Our food and vitamins drawing. Environmental project “Vitamins are our friends”

Kvashevich Artem

Project work on the topic "Vitamins in human life"



PROJECT on the topic: “Vitamins in human life.”

1. Introduction

1.1. Relevance

1.2. Object of study

1.3. Purpose of the study

1.4. Research objectives

1.5. Research methods

2. Main part

2.1. The effect of vitamins on human health

2.2.Two groups of vitamins

2.3.Experiments with vitamins

2.4.Sources of vitamin

3. Conclusion

4. Job prospects

5. Application


Nowadays it is very important to be successful person To find your place in life, you need to study well.

To achieve your goals you need to be able to overcome difficulties.

To move forward it is important to have good health. It depends on proper nutrition.

From conversations with adults, I learned that modern children get sick more often than theirs.

peers in their 80s.

I wondered: why is this happening?

I began to look for the answer to the question and want to talk about the impact on health


Object of study: vitamins

Purpose of the study: find out what vitamins are, study the properties of vitamins.

Hypothesis: Vitamins play important role in human health.

Research objectives:

1. Get acquainted with the group of vitamins.

2. Study the effect of vitamins on human health.

3. Observe the solubility of vitamins different groups with the aim of

their correct use.

4. Learn techniques for preserving vitamins in foods.

Research methods:

1. Studying literature on this topic.

2. Observation method.

3. Conducting experiments.

4. Conversation.

The effect of vitamins on human health:

Every person wants to be healthy. One of the most important

element of health is nutrition. Vitamins play a vital role in prolongation healthy life, nothing can replace them. In the absence of vitamins or their deficiency, health is impaired.

In those days when people did not know about the existence of vitamins, many diseases arose.

"What is this? - they thought. “Poison, infection, God’s punishment?”

Scurvy struck travelers. Brave men felt weak, their teeth fell out, and rashes appeared. Since ancient times, children have suffered from rickets, a disease in which the bones become

fragile and change shape.

There are many other terrible diseases and the cause is often vitamin deficiency.

One doctor found that lemons and oranges prevent scurvy. And another doctor concluded that beriberi disease affects members of those ships whose crew eats mainly rice. Adding meat, vegetables, and fish to the diet solved the problem.

There are vitamins: A, B, C, E, D and others.Vitamins are classified into two groups:

1. Water-soluble vitamins: B vitamins (B1, B6, B12, etc.) and vitamin C.

2. Vitamins that dissolve in fats: A, D, E, K.

Water-soluble vitamins should be taken daily as they are not stored in the body; fat-soluble vitamins can accumulate in fat tissue and the liver.

Experience No. 1

After conducting an experiment by dissolving vitamins in water, I found out the following:

Vitamin C (powder ascorbic acid) dissolved in water. This means that the vitamin can be distributed in the human body with ordinary liquid. The human body cannot produce vitamin C itself and store it, therefore it is very important to include

daily diet as possible more products foods that contain vitamin C.

Experience No. 2

Vitamin A (in granules). The granule dissolved in the water after I stirred the water, forming a film with oily, greasy circles on the surface of the water. Thus, vitamin A is better absorbed from fat (oil) and is insoluble in water.

The main source of vitamin A is animal products. There is a lot of it in fruits and vegetables.

Moreover, red foods contain much more vitamin A than

yellow and green.

Sources of vitamins.

By periodically being in the sun, a person receives vitamin D sufficient quantity.

Vitamins of group D are formed in animal tissues and in some plants.

Vitamin D is found in animal products in fish oil, egg yolk, caviar, dairy products, cheese, butter. From plant sources Mushrooms, nettles, and parsley are known for vitamin D.

The properties of vitamins are varied, but all vitamins are the right quantity strengthen human health.

The need for vitamins increases during the period of child growth, under any stress.

Vitamins B large quantities used for illnesses. For best absorption Vitamins should be taken simultaneously with food and minerals.

Repeatedly heating food in an open container has a detrimental effect on vitamins.

Vegetables and herbs should be peeled and chopped shortly before preparing dishes from them. When cooking, vegetables should be placed in a boiling liquid, not a cold one, to reduce the loss of vitamin C. Potatoes boiled in their skins retain up to 75% of vitamin C.

