How to make swans from tires step by step. How to make a swan from a tire - a car tire

The decor of a summer cottage is not always carried out only with drawings of flowers, as well as green fences and columns. Small details in the visual perception of the overall design are also important. Many of them can be made with your own hands. For example, a swan made from an unnecessary tire.

DIY tire swan: choice of material

The first priority is the selection of tools for the job. Not only the complexity of the process, which will take more than one minute, but also the final result depends on it.

It is recommended to adapt a used tire with worn out tread for such a sculpture. In addition to the fact that extra relief is not needed here, cutting on such a surface will be much easier. The original pattern on the tire is not particularly important. Although it is easier to apply a pattern using a longitudinal pattern and subsequently cut it. In addition, the paint will adhere to it with the least amount of problems.

General softness is also not the last condition. In the case when the material can be selected, rather than using only what is currently on hand, it is worth looking for an option without the “Steel” marking. It means that a metal cord is mounted inside the rubber to give the tire rigidity. This is great for the wheel itself, but not so much for further processing of the tire. Not only will cutting from such a source bring no joy, but also the risk of injury through contact with metal wire increases. The ideal cord is nylon.

In addition to the tire, you should think about other devices. In particular, marking will be carried out using chalk and tape measure. It is more convenient to cut the material with any shoe knife, the blade of which is carefully sharpened beforehand. In addition, a grinder and an electric jigsaw will be used. A cutting disc is required.

Additionally, it is worth preparing a drill. It will require 2 drills. The diameter of the first will be 3 mm, and the second - 10 mm. A coil of steel wire is also connected here, which will go to staples, any metal rod 1.5 m long, and pliers. For painting you need white and red paints and a brush.

Tire swan: diagram and description of actions

The preparatory stage of creating a garden decoration consists of waiting for suitable weather. It is worth working with a tire outside because of the smell it emits during the cutting process. Before this, the tire is washed as much as possible. Cleaning the surface will make both marking and cutting easier.

The first stage is dividing the entire circle into 2 parts. One of them will have the body of a swan, the other will have the neck and head with a beak. A longitudinal line of the axis is immediately drawn, which will help maintain the symmetry of the sides. They will be drawn mirror each other.

From the border of one of the semicircles, a beak begins to emerge, turning into a head, which will end in a long neck. The proportions of these parts look like 4:6:25. In particular, in a semicircle 70 cm long. the beak will take about 8 cm, the head - 12, and the neck is already 50 cm.

The end of the beak is assumed to be pointed, so the maximum thickness will be in the area of ​​articulation with the head and will be half of its length.

With the neck itself, everything is somewhat more complicated. Firstly, its length will exceed the length of the semicircle, which means that the indicated 50 cm is not the limit. It will need to be extended by another 5-10 cm in the second zone. But as for the thickness, at the border it will be equal to 10 cm. The bird’s tail forms independently when the beak is cut out. The resulting letter “V” will create it.

How to cut a swan from a tire?

Cutting is one of the most painful stages. Here, even the choice of tools depends on your own strengths and on the selected material. More worn-out rubber can be cut with a shoe knife. But the place of its insertion will still have to be drilled.

If the tire is still hard enough, option 2 is an electric jigsaw or grinder. The latter, of course, seems preferable. We must not forget that when its blade comes into contact with rubber, burning and the release of a pungent odor are observed. In addition, tire is not a material that should be used with a grinder because of its mobility. In addition to breaking the pattern, there is a chance of injury.

An electric jigsaw is most suitable for this type of action. The tool is selected with a high frequency of teeth, the direction of which is oriented upward during operation. To make it easier to operate the jigsaw, you need to drill holes at all corner points. The cutting direction will not be from the beak down, but from the base of the neck to the beak. Moreover, it is a mistake to work on one side first and then move on to the other. The important point is uniformity.

Another tip regarding cutting is the need to find quality support. The fact is that an electric jigsaw will definitely make the tire vibrate, which will complicate the process. Therefore, it is worth placing a vertical wooden block inside, along which the tire will gradually move.

DIY tire swan: final stage

Once the section from the beak to the base of the neck is cut out, you will need to start trimming the edge. If, however, the tire contained a metal cord, the edges are polished with a grinder. In other cases, a shoe knife is used, after which sanding is done.

There are still a few steps left before the swan proudly raises its head. The first is turning the tire inside out. The final appearance is the bird's wings spread outward. To create a neck, a pre-prepared metal rod is used in tandem with wire and pliers. The last two are involved in creating the staples, and the first will become the main structure holding the neck and head. To do this, use the thinnest drill to make holes on the rubber. They should be located along an axis from the center point of the head to the tip of the tail. Their distance from the line of symmetry is 5-7 mm.

