De Nol and medications that irritate the gastrointestinal tract are washed down. Standard doses of De-Nol

De-Nol is a modern medicine that can quickly eliminate ulcerative lesions on the walls gastrointestinal tract. A course of taking a pharmacological drug reduces the severity of pain syndrome, normalizes digestion and peristalsis. De-Nol exhibits bactericidal activity against spiral-shaped pathogenic bacteria Helicobacter pylori. This ability allows the drug to be used in the treatment of gastritis caused by microorganisms. Before taking De-Nol, you need to consult a doctor to make a diagnosis, prescribe a single and daily dose, and determine the duration of treatment.

De-Nol is taken to treat ulcers and various types gastritis

Characteristics of taking the drug

The active ingredient of De-Nol is . The presence of this inorganic compound in the tablets determines a wide range of therapeutic spectrum antiulcer agent. Manufacturers used the following as auxiliary ingredients:

  • corn starch;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • potassium polyacrylate.

These components are necessary not only for the formation of tablets, but also for strengthening medicinal properties bismuth tripotassium dicitrate. They promote optimal distribution active substance on the gastric mucosa and its gradual release. Despite its bactericidal activity, De-Nol does not belong to the group of antibiotics, since the destruction of Helicobacter pylori is only one of its beneficial properties for the gastrointestinal tract. Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate exhibits a powerful anti-inflammatory, astringent and regenerating effect.

A wide spectrum of action allows you to combine l with drugs of various groups:

  • with antibiotics latest generation for laboratory diagnosis;
  • with inhibitors proton pump upon detection of increased production of caustic hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes by glandular cells.

Therapeutic activity and duration course treatment depends on what De-Nol is taken with. Taking antibiotics rarely takes more than 2-3 weeks, and inhibitors proton pump(, Pantoprazole, Pariet) require longer use.

What is the use of the drug based on?

You need to take the medicine half an hour before meals. This promotes complete absorption of the active substance and the manifestation of maximum therapeutic effect. Having penetrated the digestive tract, De-Nol, under the influence of gastric juice, is converted into inorganic bismuth salts and begins to bind to proteins. After the formation of high-molecular conglomerates, a durable film is formed on the surface of the mucous membrane.

Such protective barrier prevents negative impact hydrochloric acid and pepsin to areas with erosions and ulcerative lesions. Taking De-Nol before meals, a person stops painful sensations and possible dyspeptic symptoms from eating food. What other beneficial properties the drug has:

  • accelerates the healing of mucous membranes;
  • reduces the production of hydrochloric acid;
  • reduces functional activity gastric juice.

The durable film formed under the influence of De-Nol does not allow pathogenic bacteria attach to the walls of the stomach and move freely in the digestive organs.

Recommendation: “During treatment with De-Nol, you should limit the consumption of dairy products, or better yet, completely eliminate them from your diet. This will help avoid development side effects - increased gas formation, nausea, bloating."

Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate helps reduce the enzymatic activity of Helicobacter pylori. Gram-negative bacteria lose the ability to grow and reproduce. The regimen for taking De-Nol with antibiotics is based on the inability of microorganisms to develop resistance to the antiulcer agent. This distinguishes it favorably from antibacterial drugs.

De-Nol tablets should be washed down big amount still water

Instructions for use

Taking medication without a prescription from a gastroenterologist is not only inappropriate, but also dangerous. Like all pharmacological preparations De-Nol has its contraindications and side effects. It is prescribed to young children very rarely, and is taken under the supervision of a doctor. A large number of contraindications depend on how De-Nol should be taken - before or after meals. Taking tablets on an empty stomach is a prerequisite proper therapy, but it also causes the development of some side effects.

The dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor after decoding the results laboratory tests. If De-Nol is used to destroy pathogenic microbes, then the amount of bismuth tripotassium dicitrate varies depending on bactericidal action antibiotics. For treatment ulcerative lesions, not provoked by Helicobacter pylori, are required high dosages with the following dosage frequency:

  • the patient takes tablets twice a day with an interval of 8-10 hours;
  • The daily dose is used immediately before breakfast.