When cooking jam from various berries, vitamin C is destroyed. When drying, salting and pickling mushrooms, the vitamin content in them decreases.


Including vitamins in your diet is a must. Vitamins have

unique properties. They can eliminate side effect other medications and generally undesirable effects on the human body. Therefore, deficiency of vitamins or their complete absence, can not only adversely affect the human body, but also

lead to the development of serious diseases.

A diet rich in vitamins is beneficial for every patient. Of course, before you start taking a vitamin preparation, you must

consult your doctor.

While working on the project, I learned:

  • about the two groups of vitamins, the features of their absorption by the body
  • about the influence of vitamins on human health.
  • about methods of preserving vitamins in foods

Job prospects

Slide captions:

PROJECT on the topic: “Vitamins in human life.” Completed by a student of class 2 B of MOBU secondary school No. 26 Kvashevich Artem, Taganrog

Contents 1. Introduction 1.1. Relevance 1.2. Object of study 1.3. Purpose of the study 1.4. Research objectives 1.5. Research methods 2. Main part 2.1. The influence of vitamins on human health 2.2. Two groups of vitamins 2.3. Experiments with vitamins 2.4. Sources of vitamins 2.5. How to preserve vitamins in foods? 3. Conclusion 4. Work prospects 5. Application

Nowadays it is very important to be a successful person, to find your place in life. To achieve your goals you need to be able to overcome difficulties. To move forward, it is important to have good health. It depends on proper nutrition. From conversations with adults, I learned that modern children get sick more often than their peers in the 80s. I wondered: why is this happening? I began to look for the answer to the question and want to talk about the effect of vitamins on health. Relevance

In my class, I surveyed 8 people. Based on the results of the questionnaires, I realized that my classmates know little about the importance of vitamins in human life, so I consider myself project work on a given topic that is relevant and interesting.

Survey results.

Object of study: vitamins. Purpose of the study: to find out what vitamins are, to study the properties of vitamins. Hypothesis: Vitamins play an important role in human health.

Research objectives: 1. Get to know the group of vitamins. 2. Study the effect of vitamins on human health. 3. Conduct observations of the solubility of vitamins of different groups in order to use them correctly. 4. Learn techniques for preserving vitamins in foods.

1. Studying literature on this topic. 2. Observation method. 3. Conducting experiments. 4. Conversation. 5. Questionnaire. Research methods:

Every person wants to be healthy. One of essential elements health is nutrition. Vitamins play a vital role in prolonging a healthy life; nothing can replace them. In the absence of vitamins or their deficiency, health is impaired. The effect of vitamins on human health:

In those days when people did not know about the existence of vitamins, many diseases arose. "What is this? - they thought. “Poison, infection, God’s punishment?” Scurvy struck travelers. Brave men felt weak, their teeth fell out, and rashes appeared. Since ancient times, children have suffered from rickets, a disease in which bones become weak and change shape. There are many other terrible diseases and the cause is often vitamin deficiency. Historical reference:

scurvy rickets

One doctor found that lemons and oranges prevent scurvy. And another doctor concluded that beriberi disease affects members of those ships whose crew eats mainly rice. Adding meat, vegetables, and fish to the diet solved the problem. Historical reference:

There are vitamins: A, B, C, E, D and others. Vitamins are classified into two groups: 1. Water-soluble vitamins: B vitamins (B1, B6, B12, etc.) and vitamin C. 2. Vitamins that are fat-soluble: A, D, E, K. Classification of vitamins .

Water-soluble vitamins should be taken daily as they are not stored in the body; fat-soluble vitamins can accumulate in fat tissue and the liver. Two groups of vitamins:

Experiment No. 1 After conducting an experiment, dissolving vitamins in water, I found out the following: Vitamin C (ascorbic acid powder) dissolved in water. This means that the vitamin can be distributed in the human body with ordinary liquid. The human body cannot produce vitamin C itself and accumulate it, therefore it is very important to include in the daily diet as many foods as possible that contain vitamin C. Experiments with vitamins.

Experiment No. 2 Vitamin A (in granules). The granule dissolved in the water after I stirred the water, forming a film with oily, greasy circles on the surface of the water. Thus, vitamin A is better absorbed from fat (oil) and is insoluble in water. The main source of vitamin A is animal products. There is a lot of it in fruits and vegetables. Moreover, red foods contain much more vitamin A than yellow and green foods. Experiments with vitamins.

