Large American parrot, length 100 cm. The largest representative of the cockatoo

The most popular types of large parrots among breeders are Jaco, Macaw, Cockatoo, and Amazon. But each of them has their own character and temperament. More on this later in the article.

The decision to buy a feathered friend is made differently for everyone. Someone approaches this issue very responsibly, thinking through all possible points. And someone simply felt sorry for the bird suffering in the store. One way or another, the parrot ends up in the house of its future owner.

But it is worth noting that when choosing such a pet, many want to have a tame, and preferably a talking friend. Therefore, their choice often falls on various types of large parrots. After all, they are, as a rule, considered the best “interlocutors”.

Keeping a parrot at home

The most popular types of large parrots among breeders are Jaco, Macaw, Cockatoo, Amazon. But each of them has their own character and temperament.

It is worth noting that Jacos, or Gray parrots, are very attached to their owner, consider him their relative, but at the same time they are quite touchy and vulnerable.

But Amazons are more affectionate and receptive, so they get used to changing environments better and are easier to tame.

Large parrots have very well developed intelligence. And if the owner cannot spend enough time with the ward, then the pet should have quite a lot of different toys. This is necessary so that he can entertain himself in the absence of his owner.

And so that the parrot does not quickly get used to its toys, you need to change their location in the cage more often.

It should also be taken into account that it is better for several family members to care for the bird. Then the parrot will know many people by sight, and this, in turn, will help it to endure separation from its owner less painfully.

Don’t forget about the peculiarities of your diet. Each species of large parrot has its own preferences. The same can be said about the rules of care. For example, some people like to swim, while others are much better off without water.

Dimensions of large parrots and cages for them

The largest parrots are considered to be Ara and Cockatoo. They can reach a length of 70 or even 100 cm. For example, the average size of a Macaw is 72-98 cm, and a Cockatoo is up to 60 cm.

In this case, their wingspan should also be taken into account; it is quite large. With their size, large parrots have considerable strength. They can tear something, bite through it, chew through it. Therefore for these species of parrots are preferable to aviaries than cells. And the wire or metal grid from which they are made must be at least 4 mm in diameter.

If a Macaw or Cockatoo is kept in an apartment, then their cage should be at least 100*100*170cm. You can also fence off part of the room to make the parrot more comfortable. Thus, you will get an indoor aviary. Which is more preferable.

Amazons and Jacos are somewhat smaller in size than their counterparts. So the average size of Jaco is 35-40 cm, and Amazon - from 25 to 45 cm. Therefore, cages for them are acceptable within the range of 65 * 50 * 80 cm.

When choosing a cage for a large parrot, there are several important points to consider:

  • * The cage must be all-metal, preferably stainless steel;
  • * Cage bars must be ungalvanized and unpainted;
  • * It is desirable to have a retractable tray in the cage to facilitate cleaning;
  • * The cage should not have any wooden elements.

You should also take into account that it is better to lock the enclosure or cage with a padlock. Since large parrots, having high intelligence, can easily unlock any bolts, thereby clearing his way to freedom.

Life expectancy of large parrots

Large parrots can truly be called long-livers. So Macaws and Cockatoos can live on average 60-80 years, Amazons - 40-50 years. But Jacos are capable of breaking all records - they can live 100 years, or even more.

It should be taken into account that at home, the life expectancy of parrots can either increase significantly or be quite shortened.

There is a kind of statistics that allows you to pay attention to the factors influencing the age of parrots. It is believed that only 25% of parrots at home survive to natural death. Whereas the lion's share of accidents - 60% - are due to the negligence of the owners themselves! And only 5% of birds can fly away and not return.

Therefore, vigilance never hurts. And in the case of large parrots it will not be superfluous.

Key points in keeping a parrot

Everyone who is about to become the owner of a parrot or is already one has to deal with the character of the bird. Therefore, you should immediately pay attention to what advantages and disadvantages of a feathered friend the whole family will have to live with.

So, we can highlight the following advantages of keeping a parrot:

  • always a cheerful pet who will happily greet its owner every time;
  • the parrot almost always takes care of its own appearance, so the owners can only rejoice and admire the appearance of the bird;
  • large parrots, thanks to their intelligence, become objects of close observation, as well as possible mutual communication;
  • unlike four-legged pets, keeping parrots does not have such a pronounced smell;
  • Cleaning up after birds, subject to simple rules and tips, is quite simple;
  • parrots do not need regular walking; but they will be pleased to be outside sometimes if you have such an opportunity)
  • Following simple rules for keeping and feeding birds will allow them to live a long and healthy life.

