Where can you use tarragon grass? Tarragon - what is it? Properties and uses of tarragon

Tarragon is known to many exclusively as a sweet green drink, but it received this name for a reason. This cocktail is prepared on the basis of a concentrated syrup created from the plant of the same name, which is subsequently simply diluted with sparkling water. Tarragon (or tarragon), like any phyto-component, has a number of useful properties For human body, and is widely used in culinary arts and folk medicine. In this article, we will consider the main aspects of its use.

Medicinal composition of the plant

Tarragon grass (other names: tarragon, tarragon wormwood, stragon, dragoon grass) is an unpretentious plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. They grow in bushes, up to a meter high, with deep green leaves. It is actively used not only in cooking, but also in medicine, due to its rich useful composition. So, important component– essential oil that provides the specific aroma of the plant. The following components were found in the oil itself:

  • sabinene (up to 60%);
  • myrcene (about 10%);
  • sesquiterpene fraction (5%);
  • methylchavicol;
  • ocimene, etc.

The aerial part also contains ascorbic acid, carotene, coumarins, alkaloids, flavonoids, vitamins B1 and B2, minerals(phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron), tannins, etc. Calorie content plant product insignificant - only 25 kcal per 100 grams, while tarragon contains only 5 grams of carbohydrates and one and a half grams of protein.

Beneficial properties of the herb tarragon

The pharmacological properties of the plant in question are quite diverse. So, it can have the following types of effects on the body:

  • acceleration of tissue regeneration processes in case of damage;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • general strengthening of the body and immunity;
  • carminative and diuretic effect;
  • relieving spasms;
  • production stimulation gastric juice;
  • tonic effect.

So the spectrum beneficial use Tarragon is very wide. First of all, it is used as a product to calm and normalize work. nervous system. The components of the composition help cope with states of overexcitation and some nervous disorders. Great content vitamins, especially ascorbic acid, renders positive influence for a degree immune defense body. Due to the fact that the herb stimulates the production of gastric juice, it is not surprising that it also stimulates appetite, which can be extremely important for a number of conditions. It is worth highlighting other beneficial properties of tarragon:

  • local use for wounds, burns and bruises can speed up the healing process, as well as relieve swelling and inflammation;
  • some use the herb as a remedy for helminthic infestations;
  • The diuretic and carminative effect allows you to thoroughly cleanse the body and relieve the symptoms of bloating. The product is often used as part of the treatment of cystitis;
  • Tarragon quickly helps with painful spasms in the digestive system, effectively removing them;
  • the herb is even used as a means of recovery male power and normalization of the menstrual cycle in women;
  • in folk medicine, the plant is used as a base, tinctures and decoctions used for headaches, toothaches, depression and insomnia;
  • prevention of vitamin deficiency;
  • used in the treatment of diseases respiratory tract;
  • The product improves the functioning of the heart muscle and also normalizes blood composition.

The plant is also used in for cosmetic purposes. For example, masks and lotions intended for dry or aging skin are prepared on its basis. It is absolutely obvious that the herb is an important representative of herbal medicine, since the effect it provides will be useful to many people.

Harm from consuming the plant

The grass has a pretty effect strong effect on the body, and certain situations this can do a lot of harm. Thus, tarragon helps to increase the tone of the uterus, which helps with menstruation, but during pregnancy it will have a completely unfavorable effect - if the plant is consumed in large quantities, extreme dangerous complications, up to miscarriage.

The use of the plant allows you to achieve stimulation of the secretion of gastric juice, which in certain situations is very useful for work digestive tract. But with gastritis with increased acidity And ulcerative lesions such an effect will cause complications and aggravate the situation.

Tarragon in large quantities is also a source of danger, like many other plant components. The overdose condition is characterized by serious violations work of the digestive tract (diarrhea, vomiting), inhibition of the functioning of the nervous system, the appearance of dizziness and, in some cases, even hallucinations.

