaleidoscope of fateful events.

If a person dreams of ears, this is a warning; he should be extremely careful when choosing interlocutors among unfamiliar people. You should not talk to strangers about your personal life, because it may happen that after a certain period of time everyone will find out. There are other interpretations from other dream books.

Why do you dream about ears - Miller's dream book

Seeing other people's ears in your dreams is a notice that someone is unfriendly towards you and is very picky about various arguments, trying to seize on the slightest reason to insult you. Try to hear and understand the signs that surround you. Strive to find out the truth, if of course you are ready for this.

Why do you dream of an ear - dream book Denis Pinn

An ear in a dream can mean that the fears or mental anxieties that have arisen do not matter at all and you can be calm about tomorrow.

Meaning of sleep ear - French dream book

If a man dreams of ears, expect good news. Seeing clearly defined ears is a sign of imminent news. An unusual and very dirty ear means strange news.

Ears in a dream - dream book of 1918

If in your dream you clean your own ears, then in reality it will be quite difficult for you to find common topics for conversation with other people. Despite the fact that you constantly blame everyone around you for this, deep down you understand that you shouldn’t think or act like that, and you try to fix it in any way. You should learn to listen to others - this is a prerequisite for mutual understanding.

If in a dream you see your own ears of very large sizes, something unusual will happen over the course of some time and will force you to reconsider your views on life. If a girl pierces her ear in her dream, this means that she pays a lot of attention to her appearance, forgetting about other virtues and qualities that color a person more than external beauty.

The girl who had this dream should think about her mistakes and take care of her spiritual beauty. And if a guy pierces his ears, then in reality he will commit an act that will be shocking to everyone.

Why do you dream about cleaning and piercing your ears?

If in a dream you diligently wash your ears, then this is a reflection of the fact that you are subjecting yourself to serious psychological work that is aimed at self-improvement. In the Muslim dream book, cleaning your ears is good news.

If a girl dreams that her earlobe is being pierced, then in reality she should pay more attention to her inner beauty. For a male representative, such a dream means that he will impress the people around him with some kind of trick.

Dream Interpretation - Why do you dream about big, dirty, cut off, torn ears in a dream?

Seeing severed ears in your dream is a symbol of increased passion. If you dreamed of dirty ears, then you need to remember the existence of contraceptives.

Seeing yourself with your ears cut off in a dream means that you sometimes show cruelty towards others. In a dream where you see big ears - to great joy. If, on the contrary, they are very small, then a true friend will appear.

If a woman dreams of ears, then this is her daughter and everything connected with her. In a man’s dreams, his ears are his wife or his unmarried daughter. Everything that happens in such a dream concerns the health of the people closest to you.

If you dream about long ears, it means something very unpleasant. If you see someone’s head with huge ears in your dreams, it means glory. To dream that you are covering your ears means minor losses. If you dreamed about the ears of an enemy, then you need to consider such a dream a warning and be a little more careful in the future.

Seeing ears of unusual sizes and shapes in your dreams means you may be subject to wiretapping by the relevant authorities (business competitors). If you dreamed about sore ears, then soon you will receive bad news.

Women's dream book

Why do you dream about Ears in a dream?

What does it mean to see Ears in a dream - If you had a dream in which you paid attention to someone’s ears, you have an ill-wisher who is ready to find fault with any of your words, trying to find a reason to insult you.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about Ears, interpretation of sleep:

Ears – News // rumors; big – glory // disease; hurt - unpleasant news; beautiful - praise; long, awkward - troubles, illness; injured - a friend will cheat; cut off - lose friends; to be earless is false rumors.

Gypsy dream book

What do ears mean and why do you dream?

Ears - To have ears plugged in a dream for a rich and nobleman foreshadows stubbornness, cruelty and misuse of power; if he is a poor man, then this dream means his bad morals and bad behavior, which he must change; If a woman sees such a dream, it marks her wastefulness; having an ear wounded or cut means betrayal of a friend who will use our power of attorney for evil, also marks the discovery of a secret; having more than two ears is a sign of friends and faithful servants; losing your ears in a dream foreshadows a quarrel with friends; having ears longer than usual is a sign of illness.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Ears - News, sensation; rumors, dubious information; additionally for a woman – seduction. Very large - joy. Many ears - subordinates, assistants.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

What do you dream about and how to interpret Ears?

Ears – Encourage you to listen to information that is useful to you. (See also Earrings.) Seeing huge ears means quarrel, gossip. Sick, dirty ears mean receiving bad news. Clean beautiful ears - friendship, good news. Seeing the ears of an animal in yourself is a disease, the machinations of enemies.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why do you dream of Ears according to the dream book:

Ears – Dreaming of someone’s ears is a warning dream: someone who is hostile to you will meticulously listen to your every judgment, trying to find a reason to insult you.

Muslim dream book

Why do you dream of Ears according to the Holy Quran and Sunnah:

Ears - If anyone dreams that his ear is separated, his daughter will die, or he will give his wife a divorce. If someone dreams that he is cleaning his ear, it means he will hear good news. And if someone sees himself deaf in a dream, his importance in matters of faith and science will be diminished. If anyone dreams that a goosebump has entered his ear, this means death. If someone sees ears similar to the ears of predatory animals or cattle, then he will hear amazing news, in accordance with the breed of that animal, this is how what you are dreaming about is deciphered.

Modern dream book

Why do we dream and what does Ears mean in our time?

Ears – False Rumors

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yu.Longo

Why does the dreamer dream of Ears in a dream?