But when getting a parrot, you should also remember some of the inconveniences that it can cause to others. For example:

  • Parrots by nature have rather sharp and piercing screams, but they can also be annoying;
  • the bird should be given a sufficient amount of time for communication, it is directly proportional to the intelligence of the parrot;
  • parrots are also quite curious by nature, so it is better to keep all important documents or objects out of the bird’s reach;
  • family members may be allergic to feathers and down, as well as animal fur;
  • You need to remember that a large parrot is capable of biting quite painfully.

However, it is obvious that there are more advantages, and they are much more pleasant.

Therefore, before getting a parrot, it is necessary to study as much information as possible regarding its behavior at home. After all, the rules for its maintenance and care are not the least important in choosing a species. Only after this is it better to decide on a pet.

Be that as it may, having a parrot will make you much happier. After all, such a direct pet and friend will delight its owner throughout his life.

Bright plumage, interesting habits and the ability to copy human speech have made parrots one of the most beloved pets. Together with representatives from the corvid family, or ravens, parrots are considered the most intelligent birds living on Earth. Parrots are very sociable, cannot stand loneliness and get along well with people.

From the huge number of different birds that live on our planet, you can always single out one representative who can be recognized immediately. And in fact, there is not a single person who would not recognize a parrot at first sight. Today there are approximately 300 species of parrots, but today we will talk about the largest of them.

Yellow-headed Amazon

Yellow-headed Amazon (lat. Amazona oratrix) is a very beautiful green and yellow parrot. Found in moist forests and tall deciduous forests of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala and northwestern Honduras. These colorful birds have a body length of 37 to 41 cm. They are classified as endangered. There are about 6 thousand of them left in the wild.

Blue-faced Amazon

Blue-faced Amazon (lat. Amazona versicolor) - lives exclusively in the Lesser Antilles. This Amazon, like the yellow-headed Amazon, is on the verge of extinction. In 1980, the Blue-faced Amazon was declared the national bird of Saint Lucia ( Saint Lucia). Is under state protection. At this time, only 450 individuals remained in the wild. This is a fairly large bird - up to 43 cm in length.

Large parrot vase

Large parrot-vase (lat. Coracopsis vasa) - considered one of the most unusual parrots on the planet. An inhabitant of the dry deciduous forests of Madagascar and the Comoros Islands and the owner of unremarkable gray plumage. The length of this parrot can be up to 50 cm. Most of the parrot's length comes from its tail.

Yellow-eared mourning cockatoo

Yellow-eared mourning cockatoo (lat. Calyptorhynchus funereus) is a fairly large bird - up to 55-60 cm in length, weighing about 900 g. It got its name thanks to its black plumage and a yellow spot on the head in the ear area. In females this spot is much larger and brighter than in males.

Kakapo, or owl parrot

Kakapo, or owl parrot (lat. Strigops habroptilus) is a rather rare parrot, large and even heavy in build. The kakapo has lost the ability to fly actively. Prefers to walk more than fly. Its body length is 60 cm, and its weight is about 4 kg. This type of parrot has a pleasant and strong odor that resembles the aroma of flower nectar or honey.

Black cockatoo

Black cockatoo (lat. Probosciger aterimus) is a larger representative of parrots. Body length is from 70 to 80 cm, weight – 700-1000 g. It has a characteristic black plumage with an almost imperceptible shade of green. On the head there is a beautiful large crest, which consists of long narrow feathers. In addition, this parrot has a large massive beak (8-10 cm in length). The black cockatoo is considered one of the largest parrots on Earth.

Red Macaw

Red macaw (lat. Ara macao) is a very colorful and large bird, which once you see, you will never forget. The body length can reach 90 cm, the wingspan is about 80 cm, the tail is 50-62 cm in length. In some areas, these parrots are considered pests, as they often triple raids on agricultural land.

Blue and yellow macaw

Blue-and-yellow macaws (lat. Ara ararauna) is another representative of the macaw genus. One of the most popular parrots that can be kept in the home. These are very sociable birds that require a lot of attention. The body length of the blue-and-yellow macaw is approximately 80 to 95 cm, and the wingspan is the same as that of the red macaw - about 80 cm.

Hyacinth macaw

Hyacinth macaws (lat. Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus) is the largest and most “titled” parrot in the world. It is considered the most expensive, rarest and largest bird of its family. Hyacinth macaws can grow up to 85-98 cm in length, and their weight can reach up to 1.5 kg. However, the wingspan of these parrots is smaller than that of previous representatives (about 70-75 cm).

As we see, representatives of the Ara clan (lat. Ara) are the largest among all parrots currently living on Earth. It is worth noting that today there are more than 350 species of parrots, but about 1/3 of them are under threat of complete extinction. In addition, 72 species, as well as 14 subspecies, are listed in the IUCN Red Book.