For young children, the amount of the drug is calculated according to the child’s weight and divided into two doses. The tablets must not be chewed or dissolved in water. This will reduce therapeutic effectiveness and will greatly delay recovery. A person’s well-being improves 10-14 days after the start of treatment.

Advice: “Gastroenterologists recommend that patients refrain from bad habits. Smoking will cause low effectiveness of the drug, and use alcoholic drinks will contribute to the development of side effects."

The rapid elimination of symptoms when taking De-Nol will be helped by following gentle therapeutic diet. The patient should exclude from his diet fatty, fried, spice-rich foods that irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

While taking De-Nol, you should avoid consuming dairy products.

Therapeutic regimens

  • gastritis occurring against the background of increased production of hydrochloric acid;
  • stomach ulcer and duodenum;
  • inflammation of the duodenal mucosa and pyloric zone of the stomach;
  • dyspeptic disorders of various etiologies;
  • accompanied by diarrhea.
The effectiveness of the drug in preventing relapses in chronic course pathological process. De-Nol is not used for single-component therapy, but only in complex treatment.

How to take a drug with proton pump inhibitors

Despite De-Nol's ability to reduce gastric acidity, in some cases it is necessary to use drugs with more strong action. These include :

  • Omeprazole and its analogues Omez, Ultop;
  • Pantoprazole;
  • Rabeprazole.

These drugs reduce the production of hydrochloric acid by glandular cells. When combining Omeprazole with De-Nol, the antisecretory activity of the drugs is enhanced, and the regeneration of damaged tissue is significantly accelerated. Gastroenterologists often include antibacterial drugs in this therapeutic regimen. How often you can take De-Nol with antibiotics to prevent relapses, the doctor conducting the treatment will tell you after assessing the frequency of exacerbations and the severity of their symptoms.

After taking proton pump inhibitors, the maximum concentration in bloodstream active substances are detected after a few hours, and therapeutic effect continues throughout the day. Therefore, Omeprazole, Pantoprazole and Rabeprazole should be taken once a day. The drugs are indicated for use by patients not only with increased, but also low acidity. This is necessary for better protection gastric mucosa from hydrochloric acid.

How to take medicine with antibiotics

Only antibiotics are used to treat ulcers and gastritis wide range actions. In the process laboratory research In addition to the type of pathogenic agent, its sensitivity to certain antibacterial drugs is determined. Most often, gastroenterologists prescribe a therapeutic combination of Amoxicillin and Clarithromycin. If, after repeated tests, such a scheme turns out to be ineffective, then it is supplemented.

Warning: “Before drinking De-Nol, the patient is examined for the presence of cancerous tumors, which can provoke increased acidity gastric juice." In addition to antibiotics and De-Nol, it is used in the treatment of ulcers and gastritis antimicrobial drug Metronidazole.

Treatment antibacterial agents cannot do without taking probiotics and prebiotics.

Let's figure out in what case De-nol is prescribed for gastritis, how to take it correctly in order to achieve positive result and at the same time not harm your health. How do patients respond to him? Does it have analogues and what is their difference?

Tablets De-nol for internal use, coated, containing bismuth tripotassium dicitrate as the active substance.

The presence of a lung is allowed characteristic odor ammonia.

pharmachologic effect

The drug has therapeutic effects:

Mechanism of therapeutic effect

The tablet reacts with gastric juice - precipitation of insoluble bismuth salts occurs, which in turn react with proteins to form surface foamy compounds.

A protective film in the form of plaque forms on ulcerated areas white. It persists for several hours. This process prevents the traumatic effects of aggressive biologically active substances (salts bile acids, enzymes, hydrochloric acid) on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

The enzymatic activity of digestive juices also decreases.

The medicine stimulates the synthesis of prostaglandins, as a result of which the secretion of mucin (mucous substance) and other compounds increases, and the properties of gastric secretions improve. In the area of ​​erosive damage, regenerative processes are stimulated.

