Common fennel (dill): beneficial properties and applications. Fennel infusion recipe

Fennel - beneficial features and contraindications is our topic for today.

Common fennel is a common plant with a wide range of medicinal and culinary uses.

Fennel and dill - what's the difference?

Fennel is popularly called pharmaceutical dill, but, although it looks similar to the widely known one, it is completely different plants. Fennel has a more pronounced spicy aroma, somewhat reminiscent of tarragon. And the solid rhizome found in fennel will help distinguish it from dill. this plant.

Fennel differs from dill in taste; it has a sweetish taste, and the seeds are more elongated than dill, by the way, the taste is more reminiscent.

Most people use it to prepare food that is flavorful and healthy. This plant was familiar to the ancient Greeks, however, they used it to fight evil spirits and increase military zeal.

Fennel is not only delicious, it has medicinal properties. Many generations of people have used fennel herb to combat various diseases, most medieval recipes based on fennel have survived to this day. But you need to understand that the plant has a number of contraindications.

What makes fennel so beneficial?

Useful properties of fennel

And in the grass, and in the roots, and even in the seeds of the plant contains big number beneficial microelements, vitamins and fatty acids. All this beauty in its most concentrated form is contained in fennel seeds, therefore, they are most often used in folk medicine.

The predominant component is anethole, which has an anti-inflammatory function. Only an overdose of this substance in the body can lead to seizures.

  • Accepted in correct dosages, pharmaceutical dill can relieve colds and digestive problems (colic,) even in infants. Of course, the dose for the smallest is calculated taking into account the minimal presence of anethole in the medicine.
  • Fennel-based medicines are also used for cholelithiasis and urolithiasis.
  • Has a rejuvenating effect.
  • Excellent against fungal infections.
  • It can also be used as aromatherapy, calming and relaxing the body.

The use of this plant is very wide, even in oncology it has found its place.

  • In addition, fennel perfectly fights insomnia and plays an important role in healthy metabolism.
  • For women, fennel is simply a godsend - not only is it almost calorie-free, it can dull the feeling of hunger, relieve irritation and anxiety.

It has long been noticed in cosmetology miraculous properties fennel, because oil based on it is almost universal: it corrects body contours, smoothes wrinkles, eliminates wrinkles, has a beneficial effect on skin rashes, and promotes collagen production.

Fennel contraindications, harm

Naturally, fennel, like any plant with medicinal properties It is not suitable for everyone; a person may have an elementary intolerance to this product.

It manifests itself in nausea, dizziness, allergies and frustration digestive tract. If you feel unfavorable as a result of using fennel, you should stop taking it immediately!

The plant should be used with caution by nursing or pregnant mothers, as well as people suffering from epileptic seizures.

How to use fennel correctly

In order to use the plant in the future, you need to know how to harvest it. When collecting seeds, it is worth remembering that they ripen unevenly, so collection is selective. Ripe umbrellas of pharmaceutical dill gray with brown seeds.

The grass itself is cut at least 25 cm from the surface of the earth, after which it is dried in a dark and dry place and pounded, stored in a closed container, the shelf life is about three years.

The grass can be harvested completely all summer long. If root vegetables are needed, then when harvesting they are cleared of soil and put into the cellar with other vegetables.

Fennel - use in the form of tea, oil, decoction and tincture, how to take

Fennel tea

To prepare tea, the fruits of dill are crushed, a full teaspoon is poured into a cup and boiling water is poured for 10 minutes. If you drink half a mug of this tea three times a day, you can cure colds, eliminate digestive problems, and simply help your immune system fight viruses.

This tincture should be ready for use within a month of fermentation in a dark place.

For therapeutic effect It will be enough to take two or three glasses daily.

Fennel essential oil

Fennel essential oil is also used; it can be purchased at the pharmacy. If you add other oils to it (for example, olive), then this mixture can be used for massage. To enhance the rejuvenating effect, the oil must be mixed with cream.

And when cold infections The oil is used in aroma lamps. But the oil can also be taken internally!