Use of tarragon seasoning in cooking

Spices can give dishes simply incredible shades of taste and aroma, and allow you to create real works culinary arts. As part of cooking, young shoots of the plant are used - green leaves on twigs that are collected before flowering begins. The herb has a specific spicy aroma, piquant, pungent taste, which allows it to be used in a wide variety of recipes. So, let's look at the classic uses of seasoning:

  • one of the herbs for pickling vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, and also as a marinade ingredient for sauerkraut and soaking apples);
  • wide application has a plant in Chinese cooking - there the herb is added to rice, fish, etc. dishes;
  • sauce using tarragon will be an excellent addition to asparagus, mushrooms, cauliflower, veal, lamb dishes, and even for some crustaceans;
  • leaves can even be added to jam to give it unusual flavor notes;
  • the grass gives incredible shades to game, it is also often used when smoking meat;
  • ingredient for making green oil;
  • the plant is added when infusing alcoholic beverages (including moonshine);
  • and, of course, based on this herb, the famous and well-known tarragon drink is prepared, as well as other cocktails and drinks.

How to make a drink at home

To create a fresh green drink you will need the following ingredients:

  • a bunch of tarragon greens;
  • pure table soda – one liter;
  • a third of a lemon;
  • granulated sugar – 7 tablespoons;
  • 300 ml of clean water.

The drink is prepared in several stages. It will require syrup with the addition of plant component, as well as carbonated water, which will dilute the resulting tarragon concentrate. The first step in preparing the base is to mix the sugar and clean water and bring to a boil, boiling with constant stirring for about three minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. At this time, the grass, washed and dried from excess moisture, is crushed in a blender, obtaining a homogeneous green mass. Tarragon mixed with hot sugar syrup and leave to infuse for half an hour. When everything has cooled down, pass the base through a sieve and you can start mixing the cocktail. So, squeeze the juice of a third of a lemon into green syrup, and pour it all with a liter of cold sparkling water. At this point, homemade tarragon, prepared entirely on your own, is ready.

There is also an easier way, but also more expensive. So, it will be enough to simply find ready-made natural tarragon syrup in the store, and mix it with soda in proportions that are comfortable for you.

Video recipe for tarragon lemonade

It’s not at all difficult to prepare real tarragon at home, the main thing is to get the right amount The main ingredient is tarragon herb. Following the proposed master class, for a short time You can create a great refreshing drink for the whole family.

Contraindications to the use of tarragon

Taking into account all the considered aspects of the influence of tarragon on the human body, several contraindications can be identified that limit its use:

  • during pregnancy, it is better to avoid such a plant, as it provokes uterine tone and can lead to premature termination of pregnancy;
  • increased acidity in the stomach;
  • Children's age requires special care in using the product.

It is also important to compare the properties of the product and the medications you are taking. For example, simultaneous use with diuretic tablets should be avoided.

Growing Tarragon

You can grow such a healthy and tasty herb on your own plot, and it will not require much effort or financial costs. You should choose an open area, where straight lines would fall Sun rays, with sandy loam soil (if the soil is heavy, then it is specially diluted with some sand). They plant grass both in spring and before winter. In order not to deteriorate the taste of the product, it is advisable to update it at least once every 2-3 years.

For planting, you can use divided bushes, sprouted cuttings or seeds (here you can also choose - place them in a bud immediately, or first grow them in seedlings). It is worth noting that the plant, like many spices, very unpretentious, and, perhaps, the only thing it does not tolerate is stagnation of liquid and constant overflow. With moderate watering aromatic herb feels great, even if she has to grow in partial shade. You must not forget to trim the bush - the more harvests are done, the more magnificent the bush will be.

Word " tarragon” is familiar to many; a sweet drink of the same name immediately comes to mind. At the same time, few people know that it is made from the perennial plant tarragon. You should familiarize yourself in more detail with the information about what is remarkable about tarragon, what it is and how to use it, because when correct use this amazing plant can replace half of your home medicine cabinet.