Coagulation of protein molecules accompanying transformation medicinal substance, destroys pathogenic microorganisms Helicobacter pylori strain.


It is advisable to use De-nol for the treatment of pathologies digestive organs, including those provoked by Helicobacter pylori:

  • exacerbation of duodenitis And gastroduodenitis;
  • peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
  • reflux esophagitis;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • gastritis (atrophic, chronic, erosive);
  • dyspeptic symptoms(heartburn, nausea, belching, epigastric pain, constipation, diarrhea) in the absence of diseases of the internal organs).

It is applied for intensive care(V acute phase) and for preventive courses.


  • serious kidney disease;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation (breastfeeding);
  • individual hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the tablets.

Rules of use

To prevent development negative consequences for health, it is necessary to take into account the rules specified in the instructions for use of De-nol for gastritis.

For half an hour before and after taking the pill, you should avoid:

  • fruit;
  • drinks (milk, fruit juices);
  • solid food.

When taking these products simultaneously, the effectiveness of De-Nol decreases, because substances contained in products enter into chemical reaction with bismuth.

The tablet is washed down drinking water. During treatment, it is necessary to follow the daily and single doses prescribed in the instructions.

Use large doses gastroprotector provokes the development side effects. The course of treatment should not last more than 2 months. After completing the course of De-nol tablets, it is not recommended to take other bismuth-containing medications for 2 months.

How to take De-nol for acute gastritis

Therapeutic dosage depends on:

  • patient's age;
  • diagnosis;
  • body weight (for children's practice).

Traditionally, for acute gastritis and peptic ulcers, the following doses are prescribed:

Side effects

When using De-nol, various side effects may occur.

Most often noted:

  • allergic reactions ( itchy skin, urticaria);
  • darkening of the tongue;
  • dyspeptic symptoms;
  • staining stool black.

IN in rare cases are developing anaphylactic shock and encephalopathy (when taking large doses of bismuth over a long period of time, it accumulates in the cells of the brain and spinal cord).

After stopping the use of the tablets, the symptoms disappear. Discontinuation of the medication is not required (except for acute allergic reaction in the form of anaphylaxis, when emergency is required health care and removal of the allergen source).


Overdose occurs with prolonged use of excessive doses or impaired excretory function of the kidneys.

In case of bismuth poisoning, the following are observed:

Symptoms disappear after stopping treatment.

It is recommended to lavage the stomach followed by the administration of sorbents (Polysorb, Polyphepan, Enterosgel, white coal, activated carbon, Filtrum-STI) and laxatives (Magnesium sulfate salt). For elimination discomfort states symptomatic medications (antispasmodics) are prescribed.

With a high level of bismuth in the blood plasma against the background renal pathology, complexing acids are used. They enter into chemical reaction with bismuth and precipitate it in the form of salts. In case of serious problems with the kidneys, hemodialysis is performed.

Interaction with other drugs

  • Metronidazole ( Trichopolum);
  • Amoxicillin ( Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Amosin, Flemoxin);
  • Clarithromycin ( Klacid).

In this case, there is a mutual increase antimicrobial activity. Bismuth interferes with the absorption of tetracycline and weakens its antibacterial effect.

The use of De-nol for gastritis together with proton pump inhibitors ( Omez, Nolpazoy, Omeprazole, Nexium etc.) enhances the mutual gastroprotective effect.

Preparations containing bismuth or its combinations ( Vikair, Vikalin) increase the risk of overdose.

Taking antacids ( Almagel,Gastal, Rennie, Maalox etc.) is possible 30 minutes before or after using De-nol.

To eliminate pain, it is allowed to use antispasmodics ( No-shpu, Duspatalin, Dicetel,Buscopan).

De-nol protects the gastrointestinal mucosa from irritant effect non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Interaction with alcohol

Alcohol enhances toxic effects drug.

It should be borne in mind that alcohol can be contained not only in strong alcoholic drinks, but also in some medicines plant origin(tinctures, extracts, balms).