By periodically being in the sun, a person receives sufficient amounts of vitamin D. Vitamins of group D are formed in animal tissues and in some plants. In animal products, vitamin D is found in fish oil, egg yolk, caviar, dairy products, cheese, and butter. Plant sources of vitamin D include mushrooms, nettles, and parsley. Sources of vitamins.

The properties of vitamins are varied, but all vitamins in the right quantities improve human health. The need for vitamins increases during the period of child growth, under any stress. Vitamins are consumed in large quantities during diseases. For best absorption, vitamins should be taken simultaneously with food and minerals. Properties of vitamins.

It is recommended to store products away from air and light, in a dry and cool place. The shorter the shelf life, the more vitamins will remain. Repeatedly heating food in an open container has a detrimental effect on vitamins. Vegetables and herbs should be peeled and chopped shortly before preparing dishes from them. When cooking, vegetables should be placed in a boiling liquid, not a cold one, in order to reduce the loss of vitamin C. Potatoes boiled in their skins retain up to 75% of vitamin C. When cooking jam from various berries, vitamin C is destroyed. When drying, salting and pickling mushrooms, the vitamin content in them decreases. How to preserve vitamins in foods?

1.Vitamins should be included in every person’s diet. 2. Must be taken vitamin preparations, especially in spring and winter. 3. It is necessary to properly prepare vegetables and fruits. Conclusion.

About two groups of vitamins, the characteristics of their absorption by the body. about the influence of vitamins on human health. about methods of preserving vitamins in foods. While working on the project, I learned:

In the future, I want to observe the effect of vitamins on my health. Together with my parents, I will draw up a food menu for the month, including foods rich in vitamins. I will monitor my performance, mood, and health. I will present the results to my classmates. I will have conversations with peers about healthy way nutrition. This, I hope, will help the students in our class and I become healthier and more resilient and inquisitive. Job prospects:

Questionnaire 1. Do you pay attention to your health? a) yes b) no c) sometimes 2. You eat food: a) varied b) which you like c) what you have at home 3. You eat: a) according to the schedule b) when you have to c) when you want to eat 4. How often do you take vitamins: a) daily b) when they buy them c) occasionally 5. How much do you take vitamins: a) as much as you want b) following the recommendation 6. Do you know what vitamins are: a) food supplement b) medicine c) no Application:


Poems about vitamins

Vitamin A:

Remember the simple truth - only he sees better.

Who chews raw carrots

Or drinks carrot juice.

Vitamin B:

Early morning is very important

Eat oatmeal at breakfast.

Black bread is good for us -

And not just in the morning.

Vitamin C:

For colds and sore throats

Oranges help.

Well, it's better to eat lemon,

Although it is very sour.

Vitamin D:

Fish oil is the healthiest!

Even if it's disgusting, you have to drink it.

He saves from diseases.

Without diseases, life is better!


I never lose heart

And a smile on your face

Because I accept

Vitamins. A B C


Municipal educational institution

secondary school of Taganrog No. 26

Project work

Saturation of food with vitamins and microelements is one of the conditions healthy diet allowing you to maintain physical and mental activity.

Vitamins are substances that have certain similar properties:
occupy an important place in metabolism as independent participants or as component enzymes;
are produced in the human body in small quantities, which necessitates their targeted intake;
manifest their functionality in microscopic quantities: the need for various vitamins ranges from a few micrograms to milligrams per day.

The importance of vitamins for optimal human life is evidenced by the fact that when they are deficient, the body develops pathological processes, called avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis.
Causes vitamin deficiency in humans:

1. The presence of diseases of the digestive system, as a result of which vitamins in food are poorly absorbed, partially destroyed, and are also synthesized by the intestines in low quantities. Eg, helminthic infestations- This is a serious obstacle to the absorption of vitamins. At inflammatory diseases the liver has difficulty transferring vitamins into active forms. Some medications inhibit the activity of vitamins.

