What does the papilla on the gum look like? What is the danger of inflammation of the gingival papillae, and how to avoid undesirable consequences

If the interdental papilla hurts, you should determine the type of disease that caused the inflammation process.


This is inflammation of the gums without compromising the integrity of the dentogingival junction. Highlight the following types gingivitis:

  1. – swelling and redness of the gums. A person feels pain and itching in the affected area, especially after eating food.
  2. - appearance of ulcers. Manifested by pain and...
  3. – the papillae increase in size and become red. They can partially cover the tooth and, in the absence of treatment, begin.
  4. – the papillae decrease in size, thereby exposing the dental ligaments.

If you consult a dentist in a timely manner, gingivitis goes away within 7-10 days. In the absence of acute pain and discharge of pus from the gums.

May be of the following type:

  • – the lesion occurs in the area of ​​the root system;
  • marginal periodontitis - affects the gums, most often in the interdental space.

The disease can progress without visible symptoms and lead to complete tooth loss and infection of nearby tissues. The disease may also have acute symptoms and appear in the form of small formations on the papillae with pus inside.


is a tumor-like lesion of periodontal tissue, which is manifested by hypertrophy of the gingival margin, papillae or the entire alveolar gum.

Most often it develops in young people. Often detected in children during temporary or permanent teeth. Signs are observed mainly in women.

Treatment for gum fibromatosis involves surgical excision of the overgrown gums.

Pain, bleeding and inflammation of the oral mucosa in adults can cause no less inconvenience than toothache. In addition to discomfort, such a condition without timely and proper treatment can lead to the loss of a tooth, or even several. Why does severe and persistent inflammation occur? - Possibly as a result of injuries to the teeth or mucous membranes. If gum inflammation does not go away on its own for a long time, you need to visit a dentist. When pathological changes If your gums are in bad shape, you should urgently consult a periodontist.

Why gums can become inflamed: an overview of the reasons

The doctor finds out the factors causing changes in the interdental papillae and gums and, based on the examination results, prescribes necessary treatment. Very often redness and swelling of the gums can be caused by improper care for teeth and oral cavity. Immunity plays important role in protecting the body, when its level is low, even a minor injury can become the root cause of inflammation. Many factors can trigger gum inflammation, for example:

  1. trauma to teeth and gums;
  2. chronic diseases of cardio-vascular system, diabetes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. the hereditary factor is directly related to the appearance of inflammatory processes in the body;
  4. Availability bad habits;
  5. hormonal disorders;
  6. Improperly organized dental and oral care can create problems;
  7. Treatment of inflammation is also carried out if an unsuitable crown or poor-quality filling has been installed.


  1. cleanses soft plaque formed during the day;
  2. help reduce inflammation and swelling;
  3. help eliminate tartar;
  4. have a healing effect;
  5. reduce bleeding and irritation.

These have proven themselves well effective pastes, like: Forest Balsam, Paradontax, Lakalut active, President. In addition to using pastes, an excellent remedy prevention can be massage of the gums with a soft toothbrush. Prevention to eliminate gum disease is no less important than timely therapy.


Antibiotic therapy is used in the most serious and advanced cases. When does it occur severe inflammation- serious intoxication of the body develops. Medicines not only eliminate the signs of the disease, but also help restore the functions of all systems. The use of antibiotics should be agreed upon with the attending physician, who will select required dose drug and draw up a treatment plan. Medicines are available in the form of tablets, capsules, and rinsing solutions.

Rinse with pharmaceutical products

Effective mouth rinses are prescribed antiseptics, such as Miramistin and. The best pharmaceutical product for inflammation - this is Miramistin. It has a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect on diseased, affected gums and periodontal gingival papillae. In some cases, rinsing with a solution of hydrogen peroxide is prescribed. It must be remembered that all medications should be used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Traditional recipes for inflammation and redness of gums

Treatment at home involves the use of folk remedies that will help with gum inflammation. Gingivitis can be cured at home - prescription medications traditional medicine can relieve swelling, and when the gums itch and ache, they will have a calming effect. Natural preparations prepared in the form of decoctions for rinsing or infusions for internal use.