When thinking about purchasing a large breed of parrot, many people have in their heads the image of a colorful, bright bird, which will also turn out to be an excellent conversationalist and companion.

But it is worth understanding that such a pet involves enormous responsibility, because its needs, duration and lifestyle are significantly different from those of representatives of small breeds of parrots.

The largest parrots in the world

There are several breeds of large parrots in the world that can be kept in captivity. They all differ in character, temperament, habits, as well as requirements for living conditions.

It is the largest representative of large parrots - its size varies from 40 to 100 cm. In the wild it lives in the forests of Central and South America, but at home among amateurs it is not so common due to its huge size, strong voice and powerful beak, which can destroy a lot of things in the house.

It is a talking parrot, but it can only be taught to speak with constant painstaking training, otherwise the parrot will only repeat a couple of phrases and everyday sounds (a door creaking, an animal barking, coughing). This breed is extremely smart, intellectually developed, trainable and inquisitive.

There are 15 species of Macaw, but the most commonly chosen species for captivity are:


A very beautiful species, common among bird lovers. Dimensions range from 40 to 60 cm, weight - in the range of 0.3–1.2 kg. In nature, it lives in Australia, New Guinea, and the Pacific Islands.

It is distinguished by a special beak, uncharacteristic of other species: the lower part is wider than the upper, making the beak look like a ladle. The parrot is also distinguished by a crest that contrasts with the main plumage, which the bird straightens during strong emotional arousal.

Pack animals, therefore, when kept in captivity, will be very attached to the owner and all family members, very sociable, love attention, often show artistic abilities, and perform many tricks.

With training, a bird can be taught a dozen words and several phrases. It is worth remembering that this species has an unstable psyche, sudden mood changes can be observed, and the parrot can be vindictive.

Main types:

Did you know?Parrots are able to eat food by holding it with one of their legs. No other bird species can do this.


They differ from previous species in smaller sizes - from 25 to 45 cm. The color of the plumage is green; different subspecies have inclusions of other shades. They naturally live in the forests of Central and South America. They can live up to 70 years.

With training, a bird can be taught to pronounce a dozen phrases and words. This type of parrot is well suited for beginning birders. He is distinguished by intelligence, intelligence, friendliness, activity and curiosity. There are 29 species of Amazons in nature.

Popular types:

A relatively small parrot with a body length of up to 30–35 cm. The main color of the plumage is ash-gray, the tip of the tail is bright crimson. Birds can live up to 50 years, but generally have a shorter lifespan. They live naturally in western Africa.

They are well suited for beginner parrot lovers; unlike their large relatives, they have a phlegmatic temperament and quiet behavior. intelligent, with excellent memory and the ability to learn and imitate human speech.

Did you know?It is believed that the intellectual abilities of gray parrots are comparable to those of children aged 3-4 years. Parrots not only learn and repeat words, but even intonation. Moreover, thanks to the ability to recognize the situation, their speech is often not without meaning. Can remember up to 1500 words!

A very common species for home keeping, but such popularity leads to the fact that every year hundreds of birds are caught and illegally transported from their habitats, which leads to a decline in the population.


This species is native to Madagascar and the Comoros Islands. Body length ranges from 35 to 50 cm in small and large varieties. It has a relatively unremarkable and simple appearance: the main color of the plumage is black-gray, the tail has a brown tint, and the eyes are black or brown. It is believed that this breed is transitional between pigeons and parrots.

The breed, due to its rustic appearance, is not the most popular among breeders, because when you think about an exotic parrot, the image of a bright, colorful bird immediately comes to mind. However, as pets they are friendly, make good contact with people, and love affection and attention.

Waza parrots love to swim and sunbathe, and they can lie on their backs and fly in the sun's rays or spread their wings and catch every drop. In nature, during the rains, parrots can hang upside down with their wings open.

Owl parrot (kakapo)

Originally from New Zealand. Due to the absence of natural enemies, these birds have lost the ability to fly, and therefore are now the only species that cannot fly. However, with the settlement of the territory by dogs, cats and other predators, the number of kakapo began to decline sharply and they are now endangered.

The front part of the head of these birds is very similar to an owl, which is why the parrot got its name. Their body length is not the greatest, only 60 cm, but they are superior in weight to all their counterparts: females and males weigh about 3 and 4 kg, respectively. Color: yellow-green.

These are long-lived birds - under favorable conditions they can live 95–100 years. The habits of the owl parrot are similar to those of other species: curiosity, distrust, openness to contact with people, affection and need for attention. Keeping birds at home is undesirable and difficult due to the difficulties of keeping them.