For digestive problems - a couple of drops of oil in a glass of water with honey. Also oil, a little more per glass of water, can be used as an inhaler.

Of course, all these methods do not tell the full extent of the use of fennel treatment in traditional medicine, but they provide the necessary directions.

Fennel in cooking - application

It is impossible not to mention the role of fennel in the culinary present. Everything is used in preparation: roots, stems, leaves, inflorescences and seeds. It can be added to literally any dish - soups, side dishes, salads, meat and fish dishes, even in cookies and puddings.

Dill is used both raw, boiled, or stewed. In Italy and India, the plant is usually pickled. In Europe, fennel is added to canned food and sausages. IN bakery products ground root vegetables are used.

A few simple and healthy recipes on a note

Roasted fennel

To prepare baked fennel, we will need:
- plant tubers in the amount of 4 pieces,
- a couple of onions,
- medium carrots,
- onion,
— ,
- butter, 50 grams,
- cup meat broth(can be replaced with vegetable).

Wash the fennel tubers, remove the top leaves, cut into small pieces and cook in water for about 10 minutes. Place the tubers in a saucepan immediately in boiling water. In a frying pan, fry the onions and carrots until butter, add boiled fennel, pour in broth, don’t forget to pepper and salt to taste. After all, the dish is stewed for at least 40 minutes. The resulting result can be enjoyed either as a separate dish or as a side dish for meat or fish.

Fennel salad

And here vitamin salad it will be with fennel a good helper at weak immunity. To prepare, cut the plant tuber into strips, add salt and sprinkle lightly lemon juice. Add orange slices, first removing the white film. Mix the salad ingredients and add olive oil. For beauty and benefit, decorate with rings of sweet pepper and. The result was an excellent vitamin mix, healthy and tasty.

People began to use this medicinal plant for a very long time. Already Hippocrates and Axlepiades of Bithynia recommended this herb as a remedy for edema (diuretic), Avicenna - as an antitussive and expectorant, Pliny the Elder and Dioscorides - as an ophthalmic remedy.

All parts of fennel can be used for medicinal purposes, but the most famous are its fruits and the essential oil extracted from them. And if you are going to a bathhouse, then it is just right to insert several plant stems with leaves into a broom.

Biological description of common fennel

Common fennel ( sweet dill, pharmaceutical dill, Voloshsky dill, common dill) (lat. Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Apiaceae family.

It reaches a height of 1-2 m, the stem is straight, rounded, slightly ribbed, highly branched, covered with a bluish coating.

The root system is taprooted, the root is spindle-shaped, about 1 cm thick, fleshy and wrinkled, multi-headed and branched at the surface of the ground.

The leaves of this plant, like those of many other umbrella plants, are strongly three- and four-times pinnately dissected, ovate-triangular in shape, the lobes of the last order are filamentous or subulate-linear. Arranged alternately, the lower ones are attached to the stem on petioles, the upper leaves sit on an expanded sheath, 3 to 6 cm long, slightly widened towards the top.

The flowers are yellow, small, five-membered, collected in double umbrellas with the number of rays from 3 to 20. The diameter of the inflorescences is 3-15 cm. Fennel blooms in July-August.

The fruit of fennel is an ovoid-oblong fruit, greenish-brown in color, 5-10 mm long, 2-3 mm wide. Divides into 2 half-fruits. The seeds taste sweet, very reminiscent of anise. Ripen in September.

Distribution of common fennel

The natural range of this plant is quite wide: Western Europe(England, Portugal, Spain, France, Italy), Southeastern Europe(Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Yugoslavia), North Africa(Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Egypt), Central and Western Asia, Northern, Central and South America, New Zealand. In Russia, common fennel can be found wild in the steppes of the North Caucasus.

It prefers to grow in ditches, along roads, near housing (near fences), in landfills, rocky slopes, and in thickets of grass.

In many countries, fennel is cultivated as a vegetable and spice.

Preparation of common fennel

The fruits (seeds) of common fennel are mainly used for medical purposes.