  • Use calendula Birch buds, chamomile, celandine, sage.
  • In addition to herbs, bee products are often used to prepare medicines: beebread, propolis, honey.
  • When the gums become inflamed and very painful, and the periodontal papillae swell, salt treatment can help.
  • Treatment of inflamed gums with salt is carried out in the following way: Add one teaspoon of salt to a glass of water at room temperature and mix well. Rinsing with this solution helps a lot when the gums, gingival pocket and periodontal papillae are a little red.

Despite the fact that all products are natural, some herbs contain toxic substances in various proportions. Treatment folk remedies should be carried out under the strict supervision of a physician.

Principles of treatment for diseases of the oral cavity

Self-medication in the event of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity may not be effective. All specific prescriptions can only be carried out by a specialist who will eliminate the symptoms and help get rid of the cause of the disease. The doctor, if necessary, will prescribe an examination and lab tests. Redness, swelling of the gums and interdental peri-gingival papillae are signs of gingivitis. Prevention of inflammation of the upper and lower gums always gives good results, so don't forget about it.


In cases where the mucous membrane is inflamed and pus has formed in the gum pockets, a suspicion of gingivitis arises. In case of gingivitis, soft plaque is cleaned and hard plaque is removed using ultrasound. After this, it is assigned complex treatment, aimed at reducing tissue swelling, eliminating bleeding and relieving pain. When gingivitis develops, the gums become inflamed and swell (only the superficial layers of tissue are affected) - the treatment prognosis is positive, provided that the specialist’s recommendations are strictly followed.


Periodontitis is a more serious form of the disease. With a long-term pathological process, the gingival periodontal papillae can atrophy along with the mucosal area. Periodontitis therapy is carried out according to the following plan:

Dental manipulations

If a cyst or fistula has formed in the gum tissue, surgical intervention may be required. After anesthesia, the surgeon makes an incision, removes the affected piece of periosteum and removes pus from the resulting cavity. Then the wound is washed and temporary drainage is installed.

When restoring the dentition in the event that the gingival periodontal papillae have partially atrophied, they resort to surgical intervention. The specialist forms the gingival periodontal papillae using implants followed by a course of phonophoresis.

Wisdom tooth eruption

Sometimes inflammation develops due to the eruption of wisdom teeth. The symptoms are: severe redness and inflammation, gums hurt and ache, tissue swelling appears at the end of the dentition. Based on the X-ray examination, the specialist makes a decision either to remove the tooth or to prescribe conservative treatment.

In case of inflammation, rinses are prescribed antiseptic solutions, and in order to eliminate pain, analgesic-based drugs are used.

How to quickly relieve inflammation?

In order to quickly eliminate soreness and inflammation of the gums, you can use a solution of salt and soda for rinsing. Excellent medicinal properties has red rowan juice. Decoctions made from herbs are good for gum inflammation. Take two tablespoons of dried raw materials per glass of boiling water, after which the broth must be allowed to brew for ten minutes. Optimal temperature rinse solution about 35-40 degrees.

Hypertrophic gingivitis is a chronic inflammatory process of gum tissue, which occurs without disruption of the periodontal attachment and is accompanied by an increase in the volume of gum tissue (proliferation). Hypertrophic gingivitis is characterized by the growth of gingival papillae and the gums themselves, which cover the crowns of the teeth.

Patients suffering from this form of gingivitis complain of severe painful sensations, constant bleeding of the gums and a significant increase in the volume of the gums, which can partially cover the crowns of the teeth from the outside (not from the side of the tongue).

At the same time, the patient’s gum remains quite hard and under it, on the teeth, tartar forms, which creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of microorganisms. At hypertrophic gingivitis teeth may move slightly.