Ears - If you had a dream in which you are cleaning your ears, then in reality it is difficult for you to find a common language with others, and although you blame others for this, deep down you understand that you yourself are to blame, and will try to correct the situation in one way or another. Try to learn to listen and hear people - this is the first and absolutely necessary condition for mutual understanding. In addition, a good example is much more contagious than a bad one, contrary to popular belief, and if you practice paying attention to the problems of others, then those around you will treat you with more attention and respect. If in a dream you have ears of simply incredible size, it means that in reality something out of the ordinary will happen to you, so extraordinary that you will radically change your outlook on life. Maybe you will even witness a true miracle. If a woman gets her ears pierced in a dream, the dream means that she pays too much attention to appearance, completely forgetting about other virtues, for example, spiritual qualities that paint a person much more than external beauty. A woman who has such a dream should think about her life and take care of her soul; after all, beauty is short-lived, but spiritual beauty can add charm to even an ugly woman. If you never forget about this and try to harmonize your thoughts, feelings and appearance, then you can’t ask for anything better. Well, if a man gets his ears pierced, it means that in reality this person will commit some extraordinary act that will shock those around him. It is difficult to say what consequences this step will lead to, but in any case you will not be bored. If you are being pulled by the ears in a dream, it means that in reality someone will try to deal a serious blow to your pride. We advise you: do not react to the malicious attacks of ill-wishers - they are furious from powerlessness, so they try to annoy you with similar mosquito bites. If you do not react to a possible outburst on their part, then in the future you will completely protect yourself from such incidents. But as soon as you show the slightest confusion or resentment, your enemies will instantly mobilize and deliver a second, more tangible blow. You, in turn, try to prevent this, especially since you, no matter what, remain the master of the situation and will remain for quite a long time. Well, if you yourself have taken care of someone’s ears, then in the near future you will decide to knock down the arrogance of one of your acquaintances or friends. Of course, you need to open the eyes of arrogant people to the true state of things, but try to do this as tactfully and delicately as possible, so as not to offend the person and not turn a friend into a sworn enemy.

Esoteric dream book

Why do you dream about Ears, interpretation of the dream:

Ears - your ears hurt; you are being monitored by the relevant authorities or competitors: on the phone or somewhere there is a listening device installed. If the ears are yours, then they are at your home; if they are strangers, they are in the office premises. You have “inherited” sick people somewhere, and your data appears in unsolicited questionnaires and in the fiscal authorities.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why do you dream of Ears according to the dream book?

Ears - Prosperity and happiness - humiliation, grief - false rumors

Numerological dream book

Dreaming about Ears, what is it about:

Ears - According to the dream book, seeing someone’s huge ears means unexpectedly finding yourself in the thick of things and witnessing amazing events. If in your dream the ears belong to a pleasant person, then you will receive the most joyful news, but if you find it unpleasant to look at the owner of such locators, then the news will enrage or puzzle you. If in a dream big ears belong to you and you see them in the mirror, then after 11 days life circumstances will force you to change your principles.

Lunar dream book

Why do you dream about Ears in a dream?

Ears: see big - Disease; handsome - praise; awkward - madness.

Folklore dream book

Do you dream about Ears?

In night dreams, to see your ears burning - someone is thinking about you, but maybe it’s a shame.

Spring Dream Interpreter

Why do you dream about ears in spring?

Piercing your ears - To discuss painful issues, caustic conversations.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

Why do you dream about ears in the fall?

Getting your ears pierced means unpleasant rumors about you.

Summer Dream Interpreter

Why do you dream about ears in the summer?

What does it mean to see having your ears pierced in a dream – Having your ears pierced in a dream means otitis media.

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

Home:: Dream Interpretation:: Meaning of dreams starting with the letter P:: Dream Interpretation: Piercing your ears, why dream about Piercing your ears

Spring dream book

If you dream about having your ears pierced, this means discussing painful issues, caustic conversations.

Autumn dream book

To unpleasant rumors about you.

Summer dream book

Piercing your ears in a dream means otitis media.

Piercing your earlobes means hearing loss; deception.

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ABC of dream interpretation

Ears - encourage you to listen to information that is useful to you.

Seeing huge ears means quarrel, gossip.

Sick, dirty ears mean receiving bad news.

Clean beautiful ears - friendship, good news.

Seeing the ears of an animal in yourself is a disease, the machinations of enemies.

American dream book

Ears - the desire to hear the truth.

Idiomatic dream book

“Fly into the ear”, “ears on top of the head” - attentiveness, vigilance; “by the ear and in the sun” - call to account; “it went into one ear and out of the other” - forgetfulness; “open your ears” - believe everything, listen with interest; “ears are withering” - stunning unpleasant information, gossip; “to drag or pull by the ears” - to forcefully attract somewhere, to something; “to flap your ears” - to miss; “buzz all your ears” - get bored; “hurts the ear” - what they don’t want to hear gets on the nerves; “and didn’t turn an ear” - excerpt; “tear off the ears” - punishment; “blush to the ears” is a strong shame.

Islamic dream book

If a sleeping person sees in a dream an unfamiliar old man cutting off both his ears, he will have to pay twice with the price of his blood.

If he sees in a dream how he himself cuts off the ear of a man, he will betray him, causing harm to his family and his children. This dream also foreshadows the decline of his fame. Some claim that if a man whose wife is pregnant has a dream like this, she will die. If he is not married, a woman close to him will die.

Lunar dream book

To see big ears is a disease; handsome - praise; awkward - madness.

Maly Velesov dream book

Ears - news / rumors; large - fame / illness; hurt - unpleasant news; beautiful - praise; long, awkward - troubles, illness; wounded - a friend will cheat; cut off - lose friends; to be earless is false rumors.

Muslim dream book

If someone sees in a dream that his ear is separated, his daughter will die, or he will give his wife a divorce.

If someone sees in a dream that he is cleaning his ear, it means he will hear good news.

And if someone sees himself deaf in a dream, his importance in matters of faith and science will diminish.

If someone sees in a dream that a goosebump has entered his ear, this means death.

If anyone sees ears similar to the ears of predatory animals or cattle, he will hear amazing news, in accordance with the breed of that animal.

Newest dream book

In a dream, why do you dream about Ears?

Ear - you will hear impartial criticism addressed to you; You will find yourself the instigator of a quarrel, scandal, conflict.

New dream book 1918

Numerological dream book of Pythagoras

Seeing someone's huge ears in a dream means unexpectedly finding yourself in the thick of things and witnessing amazing events.

If in your dream the ears belong to a pleasant person, you will receive the most joyful news, but if you find it unpleasant to look at the owner of such locators, then the news will enrage or puzzle you.

If in a dream big ears belong to you and you see them in the mirror, life circumstances will force you to change your principles.