Tarragon - what is it?

The plant is widespread throughout Europe and Asia. Tarragon is distinguished by elongated forked leaves and a large woody rhizome. He likes sunlight, grows reluctantly in the shade. The lifespan of tarragon is up to ten years. Nevertheless healing properties leaves are retained only in young shrubs, in the first three years of growth.

Tarragon is used in cooking, folk medicine and home cosmetology. The use of tarragon in medicine is due to the composition of the leaves of this plant.

They contain:

  • carotene;
  • vitamin C;
  • essential oil;
  • alkaloids;
  • coumarins.

The plant contains no a large number of phosphorus, potassium and iron. B vitamins are also found in the leaves, but in small doses. About a quarter of the plant consists of proteins, half of carbohydrates, the rest is flavonoids and essential oil.

The spice is used in folk medicine as a valuable source of vitamins A and C, and is used as a cure for scurvy and a decongestant.

Tarragon essential oil has a specific aroma, which is why it is used in perfumery. In cosmetology, leaves are used as a means to combat inflammation of the skin, due to their antiseptic properties.

Masks and lotions made from tarragon help increase skin turgor, which is why they are used in the fight against age-related changes.

Medicinal properties of the plant:

Thanks to these properties, tarragon herb is widely used in folk medicine to combat various ailments. The product is also shown as vitamin supplement to food with decreased immunity or disorders nervous activity against a background of stress.

Indications for use of tarragon

First of all, tarragon is an aromatic spice that adds a touch of piquancy to any meat dish. The herb is also added to pickles and homemade preserves.

In folk medicine, the plant is used to treat:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • scurvy;
  • insomnia;
  • disorders of digestive processes;
  • wounds and abrasions on the skin;
  • hypertension.

The plant contains special compounds that have a positive effect on the functioning of the female genitourinary system.

The use of leaves allows you to normalize menstrual cycle, get rid of specific symptoms premenstrual syndrome. Regular consumption of tarragon is effective prevention inflammatory diseases female genital organs.

The plant has a positive effect on the nervous system, eliminates harmful influence stress, normalizes sleep. In this regard, tarragon is indicated during periods of strong mental load, for neuroses and neurasthenia, and also as part of complex treatment depression.

Thanks to the large amount of vitamins, tarragon leaves help with scurvy and seasonal vitamin deficiency. Regular consumption of a drink with tarragon will be an excellent prevention of ARVI.

Tarragon leaves normalize digestive processes, improve the production of gastric juice and increase appetite. This property of the plant should be taken into account by people who are watching their weight or adhering to strict diet for medical reasons.

Decoctions and infusions of tarragon have a pronounced diuretic effect. It helps with swelling and high blood pressure, and therefore it is recommended for hypertensive patients and people with mild impairments kidney function.

The leaves have an antispasmodic effect. They can be used for cupping pain syndrome for prostatitis. Decoctions of this plant are also used to relieve toothache and migraines.

Preparation and storage

Raw materials are harvested in the summer. Only the leaves of this plant are used in medicine. They can be cut up to three times per season, leaving about 15 cm for further growth.

Cut leaves must be tied into bunches and dried in a draft. It is best to do this under a canopy to prevent sun and moisture from reaching the leaf bundles. Leaves can be stored in any container with sufficient oxygen. Beneficial properties last up to two years.

Tarragon tea can be drunk one glass up to three times a day.

Indications for use:

  • stress;
  • restless sleep;
  • avitaminosis;
  • poor appetite;
  • chronic fatigue.

For increase vitamin value drink, you can add pomegranate peel (one teaspoon) to it. This increases the concentration of vitamin C and helps strengthen the immune system.

  • neurosis;
  • depression;
  • neurasthenia;
  • deterioration of potency;
  • menstrual irregularities.

The decoction should be taken three times a day, 100 ml. To treat insomnia, it is recommended to soak a towel in the broth and place a compress on the forehead for 20 minutes before going to bed.