Why does hypertrophic gingivitis develop, and what is it? The reasons causing this form of gingivitis are as follows:

  1. Endocrine disorders (hormonal changes). There is an independent form of gingivitis in young men - “juvenile” gingivitis and hypertrophic gingivitis in pregnant women.
  2. Developmental disorders of the dentofacial system: pathology of bite (especially deep incisal overlap), crowding of teeth in the frontal area lower jaw or close arrangement of teeth, anomalies in the position of teeth in the arch, etc.
  3. Hypertrophic gingivitis focal develops under the influence of mechanical trauma (sharp edge of a destroyed tooth, overhanging edges of a filling, prosthesis clasp, etc.).

Depending on the clinical picture, there are two forms of hypertrophic damage to gingival tissue: fibrous and granulating. Each form of the disease is characterized by its own symptoms.


Two forms of this pathology are considered:

  1. The fibrous form of hypertrophic gingivitis is characterized by the growth of gingival papillae, which have a pale pink tint. They have a dense structure and at the same time bleed. As a rule, patients complain only about unaesthetics.
  2. Hypertrophic gingivitis with edematous form manifested by swelling of the gingival papillae, swelling and cyanosis. The surface of the gums is loose, when touched, indentations remain, and bleeding is possible when probing. Patients experience pain when chewing and brushing their teeth.

The choice of treatment method for hypertrophic gingivitis depends on the form of the disease, the dominant symptoms, general condition patient's health.

Symptoms of hypertrophic gingivitis

In addition to the visual increase in gum volume, hypertrophic gingivitis, especially its edematous form, has a number of symptoms:

  • Bleeding and soreness of the gums even with light touches, especially when brushing your teeth;
  • Sore gums when eating, sharp pain when eating cold, hot or sour food;
  • Difficulty chewing food due to overgrown gums.

Depending on the degree of irritation of the gums, three degrees of development of hypertrophic gingivitis are distinguished:

  • 1st degree - mild, gingival papillae cover 1/3 of the tooth;
  • 2nd degree - medium, gingival papillae cover up to 1/2 of the tooth height;
  • Grade 3 - severe, gingival papillae cover more than 1/2 of the tooth height.

At edematous form gum overgrowth in some cases either partially or completely disappears after elimination etiological factors(at the end of orthodontic treatment, after replacing low-quality fillings, when hormonal levels are normalized, after cancellation or replacement medicines, after childbirth).

In both forms, regular courses of professional hygienic treatment and anti-inflammatory therapy in combination with high-quality personal hygiene oral cavity.

Hypertrophic gingivitis: photo

What does it look like this disease, we offer detailed photos for viewing.


Instrumental examination reveals bleeding gums, soft plaque and the presence of supragingival tartar. Using a periodontal probe, the periodontal sulcus is examined: as a rule, the integrity of the periodontal junction is not compromised, there is no periodontal pocket; the bleeding symptom is positive.

For qualitative diagnostics, the following indices are used:

  • hygiene;
  • periodontal;
  • And:
  • Schiller-Pisarev test;
  • biopsy of gum tissue;
  • comprehensive examination of gum tissue.

Also important clinical tests, allowing to identify signs of gingivitis before the patient complains in order to carry out prevention clinical manifestation gingivitis. Such tests primarily include bleeding when probing the periodontal sulcus. It should be noted that morphological characteristics inflammation is still detected in clinically intact gums.

Treatment of hypertrophic gingivitis

For appointment suitable option treatment, it is necessary to find out the root cause of hypertrophic gingivitis. After determining the etiological factor, the doctor proceeds to the next stage of therapy: professional hygiene of the oral cavity and teeth.

To treat hypertrophic gingivitis, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating therapy is carried out. Taking gums to help relieve bleeding gums vitamin complexes and applications with Vikasol. They use drugs that have capillary-strengthening properties, as well as medicines, accelerating the regeneration of gingival tissue.

The granulating form of the disease is treated with cauterizing agents - pyocidotherapy and diathermocoagulation. The use of Piocid is effective for the treatment of gingivitis of the first and second severity. Destructive methods of therapy are not used to treat gingivitis fibrous form. Observations show that wound healing after superficial pyocidotherapy lasts 7-10 days, after deep - 12-15 days and ends with the formation of barely noticeable tender scars.