Advantages and disadvantages of keeping large parrots at home

It’s worth looking at the situation soberly and objectively assessing the pros and cons of having such a companion in your life.

  1. Pronounced ability to imitate speech and conversation in many species.
  2. Sociability, sociability, attachment to the owner.
  3. Bright appearance, pleasing to the eye (in most species).
  4. High intelligence, ability to learn and perform tricks.
  5. Long life expectancy - with proper care you will find a friend for more than a dozen years.
  6. General advantages of keeping parrots: cleanliness, lack of smell, ease of cleaning, no need for walking.

On the other hand, keeping a large bird is associated with some objective difficulties and features:
  1. Very high cost. However, some species can be very difficult to obtain.
  2. The lack of professional ornithologists and the high cost of an appointment if medical assistance is required.
  3. The need for sufficient space (a large cage, sometimes even an aviary or a separate room in the apartment, plus perches in all rooms).
  4. A strong, harsh, sometimes unpleasant voice that the pet will demonstrate very often. If you don't like noise, large parrots are not for you.
  5. Curiosity and activity, together with a powerful beak, mean that at times the pet will damage furniture, objects in the house, and clothes. He will also move things from place to place, chew, and disassemble for parts.
  6. Risk of being bitten or injured. Given the bird's large size, weight and strength, as well as changes in mood and personality, damage can be significant.
  7. The need for constant (!) communication. Parrots are flocking birds, and if you have no time to take care of your pet, you are constantly at work or do not want to devote enough time to your bird, the result can be sad. If a bird does not receive enough attention, it develops depression and self-plucking, which sometimes leads to fatal consequences due to severe bleeding.

Content Highlights

If you still haven’t given up on the idea of ​​acquiring a large winged friend, it’s worth learning about the basic aspects of care and maintenance so that your pet is as comfortable as possible with you.

Important!Statistics show that only a quarter of parrots survive to old age in captivity and die a natural death. The majority (60%) die as a result of improper care, disease and injury.


It is advisable to keep the largest representatives - macaws and cockatoos - in an aviary or a separate room. However, given that the pet will spend about 90% of its time outside the house, you can equip a cage for it.

Be sure to take into account not only the length of the body, but also the wingspan. For these breeds, the dimensions are as follows: 100*100*170 cm, for smaller varieties the parameters 65*50*80 cm are suitable.

The bars of the cage must be made of high-quality durable metal with a thickness of at least 4–5 mm, otherwise the parrot will easily damage or chew them. The cage must not be painted or galvanized. Also take care of a reliable lock on the door - due to the bird’s natural intelligence, strength and curiosity, it will not be difficult for the bird to open the lock.


In addition to the cage itself, you need to purchase many more accessories:

  1. Feeder. Can be external or internal. It is advisable to choose feeders made of high-quality and durable stainless metal.
  2. Wooden perches and squats. They are available on sale from a variety of materials (textiles, pumice, cement, plastic), but wood is preferable because of its safety and environmental friendliness. Keep in mind that parrots simply love to chew on them, so be prepared to replace several perches every day and remove splinters of broken wood underneath them. Therefore, it is better (more economical) to make them yourself.
  3. Drinking bowl. Must be placed inside the cage. You cannot use open drinking bowls, because the water in them will immediately become contaminated with droppings. It is better to opt for vertical containers with a pocket at the lower end.
  4. Mineral stone. Necessary to meet the body's needs for micro- and macroelements. Attached inside the cage.
  5. Toys. A large number and variety of toys will not allow your pet to get bored and will reduce the likelihood of damage to prohibited (valuable) items in the house.
  6. Net. Required to catch the parrot until you tame it.
  7. Taming stick. It looks like a long plastic pole (100 cm) with a fork at the end. Fruits are placed on it and offered to the bird. By gradually reducing the distance from the fruit to the palm, you can tame your pet.


When purchasing a large pet, you should be prepared for its large appetite and huge portions of food (compared to ordinary parrots). Birds are fed twice a day.

The diet is typical for most parrots:

  • grain mixtures;
  • fruits;
  • seeds and nuts;
  • vegetables;
  • sprouted grain;
  • tree branches;
  • dairy products;
  • porridge without salt and seasonings;
  • greenery;
  • berries.

Important!All dishes from the human table, including sweet, salty, pickled, smoked, as well as seafood and meat, are prohibited.

It is prohibited to feed birds twigs of certain tree species (pine needles, poplar, oak, wild garlic, pear), some fruits and vegetables (avocado, persimmon, potatoes), and herbs. And of course, we should not forget about constant access to clean, fresh water.
Thus, buying a large breed parrot is an extremely responsible decision, because the parrot will remain with you for many years, if not for life. It is worth realistically assessing your financial and time capabilities, as well as the reserves of strength, energy and attention that you are ready to constantly devote to your feathered pet.