Russian dream book

Ears - do not loosen your tongue, this will not remain without consequences; long ears - to profit.

Russian folk dream book

Ear - there are many associations. Can talk about feelings and attitudes: “a woman loves with her ears.” The desire to be alert and aware of “keep your ears open…”. It may be caused by the torment of your conscience, about some kind of offense, “punching your ears.”

Family dream book

If you saw someone's ears in a dream, consider this a warning. Some of those people who are hostile to you will constantly find fault with you and try to offend you.

Dream Interpreter

For a rich and noble man to have his ears plugged in a dream - portends stubbornness, cruelty and misuse of power; if he is a poor man, this dream means his bad morals and bad behavior, which he must change; if a woman has such a dream, it marks her wastefulness; having an ear wounded or cut means betrayal of a friend who will use our power of attorney for evil, also marks the discovery of a secret; to have more than two ears is a sign of friends and faithful servants; losing ears in a dream - portends a quarrel with friends; having longer ears is a sign of illness.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Ears?

Seeing ears in a dream is a sign that in reality an evil and treacherous person will overhear your conversations in order to carry out his base plans and harm you

Dream Interpretation 2012

The ear is a reflection of feelings, sensuality (also the need for them). The need to listen to signs and omens; the need to listen to the voice of the soul, intuition, and feelings.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

If in a dream you clean your ears, in reality it is difficult for you to find a common language with others, and although you blame others for this, deep down you understand that you yourself are to blame, and you will try to correct the situation in one way or another. Try to learn to listen and hear people - this is the first and absolutely necessary condition for mutual understanding. In addition, a good example is much more contagious than a bad one, contrary to popular belief, and if you practice paying attention to the problems of others, then those around you will treat you with more attention and respect.

If in a dream you have ears of simply incredible size, it means that in reality something out of the ordinary will happen to you, so extraordinary that you will radically change your outlook on life. Maybe you will even witness a true miracle.

If a woman pierces her ears in a dream, the dream means that she pays too much attention to appearance, completely forgetting about other advantages, for example, spiritual qualities that make a person look much more beautiful than external beauty.

A woman who has such a dream should think about her life and take care of her soul; after all, beauty is short-lived, but spiritual beauty can add charm to even an ugly woman. If you never forget about this and try to harmonize your thoughts, feelings and appearance, then you can’t ask for anything better.

Well, if a man gets his ears pierced, it means that in reality this person will commit some extraordinary act that will shock those around him. It is difficult to say what consequences this step will lead to, but in any case you will not be bored.

If you are being pulled by the ears in a dream, it means that in reality someone will try to deal a serious blow to your pride. We advise you: do not react to the malicious attacks of ill-wishers - they are furious from powerlessness, so they try to annoy you with similar mosquito bites. If you do not react to a possible outburst on their part, then in the future you will completely protect yourself from such incidents. But as soon as you show the slightest confusion or resentment, your enemies will instantly mobilize and deliver a second, more tangible blow. You, in turn, try to prevent this, especially since you, no matter what, remain the master of the situation and will remain for quite a long time. Well, if you yourself have taken care of someone’s ears, then in the near future you will decide to knock down the arrogance of one of your acquaintances or friends. Of course, you need to open the eyes of arrogant people to the true state of things, but try to do this as tactfully and delicately as possible, so as not to offend the person and not turn a friend into a sworn enemy.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

The ears in a woman's dreams are her daughter and everything that happens to her.

Other people's ears, which you see obsessively from dream to dream, in men's and women's dreams, are the female organ of love, something is connected with it.

Having very small ears means true friendship.

Very big - joy and honor.

Having incredibly colossal ones is a disease.

Seeing long ears is something unpleasant, a shame.

Seeing someone else's head with big ears is a great glory.

Pinch your ears, wash your ears - losses, loss.

Seeing yourself earless in the mirror means perceiving the life of the cosmos, the other world / being satanically possessed, showing cruel selfishness towards others.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Ear - listen, try to “hear” the signs around you. Show a desire to know the truth. Or is there something you're afraid to hear?

Dream book for a bitch

Ears - gossip, rumors.

Large, protruding ears - your enemies are trying to discredit your good name.

Beautiful, neat ears are good changes, good news.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

If in a dream you paid attention to your own or someone else’s ears, perhaps in the near future you will be embarrassed by some rumors or gossip.

Pain in the ears, if it is not caused by a real disease, suggests that soon some rumors may cause your indignation.

Funny ears in a dream portend that empty talk can cause some stupid and ridiculous incident.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Ear - do not attach much importance to what they will soon say in your ear; not everything will be as bad as it seems.

Having your ears pierced means discussing painful issues and having caustic conversations.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Ear - your secret will be revealed.

Piercing your ears in a dream means otitis media.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Ear - dreams of an angry conversation with a neighbor.

Having your ears pierced means unpleasant rumors about you.

Dream Interpretation of Love Relationships

Ears - such a dream warns that you should be careful in the company of people with whom you are unfamiliar and whom you do not know well. Don't talk to them about your personal life - it is quite possible that the next day everyone you know will know intimate details.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Big ears are a disgrace.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing someone's ears in a dream is a warning dream: someone who is hostile to you will meticulously listen to your every judgment, trying to find a reason to insult you.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Ears - prosperity and happiness.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Ears according to the dream book?

Ears - news, sensation; rumors, dubious information; additionally for a woman - seduction.

Very large - joy.

Many ears - subordinates, assistants.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed of ears, you should know that an evil and insidious person is eavesdropping on all your conversations in order to harm you.

You dreamed that you had donkey ears - in the near future you will commit a very stupid act.

If you dreamed that one of your loved ones or acquaintances had donkey ears, you should know that through the fault of this person troubles will fall on your head.

Meeting a stranger with donkey ears is a sign that among your acquaintances there is an ill-wisher who has been plotting against you for a long time.

If you dreamed that you were without ears, in the near future you will not listen to the smart advice of your loved ones.

Freud's Dream Book

Ears are a symbol of the female genital organs with all the ensuing interpretations.

Washing or cleaning the ears symbolizes sexual intercourse. Clean, even ears indicate good health and harmonious sex.

Pinned and small ears symbolize coldness, but maybe only with you.

