The best material for filling teeth. For front teeth

© Sebastian Kaulitzki / Fotolia

No dental treatment is complete without a filling. To date, this is one of the most affordable and effective methods of restoring the integrity of the crown part of the tooth.

If a few decades ago, single types of materials were used for these purposes, today they surprise with their diversity. Materials differ not only in their physical characteristics, but also in cost.

What does the cost depend on?

The cost of dental filling services will depend on several factors:


All materials used for the restoration of teeth are divided into two groups according to their temporary purpose: permanent and temporary. Each of them has its own characteristics, differing in composition and purpose.


Temporary refers to materials that are installed for a limited period. The service life of the seal will depend on its composition.

Most often, materials are used that allow fillings to be placed. for 2–5 days. But, such specimens are also used that can be in the tooth for 3 or 6 months.

Temporary fillings are used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • pulpitis;
  • caries;
  • cyst;
  • granuloma.

The main role of a temporary type of restoration is to create a barrier that prevents the penetration of saliva, food debris and bacterial deposits into the inflamed pulp cavity or root canals.

They cover medicated tabs with anti-inflammatory action, ensuring the penetration of the drug into the internal dental tissues. Sometimes they are used to install them to diagnose the condition of the pulp after partial extirpation and during the period of prosthetics during the manufacture of dental inlays.

To temporarily close the cavity, the material used must be resistant to moisture and not disintegrate from saliva, provide tightness and be plastic, and also be easily removed from the dental cavity.

The following materials meet these requirements:

  1. Zinc sulfate cement (artificial dentine). It is a powder consisting of sulfate and zinc oxide, as well as kaolin. This combination of components makes it possible to place a strong seal for up to 3 days. Its cost is approximately 150 rubles.
  2. Dentin paste. It is based on artificial dentine in combination with petroleum jelly and glycerin, which increases the plasticity of the material. Its warranty period is at least 7 days. The cost will be approx. 200 rubles.
  3. Vinoxol. It is a combined material consisting of calcium, zinc, polystyrene. It has excellent adhesion and does not irritate the tissues of the pulp chamber.

    Due to the high mechanical strength, the material can stay in the tooth for 6 months. The price for it is more than that of the previous options and, on average, is 400 rubles.

  4. Zinc-eugenol cement. Consists of zinc and eugenol, which are mixed immediately before laying in the tooth cavity. The cement hardens within 8 hours, forming an elastic tab, installed for no more than 5 days. In this case, the cost will be 120 rubles.
  5. Polycarboxylate cement. The material is characterized by high biological compatibility with dental tissues. In addition, it does not allow acids and monomers to penetrate inside.

    It is used for the restoration of canals of permanent and milk teeth, up to 3 months. The cost of restoration in this case will be within 300 rubles.

Materials are selected individually in each case, depending on the type of dental disease and the age of the patient.


Permanent fillings are materials that differ increased strength, shock absorption and high aesthetic qualities.

Their main task is to recreate the anatomical shape of the tooth with full color reproduction and as close physical characteristics as possible.

The following materials are used as permanent fillings:


Is the cheapest option, which ensures the strength of the restored area, but is characterized by low aesthetics. The most commonly used filling material is an amalgam, an alloy of silver and mercury. can last more than 10 years.

Today, this option is not popular, as it has a negative impact on the oral cavity and requires detailed painstaking work. The cost of installing such a seal will cost about 500 rubles. But the price may increase if a more expensive metal is used instead of silver.

Light-cured composite

It is a material based on an adhesive structure. Due to this, the material quickly adheres to the dental surface.

It is mainly used for the restoration of chipped parts of the anterior row of teeth, as it is highly aesthetic. Service life of light-cured fillings from 5 years and more, with an average cost of 1500 rubles.

A filling placed under a crown can be inserted for about 600 rubles.

Glass ionomer cement

Unlike the previous version, this material is more durable and resistant to mechanical stress. It tolerates temperature changes well and adheres tightly to various dental surfaces. In addition, it contains fluorine, which remineralizes the tissues of the tooth.

A filling from it under the crown will cost 1000 rubles, and the restoration of part of the tooth - from 1700 rubles. The service life of the glass ionomer is at least 5 years.