The choice of fruit harvesting period poses some problems, since the flowering of fennel and the ripening of its fruits are very extended in time. Typically, fruit collection is carried out twice: 1) the central umbels with seeds are cut off as soon as they begin to turn yellow, 2) when the fruits on most umbels ripen, the entire remaining plant is cut off. Depending on the volume, processing of the collected raw materials can be carried out manually or mechanized.

Umbrellas and plants collected in bunches are left to ripen and dry. In clear weather, this can be done outdoors, right in the field; in cloudy weather, in special rooms.

Dried seeds have sweetish smell, very strong spicy (anise) aroma. Raw materials should be stored separately from other medicinal plants, in a well-ventilated, dry area. The shelf life of raw materials does not exceed 3 years.

Chemical composition of common fennel

The main medicinal component of fennel is essential oil, the content of which in the fruits of the plant can be 6.5%. It has characteristic aroma and a pleasant sweet-spicy taste. It contains anethole (up to 70%), fenchone (up to 20%), methyl chavicol (up to 10%), a-pinene, n-cymene, a-phellandrene, limonene, cineole, terpinolene, camphor, bornyl acetate, anisaldehyde, citral, anisic acid (traces) and other substances. Content essential oil in grass it is significantly lower and does not exceed 0.5%.

Fennel fruits contain up to 18% fatty oil, which contains glycerides of unsaturated fatty acids (oleic, petroselinic, linoleic, palmitic). Mineral elements found in fennel fruits: potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, chromium, aluminum, selenium, nickel, strontium, lead, boron. Especially a lot of copper and selenium.

In addition to the indicated substances, fennel grass and leaves contain: flavonoids, glycosides (in leaves), ascorbic acid(up to 150 mg%), carotene (up to 65 mg%), vitamin B3.

Beneficial properties of common fennel

In my own way chemical composition and beneficial properties, the fruits of fennel are almost no different from the fruits of dill. At least, the effect of preparations of these plants on the digestive organs and activity gastrointestinal tract are no different. Herbal preparations of both plants have the following effects:

  • increasing the secretion of digestive glands;
  • choleretic, stimulating appetite;
  • antispasmodic (stops or at least reduces cramps and colic in the gastrointestinal tract);
  • expectorant;
  • diuretic;
  • regulating intestinal motor activity;
  • carminative;
  • inhibiting the activity of pathogenic microflora in the intestines;
  • sedative;
  • enhancing menstruation;
  • lactogonic;
  • blood purifying.

Indications for the use of fennel preparations:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract accompanied by flatulence, intestinal cramps, pain in the intestines ( intestinal colic in children, spastic colitis), dyspepsia, etc.;
  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract(in combination with other drugs);
  • dry cough and dry bronchitis (to thin sputum and enhance its evacuation);
  • lack of appetite;
  • insufficient secretion of bile, gastric and pancreatic juice;
  • kidney stones and cholelithiasis;
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • nervous excitement;
  • sexual infantilism;
  • scanty periods;
  • breastfeeding with insufficient milk production;
  • I and II stages of hypertension;
  • mild forms of chronic coronary insufficiency.

Fennel fruits are included in the compositions of many medicinal fees: carminatives, thoracic, laxatives, choleretic, sedatives,

Recipes for using common fennel

1. Infusion(How expectorant): Brew 2 tablespoons of fennel seeds with 200 ml (1 glass) of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes, then filter. Take 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day immediately before meals.

2. Infusion(used as diuretic to relieve swelling): brew 1 teaspoon of fennel fruit with 1 glass of water and leave for 10 minutes. Take 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day.

3. Infusion"classic" (as carminative And expectorant remedy): 10 g (2 tablespoons) of fennel fruits in an enamel bowl, pour 200 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid and place on water bath for 15 minutes. Then cool for 45 minutes at room temperature, filter, and the remaining raw material in the sieve is squeezed out, the volume is brought to the original 200 ml. Take 1/3 cup warmed at body temperature 3-4 times a day (children 2-3 teaspoons).