Unfortunately, hypertrophic gingivitis is not always treatable conservative methods treatment. In most cases, the third stage remains indifferent to medications, and the specialist has no choice but to surgically remove the pathologically enlarged gingival papillae.

Surgical intervention is carried out under local anesthesia(in the absence of indications for general anesthesia) and is called “gingivectomy”. Enlarged gingival papillae are excised, leaving only that part of them that should be present in a healthy person.


With hypertrophic gingivitis, prevention comes down to excluding chronic mechanical injury gums, regular professional hygiene oral cavity, proper hygienic care of teeth and gums, solutions dental problems patient. Therapy is extremely important endocrine diseases, rational selection of medications.

The beauty of teeth depends on the condition of the gums. When the gingival tissues filling the interdental spaces become inflamed, many discomforts and warning signs, entailing the development of serious pathological processes in the oral cavity.

A person should immediately seek help from a specialist, since the ongoing disease can have an aggressive effect on the integrity of the dentition.

Dentists also strongly recommend regularly using preventive measures, helping to reduce the risk of inflammation of the sensitive and vulnerable part of the soft tissue.

General overview

Interdental papillae are areas of gum tissue located between the teeth. They provide protection to the root system of each unit and prevent the accumulation of food particles, which over time decompose and infect the oral cavity with pathogenic bacteria.

The interdental papilla (papillae) is a dense connective tissue, which is covered by oral epithelium.

In appearance, the interdental papillae resemble pyramids that fill the spaces between the incisors. Healthy interdental tissues have a light peach color. They fit tightly to the surface of the units, leaving no gaps. Their shape and size are proportional to the teeth.

When inflamed, the papillae may recede from the teeth, forming a black triangle. The pathological process contributes to the development of edema, painful sensations and bleeding.

The papilla, like all gingival tissue, is unable to revive and grow back. If its integrity is compromised due to rough hygienic cleaning or exposure of tooth roots (recession), then this pathological course cannot be reversed.

Reasons for deviations from the norm

More often, negative changes in the structure of interdental soft tissues occur due to poor hygienic care. Unhealthy papillae negatively affect the condition of the teeth.

For this reason, contacting a specialist if signs of the disease appear in the form of tissue swelling and redness is mandatory. The doctor will diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment.

Pathology can occur for several reasons. Let's look at the general factors:

  • bad habits (smoking, alcoholism);
  • a lack of useful microelements in organism;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • decrease in protective functions in the body;
  • long-term drug therapy with drugs of certain groups.

Local factors can also have a detrimental effect on soft structures oral cavity. The list compiled by experts is as follows:

  • thermal or chemical burn;
  • mechanical injury;
  • hardened plaque;
  • bad hygiene care behind the oral cavity;
  • teething phase;
  • unsuccessful restoration of the integrity of the dentition with the help of dentures.

Remember! Negative Impact the condition of the soft tissues can be affected not only by the above factors, but also by the sharp edges of the crown or filling material.

In this case, the pathogenic factor can cause disturbances exclusively at the site of injury to the gum tissue.


A progressive pathological process can be recognized by the presence of swelling and redness of soft structures.

If treatment is not started in time, negative changes in the tissues will affect more areas and cause bleeding gums, discomfort irritation.

In advanced cases, there may be structural changes papilla. The increased volume of tissue covers the tooth almost half of its entire crown part. This entails pain during eating, as well as discomfort and difficulty chewing it.

The main manifestations of the pathology are as follows:

  • cluster purulent exudate in the gaps between teeth;
  • bad breath;
  • gum hyperplasia;
  • the occurrence of pain during chewing food;
  • darkening of damaged mucosa;
  • dental hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity to various irritants);
  • diffuse changes in the structure of soft tissues.

Remember! Untimely treatment can lead to the development various pathologies in the oral cavity, which entail significant destruction of soft and hard structures.

Gingivitis and periodontitis

The progressive course of the pathology can lead to an inflammatory process that develops against the background of intensive proliferation of bacteria in the oral cavity.