Nanocomposites (microhybrids)

Used to restore both front and chewing teeth. Materials are distinguished by reliability, increased resistance to aggressive media and mechanical stress. They accurately convey the shade of natural enamel and its natural transparency.

The service life of the restored area from the nanocomposite at least 5 years. Its cost is higher than its predecessors and starts from 2000 rubles.

Seals from the listed materials are able to stand for a guaranteed service life only if the technology of their installation is observed. With insufficient professionalism of the dentist, the filling may fall out after a few months, regardless of the cost and modernity of the material.

How to install them - see the following video:

Use in children

Sealing in childhood is considered separately, since for temporary teeth it is necessary to select gentle technologies and safe materials that can adhere to the surface of the teeth due to mechanical forces.

These requirements are met zinc eugenol cement used as temporary fillings. The material does not require a dry environment, which is important in the treatment of the teeth of young children. It freezes even when interacting with saliva.

Mainly used as a permanent filling polycarboxylate cement. The material is distinguished by analgesic, aseptic and regenerating effects, as well as a slight sedative effect.

One of the restoration options is light seal, which does not harm the tissues of the tooth and periodontium, but requires good perseverance from the child.

An example of its installation in the following video:

The cost of filling children's teeth starts from 2500 rubles. The cost of the service includes mandatory injection and treatment of dental tissues on 3 surfaces and their restoration with cement or composite.

If a colored photopolymer was used for filling, then the price of the service will increase by 500 rubles or more. When treating pulpitis, the price for filling for each canal will be added to the final cost, which starts from 500 rubles.

Signs of quality

© Tyler Olson / Fotolia

The main features of a high quality filling include:

  • accurate transfer of the anatomical shape in compliance with the masticatory tubercles;
  • smoothness of the transition, which is not noticeable even with instrumental examination;
  • high aesthetic values. The filling should have a smooth glossy surface with a shade and transparency that completely matches the natural part of the enamel;
  • increased resistance to chips and abrasion, due to the density of the material;
  • uniformity of the filling;
  • tight fit to the walls of the formed cavity.

Installation steps

The installation of a seal takes place in several stages, each of which is considered mandatory:

  • Stage 1. At the first stage, grinding of carious tooth tissue is carried out.
  • Stage 2. If the infection has penetrated into the pulp, then its chamber is opened and expanded, and then the canals are treated.

    In this case, the procedure will cost more than with conventional superficial caries, since the cost will include canal filling, which varies from 600 to 1500 rubles.

  • Stage 3. Restoration of the anatomical shape. This stage will also affect the final cost of the procedure. The price will depend on the amount of material used.

    The more you need, the higher the cost of the service. For example, restoration of 3 sides of a molar begins from 2500 rubles. Restoration of anterior incisors can cost 3,000–5,000 rubles.

In addition, depending on the material used, sealing may require a special shock-absorbing pad and other additions, which slightly, but still affect the cost.

When is anesthesia required?

© elainenadiv / Fotolia

As a rule, anesthesia is carried out during any dental interventions. With a slight impact on the dental tissues, application anesthesia is used, which allows you to anesthetize the tooth 3 mm in depth.

The cost of one application is about 150 rubles. With more extensive interventions, involving the pulp, they resort to infiltration or, the price of which varies from 300 to 1000 rubles, depending on the status of the clinic and the drugs used.

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At least once in a lifetime, every person is faced with the need for dental treatment and seal installation. However, few people think about what the installation process is, what materials they are made of, and what types of dental fillings exist today. Meanwhile, installing a filling on a tooth is a rather laborious process and requires great professionalism from the doctor in order to avoid its rapid loss or breakage.

From the point of view of dentistry, a dental filling is a special material, viscous, but quickly hardening, with which the doctor fills the tooth cavity cleared of carious or pulpitis. In addition to filling holes, this material can be used for aesthetic restoration of damaged enamel and other defects. The more reliable the tooth filling, the better the tooth will fulfill its natural properties.