You should not choose large breeds that are difficult to maintain if you are not confident in your abilities, because birds become very attached to their owner and constant change of flock (in this case, family) can be disastrous for the bird. We hope our publication helped you better understand the features of keeping large parrots and make the right choice!

Of course, cats and dogs, as well as birds. Moreover, you don’t necessarily have to have only a budgie in your house. If you want, and if opportunities allow you, you can get a large parrot, which will not only decorate your home, but also your faithful and devoted friend.

Well, our publication will tell you about the features of keeping large parrots at home.

Types of large parrots

First of all, let's decide what large parrots can be kept at home. So, these are Jaco, Amazon and Cockatoo... Moreover, each of them has its own temperament and character. And here are the recommendations on the peculiarities of their maintenance - in principle, general, with the exception of the characteristics of the diet, as well as the relationship of birds to water - some like to swim, while others - not so much. What’s interesting is that all these points in some ways differ significantly from the features of keeping small budgies at home (read more about the features of keeping them, as well as about the types of parrots ). Moreover, according to experts,It is large parrots that learn to speak the fastest, are well tamed, and in them you can find not just a pet that you have to take care of, but an equal member of the family who can be interesting to talk to.

Grays or Gray Parrots

These birds quickly become attached to their owner and consider him similar to themselves. However, it is worth knowing that they are very vulnerable and touchy, and if you suddenly inadvertently hurt their feelings, you will have to ask for forgiveness and make amends for a long time.

This type of large parrots is more receptive to new information, they learn to speak faster, their intelligence is well developed, they quickly adapt to changes in the environment around them, they are well tamed and have an affectionate character. They can become a good friend for a teenage child.

Very sociable and nimble birds, they are curious, love to be the center of attention, and do not tolerate loneliness and the absence of their owner. Therefore, if you do not want your feathered pet to get bored in your absence, make sure to provide him with the right amount of toys with which he can have fun while you are working or away. By the way, precisely because these birds are very affectionate and have a hard time being separated from their owner, it is recommended that several family members look after them at once. Then, the absence of the main owner will not be so painful for the parrot, and he will not miss and yearn for him.

Features of keeping large parrots in the house

To ensure that some of the habits of your large feathered pet do not become a pleasant or not so pleasant surprise for you, we suggest that you first familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of having a large bird in your home.

Benefits of keeping large parrots

Large parrots are very sociable and sociable creatures, they quickly get used to their owner and joyfully greet him from work - you definitely won’t feel lonely next to this bird. As a rule, they have a bright and memorable appearance, which pleases the eye and makes you notice many beautiful things around you - it is simply impossible to remain indifferent when looking at such parrots. These birds have high intelligence, they learn to speak well and quickly, and can become not just parrots that repeat memorized phrases, but intelligent interlocutors who are interested in how you are doing and so on. But everything will depend on how much time you devote to communicating with the bird and its development. Parrots have no odor, and cleaning their cage is not too difficult, they do not need to be walked like a dog or cat, and following the recommendations for caring for the health of the bird will help you find a faithful friend for the rest of your life.

Disadvantages of keeping large parrots indoors

But we would not be objective if we were silent about the shortcomings of these birds. Thus, large parrots by nature have a sharp and shrill voice, and given their sociability, there is no hope that they will always remain silent. Sometimes (especially when you're tired or have a headache and want some quiet time) they can be annoying. As for their intelligence, your parrot will be as smart as you want to make it. Therefore, if you don’t pay attention to the bird and don’t raise it, it will be stupid and disobedient. Get ready for the fact that during its walks around the house the parrot will damage your property, fluff will fly from it, and if one of your family members has allergies, this can cause serious health problems. Large birds have remarkable physical strength, therefore, forcing them to do something against their will (for example, drive them into a cage) is not so easy. Your parrot may bite you, scratch you, and these injuries can be quite painful.

What is needed to keep large parrots in the house

When choosing a cage for a large parrot, you should definitely take into account the size of its body. So, for example, the largest parrots are considered to be Cockatoos and Macaws. Their body length can be 70-100 centimeters. Here, for example, The average size of a male Macaw is 72-98 centimeters, and a Cockatoo is up to 60 centimeters.

Be sure to take into account the wingspan of your feathered pet - after all, having such an impressive size, large parrots are quite strong. And, weak metal rods or mesh may simply not withstand their onslaught. Therefore, if you decide to keep a large parrot in a cage (although experts still recommend keeping it in an aviary), make sure that its mesh is thick enough and strong, at least 4 millimeters in diameter with the thickness of the rods.