Protruding ears symbolize increased passion.

Hairy ears - speak of a desire for unbridled sexual pleasures, perhaps with elements of sadism.

Dirty ears should remind you of the existence of condoms.

Wounded ears - portend the onset of menstruation.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Ear - news; to see clearly is good news; unusual - strange news, news.

Aesop's Dream Book

There are many associations associated with the ear. There is a saying: “It goes in one ear, out the other,” which means that a person instantly forgets what he was asked to do. They say: “A woman loves with her ears,” that is, your subconscious can send you a signal through the “ear” symbol that there is a person next to you with whom you can have a love affair (in the good sense of the word).

“Keep your ears on top” (that is, be alert, eavesdrop, strive to be aware of everything) is one of the common expressions, which can also be the source of the image of an ear for your dream. One of the forms of punishment has long been to rip out your ear, so a dream about your ear may be caused by the torment of your conscience due to some kind of offense. When you are deceived, convinced of something that is obviously false, you usually say: “Don’t fool me,” thus, the subconscious mind can signal you about the danger of being deceived or misled.

If your ears “burn” - they become red and hot, it means that at this time someone is talking or thinking about you. When you succumb to flattery, persuasion, or deception, someone who soberly assesses the situation tells you: “You’ve made a fool of yourself!”

If in a dream you carefully wash your ears, this dream suggests that you are tired of independently figuring out what official information should be about.

If your ear itches in a dream, expect news from distant relatives or old friends whom you have not seen for a long time.

To see a person with very large ears - you are in vain hoping that by lying a little or distorting the facts in your favor, you will be able to deceive your superiors; your maneuver will not succeed, and insincerity in communication with management will be remembered for a very long time.

Piercing your ears in a dream - you should work on your inner world, not your appearance, because with jewelry and beautiful clothes you will not achieve what you are striving for.

If you put earrings in your ears, this dream foretells you worries about being deceived by a person whom you have always trusted infinitely.

Hearing a noise or ringing in your ear is a good sign, promising you a quick end to your troubles and the onset of a calm period, during which you will rest and resume communication with people you like.

French dream book

An ear or ears in a dream means that your worries and fears are unfounded and you can be calm about your future.

Esoteric dream book

Ears of an unusual shape or size - you are being listened to by the relevant authorities or competitors: by telephone or by a listening device installed somewhere.

If your ears are yours, they are at home; if they are strangers, they are in the office building.

Sick - you “inherited” somewhere, and your data appears in unwanted questionnaires, in the fiscal authorities.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Ears according to the dream book?

Ears, according to the dream book, are a warning that someone will get wind of plans that are important to you.

They tapped you by the ear - a sign that they decided to seriously hurt you.

You have no ears - a reflection of the fact that you do not take into account enough what is advised to you.

According to the dream book, huge ears are a good sign that promises you prosperity, luck and universal recognition.

If someone else has them, thanks to some outstanding merit, your name will be heard by everyone, you will become a real celebrity.

If you dream that your ears are full of wax, your financial situation will improve thanks to unexpected, but very significant cash receipts.

You wash them - this is a reflection of the fact that you are doing serious psychological work on yourself, aimed at improving yourself, becoming more sociable and attractive to others.

Seeing injured ears in a dream means the grief you will experience due to the betrayal of a loved one to whom you told your deepest secrets.

If your ears are completely cut off, you will forever break off your relationship with a person who has been your close friend for a long time.

Why do you dream about ears?

If you see someone's ears in a dream, this is a sign of gossip about you, which has become a permanent part of your existence.

Why do you dream about ears? This dream is a warning that any word you say will be altered by people and not presented in the best light. In such a situation, we can only advise giving less reasons for gossip. Don't talk about personal topics with people you don't know.

But this same dream can be viewed in another aspect, for example, as your desire to find out some secret.

Cleaning your ears means failing in business, losing a lot of money. A dream where you are being bullied or pulled by the ears is a sign of danger and the machinations of enemies who are looking for where to hit you harder.

If you dreamed of an oddly shaped ear, perhaps the intelligence services need something from you; they are trying to find you and install listening devices.

The size of the dreamed ear is also important.

If in a dream you see your ears being too big, this is a sign that you need to be careful, otherwise you will be dishonored. Tiny ears - new meetings will give you true friends.

Seeing ears affected by some kind of disease in a dream means the same thing as unusual ones, that is, the organs are looking for you.

A man’s pierced ears is a dream that predicts an unusual act that will surprise both you and those around you.

A dream where you appear with cropped ears is usually very frightening. It means the following: you have become too hypocritical and cruel a person and you can seriously pay for it.

Seeing a woman's ears pierced in a dream is a sign indicating that appearance means more to you than your soul and is the determining criterion. It is wrong to treat everything this way; you should also pay attention to the spiritual component, because beauty is not important everywhere. If you understand this in time and learn to consider both things and people with different evaluation criteria, then life will get better.

Dream interpretation big ears

Why do you dream of big Ears in a dream according to the dream book?

If in a dream you see big ears, then most likely good news awaits you, which can turn your monotonous life upside down, making it interesting and eventful. Enjoy this prospect to the fullest.

What color were the big ears in the dream?

Why do you dream about big red ears?

You dream of big red ears before a quarrel with friends, which will not be fatal to friendly relations, but will hurt you. The dream book recommends weighing the pros and cons, and it is better to compromise. Then you will quickly find a way out of the stalemate.

Dream Interpretation piercing ears

Why dream of piercing your ears in a dream according to the dream book?

If a woman dreams that she is piercing her earlobes, it means she needs to stop focusing on external beauty and pay attention to internal beauty, and engage in spiritual self-improvement.

If such a vision visited a representative of the stronger half of humanity, he will be able to make an indelible impression on the people around him with some shocking trick.


Dream Interpretation Earlobes dreamed of why you dream about earlobes in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see earlobes in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Ears

Dream Interpretation - Ears

Dream Interpretation - Ears

The ears in a man’s dreams are his wife or unmarried daughter; everything that happens to his own ears concerns their health, honor and lusts.