2. Vitamin deficiency in the diet caused by:
Wrong set of products. A lack of fruits and vegetables leads to a vitamin C deficiency. If you only eat vegetarian food There is a lack of vitamin B12. If priority is given to refined products (products made from premium flour, refined rice, sugar), there is a high probability of B vitamin deficiency.
Seasonal changes in the content of vitamins in products. In spring and winter, the level of vitamin C in fruits decreases, and the range of this product group itself also decreases. During this same period, eggs and milk are poor in vitamins A and D.
Improper culinary processing and storage of dishes, leading to a decrease in vitamins B, C, A in food. For example, with prolonged heat treatment berries during the preparation of jam, the amount of vitamin C decreases significantly.
Imbalanced diet. Vitamins in food may be present in sufficient quantities, but their absorption will be hampered due to improper amounts (both excess and deficiency) of other vitamins, as well as due to a long-term lack of complete proteins.
Increased need for vitamins associated with work conditions (athletes need more B vitamins), climate (in hot climates the need for vitamin A increases), physical condition(during pregnancy and breastfeeding there may be a lack of all vitamins).
Special measures to prevent vitamin deficiency in food

In order to enhance the value of some food products They are specially fortified. This is how vitamins are enriched in many products for baby food: porridge, puree, nutritional mixtures, drinks. For example, in milk for child use Vitamin D2 is administered so that half a liter of drink contains the daily dose.

The need for fortification of products also arises if they are intended for use in special conditions(on expeditions, during wintering).

Special fortification of food with vitamin C is carried out in sanatoriums, maternity hospitals, hospitals, dietary canteens, as well as canteens of educational institutions.

Want to get vitamins and minerals directly from your food? We present to you those that contain the most essential things for the human body!


Change text size: A A

For normal functioning, our body needs mass nutrients– vitamins and minerals. They can be bought at any pharmacy in the form of tablets, powders, fortified drinks, and so on. But there are also foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

Do you want to get your vitamins and minerals the natural way? Then take a look at the products listed below.


Plays a key role in the functioning of the immune system and reproductive systems, and is also necessary for maintaining vision. Vitamin A compounds, including beta-carotene, support normal functioning retina and cornea of ​​the eye.

What does it contain? The most high concentration vitamin A among all p foods rich in vitamins and minerals - in sweet potatoes (yams). Just one medium-sized fruit contains 28,000 international units (IU) of vitamin A, which is 561% of the recommended amount. daily value. Rich sources of this vitamin are also beef liver, spinach, fish, milk, eggs and carrots.


Actually, B6 is general term for six different components that have similar effects on the body. They help digest food, produce hemoglobin, stabilize blood sugar levels and create antibodies that fight disease.

Sources of vitamin B6 are fish, beef liver and poultry. But the most valuable source is chickpeas. One can of these peas contains 1.1 mg of vitamin B6, that is, 55% of the daily value.


This vitamin is vital for normal operation nervous system, as well as for the formation of red blood cells and even DNA. It saves us from anemia, a syndrome that causes weakness and chronic fatigue.

Best Source of Vitamin B12shellfish Three ounces of the prepared meal contain 84 mcg of this vitamin, which is an incredible 1,402% of the daily value. Vitamin B12 is also found in beef liver, trout, salmon and tuna. It is added to many breakfast cereals.


This vitamin is a natural antioxidant and an important participant in many processes in the body, such as protein metabolism and the synthesis of neurotransmitters.

When most of us think of vitamin C, we think of citrus fruits. But, oddly enough, more total vitamin C With will win V red sweet pepper. Other sources include kiwi, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts.


Calcium is the most needed mineral for our body. 99% of it is used to form and strengthen bones and teeth. The remaining 1% plays a role in maintaining the functioning of blood vessels and muscles, intercellular contacts and hormone secretion.

Highest calcium content, as you may have guessed, in m dairy products. Ordinary low fat yogurt will provide us with 42% of the daily requirement. Green leafy vegetables such as kale and Chinese cabbage contain a lot of calcium.


Vitamin D is produced by our own skin under the influence of sun rays. It is necessary for the body's absorption of calcium, the growth of bones and body cells, and for work. immune system and relieving inflammation.

E national food sources There's not much vitamin D. It is contained, for example, in fatty fish - salmon and mackerel. The most valuable source of this vitamin is cod liver (1360 IU per tablespoon). In second place is swordfish (566 IU or 142% of the daily value). But most people get vitamin D from food additives and fortified products - milk, juices, breakfast cereals.


Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from harmful molecules called free radicals. It is essential for the functioning of the immune system, blood vessels and the healing process.