On average in Moscow, the cost of a De-nol package of 56 tablets is 520 rubles, 112 tablets – 970 rubles. The tablets are expensive, so patients are interested in substitutes affordable price. Another reason that requires replacing the original medicine is intolerance to the components of the drug.

Analogs of De-nol can be divided into 2 groups:

Preparations identical in active substance:

Other gastroprotectors

In this article you can find instructions for use medicinal product De-Nol. Feedback from site visitors - consumers - is presented of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of De-Nol in their practice. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogs of De-Nol if available structural analogues. Use for the treatment of gastritis and gastric and duodenal ulcers in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

De-Nol- antiulcer drug with bactericidal activity against Helicobacter pylori. It also has anti-inflammatory and astringent action. In the acidic environment of the stomach, insoluble bismuth oxychloride and citrate are precipitated, and chelate compounds are formed with the protein substrate in the form of a protective film on the surface of ulcers and erosions.

By increasing the synthesis of prostaglandin E, mucus formation and bicarbonate secretion, it stimulates the activity of cytoprotective mechanisms, increases the resistance of the gastrointestinal mucosa to the effects of pepsin, hydrochloric acid, enzymes and bile salts.

Leads to the accumulation of epidermal growth factor in the defect area. Reduces the activity of pepsin and pepsinogen.


Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate (the active ingredient of the drug De-Nol) is practically not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. It is excreted mainly in feces. A small amount of bismuth entering the plasma is excreted by the kidneys.


  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute phase (including those associated with Helicobacter pylori);
  • chronic gastritis and gastroduodenitis in the acute phase (including those associated with Helicobacter pylori);
  • irritable bowel syndrome, which occurs predominantly with symptoms of diarrhea;
  • functional dyspepsia not associated with organic diseases Gastrointestinal tract.

Release forms

Film-coated tablets 120 mg.

Instructions for use and dosage regimen

For adults and children over 12 years of age, the drug is prescribed 1 tablet 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals and at night, or 2 tablets 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Children aged 8 to 12 years are prescribed 1 tablet 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Children aged 4 to 8 years are prescribed a dose of 8 mg/kg per day; daily dose divided into 2 doses. Take 30 minutes before meals.

The tablets should be taken with a small amount of water.

The duration of treatment is 4-8 weeks. You should not take medications containing bismuth for the next 8 weeks.

For the eradication of Helicobacter pylori, it is advisable to use De-Nol in combination with antibacterial drugs with anti-Helicobacter activity.

Side effect

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • increased frequency of bowel movements;
  • constipation;
  • skin rash;
  • itchy skin;
  • encephalopathy associated with the accumulation of bismuth in the central nervous system.


  • severe renal dysfunction;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

De-Nol is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation.

special instructions

The drug should not be used for more than 8 weeks.

During treatment with De-Nol, you should not use other drugs containing bismuth.

At the end of a course of treatment with the drug in recommended doses, the concentration active substance in blood plasma does not exceed 3-58 mcg/l, and intoxication is observed only at a concentration of more than 100 mcg/l.

When using De-Nol, stool may turn black due to the formation of bismuth sulfide. Sometimes there is a slight darkening of the tongue.

Drug interactions

When taking others at the same time medicines, as well as food and liquids, in particular antacids, milk, fruits and fruit juices, the effectiveness of De-Nol may change (it is not recommended to take it orally within 30 minutes before and after taking De-Nol).

Analogues of the drug De-Nol

Structural analogues of the active substance:

  • Ventrisol;
  • Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

The main active ingredient of the drug de-nol is bismuth tripotassium dicitrate, which in each...
  • Drug De-nol. Indications... Indications:
    The drug de-nol is prescribed for a number of ailments digestive tract that are leaking...
  • The medicine is used to treat patients aged fourteen years and older. Not allowed on its own...
  • Application of de-nol in... Any pediatrician knows how dangerous Helicobacter pylori infection is for a baby. In the absence of competent...
  • Application of de-nol in... Among the drugs used for the complex treatment of Helicobacter pylori, one of the leading places is occupied by...
  • De-nol tablets. Overdose.... An overdose of the drug causes a picture similar to acute poisoning: the patient develops disturbances...
  • Combination of de-nol with other drugs:
    All dairy products, as well antacids reduce the effect this tool. It is necessary that between the use of the drug and the above products ( medications) there was a gap of at least half an hour. The medicine is not used simultaneously with other drugs that include bismuth to avoid severe side effects such as encephalopathy.