Dream Interpretation - Ears

Dream Interpretation - Ears

Dream Interpretation - Ears

Dream Interpretation - Ears

Dream Interpretation - Ears and the number two

Dream Interpretation - Ears

Dream Interpretation - Ears

Ears hurt

Dream Interpretation Ears hurt dreamed of why you dream about your ears hurting? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see your ears hurt in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Ears

Seeing your ears in a dream means receiving news of failures in business. Such a dream calls on you to be vigilant and to be able to expose intruders in time if you do not want to be left with your nose. If in a dream someone tickles your ear, then you should be wary of deception or flatterers who are ready to do anything to achieve their selfish goals.

If in a dream you clearly hear something, then wait for news that will clarify your situation. Hearing something incomprehensible in a dream foreshadows a tedious wait for news and uncertainty of the situation.

Admiring your ears in a dream means that someone will praise you. Ear wounds in a dream warns you that the person you trusted will betray you.

Seeing other people's ears in a dream is a sign of slander, deception, or the machinations of your enemies. Often such a dream indicates that you are about to learn about betrayal.

Having many ears in a dream is a harbinger of great success in business, a sign of wealth and a strong position in society. A dream in which you saw that you have eyes on your ears predicts loss of vision or timely exposure of slanderers.

Losing your ears in a dream is a harbinger of failure and monetary losses due to your own inattention and sluggishness, which gave your enemies (or competitors) the opportunity to strike in time. For lovers, such a dream indicates that they should listen to other people’s advice if they do not want to get into trouble or give way to rivals.

If you dream that your ears are cut off, then beware of the loss of a loved one. If your ears are blocked in a dream, then in the near future you will succumb to temptations and betray your loved ones. Cleaning your ears in a dream means that you will finally be able to understand the current situation and dot all the i's. Getting hit in the ear in a dream or feeling pain in the ears portends receiving bad news about failures in business or betrayal of loved ones. If you dream that some insect has crawled into your ear, then expect trouble. Read more See interpretation: insects.

If in a dream you see yourself with the ears of some animal, then the dream indicates to you that you have the qualities inherent in these animals. See interpretation: animals by name and chapter. However, seeing yourself with the ears of predatory animals is a sign of danger. Seeing or being earless in a dream means that you should not trust gossip or rumors.

Dream Interpretation - Ears

Seeing your ears (for example, in the mirror) - you will have to listen to the unpleasant truth about yourself. If your ears are too large, this is an indication that you are too gullible, you take at face value everything that is told to you, including obvious absurdity. You should check the information more carefully, otherwise your enemies will take advantage of your gullibility.

Imagine filling your ears with wax or plugging them with earplugs. You don't hear anything, no matter what they tell you.

If you saw your ears being unnaturally small, the dream suggests that you do not hear the voice of reason and act under the influence of emotions. This could lead to big trouble.

Imagine that you have had plastic surgery and your ears are back to normal size.

If you dreamed that your ears were burning, someone is spreading rumors about you. If your ears hurt, your partners are lying to you, saying that your affairs are bad. In reality, everything is going well for you, but it is beneficial for others that you consider yourself a failure.

Imagine that you put medicinal drops into your ears and they stop hurting.

Having your ears pierced means you think too much about what others will say about you and don’t do your direct responsibilities at all. If you pierced someone's ears, you will offend your best friend.

Imagine that you apply healing ointment to your ears and they heal quickly.

Seeing someone's dirty ears means your arguments will remain unheeded. If your ears were clean, they will hear you, but this will not turn out in your favor: then they will hang all the dogs on you.

Imagine that you give this person a hat, he puts it on - and the hat covers his ears.

Dream Interpretation - Ears

The ears in a man’s dreams are his wife or unmarried daughter; everything that happens to his own ears concerns their health, honor and lusts.

The ears in a woman's dreams are her daughter and everything that happens to her.

Other people's ears, which you see obsessively from dream to dream, in men's and women's dreams, are the female organ of love, something is connected with it.

Having very small ears means true friendship.

Very big - joy and honor

Having incredibly colossal ones is a disease.

Seeing long ears is something unpleasant, a shame.

Seeing someone else's head with big ears is a great glory.

Pinch your ears, wash your ears - loss, loss.

Seeing yourself earless in the mirror means perceiving the life of the cosmos, the other world / being satanically possessed, showing cruel selfishness towards others.

Dream Interpretation - Ears

Whoever sees in a dream that he has many ears or that he cleans his ears, this dream predicts that servants and subordinates will love him, faithfully and faithfully serve and obey him.

Seeing your ears filled with rye in a dream means receiving an inheritance from a deceased relative.

Whoever dreams that he has donkey ears will be humiliated.

When someone dreams that he has the ears of a lion or other predatory animal, this warns that person to beware of deception from his enemies or envious people.

To dream that the ears have become larger and more beautiful than usual predicts respect, prosperity, as well as a date with a person who is entrusted with the affairs and secrets of the dreamer.

If it seems to him that his ears are wounded or cut, the one to whom he entrusted his secrets will betray him.

When you dream that your ears are completely cut off, this foreshadows the loss of friendship of those closest to you.

A man who sees in a dream that his ears are blocked will change his beliefs and begin to deceive everyone who trusts him.

A woman who dreamed the same thing should be wary of seduction.

Dream Interpretation - Ears

If you see strange, sore ears in a dream, this should alert you: the information you hear in reality may be unreliable.

Ears Urge you to listen to information that is useful to you.

Seeing huge ears means quarrel, gossip.

Sick, dirty ears mean receiving bad news.

Clean beautiful ears - friendship, good news.

Seeing the ears of an animal in yourself is a disease, the machinations of enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Ears

Seeing your ears cut off is a symbol of servants' obedience.

Seeing other people's ears cut off means trouble.

If you see yourself scratching your ears or someone scratching your ears in a dream, this is good news.

If you see long hair in someone else's ears, it means wealth.

Seeing someone pulling your ears means your crimes will be punished by law.

Dream Interpretation - Ears

If you clean your ears: in reality it is difficult for you to find a common language with others, and although you blame others for this, deep down you understand that you yourself are to blame, and you will try to correct the situation in one way or another.