The most vitamin E is contained in wheat germ oil. But it's easier to get it from an ordinary sunflower oil or almonds.


Folic acid, or vitamin B9, is especially necessary for pregnant women. It prevents the development of fetal defects. Everyone else needs this vitamin for the formation of new body tissues.

Folic acid contains in many foods, including dark greens leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts and dairy products. Its content is highest in beef liver. If liver is not your thing, try spinach. One serving contains up to 33% of the daily value.


Iron is an important component of hemoglobin, which forms red blood cells. These red blood cells deliver oxygen to all the organs and cells of our body.

Two different shapes iron contained both in products of animal origin (red meat, fish, poultry) and plant origin (lentils, beans). Most iron is in chicken meat– 11 mg per serving, or 61% Daily Value.


This vitamin plays a key role in blood clotting. Without it, it would be impossible to stop the bleeding from even a minor cut.

Best Source of Vitamin Kgreen leafy vegetables: kale (1.1 mg per serving), spinach (1 mg) and more exotic: turnips, mustard greens, beet tops.


This chemical pigment found in red fruits and vegetables has antioxidant effects. Some studies suggest that lycopene may prevent certain diseases, such as heart disease and some types of cancer.

Richest Source of Lycopenetomatoes, especially tomato sauces, pastes and purees. One cup of tomato paste contains 75 mg of the substance. Raw, unprocessed tomatoes are not as valuable - only 3 mg per vegetable. But watermelon contains more lycopene - 12 mg in one cup.


Lysine is an amino acid that helps the body absorb calcium and produce collagen for bones and connective tissue. It is also involved in the production of carnitine, a substance that regulates cholesterol levels.

Lysine contains in protein-rich animal products, especially red meat, but also nuts, legumes and soy.


Magnesium is involved in more than 300 biochemical reactions, including in maintaining the function of the muscular and nervous system, stabilization heart rate and maintaining bone density.

M nogo magnesium V wheat bran. Therefore, it is better to eat bread made from whole, unrefined grains. It is useless to look for magnesium in white bread. Other sources of magnesium include green vegetables, particularly spinach, almonds and cashews.


Nicotinic acid, like all B vitamins, is needed for the conversion of nutrients into energy, as well as for the functioning of digestive system, skin and nerves.

Main source of niacindried yeast. Doesn't sound very appetizing? Then try peanuts or peanut butter. Beef and chicken liver is rich in nicotinic acid.


Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid essential for maintaining brain health. They also relieve inflammation.

Exist different types Omega-3 acids: alpha-linolenic acid is found in vegetable oil, green vegetables, nuts, and eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids - in fatty fish. One serving of tuna salad contains about 8.5 grams of polyunsaturated fatty acids.


Potassium is an important electrolyte needed to control the electrical activity of the heart. It is also involved in the formation of proteins and muscles and the conversion of carbohydrates into energy.

One medium-sized baked sweet potato contains 700 mg of potassium. Its other sources are tomato paste, beet tops, regular potatoes, red meat, chicken and fish.


Riboflavin, or vitamin B2, is an antioxidant that helps the body fight disease, produce energy, and create red blood cells.

The most valuable source of riboflavinbeef liver. In addition, many breakfast cereal manufacturers enrich their product with vitamin B2.


Selenium is a mineral with antioxidant properties. It plays an important role in preventing chronic diseases, regulates work thyroid gland and the immune system.

Contains a lot of selenium V brazil nut. Just 6-8 nuts will provide you with 777% of your daily value. But excess selenium can be harmful to the body. Therefore, it is better to focus on the second most valuable source - canned tuna.


Thiamine, also known as vitamin B1, helps the body convert carbohydrates into energy. It is also needed to maintain the health of the brain and nervous system.

Just like nicotinic acid, thiamine is found in dry yeast (11 mg per 100 g of yeast). But it's easier to get it from pine nuts and soybeans.


Zinc plays an important role in the functioning of the immune system. It is also needed for the functioning of the sense organs - gustatory and olfactory.

Most zinc is contained in oysters. But many people prefer to get it from other sources - red meat and poultry.