Essential oil and ointment

Tarragon essential oil is used in aromatherapy. It is indicated for the treatment of insomnia, combating stress, and normalizing sexual function in men. You can purchase essential oil at any pharmacy or specialty store.

Ointments with tarragon are prepared at home and used for various dermatological diseases. To do this, you need to crush the dry leaves of the plant in a mortar and mix with honey. Take three parts honey to one part tarragon. The resulting product is applied to the skin twice a day.

Tarragon can be used to treat stomatitis and gum disease. To do this, you need to prepare the ointment according to the following recipe: mix 2 large tablespoons of leaves crushed in a mortar with 6 tablespoons of melted butter. The cooled ointment is applied to the gums and inflamed areas of the oral mucosa.

Application in cosmetology, cooking

In cosmetology, tarragon is used to improve the tone of the skin of the face and neck. For this purpose, ice from a decoction of this plant is used. Use ice cubes to rub the skin along the massage lines every morning.

For treatment problem skin lotion is applied. To prepare it, you need to mix in equal proportions cucumber juice and tarragon decoction, and add vodka (half of the resulting volume). You should wipe your skin with this lotion twice a day.

The leaves and stems of the plant are used in cooking. Leaves are used in cooking meat dishes and pickles, the stems go well with sour berries, lemon juice and vinegar, and are used for salad dressings.

Contraindications and possible harm

Tarragon must be used with caution.

Treatment with this plant is prohibited in the presence of the following diseases:

  • epilepsy;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • peptic ulcer stomach;
  • obstruction of the bile ducts;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • gastritis with high acidity.

The plant is contraindicated for pregnant women, as it increases the tone of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage in the early stages.

Tarragon, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which have been well studied, requires careful use, therefore, when treating with this plant, the recommended dosages should not be exceeded.

How to make tarragon lemonade at home - recipes and cooking secrets

In this article we tell you how to prepare tarragon and give a recipe for a classic and infused drink. You will learn how to properly process tarragon, how to make lemonade refreshing, with a bright, rich taste.

Making tarragon drink at home is very easy. If you follow all the cooking tips, the taste will be very interesting, with light notes of essential oils inherent in the plant itself and a slight tartness from lemon juice.

Tarragon branches contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements, so the tarragon drink, the recipe for which is very simple, can serve as a strengthening and fortifying agent.

You will need:

  • a bunch of fresh tarragon – 100-150 g;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • lemon juice – 50-100 ml;
  • sparkling water – 1 l.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the branches of the plant thoroughly and dry.
  2. Place the prepared bunch in a blender bowl and grind.
  3. Take a heatproof glass container.
  4. Add the herbal pulp and thoroughly grind it with sugar. Try to make sure the drink contains maximum amount juice
  5. Pour a glass of boiling water into the container, mix thoroughly and leave the mixture to brew for 40 minutes. Thanks to hot water, the taste and aroma of tarragon will fully “reveal” and become even brighter and richer.
  6. When the broth has cooled, pass it through a sieve to remove the herbal cake.
  7. Add lemon juice. Then pour the pre-chilled sparkling water into the resulting drink.

The drink is best served in tall glasses, garnished with mint and a slice of lemon.

Infused tarragon

Before making the tarragon drink according to the following recipe, it should be emphasized that the preparation will take quite a long time.

You will need:

  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • tarragon – 50 g;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • purified distilled water - 700 ml.

How to cook:

  1. This recipe requires some preparation. Before making a drink from tarragon, rinse and dry it with a paper towel.
  2. Coarsely chop the branches with leaves.
  3. Wash the lemon, remove a thin layer of zest, then squeeze out the juice.
  4. Place chopped tarragon and lemon zest in a blender container, pour in lemon juice.
  5. Grind the ingredients until smooth.
  6. Pour the pre-prepared water into a saucepan and put on fire.
  7. Add sugar, stir until it is completely dissolved, and bring to a boil.
  8. Add to boiling water herbal mixture and cook for 3 minutes.
  9. Transfer the resulting syrup to a dark place and leave for 10 hours.
  10. Strain the infused syrup through a sieve.
  11. Cool the sparkling water, dilute the infused syrup in a 1:2 ratio.