Try to learn to listen and hear people if you have ears of simply incredible size: this means that in reality something out of the ordinary will happen to you, so extraordinary that you will radically change your outlook on life.

Maybe you will even witness a true miracle.

If a woman gets her ears pierced: the dream means that she pays too much attention to appearance, completely forgetting about other virtues, for example, spiritual qualities that paint a person much more than external beauty.

A woman who has such a dream should think about her life and take care of her soul; after all, beauty is short-lived, but spiritual beauty can add charm to even an ugly woman.

If you never forget about this and try to harmonize your thoughts, feelings and appearance, then you can’t ask for anything better.

Well, if a man gets his ears pierced, it means that in reality this person will commit some extraordinary act that will shock those around him.

It is difficult to say what consequences this step will lead to, but in any case you will not be bored.

If you are being pulled by the ears, it means that in reality someone will try to deal a serious blow to your pride.

Dream Interpretation - Ears and the number two

Seeing someone's huge ears in a dream means unexpectedly finding yourself in the thick of things and witnessing amazing events. If in your dream the ears belong to a pleasant person, then you will receive the most joyful news, but if it is unpleasant for you to look at the owner of such locators, then the news will enrage or puzzle you.

If in a dream big ears belong to you and you see them in the mirror, then after 11 days life circumstances will force you to change your principles.

Dream Interpretation - Ears

If you pay attention to your own or other people's ears: perhaps in the near future you will be embarrassed by some rumors or gossip.

Pain in the ears, if it is not caused by a real disease: suggests that soon some rumors may cause your indignation.

Funny ears in a dream: foretell that empty talk can cause some stupid and ridiculous incident.

Dream Interpretation - Ears

Ears - Unusual shape or size - you are being listened to by the relevant authorities or competitors: on the phone or somewhere with a listening device installed. If the ears are yours, then at your home, if they are strangers, then in the office premises. Sick - you “inherited” somewhere, and your data appears in unwanted questionnaires, in the fiscal authorities.

Why do you dream about Big Ears?

You can find out for free in the dream book, Why do you dream about Big ears?, having read below the interpretation of dreams from the online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see something else in your dream rather than Big Ears, use the search form for online dream interpretations.

It is the dream book that helps us correctly interpret the dream we have, because it is often ambiguous and can promise many different events related to different areas of life.

It is not without reason that in many cases ears are a kind of symbolism of gossip, some conversations or news. How good the interpretation will be depends only on the details, so first you should recreate the smallest details of the dream.

Various interpretations

Their own ears, seen in a dream, as Miller’s dream book explains, indicate to women that they internally distrust their own admirer. Often such fears and guesses have no basis in reality; it is worth finding out what the doubts are related to.

But strangers’ ears, and not their own, may well be talking about gossip from strangers. Such ridiculous conversations will lead to quarrels with those around you or your loved one if you fail to restrain yourself.

Why do you dream of an ear, especially if you have to whisper into it? This, rather, speaks of some kind of hostility on the part of her closest friend, and sometimes even envy. If a man saw a similar dream, then this promises him the possibility of a new relationship. Surely now it is worth considering in an unusual quality those girls who are around.

A dream where a fly flies into your ears or a foreign object is inserted into your ears indicates that someone is trying to influence you. Trusting your intuition is the best key to finding peace of mind. Dirty ears also indicate lies, and they will begin to pour out from the lips of true friends.

The dream book says that cleaning your ears in a dream is an important detail. This promises independence from evil slander; all of them will pass by. But sometimes this only indicates that you yourself are collecting other people’s secrets. Rest assured, you will soon learn something important.

An impressionable girl is characterized by a vision in which someone gives something to her ear. If there is a chosen one, this can indicate suspicion on his part. But for a man who has seen an old object of desire, the dream book claims that his dreams will soon come true. Most likely, it will be the unapproachable beauty who will take the first step.

If you dreamed of big pig ears, you probably have a lover who is not entirely clean. Such visions indicate some difficulties, so it is recommended to pay more attention to the dream. In this case, there is a great chance to get rid of rumors and problems.

When you dream about your big ears, this is a prediction of joy for their owner. It is worth preparing for changes, since often all events will completely turn your life upside down. If they are large in another person, and not in their own, then interpreters say that it is he who is capable of causing change.


If you are a person who loves to be in the thick of the most active life, then be prepared for the fact that after sleeping with your ear cut off you will have to stop such activities for a while, even if you don’t want to.

Why do you dream about ears, especially when someone you know cuts them off? Perhaps, due to the fault of this person, you will find yourself cut off from business. Such a dream is most unfavorable for businessmen. But if this part of the body is torn off, this is a signal that you are interesting to several people, so passionate love is soon possible.

The selections have different interpretations:

  • from the ear speaks about events related to relatives. Remember the emotions that you experienced in the dream, because they will determine how good (or not) the leaders will be.
  • Purulent discharge is not a very good sign. Most likely, it will not be possible to influence events, since the enemies have united and are acting coherently. Blood impurities indicate collusion with one of your relatives. The dream book recommends that you unite with your friends and worry about your mental balance in advance. The storm will subside, indicating who should not be trusted.
  • , flowing down or flowing out, symbolizes health. If it is cloudy, this means that the body is able to independently cope with the disease, and complete healing will soon follow.

Other meanings

Sore ears indicate either health problems or are associated with career problems. Why you dream about ears in this case, you have to determine yourself by examining the situation from the inside. You can avoid problems in these areas if you improve your relationship with your boss and also visit a doctor.

Why dream of having your ears pierced? The interpretation promises obstacles, sometimes deliberately set up. But often the dream book for unmarried ladies also indicates that the inner worldview will change, which will have a beneficial effect on attractiveness.

But men should remain vigilant, because enemies are capable of seriously influencing matters. The dream recommends checking even minor gossip, because it can turn out to be valuable information.

In general, the dream book says that any earlobe punctures always promise changes. The details that accompanied the dream will help to interpret them in one way or another. Thus, gold earrings that are inserted into a puncture are one of the best signs, because it promises unprecedented wealth, often associated with a risky enterprise.

But a man should approach this with caution, monitoring his own behavior and words. This will help strengthen your respect and influence. Author: Victoria Knyazeva

Why do you dream about ears?