Vitamin D is formed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation in the tissues of animals and plants. Vitamin D is found in nettles, dairy products and parsley. Vitamin D is found in nettles, dairy products and parsley. Our food and vitamins Vitamins save a person from excess fat and carbohydrates. Vitamin A Vitamin A was first isolated from carrots. Vitamin A was first isolated from carrots. Vitamin A is found in vegetables, fruits and dairy products. Vitamin A is found in vegetables, fruits and dairy products. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) Vitamin B1 is essential for oxidative decarboxylation keto acids. Vitamin B1 is necessary for the oxidative decarboxylation of keto acids. With insufficient intake of thiamine, pyruvic and lactic acids accumulate in tissues. With insufficient intake of thiamine, pyruvic and lactic acids accumulate in tissues. Vitamin B1 is found in baked goods and meat. Vitamin B1 is found in baked goods and meat. Vitamin B2 Vitamin B2 improves vision and reduces eye fatigue. Vitamin B2 improves vision and reduces eye fatigue. Vitamin B2 is found in peas, fish, dairy products, meat and eggs. Vitamin B2 is found in peas, fish, dairy products, meat and eggs. Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 is the only water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin B12 is the only water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin B12 is found in seaweed, soy products, beef, fish, milk. Vitamin B12 is found in seaweed, soy products, beef, fish, and milk.
Vitamin C Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C improves the body's ability to absorb calcium and iron. Vitamin C improves the body's ability to absorb calcium and iron. Vitamin C is found in vegetables, fruits and dairy products. Vitamin C is found in vegetables, fruits and dairy products.
Vitamin E Vitamin E improves blood circulation and is necessary for tissue regeneration. Vitamin E improves blood circulation and is necessary for tissue regeneration. As an antioxidant, vitamin E protects cells from damage. As an antioxidant, vitamin E protects cells from damage. Vitamin E is found in pork lard, olive oil, apples and white bread. Vitamin E is found in lard, olive oil, apples and white bread. Vitamin H is widely distributed in nature and is found in foods of plant and animal origin. Vitamin H is found in lettuce, vegetables, dairy and meat products. Vitamin H is found in salads, vegetables, dairy and meat products. Vitamin K Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin. Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin. Green leafy vegetables are richest in vitamin K. Green leafy vegetables are richest in vitamin K. Vitamin K is found in rose hips, spinach, cabbage, and nettles. Vitamin K is found in rose hips, spinach, cabbage, and nettles. Vitamin PP Vitamin PP exists in 2 forms -nicotinic acid and nicotiminide Vitamin PP exists in 2 forms - nicotinic acid and nicotinomide. Vitamin PP is found in broccoli, carrots, cheese and pork. Vitamin PP is found in broccoli, carrots, cheese and pork. Our food and vitamins Vitamins help us gain immunity from colds. Vitamins help us gain immunity from colds.

The history of mankind knows many misconceptions that for a long time accepted as truth. It was the same with views on nutrition.

Until the second half of the 19th century, physiologists around the world believed that vital important components products are only proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and mineral salts and water. But gradually facts began to accumulate that forced scientists to reconsider this erroneous statement. In our message today we will talk about vitamins.

How vitamins were discovered

What are the facts that forced scientists to change their views on nutritional value what we eat and drink:

  • Considerable experience of long-term sea ​​travel showed that even with sufficient food supplies, sailors often died from scurvy. So, out of 265 crew members, 248 people died from its symptoms.
  • The history of Arctic exploration is also full of tragic pages, when brave polar explorers died not from hunger and cold, but from the most severe symptoms that were characteristic of scurvy. This disease did not spare the brave Vitus Bering, the hero polar explorer G. Ya. Sedov and many other famous and unknown conquerors of ice continents.
  • Residents of Japan and Indonesia were susceptible to a strange disease called “beriberi,” which translated means “fetters.” Those. most pronounced manifestation This disease causes heaviness in the legs and a staggering gait. Inmates of some prisons also suffered from it. They all ate husked rice.

Analyzing such facts, physiologists tried to understand the causes that caused them. The explanation was obtained thanks to the observation of a doctor from Holland, Eijkman. Observing the behavior of chickens in the poultry yard, he noticed that birds that eat exclusively boiled rice get beriberi disease, but adding bran to their food quickly cures these birds.