4.Decoction(also suitable for all the above indications for the use of fennel): pour 1 teaspoon of fruit with a glass of water and boil over low heat for half an hour, cool, filter, bring the volume to the original 200 ml. Take 20 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day, 2-3 tablespoons ( infants 1-2 teaspoons).

5. "Fennel oil"is obtained by distilling crushed fruits with water steam. It is a transparent, slightly yellowish or colorless, easily mobile liquid, consisting of 60% anethole. It has a strong, unique odor (like anise), first bitter-camphorous, then sweetish taste. Indications for use : flatulence, dry cough.

6. "Dill water"is a colorless, transparent or slightly cloudy liquid with a peculiar odor, which contains 0.1% fennel essential oil. The taste is initially sweetish, then bitterish. Used as a carminative and expectorant, 1 tablespoon (for infants - 1 teaspoon) up to 6 times a day.

7. Fennel tea- it's refreshing and very delicious drink having a specific smell. Especially recommended for lactating women with a lack of milk. For one cup (150-200 ml) brew 2 teaspoons of seeds. Leave for 3-4 minutes. To obtain a pronounced effect, drink 3-4 times a day.

Contraindications to the use of fennel

Expectorants and emetics





Pharmaceutical dill, known to many as common fennel- a plant of the Umbrella family.

Also found names:
  • fragrant dill;
  • timon;
  • cucumber cumin;


Natural habitat– most of Europe (except for cold countries), the northern part, both parts of America. In Russia - in the steppe regions of the Caucasus. In other parts of our country it is grown specially. Loves dry rocky soil and grows along roads.

Externally similar to dill. The main differences from dill are that fennel has a pronounced anise aroma and is also covered with a bluish coating. Pharmacy dill blooms from July to August, the seeds ripen in September.

Many peoples believed that this plant drives away evil spirits. Even if this is not the case, dill brings many benefits to people. Its stems are eaten and its seeds are used as a seasoning. It is used in medicine and perfumery. From it they get technical oil. Fennel waste is feed for livestock.

Medicinal properties

Fennel has always been used in medicine. Hippocrates recommended it as a diuretic, Pliny - as a remedy for the eyes, Avicenna - as an expectorant. All confirmed today listed properties pharmaceutical dill, plus its hypotensive (reduces high blood pressure), antispasmodic, antihemorrhoidal and lactogenic effects have been proven. Latest Research have shown that fennel lowers blood cholesterol levels.

Fennel can be called a plant for new mothers and babies. First, it helps increase the amount of milk, and second, it reduces anxiety in the tummy. For both, medications and dietary supplements based on pharmaceutical dill have a calming effect.

Medicinal use

The seeds and essential oil of the plant are valuable for medicine. Today, fennel is actively used to obtain natural medicines. Fennel fruits are included in pharmaceutical herbal teas: chest, sedative, carminative. The drug Anetin is produced on the basis of this plant. Homeopathic medicine Foeniculum is indicated for flatulence, loss of appetite, and also to increase lactation.

“Dill water,” known to all mothers, is an infusion of fennel, not dill. It is very effective and perfect natural remedy to soothe little tummies. It successfully fights colic and gases that bother babies. Dill water sold ready-made.

The drug Plantex – This is an extract of pharmaceutical dill seeds.

Fennel soothes tummies not only in babies, but also in adults. It helps with cramps smooth muscle intestines, flatulence.


Seed infusion:

1 tbsp. pour a glass of hot boiling water, then keep in a water bath for 15 minutes. Afterwards, leave for an hour and strain from the seeds. When coughing, take 1-2 tablespoons of infusion 4 times a day.

Fennel infusion for babies

They cook it a little differently. 1 tsp The seeds are ground in a coffee grinder (if there is none, they are crushed and chopped with a knife). Pour into a glass hot water, leave for 30 minutes, filter. Babies older than 2 weeks receive 15-20 drops of infusion, infants older than a month - a teaspoon. You can add the infusion to milk or mixture. It is convenient to pour the medicine from a syringe without a needle into the cheek. Give this infusion before, during or after each feeding. This remedy is prepared daily.

Pharmaceutical dill added to a broom in a Russian bath

will fill the air in the steam room with a wonderful aroma, turning a visit to the bathhouse into an aromatherapy session. Inhaling fennel essential oils, which will be released during the procedure, is useful for bronchitis, as well as for nervous conditions.

Greens or dill seeds can be chewed at the end of a meal - this freshens the breath. That's why they bring fennel.

or common fennel

Umbelliferae - Apiaceae (Umbelliferae).

The popular name is pharmaceutical dill.

Parts Used - ripe fruits, very rarely root.

Pharmacy name - fennel fruit - Foeniculi froctus (formerly: Fructus Foeniculi), fennel oil - Foeniculi aetheroleum (formerly: Oleum Foeniculi), fennel root - Foeniculi radix (formerly: Radix Foeniculi).

Botanical description

Pharmaceutical dill (Fennel) - Annual or perennial, which is strengthened in the ground by a fleshy root and reaches a height of 1-2m.

The round, finely grooved stem with a blue coating, is abundantly branched in the upper part and bears repeatedly pinnately dissected leaves. The leaf segments are narrow, the middle and upper leaves have a large sheath.

Yellow flowers are collected in umbrellas, in umbrellas without wrappers. Blooms from July to September. Originating from the Mediterranean, it is currently cultivated for medicine in almost all southern European countries and America. (This must be identified very carefully: it can be confused with other poisonous umbellifers!) Fennel used in pharmacy is of purely cultural origin. We get it from China, Bulgaria, Hungary and Egypt.

Collection and preparation

Since fennel fruits do not ripen at the same time, it is impossible to harvest them at once. Therefore, they carry out the so-called combing, when only mature umbrellas are cut out. Such selective harvesting of fennel requires great care, but the material is of higher quality than that obtained by mass plucking or mowing of plants. The fruits are threshed; after drying, they usually split into two half-fruits.

Active ingredients

Essential oil, which is good material contains up to 6%. It consists of 50-70% troyas-anethole, which has a sweetish taste, as well as fenchone and other substances that taste like camphor. Fennel oil is very similar to anise oil. Other components - fatty oil, protein and sugar - are related substances in terms of their action. Fennel seeds contain vitamins B1, B2, PP, C, P, provitamin A, mineral salts potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, up to 18% fatty oil, a little sugar, a little resin, as well as 4-6% essential oil.

Use in homeopathy

Pharmaceutical dill (Fennel). The homeopathic remedy Foeniculum is known as good remedy for loss of appetite, bloating, cough and asthma. Moreover, Foeniculum is used to stimulate lactation and as a means to improve vision. Dt and D 1 are the most accepted dilutions. Dosage: several times a day, 5-10 drops.

Healing effect and application

Pharmaceutical dill (Fennel) is widely used in medicine and has expectorant and antispasmodic, sedative, choleretic and diuretic, carminative and anthelmintic properties. Fennel helps with indigestion, bloating, loss of appetite, mucous phlegm, painful menstruation, inflammation of the eyes, diseases of the biliary tract and liver, insufficient lactation, nervous anxiety, abscesses and inflammation of the mammary glands, coughs, lung diseases, whooping cough and asthma. It also strengthens the stomach, regulates digestion, normalizes the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract, increases sexual potency, helps regulate menstruation in women, strengthens vision and alleviates cough. Fennel tea is especially noted as a remedy for headaches associated with poor digestion and flatulence.

The juice of the leaves and stems of the plant helps in the treatment of jaundice, diarrhea, colic, shortness of breath,. This juice prevents putrefactive processes in the intestines and has a beneficial effect on the general physical state, helps excessively thin people gain weight. The extract has a sweetish taste and can be mixed with other juices. Due to the presence of a large amount of calcium and magnesium salts in the juice, it soothes nervous system, and it’s best to drink it before bed. The juice of the roots is a medicine in the treatment kidney stone disease and jade.