If you do not have the opportunity to equip an aviary for the bird, you can simply fence off part of the room for keeping it and arrange an indoor aviary.

Jaco and Amazon are somewhat smaller in size, so the average size of Amazon is 25-45 centimeters, and Jaco is 30-40 centimeters. Recommended cage dimensions for them: 65 centimeters by 50 centimeters by 80 centimeters.

Mandatory cage requirements for large parrots

In addition to its large size (the larger the better), the cage must be made of solid metal and preferably stainless steel, its rods must be unpainted and not galvanized, it must have a retractable tray to facilitate cleaning, and there must be no wood inside the parrot’s home elements. It is best to lock such a cage with a secure padlock, since large parrots have innate high intelligence and can easily unlock the lock and escape into freedom.

Parrot accessories

In addition to accessories for arranging the cage, you will also need a deep bird net - with its help, especially at first, you will catch the parrot. This is much more convenient and safer, and the risk that you will inadvertently damage or injure your feathered pet is minimal. Yes, and the parrot will not be offended by you, but by the net.

Another necessary accessory is a taming stick - a flexible plastic stick, 100-120 centimeters long, with a small metal fork at the end. With its help, you will treat your pet with treats, and by gradually shortening its length, you will at the same time tame the pet to your hands; in the end, he will get used to you and will take food from your hands without fear.

You will also need a small flashlight with a non-scattering light - you will use it to attract the bird's attention and leather gloves - they will protect your hands from being bitten at first.

Feeding large parrots

When compiling a bird’s diet, of course, it is necessary to take into account its size. Large parrots eat more than budgies, and you should be prepared for this. Otherwise, there is nothing special on their menu. These are grain mixtures, sprouted grains, seeds and nuts, raw vegetables and fruits, fermented milk products, cereals, tree branches, mineral supplements and gastroliths. Also, the parrot should always have fresh water in its drinking bowl.

What not to give to large parrots

If you want your bird not to get sick, you should not give it oak branches, pear branches, coniferous trees, wild garlic and poplar branches. It is worth giving up persimmons, avocados, mangoes, papaya, potatoes, parsley and other herbs; candied fruits and sweets, salty foods, and dishes from your table should be prohibited. There is also a clear veterinary prohibition regarding meat, butter, cheese, fish and seafood.

Among the birds, unpretentious and sociable, is. They are distinguished by their bright plumage, ability to learn, and lively character. How many types of parrots made into pets, it’s hard to count. Each owner has his own unique and unrepeatable pet.

Ornithologists count more than 350 in nature species of parrots. This is one of the oldest birds, which the Indians, who were the first to domesticate colorful birds, even considered sacred for their ability to speak.

Types of pet parrots began to replenish from the time of Alexander the Great. His warriors transported birds to the European continent, and parrots settled in the territories of various states.

In the large family of parrots, a variety can be identified by a number of characteristics:

  • body length;
  • bird weight;
  • beak shape;
  • plumage color;
  • the presence of a crest.

A description of all relatives could fill several volumes. Getting to know the main representatives will help you imagine how many species of parrots are there in the world and what extraordinary colors nature endowed them with.

Types of parrots and their names


Homeland - . Large colonies of hundreds of birds inhabit savannas, eucalyptus forests, and semi-deserts. In places where cheerful birds live, there is always a source of water nearby.

In the wild, birds are small in size, graceful in shape, with bright green-yellow or white-blue feathers. The wavy dark lines on the head give the parrots their name.

The character is inquisitive and friendly. It is no coincidence that they have become popular in families with children. They know how to play, can be trained, the birds are sociable and unpretentious to home conditions. They live on average 10-15 years.

As a result of selective selection, many species of budgies by color. In addition to the natural green color, birds have been bred with purple, pink, anthracite, gray plumage and other complex types of color.

Pictured are budgies


The birds are native to the territories of Madagascar. They live in tropical forests near lakes and rivers. Medium in size and harmonious in body shape. Among different types of parrots You can recognize them by the contrasting color of the plumage on the head, neck, and chest. The beak is large.

The name was given because of the affection couples have for each other throughout their lives. They move away only to the distance from which they can hear their soul mate. They look for food nearby, sit at a watering hole, and rest.

Nests are made in old hollows. They carry blades of grass and twigs between the feathers on their back. At this time they appear large and shaggy. By nature they are lively and agile, they shout a lot.

Highlight 9 species of lovebirds according to the color of the head. Birds are able to learn 10-15 words and follow simple commands. Like their relatives, they love swimming.



Nestor's native places in New Zealand. It is comparable in size to . Strong build, strong long legs. Sociable and noisy birds. Some subspecies of nestor live in mountain forests.