    De-nol is an antiulcer agent that includes bismuth subcitrate as the main active ingredient. This drug is a representative astringents, but the effect of its use is much broader. The drug affects a number of processes that occur during the formation of an ulcer. The main actions of the drug are antimicrobial, astringent and gastrocytoprotective.

    Principle of astringent action active component is explained by its ability to interact with proteins to form chelate compounds. As a result, the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines is covered with a protective layer. In this case, such a layer is formed exclusively in places where the mucous membrane is damaged. This speeds up healing by protecting the affected areas from being corroded by stomach acid. In the process of forming chelate compounds of bismuth with proteins, one of the main roles is played by the acidity of the digestive organs. It is the acid that starts the process of combining these substances.

    De-nol is a bactericide against Helicobacter pylori. This effect is explained by the fact that the drug suppresses the production of enzymes in the cells of the pathogen. This disrupts all basic processes and the microbe dies. The medicine also changes the condition of the cell membranes, this makes Helicobacter cells weak and unable to penetrate the tissues of the affected organism. There is also evidence that the pathogen cells become more inert. The drug dissolves very well in the stomach mucus, so it also affects those pathogens that are in the lining itself.

    The drug has a significant gastrocytoprotective effect, which is explained by the following mechanisms:

    • prostaglandin production is activated E2, which is necessary for the production of mucin, bicarbonate ions that form mucosal bicarbonate protection,
    • blood movement increases and biological fluids in the lining of the stomach and intestines, which activates metabolic processes in cells. As a result, the process of restoration of cells and structure of the mucous membranes occurs faster,
    • the production of hydrochloric acid by fundic tissues decreases, as a result of which the acidity of gastric juice decreases,
    • bismuth and pepsin interact, which leads to suppression of pepsin activity, which reduces the peptic effect of gastric juice.
    After taking the drug orally, a small amount of bismuth enters the bloodstream. If the drug is used long time, its amount in the blood increases. The medicine is evacuated from the body with feces.

    De-nol is a medicine that protects the walls of the stomach from damage, including ulcers and the effects of pathogenic microbes.
    A group of Russian scientists carried out a study of a number of drugs from the group of cytoprotectors. The purpose of the study, which examined four of the most common drugs, was to discover similarities and differences in the effects of the drugs: de-nol, misoprostol, sucralfate, pentoxifylline.

    These medications are most often used in conjunction with a number of other medications, but are sometimes used independently. According to the study results, de-nol showed more effective results. Thus, this medicine increases the production of mucus, as well as bicarbonates, and increases the rate of formation of new tissue in damaged areas. The drug inhibits the entry of pathogenic microbes into the tissues of the mucous membrane, and also prevents the production of certain substances that destroy the mucous membrane. Stronger than others similar drugs de-nol activates the movement of blood through the capillaries of the mucous membrane. Drugs such as misoprostol And pentoxifylline Dont Have antioxidant properties, do not reduce the action of the enzyme pepsin, and also do not neutralize bile acids. A de-nol has all the above properties. In addition, the drug interacts with the tissues of certain layers of the ulcer and forms a protective film that prevents the diffusion of hydrogen ions, preventing the destruction of tissues of the mucous membrane damaged by the disease. This drug effectively activates the production of prostaglandins. The only drawback of this product in relation to sucralfate is the precipitation of bile acids.