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing someone's ears in a dream is a warning dream: someone who is hostile to you will meticulously listen to your every judgment, trying to find a reason to insult you.

Why do you dream about ears?

Freud's Dream Book

Ears are a symbol of the female genital organs with all the ensuing interpretations.

Washing or cleaning the ears symbolizes sexual intercourse. Clean, even ears indicate good health and harmonious sex.

Pinned and small ears symbolize coldness, but maybe only with you.

Protruding ears symbolize increased passion.

Hairy ears - speak of a desire for unbridled sexual pleasures, perhaps with elements of sadism.

Dirty ears should remind you of the existence of condoms.

Wounded ears - portend the onset of menstruation.

Why do you dream about ears?

Family dream book

If you saw someone's ears in a dream, consider this a warning. Some of those people who are hostile to you will constantly find fault with you and try to offend you.

Why do you dream about ears?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

If in a dream you paid attention to your own or someone else’s ears, perhaps in the near future you will be embarrassed by some rumors or gossip.

Pain in the ears, if it is not caused by a real disease, suggests that soon some rumors may cause your indignation.

Funny ears in a dream portend that empty talk can cause some stupid and ridiculous incident.

Why do you dream about ears?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Ear - you will hear impartial criticism addressed to you; You will find yourself the instigator of a quarrel, scandal, conflict.

Why do you dream about ears?

Spring dream book

Ear - do not attach much importance to what they will soon say in your ear; not everything will be as bad as it seems.

Having your ears pierced means discussing painful issues and having caustic conversations.

Why do you dream about ears?

Summer dream book

Ear - your secret will be revealed.

Piercing your ears in a dream means otitis media.

Why do you dream about ears?

Autumn dream book

Ear - dreams of an angry conversation with a neighbor.

Having your ears pierced means unpleasant rumors about you.

Why do you dream about ears?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Ears - prosperity and happiness.

Why do you dream about ears?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed of ears, you should know that an evil and insidious person is eavesdropping on all your conversations in order to harm you.

You dreamed that you had donkey ears - in the near future you will commit a very stupid act.

If you dreamed that one of your loved ones or acquaintances had donkey ears, you should know that through the fault of this person troubles will fall on your head.

Meeting a stranger with donkey ears is a sign that among your acquaintances there is an ill-wisher who has been plotting against you for a long time.

If you dreamed that you were without ears, in the near future you will not listen to the smart advice of your loved ones.

Why do you dream about ears?

Esoteric dream book

Ears of an unusual shape or size - you are being listened to by the relevant authorities or competitors: by telephone or by a listening device installed somewhere.

If your ears are yours, they are at home; if they are strangers, they are in the office building.

Sick - you “inherited” somewhere, and your data appears in unwanted questionnaires, in the fiscal authorities.

Why do you dream about ears?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Ear - news; to see clearly is good news; unusual - strange news, news.

Why do you dream about ears?

Modern dream book

Seeing ears in a dream is a sign that in reality an evil and treacherous person will overhear your conversations in order to carry out his base plans and harm you

Why do you dream about ears?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

false rumors.

Why do you dream about ears?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

The ears in a man’s dreams are his wife or unmarried daughter; everything that happens to his own ears concerns their health, honor and lusts.

The ears in a woman's dreams are her daughter and everything that happens to her.

Other people's ears, which you see obsessively from dream to dream, in men's and women's dreams, are the female organ of love, something is connected with it.

Having very small ears means true friendship.

Very big - joy and honor.

Having incredibly colossal ones is a disease.

Seeing long ears is something unpleasant, a shame.

Seeing someone else's head with big ears is a great glory.

Pinch your ears, wash your ears - losses, loss.

Seeing yourself earless in the mirror means perceiving the life of the cosmos, the other world / being satanically possessed, showing cruel selfishness towards others.

Why do you dream about ears?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Ears - news, sensation; rumors, dubious information; additionally for a woman - seduction.

Very large - joy.

Many ears - subordinates, assistants.

Why do you dream about ears?

Folklore dream book

Ears are burning - someone is thinking about you, but maybe it’s a shame.

Why do you dream about ears?

Modern dream book

Ears – False Rumors

Why do you dream about ears?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Ears – Encourage you to listen to information that is useful to you. (See also Earrings.) Seeing huge ears means quarrel, gossip. Sick, dirty ears mean receiving bad news. Clean beautiful ears - friendship, good news. Seeing the ears of an animal in yourself is a disease, the machinations of enemies.

Why do you dream about ears?

Women's dream book

What does it mean to see Ears in a dream - If in a dream you paid attention to someone’s ears, you have an ill-wisher who is ready to find fault with any of your words, trying to find a reason to insult you.

Why do you dream about ears?

Dream book of catchphrases

EAR (ears) – “fly into the ear”, “ears on the top of the head” - attentiveness, vigilance; “by the ear and in the sun” - to call for accountability. “It went in one ear, out the other” (forgetfulness); "fall head over heels in love." “Keep your ears open” - believe everything, listen with interest. “Ears are withering” - stunning unpleasant information, gossip. “Drag or pull by the ears” - to forcefully attract somewhere, to something. “Flap your ears” - miss; “buzz all your ears” (get bored); “hurts the ear” - what they don’t want to hear gets on the nerves; “and didn’t even turn an ear” (excerpt), “tear off the ears” (punishment), “blush to the ears” (severe shame).

Why do you dream about ears?

Muslim dream book

If someone sees in a dream that his ear is separated, his daughter will die, or he will give his wife a divorce.

If someone sees in a dream that he is cleaning his ear, it means he will hear good news.

And if someone sees himself deaf in a dream, his importance in matters of faith and science will diminish.

If someone sees in a dream that a goosebump has entered his ear, this means death.

If anyone sees ears similar to the ears of predatory animals or cattle, he will hear amazing news, in accordance with the breed of that animal.

Why do you dream about ears?