Currently, there is a huge variety of materials used in the work of dentists. Dental fillings are temporary and permanent, they are made of plastic, metal, ceramics and various cements, and each of the existing materials is suitable for a certain type of teeth. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Types by service life

According to the service life, types of dental fillings are divided into permanent And temporary. Permanent fillings are those that are supposed to last for years and are often time consuming to install. The material chosen for permanent filling must meet the requirements of safety, resistance to external influences and aesthetics. Purpose temporary fillings exclusively medical. Most often they contain medicinal additives in their composition and are installed for a short time.


Another name for temporary fillings is diagnostic. They are used to identify symptoms that characterize certain types of diseases. For example, with a carious lesion, not only enamel can be damaged, but also deeper dentin layers, and even tooth pulp. If, after the installation of a temporary filling material, the patient experiences pain, most likely he has developed pulpitis, which indicates the need to remove the affected soft tissues. Moreover, a temporary filling in case of pulpitis acts as a sealing substance, which excludes the ingress of a drug that mummifies the dental pulp, or a drug for its treatment in uncomplicated cases, on the oral mucosa.

Materials used
CIMAVIT Pierre Rolland (France) Most often used in dentistry as a temporary antiseptic dressing that hermetically closes a cotton swab soaked in a drug and installed in the tooth canal. Such a bandage not only produces a therapeutic effect, but also allows you to check the tightness of the tooth before the final filling.
Cimpat N Septodont (France) Fast curing paste containing zinc. It is non-toxic and does not cause allergic reactions and irritations. Suitable not only for use as a temporary seal, but also as an inlay for a permanent composite, as well as for good fixation of a temporary crown.
Provicol VOCO (Germany) A filling material used to close small single-surface dental cavities. Removes an allergic reaction to eugenol. This temporary filling with calcium helps to restore the vitality of the teeth.
Clip VOCO (Germany) A preparation specially designed for the manufacture of dental inlays. As a lining, it provides a secure fit to the edges of the tooth. Contains fluoride to prevent secondary caries. Provides good insulation.
Fermit Ivoclar/Vivadent (Germany) Highly elastic one-component material used both for restoration of teeth and for temporary crowns, dentures and inlays. When removed, it does not damage the edges of the tooth prepared for permanent filling.
Systemp Inlay Ivoclar/ Vivadent (Germany) A light-curing substance containing antimicrobial components in its composition. It is used both for temporary inlays and for temporary restorations without the use of additional cement.
Dentin-Paste (Vladmiva) Eugenol-free temporary paste used to seal drugs placed in dental cavities. Contains dyes, so that the output will be a temporary filling of pink or yellow. Cures with moisture.
Caviton GC Ready-to-use water-based plastic mass. Does not cause irritation of the pulp and mucous membranes of the mouth, non-toxic, hardens upon short contact with salivary fluids. Ideal for use in pediatric dentistry.
MD Temp - Meta - Tempfill
Temp.It-Spident The paste is easy to use, quickly and hermetically seals prepared cavities, is easy to remove and withstands heavy loads on the tooth. Suitable for temporary filling of the surface of chewing teeth. Hardens on contact with water.
Tempelight F - Stomadent It differs from analogues in high plasticity of the mass before curing and excellent elasticity after, thereby ensuring complete tightness of the overlay adjacent to the tooth. Easily removed without the use of a drill.


The main requirements for temporary filling substances are as follows:

  1. Reliable tightness and fixation of the drug when it is applied under the filling;
  2. Ease of insertion and removal of the substance;
  3. Absence of allergic reactions and irritation upon contact with the tissues of the tooth, as well as with the mucous and soft tissues of the oral cavity;
  4. The speed of hardening of the filling mass.

Nutrition Features

What can I eat and when after installing a temporary filling? The answer is simple. When using high-quality material, there are no nutritional restrictions. After installation, after a maximum of two hours, you can safely eat. However, it is worth remembering that temporary material is more susceptible to destruction than permanent, so you should not chew on hard and sticky foods, such as toffee or nuts, on a filled tooth. If, however, after eating, the filling fell out of the tooth, immediately seek help from your doctor.