Its seeds are used for treatment chronic cholecystitis, gallstone and kidney stone diseases, their decoction is drunk for nervous disorders, pain in the heart area, painful menstruation, flatulence, constipation and against worms.


  1. Pour 15 g of seeds into 1 liter of boiled water, let it brew for 1 hour and take 1 glass before each meal. Whooping cough, , palpitations, colic, strengthens the stomach and stops chronic diarrhea. It is good for them to wash the eyes.
  1. Brew 25g of fennel seeds in 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 1 hour and take 1 glass as tea with each meal. A decoction of fennel seeds with the addition of honey is used for prolonged high temperature, gout, rheumatism, to prevent vomiting and inflammation of the stomach.
  2. Pour 10 g of fennel fruit into 1 liter of milk, leave for 10 minutes, add honey and slowly drink hot in small sips. For hoarseness of voice.
  3. Brew 1 teaspoon of fennel in a glass of boiling water and drink throughout the day in 4 doses. With flatulence.
  4. Pour 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds into a glass of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes and let steep for 1 hour. Severe pain during menstruation


Very in rare cases Allergic skin, gastric and intestinal reactions were observed.

Species of the genus Fennel, family - Umbelliferae. Other popular name- pharmaceutical dill and Voloshsky. His popularity was great in Ancient Greece and among the Romans, who suggested that the smell of fennel made a person strong, could ward off evil spirits and kill fleas, as well as freshen the air.

Fennel fruits have a sweetish taste and nice smell. The seeds are small, oval, greenish-brown in color. The Puritans often chewed them during meetings, calling fennel "seed of meetings."

Fennel: description

Fennel is perennial herbaceous plant. Height - from 90 to 200 cm. By appearance resembles dill, and in taste and aroma it is similar to anise, only sweeter.

The fennel stem is straight, branched with a blue bloom. The leaves are pinnate with thread-like lobules. The flowers are placed at the very top, looking like complex flat umbrellas. The flowering time of the plant is July-August. It begins to bear fruit in late summer.

The fruit is a naked, almost cylindrical bifid caryopsis, which splits into two semi-fruits, the length of which is 4-10 mm, the width is 3 mm. The color of fennel seeds is greenish-brown. The smell is specific and strong.

What is fennel rich in?

Synonym: pharmaceutical dill. The fruit contains a large number of essential oil (3-6%), which contains up to 60% anethole and proteins. Fatty oil consists of petroselinic (60%), oleic (22%) and other acids.

Fennel grass is rich in glycosides, it contains ascorbic acid, carotene, minerals and B vitamins.

Fruits and contraindications

Thanks to elements such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron and others, the plant has a variety of beneficial properties. It may act as a diuretic. The herb and fennel fruits are capable of performing a disinfectant and antispasmodic function. These properties manifest themselves so mildly during treatment that dill preparations are prescribed even to infants for flatulence. The dose for very young children should be prescribed by a doctor.

Fennel fruits are a good expectorant. They tend to have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calming it during severe stress and aggressive behavior. Reviews of this gift of nature from traditional healers, doctors and ordinary people only positive, but on condition correct application plants.

Application in official medicine

Official medicine often uses products that include fennel. This may include tinctures and medicinal teas, which have proven themselves well in the following cases:

  • in the treatment of respiratory diseases;
  • to normalize digestion;
  • for the treatment of heart and vascular diseases;
  • to improve the taste of other medicines.

The herb, fennel fruits are antibacterial agent. « Dill water"has long been known to women; they gave it to babies when spastic colitis and flatulence. Such water can increase the secretion of glands and regulate intestinal motor function.

Official medicine includes fennel fruits in anti-asthma preparations, the beneficial properties of which are very noticeable in them. From get medicinal product"Anetin", where the entire amount was used useful substances plants. The drug is widely used in therapy in the treatment of heart failure and spastic colitis.