Idiomatic dream book

“Fly into the ear”, “ears on top of the head” - attentiveness, vigilance; “by the ear and in the sun” - call to account; “it went into one ear and out of the other” - forgetfulness; “open your ears” - believe everything, listen with interest; “ears are withering” - stunning unpleasant information, gossip; “to drag or pull by the ears” - to forcefully attract somewhere, to something; “to flap your ears” - to miss; “buzz all your ears” - get bored; “hurts the ear” - what they don’t want to hear gets on the nerves; “and didn’t turn an ear” - excerpt; “tear off the ears” - punishment; “blush to the ears” is a strong shame.

Why do you dream about ears?

Dream book of relationships

Ears - such a dream warns that you should be careful in the company of people with whom you are unfamiliar and whom you do not know well. Don't talk to them about your personal life - it is quite possible that the next day everyone you know will know intimate details.

Why do you dream about ears?

Online dream book

Ears, according to the dream book, are a warning that someone will get wind of plans that are important to you.

They tapped you by the ear - a sign that they decided to seriously hurt you.

You have no ears - a reflection of the fact that you do not take into account enough what is advised to you.

According to the dream book, huge ears are a good sign that promises you prosperity, luck and universal recognition.

If someone else has them

If you dream that your ears are full of wax, your financial situation will improve thanks to unexpected, but very significant cash receipts.

You wash them - this is a reflection of the fact that you are doing serious psychological work on yourself, aimed at improving yourself, becoming more sociable and attractive to others.

Seeing injured ears in a dream means the grief you will experience due to the betrayal of a loved one to whom you told your deepest secrets.

If the ears are completely cut off

Why do you dream about ears?

American dream book

Ears - the desire to hear the truth.

Why do you dream about ears?

Lunar dream book

To see big ears is a disease; handsome - praise; awkward - madness.

Why do you dream about ears?

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Big ears are a disgrace.

Why do you dream about ears?

Russian dream book

Ears - do not loosen your tongue, this will not remain without consequences; long ears - to profit.

Why do you dream about ears?

Russian dream book

Why do you dream about ears?

Dream Interpreter of 1829

For a rich and noble man to have his ears plugged in a dream - portends stubbornness, cruelty and misuse of power; if he is a poor man, this dream means his bad morals and bad behavior, which he must change; if a woman has such a dream, it marks her wastefulness; having an ear wounded or cut means betrayal of a friend who will use our power of attorney for evil, also marks the discovery of a secret; to have more than two ears is a sign of friends and faithful servants; losing ears in a dream - portends a quarrel with friends; having longer ears is a sign of illness.

Why do you dream about ears?

Islamic dream book

If a sleeping person sees in a dream an unfamiliar old man cutting off both his ears, he will have to pay twice with the price of his blood.

If he sees in a dream how he himself cuts off the ear of a man, he will betray him, causing harm to his family and his children. This dream also foreshadows the decline of his fame. Some claim that if a man whose wife is pregnant has a dream like this, she will die. If he is not married, a woman close to him will die.

Why do you dream about ears?

French dream book

An ear or ears in a dream means that your worries and fears are unfounded and you can be calm about your future.

Why do you dream about ears?

Dream book for a bitch

Ears - gossip, rumors.

Large, protruding ears - your enemies are trying to discredit your good name.

Beautiful, neat ears are good changes, good news.

Why do you dream about ears?

Numerological dream book of Pythagoras

Seeing someone's huge ears in a dream means unexpectedly finding yourself in the thick of things and witnessing amazing events.

If in your dream the ears belong to a pleasant person, you will receive the most joyful news, but if you find it unpleasant to look at the owner of such locators, then the news will enrage or puzzle you.

If in a dream big ears belong to you and you see them in the mirror, life circumstances will force you to change your principles.

Why do you dream about ears?

Aesop's Dream Book

There are many associations associated with the ear. There is a saying: “It goes in one ear, out the other,” which means that a person instantly forgets what he was asked to do. They say: “A woman loves with her ears,” that is, your subconscious can send you a signal through the “ear” symbol that there is a person next to you with whom you can have a love affair (in the good sense of the word).

“Keep your ears on top” (that is, be alert, eavesdrop, strive to be aware of everything) is one of the common expressions, which can also be the source of the image of an ear for your dream. One of the forms of punishment has long been to rip out your ear, so a dream about your ear may be caused by the torment of your conscience due to some kind of offense. When you are deceived, convinced of something that is obviously false, you usually say: “Don’t fool me,” thus, the subconscious mind can signal you about the danger of being deceived or misled.

If your ears “burn” - they become red and hot, it means that at this time someone is talking or thinking about you. When you succumb to flattery, persuasion, or deception, someone who soberly assesses the situation tells you: “You’ve made a fool of yourself!”

If in a dream you carefully wash your ears, this dream suggests that you are tired of independently figuring out what official information should be about.

If your ear itches in a dream, expect news from distant relatives or old friends whom you have not seen for a long time.

To see a person with very large ears - you are in vain hoping that by lying a little or distorting the facts in your favor, you will be able to deceive your superiors; your maneuver will not succeed, and insincerity in communication with management will be remembered for a very long time.

Piercing your ears in a dream - you should work on your inner world, not your appearance, because with jewelry and beautiful clothes you will not achieve what you are striving for.

If you put earrings in your ears, this dream foretells you worries about being deceived by a person whom you have always trusted infinitely.

Hearing a noise or ringing in your ear is a good sign, promising you a quick end to your troubles and the onset of a calm period, during which you will rest and resume communication with people you like.

Why do you dream about ears?

Longo's Dream Interpretation

If in a dream you clean your ears, in reality it is difficult for you to find a common language with others, and although you blame others for this, deep down you understand that you yourself are to blame, and you will try to correct the situation in one way or another. Try to learn to listen and hear people - this is the first and absolutely necessary condition for mutual understanding. In addition, a good example is much more contagious than a bad one, contrary to popular belief, and if you practice paying attention to the problems of others, then those around you will treat you with more attention and respect.

If in a dream you have ears of simply incredible size, it means that in reality something out of the ordinary will happen to you, so extraordinary that you will radically change your outlook on life. Maybe you will even witness a true miracle.

If a woman pierces her ears in a dream, the dream means that she pays too much attention to appearance, completely forgetting about other advantages, for example, spiritual qualities that make a person look much more beautiful than external beauty.



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