    According to the results this experience, scientists consider de-nol to be the most effective among cytoprotective drugs in the treatment of ulcers of the digestive organs, gastritis in chronic form caused by Helicobacter pylori, as well as mucositis caused by the abuse of a number of drugs, as well as diarrhea
    In the post-Soviet countries, among childhood ailments, diseases of the digestive tract occupy second place after acute respiratory infections. At the same time, diseases of the gastroduodenal zone occupy about seventy-five percent of all digestive diseases. Today's digestive diseases are dangerous because they often occur without symptoms, with subtle manifestations and frequent destruction of the mucous membrane. Unfortunately, ulcers in modern children are no longer as rare as they were thirty years ago. U similar phenomenon There are two explanations: firstly, it became possible to detect an ulcer on early stages her education, and secondly, there are actually more such cases among children.

    Is no longer controversial issue that in most cases, stomach diseases in children are caused by Helicobacter pylori infection.
    It is quite difficult to select components for the treatment of children with similar diseases. Prescribing antibiotics is complicated by the fact that many of them used to treat children no longer have an effect on the pathogen. The prescription of other drugs, such as proton pump inhibitors, is complicated by the fact that the increased amount of acid in gastric juice in children it is often not a sign of a stomach ulcer. Therefore in Lately V pediatric practice bismuth preparations, and in particular de-nol, are increasingly being prescribed.

    Similar remedies were used to treat stomach ailments back in the sixteenth century. They were most actively used in England and Germany. From modern drugs bismuth is most effective for stomach ulcers colloidal subcitrate bismuth – drug de-nol.

    Due to the fact that bismuth is a heavy metals, there is a certain risk of side effects. Therefore, it is undesirable to use the drug in the treatment of children for longer than one month. After consulting a gastroenterologist, two months after the end of the course of treatment, you can undergo repeat course treatment.
    The most effective and safe in treating children are combinations of three drugs, one of which is de-nol, combined with an antibiotic and metronidazole. Such combinations make it possible to achieve a cure for up to ninety percent of sick children.

    Ukrainian doctors conducted an experiment on the use of de-nol, amoxicillin and metronidazole in the treatment of forty-five children and adolescents aged seven to sixteen years. The patients took amoxicillin, de-Nol and metronidazole for seven days. Then, for twenty-one days, treatment was carried out only with de-nol. A month after the course of treatment, one hundred percent of patients had healed ulcers. Six months and a year after treatment, only six percent of patients were found to have return forms diseases.

    Instructions for use for De-Nol


    Registration number :

    Tradename : De-Nol®

    Dosage form: film-coated tablets

    Compound :

    Each tablet contains:
    Active substance: Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate – 304.6 mg, in terms of bismuth oxide B1203 – 120 mg.
    Excipients: corn starch, povidone KZO, potassium polyacrylate, macrogol 6000, magnesium stearate.
    Shell: Opadry OY-S-7366, consists of: hypromellose and macrogol 6000,

    Description :

    Round, biconvex, creamy white film-coated tablets with "gbr 152" embossed on one side and a square graphic with broken sides and rounded corners embossed on the other, odorless or with light odor ammonia.

    Pharmacotherapeutic group: antiseptic intestinal and astringent.

    ATX code: А02ВХ05

    Pharmacological properties

    Antiulcer agent with bactericidal activity against Helicobacter pylori. It also has anti-inflammatory and astringent effects. In the acidic environment of the stomach, insoluble bismuth oxychloride and citrate are precipitated, and chelate compounds are formed with the protein substrate in the form of a protective film on the surface of ulcers and erosions. By increasing the synthesis of prostaglandin E, mucus formation and bicarbonate secretion, it stimulates the activity of cytoprotective mechanisms, increases the resistance of the gastrointestinal mucosa to the effects of pepsin, hydrochloric acid, enzymes and bile salts. Leads to the accumulation of epidermal growth factor in the defect area. Reduces the activity of pepsin and pepsinogen.

    Bismuth subcitrate is practically not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. It is excreted mainly in feces. A small amount of bismuth entering the plasma is excreted from the body by the kidneys.