Drink recipes, in addition to our tips, will help you prepare rich and aromatic tarragon at home.

Tips for preparing the drink:

  • The tarragon sprigs should not be boiled, otherwise the lemonade will lose its rich, bright green color.
  • Use additional spices, such as mint, to add new flavors to the drink.
  • You can add orange or lime juice to the drink.
  • Sometimes a homemade tarragon recipe requires lemon or lime zest. Peeling fruits should be done very thin layer so as not to add bitterness.
  • Take only fresh food and purified water are the main conditions for making tarragon drink tasty.
  • How to make a tarragon drink winter time? Fresh tarragon branches from the recipe can be replaced with tarragon syrup, its extract, or pre-dried leaves of the plant, which you should stock up on in the summer.
  • Before serving the drink, garnish the glasses with lemon, lime, orange slices or a fresh sprig of mint.
  • The recipe for the tarragon drink has one general principle preparation, the difference lies in the duration of preparation and the amount of ingredients. There are a large number of options for making a tarragon drink using fruit, for example, adding gooseberries or currants.
  • Add ice cubes to the glass of lemonade - this will maintain the temperature of the lemonade in any weather. But be careful with the quantity, a large amount of ice will make the taste and aroma of the drink not so bright.
  • An alternative to lemon is lime, which will give tarragon a piquant and bright taste.
  • Based on your taste, the tarragon recipe at home can be adjusted with additional ingredients.
  • If you want bright green lemonade, add a little food coloring and your guests won't be able to tell it from the real thing.

The drink recipe is very simple, does not require much time to prepare and does not require much expense.

Planting tarragon seedlings

Despite frost resistance, tarragon seeds do not germinate in the Non-Black Earth Zone. In these regions, tarragon is grown through seedlings.

For seedlings, tarragon seeds are sown in the first half of March in prepared pots or plastic containers. The soil should be light, permeable, constantly moist, but not wet. Therefore, it is better to place containers on trays and water from below. When watering from above, it is more practical to use a spray bottle.

Containers with sowing are placed in a greenhouse or on cool window sills. In the 2-leaf phase, dense seedlings are broken through, leaving the strongest seedlings at intervals of at least 6-8 cm.

In June, tarragon seedlings are planted in open ground, 2 pieces are possible. in one hole. Seedlings are planted in moist, fertilized soil in a wide-row pattern of 30x60-70 cm. 3-6 bushes are enough for a family.

Caring for tarragon

Tarragon refers to unpretentious plants and does not cause much trouble to the owners. The main care is to clear the area before sowing/planting of weeds, especially root suckers, with loosening to better provide the roots with air.

Watering is moderate. Water the plants depending on weather conditions after 2-3 weeks. Tarragon is fertilized once in the spring after the first weeding or before flowering. They feed with an infusion of mullein, which is diluted before application with a 5-6 times the ratio to the mass, or an infusion of ash.

You can feed it with dry ash before watering at the rate of 1-2 cups per bush, depending on its age. Tarragon responds well to feeding with microelements or a mixture of fertilizers - add a spoonful of superphosphate to 10 liters of water and potassium chloride. You can add a glass of ash to this mixture, especially on depleted soils.

The green mass of tarragon is harvested in different ways. You can cut off the green mass throughout the growing season as it grows, leaving stumps of 12-15 cm.

But it is more practical, after the first selective harvesting of the green mass, to immediately cut off all the stems almost close to the ground and water them. Tarragon grows quickly and soon new young shoots with leaves that have retained their charming aroma are cut for use as food or for drying. The leaves are usually dried.