The pathological condition often leads to tooth decay due to changes in the density of surrounding tissues. With this clinical picture, doctors diagnose gingivitis (gum disease).

As a rule, this disease, divided into types, is a precursor to periodontitis.

Catarrhal gingivitis

According to statistics, this form diseases are more common than others. It can be recognized by the following manifestations of the body:

  • bleeding gums;
  • excessive accumulation of fluid in the gum tissue;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane, causing it to redden;
  • unpleasant feeling of irritation;
  • appearance unpleasant odor and the taste of rot;
  • growing pain syndrome during eating;
  • deformation of the outlines of the gums;
  • general weakness.

The stage of development of the disease can be mild, moderate or severe. The complexity of the case depends on the location of the affected area in the oral cavity and the intensity of the symptoms.

Ulcerative gingivitis

In some cases, inflammation of the gingival papilla can provoke the development of ulcerative gingivitis. This disease is considered a complex form of the course pathological process in interdental spaces.

Erosive, ulcerative and necrotic manifestations appear on the gums, which can affect both the surface of the mucous membrane and the deeper layers.

The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • dirty gray plaque on the periodontal tissues;
  • bleeding gums;
  • increased body temperature;
  • unnatural lightening of facial skin;
  • lack of appetite.

You should not self-medicate for ulcerative gingivitis, since incorrectly selected therapy can provoke the occurrence of purulent inflammation what will entail threatening problems with health.

Hypertrophic gingivitis

This disease is characterized chronic inflammation gum tissue and is accompanied by an intensive increase in their volume.

The gingival papillae grow and cover the crowns of the teeth by a third from the outside and from the side of the tongue. According to the density of the gum, it remains hard, and under it, on the surface of the units, tartar is formed.


  • keratinization and thickening of soft structures;
  • darkening of the mucous membrane;
  • increasing the density of gum tissue;
  • pain even when lightly touching the affected area;
  • difficulties in eating.

More often the disease develops against the background hormonal imbalances or problems in metabolic processes body.


Clinical picture of this disease expressed in the presence of inflammation near the apex of the tooth root. At the second stage of the disease, the inflammatory process affects the edge of the gum.

The progression of the pathology leads to the resorption of bone tissue. The formed cavity is filled with granulation tissue. As a result, for the pus to escape out, a fistula is formed or a cyst is formed.

The cyst-shaped element can be temporary - suddenly disappear, and after a while appear again.

The reason for the development of periodontitis lies in untimely treatment pulpitis or poor-quality filling of tooth root canals.

Inflammation during pregnancy

During gestation hormonal background women suffer major changes. At this stage protective functions organism are reduced, the risk of developing various diseases in the oral cavity.

If treatment is not started in time, the pathology will begin to spread from high speed, which will lead to deterioration in overall health and negative influences for the fruit.

Incorrect therapy or its absence can provoke termination of pregnancy or disrupt the process intrauterine development baby.

The influence of orthopedic structures

A poorly installed prosthesis or crown can become a provocateur for the development of pathology. Insufficient fit of the structure leads to injuries to soft tissues and mucous membranes. Inflammation develops in the affected areas.

In the absence of proper treatment, periodontal pockets form in the spaces between the teeth, which become an ideal environment for the accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms . This clinical picture is difficult to treat.


Gingival papillae often become inflamed during the eruption of wisdom teeth. If the condition is not aggravated by exposure various factors, the patient experiences only swelling and minor pain.

Pain can be reduced by using analgesics, however, dentists recommend resorting to professional help, due to high risk development of purulent-necrotic process.

Specialist consultation

To assess the patient’s condition and understand what problem in the oral cavity he had to face, a specialist performs a visual examination.

Having recognized the pathology and the severity of its course, the doctor carries out complete reorganization oral cavity. Hard deposits on teeth are removed using ultrasonic waves.

To make the surface of the teeth smoother, the specialist resorts to polishing procedures, which will help reduce the likelihood of plaque formation, including food debris and pathogenic bacteria.

Methods and tactics of treatment

Determining therapeutic measures is solely the task of a specialist. Complex therapeutic measures, aimed at suppressing pathology, depends on the disease, its course and degree of development.

Anti-inflammatory therapy

IN dental practice Application therapy and antiseptics relieve inflammation well. When diagnosed with gingivitis, doctors often prescribe Chlorhexidine rinses.. Cholisal-gel has also proven itself to be excellent.

In the case of periodontitis, treatment must be comprehensive. A mini-operation is performed followed by antibacterial therapy drugs from the group of antibiotics.

Treatment methods for pregnant women are practically no different from health measures applied to ordinary patients. The only one distinctive feature- selection of approved drugs that ensure the safety of mother and child.

Antibiotic therapy

At severe course gingivitis or disease caused by bacterial agents, without antibacterial drugs not enough.

Most often, doctors prescribe the following medications:

  • Augmentin;
  • Klindamitsyn;
  • Vilprafen;
  • Macropen.

Choice of the most suitable remedy for a certain clinical case remains with the treating dentist. The dosage and frequency of doses is also determined by the physician.

Preventive measures for the development of dysbiosis include prescribing prebiotics and vitamins.

Surgical intervention

The most common method in surgical dentistry- this is coagulation, used not only for treatment, but also for plastic surgery of gingival tissues and mucous membranes. Thanks to innovative technologies excisions are carried out using electrodes.

Essentially, the operation consists of cauterizing the affected areas. The instruments for the operation are heated using electricity. Diathermocoagulation of gum tissue is carried out with a high-frequency alternating current wave.

If the operation is successful, the wound area should become white. First of all, alternating current affects vascular network and accelerates the rate of blood clotting.

Minor damage to the vessels allows them to quickly close, which prevents further bleeding.

This operation makes it possible in a matter of minutes disinfect the wound on the gingival papilla, eliminate the signs inflammatory process and heal the affected tissues.

Treatment for injury

If the development of the inflammatory process on the gum is provoked by an injury caused by the overhanging edge of a frozen filling material, the first health care consists of cutting off interfering elements or completely replacing the filling.

If a prosthesis or crown is installed incorrectly, doctors will eliminate inflammatory symptoms drug therapy.

Typically, the treatment program is almost identical to the methods for eliminating gingivitis. Depending on the result, the doctor considers the need to remove prosthetic structures before full recovery soft tissues.

Rules for choosing care products

The inflammatory process on the gingival papillae can be quickly eliminated if you approach the problem comprehensively. Besides drug therapy It is important to scrupulously follow the rules of hygiene.

An important point in proper care of all tissues of the oral cavity is selection of toothpaste and brush. When purchasing a cleaning product and care device, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • the composition of the toothpaste plays an important role, so it is better if it includes components medicinal herbs, effectively relieving inflammation of any nature;
  • Ingredients based on antibacterial substances, such as trilosan, will not be superfluous in the paste;
  • Daily care of teeth and gums requires not only therapeutic effects, but also taking preventive measures, so the paste should have not only a therapeutic, but also a preventive effect;
  • To reduce the likelihood of injury to the mucous membranes and gums, the brush should have medium-hard bristles.

The toothbrush is changed every 5-6 weeks. Compliance with this important rule will give you the opportunity to protect yourself from possible complications and speed up healing and recovery processes.

Prevention measures

Preventive measures aimed at the health of teeth and gums are as follows:

  • eating large quantity seafood, greens, dairy (such foods are rich in calcium, which strengthens inert tissue);
  • conducting healthy image life (giving up bad habits is mandatory);
  • adherence to healthy eating rules;
  • careful and competent care oral cavity(brushing teeth morning and evening, flossing after every meal).

The acute stage of inflammation of the gingival papillae requires careful treatment planning, so it is important not to start the disease, but to resort to preventive measures in a timely manner.

They will help reduce the likelihood of developing pathology and the appearance of unwanted uncomfortable symptoms.

The video presents Additional Information on the topic of the article.