    Indications for use

    Peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum in the acute phase, including those associated with Helicobacter pylori.
    Chronic gastritis and gastroduodenitis in the acute phase, including those associated with Helicobacter pylori.
    Irritable bowel syndrome, which occurs predominantly with symptoms of diarrhea.
    Functional dyspepsia not associated with organic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


    Severe renal dysfunction, pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance drug.

    Directions for use and doses

    For adults and children over 12 years of age, the drug is prescribed 1 tablet 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals and at night, or 2 tablets 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
    For children from 8 to 12 years old, the drug is prescribed 1 tablet 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
    Children from 4 to 8 years: prescribed at a dose of 8 mg/kg/day; daily dosage divided into 2 doses. Take 30 minutes before meals.
    The tablets should be taken with a small amount of water.
    The duration of treatment is 4-8 weeks. For the next 8 weeks, you should not use medications containing bismuth.
    To eradicate Helicobacter pylori, it is advisable to use De-Nol in combination with other antibacterial agents that have anti-Helicobacter activity.

    Side effect

    From the outside digestive system: possible nausea, vomiting, more frequent bowel movements, constipation. These phenomena are not dangerous to health and are temporary.
    Allergic reactions: skin rash, skin itching.
    At long-term use V high doses– encephalopathy associated with the accumulation of bismuth in the central nervous system.

    Drug overdose

    An overdose of the drug caused by prolonged use of doses exceeding the recommended ones can lead to impaired renal function. These symptoms are completely reversible when De-Nol is discontinued.
    If signs of drug poisoning appear, it is necessary to perform gastric lavage and apply Activated carbon and saline laxatives. IN further treatment must be symptomatic. In case of renal dysfunction accompanied by high level bismuth in the blood plasma, complexing agents can be introduced - dimercaptosuccinic and dimercaptopropanesulfonic acids. In case of severe renal dysfunction, hemodialysis is indicated.

    Interaction with other drugs

    For half an hour before and after taking De-Nol, it is not recommended to take other medications internally, as well as take food and liquids, in particular antacids, milk, fruits and fruit juices. This is due to the fact that they are simultaneous administration orally may affect the effectiveness of De-Nol.

    special instructions

    The drug should not be used for more than 8 weeks. It is also not recommended to exceed the established daily doses for adults and children during treatment. During treatment with De-Nol, you should not use other drugs containing bismuth. At the end of a course of treatment with the drug in recommended doses, the concentration of the active substance in the blood plasma does not exceed 3-5.8 μg/l, and intoxication is observed only at concentrations above 100 μg/l.
    When using De-Nol, stool may be stained dark color due to the formation of bismuth sulfide. Sometimes there is a slight darkening of the tongue,

    Release form

    8 tablets in an aluminum foil blister, 7 or 14 blisters along with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

    Storage conditions

    Store at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

    Best before date

    4 years. Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package

    Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

    Over the counter

    Manufacturer :
    Astellas Pharma Europe B.V., Netherlands Elisabethof 19, Laiderdorp.

    Prepackaged and packaged :
    Astellas Pharma Europe B.V., the Netherlands, or ORTAT CJSC, Russia.

    Quality claims are accepted by the representative office in Moscow :
    Moscow representative office:
    109147 Moscow, Marksistskaya st. 16 “Mosalarko Plaza-1” business center, floor 3.

    Made the process of getting rid of ulcers as comfortable as possible

    Benefits: Fast-acting, effective, eliminates heartburn, burning and pain in the stomach, fights inflammation of the mucous membrane, helps treat ulcers with comfort

    Disadvantages: Price, caused nausea, in the first days of use the effect does not last long