Terms of wearing

When installing for the purpose of diagnostics - no more than a week. If a temporary filling with medicine is installed, the period of wearing can be extended up to a month. In any case, the integrity and tightness of the material are guaranteed for at least two weeks. So with long-term treatment, the doctor either installs a temporary filling, the wearing time of which is longer than the standard, or changes it after one to two weeks.

Bad habits

If you're wondering if a temporary filling and alcohol are compatible, don't worry. The only thing that can happen to the temporary patch is when it comes into contact with, for example, red wine or other coloring drinks, it will darken. In any case, it will soon be replaced with a permanent one, so do not worry. A temporary filling when smoking will also not reveal any negative consequences, although both the first and second habits, in principle, are very harmful to both the teeth and the body as a whole. But the habit of biting nails, holding metal objects in the mouth (pins, needles, knitting needles, hooks, etc.) should be refrained from, especially if the composite is installed on the front teeth.

Unpleasant sensations - itching, smell, taste

Usually, if all the recommendations of the doctor are followed, temporary filling does not cause any discomfort, unless, of course, the patient's body gives an allergic reaction to the components of the material. However, there are also unforeseen situations. For example, what if the temporary filling smells and turns black, or if there is bitterness in the mouth, the taste of medicine, and the gum itches all the time? It also happens that a temporary filling dissolves in the mouth, which, in principle, should not happen. All these signs may indicate either a low-quality preparation, or a depressurization of the filling substance. In any case, contact your dentist immediately and describe any symptoms that are bothering you.

How to brush your teeth properly

It should be borne in mind that if you brush your teeth too actively, the filling material can gradually wash out, so you should not be zealous. The sealed tooth should be cleaned as thoroughly as the rest, but without pressing on the brush.

Filling with medicine against pulpitis

The composition of the filling material for pulpitis includes not only the upper part that isolates the pulp from external influences, but also the inner lining containing the medicine. The purpose of the drug depends on the degree of pulp damage. Most often, dentists prefer not to get involved with long-term treatment and mummify inflamed tissues in the area that is difficult for instruments to access. Are temporary fillings dangerous? with such filling for other teeth or oral cavity? Definitely not, if it is installed according to the rules and from good material.

Filling with arsenic

Arsenic is used for pulpitis in order to kill the nerve if it cannot be removed in one go. However, arsenic has a very negative effect on the structure of the tooth, so that over time, the enamel can turn gray and lose its luster.

Permanent fillings

The filling substance, designed for constant wear, has other intended purposes:

  • First of all, such a filling must be carefully and absolutely hermetically sealed for many years, seal cured from caries or a pulpless tooth, protecting it from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Another function is provide the tooth with its natural characteristics, i.e. depending on the purpose of the tooth (bite off or chew food), the material is also selected.
  • And the last but not least function is aesthetic. If the chewing surface of teeth invisible to the eye is being repaired, white cements or amalgam can be used, but a light filling on the front teeth, carefully selected to match the natural color of the tooth, will be the only way out for a person who cares about his appearance.

Currently, a patient of a dental clinic can choose the material for dental fillings to his taste and wallet, because the choice has grown significantly in recent years compared to Soviet times. A good dentist, at the request of the client, will tell you about what dental fillings are, advise what to choose in each case, and at the end of the treatment he will definitely give recommendations for care.

Types of materials used

Gone are the days when the only materials for filling teeth were cements and metals. Today, any dental clinic can offer a choice of wide range of materials. The inexpensive category still includes amalgam, cements and plastics. Better and more expensive: light-curing polymers, glass ionomers, ceramics. The latter allow you to match the filling substance to the color of the tooth enamel, which makes it possible to return the tooth to its original appearance.

Let us consider in more detail the pros and cons of each material used for filling.

Metal amalgam fillings

The main composition of amalgam is an alloy of mercury and several metals such as silver, copper, tin and zinc. Thanks to silver, such an overlay acquires corrosion resistance and hardness, copper gives the material strength, tin accelerates the hardening of the material, and zinc gives it plasticity, prevents oxidation and reduces brittleness.

TO positive characteristics Such filling substances include: increased strength, plasticity, resistance to mechanical abrasion and moisture, mineralization of hard tissues of the tooth, antisepticity of silver ions.