Features of the use of fennel fruits in folk medicine

Hippocrates and Avicenna also recognized healing properties pharmaceutical dill. The fruits of which were found in homeopathy and partly in official medicine, are now also highly valued in traditional medicine. The power of this plant is in demand in various cases.

Fennel is good for bloating, during menstrual pain, at inflammatory processes eyes, for the treatment of diseases of the liver and biliary tract, as an antispasmodic in the treatment of asthmatic attacks and whooping cough, for headaches due to poor digestion.

You can defeat neurasthenia by steaming with a fennel broom or using this plant in the form of an infusion.

Traditional recipes for fennel remedies

Most often in practice traditional medicine for cooking medicinal drugs fennel fruits are taken, the use of which is very widespread. The easiest way is to make an infusion at home. This is 2 teaspoons of crushed raw materials, poured a glass of boiling water and left for 10 minutes. Strained remedy Take 50-100 ml warm three times a day before meals. It is very good. A similarly prepared infusion, with only half a liter of water and a tablespoon of fennel, has proven itself well in the treatment of respiratory diseases.

Here are some more traditional medicine recipes. A mixture is prepared to treat indigestion medicinal plants: fennel and caraway fruits - 10 g each, peppermint, navel flowers and lemon balm leaves - 20 g, - 15 g, wormwood herb - 5 g. All ingredients need to be crushed and mixed, then brew one teaspoon of the mixture with a cup of boiling water . Drink three to four cups per day. You need to take it until complete recovery.

Recipe for improving lactation in nursing women. Grind:

  • sprouted barley seeds;
  • the entire above-ground part of oats;
  • hops (cones);
  • galega (flowers);
  • fenugreek (seeds);
  • dill;
  • anise;
  • caraway.

Everything is taken in equal parts. Brew two tablespoons of the mixture with 0.5 liters of boiling water. For effective impact You need to drink about 1.5 liters of infusion per day.

Recipe for spasm relief. teaspoon medicinal mixture, consisting of fennel seeds, anise, linden and poppy flowers, taken in equal parts, pour a glass of boiling water. Strain after 10 minutes and drink the day before, adding honey.

Fennel for weight loss

It has been used for weight loss since the time of Hippocrates. Fennel fruits are especially valuable. This plant has many qualities due to which it is considered indispensable during weight loss. Fennel helps calm hunger, reduces sugar cravings, and speeds up metabolism. To overcome increased appetite, you just have to chew the seeds of the plant - and the desire to deviate from the diet will immediately disappear.

To get rid of extra pounds, tea containing fennel (fruit) is very useful. Instructions for preparation and use are as follows. Pour 750 ml of boiling water over two teaspoons of nettle and one teaspoon of fennel fruit, keep on low heat for 15 minutes and leave covered for another 15 minutes. Drink one glass of this decoction during the day in four doses, drink before meals.

Next recipe. Grind fennel fruits, mint leaves, linden and chamomile flowers and mix. Pour a teaspoon of the medicinal mixture into a glass (200 ml) of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Drink the infusion at one time. You need to do this for a week. This remedy will help you feel better during your diet, calm your nerves and reduce your appetite.

You won’t be able to lose weight by taking fennel itself, it can only be an assistant during diets and relieve excessive appetite and wakes up the sleeping metabolism.

How is fennel used in cooking?

Fennel is valuable not only as medicine, but also as a spice that can give dishes a unique, special taste and specific aroma. Fennel is valued in cooking all over the world. Pharmaceutical dill is added to soups, salads, appetizers, and independent dishes are prepared from it. During harvesting, fennel seeds are dried, crushed, and then used as a seasoning for fish and meat. They make delicious tea.

Green fennel fruits are also suitable for consumption. They are added to veal, lamb and fish dishes.

Fennel fruits: contraindications

The main contraindication is fennel intolerance and hypersensitivity, when a person may experience dizziness and nausea just from the smell of the plant.

Excessive consumption of fennel for people with epilepsy is very dangerous. This may lead to fatal outcome. Pregnant women and nursing mothers are recommended to use it only with the permission of a doctor.



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