The parrot is in danger of extinction due to deforestation, predators, and bird hunting. The well-known subspecies loves highlands. The bird is accused of attacks and pecking off the backs of animals. But the main food of nestor parrots is berries, fruits, and seeds.

In the photo there is a Nestor parrot


The parrot is loved no less than budgies for its sociability, although it does not differ in its talent for learning. But this pet is a master at begging people for treats and opening cage locks.

It is easy to recognize by the funny crest on its head, gray plumage and yellow head color. The beak is short. Elegant birds native to Australia. It is believed that they are actually called nymphs, and the second name is popular, based on their habitat.

The feathers of the crest are sometimes understood to reflect the mood of the parrot. They do not show hostility towards their relatives; they are even placed in cages with budgies.

Corella parrot

Owl parrot

Appearance of a parrot reflects the similarity of the facial oval and plumage structure with. In addition, they are also nocturnal birds. The second name of the parrot is. His homeland is New Zealand. The distinctive features of the parrot are the weak muscles of the wings, so they hardly fly, but lead a terrestrial life.

They live in the wild rocky corners of the island, among bushes along mountain rivers. They run and climb trees deftly, clinging to branches with their claws and beak. Since ancient times, they have lived in areas where there are no predators.

The plumage is yellow-green. They feed on moss and berries. The birds have an unusual voice, reminiscent of a scream and a hoarse grunt. Parrots were almost exterminated after the invasion of settlers. Now the species is protected and lives on the islands under the protection of scientists.

Owl parrot kakapo


A large bird with a protruding crest, the sight of which makes you smile. The parrot is unusually sociable and cheerful. He is ready to continuously demonstrate love and affection for his owner. He shows his talent in his ability to cope with any lock. He readily demonstrates his sense of rhythm and ability to dance at the first opportunity.

Refers to the sight of talkative parrots. Onomatopoeia allows a dog to bark. After training, the parrot can answer a question, say a name, and even sing a short song. The voice is shrill and loud, but the singer’s charm is limitless.

The most common cockatoo is white in plumage with a bright contrasting crown on its head. The color scheme never contains the green and blue shades common in other species. The peculiarity of the cockatoo is its unusual strong beak, which will turn wooden rods and furniture into splinters.

In the wild, it lives in flocks in the Philippine Islands, Australia, and Indonesia. They adapt well. They feed on plant foods and insects. They are distinguished by great affection for the chosen one, remaining faithful all their lives. The duration of their century is 70-90 years.

The photo shows a pink cockatoo


An African parrot with amazing gray plumage and high avian intelligence. Conversational qualities are perhaps the most excellent among their relatives. The vocabulary of this a type of talking parrot reaches 1500 words. Although the bird requires careful and competent care, many dream of having such a feathered friend.

There are red-tailed and brown-tailed. In nature, birds live in tropical forests. They fly long distances for food, but return to their usual places to spend the night. Oil palm fruits are a favorite food of parrots.

Domesticated birds need constant communication. All the owner’s affairs must take place with the participation of the pet. He needs to be captivated by games, tasks, conversations, and bathing.

The bird experiences loneliness and lack of attention painfully, and its character noticeably deteriorates. The parrot begins to engage in self-destruction. Plucking its feathers is a sign of social and physiological problems for Grays.

Birds live for about 50 years, maintaining the vitality and energy of an intelligent and inquisitive child. The parrot repays friendship with trust, sincere affection and affection.

In the photo there is a gray parrot

Ara parrot

The most elegant and colorful shimmers with the colors of the rainbow. The large size of the bird is also impressive: the height with the tail reaches 90-96 cm. The beak in the form of a strong hook is noteworthy. According to ornithologists, this is the strongest beak of a parrot.

There are 4 types of birds based on color variety, among which the very rare one. In nature, parrots live in Brazil, America, Mexico, and Peru. They fly beautifully, covering up to 500 km a day. They eat a lot of fruit, so they can go without water for a long time.

Unfortunately, macaw species are endangered. Hunters are trusted and destroy entire species of parrots. Macaws are monogamous. The loss of a partner is accompanied by the inconsolable state of the second parrot. At this time he is very vulnerable.

They are willing to communicate with people, but not everyone will decide to take a pet home. The reason is not only the size and loud cries of the bird, but also the strong attachment to the owner. The macaw will require constant attention and care, like a small child.

Surprisingly smart and capable birds learn to ask for food, drink, express a desire to communicate, and greet their interlocutor. The character of a pet is formed in relation to it.