Further research made it possible to discover special group substances vital for human body. Since they are regulators of metabolism, ensuring the normal course of physiological and biochemical processes, these substances were called vitamins (from the Latin word vita - life). With their deficiency or absence, the body experiences a kind of “hunger”. And he gets hit insidious ailments, like “beri-beri”, scurvy, rickets, etc.

The life-saving role of bran is now easily explained. Bran is the most nutritious and useful part grain crops. It was the vitamins contained in bran that saved the bird kingdom from extinction.

Friends of our body

Despite the enormous value of vitamins, the amount of this “elixir of life” should be very small. Natural vitamins And minerals found in fresh vegetables and fruits in sufficient quantities. Therefore, you should, if possible, include them in your diet every day.

Now let’s try to understand the “vitamin kingdom”. Now Science recognizes 13 groups of substances as vitamins. To designate them, use the letters of the Latin alphabet and the names given to them upon receipt:

  • Vitamin A, otherwise called retinol or carotene. He is “responsible” for our vision. If, when going from a light room to a dark one, adaptation (habituation) lasts more than 6 seconds, it’s time to lean on yellow and red fruits and vegetables, they will help compensate for the lack of carotene. Beef and pork liver, caviar, milk. If you notice flaking, itching of the skin, dryness respiratory tract, the culprit is still the same - lack of vitamin A.
  • B vitamins. Their role is especially great in the production of proteins - the main building material of our muscles, to strengthen the nervous and endocrine systems. There are many varieties of vitamins in this group. Let's look at some of them. This is B1 (thiamine), the absence of which caused scurvy, “beriberi” and other ailments. Even its deficiency causes memory loss, weakness, insomnia and lack of appetite. Whole grain breads are rich in this component, legumes, pork, eggs. If you are overcome by dizziness or lethargy, vitamin B6 will help solve the problem. It is enough to eat 100 g of unprocessed rice, beans or peas per day and these symptoms will leave you alone.
  • If your eyes get tired quickly, your nails peel, and night sleep does not bring the desired rest - the body lacks vitamin D. Mackerel and flounder, cod liver and chicken yolks are rich in it.
  • Endless colds poison life - this means that immunity has decreased, vitamin C is to blame, or rather its lack. It is found in large quantities in black currant, rosehip, bell pepper, lemon and sauerkraut.

In a word, be attentive to your body. He will tell you what vitamins and microelements he needs to be healthy and cheerful. But more accurate information about the body's supply of vitamins can be obtained using blood and urine tests.

What else you need to know about vitamins

However, it is not always possible to compensate for the lack of vitamins through food. Then you can use “pharmacy” vitamins.

Most of them are obtained in chemical laboratories from natural products. On pharmacy counters you can find multivitamins, i.e. medical supplies, including several different vitamins, and often mineral and organic supplements. Sometimes it's the whole complex vitamins Then they are called multivitamins.

According to the nature of absorption and preservation in the body, vitamins are divided into water-soluble and fat-soluble. The first group is the most numerous, but the fat-soluble group includes only four vitamins A, D, E and K.

Fat-soluble vitamins can be stored in the body in the liver and adipose tissue. This is a kind of vitamin depot that allows the body to have reserves of these substances and, if necessary, use them. This reserve can remain in the body for 1 to 2 years.

While the shelf life of their water-soluble “brothers” is from several days to 6 weeks. They easily dissolve in water, enter the bloodstream directly from food and are excreted from the body with urine, so they must be ingested daily.

Violation of the supply of vitamins can cause three pathological conditions:

  • their absence is vitamin deficiency;
  • their deficiency is hypovitaminosis;
  • their excess is hypervitaminosis.

Hypervitaminosis is, in fact, poisoning of the body due to an overdose or individual intolerance vitamins Moreover, the signs of this pathology are different for each vitamin. Most often they can be caused fat-soluble vitamins, because only they have the ability to accumulate in the body.

How to Preserve These Fragile Treasures

If synthetic vitamins protected from destruction, then live vitamins contained in products easily lose their properties. Their main enemies are sunlight, oxygen, time and heat. Therefore, it is very important to properly store vegetables and fruits, and to use baking and steaming when preparing food.

And if you don't have the opportunity to use fresh vegetables and fruits, do not neglect frozen berries.

After all, they are processed immediately after collection and retain their vitamin richness to the maximum.

If this message was useful to you, I would be glad to see you



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