If the tarragon bushes, for unknown reasons, begin to turn yellow and dry out, it is necessary to cut off all the above-ground mass and remove it from the site. Treat the area with any soil biological product (for diseases and pests).

Greenery best quality obtained by cutting tarragon from the third ten days of April to the third ten days of June. You can cut it completely for drying before flowering.

Cut greens are dried in the shade to preserve the green color inherent in the shoots. Dry tarragon leaves are separated from the stems by rubbing between the palms and stored like other spicy crops. After complete cutting, the bushes usually grow back in 30-40-50 days.

Tarragon (Tarragon) is a spicy plant that is used not only in cooking, but also in medicine. What and how is it best to use tarragon? How is it useful?

Tarragon(or tarragon) – herbaceous plant of the aster family, externally resembling wormwood. As a spice, young stems and leaves of tarragon are used, which have a strong spicy aroma and a pleasant piquant and refreshing taste.

Medicinal properties of tarragon

Tarragon (tarragon) is a popular medicinal plant in Tibetan and Arabic medicine. The value of this plant is given by the large amount of essential oil contained in the leaves, carotene, and coumarin. Fresh tarragon contains vitamins A, B1, B2, C, as well as minerals: potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus, tannins, bitterness and resins.

Tarragon has many beneficial properties; it is recommended for weak appetite, disorders of the digestive tract, and stomach cramps. Tarragon herb restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes appetite by improving the synthesis of gastric juice and reducing inflammatory processes.

In folk medicine, tarragon is used as an antiscorbutic, diuretic and tonic with vitamin deficiencies. It is useful for diseases of the blood and cardiovascular system. Tarragon has a general strengthening effect and calms the nervous system. Used in dietary nutrition with salt-free diets.

Tarragon in cooking

The green part of the plant is widely used in cooking in fresh as a spicy and aromatic seasoning.

In the cuisines of many peoples of the world, this plant is used in the preparation of main courses of beef, lamb, pork, and offal. Young greens are placed in okroshka, vegetable soups, and broths.

Tarragon leaves are used for pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, making marinades, sauerkraut, soaking apples and pears. You can salt mushrooms with tarragon. A few sprigs of tarragon are enough to get a unique piquant taste.

Finely chopped fresh leaves added as a spice to poultry, eggs, light sauces, any meat dishes, as well as to all types of salads. The dried plant can be used for many dishes, and it should be added at the very end of cooking so as not to lose taste qualities plants.

Tarragon adds a subtle taste to a variety of sauces (mayonnaise, ravigote, béarnaise, tomato, sour cream, sorrel-tarragon, lemon, tartar) and fermented milk products, in particular, unsweetened natural yogurt and cheeses.

In France, an aromatic-spicy vinegar is prepared from tarragon leaves, used to season salted fish. It can also be used to make green oil. They often insist on tarragon alcoholic drinks. A bunch of tarragon branches - green or dried, placed in a bottle of vodka for several weeks, gives the vodka a special taste and aroma. Tarragon extract is used to flavor wines and soft drinks: Tarragon sparkling water, cocktails, etc.

Fresh and dried tarragon is added to salads, appetizers and side dishes of apples, tomatoes, cauliflower, gherkins, zucchini, cucumbers, and potatoes. Spice is also added to omelettes, cold soups (for example, okroshka), fish soup, borscht, meat and chicken soups and broths, cold baked pork and beef, main hot dishes (stewed chicken and fish, pilaf with lamb, manti, vegetable stew, steaks, chops), game dishes, offal dishes (stewed kidneys), bean and pea dishes.

Fresh tarragon is added to hot dishes 1-2 minutes before they are ready, and to cold dishes – at the time of serving. And chefs recommend rubbing meat, poultry and game with tarragon before cooking. Dried leaves Tarragon is added to dishes 3-5 minutes before the end of stewing or cooking.

Tarragon goes well with black pepper, ginger, saffron, nutmeg, calendula, lavender, mint, cumin, mustard, onion, parsley, dill, celery.



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