The rod laid inside is fixed with staples. Their ends are bent with pliers, the excess is cut off with wire cutters. The final gesture is the formation of a bend in the neck. After that all that remains is to paint the swan. Eyes can also be made from short bolts with wide heads.

Of course, there are many ways to make a swan from a tire. This composition can be made from plastic bottles, garden hoses, or even pipes from a vacuum cleaner. In some places the algorithms are simpler, but in others, on the contrary, they are somewhat more complex. And the appearance in most cases varies greatly.

According to the scheme discussed above, you can make 2 versions of the bird without changing the course of action too much. At one of the final stages, the side zones are simply cut along the circumference. As a result, the wings will lie on the ground, and the central circles of the tire will stand vertically. Shaping the neck and head is done through the use of a metal rod.

This version, unlike the classic one, will not allow you to use garden decor as a flower bed due to the lack of space for soil and seedlings. This swan is more “slender” and less “closed”.

Now you know how to make a swan from a tire, what tricks will make the difficult process easier, and what you need to achieve an excellent result. After familiarizing yourself with the basic algorithm, you will master more complex versions, and your garden will receive its own bright flavor!

If you have old tires lying around in your garage, don’t rush to throw them away. Of course, you can no longer drive with such tires, but you can use them to make interesting decorations for your yard and garden. For example, these could be figures of swans with outstretched wings.

What materials and tools are needed to make a swan from a tire?

It is very important to choose the “right” tire for the job. I recommend taking one that has become completely bald during use: it is easier to cut and process. For the same reason, it is better to take a tire with a longitudinal pattern. Another tip: it’s better to choose tires with a cord (a rubberized layer of fabric made of textile, polymer or metal threads) made of nylon, rather than with a steel cord reinforcement (breaker). Reinforced products are difficult to cut, and the edges of the cord may stick out at the cut site, which can injure you while working. Such tires have the word “Steel” in the marking, therefore it is not present in a tire with nylon reinforcement.

Carefully choose tires so that working with them is convenient and does not pose a risk of injury.

Wash and dry the selected tires thoroughly. In addition to them, you will need for work:

  • chalk for marking;
  • roulette;
  • electric drill;
  • drills 3 and 10 mm in diameter;
  • sharp knife (with a powerful shoemaker-type blade);
  • jigsaw;
  • “grinder” with a cutting disc;
  • pliers;
  • wire for staples;
  • a plastic metal rod (or thick wire) 1.2–1.5 meters long;
  • paint to give the finished “swan” the desired color.

In addition, you need to draw a diagram according to which you will cut out the swan. You can use a very simple form to get a small flower bed.

You can make a small flowerbed in the shape of a swan using a simple pattern

When working with this scheme, it is enough to make cuts along the lines:

  • head and neck;
  • tail;
  • feathers on the wings.

After this, you need to turn the tire inside out, attach the halves of the head to each other and place a beak made of a piece of plastic between them. Secure the shape with self-tapping screws and paint it in suitable colors. You will end up with a small round flower bed.

You can plant any low, densely growing flowers in a simple tire flower bed.

A little more complex in execution, but very beautiful, is the original figure-decoration in the form of a swan spreading its wings.

You can make a beautiful swan spreading its wings to decorate your garden

The process of creating a swan from a tire

First of all, you need to mark the tire with chalk. Let's take an R13 tire. Its width is 165 mm, length along the circumference line is 1800 mm.

Product marking

Mark the product as follows:

  1. At the beginning of work, apply 2 stripes dividing the circumference of the tire in half lengthwise. This will outline the “neck” of the swan.
  2. After this, draw a “beak”, “head” and “neck” in turn on the tread (outer) side of the tire. From the first line, draw a “beak” symmetrically to the axis with dimensions: length - 8–9 cm, width - 3–4 cm. It should go into the “head”, the parameters of which are as follows: 10–12 cm - length, 7–8 cm - width, from the end of this “part of the body” you need to mark the “neck”, expanding towards the body. Its width at the beginning is 4–5 cm, at the end – 8–10 cm.
  3. Lastly, mark the “tail”. Its fork is located where the “beak” begins. Draw two parallel lines 8 cm apart and up to 30 cm long.

The process of creating a swan from a tire begins with marking the tire

Cutting process

Now start cutting:

  1. Cut from the base of the “neck” towards the “head”. A shoe knife can probably handle a heavily worn tire, but a thicker tread (tire element) is best cut with a grinder. If you have a fairly powerful jigsaw, use it after making the initial holes with a grinder.
  2. Carry out parallel cutting on both sides in small intervals of 4–5 cm. This is much more convenient than cutting out one side completely first, and then the other.
  3. When the cutting is finished, process all the edges of the resulting parts. If there is a metal cord in the tread, cut off the protruding wires using a grinder. For nylon cord, finishing the edges with a sharp knife is sufficient.

Remember the safety rules! Be sure to wear gloves and use special glasses.

How to turn a tire out and bend the “neck”

To ensure that the cut tire takes the desired shape, turn it inside out. Dealing with this is not difficult. To make the task easier, use your foot to secure the tire on the outside of the rim. The frame is ready. Now you need to fix the neck and head. To do this, you will need a steel rod to which the “neck” piece will be attached. Do the following:

  1. Along the center line from the middle of the “head” to the base of the “tail”, make paired holes with a drill. Their diameter should be 3 mm, the gaps between them should be 15 cm.
  2. Prepare wire staples according to the number of pairs of holes. They will attach the “neck” to a metal rod. Immediately insert them into the holes.
  3. Place the rod from below, using pliers to twist the protruding edges of the brackets around it. Trim off the excess and give the “neck” a characteristic bend.

Instead of a rod, you can use a steel strip. Some masters find it much more convenient. In this case, do not use staples, but bolts or rivets for connection.

The neck of a tire swan is fixed using a metal rod attached to the tire with wire staples

Decoration and installation

Check again to see if there are any sharp edges or protruding wires left on the swan figure. If there are any, clear them.

Paint the figure white or black, a color characteristic of swans. You can apply a different shade or completely cover the figure with fantasy patterns. It is important that the paint is resistant to wind and moisture. Make the beak red, and screw in large bolts where the eyes should be.

Tire swans can be an additional decoration or an independent decoration

A manufactured and decorated swan can be placed on a whole tire, stump, or simply on the ground, lightly sprinkled with soil for stability.

Using the same scheme, you can create another version of the swan figure. The tire does not need to be turned inside out; it is enough to bend the “wings” further so that they lower to the ground.

If you don’t turn the tire out, the swan figure will be even more original.

Photo gallery: swan figures made from tires and options for their arrangement

A family of black swans made from tires in a natural body of water looks very elegant. The swan can serve as a flower bed. You can use your imagination and paint the swan in several colors. You can make a pond of sand for the swan from a tire and decorate the “pond” with artificial reeds and water lily leaves. Swans made from tires will decorate your flowerbed You can create a decorative pond (paint the stones blue) and place swans made from tires on it. There is the simplest version of a swan made from an old tire Place a flock of white swans on the lawn You can make black and white swans for contrast

Back then they made it from a plastic bottle and putty. Today is a new post - we will make a swan from a tire. I think that many have already seen such swans in garden plots or playgrounds, but they don’t yet know how to make them.

Old car tires that have served their purpose often find a second life, becoming interesting and unusual crafts for the garden. Making an unusual shape from a tire is quite simple. And this decoration of your garden will serve faithfully for a very long time. All you need is to show a little imagination and spend about an hour of time.

The tire swan is a beautiful and unusual bird for your garden. To make a swan, you will need a car tire, screws and bolts for fastening the parts, attaching the swan to the base, fishing line and wire, and paint.

When making a swan, maintaining symmetry is of great importance. Therefore, before you begin the actual production of the craft, you need to carefully measure and mark everything. For this you will need a ruler and chalk.

It is most convenient to cut marked tires with a well-sharpened knife or an electric jigsaw, and to saw through the cord with a hacksaw. Instead of a hacksaw, you can use wire cutters.

You can make a swan from both the front and back of a tire. The reverse side allows you to make the craft smooth and even, and also gives the product greater strength due to bends. To make a craft from the wrong side of a tire, you just need to turn it inside out (you can’t do without male power).

If, when making a craft, some elements do not want to hold their shape, then you can secure them with aluminum wire or using stretchers made of transparent fishing line.

To make a swan, you need to form its neck, head and tail by carefully cutting the upper part of a tire placed on its side. In this case, the sides should also be carefully cut out - these will be the wings and back of the swan. The longer part of the resulting strip is cut out in the form of a beak and bent like the neck of a swan, and the short part is given the shape of a tail. The side round parts of the tire are divided along the circumference into two parts: the inner part is thin, the outer part is wider. The outer parts are lowered to the ground and fixed - these are the wings. The inner parts of the tire sides are brought together in the middle of the tire and fastened. It turns out to be the back of a swan. The craft is ready. All that remains is to paint it the desired color.

And this is a real pond with swans:

But let's not stop there either. After all, you can make not only swans from tires, but many other beautiful, funny and useful things.

Each of us would like to have cleanliness and order around his house or dacha. Not everyone manages to achieve this; moreover, caring for the flowers that adorn their garden plot is not so easy. Everything requires a lot of time and effort. However, there is a solution to this problem! You can make crafts from scrap materials that would delight you every day and would absolutely not require constant care. Very simple and at the same time looks beautiful craft - swan from a tire.

Materials for making a swan with your own hands:

  • tire;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • plate;
  • screws;
  • water-based paint.

The process of making a swan from a tire:

1) First you need to prepare the tire for work. It is desirable that the tire be bald and without unnecessary bends.

2) It is necessary to draw the swan’s head along its width along the lines, starting with the beak, which is a rectangle 9 cm long and 2 cm wide. We continue, without lifting our hands, to draw the head. It is 2 times wider than the beak, but the length remains the same - 9-10 cm.

3) Smoothly move on to drawing the neck on the tire. You need to draw lines from the head to more than half the circumference of the tire. Often, the cut line of the tire itself does not coincide with the image of the neck, so it is necessary to draw straight lines very carefully so as not to fall into the cut.

4) Where you drew the beak, you need to mark the swan’s tail with a line, measuring 20 cm.

5) The most difficult stage in the work begins: cutting out the drawn key, neck and head. This must be done first with a drill, and then with a jigsaw file, and cut 5 cm alternately on each side.

6) After this, you need to turn the tire out, giving it the shape of a swan. The widest part that remains bends inward, and this is the support of your craft.

7) Without fastenings, the swan’s neck will not hold, so it is necessary to drill holes in the neck and head and attach the bird’s head to the plate.

8) The swan's eyes are cut out of rubber and screwed into inconspicuous screws.

9) The swan is ready, you can show your creativity and start painting it. In order for the craft to become crystal white, you will have to paint it several times, each time waiting until it dries completely.

If you want your swan to look as natural as possible, you can make a lawn around it, and also put it in another tire, painted the color of water.

This concludes our master class, more crafts for the garden can be seen in

More and more often, when passing by a well-kept courtyard, you observe picturesque scenery, where swans made of tires attract the main attention. Marveling at the skill of folk craftsmen, one involuntarily feels the desire to decorate one’s own summer cottage in a similar way. The opinion about the difficulties of the technological process of cutting figures from tires is erroneous; upon a detailed study of the issue, there are no particular difficulties in making a swan.

The main stages of making a swan

The stage of creating the decoration you like is preceded by preparatory actions. By showing concern in advance about the availability of the necessary tools and available materials, you will not have to be distracted by trifles. With some skill, one day off is enough to make a swan out of tires.

Tools and materials

The following will help you create an extraordinary swan:

  • an angle grinder (in common parlance - a grinder) or an electric jigsaw;
  • electric drill;
  • pliers, wire cutters and knife;
  • metal rod for fixing the neck;
  • chalk for marking;
  • weather-resistant paint to give the swan figure an aesthetic appearance.

Old tires intended for making swan deserve special attention. Fairly worn products, that is, almost bald tires, are optimal. This will greatly facilitate the process of working on the future swan. Give up the idea of ​​using studded tires.

Important ! Ease of operation and further safety of operation of the finished figure will be ensured by a tire with nylon reinforcement. This product can be easily processed with a knife. Rubber with a metal cord, in addition to being difficult to process, can cause minor cuts.

If you do not have your own material for the swan, the problem can be solved by a visit to the nearest tire shop. One tire is enough for a figure, but it is better to stock up on a couple of extra pieces for experimental actions. Before starting the cutting procedure, tires are thoroughly washed and dried. It is advisable to organize all activities outdoors.

The process of cutting and shaping a figure

The marking scheme directly affects the final appearance of the swan figure. If you make the cuts correctly, the process of turning the tire out will be much easier. Most often, R13 tires are used as the basis; its circumference is 1.8 m. First of all, the middle of the tire is marked with chalk. In a harmonious sculpture, most of the circumference of the tire is occupied by the neck and beak. The proportions of the swan are:

  • neck - 0.95 m;
  • head - 0.1 m;
  • beak - 0.09 m.

The photo shows examples of tire cutting.

The basic steps to carve a swan are as follows:

  • Nylon reinforcement of rubber will allow the procedure of cutting out the swan pattern to be carried out with a knife. Periodically wetting it in a soap solution will speed up the process.
  • Making a swan from a tire with a metal cord is more difficult. To do this you will have to use a grinder or an electric jigsaw. For one swan you will need 3 disks. The use of work gloves, glasses and closed shoes will prevent the likelihood of traumatic situations.
  • It is more convenient to work with a jigsaw. To start the saw, you first need to make a hole in the tire; a drill or chisel will help with this. High speeds increase tool wear; it is optimal to set the speed below average and use a saw with a reverse tooth. The rubber is not subjected to strong heating.
  • The lack of electric tools is not an obstacle - a metal file can replace them, although you won’t be able to make a swan quickly.
  • The cutting of the tires begins along the contour of the head and neck. You should not get carried away with one side of the figure, otherwise the procedure for cutting out the opposite part will become significantly more complicated. It is much faster to make a swan by cutting both sides alternately.
  • Then they move on to the tail, its length is about 25 cm. The work is carried out in a similar way.
  • To give the swan blank the required volume, lay it on the ground with the cut part down and pull the side elements up, holding the central part with your foot. The whole process is quite labor intensive.
  • The side half rings, imitating the wings of a swan, are lowered down. Metal reinforcement of tires requires additional processing with a grinder. However, even these actions do not eliminate the risk of injury from protruding reinforcement. Therefore, sculptures made from tires with metal reinforcement are used exclusively as decoration in a summer cottage. For a children's playground, it is better to make a swan from a tire with a nylon cord.
  • Fixing the neck allows the tire swan to resemble the original. This is not difficult to do. Along the length of the neck, two holes are drilled parallel to each other at intervals of 15-20 cm, they are located along the center line. Staples are prepared from soft wire and inserted into the holes. They are designed to fasten a thick steel wire or metal rod 150 cm long. The lower end is grabbed at the base on the inside of the neck, and the second edge ends at the level of the head.
  • At the final stage, the swan's neck is arched in the appropriate way; pieces of rubber are suitable as the bird's eyes; they are fixed with screws. The notches on the side of the tires imitate the plumage of a swan.

The desire to equip your summer cottage with a fairy-tale character is easily realized - place a crown from a plastic bottle or tin can on the head of the sculpture, and the swan princess is ready!

Painting and placement of sculptures

Painting the swan figure gives it an aesthetic appearance. In addition to the traditional white version, versions with a silver or golden tint are sometimes used. Black birds look extraordinary and solemn. Any paint intended for external use will help you create a high-quality color. For a swan made from tires, nitro paints, enamel or oil products are suitable. Leftover car paint in an aerosol can is a perfectly acceptable option. The main thing is that the surface of the tire must be clean and dry before starting work. After applying the base layer, you can show your imagination and decorate the swan figure with acrylic material. The drawn head with beak and plumage gives the tire sculpture a naturalistic look.

It is worth paying attention to the location of the swan figure. When placing it in the front garden near the entrance, it is enough to make a stand from a second tire and paint it blue. The swan sculpture can easily be transformed into a small flowerbed - just pour soil inside the tire and plant your favorite flowers, which are easy to care for. At your summer cottage, it is better to resort to more complex decoration. The main habitat of the majestic birds is water bodies. Therefore, the figure of a swan made from tires looks organically in a small pond. It's quite simple to make. A small pit is covered with film, pressed down along the edges with stones, and pebbles are placed at the bottom. Timely replacement of water will prevent it from stagnating. An imitation of a pond for a tire figure is also appropriate. It is enough to make a mound of small stones in a small area and paint them blue. An additional design in the form of green spaces around will enhance the decorative effect of the swan figure made from tires.

What can be made from tires

The idea of ​​using available materials in landscape design is not new. Designers gave a name to this trend in the art of territory design - trash art. In addition to the beloved swans, tires can be used to make many decorative figures or useful elements for the garden. By analogy with a swan, it’s easy to make a bright parrot out of a car tire. Subsequently, the figure is used as a hanging flower bed.

The easiest way to make a border for a front garden is from an old tire. Possession of artistic talent allows you to apply a fancy pattern to the fence that will please the eye even on a cloudy day in late autumn.

An original idea is to make a swing for a child out of an old tire. This could be a rocking chair or a hanging version of the design.

All sorts of variations of flower beds are the most popular way to turn a car tire into a household item.

Craftsmen manage to make even pieces of furniture from rubber - tables and chairs of various designs - a familiar decor in many dachas.



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