However, amalgam also has mass negative sides: if the technology for preparing the filling mass is violated, mercury poisoning and corrosion are possible, it is outwardly unaesthetic, changes the color of the enamel, has a low level of adhesion and high thermal conductivity, gives a strong shrinkage when solidified.

Currently, amalgam fillings are used very rarely However, improved versions of this material have already begun to appear. They are white, very durable and non-toxic. Foreign dentists predict a great future for such material.

Plastic fillings

They are cheap, but also not popular at the moment. The main problem of such material is high toxicity, besides, they are not resistant to external influences (they are quickly deformed, erased and stained) and a secondary carious process often forms under them. Moreover, the processing of plastic for filling requires considerable effort from the doctor.

Ceramic fillings

Ceramics is highly expensive material, the manufacture of the lining from which takes a lot of time. And, nevertheless, this type of filling is in great demand among wealthy people, since ceramic fillings are very close in quality to the type and composition of natural tooth enamel. Such a material not only has a high margin of safety, but is also resistant to temperature changes, and also does not give a chemical reaction with the tooth and does not stain it. Sealing is carried out in several stages, because. the material is exactly matched to the color of the tooth and is made in a special laboratory. Perhaps the only disadvantage of ceramics is its high cost.


In Soviet times, when the choice of materials was limited, cement fillings were used most often. Currently, their popularity has fallen somewhat, but this does not mean that they have ceased to be used in dental practice. So, for example, cement filling is most often used in pediatric dentistry, since it simply does not make sense to install light or ceramic dental fillings on milk teeth.

Positive qualities of the cement mass: anti-caries effect, which reduces the risk of recurrent caries, ease and speed of installation, as well as removal if re-treatment is necessary. Negative qualities: weak adhesiveness to the walls of the tooth, fragility, toxicity. Under cement, a mandatory installation of a gasket is required.

Light polymer

Most Popular and currently in demand material for the manufacture of dental fillings - glass polymer. It differs from the rest by the price affordable for each patient, with other positive qualities. The main advantage of this material is its hardening under specialized ultraviolet lamps, i.e. before applying the lamp, the material does not harden and it can be given the necessary shape for as long as possible. Among other things, the light-curing filling material has increased strength, which allows you not to change the installed seal for many years. And thanks to the ability to choose the shade of the material that matches the color of the enamel, it will be impossible to notice it with the naked eye.

Glass ionomer

The last type of material that I would like to discuss is glass ionomer cement. He enjoy enough great popularity, despite the fact that it appeared relatively recently. The main advantage of such a filling material is the presence of fluorine in the composition, which contributes to the prevention of recurrent caries in the sealed tooth. Also, this material is very good for filling milk teeth, as a base or insulating pads.

It also has disadvantages, in particular, increased hydrophilicity, which requires the obligatory coating of the sealed tooth with a special varnish, which excludes the penetration of liquids into the overlay and its further destruction. Also, this material is not sufficiently resistant to mechanical stress, and the process of installation and final processing of fillings from glass ionomer cements takes two days. However, this material excellent biocompatibility with dental tissue good adhesion, He non-toxic And subject to minimal shrinkage.

Stages of installing a filling on a tooth

Most clients of dental clinics do not have the slightest idea about the stages of processing a damaged tooth and installing a filling material. Meanwhile, this process is quite long and difficult.

  1. Any treatment of a diseased tooth begins with an anesthetic injection so that the patient can relax and not experience pain.
  2. The area damaged by caries is reamed until the darkened enamel and dentin are completely removed and a cavity of the required depth and shape is formed.
  3. If the nerve is not damaged, the resulting cavity is thoroughly disinfected with an antiseptic solution. If the pulp has already begun to become inflamed, actions are taken to remove it from the tooth cavity. Sometimes there is a need for a medicinal insert in the cleaned cavity, in which case the treatment process is extended for several days or even weeks.
  4. Ultimately, the tooth cavity is dried before filling.
  5. If necessary, a special antimicrobial pad is placed under the main filling material, on top of which an insulating one can also be placed. In the absence of the first, the second is placed directly into the dental canal. Its purpose is to isolate tissue fluids from toxic, for the most part, materials that are currently used for fillings.
  6. After all preliminary preparations, a filling pad is installed, which, using special tools, is adjusted to the natural shape of the tooth.
  7. The final stage of treatment is grinding and polishing.
  8. When paying for the services rendered, patients are given a guarantee for dental fillings. Most often, it is designed for one or two years, during which, if defects appear or if the material is destroyed, the dentist replaces the old filling with a new one for free.