    I took De-nol as part of complex therapy- treated a stomach ulcer. It is designed to protect the gastric mucosa from acid, which is increased by taking antibiotics, and to reduce inflammation. I haven’t used it before, but it’s a big waste good drug. Dear, about 600 rubles a pack, it only lasts for 2 weeks. But in fact, this was enough for me, I was treated for only 10 days. I took the drug as many as 4 times a day, and just before meals, which is difficult not to forget if you don’t set an alarm clock. But if you do everything correctly, you forget about heartburn, pain, and cramping in the stomach. De-Nol works quickly, I took a pill half an hour before meals, that’s it - after eating there was no discomfort, and during the day you also feel a hundred times better. At first, the effect does not last long, for a couple of hours, but since the drug also reduces inflammation of the mucous membrane, the effect is cumulative - the longer you drink, the longer the effect becomes. I have never felt such comfort as taking De-Nol - even at night heartburn did not bother me, but I had this every day. One drawback is that it provokes severe nausea, but I had to endure it. But the rest of the treatment went without discomfort, and I managed to recover.

    Although a little expensive, it is effective

    Benefits: Heals sharp forms gastritis

    Disadvantages: High price

    Various dangerous diets and starvation led me to acute gastritis. When I decided to eat normally, every meal was accompanied by wild pains, which was the reason for going to the doctor. The De-Nol prescribed by him had to be taken for two months before serious relief was felt. But this still does not allow you to eat a varied diet; you have to stick to the recommended diet, because any spicy and fatty food again creates stomach discomfort. But if such moments happen (usually it’s difficult to resist during the holidays), then a couple of De-Nol tablets save the situation and stabilize the situation.

    Didn't help me

    Advantages: none

    Disadvantages: expensive, many side effects, did not help, but only made it worse

    Irina Reply

    I agree with the previous author, there are side effects from the drug undesirable effect- diarrhea and vomiting, but this happened to me after a very long-term use- for a year, but in small doses - one tablet in the morning, it relieved IBS pain well and quickly, but now I’ll have to give up de-nol, which is a pity!

    Helped with acute gastritis

    Advantages: Efficiency!

    Disadvantages: A little expensive.

    Every girl dreams of slim figure, strives towards her. I'm not an exception. Over the past couple of years I have probably tried all kinds of diets, fasting, fasting days; I was waiting for the result. I waited. Result - acute gastritis. The condition was terrible, from almost every meal I felt simply unbearable pain, during attacks I was ready to climb the walls, lying/walking/sitting/standing was impossible. Only after experiencing that pain did it dawn on me how stupid I was doing. The doctor at the appointment scolded me for a very long time and scolded me about the matter. Based on the results of the examination, she prescribed me treatment and special diet. The main drug in the recipe is De-nol. As practice has shown, it is not at all easy to get rid of this sore. I ate strictly according to the diet, took De-nol (I finally lost weight). A month later I saw results, there were no more pains and attacks.

    Antiulcer drug

    Advantages: copes well with the problem

    Disadvantages: none found

    I want to look younger than my age. That's why for a long time I went on all sorts of diets, and in the end I developed a problem with my stomach - acute gastritis. I had to go to the doctor. She scolded me for not caring about my health, said that my stomach condition was already pre-ulcerative, prescribed treatment with the drug De-Nol, and described in detail the dosage regimen. I drank for two weeks and special effect I didn’t notice, but you can’t cure your stomach quickly, so I continued the treatment. And only after 2.5 months the pain in the stomach went away, new attacks did not recur. Now I have to stick proper nutrition, I now eat only wholesome and healthy food.

    Cured chronic gastritis

    Benefits: effective, reduces acidity

    Disadvantages: price

    WITH chronic gastritis I've been wrestling since school. They have prescribed everything for all these years, but there is no benefit from the treatment, just a little relief during periods of exacerbations and that’s all. After thorough examination V private clinic In addition to my gastritis, Helicobacter Pylori also showed up. Thus, the virus had to be treated first, and then De-Nol was prescribed. I felt the effectiveness of the drug immediately. The spasms stopped, and the fried and spicy dishes my stomach no longer reacted. After some time, I took repeated tests and was overjoyed to the point of tears that there was no gastritis. Today I can’t even remember what heartburn and stomach cramps are. Yes, the drug is expensive, but its quality is amazing!



    2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs