A beautiful toned body is the dream of any person. Unfortunately, not everyone is given a gorgeous figure by nature, and many also have a predisposition to gaining excess weight.

As soon as you decide to take care of yourself and throw off a couple of kilograms, you should immediately tell yourself that this will require some effort. It is important to remember that one diet is not enough.

If the weight loss system is not complex, and includes only food restrictions, the process will be much slower and the skin will sag than if, in addition to the diet, you do special gymnastic exercises.

What do you need to know to achieve maximum results?

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Rules that should be learned by those who want to lose weight

In order to lose weight, it is not necessary to visit expensive fitness centers and starve. You can make your body the way you imagine it at home. Observing a few rules of the complex - gymnastics + proper nutrition results can be achieved in a short time.

  • Best time to start training- from 8 am to 12 am or from 6 pm to 8 pm. The body should wake up completely before the start of the workout, and not very tired if done in the evening. If a person gets up early, then morning time can be shifted a few hours earlier. You should not train every day, it is better to do it every other day, giving the body a rest.
  • It is important to choose only those exercises that you can do.. If you are a beginner, you should not take on what professionals do, start small. Some strength exercises not enough, for weight loss they are not as effective as aerobics or gymnastics. A good addition would be cardio training, jogging is always useful.
  • Proper nutrition- without it, the path to a flat tummy and elastic buttocks is closed. Do not get carried away and eat nothing at all. The body must receive enough energy and expend it in training. The only exceptions are alcohol, sweet, flour and fatty food. The diet should include more vegetables and fruits, cereals and dairy products. Portions should be small, but you need to eat at least 4-5 times a day. With this diet, the metabolism is accelerated. It is also worth drinking as much as possible more water. Drink it in the morning and before meals. However, immediately after a workout, drinking for about 20 minutes is not recommended, it is better to endure.

When you follow these three tips, the result will not be long in coming. But which exercises to choose that do not require simulators and instructors, and which can be performed at home without much effort?

The best exercises for a beautiful abdominal press

The abdomen is one of the problem areas on the body of a woman, especially its lower part. By nature, there is often a fatty layer there, which is quite difficult to get rid of - but still it is possible. To do this, the load must be on the upper with the lower press, and on the side too. Due to the side press, the waist itself is created.


This exercise is good for warming up. To perform it, you need to stand on the mat, your legs should be shoulder-width apart, and your hands should ideally be behind your head, but their position at the waist is also allowed.

When bending, the abdominal muscles are tense, and breathing is measured. First, we lean forward, this must be done as low as possible, without bending the knees, then we return to the starting position and do the same, only we lean back.

Next, we also lean to the left, and then to the right. Tilts back will work well not only on the press, but also on the back. Do this exercise 15 times forward, 15 back and 15 times to the sides. One approach will be enough as a warm-up before more complex exercises.

Leg raise

We lay down on our backs. Shoulders should be pressed to the floor. Leg raises are especially effective in the fight against fat in the lower abdomen. Hands should be along the body. Raise the outstretched legs to a 90 degree angle, hold for 10 seconds and lower. We do 3 sets of 10 such lifts.


The position remains the same as for the leg raise, except that the arms should be behind the head and the legs bent at the knees. When twisting, all muscle groups of the press work.

On exhalation, we raise the body and pull the left elbow to the right knee, then exhale and lower ourselves to the starting position, raise the body and pull the right elbow to the left knee - and again to the starting position. When lifting the case, it should turn to the side. Do 2 sets of 15 reps on each knee.

Cross to cross exercise

Such an exercise will have a good effect not only on the press but also on the buttocks. We get on all fours. The back is straight, arms and legs too. Raise left hand forward in front of you, and stretch your right leg back, then do the same with right hand and left foot. Very simple and effective. Do 10 lifts on each side. Since the exercise is simple, you should do 2-3 approaches.

Gymnastics for slim legs

Swing legs to the sides

We get into the starting position. Hands are at the waist, legs are pressed together, the back is even. When performing, you must first lift left leg to the side with a swing movement (while the toe is extended) and, without lowering to the floor, make 10 swings, and then develop the right one in the same way. When performed correctly, the fat will begin to leave the hips, and the calves will tighten.

Toe squats

Such squats are no different from ordinary ones, except that everything needs to be done on toes and they put a lot of stress on the legs. Starting position - hands on the belt, and legs shoulder-width apart.

We begin to sit down slowly, not sinking on our heels. Then we return to a standing position. The exercise is not easy, so 3 sets of 5 times are enough to start, then more.


With this exercise, you can tighten the abs, buttocks, and legs. Starting position - hands on the belt, feet shoulder width apart. When performing, we take a step with the left foot forward and move with the whole body on it, we get a good stretch, then we do the same with the right foot, and so we alternate 10 attacks on each leg, 2-3 approaches.

We pull up our hands

Focusing on losing weight in the abdomen and legs, losing weight often forget about the arms. The skin on them becomes flabby and ugly, it also needs to be tightened.


Everyone knows the exercise. Do it in a standing position, stretch your arms in front of you and make quick cross movements with your arms to the sides. You need to perform 1 or 2 minutes without a break.

Lift up and to the side

We do not change the starting position. We begin the execution Raise the left hand up, and keep the right hand lowered and start swinging, pull both hands back to the count of three, then change their position and do the same. 15 swings for each hand.

Of course, both exercises with dumbbells and push-ups from the floor are effective, but they are more focused on pumping muscles, although they are also widely used by those who lose weight.

Who should not do gymnastics?

Gymnastics is such a direction physical activity, which has practically no contraindications. If a person cannot perform exercises that are general, they can be replaced with special ones.

There is a whole direction, such as physiotherapy. It includes only those exercises that can be performed with certain diseases. It is not recommended to get involved in physical exercises for pregnant women and people with serious joint diseases.

Highly effective exercises for fast weight loss bodies:

1. General characteristics of gymnastics means (gymnastic exercises) indicating the name and content of each of the eight groups of gymnastic exercises: combat, general developmental, freestyle, applied, acrobatic, exercises on apparatus, jumps, rhythmic gymnastics exercises. Your opinion on the possibility of using gymnastics in your sport or in practice at your place of work.

2. Rules for recording gymnastic exercises (general developmental, acrobatic, exercises on apparatus) with examples of generalizations, specific terminological and graphic recording of exercises.

3. A set of general developmental exercises (ORU) designed to warm up in a lesson in basic gymnastics and includes at least 8 exercises for different muscle groups.

4. List of used literature.

1. General characteristics of gymnastics.

Gymnastics- a system of specially selected physical exercises designed to promote health, physical development and improve motor skills 1 .

Systematic gymnastics contribute to the improvement of the activity of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, the musculoskeletal system, the development of muscle strength, coordination of movements, etc.

Accessibility and diversity exercise used in gymnastics, the possibility of their wide choice allows people of all ages to do gymnastics, almost any degree of physical fitness.

Gymnastic exercises should be performed in light clothing (t-shirt, shorts, slippers, tracksuit) that does not restrict movement, outdoors or in a well-ventilated hall, room in compliance with sanitary rules. When performing gymnastic exercises on apparatus, injuries to the skin of the palms, damage to the shoulder, elbow, wrist, knee, ankle joints, bruises are possible.

Due to this Special attention should be given to the observance of all injury prevention measures (sequence of training, the proper condition of the apparatus and mats, "insurance" when performing complex exercises, etc.).

Gymnastics tasks.

In the process of physical education, the following main tasks are solved:

A) strengthening health, hardening the body and increasing the level of physical development and performance;

B) mastery of vital motor skills and abilities, including those of an applied nature;

C) education of moral and volitional qualities of a person;

D) development physical qualities(speed, strength, agility, endurance);

E) mastering the technique of performing special sports exercises (sports equipment).

Improving the health of students is one of the main tasks of physical education. M.I. spoke about these tasks simply and clearly. Kalinin: “We want to comprehensively develop a person so that he can run well, swim, walk quickly and beautifully, so that he has all the organs in okay, word so that he is a normal, healthy person, ready for work and defense, so that in parallel with all physical qualities, his mental qualities also develop correctly.

Physical exercises are specific means of physical education. Systematic physical exercises have a beneficial effect on the activity of the central nervous system, on the development and strengthening muscular system, circulatory and respiratory organs, reduce fatigue of the cerebral cortex and increase the body's performance.

The importance of physical exercises for the development and strengthening of the musculoskeletal system is great: bones acquire greater strength, mobility in the joints increases, the body becomes more flexible. Significant changes occur in the muscles: under the influence of physical exercises, it increases the volume of muscles, their strength grows, the speed of muscle contraction and their elasticity increase. Physical exercises also have a beneficial effect on the internal organs of a person, primarily on the heart and lungs.

By means of physical education, improvement of health, development of strength, agility, speed, endurance and other qualities necessary in any difficult processes are achieved.

Properly organized labor forms the most important labor skills in people. At the same time, work develops dexterity, strength, endurance and contributes to the physical development of students.

The tasks of gymnastics are determined by the general goal of education, which is to form a new person who harmoniously combines spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection. There are the following types of tasks.

A) Improving tasks: health promotion, development of individual muscle groups and the entire muscular system; elimination and prevention of functional deviations in individual bodies and body systems production correct posture, gait; general development and strengthening the respiratory system and the work of the cardiovascular system, improving metabolism and increasing the vital activity of the body.

B) Educational tasks: to promote comprehensive harmonic, physical development, education of strength, flexibility, endurance, speed, dexterity, coordination and expressiveness of movements, to equip students with the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary in everyday life, labor and defense activities.

C) Educational tasks: the formation of attitudes towards work and public property, the education of patriotism, collectivism, discipline; education of moral qualities. Courage, determination, purposefulness, perseverance, perseverance, endurance, orientation, initiative.

Methods- these are ways of using gymnastic exercises and other means of gymnastics for the purpose of a specially planned impact on those involved. The method of performing the exercise is characterized by the following: how many times to perform the exercises, how to breathe while doing this, how to combine the tension of the working muscles with their relaxation, how to restore strength after intense and prolonged muscle work.

Types and classification of gymnastic exercises.

There are various types of gymnastic exercises - drill, general developmental, freestyle, applied, etc.

Separate types of gymnastic exercises, depending on the structure of motor actions and pedagogical tasks, are combined into three groups - health-improving (general developmental), sports and applied.

The tasks facing gymnastics as a pedagogical and academic discipline are solved by using different exercises and their combinations 1 .

Building exercises.

Drill exercises - joint actions of people in a particular formation. The system is the placement of those involved for joint action.

Combat exercises include building, rebuilding, turning, opening and closing, movement. These exercises are mainly used for the joint organized and quick placement of those involved in the gym, on the site before and after physical exercises.

At the same time, they contribute to the formation of correct posture skills, the development of an eye, balance, speed, dexterity, orientation in space, the education of discipline, organization, smartness.

For the convenience of conducting combat exercises in the gym (on the site), conditional points are determined: center, middle (upper, lower, left, right), corners (upper left, right, lower left, right).

These symbols are determined by the right border of the hall - one of the long sides.

General developmental exercises.

General developmental exercises are aimed at developing coordination abilities, flexibility and mobility in the joints, strengthening individual muscles or their groups. In the preparatory part of the training session, outdoor switches are used to warm up the muscles and prepare the body for the upcoming work.

And in the main part, with repeated or interval training methods, when the load is performed in series, they serve as a means active rest. In the final part, they contribute to better recovery after the work done and are locally applied to strengthen and develop individual muscles.

Performing a variety of outdoor switchgear improves coordination abilities, forms certain skills and helps to quickly learn complex forms. sports equipment. At the same time, it is necessary to select exercises and methods for their implementation in such a way that, without a significant increase in muscle mass, develop the ability and skills to control your muscles (quickly contract them with the necessary force and relax after the exercise).

Everyone knows the arsenal of outdoor switchgear: not a single physical education lesson is held at school without them. However, as observations have shown, many young athletes do not pay due attention to them, they perform them sluggishly and in small numbers. The dosage of exercises aimed at developing flexibility and mobility in the joints should gradually increase, especially in the preparatory period.

To obtain the desired effect, each exercise must be performed at least 10-15 times. In cases where runners conduct uniform, variable tempo crosses or fartleks, where an easy run of 4-6 km serves as a warm-up, ORU is performed after the end of the workout.

General developmental exercises include tilts, lunges, squats, turns, circular rotations in the joints, drill exercises.

It is advisable to start a complex of general developmental exercises with movements in small muscle groups (rotation in the ankle, wrist joints) and gradually increase the load, moving on to medium muscle groups (muscles of the arms, muscles of the legs), and then to large muscle groups (trunk muscles).

Particular attention should be paid to exercises on the muscles of the shoulder girdle and head rotations. These movements contribute to an increase in cerebral circulation, which, in turn, increases tone. nervous system, as well as mental and physical performance of the organism 1 .

Head rotations (turns, tilts, circular movements) should be performed smoothly, at a low pace. For older people or those prone to dizziness for one reason or another (low hemoglobin in the blood, high or low blood pressure, pregnancy, etc.), it is advisable to perform head movements while standing near a support or sitting.

People with severe vascular diseases (aneurysms, sclerosis, etc.) or the cervical spine (cervical osteochondrosis, etc.) should perform neck muscle tension without movement. To do this, for example, you can use your hand as resistance and press on it with your head.

Performing a complex of general developmental exercises eliminates congestion in tissues, increases blood circulation in muscles, helps to increase the elasticity of muscles and joint elements, facilitates blood flow to the heart, moderately increases the volume.

In the complex of physical exercises, you can use exercises to develop mobility in the joints (flexibility): tilting to straight legs from standing and sitting positions, deep lunges, etc. These exercises are similar to stretching exercises, but are more intense and traumatic, so it is advisable to use them after the preliminary "warming up" of the muscles, that is, at the end of the complex of general developmental exercises. However, with caution, you can use stretching exercises immediately after stretching exercises.

Stretching increases the metabolism in the stretched muscles, increases blood circulation in them. At the same time, stretching exercises do not cause a significant increase in the activity of the heart and breathing, therefore they are well suited for an incompletely awakened organism.

Tilts to straight legs from the position of a gray leg together improve the blood supply to the spine, increase the elasticity of the articular elements and muscles of the back. Improved blood supply is accompanied by an increased supply of nutrients and oxygen, which generally has a positive effect on the functional state of the spine and adjacent nerve centers.

Use in morning exercises Stretching exercises are also justified by the specifics of human biological rhythms. The greatest indicators of flexibility are recorded in people in the morning. Therefore, it is advisable to use the morning hours for the development of this physical quality.

Floor exercises 1 .

Floor exercises are combinations, series and large

connection of various movements by the body or its links, logically interconnected into an artistic composition.

The variety of forms of movement and wide range their difficulties allow you to make combinations of movements for every taste.

In this case, floor exercises are considered as a health-improving and developing means, and not as a sports form of gymnastics. In this regard, a certain combination and sequence of interrelated individual movements determine a single composition, which ensures the formation of culture, expressiveness, and aesthetics. Since floor exercises are performed in a “line-by-line” manner, an accentuated effect on functional systems, providing the quality of endurance - under certain conditions, floor exercises develop the cardiovascular and respiratory systems very well. The musical accompaniment of floor exercises contributes to the development of a sense of the beauty of movements, aesthetic tastes, and directly for classes - the formation of a positive emotional background that helps to endure the training load, and satisfaction.

Floor exercises as a means of initial motor training can be given standard combinations, which are compiled individually in accordance with the rules or special requirements. For this reason, they can be performed various forms organizations (frontally, in a circle, in ranks, in columns, etc.), as well as in pairs and groups - where coordinated work of all participants in the exercises is required.

The latter type of “group floor exercises”, due to its specificity, is often used in mass competitions, holidays and competitions in order to agitate and promote a healthy lifestyle and to introduce regular physical education.

When doing floor exercises in basic gymnastics, special requirements and guidelines should be taken into account:

The exercises included in the compositions should be varied, not repeated (except for connecting elements), performed together, although short-term poses that are insignificant in number are also possible;

The complexity of the floor exercises should correspond to the level of preparedness of the performers, the purpose of these exercises (for warming up, mastering the greatest range of movements, developing special qualities, functional improvement), and the musical accompaniment should be selected in accordance with the nature of the composition, psychophysical characteristics and musical taste of the performers;

The environment and the surrounding nature should be used as much as possible to build an artistic image and a spectacular composition. Then they will become an effective means of motor improvement, aesthetic education, awakening and maintaining a steady interest in classes;

The duration of floor exercises, the number of individual movements and ligaments, as well as the pace of their implementation as a whole determine their load capacity, and by varying these parameters, it allows you to control the load with sufficient accuracy;

The volume of floor exercises obliges to use: learning the composition in parts, mirror display, gradual build-up, starting from a rough general pattern, amplitude, accuracy and speed of performing movements, but at the same time their contrast (quickly - slowly, strongly - weakly, sluggishly - emotionally etc.).

Applied Exercises 1.

Often used in labor and military activities. These include: walking, running, jumping, throwing, climbing, crawling and carrying partners, projectiles, mats, overcoming an obstacle course. Exercises for balance, running, overcoming obstacles are one of the main tasks of gymnastics.

With the help of applied exercises, the overall coordination of movements is improved, individual muscle groups are developed and strengthened.


Jumping is one of effective means basic gymnastics. These are actions of a speed-strength nature that have several phases: “repulsion”, an unsupported (flight) phase, and a landing.

They have a whole range of influences on the student: developing, educational, applied, they can serve as a means of active recreation. Among the numerous jumps of a health-improving orientation, unsupported and vaults are distinguished.

Free jumping includes:

Jumps in place on one and two legs, jumps (higher) in place and with movements to the sides and rotations, as well as additional movements of the arms and body;

Running jumps, pushing with one or two legs, in length, height; single and serial "multi-hops";

With the use of a springboard and a bridge - as facilitating conditions, or obstacles - as complicating;

Jumps "in depth" - jumping from a certain height - to a stop with a stable landing or "to the transition" to the next jump or a series of them;

Jumping with the use of objects (jump ropes, balls, hoops, etc.) in a variety of variations and combinations and with certain tasks for manipulating objects.

Support jumps - overcoming an obstacle or a series of them with successive repulsions with legs and arms and, as a rule, in a conditioned way.

Usually, the jump method is “specified” terminologically: “legs bent”, “legs apart”, “legs bent back”, etc. Support jumps are conditionally divided into seven parts: take-off, jump on the bridge, push with the feet, jump on the projectile, push with the hands (less often - with the hands and feet or hands and head), flight and landing. Thus, even outwardly, jumps are complex motor actions that require appropriate motor abilities.

Jumps using throwable projectiles (bridges, springboards, standard and mini-trampolines) are generally similar in technical details to the previous types of jumps, but are associated with the ejection properties of the support, which determine the possibility of a higher and more distant unsupported flight phase.

On the one hand, to perform such jumps, a particularly high level of force is not required for repulsion - "the support works for the gymnast." But on the other hand, in order to interact with it and more fully use the elastic properties of the support, more accurate differentiation of spatial, temporal and force own actions and their consistency with the reaction of the support is also required.

In addition, the possibility of higher and more distant jumps gives rise to a corresponding temptation and desire to do so. But in this case, the manifestation of a high level of physical and special motor fitness is again required, and a new incentive for improvement appears.

Jumps on a standard trampoline are performed from different starting positions (from two legs, from knees, from all fours, from gray hair, from the back and from the stomach) - which largely determines the conditions and methods of repulsion, as well as the height of the jump. As a rule, trampoline jumps end on its net, and to stop, depreciation is necessary, taking into account not only the reaction of one’s own muscles to a changing (and most importantly, consciously controlled) load, but also the entire “trampoline jumper” system, which consists of the interaction of elastic-elastic forces.

Another option is to combine jumping on a trampoline with other activities that end on auxiliary equipment: an acrobatic track, a foam pit, a slide of mats, and also with overcoming obstacles (for example, a gymnastic horse).

Jumping on a mini trampoline is more for self-study. The area of ​​support on them is much smaller than on a standard trampoline, and the elasticity of the net is also smaller, which limits the height of the jump. Therefore, such jumps are relatively simple and accessible to a wider range of people involved. But a mini-trampoline can be used as a springboard or a gymnastic bridge: if you place it obliquely, then, starting from it, you can perform support or acrobatic jumps of varying difficulty.

The methodological features of the use of jumps are as follows:

1) a wide range of difficulty of jumps makes it easy to choose them for training in accordance with the capabilities of the performers and the specific task of the application;

2) learning jumps begins with a landing, as this ensures the safety of jumping in general;

3) a separate mastering of flight actions in light conditions is methodologically justified and important in the situation of complex jumps with rotations and turns, but it does not make sense in mastering simple jumps;

4) to perform jumps, it is necessary to ensure the safety of the conditions: appropriate equipment of the place of employment, the use of a rational sequence of exercises, the use of assistance and insurance, and, if possible, technical means (simulators, etc.).

Exercises on gymnastic equipment.

These exercises are performed on "artificial devices" (structures), which are conventionally divided into 3 groups:

1) standard gymnastic equipment: bars (equal and uneven heights), crossbar (high, low and medium height), rings, beam, horse with handles, floor exercise area, horse and goat for vaulting.

Each of the shells has its own design features, which predetermine the conditions for performing exercises and their content. Exercises on shells are the basis not only for various kinds training and classification programs in gymnastics, but also for all kinds of complexes of physical exercises of various directions;

2) auxiliary projectiles - allowing to create conditions facilitated for the formation of basic motor skills. These projectiles can also be used in solving particular problems, for example, in the development of physical qualities. These are a gymnastic wall, a bench, a rope, bridges, springboards, a trampoline, as well as combined apparatus and devices;

3) mass-type apparatuses, which are variants of transformed or modernized main apparatuses, adapted for the simultaneous performance of an exercise by a group of trainees (for example, all at once - on uneven bars or a balance beam) - which makes it possible to significantly intensify the educational health-improving process and achieve a greater density of classes and its productivity.

Despite the variety of exercise techniques and conditions for their implementation, all exercises on apparatuses are conditionally divided into: static, slow movements and swings 1 .

Static exercises- these are received and held on the projectile various poses and provisions; simple and mixed stops and hangs, as well as various racks. Mixed hangs and stops are the easiest to perform, since they use support from several parts of the body at the same time and balance, as a rule, is quite stable.

This type of exercise is most widely used in classes with poorly trained students. At the same time, in static exercises, it is advisable to set the task of maintaining balance - as a condition that mobilizes the body's capabilities and, therefore, stimulates its improvement, as well as for the variety of means used. For example, doing the exercise is not in the lying position, but in the lying position on one arm.

Slow movements- These are exercises of a power nature associated with a slow transition from one static position to another. At the same time, the degree of effort expended and the conditions for changing positions determine their complexity. For example: from the hang, flexion and extension of the arms (pulling up and lowering into the hang) - in one case, but lifting with a coup - in the other, where not only vertical movement occurs, but also rotation - in general, requiring a different level of preparedness: its manifestation or acquisition through the use of this particular exercise or preparatory to it.

Swing exercises- the most representative group of movements associated with rotations and rectilinear movements on the projectiles. They are characterized by a change in the speed of movement, overcoming the inertial mass of the body as a whole and its links, abrupt change rhythms of movements, directions, types of switching in muscle work from one mode to another, redistribution of activity between different muscle groups.

Performing exercises on projectiles is associated with the need for special coordination of actions between body parts, certain properties of the support (most often elasticity) and the conditions of interaction with it (a certain position on the projectile, type of grip on the projectile, etc.). In general, compliance with these conventions is predetermined by a motor task, and the set of motor actions in accordance with it is an exercise technique.

Acrobatic exercises.

These are dynamic exercises of a complex-coordination nature, requiring appropriate speed-strength preparedness and abilities for spatial and temporal orientation. At the same time, acrobatic exercises themselves provide good general physical development, stimulate the improvement of speed, accuracy of actions, and the ability to maintain various types of balance.

There are three groups of acrobatic exercises: acrobatic jumps, static elements, pair and group exercises.

The following basic exercises are typical for acrobatic jumps:

1) rolls- rotations (rolling) with successive touching of the mats, without turning over the head, with the supporting links of the body and maintaining a given position (in grouping, bending over, bending over) or changing them in the course of execution. They are performed in different directions (forward, backward, sideways) and are used, first of all, as a preparation for mastering more complex actions;

2) somersaults- also rotational movements of the body with sequential touching of the support by the links of the body, but with turning over the head. They are performed in a specific position and precisely defined initial and final poses (for example, “crouching from an emphasis” to “sitting legs apart”), from a place, from a run, with or without a flight phase (jump);

3) coups- movements with full rotation in one direction or another, “divided” by an intermediate support (hands, head, etc.) into three phases: pre-flight, flight (unsupported) and landing (the exception is slow rolls, in which there is no flight phase); they are in the minority). The pre-flight phase may contain a run-up or a “tempo jump” (“walset”) and a mandatory repulsion, which is performed with hands or arms while resting on the head.

Flips are carried out with a swing of one leg in combination with a repulsion with the other foot, a push with two legs (in this case, the technique involves a subsequent swing of the legs back - if a forward flip is performed, or other programmatic actions, the implementation of which ultimately ensures precisely the given acrobatic element, and not any other ).

Turnovers are the first rather difficult exercises in the initial acrobatic training;

4) half flips- actions with a half-rotation (by 180 °) forward, go back, less often - to the side; from hands to feet or vice versa, while maintaining certain positions of the torso, arms and legs, and maintaining the initial and final positions. The group of exercises is not numerous, but important;

5) pirouettes- jumps with turns around the vertical axis of the body while maintaining its straight position. The unit of rotation in a pirouette is generally considered to be a 360° turn. The simplest example: jump up with a turn (left, right) 360°; an example of a complex pirouette: back somersault bending with a turn of 720 °;

6) somersault- jump with full rotation in the air (forward, backward, sideways) in a tuck, bent over or with a straight body (“bending”), as well as with various actions in flight: flexion and extension, rotation, as well as the adoption of some intermediate ("somersault to transition to a coup") or final positions ("in boards on two legs", in a squat, etc.). It is believed that somersaults are the most difficult group of jumps; in fact, with proper preparedness, it is possible to master a jump, for example, a somersault forward, in two or three attempts.

Static exercises include racks associated with maintaining a specific position in space in a conditioned version of the support.

The simplest stands are: on the shoulder blades, on the forearms, on the head and arms, on the chest and arms - where it is relatively easy to ensure the stability of the body position. Stands on two and one hands are much more difficult. The ways of coming to the standing position are very different both in form and in coordination complexity: by rolling, somersaulting, jumping, turning over, half turning over, swinging one leg and pushing the other, pushing two, by force, - in general, they are already combinations of motor actions (or elements ).

Pair or group exercises are based on the interaction of partners performing balancing (balancing a partner in different positions while maintaining their own balance in a given position).

Health-improving and developing paired acrobatic exercises are characterized by simultaneous movements (rolls and somersaults in pairs, slow flips), as well as relatively simple combinations and compositions of racks, supports, stops and balances. In addition to these, group exercises include pyramid exercises.

The methodology for teaching acrobatic exercises is generally traditional for gymnastics and is based on the use of holistic and separate training methods, the use of appropriate preparatory and leading exercises, constant monitoring and correction, and timely transition to structurally similar more complex exercises as a condition for progressive improvement and maintaining interest in classes.

Rhythmic gymnastics exercises.

Free movements by body parts, varieties of movements, bends, lunges, jumps and jumps, movements with objects - adapted to the motor skills of the female body and appropriately stylized (roundness of movements, danceability, plasticity, musicality) - form part of the arsenal of rhythmic gymnastics, accessible to the widest range involved.

These exercises expand motor experience, form a special motor style (posture, gait, behavior), bring up the accuracy of motor actions, improve physical fitness, and in general solve health-improving and developmental tasks.

The exercises used in mass rhythmic gymnastics can be conditionally divided into basic and preparatory.

Preparatory exercises include:

Varieties of walking, running and jumping: walking on half toes, on heels, in a half squat, “sharp step” (rolling over the entire foot from the toe), spring step (sharp rise to half toes after a slight squatting), high step (raising knees high), lunges; "acute run", springy, high, on toes, with a change in the position of the legs in front; jumps on one and two legs; all of the listed movements with a change of direction and turns;

Relaxation movements that allow you to regulate tonic muscle tension and control complex motor coordination: actions with body links (sharp lowering and lifting, free oscillations and swings, frequent short oscillations, or vibration), free postures (lying on your back or on your stomach and their varieties, sit-ups with slopes and additional movements.

All these actions, performed as preparatory exercises, allow creating a base for initial motor fitness and forming “initial” specific skills.

General developmental exercises (ORU) - for the preparation of skiers.

One way or another, good coordination in cross-country skiing is a must. Only those who are able to stand firmly on their feet can ski correctly.

Coordination is the ability to perform coordinated movements. However, what at first glance seems very simple and natural, often turns out to be not so easy. Coordination includes five abilities:




  1. orientation

In cross-country skiing, the most important, in my opinion, are the first three abilities. Balance is essential when moving the center of gravity from one foot to the other. Rhythm is the key to smooth movement. Coordination must be trained all year round at least once a week.

Here is a small complex that I use directly in training.

Running in place.

While running in place, raise your knees high and make rhythmic swings with your arms. Feet off the ground quickly, back straight.

Jumping run.

When performing a step, after rolling the foot from heel to toe, it is necessary to perform a sharp repulsion with the foot, while simultaneously bringing the other leg forward and upward with a swing movement. For a moment, the whole body is in the air. You need to land on the leg that took off. Now this leg is making a swing movement.

Multi-jumping on two legs.

Jumps are performed with both feet taking off from a deep squat and landing on both feet.

Running sideways with legs crossed.

Running in left side: bring the right leg behind the left, turning the pelvis to the left. Then, with the left foot behind, take a step to the left; pull the right leg to her, putting it behind, while turning the pelvis. At every step right leg turns out to be in front of the left. Keep your hands at the level of your stomach. The body is straight, only the hips rotate.

Many gymnastic exercises can be used in various types sports. Gymnastics is a guarantee of flexibility, plasticity; preparing the body for more complex physical exertion.

In life, it is important to know how to put an elastic bandage on your wrist. The articulation of the hand and forearm is the most injured part of the body. Bruising can occur while playing sports or at home. Elastic bandage makes it possible to prevent possible damage from sports loads, as well as reduce pain manifestations if there is an injury to the joint. Proper dressing helps rapid healing connective and muscle tissue. Others need to be able to perform dressings, because further physical activity hands.

Why is it necessary?

Elastic bandages are useful for various diseases and pathological conditions wrists where fixation and compression are needed. The reasons why a compression bandage is needed are as follows:

  • sprains or dislocations;
  • rehabilitation period after surgical intervention on the joint;
  • stress relief in the wrist joint;
  • elimination of pain in the hand;
  • reduction of puffiness;
  • thrombosis prophylaxis.

Tight fixation is useful due to moderate compression of the wrist and is used when the following diseases:

This method of fixation is useful when the joint is dislocated.

  • Stretching. Manifestations of micro-ruptures of tendon tissues wrist joint serves as swelling and pain. Bandaging with an elastic bandage during stretching is focused on fixing the articular structures in a certain position, limiting movements, and reducing inflammation.
  • Colles fracture. Requires immobilization of the injured upper limb. Fixation is performed using a splint or splint, which is applied to the injured arm. The device is attached using an elastic bandage. Provides secure fixation long time neat appearance.
  • Varicose veins of the upper extremities. It is necessary to apply an elastic bandage in order to avoid the progress of the disease.
  • Dislocations. Use a strip of elastic fabric to hold the brush in place. In this case, the patient cannot make sharp movements with the hand, and therefore the pain in the wrist decreases, the muscles heal and connective fibers. The bandage can be removed and applied special medicines - creams, gels, ointments.

General rules

The elastic bandage is made from cotton. A piece of fabric is a ribbon in which rubber, lycra and polyester threads are woven. The advantages of this product are as follows:

Fibers are woven into this fixing cut that can stretch and return to its previous shape.
  • Allows you to bandage the wrist several times.
  • It is resistant to deformation.
  • The patient can independently wrap the injured limb and perform subsequent dressings.
  • There is a possibility complex therapy using gels, applications or compresses.
  • One dressing with a self-fixing bandage is equivalent to 20 bandages with analogues.

To apply correctly medical device necessary:

  • Take a stretchable strip 100 cm long.
  • Start from the thinnest place without edema.
  • Fix each round of elastic tape at an angle of 25-30 degrees.
  • To avoid wrinkles, it is necessary to bandage evenly stretching the fabric.
  • Subsequent whorls should overlap the underlying layer.
  • Avoid gaps between layers.
  • To fix the carpal joint, it is necessary to bandage the fingers of the upper limb and, rising up, finish the manipulation in the middle of the forearm.

Skill and skill are required before bandaging an injury to the wrist joint. So it will take a little practice.

How to properly apply an elastic bandage on the wrist?

There are several types of wrist bandages that are performed with an elastic bandage. The main ones are shown in the table:

Bandaging of hands. Elastic wrist band

(Tells the master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics Yulia Sitnikova)

You have probably seen the performances of gymnasts on TV more than once, how they skillfully perform the most complex technical elements. This is all years of hard work. And where did it all begin? Little tiny creatures mothers bring to rhythmic gymnastics at 4-5 years old. The first year is one of the decisive stages: girls learn the basics of gymnastics - the basic basic elements, stretch them, do a lot of flexibility exercises, pump up the muscles of the legs, abs, back, arms, learn to pull socks and knees. And most importantly, girls begin to feel (own) their body. In this article, we will consider the main (basic) elements from which rhythmic gymnastics begins.

I. Twine.

There are several types of twine: right, left, transverse and vertical. The vertical one is already a more complex element, and here, in addition to stretching, you also need to be able to keep balance on one leg. Stretching - has a very great importance for a future gymnast. Therefore, the element needs to be given a lot of attention, especially the correctness of its execution. Before doing elements for stretching or flexibility, you must first "warm up" the child. Jump a little, run with him, do squats, squat (like ducks) so that the child’s muscles are elastic and easier to stretch. Remember - never pull an unheated ("cold") child, in addition to pain, you can also damage the baby's ligaments. Do not do anything abruptly, only with smooth movements and springing several times.

There are several ways to stretch for twine:

Correctly executed twine:

  • right or left twine: the child is sitting on the twine, the shoulders and hips are in one line, the back is even, the knees and socks are stretched; right. If there is no line (that is, a corner instead of a line), then this is not a twine, but legs apart).

If you want to achieve results in stretching, then it is advisable to do the exercises daily, then the muscles will become more elastic. And of course, the sooner you start, the better. More for twine importance has such an element as a fold.

II. Fold.

A fold is when a child sits on the priest, legs together in front of him, and the tummy lies completely on the legs, hands clasped the heels, knees are stretched like "strings".

Exercises to help prepare for the crease:

  1. The child sits on the pope - the legs lie together in front of him on a small chair and lean forward (put the tummy on his feet) trying to clasp the heels.
  2. The child sits on the priest, the legs are in front of him - we do the exercises with two feet together: on ourselves - pull to the floor (20-30 times), the knees are stretched. Then we fixed the feet on ourselves and lean towards the legs, trying to reach the feet and grab them.
  3. Standing position: legs together, knees extended, we lean forward - you need to completely put your palms on the floor, then try to hug your legs. This exercise can also be performed in motion: we take small steps with our legs together with an inclination forward and reach the floor with our hands (or put our palms on the floor), the tummy should lie on the walking leg.
  4. We stand facing wall bars- we throw one leg on the Swedish wall at the level of the hips (hips and shoulders on the same line) - and make inclinations to the leg (to the right and to the left).

The baby will be better able to perform these exercises - if you are an example for him! Do these exercises against each other and tell the baby about his mistakes. Be a positive example for him! What the fold exercise gives is stretching hamstrings, which play a big role in stretching for twine.

III. Bridge.

Probably, more than once your little one tried to stand on the bridge on his own. Still, being very small, they often arch, making the first funny parodies of the bridge. What is the right way to make bridges? The correct bridge is when the fingers are as close as possible to the heels of the legs (preferably touching), the legs are shoulder-width apart (it can be a little wider). The bridge is beautiful and tall.

Exercises for developing flexibility and pumping back muscles in a child:

When the back of the child is already a little prepared, it's time to start teaching him to make the bridge "from above", i.e. bridge from a high position. First, it’s better to lay something soft on the floor (so as not to hit your head), since the child’s hands are still weak and will spread to the sides and, of course, do this exercise at first only with mom (dad) nearby. Then you should take the correct stance: feet shoulder-width apart, hands at the top near the ears, eyes raised up and looking at the tips of the fingers. Then you hold the child under the back (it is better for you to take a position on the side of the child and he will, as it were, lie on your arm), the baby slowly (slowly) begins to tilt back. When the deflection is so good (the eyes will see the floor), then you can lower your hands to the floor. You can also hold the child by the swimsuit (t-shirt, blouse) while standing in front of him. Each time, reduce the degree of your participation in the process of becoming on the bridge. When you are sure that the child will not fall on his head, try to have the child make the bridge on his own. And one more very useful exercise, which will help your baby learn to make a "bridge from above" - ​​the child becomes with his back to the wall (preferably to the Swedish one) at a short distance from it, makes a deflection and begins to gradually move the handles to the very bottom of the wall and then, rearranging his hands to the floor itself (if this is a Swedish wall - it intercepts the sticks alternately with the right and left hand).

The back was kneaded, the legs were stretched, it's time to pump up the press. For this there is a good exercise corner.

IV. corner

Corner - sitting position on the priest, legs together, tear off the legs and arms from the floor and hold the corner. Hands to the side (will help to maintain balance), legs tend up to the ceiling. It is advisable to hold the corner for a start of 5 seconds. Then each time you repeat this exercise, increase the time of its execution. The child will have more fun doing this exercise if you keep him company.

A few exercises to strengthen the press:

There are still very good exercise to strengthen the lateral muscles of the back: - you lie on your side with the baby opposite each other, one hand under your head, the other lies in front of you. The legs are extended and one of them is raised by 45 degrees. We make movements - we pull one leg to the position of the other (as if we knock the raised leg), the lateral muscles of the back are included in the work. - you are in the same position, but now you raise the body, leaning on the hand that is in front of you. The second hand is behind the head.

V. Birch

Birch - lying on the back, legs to the ceiling, holding the ass with our hands (arms at the elbows bent, legs together). Probably, you yourself have done this exercise more than once, now teach your baby to make a birch. At first, it will be very difficult for a baby to hold his ass in his hands)), but with your help (hold his legs up), he will do it much better.

VI. Martin

Swallow - standing position, back straight, arms to the side, legs together. We raise one leg back, it is desirable that while the body remains vertical, and the leg is raised as high as possible (horizontally to the floor and both legs are extended). That's enough for a kid. difficult exercise, since you need to learn how to transfer the center of gravity of your body to one leg and be able to keep balance. To begin with, start training the “heron” exercise with him: standing on one leg, the second leg is bent at the knee and the toe is pressed against the supporting leg, arms to the side (help to maintain balance). Alternately change the supporting leg. As the "heron" begins to turn out, go to the "swallow". In addition, a very useful exercise is walking in one line: lay a ribbon or jump rope and let the baby walk along it.

VII. somersault

Somersault is an element that young gymnasts learn already in the first year of training and which they then use throughout their sports life. Standing position, one leg is extended slightly forward, hands are also directed forward. We take a step with the leg, touch the floor with our hands, bend our head to the tummy, as if we are grouped, roll onto the back, bend the crossed legs under us and rise on the same leg with which we took the step. What mistakes can occur when performing this element: - make sure that the child does not stand on his head during a somersault (dangerous, it can damage his neck), - the somersault must be done in group, then it will be neat and fast, and this is especially useful when the somersault is performed in a bunch of gymnastic exercises.

After you have worked out, it will be good to “unload” the spine. To do this, if you have a Swedish wall, then you can hang on the Swedish wall, if not, then take the child by the arms (or legs) and lift him off the floor.

Article added with the permission of Yulia Sitnikova

NameExecution Method
CircularHold the elastic band with your left hand, and tie it with your right hand several times at the same level
Having reached the end of the damage, fix the strip with a special fixative
It is necessary to wear a bandage from 3 to 10 days
Allowed to shoot for processing medicines or bandage change
SpiralElastic fabric is first superimposed in circular tours along the oblique
During dressing, vertical bends are made every 2 rounds
Apply a bandage for 1 week

And rush into battle. But before putting on gloves, you must protect your hands and fingers. For this, special bandages are used. Bandages will be the first layer of your hand protection. Bandages tightly fix your wrist, finger bones and hand, support them in a certain position, giving the most compact and comfortable shape.

There are two types on sale boxing bandages: elastic and cloth. Elastic bandages perfectly follow the contour of your hands and fix better. But they are also very easy to pull the brush, thereby disrupting the blood flow. therefore the best choice will still be fabric. In most cases, kickboxers bandage their own hands. When bandaging, it should be borne in mind that the tape should not strongly tighten the brush in the unclenched position, but at the same time it should be well compressed in the position of a clenched fist.

Let us consider in detail the two main ways of bandaging hands: “simple” and “advanced”. I don’t see the point in describing it in words, it will be clearer from the pictures.

The advantage of the "simple" method is that it is quick and easy to remember, so it is definitely suitable for beginners.

The figure shows the “simple” way of bandaging hands.

For those who want to seriously practice kickboxing, it is better to learn how to bandage hands in an advanced way right away.

The photo shows a step-by-step bandaging of hands in an advanced way.

In fact, there are many ways to bandage the hands, and as your professionalism in kickboxing develops, you will choose the most optimal and convenient for yourself. The main thing is that the hands remain unharmed!

For professional fighters, this operation is handled by an assistant who uses more complex bandaging methods. Often a medical bandage is used. To achieve high quality performance, it is pasted over with strips of medical plaster with a width of 8 mm to 20 mm and different lengths. This application allows you to keep adjacent turns of the bandage in place for 12 rounds.



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