The best dental filling - how to choose it?

Even after studying all the above information, it is difficult to answer the question of which dental fillings are best. There are a number of standard requirements for high-quality filling material:

  • the chewing surface of the filled tooth should correspond to the natural anatomical shape of this tooth, i.e. it cannot be absolutely even, since the fissures and tubercles of the enamel provide good chewing of food;
  • complete filling of the cleaned tooth cavity with minimal shrinkage of the filling substance and the absence of air spaces;
  • a good onlay should not come into contact with the surface of adjacent teeth if it is located on top. If the filling is lateral, then a point contact point with adjacent teeth is simply necessary. If there is a gap, pieces of food will constantly fall into it, which will inevitably lead to the destruction of the enamel;
  • The best dental fillings never go beyond the border of the tooth and do not create overhanging edges, under which food and pathogenic bacteria can accumulate;
  • in order to avoid premature wear, after polishing, the surface of the seal should be covered with a special composite material that completely fills all microvoids;
  • What are the best dental fillings? Of course, those that, after installation, guarantee the absence of toothache. If the painful sensations remain for more than a few hours and do not decrease, it means that the material was incorrectly selected or the inflammatory process continues inside the tooth.

In any case, only your dentist will be able to determine which dental filling is best in each case and for each individual tooth.

The question of which filling is better to put in often leads the dental patient to a dead end. What is the difference between a wide variety of materials, what threatens to install a cheap filling, and what is the advantage of advertised ceramic inlays - read about all this later in the article.

What is a dental filling?

In dentistry, a filling is a material used to fill a tooth cavity. As a rule, such cavities are formed as a result of an action, however, there are also cases of mechanical impact: a tooth can break off due to a blow, fall, or other traumatic situations.

In order to place a filling, the dentist cleans the tooth from the affected areas and fills the resulting cavity with a filling material, the choice of which depends on many factors. This procedure is necessary in order to protect the resulting cavity from the spread of caries and infection.

Fillings can be divided into temporary and permanent. Above, we talked about permanent fillings that are installed for years and decades, and in terms of “wearability” they are not inferior to human tooth tissue. However, there are also temporary fillings - those that are installed for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

For example, after some dental procedures, the patient is given a filling with arsenic, which for some time has. The seal can also cover other medicinal substances that are installed to provide a temporary effect. Or it happens that the doctor is not sure about the safety of the dental nerve: then the patient is given a filling and the presence of pain after this procedure is assessed.

A filling is a temporary or permanent artificial formation installed by a dentist in place of damaged dental tissue in order to diagnose, treat or replace a lost part of a tooth.

What are dental fillings

The dentist selects the material for making a filling depending on the clinic’s capabilities (unfortunately, state-owned clinics are mostly equipped with cheap old-style materials) and the financial situation of the client. The characteristics of the filling material itself include durability, toxicity, heat resistance, color stability and many other factors. Consider the most popular fillings in Russia.

cement fillings

Cement fillings include materials of several types, among which the most are silicate, silicophosphate and glass ionomer cements.

The first two groups of materials are outdated, but relatively easy to use, and, most importantly, cheap. The economic factor in this matter plays an important role, because. because of their cheapness, silicate and silicophosphate fillings are common in public clinics and are essentially an uncontested option for anyone who decides to use the services of free medicine. The disadvantages of these fillings include low aesthetics (unnatural color), fragility, the practical impossibility of polishing, the appearance of a sour taste after installation.

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Glass ionomer fillings, on the other hand, have many advantages: they are firmly bonded to the dental tissue, which avoids the formation of a gap between the filling and the tooth, they contain fluorine, which protects the surrounding dental tissue from secondary caries, their coefficient of thermal expansion is close to the dental tissue, which reduces the chance of damage to nearby teeth.

However, this material is quickly erased and also has low aesthetics, which is why it is practically not used on its own. It is preferable to use it as an interlayer in "sandwich" fillings.

Among cement fillings, the use of glass ionomer material is preferred (unless there is an alternative). Ideally, it should also be used as part of composite fillings.

metal fillings

Metal or amalgam fillings are an obsolete material that is practically not used at the moment for a number of reasons. Amalgam is an alloy that consists primarily of silver and mercury. The main advantage of this type of filling is its durability (not all fillings can boast a service life of more than 10 years). In addition, metal fillings are stronger and cheaper than many others.

Modern dentistry refuses to use amalgam fillings due to the fact that they have low aesthetics (dark color with a metallic sheen), high thermal conductivity, which is why there is a risk of destruction of nearby tooth enamel. In addition, some experts note the risk of bacterial mutation in the oral cavity due to the silver content in the composition of the metal alloy.

Metal fillings can only be placed on the back teeth and only if there is a thick dental wall around the resulting cavity. In addition, amalgam fillings should not be placed in patients with metal constructions in the oral cavity in order to avoid galvanism. In the presence of metal fillings, radiation therapy cannot be performed in the maxillofacial region, so patients with a risk of cancer should think carefully about the choice of filling material.

Metal fillings are an outdated material, along with the advantages of having a sufficient amount. At the moment, there are materials that are much more acceptable for filling teeth.

Composite fillings

Chemocurable Composite

Composite fillings are considered the best inexpensive option. These fillings can be made from substances of various compositions, but the most popular type is considered to be a chemically cured composite - a material made from an inorganic substance and an organic binder mass. The aesthetics of this type of fillings is higher than that of the two groups listed above, however, they are rarely placed on the “smile zone” due to the discrepancy between the color of the tooth enamel.

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The complexity of installing a composite filling lies in the multi-stage work with it. First of all, enamel is etched on the tooth to improve adhesion to the filling material. Then the carious cavity of the tooth is covered with a bond - a kind of "glue" for fillings. Then the filling is finally installed - the components of the mass are mixed by the doctor in a separate container and placed in the tooth. After the filling has been placed and hardened, it is ground down and the surface is polished for better color retention.

Light curing composite

Light-curing composite fillings are divided into microfills (for front teeth), macrophiles (for back teeth) and hybrids - for all groups of teeth. This is one of the most modern materials for fillings. Their main advantage from a chemo-cured composite is that the filling hardens due to the glow of a polymerization lamp on it for only a few seconds. The installation of a seal is approximately the same as for a chemo-curing composite, with the difference that such a seal is placed in layers, each of which is “shown through” by a lamp.

Light-hardening composite fillings have good durability (at least 5 years), high aesthetics, strength and the possibility of high-quality polishing. This material can be used to restore chipped teeth in the “smile zone”, and the result will be indistinguishable from a real tooth.

Perhaps the only drawback of the light-hardening composite is its high cost and the need for a highly qualified doctor, coupled with new equipment.

Chemocured composite fillings are the best budget option among all types of dental fillings. In turn, the light-hardening composite has the best in all respects, but is expensive.

Compomer fillings

Compomer fillings are another of the modern types of filling materials. It is rarely used for self-restoration of the tooth: it is mainly used to correct minor tooth defects and as a component for "sandwich" fillings. Compomer fillings have all the advantages of a modern filling material: they are durable, aesthetic, and protect against the secondary appearance of caries. However, such fillings are very expensive and the material for them is not available in all clinics.

Compomer fillings are a good choice for repairing small chips and small cavities, but they are very expensive and not suitable for full tooth restoration.

Dental tabs

The main difference between dental inlays and other types of fillings is that they are not made directly in the patient's oral cavity, but are created separately in the laboratory based on a tooth impression. Dental inlays are made from, which impresses with its advantages over other materials - ceramics are most similar to tooth enamel in terms of properties such as strength, heat resistance, color, and light reflectance. The only drawback of ceramics is its cost, comparable to the cost of gold.



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