Papillitis is an inflammation of the gingival interdental papilla, related to the superficial inflammatory diseases periodontal, in a number literary sources papillitis is considered a localized type of gingivitis.

1. Causes of papillitis

The causes of papillitis can be traumatic, infectious or allergic factors. Less commonly, papillitis is a manifestation of endogenous pathology - in diseases of the metabolic system, endocrine pathology, cardiovascular diseases. Definition immediate cause, which led to the development of the disease, is necessary for prescribing adequate therapy pathology.

2. Classification of papillitis

The basics of the classification of papillitis make it possible to determine the form and nature of the course of the disease, help clarify the diagnosis and adjust the treatment plan for the disease.

According to the variants of the course, acute papillitis and chronic papillitis are distinguished.

According to the form of the disease, acute papillitis can be catarrhal or ulcerative. The forms of chronic papillitis are catarrhal, ulcerative and hypertrophic forms.

With papillitis, the inflammatory process usually involves one or two gingival interdental papillae.

3. Symptoms of papillitis

The symptoms of papillitis depend on the nature of the disease and clinical form pathology. Thus, acute papillitis is characterized by the greatest severity of local inflammatory phenomena- redness, swelling, pain and bleeding of the affected gingival interdental papilla. However, when chronic course disease, all symptoms can be smoothed out, the color of the gums changes to dark red or cyanotic, which reflects the progression of arterial and venous circulation, and pain can only appear during the period of exacerbation of the disease. In addition, on clinical picture The form of papillitis leaves a visible imprint on the disease.

At ulcerative form papillitis in the area of ​​the gingival interdental papilla, an area of ​​ulceration is observed against the background of the above-described local signs of inflammation; in the hypertrophic form, along with the picture of inflammation, there is a “proliferation” of tissue in the form of granulomas or fibromas, which requires differential diagnosis with other diseases. In some cases, to clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary histological examination. At histological analysis describes the appearance characteristic of the hypertrophic form of papillitis - gum mucosa with proliferation of cells of the basal layer, against the background of proliferation of the fibrous connective base and blood filling of the capillaries, sometimes individual cells with elements of parakeratosis are detected. As a rule, the diagnostic algorithm also uses X-ray examination, in which osteoporosis of the interdental septa is often detected. In the chronic course of the disease, resorption of the apex of the septum and partial destruction of the compact lamina at the apex are often detected. During probing with instruments, no abnormal pathological pockets in the gums are detected.

4. Treatment of papillitis

Before prescribing therapy for papillitis, determine in each individual case causal factors its occurrence. Due to the variety of etiological factors of papillitis, tactics dental care requires strict individualization.

Treatment of papillitis of traumatic etiology is carried out comprehensively. After carrying out antibacterial, anti-inflammatory therapy and relieving the severity of the inflammatory process, methods aimed at eliminating the traumatic factor can be used in the treatment of papillitis. Yes, when pathological situation tooth, the presence of its crowding, various orthopedic methods of influence are used, including when at a young age patients (up to 30 years old) and the insignificance of the required restructuring - orthodontic treatment. For papillitis resulting from acute injury gingival papilla, after relieving the severity of inflammatory phenomena, it is recommended to use indirect methods restorations - cast inlays or crowns for more accurate restoration of contacts between teeth.

Treatment of papillitis, which forms as a result of the traumatic impact of a defective crown, begins with the removal of this crown and the appointment (in the future) of remedies drug therapy aimed at relieving inflammatory phenomena. In such cases, during repeated prosthetics, the quality of tooth processing is assessed and defects in tooth preparation for a crown are corrected.

At infectious nature a disease that develops as a complication of the cervical caries process, treatment is carried out from the standpoint of the treatment of dental caries, with the parallel use of anti-inflammatory therapy.

Treatment of papillitis of allergic etiology inherently includes the administration of antiallergic drugs. - you can find out here.

IN in rare cases, with pronounced chronic hypertrophic papillitis in the “cold period”, local surgical options are possible, aimed at removing excess tissue growth.



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