Ara parrot

Collared Parakeet

In Australia, the homeland of collared parrots, they can be found in parks, next to humans. They got their name from the colored stripe around their head. Very active, variegated in color, love warmth and live in tall grasses and bushes.

The peculiarity of parrots is that they feed on the ground. The diet includes grains, seeds, fruits, berries, and insect larvae. They stay in flocks, show friendliness and trust. Local residents believe that such parrots bring happiness. Life expectancy is up to 30 years.

Collared Parakeet

Ruffled parrot

They live naturally in both Asia and Africa. The size is average, up to 50-60 cm with tail. The color is predominantly green, with a pink rim on the chest, which gave the name to the species. Females and young animals without necklaces. The upper part of the beak is red, the lower part is black.

Breeding of unpretentious birds has been going on since ancient times. When walking, the bird rests on its beak. The characteristic method of movement is associated with the natural weakness of the legs. The bird's friendly nature and intelligence make it popular among pet bird lovers.

Ruffled parrot

Amazon parrot

A medium-sized parrot, it lives in the savannas of America and the Caribbean islands. Among species of talkative parrots Amazons are in the forefront. The talent for onomatopoeia is combined with playfulness and cheerfulness. You can prepare a circus performance with it. The parrot has an excellent memory.

They have been kept in families for more than 500 years. Communication with a bird brings many positive emotions. An excellent companion in all fun, games, and communication. They live up to about 45 years.

Pictured are Amazon parrots

grass parrot

Small birds, up to 20-25 cm long, native to southern Australia. The earthiness of these parrots is associated with tall grasses, thickets in the undergrowth, and steppe vegetation. They fly low, over short distances. They run well in search of seeds, fruits and insects.

In addition to natural varieties, parrots have been bred in various color combinations based on color. In captivity, the birds do not cause trouble, sing melodiously, and lead an active life at home. Additional illumination is required during twilight hours, the most important time for birds. The cages must be long for movement along the bottom. They live up to 20 years.

grass parrot

Parrot monk

Birds live in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and South America. The peculiarity is the construction of large nests and proximity to people. The prevalence of monk parakeets in cities can be compared to the common pigeons. Kalita and Quaker are types of monks.

They live in colonies. Monks are considered pests for destroying crops and garden fruits. They especially love apples and peck them on trees. Huge nests, up to 3 m in diameter, are built by several pairs of parrots, constructing a communal apartment.

All have a separate entrance, children's rooms and corridors. Males bring materials and construct the home, while females arrange substrates and exits inside. Monks often become favorites in the house. They adapt and communicate with their owners, distinguishing their names. Much attention is paid to playgrounds. They love music and even sing themselves.

In the photo there is a monk parrot


In Australia, these birds are not considered pests, although they feed on agricultural land. The feed includes weed seeds and larvae of harmful insects, and not just fruits and grain crops.

It has unusual scaly plumage. There are 7 types of rosellas based on their color characteristics. Their size does not exceed 30 cm. Variegated birds move in short flights and quickly run along the ground. Birds are called flat-tailed due to the appearance and structural features of the tail.

At home, birds are selective about food and are not always ready to breed due to their pickiness towards their partners. But if a family has been formed, then the parents are ready to care for not only their own chicks, but also those of others. They do not tolerate proximity to other parrots and can show zealous aggression. They sing wonderfully, but they don’t want to talk. They are friendly to people.

Rosella parrot

Lori parrots

The name of the birds means “clown” in Dutch. Loris are small in size, from 20 to 35 cm. There are many varieties within the species, with a common feature manifested in the shape of the tongue, adapted to the frequent intake of juicy fruits, tree sap, and plant nectar.

At home, it is important to feed the loris correctly. Flowers, fruits and vegetables, and fresh juices should be in the parrot's diet. Birds show great ability in training and memorizing words. Active, fearless, they themselves choose their favorite owners, to whom they show special attention. They don't like being kept in a cage.



Small birds, up to 35 cm in body length, live in America. Pet owners jokingly call them “gotchas.” The beautiful rainbow hues and interacting with them are a pleasure.

Demanding of affection and attention. Conflict-free and trainable. They are playful by nature and need entertainment, so rings, ladders, balls, bells and other toys are required in the cage.

In the photo are Aratinga parrots

Pionus parrots

The second name of the birds is red-necked parrots. They differ from Amazons in their smaller size. The plumage, at first glance, seems inexpressively gray, but in the sun it shimmers with bright shades of green, red, and blue. A common feature of all types of pionus is a red spot under the tail.

The bird is calm in nature and does not require toys or special attention from the owner. But the bird needs communication and physical activity. The learning ability of the pionus is average, quite sufficient to establish contacts and friendships with this wonderful bird.

Red-lipped parrot



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